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Don Miguel Hindu School

End of Term test 2022-2023 Term 3

Class Teacher: Ms. Nickysha Gauyideen Class: Standard 2
Term Ending: Friday 7th July 2023 School Reopens: Monday 4th September 2023
Name of Student: Shameel Gowkaran
Subjects Marks Marks
Available Obtained
Mathematics 100 85
Grammar 85 69
Vocabulary 50 39
Spelling 50 41 EVAULATION
Phonics 25 20 KEY:
Oral Reading 50 50 A- 90-100
Creative Writing 50 35 B- 80-89
Comprehension 50 36 C- 70-79
Social Studies 25 20 D- 60-69
V.C.C.E 25 20 E- 50-59
Science 25 22 F- 0-49
Agricultural Science 25 21
Spanish 25 16
Hindi 15 9
Art and Craft Grade A
Total Test Mark 600 483
Overall % on Term Test 80.5
Contribution to End of Term Test (50%) 40.1

Areas of Available Earned

Assessment %
Term Test 50 40.1
Project 25 23
Weekly Test 25 18.7
Total 100 81.8
Overall Grade B

ATTITUDE TO WORK Consistently Sometimes Rarely

Completes assignments 
 Promotion Status
Participates in Class
Uses class time wisely  Promoted
Communicates positively with others 
Works co-operatively with others  Not promoted
Shows respect for others and property 
Behave responsibly 
Displays a positive attitude 
Makes appropriate judgement 
Shameel is a young man with tremendous potential; however, he gets distracted quite easily and
loses focus on the task at hand as he moves into standard 3, Shameel must settle down get
serious with his studies in order to excel.

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