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The first electronic special-purpose computer was called ________ABC

One of the first computers based on the von Neumann model was called ___ .EDVAC

A 17th-century computing machine that could perform addition and

subtraction was the ______Pascal ine

The first computing machine to use the idea of storage and

programming was called _______Jacquard Loom

_______ separated the programming task from computer operation tasks.

High-level programming languages

text store in computer

ASCII code cho E là 1000101
e thường sẽ là 1 ở bit thứ 5 tính từ bit thứ 0 bên phải sang trái

A 32-bit code called _____unicode___ represents symbols in all languages.

Image_represented in a computer___by either bitmap or vector graphic

bitmap_each pixel is assigned a bit patterns.

bitmap_ re-scaling of the image creates a ragged or grainy image.

vector_the image is decomposed into a combination of geometrical figures.

store music in a computer_ audio signal must be__ sampled, quantized, and coded

A floating-point value after normalization is (1.0101) ? 2?4. What is the

value of exponent section in the Excess-127 representation?

Assume a new Excess system uses DMA bits to represent the exponent
section. What is the bias value in this system?

number representation method is often used to store the

exponential value of a fractional part?

In an Excess conversion, we ________ the number to be converted.

add the bias number to

fractional part is normalized, the computer stores the__ the sign, exponent, and mantissa
combination of sign and mantissa of a real number_in IEEE standard_store as an integer__ sign-and-
magnitude representation.

two's complement__ most common method for storing integers in computer memory.
two's complement addition___ if there is a final carry( lần thực hiện cuối cùng) after the left most
column addition, discard it

smallest decimal number that can be represented in two's complement with n bit allocation: -2^(n-1)
8 bit: -2^(8-1)= -128

largest decimal number that can be represented in two's complement with n bit allocation: (2^(n-1))-1
8 bit: 2^7 -1=128-1=127

In two's complement representation with a 4-bit allocation, we get________ when we add 1 to 7.


4-bit allocation, we get________ when we add 5 to 5.

working with modulo 2^n=16 nên res=10%16=-6

If the exponent in Excess_127 is binary 10000101, the exponent in decimal is ________ .

res thập phân lưu ở Excess 127(decimal of 10000101)=exponent(số thập phân ban đầu) + bias(127)
 số thập phân=(decimal of 10000101)-127=133-127=6

If we are adding two numbers, one of which has an exponent value of 7

and the other an exponent value of 9, we need to shift the decimal point of the
smaller number ________
two places to the left

To flip all the bits of a bit pattern, make a mask of all 1s and then
________ the bit pattern and the mask. XOR

The smallest storage area on a magnetic disk that can be accessed at one time is a _____sector

A control unit with five wires can define up to ________ operations_operation of n wires= 2^n

If the memory has 232 words, the address bus needs to have ________wires.

USB and FireWire controller__high-speed serial interface(giao diện tiếp nối tốc độ cao)___transfers
data in packets.

programmed I/O__CPU-I/O Module__CPU is idle until the I/O operation is finished.

DMA__a large block of data can be passed from an I/O device to memory directly.
interrupt-driven I/O__ the I/O device informs the CPU when it is ready for data transfer

TCP/IP MODEL_5 layers

application_provide service for end user
physical__transmits a bit stream over a physical medium.
data-link__responsible for node-to-node delivery of a frame between two adjacent nodes.
network___source-to-destination delivery of the entire message.

physical topology uses a hub or switch? star

IP addresses_32 bits in length

TCP, UDP, and SCTP__transport layer

FTP__file transfer
SMTP__email service
HTTP__accessing and transferring documents on the WWW.

An operating system
__program that facilitates the execution of other programs.
___supervises the activity of each component in a computer

Multi-programming__require__time-sharing OS
Multi-programming__with swapping__demand paging
Multi-programming___without swapping__partitioning
only one program can reside in memory for execution.___mono-programming

partitioning__pp lập trình_multiple programs are entirely in memory with each program occupying a
contiguous space.
phân vùng__nhiều chương trình hoàn toàn nằm trong bộ nhớ với mỗi chương trình chiếm một không
gian liền kề.

In paging, a program is divided into equally sized sections called________ .

In ________ , the program can be divided into differently sized sections.
demand segmentation
In ________ , the program can be divided into equally sized sections called pages, but the pages need
not be in memory at the same time for execution.
demand paging

job__program selected by the operating system and brought to the hold state.
a process__a job+a program
Data is compressed using a dictionary with indexes to strings. This is _______
Lempel Ziv encoding___lossless
A string of one hundred 0s is replaced by two markers, a 0, and the number 100. This is ________ .
run-length encoding___lossless
In a ________ data compression method, the received data is an exact copy of the original message.
lossless____(ex: Huffman, run-length, or LZ)
________ data compression method, the received data need not be an exact copy of the original

LOSSLESS data compression method

In ________ encoding, the more frequently occurring characters have shorter codes than the less
frequently occurring characters.
In ________ encoding, PPPPPPPPPPPPPPP can be replaced by P15.
LZ encoding requires ________ .
a dictionary, a buffer, and an algorithm

LOSSY data compression method

JPEG encoding involves ________ , a process that reveals the redundancies in a block.
the discrete cosine transform __chuyển đổi cos sin riêng biệt

In JPEG encoding, the ________ process breaks the original picture into smaller blocks and assigns a
value to each pixel in a block.(gán giá trị cho mỗi pixel trong mỗi khối)

The last step in JPEG, ________ , removes redundancies.


______ is a lossy compression method for pictures and graphics, whereas ________ is a lossy
compression method for video.
JPEG_picture & graphic

Which of the following is OSI layer of repeater?

Data Link
Which of the OSI layers is responsible for guaranteed delivery of data? *
Data Link
Which of the following is OSI layer of Switch? *
Data Link

Which of the following is OSI layer of Router *

Data Link

The purpose of HTTP is to *

Format Web pages
Transfer Web pages
Transfer address
Transfer data

Which HTML tag is used to provide links to other pages? *


Which type of guided medium is the least susceptible to attenuation and inductance? *
Loại phương tiện được hướng dẫn nào ít bị suy giảm và tự cảm nhất? *
Coaxial cable
Copper wire
Fiber-optic cable(cáp quang)
Golden wire

An OS method of allowing multiple processes to share the CPU is: *

(cho phép nhiều quy trình chia sẻ CPU)
Time slicing
Multi Access
Multi purpose

Before a disk can be used, it must be: *

Erased and set up
Partitioned and formatted
Deleted and formatted
Erased and formatted

In Windows , you can see the Task manager by using which of the following? *
Tab +Alt +Del key
Shift +Alt +Del key
Ctrl+Alt +Del key
Fn +Alt +Del key

DOS stands for: *

Demand Open Sources
Disk Operating System
Device Outer Shell
Direct Operating System

The process of arranges the disk's surface into addressable areas and sets up the disk's basic directory
tree structure *
Quá trình sắp xếp bề mặt của đĩa thành các khu vực có thể địa chỉ và thiết lập cấu trúc cây thư mục cơ bản của đĩa *
Set up

What features of transistors made them superior for computers, compared with vacuum tubes? *
They were more expensive than tubes but lasted longer and were cooler in temperature.
They didn't last as long as tubes but were less expensive.
They were cheaper and smaller than tubes.
They were cheaper, smaller, and cooler than tubes and lasted longer.

Today, Microsoft considers its major competition in operating systems to be what system? *
Control Data Corporation OS
Sega Games operating system
Linux operating system
Mac OS X

High-speed __________________ is used to speed processing in a computer system *

Mass storage
Cache memory
DSL speeds range from: *
256 Kbps to 1.5 Mbps
256 Mbps to 15 Mbps
56 Kbps to 256 Kbps
100 Kbps to 156 Kbps

DSL is a combination of what two types of multiplexing? *

AM and FM
FDM and FM
AM and TDM

A _______________ in computer terminology is a set of wires and protocols designed to facilitate data
transfer *
Boolean circuit

The main level of a disk is called the: *


Internet Providers maintain a Switching center called a: *

Point of Presence

What is the positional value(giá trị vị trí, ví dụ như A nằm ở vị trí 8^1 thì giá trị vị trí là 8^1) of the A
in the hexadecimal number C4A6? *

Which topology has become more popular with the advent of the Internet and home networking? *

Which of the following standards is used in wireless networking? *


Boolean expressions are simplified through the use of: *

Algebraic expressions

The _______________ contains instructions and data that provide the startup program for a computer.

What is the minimum number of bits required to represent 256 colors? *

In Windows, the MD command must be used to create a folder *(linh cảm đúng)

Which Internet component is responsible for decrementing the TTL field? *


A ... is a standard or typical example of how something might work, but without all the built-in
functionality. *(giống khai báo nguyên mẫu)

Which portion of the TCP/IP protocol suite provides error detection and correction *

Which is not a type of control structure? *

Top down

How many DNS servers does the Internet have? *


First normal DB form say *

No non key columns depend on another nonkey column
Every column that's not part of the primary key is fully dependent on the primary key.
Eliminate repeated fields
All of the above

Which is not a valid software development model? *


A....... is a bot that actively reproduces itself across a network *


Which of the following is not an Internet-related protocol? *


.............. are uninvited guest programs on your computer with the potential to damage files and the
operating system *

Which is not an advantage of using NTFS? *

File encryption
Efficient disk use on small volumes

What uniquely identifies a row in a table? *

Primary key

How many IP addresses are presented to the Internet when NAT is used? *

What is the standard port number for HTTP? *


A ... is used as a visual model for describing a program's logical steps *


A design document is used as: *

A way to bill the client more
A blueprint that shows an application's functionality
A replacement for pseudocode when writing a program
None of the above

Disk Defragmenter utility is used to *

reorganize tracks
minimize drive head movement?
minimize files
reorganize sector

is a program that poses as an innocent program *


Which of the following is an example of a high-level protocol? *


_________means that the sender and the receiver expect confidentiality. *

a. Nonrepudiation
b. Integrity
c. Authentication
d. encryption and decryption

Three security goals are _____. *

confidentiality, integrity, and availability

Which of the following attacks is threatening integrity? *

a. Masquerading
b. Traffic Analysis
c. Denial of service
d. Encoding

Which of the following attacks is threatening availability? *

a. Replaying
b. Modification
c. Denial of service
d. Decoding
_____________means concealing the message by covering it with something else. *
b. Steganography
_____________ means concealing the contents of a message by enciphering. *
a. Steganography
b. Cryptography
c. Compressing
d. Authentication

__________ means that the data must arrive at the receiver exactly as they were sent. *
a. Nonrepudiation
b. Message integrity
c. Authentication
d. Secrecy
______________ can provide authentication, integrity, and nonrepudiation for a message. *
a. Encryption/decryption
b. Digital signature
c. Compression
d. Key-exchange
In ___________, the identity of a party is verified once for the entire duration of system access. *
a. entity authentication

In the asymmetric-key method used for confidentiality, which key(s) is (are) publicly known? *
b. decryption key only

The RSA algorithm for confidentiality uses _______ cryptography. *

a. asymmetric-key

In RSA, if user A wants to send an encrypted message to user B, the plaintext is encrypted with the
public key of _______. *
b. user B

------CHAP 12---------------------------------------------------------
____ determines whether the project is worth doing, and specifying the advantages and
disadvantages of this application.
d. Project feasibility

____ is the process of producing software applications.

b. Software engineering

Testing software to ensure that it meets the software specifications is called ____.
b. software validation

Modifying or changing the software to meet changing customer needs is called ____.
a. software evolution

A(n) ____ is a standard or typical example that gives the end user a good idea of what they will see
when their application is completed.
b. prototype

In the ____ model of software development, the developer writes a program and continues to
modify it until the system is functional.
d. build and fix

With ____ tools are available that allow end users to work with prototypes of the screens and other
b. rapid prototyping

------CHAP 17---------
A _______ is a pictorial representation of the states and their relationships to each other.
a. transition diagram
A _______ shows, among other things, the movement of the read/write head, the character read, and
the character written.
c. transition table
We use _______ to denote a program's complexity.
b. big-O notation
The complexity of a problem is O (log10 n) and the computer executes 1 million instructions per
second. How long does it take to run the program if the number of operations is 10,000?
d. 4 microseconds

To assign a number to a variable, we use the _______ statement(s).

a. increment

A Turing machine has these components: _______.

c. tape, controller, and read/write head

The controller has _______ states.

d. an infinite number of

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