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I Combinatorics and Set Theory

KTH/ICT:IX1500 - Discrete Mathematics, ht23v1

Anders Västberg and Niharika Gauraha

1 Implementation and Assessment

The course includes two to three project tasks on a total of 4 hp. The projects
are both assessed in writing and orally. They will be given a summary grade
on a scale of A-F. The assessment includes the number of solved project tasks.
The first two projects are mandatory for the grade C-E. The third project task
is optional and targets the higher grades A-B and requires a grade of C for the
first two projects.
In this project task, you will work in a group of two and solve a mathematical
task, write a report in Mathematica (or similar), and submit it in Canvas. After
this, you will discuss in a group and revise your own reports based on the
Carefully read the following information to know which rules apply and what
is expected of you.

1.1 Report
The final report should contain:
• title and authors of the report
[email protected]
• a summary containing the results of resolved parts
• separate sections for each part containing e.g.
– mathematical formulas and equations
– a brief discussion
– explanatory diagrams
– your conclusions.
• separate code section (do not mix code and text with conclusions and
• The report will normally be uploaded a couple of days prior to the exam-
ination (see 1.5 below).

1.2 Group discussion
Everyone in the group should be prepared to present the final report. In the
group discussion, you compare the solutions and note errors and or improve-
ments. Be prepared to present your solution to the members of the other groups.
After the group discussion, improve your report and resubmit it.

1.3 Rules
The task is considered individually and assumes that you have full knowledge
of all the material you are presenting. To be approved, you have solved the task
and be able to explain the entire task and solution.
To account for the task that you do not have solved is considered cheating.
It is also cheating to copy the solution or part of a solution from another. If
two solutions are presented as (partially) copies they are rejected both.
If the solution contains information, e.g., paraphrased background material,
you must clearly indicate this and properly refer to the source. Any direction
quotation should be indicated with quotation marks (” ”).
Suspicion of cheating or misleading can be reported to the Disciplinary
Board. See also the EECS Code of honour.

1.4 Examination
• Please notice that this project should be reported in review groups.
• The report (including code section) should be uploaded according to the
information in Canvas.

• Notice that the report shall always be uploaded in time even if you cannot
attend at the oral presentation. In case of illness, etc., then the oral
presentation may be made during project 3. If you are unable to attend,
you must in advance inform the teacher (in writing).
• If you ignore the oral presentation or the uploading of the report without
contacting the teacher (in writing) you will have to wait for the next course
for a new project exam.

2 Preparations
2.1 Study
Read and study the following texts:

• Chapter 1-2 in the course book (Böiers)

• lecture notes F1-F8

3 Mathematical Task
The project can be solved for pass grade (only problem a) or for higher grade
(all of problem a, b). Keep in mind that it is the mathematical method on the
task that is interesting to consider, not only the answer. Furthermore, solve the
given task, not a variant or extension.

3.1 For Pass Grade

A partical moves in a the xy plane according to the following moves:

U :(m, n) → (m + 1, n + 1) (1)
L :(m, n) → (m + 1, n − 1), (2)

where m, n are integers. For example see the following Figure.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(a) How many such paths are there from (0, 3) to (7, 2). Explain and print all
such paths. For example, the path that corresponds to the above figure is
(b) How many paths from (0, 3) to (7, 2) touch or cross x−axis at least once.
Explain and print all such paths.
(c) How many paths from (0, 3) to (7, 2) never touch or cross x−axis. Explain
and print all such paths.
(d) How many paths from (5, 5) to (30, 10) never touch or cross x−axis. Ex-
plain your solution.

3.2 For Higher Grade (solve the above problem and the
problems in this section)
The candidates A and B are the finalist for an award. A committee of 14
members will place their vote (in favour of one of the candidates) into a ballot
box. Suppose that A receives 9 votes and B receives 5. In how many ways
the ballot can be selected, one at a time, from the ballot box so that there are
always more votes in favour of A. Explain your solution and print all such ways.

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