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Version 1.0
Last Updated: 7 June, 2023
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 4
2. General Overview 4
2.1. Definition of Terms 4
2.2. Rules Translation 5
2.3. Game Version 5
2.4. Required Town Hall Level 5
2.5. Rule Changes 5
2.6. Confidentiality 6
2.7. Participation Eligibility, Requirements, and Restrictions 6
2.8. Team Requirements and Restrictions 7
3. Tournament Breakdown 8
3.1. Stages & Format 8
3.1.2. World Championship Qualifiers 8
3.1.3. Stage 1: Ladder 8
3.1.4. Stage 2: Double Elimination 10
3.1.5. Stage 3: Swiss 10
3.1.6. Stage 4: Swiss 11
3.1.7. Stage 5: Double Elimination 12
3.1.8. World Championship Finals 13
3.2. Match Format 14
3.2.1. War Settings 14
3.2.2. Match Scoring and Tiebreakers 15
3.2.3. Attack Order 15
3.2.4. Broadcast Attack Order 16
3.2.5. Clan Member Restrictions 17
3.2.6. Game Preparations 17
3.2.7. Failure to Appear / No Show 17
3.3. Match Processes 18
3.3.1. World Championship Qualifiers Process and Expectations: 18
4. Tournament Schedule 19
4.1. Stage 1: Ladder 19
4.2. Stage 2: Double Elimination 19
4.3. Stage 3: Swiss 20
4.4. Stage 4: Swiss 20
4.5. Stage 5: Double Elimination 20
4.6. World Championship Finals 20
5. Prizing 20
5.1. Clash of Clans World Championship 2023 20
5.2. Prize Money 21
6. Communications & Support 22
Version 1.0
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6.1. Communication Platform 22
6.2. Support 22
7. Player & Team Branding, Sponsors 22
7.1. Team Branding 22
7.2. Sponsorship Restrictions 22
8. World Championship Finals Event Rules & Expectations 23
8.1. Travel & Expenses 23
8.2. Player Brief & Pre-Event Activities 23
8.3. Equipment 23
8.4. Apparel 24
8.5. Behavior 24
9. Content, Media, and Tournament Obligations 25
10. Code of Conduct 25
10.1. Competitive Integrity 25
10.2. Player Behavior Investigation 25
10.3. Unfair Play 25
10.3.1. Collusion 25
10.3.2. Cheating 26
10.3.3. Hacking 26
10.3.4. Bug Exploitation 26
10.3.5. Intentional Disconnection 26
10.3.6. Ringing 26
10.3.7. Unprofessional Behavior 26
10.3.9. Criminal Activity 27
10.3.10. Moral Turpitude 27
10.3.11. Confidentiality 27
10.3.12. Bribery 28
10.3.13. Gifts 28
10.3.14. Non-Compliance 28
10.3.15. Match-Fixing 28
10.3.16. Documents 28
10.3.17. Association with Gambling 28
11. Penalties 28
11.1. Warning 29
11.2. Forfeiture of War 29
11.3. Forfeiture of prize money 29
11.4. Disqualification 29
11.5. Suspension or ban from competitive play 29
12. Terms of Use 29
13. Finality of Decisions 29

Version 1.0
Last Updated: 7 June, 2023
1. Introduction
These Official Rules (“Rules”) of the Clash of Clans World Championship 2023 (“Tournament”, or “Championship”) apply
to each person participating in the Tournament in 2023 (“Players”). All Players must agree to abide by the conditions set
forth in this document, with the understanding that any rules violation may result in immediate disqualification and
forfeiture of all prize money earned as determined by Tournament Organizers (“Organizer”).

The following terms and conditions defined in the Rules apply to all stages of the Tournament as well as their Players.

By competing in the Clash of Clans World Championship, you agree to the following:

The Organizer, in its sole discretion, (a) may update, amend, or supplement these Rules at any time, with or without notice
to Players, and (b) may interpret or apply these Rules by releasing notices, online postings, e-mails, or other electronic
communications that provide instructions and guidance to the Players.

2. General Overview
2.1. Definition of Terms

2.1.1. Tournament: Refers to the Clash of Clans World Championship 2023, in its entirety, including all 5
stages of World Championship Qualifiers and World Championship Finals. These rules do not
apply to the community-organized Golden Ticket tournaments.

2.1.2. World Championship Qualifiers: A 6 week period of online competition, encompassing 5 stages.
The top 4 teams after the World Championship Qualifiers are completed will earn a Golden Ticket.

2.1.3. Stage: An individual competition within the World Championship Qualifiers. Teams that perform
well enough in the current stage of the Tournament will advance to the next stage.

2.1.4. Golden Ticket: A team that qualifies through World Championship Qualifiers or an officially
sanctioned Clash of Clans community-organized Golden Ticket tournament earns a Golden
Ticket. Teams that earn a Golden Ticket qualify for the Clash of Clans World Championship

2.1.5. World Championship Finals: A double elimination competition, in which the 8 teams holding a
Golden Ticket compete to determine the champion of Clash of Clans World Championship 2023.

2.1.6. War: Refers to a 5v5 Friendly War between two participating teams that is played until a winner
has been determined. Players may each only use 1 attack during a single War.

2.1.7. Preparation Period: Refers to the period of time at the start of a Friendly War where teams may
set base layouts and donate reinforcement troops. This period is set to 5 minutes throughout
each stage of this Tournament.

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2.1.8. Battle Period: Refers to the period of time after the Preparation Period ends where teams may
begin attacking enemy bases. This period varies between 30 to 45 minutes throughout each
stage of the Tournament.

2.1.9. Ladder: Teams compete in a ladder, and gain or lose points based on wins and losses. The 128
teams with the most points at the end of the ladder play period advance to the next stage of the
World Championship Qualifiers.

2.1.10. Double Elimination: Teams compete in a bracket format using two brackets, an upper bracket (for
teams without a loss) and a lower bracket (for teams with 1 loss). Teams are eliminated from the
competition after 2 losses.

2.1.11. Swiss: Teams will be paired against each other based on match record. For example, a team that
is 1-0 after round 1 has completed will be paired against another 1-0 team in round 2. Teams
advance after 3 wins, and are eliminated after 3 losses.

2.1.12. Tournament Hub: In-app competition platform where players can register and compete in the

2.2. Rules Translation

2.2.1. These Rules have been translated into several languages in order to best accommodate a diverse
group of Players. The English version of this document will be treated as the primary source of
truth in the event of a Rules dispute or inconsistency in Rules translation.

2.3. Game Version

2.3.1. All Players must install and compete using game version 14.635.4 in order to participate. Game
version 14.635.4 must be available in the player’s local region. Updates must be installed before
the Tournament starts. Throughout the year the game version will update. In the event the game version is
updated, the most up to date version of Clash of Clans will be used.

2.4. Required Town Hall Level

2.4.1. All Players must use an account with the highest Town Hall level currently available throughout all
stages of the competition. Players with an account below the highest Town Hall level may not

2.5. Rule Changes

2.5.1. The Organizer reserves the right to amend, remove, or otherwise change the rules outlined in this
ruleset without further notice.

2.5.2. The Organizer reserves the right to arbitrate in cases that are not explicitly supported or detailed
in the Rules, or in extraordinary cases, judgments that may even go against the Rules to preserve
fair play and sportsmanship.
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2.6. Confidentiality

2.6.1. All content, including disputes, support tickets, discussions, and/or any other correspondence
with Administrators, are deemed strictly confidential. The publication of such material is
prohibited without prior written consent from the Organizer. Publication of the aforementioned
material without prior written consent may result in penalties.

2.6.2. Prior to being disclosed confidential information, Players will be required to sign a non-disclosure
agreement (NDA) in which they accept the terms and conditions set forth by the Organizer.
Failure to comply with the terms of the NDA will result in fines set by the Organizer and a
year-long competitive ban.

2.7. Participation Eligibility, Requirements, and Restrictions

2.7.1. Players must be 16 years of age or older in order to participate. Any Player aged 16-17 (16-18 in
South Korea) will be required to confirm on their verification form that they have parental or
guardian consent to participate in this event. Players residing within China must be 18 years of age or older in order to participate.

2.7.2. The cut-off date for age eligibility is the first day of competition. Players who turn 16 on or after
this date are ineligible to compete in the Tournament.

2.7.3. Eligible Players will be required to complete a verification form upon qualifying for Stage 2 of
World Championship Qualifiers. Eligible Players must fill out all required portions of the
verification form to be eligible for consideration. The form will be made available on 17
September and must be completed by 20 September. All Players on the team must complete the
form. If any Player fails to complete the form, their team will not be eligible to compete in Stage
2 of World Championship Qualifiers. Players will be required to submit a picture of their passport. Their passport must
expire 28 May, 2024, or later. If a player does not have a valid passport submitted in
the form by the deadline, their team will be disqualified.

2.7.4. Proof of Identity Players who compete in the Tournament will be required to provide proof of identity.
Failure to provide proof of identity may result in disqualification from the Tournament.
The Administrators reserve the right to verify an eligible Player’s information at any
given time if deemed necessary. During the verification process, Players must submit an acceptable photo ID to
Administrators to verify their identity. The photo ID must include the Players full name
and date of birth. Accepted forms of ID include: Government Issued Identification School Issued Identification

Version 1.0
Last Updated: 7 June, 2023 Birth Certificate, along with another form of photo ID Passport

2.7.5. Players must be the sole owner of the Clash of Clans account used for participation in the
Tournament. Players are only allowed to participate in the Tournament on a single account.

2.7.6. Players must reside in a country where Clash of Clans is available to download in the local app

2.7.7. Players that have already earned a Golden Ticket in 2023 are ineligible to participate in World
Championship Qualifiers with any of their accounts. In the event that a Player earns a Golden Ticket while the World Championship
Qualifiers are in progress, the Player must discontinue their participation in World
Championship Qualifiers and contact the Tournament Organizer.

2.7.8. Supercell, Tournament Operations Staff, and its partner companies’ employees are not eligible to
register for or compete in the Tournament.

2.7.9. Players are allowed to broadcast tournament matches from Stage 1: Ladder to Stage 4: Swiss.
Players will not be allowed to broadcast their Stage 5 tournament matches.

2.7.10. During Stage 5, matches may only be broadcasted by the official Clash of Clans channels and
streaming partners approved by the Organizer.

2.8. Team Requirements and Restrictions

2.8.1. Teams competing in World Championship Qualifiers are required to register a roster of 5 players
during the registration period. Changes to team rosters will not be permitted once the registration
period has closed. To register a roster, a Clan leader chooses 5 members in their Clan. Chosen Players
must be eligible to participate as detailed in 2.7 and must not be currently
registered to another team.

2.8.2. All other team roster changes will not be permitted, except under extraordinary circumstances. All
such substitution requests must be communicated to the Lead Administrator via Discord, who
will evaluate requests on a case-by-case basis. Lead Administrators are not required to accept
roster change requests.

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3. Tournament Breakdown
3.1. Stages & Format

3.1.1. The Tournament will consist of two phases: Phase 1: World Championship Qualifiers Phase 2: World Championship Finals

3.1.2. World Championship Qualifiers World Championship Qualifiers is a 6 week competition encompassing 5 stages. The

top-placing teams at the end of each stage will advance to the next stage of World
Championship Qualifiers. The final 4 teams of the World Championship Qualifiers
earn a Golden Ticket and advance to Phase 2: World Championship Finals.

World Championship Qualifiers Overview

Stage Dates Format Teams Advancing

Stage 1 7 - 17 September Ladder Top 128 teams

Stage 2 23 September Double Elimination Top 32 Teams

Stage 3 30 September - 1 Swiss Top 16 teams


Stage 4 7-8 October Swiss Top 8 teams

Stage 5 14-15 October Double Elimination Top 4 teams

3.1.3. Stage 1: Ladder Stage 1 is a 10-day ladder competition hosted through the in-app Tournament Hub, in
which teams compete against each other and gain or lose ladder points based on
their team's wins and losses. To participate in the ladder, all 5 Players on the team must complete registration
through the in-app Tournament Hub. All players on the team must be a part of the
Clan associated with their team in order to participate in ladder matches, and the
Captain of the team must be a leader or co-leader of the Clan the team is associated
with. All teams begin with 1000 ladder points. The number of points gained or lost after
each match varies based on the point differential between both teams. The points
system is based on the Elo rating system. Teams will be placed on the ladder

Version 1.0
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leaderboard after their first match has been completed, and will gain or lose points
starting their first match. For example, if a team is ranked first on the ladder and is paired
against the lowest-ranked team, the higher team would earn only a
small amount of points for winning the match. However, if the
lowest-ranked team wins the match, their team will earn a large
amount of points. At the end of the ladder play period, the 128 highest-ranked teams on the ladder
leaderboard will advance to Stage 2 of the competition. Once the ladder play period is over, the 160 highest-ranked teams on
the ladder will be provided with a form that must be completed by
12:00 PM UTC on 20 September. We require teams ranked 129-160
to also complete the forms in the event that a team ranked 128th or
better is disqualified. If any player on the team fails to complete the
form by 12:00 PM UTC on 20 September, their team will be
disqualified from the competition, and the next eligible team will
advance to Stage 2 of the competition. All players on the team will be required to submit a picture of their
passport, with an expiration date of 28 May, 2024, or later. Final ladder placement is determined by the team's number of ladder points after all
ladder matches have been completed. In the event of a tie in points, the following tiebreakers will determine the final ladder
placement: Highest Average Star Total Highest Average Destruction Percentage Fastest Average Attack Duration Head to Head single-elimination competition Teams will be able to search for a match anytime during the ladder play period.
Teams will be able to participate in a maximum of 40 matches during the ladder play
period. Teams can search for a match through the Tournament Hub by tapping the “Find
Match” button. They will then be paired against another team that is also in
matchmaking. Teams are paired against each other prioritizing their current ladder
points, so that teams quickly find an opponent around their skill level. If any member
of your current clan is currently participating in a war, including non-tournament

Version 1.0
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participants, your clan will not be allowed to search for an opponent in the
Tournament Hub. In order to prevent free win trading, a team may not compete against
the same opposing team more than once during the ladder play
period. Free win trading or any other attempt to manipulate the ladder leaderboard is strictly
prohibited. In the event that the Organizer has determined that a team has
maliciously manipulated the ladder leaderboard, that team will be subject to penalties
up to and including disqualification from the Tournament.

3.1.4. Stage 2: Double Elimination Stage 2 of World Championship Qualifiers is a 128-team double elimination

competition hosted through the in-app Tournament Hub. Teams will be seeded into
the bracket based on their final ladder placement during the Stage 1 ladder
competition. Qualified teams will be automatically seeded into the bracket. A qualified team is
defined as a team that placed in the top 128 during the Stage 1 Ladder, completed
the player form in time, and passed the fair play check. The bracket will be played until 32 teams remain. Teams are eliminated after 2
losses. The first 3 rounds of the upper bracket and the first 4 rounds of the lower
bracket will be played. Once all rounds have been completed, the 32 teams
remaining will advance to Stage 3. 16 teams will qualify through the upper bracket,
and 16 teams will qualify through the lower bracket. Team Captains are required to complete match check-in at the start of each round by
tapping the “Check-In” button through the in-app Tournament Hub. Match check-in is
open for 5 minutes at the start of every round. If the Team Captain fails to check in
during the match check-in window, their team will be issued a loss for the match. In the event of a technical issue, the Team Captain must escalate the
issue to the Administrators through a Discord ticket immediately. At
the start of each round, the Administrators will announce the
deadline to report an issue with their match. Team Captains must
report the issue to the Administrators before the announced
deadline, or risk the match outcome becoming finalized Attacks must follow the Attack Order requirement (see Rule 3.2.3).

3.1.5. Stage 3: Swiss Stage 3 of World Championship Qualifiers is a 32-team Swiss competition hosted

through the in-app Tournament Hub. For round 1, teams from the Stage 2 Double

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Elimination upper bracket will be randomly paired against a team from the Stage 2
Double Elimination lower bracket. In order to advance to the Stage 4 Swiss event, teams must win 3 rounds before they
lose 3 rounds. Teams will play a maximum of 5 rounds during the Stage 3 Swiss
competition. Once all 5 rounds have been completed, the 16 teams with 3 wins will
qualify for the Stage 4 Swiss event. Starting in round 2, teams will automatically be paired against a team with the same
match record. For example, a team that has a 2-0 record will be paired against
another team that has a 2-0 record. Team Captains must check in during the match check-in window, following the same
rules as the Stage 2 Double Elimination event. Please reference rule for more
details. Attacks must follow the Attack Order requirement (see Rule 3.2.3).

3.1.6. Stage 4: Swiss Stage 4 of World Championship Qualifiers is a 16-team Swiss competition hosted

through the in-app Tournament Hub. For round 1, teams will be randomly paired
against each other. In order to advance to the Stage 5 Double Elimination event, teams must win 3
rounds before they lose 3 rounds. Teams will play a maximum of 5 rounds during the
Stage 4 Swiss competition. Once all 5 rounds have been completed, the 8 teams
with 3 wins will qualify for the Stage 5 Double Elimination event. Starting in round 2, teams will automatically be paired against a team with the same
match record. For example, a team that has a 2-0 record will be paired against
another team that has a 2-0 record. Team Captains must check in during the match check-in window, following the same
rules as the Stage 2 Double Elimination event. Please reference rule for more
details. Broadcast Webcam Requirements All Players are required to use a webcam and have hardware
that will enable a video feed to appear live on broadcast. Players are expected to use their own webcam. In the event that
a player does not have their own webcam, the Organizer will
assist the player in obtaining one. It is the responsibility of the Player to ensure they have a

webcam that is in working order. Tournament Administration

Version 1.0
Last Updated: 7 June, 2023
will support players in setting up their webcam during a
technical check prior to the start of the competition. Players who fail to use a webcam during this stage may be
subject to prize money deductions. Repeated infractions are
subject to escalating penalties, up to and including
disqualification from future participation in official Clash of
Clans tournaments. This feed will be recorded and incorporated into the broadcast.
By sharing their video feed during the broadcast, Players
consent to being recorded. Attacks must follow the Attack Order requirement (see Rule 3.2.3).

3.1.7. Stage 5: Double Elimination Stage 5 of World Championship Qualifiers is an 8-team Double Elimination

competition hosted through the in-app Tournament Hub. Teams will be automatically
seeded into the bracket randomly. The bracket will be played until 4 teams remain. Teams are eliminated after 2 losses.
The first 2 rounds of the upper bracket and first 2 rounds of the lower bracket will be
played. Once all rounds have been completed, the 4 teams remaining will earn a
Golden Ticket and advance to World Championship Finals! 2 teams will qualify
through the upper bracket, and 2 teams will qualify through the lower bracket. Team Captains must check in during the match check-in window, following the same
rules as the Stage 2 Double Elimination event. Please reference rule for more
details. Competitive Integrity Requirements Throughout the full duration of a War, each Player must appear
on a live video call with Administrators. Video footage from this
call will only be visible to Administrators and will be recorded
for competitive integrity purposes. Administrators facilitate video calls with each team separately.

Players and devices must remain in the camera frame at all
times during this call. Additionally, audio must remain unmuted
such that Administrators are able to hear Players. Players are
not allowed to disconnect from their video calls for the duration
of their matches for any reason. Players must only communicate with other Players on their

team (“Team Members”) and Administrators while participating
in their match. Teams may not receive any external support

Version 1.0
Last Updated: 7 June, 2023
during this time, including both online and in-person
interactions. Teams must not use any secondary device, such as a mobile
phone or tablet. Teams may only interact with the device they
are using to participate in the War during their matches. Devices
are allowed to be used as an integrity or broadcast camera but
are not allowed to be used for any other purpose during a
match. Failure to adhere to these requirements will result in a loss of

War scoring or potential disqualification. Teams must follow the Broadcast Webcam Requirements following the same rules
as the Stage 4: Swiss event. Please reference rules for more details. Attacks must follow the Attack Order requirement (see Section 3.2.3).

3.1.8. World Championship Finals World Championship Finals will consist of 8 teams total: 4 teams that advanced
through World Championship Qualifiers, and 4 teams that earned a Golden Ticket
through an officially sanctioned community-organized Golden Ticket tournament, one
of which is held in China. Qualified teams will compete in a 3-day, 8-team double elimination competition.
Teams are eliminated after 2 losses. The competition will take place on 24 - 26 November. The bracket seeding for World Championship Finals will be as follows: Seed 1-4: Golden Ticket Tournament Winners (in order by date
Golden Ticket was earned) Seed 5-6: World Championship Qualifiers Stage 5 Upper Bracket

Winners (#5 seed will go to the team with the best tiebreaker
stats in Stage 5, following rule 3.2.2.) Seed 7-8: World Championship Qualifiers Stage 5 Lower Bracket

Winners (#7 seed will go to the team with the best tiebreaker
stats in Stage 5, following rule 3.2.2.) All matches will be played through Friendly War Challenges, outside of Tournament
Hub. Each team will be provided with a level 10 Clan that is specifically for
Tournament use. Attack Order

Version 1.0
Last Updated: 7 June, 2023 The first team displayed on the bracket in a matchup (the top team if
the matchup is vertical, or the left team if the teams are matched up
horizontally) will attack second. See section to reference the
top and bottom team for each match. During the Grand Finals, the team that advanced to the Grand Finals
from the Lower Bracket will attack first. If a Grand Finals Reset
occurs, the team who advanced to the Grand Finals from the Upper
Bracket would attack second. World Championship Finals Bracket:

3.2. Match Format

3.2.1. War Settings

Stage 1: Ladder

● Preparation Period: 5 Minutes

● Battle Period: 30 Minutes
● Number of Attacks: 1
● Attacks may happen at any time during this 30-minute war.

Stage 2: Double Elimination, Stage 3: Swiss, Stage 4: Swiss & Stage 5: Double Elimination:

● Preparation Period: 5 Minutes

● Battle Period: 45 Minutes
● Attacks must follow the Attack Order requirement (see Section 3.2.3).
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○ Some matches will be officially broadcasted. For matches that are being officially
broadcasted, teams must follow the Broadcast Attack Order requirement (see
section 3.2.4).
○ Administrators will inform both teams that they must follow the Broadcast Attack
Order requirement.
● Clans must consist of only the 5 participating Players, plus additional Administrators and
official spectating accounts.

World Championship Finals:

● Preparation Period: 5 Minutes

● Battle Period: 45 Minutes
● Attacks must follow the Broadcast Attack Order requirement (see Section 3.2.4).
● Clans must consist of only the 5 participating Players, plus additional Administrators and
official spectating accounts.

3.2.2. Match Scoring and Tiebreakers

After each War has been completed, the winning team is determined by the following criteria (in
1. Highest Star Total
2. Highest Destruction Percentage
3. Fastest Average Attack Duration

Tiebreaker Round: If teams are still tied after considering the above criteria, teams will compete
in a Best-of-1 Friendly Challenge. Each team will elect a single Player to participate using 1 attack
per player. The above criteria are applied to the results of this Friendly Challenge. This process
repeats until a clear winner can be determined.
● In the event of a tie, both teams must coordinate with each other to facilitate the
Best-of-1 Friendly Challenge. Once the Best-of-1 Friendly Challenge has been completed,
teams must submit a ticket confirming the match outcome. The administrators will then
confirm the result and report the outcome of the match.
○ During the Best-of-1 Friendly Challenge, the same base layout that was used in
the War that was tied must be used again.

3.2.3. Attack Order

The Attack Order designates the time at which each Player must initiate their attack during a War.

War Time Remaining refers to the in-game timer at the top of the War screen that starts counting
down once the Battle Period begins.

Home Team refers to the team that has the better seed in the stage the match is being played in.

Away Team refers to the team with the worse seed.

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If a War occurs outside of the Tournament Hub, Tournament Administrators will designate which
team is the Home Team and which team is the Away Team.

Teams do not need to declare the order of their Attackers.

Attack Order Timetable

Attack # War Time Remaining Team - Attacker

1 37 minutes 0 seconds Away Team - Player 1

2 33 minutes 0 seconds Home Team - Player 1

3 29 minutes 0 seconds Away Team - Player 2

4 25 minutes 0 seconds Home Team - Player 2

5 21 minutes 0 seconds Away Team - Player 3

6 17 minutes 0 seconds Home Team - Player 3

7 13 minutes 0 seconds Away Team - Player 4

8 09 minutes 0 seconds Home Team - Player 4

9 05 minutes 0 seconds Away Team - Player 5

10 01 minute 0 seconds Home Team - Player 5

Players must start their attacks within 15 seconds before or after the listed time remaining above,
regardless of the status of their opponent’s attacks. Players may screenshot and report teams
that fail to adhere to these timings. Pending the frequency and severity of violations, the
Organizer may issue warnings, losses, or disqualification to offending teams.

Example: The 5th Player on the Away Team must commence their attack with 5 minutes remaining.
This means they may commence their attack, at the earliest, with 5 minutes and 15 seconds
remaining or, at the latest, with 4 minutes and 45 seconds remaining.

3.2.4. Broadcast Attack Order Stage 2: Double Elimination, Stage 3: Swiss, Stage 4: Swiss & Stage 5: Double
Elimination, and World Championship Finals, the Attack Order is adjusted slightly to
accommodate matches that are being officially broadcasted. Teams must declare the order of their Attackers to the Administrator. This order must
be submitted to the Administrators before the War Time Remaining reaches 40
minutes 0 seconds. Teams that fail to submit their Attack Order on time or fail to
adhere to their submitted order will be penalized.

Version 1.0
Last Updated: 7 June, 2023 Instead of using the Attack Order Timetable, Players will be directed to start each
attack by the Administrators through the Clan chat.

3.2.5. Clan Member Restrictions Stage 2: Double Elimination, Stage 3: Swiss, Stage 4: Swiss, Stage 5: Double
Elimination, and World Championship Finals, Clans must consist of only the 5
officially registered team members. Participating Clans must be emptied down to the
5 officially registered team members before the first match of the day begins.
During World Championship Qualifiers, Players must be a part of the Clan their team
is associated with. Administrators may request to join Clans at any point throughout the Tournament in
order to resolve issues and help facilitate matches. Additionally, official spectating
accounts must be allowed to join Clans in order to provide live coverage of each War. Excluding Administrators and official spectating accounts, teams found to have more
than the 5 officially registered team members present in their Clan may be subject to
disqualification. When teams are not actively playing matches during World Championship Qualifiers
and World Championship Finals, Players may leave their clan. During Stage 1: Ladder, all Players must rejoin the Clan before finding
a match. During Stages 2-5, Players must rejoin the Clan one hour before
match Check-in begins. During World Championship Finals, Players must request to join the
Clan two hours before the first match of the day.

3.2.6. Game Preparations

Stable hardware and an internet connection are required for participation during the Tournament.
Players are expected to ensure their devices and connections are sufficient before the
competition begins. Hardware or connection problems during a match may result in

3.2.7. Failure to Appear / No Show

During the World Championship Qualifiers, teams have up to 5 minutes to join an online match
once they have been notified that their match is ready by the Tournament Hub. Showing up after
the 5-minute allowance may result in disqualification.

During World Championship Finals, Administrators will enforce a stricter time limit to ensure a
timely broadcast. This will be communicated to Players via the official Discord server.

Version 1.0
Last Updated: 7 June, 2023
3.3. Match Processes

3.3.1. World Championship Qualifiers Process and Expectations: Registration:
Participating Players must be the highest Town Hall level. They must be chosen to be
on the team by the Clan Leader and they must fully complete registration through the
in-app Tournament Hub. Failure to fully complete registration will render the Player
and the team ineligible to participate. Participation:
For teams to be eligible to participate, all Team Members must have completed
registration, and their team roster must be locked in by the Team Captain. Teams
must also follow the check-in procedures for each stage of the competition, which
are detailed in sections of the Rules.

During Stages 2, 3, 4 & 5, Clans must also lower the requirements to join their Clan for
official spectators to be able to request access to the Clan. The clan requirements
must be:
● Town Hall Level 1
● 0 Trophies
● 0 Builder Base Trophies Issues and Disputes:

Any team that encounters an issue or has a dispute during their match is required to
escalate the issue to the Tournament Administration during the current match or
after the match has concluded but before the issue report deadline, which will be
announced at the start of each round of the competition. Team Captains must report
the issue to the Administrators before the announced deadline or risk the match
outcome becoming finalized. Active War:

Teams must not be a part of an active Clan War or Friendly War that overlaps with the
start time of any match in the Tournament. In the event that a Team is unable to
participate due to taking part in an active Clan War or Friendly War, they will receive a
loss for the Tournament match. Players cannot be in two Wars at the same time. Friendly War Base & Friendly War Army:

All Tournament matches are played in a Friendly War. As such, you must choose your
Friendly War Layout & Army. This can be done during the Preparation Period. To
change your Friendly War Layout, go to your War Map, and select the hand icon on the
bottom right. Featured Matches:

During Stages 2, 3, 4, & 5 of World Championship Qualifiers, certain matches will be

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declared to be featured matches. Once a match has been declared a featured match,
neither team may start the War until an Administrator has instructed the teams to do
so. If a match is determined to be a featured match, the match will be announced on
the official Tournament Discord server, and both teams contacted through Discord. If
a match is declared to be a featured match, it is mandatory for both teams to
cooperate with Administrators to broadcast the match. The match will follow the
broadcast rules outlined in section 3.2.4

4. Tournament Schedule
The Organizer reserves the right to amend, remove, or otherwise change the schedule in this ruleset
without notice.

Please note that the following start times use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Depending on each
Player's time zone, events may occur on a different date when compared to the listed UTC Start Times.

4.1. Stage 1: Ladder

The ladder play period will last 10 days. Teams may play ladder matches at any time during the 10-day

Registration will open 7 days prior to the beginning of the ladder play period. New teams may register
during the pre-event registration period or during the ladder play period.

Event Dates (UTC) Start Time (UTC)

Registration Opens 31 August 14:00

Registration Closes 7 September 14:00

Ladder Play Opens 7 September 16:00

Ladder Play Closes 17 September 16:00

Top 160 Teams receive 17 September 16:00

Player Forms

Player Forms Due 20 September 12:00

4.2. Stage 2: Double Elimination

Event Dates (UTC) Start Time (UTC)

Round 1 Match 23 September 14:00

Check-In Begins

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4.3. Stage 3: Swiss

Event Dates (UTC) Start Time (UTC)

Round 1 Match 30 September - 1 October 14:00

Check-In Begins

4.4. Stage 4: Swiss

Event Dates (UTC) Start Time (UTC)

Round 1 Match 7-8 October 14:00

Check-In Begins

4.5. Stage 5: Double Elimination

Event Dates (UTC) Start Time (UTC)

Round 1 Match 14-15 October 14:00

Check-In Begins

4.6. World Championship Finals

Players will be provided with a detailed schedule before the event begins. Players will be required to be at
the venue 2 hours prior to the start of the first match.

Event Dates (UTC) Start Time (UTC)

World Championship 24 - 26 November TBC


5. Prizing
5.1. Clash of Clans World Championship 2023

Teams participating in the Clash of Clans World Championship 2023 will receive prize money based on
their final placement.

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Stage Rank Prize Award

1 $300,000

2 $150,000

3 $100,000
World Championship Finals
4 $80,000

5-6 $60,000

7-8 $40,000

9-10 $30,000
Stage 5: Double Elimination
11-12 $20,000

13-15 $12,500

Stage 4: Swiss 16-18 $7,500

19-20 $5,000

5.2. Prize Money

5.2.1. If a team qualifies for prizing, team captains will be contacted to begin prize payment processing.
Teams must submit payment information within 7 days of completion of the competition.

5.2.2. If payment information is incomplete or incorrect, the payment schedule will be delayed until
corrected information is submitted.

5.2.3. Players are responsible for any and all costs and expenses associated with their prize that are not
specifically set forth herein. National, state, and local taxes, including possible VAT taxes, which
are associated with the receipt or use of any prizes are the sole responsibility of the Player.

5.2.4. Players will not be allowed to claim cash prizing or cash-value prizing if the Player resides in a
country currently subject to financial sanctions by the United States of America or the European
Union that prohibit financial transactions or payments to their country of residence.

5.2.5. All prizes are listed in USD and are subject to currency exchange rates.

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6. Communications & Support
6.1. Communication Platform

6.1.1. Discord will be the primary platform to contact the Organizer Team for immediate responses
regarding urgent Tournament issues/questions.

6.1.2. The Tournament Discord server will only be available for registered and eligible participants.
Players will join the Tournament Discord server as part of the registration process.

6.2. Support

6.2.1. The Tournament Discord server will provide additional Tournament resources for participants.
Admins will be available to answer Player questions and assist with tournament-related requests.

6.2.2. For issues and questions not requiring immediate assistance, players may email
[email protected].

7. Player & Team Branding, Sponsors

The Organizer reserves the right to forbid the use of unwanted names and/or symbols in the Tournament. Any
legally protected words or symbols are generally forbidden unless the owner gives permission to use them.

7.1. Team Branding

Players and teams are expected to be consistent in the use of their Player nicknames and team names
throughout the competition.

7.1.1. Teams will be allowed a total of 1 rebranding opportunity during the Tournament. The Organizer
must be informed of the rebranding no later than 5 November, 2023.

7.1.2. If an unsponsored team is picked up by an organization and rebrands under the organization’s
name, it will count as a rebrand.

7.1.3. If a team is picked up by an organization but is then released, the team must default to their
original free agent name. This will not count as a rebrand.

7.2. Sponsorship Restrictions

Players and teams will not be allowed to promote personal or team branding, sponsors, or logos that
would conflict with the principles of the Tournament. These categories include but are not limited to:

7.2.1. Alcohol
7.2.2. Non-over-the-counter drugs
7.2.3. Gambling websites
7.2.4. Cryptocurrency, crypto markets, or any products or services related to cryptocurrencies
7.2.5. Tobacco products
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7.2.6. Firearms
7.2.7. Pornography
7.2.8. Products of direct competitors
7.2.9. Other game companies, publishers, and/or platforms

8. World Championship Finals Event Rules & Expectations

8.1. Travel & Expenses

8.1.1. Players, at their own cost, must obtain all required passports, visas, and other travel
documentation required to travel to the Worlds Finals destination. Failure to secure the necessary
documentation required will result in disqualification from the Tournament. In the event a Player
is denied entry, their team must contact the Organizer immediately. Players that require a visa to travel must obtain a visa by 31 October. If a player who
requires a visa to travel has not obtained a valid Visa by 31 October, they will be
disqualified from the competition.

8.1.2. The Organizer will provide travel, accommodation, and meal coverage for all players that qualify
for World Championship Finals.

8.1.3. Players that are 18 years of age or under will be required to travel with an adult, such as a parent
or guardian. In the event that an adult is required to accompany a player, the Organizer will also
provide travel and accommodation for the adult.

8.1.4. Players are responsible for any and all other expenses associated with their participation in the
World Championship Finals.

8.2. Player Brief & Pre-Event Activities

8.2.1. Prior to the start of World Championship Finals, players will be provided with a document
containing important information regarding World Championship Finals. This document is
considered an extension of the Clash of Clans World Championship 2023 Ruleset.

8.2.2. In the days leading up to World Championship Finals, players will be required to attend scheduled
event rehearsal and media sessions. Players must actively participate in these sessions and
comply with all requests and instructions by the Organizer.

8.3. Equipment

8.3.1. The Organizer will provide mobile devices, headphones, and any other necessary equipment for
use during the World Championship Finals. Players are required to use the Organizer-provided
equipment unless otherwise approved by the Organizer.

8.3.2. Players are responsible for checking and confirming that their Organizer-provided equipment is
functioning properly. Prior to the start of each match, Players will have the opportunity to notify
Administrators of any equipment issues. In the event that a Player fails to notify Administrators of
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an equipment malfunction that is reasonably expected to be noticed prior to the start of the
match, and such a malfunction occurs during the match, Administrators may refuse to modify or
nullify match results despite the equipment malfunction.

8.3.3. In the event of an equipment malfunction mid-match, Players are expected to continue playing
their match and raise the issue to a Tournament Administrator at their earliest convenience. Any
attempt to stop play, such as leaving the play area, is prohibited.

8.3.4. Players may not tamper with any Organizer-provided equipment. Players may not use the
equipment for their own personal use, such as browsing the internet or social media.

8.4. Apparel

8.4.1. Players must wear closed-toe shoes and long trousers. Throughout the Tournament, all clothing
is subject to approval by the Organizer.

8.4.2. Players may not display sponsorships, advertisements, or branding associated with any restricted
sponsorship categories, as outlined in section 7.2.

8.5. Behavior

8.5.1. Players must adhere to professional standards and represent themselves, their team or
organization, and the Organizer in a positive light at all times, both on and off broadcast, as well
as in-game.

8.5.2. Players may not state any messages of a political nature. Players who state any message of a
political nature will be subject to disqualification and forfeiture of prize money. If a player is
uncertain if their message breaks this rule, they must contact the Organizer for approval. Political
messages include but are not limited to: Verbal communication Carrying or wearing political items

8.5.3. Unless otherwise approved by the Organizer, players may not bring food inside the tournament
area, including on-stage and player practice areas.

8.5.4. Players may bring unbranded beverages on stage. These beverages must be kept under the table
and out of view of the broadcast at all times.

8.5.5. Smoking or vaping inside the venue is strictly prohibited.

8.5.6. Any content captured, such as photos, video, or audio that is recorded in the tournament area,
including back-stage and the player practice areas, may not be shared publicly without approval
by the Organizer.

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9. Content, Media, and Tournament Obligations
All Players who have qualified to participate in the World Championship Finals will be required to accommodate
and participate in any and all media and tournament preparation activities if requested. This includes but is not
limited to:

● Pre-match Interviews
● Post-match Interviews
● Press Conferences
● Photoshoots
● Behind the scenes access, such as scrimmages
● Other Video Recordings
● Technical Rehearsals
● Dress Rehearsals

10. Code of Conduct

All participants are subject to the Safe and Fair Play Policy conditions set forth by the Tournament owner
Supercell, found here.

10.1. Competitive Integrity

Teams are expected to play at their best at all times throughout the Tournament and to avoid any
behavior inconsistent with the principles of good sportsmanship, honesty, and fair play. The Organizer
reserves the right to check a Player’s account anytime throughout the Tournament.

10.2. Player Behavior Investigation

If the Organizer determines that a Team or Player has violated the Clash of Clans Terms of Use, rules of
Clash of Clans, rules of Supercell, or has displayed other unacceptable behavior as deemed by the
Administration, the Organizer may assign penalties at their sole discretion. If the Organizer contacts a
Player to discuss the investigation, the Player is obligated to tell the truth. If a Player withholds
information or misleads the Organizer, obstructing the investigation, the Team and/or Player will be
subject to punishment.

10.3. Unfair Play

The following behaviors are considered unfair play and will be subject to penalties, including
disqualification. Final decisions will be made at the sole discretion of the Organizer.

10.3.1. Collusion

Collusion is defined as an agreement between Players or Teams to intentionally alter the

results of a match. Teams who participate in these discussions will be subject to review. Any
Team found breaking this rule will be subject to disqualification from the Tournament and

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forfeiture of all prize money earned. Collusion includes, but is not limited to, the following
examples: Deliberately losing a match for compensation, or for any other reason, or attempting
to induce another player to do so. Pre-arranging to split prize money and/or any other form of compensation. Soft play, which is defined as an agreement between Players or Teams to not
damage, impede, or otherwise play to a reasonable standard of competition.

10.3.2. Cheating DDoSing

Limiting, or attempting to limit, another participant’s connection to the game

through a Distributed Denial of Service attack or any other means. Software or Hardware

Using any software or hardware to gain advantages that are otherwise not
available in-game. Examples include, but are not limited to: any 3rd party
software (unapproved apps that manipulate gameplay), playing on private
servers, scripted attacks. For more information, see Supercell's Safe and Fair
Play and Terms of Service.

10.3.3. Hacking

Hacking is defined as any modification of the Clash of Clans game client by any Player, team
or person acting on behalf of a Player or team.

10.3.4. Bug Exploitation

Intentionally using any in-game bug, whether known or newly discovered, to seek an
advantage is strictly prohibited.

10.3.5. Intentional Disconnection

Intentionally disconnecting from the game resulting in an advantage without an authorized

and explicitly stated reason.

10.3.6. Ringing

Playing under another Player’s account or soliciting, inducing, encouraging, or directing

someone else to play under another Player’s account.

10.3.7. Unprofessional Behavior Harassment

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Harassment is defined as a systematic, hostile, and/or repeated act. If a
Tournament participant is caught harassing another Player(s) or Tournament
Organizer(s), they will be issued a warning to cease their offending behavior.
Multiple infringements will result in further penalties. Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to: unwelcome sexual advances,
requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual
nature. Cases will be assessed based on whether a reasonable person would
consider the conduct to be undesirable or offensive. Threats of a sexual nature
and quid pro quo harassment are strictly prohibited. Discrimination

Players may not offend the dignity or integrity of a country, private person or
group of people through contemptuous, discriminatory or denigrating words or
actions on account of race, skin color, ethnic, national or social origin, gender,
language, religion, political opinion or any other opinion, financial status, birth or
any other status, sexual orientation or any other reason. Players may not claim to represent Supercell or their affiliated games, explicitly or
implicitly, in any type of public statement.

10.3.8. Statements regarding Clash of Clans World Championship, Supercell, and Clash of Clans: Players
may not give, make, issue, authorize or endorse any statement or action having, or designed to
have, an effect prejudicial or detrimental to the best interest of the tournament, Supercell or its
affiliates, or Clash of Clans, as determined in the sole and absolute discretion of the

10.3.9. Criminal Activity

Players may not engage in any activity prohibited by common law, statute, or treaty and which
leads to or may be reasonably deemed likely to lead to conviction in any court of competent

10.3.10. Moral Turpitude

Players may not engage in any activity which is deemed by the Organizer to be immoral,
disgraceful, or contrary to conventional standards of proper ethical behavior.

10.3.11. Confidentiality

Players may not disclose any confidential information provided by the Administration Team or
any affiliate of Supercell by any method of communication, including all social media

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10.3.12. Bribery

No Player may offer any gift or reward to a player, coach, manager, Administrator, or person
connected with or employed by another Tournament team for services promised, rendered, or
to be rendered in defeating or attempting to defeat a competing team.

10.3.13. Gifts

No Player may accept any gift, reward or compensation for services promised, rendered, or to
be rendered in connection with competitive play of the game, including services related to
defeating or attempting to defeat a competing team or services designed to throw or fix a
match or game. The sole exception to this rule shall be in the case of performance-based
compensation paid to a Player by a team's official sponsor or owner.

10.3.14. Non-Compliance

No Player may refuse or fail to follow the instructions or decisions of the Administration
Team within reason.

10.3.15. Match-Fixing

No Player may offer, agree, conspire, or attempt to influence the outcome of a game or match
by any means that are prohibited by law or these Rules.

10.3.16. Documents

Documents or other reasonable items may be required at various times throughout the
Tournament as requested by the Organizer. If the documentation is not completed to the
standards set by the Organizer, then the team may be subject to penalty. Penalties may be
imposed if the items requested are not completed and received by the required time.

10.3.17. Association with Gambling

No Player or Administrator may take part, directly or indirectly, in betting or gambling on any
results of the Tournament.

11. Penalties
Any person found to have engaged in or attempted to engage in any act that the Organizer in its sole and
absolute discretion, constitutes unfair play, will be subject to penalty. Upon discovery of a Team Member
committing any violation of the Rules, the Organizer may, without limitation of its authority, issue the following

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11.1. Warning
11.2. Forfeiture of War
11.3. Forfeiture of prize money
11.4. Disqualification
11.5. Suspension or ban from competitive play

Repeated infractions are subject to escalating penalties, up to, and including, disqualification from future
participation in Clash of Clans competitions. It should be noted that penalties may not always be imposed in a
successive manner. The Organizer, in its sole discretion, for example, can disqualify a Player for a first offense if
the action of said Player is deemed egregious enough to be worthy of disqualification by the Administration

12. Terms of Use

All participants are subject to the Terms of Use conditions set forth by the Tournament owner Supercell, found

13. Finality of Decisions

Finality of all decisions regarding the interpretation of these Rules, Player and Team eligibility, scheduling and
staging for the tournament and related events, and penalties for misconduct, lie solely with Supercell and the
Organizer, the decisions of which are final. Supercell and the Tournament Organizer’s decisions relating to these
Rules and/or the Tournament cannot be appealed and shall not give rise to any claim for monetary damages or
other legal or equitable remedies. These Rules may be amended, modified, or supplemented by Supercell and the
Tournament Organizer, from time to time, in order to, among other things, ensure fair play and the integrity of the

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