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11+ SPaG

Grammar - Punctuation
Test Paper 1

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11+ SPaG Punctuation - Test Paper 1

The following questions are either multiple choice, or ‘true or false’ style
questions. Read the question, and each of the answers, carefully, before
selecting the correct answer. These questions will test your understanding
of the concerned punctuation.

1 Which of the following is the correct description of how to use a comma?

A. A comma signals the end of a single idea within a sentence

B. A comma is used to link together two sentence clauses
C. A comma signals a pause in a sentence, increasing clarity of separate parts
D. A comma is used after a proper noun, to give emphasis

2 What is comma splicing?

A. Using a comma like a connective

B. Using a comma where you should have a full-stop
C. When you have too many commas in a sentence
D. When commas are used to make a subordinate clause in a sentence

3 Which of the following is correct?

A. Colons and semicolons are usually interchangeable

B. Colons and semicolons have different applications

4 Which of the following is an example of how you may use a colon?

A. A colon is used to give extra information within a sentence

B. A colon may be used to begin a second clause
C. A colon indicates the most important information in a sentence
D. A colon can be used to separate items in a list

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5 Which of the following is not an appropriate instance to use an apostrophe?

A. In time expressions (e.g. two weeks’ notice)

B. For plurals (e.g. five rat’s)
C. To demonstrate possession (e.g. Mum’s car)
D. In contractions (e.g. shouldn’t)

6 Which of the following is correct?

A. A good rule of thumb is to put an apostrophe before an ‘s’ at the end of a

B. Apostrophes should only be used in very specific cases

7 Is the following statement true or false?

‘A connective should never be used after a semicolon.’

A. True
B. False

8 When are semicolons particularly useful?

A. When linking phrases which contain commas
B. In introductions
C. At the beginning of a list
D. When asking a question

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All of the questions for section B are multiple choice. Read carefully before
selecting the correct answer from options A – D.

9 Identify where, in the following sentence, commas should be placed:

As she walked [1] she looked around [2] and appreciated [3] the beautifully
[4] landscaped garden.

A. At points 1 and 2
B. At point 1
C. At points 2 and 4
D. No commas needed

10 Identify where, in the following sentence, commas should be placed:

“Look [1]”[2] she said [3] “I know [4] what happened [5] but [6] it’s okay [7]
we will sort it out.”

A. At points 2, 5, and 6
B. At points 1, 3, 4, and 7
C. At points 1 and 3
D. At points 1, 3, 5, and 7

11 Which of the following variations uses commas correctly?

A. Wow you really did do brilliantly well. As your teacher, I’m so proud of you and
I bet your parents are over the moon!
B. Wow, you really did do brilliantly, well. As your teacher I’m so proud of you,
and I bet your parents are over the moon!
C. Wow, you really did do brilliantly well. As your teacher, I’m so proud, of you,
and I bet your parents are over the moon!
D. Wow, you really did do brilliantly well. As your teacher, I’m so proud of you,
and I bet your parents are over the moon!

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12 Which of the following sentences uses semicolons incorrectly?

A. I need a few things from the shops: large eggs, for the cake I’m baking; some
courgettes, and maybe an aubergine, for dinner; and some flowers for Mrs
B. My diet always fails because there is one thing I simply cannot give up; bread
with cheese!
C. I’ve known him since school, so he’s an old friend; honestly, I know that he will
fit in well with the group, providing everyone gives him a chance.
D. None of the above.

13 Which of the following variations has correct punctuation?

A. He said: “Nothing can stop you if you truly put your mind to it, not even your
own fear.”
B. He said; “Nothing can stop you, if your truly put your mind to it, not even your
own fear,”
C. He said, “Nothing can stop you. If you truly put your mind to it, not even your
own fear.”
D. He said: “Nothing can stop you, if you truly put your mind to it. Not even your
own fear.”

14 Identify where, in the following sentence, colons or semicolons should be

If you read Shakespeare’s Hamlet[1] 1[2]1, you will learn the following[3]
who Horatio is[4] where the play is set[5] and what is the catalyst for
events of the play.

A. At all points given

B. At points 2, 3, 4, and 5
C. At points 3, 4, and 5
D. At points 2 and 3

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15 Which of the following sentences is missing an apostrophe?

A. The cat licked its paw, and lay down to sleep.

B. Triple Sciences are the hardest GCSEs I have had to take!
C. This weeks lesson is on osmosis – what on earth is that?!
D. None of the above

16  hich of the following variations uses correct punctuation?

(Focus on commas, colons, semicolons, and apostrophes.)

A. This is my best friend: Katie. Katie lives with her lovely parents’, and slightly less
lovely brothers’; however, her sister lives away from home.
B. This is my best friend; Katie. Katie lives with her lovely parent’s, and slightly less
lovely brother’s, however her sister lives away from home.
C. This is my best friend, Katie: Katie lives with her lovely parents and slightly less
lovely brothers however her sister lives away from home.
D. This is my best friend: Katie. Katie lives with her lovely parents, and slightly less
lovely brothers; however, her sister lives away from home.

17 Do any of the following unpunctuated sentences need colons?

Option 1: I really didnt get along with Zach my sisters boyfriend
Option 2: No one would find out that I had successfully stolen the cake
Option 3: The people at the door were my cousins Ben Luke Sophie and Drew

A. Option 1
B. Options 2 and 3
C. Option 3
D. No colons are required

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18 Which of the following variations uses semicolons correctly?

A. There was, according to the BBC, going to be a big turnout for Pride on the
weekend; however, they also said that the weather would be miserable.
 There was; according to the BBC; going to be a big turnout for Pride on the
weekend, however, they also said that the weather would be miserable.
C. There was, according to the BBC, going to be a big turnout for Pride on the
weekend, however; they also said that the weather would be miserable.
D. There was, according to the BBC, going to be a big turnout for Pride; on the
weekend however, they also said that the weather would be miserable.

19 Which of the following variations uses colons correctly?

A. Mr Graham had: three golden rules, always do what you are told, be kind, and
try your best.
B. Mr Graham had three golden rules; always do what you are told: be kind: and
try your best.
C. Mr Graham had three golden rules: always do what you are told, be kind, and
try your best.
D. Mr Graham had three golden rules, always do: what you are told, be kind, and
try your best.

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20 Which of the following variations uses correct punctuation?

(Focus on commas, colons, semicolons, and apostrophes.)

A. The Scouts are always prepared for anything, if your clothes rip, they’ll have a
safety pin, if you’re dehydrated, they’ll pass you some water, if you’re out of
energy, they’ll have a snack ready!
B. The Scout’s are always prepared for anything; if your clothes rip, they’ll have a
safety pin; if you’re dehydrated, they’ll pass you some water; if you’re out of
energy, they’ll have a snack ready!
C. The Scouts are always prepared for anything: if your clothes rip, they’ll have a
safety pin; if you’re dehydrated, they’ll pass you some water; if you’re out of
energy, they’ll have a snack ready!
D. The Scouts’ are always, prepared for anything: if your clothes rip they’ll have
a safety pin; if you’re dehydrated they’ll pass you some water; if you’re out of
energy they’ll have a snack ready!

21 Which of the following variations uses apostrophes correctly?

A. Everyone knew that the two tabby cat’s were Lara’s; she loved those cat’s dearly.
B. Everyone knew that the two tabby cat’s were Laras; she loved those cat’s dearly.
C. Everyone knew that the two tabby cats were Lara’s; she loved those cats dearly.
D. Everyone knew that the two tabby cats were Lara’s; she loved those cats’ dearly.

22 Identify where, in the following sentence, apostrophes should be placed:

Sometime[1]s people get confused about apostrophe[2]s[3], but luckily there
are only a few simple rules to learn!

A. At point 1
B. At points 1 and 2
C. At point 3
D. None of the above

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23 Which of the following is an incorrect use of the apostrophe?

A. My cats have started to fight with each other, I’m quite worried!
B. I hate it when we have exams in Mr. Barber’s class.
C. It’s fair to say that the weather in England can be quite terrible at times!
D. My least favourite lesson of the week is definitely Math’s.

24 Which punctuation should be used in the following space:

Hi [?] my name’s Meg.

A. ,
B. :
C. ;
D. None of the above.

25 Which punctuation should be used in the following space:

Well, she did say that she’d be in Hawaii for a week [?] I suppose we will just
have to wait.

A. :
B. !
C. ;
D. ’

26 Before the start of a bullet-point list, which punctuation should be used?

A. ;
B. ,
C. :
D. No punctuation

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27 Which of the following is not an appropriate use of an apostrophe?

A. Each evening, at 11 o’clock the last bell rings.

B. Gemma’s hamster was very energetic!
C. Today’s quote of the day is: “carpe diem!”
D. Getting ready to move, she packed all of her things into box’s.

28 Which of the following variants uses correct punctuation? (Focusing on

colons and semi-colons.)

A. There were three things that he knew for sure: he loved tomatoes, he loved
mozzarella, and so, of course, he loved pizza!
B.  There were three things that he knew for sure; he loved tomatoes, he loved
mozzarella, and so, of course, he loved pizza!
C.  There were three things that he knew: for sure; he loved tomatoes; he loved
mozzarella; and so, of course, he loved pizza!
D. There were three things that he knew for sure: he loved tomatoes; he loved
mozzarella; and so, of course, he loved pizza!

29 In which, of the following unpunctuated sentences, are no commas needed?

A. To be honest I never really understood astrophysics anyway

B. I really do love my dog Hamish he is so cute
C. I cant be bothered to do my homework on the Great Fire of London 1666
D. Who knows whether my brothers football team will win this evening

30 Which of the following variations uses correct punctuation? (Focus on

commas, semicolons, and colons.)

A. Mr, Carlton taught most of the teenagers from St, George’s school to drive; he
was well-known to be a brilliant teacher.
B. Mr. Carlton taught most of the teenagers from St. George’s school to drive; he
was well-known to be a brilliant teacher.
C. Mr Carlton taught most of the teenagers, from St George’s school, to drive: he
was well-known to be a brilliant teacher.
D. Mr. Carlton taught most of the teenagers from St. George’s school to drive: he
was well-known, to be a brilliant teacher.

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31 How many commas are missing from the following sentence?

You know as well as I do that we will miss Holyfield Primary School when we

A. 0
B. 1
C. 4
D. 5

32 Which punctuation is missing from the following space:

My brother fell off of his bike and broke his leg [?] it was strange, as he was
usually so cautious!

A. ,
B. :
C. ;
D. None of the above.

33 Which of the following words can follow a semicolon?

A. But
B. And
C. However
D. Any of the above

34 Identify where, in the following sentence, commas should be placed:

They all heard a high-pitched [1] screech: “Don’t be so silly [2] Tracy!” [3]
Amber [4] was reaching the end of her tether.

A. At points 1 and 3
B. At point 2
C. At points 2 and 4
D. None of the above

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35 Which of the following variations has correct punctuation? (Focus on

commas, colons, and semicolons.)

A. “I am so pleased that you’ve booked your holiday”, smiled Mrs. Peterson “I
really am excited for you”!
B. “I am so pleased: that you’ve booked your holiday,” smiled Mrs. Peterson. “I
really am excited for you!’
C. “I am so pleased that you’ve booked your holiday;” smiled Mrs. Peterson. “I
really am excited for you!’
D. “I am so pleased that you’ve booked your holiday,” smiled Mrs. Peterson. “I
really am excited for you!’

36 Which punctuation is missing from the following sentence?

Mr. Alderson who cycles to work made a brilliant suggestion we should have
showers at the office.

A. , and : and ;
B. ,
C. ’ and , and ;
D. , and :

37 Which of the following variations has correct punctuation? (Focus on

commas, apostrophes, and colons.)

A. “It’s her project, there’s nothing we can do about it,” sighed Kayla.
B. “Its her project, there’s nothing we can do about it” sighed Kayla.
C. “It’s her project, there’s nothing we can do about it”: sighed Kayla.
D. “It’s her project, theres nothing we can do about it.” sighed Kayla.

38 Identify where, in the following sentence, apostrophes should be placed:

The dog shook it[1]s tail, and ran to give it[2]s ball to Aaron[3]s sister[4].

A. At all points given

B. At points 1, 2, and 3
C. At points 1 and 2
D. At point 3

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39 Which of the following sentences is missing a comma?

A. He was going to meet his friends: Hugo, Grace and Kiran.

B. “Don’t worry,” she told him. “Be happy.”
C. With an exciting day ahead, Ian got up early to make lunch for the entire family.
D. None of the above

40 Which of the following variations uses correct punctuation? (Focus on

commas, colons, semicolons, and apostrophes.)

A. When my little brother grows up he wants to be an Astronaut. He told me: “I

want to fly in NASAs rocket, to space!”
B. When my little brother grows up, he wants to be an Astronaut. He told me. “I
want to fly in NASA’s rocket: to space.”
C. When my little brother grows up; he wants to be an Astronaut. He told me, “I
want to fly in NASAs rocket, to space!”
D. When my little brother grows up, he wants to be an Astronaut. He told me: “I
want to fly in NASA’s rocket, to space!”

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