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Supplier Calibration/Laboratory Services Survey

The Supplier will check all items that apply to their Quality System/Certification.
The person completing this survey must sign and date below in order for this document to be valid

SECTION 1- Supplier Data

Supplier Name: Phone:
City: State: Zip:

Senior Company Official: Title:

Senior Quality Official: Title:
Other Key Officials: Title:
Indicate below the type of certification applicable to Kaman’s service request
(Supplier must send in copy of certification when submitting form)

ISO/IEC 17025 ANSI/NCSL Z540.3 ISO 10012 OEM of Equipment OTHER:

Survey Completed By: Title: Date:


Suppliers not certified to ISO or ANSI above are required to complete the below

SECTION 2 – Facilities, Personnel and Procedures

2.1 Does the Laboratory/Calibration Organization have the following Managerial and technical personnel
with the authority and resources needed to:
 Perform their duties?
 Identify departures from the management system or from the procedures for performing tests
and/or calibrations?
 Initiate actions to prevent or minimize such departures?
Yes No Note:
2.2 Are there policies to ensure the protection of its customers’ confidential information and proprietary
rights, including procedures for protecting the electronic storage and transmission of results?
Yes No Note:
2.3 Is there adequate supervision of testing and calibration staff, including trainees, by persons familiar
with methods and procedures, for the purpose of each test and/or calibration and the assessment of the
Yes No Note:
2.4 Are the laboratory/calibration management system policies and objectives defined in a quality manual
Yes No Note:

Q.F. 4.1.303u (rev 11/11/19)

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SECTION 3 – Calibration of Tools, Gages and Test Equipment
3.1 Does the supplier have a written description of their calibration system?
Yes No Note:
3.2 Do calibration procedures specify accuracy of equipment to be calibrated, standards to be used, and
that calibration be performed by comparison with standards of a higher level of accuracy?
Yes No Note:
3.3 Are measurement standards calibrated and utilized in an environment controlled to the extent necessary
to assure continued accuracy of measurements with regard to temperature, humidity, vibration, and
Yes No Note:
3.4 Are measurement standards traceable to N.I.S.T., or other nationally or internationally recognized
Yes No Note:
3.5 Are measurement standards supported by certificates, reports, or data sheets attesting to the date,
accuracy, and environmental conditions?
Yes No Note:
3.6 Do you sub-contract calibration services and, do you flow down the above noted
standards/specifications as being required certifications?
Yes No Note:
3.7 Is all measuring, test and standards equipment calibrated at established intervals based on stability,
purpose, degree of usage, and history of previous calibrations?
Yes No Note:
3.8 Is there a procedure used when out of tolerance conditions are encountered on standards used on
customer calibrations?
Yes No Note:
3.9 Is equipment identified by a label or other means to indicate calibration status?
Yes No Note:
3.10 Are standard(s) used for calibration results used to:
 Adjust calibration intervals.
Yes No Note:
 Determine adequacy of measuring and test equipment.
Yes No Note:
 Determine adequacy of calibration, measuring & test procedures.
Yes No Note:
 Identify and prevent usage of measuring and test equipment that is unsatisfactory.
Yes No Note:
Q.F. 4.1.303u (rev 11/11/19)
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3.11 If production tooling is used as a medium for inspection, are such devices proven for accuracy at
established intervals and included in the calibration system?
Yes No Note:
3.12 Are storage, handling, and shipping methods adequate to preserve calibration and to prevent
Yes No Note:

SECTION 4 – Records/Document Control

4.1 Has the laboratory established procedures to control all documents that form part of its management
system (internally generated or from external sources) such as regulations, standards, other normative
documents, test and/or calibration methods, as well as drawings, software, specifications, instructions
and manuals?
Yes No Note:
Is there a master list (or equivalent procedure) identifying the current revision status and distribution of
documents in the management system and, is this master list readily available to preclude the used of
invalid and/or obsolete documents?
Yes No Note:
4.2 Is the customer informed of any deviation from the contract?
Yes No Note:
4.1 Can the following records be traced to specific lots of material or parts:
 Inspection Records
 Certifications, Mat’l./Process
 Purchase Orders
 Corrective Action
Yes No Note:
4.2 How long are records maintained and stored?
Are records available for review by customer or government representatives?
Yes No Note:


5.1 Does the supplier have adequate packing materials to meet standard commercial practice and prevent
in-transit damage?
Yes No Note:
5.2 Can the supplier provide or subcontract specialized packaging if required by purchase order or
specified requirements?
Yes No Note:

Q.F. 4.1.303u (rev 11/11/19)

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Kaman Administrative Use Only
Corrective Action Required? Yes No CAR# if yes:

Corrective Actions Completed/Acceptable: Yes No New CAR# (if req'd.):


Audit Package Complete? Yes No

Action to complete:
Supplier Approved: Yes No Conditional (must add note below):

Reviewed/Audited By:
(Digital or Regular Signature)

Q.F. 4.1.303u (rev 11/11/19)

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