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Sorting an array

Algorithms and data structures ID1021

Johan Montelius

Fall term 2023

In this assignment you will explore some search algorithms, all have their
pros and cons and it’s important to know when to use which. We will in
this assignment only work with arrays of a given size and not add any new
elements to the data set. For each of the algorithms you should explain the
run time as a function of the size of the array.

the not so efficient

Let’s start with a simple algorithm that is not very efficient but simple to
implement and it works ok if the array is small. The algorithms goes as
start by setting an index to the first position in the array, then

ˆ from the index position to the end of the array, find the smallest
element smaller than the value at the index position,

ˆ if found, swap the two elements and,

ˆ move forward one position in the array.

The implementation is only a couple if lines:

for (int i = 0; i < array.length -1; i++) {

int candidate = ...
for (int j = i; j < array.length ; j++) {

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This algorithm is called selection sort since the algorithm scans the rest
of the array and selects the item that is the smallest. What is the run
time complexity of this algorithm? Do some benchmarks and verify your

slightly more complicated

We can twist the algorithm around and instead of selecting the smallest
item, we insert the next item in the already sorted part of the array. The
algorithm goes as follows:
start with the first index in the array,

ˆ if the item at the index position is smaller than the item before move
it towards the beginning (i.e. insert)

ˆ when inserted at the right place, move the index forward.

When we move an item towards the beginning we of course need to

make room for the item so all items that we pass should be moved one step
forward. This is of course a costly operation but as you will see it might be
worth the price.
The implementation is a bit trickier but still only a few lines of code if
implement a procedure swap that will swap two elements in an array.

for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {

for (int j = i; j > 0 && .... ; j--) {
swap(array, ..., ...);

Note that we only have to swap elements as long as we find something

bigger. As soon as we we find a smaller element we’re done and can move
Do some benchmarks and determine how well insertion sort compares
to selection sort. Is there a difference, why? Are there any arrays that the
insertion algorithm works better or worse for? You have to think a bit on
the last question and then possibly confirm your thoughts in an experiment

completely different
There are plenty of sorting algorithms to choose from but here we will look
at the one called merge sort. The difference here is that we will work with a
additional array where we will store temporary results before producing the
final sorted array. We will also implement the algorithm recursively which

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might be a bit mind boggling if this is the first time you encounter this
The algorithm is quite easy to describe and not very hard to implement
but one needs to understand what is going on. It goes like follows:

ˆ start with the original array, divide it in two and

ˆ place a sorted version of the first part in one array and

ˆ a sorted version of the second part in another array,

ˆ then merge the two arrays into one sorted array.

The only thing wee need to figure out is how merging is done and this
is quite simple. We will go through the two arrays item by item and select
the smallest item found to be the next item in the list. Think about having
two piles of sorted playing cards face up and always selecting the smallest
Hmm, how do we sort the two parts? Should we use insertion sort? ...
could we use merge sort? The magic of recursion will solve our problems.
Let’s start by constructing a temporary array and then call a method
with the two arrays. The new method will also take to indices between
which it should do the sorting. The method, when done, should have all
items between (and including) the two indices sorted.

public static void sort(int[] org) {

if (org.length == 0)
int[] aux = new int[org.length];
sort(org, aux, 0, org.length -1);

So what should the new sort method look like? We have two arrays, one
with the unsorted elements and one that we can use as an auxiliary storage
area. If our task is to sort all elements between the two indices then if the
lo index is not equal to the hi index we need to do something.

private static void sort(int[] org, int[] aux, int lo, int hi) {

if (lo != hi) {
int mid = (lo + hi)/2;
// sort the items from lo to mid
// sort the items from mid+1 to hi
// merge the two sections using the additional array

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merge(org, aux, lo, mid, hi);

You can wait a bit with the sort method and first implement the merge
method. When we call this method the original array is divided into two
parts (from lo to mid and from mid+1 to hi). Both parts are internally
sorted (thanks to our recursive call) and the task is to merge them into one
sorted sequence.
We now make use of the temporary array (we could have created it here
but since it is given to us we can use the one we get). We first copy all
element over to the temporary array and then start the merging.

private static void merge(int[] org, int[] aux, int lo, int mid, int hi) {

// copy all items from lo to hi from org to aux

for ( ...... ) {

// let's do the merging

int i = lo; // the index in the first part

int j = mid+1; // the index in the second part

// for all indices from lo to hi

for ( int k = lo; k <= hi; k++) {
// if i is greater than mid then
// move the j'th item to the org array, update j

// else if j is greate than hi then

// move the i'th item to the org array, update i

// else if the i'th item is smaller than the jäth item,

// move the i'th item to the org array, update i

// else
// move the j'th item to the org array, update j


If you get this right you have all the pieces of the puzzle. The only thing
that is missing, is fixing the sort method. If you can solve this you have a

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method that, given an original array and a temporary array, will sort the
original array from lo to hi.
The only thing you need is a method that can sort an array from one
index to another... but, is this not what we have? Can we use our own sort
method to do the sorting of the two sub-parts?
The recursive thinking could be quite tricky to get around the first time
you see it but once you master it you will start to look at all problems with
recursive eyes.
Do some benchmarks and see how merge sort compares to selection sort
and insertion sort. Can you find a function that roughly explains the exe-
cution time?

there is more
Merge sort is a very efficient sorting algorithm with over all good perfor-
mance. It does need a temporary array to do the merging but apart from
that, it has few cons.
There are other sorting algorithms and one of the most used is an al-
gorithm called Quick sort. The Quick sort algorithm is also a recursive
algorithm but here we first rearrange the item of the array so we have all
the smaller items to the left and the all higher to the right. We then sort
the two parts recursively and then we’re done. The benefit is that we do
not need a temporary array but we will have some weird cases where quick
sort degenerates to something that is worse than selection sort. Merge sort
is more robust and will always perform well.
Another difference between Merge sort and Quick sort is that Merge sort
is stable. A stable sorting algorithm is an algorithm that does not change
an already given order if not required. Let’s say you have an array of people
identified by their given name and their surname. If we now use Quick sort to
sort the array on the first name Anders Andersson will occur before Bengt
Andersson. If we now sort the sorted array based on the surname using
Quick sort, there is no guarantee that Anders Andersson is before Bengt
Andersson since they have the same surname. A stable sorting algorithm
will preserve any given order and guarantee that Anders Andersson comes
before Bengt Andersson.

give this a try

In the description of the Merge sort algorithm there is a lot of copying of
values to-and-fro the auxiliary array. There is one clever trick that we can
use that will eliminate much of the copying, easy to implement - harder to
The first thing we do is to create a copy of the original array i.e. copy
its content to the auxiliary array. We now use our sort method to sort the

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elements in the auxiliary array and return the answer in the original array.
The sort method is thus given two identical arrays and should sort the
elements of the second array and return the result in the first array. What
if we in the recursive step now toggle the arguments so when we do the
recursive call we sort the elements in the first array and return the result in
the second array. We then call the merge method to merge the sorted results
from the second array to the first array. The merge method now does not
have to copy anything to an auxiliary array since the elements are already
sorted in the auxiliary array - the merger will immediately place the result
in the original array and we are done.
To realize that this actually works even though we are repeatedly doing
recursive calls to the sort method could be a bit mind-boggling but it works.
If you get it right you can run some benchmarks and see if it pays off.

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