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ACC5111: Auditing and Assurance Principles

QUIZ 1 - Modules 1-3

1. The auditor's satisfaction as to the reliability of an assertion being made by one

party is called:
a. Assurance
b. Attestation
c. Audit
d. Precision

2. If you merely inquired and made an analytical procedure, you more likely
performed:If you merely inquired and made an analytical procedure, you more
likely performed:
a. Agreed upon procedures
b. Review
c. Audit
d. Consultancy

3. Law and regulation may be the criteria of an audit performed by an external

a. True
b. False

4. In an audit of financial statements, which of the following would not be a valid

criterion? International Accounting Standards
a. Philippine Standards on Auditing
b. Phil. Financial Reporting Standards
c. Phil. Financial Reporting Standards for SMEs

5. The reason an independent auditor gathers evidence is to

a. form an opinion on the financial statements
b. evaluate management
c. detect fraud
d. evaluate internal controls

6. The letters CPA shall be engraved in what part of the CPA's seal?
a. Upper portion of the seal
b. Center of the seal
c. Lower portion of the seal
d. Upper left portion of the seal

7. Which of the following is the broadest and most inclusive concept?

a. Audit of historical financial statements
b. Consultancy services (MAS)
c. Assurance services
d. Compilation and Review Services

8. The objectives of the Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004 are the following except:
a. The standardization and regulation of accounting education
b. Integrations of accountancy profession
c. Examination and registration of CPAs
d. Supervision, control and regulation of the practice of accountancy

9. The set of rules and regulations promulgated in 2004 for the supervision, control
and regulation of the practice of Accountancy in the Philippines.
b. PSA
c. Code of Ethics
d. IRR of RA9298

10. S1 A BOA member's term in his capacity as member expires one year after being
elected as Vice Chair. S2 Being charged of crimes involving moral turpitude is a
ground for removal of members in BOA.
a. True False
b. True True
c. False True
d. False False

11. The overall objective of internal auditing is to:

a. Attest to the efficiency with which resources are employed.
b. Ascertain that controls are costs justified
c. Provide assurance that financial data have been accurately recorded.
d. Assist members of the organization in the effective discharge of their

12. Broadly defined, the subject matter of any audit consists of:
a. Financial statements
b. Financial data
c. Economic data
d. Assertions

13. The need for independent audits of financial statements can be attributed to all of
the following conditions except:
a. Remoteness
b. complexity of subject matter
c. Consequence
d. validity

14. When a CPA is associated with the preparation of forecasts, all of the following
should be disclosed except:
a. Sources of information
b. Major assumptions used
c. Character of work performed
d. Probability of achieving forecasts

15. Which of the following is not one of the elements of an assurance engagement?
a. Sufficient appropriate evidence
b. Suitable criteria
c. Subject matter
d. An opinion about whether the subject matter conform, in all material
respects, with the identified criteria.

16. S1 Only CPE credits earned through master and doctoral degree can be carried
over each year in the three year period S2 You are exempted from earning CPE
once you reach 70 years of age.
a. True False
b. True True
c. False True
d. False False

17. Pronouncements of Auditing and Assurance Standards Council do not cover

a. Review of historical financial statements
b. Consultancy
c. Compilation and agreed upon procedures
d. Assurance engagements other than audit & review

18. Which of the following shall be issued to a candidate who passes the CPA
licensure examination?
a. Certificate of accreditation to practice public accountancy and PRC ID
b. Personal ID and a certificate of accreditation to practice public accountancy
c. Certificate of registration and professional ID
d. Certificate of full compliance and professional ID

19. Not a qualification of a member of the BOA

a. 10 years experience in the practice of public accountancy
b. Natural born Filipino citizen and resident
c. Not a director of PICPA
d. Good moral character
20. The auditor's responsibility for the detection of client's noncompliance with laws
and regulations
a. Greater than for error, less than for fraud
b. The same as it is for errors and fraud
c. Less than for error and fraud
d. Restricted to information that comes to his attention

21. Which of the following procedures would normally be included in the review
a. Preparing the bank transfer schedule
b. Assessing the internal control structure
c. Asking management about related party transactions
d. Perform cut-off tests

22. If an auditor, using her judgment, departs from a PSA, she should:
a. Correct the issue immediately
b. Ignore it.
c. Be prepared to explain or justify
d. Disclose it in the notes to the financial statements

23. Which of the following is not one of the limitations of an audit?

a. The use of testing
b. Human error
c. Limitations imposed by client
d. Nature of evidence obtained

24. Which is true?

a. PRC has the authority to remove any member of BOA for negligence,
incompetence or other valid grounds.
b. Insanity is a ground for proceeding against a CPA
c. A person shall be considered to be in the practice of accountancy in the
government if a CPA degree is required to be in his position.
d. After 3 years, subject to certain conditions, BOA may order reinstatement of a
CPA whose Certificate of Registration has been revoked.

25. A CPA certificate is evidence of

a. Independence as a professional
b. Membership in APO
c. Basic competence at the time of certification
d. Completion of CPD program

26. The use of negative assurance in an audit report on financial statements

a. is a violation of the standards of reporting
b. helps in clarifying the degree of responsibility assumed by eh auditor
c. is encouraged by PSAs
d. is properly located in the opinion paragraph of the unqualified report

27. The statement that "nothing came to our attention which would indicate that these
statements are not fairly presented" expresses which of the following?
a. Disclaimer of opinion
b. Adverse opinion
c. Negative assurance
d. Piecemeal opinion

28. When prospective financial statements are prepared, the "responsible party" is
usually the
a. management
b. government entity that requires them
c. CPA who examines them
d. audit committee

29. In performing attestation services, a CPA would normally:

a. Improve the quality of information, or its context, for better use of the decision
b. Recommend how to use the information
c. Perform market analyses and cost estimates
d. States a conclusion about a written assertion

30. Practitioner's independence

a. minimizes risk
b. Defends against professional liability
c. helps achieve public confidence
d. Achieves compliance with the standards of fieldwork

31. The predominant type of ATTESTATION service performed by CPAs is:

a. audit
b. compilation
c. review
d. MAS

32. A CPA should perform analytical procedures to (1) Audit (2) Review (3) Compile
a. Yes YesYes
b. Yes Yes No
c. No Yes Yes
d. No Yes No

33. The audit committee of the BOD of a company is responsible for:

a. hiring the auditor
b. the audit working papers
c. Preparing the financial statements
d. Independence and obtaining evidence

34. Independent professional services that are provided on financial or other

information that improve the quality of decision making are known as:
a. External services
b. Attest services
c. Assurance services
d. Direct report services

35. The independent audit is important to readers of financial statements because it:
Determines the future stewardship of the management of the company whose
financial statements are audited
a. Measures and communicates financial and business data involved in financial
b. Involves the objective examination of and reporting on management
prepared statements
c. Reports on the accuracy of all information in the financial statements

36. Ethical principles governing the compilation of financial statements include I.

Independence II. Competence III. Technical standards
a. I, II & III
b. II & III
c. I & II
d. I & III

37. Which of the following statements does not properly describe a limitation of an
a. Many audit conclusions are made on the basis of examining a sample of
b. The work undertaken by the auditor is deprived of judgment.
c. Fatigue and human weakness can cause auditors to overlook pertinent evidence.
Evidence is usually not conclusive.

38. Which of the following is not an assurance form of report?

a. Compliance
b. Examination
c. Compilation
d. Review

39. Which of the following is not an attestation standard?

a. The engagement shall be performed by a practitioner having adequate
knowledge in the subject matter of the assertion.
b. Sufficient evidence shall be obtained to provide a reasonable basis for the
conclusion that is expressed in the report.
c. The report shall state whether the financial statements are presented in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principles
d. The work shall be adequately planned, and assistants, if any, shall be properly

40. How many members does the PRC-CPE Council have?

a. 2
b. 4
c. 3
d. 5

41. The most common type of audit report contains a(n):

a. Adverse opinion
b. Qualified Opinion
c. Unqualified opinion
d. Disclaimer of opinion

42. Auditing is based on the assumption that financial data are verifiable. Data are
verifiable when two or more qualified individuals,
a. working together, can prove, beyond doubt, the accuracy of the data.
b. working independently, each reach essentially similar conclusions.
c. working independently, can prove, beyond doubt, the truthfulness of the data
d. working together, can agree upon the accuracy of data.

43. What level of assurance does the CPA provide under the following engagements
a. Audit - reasonable; Review - moderate; Agreed upon procedures - low;
Consultancy - low
b. Audit - reasonable; Review - moderate; Agreed upon procedures - low;
Consultancy - none
c. Audit - high; Review - reasonable; Agreed upon procedures - none; Consultancy
- low
d. Audit - reasonable; Review - moderate; Agreed upon procedures - none;
Consultancy - none

44. Geli, CPA is applying for renewal of her professional license. She is exempted
from CPD requirements
a. If she is at least 70 years old
b. If she is working abroad and she has been out of the country for at least two
months immediately prior to the date of renewal.
c. Either A or B
d. Neither A nor B
45. The difference between what the public expects to get from the audited financial
statements and what the public is actually getting is known as:
a. Credibility Gap
b. Expectation Gap
c. Memory Gap
d. Audit Gap

46. The standard setting body promulgated by the PRC to promulgate accounting

47. This risk is associated with a company's survival and profitability:

a. Business risk
b. Audit risk
c. Information risk
d. Risk premium

48. If the CPA has reason to believe that the information subject to review may be
materially misstated, the CPA should:
a. Express a qualified negative assurance
b. Withdraw from the engagement
c. Express an adverse opinion
d. Carry out additional or more extensive procedures.

49. Ultimately, the decision about whether or not an auditor is independent must be
made by the
a. audit committee
b. auditor
c. Those charged with governance
d. government regulator

50. A CPA who is not independent may issue a

a. Review report
b. Attest report
c. Direct report
d. Compilation report
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Terms in this set (50)

The auditor communicates the results of her work

through the medium of the:
Engagement letter

Financial statements
Audit report

Management representation letter

Audit report


RA 9298 provides that temporary of special permits
may be issued to foreign CPAs in the following,

She was called for consultation which is essential for

the development of the Philippines. Provided, she is
restricted to practice to that particular work and no
Filipino CPA is qualified.

None of the above. He was engaged to lecture on fields essential to

accountancy education in the Philippines. Provided,
he is restricted to teaching only.

An IFRS expert is engaged for services deemed

essential for the advancement of accountancy in the

None of the above.


The independent audit is important to readers of
financial statements because it:

Determines the future stewardship of the

management of the company whose financial
statements are audited

Involves the objective

examination of and reporting
Measures and communicates financial and business
on management prepared
data involved in financial statements.

Involves the objective examination of and reporting

on management prepared statements

Reports on the accuracy of all information in the

financial statements


Philippine Standards on Auditing contain ideal
principles and essential procedures, together with
related guidance in the form of explanatorily and
other material.

Statement is true

Statement is false

Statement is false

answer not given

incomplete statement

The need for independent audits of financial

statements can be attributed to all of the following
conditions except:


complexity of subject matter




Which may be the subject matter of an assurance

Historical financial information

All of the above Behavior

Systems and processes

All of the above

To operate effectively, an internal auditor must be

independent of:

The entity

The line functions of

management The line functions of management

Those charged with governance

The employer-employee relationship


These are the standards used to evaluate or
measure the subject matter of an assurance




Auditing standard

A CPA should perform analytical procedures to (1)

Audit (2) Review (3) Compile

Yes YesYes

Yes Yes No
Yes Yes No

No Yes Yes

No Yes No


Which of the following is not one of the limitations
of an audit?

The use of testing

Limitations imposed by client Human error

Limitations imposed by client

Nature of evidence obtained

The following are grounds for suspension or

removal of members of BOA, except: d. Neglect of
duty or Incompetence.

Violation of RA9298, its IRR, Code of Ethics and

Pending cases on a crime
standards of practice of CPAs.
involving moral turpitude.

Pending cases on a crime involving moral turpitude.

Rigging of board exam.


According the PSRS 4410, the following procedures
are required whenever a CPA performs a
compilation engagement: I Agreement with the
client regarding terms of engagement; II Planning
for the engagement; III Use of auditing expertise; IV
Issuance of a report

I & II
I, II & IV

I, II & IV



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13How many years of experience does it take to be
considered a senior accounting practitioner?

10 10


Which of the following is not a requirement for a

person applying for the CPA board exam?

Natural-born Filipino citizen

Natural-born Filipino citizen BS Accountancy graduate

Good moral character

No conviction of any crime involving moral



As used in RA 9298, this term refers to the area of
practice of accountancy:





S1 The responsible party is always the one who

engages the professional accountant. S2 The
intended user is the person or class of person who
engages the professional accountant.

True False

Both False

Both True

False True

Both False


This body is created to assist the BOA in the
attainment of the objective to continually upgrade
accounting education in the Philippines.


Educational Technical Council

PRC CPE Council

Educational Technical Council

CPE Council

Punishment of a person who violated RA 9298

and/or its IRR upon conviction shall be:

Fine not less than PhP50,000, imprisonment not

exceeding 2 years, or both.

Fine not less than PhP50,000,

Fine not greater than PhP50,000, imprisonment not
imprisonment not exceeding 2
exceeding 2 years or both.
years, or both.

Fine not greater than PhP50,000, imprisonment not

shorter than 2 years or both.

Fine not less than PhP50,000, imprisonment not

shorter than 2 years or both.


A CPA who is not independent may issue a

Review report

Compilation report Attest report

Direct report

Compilation report

Consulting services are:

Three-party contracts involving services that

recommend uses for information

Two-party contracts involving Two-party contracts involving services that

services that recommend uses recommend uses for information
for information

Two-party contracts that require accounting rather

than auditing skills

Three-party contracts that require accounting rather

than auditing skills


What level of assurance does the CPA provide
under the following engagements:

Audit - reasonable; Review - moderate; Agreed

upon procedures - low; Consultancy - low

Audit - reasonable; Review -

Audit - reasonable; Review - moderate; Agreed
moderate; Agreed upon
upon procedures - low; Consultancy - none
procedures - none;
Consultancy - none

Audit - high; Review - reasonable; Agreed upon

procedures - none; Consultancy - low

Audit - reasonable; Review - moderate; Agreed

upon procedures - none; Consultancy - none

When a CPA is associated with the preparation of

forecasts, all of the following should be disclosed

Sources of information

Probability of achieving
Major assumptions used

Character of work performed

Probability of achieving forecasts


If the CPA has reason to believe that the information
subject to review may be materially misstated, the
CPA should:
Express a qualified negative assurance
Carry out additional or more
extensive procedures. Withdraw from the engagement

Express an adverse opinion

Carry out additional or more extensive procedures.

As used in RA 9298, this term refers to the area of

practice of accountancy:






Which of the following is not one of the elements of
an assurance engagement?

Sufficient appropriate evidence

An opinion about whether the Suitable criteria

subject matter conform, in all
material respects, with the
identified criteria. Subject matter

An opinion about whether the subject matter

conform, in all material respects, with the identified

Who forms the conclusion from the report of the

practitioner in an agreed upon procedures?

The practitioner

The intended user

The intended user

The responsible party

The parties agree as to who shall conclude


An audit can have a significant effect on:

Business risk

Information risk Information risk

Market risk premium

Audit risk

Ethical principles governing the compilation of

financial statements include: I Independence; II
Competence; III Technical standards:



I & II



This refers to those persons who hold a valid
certificate issued by the BOA, whether they be in
public practice, industry, government or academe.

Professional accountant

Professional accountant
Assurance practitioner

Independent accountant

Senior accounting practitioner

Which of the following statements does not

properly describe a limitation of an audit?

Many audit conclusions are made on the basis of

examining a sample of evidence.

The work undertaken by the

auditor is deprived of
The work undertaken by the auditor is deprived of

Fatigue and human weakness can cause auditors to

overlook pertinent evidence.

Evidence is usually not conclusive.


Broadly defined, the subject matter of any audit
consists of:

Financial statements

Financial data

Economic data


According to the IRR of RA 9298, who can teach

business law?

Legal management grads and lawyers

CPAs and IBP members

Criminologists, CPAs and Lawyers

CPAs and legal management graduates

CPAs and IBP members


Which of the following statements does not
properly describe a limitation of an audit?

Many audit conclusions are made on the basis of

examining a mere population of evidence.

Many audit conclusions are Some evidence supporting peso representation in

made on the basis of the financial statements must be obtained by oral or
examining a mere population written representations of management.
of evidence.

Human weakness can cause auditors to overlook

pertinent evidence or cause them to make wrong
conclusions (i.e. stressed, careless).

Judgment is used throughout the audit engagement.


The overall objective of internal auditing is to:

Attest to the efficiency with which resources are


Assist members of the

organization in the effective Ascertain that controls are costs justified
discharge of their
Provide assurance that financial data have been
accurately recorded.

Assist members of the organization in the effective

discharge of their responsibilities

S1 The subject of an engagement may be presented

as a point in time only as there are more
complications involved when attaining evidence in a
range of time. S2 The CPA's conclusion provides a
level of assurance about the subject matter.

True False
False True

Both True

False True

Both False


The auditor's satisfaction as to the reliability of an
assertion being made by one party is called:


Assurance Attestation



. Level of assurance provided by an agreed upon



Depending on what was agreed




Which of the following phrases in relation to the
definition of auditing is incorrect?

Systematic process

Objectively obtaining and

Objectively obtaining and evaluating assurance
evaluating assurance

Assertions about economic actions and events

Degree of correspondence between assertions and


The internal auditor of the government

Department of Finance

None of the above Department of Budget and management

Commission on Audit

None of the above


Which of the following is/are considered as non-
assurance engagements?

Elder Care Plus

Management Consultancy
Management Consultancy Services

Health Care Performance Measurement

All of the above

41Auditing is based on the assumption that financial

data are verifiable. Data are verifiable when two or
more qualified individuals,

working together, can prove, beyond doubt, the

accuracy of the data.

working independently, each

reach essentially similar working independently, each reach essentially
conclusions. similar conclusions.

working independently, can prove, beyond doubt,

the truthfulness of the data

working together, can agree upon the accuracy of

S1 The Commission of Audit is the highest and final
authority in commercial auditing; S2 AASC-issued
standards should be absolutely and strictly
complied with (i.e. in no circumstance shall a CPA
depart from it) to avoid differences in audit

True False
Both False

Both True

False True

Both False

In an audit of financial statements, which of the

following would not be a valid criterion?

International Accounting Standards

Philippine Standards on
Auditing Philippine Standards on Auditing

Phil. Financial Reporting Standards

Phil. Financial Reporting Standards for SMEs


Which of the following is the sectoral organization
for CPAs in the government?


GACPA CPA-G&GOCC Association



If you merely inquired and made an analytical

procedure, you more likely performed:

Agreed upon procedures





Pronouncements of Auditing and Assurance
Standards Council do not cover

Review of historical financial statements


Compilation and agreed upon procedures

Assurance engagements other than audit & review

Which of the following is NOT a correct qualification

of the Chair and Commissioners of COA?

Natural born citizen of RP

Must not have been a

At least 35 years old upon appointment
candidate for any elective

10 years of auditing experience for CPAs or 10 years

of law practice for IBP members.

Must not have been a candidate for any elective



At the end of this engagement, the CPA provides a
report of factual findings instead of an opinion.

Tax consulting

Agreed upon procedures Agreed upon procedures

Review engagement


Law and regulation may be the criteria of an audit

performed by an external auditor

The statement is true

The statement is true

The statement is false


The reason an independent auditor gathers
evidence is to

form an opinion on the financial statements

form an opinion on the

evaluate management
financial statements

detect fraud

evaluate internal controls

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Terms in this set (50)

Refer to the following items for question: I. Understand the client's operations; II.
Confirm or refute expectations; III. Identify significant unusual fluctuations; IV.
Identify risk areas; V. Reasonably predict results; VI. Confirm conclusions reached.
Which of the items above pertain to the substantive testing phase?

I and II

II and V

I, II and IV

I and IV

II and V

Who ultimately determines an auditor's independence?

Quality Review Committee

Auditor Securities and Exchange Commission

Board of Accountancy


Which of the following is not a probable source of significant risk?

History of fraud in prior year audit

Routine revenue transactions Significant related party transactions

Impairment testing of intangible assets

Routine revenue transactions


Which is the hardest subject matter to provide assurance on?

Financial information

Efficiency and effectiveness of internal controls Degree of compliance with laws and regulations

Efficiency and effectiveness of internal controls

All of the following are equally hard to provide assurance on

S1: Independence is required on all accounting services; S2: Independence

enhances the auditor's ability to act with integrity and objectivity

True, False

False, True
True, True

False, True

False, False

Which of following is not a component of the audit risk model?

Detection risk

Information risk Information risk

Control risk

Inherent risk

A BOA member can be removed from office due to a pending case involving
moral turpitude




Risk assessment procedures include all of the following except


Recalculation Analytical procedures

Observation and inspection


Which of the following is a response to a decreased detection risk?

Employing analytical procedures for sales rather than test of transactions

Postponement of testing to yearend instead of

Decreasing sample size for receivables
interim cut off

Postponement of testing to yearend instead of interim cut off

Performing signature authentication during a normal audit

The level of assurance provided by an audit is:


Reasonable Moderate




Refer to the following items for numbers: I. Substantive testing is to be performed
at yearend; II. Client's property plant and equipment are mortgaged in relation to
its long-term debt; III. Client strictly monitors compliance with attached loan
covenants; IV. Receivable accounts are composed of small but voluminous
accounts with regional retailers; V.Test of transactions is to be used over analytical
procedures for revenue accounts; VI. Client is operating in a highly regulated
industry. Which of the items above pertain(s) to control risk?



I, V, VI


Which is more important?

Independence in mind

Independence in mind and independence in

Independence in appearance
appearance are equally important

Independence in mind and independence in appearance are equally important

Independence in fact

If desired audit risk is 2% while assed risk of material misstatement is at 20%, how
much is acceptable detection risk?






Which of the audit risk components is a dependent variable during the planning

Inherent risk
Detection risk
Control risk

Risk of material misstatement

Detection risk

The following are reasonable changes in engagement scope except

Management only needs a reviewed financial statements for quarterly filing to SEC

Management wants to reduce the audit procedures Management originally intended an "Agreed upon engagement" when they
to inquiry and analytical procedures due to mentioned "Audit" in prior meetings
deficiencies in accounting records

Management wants to reduce the audit procedures to inquiry and analytical

procedures due to deficiencies in accounting records

All of these are acceptable changes in engagement scope

The auditing standards require the auditors to assess the risk of material
misstatements at the following levels:

Financial statements, account balance

Financial statements, assertion

Account balance, assertion

Financial statements, assertion

Financial statements, account balance and assertion


Which of the following is an appropriate procedure in assessing inherent risk?

Review of client's control documentations

Review of regulatory requirements specific to the Review of regulatory requirements specific to the client's business
client's business

Review of bank reconciliation statements

Performing predictive and confirmatory analytical procedures

Refer to the following items for the question: I. Understand the client's operations;
II. Confirm or refute expectations; III. Identify significant unusual fluctuations; IV.
Identify risk areas; V. Reasonably predict results; VI. Confirm conclusions reached.
The items above are:

Objectives in performing analytical procedures

Objectives in performing analytical procedures

Steps in performing analytical procedures

Items to consider in setting materiality

Unrelated auditing concepts

The following are reasons in applying professional skepticism except,

Overlooking usual circumstances

Overlooking usual circumstances Over-generalizing

Using inappropriate assumptions

None of the above


Assurance is wider in scope than audit; S2: Audit is more specific in scope than

True, True

True, True
True, False

False, True

False, False

Which of the following items pertain to control risk?

The susceptibility of risky assets to defalcation

Auditor's (internal) testing procedures and

Auditor's (external) testing procedures

Auditor's (internal) testing procedures and responsibilities

Complex accounting treatment of a loan with an embedded prepayment option

Analytical procedures is not required during


Substantive testing Substantive testing


None of these


As materiality of the account decreases, the required amount of audit evidence


Decrease Stays constant


Change in an unpredictable fashion

Refer to the following items for the question: I. Understand the client's operations;
II. Confirm or refute expectations; III. Identify significant unusual fluctuations; IV.
Identify risk areas; V. Reasonably predict results; VI. Confirm conclusions reached.
Which of the items above pertain to the planning stage?

I and II

I and IV

I, II and IV

I and IV

II and V

Refer to the following items for the question: I. Understand the client's operations;
II. Confirm or refute expectations; III. Identify significant unusual fluctuations; IV.
Identify risk areas; V. Reasonably predict results; VI. Confirm conclusions reached.
Which of the items above pertain to the conclusion stage?

I and II

III and VI

I, II, IV and VI

III and VI

II and V


S1- Substantive testing is not performed in cases of controls reliance approach;
S2- Analytical procedure can be an appropriate substantive test procedure

True, False

False, True
True, True

False, True

False, False

The relationship of assessed control risk against acceptable detection risk is?


Inverse Parallel



Complete the analogy: _______, Management, _______, Auditor

Financial Statements, Financial Statements

Financial Statements, Audit Report Management Report, Audi Report

Financial Statements, Audit Report

Audit Report, Audit Report


Which of the following is the least desirable basis of preliminary materiality?

Pre-tax income

Net loss Revenues

Total assets

Net loss

Refer to the following items for numbers: I. Substantive testing is to be performed

at yearend; II. Client's property plant and equipment are mortgaged in relation to
its long-term debt; III. Client strictly monitors compliance with attached loan
covenants; IV. Receivable accounts are composed of small but voluminous
accounts with regional retailers; V. Test of transactions is to be used over analytical
procedures for revenue accounts; VI. Client is operating in a highly regulated
industry. Which of the items above is/are a response to increased acceptable
detection risk?

None of the above


I and V

None of the above

Which of the following is the most appropriate basis for setting the preliminary
materiality for a listed entity with positive net operating trends?

Pre-tax income

Pre-tax income

Total assets

Total equity


Complete the analogy: ________, Financial Statements, ________, Audit





Which of the following items pertain to increased inherent risk?

The client acquired a competitor during the year

Check vouchers are reviewed by the Deputy Controller before payment

The client acquired a competitor during the year

The client's revenues a contract-based and with the Philippine Government as a


Most of the customers of the audit client belong to the top 100 corporations in the

An auditor assesses the level of control risk in order to

Report on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control policies

Determine acceptable level of detection risk Identify significant account balances and transactions

Determine materiality thresholds

Determine acceptable level of detection risk


Refer to the following items for numbers: I. Substantive testing is to be performed
at yearend; II. Client's property plant and equipment are mortgaged in relation to
its long-term debt; III. Client strictly monitors compliance with attached loan
covenants; IV. Receivable accounts are composed of small but voluminous
accounts with regional retailers; V.Test of transactions is to be used over analytical
procedures for revenue accounts; VI. Client is operating in a highly regulated
industry. Which of the items above pertain(s) to risk of material misstatement?

All except I, V and VI All of these

All except I, V and VI

All except I and V

All except I, IV, V, VI

The audit risk model is used primarily

For planning purposes, specifically in determining the sufficiency of evidence to

be gathered.

For planning purposes, specifically in determining

For execution of controls testing, specifically in determining the degree of control
the sufficiency of evidence to be gathered.
consciousness of management.

For conclusion stage, specifically on the opinion to be issued.

For execution of substantive testing, specifically for evaluating evidence gathered.

In which area would an auditor least need the help of an expert?

Accounting for embedded derivatives

Accounting for embedded derivatives Valuation of coal inventory held by the client

Reasonableness of actuarial assumptions used by the entity

None of these


An engagement letter is required to be issued


As the need arises Every two years

As the need arises

Every three years

Ultimately, materiality is based on:

Regulations issued by the SEC

Financial information user's expectations Auditor's satisfaction

Management's assessment

Financial information user's expectations

In a financial statements audit, the auditor is the:

Responsible party

Practitioner Intended user




Which of the following items pertain to decreased control risk?

Control procedures have not been updated for almost 10 years.

The client has a functioning independent audit committee and internal audit
The client has a functioning independent audit department
committee and internal audit department

The client is start-up company operating at breakeven

The client's only customer is the Philippine Government, hence the risk of default is
lower as compared to other private corporations.

Assuming that the acceptable range for setting the preliminary materiality is 5% to
10%, which of the following entity is more likely geared towards the upper range
(i.e., 10%)?

Listed client in the Philippines Stock Exchange

Family-owned retail client with no debt financing

scheme Client holding a secondary license from the Philippine Securities and Exchange

Family-owned retail client with no debt financing scheme

Client in a highly regulated industry such as banks and insurance companies

The auditor normally _____ the risk of material misstatement while he/she _______ the
detection risk.

Assesses, Assesses

Assesses, Controls
Controls, Assesses

Assesses, Controls

Controls, Controls


Which of the following is the most appropriate basis for setting the preliminary
materiality for a holding company? Users only monitor the investment of this
company to another profitable company.

Pre-tax income

Total assets

Total assets

Total equity

Which pertains to the quantity of evidence?


Sufficiency Appropriateness

Both Sufficiency and Appropriateness

Neither Sufficiency nor Appropriateness

S1 Professional skepticism is considering all evidence as fraudulent unless there is a

reason to the contrary; S2 Professional skepticism dictates that auditors will strive
to achieve conclusive evidences.

True, False

False, False
True, True

False, True

False, False


Refer to the following items for numbers: I. Substantive testing is to be performed
at yearend; II. Client's property plant and equipment are mortgaged in relation to
its long-term debt; III. Client strictly monitors compliance with attached loan
covenants; IV. Receivable accounts are composed of small but voluminous
accounts with regional retailers; V. Test of transactions is to be used over analytical
procedures for revenue accounts; VI. Client is operating in a highly regulated
industry. Which of the items above pertain(s) to inherent risk?





S1: A BOA member can be a non-resident Filipino citizen; S2: BOA's chairman is
elected among the members appointed by the President of the Republic

True, False

False, True
False, True

True, True

False, False

Who is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the financial


The Internal Audit Head

Management and Those Charged with Governance

Management and Those Charged with Governance

The Auditor, after opining on the financial information

Staff accountant


Refer to the following items for numbers: I. Substantive testing is to be performed
at yearend; II. Client's property plant and equipment are mortgaged in relation to
its long-term debt; III. Client strictly monitors compliance with attached loan
covenants; IV. Receivable accounts are composed of small but voluminous
accounts with regional retailers; V. Test of transactions is to be used over analytical
procedures for revenue accounts; VI. Client is operating in a highly regulated
industry. Which of the items above pertain(s) to detection risk?

I and V I and V


I, V, VI

ACC5111: Auditing and Assurance Principles

1. Professional skepticism is
a. Necessary for a quality control system
b. Adherence to the professional code of ethics
c. The application of relevant thinking, knowledge and experience, within the
context provided by auditing, accounting and ethical standards, in making
informed decisions about the courses of action that are appropriate in the
circumstance of the audit engagement.
d. An attitude that includes a questioning mind, being alert to conditions
which may indicate possible misstatement due to fraud or error and a
critical assessment of audit evidence.

2. A certificate of accreditation shall be issued to CPA’s in public practice only upon

showing, in
accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the Board and approved by
the PRC, that such registration has acquired a minimum of ___ years meaningful
experience in any of the areas of public practice including taxation.
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 5

3. The sector that is most represented in the ASC is the

a. Public Practice
b. Government
c. Academe
d. Commerce and Industry

4. The preliminary judgment about materiality is the ___ amount by which the auditor
believes the statement could be misstated and still not affect the economic
decision of users.
a. Minimum
b. Maximum
c. Mean average
d. Median average

5. The objective of the Philippine Accountancy Act of 2004 includes:

a. The examination for registration of certified public accountants
b. The standardization and regulation of accounting education
c. All of the choices
d. The supervision, control, and regulation of the practice of accountancy in the
e. Philippines

6. One objective of the client acceptance phase of the audit is to:

a. Determine the type and amount of staff.
b. Determine risk of the audit.
c. Review financial statements and other report material.
d. Determine the amount and type of evidence and review required to give the
auditor assurance that there is no material misstatement of the financial

7. The understanding between the client and the auditor as to the degree of
responsibilities to be assumed by each are normally set forth in a/an?
a. Comfort letter.
b. Management letter
c. Engagement letter.
d. Representation letter.

8. In a limited assurance engagement, the practitioner

a. Expresses the conclusion in a negative form
b. Has obtained sufficient appropriate evidence to reduce assurance engagement
risk to an
c. acceptably low level.
d. Expresses the conclusion in a positive form
e. Conveys reasonable assurance

9. Continuing professional education (CPE) is ongoing training that is required in

order to remain certified as a professional in certain fields. The following are
sources of CPE units, except
a. Undergraduate degree
b. Authorship
c. Master’s degree
d. Seminars

10. To be qualified as having passed the CPA licensure examination

a. Both of the statements
b. The candidate must have a general weighted average of at least 75%.
c. Neither of the statements
d. The candidate must not have a grade lower than 65% in any given subject.

11. Which of the following statements is true concerning evidence in an assurance

a. The reliability of evidence is influenced not by its nature but by its source
b. Sufficiency is the measure of the quantity of evidence.
c. Obtaining more evidence may compensate for its poor quality
d. Appropriateness is the measure of the quality of evidence, that is, its reliability
and persuasiveness

12. Classifying controls by transaction stage classifies them according to:

a. Environment, general, and application
b. Input, processing and output
c. Preventive, detective, corrective
d. Administrative and accounting

13. Which of the following is the correct order in the audit process?
a. Pre-engagement, Audit Planning, Substantive testing, Completing the audit,
Issuance of opinion
b. Audit Planning, Pre-engagement, Issuance of opinion, Substantive testing
c. Pre-engagement, Audit Planning, Substantive testing, Issuance of opinion,
Completing the audit
d. Substantive testing, Testing of Internal Controls, Completing the audit, Issuance
of opinion

14. Which of the following statements best describes assurance services?

a. Independent professional services designed to express an opinion on the
fairness of historical financialstatements based on the results of an audit.
b. Services that requires the preparation of financial statements or the collection,
classification, andsummarization of other financial information.
c. Independent professional services designed for the improvement of operations,
resulting in betteroutcomes.
d. Independent professional services that are intended to enhance the
credibility ofinformation to meet the needs of an intended user.

15. The auditor's primary consideration is whether, and how, a specific control
prevents, or detects and corrects, material misstatements:
a. In classes of transactions, account balances or disclosures.
b. In classes of transactions.
c. In disclosures.
d. In account balances.

16. Which of the following components of internal control includes development and
use of training policies that communicate prospective roles and responsibilities to
a. Control Environment
b. Risk Assessment
c. Control Activities
d. Monitoring

17. An engagement letter should be written before the start of an audit because
a. It may limit the auditor’s legal liability by specifying the auditor’s responsibilities.
b. It specifies the client’s responsibility for preparing schedules and making the
c. available to the auditor.
d. It specifies the basis for billing the audit for the upcoming year.
e. All of the choices are correct.

18. Which of the following is a source of information risk?

a. All of the choices are sources of information risk
b. Information may be biased in favor of the provider when his goals are
inconsistent with the decision maker
c. As the number of transaction increases, the likelihood that errors will occur also
d. Decision makers, in most cases, are not involved in the daily operations of the

19. Detection risk is:

a. The susceptibility of an assertion to misstatements that could be material, before
consideration of any related controls.
b. The risk that an auditor’s substantive procedures will not detect a
misstatement that exists and that could be material.
c. The risk that a misstatement that could occur in an assertion, and that could be
material, will not be prevented, or detected and corrected, on a timely basis by
the entity’s internal control.
d. The risk that the auditor expresses an inappropriate audit opinion when the
financial statements are materially misstated.

20. Which of the following is not a factor that affects the auditor’s judgment, during
audit planning, as to the quantity, type and content of working papers?
a. The auditor’s preliminary assessment of control risk.
b. The nature of the client’s business.
c. The auditor’s preliminary evaluation of inherent risk based on discussions with
the client.
d. The type of report to be issued by the auditor.

21. Internal control is a process, effected by an entity’s board of directors,

management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance
regarding the achievement of objectives. Which of the following is an example of
detective control
a. Monthly bank reconciliation
b. Access controls
c. Segregation of duties
d. CCTVs in lieu of security guard
22. In an assurance engagement, the outcome of the evaluation or measurement of a
subject matter against a criteria is called
a. Subject matter information
b. Assurance
c. Subject matter
d. Conclusion

23. Which of the following is most likely a direct reporting?

a. Review of prospective financial information
b. Performance audit
c. Financial statement audit
d. Assurance engagement of a sustainability report which was prepared by

24. Which of the following is the single feature that most clearly distinguishes
auditing, attestation, and assurance
a. Scope of services
b. CPA's approach to the service
c. Training necessary to perform the service.
d. Type of service

25. An abnormal fluctuation in gross profit that might suggest the need for extended
audit procedures for sales and inventories would most likely be identified in the
planning phase of the audit by the use of:
a. An assessment of internal control.
b. Specialized audit programs.
c. Tests of transactions and balances.
d. Analytical procedures.

26. The element of the audit planning process most likely to be agreed upon with the
client before implementation of the audit strategy is the determination of the
a. Schedules and analyses to be prepared by the client’s staff.
b. Methods of statistical sampling to be used inconfirming accounts receivable.
c. Evidence to be gathered to provide a sufficient basis for the auditor’s opinion.
d. Pending legal matters to be included in the inquiry of the client’s attorney.

27. Which of the following factors most likely would cause a CPA to not accept a new
audit engagement?
a. The CPA lacks a thorough understanding of the prospective client's operations
b. industry.
c. The CPA is unable to review the predecessor auditor's working papers.
d. The prospective client has fired its prior auditor.
e. The prospective client is unwilling to make financial records available to
the CPA.

28. There are a number of specific elements that usually contribute to a successful
control environment and which may be used as indicators of the quality of the
control environment of a particular organisation. Which of the following is not one
of these elements?
a. Assignment of authority and responsibility.
b. Human resource policies and practices.
c. Segregation of duties in management.
d. Organisational structure.

29. When a CPA is approached to perform an audit for the first time, the CPA should
make inquiries of the predecessor auditor. This is a necessary procedure because
the predecessor may be able to provide the successor with information that will
assist the successor in determining
a. Whether the engagement should be accepted.
b. Whether the predecessor’s work should be utilized.
c. Whether, in the predecessor’s opinion, internal control of the company has been
d. Whether the company follows the policy of rotating its auditors

30. A reason to establish internal control is to

a. Have a basis for planning the audit.
b. Provide reasonable assurance that the objectives of the organization are
c. Encourage compliance with organizational objectives.
d. Ensure the accuracy, reliability and timeliness of information.

31. Monitoring is considered

a. An element of the control environment
b. A portion of information and communication.
c. The primary asset safeguarding technique.
d. A component of internal control

32. It is the specific organization mandated by the law to promulgate rules and
regulations affecting the practice of Accountancy.
a. Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy (BoA)
b. Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)
c. Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA)
d. Accounting Standards Council (ASC)

33. The Board of Accountancy may issue certificate of registration and professional
identification card to any successful examinee
a. Of unsound mind
b. Who has falsely represented himself/herself in his/her application for examination
c. Guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct
d. Convicted by a court of political offense

34. What level of assurance is provided by an auditor in an audit engagement?

a. Negative assurance
b. High, but not absolute, level of assurance
c. Positive level of assurance
d. Moderate assurance

35. Audit planning should be performed:

a. At the beginning of the engagement and updated continuously based on
information obtained during the performance of the audit.
b. Prior to performing any substantive audit procedures and prior to assessing
control risk.
c. Prior to performing any substantive audit procedures.
d. At the beginning of the engagement.

36. Bankers who are processing loan applications from companies seeking large
loans will probably ask for financial statements audited by an independent CPA
a. Financial statements are too complex to analyze themselves.
b. They are too far away from company headquarters to perform accounting and
c. themselves.
d. They generally see a potential conflict of interest between company
managers who want to get loans and the bank's needs for reliable financial
e. The consequences of making a bad loan are very undesirable.

37. Which of the following examinee does not belong to the group?
a. Examinee 3 scores: 85, 90, 77, 74, 73 and 60
b. Examinee 4 scores: 85, 90, 77, 76, 75 and 60
c. Examinee 1 scores: 85, 80, 77, 76, 73 and 60
d. Examinee 2 scores: 85, 80, 77, 76, 64 and 60

38. Which of the following is not part of the fraud triangle?

a. Rationalization
b. Pressure
c. All are part of the fraud triangle.
d. Opportunity
39. The chairman of FRSC must be or must have been a senior accounting
practitioner in
a. Any scope of accounting practice
b. Public practice
c. Commerce and industry
d. Government or education

40. That companies must comply with many laws and regulations including company
law, tax law and environmental protection regulations requires what category of
internal control objectives?
a. Compliance.
b. Financial reporting.
c. Government reporting.
d. Effective operations.
41. Which one of the following best describes the type of control evidenced by
segregation of duties between computer programmers and computer operators?
a. Systems development and program maintenance control
b. Application control
c. System software control
d. General IT control

42. Having evaluated inherent risk and control risk, the auditor determines detection
a. As the complement of overall audit risk.
b. By performing substantive audit tests.
c. At a level that equates the joint probability of inherent risk, control risk and
detection risk with overall audit risk
d. As a product of further study of the business andindustry and application of
analytical procedures

43. Which of the following is not a situation where an auditor might use an expert?
a. Amortisation of patents.
b. Determination of physical condition of assets.
c. Value of contracts in progress.
d. Actuarial valuation.

44. Understanding the Entity and Its Environment and Assessing the Risks of Material
Misstatement emphasizes:
a. Procedures for sampling audit tests.
b. Obtaining an understanding of control risk.
c. Reports to federal regulators.
d. Obtaining an understanding of business risks and significant risks.
45. Which of the following is true regarding the term of office of the members of the
Professional Regulatory Board of Accountancy?
a. No person who has served two successive complete terms as chairman or
member shall be eligible for reappointment as chairman or member until
the lapse of one year
b. The Chairman and members of the Board shall hold office for a term of three
years and one year respectively
c. Any vacancy occurring within the term of a member shall be filled up for the
unexpired portion of the term and can be extended.
d. A person can serve in the Board for more than twelve (12) years

46. It involves a systematic review of an organization’s activities in relation to specific

objectives for the purpose of assessing performance
a. Government audit
b. Financial statement audit
c. Compliance audit
d. Operational audit

47. Which one of the following would the auditor not consider in establishing the
overall audit strategy?
a. The legal and regulatory framework applicable to the entity.
b. Audit areas where there is higher risk of material misstatement.
c. Indusrty specific reporting requirements.
d. Testing of key controls which the auditor intends to rely on.

48. What technique should the auditor use in assessing the risk of material
a. The auditor should obtain written representation from the entity’s management.
b. The auditor should relate the identified risks to what can go wrong at the
assertion level.
c. The auditor should familiarize themselves with the client’s industry and current
market conditions.
d. The auditor should consider the implications of the identified risks for the
auditor’s report.

49. Which of the following sets of duties would ordinarily be considered basically
incompatible in terms of good internal control?
a. Custody of unmailed signed checks and maintenance of expense subsidiary
b. Posting to the general ledger and approval of additions and terminations relating
to the payroll.
c. Collection of receipts on account and maintaining accounts receivable
d. Preparation of monthly statements to customers and maintenance of the
accounts receivable subsidiary ledger.

50. Which of the following factors most likely would cause a CPA to decline a new
audit engagement?
a. Management acknowledges that the entity has had recurring operating losses.
b. The CPA is unable to review the predecessor auditor's working papers.
c. Management is unwilling to permit inquiry of its legal counsel
d. The CPA does not understand the entity's operations and industry.
ACC5111: Auditing and Assurance Principles

1. For attributes testing, For a large population, a decrease in population size.

a. will lead to a larger sample size
b. will lead to a smaller sample size
c. will have a negligible effect on the sample size.

2. Evaluate the following pertaining to the audit risk model:

The risk of material misstatement is dependent to the audit
Detection risk is independent of the audit
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True

3. Classify the following engagements according to level of assurance provided:

Review, Audit
a. Negative, Positive
b. Positive, Negative
c. Limited, Reasonable
d. Reasonable, Limited

4. Evaluate a CPA licensure exam candidate who obtains the following marks:FAR –
73%, AFAR – 73%, MS – 73%, RFBT – 73%, TAX – 73%, AUD – 100%
a. Passed
b. Failed
c. Conditioned, without removal
d. Conditioned, with removal

5. Logically, which are first identified and assessed?

a. Risk of material misstatement
b. Controls
c. Substantive procedures
d. Appropriate report

6. For which of the following judgments may an independent auditor share

responsibility with an entity's internal auditor
a. Assessment of Inherent Risk :Yes; Assessment of Control Risk: Yes
b. Assessment of Inherent Risk :No; Assessment of Control Risk: No
c. Assessment of Inherent Risk No ; Assessment of Control Risk: Yes
d. Assessment of Inherent Risk Yes; Assessment of Control Risk: No
7. Which pertains to the risk that misstatement are not prevented, and detected and
corrected by internal controls on a timely manner?
a. Inherent Risk
b. Control Risk
c. Detection Risk
d. Audit Risk

8. Which of the following would an auditor consider during client acceptance

a. Integrity of the client
b. Competence of the auditor
c. Ethical requirements
d. All of the above

9. For variables testing, Using other substantive procedures on top of the primary
substantive procedures in question.
a. will lead to a larger sample size
b. will lead to a smaller sample size
c. will have a negligible effect on the sample size.

10. Evaluate the following pertaining to the audit risk model: I. The risk of material
misstatement can be controlled by the auditor II. The detection can be
controlled/manipulated by the auditor
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True

11. For attributes testing, A lower confidence level.

a. will lead to a larger sample size
b. will lead to a smaller sample size
c. will have a negligible effect on the sample size.

12. Which of the following is the primary responsibility of an auditor?

a. Audited Financial Statements
b. Unaudited Financial Statements
c. Auditors' Report
d. Management Representation Letter

13. After studying and evaluating a client's existing internal control, an auditor has
concluded that that the policies and procedures are well designed and functioning
as intended. Under these circumstances the auditor would most likely
a. Perform further control tests to the extent outlined in the audit program
b. Determine the control policies and procedures that should prevent or detect
errors and fraud
c. Set detection risk at a higher level than would be set under conditions of
weak internal control
d. Set detection risk at a lower level than would be set under conditions of weak
internal control

14. Classify the following: I. Financial Position, Financial Performance, and Cash
Flows II. Statement of Financial Position, Statement of Profit or Loss and Other
Comprehensive Income, and Statement of Cash Flows
a. Subject Matter, Subject Matter Information
b. Subject Matter Information, Subject Matter
c. Subject Matter, Subject Matter
d. Subject Matter Information, Subject Matter Information

15. For variables testing,The use of stratification

a. will lead to a larger sample size
b. will lead to a smaller sample size
c. will have a negligible effect on the sample size.

16. How would an auditor respond to a high control risk?

a. Lower inherent risk
b. Higher inherent risk
c. Lower acceptable level of detection risk
d. Higher acceptable level of detection risk

17. In preparation of an audit program which of the following items is not essential?
a. A review of material from prior audits
b. The preparation of a budget identifying the cost of resources needed
c. An understanding of controls established by management
d. Assessment of inherent risk

18. All of the following, except for one, are required to apply for a certificate of
accreditation. Select the exception:
a. CPAs in the academe
b. CPAs in public practice
c. CPAs in commerce and industry (compilers)
d. CPAs in government

19. Evaluate the following statements: I. RA 9298 is the law primarily regulating the
practice of accounting in the Philippines II. Nomination for vacant seats in the
Board of Accountancy starts with the Accredited Integrated Professional
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True

20. In deciding whether to use the work of the internal auditor, external auditor must
evaluate the internal auditors'
a. Objectivity and competence
b. Independence and professionalism
c. Education and certification
d. Age and gender

21. Evaluate the following statements about continuing professional development: I.

An accountant must obtain a total of 120 CPD credit units starting 2019 (renewal
year) II. These 120 CPD credit units must be equally distributed among four
competence areas
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True

22. For variables testing,A very high acceptable sampling risk (risk of incorrect
a. will lead to a larger sample size
b. will lead to a smaller sample size
c. will have a negligible effect on the sample size.

23. Which of the following is not true regarding planning in an electronic

a. The definition of auditing is not changed
b. The purpose of auditing is not changed
c. The procedures used are not changed
d. Auditing standards are not changed

24. For variables testing, A very high risk of material misstatement.

a. will lead to a larger sample size
b. will lead to a smaller sample size
c. will have a negligible effect on the sample size.

25. For variables testing,Lower expected error.

a. will lead to a larger sample size
b. will lead to a smaller sample size
c. will have a negligible effect on the sample size.
26. Which combination of test of controls procedures would be best applied if the
auditor is concerned with segregation of incompatible duties?
a. Inquiry and Inspection
b. Inquiry and Observation
c. Inquiry and Analytical Procedures
d. Inquiry and Re-calculation

27. For attributes testing, A higher tolerable deviation rate.

a. will lead to a larger sample size
b. will lead to a smaller sample size
c. will have a negligible effect on the sample size.

28. Arrange the following procedures chronologically: I. Test of Controls II.Risk

Assessment Procedures III. Completion Procedures IV. Substantive Procedures
a. II, I, III, IV
b. II, I, IV, III
c. II, III, I, IV
d. II, III, IV, I

29. Classify the following audit/test objectives to the appropriate procedures: I. Follow
through a completed transaction from start to finish in order to confirm the
understanding of control structures II. Establish the operating effectiveness of
a. Test of controls, test of controls
b. Walkthrough, walkthrough
c. Test of controls, walkthrough
d. Walkthrough, test of controls

30. A corporate governance best practice is when

a. The Chief Executive Officer is also the Chairman of the board of directors of the
audit client
b. The Chief Executive Officer is also the Chief Financial Officer of the audit client
c. The internal audit function reports to the audit committee of those charged
with governance
d. The partner in charge of the audit is also a part of the audit committee of the

31. For attributes testing, A lower expected deviation rate.

a. will lead to a larger sample size
b. will lead to a smaller sample size
c. will have a negligible effect on the sample size.
32. Classify the following responses to the risk of material misstatement:I. Applying
more professional scepticism II. Adjusting the nature, timing and extent of audit
a. Both are general/overall responses
b. Both are assertion level responses
c. General/Overall response, assertion-level response
d. Assertion-level response, general/overall response

33. If an auditor does not rely/test the controls, then

a. Inherent risk is low
b. Inherent risk is high
c. Control risk is low
d. Control risk is high

34. Determine which is/are reasons(s) why an auditor tests controls: I.To enable
him/her to report (i.e., give an opinion) on the operating effectiveness of controls
II. To enable him/her to assess and respond to the risk of material misstatement
a. Both I and II
b. Neither I nor II
c. I only
d. II only

35. Risk that practitioner gives out an inappropriate conclusion

a. Audit Risk
b. Assurance Engagement Risk
c. Review Risk
d. Information Risk

36. For attributes testing, A higher reliance on the control being tested.
a. will lead to a larger sample size
b. will lead to a smaller sample size
c. will have a negligible effect on the sample size.

37. Which of the following is a source of information risk?

a. Volume of transactions
b. Complexity of transactions
c. Distance of preparers from users
d. All of the above

38. Evaluate the following statements: I. Client operates in a highly-complex industry;

client is heavily regulated (e.g., a bank) II. Client's management follows good
corporate governance practices
a. Both indicates high risk of material misstatements
b. Both indicates less than high risks of material misstatements
c. High; less than high
d. Less than high; high

39. Classify the following engagements: Review, Compilation, Agreed Upon

a. All assurance engagements
b. All non-assurance engagements
c. Assurance, Non-assurance, and Non-assurance engagements, respectively
d. Assurance, Non-assurance, and Assurance engagements, respectively

40. During initial assessment of the risk of material misstatement, if the auditor
determines that control risk is less than high then
a. Auditor will rely on the operating effectiveness of controls
b. Auditor will not test controls
c. Auditor has been satisfied with results of his/her understanding and
walkthrough of controls
d. Auditor will take a reliance approach

41. Evaluate the following statements about an accountant's professional practice: I.

A foreign accountant who wish to practice in the Philippines may take the CPA
board examinations, in lieu of reciprocity agreements II. An accounting teacher is
not in the active practice of the profession
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True

42. Who is ultimately responsible for the audited financial statements?

a. Management
b. Auditor
c. Shareholders
d. All of the above

43. Which of the following is an appropriate response to the re-assessment of the risk
of material misstatement (i.e., after tests of controls); the re-assessment confirms
the initial assessment of the risk of material misstatement?
a. Controls-reliance approach is to be undertaken
b. Additional test of controls must be performed
c. Substantive approach is to be undertaken
d. Additional risk assessment procedures must be undertaken

44. Which of the following is commonly called "the risk of material misstatement at
first instance"?
a. Inherent Risk
b. Control Risk
c. Detection Risk
d. Audit Risk

45. Which of the following is the primary evidence that the auditor and the client
agreed to the terms of the engagement?
a. Management Letter
b. Management Representation Letter
c. Engagement Letter
d. Prospectus

46. Chidi Anagonye is a senior associate in TGP Partners. He is in the process of

setting up the preliminary level of materiality for the audit of Eleanor Inc. Michael,
the engagement manager, suggested that 5% to 10% of pretax income is the
acceptable range of materiality for the client. If Chidi sets performance materiality,
such level must be higher than the preliminary materiality.
a. True
b. False

47. Chidi Anagonye is a senior associate in TGP Partners. He is in the process of

setting up the preliminary level of materiality for the audit of Eleanor Inc. Michael,
the engagement manager, suggested that 5% to 10% of pretax income is the
acceptable range of materiality for the client. In setting the materiality level, Chidi
should primarily take into consideration the information needs of management.
a. True
b. False

48. Chidi Anagonye is a senior associate in TGP Partners. He is in the process of

setting up the preliminary level of materiality for the audit of Eleanor Inc. Michael,
the engagement manager, suggested that 5% to 10% of pretax income is the
acceptable range of materiality for the client. Less evidence is required to be
gathered should Chidi set the preliminary materiality at 5% than at 10%
a. True
b. False

49. Chidi Anagonye is a senior associate in TGP Partners. He is in the process of

setting up the preliminary level of materiality for the audit of Eleanor Inc. Michael,
the engagement manager, suggested that 5% to 10% of pretax income is the
acceptable range of materiality for the client. More evidence is required to be
gathered should Chidi set the preliminary materiality at 5% than at 10%
a. True
b. False
50. Chidi Anagonye is a senior associate in TGP Partners. He is in the process of
setting up the preliminary level of materiality for the audit of Eleanor Inc. Michael,
the engagement manager, suggested that 5% to 10% of pretax income is the
acceptable range of materiality for the client.If Eleanor Inc. is a listed audit client,
Chidi must set the preliminary materiality at 5%.
a. True
b. False
ACC5111: Auditing and Assurance Principles

1. Auditor inquires for any slow moving inventory in the warehouse. What assertions
are being tested by the said procedures?
a. Existence/Occurrence
b. Completeness / Cut off
c. Valuation
d. Rights and Obligations

2. ABC Foundation was not able to support its revenue from donations. Official
receipts were lost due to a fire. The auditors were able to retrace purported
transactions in the pass book and supporting bank accounts. The issue is very
pervasive. The appropriate report would be
a. Unqualified
b. Qualified
c. Adverse
d. Disclaimer

3. Mr. A is being asked to be the auditor of the summarized financial statements of

ABC Co. Mr. B, however, is the auditor of the full set of financial statements. Can
Mr. A accept the engagement?
a. Yes, there is no prohibition to such
b. No, there is a prohibition to such
c. Not enough information is provided
d. None of the above

4. For a small sample size the combination of acceptable sampling risk, tolerable
deviation rate and expected population deviation rate are:
a. Increase, Decrease, Increase
b. Decrease, Increase, Decrease
c. Increase, Increase, Decrease
d. No effect

5. Choco previously used provisional amounts while accounting for a significant

business combination. Choco adjusted previously recorded goodwill for a
contingent liability discovered after the end of the provisional period. The effect of
this transaction is pervasive. The appropriate report would be
a. Unqualified
b. Qualified
c. Adverse
d. Disclaimer
6. Auditor confirms cash balances with the bank. What assertions are being tested
by the said procedures?
a. Existence/Occurrence
b. Completeness / Cut off
c. Valuation
d. Rights and Obligations

7. Which of the following is used to control sampling risks?

a. Perform 100% testing
b. Assign prior engagement team members to perform sampling
c. Assign senior associates to perform sampling
d. Use appropriate sample selection method

8. Which is true about key audit matters?

a. These are not entity specific matters
b. The KAM section must imply that the issue is unresolved
c. The KAM section must not include discrete opinion
d. All of the above are correct

9. The auditor of Choco performed roll-forward procedures for the inventory

accounts in lieu of observing the inventory count. The inventory balances were
determined to be pervasively misstated, taken into context the complete set of
financial statements. The appropriate report would be
a. Unqualified
b. Qualified
c. Adverse
d. Disclaimer

10. Auditor analyses the last ten entries for the year and first ten entries of the
subsequent year to ensure recording in the proper period. What assertions are
being tested by the said procedures
a. Existence/Occurrence
b. Completeness / Cut off
c. Valuation
d. Rights and Obligations

11. Increasing the sample size would address:

a. Risk of human errors
b. Risk of technique misapplication
c. Sampling risk
d. Non-sampling risk

12. Audit plan should

a. precede actions
b. be cost beneficial
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b

13. Management's refusal to furnish a written representation on a matter which the

auditor considers essential constitutes
a. Prima facie evidence that the financial statements are not presented fairly.
b. A scope limitation sufficient to preclude an unqualified opinion.
c. All of these
d. None of these

14. The maximum amount of error in the population that the auditor is willing to
a. Acceptable risk
b. Tolerable deviation rate
c. Expected error
d. Anomalous error

15. Evaluate the following statements: S1: Close calls are items initially considered to
cast significant doubt on going concern but due to Management's plan such is no
longer consider to present a material uncertainty. S2: Auditors are prohibited to
challenge close calls in light of the applicable financial reporting framework
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True

16. All of the following are benefits of using statistical sampling except:
a. Controlling sampling and non-sampling risks
b. Design an efficient sample
c. Provide sufficiency measure of evidence obtained
d. Evaluate objectively the results of testing

17. Auditor performs test counts by testing items in the warehouse to the accounting
records (or count sheets). What assertions are being tested by the said
a. Existence/Occurrence
b. Completeness / Cut off
c. Valuation
d. Rights and Obligations

18. The auditor of Choco failed to observe the inventory count. No appropriate
alternative procedures are available for this very material account. The
appropriate report would be
a. Unqualified
b. Qualified
c. Adverse
d. Disclaimer

19. The group auditor of Choco was not able to audit an immaterial subsidiary. No
appropriate alternative procedures were performed. The appropriate report would
a. Unqualified
b. Qualified
c. Adverse
d. Disclaimer

20. Which of the following auditing procedures is ordinarily performed last?

a. Reading of the minutes of the director's meetings for the period covered by the
b. Confirming accounts payable.
c. Obtaining a management representation letter.
d. Testing of the purchasing function.

21. Who should be the signatories of the management representation letter?

a. Senior Executive Officer
b. Senior Finance Officer
c. Both a and b
d. Either a or b

22. Auditor inspects the bond indenture agreement and checks if the issuer of the
bond is the audit client. What assertions are being tested by the said procedures?
a. Existence/Occurrence
b. Completeness / Cut off
c. Valuation
d. Rights and Obligations

23. Key Audit Matters: S1: Are included in qualified and adverse opinions, S2: Are
included in reports with a disclaimer
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True

24. Mr. A issued an adverse opinion on the complete set of financial statements, due
to the inventories. Mr. A was asked to audit the property, plant and equipment.
Which of the following is true?
a. Mr. A may not issue an unqualified opinion since the opinion on the complete set
is adverse.
b. Mr. A may not issue an unqualified opinion since inventories is an immaterial
component of the F/S.
c. Mr. A may issue an unqualified opinion if the report on both subject matter
information are issued together
d. Mr. A may issue an unqualified opinion since inventory is not related to

25. In audit of summarized financial statements, which is a possible wording of an

unqualified opinion by the auditor?
a. Fairly presented in accordance with PFRS
b. Not fairly presented in accordance with PFRS
c. Consistent with full financial statements
d. Not consistent with the full financial statements

26. If in case the auditor expects very few deviations, he/she would use:
a. Discovery sampling
b. Sequential sampling
c. Both a or b
d. Neither a nor b

27. Auditor compares the cost of inventories against the related selling prices and
costs to complete and sell. What assertions are being tested by the said
a. Existence/Occurrence
b. Completeness / Cut off
c. Valuation
d. Rights and Obligations

28. A representation letter issued by a client

a. Is essential for the preparation of the auditing program.
b. Is a substitute for testing.
c. Does not reduce the auditor's responsibility.
d. Reduces the auditor's responsibility only to the extent it is relied upon.

29. Key Audit Matters Section is required for:Publicly Listed Audit Clients,
Foundations, Private Companies
a. Yes, Yes, Yes
b. No, No, No
c. Yes, No, No
d. Yes, Yes, No

30. An assertion that transactions are recorded in the proper accounting period is:
a. classification
b. accuracy
c. occurrence
d. cut-off

31. The group auditor of Choco was not able to audit a material subsidiary. No
appropriate alternative procedures were performed. The appropriate report would
a. Unqualified
b. Qualified
c. Adverse
d. Disclaimer

32. Auditor confirms accounts payable with a supplier of the audit client. What
assertions are being tested by the said procedures?
a. Existence/Occurrence
b. Completeness / Cut off
c. Valuation
d. Rights and Obligations

33. Which of the following best describes "information systems"?

a. this is the entity's process for identifying business risks relevant to the financial
reporting objectives and deciding about actions to address those risks, and the
results thereof.
b. this is the system for transferring information from transaction processing
systems to the general ledger or the financial reporting system.
c. these are the policies and procedures that help ensure that management
directives are carried out.
d. this includes the governance and management functions and the attitudes,
awareness, and actions of those charged with governance and management
concerning the entity's internal control and its importance to the entity.

34. Choco employed corridor approach in accounting for its retirement benefits, as
opposed to the current requirements. The auditor considers this as a material item
due to the amounts of discrepancies. The appropriate report would be
a. Unqualified
b. Qualified
c. Adverse
d. Disclaimer

35. Key Audit Matters Section: S1: Is the first section of the auditor's report S2: Can
replace items presented in the emphasis of the matter section
a. True, True
b. False, False
c. True, False
d. False, True

36. Which of the following is not a sampling risk

a. Risk of overreliance
b. Risk of incorrect acceptance
c. Risk of underreliance
d. Risk of erroneous population for the test objective

37. Which of the following sampling risk would result to an erroneous conclusion on
the population?
a. Alpha risk
b. Alpha and beta risks
c. Alpha, beta and delta risks
d. Alpha, beta, gamma and delta risks

38. Arrangements concerning which of the following is more likely to be included in

the engagement letter?
a. auditor's procedures
b. fees and billing
c. information regarding auditor's investments in client's securities
d. review reports

39. When obtaining an understanding of the accounting and internal control system
the auditor may trace a few transactions through the accounting system. This
technique is called:
a. reperformance test
b. test of transactions
c. walkthrough test
d. validity test

40. Mr. A issued an adverse opinion on the complete set of financial statements, due
to the inventories. Mr. A was asked to audit the statement of financial position.
Which of the following is true?
a. Mr. A may not issue an unqualified opinion since the opinion on the
complete set is adverse.
b. Mr. A may not issue an unqualified opinion since the SFP is an immaterial
component of the F/S.
c. Mr. A may issue an unqualified opinion if the report on both subject matter
information are issued together
d. Mr. A may issue an unqualified opinion since inventory is not related to PPE.

41. Auditor performs test counts by testing items in the accounting records to the
warehouse. What assertions are being tested by the said procedures?
a. Existence/Occurrence
b. Completeness / Cut off
c. Valuation
d. Rights and Obligations

42. Auditor inspects the bank statement and checks if the account is named after the
audit client. What assertions are being tested by the said procedures?
a. Existence/Occurrence
b. Completeness / Cut off
c. Valuation
d. Rights and Obligations

43. The group auditor of Choco was not able to audit certain subsidiaries. No
appropriate alternative procedures were performed. The effect of this issue is very
material and pervasive in the context of the group financial statements. The
appropriate report would be
a. Unqualified
b. Qualified
c. Adverse
d. Disclaimer

44. Mr. A is being asked to be the auditor of the statement of financial position of ABC
Co. Mr. B, however, is the auditor of the complete set of financial statements. Can
Mr. A accept the engagement?
a. Yes, there is no prohibition to such
b. No, there is a prohibition to such
c. Not enough information is provided
d. None of the above

45. The person(s) or organization(s) (for example, a corporate trustee) with

responsibility for overseeing the strategic direction of the entity and obligations
related to the accountability of the entity.
a. Those charged with governance
b. Management
c. Both a and b
d. Neither a nor b

46. Choco capitalized research expenses for a drug development project. The amount
involved is material. The appropriate report would be
a. Unqualified
b. Qualified
c. Adverse
d. Disclaimer
47. Choco did not perform any inventory count. Inventory is determined to be a very
material account. No alternative procedure was performed for inventories. The
appropriate report would be
a. Unqualified
b. Qualified
c. Adverse
d. Disclaimer

48. Each of the following may be relevant to an auditor when obtaining knowledge
about the client's business and industry except:
a. discussion with people within or outside the entity.
b. publications related to the industry
c. visits of the entity's premises
d. performing a walkthrough test

49. If in case the auditor expects fraud, he/she would use:

a. Discovery sampling
b. Sequential sampling
c. Both a or b
d. Neither a nor b

50. Auditor obtains the management representation letter, specifically disclosures for
litigations, related parties and provisions. What assertions are being tested by the
said procedures?
a. Existence/Occurrence
b. Completeness / Cut off
c. Valuation
d. Rights and Obligations

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