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Journal of Environmental Friendly Materials, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019, 9-16.

Evaluation of Performance of Resistance Spot Welded Joints with Different

Parameters in Advanced High Strength TRIP Steel
I. Hajiannia1,∗, R. Ashiri2, M. R. Pakmanesh3, M. Shamanian1, M. Atapour1
Department of Materials Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Dezful Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dezful, Iran.
Iran Institutes of Materials and Energy, Iranian Space Research Center, Isfahan, Iran.
Received: 21 August 2018 – Accepted: 27 December 2018


In this research, ultrahigh strength transformation induced plasticity-assisted steel (TRIP-assisted steel) was developed to be
used in the automobile body. For this, it is essential to characterize its weldability in resistance spot welding process.
Therefore, the resistance spot welding metallurgy and weldability of the steel under different welding parameters are studied.
the desired sample was studied in two states with higher pressure and less time. The results are presented following the most
important advantage of the current steel in contrast to the similar steels is its excellent weldability enabling its application in
the auto pillar. The microstructure and mechanical properties of TRIP steel spot welds were characterized using
metallurgical techniques, lap shear tensile tests fractography and microhardness testing methods. Failure mode transition
from interfacial to pullout failure mode was achieved for sample 10kA with 4kN. Partial interfacial failure was removed
after nugget size increased. Pullout failure mode is seen for the sample 2, 10kA with 3.5kN.

Keywords: TRIP Steel, Resistance Spot Welding, Mechanical Properties, Failure Mode.

1. Introduction Gaul et al. [11] studied methods to obtain weld

discontinuities in the spot-welded joints made of
Transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) steel is an AHSSs. They showed that RSW of AHSSs in clump
advanced high strength steel (AHSS). The manufacture lead to weld discontinuities under some
popularity of advanced high strength steels (AHSSs) specific conditions. Two main causes noted in this
is increasing recently because of their strength and study for weld discontinuities are the welding
ductility synergy. They have been applied widely in parameters and the special production. Weber et al.
the automotive industries to decrease weight [12] conducted a study on the weldability and
simultaneous with improvement in vehicle safety [1- welding parameter effects in RSW of AHSSs. The
3]. Usually, the microstructure of the steel consists results showed that the welding time has
of bainite, martensite, and retained austenite in a considerable effects on quality and tensile-shear
matrix of the soft ferrite [4,5]. Resistance spot strength of the welds, but the electrode force is
welding (RSW) is a reliable welding method insignificant. Load bearing capacity in AHSSs is
wherein molten zone is formed between steel sheets higher than that of the tested mild steel. Pakkanen et
[6]. Meanwhile, the resistance spot welding (RSW) al. [13] studied RSW of advanced high strength dual
is the most widely used method to join sheet metals phase steel with a tensile strength of 980 MPa and a
in the automotive industry. fracture elongation of 10 %. Moreover, the effects of
These steels are known as TRIP steels because the welding current on nugget size and residual stresses
retained austenite transforms to martensite at high were examined for low, medium and high welding
strains resulting in an excellent work hardenability currents inside weldable current range. The results
persisting over a large amount of strain [7, 8]. showed the simulations did not comply with
However, the weldability of these steels has been an experimental residual stress obtained from drill hole
ongoing concern due to the high amounts of carbon technique and the measured nugget size. High
and other austenite stabilizers, which can produce strength steels have shown moderate weldability
hard microstructures in the weld zone since high compared to mild steels. If common resistance spot
cooling rates are experienced in RSW. When welding parameters are used for these steels, partial
performing RSW, microstructural changes in the plug failure and interfacial failure modes are likely
fusion zone (FZ) and surrounding heat affected zone to occur. It has been proven that the interfacial
(HAZ) affect the weld mechanical properties which failure is weighed to be brittle with minimum
need to be specified to develop optimized welding energy absorption in contrast to the plug failure
procedures for these steels [9, 10]. [14]. Because of the above conditions, the welding
parameters should be set in the best conditions to
*Corresponding author achieve the best mechanical properties. In summary,
Email address: [email protected] study the resistance spot welding metallurgy of the

Journal of Environmental Friendly Materials, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019, 9-16.

Table. 1. Chemical composition of the experimental TRIP steel (wt. %)

C Si Mn S P Al Cr Ni Fe
0.180 1.030 2.450 0.009 0.003 0.010 0.020 0.030 Bal.

Table. 2. Carbon equivalent and calculated critical temperatures for the alloy [10].

Melting point (°C) AC3 (°C) AC1 (°C) Ceq

1545 858 720 0.62%

newly developed TRIP steel at different welding This is then directly related to hydrogen induced
conditions is the main aim of the research. cold cracking, which is the most common weld
Mechanical properties and failure mode were defect for the steel [5], thus it is the most commonly
studied and reported in previous studies [2,3 , 8,9] used factor to determine the weldability of the alloy.
but weldability and mechanical properties of the
high strength TRIP steels with rich chemical
composition have not been evaluated yet.
Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on the
current steel to obtain the optimal conditions in the
resistance spot welding to assess the possibility of
its application in the autobody.
To better understand the metallurgical phenomena,
microstructure and mechanical properties of the
welds the resistance spot welding of the newly
developed TRIP steel is studied in-depth.

2. Materials and Methods

New ultrahigh strength TRIP-assisted steel was

formed under special thermomechanical conditions Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of heat treatment process,
with the following processing details. The ingots used for obtaining the retained austenite in the steel.
with dimensions of 100mm×100mm×50 mm were
casted using an electric furnace, and then were According to the carbon equivalent (CE) formula
homogenized at 1000°C for 1 hr. (Eq. 1) [10] CE of the alloy was calculated and
Afterwards, hot rolling was used to reduce the given in Table. 2.
thickness of the ingots down to 3.2 mm, and then
they were pickled in HCl, and finally the thickness CE=%C+%Mn/6+(%Cr+%V)/5+%Si/15 Eq. (1)
was cold rolled down to 1 mm. Table. 1. given the
chemical composition of the above mentioned steel X-ray diffraction (XRD) in a Philips MPD
sheets. diffractometer using filtered Cu Ka radiation (k =
A two-stage heat treatment was done on the alloy to 0.15406 nm).was used to determine the volume
obtain bainite with austempering heat treatment. fraction of the retained austenite (RA) according to
First, the cold rolled sheet was heat treated in two the ASTM E975 standard [19]. RA was calculated
steps using two salt baths to achieve a typical by the integrated intensities of ferrite and austenite
microstructure of TRIP steel. Strips were phases from XRD patterns. PANalytical X’pert
intercritically annealed at 780 °C for 300s, and then High Score Plus software was used to analyze
were immediately moved to another salt furnace integral intensities and 2θ angles, carbon
bath with temperature of 350°C and held there for concentration (wt. %) in austenite and the lattice
600s for the progress in the bainitic constants. The equation 2 was used to determine the
transformation [15]. volume fraction of RA (VA) Eq. (2) [6]:
The heat treatment is shown in Fig. 1.,
schematically. In the second stage, they were heat VA= 1.4IA/ 1.4IA+IF Eq. (2)
treated at 350°C for 600s, and then were quenched
in water rapidly. Ac1 and Ac3 temperatures for the Where IA and IF are the integrated intensities of the
alloy were calculated to be 720°C and 858 °C, (200) A, (220) A, (311) A peaks, (200) F and (211) F
respectively. In welding, carbon equivalent content peaks, respectively.
(CE) is used to show the contributions of the VA has been calculated as 15% for the current TRIP
different alloying elements in the hardness of the steel.
steel being welded.

Journal of Environmental Friendly Materials, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019, 9-16.

Table. 3. Mechanical properties of the steel studied [7].

Specimen Yield Strength (MPa) Tensile Strength (MPa) Total Elongation (%)
Ultrahigh Strength
616 ± 20 1114 ± 20 25 ± 1
TRIP Steel

Tablel. 4. Resistance spot welds mechanical responses in tensile shear test.

Weld Parameters Tensile Shear Strength

Current Force Nugget Size Hold Time Maximum
Sample Failure Mode
(kA) (kN) (mm) Cycles Load (kN)
Interfacial fracture with
1 10 3.5 5.15 5 4.9
partial thickness fracture
button pullout and partial
2 10 3.5 5.7 10 6.85
thickness fracture
Interfacial fracture with
3 10 4 5.45 10 10.5 button pullout and partial
thickness fracture

2.1. Mechanical Properties Evaluation Electrode used in RSW was a truncated RWMA
class 2 type with 6 mm face diameter.
The tensile tests were performed by Instron A constant flow of water (4 L/min) was maintained
universal testing machine, Instron 3300. Samples to cool the electrodes.
were prepared in accordance with ASTM A370 The welding conditions are given in Table. 4.
standard [5]. The thickness of the specimens was 1 Presented steel are classified according to minimum
mm and their gage length was 50 mm all tests were ultimate tensile strength in group four, AWS
performed at room temperature and the crosshead D8.1M:2013 [5].
velocity was maintained at a constant rate of 1 mm
min-1. Engineering strength of the base metal was 3. Results and Discussion
obtained in Table. 3., respectively. All the welded 3.1. Microstructural Evaluation
samples were exposed to a tensile-shear test to
determine the joint strength. The lap shear tensile The microstructure of the received TRIP steel
test was used to characterize the mechanical contains bainite, martensite, and retained austenite
properties of the welds. Samples were prepared phases embedded in a ferrite matrix [16], as seen in
following ANSI/AWS/SAE/D8.9-97 standards [9]. Fig. 2. SEM micrographs,
All tests were performed at room temperature. At As is observed in Fig. 2., the fine grains of 1µm size
least two samples were tested for repeatability tests. were obtained through simultaneous tailoring of the
The crosshead velocity was maintained at a constant heat treatment and cold rolling processes.
rate of 1 mm min-1. The blocky RA forms within the M/A island
whereas the RA between the bainite laths appears in
2.2. Metallographic Evaluation the form of very fine grains.
The size of polygonal ferrite grains is between 0.5
Metallographic cross-sectioned samples were and 4 µm and that of M/A island phase is between 1
prepared and optical Nikon Model S microscopy and 2 µm.
(OM) and SEM observations were carried out by a Using the load displacement diagram, two variables
Philips XL30 scanning electron microscope of 1( the maximum load) and 2 fracture energy up to
operating at 20 kV. techniques were used to maximum load were determined.
examine the weld microstructures. Fracture energy, as the area under the load-
Specimens for microstructural analysis were displacement diagram to the maximum load point,
mounted, ground and polished to 2400 grit finish was calculated using the numerical integral by the
and then polished with 0.3 μm alumina suspension. following relationship (Eq. (3)) [8]:
They were later etched for 5s using 2% nital for
study the microstructure [3]. =∑ −[ − −1 ] Eq. (3)
2.3. Materials and Welding Processes
Where, F is applied load, X is rate of displacement,
Test samples were welded by a pneumatic, phase- n number of points recorded by the tensile test
shift controlled DC spot welding machine with 60 software and Q is Failure Energy.
kVA capacity in 50 Hz electrical circuit.

Journal of Environmental Friendly Materials, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019, 9-16.

It can be said that more heat input and higher

welding current lead to an increase in the length of
the spot in between the sheets.
Fig. 4. shows the effect of welding parameters on
the area of the nugget and HAZ for different
samples. The macrostructure of the specimens
presented in Fig. 5. shows the weld nugget boundary
and HAZ clearly.
As shown in Fig. 5, less welding time in sample 1
produces smaller nugget than samples 2 and 3 with
higher welding time.
FZ in samples 2 and 3 are roughly the same, but in
sample 3, the HAZ size has increased at higher
pressure, which is not desirable because the heat
spread in the sheets is increased.
It can be said that forces of more than 3.5 do not
lead to an increase in the size of the Nugget, and
even prevents the growth of the Nugget, which is a
Fig. 2. Micrographs of the base materials, TRIP steel consequence of the work of Zhou et al. [17].
captured by SEM, (F: polygonal ferrite, M:
martensite, B: bainite, RA: retained austenite, M/A:
martensite/austenite island phase).

The area of weld cross-section in the HAZ and

nugget area is presented in Fig. 3. for the samples
presented in Table. 4. (these areas were calculated
by Digimizer Software).

Fig. 4. The effect of welding parameters on the area of

the nugget and HAZ on the different samples.

At first seen, the structure of the weld nugget

contains the martensite phase due to the high
cooling rate which is normally experienced during
Due to water cooled electrodes, the elongated
columnar microstructure is observed in FZ as is
evidenced by Fig. 6. Moreover, HAZ width of the
sample 2 and 3(Fig. 5.b and Fig. 5.c) is larger than
sample 1(Fig. 6.a) because of its higher heat input.
Fig. 6.c illustrates elongated columnar grains that
meet each other at the weld centerline.
It was mentioned in a research by Pouranvari et al.
[14] that the structure of HAZ transformed to
predominantly martensite with small areas of ferrite,
lath bainite, and retained austenite, depending on the
Fig. 3. Cross-section macrostructures of TRIP steel ultimate temperature reached and cooling rate.
resistance spot welded samples with the following Transformation of austenite to bainite occurs at
welding conditions: (a) Sample 1, (b) Sample 2 (c) lower temperatures. Following that the remaining
Sample 3. austenite transforms to martensite.

Journal of Environmental Friendly Materials, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019, 9-16.

Fig. 6. SEM of (a) the center of the weld nugget and (b)
HAZ, F ferrite, M martensite and
B bainite.

The HAZ does not melt, but due to the temperature

rise and then the rapid cooling, the microstructure
will be different from the base metal.
As shown in Fig. 7., HAZ can be further divided
into three distinct subzones.
These subzones consist of uppercritical HAZ
(UCHAZ)1, intercritical HAZ (ICHAZ)2 and
subcritical HAZ (SCHAZ)3.
In the UCHAZ, where temperature exceeds Ac3, the
material is completely austenitized during welding
thermal cycle (Fig. 7.a and Fig. 7.b).
Fig. 5. The microstructure of the weld nugget, HAZ In the ICHAZ, the temperature range is between Ac1
and BM, (a) Sample 1, (b) sample 2, (c) sample 3. and Ac3 and the material is partially austenitized
(Fig. 7.c).
Figs. 6.a and Fig. 6.b show SEM micrographs of the In the lower or subcritical HAZ, the temperature is
center of the weld nugget and HAZ of the sample 2. below Ac1 and the martensite in this zone is
It is noteworthy that the solidification structure tempered (Fig. 7.d).
(primary structure) is partially observed along with Therefore, microstructure is not similar throughout
the solidification of the molten nugget. the HAZ due to the temperature experienced.
In fact, it has been stated that solidification
microstructures are developed in the interior and/or
along the grain boundaries of the primary 1 Uppercritical HAZ
structure [5]. 2 Intercritical HAZ
Directional columnar solidification from the fusion 3 Subcical HAZ
boundary towards the weld center line is seen in the
weld nugget macrostructure (Fig. 3.).

Journal of Environmental Friendly Materials, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019, 9-16.

Fig. 8. XRD results for (a) BM, (b) HAZ and (c) FZ of TRIP steels spot weld (sample 2).

Fig. 8. shows the results obtained from XRD

analysis on BM, HAZ and FZ of TRIP steel welds.
BM analysis shows peaks of austenite and ferrite
which is the main constituents observed using
metallographic examinations. A reduction in the
intensity of the austenite peaks and a slight increase
in BCT martensite are observed within the HAZ.
This transition can be attributed to the mixture of
austenite and martensite in the HAZ. No evidence of
austenite peaks was recorded by XRD for the FZ,
hence the predominately structure in this region is

3.2. Strength and Fracture Relationships

The lap shear specimens, and test design are shown

in Fig. 9.a. Tests were performed on these
specimens to determine their load displacement
curves. Fig. 9.b shows the typical load displacement
curves for the TRIP steel spot welds; other results
obtained from these curves are given in Table. 4.

Table. 4. Effect of welding parameters on the width of

FZ and HAZ.

Nugget Area HAZ Area

(mm2) (mm2)
1 12.01 14.59
2 15.30 17.85
3 15.09 20.24

The results in this study denoted that TRIP steel spot

welds with nugget size more than 4√t nugget tend to
fail by pullout failure mode, in addition the tensile
shear strength of welds increased with an increase in
the nugget diameter, base metal strength and
thickness. Welding engineers have also adopted 4√t
as the target nugget size for the mild steels. If weld
Fig. 7. Different subzones of HAZ microstructure (a, nugget diameters were less than or equal to 2√t,
b) weld and upper critical HAZ, (b, c), intercritical those welds would fail in the interfacial fracture
HAZ, (d) subcritical critical HAZ and base metal for mode in conventional steels which is unacceptable
sample 2.
for the automotive industry and would be rejected.

Journal of Environmental Friendly Materials, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019, 9-16.

In this study, all obtained welds were accepted by To study the fracture and mode of development of
the above criterion [3]. pouanvari et al. [14] showed the crack during application of shear forces in
that pullout failure is accepted in the tensile shear different stages, the sample stress was stopped in 3
tests. However, the weld nugget diameter criterion different stages.
of 5√t can produce pullout fracture mode for the
dual-phase steels.
To evaluate the spot weld mechanical behaviors, the
tensile–shear (TS), cross tension (CT) and coach
peel (CP) tests are widely used. Fig. 9.c shows the
load–displacement curves with other data which can
be derived from the tensile shear–test.
To explain the mechanical properties of the spot
welds completely, one curve was prepared
according to the loads-displacement curve that
shows the maximum peak load (Pmax) and elongation
at maximum load (Lmax). To determine the
maximum flexibility value and impact absorption
capacity, maximum absorbed energy, Wmax, is
defined. Table. 5. given the parameters derived from
tensile–shear curve. As is observed, Lmax and Wmax
of the sample 3 with electrode force of 4 kA and
welding current of 10 kA are the highest values so
this sample can have more flexibility and impact
performance with regard to the nugget size and type
of failure.

Table. 5. The derived data from tensile–shear curves.

Sample Wmax Pmax Lmax

1 2903.8 4910 1.9

2 5074.2 6855 1.2

3 13569.1 10050 2.7

Fig. 9.(a) Lap shear coupon design, (b)Typical load

Nugget Area (mm2), of weldment was also given in versus displacement curves for TRIP steel welds and
Table. 4. Fig. 10. shows that the shear strength data (c) load–displacement curve with the data which can
are quite acceptable where the failure modes are be derived from the tensile-shear test.
described as partial plug.

Fig. 10. Illustration of different failure modes (a, b) sample 1,2 interfacial fracture with partially button pull and
partial thickness fracture, (c) sample 3, interfacial fracture with partial thickness fracture.

Journal of Environmental Friendly Materials, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2019, 9-16.

To investigate the microstructure of fracture, it is 2. The results denoted that in lap-shear test, the
necessary to use SEM. As shown in Fig. 11.a crack nucleated at the tip of notch, which is a
fracture of the sample 1 is a mixture of interfacial position of stress concentration.
fracture and weld pullout, for sample 2 The partial dome fractures could be characterized by
approximately 30% interfacial fracture in the weld the crack propagation along the border of the nugget
button is observed (see Fig. 11.b)[17]. In addition, close to UCHAZ.
partial interfacial fracture was also observed for 3. Failure mode transition from interfacial to pullout
sample 3 as can be seen in Fig. 11.c. failure mode was achieved for sample (10kA with
4kN). Partial interfacial failure (PIF) was removed
after nugget size increased. Pullout failure mode is
seen for the sample 2 (10kA with 3.5kN). The
fractured surface in all samples showed dimple-like
ductile fracture characteristics and transgranular
fracture with cleavage facets, and the regions
containing micro-void coalescence.


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4. Conclusions 084902.

1. Austempering resulted in a microstructure

composed of ferrite, bainite, retained austenite and a
significant amount of martensite for TRIP steel.
As observed, microstructure of spot welds is
complicated composed of martensite and bainite.


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