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Design & ProDuction Cartography

Miska Fredman
Managing eDitors
James Introcaso, Hannah Rose Interior Illustrators
“Magic for the People”: Gustavo Pelissari
authors “The Crossroads”: Marcela Medeiros
V.J. Harris, Sadie Lowry, Erin Roberts “The Last Seven Notes”: Zuzanna Wuzyk
eDitors MCDM Contract QA
Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Ashley Michaela Lawson,
Sadie Lowry Senior Tester
sensitivity consultant Spencer Hibnick
Kiki Nicole Testers
Playtest Director Nathan Clark, Cassandra “Dig” Crary, Alecson de
Lars Bakke Lima Junior, James Dewar, Anna Guimarães, Alex
Jen McCleary MCDM Team
title logo Lars Bakke: Development & Production
Tom Schmuck Jerod Bennett: Technology
Grace Cheung: Art
accessibility Matt Colville: Writing & Design
Chris Hopper Nick De Spain: Art & Art Outsource Management
Music Jason Hasenauer: Art & Art Direction
Composed by Austin Caughlin James Introcaso: Lead Game Designer
Recorded and Mixed by Rich Isaac
coMMunity coorDinator
John Champion
Playtest Coordinators
Aaron Flavius West, davidqshull, Durante Bozzini,
custoMer suPPort Iris Gorton, ItsTheITGuy, Jarrad Tait, Joel Russ,
Bobby McBride Madeleine Bray, Matthew Vansprang, Roman Penna,
Meg Hanna
illustration Playtesters
art Director Alex Chapman, Andre Haftevani, Aradesh, Lorenzo
Nick De Spain Venegas-Villa, Otto "ohartenstein23" Hartenstein,
Sami Khan, Sigma
cover artist
Zachary Madere

Join us on the MCDM Discord server, where you can chat with others about ARCADIA and more!

Product Identity: The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License
version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All content which is not included in the Systems Reference
Document version 5.1 or has otherwise been specifically designated as Open Game Content, including Magic for
the People, The Crossroads, The Last Seven Notes, all Trademarks, registered trademarks, proper names (including
the names of characters, place names, monsters, organizations, new spells, new abilities, etc.), dialogue, plots, story
elements, locations, characters, artwork, graphics, sidebars, and trade dress.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023

1 Letter from The Editor
James Introcaso

Rules Magic Items NPCs
Magic for the People
Erin Roberts
Bringing folk magic practices to your magical world

Rules NPCs
The Crossroads
V.J. Harris
An extraplanar marketplace where you can get whatever you can’t get anywhere else

Adventures Monsters
The Last Seven Notes
Sadie Lowry

A 7th-Level adventure about weaving song and soothing a soul


39 Resources

Issue 30 July 2023

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023

Letter from The Editor
Over 175 magic items, 150 stat blocks, 50 spells, 20 importantly, you celebrated the risks. We put out some
encounters, and 12 adventures—that’s just a little bit pretty wild rules for mounted combat, aerial dogfights,
of what ARCADIA has brought you over the last 30 level-0 characters, long-lasting curses, cooking and
issues. I am so incredibly proud of and grateful for the eating monsters, group maneuvers, seafaring campaigns,
work every artist, author, community manager, consul- spellsled races, games with just one player and a GM,
tant, editor, graphic designer, playtester, and producer and a whole lot more that had us saying, “I hope people
has given to this magazine. It is bittersweet for me to say are open to this.” You were every time. We also took
that this is the last issue of ARCADIA that contains fifth a lot of narrative risks with adventures about sapient
edition content and the last issue we’ll make … at least laboratories and divine challenges, aberrant ancestries,
for a while. cleric and warlock subclasses for characters who
As many of you know, at MCDM we’re making had fallen from grace, and other original lore tidbits
our own tabletop roleplaying game. The lessons we’ve that got folks sharing stories about their games and
learned from ARCADIA and the people who worked characters across the internet. I really love knowing how
on the magazine are going to be a big factor in this new ARCADIA inspires you and makes your game better.
game’s creation. Just like we believed in every article This final issue of ARCADIA brings in two veteran
that appeared in the pages of ARCADIA, we know this authors. V.J. Harris is back with “The Crossroads,”
game is the right direction for MCDM. Everyone work- a marketplace where you can buy pretty much any
ing on it is really excited about it. services an adventurer might require that they can’t le-
We’re a small company, and we only have so many gally purchase anywhere else. Sadie Lowry, a long-time
places to put our time and resources. We want to make editor of ARCADIA (she’s working on editing this letter
this new game the best it can be. So ARCADIA won’t … hi, Sadie!) and author since the first issue, brought
be releasing any new issues for at least the foreseeable her A game once again in “The Last Seven Notes,” a
future. If the magazine does come back, it will likely music-themed adventure that has an original song to go
have content for the MCDM RPG. You will still be able along with it.
to buy existing issues from our online store or grab them ARCADIA has also always been about bringing on
on Patreon. new authors with fresh ideas, so this final issue also
With the logistical details out of the way, I wanted to brings us “Magic for the People” from Erin Roberts,
take the opportunity to talk about what this magazine which introduces the idea of everyday magic and the
means to me. I freaking love ARCADIA. Working on it people who practice it.
is one of the highlights of my professional career. I feel All in all, this is a heck of a way to go out. I’m so glad
so lucky that this magazine allowed me to work with in- to bring you the amazing work of these authors.
dustry veterans and emerging artists and authors. Some This is goodbye—for now—for ARCADIA. It is not
of the best relationships I have in this business started in goodbye from MCDM or the people we work with to
ARCADIA’s pages, which also contain some of the best make this magazine. In fact, we’re just getting started.
and most interesting creations I’ve worked on.
I am most grateful to the MCDM community. You Ex animo,
embraced ARCADIA and everyone who worked on it James Introcaso
with open minds. The praise and constructive criticism MCDM Lead Game Designer
you had for each issue helped shape the next. Most

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 1

Bringing folk magic practices to your magical world

by Erin Roberts

he high-powered and high-impact spells of
sorcerers, wizards, and warlocks may turn the
The Thread
tide during epic adventures, but they don’t
The name of the Thread’s founder has been lost to time,
need to be the only form of magic in your
but it is said they once practiced their craft for a pow-
fantasy world. Folk magic is the magic of daily life,
erful leader—until a disastrous failure. The story’s details
focused on bringing health, happiness, prosperity, and
shift from region to region—in one place, the founder
protection to the everyday inhabitants of fantastical set-
was a rune doctor attempting to help a queen win a war;
tings. Its practitioners go by many names—hedge mage,
in another, they were a fortune teller trying to keep a
wise one, crafter, sage—and draw on their knowledge of
wealthy merchant from certain financial ruin—but all
folk magic to create healing items, mix potions, set and
end the same way. The unhappy practitioner was ban-
remove curses, and make predictions about love, money,
ished from their homeland, a single thread set loose and
and happiness. Some use these talents to become fixtures
drifting from the weave. As they made their way from
of their local communities, others discreetly provide their
place to place, they found others like them, binding skills
services to those they know and trust, and still others
and fates together to make a fabric of their own. The
travel from place to place, plying their craft for those
founder named this newfound family the Thread, both
who need them. All may, in the end, become part of the
to remind them where they came from and to honor the
connection they provide to any and all who may need
The Thread is a cross between a refuge and a life-
line—a loose organization of folk magic practitioners
Today, the Thread is a thriving community of folk
that stretches across nations, providing its members with
magic practitioners that is broader and deeper than any
solidarity, community, and the uncanny ability to be
single place or practice. Although there is an organized
there when they are needed most. As a group that spans
group at its core—providing sanctuary to those who
places, practices, and perspectives, the Thread can shift
need a place of refuge, training in folk magic to those
itself as the situation warrants, providing everything
who want to learn more, and supplies to those who
from training in the practice of folk magic to a vital port
practice folk magic as their craft—the Thread remains
in a storm. Use the Thread as an organization, or use the
connected to many practitioners whose lives it has
practitioners, items, and folk magic practices below as
touched and who remain a part of its work and reach.
additional content for your own world.
Those who stay part of the Thread are offered informa-
tion about new ideas and concoctions, advice from those
whose practices may be different but whose concerns
are similar, opportunities to help those who may need it,
and a helping hand in times of crisis. In return, they are
asked simply to share any information and assistance
they can.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 2

In addition to its work in communities, the Thread Kamira has a booming voice and strong presence
also maintains a small settlement, Ravel, which exists that might be intimidating in someone less friendly. She
on a demiplane and can be reached by members of the works hard to make people like her from the moment
Thread in times of need simply by speaking the need out they meet her, deploying considerable charm to disarm
loud (a process which is never explained to members and those around her. Deep down, the Diviner hopes to show
yet has never failed). Members of the Thread who have those who knew her as a child how her divinations are
nowhere else to go or prefer to associate only with other used for good, and often brags about the predictions
practitioners are welcome to stay in Ravel for as long she has made in a way that is both self-deprecating and
as they want and need, and the settlement is sometimes calculated to impress any old friends or neighbors who
used as a place to introduce the Thread to prospective might hear of her.
members or allies. Ravel is also the permanent home When characters first meet or encounter Kamira, read
of the three influential leaders who help to guide the or paraphrase the following:
Thread’s actions—the Diviner, the Healer, and the
Traveler. You hear the rustling of a deck of cards being shuffled in
fast-moving hands just as a tiefling appears before you,
The Diviner grinning broadly. She is in her middle years, with dark-red
If members of the Thread often seem to know where and
skin, black eyes, and a set of black horns nearly as long
how they are needed before anyone else does, it is thanks
as her broad shoulders are wide, and she has an air of
to the Diviner, who uses their fortune telling skills to
confidence about her. “Want to know your future?” she
learn of events that either call for the Thread’s assistance
asks with a wink and a nod toward the nearest table. “I
or could impact its future. They remain in this role until
promise you’ll probably enjoy it.”
their divinations reveal that they should step down
in favor of someone new. The current Diviner, dream
walker and former pariah Kamira Suhan (kuh-MEER-uh
soo-HAHN), like most in her role, is good at making
quick judgment calls and is trusted implicitly by those
around her.

Kamira Suhan
Kamira Suhan (CG tiefling druid; she/her) has always
dreamed of events yet to come, sometimes even while
awake. When the dreams were bad, she tried to warn
those in danger, but the warnings never helped. More
often than not, they led to the events Kamira foresaw,
as if those events were written by the hand of fate. Over
time, she became seen as a bad omen throughout the
river lands near her home, avoided by almost everyone
except her family. After her brother nearly died in a
fishing accident she couldn’t prevent, Kamira ran away,
hoping to spare the people she loved from pain.
Before Kamira could travel further than a day from
home, she encountered a fisher, Khalet, in a small fishing
village she had never seen before. Khalet, a longtime
Thread member, brought Kamira to Ravel, where
fortune tellers taught her how to interpret and use her
premonitions safely. Today, Kamira tells fortunes using
a combination of dream interpretation and a special
deck of cards, unafraid to share the futures she sees. She
is proficient with fortune teller’s tools (see “Folk Magic
Practices”) and uses a deck of divination to provide
readings. She also occasionally has dreams filled with
premonitions, which she jots down in a book she keeps
under lock and key, noting when, where, and if each has
come true.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 3

The Healer
The Healer takes responsibility for Ravel, but spends
most of their time managing a group of apprentices
who catalog, store, and retrieve folk magic supplies
from around the world. Each Healer serves in the role
for three years before being replaced by one of the
apprentices, often working alongside the appren-
tices after their serving their term. The current
Healer, Nazin (nuh-ZEEN), brings the required
empathy and business acumen to the role,
which she gained as a performer in a traveling
circus troupe.

Nazin (NG half-elf scout; she/her) grew up
learning about herbs and poultices from her
father, a small-town healer, but always craved
adventure over the quiet life. After a traveling
circus troupe, the Fantastical Faire of Fun
Galore, visited her town, bringing their
magic-assisted acts and aerial maneuvers,
she decided to travel with them as a tumbler.
Unfortunately, the circus owner and master
of ceremonies, Fun Galore, was exploitative,
pushing performers past their physical limits
and refusing to put safety measures in place.
Nazin found her calling as the troupe’s
healer, using the skills learned from her
father to patch up their many injuries.
One day, while looking for supplies,
Nazin came across Fortune’s Alley, a shop
on a cart run by Thread member Darel
Allkin, who encouraged her to learn craft
magic. She, along with a few members of
the troupe, left the circus that very night. A
few years later, Nazin was recommended by
Darel to become a Healer’s apprentice, and
was chosen as Healer one year ago. Though
she is responsible for Ravel, Nazin likes to
make deals herself and can often be found in local
markets operating a cart, Fortune’s Corner, with her
apprentices. When characters first meet or encounter Nazin, read
Nazin is a whirlwind of energy, but very shrewd, with or paraphrase the following:
a tendency to ask insightful questions at odd moments.
She feels guilty about the members of the Fantastical
Faire she left behind and has a deep enmity for Fun A young half-elf catalogs the goods in front of her, shifting
Galore. her body between counting, loading, and making notes
with the speed and fluidity of a dancer. She is young
and brown-skinned with a lean build and whistles as she
works, often pausing mid-tune to toss something to one
of the many helpers around her. Each throw is done with
a bit of flourish, as if she has spent time on the stage.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 4

The Traveler in one of the city’s largest shops, Fouls and Favors, as a
The Traveler helps to keep members of the Thread promising trainee with a specialty in bespoke blessings.
updated with information, visiting places near and far When two powerful families in the city fell into a trade
to share the latest news, find new contacts, and check dispute, Finch was pressured into using their skills to
on the needs and concerns of Thread members. Most create curses instead, leading them to work long hours
Travelers eventually tire of life on the road and leave under increasingly stressful conditions during what
the role to settle down somewhere after training a few became known citywide as the Cursed Summer. When an
potential replacements, remaining a key contact for the errant unsteadiness curse resulted in the accidental death
next Traveler going forward. The current Traveler, Finch of a young art student named Kecil, Finch left town
Palaro (finch puh-LAIR-oh), is new to the role, but has immediately, unsure whether they were to blame, and
both the charisma and the survival skills to do the job. called on the Thread for shelter in Ravel.
Finch usually listens more than they speak when they
Finch Palaro meet someone new, but once they feel comfortable, they
Finch (CN human spy; they/them) grew up in the port can talk at length about the things that matter to them,
city of Kikarra, “the City of Charms,” where folk magic starting with the importance of providing local prac-
shops can be found on nearly every corner. Finch worked titioners of folk magic with the support, training, and

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 5

supplies they need to work safely. These lectures include Encountering the Thread
well-tested practices and a few superstitions that only Due to its wide influence and broad membership,
Finch keeps track of. encountering the Thread and its members can take many
Finch’s sharp sense of humor, paired with their incred- different forms. A single member may set up shop in a
ible memory, tends to keep whoever they are talking to marketplace, looking for adventurers who can help them
in good spirits, even while they delve into the nittiest and find a rare craft magic ingredient (see “Craft Magic”)
grittiest of details. This humor also helps Finch disappear while saving a town from being overrun by monsters. A
into the shadows if needed, as those they talk to tend to small caravan of carts may travel a lonely road, carrying
remember their wit more than their face. survivors of a supernatural illness to those who can help
When characters first meet or encounter Finch, read or them understand and combat it. A field may become a
paraphrase the following: small village of quickly constructed homes and shops
that trains folk magic practitioners in an area struggling
When you notice the onlooker in the gray suit, they seem with an ancient curse.
as if they have been standing nearby for a while, fading The Thread’s many members and guises also bring
into the background. Their skin is lightly tanned, as if they many opportunities for adventure. Choose or roll on the
would be chalky pale if they spent too long inside, and Thread Encounters table below for additional situations
their suit is well-tailored, if nondescript. Their only truly that may bring the Thread and its members into contact
distinguishing feature is a long shock of dark-brown hair with your characters.
and the slightly crooked teeth of their smile. And yet
something about them draws the eye, a sense that they
are patiently waiting for the right moment to speak.

Thread Encounters
d4 Encounter
1 The characters encounter Lakel, one of Healer Nazin’s many apprentices, who has come under attack from local mon-
sters while trying to gather mandrake root for the Thread. Lakel is grateful for the help and asks the characters for help
with the rest of his list. He wants to stand out as a potential replacement for Nazin, so he has volunteered to retrieve
several substances from especially dangerous locations. If the characters help Lakel to gather his items, he gifts them a
craft magic item (see “Craft Magic”) of their choice after he has delivered everything to Nazin.
2 A character repeatedly encounters a sign—birds, a symbol on the ground, a haunting melody—that they can’t shake.
Soon after, they are approached by Kamira Suhan, who tells them they have walked through the ashes of the site of a
terrible fire that killed several members of a family of folk magic practitioners, the Irzoles, who were dealing with poten-
tial ruin after their local Archon declared all folk magic illegal and unethical. Kamira asks the characters to investigate
what truly happened the night of the fire—which they can do by asking neighbors, investigating the scene, or cozying
up to the Archon. In truth, the fire was set by young Pel Irzole, in an attempt to burn the family’s folk magic supplies so
they would start a new business and leave folk magic behind. If Pel is found and confronted with evidence, they confess.
When the mystery is solved, the sign dissipates.
3 Rena Soles, renowned for her skills in making healing salves and love lockets from a small shop in the back room of her
house, hasn’t been seen in six days. A note on her door reads “Back after lunch,” but it has been crossed through in red
ink alongside a symbol locals associate with evil deeds, and a trail of ingredients she uses in her work leads toward the
woods nearby. The Thread has called for help in tracking Rena down and determining what has happened to her, and is
willing to pay in money, supplies, or training.
4 A counter-organization to the Thread, calling itself Stitched, has begun gaining members in communities large and small.
Though the Thread has no problem with others wishing to create their own organization of folk magic practitioners, the
Thread has received word that Stitched is using substandard materials, creating fake folk magic practices, and charging
exorbitant prices for useless training. The Thread is willing to pay to have someone who appears to be unaffiliated with
them to infiltrate the next Stitched gathering, being held in Kikarra, “the City of Charms,” and find proof of the group’s
deception. This request is made by Finch Palaro, who also offers a side job for the adventurers; to discover whether or
not Finch’s curse was the one that killed Kecil, an unfortunate student who died due to an errant curse during Kikarra’s
Cursed Summer.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 6

Folk Magic Practices Proficiency with The Book of Common Things allows
you to add your proficiency bonus to any ability check
you make while using it. If you are proficient with the
The Thread’s biggest impact in the world may be its
book and are already adding your proficiency bonus to
dedication to the teaching of folk magic practices to any
the ability check from a skill or other proficiency, then
and all who are interested. Though there are many kinds
using the book gives you advantage on the check instead.
of folk magic in the world, including some intended only
Arcana, History. You can use The Book of Common
for the use of specific communities or belief systems,
Things when you make an Intelligence (Arcana or
practitioners within the Thread focus on three types of
History) check to recall lore about magic items.
magic that are available to all: craft magic (practices
Nature, Survival. You can use The Book of Common
rooted in physical materials), fortune telling (practices
Things when you make an Intelligence (Nature) or
focused on divination), and heartwork (practices that
Wisdom (Survival) check to identify which plants and
rely on the intervention of ancestors or other spirits).
animal products can be safely consumed or used to
To use a specific folk magic practice, a creature must
create folk magic.
have proficiency with the relevant set of tools as shown
on the Folk Magic Tools table, generally gained by Craft magic Items
learning folk magic practices as detailed in “Learning Each formula in The Book of Common Things typically
Folk Magic.” A creature without proficiency in the tools includes a vessel (such as a potion bottle, a craft bag,
can’t use that folk magic practice. or a piece of metal, wood, or stone), specific materials
required by the formula, and instructions for activation.
Folk Magic Tools Though the act of activation differs from item to item,
it always includes preparation time—focused meditative
Practice Tool
time dedicated solely to its creation outside of a short
Craft Magic The Book of Common Things or long rest, which is done using The Book of Common
Fortune Telling Fortune teller’s tools Things as a focus and must be done in no more than two
individual sessions.
Heartwork Token of the heart
Due to the dedicated practice required to make each
item, craft magic practitioners can only create one item
at a time, but the cost of creation is minimal compared
Craft Magic to other magic items, with no specific expense other than
Practitioners of craft magic create magic items for the time and materials needed. Craft magic items also
everyday use, typically using easily accessible materials. generally cost less to purchase than other magic items,
This is the most common type of folk magic, and it and most practitioners accept barter in lieu of payment.
can take many forms, including potions, poultices, and The following magic items and supplies can be created
charms. In some traditions and for some items, simply with craft magic.
possessing the item is enough to feel its effects, but often
craft magic items include specific activation words and
rules for use, from time of day to physical placement on
The Thread’s Craft magic Items
the body or in the home. and Supplies
Item Name Cost
The Book of Common Things
Each craft magic item uses a formula found in the craft Devil’s gold 250 gp
magic tome The Book of Common Things. Proficiency Everything salve 125 gp
with the book allows you to craft all objects found
Evil’s bane 125 gp
within it (which includes all the craft magic items in this
article and walking powder, a poison). At the GM’s dis- Love locket 250 gp
cretion, you can also craft common potions using your Seeking stick 750 gp
proficiency with The Book of Common Things (instead
The Book of Common Things 2 gp
of requiring proficiency with herbalism kits). The Book
of Common Things can only be used by someone trained Walking powder poison 200 gp
in folk magic. Each copy of the book is created with a Watchful eye 750 gp
charm that makes creatures who don’t own a copy of the
book actively ignore or discount it.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 7

body takes 5 minutes. After you apply it, you regain 2d8
Pricey Items hit points and your exhaustion level, if any, is decreased
The price of some of these craft magic items are a bit high by 1.
for normal folk because they are balanced with similar
items from the official rules, where magic is expensive!
Evil’s Bane
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
Most adventurers can afford these prices, but a farmer or
a village blacksmith may not have the coin to spend on Vessel: A small cloth bag, glass bottle, or clear jar
this more common magic. For this reason, many craft mag- Materials: The leaves of a plant with natural defenses
ic practitioners are willing to accept barter in exchange (such as a stinging nettle or a venus flytrap), powdered
for an item or discount, and practitioners need all manner silver worth 50 gp, a large handful of rice or sand, each
of materials that almost anyone can gather. grain of which has been counted by the preparer over the
course of an hour
Activation: After 2 hours of focused preparation, which
Devil’s Gold must begin at midnight on a clear night, physically
Wondrous Item, Uncommon attach the vessel with materials to an item at least 5 feet
Vessel: A craft bag above the ground and sit beneath it, unmoving, until
Materials: Any small circular object that could reason- dawn. While you sit unmoving, you may rest. If an evil’s
ably be mistaken for a coin (such as a flat rock, shaped bane is moved after activation, it becomes inert.
metal, or sea glass), yellow or golden pollen, 50 gp This small bag or bottle, usually hung from a high place
Activation: After performing 8 hours of focused prepa- in a home or place of business, repels negative or evil
ration, you must carry the vessel and the materials on energy that attempts to enter the location it guards. Once
your person for 3 days, during which time you can’t sell activated, an evil’s bane wards a 30-foot-radius sphere
or purchase any items. At the end of this time, you must centered on itself. Each Undead or evil-aligned creature
give the 50 gp used as a material to a stranger in need. in the area is outlined in a faint glowing yellow light and
At first sight, this ordinary piece of metal or rock appears has disadvantage on attack rolls. A creature in the area
to be a gleaming gold coin. While it is in your possession, who is charmed or frightened by an Undead or an evil-
you have bad luck and an inability to hold onto money. aligned creature is no longer charmed or frightened and
Whenever you finish a long rest while the devil’s gold is can’t be charmed or frightened by such creatures. Every
active, the amount of money you are carrying reverts to 24 hours from the time of activation, the area protected
however much you were carrying when the devil’s gold by an evil’s bane decreases, losing 5 feet from its radius.
first came into your possession, unless you are carrying After 6 days, the evil’s bane loses its magic and becomes
less money than that amount. Additionally, you take a inert.
−1 penalty to ability checks and saving throws.
Love Locket
You can’t discard the devil’s gold or give it to an
Wondrous Item, Uncommon (Requires Attunement)
unwilling creature (though the creature doesn’t need to
know the nature of the gold to willingly receive it). You Vessel: A necklace, a small bottle on a string, or another
may discard the devil’s gold for up to 1 hour after being wearable item
targeted by a remove curse spell or similar magic, and Materials: Any spicy substance, a sprig of mistletoe,
you may give it to a willing creature. crushed bloodstone
Activation: After 2 hours of focused preparation, which
Everything Salve must begin at sunset or sunrise under a clear sky, you
Potion, Uncommon must speak the name of a loved one while combining the
Vessel: A potion bottle or a vial materials. You will be unable to recall the person named
Materials: Gel from within the leaf of a healing plant for 1 week and the locket won’t function if the love
(typically aloe vera), a vial of holy water, something (whether platonic, romantic, or filial) isn’t genuine.
naturally shed from a living body during sleep (often an This small item, usually worn as close to the heart as
eyelash) possible, attracts love to whoever wears it. While you
Activation: After going 24 hours without finishing a wear it, each nonhostile creature who isn’t immune to
short or long rest, you must spend 4 hours in focused the charmed condition within 5 feet of you regards you
preparation, then combine all the materials in the vessel. as a friendly acquaintance, and you gain a +2 bonus to
This commonly used topical lotion numbs minor pain Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to influence such
and restores depleted energy. Applying the lotion to your creatures.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 8

Seeking Stick Watchful Eye
Staff, Rare (Requires Attunement) Wonderous Item, Rare
Vessel: A whittled piece of hollowed-out wood at least 4 Vessel: A small round object, usually a stone, but some-
feet long times a piece of metal or wood
Materials: A handful of tilled earth Materials: Naturally shed animal skin or tree leaf,
Activation: Perform 8 hours of focused preparation crushed moonstone, serpent venom
while holding the staff in your hands in one of the fol- Activation: While barefoot and wearing no armor,
lowing locations: within 100 feet of a body of water, in a perform 4 hours of focused preparation, then plant the
grove or cluster of plants, or within 100 feet of a house watchful eye at least 1 foot beneath the surface of the
filled with love. When this has been completed, carry and ground using no tools. Once it is planted, you can’t wear
wield the stick in lieu of another weapon for 12 hours. armor for 12 hours.
You can use this whittled walking stick to find an item of This painted stone, usually decorated to resemble an
personal importance. It has 6 charges. While holding it, open eye, is planted in the earth and protects outdoor
you can use an action to expend 1 charge from the staff spaces from the intrusion of thieves and local wildlife.
and cause it to be pulled toward one of the following When you plant the eye, choose a 20-foot-cube area that
for 1 hour: a specific lost item that you have had in your the eye touches at least one edge of. This area is warded
possession in the last 3 days and name when you spend as if you had cast the alarm spell with a mental alarm for
the charge, the nearest source of fresh water, the nearest as long as the eye remains planted. Whenever this alarm
fertile spot for planting, or the nearest place of refuge is tripped, the creature that tripped it is transported
from danger. If what you seek isn’t on the same plane of outside the protected area into the closest unoccupied
existence as you, the stick fails to work and the charge space of their choice.
isn’t expended. If the eye is removed from the ground after being
The staff regains 1d4 + 2 charges daily at dawn. If planted, it becomes mundane.
you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a roll of 1,
the staff loses its abilities, becoming a mundane walking Fortune Telling
stick. Fortune tellers primarily use a physical item of some kind
to ground their divination, whether that involves reading
Walking Powder the coals of a fire, using a deck of divination cards, or
Contact Poison tossing painted stones; though some people’s divination
Vessel: A cloth bag comes through dreams or interpreting omens. Purists
Materials: Crushed bone from a magical creature, saliva, stick to exactly what their method of divination reveals,
three silk threads but others have been known to combine the truth of
Activation: While carrying the powder, perform 2 what they divine with what they know their customers
hours of focused preparation followed by 2 hours of want to hear.
pacing under the afternoon sun at a location at least a
Fortune Teller’s Tools
mile away from the location used to prepare it. Do not
Fortune teller’s tools take many different forms, with
consume water or food for 4 hours before or afterward.
each fortune telling practitioner using the tools that work
This powder appears fine to the eye, but has the rough best for them, but common variations include stones of
scratch of sandpaper against the skin. A creature fortune (polished stones thrown onto a table that are
subjected to this poison must succeed on a DC 14 read via their positioning), divination powder (powder
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 4 hours. dropped into liquid or thrown into fire, generating pat-
While poisoned this way, the creature is consumed terns or remains that the fortune teller interprets), and
with the desire to travel as far away from their current decks of divination (decks of cards, each with their own
location as possible, regardless of danger. The poisoned meaning, that are dealt onto a table to be interpreted).
creature can repeat the saving throw every hour, ending
the effect on a success. When the effect ends, if the crea-
ture is in a location where they have never been before,
they must succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or
be unable to remember the route they have taken to get
to there.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 9

Fortune Teller’s Tools the future of a willing creature you can see within 30 feet
of you, granting them a boon that helps this future come
Item Cost Weight
true. This boon must be rolled on the Fortune Teller’s
Deck of divination 5 sp — Boon table. A creature can only benefit from one boon at
Divination powder 1 gp 1 lb. a time and a boon disappears when you or the creature
with the boon finishes a long rest. You can’t bestow
Stones of fortune 2 gp 1/2 lb.
another boon until you finish a long rest.

Proficiency with fortune teller’s tools is required to Heartwork

attempt fortune telling. Proficiency with fortune teller’s Heartwork focuses on shifting the balance of the living
tools allows you to add your proficiency bonus to any world by reaching outside of it. This can mean calling
ability check you make while using them. If you are on the power of one’s ancestors or other revered spirits
proficient with the tools and are already adding your to create a change in the world, or, through the spirits’
proficiency bonus to the ability check from a skill or intercession, countering a supernatural effect that has
other proficiency, then using the tools gives you advan- been placed on someone. Given the power of this work,
tage on the check instead. Each fortune teller’s tool heartwork is usually reserved for especially important
requires a separate proficiency. endeavors, including births, deathbed healings, and the
Insight. You can use fortune teller’s tools on Wisdom blessing of marriages, which is where its name comes
(Insight) checks that involve predicting how someone from. Although outside scholars who have looked into
might behave in the future. heartwork believe it is a channeling of the Ethereal Plane
Intimidation, Persuasion. You can use fortune teller’s or the interference of deities, this is usually scoffed at by
tools to help convince someone to take a different course folk practitioners who use it, who generally see it as the
of action in the hopes (or fear) of finding a better future direct intercession of the spirits of loved ones and ances-
when you make a Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion) tors in ways that can’t be measured.
check. Heartwork rituals follow the rules for spellcasting, but
Investigation. Fortune telling requires interpreting they require no spellcasting ability, they always require a
signs and symbols to divine the future. You can use token of the heart, and each ritual can only be cast as a
fortune teller’s tools to gain additional insight on ritual using the casting time specified. A creature trained
Intelligence (Investigation) checks that involve symbols, in folk magic can perform the heartwork rituals in this
signs, or omens about the future. article. They must finish a long rest before they can
perform another heartwork ritual.
Fortune Telling (Feat)
Prerequisite: Proficiency with fortune teller’s tools, you Token of the Heart
have trained in fortune telling with the Thread The appearance of a token of the heart varies from prac-
You use your training and fortune teller’s tools to gain titioner to practitioner, but is always something portable
insight into the future. As an action, you can learn about that holds sentimental value—a ring passed down from

Fortune Teller’s Boon

d6 Boon
1 You Will Learn the Truth. You have a +5 bonus to Wisdom (Insight) checks and advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
2 Luck Guides Your Way. You gain 2 luck points. Whenever you make an ability check, an attack roll, or a saving throw,
you can spend 1 luck point to roll an additional d20. You can choose to spend a luck point after you roll the die, but
before the outcome is determined. You choose which d20 is used for the ability check, attack roll, or saving throw.
3 You Have the Strength to Face Any Trial. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
4 Inner Peace Awaits You. You can’t be charmed or frightened. If you are charmed or frightened when you receive this
boon, the effect is suppressed.
5 Danger Lurks; Watch Your Back. You have a +5 bonus to your passive Intelligence (Investigation) and passive Wisdom
(Perception) scores and a +5 bonus to initiative checks.
6 Your Fortune Is Your Own. Choose one of the boons above and use its associated benefits.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 10

a family member, a childhood toy, a vial of dirt from the Lasting Peace
grave of a loved one. With training, the item in question Heartwork Ritual
is transformed into a token of the heart, which is used
Casting Time: 1 minute
similarly to an arcane focus when performing heartwork
Range: Touch
rituals. Proficiency with a token of the heart is required
Duration: 1 hour
to perform all heartwork rituals. A token of the heart
Component: S, M (a handful of sand or salt, a seed from
can only be used by someone trained in folk magic.
a flowering plant, a token of the heart)
Proficiency with a token of the heart allows you to add
your proficiency bonus to any ability check you make You touch a willing creature to calm their mind and
while using it. If you are proficient with a token of the body while protecting their remains from misuse after
heart and are already adding your proficiency bonus death. For the ritual’s duration, or until you use an
to the ability check from a skill or other proficiency, action to touch the target and dismiss the ritual, you
then using the token gives you advantage on the check suppress any effect causing the target to be frightened.
instead. The target is cured of any disease, poison, or exhaustion
Arcana. You can use your token of the heart on affecting them, but is incapacitated and has a speed of 0.
Intelligence (Arcana) checks made to recall lore about If the target dies while under the effect of the ritual, their
spells and magic items that are used in or affected by remains can’t be reanimated into an Undead. If the crea-
heartwork rituals. ture's remains are targeted by an effect that reanimates
History. You can use your token of the heart on them into an Undead, the remains dissipate into dust.
Intelligence (History) checks made to gain insight into
aspects of the past which were affected by a member of
Lingering Curse
Heartwork Ritual
your extended family.
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Joined as One Range: 10 feet
Heartwork Ritual Components: S, M (a token of the heart)
Casting Time: 10 minutes Duration: Varies
Range: 30 feet You curse a creature you can see within range with one
Duration: 7 days of the options below. The target must succeed on a DC
Component: V, S, M (a piece of string, a forked twig or 16 Wisdom saving throw or be cursed. While cursed,
branch, a token of the heart) the target must repeat the saving throw every 8 hours,
You bond together a group of two or more willing reducing the DC by 2 each time (to DC 14 at 8 hours, to
Humanoids who seek a deeper connection with each DC 12 at 16 hours, and so on). On a successful save, the
other. For the duration, each member of the bond has curse ends. The curse also ends if the saving throw DC
advantage on death saving throws when they are within becomes 0.
30 feet of another bond member and is immune to being Forgetful. The target has trouble remembering facts
charmed or frightened when touching another bond and figures. They have disadvantage on Intelligence
member. If a bond member is already charmed or fright- checks.
ened, the condition is suppressed while they are touched. Lack of Trust. Others find the target untrustworthy.
However, when a bond member is blinded, dazed, They target has disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion)
deafened, paralyzed, poisoned, or stunned, each other checks.
bond member must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving Poisonous Disposition. The target is susceptible to
throw or suffer the condition for the same duration as poisons. They have disadvantage on saving throws made
the original member. In addition, if a bond member to avoid or end the poisoned condition on themself and
dies, each other bond member must succeed on a DC 20 have vulnerability to poison damage.
Wisdom saving throw or be incapacitated until the end Unrelenting Honesty. The target has trouble telling
of their next turn. lies, even when it would be to their benefit. They have
The joined as one ritual can be repeated every 7 days. disadvantage on Charisma (Deception) checks.
If it is repeated at that frequency for a year on the same Weather Worn. The target feels the temperature more
individuals, its effects become permanent. An individual keenly. They have vulnerability to cold and fire damage,
can only be part of a single joined as one bond at a time. and have disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws
An individual can leave this bond early at any time as a while subjected to extreme cold or extreme heat.
bonus action, but they must then wait 7 days before they
can join a new bond.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 11

Push Through Once you are fully trained in folk magic, you gain
Heartwork Ritual proficiency with a specific folk magic tool of your choice:
The Book of Common Things, fortune teller’s tools, or
Casting Time: 1 minute
a token of the heart. Gaining proficiency with an addi-
Range: Touch
tional tool takes an additional 3 days of training and an
Duration: 10 minutes
additional payment of 150 gp, 1 week of apprenticeship,
Component: V, S, M (a pebble worn smooth, unsweet-
or the collection of an additional material of the instruc-
ened tea, a token of the heart)
tor’s choice.
You touch a willing creature and allow them to call on
the strength of their ancestors to momentarily ignore Background:
impairments, exhaustion, and injury. For the duration, Folk Magic Practitioner
or until you use an action to touch the target and dismiss You are a practitioner of folk magic. You have been
the effect, the target has advantage on Constitution trained in practices that have existed for as long as
saving throws and treats their exhaustion level as 1 mortals have, meant to ease the lives, treat the suffering,
lower than it is (minimum 0). and protect the welfare of others. You may specialize in
divining the future, creating magical physical objects to
Learning Folk Magic be used in daily life, or using the guidance and power of
ancestral ties to shift the world around you.
Members of the Thread are happy to teach anyone
Skill Proficiencies: Insight, plus one of your choice from
who wishes to learn folk magic. They generally know
Arcana, Medicine, Nature, Persuasion, and Religion
one or more forms of folk magic: craft magic, which
Tool Proficiencies: One of the following tools: The Book
uses physical materials and formulas from The Book of
of Common Things, fortune teller’s tools, or token of
Common Things; heartwork, which uses rituals that call
the heart
on connections to the ancestors and a token of the heart;
Languages: One of your choice
or fortune telling, which attempts to predict the future
Equipment: A set of folk magic practitioner’s tools with
using fortune teller’s tools. The folk magic practitioner
which you are proficient, a scroll case containing your
background may also be chosen when creating a new
notes on your craft and practices, a set of common
character in lieu of requiring this training.
clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp
Learning folk magic takes 1d4 + 3 consecutive days,
during which you must spend at least 8 hours a day Feature: Of the People
learning and provide a gift for the teacher. Most teachers As people of all classes and means may turn to folk
will accept 250 gp, 2 weeks of working for the teacher practitioners at some point in their lives, your status as
after training as an apprentice, or the collection of a a practitioner makes you welcome everywhere. If you
material of their choice from the wilderness as their form make your background known, you and your compan-
of payment. Folk magic, in all its forms, can be learned ions receive free room and board during your travels. In
by any character; it requires no inherent spellcasting or addition, anyone who has personally benefited from your
magical ability. services as a practitioner will assist in finding informa-
tion for you as long as it doesn’t put them in any danger.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 12

Suggested Characteristics
d6 Personality Trait
1 I value solitude—even when around people I love, I take time on my own for my craft.
2 If I don’t understand why someone is asking me for something, I can’t put my all into it.
3 There’s no challenge I’m not willing to take on.
4 I collect odds and ends, assuming I’ll find something to do with them one day.
5 I’m fixated on figuring out an impossible question that I believe would change everything.
6 I love telling stories about my clients and work. The wilder, the better.

d6 Ideal
1 Luxury. I like the finer things in life, and my work helps me afford them.
2 Knowledge. I believe the practice of folk magic can help me better understand the world.
3 Pride. I will be the best at what I do. I owe that to myself.
4 Power. If others need my services, they must do what I want.
5 Altruism. I want to help others live the best lives they can.
6 Community. Keeping those around me safe and strong gives me purpose and renown.

d6 Bond
1 No matter how far I travel, I’m always thinking of the first place I called home.
2 I owe everything to the practitioner who taught me their skills.
3 Those I help with my abilities are what keeps me going.
4 I have a rival who I constantly compete with, but secretly admire a great deal.
5 My work brings honor and respect to my ancestors.
6 I feel a kinship to all other folk magic practitioners.

d6 Flaw
1 I exaggerate my abilities and then blame others for my failures.
2 As long as everyone knows my name, I don’t care why.
3 I’m known to fly into rages at the tiniest provocation.
4 I have a secret I would kill to keep—and it wouldn’t be the first time.
5 I’ll let anyone push me around as long as it makes them happy.
6 I spread gossip—including gossip I know is untrue—anytime I’m bored.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 13

An extraplanar marketplace where you can get
whatever you can’t get anywhere else

by V.J. Harris

“If you can think of it, the Crossroads has it, or someone who
knows where to get it. Just … mind your manners. You don’t
want to end up on the wrong side of the Foscari or the gaze
of Dreamfang.”
—Entropy, local gossipmonger

ucked away behind the mouth of a tamed
oversized mimic disguised as an ordinary brick
The Parriarchs
wall, the Crossroads is an extradimensional
marketplace that caters to the exotic needs “If you can’t find it here already, me or one of my kids
of criminals, villains, and adventurers. A traveler who will try to find it for you. But the Foscari way isn’t
knows the frequently changed password (or who is cheap.”
accompanied by an escort who does) can step inside the —Gillia Foscari
mimic’s maw without being devoured, then enter the
The Crossroads is run and protected by the Parriarchs,
portal behind the creature and the criminal marketplace
a criminal gang run by Gillia Foscari (JIL-lee-uh
beyond. Nearly everything can be purchased at the
foh-SCAR-ee) and her family. Before setting up the
Crossroads, from weapons and armor, to forgery ser-
marketplace, the Parriarchs connected fences, smugglers,
vices, to assassinations. But hyperrealistic stone statues
assassins, and other criminals to clients in need of illegal
of people with expressions of fear and defiance warn of
or restricted items or services.
the market’s perils.
When Gillia became the head of the gang, she had
This article presents a location that can be used to flesh
a vision to grow her family’s business by creating a
out the criminal underworld of any fantasy realm, and
marketplace for all criminal enterprises. With help from
which extends into the planes. Access to the Crossroads
the members of a mage circle who owed her favors, she
and to the NPCs and services found there can be given
created the Crossroads. The Parriarchs take a cut from
to the players as a reward for some of their shadier
all sales made in the market, and get the first pick of new
dealings, or they might embark on a quest to gain access
items that appear there. On the rare occasion that one
after learning of the marketplace through criminal
of the merchants in the Crossroads can’t provide for the
needs of a customer, the Parriarchs are there to obtain
the item or do the job … at an exorbitant cost, of course.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 14

The Parriarchs employ only one enforcer, a human
berserker named Thrugraun (he/him; THROO-gron)
who patrols beyond the mimic’s jaws to keep the peace
in the Crossroads. But that guard is really there to
wrangle the family’s six basilisks: Dreamfang, Firetail,
Ironclaw, Oldjaw, Sunforge, and Sunbite, who patrol the
Crossroads with blindfolds covering their eyes. All six
have been trained to slash apart the blindfold with their
claws upon hearing the command word sciopera from
Thrugraun or any other member of the Parriarchs.

Hiring the Foscari

The members of the Foscari family can be hired to
retrieve or obtain items and creatures that the other
merchants of the Crossroads can’t. They don’t work
alongside the characters as NPC adventurers, but
function independently to carry out specific tasks. Each
family member has an upfront cost based on their years
of experience and success rate, but their clients are also
expected to pay room, board, and travel expenses. If a
Foscari fails to complete the job in a month, the client is
refunded their money.
The Foscari Family table details each family member,
the costs for their services, and their typical success
rate. As the GM determines, magical artifacts and other
extremely rare items might incur a higher fee or be
impossible to retrieve.

Foscari Family
Name Pronouns Description Cost
Gillia She/her This 72-year-old human woman stands 5 foot 11, and has dark brown skin, gray 8,000 gp 90%
curly hair, and a jagged scar across her right cheek that extends to the left side
of her chin. The matriarch of the family, Gillia uses the assassin stat block.
Alessio They/them A 55-year-old half-elf nonbinary individual with dark brown skin and dark 4,000 gp 80%
blonde hair, Alessio is the younger brother of Gillia. They use the gladiator stat
Orsa She/her Orsa is a 35-year-old half-elf woman with pale white skin, light-blonde hair, and 2,000 gp 70%
the top half of her left ear cut off. The eldest child of the family, she uses the
knight stat block.
Zaneta She/they A 23-year-old half-orc genderfluid individual, Zaneta stands 6 foot 1 and has 1,000 gp 65%
light brown skin, a shaved head, and three piercings in her right eyebrow. The
youngest child, they use the veteran stat block.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 15

Goods and Services Cost Increases
The prices on the Assassination Costs table are subject to
Anyone who enters the Crossroads peacefully can pur- change based on the profile and protections of a target.
chase the following goods and services from the market. Bodyguards. The cost of assassination increases
As the GM determines, other merchants might also be in by 500 gp for each personal bodyguard a target has,
the market offering their skills and wares. provided the bodyguard’s challenge rating is 8 or lower.
Each elite bodyguard with a challenge rating of 9 or
higher increases the cost by 900 gp or more.
Assassinations Make a Statement. If the client desires to make a state-
“I can get into anywhere. Kill anyone you want. I can do ment with a flashy death, the price doubles as Tegan’s
it quietly. I can do it flashy. Just tell me what you need, risk of capture is elevated.
and I’ll tell you what it costs.” Powerful Leaders. The death of the leader of a nation,
—Tegan Borel a popular church, or a similar person of influence causes
a wide and dogged search for an assassin, so Tegan
Tegan Borel (she/her; TEE-guhn bor-ELL) appears to be
charges a premium for such targets. Leaders fall into
an unremarkable halfling woman. In the darkest corner
three levels of influence based on the number of people
of the market, she sits behind a booth whose sign openly
at their command (which the GM can change to suit the
reads: “Assassinations.” Standing at 2 foot 6 with pale
white skin and short light-brown hair, she is known for
her lack of distinguishing features, allowing her to easily Low. A leader with a low level of influence has at least
blend into a crowd. But what very few know is that 100 but no more than 5,000 people at their command.
Tegan is a doppelganger, whose advanced shapechanging Their death costs an additional 10,000 gp.
ability and unique skill set allow her to move as she Medium. A leader commanding more than 5,000 but
pleases. no more than 100,000 people has a medium level of
The Assassination Costs table shows Tegan’s prices influence, and costs an additional 20,000 gp.
for assassinating individuals of various lifestyles. The High. A leader with a high level of influence has 100,000
Success Rate column shows the likelihood that she can or more people at their command, raising Tegan’s fee
complete a job. If she fails to assassinate a target, she by 40,000 gp.
offers a full refund.

Assassination Costs
Lifestyle Cost Success Rate Typical Targets
Wretched 300 gp 100% Beggars
Squalid 600 gp 95% Wanted criminals, gamblers
Poor 1,200 gp 80% Unskilled laborers, costermongers, thieves, mercenaries
Modest 2,400 gp 75% Soldiers, skilled laborers, students, priests, self-taught spellcasters
Comfortable 4,800 gp 70% Merchants, skilled tradesfolk, military officers
Wealthy 9,600 gp 65% Merchant lords, chamberlains, powerful landowners
Aristocratic 19,200 gp 60% Politicians, guild leaders, high priests, members of the nobility

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 16

Tegan Borel
Medium Monstrosity (Shapechanger), Neutral Evil

Armor Class 16 (studded leather) Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Hit Points 123 (19d8 + 38) target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
Speed 30 ft. Read Thoughts. Tegan magically reads the surface thoughts
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA of one creature within 60 feet of her. The effect can penetrate
barriers, but 3 feet of wood or dirt, 2 feet of stone, 2 inches
11 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
of metal, or a thin sheet of lead blocks it. While the target is in
range, Tegan can continue reading their thoughts, as long as
Skills Deception +7, Insight +5, Perception +5, Stealth +8
her concentration isn’t broken (as if concentrating on a spell).
Condition Immunities charmed
While reading the target’s mind, Tegan has advantage on
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, and
Languages Common, Halfling, Undercommon
Persuasion) checks against the target.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Change Shape. Tegan polymorphs into a Small or Medium
Ambusher. Tegan has advantage on attack rolls against any Humanoid she has seen, or back into her true form. Her
creature she has surprised. statistics, other than her size, are the same in each form. Any
Evasion. If Tegan is subjected to an effect that allows her to equipment she is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by
make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, Tegan the new form (her choice).
instead takes no damage if she succeeds on the saving throw, Alternatively, Tegan polymorphs into a Beast who has a
and only half damage if she fails. challenge rating of 9 or lower, or back into her true form. Any
equipment she is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Tegan deals an extra 17 (5d6)
the new form (her choice). In a beast form, Tegan retains her
damage when she hits a target with a weapon attack and has
alignment, ability to speak, hit points, Hit Dice, proficiencies,
advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet
and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this
of an ally of her that isn’t incapacitated and she doesn’t have
action and the Read Thoughts action. Her statistics and capa-
disadvantage on the attack roll.
bilities are otherwise replaced by those of the beast form.
Surprise Attack. The first time Tegan surprises a creature and Tegan reverts to her true form if she dies.
hits them with an attack during the first round of combat, the
target takes an extra 17 (5d6) damage from the attack. Bonus Actions
Cunning Action. Tegan takes the Dash, Disengage, or Hide
Actions action.
Multiattack. Tegan makes three Longsword attacks.

Lost Knowledge the collective knowledge of all aboleths. Ooth’orr can

communicate telepathically with any creature within
“Day and night, my mind races with the knowledge of 120 feet of the tank, offering to reveal the mysteries of
eons. Dead languages and lost civilizations. Their secrets any person, place, or object for a price. The creature
are on the tip of my tongue.” requires a payment of 1,000 gp placed within the tank or
—Ooth’orr the promise of a future favor, chosen or rolled for on the
Ooth’orr’s Favors table, to those seeking the aboleths’
In a corner of the Crossroads market stands an enor- wisdom. If characters fail to deliver on the promised
mous glass tank filled with water, and which contains favor, Ooth’orr sends Tegan Borel (or another assassin)
a strange creature. Gelatinous, see-through skin after them.
covers the humanoid skeletal frame of this 7-foot-tall Ooth’orr can cast the legend lore spell at will,
being, whose three eyes form a vertical line down the requiring no components, and uses that magic to gain
middle of the creature’s face. Ooth’orr (no pronouns; the knowledge a customer seeks. Ooth’orr relays all
noncombatant; OOTH-or) was once a human, but knowledge gained from the spell to the purchaser.
was permanently transformed into a unique being by Although the knowledge of the aboleths is vast, it
an aboleth. The change left Ooth’orr connected to isn’t infinite. The GM can decide that Ooth’orr finds no

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 17

information on a particular topic, or that Ooth’orr has Fence
anywhere from a 40 to 70 percent chance of knowing
about a particular item. “If you had anyone else to go to you would! If you com-
If Ooth’orr can’t provide the knowledge the characters plain about my prices, you can try and fence it yourself.
seek, a refund is granted. I’ll laugh when you get caught.”
Ooth’orr’s Favors A 2-foot-tall blood-red imp, Valnos (it/its; VAL-nohs)
d6 Favor flies around the Crossroads, pestering patrons and asking
1 Bring Ooth’orr a dragon’s tears. if they have items to fence. The little devil returns to its
table only after annoying all available customers.
2 Bring Ooth’orr a specific permanent uncommon
Valnos has a reputation for making sure the items it
magic item.
fences can never be traced back to the thieves who stole
3 Bring Ooth’orr the heads of six different
them, but the imp is equally well known for ripping off
new customers. However, characters who fence items
4 Bring Ooth’orr three living Aberrations. repeatedly with Valnos improve both their relationship
5 Bring Ooth’orr three eyes from three different with the imp and the amount of money they can earn, as
devils. shown on the Valnos Sales table.
6 Bring Ooth’orr the crown of a monarch. Characters looking for a better deal can also recover
items for Valnos. The Valnos Adventure Hooks table
provides sample quests that the imp gives to characters
asking for a better cut of the profits for fenced items.
Valnos Sales After each successful quest, the percentage of each sale
Number of Sales Characters’ Share of Sale earned by characters fencing goods with Valnos increases
1–9 30% as noted, replacing any percentage based on number of
sales (unless that percentage is higher).
10–19 40%
20–29 50%
30–39 60%
40–49 70%
50 or more 80%

Valnos Adventure Hooks

Character Adventure Characters’
Level Share of Sale
1–4 Mayor Daxalim Silentvale has gotten their hands on a golden statuette in the shape of a 55%
chimera with emeralds for eyes. His home is protected by ten guards, a guard captain
(bandit captain), and five mastiffs.
5–10 Vaynulth the Ironfang (a young red dragon) possesses a platinum earring with an entire 65%
lost language magically inscribed upon it.
11–16 Rumors suggest that the crypt of the wealthy and tyrannical Quagg family contains a 75%
unique ornate silver snuffbox bearing an inscription of the Elvish word for ”dream.” (Valnos
doesn’t know that the crypt is the resting place of a vampire and five vampire spawn.)
17–20 A pit fiend named Xer’ezeth, his erinyes lieutenant Felieth, and five hell hounds guard 85%
the treasury of Rechrem the Sorrowsworn in the Seven Cities of Hell. The treasury con-
tains an idol in the image of Rechrem carved of solid diamond. A GM using Kingdoms
& Warfare can add a fang devil and a steel devil to this adventure. A GM using Flee,
Mortals! can add a devil adjudicator and a devil magistrate.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 18

“I’ve got a great eye for detail! And I’ve been around for
a really long time, so I’ve picked up a bunch of different
crafts. I can pretty much forge anything you want, from
papers to signet rings.”

Revae (they/she; reh-VEYE) is an adult brass dragon

disguised as a bronze-scaled high elf. If anyone questions
her about the scales, she talks of having an ancestor
who was a brass dragon. Revae has been a fixture of the
criminal underworld for close to nine hundred years.
Revae’s booth stands at the middle of the
Crossroads marketplace. The disguised dragon
sells forged items of all sorts, from signet rings
to letters of pedigree and introduction, and
anything in between. The cost of the service is
30 percent of the price of the item being copied,
which includes the costs of cheap metal and
stone made to look more expensive, and which
includes Revae’s fee.
Additionally, Revae offers three types of document
packages that allow a character to easily assume a false
identity: copper, silver, and gold. Each package improves
a creature’s Charisma (Deception) checks made to
impersonate the chosen identity while using the

Forged Documents Packages

Package Benefit Cost
Copper +2 to Charisma (Deception) checks 100 gp
Silver Advantage on Charisma 200 gp
(Deception) checks
Gold +4 and advantage on Charisma 400 gp
(Deception) checks

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 19

“Livestock” and are immune to fire might require even higher tem-
peratures. When an egg hatches, a Tiny baby version of
“You can do whatever you want with these eggs. But the indicated creature (a noncombatant) emerges. The
let’s be clear. If you hatch ’em and raise ’em and I hear Days to Mature column then shows how much time it
you’re abusin’ em, me and my good girl Nyx will be takes for a creature to mature into the youngest version
payin’ you a painful visit.” represented by their stat block. (The GM can speed up
—Tharig or slow down this time as fits the campaign.) A dragon
Tharig (he/him; THARR-igg) is a 7-foot-tall, pale-green- hatched from one of Tharig’s eggs becomes a wyrmling
skinned orc veteran covered in scars, who exclusively when they mature, and remains a wyrmling for 5 years.
wears leathers and furs that he has hunted and crafted If the characters are kind to a creature they’ve hatched
himself. Nyx, a massive russet dire wolf, is always at and raised, that creature can join them on adventures
Tharig’s side, typically snoozing away as he trades his at the GM’s discretion. If the characters are cruel to
wares. the creature, the creature flees the first chance they get.
Tharig travels across the planes and the timescape, When a dragon wyrmling becomes a young dragon after
gathering the eggs of various creatures and selling them 5 years, they leave the characters to make their own way
to the highest bidder. The Tharig’s Eggs table notes the in the world.
eggs Tharig typically sells, along with their prices and the
Hunter for Hire
time it takes each egg to mature. The GM has final say
Tharig can also hunt for mundane or rare creatures
as to which eggs Tharig has in stock at any given time.
at the characters’ request. He’ll go after any Beast or
Each egg has AC 10 and 20 hit points. Each dragon egg
Monstrosity with a challenge rating of 8 or less and an
is immune to the same damage type dealt by the dragon’s
Intelligence of 3 or less, bringing them back dead or
breath weapon. alive—though alive adds 30 percent to his fee, which
In general, an egg needs to spend 72 consecutive hours must be paid up front. The cost to hunt a creature is that
inside an area at least 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees creature’s challenge rating × 300 gp (minimum 300 gp).
Celsius) to hatch. The eggs of dragons who breathe A hunting expedition takes a number of days equal to 5
times the creature’s challenge rating (minimum 3 days).
Tharig’s Eggs
Egg Type Cost Days to Mature Poisons
Basilisk 3,200 gp 180 “Be careful handling those. Don’t wanna get burned.
Heh heh.”
Chimera 12,000 gp 360 —Entropy
Cockatrice 400 gp 30
Entropy (he/him) is an alabaster tiefling (a noncomba-
Dragon, Black 11,600 gp 120 tant) whose skin and large ram’s horns are shot through
Dragon, Blue 13,200 gp 180 with onyx cracks. He has a number of chemical burns on
his hands, arms, and face, and his table at the Crossroads
Dragon, Brass 10,800 gp 60
features a bubbling chemistry set and a number of vials
Dragon, Bronze 11,600 gp 120 of strange liquid.
Dragon, Copper 10,800 gp 60 Characters looking for a poison to feed someone, coat
their weapons in, or apply to something’s skin, can find
Dragon, Gold 13,200 gp 180 all the poisons described on the Entropy’s Poisons table
Dragon, Green 11,600 gp 120 available for purchase. The table shows each poison’s
cost per dose, method of application, and effects.
Dragon, Red 16,400 gp 240
Dragon, Silver 11,600 gp 120
Dragon, White 11,600 gp 120
Griffon 1,600 gp 120
Hippogriff 200 gp 60
Manticore 3,200 gp 180

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 20

Entropy’s Poisons
Name Type Description Cost per
Basilisk Injury The target takes 3d6 poison damage, and must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution 400 gp
breath saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned in this way, the target’s
speed is halved. The target can repeat the save at the end of each of their turns,
ending the effect on themself on a success. A target who fails the save four times is
paralyzed until the poisoned condition is removed.
Body’s bane Injury The target must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take a −3 penalty to 200 gp
Constitution saving throws for 1d4 minutes.
Bonebreaker Injury The target takes 1d10 poison damage and must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution 300 gp
saving throw or have their bones weakened for 1 minute. While the target’s bones are
weakened, any attacks against them that deal bludgeoning damage score a critical hit
on an attack roll of 18–20.
Mage’s bane Inhaled The target must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or have their vocal 350 gp
cords become useless, leaving them unable to speak for 1d4 hours.
Peacekeeper Ingested The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be incapable of 50 gp
violence for 1 hour. While in this state, the target is unable to make weapon attacks
or use any action or feature that deals damage to another creature or forces another
creature to make a saving throw.
Vile touch Contact The target must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or become violently 275 gp
ill and incapacitated for 1d4 + 2 rounds. The target can repeat the saving throw at the
end of each of their turns, ending the effect on themself on a success.

Custom Spell Poisons Crossroads of the Planes

Entropy also takes commissions to create magical A gateway shaped of many stones, each etched with an
poisons from scratch. He can create a poison that arcane rune, stands in the center of the Crossroads—
replicates the effect of any offensive spell of 3rd level or and is guarded by No’mrend the Fatebringer (he/any;
lower that targets a single creature and forces that target NOHM-rend), a hulking crimson pit fiend. No’mrend
to make a saving throw. The purchaser can specify the has been an agent of the Foscari family since the time
poison’s type (contact, ingested, inhaled, or injury). of Gillia’s great-great-great-great grandfather Romolo,
The level of the spell determines the poison’s save DC who outsmarted the devil while negotiating power and
and base cost, with the spell’s effect manifesting as if cast riches for the Foscari family in return for his own soul.
at its lowest level. A spell with expensive material com- As a result, No’mrend is bound to the Foscari line until
ponents adds the cost of those components to the cost of it ends.
the poison. Though No’mrend’s angry demeanor suggests that he
must hate the fate he’s been dealt, service to the Foscari
Custom Spell Poisons family is actually a welcome change of pace. The devil
has been slowly amassing a fortune while working at the
Level Save DC Cost
Crossroads as guardian and gatekeeper. Plus, according
Cantrip 15 150 gp
to No’mrend’s contract with the Foscaris, he gets to reap
1st 16 200 gp the two best souls from each generation of the family for
2nd 17 250 gp hell.
For 6,000 gp or at the behest of Gillia Foscari,
3rd 18 300 gp No’mrend activates the gate, allowing individuals to be
transported to different marketplaces across the planes,
each similar to the Crossroads. Gillia helped each of
these markets get up and running—and of course, a cut
of all profits earned at the markets goes to her family.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 21

Seven Cities of Hell Shadowfell
Run by Qusghal (QUISH-gull), a barbed devil, the Hell Run and staffed exclusively by an elf named Vemna
Crossroads are one of the few places where mortals, (VEHM-nah), the Shadowfell Crossroads trades in the
devils, and demons can be found wheeling and dealing memories of that plane’s inhabitants. For the right price,
together in a peaceful manner. Individuals who travel to Vemna can track down the memories of specific individ-
this marketplace can find cursed magic items for sale, as uals and bring them back to the customer in the form
well as the rare materials used to craft them. of an orb swirling with pale gray smoke. Anyone who
touches the orb experiences the memories.
Abyssal Wasteland
Run by Yirag (YEE-rag), the spirit of an ogre who died Quintessence
in the wasteland, the Abyssal Crossroads offer powerful Oris (ORR-iss), an earth elemental, runs the
weapons and armor taken from the infinite battles raging Quintessence Crossroads, which provides access to a
across the plane. All the merchants here are the spirits of wide variety of gems and crystals, many of which don’t
fallen warriors. exist on any other plane. Granius (GRAHN-ee-us),
another earth elemental, is responsible for hiring adven-
turers to seek and collect gems when the market’s stock
is low.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 22

A 7th-Level adventure about weaving song and soothing a soul

by Sadie Lowry

“Where words fail, music speaks.”

—Hans Christian Andersen

ark forces ensnare a cathedral in “The Last Iahhel (EYE-ah-hel), the Celestial, is the Giocosans’
Seven Notes,” an adventure built around a pride and joy. He can be heard baying along with songs
corrupted lion-like Celestial, and the power and purring when the music fades. A magnificent harp-
of music to heal and connect. The characters like instrument called the soulstrings was built atop the
must explore the cathedral to clear out corrupted spirits, roof so the clergy could play for him, and many came to
save terrified clergy, and weave a song that can restore regard Iahhel as the city’s guardian and patron.
the rampaging spirit to his natural peaceful state. However, even as the clergy works for the good of
This adventure is balanced for four to five 7th-level Giocoso, a fell, pernicious presence has snuck its way
characters. behind the cathedral’s walls. Varadah Zostira (vah-
RAH-dah zohs-TEER-ah), a dragonborn bishop with a
Background soul highly receptive to magic and other planes, recently
began to see unsettling visions and dreams. In those
War, peace, and music are intertwined with the history visions, the lands around Giocoso were littered with
of Giocoso, a city of artisans, musicians, and clergy the corpses of powerful archfiends from the historical
established on a battlefield where holy warriors defeated incursion—and the spirits of these archfiends began to
a devastating fiendish incursion. In the ashes of triumph, torment Varadah. By masquerading as a dead god who
the surviving warriors established the city and built the knew the truth of all things, the spirits led Varadah to
massive Paean (PI-uhn) Cathedral, both as a refuge and dig up “the heart of a god”—a withered fiend heart that
as a sign that evil would never again hold that site. strongly affected her. Corrupted by the heart, she saw
Millennia later, the city flourishes as a haven of art, further visions of the weaknesses of the gods, dreaming
peace, and worship. Those with no religious predilection about their terrible wrath and ancient flaws. And so
can visit and wander its streets, taking in the thriving doubt in her own faith quickly grew.
inspiration of its artisans. And there is music. Gods, but As the fifth anniversary of Iahhel’s arrival in Giocoso
there is music! From communal harvest songs to ballads approached, the clergy prepared a divine song as a
to hymns, Giocoso is alive with music—so much so that ritual that would strengthen their bond to the Celestial
a Celestial lion spirit of music made a home atop the and empower him once played. Six priests meditated to
cathedral a few years ago. receive the last six notes of the song, allowing Iahhel to

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 23

provide the seventh and final note. But as they undertook
the ritual, the spirits of the archfiends battered Varadah
Adventure Hooks
with visions of a terrible future where Iahhel trans-
Use one of the following hooks to draw the characters
formed into a great beast who would fell all before him.
into the adventure.
Believing that she was saving everyone, Varadah hijacked
the ritual at the fiends’ direction, causing fiendish magic Priest’s Plea. With the characters already in Giocoso,
to corrupt Iahhel. The Celestial rampaged, bringing with they hear the first signs of trouble at the cathedral.
him a raging storm. Distorted divine spirits overran the Narimae the high priest has heard of their exploits,
cathedral, killing priests in their frenzy. and even if the characters are already on their way to
Now, the priests of Giocoso are desperate for a solu- the cathedral, a runner meets them, having been sent
tion—but one that can restore and save Iahhel, rather by Narimae to beseech them for assistance.
than killing him. Sight to See. While the characters are in the general area
of Giocoso, merchants and travelers tell them they
The Cathedral Elsewhere must go see Paean Cathedral. When the characters
arrive, they find the cathedral in chaos.
The city of Giocoso can be placed in any suitable cam-
Called by Your Class. A bard receives a message from
paign setting, or Paean Cathedral can be placed in any
a companion of their college, asking them and any
metropolitan city with an artisanal or religious history.
compatriots to go to the cathedral to see what song
Iahhel’s appearance or history can also change without
Iahhel loves the most, as they have heard of the
affecting the adventure.
incredible spirit who lives there. This fun road trip for
a song quickly goes wrong when the characters arrive
to a scene of mayhem and destruction. Alternatively, a
cleric or paladin is contacted by a religious leader who
sends them to Giocoso to help with the upcoming cele-
brations, with characters hearing word of a rampaging
divine spirit even as they enter the city.

Adventure Summary
The characters arrive at Paean Cathedral to see fear and
confusion running rampant. The high priest, Narimae,
asks them to go inside and calm the rampaging Celestial
Iahhel, using the ritual song that the priests were com-
posing. To do so, the characters must collect the last
seven notes of the song. As they explore the cathedral
in search of those notes, the characters fight corrupted
Celestial spirits and aid injured members of the clergy.
They then face Iahhel, claim the final note, and save the
During their exploration and investigation, the char-
acters might also discover that someone betraying the
cathedral is the source of the corruption. What they do
with this information is up to them. As long as the char-
acters calm Iahhel, the cathedral is saved and they have
the gratitude of both the clergy and the heavens.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 24

Key NPCs that “passion and discipline rarely coexist.” Still, they
The following NPCs feature heavily in this adventure. acknowledge that the cathedral’s music has prospered
under Narimae.
Iahhel Relationships. Silence encourages Rhys often, and
Iahhel (EYE-ah-hel, he/him) is a massive, golden, winged ensures that Narimae doesn’t push him too far, too fast.
lion Celestial. He sports an impressive mane and tail, They respect Narimae as well, and sometimes enjoy the
along with two horns curving elegantly back from his push-and-pull of disagreeing with her. They were wary of
head, and wears white-and-gold armor. Iahhel is the Varadah before Iahhel’s corruption, sensing a darkness
firstborn son of Hanniah, the proud lioness companion in the music Varadah produced. When Silence refused
of a goddess of the hunt, and as a spirit of music, he to join Varadah in her corrupted goals, the dragonborn
often joined the hunter goddess’s prayer songs to honor mage cursed the tiefling and sent them into a magical
her fallen prey. When he came of age, Iahhel left his slumber.
Celestial pride to search the mortal realms, eventually
coming upon Giocoso. There, he settled down atop the Varadah Zostira
cathedral, quickly growing fond of its worshipers. The Varadah (vah-RAH-dah zohs-TEER-ah, she/her, drag-
more time he spends with the clergy, creating music onborn, 40) is a high-ranking member of the clergy who
together, the more powerful Iahhel grows as their pro- keeps to herself while observing those around her. She
tector and patron. is a sleek silver dragonborn, whose many curving spines
Relationships. Iahhel and Narimae have become close and horns sharply frame her face in an angular halo. A
friends over their years together, and he enjoys every talented mage, Varadah harnessed the powerful magic of
incomplete, tentative melody she brings him. the growing ritual song to break the cathedral’s divine
protections, accidentally allowing the spirits of ancient
Narimae Lesyr, the Most High archfiends to move against and seize Iahhel before the
Narimae (NAIR-ih-may, she/her, half-elf, 52) is the high clergy could complete their song revering him.
priest of Paean Cathedral and Iahhel’s longtime com- Relationships. Narimae and Varadah were close
panion. She has warm-brown skin, straight black hair before the archfiends’ manipulations filled Varadah with
with graying strands, and smile lines around her eyes. doubt. The dragonborn mage has since drawn away, and
Stern and sensible, Narimae keeps the cathedral running Narimae has been too busy overseeing the ritual’s prepa-
in a well-organized fashion, so that those who seek peace ration and working with Rhys to fully notice. Believing
and inspiration inside can always find it. Though her that Silence might be an ally because of their critique of
responsibilities leave her little time to create music, she the cathedral’s strictness, Varadah tried to convince the
brings Iahhel her half-finished songs. choir director to support her. When that failed, she sent
Relationships. Narimae and Silence occasionally them into a cursed magical slumber instead.
clash over Narimae’s strictness, but the high priest truly
appreciates the tiefling’s ingenuity. In a way, she is Rhys Denholm
envious of Silence’s creative passion, knowing that her Rhys (REESE, he/him, human, 18) is the newest member
own sternness is a requirement of her position, even as of Paean Cathedral’s clergy, a gangly and tan human
it stifles her creativity somewhat. Narimae believes that with dark-red curls that spill over his left eye. After
Rhys will make a fine member of the clergy given time, escaping a cruel household only a few weeks previous,
and wishes that he could better believe in himself. She Rhys came to Narimae seeking peace, but has so far
trusts Varadah deeply. struggled to find his voice—both literally and figura-
tively. Narimae wants him to meet Iahhel, but Silence
Silence believes Rhys needs time. The young man isn’t sure
Silence (they/them, tiefling, 38) enjoys the irony of what he needs, but knows that within him is a voice that
their name in the context of their role as the cathedral’s matters, if only he can find the courage to use it.
choir director. They are a pale-blue tiefling with white Relationships. Skittish and shy, Rhys still holds
hair and eyes, with that hair often falling loose from Narimae and Silence at arm’s length, but he opens up
its thick braid. Silence has a frenetic relationship with more each passing day. When Iahhel’s rampage began,
creativity, scrawling ideas on any available parchment, Rhys fought the initial outbreak of corrupted Celestials,
and managing dozens of creative projects at once. They ensuring the escape of many of his fellow clergy.
balk against Narimae’s strict leadership, citing often

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 25

Arriving at “The fifth anniversary of Iahhel’s arrival is today, and we
the Cathedral were preparing a ritual song of celebration. Six of his
priests prayed, each receiving the musical note that would
When the characters arrive at the cathedral, read or end the song we had written, with Iahhel to provide the
paraphrase the following: last note. But near the end of our meditation, all of us
heard the song fill the cathedral … but wrong, and …
somehow tainted. When the false song finished, Iahhel’s
A cacophony of howling winds and desperate voices rampage began, and we were overrun by monsters.”
fills the city. A storm rages above Paean Cathedral, Narimae’s jaw sets resolutely as she assesses you. “I
centered over the vaulted roof where a golden beast believe the ritual song, played correctly, will save Iahhel. I
stalks, massive wings silhouetted against the dark sky. Two believe that if you can determine the last seven notes and
figures—a middle-aged half-elf woman in religious robes complete the song, it will cleanse him of this … this horrid
and an older human woman—pace frantically at the corruption.”
bottom of the cathedral steps, the main doors shut tight As the high priest holds out the sheet music, her voice
above them. strengthens with hope. “And I have the first note.”

The half-elf is Narimae Lesyr, the high priest, and the Narimae offers the characters 500 gp each if they can
human woman is Carys Kyr. Carys’s son Ellio is one save Iahhel, and answers any questions she can regarding
of the clergy trapped in the cathedral, and Narimae is their goal:
trying to calm her even while attempting to organize a
response to the situation. • Her own note is D.
Recognizing the characters as either those who • The priests’ ritual prayers were completed in solitude,
responded to her summons to help or as capable adven- their notes recorded privately. Narimae has the first
turers, Narimae quickly explains what’s happened. note. A tiefling choir director named Silence has the
second. A human priest named Anneliese has the third,
a tiefling priest named Theris has the fourth, a young
The half-elf is haggard as she beckons you closer. “Forgive human priest named Rhys has the fifth, and a drow
the … chaotic welcome to Paean Cathedral. I am Narimae, priest named Sarasyne has the sixth. Iahhel has the
the high priest. We have a problem, as you can see. Gods, seventh note—though the characters might have to
where do I start?” fight him to obtain it while the Celestial is in his state
The priest runs a hand through her graying hair. “The of rage.
being you see above the cathedral—his name is Iahhel. A • Once the characters have the completed song, one of
divine spirit of music, and our protector. But he became them needs to play the song on the soulstrings atop
enraged, and then … evil creatures appeared, targeting the cathedral roof. The soulstrings were made to
clergy and worshipers alike. It was so sudden. Our evac- celebrate Iahhel, but the Celestial has been heard and
uation was disastrous, and I’m still piecing together who seen attacking the instrument in its open tower, so the
lived, who died, and who might be inside.” characters must stop him before it is destroyed.
As Narimae watches the predatory movements of the • Narimae is worried about the missing clergy members.
lion-like creature above, her expression is heartbroken. Aside from those who have the notes, she hasn’t been
“I don’t understand what’s happened to him. He doesn’t able to find Carys’s son Ellio, a dragonborn bishop
hear anyone—not even me.” But then she seemingly named Varadah, a gold dragonborn priest named
shakes away her sorrow. “But it has something to do with Ganxor, a dark-skinned elf priest named Tias, and a
our divine song. I’m certain. Look here.” pale human priest named Malia.
• The cathedral is full of corrupted Celestial songbird
Narimae produces a piece of sheet music, wrinkled and spirits, as well as a few other creatures summoned or
stained with a few faded blood spatters. Any character animated as a result of Iahhel’s corruption. The music
who reads Celestial recognizes the name of the piece as spirits are volatile and attack on sight.
On the Wings of Song (play TheLast7NotesUnresolved. • The high priest is desperate to determine what hap-
mp3). Even to characters who don’t read music, it is pened to cause Iahhel’s rampage, but her primary
clear that the last line of the piece is missing the song’s concern is stopping that rampage and clearing the
final notes. cathedral of corrupted Celestials before anyone else is

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 26

If the characters agree to help, Narimae unlocks the Forming the Hymn
cathedral’s main doors (leading into area P1) and lets The final notes of the hymn are D (given by Narimae),
them in. Characters who scout around or spot the door A (area P3), G (area P4), F# (area P5), A (area P7), E
to the east of the main doors can also enter the cloister (area P8), and D (given by Iahhel who is in area P10),
(area P4) if they choose. Narimae whispers a prayer for arranged in this order: D E G A F# A D. (The last D
good luck as they go. is an octave higher than the first.) Since Narimae has
given them the order, have the players keep track of the
Paean Cathedral notes, then confirm the correct order before a character
performs the complete version of the song during the
Paean Cathedral is a large structure known for its final battle.
impressive architecture and its soulstrings tower. The As this is a ritual song steeped in magic, a character
front face of the edifice features two enormous arches, can play the song on the soulstrings even if they don’t
and the building’s twin octagonal spires rise above the have any familiarity with instruments. While it’s prefer-
roof to east and west, flanking the smaller open tower able that the song be played by a bard, cleric, or paladin
where the soulstrings is installed on the north end of (and you can lower the DC for nonperforming characters
the roof. Built from pale golden limestone, the cathedral if you feel it’s appropriate), the ritual song can grant an
looks weathered and old, but still in pristine condi- inherent understanding of how to play it for any char-
tion—though the Celestial raging atop it seems intent on acter who takes a seat at the soulstrings.
changing that.

Paean Cathedral Features

Paean Cathedral has the following features:
Light. Unless otherwise noted, the cathedral is
dimly lit, with only faint storm light coming in
through the windows.
Ceilings. The nave (area P1), quire (area
P2), sanctuary (area P3), and cloister (area
P4) rise to a height of 80 feet. Any other
indoor location has a height of 25 feet.
Called by Music. If any character plays
music while in the cathedral, there is
a 1-in-4 chance that two songthieves
(see “Stat Blocks”) hear them and
appear within 60 feet of them to
The Soulstrings. Iahhel is raging and
attacking the soulstrings atop the roof
(area P10). As such, the more time
the characters spend exploring, the
more danger there is that the Celestial
destroys the instrument. Each time
the characters take a short rest, Iahhel
deals 10 damage to the soulstrings. If the
characters take a long rest, he destroys the

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 27

Paean Cathedral Locations P3. Sanctuary
The following locations are keyed to the map of Paean
Cathedral. The cathedral’s sanctuary opens up beyond the gilded
gates. An altar stands at the center of the space, beauti-
P1. Nave fully wrought from marble and gold, depicting musical
When the characters enter Paean Cathedral for the first notes and instruments surrounding a graven image of a
time, read or paraphrase the following: winged lion. An impressive-looking organ is incorporated
into the far wall, its pipes surrounded by vivid stained
Where once it would have been filled with worshipers glass.
raising their voices to the vaulted ceiling’s heights, the A body lies before the instrument, a trail of blood
nave of the cathedral now stands eerily empty. Its tow- leading from the seat to the corpse.
ering pillars stand in shadow, with only dim light spilling in
through arched gothic windows. Two smaller arms branch The sanctuary’s altar is dedicated to music and Iahhel,
off to left and right at the far end of the nave, just before and stands before a great keyboard instrument known
a set of heavy double doors. Along the far wall of both as the piari. The piari resembles an organ, but specially
arms, smaller doors can be seen. enchanted gemstones worked into the pipes allow musi-
cians to weave the sounds of nature into their music,
The nave is the largest area of the cathedral, open to lay including whistling winds, rushing waters, and birdsong.
worshipers. It is currently empty of threats. Ritual Note. The corpse is the priest Sarasyne, a drow
woman in simple robes, and is holding a crumpled piece
P2. Quire of paper. The paper has a few lines of music scribed on
it, making it clear the figure had been playing the piari
Wrought-iron dividers make up the wall in which the before being struck down. But at the bottom of the
double doors are set, beyond which stands the quire paper, a single note—A—is circled several times.
chamber. Beneath an arched ceiling, this sizable space Sarasyne. The character with the highest passive
contains rows of pews facing each other, providing space Wisdom (Perception) score is the first to hear a melody
for the cathedral’s distinguished choir to perform for their faintly echoing in the piari’s pipes. When any character
congregation. comes within 10 feet of the piari, they see a translucent
A smaller chamber juts into the area at the quire’s far outline of the dead drow woman playing the melody.
end, closed off behind ornate, gilded gates. A single tear slides down her cheek as her fingers dance
over the keys.
If a character interacts with Sarasyne’s spirit in any
Paean Cathedral’s quire is larger than the average cathe-
way, she gestures to the piari, inviting them to play
dral’s due to the clergy’s focus on music. The doors to
it too. A character can attempt a DC 15 Charisma
the north lead into the sanctuary (area P3).
(Performance) check to replicate the melody on the piari.
Songful Ambush. Any character with a passive
(Playing the piari doesn’t risk attracting songthieves; see
Wisdom (Perception) score of 16 or higher, or a char-
“Called by Music” in the “Paean Cathedral Features”
acter who succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception)
section.) On a success, Sarasyne sadly smiles and pro-
check to scan the room, notices a songthief lurking atop
duces a pearl of power for the characters to take. On
the intricate arches above. If unnoticed or left alone,
a failure, her eyes widen and she points upward before
the songthief attacks once the characters try to leave the
disappearing. A songthief then appears at the entrance
to the sanctuary, drawn by the discordant melody, and
When the songthief attacks, they summon two
Celestial spirits to aid them. The spirits use the will-o’-
wisp stat block, except their creature type is Celestial
and their Shock attack deals radiant damage.
Key. Wrapped around the talons of the songthief is a
thin cord with a tiny key dangling from it. This is the key
to the journal in the cloister (area P4).

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 28

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 29
P4. Cloister honeydew from a jar in the refectory (area P6) and
feeding the plant. Any character who hears the whis-
This area is partly open to the sky, with a square covered tlebloom sing the note magically recognizes it as a D.
walkway extending around the edges of the space, set
with intricate arches that offer views into a cultivated
P5. Chapterhouse
Both the doors leading into this room are damaged and
garden at center. Four trees stand in the garden, fes-
don’t open easily. Characters who approach without
tooned with purple, violet, white, and blue blooms. A
making undue noise can hear a faint, raspy singing
fountain surrounded by bushes bearing gold-and-white
within the room. Each door can be forced open with a
flowers flows with a quiet trickling of water, barely dis-
successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check, or by three
cernible over the howling of the storm above.
or more characters working together.
When the characters force their way into the room,
This haven garden is a place where priests of the cathe- read or paraphrase the following.
dral meditate, study, and exercise.
Whistlebloom. Characters examining the gold-and-
This meeting room has been torn apart, bloodstains
white trumpet flowers that surround the fountain can see
smeared across a main table where it’s been knocked
where a much larger flower emerges from those bushes,
aside. Two winged stone creatures crouch at the center
shaped similarly to a snapdragon, and bearing petals of
of the room, flexing their wings, uncurling blood-covered
white, pink, and gold. As it sways in the wind, the flower
claws, and making soft, stony clicking sounds as they stare
curls and uncurls its leaves around itself as if breathing.
at a trembling, red-haired young man slumped in the
A character who succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence
corner. The badly wounded figure sings a soft hymn, with
(Nature) check recognizes the flower as a magic plant
a hoarse voice seemingly on the verge of giving out.
known as a whistlebloom (use the awakened shrub stat
The figure glances up, frantically holding up a piece
block), which has the ability to mimic music it’s heard
of parchment. Between his crimson-stained fingers is a
before. Anyone within 5 feet of the whistlebloom can see
desperate scrawl: “If I stop singing they’ll kill me HELP.”
a leather-bound journal beneath its lower leaves, with
the name “Anneliese” written on the front.
The journal is sealed with a small lock, and the key is The human is Rhys (use the scout stat block). The two
with the songthief in the quire (area P2). The lock can gargoyles watching him were once statues, and were
also be picked with a successful DC 17 Dexterity check awakened by Iahhel’s rampage. However, their spree of
using thieves’ tools, or snapped off the leather cover with destruction was halted by Rhys’s singing. To get Rhys
a successful DC 14 Strength check. out of the room before his voice gives out, the characters
Once the journal is open, the characters find it filled must succeed on a group DC 15 Dexterity (Sleight of
with notes detailing experiments conducted with the Hand) check to distract the gargoyles with their own
whistlebloom by the priest Anneliese (see below). A careful movements, then help the exhausted young man
note on the last page reads: “The whistlebloom must be through the cramped chamber and out the door without
as excited about the ritual song as we are! He’s always attracting notice. On a failed check, the gargoyles attack.
loved singing with me, but when I sang him my ritual If the characters join in the singing to help keep the
note, he sang me such beautiful trills, each ending with gargoyles soothed, each character has advantage on the
my note.” group check, but the increased volume runs the risk of
Beneath that is scrawled another small note: “Nibbled attracting songthieves (see “Called by Music” in the
my sleeve. Check if there’s more honeydew?” “Paean Cathedral Features” section). If the characters
Anneliese. The human priest Anneliese was attacked fight the gargoyles, Rhys joins them, but he has only half
and killed by songthieves during Iahhel’s initial rampage. his hit points remaining. (In the event that Rhys is killed,
Any character who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence he whispers the name of his note in the ritual with his
(Investigation) check or makes a thorough search of dying breath. See “Ritual Note” below.)
the garden finds her body concealed in a flowerbed, her The characters can barricade either door from the
torso bearing deep gouges. outside with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
Ritual Note. The whistlebloom holds Anneliese’s ritual check. If they don’t kill the gargoyles or barricade them
note: a G. A character can convince the flower to sing in, there is a 50 percent chance that the gargoyles find
by using a speak with plants spell or similar magic, with and attack them later during another combat encounter.
a successful DC 16 Charisma (Performance) check that Ritual Note. Rhys’s voice is raspy and choked with
includes a song or musical instrument, or by retrieving emotion as he tells the characters about his note, F#.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 30

He’s had trouble singing since he arrived at the cathedral If any character approaches the closed door, the faint
just weeks ago. Stifled, silenced, and neglected at home, sound of sobbing can be heard from the other side.
he’s been trying to feel worthy of joining his voice with Trying to open the door reveals that it is barricaded from
the clergy’s. Narimae, hoping to encourage him, let him the inside.
be part of the ritual despite his lack of experience. Saving Ellio. The young half-elf Ellio (an acolyte) has
When his prayer was answered and he heard the note, sealed himself into the chapel in a state of terror. He is
Rhys wept, realizing that he does belong. He offers the anxious and paranoid, and thus slow to trust. A char-
characters a potion of resistance (radiant) and begs them acter who speaks to him through the door and succeeds
to save Iahhel before he flees the cathedral to rejoin on a DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) check can convince
Narimae. Ellio that the characters are there to rescue him. If Ellio
can’t be convinced to open the door, he won’t leave until
P6. Refectory Rhys (area P5) or Silence (area P8) comes to collect him.
The barricaded door can also be destroyed (it has
This unpretentious refectory is set with shelves along the AC 16, 25 hit points, and immunity to poison and
walls, several long tables, and a hearth along one wall that psychic damage), or forced open with a successful DC
is currently cold. Several plates holding unfinished meals 17 Strength (Athletics) check. If the door is forced, the
are scattered irregularly across one of the tables. The panicked Ellio attempts to push past the characters and
acrid tang of blood hangs in the air. flee the cathedral.
If the characters convince Ellio to leave and keep him
Victims. Characters who enter the room are able to safe, his mother Carys rewards them when they exit the
spot three corpses wearing robes, all sprawled beneath chapel with a potion of greater healing.
a table near the far wall: a lithe gold dragonborn Ritual Note. In the last chapel to the east, a tiefling
(Ganxor); a broad-shouldered, dark-skinned elf (Tias); priest named Theris lies dead on the floor next to a
and a plump pale human (Malia). All their bodies bear piano, having succumbed to a songthief attack. A trail
deep gouges consistent with talon attacks by songthieves. of blood drips from a single piano key—A—to the floor,
Tias and Malia are still tightly clutching each other’s where Theris’s hand is loosely curled around a holy
hands. symbol.
A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) check finds a ring of protection on the
P8. Eastern Spire
floor near the door. If they search the bodies for identi-
fying information, they also find a ring on Tias engraved The staircase spirals up, becoming a narrow passageway
with the following: “May we be united forever in love occasionally interspersed by small arched windows that
and song—M.” let in the gray stormlight outside. As occasional bursts of
If the characters report these priests’ deaths to rain rattle the glass, the deep bellowing of Iahhel’s rage
Narimae, she sorrowfully expresses gratitude for finding grows louder.
them. The stairs end at a door with a lock, which also shows
Honeydew. On one of the shelves where staples are wedges forcefully driven under it from the other side to
stored is a jar of fresh honeydew. It can be used to feed hold it fast.
the whistlebloom in the cloister (area P4).
Key. A character who searches Ganxor’s body finds a The door is locked, and can be unlocked with the key
thin, gilded key that opens the door to the eastern spire in the refectory (area P6) or with a successful DC 18
(area P8). Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. However, Varadah
also wedged the door shut. The unlocked door can be
P7. Chapels
forced open with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics)
These identical rooms set along the arms of the nave are
check, or it can be destroyed (AC 14, 15 hit points, and
dedicated to worship. The characters can see into the
immunity to poison and psychic damage).
nearest chapels as they move through the nave.
When the characters can see into the main room, read
or paraphrase the following:
Open doors reveal that most of the chapels off the nave
are empty. Only the last door to the west stands closed.
The octagonal interior space of the eastern spire holds
At both ends of the arms of the nave, spiral staircases lead
only a door and a desk against the adjacent wall—with a
body slumped over it.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 31

Silence. Silence, the cathedral’s tiefling choir director, hearts, drained vials of humanoid blood in ruby vials,
has been cursed by Varadah and trapped in a magical and charred sulfuric rocks. The papers are scrawled
slumber. Any character who inspects the body confirms notes Varadah made regarding the ritual. Any character
that Silence is alive, but the tiefling resists any mundane who succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check to
attempts to wake them. With a DC 13 Intelligence examine the notes and components understands that the
(Arcana) check, a character intuits that Silence can be ritual is a conduit for strong fiendish enchantment magic,
woken with dispel magic (DC 16), lesser restoration, or powerful enough to command Celestials.
similar magic. Varadah. As Varadah fights the archfiends’ influence,
If Silence is woken before Varadah is found, they can she responds to characters who try to talk to her with
reveal that Varadah is the traitor who hijacked the ritual, frantic exclamations:
though they don’t know why. They don’t know where • “I don’t want them! Take the dreams back!”
Varadah is, but guess that she’s probably holed up in • “Stop talking! Everyone stop talking, it’s too much!”
the western spire (area P9). Though Silence would like • “Gods! Lies! All lies! Stop!”
to confront the duplicitous priest, they’re too weak to
do so, and they ask that the characters deal with her. In The archfiends’ control over Varadah can be broken with
addition, they give the characters a periapt of wound any of the following spells: dispel evil and good, dispel
closure in gratitude for saving them. magic, hallow, or protection from evil and good (with
Ritual Note. If Silence is woken, they share that their Fiends as the chosen creature). Alternatively, a character
note in the ritual was an E. If the tiefling remains asleep, can draw her attention away from the archfiends with a
any search around the desk reveals an encoded note on a successful DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) check. Freeing
piece of parchment underneath Silence. A character who Iahhel (area P10) from the influence of the archfiends
succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence check can decode the also frees Varadah. If the archfiends’ influence over her
note, determining Silence’s note. is broken, Varadah tremblingly explains what happened,
speaking honestly about the archfiends’ manipulation of
P9. Western Spire her.
If the characters are unable to break the archfiends’
influence (including failing three Charisma (Persuasion)
At the top of the spiral staircase, Iahhel’s howling echoes
checks before one success), Varadah attacks, her eyes
even louder. A door at the end of the stairs is unlatched
glowing a hazy red. During combat, the characters can
and askew, revealing a chamber lit by dim light through
use any of the above spells to break the archfiends’
the windows. Two desks stand against the walls, covered
control, or a character can do so by using an action and
in scattered papers. More papers are spread across the
succeeding on a DC 25 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
floor, covering a field of other detritus.
Otherwise, the dragonborn mage fights until killed or
A dragonborn is bent over some of the scattered
knocked unconscious.
papers on the floor, clutching her head. “Get out, get out,
The encounter with Varadah can end one of the fol-
get out, get out!”
lowing ways:
Varadah Is Killed. If Varadah is killed, Narimae mourns
Three songthieves lurk outside the spire, the flapping
her if Varadah is branded a traitor. If the archfiends’
of their wings masked by the sounds of Iahhel on the
control is revealed, Narimae might choose to resurrect
roof. When they see the characters, the Celestials smash
Varadah. The archfiends then search for a new servant
through the windows and attack. A character who has
in Giocoso.
a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 18 or higher, or
Varadah Is Saved. If the archfiends’ influence over
who succeeds on a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check
Varadah is broken, she apologizes to the characters
to scan the windows while entering the area, gains a
and Narimae for everything she’s done. She gives the
moment’s warning of the attack. All other characters are
characters a potion of greater healing and offers to
help hunt down the archfiends (see the “Continuing
The western spire is where Varadah enacted her ritual,
Varadah’s Story” sidebar).
channeling the growing power in the cathedral, com-
Varadah Is Incapacitated. If the characters incapacitate
mandeering it, then opening the door for the archfiends’
Varadah, Narimae can dispel the archfiends’ influence.
corrupting influence. The dragon priest is now struggling
Things then play out as described under “Varadah is
to shake off the archfiends’ control.
Ritual Components. The detritus spread across the
Varadah Flees. If the characters break off the fight with
floor is fiendish ritual components—withered monstrous
Varadah, she either follows to continue attacking

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 32

or flees the cathedral, as you determine. The P10. Roof
“Conclusion” section offers suggestions for what When the characters reach the roof, the full state of
happens if she flees. Iahhel’s rampage is seen for the first time.
Varadah Wins. If Varadah defeats the characters, she
kills them outright and gives their corpses to the An open walkway extends from east to west, connecting
archfiends. the cathedral's two spires. The storm swells, a crescendo
Message to Narimae. A character who searches of fury to match the divine being at the center of it. Even
the room and succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence under a dark sky, Iahhel is a commanding presence, his
(Investigation) check finds that one of the papers on white-and-gold armor framing his muscular form, two
the floor is a frantic message that Varadah tried to give majestic horns rising from his head, and his mane whip-
Narimae before the archfiends took hold of her: “They ping in the wind.
have proven we can command gods, even causing them Seemingly lost, he turns his rage toward the gift built
to destroy that which they love. He rages! Strongly, for him—the massive harp-like soulstrings, strung inside
terribly! But they are liars, Narimae, they are no gods, the open tower at the center of the walkway connecting
help me, what do I do, what can I do … ” the spires. Strings shriek and snap as the Celestial rakes his
Withered Fiend Heart. Most of the ritual components claws across them, as if intent on bringing the instrument
in the room have expended any magic they carried. down.
However, one withered fiend heart still gives off a faint
aura of abjuration magic to a detect magic spell. A char- Consumed by his fiendish rage, Iahhel doesn’t imme-
acter who carries the heart has resistance to fire damage, diately attack when the characters appear on the roof.
as well as the following flaw: “I see weaknesses in the The characters can cross between the cathedral’s spires
gods, and believe they deserve no power, respect, or without alerting him with a successful DC 12 group
authority.” Dexterity (Stealth) check, or can approach Iahhel under
cover of the storm with a successful DC 20 group
Continuing Varadah’s Story Dexterity (Stealth) check. The Celestial attacks when he
notices the party.
If the characters determine that Varadah was manipulat-
Iahhel can be calmed only by a performance of the
ed and controlled by the spirits of the archfiends whose
complete ritual song, which can be undertaken once he
corpses litter the lands around Giocoso, they might want
gives them the seventh note during his transformation
to permanently excise the archfiends’ influence. If they
(see his stat block for details). The complete song
don’t, Narimae promises that her priests will work to
cleanses him of fiendish corruption and imbues him with
purify and magically consecrate the land. If the characters
new power—a power that could come only from the
do take part in this mission, they can explore old battle-
faith and love of those who live alongside him.
fields in search of the archfiends’ remains, letting you set
Soulstrings. The soulstrings have AC 18, 75 hit points,
up adventures in deep caves, ancient ruins, or even the
and immunity to poison and psychic damage. However,
realms of the dead.
the instrument might have taken damage from previous
These spirits can be left as nameless generals, devel-
attacks by Iahhel (see “The Soulstrings” under “Paean
oped with names and backstories, or pulled from your
Cathedral Features”).
own existing worldbuilding. Consider using stat blocks
Until now, Iahhel has been fighting the fiends’
such as the glabrezu, nalfeshnee, and rakshasa to
influence, but the characters’ arrival both distracts the
represent the spirits of the archfiends, except each is both
Celestial and forces the fiends to push their control
a Fiend and Undead. If you use Flee, Mortals! The MCDM
harder. On each round in which the characters don’t
Monster Book in your games, consider using the chimer-
play music (see “Roleplaying Iahhel” below) or deal a
on, tormenauk, wobalas, or Aurumvas stat blocks. The
combined total of 30 damage to Iahhel, he attacks the
ruinant can act as an ally to one of the archfiend spirits,
while spitlings can be used as minions that serve any of
Roleplaying Iahhel. Iahhel is a divine spirit driven
these ancient foes. (These stat blocks are also available
to thunderous destruction. In this state, he mercilessly
in Flee, Mortals! Packet Seven for those who backed or
hounds characters who distract him from the soulstrings,
preordered the book.)
picking off either the weakest-looking characters or those
who demonstrate strong tactical thinking. If a character
plays music during the fight, they gain advantage on
saving throws made to resist any of Iahhel’s features, but
Iahhel targets them exclusively.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 33

When Iahhel has been cleansed of corruption, he is Healing Iahhel. Any character who uses an action to
gentle, warm, protective, and regretful of the devastation play the song for Iahhel on the soulstrings and succeeds
he’s wrought. His primary concern is helping Narimae on a DC 15 Charisma (Performance) check cleanses him
rebuild the temple, and reforging the trust between of his corruption, at which point Iahhel is no longer
himself and his clergy. hostile. If the check is failed, it can be repeated, but
The Seventh Note. When Iahhel uses his Seventh Note Iahhel continues to attack. If the soulstrings is destroyed,
trait, read or paraphrase the following: a character can instead sing the song or play it on
another instrument, but the DC increases to 18.
Read or paraphrase the following text as the song is
The Celestial lion staggers, thunder resounding through
played successfully (play TheLast7NotesCompleted.mp3)
the heavens as loudly as his roar. For a moment, clarity
and Iahhel is saved:
and rage are at war within his eyes. His breathing comes
heavy, and the sky quiets as if holding its breath.
The air around you seems to swell with sound, the wind
and skies joining the song and carrying it louder, louder
If the players are putting the song together themselves (as
through Giocoso. As the song builds, Celestial avian
described under “Forming the Hymn” above), you can
spirits appear on the roof—the songthieves, but the
sing Iahhel’s note (a D, which is an octave higher than
malicious air has gone from them. They lift their birdsong
the one the characters found in the cathedral), play it on
to add to the melodious soulstrings, their voices adding
an instrument, or search online for a video or app that
other instruments and harmonies, bringing the ritual
plays the note, then let the players and characters figure
hymn to a full and joyous crescendo that fills the city.For
out the ending of the song. If you use this approach, read
the last seven notes, one final voice completes the choir:
or paraphrase the following:
Iahhel, his rumbling bass fading into a contented purr as
he settles himself on the roof. “My saviors. Thank you.”
Rearing back his head, Iahhel bellows a crystal-clear
musical tone that seems to pierce the sky. Golden
light floods from him and renews him, and radiant fire
wreathes his massive claws. Then the fiendish corruption
takes hold of him once more, fury twisting his expression
When Iahhel is cleansed, the storm recedes, any
into a snarl as he prepares for a new onslaught. But you
remaining songthieves become divine avian spirits, and
have heard the seventh note! All that remains is to put the
the gargoyles of area P5 return to stone if still standing.
notes together and play the song.
Iahhel flies down to meet Narimae on the ground,
carrying any characters who want a ride with him. In
If you instead give the characters the complete song once the immediate aftermath, Narimae and the other priests
they hear the seventh note (as described under “Forming resurrect their fallen companions.
the Hymn”), read or paraphrase the following: If Varadah escapes from the cathedral without being
freed from the archfiends’ corruption, she flees Giocoso.
Rearing back his head, Iahhel bellows a musical note You might have Narimae ask the characters to hunt
that seems to pierce the sky: a crystal-clear D. Golden down the dragonborn mage, which can lead to future
light floods from him and renews him, and radiant fire story arcs where Varadah tries to corrupt and bring
wreathes his massive claws. Then the fiendish corruption down other divine beings as the archfiends’ corruption
takes hold of him once more, fury twisting his expression grows stronger.
into a snarl as he prepares for a new onslaught. But the Narimae can ask the characters to help rebuild the
ritual song takes shape within your mind, even as the cathedral, which has seen much destruction and sorrow.
soulstrings start to reverberate softly nearby. A divine But whether the characters continue to aid her or not,
understanding settles warmly in your chest—the ending she rewards them with 500 gp each for their aid, adding
of the song, and how to play it on the soulstrings. 50 gp for each of the ten NPCs the party was able to find
or aid. Rhys and Ellio count if they made it out alive;
Silence counts if they were woken from their arcane
slumber; Varadah counts if she was saved or defeated;
and Sarasyne, Anneliese, Ganxor, Tias, Malia, and Theris
count if their deaths were discovered and reported.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 34

Stat Blocks
This section contains the unique stat blocks featured in this adventure, presented in alphabetical order.

Iahhel is a formidable Celestial, who wields music as a potent magical power against his foes.

Iahhel (Corrupted)
Huge Celestial, Neutral Evil While Corrupted (Neutral Good Normally)

Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Divine Harmony. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 60
Hit Points 105 (10d12 + 40) ft., one target. Hit: 10 (3d6) thunder damage, and Iahhel can
Speed 50 ft., fly 30 ft. expend a song mote to cause the target to become frightened
until the end of the target’s next turn.
20 (+5) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) Bonus Actions
Discouragement (Costs 1 Song Mote). Iahhel chooses one
Saving Throws Str +9, Wis +6, Cha +8
creature he can see within 120 feet of him who can hear him,
Skills Perception +6, Performance +12
and sings a dispiriting melody. The next time the target makes
Damage Resistances radiant, necrotic; bludgeoning,
an attack roll or saving throw in the next 10 minutes, they must
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
roll a d10 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll
Damage Immunities thunder
or saving throw.
Condition Immunities charmed, deafened
Senses darkvision 120 ft., truesight 30 ft.,
passive Perception 16
Languages all Distracting Tone. When a creature within 60 feet of Iahhel
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4 casts a spell that requires concentration, Iahhel sings a keening,
painful note. The target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom
Seventh Note (1/Day). When Iahhel is reduced to 0 hit saving throw or lose concentration and have the spell fail.
points, he doesn’t die or fall unconscious. Instead, he bellows Iahhel can expend a song mote to impose disadvantage on
out the seventh note (D) as a clear tone and is revitalized by this saving throw.
the corrupting influence that has a hold over him. He regains
105 hit points and three expended song motes, and when he Villain Actions
expends a song mote on a feature that targets a creature, the Iahhel has three villain actions. He can take each action once
target takes an extra 7 (2d6) radiant damage. during an encounter after an enemy creature’s turn. He can
Song Motes. Iahhel is encircled by seven incandescent song take these actions in any order but can use only one per
motes, which he can expend to use or enhance his features. round.
Additionally, if Iahhel fails a saving throw, he can expend a Action 1: Discouraging Chorus. Iahhel carries a disheart-
song mote to succeed instead. ening song. Each creature within 120 feet of him who can hear
him gains the effect of his Discouragement bonus action.
Actions Action 2: Oncoming Despair. Iahhel bellows an ominous
Multiattack. Iahhel makes one Bite attack and two Claw dirge. He moves up to his speed without provoking opportu-
attacks. Two of these attacks can be replaced by a Divine nity attacks and regains three song motes.
Harmony attack.
Action 3: Breaking Dawn (Requires the Seventh Note to
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. be Active). Iahhel unleashes a storm of divine magic. Each
Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage plus 5 (1d10) radiant creature within 60 feet of him must make a DC 17 Wisdom
damage. Iahhel can expend a song mote to make this attack saving throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 33 (6d10)
with advantage. radiant damage and is restrained by Iahhel. On a successful
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. save, a creature takes half as much damage and isn’t restrained.
Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage, and Iahhel can move the A restrained creature can repeat the saving throw at the end
target up to 5 feet horizontally. of each of their turns, ending the effect on themself on a

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 35

A songthief is a corrupted yet beautiful avian Celestial whose dark plumage shines opalescent in the light. They are
drawn to spellcasters, especially bards and others who use sound to wield magic.

Medium Celestial, Typically Neutral Evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor) damage, and the target must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28) saving throw or be blinded until the end of their next turn.
Speed 20 ft., fly 50 ft. Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 16 (3d8 + 3)
slashing damage if the target is blinded.
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Discordant Choir (Recharge 6). The songthief trills a disso-
Saving Throws Dex +6, Cha +6 nant hymn. Each creature within 30 feet of the songthief who
Skills Perception +4, Performance +6 isn’t a Celestial must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw,
Damage Resistances radiant, thunder taking 16 (3d10) thunder damage on a failed save, or half as
Condition Immunities deafened much damage on a successful one. Each other songthief within
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 30 feet of this songthief can use their reaction to join the
Languages Celestial hymn, increasing the radius of the effect by 10 feet and the
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3 damage by 5 (1d10) per songthief. Each additional songthief
doesn’t expend the use of their own Discordant Choir action.
Corrupted Cacophony. Creatures within 5 feet of the
songthief have disadvantage on Constitution saving throws to Reactions
maintain concentration. Stolen Voice (2/Day). When a creature the songthief can
hear within 30 feet of them uses an action to cast a spell with
Actions a verbal component, the songthief can steal that spell. The
Multiattack. The songthief makes one Beak attack and one target must succeed on a DC 14 Charisma saving throw or
Talons attack. have the spell fail. The songthief then casts the spell instead,
using the target’s spell attack bonus and spell save DC.
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) radiant

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 36

Varadah is a talented mage whose corrupted magic shows the power of the fiends manipulating her.

Varadah (Corrupted)
Medium Humanoid (Dragonborn), Chaotic Evil While Corrupted (Lawful Good Normally)

Armor Class 16 (natural armor) Arcane Might. Melee Spell Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Hit Points 130 (20d8 + 40) target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) force damage, and the target must
Speed 30 ft. succeed on a DC 16 Intelligence saving throw or be dazed
until the end of their next turn.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Gales of Power. Ranged Spell Attack: +8 to hit, range 60 ft.,
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) one target. Hit: 17 (3d8 + 4) force damage.
Songs and Fire (Recharge 5–6). A whorl of discordant music
Saving Throws Int +8, Wis +4
and hellfire swirls out from Varadah. Each creature within 30
Skills Arcana +8, Perception +4
feet of her must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. On a
Damage Resistances cold, necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing,
failed save, a creature takes 16 (3d10) force damage and 11
and slashing from nonmagical attacks
(2d10) fire damage and is pushed up to 10 feet away from
Condition Immunities charmed
Varadah. On a successful save, a creature takes half as much
Senses passive Perception 14
damage and isn’t pushed.
Languages Common
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Proficiency Bonus +4
Bonus Actions
Fiend Hearts. Varadah carries three fiend hearts that she can Consume Heart. Varadah destroys one of her fiend hearts.
use to empower her magic using her Consume Heart bonus Until the start of her next turn, she has a +1 bonus to AC, a +4
action. Additionally, if Varadah fails a saving throw, she can bonus to attack rolls, and her attacks deal an extra 5 (1d10)
expend a fiend heart to succeed instead. necrotic damage.

Magic Resistance. Varadah has advantage on saving throws

against spells and other magical effects.
Arcane Shield. When Varadah takes cold, force, lightning,
Actions psychic, or necrotic damage as a result of a magical effect,
she can convert that damaging energy into a magic barrier.
Multiattack. Varadah makes three Arcane Might attacks or
She gains 10 temporary hit points, and until she loses those
three Gales of Power attacks.
temporary hit points, each time she is hit with a melee attack,
the attacker takes 5 (1d10) damage of the damage type that
created the shield.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 37

In recent issues of ARCADIA, we’ve begun to incorporate terminology from the upcoming Flee, Mortals! The MCDM
Monster Book. These describe new rules designed to make combat encounters easier to run, more fun, and more
memorable. Rather than scatter definitions throughout individual articles, this glossary provides a reference for terms
used in ARCADIA.

Companion Creatures Villain Actions

Companions are wild allies who adventure with charac- Some creatures are designed to be bosses: enemies who
ters. Each companion has unique traits and actions that can take on an entire party by themselves or with a
make them a great ally. Every companion has a player handful of underlings. These creatures have three villain
character caregiver who commands the creature. The actions they can use after an enemy creature’s turn.
caregiver’s player controls the companion most of the Villain actions are similar to legendary actions with the
time during the game, though the GM can step in to take following exceptions:
control if the companion and caregiver are separated, or • A creature can only use one villain action per round
if the caregiver mistreats the companion in some way. (as such, villain actions tend to be more powerful than
The full rules for companion creatures are described in legendary actions).
Beastheart and Monstrous Companions, as well as the • Each villain action can only be used once during a
packets available for backers of Flee, Mortals! combat encounter.
Like legendary actions, a creature can’t use villain
Conditions actions if incapacitated or otherwise unable to take
Some creatures inflict—or are immune to—the following
new condition.
A dazed creature can only do one of the following things Each trio of villain actions has a recommended round
on their turn: move, use an action, or use a bonus action. order. These abilities give the battle a logical flow and a
If a creature becomes dazed during their turn, their turn cinematic arc:
ends. The lesser restoration spell and greater restoration • The first villain action is an opener, which shows
spell remove the dazed condition. At the GM’s discre- the characters they’re not battling a typical creature.
tion, other powers, spells, or effects might also remove Openers generally deal some damage, summon a
the dazed condition. lackey or three, buff the boss, debuff the characters,
When a dazed creature is affected by a spell or effect or move the creature into an advantageous position.
that gives them an extra action on their turn (like the They’re just a taste of what’s to come.
haste spell or the fighter’s Action Surge feature), they can • The second villain action provides crowd control. It
still take this extra action, in addition to the movement, typically fires after the heroes have had a chance to
action, or bonus action allowed by the dazed condition. respond once or twice, get into position, and surround
Some creatures have immunity to the dazed condition. the villain. This second action helps the villain regain
At the GM’s discretion, a creature published in another the upper hand. Like an opener, this action comes in
supplement who has immunity to the paralyzed or many flavors, but it’s even more powerful than an
stunned condition also has immunity to the dazed opener.
condition. • The third and final villain action is an ultimate move
or “ult”—a showstopper the villain can use to deal a
Mundane AND SUPERNATURAL devastating blow to the characters before the end of
The term mundane refers to attacks, items, and effects the battle.
that are not magical, psionic, or otherwise supernatural.
While every creature has a recommended order of
On the other hand, the term supernatural describes
actions, you can take villain actions in any order if it
an effect or item that is either magical or psionic. For
makes your fight more dramatic. You could push back a
instance, a creature’s stat block might say they’re resis-
villain action if a creature is stunned or might stay alive
tant to “bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
for more than three rounds, or you could perform the
from attacks that aren’t supernatural.” This means that
recommended third action in round two after several
when you deal them bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing
surprise critical hits!
damage using a spell, power, magic weapon, or psionic
weapon, the damage is supernatural and thus the crea-
ture isn’t resistant to it.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023 38


You can find all issues of ARCADIA on Patreon and in the MCDM shop.


Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023

Erin Roberts (she/her) is a writer, teacher, and game
designer based in Austin, TX. Her work has appeared in
TTRPG publications including Hunter: The Reckoning
Fifth Edition, Journeys through the Radiant Citadel,
Pathfinder: Lost Omens Highhelm, Pathfinder: Lost Omens
Travel Guide, and Starfinder: Interstellar Species, and she
was recently honored to be chosen as one of the winners of
the 2023 Emerging Designer Program of the Diana Jones
Awards. When not working on TTRPGs, Erin writes science
fiction and fantasy prose and interactive fiction, teaches
creative writing, and talks about all things writing every
Sunday on the award-winning Writing Excuses podcast.
You can keep up with all her various escapades by finding
her online at

V. J. Harris (they/he) is a DMs Guild Adamantine

best-selling author and an award nominated roleplayer.
They work in the TTRPG field full time as a designer and
professional GM on Start Playing Games. He is most well
known for his work on An Elf and an Orc Had a Little
Baby Volumes 1 - 3 and “Monstrous Components” from
ARCADIA 8. They produce the podcast, VJ Talks which
discusses the breadth and depth of TTRPGs, stream game
design and indie games on Twitch, and makes TikToks
educating people on how to recognize, fight, and remove
bigotry in the industry.

Sadie Lowry (@incandescaent) is a gold ENNIE award–

winning writer, game designer, and editor. She has worked
with Critical Role, Wizards of the Coast, MCDM, and other
TTRPG companies, with notable credits including Critical
Role Presents: Call of the Netherdeep, Spelljammer: Light
of Xaryxis, Keys from the Golden Vault, and MCDM's The
Illrigger. An editor at a book publisher by trade, she can
usually be found baking cupcakes, stargazing, or drawing
her D&D characters.

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, LLC. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use
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License to Use, the Open Game Content.
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contrib- the Coast, LLC.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris
uting original material as Open Game Content, You represent that Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J.
Your Contributions are Your original Creation and/or You have Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend,
sufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the ARCADIA Issue 30, Copyright 2023, MCDM Productions, LLC.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the Authors: Erin Roberts, V.J. Harris, Sadie Lowry, James Introcaso,
exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any Open Game Hannah Rose

Arcadia | Issue 30 | July 2023

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