Rules - Black Market Potions

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Black Market Potions

Potions in black markets

Black market potions, elixirs and poisons for your roleplaying pleasure
Created by Sabrina Fischer.
Black Market Potions

lack Markets can be found in the strangest of
places, whether it’s in the sewers, an
inconspicuous inn or accessed with a codeword
at granny’s house. For rules on making potions
check out the resources listed on the last page
of this booklet.

Navigation Guide
Potion Type Selling Potions
What the finished potion does. If your character has a contact in the black market you can
Rarity: How common it is to buy, make or find. receive up to 1.5x the original selling price -10gp or 10% for
Value: The selling price. commission. Otherwise most potions go for 1.25x the original
Black market: The maximum someone would pay. selling price. There are some exceptions to this as most black
Material cost: The total cost of ingredients if you were to markets don't buy potions worth under 100 gp. There are
buy them. potions, poisons and elixirs that are valued higher in the
Needed materials: What you would be buying or finding. black market, they are listed below.
Tools associated: Tool type
Crafting time: How long it takes to make this potion. Potions in Demand
Minimum level: What level the character has to be in order Potion Buying gp Selling gp
to make this potion. Philter of Love 100 150
Check required: When making this potion you must roll a
total of DC Number. This is calculated by rolling a D20, then Truth Serum 180 240
adding your Wisdom modifier, then adding your proficiency Potion of Invisibility 220 280
in the tool kit used. If you do not have a proficiency it is up to
DM discretion to if they give you disadvantage on the roll. Potion of Resistance 370 460
Superior Healing 590 700
The ingredients that you need if you are
going to make the potion. Potion of Vitality 1190 1450
The name of the ingredient you are looking for. A Supreme Healing 1687 2070
description of the ingredient. Extra information on the Oil of Etherealness 2300 2900
Where you find the ingredient Purple Worm Poison 2490 3010

Where or when DC Survival How much of Dust of Disappearance is only bought from trusted
This ingredient is when looking the ingredient suppliers that can prove that they made the Dust of
available in different areas you can harvest
Disappearance and not the Dust of Sneezing and Choking.

This may be accompanied by an image below.

Burnt Othur Fumes The egg must be cooked with a fire that
If fumes are inhaled, you require a DC 13 Constitution saving has one of the following as kindling.
throw or take 3d6 poison damage and must repeat the saving Manchineel Tree This tree can stretch up to 49 ft tall. It has
throw at the start of each of it's turns. On each successive reddish grey bark, small chartreuse flowers (Greenish-
failed save, the character takes 1d6 poison damage. After yellow), and shiny green leaves. This tree is extremely toxic,
three successful saves, the poison ends. the sap causes burns and blisters. When it rains the toxin
Unfortunately, the Othur refers to an unhatched female drips off the tree with the rain, the affect is similar to a toxic
lizardfolk egg, both genders look the same whilst in egg form rain burning and melting skin. The area around the tree is
although females are less common in lizardfolk kin. The egg particularly heavy and gets denser the closer you are to the
is cooked, boiling the egg and creating toxic liquids within it. tree, however, when it rains this air is suppressed.
The liquid is then drained creating the Burnt Othur Fumes.
Rarity: Rare If a creature comes into contact with the toxin, they take 2d8
Value: 500 gp damage instantly, then must make a DC 20 Constitution
Material cost: 250 gp saving throw or suffer blisters and burning both externally
Black Market: 1000 gp and internally. This effect does 1d8 damage on every failed
Needed materials: One ripe female Lizardfolk Othur and 4 save and only after 4 successful saving throws does the
oz of one of the following. poison dissipate.
Crafting time: 40 hrs
Minimum level: 6 The leaves, bark or flowers can be used to make this fine
Check required: DC 18 = Dexterity Roll + Proficiency in dust.
Poisoner's Kit Found in thick jungles near large rivers.
Place DC Harvest
Material Components
Othur/ Lizardfolk egg Discolored white eggs. Protected Thick Jungle (No animals) 20 2d10 oz
fiercely by the tribe they belong to. By cooking the unborn Thick Jungle (animals) 30 1d10 oz
lizardfolk Othur you are able to tell if the egg was female by
the smell. When cooked through male eggs smell sweet,
however when a female is cooked it burns your naval OR
passages much like a hot spice.
Found in Lizardfolk homes Red Nightshade A plant with thin branches that sprout bell
shaped flowers, these flowers grow red berries that smell
sweet to lure their victims. When ingested the creature must
Place Chance d100 make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw a successful save
Male 1-65 the creature suffers from minor hallucinations for 1d4 hours.
On a failed save the creature falls unconscious and takes 1d4
Female 66-100 poison damage on each turn until the poison is neutralized.
Found in sunny isolated wild areas
Place DC Harvest
Mountains 15 2d10 oz
Valley 20 1d10 oz
Midnight Tears Oil of Sharpness
Although this is sometimes found in stores very few can The oil can coat one slashing or piercing weapon or up to 5
identify that it is a potent poison. pieces of slashing or piercing Ammunition. Applying the oil
As the name suggests this poison shows no effects until takes 1 minute. For the duration of 1 hour, the coated item is
midnight. If not cured before then, the creature affected must magical and has a +3 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls.
roll a Constitution saving throw. On a successful save the Rarity: Very Rare
creature takes half damage, on a failed save the creature Value: 3200 gp
takes 9d6 damage. Material cost: 1600 gp
Rarity: Rare
Value: 1500 gp Black Market: 6400 gp
Material cost: 750 gp Needed materials: 1 Spirit or Guardian Naga's fang
Black Market: 3000 gp Crafting time: 256 hrs
Needed materials: 25 oz of Ankheg Acid and 40 oz of Minimum level: 11
Spineflower Berries. Check required: DC 18 = Intelligence Roll + Proficiency in
Crafting time: 120 hrs Alchemist's Supplies.
Minimum level: 6 Tools associated: Alchemist's Supplies.
Check required: DC 18 = Dexterity Roll + Proficiency in Material Components
Poisoner's Kit Naga's fang A large monstrosity with the appearance of a
Tools associated: Poisoner's Kit snake Nagas are intelligent monstrosities that rely on their
Material Components venomous bite among other things to survive.
Ankheg Acid A large monstrosity This acid can only be Found in Lairs
avoided as Constitution saves won't help you with acid. If you Place DC Harvest
touch this acid you take 3d6 acid damage.
Found in Lairs Naga fang 18 1 fang

Place DC Harvest
Baby Ankheg 15 1d4 oz
Regular Ankheg 20 2d6 oz
Queen Ankheg 25 3d12 oz

Spineflower Berries A white berry this berry grows within

the vicinity of the bone flower (a flower that resembles
bones,) the berry itself is not poisonous however if it directly
enters the blood stream it amplifies any existent poison.
Found in the desert or swamp
Place DC Harvest
Desert 15 2d6 oz
Swamp 15 1d10 oz
Potion of Invulnerability
For 1 minute after you drink this potion, you have Resistance
to all damage.
Rarity: Rare
Value: 3849 gp
Material cost: 1920 gp
Black Market: 7698 gp
Needed materials: One Adult or Ancient Dragons heart.
Crafting time: 304 hrs
Minimum level: 6
Check required: DC 18 = Intelligence Roll + Proficiency in
Alchemist's Supplies.
Tools associated: Alchemist's Supplies.
Material Components
Heart of an Adult or Ancient Dragon Dragon hearts grow
denser in magic with age, only once it has reached adulthood
or further is the heart able to create this potion.
Found in Lairs
Place DC Harvest
Adult Dragon 19 1 heart
Ancient Dragon 20 1 heart

Dragons Youth
After consuming this potion, it grants the subject +2 in any
modifier of their choice exceeding the limit of 20 if
applicable. Vitality is also returned to the subject making
them regain their youth of 20 years old, all scars received
beyond age 20 disappear and all missing limbs magically
reform, once the subject consumes this potion it cannot
benefit from its effects for the remainder of its lifetime.
Rarity: Legendary
Value: 11,000 gp
Material cost: 6,000 gp
Black Market: 22,000 gp
Needed materials: One of each item.
Crafting time: 400 hrs
Minimum level: 12
Check required: DC 20 = Intelligence Roll + Proficiency in
Alchemist's Supplies.
Tools associated: Alchemist's Supplies.
Material Components
Heart of an Ancient dragon Dragon hearts grow denser in
magic with age, only once it has reached adulthood or further
is the heart able to create this potion.
Found in Lairs
Place DC Harvest
Ancient Dragon 20 1 heart

Human heart The heart of an adult human. This heart

need to be fresh within 3 days of starting the potion.
Found in humans
Place DC Harvest
Human heart 10 1 heart
Thanks for your support Review and Comment
Works Include: Please leave review.
Bardic Song Creator Improvements, requests & comments are
Common Herbs and Remedies welcomed.
Black Market Potions
The Poison Guide
The Alchemist's Guide
The Herbalism Guide Refrences:
Potion's Guide Xanathar's Guide to Everything 2017 -5e.
Impulsive Behaviour Artificer’s Field Guide 2019
The Art of Seduction

Created by Sabrina Fischer.


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