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40 MCQs

PEEDA Act 2006


Choose the correct op on.

1. PEEDA Act 2006 not applicable on

Corpora ons
Re red servants
Police and Judiciary
All of these

2. Maximum dura on a er which proceedings cannot be ini ated against re red employees
1 year
1.5 year
6 months
9 months

3. Any difficulty in PEEDA Act can be removed by

Chief Minister
None of these

4. The person against whom the ac on is ini ated is called

None of these

5. Which of the following is senior in rank

Appellate authority
Competent authority
Both are of same rank
None of these

6. If Competent authority issues orders, to whom the appeal can be submi ed.
Appellate authority
Competent authority
Both are of same rank
None of these

7. Who declares or no fies the appoin ng authority

Organiza on
Under the rules
All of these
8. ____________ means the allega ons framed under the accused
Accusa on
All of these

9. Who can be the competent authority.

a) CM Itself
b) Authority Authorized by the CM
c) Authority Authorized by the appoin ng authority.
d) All of the above

10.If two or more employees are proceeded against jointly, then the competent authority will be
a) The competent authority equal in rank w.r.t all the accused
b) The competent authority low in rank w.r.t all the accused
c) The competent authority high in rank w.r.t all the accused
d) All of the above

11. If the CM is the competent authority and he/she has personal interests in the proceedings, can
he quit him/her self from the proceedings
He/she can
None of these

12. Which of the following is not included in corrup on.

a) Indulge in embezzlement
b) Having repo of being corrupt
c) Having assets beyond means
d) All are included in corrup on

13.Corrup on includes
a) Enter in plea bargain
b) Accep ng any valuable thing other than legal remunera on
c) Misappropriate dishonestly or fraudlently
d) All

14.Hearing officer
a) Can be senior to the accused
b) Can be junior to the accused
c) Can be equal to the accused
d) Always senior to the accused

15.Inefficiency means
a) Fail to pass departmental exam in two a empts
b) Fail to pass departmental exam in three a empts
c) Having repo of being corrupt
d) None of these

16.Minimum officers in inquiry commi ee


17. Inquiry commi ee is headed by

Inquiry officer
Competent Authority
All of these

18.Who appoints an inquiry officer

Appellate authority
Competent authority
None of these

19.Misconduct includes
Absent from duty
Acqui al by court
Convict by court
All of these

20.Which of the following is not grounds for proceedings and penalty against an employee
a) Found in efficient.
b) Guilty of corrup on or misconduct
c) Having repo of being corrupt
d) Involved in poli cal ac vi es

21. Which of the following is not grounds for proceedings and penalty against an employee
a. Disclosed office secrets to unauthorized persons.
b. His/her presence is threat to na onal security.
c. Involved in subversive ac vi es.
d. All are grounds for proceedings and penalty

22. Who imposes penalty/penal es.

Inquiry officer
Competent Authority
All of these

23.Authority next to Competent authority

Inquiry officer
Competent Authority itself
Appellant Authority
All of these

24. Which of the following is not a minor penalty

Recovery from pay
Fine of one basic
Withholding increment

25.Maximum period for which increments can be withheld

2 years
3 years
4 years
5 years

26.Maximum fine that can be imposed if upto

One Basic pay
Half Basic pay
Two basic pays
All of these

27.Maximum how many Basic pay stages can be reduced during penalty

28.During minor penalty, promo on can be withheld for maximum

2 years
3 years
4 years
5 years

29. Which of the following is not a major penalty

Comp Re rement
All of these

30. Employee dismissed under PEEDA Act can join any other Govt Employment
He/she can
None of these

31. Proceedings are ini ated by

a) Giving show cause no ce
b) Verbally in ma ng the accused
b) Verbally in ma ng the accused
c) Lodging FIR against the accused
d) All of these

32. For ini a ng the proceeding, no show cause or personal hearing is required if
a) The accused is a serious threat for security of the country
b) The accused has entered in plea bargain
c) The accused has involved in subversive ac vi es
d) All of these

33. A er giving show cause, the next step is

a) Call the accused
b) Appoin ng an inquiry officer or inquiry commi ee
c) Deciding the case of the accused
d) All of these

34. Competent authority shall dispense with the inquiry where

a) The employee has been convicted of an offence other than corrup on by a court of law under any
law for the me being in force.
b) Absent from duty without prior approval of leave
c) Deciding the case of the accused
d) Both A & B

35. Who signatures the orders of inquiry or show cause.

Inquiry officer
Competent Authority
All of these

36. If Chief Minister is the competent Authority, then Who signatures the orders of
inquiry or show cause.
Inquiry officer
CM itself
Person authorized by the CM
Both B & C

37. An employee remains under suspension for minimum

30 days
60 days
90 days
All of these

38. The decision of extension in suspension for next 90 days is decided within of the expiry of
ini al period of suspension.
30 days
60 days
90 days
All of these
39. An employee remains under suspension for maximum
30 days
60 days
90 days
180 days

40. If the suspension is not extended within 30 days of ini al period of the suspension, then which of
the following in correct
a) The employee should be remained suspended
b) The employee should be found guilty
c) The employee shall be deemed to be reinstated.
d) The employee shall be deemed fired

Inform me if you found any error or mistake

Muhammad Iqbal
Instructor Commerce
Govt. Graduate College of Commerce, Bahawalnagar
WhatsApp: 03006985531

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