Ala Mardawi

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An-Najah National University

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Power System Harmonics Analysis Using

Frequency-Domain Impedance Model of
Network and Methods of Disposal


Ala'a Mardawi


Dr. Maher Khammash

This Thesis is Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Master of Electrical Power Engineering, Faculty of
Graduate Studies, An-Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine.


Dedicated to my family the most valuable thing I obtained in life


I would like to thank Almighty God for making this work a reality and

bringing me to this level of success.

I acknowledge with gratitude the following people for their valuable
contributions towards this study:

First and foremost, I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Maher

Khammash. This research and dissertation would not have been possible
without his guidance and great supervision. I will always be proud to say I

had the privilege of being his student, and I hope to have learned enough to
succeed in my future career.
Dr. Moien Omar, for supporting me in so many different ways

whenever I was in need.

My parents deserve special mention for their inseparable support and
prayers. I am deeply and forever indebted for their love, encouragement,

and understanding throughout my entire life. I am also grateful to my wife,

brothers, and sisters.

‫أﻧﺎ اﻟﻤﻮﻗﻊ أدﻧﺎه ﻣﻘﺪم اﻟﺮﺳﺎﻟﺔ اﻟﺘﻲ ﺗﺤﻤﻞ اﻟﻌﻨﻮان‬

Power System Harmonics Analysis Using Frequency-

Domain Impedance Model of Network and Methods of
,‫ ﺑﺎﺳﺘﺜﻨﺎء ﻣﺎ ﺗﻤﺖ اﻹﺷﺎرة إﻟﯿﮫ ﺣﯿﺜﻤﺎ ورد‬,‫أﻗﺮ ﺑﺄن ﻣﺎ ﺷﻤﻠﺖ ﻋﻠﯿﮫ اﻟﺮﺳﺎﻟﺔ ھﻮ ﻧﺘﺎج ﺟﮭﺪي اﻟﺨﺎص‬
‫وأن ھﺬه اﻟﺮﺳﺎﻟﺔ ﻛﻜﻞ أو أي ﺟﺰء ﻣﻨﮭﺎ ﻟﻢ ﯾﻘﺪم ﻣﻦ ﻗﺒﻞ ﻟﻨﯿﻞ أي درﺟﺔ أو ﻟﻘﺐ ﻋﻠﻤﻲ أو ﺑﺤﺜﻲ ﻟﺪى‬

‫أي ﻣﺆﺳﺴﺔ ﻋﻠﻤﯿﺔ أو ﺑﺤﺜﯿﺔ‬


The work provided in this thesis, unless otherwise referenced, is the

researcher's own work, and has not been submitted elsewhere for any other
degrees or qualifications.

Student's Name: ‫ ﻋﻼء ﻣﺮداوي‬:‫اﺳﻢ اﻟﻄﺎﻟﺐ‬

Signature :‫اﻟﺘﻮﻗﯿﻊ‬

Date 23/5/2018 :‫اﻟﺘﺎرﯾﺦ‬


Table of Contents
Dedication ................................................................................................... III
Acknowledgment ........................................................................................IV
Declaration ................................................................................................... V
Table of Contents ........................................................................................VI
List of Tables...............................................................................................IX
List of Figure............................................................................................. XII
Abstract ..................................................................................................... XV
Literature Review:...................................................................................... 1
Chapter One................................................................................................... 4
Fundamentals of power system harmonics ................................................... 4
1.1 Introduction.......................................................................................... 4
1.2 Nonlinear loads .................................................................................... 5
1.3 Distorted waveforms ............................................................................ 6
1.5 Harmonics phase sequence ................................................................ 11
1.6 Electric quantities under non-sinusoidal ( harmonics) conditions.... 14
1.6.1 The R.M.S value .......................................................................... 14
1.6.3 Overall power factor .................................................................... 16
1.7 Measurement of harmonics distortion ............................................... 18
1.7.1 Total harmonics distortion THD.................................................. 18
1.7.2 Individual harmonics distortion (IHD) ........................................ 19
1.7.3 Total demand distortion (TDD) ................................................... 20
1.7.4 K-factor ........................................................................................ 21
1.8 Skin effects and proximity effect....................................................... 22
1.9 Point of common coupling (PCC) ..................................................... 24
Chapter Two................................................................................................ 25
Effects of harmonics ................................................................................... 25
2.1 Effect of harmonics on network components .................................... 25
2.1.1 Cables........................................................................................... 25
2.1.2 Transformer.................................................................................. 27
2.1.3 Induction motor............................................................................ 30
2.1.4 Capacitors .................................................................................... 31
2.2 Resonance .......................................................................................... 32
2.2.1 Parallel resonance ........................................................................ 32
2.2.2 Series resonance........................................................................... 34
2.3 Power factor ....................................................................................... 35
2.4 Other effects of harmonics................................................................. 37
Chapter Three.............................................................................................. 39
Sources of harmonics .................................................................................. 39
3.1 Power converters................................................................................ 39
3.2 Electric arc furnaces........................................................................... 43
3.3 Fluorescent lamp lighting .................................................................. 44
3.4 Transformer........................................................................................ 46
3.5 Household appliances ........................................................................ 48
Chapter Four................................................................................................ 50
Harmonics standards ................................................................................... 50
Chapter Five ................................................................................................ 56
Network components modeling for harmonics analysis............................. 56
5.1 Introduction........................................................................................ 56
5.2 Overhead transmission lines and cables ............................................ 56
5.4 Rotating machines.............................................................................. 64
5.5 Loads .................................................................................................. 66
5.6 Capacitors........................................................................................... 68
5.7 Reactors.............................................................................................. 69
5.8 Connection point ................................................................................ 69
Chapter Six.................................................................................................. 70
Harmonics study of balanced distribution networks in frequency domain70
6.1 Introduction........................................................................................ 70
6.2 Electric grid overview........................................................................ 71
6.3 Harmonics modeling of system component....................................... 73
6.4 Harmonics modeling of nonlinear load (harmonics source).............. 83
6.5 Calculation of harmonics distortion................................................... 85
6.6 Software simulation of harmonics analysis ....................................... 92
6.7 Comparison between the results ...................................................... 100
6.8 Calculation of efficiency.................................................................. 103
Chapter Seven ........................................................................................... 112
Harmonics Mitigation Techniques............................................................ 112
7.1 Introduction...................................................................................... 112
7.2 Phase shift transformer .................................................................... 112
7.2.1 Results and simulation ............................................................... 115
7.3 Passive filter..................................................................................... 121
7.3.1 Passive filter design procedure .................................................. 124
7.3.2 Results and simulation ............................................................... 127
7.4 In-line reactor placement ................................................................. 132
7.5 Detuning........................................................................................... 133
7.6 Basic solutions in distribution system ............................................. 136
Chapter Eight............................................................................................. 137
Conclusions and future work .................................................................... 137
8.1 Conclusions...................................................................................... 137
8.2 Future work ...................................................................................... 138
APPENDICES........................................................................................... 142
‫ اﻟﻤﻠﺨﺺ‬........................................................................................................... ‫ب‬

List of Tables
Table 1.1: Phase sequence of harmonics in a balanced three phase system
............................................................................................... 13
Table 1.2: Commercial category k-type transformer.................................. 22
Table 3.1: Firing pattern of the 6-pulse converter ...................................... 40
Table 3.2: Input current value of a 6-pulse converter................................. 41
Table 3.3: Theoretical and typical values of a 6-pulse converter ............... 42
Table 3.4: The harmonics content of the current of the arc furnace........... 44
Table 3.5: The harmonics content of the current of the florescent lamp with
electronic ballast ................................................................... 46
Table 3.6: Typical harmonics spectrum magnitude of the transformer
magnetizing current .............................................................. 48
Table 4.1: Current distortion values for general distribution networks (120V-
69kV) .................................................................................... 50
Table 4.2: Current distortion values for general distribution networks (69kV-
161kV) .................................................................................. 50
Table 4.3: Current distortion values for general distribution networks ( >
161ܸ݇).................................................................................. 51
Table 4.4: Voltage distortion value for general distribution networks ....... 52
Table 4.5: Maximum permissible harmonics current for devices .............. 53
Table 4.6: Weighting factors for the famous loads..................................... 55
Table 5.1: Resistance values of cables according to cross-sectional area and
type........................................................................................ 57
Table 5.2: Reactance values of cables according to cross-sectional area... 58
Table 5.3: Multiplication factor for transformer’s resistance adjustment with
frequency change .................................................................. 63
Table 6.1: The per unit values of bus regions............................................. 74
Table 6.2: Bus voltages percentage values ................................................. 75
Table 6.3: Per unit harmonics impedance values of the grid for each
harmonic order...................................................................... 77
Table 6.4: Per unit harmonics impedance values of T1 for each harmonics
order ...................................................................................... 78
Table 6.5: Per unit harmonics impedance values of T2 for each harmonics
order ...................................................................................... 79
Table 6.6: Per unit harmonics impedance values of load for each harmonics
order ...................................................................................... 80
Table 6.7: Per unit harmonics impedance values of C1 for each harmonics
order ...................................................................................... 81
Table 6.8: Per unit harmonics impedance values of C2 for each harmonics
order ...................................................................................... 82
Table 6.9: Per unit harmonics impedance values of IM for each harmonics
order ...................................................................................... 83
Table 6.10: 6-pulse converter current as a percentage value of fundamental
current for each harmonics order.......................................... 84
Table 6.11: Per unit value of the 6-pulse converter current for each
harmonics order .................................................................... 85
Table 6.12: Total harmonics distortion value of the buses ......................... 93
Table 6.13: Voltage values of the buses for 5‫ݐ‬ℎ harmonics order ............ 94
Table 6.14: Voltage values of the buses for 7‫ݐ‬ℎ harmonics order ............ 95
Table 6.15: Voltage values of the buses for 11‫ݐ‬ℎ harmonics order .......... 96
Table 6.16: Voltage values of the buses for 13‫ݐ‬ℎ harmonics order .......... 97
Table 6.17: Total harmonics distortion results comparison..................... 101
Table 6.18: Voltage values results comparison ....................................... 102
Table 6.19: Per unit values of current which flows from bus(1) to bus(2)
............................................................................................. 105
Table 6.20: Per unit values of current which flows from bus(2) to bus(3)
............................................................................................. 105
Table 6.21: Per unit values of current which flows in the passive load .. 105
Table 6.22: Real power values of load flow at the selected points.......... 106
Table 6.23: Real power values for different harmonics at the selected points
............................................................................................. 107
Table 6.24: Efficiency values results comparison ................................... 111
Table 7.1: The phase shift required to eliminate different harmonics orders
............................................................................................. 114
Table 7.2: Comparison of the voltage distortion values ........................... 119
Table 7.3: Current value of the passive filter associated to each harmonics
order .................................................................................... 126

List of Figure
Fig 1.1: Distorted current wave..................................................................... 7
Fig 1.2: Fourier series representation of a complex wave ........................... 8
Fig 1.3: Construction of a wave from the fundamental and second
harmonics ........................................................................................ 9
Fig 1.4: The effect of harmonics on the shape of the fundamental wave... 10
Fig 1.5: Decreasing of power factor with increasing current distortion ..... 17
Fig 1.6: Amplitude harmonics spectrum..................................................... 20
Fig 1.7: Rac/Rdc as a function of frequency curve..................................... 23
Fig 1.8: Point of common coupling illustration .......................................... 24
Fig 2.1: Parallel resonance .......................................................................... 33
Fig 2.2: Series resonance............................................................................. 35
Fig 2.3: Power factor components in system with linear load.................... 35
Fig 2.4: Power factor components in system with nonlinear load ............. 36
Fig 3.2: Input current shape of a 6-pulse converter .................................... 41
Fig 3.3: Melting current in one-phase supply of an arc furnace ................. 43
Fig 3.4: Current waveform shape of the fluorescent lamp with magnetic
ballast ............................................................................................ 45
Fig 3.5: Current waveform shape of the fluorescent lamp with electronic
ballast ........................................................................................... 45
Fig 3.6: Principal of harmonics generating in the transformer ................... 47
Fig 3.7: Typical TV current waveform ...................................................... 48
Fig 5.1: A plot relates Ac resistance of lines with frequency ..................... 59
Fig 5.2: Transformer model (A) for harmonics analysis ............................ 61
Fig 5.3: Transformer model (B) for harmonics analysis ............................ 62
Fig 5.4: Increase in transformer resistance with frequency ........................ 62
Fig 5.5: X/R value with the capacity of transformer curve......................... 64
Fig 5.6: X/R value with the capacity of machine curve ............................. 66
Fig 5.7: Load model (A) for harmonics analysis ........................................ 67
Fig 5.8: Load model (B) for harmonics analysis ........................................ 67
Fig 5.9: Load model (C) for harmonics analysis ........................................ 68
Fig 6.1: Schematic diagram of the distribution network ............................ 72
Fig 6.2: Load flow study results obtained by ETAP 12.6........................... 75
Fig 6.3: The harmonics per unit impedance diagram of the whole network
....................................................................................................... 83
Fig 6.4: Output report of harmonics load flow analysis ............................. 93
Fig 6.5: Bus voltages of 5‫ݐ‬ℎ harmonics order ........................................... 94
Fig 6.6: Bus voltages of 7‫ݐ‬ℎ harmonics order ........................................... 95
Fig 6.7: Bus voltages of 11‫ݐ‬ℎ harmonics order......................................... 96
Fig 6.8: Bus voltages of 13‫ݐ‬ℎ harmonics order......................................... 97
Fig 6.11: Voltage wave and spectrum of bus#3.......................................... 99
Fig 6.12: Total voltage value of buses ...................................................... 100
Fig 6.13: Total harmonics distortion of voltage comparison.................... 101
Fig 6.14: Voltage of bus (1) comparison for each harmonics order ......... 102
Fig 6.15: Voltage of bus(2) comparison for each harmonics order .......... 103
Fig 6.16: Voltage of bus(3) comparison for each harmonics order .......... 103
Fig 6.17: Selected points for power flow study ........................................ 104
Fig 6.18: Fundamental power flow result in load flow study................... 106
Fig 6.19: Current flow direction of linear and non-linear load................. 107
Fig 7.1: A schematic of harmonics mitigation by the phase shift
transformer .................................................................................. 113
Fig 7.2: Schematic diagram of the modified network with two nonlinear
loads ............................................................................................ 115
Fig 7.3: Output report of no phase shift case ............................................ 116
Fig 7.4: Voltage shape of bus#2 for the first case..................................... 116
Fig 7.5: Harmonics spectrum of bus#2 for the first case .......................... 117
Fig 7.6: Output report for the second case ................................................ 117
Fig 7.7: Voltage shape of bus#2 for the second case................................ 118
Fig 7.8: Harmonics spectrum of bus#2 for the second case ..................... 118
Fig 7.9: Current shape of the two nonlinear load..................................... 120
Fig 7.10: Current harmonics spectrum of the two nonlinear load ............ 120
Fig 7.11: Current shape of the resultant of the two nonlinear loads......... 120
Fig 7.12: Current harmonics spectrum of the resultant of the two nonlinear
loads ............................................................................................ 121
Fig 7.13: The operation mechanism of the passive filter.......................... 122
Fig 7.14: Output report of the original network........................................ 127
Fig 7.15: Voltage shape of bus#2 of the original network........................ 128
Fig 7.16: Harmonics spectrum of bus#2 of the original network ............. 128
Fig 7.17: Impedance magnitude of the original network.......................... 129
Fig 7.19: Output report of the network after adding a passive filter ........ 130
Fig 7.20: Voltage shape of bus#2 of the network after adding a passive
filter............................................................................................. 130
Fig 7.21: Harmonics spectrum of bus#2 of the network after adding a
passive filter ................................................................................ 131
Fig 7.22: Impedance magnitude of the network after adding a passive filter
..................................................................................................... 131
Fig 7.23: Impedance magnitude of the network after adding a detuning
reactor.......................................................................................... 135
Power System Harmonics Analysis Using Frequency-Domain
Impedance Model of Network and Methods of Disposal
Ala'a Mardawi
Dr. Maher Khammash


Power grids can be described as low power quality if they contain distorted
currents which are known as harmonics. Harmonics mean that the alternating
current (AC) wave contains multiple integers of the fundamental frequency.

In the past, this distortion was caused by the elements of the network itself,
such as transformers, when they enter the saturation area in periods of high
demand for energy. The generators themselves produce waves with a slight

degree of distortion because the distribution of the magnetic flux is not

optimal. But nowadays, the main reason for the problem is the spread of
nonlinear loads, especially power electronic devices, for domestic and

commercial use. Several small devices spread through the whole network are
participating in the distortion.
Distortion due to harmonics has become very important in the field of power

quality studies because of the negative effects of the distortion on equipment

and what is accompanied by negative effects such as resonance.
In order to understand the problem of harmonics, an accurate analysis of the

network must be carried out in the presence of the sources of harmonics. The
main goal of this analysis is to find different values of the distortion and to

compare them with the standards set to the normal level. Also, such studies
enable us to study the effectiveness of different procedures followed in

eliminating harmonics and controlling their flow.

In this thesis, a frequency-domain model of a distribution network was
developed and an analysis was carried out to enable us to calculate the

required values of distortion. All this was accompanied by a software

simulation of the same network in order to compare the accuracy of the

 Problem statement
The spread of nonlinear loads in the electric power systems will result in
distortions in the current wave and thus distortion on the voltage, which

is called the harmonics. These distorted currents will be injected back into
the power supply to cause a negative effect on the power quality that is to
increase the losses and reduce the power factor. The network equipment

itself will also be subject to damage and downtime due to harmonics. This
has necessitated worldwide interest in harmonics studies, including
harmonics estimation, elimination and a variety of related areas.

 Objectives
 To learn how to form a frequency-dependent model for network
elements depending on the nature of each element and how it

behaves with harmonics frequencies.

 To develop a methodology for harmonics analysis of networks so
that this method can be adopted by network operators as a guide to

execute of various calculations related to harmonics.


 To study procedures used in harmonics mitigation and to ensure their

effectiveness by simulation.

 To present all issues associated with harmonics such as general

characteristics, sources, effects, harmonics indices and standards.

 Methodology
A mathematical model for the whole electric network is developed in
order to carry out harmonics power flow analysis by hand calculation.
Later, the analysis is carried out to evaluate the developing method

proposed by using a computer program ETAP12.6.

 Thesis layout
The thesis is organized as follows: Chapter 1 provides a basic theory

about harmonics and related topics such as distortion measurements,

harmonics sequences and calculation of electrical quantities of distorted
waves. Chapter 2 deals with the undesirable effects of harmonics as they

pass through the various network equipment. It also looks at the effects
on the entire network such as resonance. Chapter 3 covers the sources of
harmonics in the electric network with a description of the nature of the

harmonics injected during the operation of the device. Chapter 4 covers

a brief discussion on standards for distortion limits. Chapter 5 models
the network elements based on the nature of the interaction of the element

with the passage of harmonics in it. Each element will be dealt with
separately to get a frequency dependent impedance. Chapter 6
represents building a complete harmonics model for a distribution

network and conduct an accurate analysis of harmonics frequencies, thus


calculate the bus voltages and then calculate the distortion measurements.
This is accompanied by simulations of the same network to determine the

accuracy of the model and manual analysis. Chapter 7 covers several

procedures that can be used for the mitigation of harmonics. A simulation
was done to make sure that they are correct. Chapter 8 includes

appropriate conclusions and suggestions for future work. Appendix A:

includes MATLAB coding for harmonics voltages calculation. Appendix
B: includes proof of phase shift (∆ ‫∆ ݋ݐ‬/ܻ ܿ‫ )݊݋݅ݐܿ݁݊݊݋‬method which

is used for harmonics cancelation. Appendix C: includes filter

harmonics currents calculation. Appendix D: includes selected examples
of harmonics analyzer.

Literature Review:

Shehab Ali, (2011), Provided an easily obtained and simple model for
distribution networks without knowing the configuration of the network.

This model was known as Norton model. It was found that the model is very
useful for analysis even if there is a change in the operating conditions of the
supply-side of the system, which in turn changes the nature and value of

harmonics currents. The model is useful in knowing the harmonics content

of the current source. In this model, we need to measure harmonics voltages
and currents at the target point for at least two different operating conditions.

Also, the different distortion values cannot be calculated [12].

Nikita Lovinskiy,(2010), developed a network model that reflects the impact
of harmonics on distribution networks as a whole and network elements as

well. In the model; the impedance of two main components in the

distribution networks which are the transformer, and the transmission lines
is represented taking into account the phenomena affecting the accuracy of

the representation. From this representation, it is possible to conduct an

analysis that reveals the effect of harmonics on the network. One of the
shortcomings of this analysis is that it deals with nonlinear loads as a

percentage of the total load and not as a source of harmonics with its own
nature in the generation of harmonics. This makes the accuracy of the
analysis mainly dependent on the accuracy of the nonlinear load ratio

estimation [17].

Hardik Patil,(2015), presented a model for transmission network model

which enables us to implement harmonics calculations using the Matlab

software. In his study, he focused on the problem of resonance resulting from

shunt capacitors in transmission networks. He found that many buses had
already been affected by the resonance phenomenon. But the study did not

include actual calculations of harmonics voltages or currents and did not rely
on impedances at different frequencies [14].
Ankit Vashi, (2006), studied harmonics in distribution networks. The study

focused on the negative impact of harmonics on the quality of power

provided to consumers. He raised the issue of harmonics mitigation and the
possibility of improving the power quality

in the presence of harmonics. The study found that harmonics have an

important effect on the quality of power and cause problems. The study
confined the methods of dealing with the problem of harmonics to the use of

filters only and did not address other methods. Also, it did not address how
to model the network components for the purposes of the study [19].
Hussein et al, (2010), analyzed the propagation of harmonics waves in power

system networks and they investigated the effect of harmonics on both utility
components and pieces of equipment. They introduced effective procedures
which can be used in harmonics mitigation. The study found that the

harmonics have a great effect on the system performance and that the
procedures which are used in harmonics mitigation have a noticeable
feasibility. One of the shortcomings of the study was that it was limited to

simulations in the analysis using software and did not address the analysis
by accurate calculations [21].

David Heidt, (1994), made a try to solve the problem of harmonics in an

iteration method and he entered the frequency effect of the harmonics on the

mechanism of analysis. Of the positive things in the analysis, it was through

calculations. However, the analysis was not carried out on a real distribution

network and the results of the analysis were not very accurate [26].

Leonard Abbott, (2006), analyzed the replacement of constant speed drives

with variable ones in an industrial plant and what the benefit was from such
replacement. The way he applied was to take real measurements from the
grid and compare them with the simulation results of the modified grid.

Recommended criteria for the conversion process are suggested. The results
of the study found that the process of replacement did not completely
eliminate harmonics problems and the author did not address how to solve

these problems [20].


Chapter One

Fundamentals of power system harmonics

1.1 Introduction

Generated currents and voltages in electric power systems are assumed

theoretically to be pure sinusoidal waves to simplify analysis and calculation.

However, despite all the precautions applied in generator design to obtain

pure sine wave, it is impossible to obtain such a wave in practice. The AC
current wave deviates significantly or less from the ideal sinusoidal wave

and its precise description is a complex wave or a distorted wave. The

deformation of the current is caused by a number of causes, for example, the
irregularity distribution of the magnetic flux in the generator.

This distortion is always presented in electric power grids and is not harmful
as long as it does not exceed normal standard levels. However, due to the
steady increase in the use of nonlinear loads in electrical distribution

networks, the distortion levels on currents and voltages have reached levels
that have exceeded normal conditions. As a result, this distortion has become
a major source of low power quality and has been accompanied by troubles

for power grids.

Distortion occurs on the current and voltage wave when frequencies with an
integer multiple of the main frequency (50Hz or 60Hz) are added to the

original wave causing the emergence of protrusions and distortions of the

pure wave and these frequencies are called harmonics. The main reason for

the occurrence of the harmonics problem is the nonlinear loads, which now
account for 50% of household loads and a larger proportion of industrial

These harmonics not only affect the distortion of the wave shape. If this were
the case, there would not be a problem. Harmonics will cause several

problems in the network such as heating of the equipment, the disruption of

the work, and perhaps the destruction of the equipment as we shall see in
details in later chapters.

The effect of harmonics varies according to the following points:

 The nature of harmonic sources in the network.
 Sites of equipment which generates harmonics in the network.

 Characteristics of the electrical network and its components.

It should be noted that these harmonics exist even before the arising of this
type of loads or devices. It was present though with a small percentage in

generator voltages and transformer magnetizing current, but the strongest

appearance of the harmonics was after the spread of non-linear loads,
especially power electronic devices.

Calculating the value of these harmonics is very important in network

analysis in terms of power quality issues.

1.2 Nonlinear loads

To distinguish between linear loads and nonlinear loads, in linear load, if a
sinusoidal voltage is applied, it behaves as a constant impedance and thus

produces a wave current similar to the wave of applied voltage in shape and
frequency, i.e. The relationship between current and voltage is a straight line.

Pure resistance, inductance, and capacitance are all linear elements and any
load formed from these elements is considered as a linear load. Examples of
linear loads are the incandescent light bulbs, heating loads, transformers as

long as they do not reach saturation and motors.

On the other hand, nonlinear loads do not behave as a constant impedance
when applying a sinusoidal voltage. As a result, they do not produce a

sinusoidal current, but a distorted current or pulses. This current is very rich
in harmonics.
Changes which occurred in the current shape are reflected as distortion in the

voltage sinusoidal wave.

Nonlinear loads lose a basic condition for the linear property, which is the
homogeneity of the form between voltage and current. Examples of

nonlinear loads are adjustable speed drives, electric arc furnaces and
fluorescent lamps.
Nonlinear loads are constantly increasing, with a forecast of up to 65% of

loads in electric grids and they affect the electric power systems by
generating harmonic currents and as a result harmonic voltage.

1.3 Distorted waveforms

The distorted wave that is formed in the electric power systems because of
the harmonics existence no longer maintains the sinusoidal waveform
because it contains frequencies other than the basic frequency (50Hz).

Fig 1.1, for example, shows a distorted current wave due to the presence of

Fig 1.1: Distorted current wave

Joseph Fourier a French mathematician proved that any periodic complex

wave could be written as follows:

f(t) = ‫ܫ‬௔௩௚ + ∑ஶ௛ୀଵ‫ܫ‬௛ sin(݄‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬൅ ߠ௛ ) (1.1)


f(t): momentary value of the complex wave

‫ܫ‬௔௩௚ : is DC value referred to as average value

‫ܫ‬௛ : is peak value of each individual harmonic component

ߠ௛ : is harmonic phase angle.

As shown by the above Fourier series, any periodic complex wave can be

decomposed by:

 A fundamental wave with a basic frequency f


 A number of other sinusoidal waves whose frequencies are an integer

multiple of the basic frequency such as 2f,3f,4f………. etc. These

frequencies are called harmonics.

The fundamental wave is called the first harmonic and the second wave is

called the second harmonic and the third wave is called the third harmonic
and so on. Fig 1.2 shows Fourier series representation of a complex wave

Fig 1.2: Fourier series representation of a complex wave [8]

In the opposite direction of what has been mentioned, any complex wave can

be obtained from the superposition of sinusoidal waves of different

frequencies and amplitudes. This means that it can be composed of
harmonics. Fig 1.3 shows the fundamental and second harmonics summed

together to form a resultant complex wave.


Fig 1.3: Construction of a wave from the fundamental and second harmonics [11]

1.4 Even and odd harmonics

Waves with frequencies 2f ,4f ,6f... are called even harmonics, while waves
with frequencies f,3f,5f... are called odd harmonics. To see the effect of the

presence of even and odd harmonics on the shape of a distorted wave.

Fig 1.4 shows that effect.

Fig 1.4: The effect of harmonics on the shape of the fundamental wave [11]

Let us add odd harmonics and again even harmonics with the fundamental
as in Fig 1.4.

Fig 1.4 (a) shows the fundamental and third harmonic with phase shift =
180° . While Fig 1.4(b) shows the fundamental and third harmonic with phase
shift = 90° . Fig 1.4(c) shows the fundamental with second harmonic with

phase shift= 0° .While Fig 1.4(d) shows the fundamental with second
harmonic with phase shift = 90° .

A careful observation for Fig 1.4 reveals the following [11]:


 Adding odd harmonics leads to make the positive half cycle of the
complex wave symmetrical with negative half cycle regardless of

phase shift between fundamental and other harmonics.

 Adding even harmonics leads to a complex wave with no symmetry
regardless of the phase shift. Note that when phase shift = 0° the first

and fourth quarters are inverted (still no symmetry!).

From the above analysis, it can be said that a balanced three-phase system

does not have even harmonics because all electrical loads (except half wave
rectifier) produce a symmetrical current i.e. the positive half cycle is similar
to the negative half cycle (half wave symmetry), also, the three-phase

symmetry in the power systems infrastructure and the nature of its

configuration make all of its waveforms to be symmetrical even if they
contain harmonics.

1.5 Harmonics phase sequence

In a balanced three-phase system under non-sinusoidal conditions, the

complex wave of voltage or current in the three phases (A, B, C) is expressed

as follows:

݅௔ (t)= ∑ஶ௛ୀଵ ‫ܫ‬௛ sin(ℎ‫ݓ‬ଵ ‫ݐ‬+ ߠ௛ ) (1.2ܽ)

݅௕(t)=∑ஶ௛ୀଵ ‫ܫ‬௛ sin(ℎ‫ݓ‬ଵ ‫ݐ‬+ ߠ௛ − 120ℎ) (1.2ܾ)

݅௖(t)=∑ஶ௛ୀଵ ‫ܫ‬௛ sin(ℎ‫ݓ‬ଵ ‫ݐ‬+ ߠ௛ + 120ℎ) (1.2ܿ)

Based on previous relationships, extending for first five harmonics we get


݅௔ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ sin(‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଵ) + ‫ܫ‬ଶ sin(2‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଶ) + ‫ܫ‬ଷ sin(3‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଷ)

+ ‫ܫ‬ସ sin(4‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠସ) + ‫ܫ‬ହ sin(5‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠହ) + … … … …

݅௕ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ sin(‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଵ − 120) + ‫ܫ‬ଶ sin(2‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଶ − 240)

+ ‫ܫ‬ଷ sin(3‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଷ − 360) + ‫ܫ‬ସ sin(4‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠସ − 480)
+ ‫ܫ‬ହ sin(5‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠହ − 600) + … … … …

= ݅௕ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ sin(‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଵ − 120) + ‫ܫ‬ଶ sin(2‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଶ + 120)

+ ‫ܫ‬ଷ sin(3‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଷ) + ‫ܫ‬ସ sin(4‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠସ − 120)
+ ‫ܫ‬ହ sin(5‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠହ + 120) + … … … …

݅௖ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ sin(‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଵ + 120) + ‫ܫ‬ଶ sin(2‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଶ + 240)

+ ‫ܫ‬ଷ sin(3‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଷ + 360) + ‫ܫ‬ସ sin(4‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠସ + 480)
+ ‫ܫ‬ହ sin(5‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠହ + 600) + … … … …

= ݅௖ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ sin(‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଵ + 120) + ‫ܫ‬ଶ sin(2‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଶ − 120)

+ ‫ܫ‬ଷ sin(3‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠଷ) + ‫ܫ‬ସ sin(4‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠସ + 120)
+ ‫ܫ‬ହ sin(5‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߠହ − 120) + … … … …

From the above, noting the harmonics of the current in the three phases, it is
possible to record the following Table 1.1

Table 1.1: Phase sequence of harmonics in a balanced three phase

Harmonics Phase shift angle(degree) Phase
order Phase A Phase B Phase C sequence
fundamental 0 -120 +120 Positive
h=2 0 +120 -120 negative
h=3 0 0 0 zero
h=4 0 -120 +120 positive
h=5 0 +120 -120 negative
h=6 0 0 0 zero
h=7 0 -120 +120 positive
h=8 0 +120 -120 negative

Hence, in a balanced three-phase system the phase sequence pattern will be

as follows:
3h+1 : positive sequence leads to heating effect
3h+2 : negative sequence leads to motor torque problems

3h : zero sequence leads to heating effect in neutral line only

Where h is harmonics order.
All triplen harmonics are zero sequence and next above harmonics are

positive sequence while next below harmonics are negative sequence.

The three phases that represent the third harmonics (3f) are all in the same
direction and there is no phase shift between them. Therefore, the currents

that bear these harmonics are called zero sequences and this applies to the
multiples of the third harmonics (6f, 9f, 12f…….).
Positive and negative sequence harmonics circulate between phases while,

zero sequence harmonics do not produce rotating field and are summed
together in the neutral line, as a result, circulate between the phase and

In brief, harmonics have different frequencies and also have different phase

The situation is different in an unbalanced system where for each harmonic

there are positive, negative and zero sequence components [4]. So the
analysis has to be done separately for each sequence. The positive, negative

and zero sequence impedances differ from one another. As an example, in

the case of transmission lines, the zero sequence impedance reaches three
times of the positive [3].

1.6 Electric quantities under non-sinusoidal (harmonics) conditions

1.6.1 The R.M.S value

The complex current wave can be expressed as:

݅(‫ܫ = )ݐ‬ଵ sin(‫ݐݓ‬+ ߠଵ) + ‫ܫ‬ଶ sin(2‫ݐݓ‬+ ߠଶ) + ‫ܫ‬ଷ sin(3‫ݐݓ‬+ ߠଷ)
+ ‫ܫ‬ସ sin(4‫ݐݓ‬+ ߠସ) … … … … + ‫ܫ‬௞ sin(݇‫ݐݓ‬+ ߠ௞) (1.3)

As well as complex voltage wave:

‫ܸ = )ݐ(ݒ‬ଵ sin(‫ݐݓ‬+ ∅ଵ) + ܸଶ sin(2‫ݐݓ‬+ ∅ଶ) + ܸଷ sin(3‫ݐݓ‬+ ∅ଷ)

+ ܸସ sin(4‫ݐݓ‬+ ∅ସ) … … … + ܸ௞ sin(݇‫ݐݓ‬+ ∅௞) (1.4)

Where the k is the highest harmonics order of interest and typically a value
of k = 50 is sufficient in power systems analysis [9].

In linear systems a complex voltage will produce a complex current with

different amplitude and phase shift of each harmonic order. Electric power
system components are linear in ordinary conditions.

The R.M.S value of complex current wave (or voltage) is:

‫ܫ‬ோெ ௌ = ඩ ் න ݅ଶ(‫ݐ݀)ݐ‬ (1.5)

= ඥܽ‫݅ ݂݋݁ݑ݈ܽݒ݁݃ܽݎ݁ݒ‬ଶ ‫݈݁ܿݕܿ݁ݐ݈݁݌ ݉݋ܿݎ݁ݒ݋‬

Using trigonometric properties for the square of the current under the square

root yields to [5,11]:

‫ܫ‬ோெ ௌ = ඩ ෍ (1.6)

= ඩ ෍ ‫ܫ‬௛ோெ ௌ

Hence, the R.M.S value of a complex wave is equal to the square root for the
sum of the square of individual harmonics. If the complex wave contains a

DC value (it is neglected here for its small value) it is combined with the sum
as follows:

ଶ ଶ
‫ܫ‬ோெ ௌ = ඩ ‫ܫ‬஽஼ + ෍ ‫ܫ‬௛ோெ ௌ (1.7)

The R.M.S value is a very important value and should be taken into account
in heating effects of the current on the network components such as
transformers, motors and capacitor banks.

1.6.2 Average (active) power

The average power absorbed by a load equals to:

ܲ௔௩௚ = න ‫ݐ݀)ݐ(݅ )ݐ(ݒ‬ (1.8)

Equation 1.8 yields to:

ܲ௔௩௚ = ෍ ܸ௛ோெ ௌ‫ܫ‬௛ோெ ௌ cos(∅௛ − ߠ௛ ) (1.9)


= ܸଵோெ ௌ‫ܫ‬ଵோெ ௌ cos(∅ଵ − ߠଵ) + ܸଶோெ ௌ‫ܫ‬ଶோெ ௌ cos(∅ଶ − ߠଶ)

+ ܸଷோெ ௌ‫ܫ‬ଷோெ ௌ cos(∅ଷ − ߠଷ) + ⋯

= ܲ௔௩௚ଵ + ܲ௔௩௚ଶ + ܲ௔௩௚ଷ + ܲ௔௩௚ସ + … … … …

ܲ௔௩௚ଶ , ܲ௔௩௚ଷ , ܲ௔௩௚ସ … … are losses usually caused by nonlinear loads and

are small in value compared to ܲ௔௩௚ଵ[6]. However, they should not be

neglected because they are likely to be a significant value of the losses.

1.6.3 Overall power factor

After finding the R.M.S values of voltage and current beside the average
power value, the overall power factor value can be found using the equation
‫݌‬. ݂ =
‫ݏ݁ݎ݁݌ ݉ܽݐ݈݋ݒ݈ܽݐ݋ݐ‬
ܸଵோெ ௌ‫ܫ‬ଵோெ ௌ cos(∅ଵ − ߠଵ) + ܸଶோெ ௌ‫ܫ‬ଶோெ ௌ cos(∅ଶ − ߠଶ) + ⋯
= (1.10)
ܸோெ ௌ‫ܫ‬ோெ ௌ


ܸோெ ௌ: R.M.S value of the complex voltage wave

ܸଵோெ ௌ: R.M.S value of the fundamental voltage wave

ܸଶோெ ௌ: R.M.S value of the second order harmonic voltage wave and so

The following Fig 1.5 shows how the power factor is affected by the
increased total harmonics distortion in currentܶ‫ܦܪ‬௜ (explained in the

following section)

Fig 1.5: Decreasing of power factor with increasing current distortion

It is clear that with the increase of harmonic distortion the value of the power
factor decreases.

1.7 Measurement of harmonics distortion

1.7.1 Total harmonics distortion THD

The most commonly used index for quantifying the amount of distortion in
a voltage wave (or current) is called total harmonics distortion THD [5]. This
index determines the harmonics level content of the wave and the associated

deformation. It is used for all levels of voltages: low, medium and high.

According to IEE 519,1992, voltage THD is defined by following formula


ඥ∑ஶ௛ୀଶ ܸ௛ோெ

%ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ = 100% (1.11)
ܸଵோெ ௌ

ඥ‫ ݂݋݁ݎܽݑݍݏ ݂݋ ݉ݑݏ‬ℎܽ‫ܴݏܿ݅݊݋ ݉ݎ‬. ‫ ܯ‬. ܵ

݂‫ܴ݈ܽݐ݊݁ ݉ܽ݀݊ݑ‬. ‫ ܯ‬. ܵ ‫݁ݑ݈ܽݒ‬

Normally, harmonics up to 50 order are used to calculate this index due to

the very small value of the other higher order harmonics.

The same equation is used for the current THD as follows:

ඥ∑ஶ௛ୀଶ ‫ܫ‬௛ோெ

%ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௜ = 100% (1.12)
‫ܫ‬ଵோெ ௌ

For a pure sine wave with only 50 Hz, the THD value = 0. The current THD
in loads usually ranges from a few percent to 100 %. While the voltage THD
is often less than 5% [5]. The voltage THD if exceeds the normal levels,

causes problems for the network and its equipment so IEEE ST.519
recommends standard levels for THD related to voltage and current

It is possible to conclude a relationship between ܸோெ ௌ value and ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩.

The ܸோெ ௌ value of a complex wave as seen:

= ඩ ෍ ܸ௛ோெ ௌ

Hence, ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ in terms of ܸோெ ௌ

ଶ ଶ
ඥܸோெ ௌ − ܸଵோெ ௌ
ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ =
ܸଵோெ ௌ

ܸோெ ௌ ଶ
ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ = ඨ ൬ ൰ −1
ܸଵோெ ௌ

This yields to [4]:

ܸோெ ௌ = ܸଵோெ ௌඥ1 + ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ଶ (1.13)

1.7.2 Individual harmonics distortion (IHD)

The distortion amount associated with individual harmonics component

measured by a similar index is given by:
ܸ௛ோெ ௌ
% ‫ܦܪܫ‬௩ = 100% (1.14)
ܸଵோெ ௌ

This index helps us to plot what is called harmonics magnitude spectrum for

the complex (distorted) wave of several loads. Harmonics magnitude

spectrum data is an important in harmonics analysis also it gives an

indication about the most harmonics orders which contribute in distortion. It

will be like the following Fig 1.6

Fig 1.6: Amplitude harmonics spectrum

1.7.3 Total demand distortion (TDD)

Many times The THD index is misleading, as in the case of light loads. When
the fundamental current approaches to zero as in light loads case; The

resulting THD value will be high, however this THD value is not necessarily
of great interest because the associated harmonic currents value is small,
even if these harmonics value is a large value according to the fundamental

current [5,8].

In order for the index to be more real, its value is referred to a real value

instead of a variable value which changes with the change in load. Hence,
engineers will not find a better value than the rated current that the electrical
networks are designed to carry.

Due to the above explanation, TDD index is found and defined as [3,5,9]:

ටσ ௛ୀ௠
௔௫ ଶ
ܶ‫= ܦܦ‬ (1.15)

Where ‫ܫ‬௅: R.M.S value of the peak or maximum demand load current at
fundamental frequency measured at PCC point (see section 1.9).

If the load does not exist, ‫ܫ‬௅ can be expected based on design experience. If
the load is present, the maximum (15-25 minutes) readings for the previous

12 months are averaged [8]. In THD calculation, the current value is

considered as a snapshot while in TDD, the different operating conditions
are taken into account.

1.7.4 K-factor

The presence of harmonics in the network increases the R.M.S value of the
current and thus increases the losses and heating effect. In a transformer, the

heating effect is more severe because eddy current losses which are produced
by harmonics current are proportional to square root of frequencies of these
harmonics. Hence high levels of harmonics result in overheating the

transformer. Of course normal transformer cannot deal with this case.

An index was defined that gives an indication of the amount of heat that
results from the presence of harmonics. This index helps us in derating the

transformer to be able to withstand this heat.

K-factor is defined as [5]:

௠ ଶ ‫ܫ‬௛ ଶ
∑௛ୀଵ ℎ ቀ ቁ
‫=ܭ‬ (1.16)
௠ ‫ܫ‬௛ ଶ
∑௛ୀଵ ቀ ቁ

where m: is the highest harmonics order considered.

The range of the K is from 1 to 50. A more K value means there is a need
for a transformer that can handle more heat. In most cases k ≤ 10 [4].

Table 1.2 shows the available commercial category k-type transformer

Table 1.2: Commercial category k-type transformer [9]


These k-type transformers are specially designed to handle excessive heat

which is produced by harmonics. K-factor is taken into consideration in the

design stage.

1.8 Skin effects and proximity effect

Skin effect is an AC phenomenon in which the current tends to pass near the
outer surface and is not distributed equally in the conductor.

The explanation of this phenomenon is that the AC magnetic flux generates

an electromotive force (EMF) value greater in the middle of the conductor
than the surface. This difference in EMF generates a current that resists the
passage of the original current in the center and assists it in the outside. The
total result can be said that the cross section area available to the original
current flow has decreased, and thermal effect also is increased.

Skin effect depends on several factors which are frequency, cable

construction and cable size. Because of this phenomenon, the conductors are
made hollow from the middle to save conductor material.

AC resistance to DC resistance ratio as a function of frequency is shown in

Fig 1.7

Fig 1.7: Rac/Rdc as a function of frequency curve

In 2008, Baggin proved that skin effect may be effective even for low
frequencies. His work was based on a copper conductor with a diameter of
20mm.The results were as follows:
ଽ௧௛ ଷ௥ௗ
ܴ஺஼ ܴ஺஼
= 2.07 , = 1.35
ܴ஽஼ ܴ஽஼

Proximity effect occurs because of the mutual inductance existing between

two conductors placed near each other. Due to this effect, currents pass far
from the nearby conductor as a result, increasing the resistance of the

1.9 Point of common coupling (PCC)

Point of common coupling is the point of contact between nonlinear loads

and linear loads within the industrial plant as shown in Fig 1.8. This point
can be reached by both the consumer and the supplier of electricity [3].

Usually, companies have an access to the PCC point to take power

measurements and other indicators such as deformation of the wave. No
difference if PCC was on the primary or secondary winding of the

Fig 1.8: Point of common coupling illustration


Chapter Two

Effects of harmonics

2.1 Effect of harmonics on network components

2.1.1 Cables

Harmonics lead to increase conductor losses in the form of heat for three

reasons: the first reason is that the R.M.S value of the current increases due
to harmonics, which means additional load and additional losses. The R.M.S
value is known as:

‫ܫ‬ோெ ௌ = ට‫ܫ‬ଵଶ + ‫ܫ‬ଶଶ + ‫ܫ‬ଷଶ + ⋯ = ‫ܫ‬ଵඥ1 + (ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௜)ଶ

As an example of increasing losses only because of the increase in the R.M.S

value, it is supposed that ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௜ = 38% .Thus the R.M.S value of the current

is equal to ‫ܫ‬ோெ ௌ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ√1 + 0.38ଶ. Neglecting other factors that increase the

ଶ ூభ√ଵା଴.ଷ଼మ
losses, ‫ ܴ ܫ‬will increase by∶ ൬ ൰ 100% =14.4% compared to the

losses due to the fundamental current only.

The second reason is increasing the resistance due to skin effect and

proximity effect which lead to a redistribution of current in the conductor.

After calculating the increase in cable resistance due to the passage of
harmonics we can derate the cable capacity according to the following

equation 2.1[3]:
∑௛ୀ௠ ௔௫ ଶ ܴ௛
1+ ‫ܫ‬௛
௛ୀଵ ܴௗ௖

For example, if the 6-pulse harmonics pass in the conductor, derating will be
typically by 3-6% [3].

From the above discussion it can be said that harmonics lead to reduced
power transmission capacity because of increased losses and increased

voltage drop through impedances of different system components.

The third reason is that harmonics increase the dielectric losses due to the

increased stress on the cable, the side effects of this is extra heat which
reduces the life of the cable. Dielectric losses are equal to [12]:
௛ୀ௠ ௔௫

෍ ‫ ܥ‬tan ߜ‫ ݓ‬௛ ܸ௛ଶ (2.2)



C: capacitance

ܸ௛ : R.M.S voltage of ݊௧௛ harmonics.

‫ ݓ‬௛ : 2ߨ݂௛

tan ߜ: the loss factor( భ ).
ቀೢ ಴ቁ

The neutral line in the three phase 4-wire systems is worthy of special
attention because of the zero sequence currents which are summed
algebraically - not vector sum - in the neutral unlike positive and negative

sequence harmonics which are eliminated in the neutral line. This is also an
undesirable effect of the harmonics for cables causing overload to the

This problem is evident in commercial buildings because of many nonlinear

loads which produce the third harmonics such as fluorescent lamps and

computers. The measurements which are made on the commercial buildings

showed that there is a need to a neutral cross section area equal to 1.8 of the
phase cross section area. For this IEEE 1100_1992 standard recommended

that neutral cross section area in a system that feeds nonlinear loads is not
less than 173% of the same value for each phase [12].
Suppose that the third harmonics current is : ‫ܫ‬ଷௗ = 70% of fundamental
current. Hence, R.M.S phase of the current = ඥ‫ܫ‬ଵଶ + ‫ܫ‬ଷଶ = √1ଶ + 0.7ଶ =

1.22, while neutral current is equal to: ‫ܫ‬ଷ + ‫ܫ‬ଷ + ‫ܫ‬ଷ = 0.7 + 0.7 + 0.7 = 2.1
. Hence,
‫ܫ‬ே 2.1
= = 1.72
‫ܫ‬௉ு 1.22

From the above example, the cross-sectional area of the neutral conductor
has to be 1.72 of the phase conductor.

It remains to say that harmonics in a cable affect the adjacent cables,

especially control and communication cables due to the occurrence of
magnetic interference.

2.1.2 Transformer

The harmonics effect in the transformers has a double effect, causing an

increase in the copper and iron loses and the overall effect is to increase the

heat of the transformer. Heat causes degradation of the insulation and then
the entire fail of the transformer.

The transformer losses include the no-load losses which depend on magnetic
flux value required for magnetizing the transformer core and the load losses,

which depend on the frequency and include the copper losses and the stray
flux losses.
The no-load losses (core losses) are divided into:

 Eddy current losses: the increase in eddy losses can be seen from the
following equation [3,11]:

ܹ ௘ௗௗ = ‫ܭ‬௘‫ܤ‬௠ଶ ௔௫݂ଶ (2.3)


f: frequency

‫ܤ‬௠ ௔௫: maximum leakage flux density

‫ܭ‬௘ : a factor depends on the width of transformer’s conductor.

It is very clear that the loss is proportional to the square of frequency.

●The hysteresis losses: in case of linear load hysteresis losses form 5% of

total losses but in case of nonlinear loads this value increases 20 times. The
hysteresis losses can be calculated from the following equation 2.4[11]:

ܹ ௛௬௦ = ‫ܭ‬௛௬௦‫ܤ‬௠ଵ.଺௔௫݂‫ݒ‬ (2.4)


f: frequency

‫ܤ‬௠ ௔௫: maximum leakage flux density


‫ݒ‬: iron size

‫ܭ‬௛௬௦ : hysteresis factor.

With the presence of harmonics, copper losses are also increasing. The

R.M.S value of the current is higher and the thermal effect is getting worse.
The skin effect has a big role in heating and is more severe than in the case
of cables because the conductors are very close to each other in the

transformer. Copper losses are given by:

ܲ௖௨ = ‫ܫ‬ோெ ௌܴ஺஼ (2.5)

It is found from practical measurements that the resulted full-load losses of

transformer feeding nonlinear loads like IT equipment are twice these losses

of a transformer feeding linear loads.

If there are high harmonics, special transformers - which are designed on a
higher safety margin to handle heat - have be used. They are known as K-

factor transformers. If the chance of purchasing of this type is weak, the

loading capacity of the transformer has to be reduced if harmonics are

Another effect comes from the third harmonics and its multiples. It is known
that the transformers which are used in the distribution 4-wire systems comes
in ∆ − ܻ configuration and this makes the ∆ of the transformer as a trap for

the third harmonics and its multiples. This is accompanied by an additional

loss in a form of heating.

2.1.3 Induction motor

Losses are increased by harmonics and are accompanied by a heating effect

in the same mechanism that occurs in the transformer. It was found that every
10 degrees increase in motor temperature continuously above the rated
temperature reduces the motor life by 50% [12]. The effect of heat depends

heavily on the type of the motor if it is squirrel- cage or slip ring, where the
first type is more heat tolerant.
There is a more serious effect than thermal effect which is represented in

harmonics sequence. It is known that the basis of the work of the induction
motor depends on producing a rotating magnetic field in the air gap due to
three phase currents. Positive sequence harmonics of the three phases

produce a magnetic field revolves in the same direction of the fundamental

current and thus assist to generate torque. On the contrary, the negative
sequence currents revolve in the opposite direction of the fundamental

current and thus produces a reverse torque (braking torque) [12].

This imbalance leads to torque pulsations appearing on the shaft. The higher
the harmonics content, the more likely the problem will be and it is possible

to stop motor movement.

There are types of motors called flameproof motors which are specifically
designed to isolate anything that gets inside the motor enclosure (like

explosions) about the outer perimeter [12]. This design has been adopted
based on the existence of a pure sinusoidal wave and thus will not become
effective in the presence of harmonics because the excess heat of the rotor

works to degrade enclosure gradually until it becomes useless in isolating

explosions about the outer perimeter.

2.1.4 Capacitors

Capacitors are often present in industrial and commercial systems for the
purpose of power factor improving, such as installing capacitors in

fluorescent lamps. The effect of harmonics on capacitors is often destructive.

The location and size of the capacitor play a large role in the extent of the
impact of harmonics on the network.

Problems caused by harmonics are listed below:

 The higher the frequency of the harmonics, the lower the capacitive
impedance value (inverse relationship). This means increasing the value
of the current which will be drawn by the capacitor and burning it, i.e.

the capacitor behaves as a sink for the current.

 It is possible, at certain frequencies, resonance occurs between the
inductance of the network and capacitors and this produces a huge

current or voltages depending on the configuration of harmonics path

flow (the phenomenon will be addressed later).
 The voltage harmonics increase dielectric losses and increase thermal

effect. In the capacitor, dielectric losses = ∑௛ୀ௠

‫ ܥ‬tan ߜ‫ ݓ‬௛ ܸ௛ଶ
 Excessive harmonics result in humming noise as human ear is sensitive
to high frequencies such as those resulting from the fifth harmonics (300


2.2 Resonance

One of the most negative effects associated with harmonics is the occurrence
of what is known as resonance. Resonance occurs when capacitive reactance

(ܺ஼ = ) equals with the inductive reactance (ܺ௅ = 2ߨ݂‫ )ܮ‬at a certain

frequency of the harmonics frequencies. Capacitive reactance decreases with

the frequency increase in contrast to inductive reactance which increases
with the frequency increase and at a certain frequency the two values are
equal leading to resonance case. The resonance results in a very large current
or voltage that causes some components of the network to collapse.
The presence of capacitors in the network has become common both in the
nature of equipment such as cables or in many of the devices commonly used
in networks such as reactive power compensators.
The resonance circuit can be created between capacitors which are used for
improving the power factor or capacitors of lines with load inductance
whether being the capacitors and inductance in a parallel or series

2.2.1 Parallel resonance

The impedance of power grids is mainly inductive. When the capacitors

which are connected with the networks act as in parallel with the inductance

of the network, a parallel resonance occurs as shown in Fig 2.1.


Fig 2.1: Parallel resonance

The whole combination impedance -neglecting the resistance- is given by

݆ʹ ߨ݂‫ܮ‬
݆ʹ ߨ݂‫ܥ‬
ܼ௣௔௥ = (2.6)
݆ʹ ߨ݂‫ ܮ‬൅
݆ʹ ߨ݂‫ܥ‬

At a specific frequency, capacitive reactance is equal to inductive reactance

and this makes the denominator value equals to zero. In other words, the
impedance is a very large value (∞) that creates a very large voltage.
ଵ ଵ
At resonance, ʹ ߨ݂‫ ܮ‬െ = 0 or ݂௥ = (2.7)
ଶగ௙஼ ଶగ√௅஼

Where ݂௥: is the frequency at which resonance occurs.

Sometimes capacitance and inductance are not available, hence, another

formula can be used to determine the resonance harmonics frequency [8]:

‫ܣܸܭ‬௦௖ ‫ܣܸܭ‬௧௥ ∗ 100

ℎ௥ = ඨ =ඨ (2.8)
‫ݎܽݒܭ‬௖௔௣ ‫ݎܽݒܭ‬௖௔௣ ∗ ܼ௧௥(%)


hr: resonant harmonic

ܸ݇‫ܴܣ‬௖௔௣ : is kVAR rating of capacitor banks.

ܸ݇‫ܣ‬௦௖: is short circuit capacity of the system at the point of application of


ܼ௧௥: is the transformer impedance.

2.2.2 Series resonance

In this type, capacitive reactance and inductive reactance appear in series

connection to the source of harmonics as seen in Fig 2.2. At resonance the

combination impedance equals very small value (=R). Hence, the value of
the current rises so much that it can exceed the natural levels.
ܼ௦௘௥ = ܴ + ݆൬2ߨ݂‫ ܮ‬− ൰ (2.9)

At resonance,
ଵ ଵ
2ߨ݂‫ ܮ‬− =0 or ݂௥ =
ଶగ௙஼ ଶగ√௅஼

Fig 2.2: Series resonance

2.3 Power factor

The power factor expresses the ratio of the actual power consumption to the
total power transmitted. In power systems that contain only linear loads, the
vector relationship between power components is as follows:

Fig 2.3: Power factor components in system with linear load[12]



ܵ ൌ ඥܲଶ ൅ ܳ ଶ = √ܹ݇ ଶ൅ ܸ݇‫ݎܣ‬ଶ (2.10)

ܲ ܹ݇
‫݌‬Ǥ݂ ൌ  = (2.11)
ܵ ܸ݇‫ܣ‬

This power factor for pure sinusoidal wave called displacement power factor.

It is wrong to use the same relationship of power factor which is mentioned

in equation 2.11 to a system that contains nonlinear loads because the
displacement power factor only reflects the shift between the current and the

voltage of the fundamental frequency. In a distorted wave, there are other

frequency components.
The presence of harmonics leads to a case with two power factors. One is the

power factor of the fundamental component which is called displacement

power factor (DPF) and another is the power factor of harmonics
components which is called distortion power factor [12]. The overall power

factor includes the both is called true power factor (TPF). Fig 2.4 shows the
new relationship between power components:

Fig 2.4: Power factor components in system with nonlinear load [12]

Here, the apparent power will be modified as [1,12]:

ܵ = ඥܲଶ + ܳ ଶ + ‫ ܦ‬ଶ = ඥ ܹ݇ ଶ+ ܸ݇‫ݎܣ‬ଶ + ܸ݇‫݀ݎܣ‬ଶ (2.12)

ܲ ܹ݇
‫݌‬. ݂ = ≠
ܵ ܸ݇‫ܣ‬

ஶ ஶ

ܵ = ܸோெ ௌ‫ܫ‬ோெ ௌ = ඩ ෍ ܸ௛ଶ ඩ ෍ ‫ܫ‬௛ଶ = ܸଵோெ ௌඥ1 + ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ଶ ‫ܫ‬ଵோெ ௌට1 + ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௜ଶ
௛ୀଵ ௛ୀଵ

ܲ ܲଵ
‫݌‬. ݂௧௥௨௘ = = (2.13)
ܵଵඥ1 + ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ଶට1 + ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௜ଶ

= ‫݌‬. ݂ௗ௜௦௣௟௔௖௘௠ ௘௡௧ ‫݌‬. ݂ௗ௜௦௧௢௥௧௜௢௡

In equation 2.13, we assume that ܲ = ܲଵ. This is true since in most cases,
the average power associated with harmonics(h>2) is small portion of the

fundamental average power.

2.4 Other effects of harmonics

There are many other undesirable effects of harmonics such as:

Metering instrumentation will produce faulty readings with harmonics as

these devices are designed to operate on a pure sine wave only and calibrated

to responding R.M.S values. Harmonics increase the R.M.S current values

to the same power and this causes an error.
Circuit breakers and fuses work on the thermal effect of R.M.S value of

current. Increasing R.M.S value leads to the work of these devices


incorrectly. Consequently, derating may be needed. Residual current circuit

breakers (RCCB) may fail in operation because a difference in value will

appear between phase current and neutral current.

Harmonics frequencies may induce noise in the Neighbor communication
systems. This interface leads to problems.

Chapter Three

Sources of harmonics

When talking about the problem of harmonics in electric power systems, the
harmonic currents have the great influence because different loads generate
harmonic currents during their operation.

The reason for the emergence of harmonics is to pull the current in a non-
sinusoidal shape in the grid of electricity, that is, the device pulls a current
which is not similar to the voltage shape which is applied to it.

In the past, equipment with an iron core was the main reason for the
production of harmonics but with the need to use energy-saving devices,
power electronic devices became the main source of harmonics generation.

Each device has its own signature in terms of the nature of harmonics
(spectrum and order) and in sum all devices share the problem of harmonics.
The harmonics generating sources include one phase devices like the

fluorescent lamp and three phase devices like the variable speed drives.
These types of equipment which produce harmonics also are adversely
affected by harmonics voltages and currents. The most common sources of

harmonics will be introduced.

3.1 Power converters

Power electronics have spread widely and rapidly due to the tremendous

progress that has been made in improving its specifications and operating

The 6-pulse converter is the most frequent and it is used in control of motors,
fuel cells and batteries. Whether the operation of the 6-pulse converter is

confined to rectifying wave (AC to DC) only or it also includes inverting

wave (DC to AC), the rectifying process is the main source for generating
harmonics. The 6-Pulse converter topology is shown in Fig 3.1 where L >>

Fig 3.1: Typical 6-pulse converter

It can be seen with reference to Fig 3.1, the converter comprises six thyristors
in a full wave bridge configuration. In the circuit two thyristors are fired at
the same time and remain fired until are reversed biased by the circuit itself.

The firing pattern is as in the Table 3.1

Table 3.1: Firing pattern of the 6-pulse converter [1,3]

Firing sequence
conducted thyristor 4,5 1,4 6,1 3,6 2,3 5,2
thyristor to be fired 1 6 3 2 5 4
thyristor to be turn off 5 4 1 6 3 2

The input current wave which is produced by this sequence has the following

values and shape respectively:


Table 3.2: Input current value of a 6-pulse converter

Current value period
+‫ܫ‬ௗ 120°
0 60°
−‫ܫ‬ௗ 120°
0 60°

Fig 3.2: Input current shape of a 6-pulse converter

As seen the resulted input current wave is some non-sinusoidal distorted

wave rich in harmonics. This happens because the converter allows the
current to pass through parts of the cycle in the form of short pulses.

This distorted wave can be analyzed using Fourier series as follows [3]:

2√3 1 1 1 1
‫ܫ‬௔௖ = ‫ܫ‬ௗ ൬ ‘•ߠ െ ‘•ͷߠ ൅ ‘•͹ߠ െ ‘•ͳͳߠ ൅ ‘•ͳ͵ ߠ
ߨ 5 7 11 13
+ ⋯൰ (3.1)

ߠ ൌ ʹ ߨ݂ଵ‫ݐ‬ሺ͵ Ǥʹ ሻ

A note of great significance can be deduced from the previous series; the
harmonics in the current wave follow this pattern

݄ ൌ ܲ݊ േ ͳሺ͵ Ǥ͵ ሻ

Where ℎ: harmonics order, P: pulse number, n: integer number.

i.e. harmonics include only odd order (50Hz,250Hz,350Hz,550Hz, ….)

except triple order and their multiples (150Hz,300Hz,450Hz….). This

relationship is valid for one phase and three phase converters.
The reason for the absence of even order is that the current wave has half

wave symmetry. While the absence of the triple order and its multiples is due
to the fact that the converter is connected to a ∆ − ܻ ‫ ∆ ݎ݋‬− ∆ transformer,
which makes ∆ as a trap for triple order.

The second observation is that the value of the harmonics current decreases
inversely by increasing the order as the following pattern:
‫ܫ‬௛ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ (3.4)

The Table 3.3 shows theoretical and typical values of 6-pulse converter

Table 3.3: Theoretical and typical values of a 6-pulse converter [9]

ℎ 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 25
1/ℎ ‫݈݁ݑݎ‬ 0.2 0.143 0.091 0.077 0.059 0.053 0.043 0.04
Typical 0.173 0.111 0.045 0.029 0.015 0.01 0.009 0.008

A theoretical total harmonics distortion ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௜ for a 6-pulse converter can be

calculated as follows:

%ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௜ = √20ଶ + 14.29ଶ + 9.09ଶ + 7.69ଶ + 5.88ଶ + ⋯ = √808.21 =


Frequencies and magnitudes of the harmonics in this converter depend on its

type, operating point and nature of load variations. This converter is

considered as a current source of harmonics.

3.2 Electric arc furnaces

These devices are used in scrap smelting and during their work produce the

worst harmonics of the network. Arc furnaces are considered loads with a
low power factor. The operation of the arc furnaces includes two stages
which are called smelting and refining stages and there are a large number

of harmonics produced in both stages.

The harmonics of these devices cannot be expected as in the case of a power

converter due to the change of arc feed material. The resulting harmonics
take a non-continuous pattern which includes integer and non-integer orders.
Fig 3.3 shows a current wave in one of phases:

Fig 3.3: Melting current in one-phase supply of an arc furnace [1]


Measurements showed that the amplitude value of harmonics decreases as

the harmonics order increases and also the integer order harmonics

predominant the non-integer harmonics.

Harmonic currents of the arc furnace as percentage of the fundamental
amplitude are shown in Table 3.4

Table 3.4: The harmonics content of the current of the arc furnace [1]
2 3 4 5 7
Initial melting stage 7.7 5.8 2.5 4.2 3.1
Refining stage 0 2 0 2.1 0

It is possible that these values vary for other types of arc furnaces, but the
values of Table 3.4 remain useful for studies in the case that measurements
cannot be made. Arc furnaces are ranging from small equipment with small

capacity (2-4MVA) to huge units with large capacity (100MVA) that deal
with tens of tons.

3.3 Fluorescent lamp lighting

Lighting especially fluorescent lamps constitute about (40-60) % of the

consumer loads and the reason for the high demand of them is their energy-
saving compared to other normal types. A 60watt filament lamp can be

replaced by a 10watt fluorescent lamp. Practical experience showed that the

harmonics current, especially the third order, in these lamps may reach 30%
of the value of the fundamental frequency current.

Fig 3.4 and 3.5 show a typical fluorescent lamp current waveform shape with
magnetic ballast and electronic ballast respectively.

Fig 3.4: Current waveform shape of the fluorescent lamp with magnetic ballast [8]

Fig 3.5: Current waveform shape of the fluorescent lamp with electronic ballast [8]

As seen from the figures, the nature of harmonics and the amount of
distortion depend on the type of the ballast which is used. There are two types
of fluorescent lamps [12]:

 With magnetic ballast:ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௜ =12.8%, 3௥ௗ order harmonics and it’s

multiples are equal to 20% of the fundamental.

 With electronic ballast: ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௜ =16.3%, 3௥ௗ order harmonics and it’s
multiples are equal to 8%-25% of the fundamental.

A typical magnitude spectrum of the fluorescent lamp with electronic ballast

is shown in Table 3.5.

Table 3.5: The harmonics content of the current of the florescent lamp
with electronic ballast
Harmonics order Magnitude(%) Harmonics order Magnitude(%)
fundamental 100 9 2.4
2 0.2 11 1.8
3 19.9 13 0.8
5 7.4 15 0.4
7 3.2 17 0.1

Note from Table 3.5 that the third and fifth order harmonics are dominant
also the table reveals that the harmonics pattern of the fluorescent lamp

waveform is not periodic and as a result, this waveform cannot be analyzed

by Fourier series.

3.4 Transformer

It is common knowledge that the transformer is considered as a linear device

in normal conditions and the small amount of harmonics produced from it
can be neglected. This is true as long as the transformer works in the linear

region and did not enter into the saturation. If the transformer became
saturated, then it is considered as a source of harmonics, especially the third
and fifth order harmonics.

For practical and economic considerations, the transformer's operating point

is close to the end of the linear region. This means that a slight increase in

the input voltage may cause the transformer to enter the saturation area and
consequently generate harmonics. For example, in the morning the loads are
low and the voltage is high and this causes the formation of harmonics. Also,

the periods of high energy demand cause saturation of the transformer.

An explanation can be found in Fig 3.6:

Fig 3.6: Principal of harmonics generating in the transformer

In the normal case, a small increase in voltage leads to a small increase in

the magnetizing current. But above the rated values we completely lose the

linear relationship. Hence, a small increase in voltage leads to a large

increase in current. Typical harmonics spectrum magnitude of the
transformer magnetizing current is shown in Table 3.6.

Table 3.6: Typical harmonics spectrum magnitude of the transformer

magnetizing current [4]
Harmonics order Magnitude(%) Harmonics order Magnitude(%)
fundamental 100 13 2.1
3 63.5 15 0.9
5 35.9 17 0.4
7 18 19 0.1
9 10.1 23 0.2
11 5.4 25 0.2

Although the rotating machines (motors and generators) are similar to the

transformer in the working mechanism in terms of the production of the

magnetic field, their curves are more linear than the transformer and this
makes the resulting harmonics of no importance.

3.5 Household appliances

Many home appliances are sources of harmonics in distribution networks.

Examples include computers (PC), lumination control equipment known as

dimmers, radios and televisions. These devices produce harmonics because

they contain an electronic control device, i.e., in other words, they contain
power electronics in one form or another.

A typical TV current wave is shown in Fig 3.7

Fig 3.7: Typical TV current waveform [12]


These devices become a big problem in commercial buildings where these

devices are widely available. The measurements found that computers

produce a third harmonics current about 80% of the fundamental current.


Chapter Four

Harmonics standards

Most standards provide the allowed limits for harmonics to protect electrical
network equipment and components from the effects which are resulted from
these voltage and current harmonics.

Standard IEEE 519 _1992 is the most famous specification for harmonics
distortion. This standard sets maximum limits for the allowable harmonics
distortion to appear in the current and voltage waves at the point of

connection of the device to the network (PCC).

The IEEE limits for voltage and current distortions are shown in the
following tables:

Table 4.1: Current distortion values for general distribution networks

(120V-69kV) [6,9]
‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ /‫ܫ‬௅ ℎ < 11 11 ≤ ℎ < 17 17 ≤ ℎ < 23 23 ≤ ℎ < 35 35 ≤ ℎ TDD
< 20 4 2 1.5 0.6 0.3 5
20-50 7 3.5 2.5 1 0.5 8
50-100 10 4.5 4 1.5 0.7 12
100-1000 12 5.5 5 2 1 15
> 1000 15 7 6 2.5 1.4 20

Table 4.2: Current distortion values for general distribution networks

(69kV-161kV) [6,9]
‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ /‫ܫ‬௅ ℎ < 11 11 ≤ ℎ < 17 17 ≤ ℎ < 23 23 ≤ ℎ < 35 35 ≤ ℎ TDD
< 20 2 1 0.75 0.3 0.15 2.5
20-50 3.5 1.75 1.25 0.5 0.25 4
50-100 5 2.25 2 0.75 0.35 6
100-1000 6 2.75 2.5 1 0.5 7.5
> 1000 7.5 3.5 3 1.25 0.7 10

Table 4.3: Current distortion values for general distribution networks

( > ૚૟૚࢑ࢂ)[6,9]
‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ /‫ܫ‬௅ ℎ < 11 11 ≤ ℎ < 17 17 ≤ ℎ < 23 23 ≤ ℎ < 35 35 ≤ ℎ TDD
< 50 2 1 0.75 0.3 0.15 2.5
≥ 50 3 1.5 1.15 0.45 0.22 3.75


‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ : maximum short circuit current available at PCC point

‫ܫ‬௅: maximum fundamental demand load current at PCC point. It is calculated

as the average current of the preceding 12 months.

These two values may need short circuit and load flow calculations to find


According to these tables it is clear that:

 Even harmonics are limited to 25% of the odd harmonics limits shown

 Current distortions that result in a dc offset like half wave rectifiers are
not allowed.
 All power generation equipment are limited to these values of current

distortion, regardless of actual ‫ܫ‬ௌ஼ /‫ܫ‬௅.

It is clear from the tables that in the case of strong networks with high S.C

capacity, higher values of current distortion are allowed to exceed. This is

true because the higher capacity of short circuit current value means lower
value of the network impedance. This means that the voltages of bus bars are

less affected by the flow of harmonics.


According to the voltage distortion, Table 4.4 shows the distortion ratios
(%‫ܦܪܫ‬௩, %ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩) under normal operating conditions that last for more than

hour. Knowing that these values are allowed to exceed 50% increase in
transit periods such as starting motors and starting operation of transformers.

Table 4.4: Voltage distortion value for general distribution networks

Voltage distortion limits (% of ܸଵ)
Bus voltage at PCC ‫ܦܪܫ‬௩(%) ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩(%)
69kV and below 3 5
69kV through 161kV 1.5 2.5
161kV and above 1 1.5

The above specification is concerned with the network as a whole and the
point of connection with the subscribers, but there are other specifications
concerned with the same device in the sense of whether the harmonics

emitted by this device are allowed or not without looking at the network.
IEC 61000-3-2 has been developed to address this issue. This standard deals
with most household and commercial appliances with a current of less than

16 A and this specification does not consider THD but looks at the individual
distortion [2,8].

Table 4.5: Maximum permissible harmonics current for devices [8]

Harmonics order Maximum permissible harmonics
current (A)
Odd harmonics
3 2.3
5 1.14
7 0.77
9 0.4
11 0.33
13 0.21
15 ≤ ℎ ≤ 39 0.15(15/h)
Even harmonics
2 1.08
4 0.43
6 0.3
8 ≤ ℎ ≤ 40 0.23(8/h)

These limits are applied through the following steps:

 The point of connection(PCC) is selected.

 The device's harmonics are determined and calculated at (PCC).

 Remedial procedures are designed and implemented.
 Measurements are taken to see new results.

IEEE 519_1992 is really a recommendation and not a set of compulsory

requirements, i.e., it does not mean that the limits in the tables should not be

exceeded at all. It does not force the user to use a certain type of converters
or devices with certain harmonics ratios, but to instruct the user to take
certain procedures for processing, for example, using a filter.

In IEEE 519_1992, Both the user and the utility are responsible for the
harmonics. The user has to determine the harmonics of the current by

choosing the appropriate device type or other actions while the utility must
control the harmonics of voltages.

Sometimes it is not necessary to conduct a detailed study of network

harmonics to determine the compatibility of the network with the limits
required for harmonics. Instead, a quick method of governance can be

followed provided that the short circuit capacity (S.C) of the network is much
greater than kVA demand of all nonlinear loads connected to the network.
The method is done in the following steps [9]:

 The short circuit at concerned point (PCC) is calculated.

 kVA capacity for all nonlinear loads at (PCC) is calculated.

 Up to the last nonlinear load, the following relationship is applied

்ܵ = ෍ ܵ௜ܹ ௜ (4.1)

ܵ ௜: is the kVA demand of ith nonlinear load.

ܹ ௜: is the Weighting Factor.

Limits are acceptable if the following condition applies:

100% < 0.1%

Values for ܹ ௜ are shown in Table 4.6


Table 4.6: Weighting factors for the famous loads[9]

Load type ܹ௜
semi converter 2.5
6-pulse converter without choke 2
6-pulse converter with choke 1
6-pulse converter with too large inductor 0.8
12-pulse converter 0.5

Chapter Five

Network components modeling for harmonics analysis

5.1 Introduction

A harmonics analysis study is very necessary if the nonlinear loads reach

20% of the total load in the network. This study should be done to find out

the effect of harmonics on the network and avoid possible damage. In

harmonics analysis, there is a need to model the different network elements
such as transmission lines, transformers, loads, etc., to develop an accurate

frequency-dependent model for the whole network.

Based on the nature and method of interaction of each element with the
passage of harmonic frequencies, several typical models of each element

were reached.
This chapter will discuss how the main elements of the network are
represented for use in frequency analysis studies.

5.2 Overhead transmission lines and cables

The most common model for the representation of overhead transmission

lines and cables is the ߨ-model, which consists of series impedance with

shunt admittance divided into two equal halves on the beginning and end of
the line.
In the case of short lines, the shunt admittance is ignored and reduced to only

resistance and inductance in series, while in the long line the shunt
admittance is considered. Overhead line considered long if it exceeds 150/h

miles, underground cable is considered long if it exceeds 90/h miles. where

h is harmonics order [1].

Fundamental frequency impedance of the lines is calculated based on how

the conductors are arranged, type of the conductor material, size of conductor
and the temperature. According to German specifications, the fundamental

frequency resistance values of cables are as in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1: Resistance values of cables according to cross-sectional area

and type
cross- R at 20°C (Ω/km) cross- R at 20°C (Ω/km)
sectional Aluminum Copper sectional Aluminum Copper
area(mm2) area(mm2)
1.5 - 11.9 70 0.433 0.255
2.5 12.2 7.13 95 0.319 0.188
4 7.58 4.45 120 0.252 0.15
6 5.05 2.98 150 0.202 0.12
10 3.03 1.78 185 0.165 0.096
16 1.9 1.12 240 0.123 0.074
25 1.21 0.714 300 0.101 0.0594
35 0.866 0.51 400 0.076 0.0446
50 0.606 0.357 500 0.0606 0.0357

While The fundamental frequency reactance values of the cable are also
shown in the Table 5.2

Table 5.2: Reactance values of cables according to cross-sectional area

Cross-sectional Low voltage medium voltage
area(mm2) X (Ω/km) X (Ω/km)
6 0.102 -
10 0.095 0.142
16 0.090 0.132
25 0.086 0.122
35 0.083 0.112
50 0.081 0.106
70 0.079 0.101
95 0.077 0.097
120 0.077 0.095
150 0.077 0.092
185 0.076 0.090
240 0.076 0.088
300 0.075 0.088

In the case of harmonics existence, the two most important factors to be

considered in the impedance calculations are:

 The effect of the harmonics frequency
 And the effect of the length of the line

The effect of the length of the line is not to neglect the value of shunt
admittance in case that the line is long and hence, there is a chance of
occurrence of resonance between the shunt admittance and the inductance of

the network.
The effect of frequency of harmonics is to increase the value of the reactance
(2ߨfL) of the line. Also to increase resistance value due to skin effect and

proximity effect.
The resistance with the skin effect is modified as in the following

In case of lines [9]:

ܴ௡௘௪ ൌ ܴହ଴ு௭ ቆ1 + ቇ (5.1)
192 + 0.518ℎଶ

In case of cables [9]:

ܴ௡௘௪ ൌ ܴହ଴ு௭ ቀ0.187 + 0.532(ℎ)మቁ (5.2)

To facilitate calculations, we can use the following Fig 5.1

Fig 5.1: A plot relates Ac resistance of lines with frequency

For example, for (240 mm2) copper cables the fundamental resistance (RDC)

= 0.074 Ω/Km. At fifth harmonics order (f = 5*50=250 Hz), ට = 58.12.
ோ ವ಴
From the plot =1.2. This givesܴ஺஼ = 0.089 Ω/Km.
ோವ ಴

The reactance value at a certain harmonics order frequency can be found as

follows [5]:

ܺ௛ ൌ ݄ܺሺͷǤ͵ ሻ

Where X The line reactance at 50 Hz which can be obtained from the

manufacturer's tables or standard specifications.

5.3 Transformers

It is possible to use the ordinary model of the transformer which is used in

all references for harmonics flow analysis. The results which will be obtained
will not go far from the correct results. Experiments and practical

measurements showed that the ordinary model remains acceptable - despite

the neglect of the phenomena associated with the passage of harmonics in
the transformer- up to the 13௥ௗ harmonics. Hence, a special model for

harmonics flow analysis is needed.

The transformers effect on the harmonics flow by means of two ways:

 The transformer can provide ±30° phase shift for the harmonics currents
and voltages, this phase shift is related to the way in which the windings

are connected ܻ ‫ ∆ ݎ݋‬and the harmonics sequence.

 The transformer series impedance develop a voltage drop which is
reflected in the harmonics voltage wave shape later.

Here, the most accurate two models of transformer according [9,13] to are
shown. The first one is model (A) shown in Fig 5.2

Fig 5.2: Transformer model (A) for harmonics analysis


்ܼ௥ ൌ ்ܴ௥ ൅ ்݆ܺ௥ (5.4)

ܴ௦ ൌ ்ܴ௥ (5.5)

ܺ௛ ൌ ்݄ܺ௥ (5.6)

ܴ௣ ൌ ͺ Ͳ்ܺ௥ (5.7)

The equivalent impedance is calculated by applying parallel and series

formulas as follows:

ℎଶ்ܺ௥ ܴ௣ ்݄ܺ௥ܴ௣ଶ
்ܼை் ൌ ܴ௦ + ଶ ଶ +ϳ ଶ ଶ ,ℎ ≠ 1 (5.8)
ܴ௣ + ℎଶ்ܺ௥ ܴ௣ + ℎଶ்ܺ௥

The second is model (B) consists of a modified resistance with inductance

in series according to Fig 5.3 [9]:


Fig 5.3: Transformer model (B) for harmonics analysis

At harmonics frequencies, the inductance is related to specific harmonics

order as follows

ܺ௛ ൌ ்݄ܺ௥ (5.9)

While the resistance value is adjusted by multiplying it by a factor according

to Fig 5.4

Fig 5.4: Increase in transformer resistance with frequency [1,3]

The multiplication factor for resistance adjustment is tabulated as in the

Table 5.3

Table 5.3: Multiplication factor for transformer’s resistance adjustment

with frequency change
Harmonics Resistance Harmonics Resistance
order factor order factor
1 1 13 17
2 1.5 14 21
3 2 15 23
4 3 16 27
5 4 17 29
6 5 18 33
7 6 19 37
8 8 20 40
9 10 21 43
10 11 22 47
11 12 23 53
12 16 24 56

The initial values of resistance and inductance are obtained from the open-

circuit and short-circuit tests. However, we can obtain the impedance of

transformer ்ܼ௥% from the nameplate of the transformer or using Fig 5.5
which relates X/R and transformer capacity, then the values of ்ܴ௥ and

்ܺ௥ are obtained by using the following equations[1]:

்ܴ௥ = (5.10)

ටܺ − 1
்ܺ௥ = ்ܴ௥ ൬ ൰ (5.11)

Fig 5.5: X/R value with the capacity of transformer curve [1]

5.4 Rotating machines

The rotating machines term includes both synchronous and induction

machines. The synchronous machines are usually used as generators while
induction machines are usually used as motors.

In harmonics flow studies, both the generator and the motor are represented
as passive load shunted between the bus they are connected to and ground.
This is true because they do not contribute in harmonics generation.

In case of synchronous machines, Negative sequence impedance ܼଶ is taken

or the average of both direct ܺௗ and quadrature ܺ௤ reactance can be taken

to a reasonable degree of accuracy [5].

The reactance should be scaled up according to the frequency as follows [5]:

ܺ௛ ൌ ݄ܺହ଴ு௭ (5.12)

While the resistance is adjusted to include losses which are caused by skin
effect and eddy currents as follows [3]:
ℎ ଵ.ହ
ܴ௛ = ܴହ଴ு௭ ቆ1 + 0.1 ൬ ൰ ቇ (5.13)

So, the impedance becomes as follows:

ܼ௛ = ܴ௛ + ϳܺ௛ (5.14)

In the case of induction machines, the locked rotor impedance ܼ௅ோ is taken

in the harmonics flow analysis.

The reactance is scaled up directly in accordance with the frequency as

follows [3,5]:

ܺ௛ = ℎܺ௅ோ (5.15)

The resistance is modified to include eddy currents and skin effect losses as
follows [5]:

ܴ௛ = ℎ∝ ܴହ଴ு௭ , 0.5 <∝< 1.5 (5.16)

Total impedance becomes as follows:

ܼ௛ = ܴ௛ + ϳܺ௛ (5.17)

It should be noted that reactance decreases-contrary to what is expected- with

very high frequencies due to saturation, hence, the equation 5.17 will be less

correct [3]. If only fundamental impedance (ܼହ଴ு௭) value is available special

curves like that shown in Fig 5.6 can be used to find reactance (ܺହ଴ு௭) and
resistance (ܴହ଴ு௭) values.

Fig 5.6: X/R value with the capacity of machine curve [1]

Finally, in the case of a salient pole synchronous machines type, the negative
sequences currents generate a second order harmonics currents in the
magnetic field, which in turn generate a third order harmonics currents in the

stator. Here, if the system is unbalanced, more complex model is required to

represent this type of machine in harmonics flow analysis.

5.5 Loads

In the case that the load is not a source of harmonics and does not participate
in their generation, then it can be represented by linear elements to form an
impedance depending on frequency.

Load are classified to three types: passive load (typically domestic), motive
load and power electronics load [2]. The first two types can be represented
by a linear model for harmonics analysis, but the last type is different since

it presents a variable L, R, C elements and it has non-linear characteristics.

There is no absolute acceptable model for load representation. To conclude
an acceptable model, several measurements were made and three models

were reached. They are: model(A), model(B) and model(C) shown


Model (A) [3,5,7]:

Fig 5.7: Load model (A) for harmonics analysis

ܴ௛ = (5.18)
ܺ௛ = ℎ (5.19)

Model (B)[2]:

Fig 5.8: Load model (B) for harmonics analysis

ܴ௛ = √ℎ (5.20)
ܺ௛ = ℎ (5.21)

Model (C) [3,5]:

Fig 5.9: Load model (C) for harmonics analysis

ܴௌ = (5.22)
ܺ௉ = (5.23)
6.7 − 0.74

ܺௌ ൌ ͲǤͲ͹͵ ݄ܴௌ (5.24)

In each model, resistance slightly changes with frequency change since there
are no skin effect nor eddy currents like in transformers and other

5.6 Capacitors

There is a need to know the capacity of the capacitor in (kVAR or MVAR)

and the rated voltage in (kܸ௅௅) to calculate the capacitor reactance as follows:

ܺହ଴ு௭ = (5.25)
‫ܴܣܸ ܯ‬

The capacitor reactance changes with the harmonics frequencies as follows:

ܺ௛ = (5.26)


5.7 Reactors

With frequency change, both resistance and reactance change as follows:

Reactance change linearly with frequency

ܺ௛ = ℎܺହ଴ு௭ (5.27)

While resistance change as follows [3]:

1 + 0.055ℎଶ
ܴ௛ = ܴହ଴ு௭ ݅݊ ܿܽ‫ݎ݋ݐܿܽ݁ݎݎ݁݌݌݋ܿ ݂݋݁ݏ‬ (5.28)
1 + 0.115ℎଶ
ܴ௛ = ܴହ଴ு௭ ݅݊ ܿܽ‫ݎ݋ݐܿܽ݁ݎ ݉ݑ݅݊݅ ݉ݑ݈ܽ ݂݋݁ݏ‬ (5.29)

5.8 Connection point

The connection point is considered a zero-voltage circuit at harmonics

frequencies. It is effective in providing voltages only at the fundamental
frequency. Hence, the connection point is represented only by its
impedance [5]. Connection point impedance calculation procedure is as

ܼ௚௥௜ௗ = (5.30)
‫ݏ‬ℎ‫ܣܸ ܯݐ݅ݑܿݎ݅ܿݐݎ݋‬


‫ݏ‬ℎ‫√ = ܣܸ ܯݐ݅ݑܿݎ݅ܿݐݎ݋‬3ܸ௅௅‫ݏ‬ℎ‫ݐ݊݁ݎݎݑܿݐ݅ݑܿݎ݅ܿݐݎ݋‬ (5.31)


Chapter Six

Harmonics study of balanced distribution networks in

frequency domain

6.1 Introduction

In order to identify the impact of harmonics on the power grid, especially the

distortion of voltages and currents, there is a need to analyze the distorted

waveforms by using a technique called harmonics analysis. Harmonics
analysis is widely used in design and troubleshooting.

Harmonics analysis calculations are of great importance for the following


 It helps us to know how dangerous if a resonance occurs between power

factor correction banks and the inductance of the network.

 It determines the distortion in voltages and currents, and its compatibility

with the natural limits.
 It assists in the design of methods to eliminate harmonics such as using


The network response for harmonics can be studied through:

 Direct measurements using dedicated devices such as a Harmonics

Analyzer Fluke 434/435. These devices reflect the conditions of the

network at the time in which measurements were made and do not

necessarily give the worst situation for the system.

 Computer simulation using sophisticated software and this track is

adopted if the network is extended and containing a large number of

buses. These programs are fast to take the results

 Manual calculations, which are the preferred method if the network is not
too large to make this method complex. It is common that the results of

manual calculations deviate somewhat from the accurate results because

of the low probability of access to a comprehensive model for the system
which gives the exact results. This point was exceeded in this thesis

because the model of each element was carefully selected to form a

complete model for the system in which all the individual models fit

6.2 Electric grid overview

The selected electric grid can be described as follows:

A utility supplies a distribution network through a 66kV/11kV transformer.

Loads in the system are distributed at two buses as follows:

A 6-pulse converter is connected at one bus in parallel with another passive

An induction motor is connected to the other bus.

The two buses are linked by a 11kV/4.16kV transformer. Capacitor banks

exist on both buses for power factor correction. Fig 6.1 shows the schematic
diagram of the network.

Fig 6.1: Schematic diagram of the distribution network

The system data are as follows:

Utility (grid) 66kV, X/R =10 , infinite bus, SS.C=1000MVA

Transformers T1: 66kV-∆ /11kV-ܻ , 20MVA , Z=6%, X/R=20.

T2: 11kV-ܻ /4.16kV-ܻ , 5MVA , Z=6%, X/R=12.

Passive load(bus#2) 3 MVA, P.F=0.9 lag.

Induction motor(bus#3) 2000 hp , P.F=0.926 lag ,ܺ ᇱᇱ =15.257% ,

η=93.94% ,X/R=30.8 .

P.F correction banks C1: 600 kVAR


C2: 3600 kVAR.

6-Pulse converter 6 MW, P. F=0.85 lag.

6.3 Harmonics modeling of system component

The calculation will be done using per unit quantities. ܵ௕௔௦௘ = 10‫ ܣܸ ܯ‬is

taken for all regions.

Bus#1 region:

ܸ௕ = 66ܸ݇
ܵ௕ 10‫ܣܸ ܯ‬
‫ܫ‬஻ = = = 87.477‫ܣ‬
√3ܸ௕ √3(66ܸ݇)
ܸ௕ଶ (66ܸ݇)ଶ
ܼ௕ = = = 435.6Ω
ܵ௕ 10‫ܣܸ ܯ‬

Bus#2 region:

ܸ௕ = 11ܸ݇
ܵ௕ 10‫ܣܸ ܯ‬
‫ܫ‬஻ = = = 524.86‫ܣ‬
√3ܸ௕ √3(11ܸ݇)
ܸ௕ଶ (11ܸ݇)ଶ
ܼ௕ = = = 12.1Ω
ܵ௕ 10‫ܣܸ ܯ‬

Bus#3 region:

ܸ௕ = 4.16ܸ݇
ܵ௕ 10‫ܣܸ ܯ‬
‫ܫ‬஻ = = = 1387.86‫ܣ‬
√3ܸ௕ √3(4.16ܸ݇)
ܸ௕ଶ (4.16ܸ݇)ଶ
ܼ௕ = = = 1.731Ω
ܵ௕ 10‫ܣܸ ܯ‬

The base data is tabulated in Table 6.1

Table 6.1: The per unit values of bus regions

Base voltage 66kV
Base current 87.477A
Base impedance 435.6 Ω

Base voltage 11kV
Base current 524.86A
Base impedance 12.1 Ω

Base voltage 4.16kV
Base current 1387.86A
Base impedance 1.731 Ω

There is a need to perform load flow analysis of the network at the

fundamental frequency. This analysis gives us the following values which

will be required in the harmonics analysis:

 The buses fundamental voltage values and associated phase angles. The

voltage values are important in calculating THD, while phase angles are
important in the case when more than one source of harmonics exist.
Since in this case study only one source of harmonics is present, phase

angles are not of importance [9].

 The value of the fundamental current in the line that feeds the nonlinear
load (harmonics source), This value will be used to estimate the current

value of the harmonics source for each harmonics order (As we shall
see later).

The fundamental load flow study is carried out by ETAP 12.6 software.
Voltage, current values and phase angle are shown in Fig 6.2.

Fig 6.2: Load flow study results obtained by ETAP 12.6

The fundamental current of harmonics source is found to be equal to 413.2A.

Moreover, all bus fundamental voltages percentage values are shown in

Table 6.2

Table 6.2: Bus voltages percentage values

Bus#1 100%
Bus#2 99.4%
Bus#3 99.16%

The harmonics source was modeled as a constant power load in the

fundamental load flow study. This means that it consumes power from the
grid and do not inject harmonics to the grid.

The next step is to model every component in frequency domain. As stated

before, there are more than one model for each component. Choosing the

most suitable model is an important step.

Connection point:

As mentioned earlier in Chapter 5, the grid does not contribute in the

generation of the harmonics and for this reason, it is represented by its

impedance in harmonics studies.

݃‫= ݁ܿ݊ܽ݀݁݌ ݉݅ ݀݅ݎ‬
‫ܣܸ ܯ‬ௌ.஼
ܼ௕ =
‫ܣܸ ܯ‬௕
‫ܣܸ ܯ‬௕ 10
ܼ௣.௨ = = = 0.01
‫ܣܸ ܯ‬ௌ.஼ 1000
ܼ௣.௨ 0.01
ܴ௣.௨ = = ≅ 0.001‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬
ଶ ඥ(10)ଶ + 1
ට ቀܺቁ + 1
ܺ௣.௨ = ܴ ൬ ൰ = 0.01‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬

Hence, the fundamental impedance of the grid ܼ௣.௨ = ܴ + ݆ܺ = 0.001 +

݆0.01 ‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬. As stated before, grid impedance is represented by an impedance

which consists of resistance and reactance in series. The value of resistance

will be constant with frequency change unlike reactance which linearly
changes with frequency (ܺ௛ = ℎܺହ଴ு ௭).

The per unit values of resistance and reactance for each harmonics frequency
order is tabulated in Table 6.3

Table 6.3: Per unit harmonics impedance values of the grid for each
harmonic order
harmonic order(h) ܴ௚ (‫݌‬. ‫)ݑ‬ ܺ௚ (‫݌‬. ‫)ݑ‬
h=5 0.001 0.05
h=7 0.001 0.07
h = 11 0.001 0.11
h = 13 0.001 0.13


Transformers are represented by using model (A) as shown in Fig 5.2. In this

model, the transformer is represented by a combination of series and parallel

impedances between the two buses connected by the transformer.

The calculation of the Harmonics impedance of the transformer is done as


 The first step is to find the per unit value of the fundamental impedance
of the transformer on the new base values.
 The second step is using the equations 5.4,5.5,5.6 and 5.7 to find

harmonic resistances and harmonic reactances.

 The third step is to find the equivalent harmonic impedance for each
harmonic order using equation 5.8.

Transformer T1:

The fundamental impedance of the transformer can be calculated as:

ܼ%(ܵ௕) 0.06(10)
Z௣.௨ = = = 0.03‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬
்ܵ௥ 20
Z௣.௨ 0.03
ܴ௣.௨ = = = 0.0015‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬
ଶ ඥ(20)ଶ + 1
ට ቀܺቁ + 1
ܺ௣.௨ = ܴ௣.௨ ൬ ൰ = 0.015(20) = 0.03‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬

்ܼ௥ = ்ܴ௥ + ்݆ܺ௥=0.0015 + ݆0.03 ‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬

The harmonics resistance and reactance combination

ܴ௦ = ்ܴ௥ = 0.0015 ‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬

ܺ௛ = ℎ்ܺ௥ = ℎ ∗ 0.03 ‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬

ܴ௣ = 80்ܺ௥ = 80 ∗ 0.03 = 2.4 ‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬

The equivalent harmonics impedance for each harmonics order of the

transformer is given by equation 5.8

ℎଶܺ௣ଶܴ௣ ℎ்ܺ௥ܴ௣ଶ
்ܼை் = ܴ௦ + ଶ ଶ +ϳ ଶ ଶ ,ℎ ≠ 1
ܴ௣ + ℎଶ்ܺ௥ ܴ௣ + ℎଶ்ܺ௥

The per unit values of resistance and reactance of the equivalent impedance
for each harmonic frequency order are calculated and tabulated as follows:

Table 6.4: Per unit harmonics impedance values of T1 for each

harmonics order
Frequency order(h) ்ܴଵ(‫݌‬. ‫)ݑ‬ ்ܺଵ(‫݌‬. ‫)ݑ‬
h=5 0.01084 0.15
h=7 0.0197 0.208
h = 11 0.046 0.324
h = 13 0.0635 0.38

Transformer T2:

The fundamental impedance of the transformer can be calculated as:

ܼ%(ܵ௕) 0.06(10)
Z௣.௨ = = = 0.12‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬
்ܵ௥ 5
Z௣.௨ 0.12
ܴ௣.௨ = = = 0.00996‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬
ଶ ଶ
ට ቀܺቁ + 1 ඥ(12) + 1
ܺ௣.௨ = ܴ௣.௨ ൬ ൰ = 0.00996(12) = 0.1196‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬

்ܼ௥ = ்ܴ௥ + ்݆ܺ௥=0.00996 + ݆0.1196 ‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬

The harmonics resistance and reactance combination

ܴ௦ = ்ܴ௥ = 0.00996 ‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬

ܺ௛ = ℎ்ܺ௥ = ℎ ∗ 0.1196 ‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬

ܴ௣ = 80்ܺ௥ = 80 ∗ 0.1196 = 9.57 ‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬

The equivalent harmonics impedance for each harmonics order of the

transformer is given by equation 5.8

The per unit values of resistance and reactance of the equivalent impedance
for each harmonic frequency order are calculated and tabulated as follows:

Table 6.5: Per unit harmonics impedance values of T2 for each

harmonics order
Frequency order(h) ்ܴଵ(‫݌‬. ‫)ݑ‬ ்ܺଵ(‫݌‬. ‫)ݑ‬
h=5 0.04716 0.6
h=7 0.08296 0.831
h = 11 0.18746 1.3
h = 13 0.256 1.515

Passive load:

The passive load will be represented by the model (A) shown in Fig 5.7. In
this model, the load is represented by a resistance and a reactance in parallel
between the bus and the ground.
ܵ௅ 3
ܵ௣.௨ = = = 0.3‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬
ܵ௕ 10

ܸ௅ି௅ ௣.௨ (1)ଶ
ܴ௣.௨ = = = 3.7037‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬
ܲ௣.௨ 0.3(0.9)

ܸ௅ି௅ ௣.௨ (1)ଶ
ܺ௣.௨ = = = 7.6472‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬
ܳ௣.௨ 0.3(0.436)

The equivalent harmonics impedance of passive load for each harmonics is

given by:
ℎଶܺ௅ଶܴ௅ ℎܺ௅ܴ௅ଶ
்ܼை் = ଶ +ϳ ଶ ,ℎ ≠ 1
ܴ௅ + ℎଶܺ௅ଶ ܴ௅ + ℎଶܺ௅ଶ

The per unit values of resistance and reactance for each harmonics frequency

order are tabulated as follows:

Table 6.6: Per unit harmonics impedance values of load for each

harmonics order
Frequency order(h) ܴ௅(‫݌‬. ‫)ݑ‬ ܺ௅(‫݌‬. ‫)ݑ‬
h=5 3.6693 0.3554
h=7 3.686 0.255
h = 11 3.697 0.163
h = 13 3.699 0.138


For capacitor C1:

The fundamental reactance can be calculated as follows:

‫ܣܸ ܯ‬௕ 10
ܺ௣.௨ = − =− = −16.667‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬
‫ܣܸ ܯ‬௖௔௣ 0.6

The harmonics impedance of the capacitor is given as:

ܺ௛ =

Hence, the per unit values of reactance for each harmonics frequency order
are as follows:

Table 6.7: Per unit harmonics impedance values of C1 for each

harmonics order
Frequency order(h) ܺ஼ଵ(‫݌‬. ‫)ݑ‬
h=5 -3.333
h=7 -2.381
h = 11 -1.515
h = 13 -1.282

For capacitor C2:

The fundamental reactance can be calculated as follows:

‫ܣܸ ܯ‬௕ 10
ܺ௣.௨ = − =− = −2.778‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬
‫ܣܸ ܯ‬௖௔௣ 3.6

The harmonics impedance of the capacitor is given as:

ܺ௛ =


Hence, the per unit values of reactance for each harmonics frequency order
is are as follows:

Table 6.8: Per unit harmonics impedance values of C2 for each

harmonics order
Frequency order(h) ܺ஼ଵ(‫݌‬. ‫)ݑ‬
h=5 -0.556
h=7 -0.4
h = 11 -0.253
h = 13 -0.214

Induction motor:

The locked rotor impedance ܼ௅ோ is taken in the harmonics flow analysis.

 First step is to calculate the locked rotor impedance at new base values
ܲ௢௨௧ 2000‫(ܲܪ‬0.746)
ܵெ ି௜௡௣ = = = 1714.06ܸ݇‫ܣ‬
ܲ. ‫ ∗ ܨ‬η 0.9266 ∗ 0.9394
ܺ ᇱᇱܵ௕ 0.15257(10)
ܺ௣.௨ = = = 0.9‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬
ܵெ ି௜௡௣ 1.71406
ܺ ᇱᇱ 0.9
ܴ௣.௨ = = = 0.03‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬
ܺ 30.8
( )

 Second step is to adjust the resistance and reactance with frequency

change using equations 5.15 and 5.16

Hence, the per unit values of resistance and reactance for each harmonics
frequency order as follows(∝= 1, is taken):

Table 6.9: Per unit harmonics impedance values of IM for each

harmonics order
Frequency order(h) ܴெ (‫݌‬. ‫)ݑ‬ ܺெ (‫݌‬. ‫)ݑ‬
h=5 0.15 4.5
h=7 0.21 6. 3
h = 11 0.33 9.9
h = 13 0.4 11.7

The harmonics per unit impedance diagram of the whole network is shown

in Fig 6.3

Fig 6.3: The harmonics per unit impedance diagram of the whole network

6.4 Harmonics modeling of nonlinear load (harmonics source)

The harmonics source (nonlinear load) is represented by an ideal current

source that injects a different current value for each harmonics order. This
hypothesis becomes more accurate whenever the values of voltage distortion

are small. References mention that in cases of voltage distortion (ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩) that
exceeds 10%, this hypothesis gives less accurate results[9]. Actually, the

distortion on the current is more severe than voltages. This makes the
nonlinear load representation as a current source often is true and accurate.
In the network that was adopted, the nonlinear load was a 6-pulse converter

drive which is used to control an induction motor. This type of nonlinear load
generates harmonics characteristics based on the number of pulses and
determined by:

ℎ = ܲ݊ ± 1

Where: h: harmonics order, P: pulse number, n: integer number.

for 6-pulse converter, harmonics orders (5,7,11,13,17,19….) will appear.

Because the amplitude of the harmonics decreases inversely by increasing

the harmonics order following this pattern:

‫ܫ‬௛ = ‫ܫ‬
ℎ ଵ

the analysis will be limited to (5,7,11,13) only.

Harmonics current data of nonlinear load as a percentage of fundamental

current for considered harmonics orders are

Table 6.10: 6-pulse converter current as a percentage value of

fundamental current for each harmonics order

h 1 5 7 11 13
(%) 100 20 14.3 9.1 7.7

Hence, we find the per unit values of harmonics current using both
fundamental current and base current. As an example ,the per unit value for

harmonics current of 5௧௛ order can be calculated as follows:

Base current ‫ܫ‬௕=524.86A while the fundamental current ‫ܫ‬ହ଴ு௭=413.2A. Fifth

order harmonics current will be:

‫ܫ‬௛ୀହ = ൬ ൰ = 0.15745‫݌‬. ‫ݑ‬

Consequently, the per unit values of harmonics current are

Table 6.11: Per unit value of the 6-pulse converter current for each
harmonics order
h 1 5 7 11 13
ܿ‫݌(ݐ݊݁ݎݎݑ‬. ‫)ݑ‬ 0.78726 0.15745 0.11258 0.071640 0.06062

6.5 Calculation of harmonics distortion

In harmonics analysis, the only current source which is exists in the network
is the nonlinear load (harmonics source) and the grid itself does not produce
currents into the network. Hence, the number of current sources is equal to

the number of harmonics sources in the network.

There is a current associated with each harmonics frequency emitted by the
current source. Thus, it is necessary to apply superposition technique to find

the value of the distortion for each harmonics current.

The method of calculation of bus voltages is accomplished by solving the
following linear equation:
[ ‫ܫ‬௛ ] = [ ܻ௛ ] [ ܸ௛ ] , ℎ ≠ 1 (6.1)

Where [ܻ௛ ] is the bus admittance matrix of the system for the harmonics
order of interest. This linear equation can be written in details like the

‫ܫ‬௛,௕௨௦ଵ ܻ௛(ଵ,ଵ) ܻ௛(ଵ,ଶ) ܻ௛(ଵ,௡) ܸ௛௕௨௦ଵ
⎡ ⋯ ⎤
‫ܫ‬ ܻ ܻ ܻ௛(ଶ,௡) ܸ
൦ ௛,௕௨௦ଶ൪= ⎢ ௛(ଶ,ଵ) ௛(ଶ,ଶ) ⎥ ൦ ௛௕௨௦ଶ൪
⋮ ⎢ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⎥ ⋮
‫ܫ‬௛,௕௨௦௡ ⎣ܻ௛(௡,ଵ) ܻ௛(௡,ଶ) ⋯ ܻ௛(௡,௡) ⎦ ܸ௛௕௨௦௡

Here, the admittance matrix and current vector will be formed for every
harmonic order separately. Also, it is formed according to the network
configuration (topology).

This calculation method avoids iteration process which is a tedious. Also, it

can be used in the presence of more than one harmonics source.
According to Fig 6.3, current vector will be as
൥‫ܫ‬௛ ൩

And admittance matrix as:

1 1 1
⎡( + ) − 0 ⎤
⎢ ܼ௛(௚) ܼ௛(்ଵ) ܼ௛(்ଵ) ⎥
⎢ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ⎥
⎢ − ( + + + ) − ⎥
ܼ௛(்ଵ) ܼ௛(்ଵ) ܼ௛(்ଶ) ܼ௛(௅) ܼ௛(஼ଶ) ܼ௛(்ଶ)
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 1 1 1 1 ⎥
0 − ( + + )
⎣ ܼ௛(்ଶ) ܼ௛(்ଶ) ܼ௛(ெ ) ܼ௛(஼ଵ) ⎦

Our goal is to calculate the harmonics voltages of the buses, so equation 6.1
has to be rearranged to the following form:

[ ܸ௛ ] = [ ܼ௛ ][ ‫ܫ‬௛ ] (6.2)

[ ܼ௛ ] = [ ܻ௛ିଵ ] (6.3)

Once the harmonics voltages are calculated, the corresponding time-domain

voltages can be obtained by applying superposition to convert harmonics
voltages values to time -domain for each bus as follows:

ܸ௕௨௦(‫ = )ݐ‬෍ ܸ௛,௕௨௦ sin൫ℎ‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ ߜ௛,௕௨௦൯ (6.4)


Where k is the highest harmonics order of interest . ߜ௛ is the phase angle of

ℎ௧௛ harmonics order at the bus considered.

For h=5 , the per unit admittance matrix [ ܼହ ]=

૚ ૚ −૚
⎡ + ૙ ⎤
⎢૙. ૙૙૚ + ࢐૙. ૙૞ ૙. ૙૚૙ૡ + ࢐૙. ૚૞ ૙. ૙૚૙ૡ + ࢐૙. ૚૞ ⎥
⎢ −૚ ૚ ૚ ૚ ૚ −૚ ⎥
⎢ + + + ⎥
૙. ૙૚૙ૡ + ࢐૙. ૚૞ ૙. ૙૚૙ૡ + ࢐૙. ૚૞ ૙. ૙૝ૠ + ࢐૙. ૟ ૜. ૟ૠ + ࢐૙. ૜૞૞ −࢐૙. ૞૞૟ ૙. ૙૝ૠ + ࢐૙. ૟
⎢ ⎥
⎢ −૚ ૚ ૚ ૚ ⎥
૙ + +
⎣ ૙. ૙૝ૠ + ࢐૙. ૟ ૙. ૙૝ૠ + ࢐૙. ૟ ૙. ૚૞ + ࢐૝. ૞ −࢐૜. ૜૜⎦

The per unit Current vector [‫ܫ‬ହ ] =


[ ܸହ ] = [ ܼହ ][ ‫ܫ‬ହ ]

yields to bus voltages at fifth order frequency. Calculation is done by using

MAT LAB software and the per unit bus voltages associated to h=5 are:
ܸହ,௕௨௦ଵ 1.23%
቎ܸହ,௕௨௦ଶ቏= ൥4.93% ൩
ܸହ,௕௨௦ଷ 5.17%

Per unit values can be converted to actual voltages (ܸ݇௅௅) by multiplying by

base values
ܸହ,௕௨௦ଵ 1.23% ∗ 66ܸ݇ 0.811ܸ݇
቎ܸହ,௕௨௦ଶ቏= ൥ 4.93% ∗ 11ܸ݇ ൩= ൥0.542ܸ݇൩
ܸହ,௕௨௦ଷ 5.17% ∗ 4.16ܸ݇ 0.215ܸ݇

For h=7, the per unit impedance matrix [ ܼ଻ ]=

૚ ૚ −૚
⎡ + ૙ ⎤
⎢ ૙. ૙૙૚ + ࢐૙. ૙ૠ ૙. ૙૚ૢૠ + ࢐૙. ૛૙ૡ ૙. ૙૚ૢૠ + ࢐૙. ૛૙ૡ ⎥
⎢ −૚ ૚ ૚ ૚ ૚ −૚ ⎥
⎢ + + + ⎥
૙. ૙૚ૢૠ + ࢐૙. ૛૙ૡ ૙. ૙૚ૢૠ + ࢐૙. ૛૙ૡ ૙. ૙ૡ૜ + ࢐૙. ૡ૜ ૜. ૟ૡ૟ + ࢐૙. ૛૞૞ −࢐૙. ૝ ૙. ૙ૡ૜ + ࢐૙. ૡ૜
⎢ ⎥
⎢ −૚ ૚ ૚ ૚ ⎥
૙ + +
⎣ ૙. ૙ૡ૜ + ࢐૙. ૡ૜ ૙. ૙ૡ૜ + ࢐૙. ૡ૜ ૙. ૛૚ + ࢐૟. ૜ −࢐૛. ૜ૡ⎦

The per unit Current vector [‫= ] ଻ܫ‬


[ ܸ଻ ] = [ ܼ଻ ][ ‫] ଻ܫ‬

yields to bus voltages at fifth order frequency. Calculation is done by using

MAT LAB software and the per unit bus voltages associated to h=7 are:
ܸ଻,௕௨௦ଵ 3.06%
቎ ଻,௕௨௦ଶ቏= ൥ 12.2% ൩
ܸ଻,௕௨௦ଷ 15.57%

Per unit values can be converted to actual voltages (ܸ݇௅௅) by multiplying by

base values
ܸ଻,௕௨௦ଵ 3.06% ∗ 66ܸ݇ 2.02ܸ݇
቎ܸ଻,௕௨௦ଶ቏= ൥ 12.2% ∗ 11ܸ݇ ൩= ൥1.342ܸ݇൩
ܸ଻,௕௨௦ଷ 15.57% ∗ 4.16ܸ݇ 0.648ܸ݇

For h=11, the per unit impedance matrix [ ܼଵଵ ]=

૚ ૚ −૚
⎡ + ૙ ⎤
⎢૙. ૙૙૚ + ࢐૙. ૚૚ ૙. ૙૝૟ + ࢐૙. ૜૛૝ ૙. ૙૝૟ + ࢐૙. ૜૛૝ ⎥
⎢ −૚ ૚ ૚ ૚ ૚ −૚ ⎥
⎢ + + + ⎥
૙. ૙૝૟ + ࢐૙. ૜૛૝ ૙. ૙૝૟ + ࢐૙. ૜૛૝ ૙. ૚ૡૠ + ࢐૚. ૜ ૜. ૠ + ࢐૙. ૚૟૜ −࢐૙. ૛૞૜ ૙. ૚ૡૠ + ࢐૚. ૜
⎢ ⎥
⎢ −૚ ૚ ૚ ૚ ⎥
૙ + +
⎣ ૙. ૚ૡૠ + ࢐૚. ૜ ૙. ૚ૡૠ + ࢐૚. ૜ ૙. ૜૜ + ࢐ૢ. ૢ −࢐૚. ૞૛⎦

The per unit Current vector [‫ܫ‬ଵଵ ] =


[ ܸଵଵ ] = [ ܼଵଵ ][ ‫ܫ‬ଵଵ ]

yields to bus voltages at fifth order frequency. Calculation is done by using

MAT LAB software and the per unit bus voltages associated to h=11 are:

From MATLAB results, the per unit bus voltages associated to h=11 are:
ܸଵଵ,௕௨௦ଵ 0.5%
቎ܸଵଵ,௕௨௦ଶ቏= ൥1.98% ൩
ܸଵଵ,௕௨௦ଷ 6.62%

Per unit values can be converted to actual voltages (ܸ݇௅௅) by multiplying by

base values
ܸଵଵ,௕௨௦ଵ 0.5% ∗ 66ܸ݇ 0.33ܸ݇
቎ܸଵଵ,௕௨௦ଶ቏= ൥ 1.98% ∗ 11ܸ݇ ൩= ൥0.218ܸ݇൩
ܸଵଵ,௕௨௦ଷ 6.62% ∗ 4.16ܸ݇ 0.275ܸ݇

For h=13, the per unit impedance matrix [ ܼଵଷ ]=

૚ ૚ −૚
⎡ + ૙ ⎤
⎢૙. ૙૙૚ + ࢐૙. ૚૜ ૙. ૙૟૜૞ + ࢐૙. ૜ૡ ૙. ૙૟૜૞ + ࢐૙. ૜ૡ ⎥
⎢ −૚ ૚ ૚ ૚ ૚ −૚ ⎥
⎢ + + + ⎥
૙. ૙૟૜૞ + ࢐૙. ૜ૡ ૙. ૙૟૜૞ + ࢐૙. ૜ૡ ૙. ૛૞૟ + ࢐૚. ૞૛ ૜. ૡ + ࢐૙. ૚૜ૡ −࢐૙. ૛૚૝ ૙. ૛૞૟ + ࢐૚. ૞૛
⎢ ⎥
⎢ −૚ ૚ ૚ ૚ ⎥
૙ + +
⎣ ૙. ૛૞૟ + ࢐૚. ૞૛ ૙. ૛૞૟ + ࢐૚. ૞૛ ૙. ૝ + ࢐૚૚. ૠ −࢐૚. ૛ૡ⎦

The per unit Current vector [‫ܫ‬ଵଷ ] =


[ ܸଵଷ ] = [ ܼଵଷ ][ ‫ܫ‬ଵଷ ]

yields to bus voltages at fifth order frequency. Calculation is done by using

MAT LAB software and the per unit bus voltages associated to h=13 are:

From MATLAB results, the per unit bus voltages associated to h=13 are:
ܸଵଷ,௕௨௦ଵ 0.35%
቎ܸଵଷ,௕௨௦ଶ቏= ൥1.38% ൩
ܸଵଷ,௕௨௦ଷ 7.29%

Per unit values can be converted to actual voltages (ܸ݇௅௅) by multiplying by

base values
ܸଵଷ,௕௨௦ଵ 0.35% ∗ 66ܸ݇ 0.231ܸ݇
቎ܸଵଷ,௕௨௦ଶ቏= ൥ 1.38% ∗ 11ܸ݇ ൩= ൥0.152ܸ݇൩
ܸଵଷ,௕௨௦ଷ 7.29% ∗ 4.16ܸ݇ 0.303ܸ݇

From the bus voltages all other values such as current distortion(ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௜),

voltage distortion(ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩), feeder harmonics currents and losses can be

calculated. Here, for each bus, the voltage distortion (ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩) and ܸோெ ௌ are
calculated. Also the time-domain voltage is created.


ܸோெ ௌ = ඥ 66ଶ + 0.811ଶ + 2.02ଶ + 0.33ଶ + 0.231ଶ = 66.037kV

√0.811ଶ + 2.02ଶ + 0.33ଶ + 0.231ଶ
ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ = = 3.354%

‫ݒ‬௕௨௦͓ ଵ = 66 sin(‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ )ݐ‬+ 0.811 sin(5‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ 81.92° )

+ 2.02 sin(7‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ 56.07° ) + 0.33 sin(11‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬−64.82° )

+ 0.231 sin(13‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬− 16.42° )


ܸோெ ௌ = ඥ 10.9ଶ + 0.542ଶ + 1.342ଶ + 0.218ଶ + 0.152ଶ = 10.998kV

√0.542ଶ + 1.342ଶ + 0.218ଶ + 0.152ଶ

ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ = = 13.5%

‫ݒ‬௕௨௦͓ ଶ = 10.934 sin(‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ )ݐ‬+ 0.542 sin(5‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ 79.66° )

+ 1.342 sin(7‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ 52.62° ) + 0.218 sin(11‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬−70.49° )

+ 0.152 sin(13‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬− 23.16° )


ܸோெ ௌ = ඥ 4.125ଶ + 0.215ଶ + 0.648ଶ + 0.275ଶ + 0.303ଶ = 4.200kV

√0.215ଶ + 0.648ଶ + 0.275ଶ + 0.303ଶ

ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ = = 19.3%

‫ݒ‬௕௨௦͓ ଷ = 4.125 sin(‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ )ݐ‬+ 0.215 sin(5‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ 79.18° )

+ 0.648 sin(7‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬+ 50.68° ) + 0.275 sin(11‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬−91.89° )

+ 0.303 sin(13‫ݓ‬ଵ‫ݐ‬− 128.99° )

6.6 Software simulation of harmonics analysis

As an attempt to validate the results obtained from the harmonics analysis

calculations, we will compare them with the results of the same network
given by ETAP 12.6 software. The one-line diagram of the network will be
drawn in order to exploit ETAP 12.6 capabilities in harmonics analysis.

Next, it is required to enter data related to the harmonics source which

includes amplitude and phase angle of each harmonics order, this data is

called harmonics spectrum. The harmonics source which is entered to the

network at bus #2 is a 6-pulse converter which has frequencies of harmonics
order (5f ,7f ,11f, 13f ,17f ,19f ,23f ,25f.….). Due to the fact that harmonics

amplitude decreases with the increase in harmonics order, a harmonics

source which has only (5f ,7f ,11f ,13f ) harmonics order will be accepted.
This applies to calculations that have been done and which are limited to (5f

,7f ,11f ,13f).

In the program library, there are several harmonics sources with different

specifications to choose from, including a 6-pulse converter of course.

Also, the program has the possibility to insert a harmonics source with any

wanted data spectrum. A source with desired harmonics spectrum has been
entered into the program library named An-Najah Univ.

When adding the harmonics source to the program library, it is determined

as a current source. Also, the current amplitude and phase angle of each

harmonics order is added in a separate step.

After adding the harmonics source with wanted data, and executing the

program , an output report which includes these harmonics indices of buses

( %ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ , %‫ܦܪܫ‬௩) is obtained in a tabulated form. Results related to the
analysis of the entered network are as shown in Fig 6.4:

Fig 6.4: Output report of harmonics load flow analysis

As seen, the ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ results of simulation of each bus are shown in Table 6.12:

Table 6.12: Total harmonics distortion value of the buses

Bus number %ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩
Bus#1 3.4%
Bus#2 13.75%
Bus#3 19.16%

Also, the bus voltages for each harmonics order are obtained in the following
Fig 6.5,6.6,6.7 and 6.8

For 5୲୦ harmonics order:

Fig 6.5: Bus voltages of ૞࢚ࢎ harmonics order

Table 6.13: Voltage values of the buses for ૞࢚ࢎ harmonics order
Bus number Bus voltage(kV)
Bus#1 0.81kV
Bus#2 0.54kV
Bus#3 0.21kV

For 7୲୦ harmonics order:

Fig 6.6: Bus voltages of ૠ࢚ࢎ harmonics order

Table 6.14: Voltage values of the buses for ૠ࢚ࢎ harmonics order
Bus number Bus voltage(kV)
Bus#1 2.05kV
Bus#2 1.37kV
Bus#3 0.651kV

For 11୲୦ harmonics order:

Fig 6.7: Bus voltages of ૚૚࢚ࢎ harmonics order

Table 6.15: Voltage values of the buses for ૚૚࢚ࢎ harmonics order
Bus number Bus voltage(kV)
Bus#1 0.33kV
Bus#2 0.22kV
Bus#3 0.27kV

For 13୲୦ harmonics order:

Fig 6.8: Bus voltages of ૚૜࢚ࢎ harmonics order

Table 6.16: Voltage values of the buses for ૚૜࢚ࢎ harmonics order
Bus number Bus voltage(kV)
Bus#1 0.27kV
Bus#2 0.18kV
Bus#3 0.27kV

The simulated waves with their spectrum for each bus were taken from all
buses as shown in Fig 6.9,6.10, and 6.11:


Fig 6.9: Voltage wave and spectrum of bus#1


Fig 6.10: Voltage wave and spectrum of bus#2


Fig 6.11: Voltage wave and spectrum of bus#3


According to the simulation results, the values of the total voltage of the
buses - which are the resultant of the fundamental and the harmonics- were

as shown in Fig 6.12:

Fig 6.12: Total voltage value of buses

6.7 Comparison between the results

Table 6.17 and Fig 6.13 summarize the results obtained from calculations
and simulations. It is found that there is an almost exact match between the
calculated results and simulated results. This reveals that the adopted method

for modeling and calculation of harmonics analysis is accurate and


Table 6.17: Total harmonics distortion results comparison

Bus number %ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩

calculated simulated
Bus#1 3.354% 3.4%
Bus#2 13.5% 13.75%
Bus#3 19.3% 19.16%

Fig 6.13: Total harmonics distortion of voltage comparison

The calculated results are clearly close to the results of ETAP 12.6.

It is also important to note that the distortion of the buses (2 and 3) exceeds

5%, which is the limitation of IEEE Standard 519- 1992.

As for the voltage values of the buses, the values were very close to each

other. Table 6.16 shows the comparison


Table 6.18: Voltage values results comparison

Bus number Harmonics Voltage of the bus(kV)
order calculated simulated
Bus#1 h=5 0.811 0.81
h=7 2.02 2.05
h=11 0.33 0.33
h=13 0.231 0.27
ܸோெ ௌ 66.037 66.04
Bus#2 h=5 0.542 0.54
h=7 1.342 1.37
h=11 0.218 0.22
h=13 0.152 0.18
ܸோெ ௌ 10.998 11.04
Bus#3 h=5 0.215 0.21
h=7 0.648 0.65
h=11 0.275 0.27
h=13 0.303 0.27
ܸோெ ௌ 4.2 4.2

Fig 6.14: Voltage of bus (1) comparison for each harmonics order

Fig 6.15: Voltage of bus(2) comparison for each harmonics order

Fig 6.16: Voltage of bus(3) comparison for each harmonics order

6.8 Calculation of efficiency

In this section, the efficiency of some selected network elements and the
whole network efficiency in the presence of harmonics will be calculated

taking into account the power flow direction. For comparison purposes, the
efficiency of the fundamental frequency without harmonics will be

At the beginning, the points at which the power will be calculated have to be
selected as in Fig 6.17. No capacitor-related points were selected because the

power associated with them is not real.

Fig 6.17: Selected points for power flow study

Power values which are needed for efficiency calculation can be calculated
from the voltage and current values. Previously, the voltage values were

found for each harmonics order. Current values can then be calculated using
the voltage and impedance values at each harmonics order. Using the ohm’s

law, the current values of each harmonics order were calculated and
presented in Tables 6.19,6.20 and 6.21.

Table 6.19: Per unit values of current which flows from bus(1) to bus(2)
Harmonics ࢂࢇ࢚࢈࢛࢙(૚) ࢂࢇ࢚࢈࢛࢙(૛) ࢆࢀ૚ ࡵ࢈࢛࢙(૚)→࢈࢛ࢋ(૛)
h=5 0.0123∠1.494 0.0493∠1.389 0.01084+j0.15 0.24612∠3.02
h=7 0.0306∠0.987 0.122∠0.927 0.0197+j0.208 0.43781∠2.57
h=11 0.005∠ − 1.13 -1.23∠0.0198 0.046+j0.324 0.04532∠0.45
h=13 0.0035∠ − 0.28 0.0138∠ − 0.4 0.0635+j0.38 0.02681∠1.3

Table 6.20: Per unit values of current which flows from bus(2) to bus(3)
Harmonics ࢂࢇ࢚࢈࢛࢙(૛) ࢂࢇ࢚࢈࢛࢙(૜) ࢆࢀ૛ ࡵ࢈࢛࢙(૛)→࢈࢛ࢋ(૜)
h=5 0.0493∠1.389 0.0517∠1.381 0.04716+j0.6 0.00404∠2.87
h=7 0.122∠0.927 0.1557∠0.894 0.08296+j0.83 0.04072∠2.44
h=11 0.0198∠ − 1.2 0.0662∠ − 1.6 0.18746+j1.3 0.037∠ − 0.04
h=13 0.0138∠ − 0.4 0.0729∠ − 2.25 0.256+j1.515 0.0506∠ − 0.7

Table 6.21: Per unit values of current which flows in the passive load
Harmonics ࢂࢇ࢚࢈࢛࢙(૛) ࢆࡸ ࡵࡸ
h=5 0.0493∠1.39 3.6693+j0.3554 0.01337∠1.3
h=7 0.122∠0.927 3.686+j0.255 0.03302∠0.858
h=11 0.0198∠ − 1.23 3.697+j0.163 0.00535∠ − 1.274
h=13 0.0138∠ − 0.404 3.699+j0.138 0.00373∠ − 0.441

Power values can now be calculated at the selected points. Initially the power
at fundamental frequency will be found. For the fundamental frequency,

power values can be obtained from the load flow study in ETAP 12.6. The
results were as in the following Fig 6.18

Fig 6.18: Fundamental power flow result in load flow study

From the results of the load flow study, the power values at the selected

points are found and shown in Table 6.22. According to point (2), the power is

found by summing the power in the three branches connected to it.

Table 6.22: Real power values of load flow at the selected points
Selected point ࡼ૚ (kW)
Point(1) 11320
Point(2) 11301
Point(3) 1590
Point(4) 1588
Point(5) 2668
Point(6) 7043
Using the relationship ܲ௛ ൌ ܸ௛ ‫ܫ‬௛ cos൫ߠ௩ǡ௛ െ ߠ௜ǡ௛ ൯the power values

associated with harmonics are calculated at each point. The results were
shown in Table 6.23.

Table 6.23: Real power values for different harmonics at the selected
Test point ࡼ૞(kW) ࡼૠ(kW) ࡼ૚૚(kW) ࡼ૚૜(kW)
Point(1) -0.61153 -1.64828 -0.022668 -0.014735
Point(2) -7.21575 -38.6391 -0.9753 -0.49173
Point(3) 0.17861 2.85971 2.70862 6.7227
Point(4) 0.17128 1.57195 0.18983 0.02201
Point(5) 6.56491 40.1891 1.05826 0.5144
Point(6) 13.981 82.463 4.7451 7.69177

As shown in Table 6.21, the power associated with harmonics at points (1

and 2) is negative. This is due to the fact that the current flow at the

fundamental frequency shall be from the grid to all loads including non-
linear loads. But the situation becomes completely different at the harmonics
frequencies where the direction of the current flow will reverse to be from

the non-linear load to all parts of the network [8]. see Fig 6.19.

Fig 6.19: Current flow direction of linear and non-linear load

Now, two individual elements are selected for efficiency calculations, they
are transformers T1and T2; also the whole network efficiency at fundamental

frequency (without harmonics sharing) will be calculated.


ܲଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ଶ) 11301
ߞ= 100% = 100% = 99.83%
ܲଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ଵ) 11320

ܲଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ସ) 1588
ߞ= 100% = 100% = 99.87%
ܲଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ଷ) 1590

The whole network:

ܲଵ,௢௨௧ 10160
ߞ= 100% = 100% = 89.75%
ܲଵ,௜௡ 11320

Where from load flow study:

● ܲଵ,௜௡ = 11320ܹ݇ .
● ܲଵ,௢௨௧ = ܲଵ,଺ି௣௨௟௦௘ + ܲଵ,ூெ + ܲଵ,௅

= ൫ܲଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(଺) ∗ ߞ஺ௌ஽ (ଵ) ∗ ߞூெ ൯+ ൫ܲଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ସ) ∗ ߞூெ ൯+ ܲଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ହ)

= 7043 ∗ (0.9 ∗ 0.9466) + (1588 ∗0.9394) +2668=10160kW.

On the other hand, the efficiency of the individual elements and the whole
network efficiency in the presence of harmonics can be calculated as follows:


The flow of the fundamental power in T1 is from the grid to the rest of the

network elements (point(1) → point(2)). But the flow of the harmonics power
is from the nonlinear load to the grid (point(2) → point(1)).
ߞ= 100%

● ‫(ݐ݊݅݋݌ݐܣ‬2): ்ܲ = ܲଵ + ܲହ + ܲ଻ + ܲଵଵ + ܲଵଷ

= 11301 − 7.216 − 38.64 − 0.975 − 0.492 = 11253.677ܹ݇ .

● ‫(ݐ݊݅݋݌ݐܣ‬1): ்ܲ = ܲଵ + ܲହ + ܲ଻ + ܲଵଵ + ܲଵଷ

= 11320 − 0.612 − 1.648 − 0.023 − 0.0147 = 11317.7ܹ݇ .

ߞ= 100% = 99.43%

(1) This value is the same as the drive efficiency which was entered in the load flow analysis


The flow of the fundamental power in T2 is from the grid to the rest of the
network elements (point(3) → point(4)). Also the flow of the harmonics
power is from the nonlinear load to the rest of network (point(3) → point(4)).
ߞ= 100%

● ‫(ݐ݊݅݋݌ݐܣ‬4): ்ܲ = ܲଵ + ܲହ + ܲ଻ + ܲଵଵ + ܲଵଷ

= 1588 + 0.171 + 1.572 + 0.19 + 0.022 = 1589.955ܹ݇ .

● ‫(ݐ݊݅݋݌ݐܣ‬3): ்ܲ = ܲଵ + ܲହ + ܲ଻ + ܲଵଵ + ܲଵଷ

= 1590 + 0.179 + 2.86 + 2.708 + 6.723 = 1602.47ܹ݇ .

ߞ= 100% = 99.22%

The whole network:

ߞ= 100%


● ்ܲ,௜௡ = ்ܲ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ଵ)
= ܲଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ଵ) + ܲହ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ଵ) + ܲ଻,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ଵ) + ܲଵଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ଵ)
+ ܲଵଷ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ଵ)

= 11320 − 0.61153 − 1.64828 − 0.022668 − 0.014735

= 11317.7ܹ݇ .

● ்ܲ,௢௨௧ = ்ܲ,଺ି௣௨௟௦௘ + ்ܲ,ூெ + ்ܲ,௅=

5907.45+1493.6+2716.25=10117.3kW(these values are shown below)

்ܲ,଺ି௣௨௟௦௘ = ൫ܲଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(଺) − ܲହ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(଺) − ܲ଻,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(଺) − ܲଵଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(଺)

− ܲଵଷ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(଺) ൯∗ ߞ஺ௌ஽ ∗ ߞூெ
= (7043 − 13.98 − 82.46 − 4.75 − 7.7) ∗ 0.9 ∗ 0.9466
= 5907.45ܹ݇

்ܲ,ூெ = ൫ܲଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ସ) + ܲହ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ସ) + ܲ଻,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ସ) + ܲଵଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ସ)

+ ܲଵଷ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ସ) ൯∗ ߞூெ
= (1588 + 0.17 + 1.57 + 0.19 + 0.02) ∗ 0.9394
= 1493.6ܹ݇

்ܲ,௅ = ൫ܲଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ହ) − ܲହ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ହ) − ܲ଻,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ହ) − ܲଵଵ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ହ)

− ܲଵଷ,௔௧௣௢௜௡௧(ହ) ൯= (2668 + 6.56 + 40.12 + 1.06 + 0.51)
= 2716.25ܹ݇

ߞ= 100% = 89.39%

Table 6.24 compares between the efficiency values at the fundamental

frequency and with harmonics for T1, T2, and the whole network. It is clear
that harmonics decrease the efficiency with harmonics and this decrease is
because of the losses associated with harmonics

Table 6.24: Efficiency values results comparison

Efficiency value
Without harmonics With harmonics
T1 99.83% 99.43%
T2 99.87% 99.22%
The whole network 89.75% 89.39%

Chapter Seven

Harmonics Mitigation Techniques

7.1 Introduction

The production of harmonics by nonlinear loads is essential to their work

and cannot be prevented. But there are ways to prevent these generated

harmonics from crossing into the rest of the system.

Some ways are classified as preventive, aiming to reduce harmonics before
they are injected into the power system like phase shift transformer. Other

ways are classified as remedial, aiming to reduce harmonics which are

existing in the power system like passive filters.
There are variety of techniques that can be used to get rid of the harmonics

in the network feeding the consumer or to reduce their impact, the most
important are listed below.

7.2 Phase shift transformer

One of the new and distinctive ways to reduce the effect of harmonics in the
network is to let those harmonics cancel each other. The idea of this method
is that each harmonics order frequency has a value and angle of its own. If

we can combine the harmonics in a way that their vector sum is equal to zero
(as in three phase balanced systems), we prevent harmonics from crossing to
the rest of the network.

In this method, we make a shift for one of harmonic sources by 180 degrees
compared to the other harmonics sources and then merge the waves of the

two sources together. As a result, harmonics cancel each other at the primary
side of the transformer before entering to the rest of the network. The fact
that harmonics eliminate each other is proven in AppendixB.

Two transformers are required , One of them is ∆ − ∆ (‫ ܻݎ݋‬െ ܻ) and the

other is ο െ ܻሺ‫ ܻݎ݋‬െ οሻ. Or one transformer with two secondary windings
can be used. Nonlinear loads are equally divided into secondary windings

in both cases.
In this way, harmonics of order 5 and 7 are disposed of. They are the
harmonics that cause the most distortion in power systems. The concept of

this method is illustrated in Fig 7.1. Of course , since the transformers

∆ windings have no neutral line, the third harmonics will not return to the
grid. It will remain in the transformer.

Fig 7.1: A schematic of harmonics mitigation by the phase shift transformer [8]

Each harmonics order current need a special phase shift to be eliminated.

Table 7.1 summarizes phase shift required to eliminate different harmonics


Table 7.1: The phase shift required to eliminate different harmonics

Phase shift in two outputs Eliminated harmonics order
15° 11,13
30° 5,7
60° 3

For example, consider fifth order harmonics. Each half cycle in this
harmonics occupies = = 36° . Hence, if a phase shift equals 30° is done

to one harmonics and to Leave the second without phase shift , the result is
that the two harmonics cancel each other.
To prove the effectiveness of this method in the elimination of certain

harmonics. The same network will be studied by adding another nonlinear

load of the same type. The type of harmonics spectrum emitted from the
nonlinear loads has been changed from the type previously created (An-

Najah Uni) to the type (IEEE) which already existed in the program library.
Two simulations are taken for the modified network in Fig 7.2. In the first
simulation, both transformers ∆ − Y are connected, while in the second

simulation, one of the transformer ∆ − ܻ is connected (i.e.30° phase shift)

and the other ∆ − ∆ is connected ( i.e. no phase shift).

Fig 7.2: Schematic diagram of the modified network with two nonlinear loads

7.2.1 Results and simulation

The simulated results of voltage waveform as taken from bus#2 were as


 First case in which both transformers ο െ ܻ are connected i.e. without

phase shift case. The voltage distortion (Ψ ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ܽ݊݀Ψ ‫ܦܪܫ‬௩), voltage

waveform shape and harmonics spectrum were as in the Fig 7.3,7.4 and
7.5 respectively

Fig 7.3: Output report of no phase shift case

Fig 7.4: Voltage shape of bus#2 for the first case


Fig 7.5: Harmonics spectrum of bus#2 for the first case

 Second case in which one transformer ο െ ܻ is connected and the other

∆ − ∆ is connected i.e. with phase shift = 30° case. The voltage
distortion (Ψ ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ܽ݊݀Ψ ‫ܦܪܫ‬௩) , voltage waveform shape and

harmonics spectrum were as shown in the Fig 7.6,7.7 and 7.8


Fig 7.6: Output report for the second case


Fig 7.7: Voltage shape of bus#2 for the second case

Fig 7.8: Harmonics spectrum of bus#2 for the second case

From the simulated results; the following observations are very clear:

 The phase shift by transformer led to the elimination of the fifth and
seventh harmonics as seen in Fig 7.8. Also, other harmonics
(h=17,19…….) were eliminated as shown in the same Fig.

 The amount of distortion on the voltage wave with phase shift (Fig7.7)
is less as it has become closer to the sinusoidal wave despite the

presence of some other harmonics.

● ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ value - which represents the amount of distortion- was decreased
significantly. ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ values were as follows:

Table 7.2: Comparison of the voltage distortion values

Without phase shift With phase shift =30°
13.85% 5.93%

The simulated current waveforms of the two separate nonlinear loads after
phase shift and their resultant current waveform are as shown in Fig
7.9,7.10,7.11and 7.12. Fig 7.9 and 7.10 show the current wave shape and

harmonic spectrum of the two nonlinear loads respectively. The wave of the
∆ − ܻ transformer was shifted by 30° . Fig 7.11 and 7.12 show the current
wave and harmonic spectrum at bus#2 which are resulted from the summing

of the two nonlinear loads waves. It is clear that the resultant current wave is
closer to the sinusoidal shape than the wave for each nonlinear load.

Fig 7.9: Current shape of the two nonlinear load

Fig 7.10: Current harmonics spectrum of the two nonlinear load

Fig 7.11: Current shape of the resultant of the two nonlinear loads

Fig 7.12: Current harmonics spectrum of the resultant of the two nonlinear loads

7.3 Passive filter

Passive fillers are a cheap and simple tool compared to other procedures used
to eliminate certain network harmonics. This type of filter consists of passive
elements and its principle of operation based on the resonance phenomenon.

This type of filter comes in many sizes, shapes, and the most widespread and
applied type is the single tuned filter " notch filter", which consists of
inductance, capacitance and sometimes resistance. This filter is tuned to get

a resonance between the capacitor and the inductor at a certain frequency.

Thus, the filter presents a very low impedance path for the targeted
harmonics current and therefore the harmonics current flows in the filter

instead of crossing to the rest of the system.

In case there are several harmonics orders to be disposed of; more than one
filter should be used, each one dedicated to a certain harmonics order. This

filter type is connected in parallel with the non-linear load. This type is used

a lot to get rid of fifth and seventh harmonics which are the most harmful
harmonics in power systems.

Fig 7.13: The operation mechanism of the passive filter

The filter is usually tuned at a frequency slightly lower than the frequency of
harmonics to be filtered out for the following reasons [10]:

 With the factors of increasing temperature and aging, the capacitance

of the filter decreases and hence the tuned frequency increases, so
adjusting the filter to a lower frequency value than targeted frequency

is required.
 This filter forms a parallel resonance with the inductance of the
network at a frequency lower than the targeted harmonics frequency.

As shown in Fig 7.13. Network changes can shift the parallel

resonance frequency into the tuned frequency. This is destructive to
the network.

 Tuning the filter at the harmonics frequency exactly leads to huge

current that passes through the filter. This requires a large size filter.

Typical values for tuning this filter are: 4.7௧௛ (for 5௧௛ ), 6.7௧௛ (for7௧௛ ),
10.5௧௛(for11௧௛ ).These values offer sufficient filtering and avoid the above

The filter is placed in the system starting from the lowest harmonics
frequency to be filtered out. For example, if we want to tune the filter to get

rid of the seventh harmonics, there are fears that the parallel resonance
associated to the filter applies to the least harmonics frequency which may
be the fifth. Because of this, before installing the filter of seventh harmonics

there must be a filter that has been tuned at fifth harmonics.

In addition to filtering harmonics, this filter will provide the power system
with the reactive power (called effective kVAR) needed for power factor

correction. and thus improving voltage level in case of heavy loads. Power
factor capacitors are often converted to a filter by adding a suitable reactor.
Despite all the advantages of this type of filters, it has some disadvantages

which are:
 The harmonics for which the filter is designed, do not disappear totally
from the system. Instead, harmonics flow between the nonlinear load

and the filter itself (less path than before). Hence, the need to adjust
the neutral conductor and other necessary procedures is still required.
 It does not absorb harmonics other than those that it is tuned at.

 As mentioned earlier, this filter as it is constructed from LC circuit,

forms a parallel resonance with the system inductance at a frequency
lower than the tuned frequency. This amplifies harmonics lower than

tuned ones.

 The filter is designed according to the existed network. For any change
in the network such as adding a new motor, the filter should be


7.3.1 Passive filter design procedure

Initially, the required power to improve the power factor is determined. This
power is called an effective kVAR(ܳ௘௙௙). This effective kVAR is derived

from LC combination (filter bank). For this goal we can follow IEE std 1036-
1992 to get a multiplying factor for each load kilowatts as

ܳ௘௙௙ = (݉ ‫) ܹ݇()ݎ݋ݐ݂ܿܽ ݃݊݅ݕ݈݌݅ݐ݈ݑ‬ (7.1)

In our network, capacitors are installed for power factor correction at each
bus. The 3600 kVAR capacitor will be exploited as a filter. Hence the
effective kVAR value (ܳ௘௙௙) =3600 kVAR.

Then , the effective reactance (ܺ௘௙௙) can be calculated from effective kVAR

as follows:

ܺ௘௙௙ = (7.2)

ܺ௘௙௙ = = 33.61Ω
3.6‫ܴܣܸ ܯ‬

The tuned frequency is selected which is approximately 5% below the

wanted harmonics frequency. In our case, it is wanted to filter out the fifth
harmonics component. Hence, choosing h=4.7 in tuning the filter will be

fine. From ܺ௘௙௙ and h values, the capacitive reactance (ܺ஼ ) and inductive

reactance (ܺ௅) of the filter are calculated using the following formulas

Capacitive reactance [8]:

ܺ஼ = ଶ ܺ (7.3)
ℎ − 1 ௘௙௙
ܺ஼ = 33.61 = 35.2Ω
4.7ଶ − 1

Inductive reactance [8]:

ܺ௅ = (7.4)
ܺ௅ = = 1.6Ω

The final step is to determine the filter component ratings. First the ratings
of the capacitor are determined which include voltage and kVAR. The rated

voltage is determined from the following formula [3]:

ܸ௥ = ෍ ‫ܫ‬௛ ܺ௛ (7.5)

Fundamental current is calculated as follows:

‫ܫ‬ଵ = (7.6)
(ܺ஼ − ܺ௅)
‫ܫ‬ଵ = = 189‫ܣ‬
(35.2 − 1.6)

For our network, the harmonics currents were as shown in Table 7.3 (see

Appendix C)

Table 7.3: Current value of the passive filter associated to each

harmonics order
Harmonics order Associated harmonics current(A)
h=5 60.15
h=7 22.04
h=11 17.06
h=13 4.88

Applying equation 7.5 gives us

35.2 35.2 35.2 35.2
ܸ௥ = 189 ൬ ൰+ 60.15 ൬ ൰+ 22.04 ൬ ൰+ 17.06 ൬ ൰
1 5 7 11
+ 4.88 ൬ ൰

ܸ௥ = 6652.8 + 423.456 + 110.83 + 54.6 + 13.21 = 7.2549ܸ݇

As seen here the required rated voltage for the capacitor is 7.2549 kV which
is more than the line voltage (ܸ௅௅=6.351kV) of bus#2 to which the filter is

connected. The reason behind that is that the harmonics currents will increase
the voltage to a value larger than the rated bus value. Also, the reactor of the
filter will develop a voltage which rises the voltage across the capacitor.

The kVAR rated value calculated from the found rated voltage is:

ܸ௅௅,௥ 157.9‫ܸ ܯ‬
ܳ௥ = = = 4.4858‫ܴܣܸ ܯ‬
ܺ஼ 35.2

Which is greater than the effective kVAR (ܳ௘௙௙) needed for power factor

correction. This is true, since the calculated rated voltage of the capacitor is
greater than the nominal voltage of the bus to which the filter is connected.

7.3.2 Results and simulation

For comparison purpose and to observe the effect of adding the filter in

reducing the harmonics which exist in the network, the network was
analyzed first without adding a filter and then the same network was
analyzed after adding a filter with the same values previously calculated in

section 7.3.1.

First, the simulated results which are taken from bus#2 of the original

network were as in the following Fig 7.14,7.15,7.16 and 7.17. These values
include the voltage distortion (Ψ ܶ‫ܦܪ‬௩ܽ݊݀Ψ ‫ܦܪܫ‬௩), voltage waveform
shape , harmonics spectrum and impedance magnitude as in Fig

7.14,7.15,7.16 and 7.17 respectively.

Fig 7.14: Output report of the original network


Fig 7.15: Voltage shape of bus#2 of the original network

Fig 7.16: Harmonics spectrum of bus#2 of the original network


Fig 7.17: Impedance magnitude of the original network

After adding the filter as shown in Fig 7.18, the previous values were as
shown in Fig 7.19, and 7.22.

Fig 7.18: The network after adding the suitable passive filter

Fig 7.19: Output report of the network after adding a passive filter

Fig 7.20: Voltage shape of bus#2 of the network after adding a passive filter

Fig 7.21: Harmonics spectrum of bus#2 of the network after adding a passive filter

Fig 7.22: Impedance magnitude of the network after adding a passive filter

The following points about the effect of adding the filter can be observed:

 Adding the filter leads to reducing the distortion values especially for
the fifth harmonics. This is clear from absence of the fifth harmonics
from output report of harmonics analysis because its distortion value

(%‫ܦܪܫ‬௩) becomes less than the limit value.

 The wave shape of bus#2 became purer and less distorted. This means
that the wave contains less harmonics than before.

 The impedance value at the tuned frequency order (h=4.7) is very

low. This is because at tuned frequency a series resonance occurs.
This is preceded by a parallel resonance at a lower frequency due to

the interface of the filter with the grid inductance.

7.4 In-line reactor placement

An easy and effective way to reduce the generated harmonics is simply to

install a reactor in the line of the nonlinear load. It is known that the current
in a reactor is slowly changing due to the induced voltage between the reactor
terminals which resists the change of current. As a result, charging the dc

bus capacitor becomes slower and then pulling the current becomes over a
longer time. This leads to reducing the harmonics amplitude.
A standard range reactor values includes 2%, 3%, 5% and 7.5%. Where 3%

is a typical value which may reduce distortion up to 40%-80% [8].

The most convenient nonlinear loads to apply this procedure are AC drives.
The reactor can be placed in the AC side or DC link according to drive type.

The lower the size of the drive compared to supply transformer, the better
the reduction of distortion would be.

Generally, drives larger than 10hp contain a built-in dc link reactor(chock)

to minimize current distortion as much as possible. Smaller sizes( < 10 hp)
do not contain chock. Thus, in case of installing many drives, adding in-line

reactor should be performed. This method could not be used in this study.

7.5 Detuning

Power factor capacitor banks can interact with the network inductance at one

of the harmonics frequencies and may cause resonance. This, in turn, causes
amplification of harmonics. There are destructive effects of network
elements due to the mentioned scenario if it occurs.

In order to prevent such a scenario, a well-calculated reactor is used in series

with capacitor banks so that resonance occurs at a frequency below the
lowest frequency of the system's harmonics. i.e. the harmonics current

spectrum range falls outside the resonance frequency. This reactor called
detuning reactor.
Usually, the detuning reactor selected as its reactance is 5.7 %, 7% or 14%

of the reactance of the capacitor. This ratio called tuning factor (P).
The tuning ratio can be calculated as:
௑ಽ ଶ ଶ

ܲ= = ൫2ߨ݂௦௬ ൯ (‫ = )ܥܮ‬൫2ߨ√‫ܥܮ‬൯ ݂௦௬ (7.7)

Resonance will occur when the reactance of the detuning reactor (ܺ௅) equals
the reactance of the capacitor(ܺ஼ ). For the reactor-capacitor combination, the

resulted series resonance frequency is given as:

݂௥ = (7.8)

From equations 7.7and 7.8, we can write

݂௥ = (7.9)

We can exploit the detuning process to provide filtering for the third
harmonics order. This will be accomplished by choosing a tuning factor of
11%. Here the resonance frequency equal
݂௥ = = 150‫ݖܪ‬

As seen for 11% tuning factor, a series resonance occurred at the third

harmonics order frequency which offer an almost zero path for third
Finally, the rated values written on the reactor-capacitor combination are the

system voltage at fundamental frequency and reactive power of the

combined unit.
By choosing a tuning factor magnitude of 7% and applying equation 7.7, we

will get a detuning reactor reactance equal to:

ܺ௅ = 0.07ܺ஼ = 0.07(33.611) = 2.353Ω

The shifted resonance frequency will be:

݂௥ = ൌ ʹ ʹ ͸Ǥ͹͹ͺ ‫ݖܪ‬
Consequently, h= =3.78.

Pervious reactor value is inserted to ETAP 12.6 and then a simulation is

executed to investigate the nature of impedance frequency response of the

network. The simulated response was as shown in Fig 7.23. which reveals
that resonance will occur at h=3.78? Hence, the harmonics order of circuit
resonance now falls outside of harmonics orders (5,7,11,13) which are

generated by the nonlinear load which was considered in the study. This
mode prevents amplification of harmonics currents to harmful values.

Fig 7.23: Impedance magnitude of the network after adding a detuning reactor

7.6 Basic solutions in distribution system

There are simple measures taken during design to minimize the negative

effects of the harmonics problem. These procedures do not cost too much
when applied and are remarkably effective.
Separation of linear loads from nonlinear loads so that the position of the

non-linear loads to be upstream in the system is an effective design step.

Moreover, each of load type can be supplied from a separate bus bar.
Avoiding using three phase circuits to feed a single phase outlet when a

single neutral is used to feed the outlets. Rather than, the neutral line can be
divided into several neutral lines each of them feeds single outlet.
Using k-factor transformers which are designed with extra steel in their core

and their neutral conductors are twice the phase conductors. All of these
modifications are made to help the transformer to withstand overheating.
Oversizing cables especially the neutral to withstand heating which is

resulted from the pass of third harmonics. Motors also can be chosen with
more rated capacity.

Chapter Eight

Conclusions and future work

8.1 Conclusions

No previous study has used a detailed method for analyzing a distorted

electric network as a whole by using complete hand calculations. This thesis
is mainly intended to provide a direct and efficient method that can be used
in the harmonics analysis of the distribution networks. Thus, understanding
how nonlinear loads effect on power quality. This understanding is achieved
through calculations of the distortions and calculations of the electrical
quantities with the presence of harmonics in the network. The first step was
to choose the most accurate model of each network element and then to study
how to represent the sources of harmonics. The latter step was to perform the
calculations based on the network admittance matrix. The calculations were
carried out by hand as well as by using ETAP 12.6 software.
It was found that the method adopted in the study has a very high accuracy
with the real results. This was proved by comparing the results of hand
calculations with simulation results and both results were equal to a very
large degree.
The traditional formula for calculating the efficiency is suitable only for
sinusoidal networks and is not suitable for non- sinusoidal networks. The
present study fills a gap in the literature by developing a formula for
calculating the efficiency in non-sinusoidal networks, i.e., under distorted

Finally, the procedures for the mitigation of harmonics were examined and
the effectiveness of these procedures was determined through simulation.
These procedures were found to be effective in treating the harmonics
problem. In this study, harmonics were taken into consideration in
determining the filter rated values as an important contribution to the field
of harmonics analysis.

8.2 Future work

 To develop a method that can be used to analyze the cases of unbalances

in the distribution networks and this will lead to an extension to
symmetrical components analysis.
 Conducting the analysis in the presence of more than one non-linear
load and this, in turn, will pay attention to the shifting harmonics
spectrum angles because of the possibility of interference of current
waves with each other leading to summation or subtraction.
 To achieve better components modeling than what is adopted in this
thesis in order to obtain more accurate calculations (if any).

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Appendix A

Matlab Coding for Harmonics Voltages Calculation

zdata=input('please enter impedance values zdata= ');
h=input('please enter the harmonics order h=');
i=input('please enter the harmonics current vector i=');
nbus=max(max(sp),max(fp));%number of buses

for k=1:length(type); %modeling of components impedances to be based

on frequency
if type(k)==c
elseif type(k)==t
z(k)=r(k)+((h^2)*rp*(x(k)^2))/((rp^2)+(h^2)*(x(k)^2)) +
elseif type(k)==m
elseif type(k)==l
z(k)=((h^2)*r(k)*(x(k)^2))/((r(k)^2)+(h^2)*(x(k)^2)) +
elseif type(k)==g
elseif type==ol
elseif type==gl

y=ones(nbr,1)./z; %branch admittance vector
Y=zeros(nbus,nbus); %initial Y to zero value
for k=1:nbr; %formation of off diagonal elements of admittance matrix
if sp(k)>0 & fp(k)>0
for n=1:nbus %formation of diagonal elements of admittance matrix
for k=1:nbr
if sp(k)==n | fp(k)==n
else, end
xlabel('the number of the bus');
ylabel('voltage (per unit)');
title(['voltage of buses at harmonics order = ',num2str(h)]);
Appendix B
Phase Shift for Harmonics Cancelation (∆/∆ ࢚࢕ ∆/
ࢅ ࡯࢕࢔࢔ࢋࢉ࢚࢏࢕࢔)

First, considering ∆ connected secondary to write the line current associated

with. For example, harmonics order 5,7,11,13 will be considered.

Fundamental current in phase A

‫ܫ‬௔ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ sin(‫)ݐݓ‬

Due to nonlinear load, the harmonics current wave in phase A will be

‫ܫ‬௔ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ sin(‫ )ݐݓ‬+ ‫ܫ‬ହ sin(5‫ )ݐݓ‬+ ‫ ଻ܫ‬sin(7‫ )ݐݓ‬+ ‫ܫ‬ଵଵ sin(11‫ )ݐݓ‬+
‫ܫ‬ଵଷ sin(13‫)ݐݓ‬.

This ∆ secondary line current will be the same in ∆ primary line. Assuming
1:1 winding ratio between both winding for simplicity.

Now, moving to ܻ connected secondary. It is known that in ∆ − ܻ ‫ ܻݎ݋‬− ∆

transformer, the high voltage side positive sequence quantities lead the low

voltage side quantities by +30° .While negative sequence quantities lag by

−30° . Hence, the fundamental current in phase A

‫ܫ‬௔ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ sin(‫ݐݓ‬− 30°)

Due to nonlinear loads, the harmonics current wave in phase A will be

‫ܫ‬௔ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ sin(wt − 30° ) +‫ܫ‬ହ sin(5‫ݐݓ‬− 150° ) + ‫ ଻ܫ‬sin(7‫ݐݓ‬− 210° )

+ ‫ܫ‬ଵଵ sin(11‫ݐݓ‬− 330° ) + ‫ܫ‬ଵଷ sin(13‫ݐݓ‬− 390° ).

This secondary line current will be shifted by +30° ‫ݎ݋‬− 30° depending on
the sequence of each harmonics order . The primary line current becomes

‫ܫ‬௔ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ sin(wt − 30° + 30° ) +‫ܫ‬ହ sin(5‫ݐݓ‬− 150° − 30° )

+ ‫ ଻ܫ‬sin(7‫ݐݓ‬− 210° + 30° ) + ‫ܫ‬ଵଵ sin(11‫ݐݓ‬− 330° − 30° )

+ ‫ܫ‬ଵଷ sin(13‫ݐݓ‬− 390° + 30° ).

‫ܫ‬௔ = ‫ܫ‬ଵ sin(wt) +‫ܫ‬ହ sin(5‫ݐݓ‬− 180° ) + ‫ ଻ܫ‬sin(7‫ݐݓ‬− 180° )

+ ‫ܫ‬ଵଵ sin(11‫ݐݓ‬− 360° ) + ‫ܫ‬ଵଷ sin(13‫ݐݓ‬− 360° ).

When both currents are added in the primary line, the total primary current

‫ܫ‬஺ = 2‫ܫ‬ଵ sin(‫ )ݐݓ‬+ 2‫ܫ‬ଵଵ sin(11‫ )ݐݓ‬+ 2‫ܫ‬ଵଷ sin(13‫)ݐݓ‬

As seen the harmonics order 5 and 7 had been vanished in the line primary
current. The new harmonics order pattern will be as follows:

ℎ = 12‫ ݌‬∓ 1

Appendix C

Filter Harmonics Currents Calculation

The aim is to represent the circuit so that the impedance which is seen by

the harmonics source is the filter impedance in parallel with the equivalent
impedance of all the elements of the network at the same point (PCC) as in
Fig C.1. This representation is required at the frequency of each harmonics

order. Then the current division rule is applied to obtain the harmonics
current values in the filter.

Fig C.1: Simple circuit representation for harmonics currents estimation of the filter

The impedances of the network are assembled at the (PCC) as follows:

The resultant impedance of the induction motor (IM) with the capacitor (C1)
in parallel are shown in Table C.1

Table C.1: Equivalent impedance estimation of (IM,C1)

Harmonics order Z(IM,C1)

h=5 0.85635-j11.14582
h=7 0.06756-j3.7108

h=11 0.0098-j1.7723
h=13 0.0054-j1.4307

Adding the previous results to the transformer (T2) impedance in series

Table C.2: Equivalent impedance estimation of (IM,C1,T2)

Harmonics order Z(IM,C1,T2)

h=5 0.9035-j10.546

h=7 0.1505-j2.88
h=11 0.19725-j0.4723
h=13 0.26140-j0.0843

The resultant of the previous value Z (IM,C1,T2) is calculated with the

passive load (L) impedance in parallel to get new impedances shown in Table

Table C.3: Equivalent impedance estimation of (IM,C1,T2,L)

Harmonics order Z(IM,C1,T2,L)

h=5 3.3935-j0.83
h=7 1.5375-j1.7213
h=11 0.24-j0.421

h=13 0.2454-j0.074

The resultant impedances of grid (G) and transformer (T1) is in series are
shown in Table C.4

Table C.4: Equivalent impedance estimation of (G, T1)

Harmonics order Z(G, T1)

h=5 0.01184-j10.2
h=7 0.0207-j0.278

h=11 0.047-j0.434
h=13 0.0645-j0.51

Finally, the resultant impedances of Z(G,T1) and Z(IM,C1,T2,L) are found

in parallel in Table C.5

Table C.5: Equivalent impedance estimation of (IM,C1,T2,G,L)

Harmonics order Z(IM,C1,T2,G,L)

h=5 0.02341-j0.20075
h=7 0.051-j0.3
h=11 0.687-j0.263

h=13 0.158-j0.1214

Now, moving to the filter impedance at each harmonics frequency. Filter

impedances Z(f) at a certain frequency = (ܺ௅ − ܺ஼ ). These impedances are
shown in Table C.6

Table C.6: Equivalent impedance estimation of the filter

Harmonics order Z(f)

h=5 j0.08
h=7 j0.51

h=11 j1.2
h=13 j1.5

Applying current division rule will give us the harmonics currents values
which flow in the filter as shown in Table C.7

Table C.7: Harmonics current estimation of the filter

Filter harmonics current(per

Harmonics order

h=5 0.113
h=7 0.0418

h=11 0.0326
h=13 0.00741

Appendix D

Selected Examples of Harmonics Analyzers [12]

There are many devices for measuring and analyzing harmonics. In fact,

these devices are considered three phase power quality devices because they
carry simultaneous measurements such as energy (kVAh, kWh, kVARh),
transients, flicker, harmonics, power factor and voltage sags.

These devices vary in terms of voltage and current ratings values which they
deal with safely. The most famous of these devices are:

FLUK 434/435

It measures values rated up to 1000 ܸோெ ௌ, 2000A.

Fig D.1: FLUK 434/435


AEMC 3945

It measures values rated up to 830 ܸோெ ௌ ,6500A

Fig D.2: AEMC 3945

Hioki 3196

It measures values rated up to 600 ܸோெ ௌ, 5000A.

Fig D.3: Hioki 3196


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