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Open Access Dissertations


Climate Change Adaptation: A Green Infrastructure Planning

Framework for Resilient Urban Regions
Yaser F. Abunnasr
University of Massachusetts Amherst

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Recommended Citation
Abunnasr, Yaser F., "Climate Change Adaptation: A Green Infrastructure Planning Framework for Resilient
Urban Regions" (2013). Open Access Dissertations. 775.

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A Dissertation Presented



Submitted to the Graduate School of the

University of Massachusetts Amherst in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of


September 2013

Regional Planning
Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning
© Copyright by Yaser Abunnasr 2013

All Rights Reserved


A Dissertation Presented


Approved as to style and content by:

Elisabeth Hamin, Chair

Elizabeth Brabec, Member

Qian Yu, Member

Elisabeth Hamin, Department Head

Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning


Maria, Zayn & Jad

Muna & Fadeel


I would like to thank all my committee members, Professor Elisabeth Hamin,

Professor Elizabeth Brabec, and Professor Qian Yu for their support in a long and

arduous journey.

Elisabeth, I highly appreciate your unequivocal support, efficiency in handling

matters and confidence in my capabilities to make the leap from design to research. You

did not stop believing in me when I doubted myself. Thank you!

Elizabeth, I appreciate the time you took to follow-up on my progress during your

travel in different time zones and for invigorating discussions.

Qian, for inspiring me to be immersed in geographic information systems and

remote sensing. These topics are dear to my heart as they come closest to fulfill a

childhood dream of mine.

Thank you to Ray La Raja and Scott Auerbach for their informal teaching through

great discussions.

Thank you to Maria for your love and patience in sharing these absolutely

challenging years.








Directed by: Elisabeth Hamin, Associate Professor

The research explores multiple facets of a green infrastructure planning

framework for climate change adaptation in urban regions. The research is organized in

three distinct, but related parts. The first develops an adaptation implementation model

based on triggering conditions rather than time. The approach responds to policy makers’

reluctance to engage in adaptation planning due to uncertain future conditions. The model

is based on planning and adaptation literature and applied to two case studies.

Uncertainty during implementation may be reduced by incremental and flexible policy

implementation, disbursing investments as needs arise, monitoring conditions, and

organizing adaptation measures along no-regrets to transformational measures. The

second part develops the green infrastructure transect as an organizational framework for

mainstreaming adaptation planning policies. The framework integrates multi-scalar and

context aspects of green infrastructure for vertical and horizontal integration of policy.

The framework integrates literature from urban and landscape planning and tested on

Boston. Prioritization of adaptation measures depends on location. Results suggest that

green infrastructure adaptation policies should respond to configuration of zones. Cross

jurisdiction coordination at regional and parcel scales supports mainstreaming. A

secondary conclusion suggests that green infrastructure is space intensive and becomes

the basis of the empirical study in part three. A spatial assessment method is introduced

to formulate opportunities for green infrastructure network implementation within land-

uses and across an urban-rural gradient. Spatial data in GIS for Boston is utilized to

develop a percent pervious metric allowing the characterization of the study area into six

zones of varying perviousness. Opportunities across land uses were assessed then

maximum space opportunities were defined based on conservation, intensification,

transformation and expansion. The opportunities for transformation of impervious

surfaces to vegetal surfaces are highest in the urban center and its surrounding.

Intensification of vegetation on pervious surfaces along all land uses is high across the

gradient. Conservation of existing forested land is significant for future climate proofing.

The concluding section argues for a green infrastructure planning framework for

adaptation based on integration into existing infrastructural bodies, regional vision,

incremental implementation, ecosystem benefits accounting, and conditions based

planning rather than time based.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................ v

ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... vi

LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ xii

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... xiii


1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1

1.1.Green Infrastructure as an adaptation suite of measures ................................... 1

1.2.Dissertation propositions ................................................................................... 7
1.3.Dissertation Organization................................................................................ 11



2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 16

2.2 Resilience: An Interpretive framework ........................................................... 18
2.3 Adaptation to Climate Change ........................................................................ 21
2.4 Green Infrastructure ........................................................................................ 25

2.4.1 Network and Connectivity .................................................................... 27

2.4.2 Multi-scalar spatial elements ................................................................ 29
2.4.3 Multi-functionality as Ecosystem Benefits ........................................... 32
2.4.4 Implementation ..................................................................................... 34
2.4.5 Complementarity Between Green Infrastructure and Adaptation
Measures ............................................................................................... 36

2.5 Urban Form ..................................................................................................... 37

2.6 Green Infrastructure, Space and Adaptation ................................................... 40


THROUGH ADAPTATION PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ................................ 43

3.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 43

3.2 Climate Uncertainty and Urban Planning Policy ............................................ 44

3.2.1 Climate Change Timing Uncertainty .................................................... 45

3.2.2 Climate Variability and Climate Change .............................................. 46

3.2.3 Uncertainty in Impacts at the Urban Micro-Climate Scale ................... 47
3.2.4 The Challenge of Uncertainty to Municipal Planning .......................... 48

3.3 Municipal Adaptation Planning Processes ...................................................... 49

3.3.1 Maladaptation in the Planning Process ................................................. 51

3.3.2 Mainstreaming and Incremental Change .............................................. 52

3.4 Windows of Opportunity Model..................................................... 52

3.4.1 Phasing Policies .................................................................................... 54

3.4.2 ATPs and Types of Indicators............................................................... 55
3.4.3 Example: London and the Thames Barrier .......................................... 57

3.5 Application in Case Study Communities ........................................................ 58

3.5.1 Managing Rising Sea Level Impacts: The City of Clarence, Tasmania,
Australia................................................................................................ 60
3.5.2 Managing flood impacts from Extreme Precipitation Events: The City
of Copenhagen, Denmark ..................................................................... 65
3.5.3 Case Study Discussion ......................................................................... 69

3.6 Concluding Remarks ....................................................................................... 70


POLICIES ............................................................................................................. 73

4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 73

4.2 The Green Infrastructure Transect .................................................................. 75
4.3 Boston Metropolitan Region ........................................................................... 81
4.4 Conclusion....................................................................................................... 88


ADPATATION ..................................................................................................... 90

5.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 90

5.2 The Urban Heat Island and Urban Form ......................................................... 96
5.3 Effective Vegetated Green Infrastructure
Measures for the Urban Heat Island .............................................................. 106
5.4 Framework of Strategies to Increase
Vegetated Green Infrastructure Surfaces ...................................................... 112
5.5 Method .......................................................................................................... 117

5.5.1 Study Area .......................................................................................... 118
5.5.2 Percent Pervious ................................................................................. 120
5.5.3 Pervious Data Set................................................................................ 121
5.5.4 Characterizing the Study Area ............................................................ 124
5.5.5 Assess Pervious Surface Opportunities .............................................. 125 Percent Pervious Across Land-use Classes ............................ 126 Opportunity in Pervious Land-use Classes: Forest and
Agriculture .......................................................................................... 128 Opportunity in Pervious and Impervious Land-use Classes ... 128
5.5.6 Assess Maximum Opportunities of Landover
for the Urban Heat Island ................................................................... 131 Patches of Vegetated Forest Surfaces ..................................... 131 Green Roofs across land-use classes ...................................... 132 Pervious Surfaces Across Road Categories ............................ 132 Parking Surface Opportunities Across Land-use Classes....... 133
5.5.7 Gradient of Green Infrastructure Strategies........................................ 134

5.6 Results ........................................................................................................... 135

5.6.1 Gradient Zones of Percent Pervious Across Study Area .................... 135
5.6.2 Pervious and Impervious Surfaces within All Land-use classes and
Across Gradient Zones ....................................................................... 138
5.6.3 Pervious Surface Opportunities Across Land-uses ............................ 141
5.6.4 Maximum Opportunities of Pervious Surfaces
for the Urban Heat Island ................................................................... 143 Preserve and Intensify: Large Patches of Contiguous Pervious

land Surfaces ........................................................................... 143 Intensify: Patches of Pervious Land Surfaces Across Land-use
classes ..................................................................................... 145 Transforming Building Roofs to Green Roofs ....................... 146 Intensify and Shade for Trees: Pervious Surface Opportunities in
Road Easements ...................................................................... 148 Transform Roads to Vegetated Surfaces ................................ 149 Transform for Tree Shading: Pervious Surface Opportunities in
Parking Surfaces ..................................................................... 150

5.6.5 Gradient of Green Infrastructure Policy Opportunities ...................... 152

5.7 Discussion and Conclusion ........................................................................... 156


PLANNING ........................................................................................................ 159

6.1 Prologue ........................................................................................................ 159
6.2 Green Infrastructure and Adaptive Capacity................................................. 160
6.3 Green Infrastructure Framework for adaptation at the metropolitan scale ... 169
6.4 Future Research Work................................................................................... 174

6.4.1 Adaptation Planning............................................................................ 174

6.4.2 Green Infrastructure Planning ............................................................. 176
6.4.2 Metropolitan Planning and Urban Form ............................................. 177

6.5 Epilogue ........................................................................................................ 178


A TYPES OF URBAN HEAT ISLAND ................................................................ 181

B THE TABLES ..................................................................................................... 184

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................... 202

Table Page

2.1 Climate change impacts and their indicators ............................................................ 25

2.2 Typology of Green infrastructure spatial elements ................................................... 31

2.3: Typology of Green Infrastructure based on spatial configuration ............................ 32

2.4 Complementarity of GI benefits and adaptation needs ............................................. 37

3.1 Components of the implementation model used to assess case study examples. ..... 59

3.2 Example of integrating adaptation measures across geographic scales and reduction
of risk for flooding from extreme rain events and rising sea level ........................... 67

5.1 Derived data sets used in the study from raw spatial
data downloaded from Mass GIS. ........................................................................... 124

5.2 Categorization of perviousness of land-use classes ................................................ 127

5.3 Classification scheme of coefficient of use (CU) and coefficient of tree planting
(CT) for each land use class. ................................................................................... 130

5.4 Relationship between planning strategies, green infrastructure strategies, and

contribution to temperature reduction..................................................................... 135

5.5 Results of the Boston Metropolitan Area characterization

and comparison to similar studies. .......................................................................... 137

5.6 Highest provision of opportunity across land-use classes by green infrastructure

policy. ..................................................................................................................... 155

5.7 Green infrastructure prioritization scheme across gradient zones. ......................... 156

5.8 List of towns included in the study area with basic population, area, and land cover
data. ......................................................................................................................... 193

5.9 Table of land-use classes used in the study (MassGIS). ......................................... 197

5.10 Original data set used to develop study data layers (adapted from MassGIS web site,
serv/office-of-geographic-information-massgis/datalayers/layerlist.html) ............ 199

5.11 Detailed information on calculation of coefficient of use by land use class .......... 201


Figure Page

2.1 Three steps to achieve resiliency by

managers and planners (Salt and Walker, 2006)....................................................... 20

2.2 Four types of regional urban form: Chicago, sprawl/constellation city (top, left);
Buenos Aires, Stellar/Linear (top, right); Washington DC, Green City (bottom, left);
and Calgary, Nucleus (bottom, right). ...................................................................... 42

3.1 Timing of regional and global climate change impacts under high-emissions
scenarios. ................................................................................................................... 46

3.2 The Adaptation Planning process as recommended by the U.S. National Research
Council. ..................................................................................................................... 49

3.3 Local adaptation planning process advised in the State of California Adaptation
Planning Guide.......................................................................................................... 50

3.4 Windows of Opportunity Climate Adaptation Model is based on phasing of policy to

match new conditions. .............................................................................................. 53

3.5 An example of phased engineering adaptation for the Thames Barrier, responding to
potential climate change trigger points ..................................................................... 58

3.6 Phasing Model for Lauderdale Area, City of Clarence, Australia. ........................... 61

3.7 Phasing Model applied to the Copenhagen Climate Adaptation Plan ..................... 68

4.1 The Green Infrastructure Transect: Concept and Organization ................................ 78

4.2 Multi-tiered GI adaptation planning framework:

horizontal and vertical integration. ........................................................................... 80

4.3 Metropolitan region of Boston: spatial distribution of pervious and impervious

surfaces ..................................................................................................................... 82

4.4 Metropolitan region of Boston: green infrastructure across town boundaries .......... 83

4.5 Green infrastructure transect application to Boston region, step one: vulnerability
assessment ................................................................................................................. 84

4.6 Green infrastructure transect application to Boston region, step two: existing green
infrastructure patterns ............................................................................................... 85

4.7 Green infrastructure transect application to Boston region, step three: identification
of GI policies............................................................................................................. 87

5.1 Primary variable for the provision of ecosystem services is the area of
hydrologically active surfaces or vegetated surfaces. ............................................... 91

5.2 Impact of land use classes on space availability and morphology of pervious
surfaces. .................................................................................................................... 93

5.3 Typical Surface and air temperature differences during the day and at night .......... 97

5.4 Process of UHI formation in relation to urbanization process. ............................... 100

5.5 Diagram showing how increasing physical and biological properties of vegetated
green infrastructure decreases the urban island heat............................................... 109

5.6 Strategies to increase pervious surfaces. ................................................................. 116

5.7 Steps included in the method. ................................................................................. 118

5.8 Study Area boundaries ............................................................................................ 119

5.9 Reduction of variables of interest to two primary surrogate indicators, pervious and
impervious surfaces. ............................................................................................... 120

5.10 Six Gradient Zones by percent pervious and pervious-to-impervious ratio ........... 136

5.11 Metropolitan gradient zones compared to population

density an major road network ................................................................................ 138

5. 12Distribution of pervious, impervious and water surfaces across the urban-rural

gradient. .................................................................................................................. 139

5.13 Distribution of percent pervious across land uses within the MB. ......................... 140

5.14 Percent pervious surfaces across land-use types within each gradient zone and
ranking of the highest three values ......................................................................... 143

5.15 Percent pervious values for four hectare patches across land uses and their ranking
cross the six zones. .................................................................................................. 145

5.16 Comparative table and ranking of PP as defined by use-coefficient across land-use

classes. .................................................................................................................... 146

5.17 Qualifying potential building roofs for green roof implementation ....................... 148

5.18 Copmartive duagram and table of PP potential within road easements categorized by
road class ................................................................................................................. 149

5.19 Class five roads (local arterial) that could potentially
be transformed to green streets ............................................................................... 150

5.20 Opportunities to transform impervious surfaces to vegetated surfaces within

qualifying land-use classes ..................................................................................... 151

5.21 Spatial distribution of each green infrastructure measure type across the gradient
zones compared to the urban heat island distribution for MB. ............................... 153

5.22 Opportunities for green infrastructure measures across gradient zones. ................ 154

5.23 Opportunities for green infrastructure measures across gradient zones including
forest and agricultural land use classes. .................................................................. 155

5.25 Urban Boundary Layer (Source: Kuttler, 2008) ..................................................... 182



1.1. Green Infrastructure as an adaptation suite of measures

Green infrastructure is a strategic and spatial approach to landscape and urban

planning. It is spatial because it is a network of patches and corridors of land that are

planned and managed for biodiversity conservation, “nature” protection, water resources,

land protection, recreation, cultural uses, urban development control, and more recently,

for climate change mitigation and adaptation. A green infrastructure network or system

may include networks of greenways, open spaces, greenbelts, urban greening, cultural

landscapes, urban open spaces, ecological networks, agricultural land, and natural

systems (and all un-built land that could support vegetation) that form the necessary

support system for living. Green infrastructure can be conceived and understood by

stakeholders, planners and policy makers (Benedict and McMahon, 2002; Ahern, 2007;

Forman, 2008; Mell, 2009).

It is strategic because it fulfills multiple sustainable planning objectives. Green

infrastructure is conceived in tandem with development rather than an antithesis. It is

conceived as a network that exists and compliments other networks/systems within a

landscape or urban system (Benedict and McMahon, 2002, 2006). Green infrastructure

combines principles from landscape ecology and landscape planning (Forman, 2008)

combined with principles of growth management and sustainable development. The aim

of the multidisciplinary nature of green infrastructure planning is to achieve sustainable

development in response to humanity’s needs and to maintain “nature” for the ecosystem

services it provides for the benefit of humanity and other species. Ecosystem services are

derived from geological, biological and ecological processes and generalized under four

categories: provisioning services (food, water, timber, and fiber), regulating services

(regulation of climate, floods, disease, wastes, and water), and cultural (recreational,

aesthetic, and spiritual benefits), and supporting services (soil formation, photosynthesis,

and nutrient cycling) (MEA, 2005).Within metropolitan contexts, regulating, cultural, and

supporting services are derived from green infrastructure to improve wellbeing of

communities and environmental conditions. Yet, the explicit connection between green

infrastructure and climate change adaptation planning (as an ecosystem benefit) remains

less prominent.

The main premise to adapt to climate change is that the climate is already

changing due to historic emissions originating in the mid-nineteenth century (IPCC,

2007). These emissions result in increased temperatures across the globe with varying

impacts on humans and other species. Direct impacts of climate change are

environmental and physical with clear and strong repercussions on social and economic

dimensions. Some of these impacts include increased heat temperatures (resulting in

increased intense heat human mortalities and species migration), flooding due to extreme

precipitation events (resulting in flooding with building and infrastructural damage as

well as related mortalities), rising sea level (inundation of large tracts of developed

coastal urban land resulting in lost property) and extreme variability of local and micro

climates (McEvoy et al. 2006). Accordingly, the magnitude of exposure and risk to these

events vary the extent of vulnerability of communities (Brooks et al., 2005;

Gallopin,2006; Kazmierczak and Cavan,2011).Through understanding the

interdependencies between vulnerability, exposure and risk of specific communities and

contexts, adaptation planning aims to adjust human and natural systems to the impacts of

increased temperatures (IPCC, 2007).These adjustments are and will be vast and costly

and cover institutional, administrative, environmental, physical and cultural changes.

Urban and metropolitan populations will incur the financial, moral and temporal costs of

these changes because, currently, more than fifty percent of the world population is

residing in cities and mega-cities (UN, 2007).

More recently and in tandem with mitigation, adaptation planning is gaining more

attention with a strong focus on urban contexts. It is a developing field for planning.

Frameworks have and are being established to advance adaptation plans. The process

begins with climate science to identify current and future climate impacts to be able to

assess vulnerabilities and risks. Current adaptive capacities are then assessed followed by

adaptation strategies implementation and monitoring. Adaptation plans face many

limitations and include uncertainty of scientific information and projections, future

climatic projections, extent of materialization of projected future impacts, and cost of

adaptation. These impediments render many policy makers reluctant to pursue adaptation

plans and policies in an aggressive and explicit manner.

Emerging adaptation plans are beginning to set forth a series of multi-tiered and

multi-objective measures to address adaptation, including green infrastructure. Many of

these measures are conventional in approach and high cost engineering projects. Green

infrastructure has much to contribute to adapt to climate change impacts and adaptation

planning in a cost effective way, without explicitly advancing the climate change

adaptation agenda, and through gradual policies that are more acceptable to communities.

Yet, the extent and explicit contribution of green infrastructure has not been researched


The dissertation contributes to this discussion and furthers the understanding of

green infrastructure as an adaptation measure. The overarching argument is that the

theory and application of green infrastructure planning and practice can be an integral

and effective part of adaptation planning and implementation in metropolitan areas

(urban regions) because green infrastructure is: 1) multi-disciplinary 2) multi-objective,

3) spatial and hierarchal, and 4) meaningful to communities. Green infrastructure

planning is supported by theories from landscape ecology, landscape architecture, growth

management, and regional planning; operationalized by quantification of ecosystem

benefits from natural sciences and environmental engineering; and advanced by practical

applications from the fields of ecology, forestry and landscape architecture/planning. This

multi-disciplinary characteristic, coupled with hazard and risk management strategies,

provides a theoretical and practical basis to contribute and advance integrative

approaches to adaptation planning1 . The convergence of all these fields prompt common

Two approaches for determining adaptation needs dominate the literature: The first is a
linear cause–effect chain in which climate scenarios are the basis for estimating future
climate impacts, which then define adaptation needs (Fussel, 2007). Adaptation to climate
change is seen as largely separate from other social processes and activities, and
adaptation needs are largely determined by scientific analysis, such as the IPCC report
(1994-2007). The second approach is more complex and is characteristic of recent
adaptation assessments. This approach arrives at a more comprehensive description of
climate-related risks now and in the future by considering future climate change together
with current climate variability and non-climate factors. The risk assessment is further
informed by experience from management of past climatic hazards. Recommendations
for adaption are determined by their potential to reduce current and future climate risks
but also by their synergy with other policy objectives, for example sustainable
development goals. The second approach considers the wider policy context of adaptation
that usually lead to suggestions for mainstreaming climate adaptation into existing
management activity and development plans (e.g. Huq et al. 2003).

multiple objectives for green infrastructure and adaptation by making urban and

landscape sustainability, climate change, and the wellbeing of communities as common

objectives. The fact that green infrastructure is all around us and can be seen and touched,

and when used for adaptation, becomes a tangible adaptation measure that is meaningful

to communities. Open space planning, urban greening, urban forest management and

other vegetation policies are already underway in many US cities. The task upon us, as

planners concerned with climate change, is to support and increase these initiatives and

make explicit the connection to climate change

The dissertation includes reviews of literature on green infrastructure and

adaptation and makes original contribution on how to integrate and make effective the

use of green infrastructure for adaptation planning and measures. The dissertation argues

that green infrastructure is an essential tool for addressing climate change adaptation, but

to be successful it needs to be: 1) conceptualized and organized, and managed based on

the green infrastructure transect (GIT); 2) implemented incrementally and in phases with

attention to where communities choose to live; and 3) with a focus on maximizing

ecosystem adaptation benefits by estimating potential space across land uses to

accommodate multi-scale green infrastructure measures.

Two key concepts provide the basis for the synergy between green infrastructure

and adaptation: the integrative/adaptive approach to adaptation and complementarity of

purpose. The integrative approach to adaptation arrives at a more comprehensive

description of climate-related risks by considering future climate change together with

past and current climate variability and non-climate factors. Recommendations for

adaption are determined by their potential to reduce current and future climate risks but

also by their synergy with other policy objectives, for example sustainable development

goals. Adaptation is often conducted under uncertainty of scientific information. The

field of adaptive management provides procedural approaches that provide a framework

to advance adaptation by experimenting using piecemeal approaches with monitoring

controls that allow flexibility in plan improvement and implementation.

Complementarity offers a clear and explicit way to connect green infrastructure

and adaptation at the operational level. Direct climate change impacts can be ameliorated

to some extent by the provision of green infrastructure and the ecosystem services it

provides. Complementarity is also at the conceptual level where green infrastructure

provides a multi-scalar framework to move adaptation from a solely local approach to a

regional one where local adaptation planning and implementation is integrated into a

regional vision.

The dissertation employs a mixed method approach that utilizes literature reviews,

case study analysis, policy analysis, and geographic information system (GIS) mapping

to address the propositions. Literature is reviewed to formulate the propositions and

develop theoretical frameworks and approaches. An incremental and phasing approach is

developed to address uncertainty in adaptation implementation that is based on adaptive

management. Policy analysis is used to understand the state of practice and to identify

synergies with developed theories. Case studies are used for application and to test the

approaches and frameworks. Lessons are then integrated into a proposed theoretical

framework to mainstream adaptation based on green infrastructure. Case studies are used

to test the adaptation implementation approach. Taking the urban island heat as a

surrogate to climate change, spatial mapping and analysis of land cover and land uses is

carried to test the theoretical green infrastructure framework in the Boston Metropolitan


1.2. Dissertation propositions

The individual chapters are unified by four general propositions. These propositions

were developed to guide the research and act as a basis for the relationships between the

chapters. Figure 1.1 provides a hierarchal schema of the interrelations between the main

argument, propositions and the aspects addressed for each proposition.

Figure 1.1 was developed to ensure that each proposition is addressed and contributes to

advancing the main argument of this dissertation. Different aspects of each proposition

are addressed in more than one chapter and from different perspectives. The concluding

chapter summarizes the propositions and evaluates the extent each was addressed.

1.2.1. Proposition 1: Green infrastructure planning provides an effective analogy to

plan and manage climate change adaptation at the local and regional scales.

Green infrastructure is a strategic approach to urban and landscape planning that

offers practical solutions for adaptation and an analogy to mainstream adaptation at

multiple scales. Three arguments support this proposition: 1) the multi-scalar and multi-

contextual nature of green infrastructure, 2) the nested hierarchy of green infrastructure

physical typologies, and 3) green infrastructure is not bounded by administrative


When impacts from a changing climate occur, they will occur regardless of

administrative boundaries. Adaptation is conceptualized as a planning initiative

conducted at the local scale. Adapting at the town or city scale is important because it

allows communities to be involved in issues directly impacting them. Yet, coordination

across boundaries will be necessary to curb impacts that transcend these boundaries, such

as large flooding events or extreme heat waves. Green infrastructure provides an analogy

and practical road map to conceptualize and organize adaptation efforts into a regional

initiative. A regional vision for adaptation provides the basis for coordination of local

plans and resources. In such an approach, local initiatives will contribute to the regional

adaptation effort and a regional vision would guide local policy makers towards priorities

within their jurisdiction. This becomes especially crucial when using green infrastructure

as an adaption strategy. Small and large scale green infrastructure elements transcend

administrative boundaries by the mere fact that they depend on biological and ecological

processes for the delivery of benefits. These processes are interconnected through air,

soil, water and species migration. Therefore, a regional vision that directs adaptation

planning and green infrastructure implementation serves the purpose of mainstreaming


Chapter 4 proposes a regional framework that includes scale and context

integration for adaptation planning using green infrastructure. Chapter five applies this

framework to define the physical element and spatial distribution across a metropolitan


1.2.2. Proposition 2: The effectiveness of green infrastructure as an adaptation

strategy is contingent on the provision of maximum pervious surface.

Green infrastructure depends on the biological and ecological processes to

provide ecosystem services. This depends on the presence of soil, vegetation, and water

as a harbor for these processes to occur. In urban contexts, pervious surface is the

primary indicator of the extent and potential of the delivery of ecosystem services. This

proposition is supported with the following arguments: 1) pervious surface exists and

should be accounted for across all land-use types, 2) the provision of ecosystem services

is irrelevant of land ownership type and use, and 3) there are opportunities to intensify

existing pervious surfaces and transform impervious surfaces.

Chapter two discusses through a literature review the relationship of green

infrastructure and the delivery of ecosystem surfaces within urban and surrounding

contexts. Chapter four suggests a framework for accounting pervious surfaces across

varying metropolitan contexts. Chapter five estimates the current pervious surface area

and potential of intensification of existing pervious surfaces and transformation of

impervious surfaces to hydrological active surfaces.

1.2.3. Proposition 3: Adaptive management offers practical advantages to

implement climate adaptation plans.

Adaptive management posits an incremental approach to managing systems with

a central component focused on monitoring and experimentation. This is particularly

relevant to adaptation when much of adaptation planning is conducted under conditions

of uncertain future climatic projections and impacts. Uncertainty is not new to planning.

Planning, in general, projects future outcomes based on historical precedence. In the

context of climate change, actions described in adaptation plans are best determined

based on downscaled global or regional climatic projections. Until climatic projections

and impacts could be advanced to higher levels of precision, adaptive management

provides a robust analogy to define methodologies to advance adaptation planning, while

recognizing uncertainty. The precursor here is that we cannot wait until impacts begin to

materialize to begin action. In more specific, incrementalism, mainstreaming, and

experimentation are crucial theories to advance in adaptation planning while recognizing


Chapter two, surveys adaptive management and resiliency theory and its

relevance to adaptation planning. Chapter three integrates adaptive management

principles into the implementation phase of recognized adaptation procedural frameworks

and proposes an incremental approach to implementing adaptation measures. Chapter

four applies the incremental approach by proposing to estimate current existing area of

pervious surfaces prior to implementing large scale green infrastructure policies.

1.2.4. Proposition 4: Green infrastructure contributes and strengthens the adaptive

capacity within metropolitan regions.

Adaptive capacity is the inherent capacity within a system to recover from a

disturbance. In the context of adaptation planning, exposure and risk determine the extent

of vulnerability to climate change impacts that may change or affect the system (

this dissertation the metropolitan system). In the context of this dissertation, risk,

exposure and vulnerability are related to the location of physical assets and communities.

Green infrastructure reduces risk by decreasing the intensity of impacts from a changing

climate (i.e. reduce overall temperatures within a metropolitan area). Green infrastructure

reduces exposure by protecting from hazards resulting from extreme events. By

decreasing intensity of impacts and protection from hazards, it follows that vulnerability

of communities may be reduced. While the proposition is focused on enhancing physical

and environmental dimension of adaptive capacity, it is understood that the combination

of physical measures and social, cultural and economic policies will result in a total

enhancement of the capacity to curb climate change impacts.

Chapter two explores the relationship between risk, exposure, and vulnerability and the

contribution of green infrastructure. Chapter four proposes a framework to relate and

prioritize climate change impacts, green infrastructure policies, and location of

communities across a metropolitan gradient. Chapter five measures the potential of

contribution of green infrastructure to the adaptive capacity through the estimate of

vegetated cover to mitigate the impacts of the urban heat island.

Lastly, while this is not a core proposition of the dissertation, the idea that green

infrastructure as an adaptation strategy should be explicitly and aggressively pursued runs

across all chapters. The fact that vegetated surfaces deliver ecosystem services that

contribute to adaptation and wellbeing of communities seems very intuitive to be ignored.

The no-regrets nature and the cost: benefit of green infrastructure strategies in the short

and long terms makes evident that green infrastructure is an opportunity that may prove

to be very effective in curbing the pace of climate change, at least within metropolitan

contexts, and not to be missed.

1.3. Dissertation Organization

The dissertation is comprised four main chapters and a conclusion. The first chapter

is a general literature review and the remaining three are written in the form of

publishable articles. One was already published as a refereed conference proceeding, one

submitted for review and the third completed for this dissertation. All three articles were

conceived to be included in this dissertation. Chapter five is a summary and conclusions

of the articles as well as an assessment of the extent the propositions have been

addressed. The references from each article were merged into a master reference section.

1.3.1. Chapter Two: Green Infrastructure and Adaptive capacity:
Complementarity and Synergy

This chapter surveys the literature on green infrastructure and adaptation

planning. The aim is to identify the overlaps and contradictions between both fields. The

survey of the literature discusses theory, practice and applied case studies in both fields.

The purpose is to understand green infrastructure planning, its components and

procedures. Similarly, adaptation frameworks are surveyed to understand where green

infrastructure could contribute to adaptation planning. The main findings indicate that the

provision of ecosystem services complimentary with requirements for adaptation, at least

within the environmental dimension. The primary variable for the efficacy of using green

infrastructure is: 1) space and 2) extent of pervious surfaces across the metropolitan area.

1.3.2. Chapter Three: Windows of Opportunity: Addressing Climate Uncertainty

through Adaptation Plan Implementation

There is a pressing need for municipalities and regions to undertake adaptation

planning that will create urban systems suited to current as well as future climates, but

uptake of adaptation has been slow. This is particularly unfortunate in that patterns of

urban built form interact with climate change in ways that can reduce, or intensify, the

impacts of overall global change. For policy-makers, uncertainty regarding the timing

and magnitude of climate change is a significant barrier to implementing adaptation

planning. Resiliency theory suggests an approach to evaluating adaptation options for

cities that can bring these factors together. The method we propose focuses on

implementation of adaptation, and phasing of policy. It removes time as a decision

marker, instead arguing for an initial comprehensive plan to prevent maladaptive policy

choices, implemented incrementally after testing the micro-climate outcomes of previous

interventions. Policies begin with no-regrets decisions that reduce the long-term need for

more intensive adaptive actions and generate immediate policy benefits, while gradually

enabling transformative infrastructure and design responses to increased climate impacts.

Global and local indicators assume a larger role in the process, to evaluate when tipping

points are in sight. We use case studies from two exemplary municipal plans to

demonstrate this method's usefulness. While framed for urban planning, the approach is

applicable to natural resource areas and other planning that must manage uncertainty.

The model is applied to two case studies in Australia and Copenhagen with new insights

on an adaptive approach to adaptation implementation.

1.3.3. Chapter Four: The Green Infrastructure Transect: An Organizational

Framework for Mainstreaming Adaptation Planning Policies

When considering the range of spatial planning actions that cities can take to

adapt to climate change, many of them fall under the conceptual umbrella of green

infrastructure (GI). GI has been defined as the spatial planning of landscape systems at

multiple scales and within varying contexts to provide open space, safeguard natural

systems, protect agricultural lands, and ensure ecological integrity for cultural, social, and

ecosystem benefits (Benedict and McMahon, 2002, 2006; Ahern, 2008). While the

traditional definition of GI refers to areas of land that are least intervened by human

action, in this expanded definition, we are deliberately including areas that are engineered

to mimic natural processes and which provide cost-effective ecosystem services.

Although climate adaptation is a fairly new policy goal for GI (Gill et al., 2007; CCAP,

2011), three key characteristics qualify GI as a suitable tool for adaptation planning

including multi-functionality (to match ecosystem benefits with adaptation needs), multi-

scalar nature of the spatial elements, and a ‘no-regrets approach’. However, GI needs to

be matched to the character of the urban environment and coordinated across jurisdictions

and planning scales to become an effective adaptation policy. In this chapter, we present

a policy framework, the green infrastructure transect, that can help planners and

policymakers identify appropriate GI policies for different urban environments and

describe how these policies can create a regional adaptation planning framework.

1.3.4. Chapter Five: Estimating the potential vegetated pervious surface are for
urban heat island adaptation strategies in the Boston Metropolitan Area

Green infrastructure (GI) is recommended as suite of adaptation of measures to

reduce temperatures within urban contexts. The mitigation of the Urban Heat Island

effect provides a test case for the effectiveness of GI as a future adaptation strategy.

Climate change is a global phenomenon that exacerbates local urban heat island (UHI).

UHI is directly correlated with urbanization as predevelopment land cover is transformed

from hydrological active surfaces to impervious surfaces. For green infrastructure to have

an impact on metropolitan climates, tracts of land (privately and publicly-held) should be

preserved, acquired and envisioned as a metropolitan network of ecologically vegetated

green infrastructure network providing maximum ecosystem benefits. To achieve that,

maximum surface areas should be dedicated to vegetated surfaces. Yet the availability of

space is not evident especially when considered in the context of urban expansion.

This chapter tests for the availability of surface area within land uses and across

the urban-rural gradient within the Metropolitan region of Boston, Massachussetts.

Several strategies are developed to intensify vegetated land cover (pervious surfaces) and

transform impervious surfaces (where possible) to vegetated surfaces within existing

patterns of development. A percent pervious (PP) metric is developed to characterize the

region. Gradient zones of PP are defined and used to compare space opportunities across

land use classes. Maximum opportunities are then tested to address the urban heat island

phenomenon. A gradient of vegetated green infrastructure policies is then derived based

on the availability of space across gradient zones. The results indicate that residential

land uses carry the highest potential to intensify vegetated land surfaces while

commercial land uses provide the highest potential for green roof implementation and

impact of the UHI. The results for the gradient of policies indicate that transformation of

impervious surfaces is possible within the urban core with more dependence on land

based forested canopy towards the periphery of the study area.

1.3.5. Chapter Six: Conclusion: Integrating Green infrastructure into Adaptation


This chapter reviews the research in the dissertation as well as the limitations.

Green infrastructure policy implications are discussed for the purpose of increasing the

potential adaptive capacity across urban regions. Original contributions are then

identified with future research questions to be pursued.




2.1 Introduction

The purpose of this section is to identify the gaps in the knowledge that this study

will address, provide a literature background for the study and identify the variables of

concern. What we know is that CC is happening and the need to address the impacts on

human and natural systems is becoming more urgent with increasing scientific evidence

(IPCC, 2007). While planning for CC has been predominantly focused on mitigation

(wheeler, 2008), adaptation is coming to the forefront of CC planning, especially within

the context of urban areas.

Urban regions are vulnerable and are already affected by CC due to historic

emissions (Wilby, 2006). Increased exposure and risk, and the deficiency of existing

urban systems to cope with known and uncertain magnitude of impacts, render urban

regions and their populations vulnerable to changing precipitation regimes, increased

temperatures (micro and regional climates), increased extreme daily temperatures

(intensification of the urban island heat effect), and rising sea level (Wilby, 2006, 2007).

As such, cities are just starting to address these impacts through initiatives that change

people’s preference for living (denser developments, reduction of power demand ),

reduce miles travelled (providing walking, cycling, and public transportation), provide

cooling stations, mix uses in developments, and increase tree canopy (Lindley et al.,

2006). In addition to these measures (which coincide with sustainable planning and Smart

Growth principles making adaptation easier to mainstream), green infrastructure planning

is identified as an effective measure to prepare cities and their surrounding regions to CC


GI planning has been recognized at the regional scale to control sprawl (Benedict

and McMahon, 2002, 2006), provide cultural and environmental benefits (Fabos and

Ryan, 2006) and at the local scale for environmental control (EPA, 2011). The focus of

GI on adaptation is new. To date, the literature has primarily focused on connecting the

characteristics of GI planning with adaptation needs. We know that GI is a no-regrets

approach to adaptation, it is complimentary with adaptation objectives, it is multi-

functional thus providing social, economic, cultural, ecological and environmental

benefits, and it is multi-scalar allowing applications from individual buildings (green

roofs), streets (trees and swales), and parks to regional forests and reserves (Benedict and

McMahon 2003; Ahern, 2008; EPA, 2011). While these are very significant qualitative

ingredients that have become the basis of many perspectives on the subject, few studies

begin to provide practical guidance on how to adjust the urban (and regional) form to

incorporate GI.

Many research connect aspects of the urban microclimate with GI (Ashley et al.,

2007; Gober et al., 20010), but only few connect adaptation, GI and spatial distribution

into one study with practical useful results to planners2. Gill et al. (2007) use the city of

Manchester to characterize land cover within the urban city boundaries. They determine

land-cover percentages within land-use categories as their primary input for climatic

modeling. By using climatic and planning scenarios, they determine the existing adaptive

capacity and the future potential based on IPCC climatic scenarios and planning scenarios

See GRaBS Project at the University of Manchester, UK.

such as increasing green roofs, green walls, and tree planting. The results on adaptive

capacity are percentage values for the whole urban area without any specificity to

location, the impact of built urban form on this capacity, the threshold capacity of GI and

the connection to preference of living.

The research by Gill et al. (2007) provides an inspiration for this study and

highlights some of the gaps that are required. The comparative study by Forman (2008)

on urban regions highlights the significance of GI at the regional scale and the delivery of

ecosystem services essential to the wellbeing of people. Furthermore, by including the

work of Hamin and Gurran (2008) on connecting urban form and climate change and the

work by Brabec (2002, 2005) impervious surfaces within watersheds, the research will

address the following gaps within the literature:

Provide assessment and measurement of spatial patterns of GI at the regional scale.

Provide practical data and information useful and applicable to spatial planning for

climate change adaptation.

2.2 Resilience: An Interpretive Framework

The interpretive framework the study utilizes is the theory of resilience. The

concept of resiliency originates from the field of ecology. Resiliency is defined as the

capacity of a system to rebound after a natural or manmade disturbance (Holling, 1973;

Walker et al., 2004; Walker & Salt, 2006). This means an internal capacity to

accommodate change and rebound to a state that is similar to the original state, but not

necessarily identical. In many cases, where the magnitude of the disturbance is high,

social-ecological systems may reach thresholds that alter their structure thus transforming

their capacity to deliver ecosystem benefits.

This research considers urban regions as social-ecological systems. This means

that human and natural systems within urban contexts are interconnected and

interdependent and mutually affecting one another. Extending this analogy from the

sciences to planning, there is a need to integrate and plan for both systems to consider

mutual causes and effects. Therefore, the research brings together the work on urban

regional patterns by Richard Foreman (2008) from landscape ecology and Brabec and

Lewis (2002, 2005) from resource efficiency along with recent literature on planning for

climate change (Howard, 2009; Hamin et al., in review). In this manner, natural systems

(GI in the context of this research) and urban form are mutually considered as both

causes and effects.

Walker and Salt (2006) propose three steps to manage for and enhance resilience

of social-ecological systems. First, is to understand the drivers of the system under a

certain condition. Slow drivers are coarse-scale variables often coupled with fine-scale

fast variables. In the context of urban regions the coarse and fine scales drivers is the

transformation of land from pervious and impervious surfaces, which is urbanization. The

large scale driver is in this case is climate change which augments the conditions of the

urban micro-climate.

Second, is to know the thresholds of drivers. When discussing GI, the limits of

delivery of ecosystem services could characterize the threshold of adaptive capacity. The

adaptive capacity is determined by the extent of area of pervious surfaces. The amount of

pervious surface within an urban region determines how much water may percolate or be

stored or the extent of canopy cover for temperature amelioration. Within urban regions,

the amount of pervious surface is finite and constantly eroding, thus limiting the adaptive

caapacity. Theerefore, thresshold is this context is diirectly relateed to the propportion of

pervious to im
mpervious su
urfaces withiin a given unnit of study oor area.

Third,, is to enhance aspects of the system

m that enable it to maintain its resiliennce.

n this researcch, GI is con

In nsidered as th
he element tthat enhancees this resilieence. GI is

unctions are determined by the exten
nt of ecosysttems provideed such floodd water storaage,

teemperature reduction,
r an
nd CO2 sink. By understtanding the ccapacity of G
GI for adaptaation,

nd planning at multiple scales
s to creeate a regionaal network oof GI, the urbban system iis

nhanced (in one way) to increase thee resilient caapacity of coommunities ((Figure 2.1)..

Step1: Identify
I Slow
w and fast drivvers of changge
e Change and Urbanization
Step 2: Undeerstand thressholds of drivvers
impervious ssurfaces, extrreme Temperratures

Step 3: Enh
hance aspectss of the systeem
Green Infraastructure (sp
patial patternss)


Figure 2.1: Th
hree steps to
o achieve ressiliency by m
managers andd planners (S
Salt and Wallker,

In the context of this h, GI is used as the tool too enhance thhe urban system
t research

n face of the slow driver of change, climate
c channge. In additiion, the capaacity of the

patial elemen
nts of GI aree limited by the fine scalle driver of uurbanizationn that creates

ceertain limitation to the delivered

d serv
vices due to the conditioons of surfacce transformaation

frrom pervious to impervio

ous. The relaationship beetween adapttive capacityy, thresholds and

nditions is the theoreticall analogy thaat this researrch operates under.

prrevalent con

2.3 Adaptation to Climate Change

Urban regions3 are identified as being simultaneously contributing to climate

change and being impacted by climate change (Stone, 2005; McEvoy et al., 2006; Wilby,

2007; Watkins et al., 2007; McPherson et al., 2008). Urban regions contribute to climate

change in two ways. First, through the resulting greenhouse gas emissions which add to

the global stock of suspended particles in the atmosphere (IPCC, 2007); and second,

through non-emission contributions due to the morphological nature of urban areas of

altered land use and cover, as compared to predevelopment conditions (Gober et al.,

2010). Both factors force changes in local and regional climates (Stone, 2009) which

impact the wellbeing of communities and the ecological systems within.

Urban regions are impacted and are vulnerable to climate change impacts.

Citizens and ecological systems within are subject to the same vulnerabilities.

Vulnerability maybe defined as the combination of increased exposure and risk and the

deficiency of existing measures to cope with known and uncertain impacts. Impacts from

climate change as characterized by the IPCC (2007) report are increased or decreased

precipitation regimes, drought, increased temperatures, increased extreme daily

temperatures, and rising sea levels (IPCC, 2007) (See Table 2.1 for a full list of impacts

and indicators). The impact on urban areas simultaneously affects social and ecological

systems. For example, Guhthakurta and Gober (2007) show that an increase of daily low

temperature 1F (under UHI conditions) in the city of Phoenix increases water use by 290

gallons per typical single family unit.

3 Richard Forman’s (2008) definition of urban regions is used to mean a major city, the
surrounding metropolitan area, suburbs, and any satellite cities in the vicinity, any
heterogeneous area composed of buildings and open space, as well as natural amenities.

In addition to increased water use due to rising temperatures, the watersheds that

store and provide water to urban areas are and will be simultaneously impacted. For

example, it is projected that the watersheds that are responsible to store and provide water

in New York City will be affected by lower precipitation and drought conditions to

sustain the resource and provide sufficient quantities of water (Rosenzweig et al., 2007).

The same can be said to other ecosystem benefits that are provided by ecological systems

within urban areas such as food, energy, clean air, and nutrient cycling (Forman, 2008).

The IPCC report (2007) clearly indicates the vulnerability of these systems and their

potential high impact to social systems within urban regions. Therefore, impacts and

causes are closely related at multiple scales effecting social and ecological systems.

To address the impacts of climate change through adaptation, structural and non-

structural measures are proposed (Heinz, 2006; Wheeler et al., 2009). Structural measures

are engineered systems that respond and protect from vulnerability due to exposure to

hazardous locations such as flooding, erosion and sea rise levels in coastal urban regions.

For example, Barnett and Beckman (2007) discuss structural solutions, such as dams and

levees, to protect against sea level rise in Boston, New York, Miami and San Francisco

Bay. Others, have proposed raising buildings above flood plains (Walker and Salt, 2006),

redundancy of road networks (Kirshen et al., 2008), or levies to abate rising sea levels. In

many urban areas, structural measures may be the only viable solution to adapt, other

than abandonment. Such options are expensive, but maybe justified on the basis of

existing property values or other reasons. Structural solutions need to be evaluated based

on technical, financial, and political feasibility.

Non-structural measures are existing natural systems, constructed natural systems,

or simply un-built/undeveloped land; in other words the green infrastructure of an urban

region. While structural and non-structural measures may be needed to respond to climate

change impacts, specific contexts will determine what is needed, which combination and

what magnitude of each. Within this study, we focus on green infrastructure as a non-

structural measure and will be discussed in the next chapter.

In this research, I focus on non-structural measures to address climate change

impacts and enhance the urban system, namely GI. The two primary impacts of CC that I

seek to address and relevant to urban contexts are increased precipitation regimes (that

result in increased flooding) and temperature amelioration. The following section GI is

discussed with relevant factors that need to be considered.

Impact Impact Description Reference

Caused by Extreme Events
Longer and Increasing summer temperatures will result in more Jendritzky
more intensive frequent heat waves. In addition the duration of heat (2007),
heat waves waves will extend and extreme temperatures will Laschewski
increase. Heat waves and extreme temperatures are a (2008), and
threat to human and animal health. They can also WHO (2005)
cause damage to buildings and structures.
Increase of Changes in seasonality and intensity of precipitation Zebisch et al.
heavy rain and will result in more frequent heavy rainfall. More (2005)
flash floods extreme weather events like thunderstorms will
increase the likelihood of flash floods. Unlike river
floods flash floods are a local phenomenon not limited
to flood plains. Flash floods cause damage to buildings
and private property.
Increase of Changes in seasonality and intensity of precipitation Hennegriff et
large river will result in more frequent river floods. River floods al. (2006) and
floods cause damage to buildings and structures in flood Merkel et al.
plains. (2008)

Increase of Melting ice and increasing water temperatures cause Rahmstorf
storm surges sea level rise. More frequent storm events add to this (2007) and
and result in more frequent and more extreme storm Woth (2006)
surges. Storm surges can cause coastal erosion,
damage to buildings and structures especially in ports.
In cases of dam failure such damage will be severe and
flooding will endanger human lives.
Increase of More frequent heavy rainfall and changes in freeze- Glade et al.
mass thaw cycles will destabilize hillsides as well as (2005),
movements embankments and cause landslides and rock fall. Lang and
Stronger variation in snowfall can change the Glade (2008),
concurrency of avalanches. Mass movement events and McInnes
cause damage to buildings and structures and endanger et al.
human lives (2007)
Increase of More frequent heat waves and changes in precipitation Badeck et al.
forest fires cause drought and increase the danger of forest fires. (2004),
Forest fires cause harm to the forestry industry. They Westerling
can also damage buildings and structures as well as and Bryant
wildlife habitats. (2008) and
Girardin et
al. (2009)
More frequent Several extreme weather events can cause harm to Zebisch et al.
destruction of road and rail networks. Even if public infrastructure is (2005)
infrastructure not always directly damaged, traffic and transportation and Walsh et
is delayed or disrupted al. (2007)
Caused by slow changes
Increased loss Changes in seasonality and intensity of precipitation Mathews et
of soil by will result in more loss of soil by water erosion. al. (2006)
water erosion Erosion reduces soil fertility but also affects water
quality and causes increasing problems due to
Changes in temperature as well as precipitation and Leuschner
Loss of their seasonal variation are a kiumajor thread to and Schipka
species and biodiversity. They will cause a rapid change in habitat (2004, Root
biodiversity conditions which may lead to an increased loss of et al.
species and biodiversity, especially in regions with a (2003), and
high proportion of fragmented or isolated habitats. Walter et
al. (2002)
Increased Changes in seasonality and intensity of precipitation as Hergesell and
fluctuation of well as changes in freeze-thaw cycles will cause more Berthold
the pronounced fluctuations of ground water levels. This (2008),Kämpf
groundwater could be exacerbated by erosion processes that reduce et al. (2008)
level soil water storage capacity. The resulting drop in and Merkel et
ground water levels in summer will increase drought al. (2008)
situations, while rising ground water tables in winter
endanger the structural integrity of buildings.

Fluctuation in Changes in the seasonal variation of precipitation will Zebisch et al.
the result in more pronounced fluctuations of river (2005)
availability of discharge. Shortage of water in drought situations can and Lehner et
water for constrain production. Energy production can be al. (2005)
industrial use especially affected

Table 2.1: Climate change impacts and their indicators

2.4 Green Infrastructure

Green infrastructure planning is predominantly a resource planning approach to

conservation and protection of land with ecological and cultural benefits. Benedict and

McMahon (2002) define green infrastructure as the “natural life support system-an

interconnected network of waterways, wetlands, woodlands, wildlife habitats and other

natural areas; greenways, parks, and other conservation lands; working farms, ranches

and forests; and wilderness and other open spaces that support native species, maintain

natural ecological processes, sustain air and water resources and contribute to the health

and quality of life for America’s communities and people (p.12)”. As a process, it is

described as holistic, comprehensive, strategic, publicly implemented, participatory, and

multi-disciplinary (Benedict and McMahon, 2002). Green infrastructure provides human

and other species benefits such as enriched habitat and biodiversity; carbon and nitrogen

cycles; carbon cycle; maintenance of natural landscape processes; cleaner air and water;

increased recreational opportunities; improved health; better connection to nature and

sense of place. In addition, green infrastructure is proposed as a growth management tool

to control and direct patterns of development (Benedict and McMahon, 2002). When

considering GI as an adaptation tool to climate change, every possible typology of un-

built parts of the urban region should qualify in the definition of GI. Therefore the

definition of GI is expanded to include all possible potential to create and engineer GI


In addition to Benedict and McMahon’s (2002) definition, I include in the

expanded definition the following elements and typologies: hybrid systems such as green

roofs (Gill et al, 2007; Oberndorfer, et al., 2007) or vegetated facades of buildings;

interstitial spaces between buildings and streets (Corner, 2006); residual spaces from

transportation and utility infrastructure (Garde, 1999); derelict land from industrial and

military sites (Corner, 2004; Berger, 2006; Donadieu, 2006); urban agriculture; landfills

(Belanger, 2009); and private open spaces on residential property, schools, cemeteries,

shopping malls, and parking spaces (Gill et al., 2007). The inclusion of these spaces to

form an urban green infrastructure network is intended to show the current capacity of

any urban region and its potential to increase the density of green infrastructure within

urban regions. This allows the provision of mitigation and adaptation measures at

multiple scales.

Varying planning strategies maybe employed at varying scales to develop such an

extensive network. For example, conservation of land through policy at the regional scale

for cultural, economic and ecological purposes (Benedict and McMahon, 2006); spatial

conservation approaches that define emerald networks (Forman, 2008) or biosphere

reserves (Solecki and Rosenzweig, 2004). Similarly, at the parcel scale, efforts such as

the Berlin biotope green area factor encourages owners to increase planted area and treat

run-off on site through financial incentives (BAF). The BAF incorporates hybrid systems

such green roofs and vertical vegetal surfaces. While the idea of incorporating green

infrastructure within urban regions may seem attractive, it is a space intensive measure.

Within space limitation in urban contexts, there is a need to intensify effort to find ways

and think of creative ways to ‘find’ space (Gill et al, 2007; Currie and Bass, 2008). This

study will address this aspect of the problem during the research process and will explore

the size and function of such a network along the urban-rural gradient.

There are four key ideas contained in the above definition that define green

infrastructure: network/connectivity, spatial arrangement and distribution, benefits, and

implementation tools. The ideas are briefly explained to set the context for the discussion

on scale and using green urbanism and landscape planning literature to point out to

varying meanings of these ideas. By discussing the five ideas, an overarching framework

for a hybrid definition of a GI across the urban-rural gradient is defined.

2.4.1 Network and Connectivity

The network aspect, and consequently connectivity of the system, underlies

ecological and social systems. One could argue that networks of open spaces have

evolved as systems to preserve and use open space in lieu of urban development. GI is

planned as a network of interconnected parts that forms a functioning whole (Randolph;

Benedcit & McMahon, 2002, 2006; McDonald et al.) with varying focus on ecological

and social concerns that depend on spatial contexts and planning objectives. Networks of

open space simultaneously developed over time as urban park networks (The Emerald

Necklace in Boston and Chicago open space system by Fredrick Olmsted; Fabos and

Ryan, 2002) and regional systems (Elliot, McKaye and Lewis, 1996; Fabos, 1995).

Precedents to GI within the US and Europe have varyingly emphasized ecological and

recreational values. As a multi-functional system, the emerald Necklace in Boston is the

first connected and multi-functional system of open spaces that combines recreational,

preservation of natural landscape and management of the hydrological systems criteria

(Ndubisi 2002, Fabos 1985, Fabos 1996, 2004, Ahern 2004). Contemporary examples

follow suite with varying emphasis on function and benefits. With primary ecological

emphasis, an ecological network (predominantly in Europe) is a system of nature reserves

and their interconnections that make a fragmented natural system coherent in order to

support more biological diversity than in its non-connected form (Opdam et al., 2002;

Jongman 2004; Jongman et al., 2004; Jones-Walters, 2007). Greenways are also an

example of networks of linear elements that predominantly focus on recreational and

social benefits (Fabos and Ryan, 2006; Hellmund and Smith, 2006; Imam, 2006;

Ribbeirto & Barao, 2006) with lesser extent on ecological processes (Ahern, 1995, 2004).

Examples of greenways range from regional examples such as the New England

Greenway System (Fabos et. al, ) to multi-scalar systems that connect urban core areas to

regional amenities such as the Confluence Greenway System in St. Louis to local rails for

trails such as the Norwottuck trail in Amherst, MA. Another example of networks is

Greenbelts which originate in the UK and used at the regional level to control urban

growth and provide recreational amenities for urban populations. It could be argued that

it is the antecedent to the contemporary urban growth boundary used by Smart Growth.

While it is not explicitly intended to be a network, the circumscribing nature around

urban cores prompts it to be so. The common aspect between all these precedents to GI is


Inherent in networks is connectivity and linkage (Ahern, 1995; Benedcit &

McMahon, 2006; Fabos & Ryan, 2002; Nadubisi, 2004; Mell, 2009; Kambites & Owen,

2006). Physical and functional connectivity is key for networks with an ecological

objective to ensure species diversity and flow of natural processes (biotic and abiotic

resources, Forman, 1995; Opdam, and Vos, 2002; Nadubisi, 2004; Jongman et al., 2004).

Connectivity within networks with a social and recreational focus ensures access to open

spaces resources within urban cores and regional contexts. Linear elements of green

transportation systems (biking and walking) define the linkages between parks and places

of living (Fabos & Ahern, 1996; Chiesura, 2004; Conine, at al., 2004; Ribbeirto & Barao,

2006). Connectivity is also critical to ensure resource continuity and protection such as

the plan for a GI network Barcelona, Spain (Forman, 2008). Connectivity functions at

multiple scales for multiple reasons to ensure ecological health, accessibility, and

resource protection. Connectivity depends on the individual spatial elements that form

the network.

While connectivity is an integral characteristic of GI definition, when considered

for adaptation purposes, it is not evidently applicable or necessary. In this research, the

question of connectivity for adaptation purposes is left open and not addressed directly.

2.4.2 Multi-scalar spatial elements

The spatial elements that define a GI network vary with objective and context.

Within ecologically oriented plans, landscape ecological spatial principles of landscape

configuration, namely patch-corridor-matrix system, are tools to designate core habitats,

hubs, and movement corridors (Forman, 1995; Nadibisi, 2002; Zonneveld, 2002; Ahern,

2007). The elements that compose an ecological network are core areas, buffer zones,

restoration areas, and ecological corridors (Jongman 2004, Jones-Walters 2007).

For example, that could include forests, lakes, river systems, wilderness reserves

and grass fields. The basic variable that defines the elements of an ecological network are

species consideration and ecological flows. Elements that compose a GI network for

human use and in proximity to urban areas, is a finer system of open spaces that includes

a larger typology.

A typology of a GI within urban regions may be categorized into two categories:

within urban cores and on the urban periphery (Schilling & Logan, 2008). A GI within

cities may include neighborhood, city and regional parks; playgrounds and play fields;

community gardens, recreational trails and urban greenways, underused private and

public land, urban tree canopy including streets trees, public plazas, waterfronts, green

roofs, abandoned land that can be converted to new green spaces, and commercial

agricultural and forestry sites (Waldheim, 2006; Corner, 2002; Bunster-Ousa,

2001;Carroll, 2007). In addition residual and marginal spaces from transportation

infrastructure contribute to urban GI capital (Garde, 1999;Mossop, 2006) . At the urban

fringe, GI is comprised of larger green spaces that take advantage of lesser urbanization.

These may include waterways, wetlands, woodlands, wildlife habitats, greenways, large

parks, conservation land, working farms, ranches, forests, and riparian flood plains

(Fabos and Ahern, 1996; Randolph, 2004; Hough, 1995, 2004). In addition, deregulated

military sites, abandoned industrial sites, large logistical sites, spaces around and within

transportation and utility infrastructural networks could be connecting linear elements at

the urban fringe (Waldheim, 2006; Berger, 2006;Reed, 2006; Bellanger, 2006, 2007).

While GI within urban core and region areas are predominantly target human use and

benefits, ecological health of these elements is key to maintain and ensure the social and

cultural accrued benefits, thus the critical interdependency between ecological and social

systems. In this sense, a regional GI that connects the urban gradient has the potential to

be truly multi-functional addressing social and ecological benefits.

Such a network is comprised of several typologies of spatial elements that are

related to urban land use (Table 2.2) and to landscape ecological principles (Table 2.3).

The intent is to ensure that the multi-scalar network incorporates as many types possible

and organized based on ecological principles set forth by green infrastructure planning.

The variability of size, and location within and outside urban cores and formal and

informal un-built spaces provide the stock of land that potentially can be incorporated

into such a network.

Region/Metropolitan City Neighborhood Parcel

Wetlands Urban forests Parks Back yards
Agricultural pasture Large Parks School yards Street Trees
Natural reserves Urban Golf courses Unused lots
Forests Network of Athletics fields Community gardens
Rivers Cemeteries Spaces between building

Ponds Network of street trees Easements

Lakes Gardens
Parks Open space in
Coastal parks Institutional building
Shoreline ecosystems Abandoned property
Utility Lines

Table 2.2: Typology of Green infrastructure spatial elements

Regional Urban Regional Urban Corridors Regional Urban Matrix
Parks Utility Lines Sub-urban residential
Golf Courses Drainage ways Industrial districts
Wetlands Cultural greenways Waste Disposal Areas
Natural reserves Ecological greenways Commercial Areas
Forests River ways Mixed Use Districts
Urban Forest patches Transportation Corridors Urban cores

Table 2.3: Typology of Green Infrastructure based on spatial configuration (After

Forman’s (1987) Patch-corridor matrix concept and as suggested by Gill et al. (2007) and
Ahern (2008)).

2.4.3 Multi-functionality as Ecosystem Benefits

Green infrastructure provides multiple services that include social, ecological,

and environmental4 benefits. These benefits accrue to people and other species with

varying magnitudes. Ecological benefits for species may include habitat conservation and

connectivity, enhanced biodiversity, carbon and nitrogen cycling, maintenance of natural

processes, and ensuring the continuity of water systems processes (Benedict &

McMahon, 2002, 2006; Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Report, 2006). The benefits

to ecological systems mean a healthy functioning system, which in turn, ensures the

provision of ecosystem services that people and the environment benefit from.

Environmental benefits pertaining to people and other species include storm

water pollutant reductions (Booth et al., 2002, 2004), enhanced groundwater recharge

(Brabec at al., 2002; Clausen, 2007), protection of soil, increased carbon sequestration

(McPaherson et al., 2008), adapting and mitigating to climate change (Gill et al., 2007;

I use the terms ecology and environment to differentiate what is termed biotic and
abiotic, respectively, within natural resource fields. Ecological pertains to living species
and environmental pertains to non-living such as soil, water, and air.

Currie & Bass, 2008; Mell, 2009; Hamin & Gurran, 2008), address flooding (Caroll,

2007) and improved air quality (EPA). The environmental and ecological benefits in turn

translate into social and cultural benefits directly connecting people with open space.

Services derived by people from healthy GI translate to social, cultural, and

economic benefits. Kambites and Owen (2006) and Schilling, J. & Logan (2008) provide

an extensive listing by combining several sources. These include: increased recreational

opportunities through access to parks, improved exercise and walking, increased water

quality and quantity through best management practices, better connection to nature

through engagement and access, improved sense of place through greening and social

interaction, increased real estate values of property around open space, historical

rootedness through heritage conservation, local food production, and ameliorating urban

island heat impacts (Stone, 2010). While these benefits are not comprehensive, they

provide an idea to the importance of GI within urban contexts.

The social, ecological, and environmental benefits are interconnected. Through

ecological health, environmental and social benefits are derived. Through ecological and

environmental services, social benefits are accrued by societies; and through best

management practices and ecological and environmental consciousness and stewardship,

ecological and environmental services are maintained. The best example of this feedback

loop is climate change. Through anthropocentric emissions into the environment,

ecological and environmental services are reduced due to changing climatic regimes. As

such, the benefits that people accrue, such as water use and food production, are affected

by reduced ecosystem services. Sustainable planning practices that consider ecology,

environment and social wellbeing are part of GI’s principles.

2.4.4 Implementation

Green infrastructure is inherently a spatial approach to land-use planning and

design. The objectives of planning a GI is to lay out (Benedict and McMahon, 2002,

2006; Kambites and Owen, 2006; Ahern, 2007) the system strategically as a whole

ensuring integrity of the network. Furthermore, linkages between agencies, non-

governmental organizations, and the private sector are key to ensure the spatial whole.

This means that GI should function across scales and jurisdictions.

There are two dominant approaches that follow the European spatial concept

model (Ahern, 1999; 2007) and the US comprehensive planning5 model. The European

approach defines a broad scale spatial concept, such as the ‘Green Heart’ in Holland, to

capture the image- ability of people and ensure marketability of the proposal (Shrijnen,

2000; Tjallinji, 2002). Resources are assessed; goals defined at the nationals scale, then

put out for stakeholder and community comments, then altered as necessary to reach a

consensus. Alternatively, the US approach is based on deriving goals and visions through

a public participation process that takes into account stakeholder needs and requirements.

Assessment of resources is carried out by specialists to identify systems condition and

suitability. Alternative plans are derived and discussed to arrive to consensus. The main

difference between both approaches is the scale of planning. In Europe, planning is

national (top down), and as such, statuary bodies define a broad vision where local plans

(which may be participatory in nature) are plugged into the overall vision. In the US,

planning is locally based (bottom up) with some level of state intervention. Land use

Comprehensive planning steps include: Identify issues, state goals, collect data, prepare
plan, create implementation plans, evaluate alternatives, adopt plan, and implementation
and monitoring.

decisions are directed at the town and city scale. At the state and national scales, rare

coordination exists that defines the overall outcome and impact. In both approaches,

assessment methods are similar based on geographic information systems and suitability

analysis methods (McDonald et al.; Conservancy Fund) based on values derived from the

project objectives (McHarg, 1969).

What is evident is the significance of combining both approaches. Within the US

context and holding national planning aside (for now), a spatial concept at the local scale

could be an approach to direct a participatory process, thus combining a top-down and

bottom up approach. This idea is suggested because a participatory process is time

consuming. A spatial concept that communities can react to and suggest comments may

provide a better use of time and resources. Accordingly, conservation tools for GI

implementation such as land acquisition, easement, flood plain management, smart

growth tools, conservation land, land trusts, and partnerships with private entities may be


What is apparent is the significance of scale and context in the reviewed models.

To account for varying objectives of land conservation, benefits, and spatial contexts to

address land transformation and climate change impacts and causes, approaches at

multiple scales that account for multiple variables are needed. To develop the rural

gradient framework of GI, scale and context variability is central to account to the

varying gradients of benefits, spatial configurations of patterns of use and GI, as well as

to ensure the network aspect of GI at multiple scales and across gradient sectors. The

discussion that follows attempts to discuss all the above aspects of GI in the context of

scale and context variability to redefine GI as a system of networks that functions across

scales and across contexts within the urban region.

2.4.5 Complementarity Between Green Infrastructure and Adaptation Measures

Green infrastructure is a suitable suite of measures that have the potential to

address climate change impacts. The environmental impacts of climate change such as

increases temperatures, run-off storage and infiltration due to extreme precipitation can

be potentially managed by multi-scale green infrastructure of patches and corridors. As

an ecosystem based system, green infrastructure in the form of trees, for example, may

reduce temperatures within urban contexts. Retarding basins and infiltration swales allow

the delay of run-off and infiltration of excess rain water. This synergy renders green

infrastructure as a complimentary (Table 2.4) response to climate impacts.

Green infrastructure measures already exist in many cities in the form of urban

canopy, street trees, gardens, and parks. While these may not be conceptualized as green

infrastructure providing benefits, the advantage is that cities are already doing what at

least could be a first step. In other words, these ecosystem based measures may be

considered as no-regrets measures that in addition to reducing climate change impacts,

will also provide social, environmental, and cultural benefits. Therefore, the

complementarity between green infrastructure and adaptation needs provide the impetus

for cities and policy makers to enhance and intensify greening projects across urban


Climate Change Impacts Ecosystem Benefits of Green
Increased run-off and flooding due to Reduce and run-off through retarding,
extreme precipitation events or rising storage and infiltration. Examples include
sea levels swales and tree canopy.
Local and global temperature increase Reducing surface and air local temperatures
by shading and evapotranspiration.
Anthropogenic emissions Improve air quality by reducing particles in
the air and act as CO2 sink thus mitigating
climate change and reducing local urban
heat island
Rising sea level leading to flooding, Coastal/ river, natural and engineered
erosion, and inundation. systems allow the absorption of any direct
impact and protection to dwelling areas.
Table 2.4: Complementarity of GI benefits and adaptation needs

2.5 Urban Form

The literature from climate change planning, land-use and urban planning suggest

two ways to mitigate climate change within urban regions. First, through denser and more

compact urban form and development (Lerch, 2007); and second, changing land uses

towards uses that ameliorate local and regional temperatures, such open spaces with

pervious surfaces (Stone, 2009). For this study, urban form is considered as a variable

effecting the distribution of open space and thus will be included and controlled for

through the selection process of the case studies.

Changing land-use and cover types aims to abate local and regional urban climate.

This is achieved by advocating planning and design that increases the quantity and

quality of vegetated surfaces6 (Gurran and Hamin, 2008; Gill et al., 2007; Gober et al.,

6Vegetal surfaces (green infrastructure) are both a mitigation and adaptation measure,
therefore a multi-functional and multi scalar system.

2010). The approach protects pockets of urban ecosystems and aims to promote vegetated

surfaces in creative ways within existing urban residential and commercial parcels,

infrastructural residual spaces, and tree canopy within transportation corridors. Vegetated

surfaces provide the potential to regain some of the lost predevelopment land cover to

mitigate and adapt to local climate changes (Stone, 2009). McPherson et al. (2008) show

that local climates maybe ameliorated by increasing tree canopy cover. In their One

Million Trees Assessment Study of Los Angeles, they have identified and quantified

storm water runoff reduction, energy-use reduction, atmospheric carbon dioxide

reduction, and air quality improvement as direct benefits of urban tree cover. Therefore,

by promoting land use and cover changes at multiple scales, GI may be identified as a

land-use measure that primarily addresses adaptation and secondarily, mitigation.

To reduce GHG emissions, denser and more compact development may potentially

conserve energy use and reduce miles travelled (Ewing et al., 2008). Alternative public

commuter services and a strategic mix of uses may be needed to change people’s

preferences to drive less and use public transport (Lerch, 2007; Wheeler, 2009).

Therefore, the literature is advocating the use of denser and more compact development.

Compact development may also reduce energy consumption generated by

buildings and structures (Lerch, 2007). Multi-storey buildings and buildings that share

walls use less energy for heating and cooling, thus producing less emission and energy

waste (Lewis, 2006; Wilby, 2007). Compact and denser development may provide better

mitigation results and coincides with Smart Growth and Sustainable urban planning.

When considering adaptation (especially for flooding and temperature reduction), the

compact form is not an evident typology useful for adpatation.

The current discussion on the suitability of compact and dense urban form comes

from the literature on sustainable urban planning (Berke, 2007; Wheeler, 2008). Jabreen

(2006) suggests that nontraditional development, compact city, urban containment, and

eco-city are urban forms that contribute to sustainability. He finds that compact city ranks

highest when compared to the other forms based on density, diversity, mixed land use,

compactness, sustainable transportation, solar design, and ecological design. While

Jabreen (2008) focuses on the built form itself, Berke (2007) surveys historical green

planning urban forms at the regional scale. He identifies centrist, poly-centrist, and de-

centrist models and compares them against five dimensions of green communities:

human health, natural systems, spiritual renewal, livability, and fair share. He finds that

the historical poly-centrist vision holds traction in contemporary planning thought. While

these two examples show that compact city form, at the urban or regional scale, maybe

the most suitable model for sustainable urban planning, they also suggest a conundrum of

space and density (Hamin and Gurran, 2008), when considered in conjunction with green


Neuman (2005) refutes the argument of compact form based on evidence from the

literature. While he does not deny the benefits of compact and dense urban forms, and

rather than limiting the discussion on form, he argues that the process of living is more

indicative of the state of sustainability of urban areas than their form. He identifies five

intellectual traditions from which sustainability stems: capacity, fitness, resilience,

diversity, and balance. He offers four common points: health, contextually, relationships,

and systems thinking. What Neuman (2005) and others (e.g Forman, 2008) suggest are

salient characteristics that would identify a certain urban form as sustainable or not.

Similarly, Alberti (1999) identifies centralization, density, grain, and connectivity as

spatial parameters of urban regions. The author assesses these urban patterns against

environmental performance such as sources, sinks, support systems, and human well-


Within the context of the discussion of suitable urban form for climate change

planning, Hamin and Gurran (2008) offer an alternative urban form based on potential

performance. While the performance has not been empirically proven, they suggest that

“[T]the likely best urban form … must bring green space within settlements focused

along green transportation routes and flood plains (ribbons and corridors) rather than

large expanses (Hamin & Gurran 2008, p.242)”. This urban form may offer a possible

spatial response to climate change adaptation and mitigation.

2.6 Green Infrastructure, Space and Adaptation

The discussion on different urban forms and their suitability for climate change

adaptation may be summarized as a problem of space. For green infrastructure to be

effective as an adaptation measure, surface land area and/or surface built areas (engineered

green infrastructure) should be allocated. This is not readily available in urban contexts

specially when land value is high and competition for real estate is continuously on the


Different urban forms provide varying possibilities to increase and expand green

infrastructure surfaces. Brabec and Lewis (2002), identify four urban regional forms that

provide an example for this discussion. They base their discussion on previous literature

(Lynch, 1954; Bacon, 1976) that resonate with more current research on the

environmental impact of different urban regional forms (Berke, 2008; Forman, 2008;

Jabreen, 2008; Wheeler, 2009). The nuclear form, such as Calgary in Canada (Figure 2.2,

bottom right) is characterized with a dense built center and a distinct definition with the

surrounding land, be it agriculture or suburbs. Washington DC (Figure 2.2, bottom left)

provides a clear example of a green city where pockets of densely built areas surround a

larger nucleus connected by transportation and communication corridors with dispersed

land in between. Clear definitions between built and un-built remain clear. A sprawled city

such as Chicago (Figure 2.2, top left) extends over land in a homogeneous manner with

patches of built and un-built areas somewhat equally distributed across the landscape. The

stellar city as in Buenos Aires (Figure 2.2, top right) extends along transportation

corridors with pockets of un-built areas in between.

When considering green infrastructure for adaptation, the primary premise is to

maximize the protection and expansion of existing and potential green infrastructure

spaces. The four urban types provide a glimpse of the varying possibilities for green

infrastructure policies across urban regions. For example, the focus within a nucleated

urban form may be on green roofs and street trees and small scale best management

practices (in addition to existing parks and open space) that do not require extensive space

because it is simply not available. On the other hand, a sprawled city may provide a larger

array of green infrastructure policy possibilities (withstanding the demonstrated impacts of

sprawl). Policies may vary from privately owned residential parcels, similar to the BOF to

increasing patches of urban forest, protection of river actuaries and transformation utility

lines. Tis demonstrates that re-equipping existing cities with green infrastructure measures

for adaptation will vary across urban regions and very much dependent on the availability

of space in the form of land or built surfaces.

Figure 2.2: Four
F types off regional urbban form: CChicago, spraawl/constellaation city (toop,
leeft); Buenos Aires, Stellaar/Linear (to
op, right); W
Washington DDC, Green Ciity (bottom, left);
annd Calgary, Nucleus (bo ottom, right).. (Urban remoote Sensing:
n_rs/ )




3.1 Introduction

Adapting cities to climate change is a pressing issue. However, creating a

feasible adaptation planning process is difficult given the uncertainties inherent in the

physical manifestations of climate change, as well as the modeling uncertainty in the

timing and magnitude of the change. The result is that it is easier for policymakers to

ignore climate change in their policymaking than risk being wrong, creating a significant

barrier to the implementation of climate adaptive actions (Dessai and Hulme 2007; Carter

2011). While reducing the underlying uncertainty will only occur through improvements

to climate science and modeling, reducing the impact of uncertainty can occur through

improved policy and planning processes. While significant research attention has been

paid to using scenario planning and vulnerability assessments to improve policy and

reduce uncertainty, the implementation stage of adaptation planning also provides

opportunities to reduce the impact of uncertainty. For planning purposes, what matters is

the pace of change over the planning period, rather than some eventual end-point. But

the pace of local experience of climate change is difficult to project. As a result,

municipal planning requires a highly flexible process that is designed to build

incrementally towards transformational policies, if conditions prove necessary.

In this paper we synthesize existing research and emerging practice to

conceptualize the ‘windows of opportunity’ planning model, bringing together adaptation

tipping points, incremental-to-transformational change, indicators, and phasing, focusing

on how to phase in the implementation of adaptation over time to allow flexible

responses to the pace of climate change and the effectiveness of interventions already

undertaken, in a way that engages both scientific and local knowledge. We use case

studies of two cities that are already approaching adaptation planning in this way to

explore implementation of the model.

Overall this approach has several advantages. Perhaps most important, planned

phasing matches investment to the stage of climate change that the community is

experiencing. At the same time, it allows for incremental actions to build toward

transformative change, while still benefiting from the advantages of a comprehensive

process. This adaptive approach allows for testing of the efficacy of adaptive responses

already undertaken. In-situ monitoring of early and no-regrets policies will help

determine how effective they have been in reducing locally-experienced impacts of

climate change, and thus inform what more needs to be done. Challenges remain—large

infrastructural investments or abrupt climate changes may require large, one-time

responses. But for the more gradual impacts of climate change, such as increased

excessive heat days, more erratic and larger storm events, and extended drought and

desertification, the model may be very helpful in providing a road map to move forward

with adaptation regardless of uncertain conditions.

3.2 Climate Uncertainty and Urban Planning Policy

The level of climate change that is already underway is startling (Kintisch 2009;

Rahmstorf et al. 2007), and fairly consistently ‘ahead of schedule’ (McKibben 2008). In

terms of mitigation, the hard fact is that global greenhouse emissions, far from declining,

are still increasing. In 2010, the annual rate of emissions growth was 2.35%, higher than

any of the previous five years (NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory 2011).

Emission levels are generally following the ‘high emissions scenario’ projected as a

worst case by the IPCC in 2007 (European Environment Agency 2011), and there is no

apparent movement towards global governance systems that would lead to significant

reductions (Stafford Smith et al. 2011). Recent findings that incorporate the growth of

emissions since 2007 suggest that the globe is currently headed toward 4°C (7.2 °F) of

global average climate change, even if emissions reductions begin soon, and impacts will

be worse in northern regions (Joshi et al. 2011).

3.2.1 Climate Change Timing Uncertainty

Research suggests that among the range of barriers to implementing adaptation

policy, uncertainty over the level of change is a key reason for difficulties in getting

policymakers to take action on climate change (Bedsworth and Hanak 2010; Moser and

Ekstrom 2010). From a policy perspective, climate uncertainty can be characterized as a

function of magnitude, direction, and timing of change (Joshi et al. 2011). But given an

average 20-year urban planning horizon, the pace and timing of change may be an even

larger issue than where global climate eventually lands (Figure 3.1). As Figure

3.1demonstrates, a thirty-year plan (which is, admittedly, longer than most current policy

horizons) could use a 1.2°, a 2.2°, or a 4.0° projection depending on the choice of global

or regional forecast, and the longer the time horizon, the greater the uncertainty. And

these are not worst-case projections--none assume any ‘abrupt’ climate shifts (Alley et al.


Figure 3.1: Timing of regional and global climate change impacts under high-emissions
The plots show smoothed and simplified approximations of the projections in three
reports. The IPCC line is for A1FI scenario, which provides a best estimate of 4°C
temperature change at 2090-2099 relative to 1980-1999 (IPCC 2007, p. 45). Betts,
Collins et al. (Betts et al. 2011) use the IPCC A1FI scenario to estimate that a 4°C change
by 2060-2070 is within the IPCC’s ‘likely’ range. In contrast, at the regional level for the
Boston area, Frumhoff et al. (Frumhoff et al. 2007; Frumhoff et al. 2008) suggest that a
4°C change could be quite imminent.

3.2.2 Climate Variability and Climate Change

Within the one to two decade time-frame that most plans work, the locally-

experienced impacts of climate change are likely to be relatively small compared to the

impacts of natural climate variability (IPCC 2012). Particularly at the local level it may

be easier for communities to unite in addressing existing climate variability than in

addressing a threat such as climate change that is less directly experienced, and more

politically charged. As a result, simultaneously addressing current climate variability and

climate change may in many cases be a more policy-beneficial approach than focusing on

one or the other. In view of this, we sought to identify an approach that did not explicitly

require the separation of natural and anthropogenic-caused climate problems, and instead

focused on identifying a pathway that could assist communities in overcoming planning

barriers while still allowing for short and long term climate-change informed planning.

3.2.3 Uncertainty in Impacts at the Urban Micro-Climate Scale

At the urban level, the impact of climate events can be magnified (or reduced) by

the form and/or design of on-going urbanization processes (Hardoy and Pandiella 2009;

Schipper and Burton 2009; IPCC 2012), which create micro-climates that influence

human climate-experience and ecological functions. One key variable is the amount of

impervious surface. Higher imperviousness tends to lead to more flooding, more intense

urban heat island effects, and increased desertification (Arnold and Gibbons 1996;

Brabec 2009; Rosenberg et al. 2010; Stedinger and Griffis 2011). These affect an

environmental cycle that results in higher levels of particulates in the air; increased levels

of pollutants, particularly ozone; decreases in floral and faunal diversity and numbers;

and increasing destabilization of soils and floodplain systems (Stone, 2012). These in

turn result in a higher incidence of human health problems (Few 2007; Shea et al. 2008),

property damage and loss, and ecological degradation and species extinction (Nitschke

and Innes 2008). The poor tend to be disproportionately effected by these changes as

economic forces push them into areas that are highly impervious and flood prone with

high heat indexes and unstable soils (United Nations Human Settlements Programme

(UN-Habitat) 2011).

Thus, if cities are built without attention to the climate impacts of development

and the poor continue to be pushed into high risk areas, vulnerability to climate

variability increases regardless of climate change, and is magnified with it (United

Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) 2011). A city designed with

adequate green infrastructure to reduce urban heat island effects, with on-site stormwater

management accompanied by effective watershed management systems, and with

climate-adapted buildings built on stable soils, is better positioned to manage climate

variability. These types of policies, which provide sustainable environmental and social

benefits, are widely held to be the place to start for reasons both obvious and subtle. The

obvious benefit is that they create better places to live without even having to argue the

climate question (Heltberg, Siegel, and Jorgensen 2009). The less obvious reason is that

their micro-climate impacts may slow the need to undertake expensive larger-scale

interventions (Stone 2012). Conceptually, good design can mean that a global climate

temperature increase of 2°C may be locally experienced as the equivalent of 1°C, for


3.2.4 The Challenge of Uncertainty to Municipal Planning

Taken together, these factors make clear that uncertainty in the timing and local

impacts of climate change are a real and significant challenge to the municipal climate

adaptation process. The most common municipal and research response is to focus on

climate scenarios, often using two – a high and low change – assuming a relatively

straight line pace of change toward the projected degree (e.g., 2°C or 4°C) at the end of

the planning window. This is clearly better than assuming climate stability, but does not

fundamentally address the problem of timing, and the implications above, that climate

change seems to be consistently ahead of schedule.

3.3 Municipa
al Adaptatio
on Planning
g Processes

Cities across the globe

g are add
dressing thesse issues thrrough preparration of clim

daptation plaans, as well as through ‘mainstreamiing’ of policcy wherein cclimate


prrojections in
nfluence infrrastructure caalculations aand the like ddirectly, withhout any speecific

plan in place. Underlying

g the various approaches cities are taaking are cerrtain theoretiical

m for ho
ow planning should be done.
d The cuurrent best-ppractices appproach to

daptation plaanning follow
ws closely from
fr traditionnal comprehhensive plannning, but adds

m focus on
n risk assesssment, as sho
own in Figurre 3.2 below

Figure 3.2: Th
he Adaptatio
on Planning process as rrecommendeed by the U.S S. National
R Couuncil.
N the iteraative processs steps (lightt grey arrowss) and focus on co-beneffits in step 44.
A and redrawn fromm the US Naational Reseearch Counciil, (2010).

To appropriately phase
p adaptaation policie s in ways thhat address cuurrent climaate

variability as well as on-g

going climatte change reqquires impleementation pprocesses thaat

brring together the advantaages of thesee three plannning approacches: the bigg-picture view
w of

trraditional comprehensivee planning, the

t specific ggoals and poolicy steps of

ncrementalissm, and the continual
c tessting and utillity of adaptiive managem
ment. One

atttempt to ressolve these conflicts

c and
d achieve thee best of eachh is seen in tthe recent

uidance from
m the State of
o Californiaa to its cities and towns oon adaptationn, as shown in

Figure 3.3 below.

Figure 3.3: Local

L adaptaation plannin
ng process addvised in thee State of C
A Pllanning Guidde (Californ
nia Emergenccy Managem ment Agencyy (Cal EMA)) and
C Naatural Resourrces Agency y 2012, p. 244).
T focus in ouro researchh is particularrly on Stagee 9 (dark orannge color) annd the
mplementation of the iterative loop, but with impplications too Stages 6 – 8 (light orannge).
T steps shaaded in grey are part of thhe local vulnnerability assessment (grrey color)
Redrawn and d adapted byy authors. Original
O was adapted from m Boswell et al, (2012).

The process of plaanning, even

n with the unncertainty off climate chaange, is fairlyy

w understo
ood because these modells follow clo sely from thhe highly-devveloped pracctices

of comprehen ng. But in a typical stabble climate, th

nsive plannin the monitorinng and phasiing is

not essential as
a in a climaate-variable environment
e t. As a resullt, our modeel particularlyy

ddresses thiss post-plan, implementat
i tion phase, w
where there iis significannt opportunityy to

mprove practices.

3.3.1 Maladaptation in the Planning Process

Along with more opportunity for public engagement, one of the advantages of a

comprehensive process is that it allows for testing for maladaptation – defined by Barnett

and O’Neill (2010, p. 211) as “action taken ostensibly to avoid or reduce vulnerability to

climate change that impacts adversely on, or increases the vulnerability of other systems,

sectors or social groups.” They identify five distinct types of maladaptation: actions that

“increase emissions of greenhouse gases, disproportionately burden the most vulnerable,

have high opportunity costs, reduce incentives to adapt, and set paths that limit the

choices available to future generations.”

The first type of maladaptation listed above, where adaptive actions actually

increase the use of fossil fuels, is a particular issue in developed countries and needs to be

carefully managed (Howard 2009). A common example is residential air conditioning – it

reduces the individual health impacts of heat waves, but at a long-term and shared cost of

higher emissions. A particular challenge in phasing adaptation is the last issue in this set:

remedies appropriate to 2°C degrees may interfere with 4°C degree adaptations—for

example, investing in sea walls to address sea level rise appropriate to a 2°C global

temperature rise may make it more difficult to persuade homeowners of the need for

planned retreat of their built structures on the lot or indeed off the coast altogether as

change moves toward the sea level rise associated with a 4°C rise in temperature. In all

of these cases, a comprehensive, thoughtful approach will assist in avoiding

maladaptation, but the time and resources necessary to create a plan mean that it will

likely be rarely updated. This is a particular problem for climate change and its


3.3.2 Mainstreaming and Incremental Change

Mainstreaming, which tends to focus on incremental change, proposes that small

steps be taken toward very specific policy goals, with little effort toward a fully

comprehensive approach (Lindblom 1959). Adaptive management builds on

incrementalism by focusing on the need for consistent testing, monitoring, and revision of

policy as new information becomes available (Jacobson et al. 2009; Nelson, Adger, and

Brown 2007).

While perhaps more discussed than actually practiced, resilience theory

demonstrates that rather than the unexpected, change is to be anticipated and tends to

occur when thresholds are passed. As a result, planning needs to prepare social and

ecological systems so that when stresses occur, systems can reorganize in a beneficial

way to achieve a new and desirable system state (Folke 2006; Walker and Salt 2006).

This focus on small steps and the underlying processes brings significant advantages to

the planning process, but may come at the cost of long-term vision and policy coherence.

3.4 Windows of Opportunity Model

The model (we propose is presented and its elements are discussed in the sections

below (Figure 3.4).

Figure 3.4: Windows
W of Opportunity
O Climate Addaptation Moodel is basedd on phasing of
policy to match new cond ditions.
A critical path h is determinned by the co ommunity (bblack dottedd line) wheree ATPs are
dentified along this path.. The ATPs trigger
t moviing from onee phase of poolicies to thee
otther, from no o-regrets to transformatiional policiees. Windowss of opportunnity for plannning
att the initial stage
s and priior to phase transitions
t aallows for plaan revisions based on
feeedback loop ps where mo onitoring is carried
c out w
within short pperiods of tim
me set by thhe
coommunity. The T model ap pplication reesults in antiicipating inccremental additions to poolicy
alllowing matcching of inteerventions to o experienceed (or anticippated) climatte conditionss.

monly, comp
prehensive pllans are deepply tied to tiime, with speecific roll-ouut

dates for actio

ons. In a lin
near, predictaable process this makes pperfect sensee. Under cliimate

hange’s cond
ch ditions of tim
ming uncertaainty as desccribed abovee, it is much less effectivve.

B of th
his, a revised
d planning ap
pproach willl focus on testing the acttual environm

nd matching
g that to inveestments, rath
her than plannning roll-ouut of policy based on speecific

years into thee future. To achieve thiss, plans shouuld identify inncremental ppolicies thatt can

oll-out as needed, and th
hat may cumu
ulatively creeate a transfoormed state ((Pittock, Jonnes,

nd Mitchell 2001; Wilso
on 2009). Fo
ollowing Parkk et al. (20122), transform
mation is deffined

as policies “that fundamentally (but not necessarily irreversibly) results in change in the

biophysical, social, or economic components of a system from one form, function or

location (state) to another” while incremental actions seek to maintain the essence and

integrity of an incumbent system (Park et al. 2012, , p. 119) (O’Brien 2012). In seeking

to appropriately phase adaptation policies in ways that address current climate variability

as well as on-going climate change, our model proposes a process that brings together the

advantages of these three planning approaches: the big-picture view of traditional

comprehensive planning, the specific goals and policy steps of incrementalism, and the

continual testing and utility of adaptive management.

3.4.1 Phasing Policies

The initial steps the community is likely to take are the no-regrets policies that

many authorities have identified as the appropriate place to start. The IPCC defines these

as “policies that would generate net social and/or economic benefits irrespective of

whether or not anthropogenic climate change occurs” (Glossary E-O 2007; see also

Callaway and Hellmuth 2007; Heltberg et al., 2009; Lempert and Collins 2007). One of

the key benefits to no-regrets policies in urban environments is that they may, as noted

above, reduce or delay the need to move to the next phase of the plan, with more

intensive response. At some point, however, movement to a more intense policy phase is

likely to be needed. In our model and increasingly in other studies, phasing is based on

thresholds (Walker and Salt 2006), or what (Kwadijk et al. 2010) call Adaptation Tipping

Points (ATPs) -- moments in time where the magnitude of climate change is such that the

current management strategies are no longer meeting local objectives, and new strategies

need to be put into place. ATPs are recognized through the use of indicators, defined as

statistical evaluative rubrics that reflect the status of a more complex system (Kates,

Travis, and Wilbanks 2012), or at the local level as proxies for the status of the system.

3.4.2 ATPs and Types of Indicators

The ATPs are representations of local conditions and values and climate as

experienced through the lens of local human-ecological systems interactions. As a result,

determination of what will constitute an ATP needs to engage a participatory, bottom-up

perspective as well as utilizing existing sets of expert-derived indicators, and include

natural and social/experiential indicators. Because of the difficulty of separating climate

‘noise’ from ‘signal’, scalar considerations (local versus regional), and the complex

politics of decision making, using a suite of indicators in concert with local values will be

more effective than any attempt to identify one threshold measure that indicates the need

to move to the next phase. The indicators may be categorized into three types: climate

related, social, and local urban environmental indicators. A portfolio of indicators can

include those that are scientifically robust, and those that are more locally meaningful

even if less scientifically robust (Boulanger 2008; Feiden and Hamin 2011).

Officially approved national/supra-national level climate-related indicators are beginning

to be easily available. In the U.S., for example, NOAA has developed Global Climate

Change Indicators7 while the U.S. Global Change Research Program prepares a national

climate assessment and is developing a rigorous set of indicators including societal data.8

The Annual Greenhouse Gas Index prepared by NOAA provides a simple number of

cumulative global emissions (US EPA 2010). Europe has developed indicators for


widespread use, especially the 2008 indicators report for climate impacts (European

Environment Agency, World Health Organization, and JRC European Commission

2008), the 2012 environmental indicators report for greenhouse emissions and

environmental conditions (European Environment Agency 2012), and the on-going data

sets available on the EEA website. Data for developing countries is available through the

World Bank Climate Change Knowledge Portal,9 although with less detail than the US or

European initiatives.

Global level indicators, however, cannot take account of the local effects of

micro-climate, the positive outcomes of policy already implemented, or the changes in

context that occur outside the plan, such as new up-shore developments. As a result,

locally derived and relevant indicators are an important part of the process. Local

indicators provide the opportunity to engage community members, perhaps the climate

planning steering committee or other local board, as well as local staff in both defining

what is meaningful in the particular context of that plan, and in regularly measuring and

reviewing outcomes. While the more scientific indicators provide validity, locally

meaningful indicators assist in developing community support for and understanding of

the need for the policy change (Gasteyer and Flora 2000), and respond to the IPCC’s

2012 call for more direct inclusion of local knowledge in planning. Examples of local

environmental indicators might include five-year moving averages of the number of

extreme heat days in the region; number of bank-full and/or flood stage days; the increase

in level of mean high tide; levels of base flow in area rivers as an indicator of drought;

miles of beach impacted by storms; the number of individuals hospitalized for heat stress

For Brazil, for instance, see

or asthma; or similar indicators. The number of times a sea wall is overtopped per year,

for instance, may be a locally-meaningful indicator that encourages action—but for that

to happen, the record of occurrences must be made and annually reviewed. By focusing

on local impacts (e.g. heat waves experienced) rather than only the causes (globally

higher GHG) these kind of indicators help to overcome the uncertainty of microclimate

effects, timing, and unanticipated conditions.

A key role of these indicators is to create prior agreement, or at least the

opportunity for regular discussion, on what would constitute an ATP for the local

community. Local values will determine whether they can tolerate three days when roads

are flooded per year? Five? One event per year with more than 10 residents hospitalized

due to heat stroke? These are not likely to be easy decisions, and require the community

to engage very directly with deciding on acceptable levels of loss and risk management.

This also allows better integration of local knowledge systems into formal institutions.

3.4.3 Example: London and the Thames Barrier

London’s plan for the Thames barrier provides a recent example of combining

phasing, indicators and ATPs. By maintaining a 1000-year flood standard, using the dual

indicators of freeboard and storm surge, and incorporating various levels of projected sea

level rise, the city of London identified the tipping points for increasing the height of the

Thames Barrier (see Figure 3.5). While this is an analogous application of the theoretical

basis of our model, the model goes beyond this application to include multiple adaptation

strategies, and includes value-based as well as quantitative measures.

Figure 3.5: An
A example of o phased eng gineering addaptation forr the Thamess Barrier,
reesponding to
o potential cllimate chang
ge trigger pooints (Reederr et al. 2009,, 62)

3.5 Applicatiion in Case Study Com


The ap
pplication off the proposeed model is illustrated an
and groundedd through tw

caase study ex
xamples. Thee examples were
w selectedd from a largger pool of cclimate

daptation plaans listed in available daatabases.10 C

ad Comprehensiive adaptatioon plans werre

seelected that explicitly

e reccognized thee uncertaintyy of magnituude and timinng of climatee

hange impaccts and wentt beyond asseessment to im
mplementatiion, regardleess of geograaphic

orr scalar conssiderations. We

W then cho
ose case studdies that incluuded as manny componennts of

Georgetown n Climate Cen nter clearing house
(h ptation/clearinnghouse); ICL
LEI adaptatioon
reesources(http::// Adaptation_Guuidance/free-
cllimate-adaptaation-resourcees?searchtermm=climate+addaptation+planns); NOAA aadaptation andd
acction plans daata base
pxx); and the Un nited Nationss Environmennt Programmee(UNEP), clim mate change aadaptation
reesources sectiion
n/workstreamss/nairobi_worrk_programm me/items/65477.php)

the implementation model as possible including a form of phasing or gradual

implementation of adaptation policies and measures; triggering conditions or threshold

indicators; monitoring periods; and the provision of time periods and transitions for plan

update based on hard evidence that we term ‘windows of opportunity’ for planning

implementation. In both case studies, analysis was carried out to extract the components

based on the criteria set forth in Table 3.1.

Components Component Details

Gradient of policy Adaptation measures included in plans are assessed and
measures organized into a continuum of policies, from “no-regrets’ to
(phasing) transformational.
Windows of Initial period or period between phases allocated for extensive
opportunity and revisions and update of implementation based on the shorter
transition periods periods of monitoring feedback loops. Actions to be conducted
by the planning team are identified and included.
Triggering Are derived from the critical community paths and are threshold
conditions indicators of impacts specific to the plan context. These triggers
along with cost-benefit analysis instigate the move from one
phase of policies to the other.
Monitoring Time allocated to monitor implementation measures, monitor
feedback loops triggering conditions, and incorporate technological advances and
review of or parts of the plans. Monitoring periods are indicated
in plans and accordingly included in the model application.
Risk assessment: While not included in the model application diagrams, cost-
Cost Benefit benefit analysis is discussed in each case to show the primary
analysis focus of the magnitude of risk as well as an indicator (with
triggering conditions) to move through policy phasing.
Table 3.1: Components of the implementation model used to assess case study examples.
Component details indicate the analysis conducted by the authors to identify and make
explicit these components.

Two approaches were used to define the model components. A descriptive

approach was utilized when the details existed in the plan allowing minimal processing of

information. A prescriptive approach was used when details were lacking and required

additional processing and analysis. In each case study relevant components were

identified, simplified and then mapped against the community critical path. Adaptation

measures were reorganized to fit the continuum of measures with specific attention given

to ensure that later measures were built onto previous ones and supported future

conditions, while maintaining the objectives of the plan. Where measures were missing,

the authors propose complimentary measures (indicated accordingly).

The selected plans are unusual and particularly useful when presented according to the

implementation model, because they specifically focus on implementation of adaptation

by considering triggers for movement to the next stage of their adaptation plan. Thus

they provide examples of policy phasing that may reduce (while not necessarily

eliminating) the extent of uncertainty in the decision making process.

3.5.1 Managing Rising Sea Level Impacts: The City of Clarence, Tasmania,

The Clarence City adaptation plan for coastal areas (Clarence City Council 2009)

provides a road map for adaptation for risk prone areas within the city boundaries. The

plan develops solutions that support the continued use of coastal areas while recognizing

the need for long term protection, accommodation and retreat as sea levels rise (SLR).

“While use may be practical and desirable for many years, there will come a trigger when

a response will be required to manage increasing risk (Clarence City Council 2009, iv)”.

In Clarence’s case, the triggering event, or ATP in our terminology, is specific levels of

locally-experienced sea level rise. The planning is based on a community accepted

worst-case scenario (critical path) of future conditions, but emphasizes “encouraging

performance based responses that maintain acceptable levels of risk (Clarence City

Council 2009, v)”. The plan demonstrates that managing risk today through adaptation

m can
n reduce impacts from seea level rise ““from a factor of 10 up tto a factor off

100, and econ

nomic costs of adaptation
n would be m
minor comppared to the ddamage avoiided

Clarence Citty Council 20

(C 009, iii).” Co
ommunity pparticipation and ratificattion is signifficant

n the decision making prrocess in spitte of the chaallenges this poses to deccision makerrs.

nteractive strrategies that are participatory and coombine bottoom-up and toop-down

pproaches en
nhance a “co
ommunity’s ability to coope and maxiimize comm
munity suppoort

or policy meeasures, espeecially in thee case of drasstic measurees (Clarence City Counciil

2009, v).” Th
he combination of these principles
p reender the adaaptation plann flexible and

pen for imprrovement an
nd revisions as
a the effectiiveness of innterventions becomes cleear

nd impacts of
o climate ch
hange increaase.

Figure 3.6: Ph hasing Modeel for Lauderrdale Area, C City of Clareence, Austraalia.
T plan detaails include several
s comp ponents of thhe Windowss of Opportunnity model. For
his article, we
w focus on one
o high risk k zone and appply the moddel (Figure 33.6)—
L an
nd Roche Beeach--out off the eighteenn identified rrisk zones. L
Lauderdale iss a
4,300m long low-lying saandy isthmuss with duness and housinng developmeent. The plann
dentifies threee major hazzards for thiss area: storm
m surge and eerosion, inunndation, and
riising water tables leadingg to failing septic
s tanks. Complicatinng the situattion is currennt

coastal beach movement processes (not related to climate change), 11 which will occur at
a faster pace under a changing climate condition.

The plan uses six primary and thirteen secondary variables to identify the extent

of exposure resulting in a risk priority ranking: areas currently at risk (next 25 years),

areas at medium risk (25-75 years), and areas with longer term risk (beyond 75 years).

Sea level rise (SLR)12 scenarios are developed for the whole city based on IPCC (2007,

17) emission projections with mid and high values for three milestone years: present

(zero SLR), 2050 (mid at 0.2m and high at 0.3m SLR), and 2100 (mid at 0.5m and 0.9m

SLR). Triggering conditions or ATPs are estimated for each zone based on the indicators

of the current 100 year Average Return Interval (100yr ARI) for erosion/recession of the

coastline, wave run-up, and inundation. ATPs will be triggered when the 100 yr ARI

would likely lead to significant damage to property or where more extreme events would

make emergency responses difficult. Identifying when an ATP is likely to occur or is

reached is dependent on continuous monitoring of selected indicators, climate science

developments, advancements of technology and community perception of risk. The

critical path and ATPs were deemed realistic and probable by experts working on the

plan and ratified by the community.

The first window of opportunity is used to refine the plan by conducting detailed

studies of all risk zones, secure immediate and long term funding, undertake cost-benefit

assessments of measures, and update climate information and indicators. Phases after

The plan identified any combination of the following coastal processes not related to climate
change: adjust to past sea level rise (post ice age) or recent sea level rise, long shore drift, storm
cut and rebuild, beach rotation, and changes in sea grass colonies that may trap or release sand (
Clarence city Council 2009, 52).
SLR based on Australian Height Datum (AHD) in Tasmania is based on mean sea level for
1972 at the tide gauges at Hobart and Burnie which was assigned the value of zero on the AHD.

implementation are the next windows of opportunity, in which the outcomes of policy

interventions on microclimates can be evaluated and the plan can be revised. Future plan

revisions depend on ongoing monitoring of the selected indicators, implemented

measures, lessons learned and evaluation of the ATPs. A five year period is suggested in

the plan as a review period or the monitoring feedback loop in the model. The plan

explicitly recognizes the need for evidence based monitoring by observation and ground

measurement to understand the actual path of the indicators in relation to a changing

climate. The provision of initial, transition, and monitoring time periods allow for the

continuous updating of adaptation measures to respond to actual changes.

The adaptation measures address protection of dwellings and infrastructure,

accommodate the changing coastline, and ultimately recommends retreat if ATPs indicate

the necessity. The full set of measures included in the plan is clear enough to be

reorganized into the continuum of measures in our model with no additional processing

required. These are included in the model application (Figure 4), providing a continuous

approach where implemented measures support future policies. An example for existing

properties protection is increasing the height and vegetation of existing sand dunes as no-

regrets measures that could transition into the construction of a sea wall, phased in based

on ATPs. At present, using the indicator of wave run-up, the current level for a 100yrARI

is 2.8m and dune average height (where present) is 3.5m. Minor sand nourishment to fill

gaps and vegetation for stabilization will provide immediate protection. When the ATP

for wave run-up of between 2.8m to 3.2m is reached, additional height will be added

(approximately 1-2m) to ensure protection. When the ATP of 3.7m is reached, topping

existing dune height, then additional height of another one to two meters may be

required. If monitoring of the indicator shows that the future trajectory seems to be

exceeding set thresholds, then an ATP has been reached, and transitioning to sea walls is


The plan provides a cost metric that is also used as an ATP, based on the cost of

adaptation measures per protected dwelling. As long as the cost of measure per dwelling

remains lower than the value of the property, the next phase of adaptation is deemed

feasible. While the plan explicitly states this principle and there is no provision of an

average property value to assess and include in the model diagram. The following

example may demonstrate the utility of the cost metric. The cost of sand nourishment at

present conditions for a 100yrARI is $136,000 per property for nineteen protected

properties. With an SLR of 0.3 and protecting 108 properties with sand nourishment, the

cost is $71,000 per property; for a 0.9 SLR and 195 protected properties, the cost

increases to $119,000 per property. When compared to the cost of a sea wall for the same

number of protected dwellings, at present SLR 100year ARI, the cost per dwelling is

$974,000 and for an SLR of 0.9 (worst case scenario) is $174,000.

This cost metric is also used to reduce the extent of exposure to risk. Prior to the

25 year cut-off period, it is assumed that owners have located within these this risk area

prone without knowledge of the associated future risks. After 25 years, and with

awareness and communication campaigns set by the plan, residents will be assumed to

have made a conscious choice to locate in a risk-prone area. At that time more costs will

be allocated to individual properties. This should reduce the number of structures

exposure to risk and thus future public costs for adaptation.

Using the proposed model, we organize the gradient of responses identified for

Lauderdale along no-regrets to transformative measure gradient in Figure 4. The no-

regrets responses are critical for implementation as soon as possible, and as the plan notes

will provide protection and maintain the coastline as an amenity. As monitoring of the

indicators demonstrates changes in conditions, more intense, transformational measures

such as sea walls and planned retreat kick in, assuring adequate responses. Mapping out

the likely policies and the conditions indicating their need means that maladaptation is

less likely, and costs can be better managed over time.

3.5.2 Managing flood impacts from Extreme Precipitation Events: The City of
Copenhagen, Denmark

The Copenhagen Adaptation Plan is a state-of-the art document, developed in

2011 to address an array of climate change impacts with a particular focus on extreme

precipitation events and rising sea level. Such extreme conditions are already occurring in

Copenhagen. The cloudburst event of July 2011 poured down 150mm of rain within two

hours, a city record since measurements began in the mid-1800s. The result was an

estimated insurance damage of 650-700 million Euros ($US 820-880 million) (EEA

2012). This focusing event helped the City of Copenhagen to expedite research and

development of the comprehensive adaptation plan in a way that allows gradual and

flexible adaptation over time (City of Copenhagen 2011).

The plan presents many exemplary practices, but for our purposes its main

interest is its principle that adaptation should be flexible and staged. The plan is

developed for incremental implementation with continuous monitoring and updating to

include advancements in climate science, scenario projection methodologies, and

climatically responsive planning. The prioritization, implementation and extent of

effectiveness of adaptation measures are categorized based on three levels of intensity

(Table 3.0.2): level 1, to reduce the likelihood of occurrence of an extreme event; level 2,

to reduce the scale of impact; and level 3, to reduce the extent of vulnerability. The

choice of the appropriate level is based on the feasibility of implementation within a

specific zone of Copenhagen. For example, if the reduction of likelihood of an event

(level 1) is not feasible within a zone, then reducing the scale of impact (level 2) to

manage damage is prioritized. If that is not deemed feasible, then reduction of

vulnerability (level 3) becomes the dominant action. In addition to the intensity of

measures, the choice of action will also depend on the geographic scale where the action

is being implemented. Table 1 shows the relationship of the three levels of measures and

the five geographic scales of planning relevant to Copenhagen: the region, the

municipality, the district, the street, and the building. This approach ensures coordination

and integration across planning scales and measure intensities, thereby better avoiding

maladaptation and unnecessary investments.

Level1: Level 2: Level 3:
Reduce Likelihood Reduce Scale Reduce Vulnerability
 Delay quantities of rain in  Emergency preparedness  Protection of vulnerable
catchment: Establishment of and infrastructure protection infrastructure Metro, S-
detention basins within  Protection of vulnerable trains, tunnels, cultural
catchment areas. infrastructure Metro, S- assets.
 Pumping excess run-off to trains, tunnels, cultural
sea assets.

 Establish warning system

for high waters
 Disconnection of stormwater  Disconnection of stormwater  Planning****
using SUDS* using SUDS  Emergency Preparedness
 Increased sewer capacity:  Planning****
New dimensional design  Warning Systems
based on future new

 Pumping of excess run-off to

 Establishment of local dikes
 Raise building elevations
 Establishment of dikes  Decoupling of rainwater  Moving of vulnerable
 Decoupling of rainwater using SUDS. functions and installations
using SUDS  Emergency Management: Moving of vulnerable
 “Plan B”** sandbags etc. functions to safe places
 Establishment of dikes

 Raised building
 Local management of storm  Control of stormwater  Moving vulnerable
water: Plan B solutions, runoff: disconnection of functions and installations
separation of stormwater stormwater using SUDS. to safe places: moving
from sewer Preparedness: sandbags etc., electrical cabinets for light
 Raised building raised building regulation, pumping

elevation/threshold elevation/threshold, sand stations etc. from low-lying

bags points
 Disconnection of stormwater  Backwater valves, sealed  Move vulnerable functions
from sewer basements, preparedness, away from basement level

 Backwater valve sandbags etc. (service rooms, electrical

 raised building panels etc.)
Table 3.0.2: Example of integrating adaptation measures across geographic scales and
reduction of risk for flooding from extreme rain events and rising sea level (Adapted
from City of Copenhagen 2011, 27 and 35).
*SUDS: Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. “SUDS consist of a number of different elements,
all of which serve the purpose of managing stormwater locally. These may be elements that
delay/store the water, that treat the water either before discharge to bodies of surface water or
percolation of the stormwater. City of Copenhagen 2011, 26)”..** “Plan B” uses street surfaces as
conveyance routes for excessive run-off.*** Raised threshold: Raising egress edges to prevent
surface run-off water from entering building.**** Planning measures include : 1) “New sewer
systems already have to be dimensionally designed today so that they cope with the projected
volumes of rain and consequently meet the service objective. The dimensional design base has to

bee incorporated into all releevant municip
pal plans. 2) S
Separation of common sew
wer in SUDS
olutions is to be promoted and implemeented (City off Copenhagenn 2011, 27)”.

To apply the Wind

dows of Opp
portunity moodel as show
wn in Figure 3.7, several

stteps were req

quired to pro
ocess the datta available iin the plan. T
The extensivve measures

hown in Tab
ble 1 were ree-categorized
d into three m
main headinggs with the ccorrespondinng

ontinuum off measures: 1)
1 reduction of quantitiess of flood w
water going innto the seweer

ystem (disco
onnection off storm waterr from combbined sewer ssystem, deteention/retentiion

basins, roofs of buildingss for water co

ollection, SU
UDS, etc.); cconveyance oof flood watter

(rredesign sew
wer system, pumping
p watter to sea, ettc.); protectioon of infrasttructure and

asssets (raising
g levels, mov
ving sensitiv
ve facilities, building dikkes; and general emergenncy

prreparedness such as sand

d bags, “Plan
n B”, backw
water valves, etc.). The seet of measurres

un in parallel to ensure adequate
a clim
mate proofinng of Copenhhagen.

Figure 3.7: Ph
hasing Modeel applied to
o the Copenhhagen Climatte Adaptatioon Plan (2011)

Monitoring is planned for four-year periods. In addition to plan updates,

technological advancements in climate science, and monitoring of indicators and their

ATPs, these windows of opportunity provide the chance to address context specific

considerations related to Copenhagen. For example, the urban watershed that

Copenhagen rests within is under several administrative jurisdictions. Therefore,

appropriate coordination and collaboration among these administrative entities is

necessary to reduce the likelihood of extensive run-off from extreme climate events

originating in these regional jurisdictions.

The plan’s ATPs are based on indicators of total flooded area (from extreme

precipitation and wave surge) and sea wave surge. Similar to the Clarence case study, a

financial metric is used to evaluate every step of the adaptation implementation. The risk

index is included in the model as an additional criterion to move up the ladder of

adaptation measures. The risk index is calculated as the difference of the public cost of

adaptation measures and the cost of potential risks based on a specific ATP condition.

3.5.3 Case Study Discussion

The application of the model to these two exemplary cases demonstrates that

planning for the implementation of adaptation measures is possible regardless of the

uncertainty involved. While the plans vary in the areas addressed, context, and

methodology, both plans recognize the need to move ahead with adaptation because the

costs of ignorance are too high. In the context of uncertainty of information about the

future, flexibility in adjusting plans, measures and methodologies is core to climate

proofing communities. Organizing adaptation measures from no-regrets to

transformational measures carries wide benefits in the current window of opportunity,

and incrementally adds measures as needed using information, advance technology, and

monitoring of implemented projects to indicate when the next phase is required. To

address the barrier of the high cost of adaptation, both cities anticipate moving gradually

along a spectrum of integrated measures, allowing the opportunity to begin implementing

while monitoring the need for next measures. Focusing on conditions rather than time

frames reduces the barrier of uncertainty when it comes to adaptation policies.

3.6 Concluding Remarks

Urban areas need to build resilience to climate change and variability. Implicit in

the approach presented in this article is the subtle but radical suggestion that phasing of

policy be linked to locally experienced outcomes, rather than a strongly pre-defined plan

that rolls out over time. This allows a focus on the local experience of environmental

change and the outcomes of interventions put into place. Allowing this flexibility reduces

one barrier in policy implementation, as policymakers’ fear of acting too precipitously is

reduced. Action will only be taken when it is warranted – but plans are in place so that

necessary action can be rapidly implemented.

Having a long-run view of an implementation path allows testing for

maladaptation in proposed policies. And using a suite of indicators with pre-designated

tipping points (ATPs) allows for the explicit inclusion of local knowledge, and reduces

the need to differentiate between climate change and climate variability. Indicator sets

need to be developed collaboratively amongst governmental levels, and in some instances

be translated to common language such that communities can readily use them. National

or state level agencies may wish to develop suggestions for local indicators, to help jump-

start community considerations. While we have used an urban planning framework, the

basic approach of adaptive planning with pre-determined thresholds is also applicable to

natural resource areas and conservation lands.

This analysis supports the literature’s emerging consensus on the importance of

starting with no-regrets policies (Biesbroek et al. 2010; Juhola, Peltonen, and Niemi

2012), many of which are well-established best urban planning practices anyway. These

are the policies of sustainable social and environmental development, including strategies

for increasing green infrastructure in urban systems, increasing public and non-motorized

transportation, and protecting ecosystems. In a given urban micro-environment,

implementing these policies for cleaner, greener, healthier cities can slow the need for

more radical transformations by directly addressing some of the impacts of climate


There is a great deal that is not addressed here. Perhaps the most pressing item is

the difficulty of large dollar and long-time-frame investments, those that do not yield to

gradual implementation. Permitting major water or shoreline interventions can take

many years, and storm water piping lasts decades; for these major, long-term

investments, future-climate-adapted policy based upon realistic climate change

projections is needed now. Other challenges come from the need to balance scientific

rigor and local meaningfulness in monitoring and choices of indicators; identifying

appropriate portfolios is essential. Significant issues revolve around communicating

with the stakeholders and elected officials, accustoming them to working around

uncertainty and time concepts suggested by this approach to the planning process.

Continuing research on these issues is necessary.

Given the long time horizons of urban land use and infrastructure, it is essential

that local officials begin including climate adaptation in their planning, but given the

uncertainties inherent in climate projections, it is difficult for them to move forward. The

strength of the approach presented in this paper is the ability to make incremental

decisions about investments in climate change adaptations, but with a comprehensive

view that minimizes maladaptation. And at this point in time, the imperative is to

proceed, flexibly but thoughtfully.




4.1 Introduction

When considering the range of spatial planning actions that cities can take to

adapt to climate change, many of them fall under the conceptual umbrella of green

infrastructure (GI). GI has been defined as the spatial planning of landscape systems at

multiple scales and within varying contexts to provide open space, safeguard natural

systems, protect agricultural lands, and ensure ecological integrity for cultural, social, and

ecosystem benefits (Benedict and McMahon, 2002, 2006; Ahern, 2008). While the

traditional definition of GI refers to areas of land that are least intervened by human

action, in this expanded definition, we are deliberately including areas that are engineered

to mimic natural processes and which provide cost-effective ecosystem services.

Although climate adaptation is a fairly new policy goal for GI (Gill et al., 2007;

CCAP, 2011), three key characteristics qualify GI as a suitable tool for adaptation

planning including multi-functionality (to match ecosystem benefits with adaptation

needs), multi-scalar nature of the spatial elements, and a ‘no-regrets approach’. However,

GI needs to be matched to the character of the urban environment and coordinated across

jurisdictions and planning scales to become an effective adaptation policy. In this chapter,

we present a policy framework, the green infrastructure transect, that can help planners

and policymakers identify appropriate GI policies for different urban environments and

describe how these policies can create a regional adaptation planning framework.

One of the primary principles of green infrastructure (GI) planning is to reconnect

communities in urban regions to natural environments (Lewis 1964; McHarg 1969; Noss

and Harris 1986; Benedict and McMahon 2002, 2006; Jongman 1995; Jongman et al.

2004; Fabos 2004). This is achieved through practices within and around cities that

identify, protect, and create spatial elements that provide ecosystem services that

communities depend on (Benedict and McMahon 2006; Forman 2008). Development of

community parks and recreation trails, greenways, ecological networks, restored streams,

natural reserves, gardens, engineered natural systems, green roofs and facades, and

conserved agricultural land are all within the scope of GI. Furthermore, the same spatial

areas also provide urban cooling, storm water management, flood water storage, flora and

fauna habitat, and biking and walking routes. All of these urban functions must be

increased to build resilience to climate change. By connecting ecosystem benefits to

community well-being (Nassauer 2006) and adaptation needs, GI planning may be

mainstreamed to become an integral part of adaptation planning policies.

A key advantage of the GI approach to adaptation is that it is already becoming an

accepted practice (Benedict and McMahon 2002; Ahern 2008). GI has become part of

current sustainable planning and design practices in many cities (EPA 2011; Newman

and Jennings 2008; Farr 2008). These initiatives function at multiple scales to improve

urban living conditions. These may include retention ponds and swales (at the parcel

scale), green streets and parks (at the neighborhood scale), increased tree canopies (at the

urban scale), and greenways (at the regional scale). As an accepted practice, GI is also a

‘no-regrets approach’ (Bedsworth and Hanak 2010) when considered as an adaptation

measure. As we move into the future, investment in GI policies will prove to be

beneficial regardless of whether climate change scenarios materialize. For example, urban

greening results in cleaner air and cooler temperatures that would address current

problems (pollution and urban island heat effect) as well as ameliorate future increasing

temperatures. As a result, fairly minor changes to the technical specifications for GI

could, quite effectively, bring adaptation into mainstream practice. As GI is implemented

to accommodate increased flooding, ameliorate rising temperatures, or address the rise in

sea levels, communities can take advantage of the cultural, social, and health benefits of

cleaner and greener environments, regardless of the future magnitude of climate change


Furthermore, the same characteristics that qualify GI as a spatial adaptation tool

within urban regions (notably GI’s multifunctional and multi-scalar properties) make it

difficult to mainstream GI into adaptation planning. These characteristics create problems

in organizing intervention areas, jurisdictional coordination and implementation, and

trade-offs in economic benefits and urban quality.

4.2 The Green Infrastructure Transect

To address these problems, we propose the green infrastructure transect (GI

transect) as a framework to utilize GI as an adaptation policy and to mainstream

adaptation into current planning practices. The GI transect is a conceptual tool that

integrates GI measures across varying urban contexts and across planning scales. It builds

on transect concepts from ecology, landscape planning, and urban planning13. We

In the early twentieth century, the natural transect became one of the foundational tools
of ecological research. The evidence that certain flora and fauna flourished symbiotically
together within specific mineral and climactic environments became the ethical basis for
the protection of species. Patrick Geddes (1854–1932) adopted the ecological transect as

specifically use the urban transect as a stepping stone to develop this framework.

The urban transect (Duany and Talen 2002) was devised as an urban planning tool

to plan and design physical environments according to peoples’ preferences of where to

live and work. The urban transect identifies six zones (urban core, urban center, general

urban, suburban, rural, and natural) with distinct physical boundaries as units of study.

These zones form a planning model applicable within many urban contexts. The zones

provide the basis for a neighborhood structure based on walkable streets, mix of uses,

transportation options, and traditional architectural styles and housing diversity. The

strength of the urban transect is in describing the appropriate built forms and identifying

interventions within each urban zone in a simple and comprehensible manner. The

concept falls short of specifying the respective open spaces and natural functions that

respond to the specific urban contexts and needs within each transect zone.

In contrast, the natural transect used by ecologists and biologists is a scientific

method of assessment of habitat. It is based on the fundamental principles of relationships

and interdependencies between eco-zones and used to assess the physical, biological, and

natural processes within and across eco-zones. Contrary to the urban transect, it does not

specify distinct spatial zones. Rather, the characteristics of different local ecosystems

define different habitat zones and the relationship between them. This same principle is

later adopted within landscape and regional planning to assess and understand

a model to devise the ‘valley section’ (Geddes 1915). Taken from ridgeline to shoreline,
the ‘valley section’ shows natural conditions with their associated human presence and
occupation to show a gradation of human preference for location and work. Based on
Geddes, Lewis Mumford’s (1895–1990) concept of human ecology was used to develop
a decentralized regional vision of metropolitan areas (Mumford 1937). Ian McHarg
(1920–2001) applied the natural transect for land conservation in landscape planning
showing transitions and relationships within and across natural eco-zones (McHarg

relationships between land, and natural and human systems in order to plan and manage

natural resources within urban regions (McHarg 1969; Picket 2004;Berger 2006).

Overall, the GI transect combines the general principles of urban and natural

transects into a single assessment model. The primary characteristics are three: first, the

simultaneous consideration of human and natural systems as a mutual cause-and-effect

relationship effecting the functional capability of GI (pervious and impervious surfaces as

indicators); second, the designation of urban zones as unique spatial contexts that may

impact the adaptive capacity of communities within; and third, the explicit consideration

that GI is an interconnected system that transcends administrative and political


This interconnectedness of GI serves as an impetus and analogy to integrate adap-

tation policies across the GI zones increasing the local capacity for adaption. We qualify

this level of policy integration as ‘horizontal integration’. The term is meant to generate

targeted GI recommendations specific to each GI zone and coordinate them across

boundaries14 (within scales). This is achieved by mapping and assessing each GI zone

against a set of criteria to be able to recommend targeted GI measures. Six GI zones are

identified and are intended to represent an alternative model (to the urban transect) of

contemporary urban regions. These include coastal (if present), urban core, urban,

transition (the middle ground), suburban, and peri-urban zones. In addition, we use the

following criteria to assess each GI zone: vulnerability assessment using spatial data

Cross-jurisdictional coordination was identified as a primary concern when assessing
the 4,000 GI networks across the conterminous USA for their ecological connectivity
where 10% of the hubs and links cross administrative and political boundaries. When
down-scaling the same observation to regional and local scales, forest stands, water
bodies, and wetlands are not restricted to regional, city, town, or property boundaries.

physical and
d social), iden
ntifying the primary clim
mate change impact baseed on spatiall

n and charactter, identifyin
ng the spatiaal character of each GI zzone,

determining the
t spatial co
onfiguration of pervious and imperviious surfaces (existing aand

potential GI),, determining gy relevant tto each zone, and recomm

g GI typolog mending

ppropriate GI
G measures within each GI zone (Figgure 4.1). T
The sequential process off

asssessment beegins with vulnerability assessment and concluddes with recoommendationns

prroviding a sp
pecific policcy focus to lo
ocal communnities for adaaptation andd the possiblee

reesponses thro
ough GI.

Figure 4.1: The

T Green In
nfrastructure Transect: C
Concept and Organizationn

Furtheermore, seveeral existing GI recommendations reelevant to addaptation policies

caall for the prrotection of forest

f standss and wetlannds or increassing tree cannopy or

ngineering swales
s and raain garden sy
ystems. The se GI spatiall elements arre not restriccted

o regional, ciity, town, orr property bo
oundaries as they are subbject to condditions (i.e.

opography, geology,
g and
d hydrology)) beyond the control of ggoverning boodies. Thereffore,

nalysis and assessment
a should
s consiider recomm
mendations w
within each zzone and the

utward exten
nsions of GII. By mappin
ng adjacent sspatial configgurations, hoorizontal

ntegration is attained. Th
his enhances the adaptatiion capacity of local com

hrough coord
dination of policies.
p Yet, it does not account for coordinationn across

urisdictional boundaries and plannin
ng scales neccessary for reegional resiliiency.

Developing a network of GI increases the resiliency of a region. It provides

alternative evacuation routes, species migration routes, CO2 sinks, flood water storage,

buffer zones against rising sea water and reduction in regional temperatures. To achieve a

coordinated regional network requires the integration of planning scales (neighborhood,

urban, regional) into a single regional planning framework providing a platform for

communication and coordination across jurisdictions. We term this integration across

scales as ‘vertical integration’.

Vertical integration provides the mean to respond to the multi-scalar and

hierarchal nature of GI by considering current planning processes. GI networks are

hierarchal especially when planned within urban contexts. When considering GI for

storm water management, connectivity of GI elements should be considered across the

hierarchy of urban planning scales (street or parcel neighborhood, city, and urban region)

(Kato 2010). For example, several streets with bio-swales and retention ponds in

residential yards at the neighborhood scale can constitute a green corridor at the city scale

which, in turn, with city parks can be part of a regional park system (Jim and Chen 2003;

Girling and Kellett 2005). But each individual GI element (parcel to regional scales) is

planned and implemented differently, depending on the context, size, and planning

process. Vertical integration provides a way to unify these processes under a hierarchal

single framework that leads to a regional vision.

Integration across scales is necessary to increase the adaptive capacity at both the

regional and local levels. The adaptive planning meta-model developed by Kato (2010),

for a planning framework to manage GI, is an example of such a process. It is an iterative

process designed for the US context. Similar to the GI hierarchy, neighborhood plans that

arre participato
ory in naturee form the baasis of an urrban plan. Thhe sum of thhe several urbban

plans could define

d a visio
on for a regio
on. In the US
S context, a bbottom-up aapproach

(p y) could lead
d to a regionaal vision. Thhe reverse (toop-down plaanning) may also

her planning and adminisstrative contexts. Regarddless

hold true wheen considered within oth

of whether th
he vision (top
p-down) or local planninng (bottom-uup) comes firrst, the intenntion

here is to adv
vocate for a two-way
t and
d iterative appproach that includes botth and proviides

he flexibility
y and adaptab
bility to resp
pond as circuumstances arrise and channge.

Figure 4.2: Multi-tiered

G adaptatio on planning fframework: horizontal aand vertical
T underlyin ng concepts behind the GI G transect ppoint to the sspatial, conteextual, and
dministrative interdepen
ad ndencies gov verning mainnstreaming aadaptation pllanning. Verrtical
nd horizontaal integrationn are the primmary elemennts of the GII transect thaat integrate loocal
nd regional plans
p into a single and flexible
fl adapttation planniing framewoork. To makee
hese ideas co
oncrete, we apply
a the thrree-step apprroach of vulnnerability asssessment,
haracterizatiion of existin
ng GI, and GI
G policies reecommendattions to the B Boston
m region.

4.3 Boston Metropolitan Region

The metropolitan region of Boston occupies the eastern shoreline of the state of
Massachusetts in the USA. It covers a land area of approximately 12,000 km , housing

4.5 million people with an average density of 366 persons per square kilometer (Census

Bureau 2010). The metropolitan region incorporates 120 towns and 8 regional

jurisdictions within its boundary (Census Bureau 2010). It is characterized by an urban

core (Boston) as the center of governance, business, and transportation. From the urban

core to the periphery, residential sprawl of varying densities along transportation

corridors and around commercial centers is interspersed by forest, wetlands, river basins,

and, to lesser extent, agricultural land (Figure 4.3 and Figure 4.4). At the planning level,

the state of Massachusetts (MA) has adopted and is implementing smart growth

principles to control development and preserve natural and cultural assets.15 Part of the

smart growth initiative is the Climate Action Plan (CAP 2007, 2010). The plan is focused

on mitigation measures to reduce emissions from buildings, transportation, waste

management, and land use. In the 2010 update of the plan, recommendations for

adaptation were included as part of addressing causes and effects of climate change.

The NECIA (2007) report on climate change impacts within the New England

region shows that Massachusetts climate will resemble the southern states of the Eastern

Coast of the USA.16 Taking the year 2000 as the baseline, the report demonstrates that the

Since planning is locally based and participatory, the state of Massachusetts may only
advance these planning principles through financial incentive means. Towns and cities
may develop their comprehensive zoning, recreation and open space, and economic
development plans based on smart growth principles in return for financial incentives.
Under the high emissions scenario, the Massachusetts climate will likely resemble that
of the current Florida climate and under a lower emissions scenario will resemble the
current weather of Northern Carolina.


m region of Bo
oston will ex
xperience inccrease in tem
mperatures bby 4–7 C in tthe

w and 3–
–8 C in the su
ummer, risin
ng sea level of 25–60 cm
m, and increaased precipittation

y 20–30%. To
T address th
hese impactss, the City off Boston ideentified guideelines for

daptation plaanning (CAP
P 2010) that include, in aaddition to eeconomic annd social

m spaatial measurees that focuss on GI.

Figure 4.3: Metropolitan

M n region of Boston:
B spatiaal distributioon of perviouus and
mpervious su

Figure 4.4: Metropolitan
M n region of Boston:
B greenn infrastructuure across toown boundarries

The ad
daptation reccommendatiions for Bostton (CAP 20010) set prioorities and deefine

he required information
i and
a planning
g priorities aand approachhes. Out of tthe thirteen

reecommendattions, many focus on GI principles ssuch as greenning the cityy, green roofs

ustainable water
w manageement, and protection
p annd increase oof large tractts of vegetateed

urfaces. In addition, plan
nning cross-jjurisdictionss and scales iis identified as a priorityy to

ncrease the adaptive
a capaacity of the urban
u regionn.

In the process of transforming

t g these adapttation recom
mmendationss into actionss, we

pply the GI transect
t to assess
a the app
plicability off the multi-ttiered organiizational

frramework to
o Boston. In the assessmeent stage, wee map vulneerability, clim
mate change

mpacts, and the physicall environmen
nt across thee GI zones (F
Figure 4.5). V
Vulnerabilityy is

m g the followiing spatial data layers froom Mass GIIS17: topograaphy, open space,

Mass GIS is
i a spatial data
d portal managed
m by thhe state of M
Massachusettts that providdes a

oads, locatio
on within thee watershed, and socio-ecconomic datta for each loocation. Clim

mpact is map
pped accordiing to the NE
ECIA (20077) report show
wing the maagnitude andd

ocus within each
e zone. Aerial
A imagees are used too map the urrban characteer identifyinng the

hysical environment of work
w and ho

Figure 4.5: Green

G infrastrructure transsect applicatiion to Bostoon region, steep one:
ulnerability assessment

ound that thee coastal zon

We fo ne is predomiinantly impaacted by risinng sea level,, the

urrban to transsition zones are affected by a high m

magnitude off increased teemperatures and

flooding, and the peripherral zones aree impacted, aat a lower m

magnitude, byy temperaturre

riise and flood

ding. The exp
posure to ph
hysical risks is further exxasperated byy the effect oof

he urban heaat island effect (UHI) and
d the gradatiion of imperrvious and peervious surfaaces

accross the GI transect. Th

he compound
ded impacts of climate cchange and thhe physical

frree download
d service of available daata layers acrross the statee. See
htttp://www.m gis/.

haracteristics of the urbaan region of Boston are ggrounds to cconsider diffferent adaptaation

planning focu
uses for com
mmunities acrross the GI ttransect. To bbe able to deevise and

reecommend GI
G policies within
w existin
ng pervious ssurfaces, whhich address the variationn of

ulnerability,, we map thee existing disstribution off GI across thhe zones.

G across thee zones, we also use Maass GIS data. We

To map thee spatial disttribution of GI

verlay the fo
ollowing lay
yers: imperviious surfacess, digital terrrain, open sppace layers

public domain), waterwaays, forests, roads, and aadministrativve boundariees.

Figure 4.6: Green

G infrastrructure transsect applicatiion to Bostoon region, steep two: existting
grreen infrastrructure patterrns

We fin
nd that open
n space and un-built
u lannd increases in area as w
we move tow

he periphery (Figure 4.6)). What sign
nificantly inccreases, and nnot usually iincluded in tthe

nventory of GI,
G are un-bu
uilt spaces within
w the pri
rivate domainn (yards, garrdens, and scchool

grrounds). Sin
nce ecosystem
m benefits arre not boundded by adminnistrative lim
mits (Fabos,

Un-built land is considered as
a potential to increase greenn infrastructuree area within ann urban region

2004) and increase proportionally with GI area,19 it is critical to ensure that GI policies

simultaneously address land within the private and public domains.

The final step is to identify and recommend appropriate GI policies across the GI

transect zones. We distinguish clear complementarities between GI benefits, community

needs, and vulnerability requirements (Figure 4.7). We list the typologies of GI elements

that already exist within each zone or those that could potentially be introduced or

enhanced. Ecosystem benefits that are complementary to community needs and climate

impacts are also listed in accordance with the spatial typology. By overlaying information

from steps one and two, we begin to identify the potential GI policies. For example, the

coastal areas will benefit from planned retreat where vulnerable built areas across the

coast may gradually be transformed into landscapes for recreation. The resulting coastal

landscapes become non-structural20 defenses incorporated as recreational and ecological

landscape features. Therefore, the policy here would focus on preserving and intensifying

all existing GI elements and to define a long-term plan to allow time for legal procedures

and financial compensation to take place for the coastal zone transformation. Within the

urban zone of the GI transect, policies should address increased temperatures

(compounded by UHI) and retention of water run-off. Existing parks and open space,

green roofs, green facades, and street planting are spatial elements that should be

increased through revisions to building regulations, open space plans, and environmental

Ecosystem benefits are directly proportional to the amount of land available for GI: the
more forested land, the more the potential for temperature control, and the more the golf
courses and open land, the more water storage may be achieved.
Non-structural defenses are based on naturally occurring or engineered defenses such
as wetlands, marshes, sand coasts, and eastern dams.

policies. Thro otope Area faactor21, the ccity of Berlinn is an exam
ough the Bio mple where

oning and fin
nancial incen
ntives resultt in an increaase in tree caanopy and ‘aat the sourcee’

w manageement. Towaards the periphery, policcies that enhaance connectivity and

prreserve, con
nserve, and in
ncrease foressts, large parrks, natural rreserves, andd biospheress are

ntegral for ru
un-off storag
ge, species migration,
m tem
mperature coontrol, and w
water infiltraation

o ensure ecosystem serviices at the reegional scalee.

Figure 4.7: Green

G infrastrructure transsect applicatiion to Bostoon region, steep three:
dentification of GI policiies

See the Citty of Berlin, Senate Depaartment for U
Urban Devellopment:
umwelt/landscchaftsplanungg/bff/index enn.shtml.

To ensure consistency across local GI policies with the Boston region, vertical

and horizontal integration of policies is utilized to coordinate and implement planning

projects across town jurisdictions. Planning in Massachusetts is predominantly

participatory and happens at the local (town) scale. This means that parcel and

neighborhood scale plans should build up to form an overall town plan that explicitly

considers GI measures for adaptation. The open space plans that are mandatory to US

towns could be extended beyond recreation to incorporate ecological and adaptation

plans. Town plans then need to build the overall regional vision. This may be achieved by

expanding the mandate of regional planning bodies beyond transportation and economic

development towards a more active role to coordinate and integrate local plans. Even

more, regional bodies should be responsible to monitor and develop regional climate

projections that help in providing the vision for regional and local adaptation plans. A

hierarchal organizational structure that works in both directions (from local to regional or

from regional to local) ensures that all constituents and measures serve an intended local

role within a larger regional approach. The proposed structure that we have presented

may be a first step in integrating local adaptation planning across scales and jurisdictions

using current and accepted knowledge.

4.4 Conclusion

Adaptation policies run the risk of a piecemeal, systematized approach. It is easy to

prescribe a green roof here and a rain garden there and hope that they will add up to a

proper systematic approach. However, the challenges of adaptation are too significant for

this to be effective. Framing GI planning through the transect approach provides a way to

conceptualize a whole system of GI spatial elements, identify coming climate challenges,

and plan to integrate local policies at site scale with adaptation needs at the

neighborhood, city, and regional scales. In this chapter, we briefly used Boston as a case

study to demonstrate how the GI transect may be applied and how it can assist in

interpreting and framing overall GI for adaptation. We conclude that GI will be an

effective adaptation policy when it is matched to the physical character of urban

environments (urban, suburban, and rural) and the needs of communities they are

intended to serve. This approach is a first step in mainstreaming adaptation planning

using current GI practices.




5.1 Introduction

When planning to retrofit cities with measures that address impacts of local and

global climate change, green infrastructure is included in adaptation plans as an effective

strategy to reduce impacts of climate change. It is the complementarity between climate

impacts (increasing temperature, flooding due to extreme precipitation events, and rising

sea level) and ecosystem services that render green infrastructure as a no-regrets climate

measures. As an ecosystem based approach to climate proofing, green infrastructure

depends on biological and ecological processes between soil, water, vegetation, and

climate to deliver ecosystem services. Green infrastructure is especially effective for

temperature amelioration in urban climates (REF). Green infrastructure measures that

reduce air and surface temperatures are highly dependent on the extent of coverage of

vegetative surfaces be it ground cover, shrubs or tree canopy. Assuming that all

biological components of an ecosystem are functioning well, the primary variable in the

calculation of ecosystem services is the amount of area that vegetative cover occupies

(Figure 5.1). This means that more vegetated surfaces will result in more ecosystem

services. But within urban contexts, high land values and competition for real estate

render urban land a highly contested commodity. Dedicating maximum possible area for

green infrastructure to effectively ameliorate the urban climate is not readily available,

but should be planned and pursued. As a direct result of this competition, different land

use classes impact the availability of possible current and future vegetative surfaces in

hree ways: determine
d thee morpholog
gy of the surffaces that pootentially couuld be vegettated

ue to foot prrint size and outdoor usees; define typpe of vegetattion suitablee for that landd

use; and deterrmine the fu

uture perman
nency of dediicated surfacces for vegettation, especcially

w accountting for morre drastic clim
mate changee impacts andd further urbbanization. T

prroblem of su
ufficient spacce within urb
ban contextss is more acuute when connsidering thee

pplication off green infraastructure to reduce the im
mpacts of thhe urban heaat island.

Figure 5.1: Prrimary variaable for the provision

p of ecosystem sservices is thhe area of
ydrologicallly active surffaces (Stone, 2012) or veegetated surrfaces.

The urban
n heat island onsidered as the earliest ddocumentedd form of hum
d (UHI) is co man

nduced locall climate chaange (Oke, 1976). The U
UHI is a phennomenon speecific to urbaan

arreas and is defined

d as thee measure off excess heaating expresssed in terms of the horizoontal

teemperature difference
d beetween the city and its suurrounding ccontext (Okee, 1979; Kutttler,

2008; EPA, 2008).

2 The UHI
U is a direcct result of thhe urbanizattion process.. Urbanizatioon

caauses surface change fro

om its origin
nal landscapee form (preddominantly vvegetated) to hard

nd reflectivee surfaces thaat absorb en
nergy and em
mit heat to the surroundinng air, increaasing

urface and air temperatu
ures. Within land use bassed measuress, green infraastructure

m thatt are based on
o vegetated surfaces aree eligible to m
mitigate the UHI and addapt

o its impacts because theey specificallly reverse thhis trend in laand cover chhange. For thhat to

be effective there should be a substantial increase in hydrologically active surfaces

(Stone, 2012) that absorb the heat and reduce the air temperature. The biological

processes in vegetation qualify them as naturally occurring solution to the heat problem.

For vegetated surfaces to become operational as a planning tool they need to be

envisioned as a green infrastructure network across the whole urban area or region

(Rosenzeig et al., 2006). Such an ecological network may include urban forests, green

roofs, and transformed impervious surfaces to accommodate vegetation. In other words it

is a network that maximizes the allocation of land and built surfaces that are explicitly

accounted as an infrastructure that provides heat reduction services.

To achieve these two planning objectives, land and built surfaces surfaces provide

varying opportunities for the development of a green infrastructure network that is

effective in reducing temperatures. Patches of forested or dense tree areas less than three

(Bowler et al, 2010) or four hectares (Rosenzweig et al., 2006) may not be effective in

extending the benefits of heat reduction beyond patch limits. Similarly, flat building roofs

less than 200 meters may also not contribute to the heat reduction measures. When

considering types and sizes of effective surfaces for UHI, impacts of urbanization in

general and the impact of land use types on the morphology of vegetated surfaces (Figure

5.2), the allocation of sufficient surface area for an effective green infrastructure network

within an urban region becomes a challenge for planners. The problem persists as to how

move forward with green infrastructure policy within the constraints of available space

within urban contexts.

Figure 5.2: Im
mpact of land
d use classess on space avvailability annd morpholoogy of pervioous

To addresss this conun

ndrum of avaailable surfacce area, this chapter devvelops an

asssessment method
m to esttimate potenttial space for green infraastructure veegetative surrfaces

accross land usse types. Thee Boston Meetropolitan A

Area is used as an appliccation case sttudy

nd urban heaat island as a treatment to
t limit the study and to identify speccific green

nfrastructuree measures su
uitable for th
he treatmentt. Pervious suurface is connsidered as

urrogate to existing
e and potential veg
getated surfa
faces. A perccent perviouss land metricc is

developed and used to asssess the exteent of availabble space acrross the urbaan-rural graddient

nd available pervious su
urfaces across different laand uses. Thhe objective is further

narrowed dow
wn to select suitable surfface areas thhat could be eeffective forr UHI reducttion.

B on the results, a gradient of greeen infrastruucture policiees is proposeed to assist in the

development of green inffrastructure policies

p centtered on the gradient of aavailable

faces. The focus is on asssessing oppoortunities of surface areaa (space) to

pervious surfa

ncrease tree canopy coveer and transfform imperviious surfaces to vegetateed surfaces. We

uttilize readily
y available sp
patial data from
fr Mass G
GIS (see footnnote 22). Thhis study

onsiders UH
HI as a surrog
gate to globaal climate chhange based on the fact tthat measurees

hat aim to reduce temperrature reducttion in urbann areas are syynergetic wiith adaptation

measures (Alcoforado at al., 2008). Impervious surface is considered as the direct result

of the different land use classes and is surrogate to the urbanization process.

The proposed method aims to answer the following research questions: 1) How does

pervious land surface vary across the metropolitan gradient? (2) How does pervious land

surface opportunity vary across land uses along the gradient? (3)When considering UHI,

what is the maximum opportunity of pervious surfaces for green infrastructure measures

across land-use categories? And (4) How does the percent pervious area metric inform

green infrastructure policy decisions when considering UHI treatment? This study

considers UHI as a surrogate to global climate change based on the fact that measures

that aim to reduce temperature reduction in urban areas are synergetic with adaptation

measures (Alcoforado at al., 2008). Impervious surface is considered as the direct result

of the urbanization process that limits availability of pervious surfaces. Land use classes

are surrogate to the urbanization process.

There are two objectives for the steps taken in the method: First, to answer the

research questions and second to conduct the analysis in a relatively expert-free approach

using readily available spatial data and basic geographic information systems (GIS)

skills. The first objective will be thoroughly discussed in the following sections. The

second objective proposes an easy to apply assessment and estimation method of

available space for green infrastructure addressed to planners in public and/or private

planning agencies. This is in contrast to more specialized and advanced techniques such

as remote sensing that are time consuming and costly. Mapping vegetative covers and

specifically tree canopy cover (TCC), requires specialized high resolution imagery with

expert knowledge of multiple techniques of classification, (Irani and Galvin, 2003; Goetz

et al., 2003; McPherson et al., 2011). When applying multiple reclassification tools in

conjunction with the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and

evapotranspiration mapping to large geographic areas, extracting this high resolution

information is taxing on time, equipment, and resources. While remote sensing is

becoming standard practice for scientists, specialized firms, and educational institutions,

it is still not standard practice for planning agencies. Such work is usually contracted to

third parties. On the other hand, basic GIS know-how has become standard skill for

planners to manage spatial data sets for states, towns and cities are common practice. The

basic data sets used in this study are readily available in many states, and specifically in

the North East of the US (Mass GIS, VCGI, NH GRANIT, MEGIS, and RIGIS 22), the

geographic context of this study. Therefore, a method for the use of planners that utilizes

readily available base data, knowledge and skills may be helpful in developing reliable,

fast, and inexpensive estimates of green infrastructure opportunities within urban regional


The remainder of this chapter introduces the relationship between urban heat and

urban form and extracts suitable green infrastructure measures for UHI. The method is

then discussed followed with a detailed account of the results. The significance of the

findings and caveats of this research are discussed in the concluding section.

Mass GIS is the Massachusetts portal for geographic information systems; VCGI is
Vermont Center of Geographic Information; NH GRANIT is the New
Hampshire statewide GIS data clearinghouse; MEGIS is Maine office of GIS; and RIGIS
is the Rohde Island Geographic Information System.

5.2 The Urban Heat Island and Urban Form

The urban heat island (UHI) is a phenomenon specific to urban areas. The UHI is

defined as the measure of excess heating expressed in terms of the horizontal air

temperature difference between the city and its surrounding context (Oke, 1979; Kuttler,

2008; EPA, 2008). Urban areas manifest hotter surface and air temperatures than their

surroundings due to the imbalance in the energy budget. The air or surface temperature

difference is a result of the modification of the pre-development landscape into surfaces

that are impermeable and prone to energy absorption during the day (long wave energy)

and heat release during the night (short wave energy) (Oke, 1971). The urban heat island

is identified by measuring surface or air temperatures. Surface temperatures have an

indirect but significant influence on air temperatures (EPA). For example, parks and

vegetated areas have cooler surface area and contribute to cooler air temperatures. Within

highly built areas, surface temperatures are much higher and contribute to hotter air

temperature. Because air mixes within the atmosphere the relationship between surface

and air temperatures is not constant (Figure 5.3).

Figure 5.3: Ty
ypical Surfaace and air teemperature ddifferences dduring the daay and at nigght
Source; EPA HI_profile-reev-
big.gif v/hiri/imagess/UHI_profiile-rev-big.giif )

The ch
haracter and
d intensity off UHI format
ation has beeen documented through tthe

fiield of urban
n climatology
y (Chandler,, 1962; Oke,, 1982; Tahaa, 1997). UH
HI is typicallyy

prresent day an ut tend to be strongest duuring the dayy when the suun is shiningg.
nd night, bu

O average, the
t differencce in daytimee surface tem
mperatures bbetween deveeloped and rrural

arreas is 10 to 15°C (18 to

o 27°F) and the
t differencce in nighttim
me surface teemperatures is

ypically smaaller, at 5 to 10°C
1 Oke, 2003). In
(9 to 18°F) (Roth eet al., 1989; Voogt and O

ddition to citty location (i.e.
( coastal or
o inland), toopography, aand wind dirrection, the

henomenon differs in magnitude
m and Oke, 1973) aand urban
d intensity bby city size (O

morphology (Kobayashi & Takamura, 1994; Nunez & Oke, 1977). Both characteristics

are a result of the urbanization process.

Urbanization has consequences on urban form that highly contributes to UHI

(Gartland, 2008;Kuttler, 2008; Alcoforado et al., 2008; Stone 2012a & b). Mills (2007)

distinguishes between two definitions of urbanization: the stock effect, which is created

by the physical presence of the city; and the flux effect, which is the outcome of activities

associated with cities, in other words, the urban system. Both effects have consequences

on the UHI.

The stock effect is the physical outcome of urbanization which is seen in the

impermeable land cover and closely spaced buildings. In many cities, the urban land

cover decreases from the center to the periphery with less defined edge boundaries due to

intertwining non-urban land cover (parks, forest, wetland, etc.). In its three dimensional

form, cities in the western hemisphere tend to have taller buildings in the urban center

with gradual decrease in height towards the periphery. While the concept of a dense and

concentrated city may reduce energy consumption and emissions (total miles travelled

and better insulation) (i.e. contributing less to air pollution), in return, a compact urban

form reduces total vegetated cover (i.e. reducing the evaporative cooling and shade

capacities).The combination of impervious surfaces and the three dimensional urban form

tend to exasperate hotter temperatures through four attributes of the city: reduction in

evaporative cooling, low surface reflectivity, re-absorption of reflected radiation by

vertical surfaces and the contribution of hot waste heat to air temperatures from

mechanical and electrical systems (Stone, 2012).

The flux effect or the urban system links the central employment built-up area

with its economic and population hinterland. This link is governed by networks of

transportation and communication connecting different settlements and facilitating flows

of resources, information and people. The physical manifestation of the urban system is

an urban form with settlements spread over large tracts of land connected by

infrastructural systems interspersed by non-built land covers. Tis definition corresponds

to an urban region (Lewis and Brabec, 2005; Forman, 2008) or a metropolitan area (US

Census, 2010). The impact of dispersed and distributed urban form results in increased

emissions, energy use and resource consumption that negatively contribute to the urban

climate through air pollution and particulates in the air. The combination of radiating heat

from impermeable surfaces and the contribution of noxious gases interact and result in a

feedback loop exasperating the UHI effect.

The feedback loop may be described as the continuous interaction between land

surface characteristics, urban activity and the sun’s energy (Figure 5.4). The stock effect

from urban and suburban areas within a metropolitan region increase impervious surfaces

and reduce vegetated surfaces by increasing number and spread of buildings, roads and

parking surfaces. This process reduces albedo 23 of the urban region and air temperatures

within street canyons increase. These land cover changes impact the urban climate by

decreasing evaporative cooling, transpiration as well as increasing heat absorption,

radiant heat and heat production (Oke, 1979, 1987; Gartland, 2008; Kuttler, 2004,2008).

As a result of the flux effect, the impact of air pollution and the resulting heavy air from

Albedo: When sunlight hits an opaque surface, some of the sunlight is reflected. This
fraction is called the albedo (a). The rest of incoming energy is absorbed and designated
as (1-a). Low-a surfaces become much hotter than high-a surfaces (Akbari, 2005).

n and energy
y use tend to confine hottter air closerr to the surfaace and withhin

he urban can
nopy increasiing the inten
nsity of the U
UHI across thhe whole reggion. This

negative feed
dback loop reesults in threee different ttypes of UHII: surface heeat island (SH

heat islands of
o the urban canopy
c layerr (HIUC), annd the urbann boundary laayer heat island

S is the heeating of urb
ban surfaces and the HIU
UC is the resuultant heatinng of

he air betweeen the groun
nd surface an
nd top of buiildings. In booth cases thee impact is loocal.

U is the fu
urther mixing of air beyo
ond the urbaan canopy wiith impacts iin the downw

direction beyo
ond the urbaan core (Kutlller, 2008). T
The differennt types becoome more

xtreme and acute
a depend
ding on the time
t of day, seasons, andd climate conditions (Fuurther

discussion on
n UHI types is provided in
i Appendixx A). The varriability andd different tyypes

of UHI occurrring at differrent times off the day rennder UHI a ddynamic pheenomenon.

Figure 5.4: Prrocess of UH

HI formation
n in relation tto urbanizattion process.

The UHI varies in intensity depending on regional climatic conditions and

contexts. Oke (1982) developed generalizations of the intensity of UHI that show the

dynamic and uncertain nature of the phenomenon. The UHI intensity decreases with

increasing wind speeds as these provide direct breeze to residents and shifts the urban

boundary layer and plume downstream. This releases entrapped heat and replaced with

cooler air resulting in reduced temperatures (Figuerola and Mazzeo, 1998; Magee et al.,

1999; Morris et al., 2001; Unger et al., 2001). Cloud cover tends to reduce the intensity of

UHI because cloud cover screens the incoming sun energy which is the primary source of

absorbed and released heat (Ackerman, 1985; Ripley et al., 1996; Morris and Simmonds,

2000). UHI intensity is best developed in the summer due to the higher intensity of the

sun and reduced amounts of rain (reducing hydrant cooling), at least in the northern

latitudes (Philandras et al., 1999; Morris et al., 2001). UHI intensity is greatest at night

due to the nature of the phenomenon where impervious material absorbs the sun energy

during the day, stores it and radiates it back in short waves during the night (Ripley et al.,

1996; Jauregui, 1997; Magee et al., 1999; Mont´avez et al., 2000; Tereshchenko and

Filonov, 2001; Kuttler, 2008). It follows that UHI may disappear by day or the city may

be cooler than the rural environs (Tapper, 1990; Steinecke, 1999). In conjunction with the

above, cities with a larger footprint amplify the intensity of UHI due to the larger surface

area of impervious surfaces that increase absorbed sun energy and released heat.

Increased population size also increases radiant heat through increased car use and energy

consumption (Park, 1986; Yamashita et al., 1986; Hogan and Ferrick,1998). Furthermore,

rates of heating and cooling are greater in the surrounding area than built-up area because

of the difference of surface characteristics between both contexts (Johnson, 1985).

UHI may be designated as an example of local climate change, as it is the best

documented instance of human induced climate modification (Oke, 1987; APA, 2007;

EPA, 2008; Stone, 2012). Climate change, broadly speaking, refers to any significant

change in measures lasting for an extended period resulting from natural processes or

anthropogenic reasons (EPA, 2008). Local climate changes resulting from the UHI

fundamentally differ from global climate changes in that their causes are different and

impacts are limited to the local scale and decrease with distance from their source. Global

climate changes, such as those caused by increases in the sun’s intensity or greenhouse

gas concentrations, are not locally or regionally confined. The impacts from urban heat

islands and global climate change are often similar. For example, some communities may

experience longer growing seasons due to either or both phenomena (Alcoforado and

Andrade, 2008). UHI and global climate change can both also increase energy demand,

particularly summertime air conditioning demand, and associated air pollution and

greenhouse gas emissions, depending on the electric system power fuel mix (EPA, 2008).

The influence of UHI on global warming is not the same as the converse.

Alcoforado and Andrade (2008) conducted a literature review to understand this

relationship. Their review indicates that the influence of the UHI on global warming is

minimal because urban areas cover less than one percent of the Earth’s land area (Oke

1997), and the amount of energy released by man is much less significant than the energy

received by the earth from the sun. But, cities are a very important source of

anthropogenic greenhouse gases (Crutzen 2004; Lamptey et al. 2005; Makar et al. 2006;

Kahn 2006) and thereby contribute indirectly to global warming (Crutzen 2004;

Sherwood 2002) by exerting a slight influence upon the computation of global warming,

especially in studies utilizing fine grained spatial data (Brázdil and Budíková, 1999;

Beranová and Huth, 2005; Quereda-Sala et al., 2000).

On the other hand, the impacts of global warming (including its impacts upon

human well-being and health, various ecosystems, and on levels of energy and water

consumption) may be exacerbated in metropolitan areas. Depending both on their latitude

and regional climate, global warming will either improve or worsen livability conditions

within metropolitan areas (Oke 1997; Stone 2005). From the point of view of the human

bio-climate, the high-latitude cities will probably improve, and low- and mid-latitude

cities, especially in the summer, will probably be worse. In general, global warming will

increase temperatures in metropolitan areas regardless of latitude or climatic context.

Therefore, warmer cities are likely to experience an increase in the levels of air pollution

and water consumption. From that point of view all cities will probably be in a worse

condition. Regarding energy consumption, colder climatic zones will have improved

conditions and, in the winter, those at intermediate latitudes. However, additional

climate-related problems may arise in high-latitude cities as a consequence of global

warming. The consequences of global warming will exhibit considerable regional

variability and will depend on the future frequencies of weather types. For example, an

increase in vertical instability (urban plume, explained in types of UHI in Appendix A)

associated with higher temperatures can partially offset urban warming (Alcoforado and

Andrade, 2008). While some cities may benefit from increased temperatures, the

overwhelming impacts are negative in nature. Fluctuations in intensity of the UHI on

daily or seasonal basis and coupled with extreme heat events with decreased moisture

content impact the well-being and health of communities.

Elevated temperatures, particularly during the summer, can affect a community’s

environment and quality of life. Increased summer time temperatures increase energy

demand for cooling adding pressure to the electricity grid during electricity peak demand

periods as well as increasing heat loss from the use of cooling equipment. This demand

increases 1.5 to 2 percent for every 0.6°C (1°F) increase in summertime temperature

(EPA,2008). The implication is disruption of people’s activities and waste of money for

maintenance of buildings and infrastructure (Gartland, 2008). In urban centers, five to ten

percent of electricity consumption is used to compensate for the UHI effect (Akbari,

2005). This increased demand of electricity causes higher levels of air pollution and

greenhouse gas emissions. Electricity generation in the United States is dependent on

fossil fuel combustion which is increased during peak demand periods emitting pollutants

such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. Furthermore, increased emissions and

higher temperatures tend to increase the level of ground level ozone formation (EPA,

2008; Stone 2008).

Increased daytime surface temperatures, reduced nighttime cooling, and higher air

pollution levels associated with urban heat islands can affect human health by

contributing to general discomfort, respiratory difficulties, heat cramps and exhaustion,

non-fatal heat strokes, and heat-related mortality (EPA, 2008; Stone 2012). UHI can also

exacerbate the impact of heat waves, which are periods of abnormally hot, and often

humid, weather. Sensitive populations, such as children, older adults, and those with

existing health conditions, are at particular risk from these events. For example, in 1995,

a mid-July heat wave in the Midwest caused more than 1,000 deaths (Taha et al, 2004).

More recently, the heat wave of 2003 in Europe reached unprecedented high values

unseen in almost 350 years of keeping climatic records (Stone, 2012). In the UK, the

registered nighttime air temperatures in London reached 6-9⁰C higher than those

recorded for rural locations south of London. This event claimed 600 more deaths than

usually accounted for during August (COL, 2006). On August 11, 2013 temperatures in

Switzerland reached an unimaginable 42⁰C (107⁰F). In Paris, night time temperatures did

not go below 27⁰C (80⁰F). This resulted in an increase in hospital admissions reaching 20

to 30 percent in the first two days of the event. It was also observed that the majority of

fatalities were older citizens 65 years and above and a disproportionate number living

alone. Satellite24 images during the height of the heat wave in Europe registered many

areas being almost 11⁰C (20⁰F) above normal temperatures for the same period.

Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC, 2004) estimates that from 1979 to

1999, excessive heat exposure contributed to more than 8,000 premature deaths in the

United States exceeding mortalities resulting from hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes,

floods, and earthquakes combined.

Furthermore, the UHI impacts urban and aquatic ecosystems. The barren

construction techniques that foster heat islands tend to be unattractive, unappealing and

unhealthy for urban flora and fauna (Gartland 2008). Increased temperatures tend to

foster early plant bloom and lead in many instances to extinction of local species or the

prevalence of invasive species that are hardier to warmer temperatures. Aquatic

ecosystems are degraded by surface UHI by thermal pollution. Surface run-off from

pavement and roofs tends to be higher in temperature by 27⁰C-50⁰C than air temperatures

(EPA, 2008). Field measurements from one study showed that runoff from urban areas

Temperature anomalies (degrees below or above normal) in Europe on August 31,
2003, NASA.

was about 11°C -17°C hotter than runoff from a nearby rural area on summer days when

pavement temperatures at midday were 11°C -19°C above air temperature. When the rain

came before the pavement had a chance to heat up, runoff temperatures from the rural

and urban areas differed by less than 2°C (Roa-Espinosa et al., 2003). This excess heat is

transferred quickly downstream by conventional conveyance systems effecting the

metabolism and reproduction of many aquatic species (EPA, 2008).

The UHI is an urban specific phenomenon. Its impacts affect people, other species

and the environment. Strategies to reduce urban heat islands produce multiple benefits

that lower surface and air temperatures thus reducing health risks, energy demand, air

pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. The UHI compares in its impacts to global

climate change at the local scale. Therefore advancing measures to mitigate the UHI also

address adaptation to global climate change impacts (EPA, 2008; Stone, 2005, 2012,


5.3 Effective Vegetated Green Infrastructure Measures for the Urban Heat Island

In environmental and urban planning, measures to mitigate the UHI are centered

on land-based measures that change the urban land cover (EPA; Akbari, 2003; Stone,

2012). Properties of urban materials, in particular low solar reflectance, high thermal

emissivity, and high heat capacity, influence urban heat island development, as they

determine how the sun’s energy is reflected, emitted, and absorbed, and consequently

radiated back into the air (Oke, 1988, 1997; Akbari, et al., 2001; Akbari, et al., 2003;

Rosenzweig et al., 2006; EPA, 2008; Stone, 2005,2012). Measures that disrupt this

process of energy absorption, storage and release of heat into the urban atmosphere are

predominantly addressed in three ways: 1) changing characteristics of materials to

increase albedo by increasing reflectivity or absorption of water to reduce latent heat; 2)

obstructing the UHI process by blocking the sun’s energy through shading or increasing

cooling by ensuring that water in its multiple forms is present in ample quantities in the

soil and air; and 3) technological advances that reduce heat waste from electrical and

mechanical equipment (Akbari, 2001). These measures include cool roofs; cool

pavements; green roofs and facades; and increasing vegetative cover in all its forms25.

Experimental and modeling studies of land-based mitigation strategies have found

that the combination of several measures can slow warming trends when implemented

extensively throughout urbanized regions (Stone, 2012). Variable combinations of tree

planting and vegetative cover (including green roofs), albedo enhancement of surface

materials, and reductions in waste heat emissions were found to reduce city-wide air

temperatures from 1⁰C to 7⁰C (2⁰F and 13⁰F) (Kikegawa, Genchi,Kondo, & Hanaki,

2006; Lynn et al., 2009; Rosenzweig, Solecki, & Slosberg, 2006; Taha, 1997; Zhou &

Shepherd, 2010). Of the three classes of land-based UHI mitigation, tree planting and

other vegetative strategies are generally found to be the most effective, with surface

reflectivity and waste heat strategies typically accounting for lower reductions in near

surface air temperatures, depending upon the spatial extent of coverage and the regional

landscape type (Rosenzweig, Solecki, & Slosberg; Gill et al., 2007; Hart & Sailor, 2009;

Lynn et al., 2009; Zhou & Shepherd, 2010). Furthermore, vegetated green infrastructure

is a relatively inexpensive measure to install and maintain in the long run (Akbari, 2005).

This is true when considering other benefits that accrue when using vegetative green

Akbari (2005) provides a detailed discussion on each of three strategies.

infrastructure and the presence of administrative bodies in cities that already manage

urban greening projects.

Vegetated green infrastructure reduces surface and air temperatures due to a

combination of physical and biological properties (Akbari, 2001; EPA). The physical

properties of tree and shrub canopy provide shade to hard surfaces reducing surface

temperatures. By reducing temperatures, evaporation is also reduced maintaining

moisture in the air and soils. The presence of higher moisture content in the air and

surfaces is a critical in moderating temperatures. As a growing medium for vegetation,

soils have lower albedo coefficients reducing reflected energy resulting in reduced air

temperatures in the immediate surroundings. Evapotranspiration is the process of uptake

of water from soils and rain interception into the atmosphere (Jasechko et al., 2013). This

process results in evaporative cooling enhancing the urban breeze in general and cooling

surrounding air (Akbari, 2002; EPA). The process of carbon intake and release of oxygen

vegetation reduces air pollutants and cleans the air (Akbari et al., 2001). The removal of

pollutants reduces entrapment of hot air reducing the impact of the UHI. This process

also allows vegetated cover to become a CO2 sink contributing to the process of climate

change mitigation (EPA). These physical and biological processes are further explained

in Figure 5.5. To effectively impact the urban climate, vegetated green infrastructure

cover should be increased across any area to derive the maximum ecosystem benefit of

heat reduction.

Figure 5.5: Diagram
D showwing how inccreasing phyysical and biiological prooperties of
vegetated greeen infrastruccture decreases the urbann island heatt.

Indiviidual or grou
upings of trees, shrubs, aand green rooofs provide effective

m to reduce
r surfacce and air tem
mperatures. The compouunded effectt of multiplee

m acro
oss large areeas will effecctively increase the channces of temperature

reeduction. In their simulaation study to

o mitigate U
UHI in the Ciity of New Y

R et
e al. (2006) conclude th
hat an “ecoloogical infrasttructure, a coombined straategy

of urban foresstry and livin

ng roofs, hass the greatesst city-wide ttemperature impact (p. S

For example, the range off city-wide temperature

t rreduction off different m

sccenarios26 raanges is from

m 0.1⁰C (0.1⁰⁰F) for openn space plantting (typical park type off

Strategies are
a in bold and
a UHI mitiigation scenaarios are enuumerated as per Rosenzw weig
ett al. (2006, S-5).
S Urbann Forestry:1 1) Urban Forrestry/Grass--to-Trees (oppen space
planting); 2) Urban
U Foresstry/Street-to
o-Trees (curbbside plantinng); 3) Urbaan Forestry/GGrass
+ Street-to-Trrees (open sp pace + curbsside plantingg). Light Surfaces: 4) L Light
Surfaces/Roo of-to-High Albedo
A (light roofs); 5) L
Light Surfacees/Imperviouus-to-High
A (roofss + sidewalk
ks/streets). Living
L Roofss: 6) Living RRoofs/Roof--to-Grass.
E nfrastructurre: 7) Urban
In n Forestry/Grrass + Streett-to-Trees annd Living Rooofs.
U Foresstry + Lightt Roofs: 8) Urban
U Foresttry/Grass + S Street-to-Treees and Lighht

planting) to 0.4⁰C (0.7⁰F) for ecological infrastructure (vegetation planted for its

ecosystem services). At three in the afternoon (peak heat time), the impact ranges from

0.1⁰C (0.2⁰F) for open space planting to 0.7⁰C (1.2⁰F) for ecological infrastructure.

While these values may not seem significant when considering that the UHI for New

York is approximately 4⁰C (air temperature), they are averaged over all heat-wave days

and times and therefore generalized. To consider also that these values were determined

from four sample zones that were analyzed in detail and regressed to the whole city. The

actual localized temperature reduction is higher when considering specific local zones

rather than the overall urban area (Rosenzweig et al., 2006).

In the context of using green infrastructure to adapt cities to climate change, Gill

et al. (2007) conducted simulation studies of different green infrastructure measures for

the city of Manchester, U.K. using the energy exchange model. Future climate and

several vegetated surface scenarios were developed. The study developed a baseline

condition for the period from 1961 to 1990 with temperature projections for 2020, 2050,

and 2080 with low, medium and high emissions scenarios for each year (IPCC, 2007).

These projections were conducted for different land uses with varying vegetated cover:

forest and agriculture (high evaporative cover), to residential with 66 percent evaporative

cover, and urban core areas at hundred percent built up with no evaporative cover. The

results indicate that increasing vegetative cover (trees and shrubs) and green roofs reduce

surface temperatures, consequently reducing air temperature. For example, in high-

density residential areas, maximum surface temperatures in 1961–1990 with current form

Roofs. Combination of All: 9) 50% Open Space + 50% Curbside + 25% Living Roofs +
25% Light Roofs.

are 27.9°C. Adding 10 per cent green cover decreases maximum surface temperatures by

2.2°C in 1961–1990, and 2.4°C to 2.5°C by the 2080s Low and High emissions

scenarios, respectively. Thus, maximum surface temperatures decrease by 0.7°C by the

2080s Low and increase by 1.2°C by the 2080s High, in comparison to the 1961–1990

current form case. Adding green roofs to all buildings in land uses where impervious

surfaces dominate can also have a dramatic effect on maximum surface temperatures,

keeping them below the 1961–1990 current form case for all time periods and emissions

scenarios. The difference made by the green roofs becomes greater with the time period

and emissions scenario. For example, in 1961–1990, greening roofs results in maximum

surface temperatures of 24.6°C in town centers, a decrease of 6.6°C compared to the

current form case of 31.2°C. By the 2080s High, greening roofs in town centers results in

temperatures of 28°C, 7.6°C less than if roofs are not greened and 3.3°C less than the

1961–1990 current form case.

In all the scenarios presented for the city of Manchester, the determinant factor for

temperature reduction is the total amount of vegetated surfaces. Gill et al (2007) also

argue that a network based on landscape ecological principles (patch-corridor-matrix

model developed by Forman (1985) improves the urban watershed hydrology (by storage

and retention of precipitation from intense events) which in turn supports healthy

vegetation and increases evaporative cooling.

Both simulation studies suggest that increasing vegetated cover in its many forms

in the form of a vegetated green infrastructure will have a high impact on the urban

climate within highly urbanized urban contexts. If the same conclusions are extended to

the metropolitan scale by extending the network of vegetated green infrastructure to

include metropolitan or regional system, the same would arguably apply. A metropolitan

scale network would add to the landscape typologies that would not be otherwise

included within an urban core focus. These may include river systems, forests and forest

stands, agricultural land, grass land, vegetation within suburban home yards, and natural

reserves. While these typologies maybe distant from the highly urbanized centers, the

contribution would be in the form of ameliorating the regional climate by providing

cleaner air, removing pollutants, cooling air downstream, dissipation of latent heat and

the contribution to regulating the urban canopy effect of UHI. Furthermore, allocation of

larger tracts of land for green infrastructure beyond the urbanized limit would also

provide escape for residents during extreme heat events as well as refuge for other animal


When considering future conditions of expanding urban regions and projected

climate change impacts, a metropolitan scale network ensures the preservation of tracts of

vegetated surfaces for future UHI reduction and climate change adaptation. By planning

today for a future metropolitan network, policies that protect, conserve, and preserve

forests or agricultural land into the future will ensure that cities continue to be climate

proofed into the future. A metropolitan green infrastructure network that extends from

the roof of a building to the large tracts of forest and river systems across different land

uses would contribute to local UHI mitigation and global climate change adaptation.

5.4 Framework of Strategies to Increase Vegetated Green Infrastructure Surfaces

As an urban phenomenon, the UHI has direct impacts on the livelihood of

comminutes at large. The ecosystem benefits derived from vegetated surfaces provide a

cost effective and no-regrets approach to climate proof cities. Trees, the urban canopy,

vegetated surfaces and green roofs are found to be most effective in reducing surface and

air temperatures. Extensive implementation of these measures in the form of a vegetated

green infrastructure network provide the basis for effective temperature reduction

resulting in reduced mortality rates, energy use, and cleaner air.

These principles summarized above define a theoretical framework (Figure 5.6)

that addresses the assessment of availability of space as the primary determinant to

achieve a multi-scale vegetated green infrastructure network within urbanized regions.

The primary impetus is to increase the amount of vegetated surfaces to address current

UHI and future potential climatic impacts. The framework defines four strategies that

respond to the literature findings and include: conservation and protection; intensification

and expansion; transformation; and impact reduction. The framework uses the term

pervious surfaces (McPherson, 2012) to suggest un-built areas with soil that potentially

can support vegetation (naturally or through amending soils); and impervious surfaces to

suggest all built form (buildings, roads, and parking) and considered as the primary

delimiter of space. The strategies are devised as planning tools to assess the potential

increase of vegetated surfaces within the constraint of space scarcity within urban


Conservation and protection is the Protection of existing tree canopy such as

forest and the conversion of pervious surface such agriculture into forest, when

conditions of ownership and use allow. Large stands of trees and forest cover in general,

provide multiple benefits. These benefits include reduction of evaporative cooling from

pervious surfaces, shade and urban breeze enhancements ameliorate. Large stands of

trees enhance local wind patterns in cities where cooler air over vegetated surfaces

replaces warmer air in adjacent city neighborhoods (Akbari, 2002). The effective size of

a stand of trees to begin to impact surrounding air is ranges between three to four

hectares. In a metadata analysis of the literature on vegetative cooling, Bowler et al.

(2010) found that three hectares is the effective size of a tree stand or urban forest where

for temperature reduction extends beyond the patch size. This impact is reduced as the

distance increases from tree cover location. Rosenzweig et al. (2006, 2011) have also

found that a four hectare tree stand begins to impact surrounding areas. This means that

the more trees are present the more benefits are accrued and the morphology of patches

within a region define the extent of the benefits accrued beyond the stand itself.

Intensification and Expansion is the addition of trees, shrubs, and ground cover to

existing pervious surfaces to ensure maximum delivery of ecosystem services. Expansion

is the increase of total pervious surfaces dedicated for vegetated green infrastructure.

Transformation is the replacement of impervious surfaces with pervious surfaces

capable of supporting vegetation and/or the superimposition on impervious surfaces of

vegetal surfaces such as green roofs. Green roofs provide benefits by cooling the upper

limits of the urban canopy and reduce energy consumption in buildings. Green roofs in

some cases reduce surface temperature by 30-60°C and ambient (air) temperature by 5°C

when compared to conventional black roofs (EPA). Three examples demonstrate the

effectiveness of green roofs. These are organized by ascending scale: neighbored, city,

and urban region. In Portland, Oregon, a study estimated that a neighborhood with 100%

green roofs could reduce the UHI effects by 50-90 percent (Dunnett and Kingsbury,

2004). Similarly, an Environment Canada study determined that greening 6 percent of

available roof space in the city of Toronto would reduce summer temperatures by 1°C to

2°C overall (Ligeti, 2007). Additionally, a study in New York City estimates that a 0.4°C

reduction in the regional UHI effect can be achieved with the installation of green roofs

on 50 percent eligible roofs across the entire city (Rosenzweig, 2006). While these

studies differ in scale, regional landscape type and local climate conditions, the lesson is

that green roofs are effective in reducing the surface and air impacts of the UHI when

substantial coverage of green roofs is simulated for the scale of each individual study

area. It follows that transformation of impervious surfaces is a valid strategy to reduce the


Impact reduction is protecting surfaces using vegetated material through by

shading impervious surfaces or ensuring all un-built areas are planted. Trees and shrubs

provide shading of impervious and pervious surfaces. Shading by vegetation blocks the

sun’s energy reducing surface temperature of impervious surfaces, evaporation from

pervious surfaces, and energy consumption that reduces heat waste generation. Shading

impervious surfaces such as streets, sidewalks and walkways reduce surface temperature

transmission of latent heat into the urban canopy layer. The smooth nature of urban

materials and usually darker color of concrete and asphalt increase absorption of energy

and reduces reflection of the sun’s energy. Shading reduces this absorption and

consequently the release of short wave energy during the night. When considering

parking surfaces, these are surfaces that radiate large amount of heat to their sheer size

and concentration within commercial uses. Davis et al. (2010) found in an estimate of

parking footprint in the Illinois region that parking surfaces are overdesigned and could

amount to double the actual use of parking spaces during peak hours. McPherson (2001)

in a study of a parking shading ordinance in Sacramento, California, that parking lots are

6% over desig
gned and 25% of parking spaces aree unused. Baased on thesee studies, thee

potential to in
ncrease tree shading and
d vegetative ccover seemss to be possibble within

parking surfaces.

Figure 5.6: Sttrategies to increase

i perv
vious surfacees.

This framework
f su
uggested abo
ove defines the overall m
methodologiical approachh to

asssess the pottential of spaace availabillity for vegettated green iinfrastructurre. The

ollowings seection develo
ops the meth
hod of inquirry in detail w
within the connstraints of

urrbanization and
a the UHII.

5.5 Method

The purpose of the method is to identify opportunities of surfaces within the

Metropolitan Region of Boston (MB) that potentially can be designated as a vegetated

green infrastructure. Percent pervious is introduced as a land matric to characterize the

MB and test for availability of space. Maximum opportunities are then derived to address

the UHI as a treatment of the MB extending the notion of pervious surfaces beyond land

areas. Using the framework of strategies discussed in the previous section, the method

tests for the availability of space by identifying opportunities based reducing land cover

variables within the MB to two: Pervious surfaces, representing all un-built surfaces; and

impervious surfaces; representing buildings, roads, and parking surfaces and considered

as the primary delimiter of available space. These two variables vary according to land

use types and accordingly provide varied opportunities and maximum opportunities

across the MB.

The method is grounded in the theoretical Green Infrastructure Transect

(Abunnasr and Hamin, 2012) and the urban-rural characterization and assessment method

that connects ecosystem benefits and land-use classes (Gill et al., 2008; Alberti, 2009;

Radford and James, 2013). Using readily available spatial data sets from Mass GIS

(geographic information systems spatial data portal for the state of Massachusetts), the

following steps were carried out: (1) Define study area, (2) Calculate Percent Pervious,

(3) develop pervious surface data set, (4) characterize the metropolitan area into zones of

percent pervious, (5) assess pervious surface opportunities for vegetated green

infrastructure, (6) assess maximum pervious surface opportunities effective for the urban

heat island reduction, and
d (7) define a gradient off green infraastructure policies (basedd on

urface opporrtunities) suiitable to addrress the urbaan heat islannd.

Figure 5.7: Stteps included

d in the meth

5.5.1 Study
y Area

The Consolidated
C d Metropolitaan Statisticall Area (CMS
SA) of Bostoon,

M ts (MA) is 7,,230km2 (1,7

Massachusett 786,571 Acrres) with an estimated poopulation 4.227

m in 200
05. The CMSA of Bosto
on is comprissed of four M
Metropolitann Statistical aareas

MSA) that in
nclude Bosto
on, Lowell, Lawrence,
L annd Brocton ((US Census bureau, 20112).

T total num
mber of town h an averagee town/city ssurface area of 16.6km2
ns is 161 with

raanging from 3.3km2 for Nahant

N 66.2km2 for Plymouth (F
to 26 Figure 5.8) F
For the

reemainder of this article, the study areea will be reeferred to as Metropolitaan Boston (M

M is an example of a metropolitan
m area
a The lannd use percenntage of the total study aare in

2005 (reclassified to matcch 1951-199

99 classificattion) is foresst (41%), Urbban (33%), w

18%), agricu
ulture (3%), recreation an
nd open landd (2%). Wheen comparedd to 1971

sttatistics, therre is a loss in
n agriculturee of (-54%), forest (-14%
%) and open land (-77%)) and

n increase in
n urban use (18%)
( and reecreation (399%) (Mass G
GIS). When considering

urface coverr (reduced to
o two variablles) across alll land uses w
within MB, pervious surrface

co 255km2 (72%
omprises 5,2 %) and impervious surfaaces 1,131.5kkm2 (16%). W
When averagged

accross the wh
hole MB, 16%
% imperviou may not be cconsidered hhigh27. Whenn
us surfaces m

onsidering th
hese percenttages across a rural-urbaan gradient, sseveral zonees within the MB

w include percentage
p of impervioussness of greaater than 50%
%. While cliimatic and

prrecipitation conditions (rrange of aveerage yearly rainfall betw

ween 850 to 1100 mm)

upport forestt cover and population
p did
d not exceeed three perccent increasee during the

2000-2010 peeriod, slow but

b significan
nt loss of forrest and agriiculture landd is evident ((Mass

G This red
duction in peervious surfa
face supportiive of vegetaation has andd is resultingg in

he loss of sub
bstantial pottential in red
ducing air annd surfaces teemperatures.

Figure 5.8: Sttudy Area bo


A 10% imp perviousnesss within a waatershed is cconsidered ass the threshoold where waater
qu onsequently,, ecological quality is deegraded (Braabec et al., 2002).
uality and co

5.5.2 Percen
nt Pervious

nt pervious is
i introduced
d as a metricc to assess thhe availabilitty of space fo

vegetative greeen infrastru

ucture. Pervious surface is defined ass land surfacces that are

co oil and include all grass and bare soiil (McPhersoon et al, 2011). Such surffaces
overed by so

caan or potentiially can be amended to support veggetation. In thhis study, peervious surfaace is

used as a surrrogate to all types of veg

getative coveer: trees, shruubs, and groound cover.

mpervious su
urfaces is utiilized to reprresent all buuilt surfaces aand as the prrimary delim

of space (Figu
ure 5.9).

Figure 5.9: Reduction

R of variables off interest to tw
wo primary surrogate inndicators,
pervious and impervious surfaces.

nt pervious (PP)
( is defin
ned as the peercentage of pervious surrfaces from ttotal

laand area, exccluding wateer. Water surrfaces are exxcluded as thhe focus is onn vegetative

over that req
quires soil. Equation
E (1) defines the ccalculation m
method for P
PP where ‘p’’ is

otal area of pervious
p surffaces within the study arrea and, ‘impp’ is the totaal area of

impervious surfaces within the same study area. A secondary named pervious-to-

impervious ratio was also developed to assess the magnitude of the relationship between

pervious and impervious surfaces. This metric was only used in the characterization of

MB as it assisted in defining and refining the PP gradient zones.

PP= x 100% (1)

In the context of metropolitan scale planning, PP becomes a useful metric to

estimate the potential surfaces that can be planted for a specific ecosystem benefit. The

PP is derived from readily available spatial data sets allowing planners with minimal

environmental or ecological knowledge to conduct estimates of the potential vegetated

surfaces using current GIS skills and know-how. without utilizing specialized skills and

knowledge required for remote sensing The reduction to a single metric avoids

specialized and sometimes complex processes to calculate, for example, tree canopy

cover or evapotranspiration as a surrogate for vegetated surfaces (Gill et al., 2008;

McPherson, 2012). This is not to say that these methodologies are not relevant. On the

contrary, remote sensing becomes a second step required at a finer scale after the initial

assessment using the PP.

5.5.3 Pervious Data Set

Four data layers corresponding to the most effective land based adaptation

measures to temperature reduction were developed. These land cover based data layers

are: pervious surfaces (Per-poly), roads, buildings and parking. The raw data was

downloaded (from December 2012 to March 2013) free of charge from MassGIS.

MassGIS provides extensive metadata explaining methodology, third party data

providers, and support. The reference date of the study is 2005, the date of the aerial

images that were used to develop the impervious surface data layer and land-use classes.

All effort was done to use data layers closest to this date. When this was not available,

removal of additional polygons were masked out using the pervious and impervious

polygon layers discussed later. Impervious surfaces, administrative boundaries,

conservation and recreation open space, forest stewardship, land-use, building footprint,

assessor’s maps level 3 and roads were cropped or compiled to correspond to the MB

boundary. Two main steps were carried: 1) derive polygon data layers for pervious and

impervious surfaces, and 2) transfer attributes from land use and town data to each of the

required data layers.

The pervious and impervious polygon layers were developed from converting the

raster impervious surfaces layer to polygons. Sixteen raster tiles, with one meter pixel

resolution (derived from 50cm resolution aerial imagery) were used to cover the study

area. Each tile was converted to polygons separately to reduce processing time and

aggregated into a single data layer corresponding to the MB boundary. Square edges

resulting from the raster origin were simplified. Polygons less than 1m2 (corresponding to

pixel size) were considered as error and were removed to match the resolution of the

original data. The conversion process resulted in two sets of polygons within the data

layer corresponding to the binary classification28 by MassGIS. Grid code one corresponds

Mass GIS classification of impervious and impervious surfaces during data set
extraction: Impervious surfaces include: (1) All constructed surfaces such
as buildings, roads, parking lots, brick, asphalt, concrete ;( 2) Also included are areas
of man-made compacted soil or material such as mining or unpaved parking lots (no
vegetation present). Non-impervious surfaces include: (1) All vegetated areas, natural

to the polygons representing impervious surface and zero polygons representing pervious

surfaces. Each set of polygons was extracted into a separate layer. Due to classification

limitations (shadow, dark spots in the aerial imagery) of the original raster layer, some

polygons corresponding to orthogonal structures do not correspond to the building

footprint configuration. An assessment of this error was carried out by superimposing the

footprint polygon over the impervious polygons. Residual polygons falling outside or

inside the building footprint polygons were extracted and compared. The area of

polygons falling outside the building foot prints were 3% more than the area of the

polygons falling within. Accordingly the error margin is minimal and both sets of

residual polygons approximately cancel each other. Rectified such inconsistencies would

have been time consuming. The inconsistencies were maintained in the data sets.

The attributes of the land-use classes were transferred to the buildings, Per-poly

and IMP-poly using GIS analysis tools. The land use layer includes 33 classes which

were maintained with no further classification. The same process was not repeated for the

roads data layer because when two different land use polygons meet at a street, the

adjacency is defined by the road center line. This results in multiple polygons for each

road within several land use classes, rendering the data unusable for this study.

Accordingly the road data layer did not include land use designation.

A data layer comprising all 161 towns and cities was compiled and used to

transfer town location and data to all four data layers. The result of this data processing is

five data layers, each corresponding to pervious buildings, roads, and parking and the

and man-made; (2) Water bodies and wetland area; (3) Ski runs; (4) Natural occurring
barren areas (i.e. rocky shores, sand, bare soil)

fifth is the study area including towns. Table 5.1 lists the five data sets and their

acronyms. The overall data set is referred to as pervious-adapt (PER-ADPT).

Data Layer Data Layer Attribute information Scale

Name acronym
Pervious PER Town name, land use attributes Study area
Roads RD Town name, land use attributes Study area
Buildings BLDG Town name, land use attributes Study area
Parking PRKG Town name, land use attributes Study area
Study Area SA Town name, land use attributes
Table 5.1: Derived data sets used in the study from raw spatial data downloaded from
Mass GIS.

5.5.4 Characterizing the Study Area

An urban-rural gradient (hereof referred to as the metropolitan gradient) was

constructed to characterize the study area based on the PP land metric. The aim of the

characterization exercise is to develop gradient zones across the MB to assess the area

variation across the region. The percent impervious has been previously used to define

urban-rural gradients (Gill et al., 2008, Radford and James, 2013) as a measure of extent

of impact of urbanization on ecosystems. The percent pervious (PP) and pervious-to-

impervious (PER: IMP) ratio is explicitly used in the characterization process to highlight

the potential of greening of urban areas and to measure the magnitude of available space

for vegetation. The resulting gradient zones also serve as the unit of study of the

subsequent analysis steps.

The PP and PER: IMP are calculated by deriving the pervious and impervious

surface areas for each of the 161 towns and cities. PP is calculated as the percentage

pervious surface of total land area, excluding water. PER: IMP was calculated by

dividing both entities and used as a measure of space availability for vegetation when

compared to impervious surfaces. The town or city boundary rather than the watershed

was considered in these calculations since the focus of the analysis is on vegetation and

not hydrological systems.

The two metrics were assigned to each town then mapped in GIS to determine the

gradient zones. The pervious surface gradient zones were determined by comparing three

interpretations of the data to account for the incremental change of pervious surfaces: (1)

natural breaks within the data for PP and PER: IMP, (2) aggregated frequency count

based on single values of PER:IMP, and (3) the table matching PER:IMP and PP values.

The process of using both metrics allowed for a fine determination of the gradient zones.

To understand the reasons behind the regional distribution, PER: IMP and PP were

compared to population density data and road network configuration. PER: IMP and PP

ratios were plotted for each town against distance gradient graphs using the City of

Boston as the origin. The city of Boston is the center of the MB (U.S. Census Bureau,

1999) and where higher temperatures are most felt. The plots were analyzed and

compared to similar distance plots of total population density of each town. The gradient

map was compared to the road network. Results are discussed in terms of pervious space

availability across the gradient and its relationship to impervious surfaces, road network

and population density.

5.5.5 Assess Pervious Surface Opportunities

There are four dimensions for the definition of opportunity in this study. First, the

un-accounted vegetated surfaces across land uses that are usually not considered part of

an ecological system. Second, surfaces within privately-owned land uses, such as

residential and commercial, where there is no administrative control (when compared to

public parks, for example) on the type and extent of vegetative land cover. Third, large

tracts of land, such as forests or wetlands, that are ecologically active but with no means

of protection for future permanency. Fourth, surfaces that could become ecologically

active vegetative surfaces in the future but are threatened by current and projected urban


The above definition is applicable to any green infrastructure planning condition.

PP is explored within land use classes and across gradient zones derived in the

characterization step. Percent Pervious Across Land-use Classes

Land use classes are first categorized into three general levels of perviousness:

highly pervious, pervious and impervious, and highly impervious (predominantly water

related uses) (Table 5.2). These categories were defined after carefully studying the

metadata of land use classes identified by MassGIS and the methodology that specifies

the components included in each land use. All water related land uses are considered

impervious and excluded from the analysis ( Brabec, et al., 2002) except for forested

wetland which was included in the forest category because of the existence of forest

canopy. Water is excluded since the focus of the study is on vegetation that requires soil

for growth. Pervious land use classes were further divided into two categories: forest and

agriculture. The forest coverage is of high resolution and covers all tree stands of not less

2,000m2. Agricultural patches are considered future opportunity and included in the final

analysis. The land use classes that include pervious and impervious surfaces were all

included in the analyses of the next step.

Land-use Classes Status Land-use Classes Status
Impervious only Pervious and Impervious Include
Water Exclude Water-Based Recreation Include
Non-Forested Wetland Exclude Golf Course Include
Saltwater Wetland Exclude Marina Include
Cranberry Bog Exclude Multi-Family Residential Include
Saltwater Sandy Beach Exclude High Density Residential Include
Pervious only Medium Density Include
Forest Forest/incl. Low Density Residential Include
Forested Wetland Forest/incl. Very Low Density Include
Cropland Agriculture/inlc. Urban Public/Institutional Include
Pasture Agriculture/inlc. Commercial Include
Orchard Agriculture/inlc. Industrial Include
Nursery Agriculture/inlc. Transportation Include
Brush-land/Successional Agriculture/inlc. Cemetery Include
Pervious and Impervious Junkyard Include
Power line/Utility Include Mining Include
Participation Recreation Include Transitional Include
Spectator Recreation Include Waste Disposal Include

Table 5.2: Categorization of perviousness of land-use classes

Land use classes are categorized as highly pervious or pervious-impervious are

analyzed for their potential based on the percent pervious metric. Percent pervious

opportunity is defined as the percentage of unused or unprotected land cover category

from the total of the same category. The analysis is conducted for the four green

infrastructure strategies within each land use class across the six gradient zones. For the

phase of the analysis percent pervious of total land use class per zone is calculated to

assess the extent of opportunity contribution of each land use class to the total zone


127 Opportunity in Pervious Land-use Classes: Forest and Agriculture

The opportunity is derived by identifying protected and conserved forest and

agricultural land. Forest in the land use data layer includes all contiguous stands of trees

present across all land uses. Forest may include stands of trees within residential or

commercial property.

The assumption is that pervious surfaces that already support vegetation should be

protected. Forest and agricultural land that are not under any level of protection are

considered potential to conserve. The conservation and recreation open space data layer

is used to transfer the ‘level of protection’ attribute to PER. Three protection levels out of

five are considered: ‘perpetuity’, ‘limited’, and ‘term limited’. Although ‘limited’ and

‘term limited’ have time constraints in protection terms, it is assumed that protection will

continue. Forest and agricultural land-use classes that are protected are considered as part

of a functioning green infrastructure network. Unprotected land surfaces are considered

future opportunity. Opportunity in Pervious and Impervious Land-use Classes

The opportunity within pervious surfaces in the remaining land-use classes (with

pervious and impervious surfaces) is defined as the percentage of pervious surface that

could possibly be dedicated for an ecological vegetative cover after deducting land area

for outdoor people or activity use as defined by the land-use class. To achieve this,

further classification of land use classes was carried out based on PP and average

pervious patch size within each land use class across each gradient zone. PP of each land

use class measures the extent of contribution of each land use class to the total pervious

surface within the gradient zone. In addition, pervious patch size is an indicator of

availability of space based on tree planting standards resulting from the land use class.

Both metrics were calculated and compared for each land use class and across gradient

zones. Six categories were identified based on these metrics: intense urban use,

residential, recreation, urban public/institutional, service, and transitional (Table 5.3).

Land-use classes were then assigned a coefficient of use (CU) and a coefficient of tree

planting (CT). CU is a measure of how much of the pervious surface is used by people or

the activity as determined by the land-use class. It ranges from zero to one, where one

indicates that all pervious surfaces can be allocated for vegetative cover and zero

indicates no potential for increasing vegetative cover where all pervious surfaces are

dedicated to the land-use activity.

To determine the CU, pervious data layers is spatially related to the assessor’s

maps level 3 (Mass GIS) to simultaneously include the land use attribute with the

property boundaries. This procedure allows the identification of land use classes within

property boundaries. The resultant layer was superimposed over the same aerial images

used to classify the land use data to visually inspect and describe space available within

each land use. A first quick inspection identified pervious surfaces within five land use

classes with evident CU values of either zero or one. ‘Transitional’ land use class as it

describes properties in transition from one land use class to another.

The remainder sixteen land use classes were then closely inspected and measured

using GIS. This was carried out in a systematic manner by laying a 0.25 km2 (Radford

and James. 2013) grid across each gradient zone with each quadrant . The CT was then

calculated and assigned for each land use class.

The mature tree size allocation was assigned for each land use class based on

three sizes used by McPherson et al. (2011): small (4.6 m crown diameter), medium

(9.1m crown diameter) and large (5.2m crown diameter) requiring a minimum pervious

surface footprint for soil of 1.5, 3.3, and 9.3 m2, respectively. Each size was allocated for

each land use class based on the average patch size derived for each land use class for

each gradient zone. The total qualifying potential PP for each land use across each

gradient zone was calculated based on these criteria and compared.

Land use Categories CU CT

Intense urban use: low use – low % pervious
Industrial 1.0 1.0
Junkyard 0.3 0.3
Mining 0 0.0
Transportation 0.2 0.2
Commercial 1.0 1.0
Marina 0.1 0.1
Residential : Medium to high use -high % pervious
High Density Residential 0.1 0.1
Multi-Family Residential 0.2 0.2
Medium Density Residential 0.2 0.2
Low Density Residential 0.3 0.3
Very Low Density Residential 0.4 0.4
Urban Public/Institutional: High use intensity - medium
Urban Public/Institutional 0.5 0.5
Recreation: High use Intensity - high %pervious
Participation Recreation 0.1 0.1
Spectator Recreation 1 1.0
Water-Based Recreation 0.15 0.15
Golf Course 0.15 0.15
Service: Low use intensity - high % pervious
Cemetery 0.2 0.2
Nursery 0.15 0.15
Open Land 0.8 0.8
Powerline/Utility 0 0
Waste Disposal 0.15 0.15
Transitional n/a n/a
Table 5.3: Classification scheme of coefficient of use (CU) and coefficient of tree
planting (CT) for each land use class.

5.5.6 Assess Maximum Opportunities of Landover for the Urban Heat Island

Following the definition of opportunity in section 5.5.5, maximum opportunity is

defined as the maximum possible pervious area (land surfaces and transformed

impervious surfaces) that can be dedicated for vegetative cover based on the effective

measures of a specific condition. In this context, this means green infrastructure measures

that are effective for UHI as identified in the literature review. In addition, pervious

surfaces are not only limited for pervious land surfaces, but also include green roofs and

surface transformations of impervious surfaces to pervious. Then maximum opportunity

is identified as pervious surfaces that can realistically be transformed into a vegetative

cover network that are effective to reduce the UHI. Patches of Vegetated Forest Surfaces

Maximum opportunity in these two land-use classes is identified based on the

effective patch size of pervious surfaces. Further selection of forest patch size based on a

3Hectare (30,000m2) forest patch size is considered a priority for protection since

contiguous patches of trees begin to impact temperatures of surrounding areas

(Rosenzweig et al., 2006; Bowler et al., 2010; EPA). Total qualifying areas for forest and

agricultural land were calculated and percent pervious was derived. The percent

opportunity was graphed for each zone and compared. Pervious surfaces within the forest

land use class that comply with the identified size and are protected are considered as

functioning infrastructure. Patches that comply with the size requirement but not are

protected are considered as maximum potential opportunity, similarly for agriculture.

131 Green Roofs across land-use classes

Green roof opportunities were identified based on roof shape and footprint size.

Assessors’ maps provide the ‘building style’ attribute. These attributes were transferred

to the BLDG data layer by spatial relationship. All building styles that have pitched or

curved roofs were discarded as being unsuitable for green roofs (cape cod, bungalow,

colonial, conventional, raised cape, raised ranch, ranch/split, ranch gabled, and three

family). As a result, building footprints within all residential classes were excluded

expect for high density. From the remaining land use classes, buildings with footprints

less than 50m2 were discarded as these become ineffective and uneconomical when

accounting for 30% of the roof area for building equipment and other service

requirements (LEED). Buildings in the following land use classes were considered as

opportunities for green roofs: commercial, golf courses, high density residential,

industrial, marina, passive recreation, transport, urban public/institutional, and water

based recreation. Total area of qualifying buildings was calculated and multiplied by a

coefficient of 0.7 to account for roof equipment and services. Percent of qualifying

building area of total buildings was calculated and average foot print size. Results were

plotted and compared. Pervious Surfaces Across Road Categories

Road opportunities are defined as the potential to transform impervious surfaces

to green streets and the extent of increasing tree cover within easements of roads and

streets. The analysis of potential opportunities within roads is conducted at the gradient

zone level and not land use classes due to limitations in the land use data layer, as

previously explained.

The selection of streets or roads appropriate for each green infrastructure measure

are based on the type of use identified by the Massachusetts Department of

Transportation (MassDOT) and dimensional requirements for healthy tree planting

discussed in section 2.4.4. There are six primary types: 1) limited access highway, 2)

Multi-lane Highway (no limited access) 3) Other numbered highway, 4) Major Road

Arterial, 5) Minor Road Arterial, 6) Ramp. The street types are also an indicator of speed

of travel in decreasing order form type one to six.

Road types from four to six were selected for tree planting intensification within

easements. The lower speeds (<45miles/hr.) with adjacent dense tree cover may not

hinder driving safety. The selected road types were further selected by the available width

of pervious surface within the easement and the suitability for tree planting. The available

pervious surface was calculated by subtracting the width of the impervious surface area

(car travel surface, shoulders, and sidewalks) from the easement width. Roads were

further selected by excluding pervious surfaces within easement that are less than two

meters, based on large tree pit requirements. Area of pervious surface opportunity was

calculated by multiplying the width of the easement by the total length of each street.

Total areas for each gradient zone were calculated to derive percent pervious and percent

of qualifying roads of each road type. Parking Surface Opportunities Across Land-use Classes

Parking opportunities are defined as the potential to transform paved surfaces into

planting areas for surface transformation or shade trees. Pervious surfaces within parking

spaces are accounted for within the land use types of pervious surfaces discussed

previously. The percentage value that is used to estimate potential transformation is 30%

of total impervious parking area. This is a measure is conservative when compared to the

35% vacant parking lots during peak hours and 6% over ordinance requirements

(McPherson et al., 2001) in the area of Sacramento. Similarly, Davis et al. (2010)

estimated across four northern mid states that available parking spaces are double the

number of actual cars in use.

Further processing of the PKG was required. The easement width buffered RD,

buffered train; BLDG layers were used to spatially erase the corresponding impervious

elements. The airport point layer from MassDOT was used to identify airport locations.

These were removed by mask. The remainder impervious polygons include small

property driveways and parking lots. The 10 Ha (10,000m 2) minimum threshold area

sizes that reflects large parking area was arrived at after 26 test iterations to remove

smaller polygon sizes. The 30% percent metric was then applied to all parking polygons.

Percent pervious of land use class and average parking lot size were calculated, graphed

and compared.

5.5.7 Gradient of Green Infrastructure Strategies

Area calculations of opportunity pervious surface inform the gradient of

opportunities by matching green infrastructure measures with PP of within land-use

classes and across gradient zones. Areas of pervious surface opportunities in each land

use class are assigned a corresponding planning code based on Table 5.4. It is necessary

to conduct this step to be able to sum up total opportunities for vegetated green

infrastructure policies. All PP values for each land use class within each gradient zone are

summed up based on the same code designation. Total PP for each zone is calculated for

each green infrastructure strategy. The values are then assigned to gradient zone

boundaries and mapped. A series of maps and graphs for each green infrastructure

measure within each gradient zone are analyzed and compared. A final map output is

generated that sums total strategy opportunities based on space availability is discussed.

GI Strategies GI Measures Contribution to Code

temperature reduction
Conserve Increase Protection: Maintain Cooling of urban breeze C
existing forest tree canopy and reduce surface
protect existing privately owned temperature; maintain
forested land, especially patches of moisture in soil and air.
4Hecatre area.
Expand Four Hectare patches‐Contiguous Cooling of urban breeze E
Contiguous intensification: Establish new reduce surface
patches forest cover on existing pervious temperature; maintain
surfaces such as open land or moisture in soil and air.
agricultural land (when opportunity
arises). Pursue aggressively to
increase tree cover expanse
Intensify PER: Use Factor‐Intensify: Cooling of urban breeze I
Increase tree canopy within reduce surface
pervious surfaces in private temperature; maintain
property and street easements moisture in soil and air.
Transform Green roofs, green streets Decrease albedo, reduce T
impervious energy use and cool
to pervious upper urban canopy
Reduce Street and Parking shading: Provide shade and R
impact Provide pervious surfaces within decrease albedo.
parking, streets and residential
property to reduce impact of UHI

Table 5.4: Relationship between planning strategies, green infrastructure strategies, and
contribution to temperature reduction

5.6 Results

5.6.1 Gradient Zones of Percent Pervious Across Study Area

The characterization of the MB resulted in six zones (Figure 5.10) based on the

gradation of percent pervious metric. Zone one is characterized by pervious surfaces that

are less than fifty percent of total land area. Zones two to five increase in increments of

teen percent. PP
P in zone siix is greater than
t ninety ppercent. Tabble 5.5 provides a listingg of

he six zones and a compaarison to thrree other studdies. The perrcent impervvious was ussed to

haracterize the
t urban areea of Manch
hester in the U
UK (Gill et aal., 2008; Raadford and

Jaames, 2013) and an urbaan area in Illiinois (Daviees et al., 20100). The valuues from the

sttudies were reversed

r to show
s percen
nt pervious foor comparisoon. The six zzones includde:

ntense urban
n, urban coree, urban, sub--urban, peri--urban, and ssemi-rural. S
Since the

bjective is to
o test for avaailably of space and provvide maximuum benefits of green

nfrastructuree, the increm
ments of ten percent
p betw
ween zones provide a reliiable measurre of

he possible opportunities
o s for vegetation increasee.

Figure 5.10: Six

S Gradientt Zones by percent
p perviious and pervvious-to-imppervious ratiio

Characterization Results Comparable Studies
Zone Name Pervious-to- Percent Gill et al. (2008) - Davis et al. (2010)
Zone impervious Pervious Radford and
(PER:MP) (PP) James (2013)
1 Intense PER: IMP≤1 PP≤50% PP ≤50% Urban PP≤25% High
Urban urban
2 Urban core 1.0<PER: 50%<PP≤60% 12%<PP Sub- 25%<PP Sub-
IMP≤1.5 ≤88% urban ≤ 97% urban
3 Urban 1.5<PER: 60%<PP≤70%
4 Sub-urban 2.35<PER: 70%<PP≤80%
5 Peri-urban 4.0<PER: 80%<PP≤90% 88%<PP Peri-
IMP≤9.0 ≤95% urban
6 Semi-rural PER: PP>90% PP>95% Rural PP>97% rural
Table 5.5: Results of the Boston Metropolitan Area characterization and comparison to
similar studies.

When comparing the distribution of the six PP gradient zones across the

metropolitan area, there is a clear and direct relationship with population density and

major road network layout distributions (Figure 5.11). The lowest percent pervious

values (Intense urban, urban core, and urban) correspond to the higher population

densities within and immediate surroundings of major urban concentrations such as the

Cities of Boston and Lowell. The mid-range values of percent pervious (urban, sub-

urban, and peri-urban) correspond to medium density population concentrations along

major interstate highways. For example, towns along the I-90 corridor and the I-93

towards Lawrence and MA-Route 3 towards Lowell are clear areas in transition. While

the Boston Metropolitan Area may be characterized as an urban core with low pervious

surface concentration, there is a clear indication that the whole region is becoming more

urbanized with loss of clear boundaries between urban and non-urban land, a

characteristic of the New England Towns. Some anomalies exist such as the towns of

H and
d Dover soutth of I-90 and
d Carlisle noorth of I-90, where high percent pervvious

values exist within

w mediu
um or low peercent pervioous values. T
This may be attributed too the

faact that thesee towns are bedroom

b com
mmunities, w
with high levvel of conserrvation and

prrotection of land. In gen

neral, the sem
mi-rural regioons are locatted on the peeripheral edgge of

he study areaa either towaards the north
h-western peerimeters, noorth-eastern coast and thhe

outhern areaa bordering Rohde
R Island

Figure 5.11: Metropolitaan gradient zones comparred to popullation densityy an major rroad

5.6.2 Pervious and Impervious Su

urfaces with
hin All Land
d-use classes and Acrosss
Gradient Zones

The overall land cover

c for MB
B is characteerized by 72 per cent perrvious surfacces,

16 percent im
mpervious an
nd 12 percentt water surfaaces of the tootal study arrea. The overrall

PP for the stu

udy area is 80
0 percent. While
W these ppercentage vaalues suggesst a

prredominancee of pervious surfaces in

ndicating a hhigh potentiaal for vegetattion cover

ncrease, plottting the PP for
f each tow
wn across thee zones offerrs a finer inteerpretation oof the

PP distributio
on along the urban-rural gradient (Fiigure 5. 12).. Pervious suurface cover is

generally incrreasing as diistance increeases from B

Boston city, tthe center off MB (Censuus

B 2012
2). The pervious and imp
pervious surffaces are neggatively corrrelated acrosss the

grradient zonees. Pervious surfaces ran

nge from 38 ppercent in zoone one to 79 percent in zone

siix and imperrvious surfacce is at 57% for zone onee and 7% in Zone 6.

Figure 5. 12: Distribution us, imperviouus and waterr surfaces acrross the urbaan-
n of perviou
ural gradientt.
Of the land uses
u that aree totally perv
vious in surfa
face, 49.5 perrcent is forest and brushh-land

nd 3.2 perceent are agricu
ulture. The remaining 200.3 per cent oof pervious ssurfaces are

distributed accross the rem

maining land use classes. The total im
mpervious suurfaces (16

percent of tottal MOB area) are compo

osed of 48 ppercent roadss (including sidewalks) aand

4 per cent bu
uilding footp
print and thee remainder 228 percent iss parking spaaces and


ous surfaces across the 33
3 land uses (LU; Figuree 5.13) show
w a varied

distribution of
o PP within land use classes and acrross gradientt zones. The results indiccate

he three high
hest ranking LUs with hiighest PP vaalues are low
w, medium annd high denssity

reesidential. Th
he sum of PP
P values these three LUss is increasinng from zone 1 to zone 66.

T lowest raanking LUs with
w lowest PP values leess than 0.755% across alll zones are

m minin
ng, nursery, orchard, tran
nsitional, waaste disposall, and water based recreaation.

T highest th
hree ranking
g PP values for
f LUs acrooss the six zoones are repoorted here. T

um of the firrst three rank
king PP valu
ues within LU
U classes is 49 % for zonne 1, 62% foor

one 2, 46% for
f zone 3, 56%
5 for zonee 4, 64% forr zone 5, andd 49% for zoone 6.

T first threee ranking PP
P values for LUs
L includee multi-familly residentiaal (27%), higgh

density resideential (13%) and urban public/institu

p utional (9%) for zone 1; high densityy

reesidential (26
6%), multi-ffamily resideential (20%)), and forest (16%) for zoone 2; forestt

20%), mediu
um density reesidential (2
20%), high ddensity resideential (16%)) for zone 3;

orest (31%), medium den
nsity residen
ntial (18%), and high dennsity residenntial (7%) foor

one 4 forestt (44%), low
w density resiidential (11%
%), and foressted wetlandd (9%) for zoone

5; and forest (53%),

( foressted wetland
d (10%), andd low densityy residential (7%) for zonne 6.

Figure 5.13: Distribution

D of percent pervious
p acrooss land usess within the MB.

When analyzing the data on impervious surfaces, the distribution of road area is

constantly increasing across the gradient zones with zones five and six demonstrating a

sharp decrease of six and three percent from zone four, respectively. Zone one is 28

percent covered with road and side walk surfaces and zones two, three, and four are at 22

percent, 17percent and 11percent respectively. Across all gradient zones, the percentage

of road surface area is half the total impervious within each zone.

Results for buildings show that the trend of building footprint cover is decreasing across

the gradient with a range of 6 to 1 percent from zone one to zone six, respectively. When

compared to the total impervious surface area within each zone, surface area of buildings

shows an increasing trend from zone one to zone four ranging between 10 percent to 22

percent, respectively; while zones five and six are close in value, 15 and 14 percent,

respectively; still, both show a higher value by 5 and 3 percent than zones one and two,


5.6.3 Pervious Surface Opportunities Across Land-uses

The results for pervious surfaces across land uses and across zones indicate that

residential land use types (all densities) offer the highest presence of pervious surfaces

followed by recreation and urban public/institutional land-uses, open land and then

functions related to commercial and industry. Land-uses with total pervious surfaces are

not discussed in this section. Opportunities are defined within land-uses that include

pervious and impervious land covers.

The fiirst three ran
nking classess are reportedd here and aany additionaal land use tyypes

hat are of sig
gnificance arre also mentiioned (

Figuree 5.14). The sum of perccentage coveerage of quallifying perviious surface area

or zone 1 is 4.2%
4 distributed as follo
ows: minor rroad arteriall (1.5%), lim
mited access

highway (1.3%), and otheer numbered

d highway (11.3%). The suum of percentage coveraage

of qualifying road area fo

or zone 2 is 4.8%
4 distribuuted as folloows: minor rroad arterial

1.9%), limiteed access hig
ghway (6.5%
%), and majoor road arteriial (1.2%). T
The sum of

percentage co
overage of qu
ualifying roaad area for zzone 3 is 8.4%
% distributeed as followss:

m road arrterial (6.5%
%), major roaad arterial (1..5%), and lim
mited accesss highway

0.44%). The sum of perccentage coveerage of quallifying road area for zonne 4 is 3.35%

distributed ass follows: minor

m road artterial (1.5%)), limited acccess highwaay (1.4%), annd

m road arrterial (0.44%
%). The sum
m of percentaage coveragee of qualifyinng road area for

one 5 is 2.7%
% distributed
d as follows:: minor roadd arterial (2.1%), other nnumbered

highway (0.3%), and major road arterrial (0.0.3%)). The sum oof percentagee coverage oof

ualifying roaad area for zone

qu z 6 is 1.5%
% distributeed as followss: minor roaad arterial (1.9%),

liimited access highway (6

6.5%), and major
m road arrterial (1.2%

Figure 5.14: Percent
P perv
vious surfacees across land-use types within each gradient zonne
nd ranking of
an o the highesst three valuees

5.6.4 Maxim
mum Opportunities off Pervious Su
urfaces for the Urban H
Heat Island
d Preseerve and Inttensify: Larg

ge Patches of Contiguoous Perviou
us land Surffaces

Large patches of four

f hectaress or more proovide the oppportunity too impact the

urrounding ambient
a temp
peratures. Th
he results suuggest that loow, medium
m, and to som

xtent, high density
d residential land-u
use classes pprovide the hhighest opportunity acrosss all

grradient zonees. These aree followed by

y golf coursees and particcipation recrreation. The

values for PP that corresp

pond to the four
f hectare ppatches rangge from zeroo percent for

ndustrial, jun
nkyard, miniing, marinas, water-baseed recreationn across all zzones to a

m vallue 11% for medium den
nsity residenntial in zone two.

The fiirst three ran

nking land usse classes foor the PP valuues that corrrespond to thhe

our hectare patches
p are reported
r heree (Figure 5.115). For graddient zone onne participattion

reecreation (1.1%) and tran

nsportation (0.7%)
( rank first and seccond respecttively. High

density residential, golf courses, and open land rank third at an equal PP value of 0.63%.

Zone two land-use classes are high density residential (4.4%), followed by golf courses

(1.1%) and participation recreation (0.8%). Zone three is dominated by residential land

use classes and includes medium density (6.2%), high density (2.95), and low density

(0.8%). Similarly, residential land uses dominate zone four and include medium density

(11.1%), low density (3.3%), and high density (1.9%). Zone five land uses classes are

low density residential (9.5%), medium density residential (4.9%), and golf courses at

1.7%. Similarly, zone six is dominated by residential and golf course land uses classes.

The values are low density residential (5.0%), very low density residential (1.9%), and

golf courses at 1.4%.

What is surprising about these results is that in zones one and two, where PP is

lowest, four hectare patch opportunities reside in public or recreation land use classes.

This is an unexpected result since the characterization of zones by PP indicates that the

zones one and two have the least available space. It is worthwhile noting that the reported

values for zones one and two still represent a small fraction of the total land area. In

zones three and four where middle PP values are established, opportunities reside in

residential land-use classes and for zone six low residential and golf courses provide the

highest opportunity percentages. In addition, zones three to six show a significantly

higher PP value of four hectare patches when compared to zones two and three.

Figure 5.15: Percent
P perv
vious values for four hec tare patches across land uses and theeir
raanking crosss the six zonees. Intensify: Patchees of Perviou

us Land Su rfaces Acrooss Land-use classes wh
Applyying Coefficcient of Use

Opporrtunities to in
ntensify veg
getative coveer exist acrosss all land usses. By applyying

th h qualifying land use claass, net PP pprovides the oopportunity to

he use coeffiicient to each

ntensify vegeetative coverr without jeo
opardizing thhe outdoor sspace use of the land-usee

cllass. The oveerall results indicate thatt residential classes rankk first acrosss all gradientt

ones followeed by comm
mercial and op
pen land. Thhe results forr the first thrree ranking

cllasses are rep

ported here (Figure 5.16

PP values for mullti-family ressidential classs (2.1%) doominates in zzone one

ollowed by open
o land (0.9%) and ind
dustrial (0.8%
%). Zone tw
wo is somewhhat similar w

m residential class
c (2.0%) followed byy commerciaal (1.5%). Raank three is

hared by ind
dustrial (1.0%
%) and publiic/institutionnal (1.0%) laand use classses. Zone thrree is

raanked by meedium densitty residentiall (1.9%) andd commerciaal (1.6%) seccond. Rank tthree

iss shared by industrial (0.9%) and pub

blic/instituti onal (0.9%) land use claasses. Zone ffour

ncludes med
dium density residential (1.9%)
( in firrst rank, com
mmercial (1.66%) in seconnd

raank and the third

t rank sh
hared by low
w density resiidential (1.4%) and com
mmercial (1.55%).

Z five includes low deensity resideential (4.7%)) in first rankk, open land (1.8%) in

seecond rank, and very low

w density ressidential (1.22%) in third rank. Zone six is similaar to

one five in laand uses claasses but difffers in rank oorder: low deensity resideential (3.2%)),

very low denssity residenttial (2.6%), and

a open lannd (2%).

Figure 5.16: Comparative

C e table and raanking of PP
P as defined by use-coeffficient acrosss
laand-use classses. Transsforming Bu
uilding Roo
ofs to Green
n Roofs

Out of all the land use categories in the study area, building footprints in nine land

uses classes qualify for surface transformation to green roofs (Figure 5.17). The land-use

classes are: commercial, high density residential, urban public/institutional, industrial,

transportation, participation recreation, marina, water based recreation, and golf courses.

These land uses are dominated with large footprints and mostly flat roofs. Some land use

types such as high density residential, golf courses, marina, and water based recreation

may include buildings with pitched roofs and especially in the zones more distant from

the center. With the available data, it was not possible to determine roof type of every

single building.

The results indicate that building foot print areas across land uses are dominated

by commercial in zone 1, high density residential in zones two, three, and four; and with

industrial buildings in zones five and six significance reduction across zones. The first

three ranking area percentages are reported as percentage of total zone area. 21.4 per cent

is the sum of the highest three LUs for zone 1 and multi-family residential (10.4%), high

density residential (7.6%) and urban public/institutional (3.5%). 31 percent is the sum of

the highest three LUs for zone 2 and include high density residential (18.6%), multi-

family residential (10%), and participation recreation (1.1%). 33 percent is the total of the

highest three LUs for zone 3 and include medium density residential (15.5%), high

density residential (12.5%), multi-family residential (5.2%). 35 percent is the total of the

highest three LUs for zone 4 and include medium density residential (20%), low density

residential (8%), and high density residential (7%). 32 percent is the total of the highest

three LUs for zone 5 and include low density residential (19%), medium density

residential (9.6%), and low density residential (3.2%). 27 percent is the total of the

highest three LUs for zon
ne 6 and include low dennsity residenttial (15.6%), urban veryy low

reesidential (8.3%), and op

pen land (3%

Figure 5.17: Qualifying

Q potential
p buillding roofs ffor green rooof implemenntation Intensify and Sha

ade for Trees: Pervious Surface O
Opportunitiees in Road

The data
d shows th
hat the overaall opportuniities for pervvious surfacees within roaad

eaasements is predominant
p tly in class five
f roads (m
minor road arrterials) folloowed by class

ne roads (lim
mited access highways). The first thrree ranking cclasses are reeported heree

Figure 5.18). The sum off percentagee coverage off qualifying road area foor zone 1 is 44.2%

distributed ass follows: minor

m road artterial (1.5%)), limited acccess highwaay (1.3%), annd

otther numberred highway (1.3%). Thee sum of perccentage coverage of quaalifying roadd area

or zone 2 is 4.8%
4 distributed as follo
ows: minor rroad arteriall (1.9%), lim
mited access

highway (6.5%), and major road arterrial (1.2%). T

The sum of percentage ccoverage of

ualifying roaad area for zone
z 3 is 8.4%
% distributeed as followss: minor roaad arterial (6.5%),

m road arrterial (1.5%
%), and limiteed access higghway (0.44%
%). The sum
m of percentaage

overage of qualifying
q ro
oad area for zone
z 4 is 3.335% distribuuted as follow
ws: minor rooad

arrterial (1.5%
%), limited acccess highwaay (1.4%), aand major roaad arterial (00.44%). The sum

of percentagee coverage off qualifying road area foor zone 5 is 22.7% distribuuted as folloows:

m road arrterial (2.1%
%), other num
mbered highw
way (0.3%), and major rroad arterial

0.0.3%). Thee sum of perrcentage coverage of quaalifying roadd area for zonne 6 is 1.5%

distributed ass follows: minor

m road artterial (1.9%)), limited acccess highwaay (6.5%), annd

m road arrterial (1.2%

Figure 5.18: Copmartive

C duagram and
d table of PP
P potential w
within road eeasements
caategorized by
b road class

ds to Vegetated Surfacees Transsform Road

The ro
oads that quaalify for tran
nsformation to pervious surfaces all land uses annd

grradient zonees are within

n the lowest speed
s categoory, namely, minor arteriial. The resuults

ndicate that class
c five haas the highestt potential accross all six zones (Figuure 5.19). Thhe

ualifying roaad imperviou
us surface frrom zone onne to six are 44.3%, 8.7%,, 1.8%, 3.9%
%, 1,

nd1% , respeectively. Wh
hen accountiing for half tthe road surffaces that poossibly may

become perviious, these percentage vaalues are redduced by hallf as follows,, from zone one

o six: 2.2%, 4.3%, 0.9%,, 2%, 0.5%, and0.5%, reespectively. F

to For this to acctually occuur, a

trraffic study at
a multiple scales needs to conduct.

Figure 5.19: Class

C five ro
oads (local arrterial) that ccould potenttially be trannsformed to ggreen
sttreets Transsform for Tree Shading

g: Pervious Surface Op
pportunitiess in Parkingg

Similaar to building footprints,, the qualifyiing parking spaces are w

within five laand

use types. The results ind

dicate that paarking surfacces within coommercial annd industriall

laand uses acro

oss all gradieent zones aree the highestt contributorrs, followed by urban/puublic

nstitutional and
a transporttation. Specttator recreatiion registereed the lowestt possible

ontribution across
a all zones.

The fiirst three ran

nking classess are reportedd here (Figuure 5.20). Thhe sum of

percentage co
overage of qu
ualifying roaad area for zzone 1 is 5.8%
% distributeed as followss:

n (3.3%), com
mmercial (2.8%), and inndustrial (2.77%), and The sum of

percentage co
overage of qu
ualifying roaad area for zzone 2 is 5.5%
% distributeed as followss:

ndustrial (2.5
5%), commeercial (2%), and
a urban puublic/instituttional (0.89%
%). The sum
m of

percentage co
overage of qu
ualifying roaad area for zzone 3 is 6.4%
% distributeed as followss:

ommercial (3.2%), indusstrial (2.2%)), and publicc institutionaal (1.09%). T

co The sum of

percentage co
overage of qu
ualifying roaad area for zzone 4 is 5.5%
% distributeed as followss:

ommercial (2.6%), indusstrial (2%), and
a spectatoor recreation (0.94%). Thhe sum of

percentage co
overage of qu
ualifying roaad area for zzone 5 is 3%
% distributed as follows:

ndustrial (1.3
3%), commeercial (1.2%)), and urban public/instittutional (0.6%). The sum
m of

percentage co
overage of qu
ualifying roaad area for zzone 6 is 1.3%
% distributeed as followss:

urrban public/institutional (0.5%), ind

dustrial (0.4%
%), and comm
mercial (0.35%).

Figure 5.20: Opportunitie

O es to transforrm impervioous surfaces tto vegetatedd surfaces wiithin
ualifying lan
nd-use classees

5.6.5 Gradient of Green Infrastructure Policy Opportunities

When summing all PP values for the different strategies within each land use

class for each gradient zone, the extent of opportunity for each green infrastructure

matches surface temperature distribution for UHI for MB. The results indicate that

opportunity for the different measures varies differently across gradient zones. The total

PP value for four hectare patches increases from zone 1 (5.1%) to zone 3 (15.2%), levels

out for zones 4 and 5 at 21%, and dips for zone 6 (13.3%). For opportunities across

pervious surfaces when applying the use-coefficient, PP values are somewhat level for all

zones ranging from 8.7% for zone 1 to 10% for zones 5 and six. Intensifying tree canopy

within road easements shows a sharp increase in zone 3 with lower values for zones 1 and

6. The PP value slightly increases from zone 1(4.1%) to zone 2 (4.8%), then sharply

reaches 8.4% in zone 3 with sharp drop in zone 4 (3.3%) value reaching 1.5% for zone 6.

When considering transforming local arterial roads to green streets, PP values doubles

from zone 1 (4.1%) to zone 2 (8.7%). A gradual decrease is then observed from zone 3

(2%) to 1% in zone 6. Green roof show a gradual decrease from zone 1 (9.9%) to zone 6

(0.3%) with a single anomaly for zone 3 at 23.4%. PP values for transforming impervious

surfaces to pervious surfaces impact reduction gradually and consistently decreases from

zone 1(10.6%) to zone 6 (1.4%) (Figure 5.22)

When compared to the UHI, green roofs, parking transformation and intensifying

vegetation within pervious surfaces based on use coefficient provide the highest

opportunity to mitigate the UHI within zone 1. Four hectare patches, transforming roads

to pervious surfaces, and intensifying vegetation within pervious surfaces based on use-

coefficient show highest potential for zone 2. Four hectare patches, intensifying

vegetation wiithin perviou
us surfaces based
b on use--coefficient,, and green rroofs providee the

highest opporrtunities acro

oss zone 3. Four
F hectare patches, inttensifying veegetation witthin

pervious surfa
faces based on
o use-coeffiicient and traansforming pparking surffaces show thhe

ntial for increeasing vegetation cover. Opportunitiies for zoness 5 and 6 reside
highest poten

n four hectarre patches, in
ntensifying vegetation
v w
within pervioous surfaces bbased on usee-

oefficient, an
nd vegetatio
on within roaad easementss (Figure 5.221).

Figure 5.21: Spatial

S distriibution of eaach green inffrastructure mmeasure typpe across the
grradient zonees compared to the urban n heat islandd distributionn for MB.
From top left, clockwise: The urban heat h island oof Boston Citty ( source: U Urban Heat
Isslands, http:///www.urban; threee hectare pattches; opporrtunity by
cooefficient off use; opporttunity for parrking shadinng and transfformation oppportunities;
oppportunities for road eassement transsformation; aand opportunnities for greeen roofs.

Strategies in geneeral may be categorized
c aas follows: inntensifying vvegetation

w pervio
ous surfaces based
b on usee-coefficientt shows oppoortunity acrooss all zoness and

has been rank

ked as first or
o second. Fo
our hectare ppatches provvide the seconnd highest

frrequency acrross five zon

nes (zone 2 to zone 6), annd the remaiinder is distrributed acrosss all

ones. What is
i of significcance is that where the inntensity of thhe UHI (zonnes 1 to 3)

on of impervious surfaces (roads, buiildings and pparking) proovide substanntial


Figure 5.22: Opportunitie

O es for green infrastructur
i re measures across gradiient zones.

When co
onsidering ad
daptation to climate
c channge, accountting for foresst and

gricultural laand uses beccomes a futu
ure opportuniity and challlenge to maintain in the near

nd distant fu
uture. When including fo
orest and agrriculture in thhe results, thhere is a cleaar

ndication (Fiigure 5.23) th
hat forest co
over will playy a significaant role in cliimate proofiing

B as th
he PP values consistently
y are increassing from zonne 1(6.2%) tto zone 2 (677%).

he priority heere would bee to devise policies
p that pprotect and ppreserve theese land usess into

he future.

Figure 5.23: Opportunitie

O es for green infrastructur
i re measures across gradiient zones
ncluding foreest and agriccultural land use classes..

n considering
g which land
d uses providde the highesst opportunitties for the

different greeen infrastructture strategiees, residentiaal uses are hhighest in rannk (Table 5.66).

T results allso allow forr the prioritizzation of pollicy across ggradient zonees based on sspace

vailability within
w each zone (Table 5.7)

G Infra
astructure Policies
P nity Land-u
Opportun uses
C tree patchess All resideential categoories
T intensiffication All resideential, commmercial, openn land
G Roofss High denssity residenttial, commerrcial, industrrial
S shadin ng and greenn streets Class 5, loocal roads
P treee shading & Transform Industriall and comm mercial
T 5.6: Highest provission of opporrtunity acrosss land-use cclasses by grreen
nfrastructuree policy.

Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3
Zone 1 Parking Green Roofs Tree Intensification
Zone 2 Tree Intensification Street shade & green Contiguous tree patches
Zone 3 Green Roofs Contiguous tree patches Tree Intensification
Zone 4 Contiguous tree patches Tree Intensification Parking
Zone 5 Contiguous tree patches Tree Intensification Parking
Zone 6 Contiguous tree patches Tree Intensification Street shading
Table 5.7: Green infrastructure prioritization scheme across gradient zones.

5.7 Discussion and Conclusion

The research findings presented here are significant because they begin to give an

order of magnitude of the available opportunities to incorporate varied green

infrastructure measures. The literature has made the connection between green

infrastructure and ecosystem benefits that accrue to communities and their environment

(Pauleit and Duhme, 2000). Small scale best management practices have been developed

and implemented predominantly at the local or parcel scale (EPA). There is growing

recognition in the fields of planning of the importance of green infrastructure in

improving livelihoods (APA, 2012). Planning and design documents specify green

infrastructure as tools to improve physical urban contexts. While benedict and McMahon

(2002) provide steps to develop urban and metropolitan scale networks, the challenge

remains to plan and implant these networks within already established urban. Prior to

devising policy, considering available space that could be transformed, intensified, or

preserved should be the first step in developing responsive policy. The results from this

research may be considered as an initial step in identifying where possibilities reside,

what measures are applicable and what are the policy priorities that are needed to

advance the development of a vegetated green infrastructure network.

The assessment method presented here aimed to provide a methodology to

identify space opportunities of vegetated green infrastructure network. It is addressed to

planners and policy makers. Using a method based on basic GIS analysis tools using

readily available data sets provides an easy and relatively quick way to define policy

priorities. The characterization of a metropolitan region based on the percent pervious

land metric allows planners to identify where opportunities and constraints are for

implementation. This becomes critical when considering the UHI, for example, where

specific environmental performance is required. Reducing temperatures will require a

certain extent and coverage of vegetated surfaces. The proposed method permits the

identification of the possible surface areas that can be dedicated for the provision of

ecosystems services. It follows, that the area metrics that result from this method allow

for the calculation of the environmental performance, as the surface area of land cover is

a primary input. These calculations will ultimate determine the extent that vegetated

surfaces may be able to reduce the UHI. Such calculations allow ecologists and

environmental planners to prioritize policies and assess the extent of reliance on

vegetated surfaces for environmental performance.

The priority for planners is to ensure the functionality of green infrastructure

and/or green space and to conserve what exists. In the context of Boston, protecting the

36% of the total forested areas within the study area, that is situated within private and

public ownerships should be a priority. Then it becomes possible to intensify and expand

green cover by defining opportunities across land uses. By using the percent pervious

metric as the basis of the assessment method combined with the patch-corridor-matrix

model (Forman, 1988), an integrated approach may be developed to advance a regionals

network. This will require further exploration into the configuration aspect of green

infrastructure spatial elements.

There are several improvements that can be done to refine the proposed method.

Additional data layers should be added to ensure to refine the assessment and account for

variable that impact the provision of vegetated surfaces. Soil data and existing tree

canopy cover derived from remotely sensed images, will improve and refine the results to

address factors that directly impact vegetative surface implementation.

This research focused on the assessment of space opportunity for vegetated green

infrastructure for the UHI. The UHI is considered as a form of local climate change\ and

represents a sample of what global climatic change may bring. The impacts of global

climate change are comparable to the UHI as both have direct local impact on

communities. Measures that are effective for the UHI are also applicable to adaptation to

climate change impacts. Green infrastructure is one of the most promising adaptive

strategies to climate proof cities. But this needs to be recognized in the planning process

at multiple scale and explicitly considered within the constraints of available space.




6.1 Prologue

This dissertation emanates from keenness to find practical solutions to problems

that we face today and will face in the future. In more specific, it is addressed to planners

who are constantly seeking out new ways of dealing with problems. Today’s

complexities in planning need to simultaneously consider population increase, fast and

vast urbanization, depletion of resources, food security and climate change prompt us as

planners, to pursue practical, tangible, cost-effective, and imageable solutions that our

audience expects us to deliver. Yes, this is what we all wish: perfect solutions. But if not

seeking the best, most appropriate and “out-of-the-box” ideas is not our aim, then what


The discussion brought forward in this dissertation was approached in this spirit:

to find ways to move the discussion in planning on green infrastructure implementation

and adaptation planning into a realm that begins to propose a continuum of theoretical

ideas and practical solutions that inform planners and improve the wellbeing of society.

Robert Young (2011) expressed this concern when he suggested that the underinvestment

in green infrastructure at the metropolitan scale, similar to other infrastructural systems,

has left planners with little experience to manage green infrastructure initiatives. I heed

his call and conclude this work with a brief review of the chapters, a discussion on green

infrastructure and adaptive capacity and propose a framework that integrates the ideas in

the chapters.

6.2 Green Infrastructure and Adaptive Capacity

I have argued that green infrastructure should become a significant component of

climate change adaptation planning and policy. The three primary chapters identify

explicit contributions that address different components of this argument. The model

proposed for incremental adaptation implementation identifies planning issues that are

core to adaptation and relevant to green infrastructure. For green infrastructure to be

effective it should be implemented at multiple scales, gradually and in a flexible manner

allowing adjustments as climate change materializes. An incremental approach with a

comprehensive vision is the subject of the proposed green infrastructure transect to

mainstream adaptation policies. The proposed green infrastructure transect integrates

adaptation policies at multiple scales and suggests a method to prioritize green

infrastructure strategies according to context and scale. This prompted the development

of an assessment method that aims to evaluate the maximum potential of space that could

be allocated for green infrastructure implementation at the metropolitan scale. The three

contributions form a framework that explicitly advocates for an ecosystem approach to

adaptation through green infrastructure measures and policies.

Chapter three argued for an implementation method for adaptation plans based on

future uncertainty of timing and magnitude of climate change impacts. It is based on

phasing adaptation policies according to triggering indicators. Moving from no-regrets

policies to transformational ones depends on the extent that future climate projections

materialize. The aim was to provide a way where policy makers may be readily to accept

of adaptation agendas through long term phasing of policies and resources. The risk for

policy makers is that they will be accountable if climate change intensifies and no action

is carried out. A long term vision with clear but flexible objectives will allow for

incremental implementation that is flexible to changing climatic, economic, and political

environments. The results of testing the model on current case studies suggest that

phasing of adaptation measures from no-regrets to transformational may reduce

uncertainty of magnitude and timing of climate impacts by having a flexible and

adjustable plan that evolves as climate impacts materialize; investment is spread across

longer time frames allowing for monitoring to indicate the need to increase or reduce

investment in adaptation; and reducing uncertainty of future information by beginning to

plan today and update frequently as information is available and technological

advancements are achieved. This long term and phased approach is critically relevant to

green infrastructure as it requires long periods of times to establish as well as the

challenge to account accrued services within current economic valuation systems.

In chapter four a theoretical framework modeled on green infrastructure principles

to integrate adaptation policies is developed. The green infrastructure transect is a

framework for vulnerability assessment based on a variation of physical and social

contexts. The primary proposition is that green infrastructure implementation should be

matched with social and physical conditions of communities. According to location

along the transect and the prioritized climate impact, green infrastructure policies are

planned according to suitable measures appropriate to contexts. Integration across scales

(vertical) and contexts (horizontal) becomes necessary to coordinate green infrastructure

policies for adaptation across administrative jurisdictions and scales. When applied to the

metropolitan Boston, the results suggest that the limitations of space and character along

the transect will prompt varying green infrastructure measures. Prioritizing climate

change impacts across the transect will prompt communities to develop policies and plans

that suite their needs (horizontal integration) while contributing to an overall vision of

future conditions developed by regional bodies (vertical integration). By encouraging

integrated local and regional planning, allocation of green infrastructure resources could

be matched to needs, provide redundancy of systems when required, and define enhance

the quality of life in general.

One of the primary observations from chapter four is that space for green

infrastructure implementation varies across urban-rural gradient. Chapter five addresses

this issue and a method is proposed to estimate surface areas across land uses usable for

green infrastructure to form a network at the metropolitan scale. Within urban contexts,

un-built surfaces are highly determined by land uses. The morphology of available space,

soils, and vegetation types vary according to land use types. Percent pervious (PP) is

developed as a land metric to identify the variations across land use types. The area

estimation method is applied to the metropolitan area of Boston (MOB) taking the urban

heat island as an application example to identify suitable green infrastructure measures.

The MOB was characterized using the PP into gradient zones of perviousness. PP within

each land use type in each gradient zone is identified allowing the comparison of PPs

across land uses and zones. A gradient of potential green infrastructure policies is then

developed to assist policy makers in defining the potential of green infrastructure

policies. Four primary green infrastructure measures were found to be effective in

reducing temperatures: contiguous tree canopy, green roofs, street and parking tree

shading. Four strategies were also set: conservation of what is present, intensify pervious

surfaces, transform impervious surfaces and reduce impact. When considering the urban

heat island, the results suggest the potential of developing a network across the urban

region varies based on space availability and type of green infrastructure measure. For

example, where highest intensities of UHI dominate (in and close to urban core), green

roofs, parking transformation, and street shading are highly possible to implement

compared to contiguous patches of forest or pervious land surfaces. Farther from the core

where the UHI is less prominent, the results indicate a reversal of space potential

availability. The significance of these findings suggest that there is a clear need to

expedite implementation of specific green infrastructure measures within the urban core

to address the UHI. On the other hand, longer term planning to preserve and expand

patches of pervious land surfaces for future urban expansion should be accounted for

starting today.

The phased adaptation planning model based on triggering conditions coupled

with a green infrastructure transect that matches measures and contexts across scales and

the exploration of potential surface area allocation for green infrastructure aim to enhance

the ability of communities, cities and urban regions to better cope with climate change

impacts. In more specific, the propositions advocate an explicit integration of green

infrastructure in adaptation planning as no-regrets policies where adaptation could begin

now with multiple benefits accrued to the future. While green infrastructure may not be

sufficient to climate proof cities, it highly contributes to increasing the adaptive capacity

from individuals to communities to regions.

As cities begin to pursue adaptation plans that increase resilience to climate

change impacts, they aim to enhance their adaptive capacity across multiple sectors to

address social, environmental, and economic vulnerabilities. Environmental

vulnerabilities are a challenge to address due to the local-to-regional extent of impacts

and the multi-faceted infrastructural responses required to address them. As an ecosystem

based approach, green infrastructure is a suitable set of measures and policies that

enhance the adaptive capacity of specific communities and the urban area at large. The

complimentary between ecosystem services and climate impacts, no-regrets and multi-

level benefits render it as a necessary component to enhance the adaptive capacity.

In general, enhancing the adaptive capacity is achieved by adjusting existing

systems and resources to cope with short and long term impacts. In human dominated

systems, as is the case in an urban metropolitan system29 , the ability to adjust is

dependent on recognizing a specific threat (or threats) followed by policies and planning

initiatives that respond to this threat over time (Walker and Salt, 2008). In the context of

climate change impacts, adaptive capacity is the “the ability of a system to adjust

to climate change (including climate variability and extremes) to moderate potential

damages, to take advantage of opportunities, or to cope with the consequences (IPCC

2007, p. 35)”. Two key ideas are relevant to green infrastructure. First, green

infrastructure can simultaneously act in multiple adaptation capacities; and second, it is

necessary to adjust and expand open space planning to include un-built land and natural

assets to become a green infrastructure network to maximize the environmental benefit.

Urban System is a network of towns and cities and their hinterlands which can be seen
as a system since it depends on the movements of labor, goods and services, ideas,
and capital through the network. Crucial to the interactions within the system are efficient
systems of transport and communication (Forman, 2008)

The first idea is that green infrastructure can function in three adaptation

capacities: anticipatory30, autonomous31, or planned32 (IPCC, 2007). It is anticipatory by

the mere fact that open spaces exist within metropolitan regions. Remnants of the natural

landscape, in the form of parks and private yards, are already providing ecosystem

services at the local scale regardless of the explicit recognition of climate change. But

this is dependent on the autonomous adaptation of natural elements within these open

spaces. These services depend on the health of vegetation and soils and the availability of

water. Increasing temperatures may lead to tree canopy death due to lower hardiness or

change in soil composition or reduction in water availability. Such impacts prompt

ecological succession resulting in species migration towards the north (Lerner and Allen,

2012). But climate change seems to be increasing at a faster pace than anticipated with

projections reaching 2⁰C by mid-century and 4⁰C by 2100 (Frumhoff et al., 2007). Such

a time frame is arguably too short for natural adaptation to occur. As a planned system

for climate adaptation, green infrastructure could account for the inherent vulnerability of

the network itself as well as ensuring the continued delivery of ecosystem benefits. For

that to occur, adjustments to open space planning must be made, and very soon.

Anticipatory adaptation is “adaptation that takes place before impacts of climate
change are observed; also referred to as proactive adaptation (IPCC 2007, p.35)”.
Autonomous adaptation is “adaptation that does not constitute a conscious response to
climatic stimuli but is triggered by ecological changes in natural systems and by market
or welfare changes in human systems; also referred to as spontaneous adaptation (IPCC
2007, p.35)”.
Planned adaptation is “adaptation that is the result of a deliberate policy decision,
based on an awareness that conditions have changed or are about to change and that
action is required to return to, maintain, or achieve a desired state (IPCC 2007, p.35)”.

The second idea is the adjustment or transformation of open space into a green

infrastructure network providing maximum ecosystem benefits that specifically address

impacts of climate change. In the USA, open space planning is centered around

conservation and recreation of predominantly public land. Land and natural assets in

metropolitan areas include both publicly and privately-held open spaces. Arguably, these

assets are not counted as part of an infrastructural metropolitan network but as disparate

and distinct elements that provide localized ecosystem services. When accounting for

ecosystems services necessary for adaptation, land and natural assets within private and

public land should qualify to be part of a green infrastructure system. To transform these

assets into an urban metropolitan green infrastructure capable of effectively contributing

to adaptation, spatial adjustments to GI planning need to be considered.

To effectively use green infrastructure as an adaptation measure, the extent of

current and future ecosystem benefits must be understood and measured. Under future

scenarios, recent studies have measured the extent of reduction of temperature and

flooding (Gill et al., 2007) and removal of pollutants and CO2 (Currie & Basse, 2008) of

green roofs, trees, and shrubs in Manchester (UK) and Vancouver (Canada) respectively.

These studies have focused on small-scale BMPs within urban cores. Small-scale BMPs

contribute to enhancing site and neighborhood level climatic and environmental

conditions and demonstrate the effectiveness of green infrastructure, therefore, enhancing

local adaptive capacities. But if the understanding of green infrastructure is expanded to

include local, neighborhood, urban and regional natural and engineered systems, then the

extent of expanding the contribution of green infrastructure to the adaptive capacity is

augmented. For example, the metropolitan Area of Boston boasts the provision of high

level of open space and forested cover (51%). Yet, only 15% of these forests are

protected ensuring continuity of ecosystem provision into the future. Residential

property (from single homes to housing projects) include large tracts of un-built surfaces.

Residential pervious surfaces account 25% of total land area (excluding water). These are

predominantly lawn areas that could be transformed into functioning green infrastructure,

while maintaining recreational open space. The two examples in Boston demonstrate that

the potential to account land as part of green infrastructure to increase the adaptive

capacity is available. What is required is a reconceptualization of what open space

constitutes to function as an infrastructure.

Few studies explicitly connect ecosystem services33 and adaptation beyond the

urban or sub-urban cores. It is true that the focus of climate change adaptation is at the

local scale, as this where the impacts are directly felt, at the individual level (ECLEI,

YR). Yet, there are multiple benefits to considering the metropolitan or even the regional

scale when considering GI for adaptation. Recognizing large and small patches and

corridors across a metropolitan region for the capacity as a CO2 sink (Stone, 2012) or

reduce regional temperatures (Gartland, 2008) or act as water storage from excess

precipitation (Gill et al., 2007), are complimentary to small scale BMPs within the urban

core. Studies that focus on the benefits of forest canopies (Nowak and Greenfield, 2012,

2012a), natural resources (Forman,T.T., 2008), and the impact of detention and retention

Ecosystem services (values and functions) are biological and ecological processes that
include, but not limited to, the water cycle, carbon cycle, nutrient cycle, air and water
pollutant removal and photosynthesis. The benefits accrued to communities from these
services maintain the quality and quantity of water (Brabec, 2009; 2002); clean the air
and act as a CO2 sink (McPherson, 2002); provide recreation spaces; improve health
conditions (REF); and ameliorate temperatures of urban climates (Akbari, 2002;
Gartland, 2007).

basins at the watershed scale primarily focus on total ecosystem benefits without

connecting to adaptation. If sufficient mass of forests, natural reserves, river watersheds,

in addition to large scale parks, golf courses, etc. are maintained, temperatures within the

metropolitan climates may be ameliorated. The point here is that adaptation to climate

change impacts has been focused on solutions from within the urban core. It is time that

we begin looking beyond to compliment the local approach. Green infrastructure can play

the role of ameliorating metropolitan or urban-regional climate at least in the early stages

towards adaptation planning.

Approaching open space (or the un-built realm) planning in a metropolitan region

as an interconnected system of patches and corridors within a matrix (Forman, T.T.,

1997, 2008; Ahern, 2007) provides a strategic approach to utilize GI as an adaptation

measure. A GI system that extends landscape ecological values and envisioned as a

whole to respond to metropolitan adaptation needs is a framework that incorporates all

land resources as potential contributors (Gill et al., 2007). The patch-corridor-matrix

concept parallels metropolitan infrastructural terminology, similar to transportation (i.e.

hubs, connectors, and destinations).Designating specific land typologies based on their

ecosystem benefit and suitability to respond to climate change impacts allows the

development of a network that is incorporated into the overall metropolitan

infrastructural system. This incorporates existing land resources as well as planning for

the future development of the GI system based on projected climate threats. These land

resources are available today and should be protected, enhanced, or expanded. When

considered as a metropolitan system, towns and cities may be able to concentrate their

land resource planning efforts depending on the contribution to the overall system and

adaptation targets. A metropolitan system should incorporate the plethora of current

policies, programs and regulations (DCR, DEP, Smart growth, conservation) that ensure

permanency of vegetated patches and corridors. These need to be further developed to

explicitly connect them to climate change adaptation. Still, it can be argued that these

also require an extensive period of time to implement. This is true. But starting inventory,

assessment, and adjustment of an existing stock of land with the purpose of developing

the GI system may be a more viable approach than beginning with what is not there or

requiring establishment through new policies and regulations. Furthermore, lower land

values beyond the urban core provide opportunities to aggressively pursue land

purchases. When considering urban expansion in the future and the likely increase in

climate impacts, land areas beyond the core will probably be transformed in character to

emulate urban core areas. This may lead to loss of more vegetated, ecological and natural

surfaces that inherently provide adaptation ecosystem services. So thinking about future

conditions and locking land today for future green infrastructure is another way that open

space planning should be adjusted and thought of more along the line of a necessary and

fundamental infrastructure. Furthermore, investing today in land at current prices may

reduce the likelihood of large scale investments in the future. Thus an incremental and

phased approach is arguably the way forward to invest in a future green infrastructure

system across metropolitan areas to climate proofing the future today.

6.3 Green Infrastructure Framework for adaptation at the metropolitan scale

In this context, planning green infrastructure at the metropolitan or urban-region

scale begins to immediately accrue adaptation benefits early in the adaptation process. At

the same time, a vision of a green infrastructure system provides flexibility to pursue

expansion and development of the green infrastructure system. In this manner, adaptation

using green infrastructure may begin today, monitoring its effectiveness while expanding

the existing stock of land into a multi-scalar infrastructural green infrastructure system

with multiple ecosystem benefits pertinent to adaptation. To achieve this, the following

principles are proposed to formulate a framework that adjusts open spaces to become a

green infrastructure network capable of enhancing the adaptive capacity of urban regions.

These principles are envisioned to contexts similar of the North East of the United States.

Principle 1 – Develop a green infrastructure regional vision: An urban region

should articulate a metropolitan green infrastructure spatial vision to ensure that local

initiatives of green infrastructure contribute to the overall adaptation targets. The regional

dimension is critical because climate variability and impacts occur at this scale. At the

same time, when considering urban spread, reserving land assets is critical for future

climate proofing. Targets for adaptation set at the regional scale will ensure that local and

participatory implementation contribute to transform green infrastructure to a utility-like

infrastructure in public policy terms, that is included within a municipal budgeting

(Benedict and McMahon, 2006) and actively pursued. This may be achieved by

establishing a planning or coordinating body (similar to transportation or water resource

management authorities) empowered with defining opportunities and cross jurisdictional

coordination of green infrastructure resources. For example, in Metropolitan Boston an

integrative body may be established to coordinate works across the Department of

Conservation and Recreation, department of Environmental protection, the regional

planning bodies, and Department of Transportation.

Principle 2 - Integrate top-down and bottom-up planning: Building on a vision,

participation of communities is necessary for smooth and meaningful implementation.

Communities empowered with developing and contributing to vision building will be

more readily accepting of initiatives in their neighborhood. Suitable measures that

respond to peoples’ place of living to ensure longevity, adoption, and implementation of


Principle 3 – Integrate ecosystem services accounting: Explicit acknowledgement

and accounting of how singular and aggregated ecosystem benefits accrue from vegetated

land surfaces at the site, neighborhood, urban and metropolitan scales should be

continuously done to determine extent of contribution to the adaptive capacity.

Identifying the targets of performance and thresholds of provision of ecosystem services

are fundamental to establishing a system and an infrastructure that can respond to climate

impacts. Being able to determine how much tree canopy is available and size of tree

crowns will assist in determining how much rain water could be intercepted from an

extreme precipitation reducing run-off. Conducting such inventories periodically will

support monitoring efforts of climate change and continuously enhance and improve the

adaptive capacity.

Principle 4 – Expand green infrastructure surfaces across cities: Adopt a proactive

approach to intensifying urban tree canopy, natural vegetated surfaces, and engineered

vegetated surfaces on existing and newly acquired plots of land, regardless how small or

where located. Strategies such as protecting existing vegetated surfaces, transforming

impervious surfaces, creating green roofs and transforming derelict land become core

strategies in green infrastructure planning. Therefore accounting for typologies of land

use and land cover on privately or publicly owned land become crucial to maximize

ecosystem benefits as the relationship of ecosystem services and vegetated surface area is

directly proportional.

Principle 5 – Account for system vulnerability: The acknowledgement that green

infrastructure is inherently vulnerable when considering climate change. Changing

temperatures and drought regimes will impact the flora of a region, likely leading to the

death of forest cover and resulting in higher impacts from desertification and heat

indexes. Anticipating this possible change would require replacing vegetation species by

more drought tolerant types to ensure to ensure longevity and biodiversity, ensuring

maximum possible ecosystem services in the short and long terms. Knowing how much

ecosystem services (adaptive capacity) may be derived within a specific context is crucial

to long term adaption planning.

Principle 6 – Develop a continuum of green infrastructure policies: Identification

and categorization of GI measures and policies into a continuum that builds from local

small scale measures into a more transformative regional network. In the context of GI, a

transformative policy could be the acquisition of forested land by eminent domain to

ensure continuity of forest cover. What is fundamentally different for green

infrastructure, is that even transformational measures remain no-regret win-win solutions

as cities become greener. The purpose is to actively pursue strategies that respond to

climate change intensification in the future

Principle 7 – Incremental and phased implementation: the continuum of measures

will also need to be implemented in an incremental and phased manner. For green

infrastructure expansion, this may be the only way forward as challenges to valuation

remain as well as the long term nature of transformation of land uses and covers over

time. Gradual implementation begins with accounting what is available, build a vision

based on climate impacts, define extent of green infrastructure contribution, and then

begin phased implementation.

Principle 8 – Multi-disciplinary planning and managing bodies: Adaptation and

green infrastructure planning span environmental and biological sciences, social sciences,

planning and design. Management and economic planning are also core fields. To

achieve a planning result that addresses social needs and climatic impacts and that is well

managed and economically feasible will require a team of professionals, administrators,

policy makers and community representatives with commitment to achieve these

objectives. This is not an easy task that questions how conventional planning and

implementation have been carried out. The task to bring together a climate scientist, an

anthropologist,, an ecologist, an architect, a landscape architect, planner, an analyst, a

policy maker, a financial manager, and a community representative to achieve tha goal of

adaptation planning will require new ways to organize and manage that accounts for the

multi-layered process.

There are several reasons why the above principles are useful to planners and

policy makers concerned with using green infrastructure for adaptation. Understating the

current adaptive capacity provides the framework to inventory existing GI spatial

typologies and their respective land covers, thus providing a single data layer for

assessment. Developing a GI system at the regional scale provides a systems’

understanding of the opportunities and constraints. As a system, GI should become a

critical infrastructural component of the overall regional metropolitan infrastructure

system and considered as equal to other utility or infrastructural systems. By deriving the

current adaptive capacity from GI, thresholds of how much GI may contribute to

adaptation planning may be established. This allows a determination of whether GI is

sufficiently capable to address the context specific climate change impacts or

supplementary policies and measures are needed to be bundled with GI. A regional

approach provides the possibility of understanding cross jurisdictional opportunities and

constraints providing the possibility for effective policy coordination across

administrative boundaries. Lastly, all the above compelling reasons will contribute to

developing clearer guidelines to implement policy, planning, and design of GI enhancing

the efficiency of the GI system itself and increasing the resilience of any metropolitan


6.4 Future Research Work

The research in this dissertation has provided insights and understandings of

green infrastructure and climate change adaptation. As much as this has been a learning

and educational experience, the process has also brought about many questions that

complement this research and/or develop it further. The ideas and questions suggested

below define a long term research agenda that connects practice and research; planning

and implementation; and green infrastructure with adaptation planning.

6.4.1 Adaptation Planning

Adaptation Planning: The recent surge of adaptation plans may define the way

forward for adaptation. Advances in theoretical frameworks combine comprehensive and

risk management planning defining approaches to adaptation. This research will aim to

analyze the extent of application of theoretical work into adaptation plans and how the

theoretical frameworks could be developed from lessons learnt in practice. A sample of

adaptation plans developed by cities across the world (developed and developing

countries) will be analyzed to draw generalizations that define previous experience and

show the way forward for future adaptation plans and these should move forward. The

initial objectives include:1) Conduct literature review of current adaptation theoretical

frameworks 2) define common principles and themes across case studies, 3) develop a

common framework between a majority of adaptation plans, 4) define the basis that plans

are carried upon, 5)Compare case studies to theoretical frames, 6) identify and categorize

types of adaptation measures based on type of climate impact and

social/economic/political contexts, 7) understand and compare decision rules used within

adaptation plans, and 8) develop cross cutting generalizations and themes that include

timing, triggering thresholds, and cost implications.

On a more theoretical level, investigate the meaning and relationship between

sustainability and adaptation to climate change. Are these mutually complimentary or

not? Are the objectives the same or differ? What are the overlaps and the contradictions?

Such a study may provide a way to better define sustainability in the context of climate

change and to mainstream adaptation under the sustainability umbrella. This may change

the perception of policy makers to adaptation and if seen as multi-objective benefiting

communities rather than a political agenda, action on the adaptation front may be pursued

more aggressively.

6.4.2 Green Infrastructure Planning

Green infrastructure is being advanced and developed as an adaptation set of

measures. Research and experiments are being conducted to operationalize the use of

green infrastructure in adaptation plans. The extent of reliance on green infrastructure and

the expected outcome is not clear. Similar to the first research objective set above, this

project will set to survey adaptation for their extent of use of green infrastructure. The

research will address and investigate the following: 1) how is GI defined in the context of

adaptation? 2) How much do the adaptation plans rely on green infrastructure for

effective response? 3) What are the implementation steps that have been taken to

implement green infrastructure strategies? 4) What are the gaps apparent in the adaptation

plans to further the inclusion and implementation of GI strategies for adaptation?

Chapter five of this dissertation focused on the urban climate as a surrogate for

larger scale climate adaptation. Green infrastructure spatial typologies were defined

across different land-uses at the regional scale that are suitable to mitigate the urban heat

island in Boston Metropolitan area. This same research is to be expanded to include other

climate change impacts such as flooding from increased precipitation, the threat of rising

sea level on coastal areas and the potential role of green infrastructure. Such an approach

will “complete” the study on Boston area to develop a green infrastructure regional scale

adaptation framework that accounts for the dominant and relevant climate impacts in

metropolitan Boston. Furthermore, the research will investigate the relationship of spatial

distribution of green infrastructure elements and their potential to address vulnerable

communities and improve their adaptive capacity. A combination of landscape ecological

metrics, spatial statistics and socio-economic data will be sued to develop an effective

regional scale adaptation plan.

The proposed green infrastructure transect in chapter four is an initial proposal

with the potential to develop it into an operational green infrastructure planning tool with

multiple objectives. The procedural framework and practical aspects will require further

development and verification. Literature from landscape ecology, urban planning, growth

management, and landscape planning will be analyzed to further develop the conceptual


Develop the work completed in chapter five of this dissertation into a comparative

study between several US cities. Such a study will aim to understand the relations ship

between regional urban form and the distribution of pervious surfaces (surrogate for

green infrastructure). Patterns at the regional, urban and neighborhood scales may be

identified as being potential best practices for retrofitting cities for climate adaptation. In

addition to the general objectives, several issues will also be pursued: 1) compare the

distribution of pervious surfaces across the urban-rural gradient of selected case studies,

2) develop patterns and common insights on pervious land distribution across land-uses

and compare, and 3) develop generalized land metrics that account for the urban form

and pervious land distribution.

6.4.2 Metropolitan Planning and Urban Form

The research was conducted within the context New England, US. While this was

done for several practical reasons, several lessons and methods may be could be

transferred to the Middle East. This projected project will aim to analyze the applicability

of environmental planning in general, and the use of green infrastructure within the

context of planning in the Middle East. Case studies from cities will be analyzed for their

planning systems and the potential to introduce environmental planning as a core part of

the planning system. This is particularly important because planning remains very

deterministic, top-down and environmental planning is still in its infancy. In specific, the

research will: 1) analyze metropolitan areas in the Middle East for the planning system,

political and economic context and willingness to incorporate environmental planning, 2)

identify and study any cities with an environmental dimension in its planning structure,

and 3) How do the climatic, geographic, and social context impact the application of

green infrastructure within the ME context. It is important to note while the Middle East

is imagined as a single entity in the Western mind, the contexts vary putting forward

several challenges to circumvent.

6.5 Epilogue

Lastly, while this is not a future research objective, the research conducted in this

dissertation has prompted me to consider the significance and importance of green

infrastructure and climate change as symbols of what humanity’s value have come to. I

would like to reflect on one aspect not directly related to green infrastructure but stems

from some conclusions that I have developed during reading and research.

There is still much more to be done on green infrastructure and adaptation. But

the mere fact of combining these two elements under a planning paradigm signifies two

important issues: green infrastructure is based on biological and ecological processes and

adaptation is about the climate. These are two components necessary for life, to our


What is surprising is that there are few adherents to the natural, ecological and

biological potential of green infrastructure. The benefits seem obvious, but may not be

appreciated and understood in our current society. In an age where every activity, object

and action is immediately transformed into monetary value, the intangible or

unquantifiable values should be accounted for and considered in our inventory of

consumption. I am not claiming that monetary value is not important in our day and age,

but there are values and benefits that are important to us as humanity but may not be

tagged. So what do we do? The simple answer is account for it, consider it and protect

until the day we are able and ready to value nature and the environment in a more

concrete way that could be understood by humanity. What is most surprising is that we,

as humans, have emanated from this same nature that we seek to destroy.

I hope that the ideas and thoughts presented here help to elevate the understanding

and significance of the place that we live in.




Three types of UHI may occur at different times of the day and cover different

areas of the metropolitan area (Kutller, 2008). Surface heat island (SHI) and heat islands

of the urban canopy layer (HIUC) are affected by the ground and caused by high surface

temperatures. They occur due to the following mechanisms: anthropogenic heat from

building sides; greater shortwave absorption due to canyon geometry, decreased net long-

wave loss due to reduction of sky view factor by canyon geometry (sky view factor is the

ratio of the amount of the sky “seen” from a given point on a surface to that potentially

available); greater daytime heat storage (and nocturnal release) due to thermal properties

of building materials greater sensible heat flux due to decreased evaporation resulting

from removal of vegetation and surface waterproofing; and convergence of sensible heat

due to reduction of wind speed in canopy. SHI and HIUC mainly occur in built-up areas

and therefore have clearly defined boundaries and HIUC affect the atmosphere between

the surface and mean roof height (Oke, 1979).

Urban boundary layer heat islands (UBH) form above the canopy layer as a result

of heat transfer (entrainment of heat from warmer canopy layer), artificial heat input

(anthropogenic heat from roofs and stacks), and increased absorption of radiation by

atmospheric pollutants (shortwave radiative flux convergence within polluted air) with

resulting thermal re-emission (entrainment of heat from overlying stable air by the

process of penetrative convection). This type of heat island already extends so far

upwards into the atmosphere above a city that it is propagated downwind by the overall

wind patterns and gives the well-known “urban plume”. The UBH occurs over built-up

arreas and exteends over su
urrounding areas
a downw
ward of wind direction (O
Oke, 1979;

K 1997, 2008). The variability and
a differentt types of UH
HI occurringg at differentt

tiimes of the day

d render UHI
U a dynam
mic phenomennon.

Figure 5.24: Urban Boun

ndary Layer (Source: Kuuttler, 2008)

U varies in
n intensity deepending onn regional cliimatic condittions and

ontexts. Okee (1982) dev

co veloped geneeralizations oof the intensiity of UHI thhat show thee

ynamic and uncertain naature of the phenomenon
p n. The UHI iintensity deccreases with

ncreasing wiind speeds ass these proviide direct brreeze to residdents and shiifts the urbann

boundary layeer and plumee downstream. This releeases entrappped heat andd replaced wiith

ooler air resu
ulting in red
duced temperratures (Figuuerola and M
Mazzeo, 19988; Magee et

all.,1999; Mo
orris et al. ,20
001; Unger et
e al.,2001). Cloud coverr tends to redduce the

ntensity of UHI
U because cloud coverr screens the incoming suun energy w
which is the

prrimary sourcce of absorbeed and releaased heat (Acckerman,19885; Ripley ett al.,1996; M

and Simmonds,2000). UHI intensity is best developed in the summer due to the higher

intensity of the sun and reduced amounts of rain (reducing hydrant cooling), at least in

the northern latitudes (Philandras et al., 1999); Morris et al., 2001). UHI intensity is

greatest at night due to the nature of the phenomenon where impervious material absorbs

the sun energy during the day, stores it and radiates it back in short waves during the

night (Ripley et al., 1996; Jauregui,1997; Magee et al., 1999; Mont´avez et al., 2000;

Tereshchenko and Filonov, 2001; Kuttler, 2008). It follows that UHI may disappear by

day or the city may be cooler than the rural environs (Tapper, 1990; Steinecke,1999). In

conjunction with the above, cities with a larger footprint amplify the intensity of UHI due

to the larger surface area of impervious surfaces that increase absorbed sun energy and

released heat. Increased population size also increases radiant heat through increased car

use and energy consumption (Park, 1986; Yamashita et al., 1986; Hogan and Ferrick,

1998). Furthermore, rates of heating and cooling are greater in the surrounding area than

built-up area because of the difference of surface characteristics between both contexts

(Johnson, 1985).



Population data Basic calculated Areas


s Surfaces
POP 2000

POP 2010



n change


Area of

Area of

Area of
y Area
n 2005





Town #

1 ABINGTO 14605 15985 1380

N 15.295, 26.390.84 4.596.484 2.019.58 19.774.78
00 7,07 ,75 1,92 0,40
2 ACTON 20331 21924 1593
21.128, 52.564.53 7.253.183 3.302.20 42.009.14
00 2,79 ,02 0,14 9,63
3 AMESBUR 16450 16283 -167
Y 16.366, 35.547.16 5.025.558 5.341.93 25.179.67
00 8,40 ,83 3,82 5,75
4 ANDOVER 31247 33201 1954
32.224, 83.274.58 13.843.72 6.163.97 63.266.88
00 3,62 7,97 3,34 2,31
5 ARLINGTO 42389 42844 455
N 42.616, 14.203.93 5.859.636 873.792, 7.470.508
00 7,83 ,90 35 ,58
6 ASHLAND 14674 16593 1919
15.634, 33.342.67 4.935.325 2.175.89 26.231.45
00 7,45 ,51 4,17 7,77
7 AVON 4443 4356 -87
4.400,0 11.754.17 2.792.296 1.342.41 7.619.465
0 5,97 ,52 3,79 ,66
8 AYER 7287 7427 140
7.357,0 24.613.33 4.506.749 2.488.56 17.618.02
0 4,65 ,30 1,10 4,25
9 BEDFORD 12595 13320 725
12.958, 35.840.94 6.399.591 3.706.43 25.734.92
00 9,73 ,56 4,20 3,97
1 BELLINGH 15314 16332 1018
0 AM 15.823, 48.919.13 6.829.099 3.138.82 38.951.20
00 5,20 ,58 8,77 6,85
1 BELMONT 24194 24729 535
1 24.462, 12.210.76 4.215.878 190.123, 7.804.761
00 3,28 ,28 71 ,29
1 BERKLEY 5749 6411 662
2 6.080,0 42.944.09 3.360.598 3.200.59 36.382.90
0 9,93 ,96 2,11 8,86
1 BERLIN 2380 2866 486
3 2.623,0 34.117.22 2.566.841 1.896.94 29.653.43
0 0,00 ,13 3,92 4,95
1 BEVERLY 39862 39502 -360
4 39.682, 39.915.20 9.376.823 1.978.10 28.560.27
00 8,47 ,21 9,68 5,58
1 BILLERIC 38981 40243 1262

5 A 39.612, 68.158.85 13.317.15 103.641, 54.738.06
00 5,15 2,82 83 0,50
1 BLACKST 8804 9026 222
6 ONE 8.915,0 29.474.86 3.382.997 1.205.07 24.886.79
0 6,80 ,66 1,28 7,86
1 BOLTON 4159 4897 738
7 4.528,0 52.003.96 3.176.749 3.537.70 45.289.50
0 0,66 ,58 7,03 4,05
8 588.95 617.59 28.63 603.27 129.913.8 72.411.82 6.055.07 51.446.95
7,00 4,00 7,00 6,00 49,95 3,52 3,71 2,72
1 BOXBORO 4868 4996 128
9 UGH 4.932,0 26.951.58 2.377.793 2.290.11 22.283.67
0 4,41 ,16 2,09 9,16
2 BOXFORD 7921 7965 44
0 7.943,0 63.204.67 4.154.998 5.933.65 53.116.02
0 5,54 ,49 2,07 4,98
2 BRAINTRE 33828 35744 1916
1 E 34.786, 37.369.75 10.663.59 3.926.95 22.779.20
00 5,56 9,31 3,12 3,13
2 BRIDGEW 25185 26563 1378
2 ATER 25.874, 73.451.63 8.604.039 12.205.7 52.641.79
00 1,19 ,58 99,71 1,90
2 BROCKTO 94304 93810 -494
3 N 94.057, 55.724.09 19.891.66 2.176.53 33.655.88
00 1,46 4,44 8,25 8,77
2 BROOKLI 57291 58732 1441
4 NE 58.012, 17.676.10 6.887.936 217.607, 10.570.55
00 3,60 ,79 13 9,68
2 BURLINGT 22876 24498 1622
5 ON 23.687, 30.723.42 8.189.952 1.211.32 21.322.14
00 2,28 ,52 3,85 5,91
2 CAMBRID 101355 105162 3807
6 GE 103.25 18.400.88 10.753.45 1.879.64 5.767.786
8,00 7,15 6,39 4,08 ,68
2 CANTON 20775 21561 786
7 21.168, 50.541.64 8.492.730 6.909.40 35.139.50
00 0,10 ,98 3,66 5,46
2 CARLISLE 4717 4852 135
8 4.784,0 40.207.03 2.370.547 4.985.93 32.850.55
0 4,49 ,33 0,38 6,78
2 CARVER 11177 11509 332
9 11.343, 102.880.6 11.445.96 28.305.8 63.128.83
00 48,17 9,05 42,62 6,50
3 CHELMSF 33858 33802 -56
0 ORD 33.830, 59.787.67 12.102.83 3.420.77 44.264.05
00 3,83 8,84 9,06 5,93
3 CHELSEA 35116 35177 61
1 35.146, 5.730.029 4.323.118 47.986,0 1.358.925
00 ,66 ,62 1 ,03
3 COHASSE 7261 7542 281
2 T 7.402,0 26.048.18 2.866.451 2.543.03 20.638.70
0 4,25 ,49 1,69 1,07
3 CONCORD 16993 17668 675
3 17.330, 66.904.55 6.144.843 6.598.87 54.160.83

00 7,65 ,11 6,36 8,18
3 DANVERS 25212 26493 1281
4 25.852, 35.705.00 9.823.624 2.721.01 23.160.36
00 9,18 ,08 6,24 8,86
3 DEDHAM 23464 24729 1265
5 24.096, 27.669.92 6.169.084 3.438.25 18.062.58
00 5,45 ,77 6,44 4,24
3 DIGHTON 6175 7086 911
6 6.630,0 57.418.09 4.278.902 6.957.35 46.181.83
0 1,61 ,85 2,32 6,44
3 DOVER 5558 5589 31
7 5.574,0 39.933.24 2.789.778 2.518.11 34.625.35
0 4,03 ,53 1,46 4,04
3 DRACUT 28562 29457 895
8 29.010, 55.522.00 8.635.846 3.800.31 43.085.83
00 5,05 ,77 8,72 9,56
3 DUNSTAB 2829 3179 350
9 LE 3.004,0 43.387.64 1.659.098 2.380.15 39.348.39
0 7,35 ,25 8,53 0,57
4 DUXBURY 14248 15059 811
0 14.654, 62.340.79 5.872.869 11.394.3 45.073.57
00 7,73 ,59 51,70 6,44
4 EAST 12974 13794 820
1 BRIDGEW 13.384, 45.428.30 5.268.365 6.130.12 34.029.81
ATER 00 9,99 ,70 7,81 6,48
4 EASTON 22299 23112 813
2 22.706, 75.713.80 8.005.411 11.062.1 56.646.27
00 3,60 ,07 16,23 6,30
4 ESSEX 3267 3504 237
3 3.386,0 36.924.44 1.704.579 10.233.5 24.986.31
0 5,06 ,35 54,78 0,93
4 EVERETT 38037 41667 3630
4 39.852, 8.904.846 6.127.534 65.146,2 2.712.166
00 ,86 ,33 8 ,25
4 FOXBORO 16246 16865 619
5 UGH 16.556, 53.987.52 7.713.648 4.675.56 41.598.31
00 9,59 ,95 6,06 4,58
4 FRAMING 66910 68318 1408
6 HAM 67.614, 68.642.06 16.482.78 4.671.13 47.488.14
00 0,19 0,74 2,40 7,05
4 FRANKLIN 29560 31635 2075
7 30.598, 69.998.12 10.206.00 3.482.27 56.309.84
00 6,01 9,62 1,12 5,27
4 GEORGET 7377 8183 806
8 OWN 7.780,0 34.054.31 3.511.600 3.793.27 26.749.43
0 2,33 ,30 5,35 6,68
4 GLOUCES 30273 28789 -1484
9 TER 29.531, 69.154.95 8.168.946 7.935.62 53.050.38
00 9,49 ,57 9,58 3,34
5 GROTON 9547 10646 1099
0 10.096, 87.479.47 4.927.314 7.937.22 74.614.93
00 0,74 ,18 0,07 6,49
5 GROVELA 6038 6459 421
1 ND 6.248,0 24.338.16 2.484.271 3.402.66 18.451.22
0 9,30 ,29 8,14 9,87

5 HALIFAX 7480 7518 38
2 7.499,0 45.028.53 3.313.086 13.738.2 27.977.17
0 4,81 ,48 70,85 7,48
5 HAMILTO 8315 7764 -551
3 N 8.040,0 38.592.24 2.644.280 7.305.53 28.642.43
0 3,68 ,08 1,37 2,23
5 HANOVER 13164 13879 715
4 13.522, 40.478.06 6.252.058 4.329.04 29.896.96
00 8,49 ,67 5,94 3,88
5 HANSON 9515 10209 694
5 9.862,0 40.748.13 4.071.997 10.236.7 26.439.40
0 6,49 ,66 35,49 3,34
5 HARVARD 5981 6520 539
6 6.250,0 70.327.48 5.478.348 4.831.33 60.017.80
0 4,64 ,60 0,94 5,10
5 HAVERHIL 58969 60879 1910
7 L 59.924, 92.457.99 15.251.63 9.074.98 68.131.38
00 8,43 1,83 5,45 1,15
5 HINGHAM 19882 22157 2275
8 21.020, 58.912.61 8.614.047 3.990.24 46.308.31
00 4,75 ,32 7,46 9,97
5 HOLBROO 10785 10791 6
9 K 10.788, 19.070.45 3.156.003 1.290.83 14.623.61
00 4,52 ,48 5,50 5,54
6 HOLLISTO 13801 13547 -254
0 N 13.674, 49.344.83 4.759.852 4.514.26 40.070.72
00 7,13 ,51 2,10 2,52
6 HOPEDAL 5907 5911 4
1 E 5.909,0 13.836.17 2.167.438 923.340, 10.745.39
0 5,47 ,56 53 6,38
6 HOPKINTO 13346 14925 1579
2 N 14.136, 72.137.07 7.303.724 7.303.72 57.529.62
00 4,96 ,82 4,82 5,32
6 HUDSON 18113 19063 950
3 18.588, 30.726.32 5.921.626 2.714.36 22.090.33
00 5,75 ,35 2,09 7,31
6 HULL 11050 10293 -757
4 10.672, 7.726.340 2.368.711 1.240.49 4.117.139
00 ,72 ,03 0,30 ,39
6 IPSWICH 12987 13175 188
5 13.081, 85.641.53 5.381.461 21.437.4 58.822.66
00 7,40 ,58 09,95 5,87
6 KINGSTON 11780 12629 849
6 12.204, 49.210.26 6.912.890 6.001.50 36.295.86
00 1,84 ,14 7,38 4,32
6 LAKEVILL 9821 10602 781
7 E 10.212, 93.548.11 6.266.380 28.520.6 58.761.07
00 6,10 ,73 65,20 0,17
6 LANCAST 7380 8055 675
8 ER 7.718,0 72.477.53 5.747.417 5.313.14 61.416.96
0 3,44 ,89 6,86 8,69
6 LAWRENC 72043 76377 4334
9 E 74.210, 19.238.17 10.157.22 1.294.58 7.786.363
00 3,74 2,00 8,18 ,56
7 LEXINGTO 30355 31394 1039

0 N 30.874, 43.093.41 9.075.687 1.958.80 32.058.92
00 3,64 ,31 5,01 1,32
7 LINCOLN 8056 6362 -1694
1 7.209,0 38.800.94 3.519.122 4.425.80 30.856.01
0 3,94 ,04 9,94 1,96
7 LITTLETO 8184 8924 740
2 N 8.554,0 45.351.16 5.644.772 4.570.11 35.136.28
0 8,62 ,88 4,54 1,20
7 LOWELL 105167 106519 1352
3 105.84 37.630.65 15.760.32 2.616.96 19.253.37
3,00 7,87 2,36 1,28 4,23
7 LYNN 89050 90329 1279
4 89.690, 29.910.09 12.486.40 2.469.36 14.954.32
00 4,17 3,84 7,81 2,52
7 LYNNFIEL 11542 11596 54
5 D 11.569, 27.046.60 4.052.119 3.959.55 19.034.93
00 1,42 ,25 0,66 1,51
7 MALDEN 56340 59450 3110
6 57.895, 13.127.93 7.205.063 106.982, 5.815.885
00 1,50 ,81 57 ,12
7 MANCHES 5228 5136 -92
7 TER 5.182,0 20.164.50 2.237.103 2.237.10 15.690.29
0 0,47 ,52 3,52 3,43
7 MANSFIEL 22414 23184 770
8 D 22.799, 52.902.10 8.789.856 4.236.25 39.875.99
00 4,54 ,47 0,81 7,26
7 MARBLEH 20377 19808 -569
9 EAD 20.092, 11.326.81 4.197.372 244.656, 6.884.783
00 2,54 ,84 64 ,06
8 MARLBOR 36255 38499 2244
0 OUGH 37.377, 57.241.19 12.011.94 4.717.39 40.511.85
00 1,63 1,08 2,16 8,39
8 MARSHFIE 24324 25132 808
1 LD 24.728, 73.955.19 8.649.453 12.806.9 52.498.77
00 7,07 ,39 63,74 9,94
8 MAYNAR 10433 10106 -327
2 D 10.270, 13.903.41 2.483.314 1.171.32 10.248.76
00 0,00 ,32 9,12 6,56
8 MEDFIELD 12273 12024 -249
3 12.148, 37.955.73 4.044.229 6.294.66 27.616.83
00 0,41 ,03 1,40 9,98
8 MEDFORD 55765 56173 408
4 55.969, 21.880.87 8.569.100 1.105.60 12.206.16
00 8,05 ,21 7,96 9,88
8 MEDWAY 12448 12752 304
5 12.600, 30.216.56 3.942.380 2.224.06 24.050.11
00 6,71 ,22 7,03 9,46
8 MELROSE 27134 26983 -151
6 27.058, 12.348.56 4.189.917 320.695, 7.837.952
00 5,78 ,68 63 ,47
8 MENDON 5286 5839 553
7 5.562,0 46.586.50 3.055.503 3.099.94 40.431.05
0 2,60 ,09 1,87 7,64
8 MERRIMA 6138 6338 200
8 C 6.238,0 23.057.17 2.264.470 1.652.92 19.139.78

0 8,08 ,85 0,34 6,89
8 METHUEN 43789 47255 3466
9 45.522, 59.557.81 12.552.75 4.886.47 42.118.59
00 3,69 2,48 0,46 0,75
9 MIDDLEB 19927 23116 3189
0 OROUGH 21.522, 187.001.1 13.705.70 45.231.3 128.064.0
00 09,86 9,30 87,68 12,88
9 MIDDLET 7744 8987 1243
1 ON 8.366,0 37.520.73 3.707.048 5.514.13 28.299.55
0 0,69 ,93 0,44 1,32
9 MILFORD 26799 27999 1200
2 27.399, 38.909.66 7.923.312 2.664.76 28.321.58
00 5,27 ,71 6,68 5,88
9 MILLIS 7902 7891 -11
3 7.896,0 31.760.62 2.833.861 6.267.99 22.658.76
0 4,08 ,30 4,81 7,97
9 MILLVILL 2724 3190 466
4 E 2.957,0 12.863.78 1.132.085 575.124, 11.156.57
0 2,68 ,51 76 2,41
9 MILTON 26062 27003 941
5 26.532, 34.464.52 6.177.461 2.025.31 26.261.74
00 4,19 ,78 6,69 5,72
9 NAHANT 3632 3410 -222
6 3.521,0 3.249.309 880.816,5 564.033, 1.804.459
0 ,47 4 12 ,81
9 NATICK 32170 33006 836
7 32.588, 41.337.98 8.733.016 4.335.59 28.269.37
00 1,60 ,28 3,29 2,03
9 NEEDHAM 28924 28886 -38
8 28.905, 32.947.76 7.576.580 3.708.45 21.662.73
00 6,82 ,40 4,64 1,78
9 NEWBURY 6717 6666 -51
9 6.692,0 62.628.19 3.481.428 20.836.6 38.310.11
0 8,76 ,72 57,91 2,13
1 NEWBURY 17189 17416 227
0 PORT 17.302, 22.644.70 4.721.518 1.838.19 16.084.99
0 00 9,41 ,19 6,50 4,72
1 NEWTON 83829 85146 1317
0 84.488, 47.019.52 16.662.43 1.553.45 28.803.62
1 00 0,88 1,41 9,88 9,59
1 NORFOLK 10460 11227 767
0 10.844, 39.875.15 3.768.750 4.516.76 31.589.63
2 00 1,89 ,41 3,77 7,71
1 NORTH 27202 28352 1150
0 ANDOVER 27.777, 71.785.07 9.781.970 8.332.17 53.670.92
3 00 6,42 ,20 7,25 8,97
1 NORTH 13837 14892 1055
0 READING 14.364, 34.936.71 5.638.685 4.140.52 25.157.50
4 00 0,79 ,46 0,10 5,23
1 NORTON 18036 19031 995
0 18.534, 75.918.56 7.176.126 13.870.9 54.871.49
5 00 1,77 ,09 43,51 2,17
1 NORWELL 9765 10506 741
0 10.136, 54.975.19 4.762.735 8.026.38 42.186.07
6 00 8,71 ,60 4,61 8,50

1 NORWOO 28587 28602 15
0 D 28.594, 27.193.61 8.645.782 3.037.61 15.510.21
7 00 6,79 ,70 9,46 4,63
1 PEABODY 48134 51251 3117
0 49.692, 43.520.40 13.387.71 2.660.99 27.471.69
8 00 6,41 2,42 6,92 7,07
1 PEMBROK 16927 17837 910
0 E 17.382, 60.993.78 6.861.154 14.825.9 39.306.63
9 00 2,37 ,12 96,33 1,92
1 PEPPEREL 11142 11497 355
1 L 11.320, 60.068.09 4.469.198 3.324.88 52.274.01
0 00 9,32 ,29 7,39 3,64
1 PLAINVIL 7683 8264 581
1 LE 7.974,0 29.776.04 4.362.360 2.434.61 22.979.06
1 0 2,24 ,17 5,47 6,60
1 PLYMOUT 51701 56468 4767
1 H 54.084, 266.178.9 27.253.34 25.408.2 213.517.2
2 00 22,91 1,16 89,59 92,16
1 PLYMPTO 2637 2820 183
1 N 2.728,0 39.121.04 2.869.928 9.925.07 26.326.03
3 0 1,82 ,03 8,52 5,27
1 QUINCY 88025 92271 4246
1 90.148, 44.840.77 14.967.95 4.284.32 25.588.49
4 00 7,05 7,03 5,98 4,04
1 RANDOLP 30963 32112 1149
1 H 31.538, 26.971.97 6.235.209 2.994.65 17.742.10
5 00 5,03 ,32 9,37 6,34
1 RAYNHA 11739 13383 1644
1 M 12.561, 53.774.79 7.207.969 7.343.19 39.223.63
6 00 7,24 ,02 4,59 3,63
1 READING 23708 24747 1039
1 24.228, 25.874.49 5.185.104 5.109.91 15.579.47
7 00 7,04 ,69 9,85 2,50
1 REVERE 47247 51755 4508
1 49.501, 15.961.56 7.739.138 2.956.47 5.265.954
8 00 4,47 ,45 1,71 ,31
1 ROCKLAN 17670 17489 -181
1 D 17.580, 26.209.25 4.944.818 3.919.18 17.345.25
9 00 0,36 ,19 1,51 0,66
1 ROCKPOR 7767 6952 -815
2 T 7.360,0 18.173.63 4.944.818 1.008.03 12.220.78
0 0 4,24 ,19 0,75 5,30
1 ROWLEY 5500 5856 356
2 5.678,0 48.015.90 3.119.261 11.304.8 33.591.76
1 0 2,20 ,83 73,89 6,48
1 SALEM 40402 41340 938
2 40.871, 21.576.22 8.090.837 842.777, 12.642.60
2 00 2,19 ,92 32 6,95
1 SALISBUR 7827 8283 456
2 Y 8.055,0 40.926.01 4.288.956 12.364.2 24.272.78
3 0 2,88 ,94 66,04 9,90
1 SAUGUS 26078 26628 550
2 26.353, 29.371.04 7.798.816 3.896.46 17.675.76
4 00 1,98 ,94 2,81 2,23
1 SCITUATE 17863 18133 270

2 17.998, 44.862.40 5.859.523 7.253.73 31.749.14
5 00 9,24 ,74 7,49 8,01
1 SHARON 17408 17612 204
2 17.510, 63.334.44 6.022.301 7.243.89 50.068.25
6 00 8,65 ,95 1,29 5,41
1 SHERBOR 4200 4119 -81
2 N 4.160,0 41.841.24 2.149.712 4.452.59 35.238.93
7 0 0,89 ,59 7,76 0,54
1 SHIRLEY 6373 7211 838
2 6.792,0 41.177.88 3.362.522 2.464.59 35.350.76
8 0 0,36 ,25 1,83 6,28
1 SOMERVIL 77478 75754 -1724
2 LE 76.616, 10.698.16 8.241.635 32.124,2 2.424.400
9 00 0,36 ,79 1 ,36
1 SOUTHBO 8781 9767 986
3 ROUGH 9.274,0 40.205.35 4.838.714 4.900.08 30.466.55
0 0 8,50 ,78 5,38 8,34
1 STONEHA 22219 21437 -782
3 M 21.828, 17.213.71 4.953.268 1.823.69 10.436.74
1 00 4,04 ,57 5,54 9,93
1 STOUGHT 27149 26962 -187
3 ON 27.056, 42.644.40 7.768.140 2.987.62 31.888.64
2 00 6,87 ,01 5,07 1,79
1 STOW 5902 6590 688
3 6.246,0 46.608.28 2.895.983 5.617.03 38.095.26
3 0 6,51 ,26 3,28 9,97
1 SUDBURY 16841 17659 818
3 17.250, 64.092.08 6.371.480 7.416.37 50.304.22
4 00 1,29 ,88 5,30 5,11
1 SWAMPSC 14412 13787 -625
3 OTT 14.100, 8.030.877 3.047.403 359.355, 4.624.118
5 00 ,99 ,32 95 ,72
1 TAUNTON 55976 55874 -102
3 55.925, 124.959.8 18.444.40 16.946.4 89.568.99
6 00 92,70 3,66 94,27 4,77
1 TEWKSBU 28847 28961 114
3 RY 28.904, 54.771.58 9.493.179 4.785.50 40.492.89
7 00 0,86 ,14 7,57 4,15
1 TOPSFIEL 6141 6085 -56
3 D 6.113,0 33.164.42 2.647.882 4.920.64 25.595.90
8 0 7,89 ,05 4,83 1,01
1 TOWNSEN 9198 8926 -272
3 D 9.062,0 85.405.10 4.077.107 3.560.09 77.767.90
9 0 5,51 ,39 0,26 7,86
1 TYNGSBO 11081 11292 211
4 ROUGH 11.186, 46.800.58 5.013.704 4.030.45 37.756.41
0 00 2,87 ,61 9,61 8,65
1 UPTON 5642 7542 1900
4 6.592,0 56.547.64 3.670.105 4.224.41 48.653.11
1 0 1,91 ,19 7,35 9,37
1 WAKEFIEL 24804 24932 128
4 D 24.868, 20.704.63 6.275.487 2.877.79 11.551.35
2 00 6,13 ,26 5,53 3,34
1 WALPOLE 22824 24070 1246
4 23.447, 54.554.21 8.494.618 5.951.08 40.108.51

3 00 9,63 ,02 5,76 5,85
1 WALTHA 59226 60632 1406
4 M 59.929, 35.649.43 12.848.81 3.059.77 19.740.84
4 00 0,24 9,44 0,61 0,19
1 WAREHA 20335 21822 1487
4 M 21.078, 96.101.33 12.269.63 17.201.0 66.630.60
5 00 6,28 2,14 94,83 9,31
1 WATERTO 32986 31915 -1071
4 WN 32.450, 10.681.44 5.258.087 351.803, 5.071.556
6 00 6,61 ,05 29 ,27
1 WAYLAN 13100 12994 -106
4 D 13.047, 41.063.12 4.122.368 6.780.27 30.160.48
7 00 3,72 ,36 4,88 0,48
1 WELLESL 26604 27982 1378
4 EY 27.293, 27.269.57 6.671.186 1.634.15 18.964.23
8 00 6,39 ,58 6,29 3,52
1 WENHAM 4440 4875 435
4 4.658,0 21.085.80 1.656.085 5.339.10 14.090.60
9 0 0,09 ,66 9,37 5,06
1 WEST 6634 6916 282
5 BRIDGEW 6.775,0 40.594.00 4.178.756 7.956.17 28.459.07
0 ATER 0 7,16 ,81 2,50 7,85
1 WEST 4149 4235 86
5 NEWBURY 4.192,0 38.137.76 2.044.766 5.106.82 30.986.17
1 0 8,26 ,87 2,28 9,11
1 WESTFOR 20754 21951 1197
5 D 21.352, 81.226.63 9.143.410 9.236.07 62.847.14
2 00 4,07 ,85 7,16 6,06
1 WESTON 11465 11261 -204
5 11.363, 44.885.98 5.657.816 2.871.25 36.356.91
3 00 1,63 ,36 1,42 3,85
1 WESTWOO 14117 14618 501
5 D 14.368, 28.965.19 5.177.484 1.755.70 22.032.00
4 00 2,71 ,27 0,69 7,75
1 WEYMOU 53988 53743 -245
5 TH 53.866, 46.183.62 11.623.50 5.271.99 29.288.11
5 00 0,40 5,21 9,39 5,80
1 WHITMAN 13882 14489 607
5 14.186, 18.022.24 3.457.571 2.270.97 12.293.69
6 00 5,92 ,35 8,10 6,47
1 WILMING 21367 22325 958
5 TON 21.846, 44.399.12 9.700.889 4.835.30 29.862.93
7 00 3,03 ,87 3,05 0,11
1 WINCHES 20810 21374 564
5 TER 21.092, 16.439.01 4.991.372 868.279, 10.579.36
8 00 5,81 ,61 24 3,96
1 WINTHRO 18303 17497 -806
5 P 17.900, 5.897.573 2.363.820 874.648, 2.659.105
9 00 ,54 ,07 10 ,37
1 WOBURN 37258 38120 862
6 37.689, 33.522.27 12.057.32 1.594.61 19.870.32
0 00 4,04 8,84 6,73 8,47
1 WRENTHA 10554 10955 401
6 M 10.754, 58.538.61 6.190.167 4.783.81 47.564.63
1 00 7,35 ,87 2,27 7,21

Totals 1453
4.209.1 4.354.4 05 4.281.8 7.237.619 1.131.525 852.421. 5.253.672
66,00 71,00 25,00 .944,17 .341,45 794,70 .808,02
26.143, 27.046, 902,5 26.595, 44.954.16 7.028.107 5.294.54 32.631.50
89 40 2 19 1,14 ,71 5,31 8,12
Table 5.8; List of towns included in the study area with basic population, area, and land
cover data.

LULC Code-2005 LULC Area (m2) Perce Description of LULC categories (MassGIS)
Code nt of
Cropland 1 1,73% Generally tilled land used to grow row crops.
125.110.023, Boundaries follow the shape of the fields and
06 include associated buildings (e.g., barns).
This category also includes turf farms that
grow sod
Pasture 2 1,25% Fields and associated facilities (barns and
90.185.069,5 other outbuildings) used for animal grazing
3 and for the growing of grasses for hay.
Orchard 35 0,17% Fruit farms and associated facilities
Nursery 36 0,13% Greenhouses and associated buildings as well
9.695.242,02 as any surrounding maintained
lawn. Christmas tree (small conifer) farms
are also classified as Nurseries.
Forest 3 41,08 Areas where tree canopy covers at least 50%
2.972.983.78 % of the land. Both coniferous and deciduous
8,46 forests belong to this class.
Brushland/Success 40 0,24% Predominantly (> 25%) shrub cover, and
ional 17.373.151,8 some immature trees not large or dense
2 enough to be classified as forest. It also
includes areas that are more permanently
shrubby, such as heath areas, wild blueberries
or mountain laurel
Open Land 6 1,21% Vacant land, idle agriculture, rock outcrops,
87.512.503,5 and barren areas. Vacant land is not
4 maintained for any evident purpose and it
does not support large plant growth.
Powerline/Utility 24 0,59% Powerline and other maintained public utility
42.848.973,0 corridors and associated facilities, including
3 power plants and their parking areas.
land 130.361.476,
Saltwater Sandy 25 0,51% DEP Wetlands (1:12,000) WETCODEs 1, 2,
Beach 36.851.736,2 3, 6, 10, 13, 17 and 19
Participation 7 0,96% Facilities used by the public for active
Recreation 69.278.739,8 recreation. Includes ball fields, tennis courts,
1 basketball courts, athletic tracks, ski areas,
playgrounds, and bike paths plus associated
parking lots. Primary and secondary school
recreational facilities are in this category, but
university stadiums and arenas are considered

Spectator Recreation. Recreation facilities not
open to the public such as those belonging to
private residences are mostly labeled with the
associated residential land use class not
participation recreation. However, some
private facilities may also be mapped.
Spectator 8 0,07% University and professional stadiums
Recreation 5.005.543,52 designed for spectators as well as zoos,
amusement parks, drive-in theaters,
fairgrounds, race tracks and associated
facilities and parking lots.
Water-Based 9 0,03% Swimming pools, water parks, developed
Recreation 2.163.038,86 freshwater and saltwater sandy beach areas
and associated parking lots. Also included are
scenic areas overlooking lakes or other water
bodies, which may or may not include access
to the water (such as a boat launch). Water-
based recreation facilities related to
universities are in this class. Private pools
owned by individual residences are usually
included in the Residential category. Marinas
are separated into code 29.
Golf Course 26 0,87% Includes the greenways, sand traps, water
62.782.557,5 bodies within the course, associated buildings
5 and parking lots. Large forest patches within
the course greater than 1 acre are classified as
Forest (class 3). Does not include driving
ranges or miniature golf courses
Marina 29 0,02% Include parking lots and associated facilities
1.755.207,53 but not docks (in class 18
on 177.836.823,
Multi-Family 10 3,12% Duplexes (usually with two front doors, two
Residential 225.855.059, entrance pathways, and sometimes two
32 driveways), apartment buildings,
condominium complexes, including buildings
and maintained lawns. Note: This category
was difficult to assess via photo
interpretation, particularly in highly urban
High Density 11 3,68% Housing on smaller than 1/4 acre lots. See
Residential 266.335.544, notes below for details on Residential
98 interpretation
Medium Density 12 6,91% Housing on 1/4 - 1/2 acre lots. See notes
Residential 500.108.414, below for details on Residential interpretation
Low Density 13 8,57% Housing on 1/2 - 1 acre lots. See notes below
Residential 620.566.580, for details on Residential interpretation
Very Low Density 38 1,94% Housing on > 1 acre lots and very remote,
Residential 140.652.680, rural housing. See notes below for details on
91 Residential interpretation.

Urban 31 1,73% Lands comprising schools, churches, colleges,
Public/Institutional 125.468.684, hospitals, museums, prisons, town halls or
96 court houses, police and fire stations,
including parking lots, dormitories, and
university housing. Also may include public
open green spaces like town commons.
Commercial 15 2,32% Malls, shopping centers and larger strip
167.942.285, commercial areas, plus neighborhood stores
29 and medical offices (not hospitals). Lawn and
garden centers that do not produce or grow
the product are also considered commercial.
Industrial 16 1,84% Light and heavy industry, including buildings,
133.049.169, equipment and parking areas
Transportation 18 1,57% Airports (including landing strips, hangars,
113.709.881, parking areas and related facilities), railroads
57 and rail stations, and divided highways
(related facilities would include rest areas,
highway maintenance areas, storage areas,
and on/off ramps). Also includes docks,
warehouses, and related land-based storage
facilities, and terminal freight and storage
facilities. Roads and bridges less than 200
feet in width that are the center of two
differing land use classes will have the land
use classes meet at the center line of the road
(i.e., these roads/bridges themselves will not
be separated into this class)
Cemetery 34 0,43% Includes the gravestones, monuments,
31.357.599,7 parking lots, road networks and associated
3 buildings
Junkyard 39 0,06% Includes the storage of car, metal, machinery
4.463.256,68 and other debris as well as associated
buildings as a business
Mining 5 0,29% Includes sand and gravel pits, mines and
20.745.274,0 quarries. The boundaries extend to the edges
9 of the site’s activities, including on-site
machinery, parking lots, roads and buildings.
Transitional 17 0,39% Open areas in the process of being developed
28.270.644,4 from one land use to another (if the future
7 land use is at all uncertain). Formerly
identified as "Urban Open"
Waste Disposal 19 0,14% Landfills, dumps, and water and sewage
10.472.701,7 treatment facilities such as pump houses, and
5 associated parking lots. Capped landfills that
have been converted to other uses are coded
with their present land use.
Forested Wetland 37 8,24% DEP Wetlands (1:12,000) WETCODEs 14,
596.196.348, 15, 16, 24, 25 and 2
Water 20 3,34% DEP Wetlands (1:12,000) WETCODEs 9 and
241.865.643, 22

Non-Forested 4 4,08% DEP Wetlands (1:12,000) WETCODEs 4, 7,
Wetland 295.238.654, 8, 12, 23, 18, 20, and 21.
Saltwater Wetland 14 1,45% DEP Wetlands (1:12,000) WETCODEs 11
104.763.752, and 27
Cranberry Bog 23 1,03% Both active and recently inactive cranberry
74.454.759,0 bogs and the sandy areas adjacent to the bogs
8 that are used in the growing process.
Impervious features associated with cranberry
bogs such as parking lots and machinery are
included. Modified from DEP Wetlands
(1:12,000) WETCODE 5.

Table 5.9: Table of land-use classes used in the study (MassGIS).

Data Set Data Resolution and source of Information Date
Community Vector Created by Mass GIS from latitude and 2011
Boundaries polygons longitude coordinates found in the 68-
(Cities and volume Harbor and Lands Commission Town
Towns) from Boundary Atlas and cross checked with USGS
Survey Points quad sheets; error ±12feet.
MA State Vector, MassGIS; Digitized from 1:25,000 linework 1991
Outlines Polygons from U.S. Geological Srvey Mylar map sheets
Boston Vector, US Census Bureau 1999
Metropolitan Polygons
Statistical Area licy#ms
New England Vector, Mass GIS; No information available 2007
Boundaries Polygons
Regional Vector, Mass GIS; Derived from town layer and list of 2007
Planning Polygons towns included within regional planning agency
Agencies (RPA)
Level 3 Vector, Mass GIS; Assessors surveys and Upda
Assessors' Polygons documentation, high resolution ted
Parcels 2013
Impervious Raster Mass GIS; 1 meter pixel size; reclassified from 2005
Surface 50 cm resolution near-infrared imagery derived
from an aerial Vexcel Ultra Cam sensor.
Land Use (2005) Vector, Delineating and coding the data was carried out Refer
Polygons using semi-automated methods for the ence
classification of the 4-band 2005 ortho imagery date
with resolution of 50cm using attributes from 2005
the manually-compiled 1999 data, and assessor Avail
parcels and other ancillary data. Smallest able
mapping unit is 1 acre with exceptions of ¼ 2007-
acres where assessor parcel maps were used to 2009
refine residential areas.
Building Vector, Two-dimensional roof outlines for all buildings 2012
Structures (2-D, Polygons larger than 15m2 (150 square feet), interpreted
from 2011-2012 by third party contractor using LiDAR sensor
Ortho Imagery) color imagery with 30 cm.
Mass DOT Vector, Center lines, from transportation department Upda
Roads Arcs surveys including detailed information such as te
width of paving, easement width, type, class, 2012
usage, destination cities and states etc.
Protected and Vector, From the Department of conservation and Upda
Recreational Polygons recreation. Digitized from survey maps. ted
Open Space 2013

Forest Vector, From the Department of conservation and 2008
Stewardship Polygons recreation. Digitized from survey maps.
BioMap2 Vector, Mass GIS; The Massachusetts Natural Heritage Upda
Polygons & Endangered Species Program and The Nature te
Conservancy’s Massachusetts Program 2010
developed BioMap2 in 2010 as a conservation
plan to protect the state’s biodiversity.
Color Ortho Raster; 50cm, pan sharpened. 2005
Imagery (2005) JPEG or
Table 5.10: Original data set used to develop study data layers (adapted from MassGIS
web site,

Land use CU CT Tree size Description of available pervious surface and
classes and related remarks
Intense urban use: low use – low % pervious
Industrial 0.0 1.0 Small- Spaces between buildings, roads and parking with no
medium obvious use. Soil would require amendment
Junkyard 0.7 0.3 Small- Areas not covered by cars and metal junk. Soil would
medium require amendment
Mining 1.0 0.0 n/a Not preferred since ground activities will impact tree
health. Once capped, surface area 100% planted
Transportatio 0.8 0.2 Small Spaces between buildings and roads with no obvious
n use. Soil would require amendment
Commercial 0 1.0 Small Spaces between buildings and roads with no obvious
use. Soil would require amendment
Marina 0.9 0.1 Small-
Residential : Medium to high use -high % pervious
High Density 0.9 0.1 Small Narrow spaces between building structure and
Residential boundary limits and potential single trees in
backyards, depending on configuration of property.
All remaining surfaces as lawn or shrub are
contributing to temperature amelioration.
Multi-Family 0.8 0.2 Small- Variable spaces available especially around common
Residential medium parking. All remaining surfaces as lawn or shrub are
contributing to temperature amelioration.
Medium 0.8 0.2 Small Spaces available along side and front setbacks as well
Density as backyard All remaining surfaces as lawn or shrub
Residential are contributing to temperature amelioration.
Low Density 0.7 0.3 Large Spaces available alongside and front setbacks as well
Residential as backyard. All remaining surfaces as lawn or shrub
are contributing to temperature amelioration.
Very Low 0.6 0.4 Large Spaces available alongside and front setbacks as well
Density as backyard All remaining surfaces as lawn or shrub
Residential are contributing to temperature amelioration.
Urban Public/Institutional: High use intensity - medium %pervious
Urban 0.5 0.5 Medium- This land use category includes formal open space
Public/Institu large and spaces around institutional buildings. To
tional accommodate for the low use of spaces around
buildings and intense use of public parks, an equal
value is included for both coefficients.
Recreation: High use Intensity - high %pervious
Participation 0.9 0.1 Medium These categories are delineated in the land use layer
Recreation around the actual playing fields. Any forest or scrub

land is included in other land use categories such as
forest and brush land.
Spectator 0 1 Small- Spaces between buildings, roads and parking with no
Recreation medium obvious use. Soil would require amendment
Water-Based 0.85 0.15 Small- At front and near water edges and around facilities
Recreation medium when present.
Golf Course 0.85 0.15 Medium- Spaces available between par centerlines. If design
large standards are changed, then more available land for
tree planting could be accommodated.
Service: Low use intensity - high % pervious
Cemetery 0.8 0.2 Medium- These categories are delineated in the land use layer
large around the actual burial areas. Any forest or scrub
land is included in other land use categories such as
forest and brush land.
Nursery 0.85 0.15 Medium- These categories include the surfaces where
large vegetation is planted or stored and Christmas tree
plantations. Space is available at front and around
buildings for planting.
Open Land 0.2 0.8 large No obvious use and potentially 100% for tree
planting. A factor of 0.8 is included to account for the
presence of rock outcrops.
Powerline/Ut 1.0 0 none The presence of electrical cables does not allow the
ility growth of trees. Yet, as pervious surfaces covered
with ground cover they contribute to temperature
Waste 0.85 0.15 Medium- Space available at entrances and around facility
Disposal large buildings. This is available land for 100% tree
planting when capped.
Transitional n/a n/a n/a Final land use is not identified
Table 5.11: Detailed information on calculation of coefficient of use by land use class


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