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Aligning Security Operations with the MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Level up your security operations center for better security
Aligning Security Operations with the MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Level up your security operations center for better security
Aligning Security Operations with the MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Level up your security operations center for better security
Ebook437 pages3 hours

Aligning Security Operations with the MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Level up your security operations center for better security

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Align your SOC with the ATT&CK framework and follow practical examples for successful implementation

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Key Features

  • Understand Cloud, Windows, and Network ATT&CK Framework using different techniques
  • Assess the attack potential and implement frameworks aligned with Mitre ATT&CK
  • Address security gaps to detect and respond to all security threats

Book Description

The Mitre ATT&CK framework is an extraordinary resource for all SOC environments, however, determining the appropriate implementation techniques for different use cases can be a daunting task. This book will help you gain an understanding of the current state of your SOC, identify areas for improvement, and then fill the security gaps with appropriate parts of the ATT&CK framework. You'll learn new techniques to tackle modern security threats and gain tools and knowledge to advance in your career.

In this book, you'll first learn to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your SOC environment, and how ATT&CK can help you improve it. Next, you'll explore how to implement the framework and use it to fill any security gaps you've identified, expediting the process without the need for any external or extra resources. Finally, you'll get a glimpse into the world of active SOC managers and practitioners using the ATT&CK framework, unlocking their expertise, cautionary tales, best practices, and ways to continuously improve.

By the end of this book, you'll be ready to assess your SOC environment, implement the ATT&CK framework, and advance in your security career.

What you will learn

  • Get a deeper understanding of the Mitre ATT&CK Framework
  • Avoid common implementation mistakes and provide maximum value
  • Create efficient detections to align with the framework
  • Implement continuous improvements on detections and review ATT&CK mapping
  • Discover how to optimize SOC environments with automation
  • Review different threat models and their use cases

Who this book is for

This book is for SOC managers, security analysts, CISOs, security engineers, or security consultants looking to improve their organization's security posture. Basic knowledge of Mitre ATT&CK, as well as a deep understanding of triage and detections is a must.

Release dateMay 19, 2023
Aligning Security Operations with the MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Level up your security operations center for better security

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    Aligning Security Operations with the MITRE ATT&CK Framework - Rebecca Blair



    Aligning Security Operations with the MITRE ATT&CK Framework

    Copyright © 2023 Packt Publishing

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    Group Product Manager: Pavan Ramchandani

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    First published: May 2023

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    ISBN 978-1-80461-426-6

    To my colleagues both past and present, thank you for your mentorship and cooperation. To my friends, thank you for the support and for pushing me to be who I am, especially Tyler and hype-woman Jennifer. To my family, Emily, Alex, and Gadget, thank you for your patience and support; without it, this book would not have been completed. To countless others not mentioned, thank you.

    – Rebecca Blair


    About the author

    Rebecca Blair has, for over a decade, focused on working in and building up security operations center (SOC) teams. She has had the unique experience of building multiple teams from scratch and scaling them for growth and 24/7 operations. She currently serves as the manager of the SOC, corporate security, and network operations center (NOC) at a Boston-based tech company, and as a cyber educational content creator for N2K Networks. She previously worked as the director of SOC operations at IronNet, a lead technical validator, a watch officer, and an SOC analyst for various government contractors. She has a bachelor of science degree in computer security and information assurance from Norwich University, a master of science degree in cybersecurity from the University of Maryland Global Campus, and a master of business degree in administration from Villanova University.

    About the reviewer

    Allen Ramsay has worked in the cyber trenches in 24/7 SOCs for most of his career. He has specialized in network defense and alert triage. He has previously contributed to multiple articles for SC magazine and has been a contributing author to The Rook’s Guide to C++. He has a bachelor of science in computer security and information assurance from Norwich University and a master of science degree in cyber forensics and counterterrorism from the University of Maryland Global Campus.

    Table of Contents


    Part 1 – The Basics: SOC and ATT&CK, Two Worlds in a Delicate Balance


    SOC Basics – Structure, Personnel, Coverage, and Tools

    Technical requirements

    SOC environments and roles

    SOC environment responsibilities

    SOC coverage

    SOC cross-team collaboration



    Analyzing Your Environment for Potential Pitfalls

    Technical requirements

    Danger! Risks ahead – how to establish a risk registry

    Red and blue make purple – how to run purple team exercises

    Discussing common coverage gaps and security shortfalls



    Reviewing Different Threat Models

    Technical requirements

    Reviewing the PASTA threat model and use cases

    Reviewing the STRIDE threat model and use cases

    Reviewing the VAST threat model and use cases

    Reviewing the Trike threat model and use cases

    Reviewing attack trees



    What Is the ATT&CK Framework?

    A brief history and evolution of ATT&CK

    Overview of the various ATT&CK models


    Part 2 – Detection Improvements and Alignment with ATT&CK


    A Deep Dive into the ATT&CK Framework

    Technical requirements

    A deep dive into the techniques in the cloud framework

    A deep dive into the techniques in the Windows framework

    A deep dive into the techniques in the macOS framework

    A deep dive into the techniques in the network framework

    A deep dive into the techniques in the mobile framework



    Strategies to Map to ATT&CK

    Technical requirements

    Finding the gaps in your coverage

    Prioritization of efforts to increase efficiency

    Examples of mappings in real environments



    Common Mistakes with Implementation

    Technical requirements

    Examples of incorrect technique mappings from ATT&CK

    Examples of poor executions with detection creation



    Return on Investment Detections

    Technical requirements

    Reviewing examples of poorly created detections and their consequences

    Finding the winners or the best alerts

    Measuring the success of a detection


    Use cases as coverage

    What metrics should be used


    Part 3 – Continuous Improvement and Innovation


    What Happens After an Alert is Triggered?

    Technical requirements

    What’s next? Example playbooks and how to create them


    Runbooks via security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) tools

    Templates for playbooks and best practices



    Validating Any Mappings and Detections

    Technical requirements

    Discussing the importance of reviews

    Saving time and automating reviews with examples

    Turning alert triage feedback into something actionable



    Implementing ATT&CK in All Parts of Your SOC

    Technical requirements

    Examining a risk register at the corporate level

    Applying ATT&CK to NOC environments

    Mapping ATT&CK to compliance frameworks

    Using ATT&CK to create organizational policies and standards



    What’s Next? Areas for Innovation in Your SOC

    Technical requirements

    Automation is the way

    Scaling to the future

    Helping hands – thoughts from industry professionals



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    Hi, infosec professionals! This book is for cyber security professionals that are interested in SOC operations and/or are currently working in SOC operations. It is also for those interested in learning about the MITRE ATT&CK framework and bridges the gap between theoretical and practical knowledge through the use of examples, implementations, and detections.

    There are three main portions to this book. They are as follows:

    The Basics – SOC and ATT&CK – Two Worlds in a Delicate Balance

    Detection Improvements and Alignment with ATT&CK

    Continuous Improvement and Innovation

    There are various resources out there about different tools that map to MITRE, as well as the MITRE ATT&CK framework, which is fully publicly available online at What sets this book apart is that it takes practical knowledge of how to set up your environment and an in-depth review of the MITRE ATT&CK framework and explains how you can apply that framework to your environment.

    Who this book is for

    This book is for security professionals of all levels. It is focused on SOC environments but also covers some compliance, purple team exercises, threat hunting, and so on. It can be used to help build new security programs, as well as level up and assess the maturity of your current program.

    What this book covers

    Chapter 1, SOC Basics – Structure, Personnel, Coverage, and Tools, introduces the landscape of the SOC, which is a critical team in security and can have many different roles and sub-teams. We’ll discuss SOC basics such as alert triaging, creating detections, incident response, and trust but verify, as well as how it can interact with other teams or have sub-teams. This information is important because depending on the environment, you’ll be able to apply different aspects of ATT&CK.

    Chapter 2, Analyzing your Environment for Potential Pitfalls, discusses techniques for critically reviewing your processes, coverage, and systems, and provides advice on potential problem areas. By following this, the reader will be able to directly apply it to their environments to look for areas of improvement and avoid any pitfalls; it will also be helpful when looking to implement ATT&CK.

    Chapter 3, Reviewing Different Threat Models, reviews multiple different threat models, their use cases, and their advantages and disadvantages. Doing so will allow the reader to apply the one that makes the most sense for their environment; the chapter also provides a comparison point to compare those threat models to ATT&CK.

    Chapter 4, What is the ATT&CK Framework?, outlines the evolution of the ATT&CK framework and the various different high-level configurations for types of systems (i.e. cloud, mobile, Windows, etc.). It will also be the first introduction to related use cases.

    Chapter 5, A Deep Dive into the ATT&CK Framework, provides a deeper look at the different techniques that are covered by the framework, and potential gaps within the framework. The reader will understand how to rank different techniques and their applicability to their own environments. This will focus specifically on the cloud, Windows, Mac, and network frameworks.

    Chapter 6, Strategies to Map to ATT&CK, discusses how to analyze your environment, identify coverage gaps, and identify areas for improvement. Then, we’ll cover how to map those gaps to the ATT&CK framework, to increase coverage and build out maturity in your security posture.

    Chapter 7, Common Mistakes with Implementation, presents an overview of common mistakes that I have personally made in mappings and detections, as well as areas where I’ve seen others make mistakes. That way, you can learn from our shortcomings and implement mappings the right way.

    Chapter 8, Return on Investment Detections, explains how creating detections and alerts is the bread and butter of any SOC environment. It should not be a surprise to anyone that less-than-stellar detections are created/triggered on a daily basis. This chapter will discuss alerts that we have had the highest efficiency ratings on, as well as the lowest, and how to measure their success.

    Chapter 9, What Happens After an Alert is Triggered?, covers how once an alert is triggered, in theory, a set of actions begins. This chapter will discuss the different sets of actions, how to create playbooks, and how to ultimately triage alerts.

    Chapter 10, Validating Any Mappings and Detections, argues that the most important step you can take to help yourself is setting up a review process. This can be completed manually, or you can create an automated feedback loop to track the efficiency ratings of your mappings and make improvements when necessary.

    Chapter 11, Implementing ATT&CK in All Parts of Your SOC, goes through how to narrow down your environment and prioritize where you need to fix a coverage area. The chapter will then outline how you can implement detections and the ATT&CK framework as part of your overall security posture, and how it can be applied to teams outside of the SOC as well.

    Chapter 12, What’s Next? Areas for Innovation in Your SOC, points out some key areas that can take a SOC from basic to mature, covering topics such as scalability and automation. This chapter will include ideas that I had for innovating my own SOC but also interviews with other industry professionals and what they think needs to be done to achieve innovation.

    To get the most out of this book

    This book can apply to all types of SOC environments, and while no specific software is required, there are multiple examples that use Log Correlation or Security Information Event Management (SIEM) tools, as well as Search Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR) tools. This book will also cover matrices for multiple operating systems such as Windows, Linux, macOS, network, mobile, and so on, so a base understanding of those types of operating systems and environments would be helpful but not necessary.

    Download the color images

    We also provide a PDF file that has color images of the screenshots and diagrams used in this book. You can download it here:

    Conventions used

    There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

    Code in text: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. Here is an example: Screen Capture is carried out by an attacker utilizing the screencap, screenrecord, or MediaProjectionManager commands.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    index=network_data size= (bytes_out/1024) size>= 100 | table _time, user, size

    Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see onscreen. For instance, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in bold. Here is an example: A tactic in the ATT&CK framework for the enumeration of shares can be found at Network Share Discovery.

    Tips or important notes

    Appear like this.

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    General feedback: If you have questions about any aspect of this book, email us at [email protected] and mention the book title in the subject of your message.

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    Part 1 – The Basics: SOC and ATT&CK, Two Worlds in a Delicate Balance

    The first part of this book will provide you with the basics. This means that it will cover what goes into a SOC, or Security Operations Center, including the teams and key roles that play a key part in security operations, and some of the teams that a SOC works closely with. Then, you will learn how to analyze your environments for security gaps and gain an understanding of a few different threat models that could be applied to your environment. As a send-off for the first part, we will cover an introduction to the ATT&CK framework, and we will cover it in more depth in the following parts.

    This part has the following chapters:

    Chapter 1, SOC Basics – Structure, Personnel, Coverage, and Tools

    Chapter 2, Analyzing Your Environment for Potential Pitfalls

    Chapter 3, Reviewing Different Threat Models

    Chapter 4, What Is the ATT&CK Framework?


    SOC Basics – Structure, Personnel, Coverage, and Tools

    In this chapter, we will cover the landscape of what your average security operation center (SOC) looks like. We’ll discuss the structure of the specific roles within the SOC and possible sub-teams that can feed into or be part of the SOC environment. We’ll discuss strategies for alert triage, creating

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