Transcript Lesson 3 Networking Elevator Speech What To Say

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Transcript: Lesson 3: Networking Elevator Speech –

What to Say When Networking?

Hello, in this video we will discuss what to say when you are networking. Job seekers often meet many people
while they are searching for a job. We will discuss how to prepare and practice networking elevator speech which
is a short description of skills and career goals. For many of us, it is easier to meet and talk to new people if we
have prepared and practiced something to say about ourselves.

What is an elevator speech?

Let's imagine that you just got in an elevator with a high-level manager in your
company. After you greet each other, you want to tell the manager a little bit more
about yourself. What would you say? Most people would say nothing and miss the
chance to make a good impression on the manager. However, successful job seekers
should have a prepared statement they can use to introduce themselves to another
person quickly. This short description is known as an elevator speech because the
average amount of time in an elevator is about 45 seconds. Even though the elevator
speech is short, it should give enough information to make the listener know who you
are, and what you can do.
an elevator speech (n)

This image is a derivative of What information should you include in your elevator
“Untitled Image” by Muhammad speech?
Faiz Zulkeflee on Unsplash under
Unsplash license This derivative is Let's start with the basic information that you should include in your elevator speech.
licensed under CC BY 4.0 by FHI First, tell them your full name and current job title, department, or employer. Second,
360 for use in the Online tell the other person what you are looking for: information or a kind of job in an
Professional English Network,
sponsored by the U.S.
industry, field, or location. Third, tell them something about a past job or experience
Department of State and that could be important to them. Fourth, tell them about a job skill that you have and
administered by FHI 360. are very good at.

After you've described a little bit about yourself, then you can ask the other person a
general question. A general question is one that is easy to answer. For example, do you know if the company is
hiring anyone right now? Asking questions helps to keep the conversation going and allows you to find out more
about them.

Let's see how an example job seeker, Amanda Smith, would introduce herself when networking. In this situation,
Amanda is at a professional conference with many people in the auto industry and she is talking with some people
from Toyota. Here's an example of what she could say to introduced herself. First, she greets them with her name
and gives her current job.

“Hello, I'm Amanda Smith and I have been in sales for about five years.”

Second, she explains what she's looking for, “I'm currently looking for a sales position in the auto industry.”

© 2021 by FHI 360. “Transcript: Lesson 3: Networking Elevator Speech – What to Say When Networking” for
the Online Professional English Network (OPEN), sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding
provided by the U.S. government and administered by FHI 360. This work is an adaptation of “Video: 1
Networking Elevator Speech – What to Say When Networking”, by The University of Pennsylvania licensed
under the Creative Commons Share-Alike License. To view a copy of the license, visit
Third, she tells them about a current or past experience, “One of the things I like most about sales, is meeting and
talking with new customers all the time.”

Fourth, she describes a job skill, “I'm really good at listening to customers, and I am able to understand what they
really want.”

Lastly, she asks a general question, “do you know if Toyota is hiring any new salespeople in this area?”

So, by asking a question at the end, Amanda keeps the conversation going, and gives the listeners a chance
to introduce themselves as well. The question at the end is optional or your choice.

In summary, job seekers should have a short, prepared description or an elevator speech that they can use to
introduce themselves when networking. A good elevator speech includes your name and current job, what you are
looking for, something from a past experience, and a short description of your best job skill. Even though it is short,
it can give other people a lot of information about you.

What’s Next?
In the next video, we will talk about how to deliver your elevator speech with confidence.

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