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111 N. Wabash Ave.

Suite 1010

Uniform Law Commission Chicago, IL 60602

(312) 450-6600 tel
(312) 450-6601 fax


- A Summary -


The Uniform Collaborative Law Rules/Act (UCLR/A), originally promulgated by the Uniform
Law Commission in 2009 and subsequently amended in 2010, standardizes the most important
features of collaborative law practice, remaining mindful of ethical considerations and questions
of evidentiary privilege.


As the use of collaborative law grew, it became increasingly governed by a patchwork of

statutes, court rules, formal, and informal standards. The UCLR/A represents a necessary
comprehensive statutory framework which guarantees the benefits of the collaborative process
and further enhances its use. Additionally, because collaborative law is a form of limited scope
representation (where an attorney is retained solely for the purpose of reaching a settlement, and
expressly not for the purpose of litigation) clear rules about the mechanics of the practice help
both attorneys and clients. The Rules/Act provides clarity, allowing parties and counsel to
consistently rely on a statutorily-enacted privilege governing communications during a
collaborative law process. It further provides attorneys guidance in determining whether
collaborative law is appropriate for a particular dispute or client. As a uniform state law, the
UCLR/A will help establish uniformity in core procedures and consumer protections, while
minimizing the spread of the patchwork of varying approaches and definitions. As an increasing
number of states adopt the uniform approach, costs associated with interstate dispute resolution
will be reduced, and both practitioners and clients will benefit from the practical experience of
sister jurisdictions.

The collaborative law process provides lawyers and clients with an important, useful, and cost-
effective option for amicable, non-adversarial dispute resolution. Like mediation, it promotes
problem-solving and permits solutions not possible in litigation or arbitration. Collaborative law
is a voluntary process in which clients and their lawyers agree that the lawyers will represent the
clients solely for purposes of settlement, and that the clients will hire new counsel if the case
does not settle. The parties and their lawyers work together to find an equitable resolution of the
dispute at hand, retaining experts as necessary. No one is required to participate, and parties are
free to terminate the process at any time. To this end, the UCLR/A includes explicit informed-
consent requirements for parties to enter into collaborative law with an understanding of the
costs and benefits of participation. The process is intended to promote full and open disclosure;
information that is disclosed in a collaborative process, which is not otherwise discoverable, is
privileged against use in any subsequent litigation.

The ULC is a nonprofit formed in 1892 to create nonpartisan state legislation. Over 350 volunteer commissioners—lawyers,
judges, law professors, legislative staff, and others—work together to draft laws ranging from the Uniform Commercial Code to
acts on property, trusts and estates, family law, criminal law and other areas where uniformity of state law is desirable.

The 2010 Amendments to the UCLR/A made several important changes. First, the amendments
create an explicit mechanism for the operative provisions of the act to be adopted by rule, rather
than statute, and new commentary provides guidance as to the method of implementation. Also,
the amendments provide states with the option to limit the application of the act to family law
matters. Finally, the amendments provide that courts have the discretion to approve stays of
ongoing proceedings and calendaring deadlines when parties voluntarily enter into a
collaborative law process. By standardizing the collaborative process, the UCLR/A secures the
benefits of collaborative law for the parties while ensuring ethical safeguards for the process.


Like all of the Uniform Law Commission’s uniform state laws, the UCLR/A is the result of more
than three years of intensive effort. Representatives from state bars, collaborative attorney
groups, litigators, domestic violence coalitions, and state courts all participated in the drafting of
the UCLR/A, as did representatives from the family law, dispute resolution, and litigation
sections of the American Bar Association (ABA).

The ABA Standing Committee on Ethics and Professional Responsibility and at least eight state
bar ethics committees (Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina,
Pennsylvania, and Washington) have expressly approved the use of collaborative law.

Since its promulgation, the UCLR/A has enjoyed broad support, including the ABA Section of
Dispute Resolution, Section of Family Law, and Section of Individual Rights & Responsibilities,
the Ohio Bar Association, South Carolina Bar Association, Tennessee Bar Association Board of
Governors, Vermont Bar Association Board of Managers, and the Association of the Bar of the
City of New York. In addition, in 2011, the UCLA was designated as “Suggested State
Legislation” by the Council of State Governments.


Rule/Section 1 sets forth the title: Uniform Collaborative Law Rules/Act.

Rule/Section 2 sets forth definitions of terms used in the Rules/Act. [Amended in 2010 to allow
states to limit the application of the Rules/Act to family law disputes.]

Rule/Section 3 makes the Rules/Act applicable to a collaborative law participation agreement

signed after the effective date of the Rules/Act and emphasizes that a tribunal cannot order a
party to participate in the collaborative law process over that party’s objection.

Rule/Section 4 establishes minimum requirements for a collaborative law participation

agreement—the agreement that parties sign to initiate the collaborative law process. The
agreement must be in writing, state the parties’ intention to resolve the matter (the issue for
resolution) through collaborative law, contain a description of the matter, and identify and

confirm the engagement of the collaborative lawyers. The Rule/Section further provides that the
parties may include other provisions not inconsistent with the Rules/Act.

Rule/Section 5 specifies when and how the collaborative law process begins, and how the
process is concluded or terminated. The process begins when parties sign a participation
agreement, and any party may unilaterally terminate the process at any time without specifying a
reason. The process is concluded by a negotiated, signed agreement resolving the matter, or a
portion of the matter, and the parties’ agreement that the remaining portions of the matter will
not be resolved in the process.

Several actions will terminate the process, such as a party giving notice that the process is
terminated, beginning a proceeding, filing motions or pleadings, requesting a hearing in an
adjudicatory proceeding without the agreement of all parties, or the discharge or withdrawal of a
collaborative lawyer. The Rule/Section further provides that under certain conditions the
collaborative process may continue with a successor collaborative lawyer in the event of the
withdrawal or discharge of a collaborative lawyer. The party’s participation agreement may
provide additional methods of terminating the process.

Rule/Section 6 provides for an automatic application for a stay of proceedings before a tribunal
(court, arbitrator, legislative body, administrative agency, or other body acting in an adjudicative
capacity) once the parties file a notice of collaborative law with the tribunal. A tribunal may
require status reports while the proceeding is stayed; however, the scope of the information that
can be requested is limited to insure confidentiality of the collaborative law process. [Amended
in 2010.]

Rule/Section 7 creates an exception to the stay of proceedings by authorizing a tribunal to issue

emergency orders to protect the health, safety, welfare or interests of a party or family or
household member; or, to protect financial or other interests of a party in any critical area in any
civil dispute.

Rule/Section 8 authorizes a tribunal to approve an agreement resulting from a collaborative law


Rule/Section 9 sets forth a core element and the fundamental defining characteristic of the
collaborative law process. Should the collaborative law process terminate without the matter
being settled, the collaborative lawyer and lawyers in a law firm with which the collaborative
lawyer is associated are disqualified from representing a party in a proceeding before a tribunal
in the collaborative matter, except to seek emergency orders (Rule/Section 7) or to approve an
agreement resulting from the collaborative law process (Rule/Section 8). The disqualification
requirement is further modified regarding collaborative lawyers representing low-income
parties (Rule/Section 10) and governmental entities as parties (Rule/Section 11).

Rule/Section 10 creates an exception to the disqualification for lawyers representing low income
parties in a legal aid office, law school clinic, or a law firm providing free legal services to low
income parties. If the process terminates without settlement, a lawyer in the organization or law
firm with which the collaborative lawyer is associated may represent the low income party in an

adjudicatory proceeding involving the matter in the collaborative law process, provided that the
participation agreement so provides, the representation is without fee, and the individual
collaborative lawyer is appropriately isolated from any participation in the collaborative matter
before a tribunal.

Rule/Section 11 creates a similar exception to the disqualification requirement for lawyers

representing a party that is a government or governmental subdivision, agency, or

Rule/Section 12 sets forth another core element of collaborative law. Parties in the process must,
upon request of a party make timely, full, candid, and informal disclosure of information
substantially related to the collaborative matter without formal discovery, and promptly update
information that has materially changed. Parties are free to define the scope of disclosure in the
collaborative process, so long as they do not violate another law, such as an open records act.

Rule/Section 13 acknowledges that standards of professional responsibility of lawyers and abuse

reporting obligations of lawyers and all licensed professionals are not changed by their
participation in the collaborative law process.

Rule/Section 14 addresses the appropriateness of the collaborative law process. Prior to the
parties signing a participation agreement, a collaborative lawyer is required to discuss with a
prospective client factors which the collaborative lawyer reasonably believes relate to the
appropriateness of the prospective client’s matter for the collaborative process, and provide
sufficient information for a prospective client to make an informed decision about the material
benefits and risks of the process as compared to the material benefit and risks of other reasonably
available processes, such as litigation, arbitration, mediation, or expert evaluation. Further, a
prospective party must be informed of the events that will terminate the process and the effect of
the disqualification requirement.

Rule/Section 15 obligates a collaborative lawyer to make a reasonable effort to determine if a

prospective client has a history of a coercive or violent relationship with another prospective
party, and if such circumstances exist, establishes criteria for beginning and continuing the
process and providing safeguards.

Rule/Section 16 provides that oral and written communications developed in the collaborative
process are confidential to the extent agreed upon by the parties or as provided by state law,
other than the Rules/Act.

Rule/Section 17 creates a broad privilege prohibiting disclosure of communications developed

during the process in legal proceedings. The provisions are similar to those in the Uniform
Mediation Act and apply to party and non-party participants in the process.

Rule/Sections 18 and 19 provide for the possibility of waiver of privilege by all parties, and
certain exceptions to the privilege based on important countervailing public policies such as
preventing threats to commit bodily harm or a crime, abuse or neglect of a child or adult, or
information available under an open records act, or to prove or disprove professional misconduct

or malpractice. Parties may agree that all or part of the process is not privileged.

Rule/Section 20 addresses the enforcement of an agreement made in a collaborative process that

fails to meet the mandatory requirement for a participation agreement (Rule/Section 4), or a
collaborative lawyer who has not fully complied with the disclosure requirements (Rule/Section
14). When the interests of justice so require, a tribunal is given discretion to enforce an
agreement resulting from a flawed participation agreement, if the tribunal finds that the parties
intended to enter into a participation agreement, and reasonably believed that they were
participating in the collaborative process.

Section 21 emphasizes the need to promote uniformity in applying and construing the Act among
states that adopt it. [No equivalent Rule provision.]

Section 22 provides that the Act may modify, limit, or supersede certain provisions the Federal
Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act. [No equivalent Rule provision.]

Section 23 is a severability clause. [No equivalent Rule provision.]

Rule/Section 24 establishes an effective date for the Rules/Act.

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