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Patient Name : Mr.

AYUSH FAUJDAR Registration No : 91610

Age/Sex : 11/Mar/2001/Male Registered : 02/Apr/2023
Patient ID : 012304020008 Collection : 02/Apr/2023 11:12AM
Barcode : 10141323 Received : 02/Apr/2023 11:16AM
Ref. By : Self Reported : 02/Apr/2023 06:45PM
SRF No. : 0914400702029 Panel : WALKING - 360

Aadhar-Nation : 726616307758 - Indian Passport No. : T3148906

Test Name Value Unit Bio Ref.Interval



Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain
Reaction (RT PCR) Nasopharygeal & Oropharygeal
NOTE:ICMR Registration number for COVID-19 is TDHSLNUP
POSITIVE test results indicates RNA from SARS COV-2 was detected and the patient is presumed to harbor infection of COVID-19 and could be contagious.

NEGATIVE test results means, RNA from SARS COV-2 were not found in the specimen or not present in detectable limits, to have been picked up.
The threshold cutoff cycle Ct is 35.
Note:- SARS COV-2 also known as 2019 nCOV is the causative agent of the corona virus disease 2019 (COVID -19). ICMR approved kit/s is/are being used for reporting.
SARS COV-2 detection is being done by qualitative test method, based on Real Time PCR technology. It does not quantify viral load. This assay uses a positive and negative control; RNaseP to
indicate specimen acceptable quality; E gene and RdRp /N gene to detect SARS COV-2
Test performed on QIAGEN Rotor-Gene Q Real Time PCR.
All cases are notified to ICMR for future surveillance
Comment:- RT-PCR can only interpret the viral load if it is detectable. It plays no role in predicting an individuals capability to spread infection or be infectious, Negative results do not rule out
possibility of COVID - 19 infection and should be in correlated with clinical observation, patient history and epidemiological information. Positive results will not rule out co-infection with other
viruses. Optimum sample type and the stage of infection in which sample was procured, plays an important role in reporting of COVID 19 infection. Ct values are inversely proportional to the
significant viral load(higher the Ct value, lower will be the vitral load) Asymptomatic / Presymptomatic cases may show high Ct value with or without showcasing symptoms Ct values are not
absolute indication of viral load and are affected by variation of specimen collected. In advent of delayed onset of symptoms or persisting ILI symptoms, kindly repeat test after an interval.

For Positive Patient Advice:Covid -19 Severity panels(CBC,CRP,LDH,D-Dimer Dimer,Interleukin IL6,Ferritin).

For Negative Patient Advice :Immunity Panel (IgE, IgA,IgG,IgM,CBC,Vit B-12,Vit -D, KFT,LFT, Covid Ab IgG

*** End Of Report ***

Tests Requested:SARS COVID-19 RT PCR

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