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85 years of service to the nation LATE CITY



p5 Bill on Safai Karmacharis’ p11 Modi’s ‘Make in India’ initiative p15 Pakistan, Sri Lanka face off
commission passed ‘right thing’ to do, says Putin for place in Asia Cup final

Libya flood death

Till now
toll crosses 5,000
Discharged 4,44,65,352
DERNA, Sept 13: The in the city’s centre, where “The city of Derna was
Deaths 5,32,028 death toll from flooding that search and rescue teams submerged by waves 7 me-
New 97 hit the eastern Libyan city combed shattered apartment tres high that destroyed eve-
Source: Health Ministry * As of 8 am on Sept 13 of Derna reached more buildings for bodies and re- rything in their path,” Yann
than 5,000 and was ex- trieved floating bodies off- Fridez, head of the delega-
J&K gunfight pected to rise further, a shore. tion of the International Com-
SRINAGAR, Sept 13: local health official said on Mediterranean storm mittee of the Red Cross in
Two Army officers of Wednesday, as authorities Daniel caused deadly flood- Libya, said.
Rashtriya Rifles and a
deputy superintendent of struggled to get aid to the ing in many towns of eastern Ossama Ali, a spokesman
Jammu and Kashmir coastal city where thou- Libya, but the worst-hit was for the Ambulance and
Police were killed in a sands remained missing Derna. As the storm pound- Emergency Centre in east-
gunfight with terrorists in and tens of thousands ed the coast on Sunday, resi- ern Libya, said at least 5,100
the higher reaches of were homeless. dents said they heard loud deaths were recorded in
Kokorenag area in the Aid workers who man- explosions when the dams Derna, along with around
south of the valley, aged to reach the city, which outside the city collapsed. 100 others elsewhere in
officials said here on was cut off since Sunday night Floodwaters washed down eastern Libya. More than
Wednesday. – PTI
when flash floods washed Wadi Derna, a river running 7,000 people were injured
Cop shot Assam women cricketers taking selfie with the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup trophy that has been brought to the State away most of the access from the mountains through in the city, he said on
CHURACHANDPUR, for display at Barsapara cricket stadium in Guwahati, on Wednesday. – UB Photos roads, described devastation the city and into the sea. Wednesday. – AP
Sept 13: A police officer on
duty at Chingphei bunker
No. 1 in Manipur’s
Churachandpur district
was shot dead on
Over 82,000 hectares of Assam INDIA to be credible 12 killed in
Wednesday, officials said.
The officer, identified as
Onkhomang, was shot in territory under encroachment alternative: Gogoi accident
JAIPUR, Sept 13:
the head by a sniper R DUTTA CHOUDHURY
GUWAHATI, Sept 13: More than 16,144.00117 hectares, Meghalaya states on April 20 this year to settle Twelve people from
between 1 pm and 1:30 Gujarat were killed and at
pm. – PTI 82,000 hectares of Assam territory is 3,441.8601 hectares and Mizoram the disputes regarding 123 villages GUWAHATI, Sept 13: The INDIA alliance will be
under encroachment by four of its 3,675.7800 hectares. claimed by Arunachal Pradesh. least 11 injured when a
able to give a credible alternative to the people of the trailer rammed into their
bordering states, Border Protection Regarding the resolution of disputes, Twelve regional committees were country and so far the discussions between the constit-
and Development Minister Atul Bora Bora said talks are going on with formed to deal with the disputed areas private bus from behind in
uents of the alliance have been very constructive, dep-
PLANET Y UNG said in the State Assembly on
Mizoram at different levels, while the
matter relating to Nagaland is before
and the boundaries in 71 of these
villages have already been settled.
uty leader of the Congress in the Lok Sabha, Gaurav
Rajasthan’s Bharatpur
district early on
September 14, 2023 Gogoi said. He also asserted that the aim of the alliance Wednesday, police said.
He also said that the boundary the Supreme Court. In another reply Process for coming to a settlement is not only to defeat the BJP but to lead the country in
Q A loving mentor disputes are being resolved through to a question by Congress MLA in the remaining villages is going on The bus was on its way
by Subashi Pratyosh the right direction. from Gujarat to Mathura in
talks and legal measures with the Debabrata Saikia, Bora said the border and it will be completed within six Talking to The Assam Tribune, Gogoi said that several
Q Trailblazers neighbouring states. rows with Meghalaya and Arunachal months of signing of the MoU, the Uttar Pradesh when the
successful Chief Ministers are in the Opposition alliance accident occurred around
Anuradha T.K. Replying to a question by Congress Pradesh are being resolved through Minister said. and they would be able to put their head together to pre- 4:30 am, they said.
Q A bond to cherish MLA Kamalakhya Dey Purkayastha, regional committees, formed as per Bora said that 12 areas of differences
pare a road map for the country. Several Chief Ministers
by Sanskriti Kalita Bora said 59,490.210 hectares of the suggestion of the Union Home were identified with Meghalaya and a Expressing grief at the
of the non-BJP states have come up with innovative ideas loss of lives and offering
Assam land is under encroachment by Ministry. MoU for settlement in six of these areas,
Q Know your world: and schemes. condolences to the victims’
Stars Nagaland. In the case of Arunachal Pradesh, a which were taken up in the first phase,
Neelotpal Deka Arunachal Pradesh has encroached MoU was signed between the two was signed on March 29, 2022. – PTI SEE PAGE 2 families, Prime Minister
Narendra Modi approved
Q Book Nook, Picture
an ex gratia of Rs 2 lakh to
Q Plus Quiz, Poems,
My Viewpoint, Little
Assam, Meghalaya agree on SEBA to introduce OMR the next of kin of the dead
and Rs 50,000 to the
Hearts, Comics and other
features. Hahim border post sheets in HSLC exam President Droupadi
Murmu, Rajasthan Governor
STAFF CORRESPONDENT “We discussed the ongoing The Survey of India to- STAFF REPORTER marks are allotted for internal evaluation. Kalraj Mishra, Chief
JOCOSERIOUS work of the regional commit- gether with officials from SEBA Controller of Examination Nayan- Minister Ashok Gehlot and
SHILLONG, Sept 13: tees. We made a lot of progress both the governments have GUWAHATI, Sept 13: The High School jyoti Sarma told The Assam Tribune that other leaders also condoled
Meghalaya and Assam have and finally agreed on the sur- been working to properly de- Leaving Certificate (HSLC) Examination will OMR is being introduced in the HSLC exam- the deaths. – PTI
agreed on the survey post in vey post at Hahim. We have marcate the areas like water be held in the first week of February 2024. The ination as another step towards the National
Hahim, which was one of the together resolved the border bodies and forests, besides Board of Secondary Education, Assam (SEBA) Education Policy 2020.
six disputed areas that the post in Hahim,” Sarma said. many other minute details. has decided to introduce OMR sheets in the “Students would get personalized OMR
two states have resolved After the agreement was Work on establishing the HSLC examination for 50 per cent questions. sheets containing their respective roll num-
through an agreement signed signed on March 29, 2022 for border post in the remaining The OMR sheets for answering objective bers. Though this system has been introduced
last year. the first six disputed areas – five areas that were resolved questions of one mark each would be introduced in the HSLC for the first time, students are
Assam Chief Minister Tarabari, Gizang, Hahim, is going on. “Lots of progress in core subjects – English, General Mathemat- already familiar with the OMR system as it is
Himanta Sarma, who called Boklapara, Ratacherra and is happening and today, we ics, General Science and Social Science. being continuously used for the evaluation of
on his Meghalaya counter- Khanapara-Pillangkata – both met to further the confidence In the 90-mark HSLC examination paper, the students in Gunotsav,” he added.
part Conrad Sangma here on the governments together building measures before the 45 objective questions would have to be an- The Board has asked all the Inspectors of
Wednesday, said there was with the Centre assigned the discussion on the second swered in OMR sheets while the for rest 45 Schools to inform all the students regarding
an informal meeting be- Survey of India to demarcate phase,” Sarma added. marks, separate answer scripts of 16 pages this system well in advance.
How can you be rich without tween them on the ongoing the boundary so that border would be provided to the students. In a total
loans? border talks. posts could be established. SEE PAGE 2 100-mark assessment of each subject, 10 SEE PAGE 2

Intake capacity of
existing universities
is low: Pegu

GUWAHATI, Sept 13: The intake capacity of the exist-

ing universities in Assam is low compared to the number
of applications they receive every year and thus there is a
need to set up more institutions of higher education, Ed-
ucation Minister Ranuj Pegu said today.
Replying to a cut motion in the State Assembly, Pegu,
who tabled bills in the ongoing autumn session for setting
up six new universities, said the number of seats in the
existing universities in the State is just one-fifth of the
total applications they receive.
“For example, Gauhati University gets 15,000-20,000
applications every year against its seat capacity of 2,500.
As on date, there are 19 universities under the govern-
ment and nine private ones. Seven more are in the pipe-
line and with them the number will go up to 35. There is
a need to set up more universities to accommodate the
increasing number of students,” Pegu said.
Another reason for setting up more universities, he said,
is to bring down the number of affiliated institutions under
each university. “Gauhati University has around 300 affili-
ated institutions under it. We want to bring down the number
of affiliated institutions in each university so that proper
focus can be given to each affiliated institution,” he said.
Amidst the Minister’s reply, the Congress and Inde-
pendent MLA Akhil Gogoi created noisy scenes over the
abolition of the Sivasagar-based Rajiv Gandhi University
of Cooperative Management. The Congress also staged a
walk-out in protest.


Army dog ‘Kent’ killed

I, Reba Boruah S/o Mukta
Boruah, R/o Tiliki Amguri P.O.
Female Office Executives with Moran Dikhari, P.S. Moran, Dist-
expertise in computers needed Dibrugarh (Assam) have
in Guwahati, Dibrugarh and
Tinsukia. Direct company
recruitment. Email biodata to
declared before Notary Public at
Dibrugarh dated 11.09.2023
that Reba Boruah and Reba
in Rajouri encounter
[email protected]. Baruah is the only one and same JAMMU, Sept 13: ‘Kent’,
SV/HL001566/3 person i.e. myself and Mukta the six-year-old Army dog
Boruah and Mukta Baruah is the that was killed saving the life
Wanted for diagnostic centre in only one and same person i.e. of a soldier during an encoun-
Guwahati Marketing Executive my father. Reba Boruah.
Sukanya Kar, Assistant ter in Jammu & Kashmir, had
with 2 wheeler & Phlebotomist PN/P/PP002698/1
Professor, Department of participated in nine opera-
for home/centre collection
immediate appointment
English, Nazir Ajmal Memorial
Sworn before Notary Public tions before this.
College of Education, Hojai, The female Labrador-type
#9678802582. Assam has been awarded Guwahati on 30.08.2023. I have
SV/P/ZC011140/8 changed my son’s name from dog of 21st Army dog unit
the Degree of Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D) by Sankar Das to Angshuman Das was killed on Tuesday while
Looking for In-house Managers CD/SV/P/HP003612/3 CD/Edu/PP002700/1
Mahapurusha Srimanta is the same person having single trying to save her handler in
in Guwahati. Only retired Immediate Teacher Recruitment: Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya, identity i.e. my son Junumani the Union Territory’s Rajou-
professionals & housewives can 1. Chemistry: B.Sc, M.Sc, B.Ed, Nagaon for her thesis entitled Das, Khanapara Krishna Jyoti ri district.
apply. Contact: Mr. RD Medhi "Psychological Exploration of Nagar, Guwahati. “‘Kent’ was leading a col-
2. Economics: B.Com, M.Com,
9387388577. Female Characters in Select
3. Business Studies: B.Com, South Asian Novels by Women
PN/P/PP002701/1 umn of soldiers pursuing flee-
SV/P/ZC011045/8 M.Com. # Freshers may also ing terrorists. It was shot
Writers." She carried out her I, Khushiman Bishwas, S/o Late
Medical Representative, 100% apply. Whatsapp CV to: research work under the dead by hostile fire,” a de- Army personnel pay last respects to Army dog Kent who laid
Manbhola Bishwas, R/o Kalibari, down her life while shielding its handler during an encounter in
job guaranteed training for 15 7662872048. Salary Negotiable: supervision of Dr. Himakshi fence official said.
Kalita, Assistant Professor, Rest camp, Maligaon, Ghy-12 J&K’s Rajouri district on Wednesday. – PTI
days “API” Guwahati Club, Ph. Food and Accommodation Free. Northern Army Com-
Department of English, MSSV, have changed my name from
98540-13922, 70026-58410. SV/P/ZC011191/1 mander Lt General Upendra was a special tracker dog
Nagaon. She is the daughter Kusuman Telegu to Khushiman
SV/P/HP003610/10 Job openings for a Pvt. Ltd. of Shri Partha Sarathi Kar, Bishwas by swearing before Assam ... Dwivedi said, “Our ‘Kent’ laid which participated in its first
Retired Associate Professor Notary, Kamrup (M) at Guwahati
down her life to save her han- operation on Poonch link-up
Required retired person, Company: 1. Interior Designer, (Contd from page 1)
and Dr. Suparna Nandy on 12.09.23. dler. She attacked the terror- day on November 14 last
housewives from Guwahati. 2. Sales and Marketing, 3. In the second phase, six oth-
Accountant, Minimum 3 years
(Kar), Assistant Professor,
PN/P/PP002699/1 ist by moving ahead first.” year, followed by the induc-
Excellent income in flexible Department of Political er disputed areas – Block I
experience. Mail your CVs at Two terrorists and one tion in operation on Decem-
working hours Ph. 9435024044 Science, Lanka Maha- I, Uttam Chetry S/o Lok Bahadur (Psiar-Khanduli) in West Jain-
[email protected]. Army soldier were killed, ber 30 last year, a press brief
& 6001653550 N Talukdar. vidyalaya, Lanka and the elder
Chetry R/o Kalipur, Baksa, PIN- tia Hills district; Block II (Bor-
SV/HL001562/2 sister of Shri Pranjal Kar. while three other security released by the Army said.
SV/P/ZC011185/15 781360 declare vide affidavit duar, Nongwah-Mawtamur
personnel – two Army ja- ‘Kent’ took part in search
Need male/female waiter for a CD/Achieve/P/HP003617/1 before the Notary Public- and Deshdoomreah) in Ri
Situation Vacant: Wanted for wans and one special police operations on January 27,
Multicuisuine restaurant in Paltan Kamrup, Ghy on 13th Sept. Bhoi district and Langpih in
diagnostic centre in Guwahati officer – were injured in September 11 and an in-
receptionist (male/female), Bazar. Ph. 9619940927. 2023 that my actual name is West Khasi Hills district would
the encounter in the dis- vestigation into a theft case
Phlebotomist for home SV/P/HP003621/1 Uttam Chetry but in my Land be taken up for resolution.
trict’s Narla village. ‘Kent’ on April 4.
collection, marketing executive. documents it is wrongly written “These remaining six are-
Situation Vacant: Applications as Uttam Bhatrai S/o Lok
led the charge in ‘Opera- She also took part in re-
Whatsapp biodata 95773- as are a little bit complicat-
are invited for the post of Junior Bahadur Bhatrai. Therefore, tion Sujaligala’. fresher courses and several
85851. ed, but the regional commit-
Project Fellow/Project Associate Uttam Chetry & Uttam Bhatrai The Army dog’s body was training sessions to refine
SV/P/ZC011184/8 tees from both states are
under a DBT sponsored project is the one & same person i.e. wrapped in the tricolour, a her skills.
headed by matured people.
Required Retd Personnel H wife at Tocklai TRI, Jorhat. For myself. They are working very hard
wreath laid on it as Army “‘Kent’ laid down her life
as Asst Manager on salary perks more information visit PN/P/HP003620/1 personnel paid their last re- in the best traditions of the
and visiting those areas fre-
for Guwahati. Contact 97076- – spects to her today. Indian Army while shielding
Director. Mr. Pranjal Das, Assistant I, Lily Deka, D/o Lt. Upen quently,” Sarma said.
22198. Carrying an Army number its handler,” an official had
SV/P/ZC011186/3 SV/PL001579/1 Professor, Department of Thakuria have changed my The Assam Chief Minister
08B2, golden-coloured ‘Kent’ said on Tuesday. – PTI
Education, L.T.K. College, CD/Edu/...../1 name from Lily Deka to Lily also said that both he and Sang-
Required retired persons, Applications are invited for the Thakuria by an Affidavit before ma would visit some of these
entrepreneur from Guwahati. post of PGT (English) for Juria
Senior Secondary School.
Azad has been awarded the
degree of Doctor of Notary, Kamrup (M) at Ghy. Dtd. complicated areas, but before India to ...
Excellent income, flexible Philosophy (Ph.D.) in 25.08.2023. that confidence building meet- (Contd from page 1)
working hours. PF, ESIC. Ph. Candidate must have M.A. in Veg PG/Hostel Janus Home for PN/P/HP003618/1
Education by Tezpur ings, such as today’s are vital. For example, Rajasthan Government has come up with an
8876080560. English. Salary Negotiable. Last University for his thesis students and working boys at “The confidence building innovative scheme to help the urban poor, while, several oth-
SV/P/ZC011042/8 date of application is 25th entitled "Implementation of Pub-Sarania, Guwahati Phone measures are important be- er states have also taken up such innovative steps. “I am
September 2023. Contact: The Activity Based Teaching 7086088630/7086076477.
Urgently required Retired Principal, Juria Senior fore our joint visit to the bor- confident that when such experienced leaders put their heads
Learning Approach in Social PG/RP001720/17
persons n ladies Earnings- Secondary School, Juria, der areas so that our visit together, we would be able to come up with a roadmap for
Science at Secondary Level does not create fresh tension
60000, PF n Medical extra. Nagaon, Assam. Email ID: taking the country ahead, particularly in the areas of educa-
School in Assam". He carried in those areas,” he added.
Bedanta- 9864012461. [email protected], tion, health care, employment, etc.,” he added.
out his research under the
SV/P/HP003541/12 9435149189, 8486431413, 2 katha 7 lecha plot of land for Sarma said that he has invit- Gogoi said that the society is fragmented under the BJP and
supervision of Prof. Nil Ratan
6901650801. sale in Itachali Nagaon for ed the Meghalaya Chief healing touches would have to be given to strengthen the
Excellent opportunity! Part-time Roy, Depar tment of
SV/P/HP003622/1 commercial/residential use. Minister to sit for a formal bond of unity among all sections of people of the country. He
work from home. Retired Education, Tezpur University,
Contact: 8811914397 for meeting in Guwahati in the first alleged that institutions like the Central Bureau of Investiga-
persons, housewives and females A Govt. of India registered Napaam. He is the son of
further enquiry. or second week of October. tion (CBI) and Enforcement Directorate (ED) are being po-
#91017-56672. MSME Enterprise requires Pradip Kumar Das and
L&P/P/ZC011176/2 “This meeting is an ongo-
SV/P/ZC011040/8 Computer Operator for it’s mini Saraswati Rani Das, brother liticized and there is scope for developing those agencies into
of Sujata Das, and brother- ing process which helps us world-class investigating agencies.
Printing and Digital News Studio
Wanted result oriented Business
Executives (5 nos) at Vista
in Rajgarh, Guwahati. Salary : in-law of Prasenjit Kar, For Booking to understand better. We dis- Replying to a question on whether there would be a differ-
6000-8000. E-mail Resumes : Nagaon, Assam. cussed certain issues as part ence of opinion among the alliance partners on seat sharing,
Educare Sixmile Centre. Contact
[email protected] CD/Achieve/NL001734/1
Classified of the exercise and it would Gogoi said that all parties would have to adopt a policy of give
Vista Educare, Chachal Road, continue from time to time,” and take. He said that the INDIA alliance leaders have already
Sixmile, Ph- 9401061141.
Advertisements Sangma said. met in Patna, Bengaluru and Mumbai and the chemistry among
SV/P/ZC011194/1 Doctor required in clinic
contact: 9862213861/87308-
from your all the alliance partners was very good. He pointed out that
different committees have already been formed and the parties
14432. Doorstep/ have decided to campaign together. “There should not be any
SV/NL001732/2 We Hollonghabi T.E. lost our LIC
Online Booking. Group Gratuity Master Policy
trouble in seat sharing as the discussions have been going on
A reputed Tax Consultancy firm Office : 0361-2660102 No. 407004151 in the name of smoothly,” he asserted.
requires an experienced On the issue of the delimitation process in Assam, Gogoi
Email: Hollonghabi Tea Estate
candidate for the post of Senior alleged that the process was not consultative. He said that the
[email protected] Employees Group Gratuity
Accountant having expertise in process was carried out unilaterally and the public opinion
Fund, Ranjan Kr. Kakati,
regular GST Returns & Income Authorised Agents was not taken into account. When some parties and organiza-
Manager, Hollonghabi T.E.
Tax Audit matters. Salary tions opposed the delimitation process during Congress rule
Ph: 97060-43680 Lost/NL001733/1
negotiable. Please send your CV
70860-44611 in the State, the Congress Government accepted the opinion
to [email protected]. I have lost my Graduation 1st to
97068-56447 of those opposing delimitation. But a similar situation contin-
SV/P/HP003619/2 CD/PN/NL001736/1 5th Semester marksheet bearing
ues even today but the parties and organizations which opposed
Roll Code A-15356 Roll No.
delimitation last time supported it this time. This is a political
0265 (2015-2019 batch) Indu
Thapa, Kokrajhar.
double standard, he alleged.
Renovated 3 BHK flat at Survey Sworn before Notary Public Required NGO/ Society/ Gogoi also said that on the issue of the National Register of
Rent 22,000/- Contact Jorhat on 13/09/2023, I have individuals for running some Citizens (NRC), the BJP was maintaining double standards.
9435156139 & 9401040959. declared that in my Service social services like Orphanage, Till date, rejection slips are not issued to 19 lakh people whose
TL/P/HP003623/2 record my daughter’s name has Old Age home, Girls hostel, applications for inclusion of names in the NRC were rejected.
been recorded as Shakshi Sahi School in joint venture with
A full furnished AC 3 BHK flat
Admission going on for Only when the rejection slips are issued, those people can
instead of her actual name Sakshi Lions Club for their existing different levels in French &
for rent near Super Market approach the competent courts, he pointed out.
Sahi is the same and one person center (G+1 building) at German Languages Offline &
Dispur, Guwahati-5. Ph.
having single identity i.e. my
daughter. RIS/MAJ Sanjay Sahi,
Arabari Village near Sonapur,
Guwahati. Interested parties
Online mode with International
exam preparation. Call GAFLPT
Intake capacity ...
TL/HL001564/1 Dhanoura, Pitharagarh, may send details at (Contd from page 1)
@ 8822266663.
Uttrakhand. [email protected] F. Language/P/ZC011193/8 The Minister said that even though the erstwhile Congress
PN/NL001735/1 NGO/........../1 government passed the Bill in 2010 to set up the institution,
Ready to move 2BHK Flats at I, Jibon Jyoti Rajbongshi, son of no fund was allocated for it. “It was functioning from a rented
patarkuchi G. R. Mikir Path, Late Arun Chandra Rajbongshi campus and it never evolved into a full-fledged institution. We
CD/Achieve/NL001730/1 Experienced Raj-Mistri (Mason)
Basistha Chariali, Guwahati. resident of Chandmari will be absorbing the staff and faculty of the university in the
100% solution within 12 hour. for Construction. Free Engineer's
9864030221, 9535742460. Guwahati-781003 have changed proposed Sivasagar University,” Pegu said.
Baba Noor Khan, specialist inspection, Estimate, Drawing.
H&F/P/HP003598/19 my name from Jibon Jyoti He admitted that the gross enrolment ratio is low at 17 per
marriage, business, service, 7002241571.
Cook required for North Indian Rajbongshi to Akshay vashikaran, family dispute. Near
cent but has been rising every year.
One 2BHK flat 943 sq.ft. at Restaurant. Interview date: 12th, Rajbongshi by an Affidavit Building Con./P/HP003156/15 Pegu further said more seats are required in the colleges to
Anuradha Apartment B. Baruah Nepali Mandir, Paltan Bazar,
13th, 14th September. Location: before the Notary at Guwahati Guwahati #97062-62775. accommodate the growing number of higher secondary pass-
Road Ulubari Guwahati and one Ulubari. Contact: 9387122767. on 02.09.2023. Astro/P/ZC011164/10 out students each year.
3BHK Flat 1632 sq.ft. at Cook/HL001543/4 PN/P/PP002697/1 We provide Nursing patients “Last year, 2.86 lakh students passed the HS examination
Dharapur Chariali Guwahati for
oldage care baby care domestic and of them one lakh enrolled into general colleges. This year,
sale. Contact number - Sworn before Notary public
9401725311. Jorhat on 13/09/2023, 1 have
service. Ph. 8453994694, the number of pass-outs is 3.34 lakh. We will need more seats
First Floor Office/Warehouse 7002231078. and the under-construction colleges will fill the gap,” he said.
H&F/P/NP002493/5 declared that in my Passport Space measuring 8700
Kendriya Vidyalaya bearing No Z2614123 issued on
Nursing/RP001719/5 He said all three streams are being introduced in the State
(3200+1300+4200) sq.ft.
Ready 1280 sq.ft. 2 BHK flat AFS Digaru, Sonapur, dated 12/11/2013 my spouse colleges in a phased manner.
with servant room space 350 readily available for rental in
Guwahati name has been recorded as Piw G.S. Road, Bhangagarh- Digitization of enrolment and other data is being done to
sq.ft. at Lachitnagar. Almost Das Pal instead of her actual rationalize the faculty and staff in the institutions.
NOTICE FOR PROVIDING 9435108221. Need Shop Space for a grocery
ready flats at Zoo Tiniali. One 2 name Piw Das is the same and Pegu also informed that discussions are on with foreign
CANTEEN SERVICES CS/P/ZC011183/8 store 250-500 sqft in areas
BHK flat at Hatigaon. one person having single identity universities for setting up campuses in the State.
Fresh tenders are invited for Rehabari, Zoo Road, or any
9864037301. spouse. Raktim Pal, S/o “The NEP also emphasizes on internationalization of high-
running of School Canteen. space not far from GS Road.
H&F/P/ZC011051/8 Subhash Chandra Pal, Bungalow
The detailed particulars Contact 9864534846. er education. Our universities can set up campuses outside
Book 2 BHK 1012 sq.ft., 3 BHK No. 1A, Tocklai Tea Research Start best computer institute in S&S/P/ZC011142/10 the State and vice-versa. IIT Delhi has opened a campus in
and tender forms can be
1612 sq.ft., Chandmari, Call: Institute, Jorhat, Assam. your location. For more Dubai. We are also in talks with a couple of foreign universities
obtained from Vidyalaya
7099003999, (Gmap: 26. PN/PL001580/1 details visit : or for setting up campuses in the State,” he added.
website of Kendriya call : 98641-14063, 86387-
185979, 91.778441). Vidyalaya AFS Digaru
CD/SV/..../1 H&F/NL00173/1 (
I, Swapna Baruah, W/o Suresh
Dutta Nakari, W/N 2, Station
National Packers & Movers estd.
1984. Contact for local &
SEBA to ...
Tender documents duly Road, PO & PS North domestic shifting to all over (Contd from page 1)
DISCLAIMER: completed in all respects to Lakhimpur, Dist: Lakhimpur, India. Ph. : 9864060927, To avoid any question paper leak or goof up, SEBA has
group publishes advertisements in different forms by different
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Reported circulation

Govt calls all-party meet on of falsified drugs

NHRC sends
Sept 17 ahead of Parliament session notice to
Centre, DCGI
NEW DELHI, Sept 13: A meeting or other subjects. It is also expected or special sittings were held and the From August 26 to September 1, NEW DELHI, Sept 13: The
of the floor leaders of all political par- that the Parliament proceedings will list of business was known in advance. 1997, a special session to commem- NHRC has issued notices to
ties has been convened on Septem- move from the old building to the new On November 26, 2019, a special orate the 50th anniversary of Indian the Union Health Ministry
ber 17, a day before the start of a one during this session. sitting in Central Hall commemorat- Independence was held, he said. and the Drugs Controller Gen-
five-day Parliament session, Parlia- Meanwhile Opposition leaders to- ing the 70th anniversary of the Con- In a post on X, TMC Rajya Sabha eral of India over the reported
mentary Affairs Minister Pralhad day hit out at the government over stitution was held, he said. A Joint MP Derek O’Brien said, “Two work- circulation of falsified liver drug
Joshi said today. the special session of Parliament, say- Special Session in Central Hall was held ing days to go before the special Par- Defitalio and cancer drug Adc-
The invitation for the meeting has ing “only two at midnight on liament session begins and still not a etris, officials said today.
been sent to all concerned leaders people” know Opp leaders hit out at June 30, 2017, to word on the agenda.” The National Human Rights
through e-mail, Joshi posted on so- about its agenda Commission, in a statement,
cial media platform X. with only a few
govt over non-disclosure roll out the GST,
he noted.
The TMC spokesperson further
said, “Only two people know! And observed that the content of
On August 31, Joshi had announced days left for its of agenda Ramesh point- we still call ourselves a parliamenta- the news report, if true, rais-
a “special session” of Parliament for commencement. ed out that on ry democracy,” he said. es a serious issue of violation
five days from September 18, but did Jairam Ramesh, the Congress Gen- November 26 and 27, 2015, a special The Congress has repeatedly been of human rights, which is a
not spell out any specific agenda for it. eral Secretary said in a post on X, sitting was held to commemorate targeting the government for not dis- matter of concern, it said.
“Amid Amrit Kaal, looking forward “Today is September 13. The five- Constitution Day. closing the agenda of the five-day spe- The NHRC has taken “suo
to having fruitful discussions and debate day special session of Parliament will “May 13, 2012 – special sitting to cial session starting from September 18. moto cognisance of a media
in Parliament,” Joshi had posted on X. commence five days from now and commemorate 60th anniversary of Ramesh had earlier claimed that report that after the alert from
With no specific agenda announced nobody – barring One Man (ok, per- first sittings of Rajya Sabha and Lok the agenda of every special session the World Health Organiza-
so far for the session, speculations haps the Other One too) – has any Sabha. July 22, 2008 – special session in the past was well known in advance tion (WHO), the Central
have been doing the rounds if it could sense of the agenda.” of Lok Sabha for a trust vote after the and alleged that it was only the Modi Drugs Standard Control Or-
be about women’s reservation Bill, Ramesh also listed several previ- Left parties withdrew support from government that “distorts” parlia- ganisation (CDSCO) has
uniform civil code, simultaneous polls ous occasions when special sessions UPA-1 govt,” he said in his post. mentary conventions. – PTI asked the State regulators,
doctors and patients to remain
Army Colonel, vigilant about two medicines
– liver drug Defitalio and can-
Major, Dy SP cer drug Adcetris, as the fal- Press Council panel on
killed in J&K sified versions of these drugs

gunfight with
are circulating in four coun-
tries, including India”, it said.
retrenchment of scribes
“Reportedly, the falsified NEW DELHI, Sept 13: The Press Council of India to-
terrorists versions of Adcetris injection day said it has set up a panel to study the retrenchment of
SRINAGAR, Sept 13: An 50 mg, detected in four coun- journalists by various media groups during the COVID-
Army Commanding Officer, tries, including India, are most 19 pandemic.
a Major and a Deputy Su- often found to be available at The sub-committee comprises PCI members Gurbir Singh,
perintendent of Jammu & the patient level and distribut- LC Bhartiya, Prajnananda Chaudhuri, JS Rajput, and senior
Kashmir Police were killed ed in unregulated supply chains journalists P Sainath and Snehasis Sur.
in a gunfight with terrorists (mainly online),” it added. The panel is seeking details from journalists who were
in the higher reaches of Accordingly, it has issued retrenched during the pandemic between March 2020 and
Kokorenag area in the south direct issuance notices to the February 2021, a PCI statement said.
of the valley, officials said Secretary, Union Ministry of The PCI made it clear that the sub-committee’s work of
here today. Health and Family Welfare and collection of data was purely an academic exercise and shall
Colonel Manpreet Singh, the Drugs Controller Gener- form part of the report.
Commanding Officer of 19 al of India calling for a detailed “It is clarified that study being academic is not intended to
Rashtriya Rifles, Major Ash- report, the statement said. provide any relief. Moreover, granting any relief on such
ish Dhonack, and Deputy According to the media re- matters is not within power and ambit of the Press Council of
Superintendent Humayun port, carried on September
Prime Minister Narendra Modi being welcomed by Home Minister Amit Shah, Defence Minister Rajnath Singh, BJP India,” the statement said.
Bhat were critically injured 11, “The product does not
National President JP Nadda, party leader BS Yediyurappa and others upon his arrival ahead of the party’s Central The panel has asked journalists who were retrenched dur-
in the gunfight with terror- have marketing authorisation”
Election Committee meeting at the party headquarters, in New Delhi on Wednesday. PM Modi was given a rousing ing the pandemic to fill up an online form on the website of the
ists that ensued in the Garol welcome at the BJP headquarters following the successful G20 Summit under India’s presidency. – PTI in India and Turkiye. – PTI PCI. – PTI
area of Anantnag district in
the morning hours today.
The officers succumbed to
their injuries during the
treatment, they said.
Opp bloc to hold first joint public Union Cabinet resolution
Bhat, father of a two-
month-old daughter and son rally in Bhopal early next month hails PM Modi
of retired Inspector Gener- NEW DELHI, Sept 13: The itiatives proposed by Prime the enthusiasm with which the
al of Jammu & Kashmir Po- NEW DELHI, Sept 13: mo Sharad Pawar here. “vendetta politics” of the BJP in the meeting agreed to take Union Cabinet today passed a Minister Modi such as the people of India, especially the
lice Ghulam Hasan Bhat, Taking another step in its Twelve leaders of the 14- and the Prime Minister. up the issue of the caste cen- resolution congratulating and launch of Global Biofuels Alli- younger generation, participat-
died due to heavy blood loss, strategic plan to take on the member panel, the highest “The coordination commit- sus,” the Congress leader said. thanking Prime Minister ance and the inclusion of Afri- ed in its activities. It recognised
they added. BJP in the 2024 Lok Sabha decision-making body of the tee decided to start the proc- At his media briefing, Narendra Modi on behalf of the can Union in the bloc being the leadership of Prime Min-
The banned Resistance polls, Opposition bloc INDIA alliance, were present at the ess of determining the seat- Venugopal also said the coor- entire country for making the adopted with a consensus, the ister Narendra Modi in giving
Front, believed to be a shad- today decided to hold their meeting that took place against sharing. It was decided that the dination committee author- G20 Summit a huge success, minister said. the Indian G20 presidency a
ow group of Pakistan-based first joint public meeting in the backdrop of a raging row member parties will hold the ised the sub-group on media Information and Broadcasting “The G20 Summit in Delhi strong direction with a view
Lashker-e-Taiba, has claimed Bhopal in poll-bound Madhya over DMK leader Udhayani- talks and decide (seat-sharing) to decide upon the names of Minister Anurag Thakur said. was held successfully under to promoting growth and de-
responsibility for the attack. Pradesh in the first week of dhi Stalin’s controversial re- at the earliest,” Venugopal said, the anchors on whose shows Thakur also said the Prime the leadership of PM Modi. velopment in the world,” the
Officials believe that it is October, and said the constit- mark on the Sanatan dharma. reading out the joint statement. none of the INDIA parties will Minister has emerged as a Defence Minister Rajnath resolution said.
the same set of terrorists uent parties will start seat- Congress General Secre- He said the committee also send their representatives. “man of global alliances”, re- “The Cabinet lauded the vi-
who had carried out the at- sharing talks “at the earliest.” tary KC Venugopal, who is a decided that the Opposition Aam Aadmi Party leader ferring to the launch of Glo- G20 Summit success sion of Prime Minister Naren-
tack on Army personnel on The Opposition alliance also member of the panel, said Ab- bloc’s leaders will hold joint Raghav Chadha later told re- bal Biofuels Alliance after Singh moved a resolution con- dra Modi in setting out various
August 4 killing three ja- said it will raise issues related hishek Banerjee of the TMC public meetings in different porters that the BJP is “badly earlier successes related to gratulating the Prime Minis- aspects of the theme ‘One
wans in the higher reaches to rising prices, unemploy- could not attend the meeting parts of the country. scared” of the INDIA alliance, International Solar Alliance ter on behalf of the entire coun- Earth, One Family, One Future’.
of the Halan forest area of ment, corruption and caste cen- due to the summons issued “The first public meeting will claiming that “they are so and Mission LiFE. try for the success of the sum- The Prime Minister’s ap-
Kulgam district. sus. The decisions were taken by the Enforcement Directo- be held at Bhopal in the first scared that they are even Briefing media after a Cabi- mit. The successful hosting of proach of Jan Bhagidari in-
The operation against the at the first meeting of the coor- rate (ED). The CPI(M) is yet week of October on the issue ready to change the name of net meeting chaired by Prime G20 Summit is a symbol of volved broad sections of our so-
terrorists began on Tuesday dination committee of the IN- to nominate its member. of rising prices, unemployment the country. They love neither Minister Modi, Thakur said the Prime Minister’s efficient ciety in the G20 programmes
evening in Garol area but was DIA grouping which was held He alleged that the ED and corruption of the BJP gov- Bharat nor India, they only resolution related to G20 Sum- leadership and strong will, and and activities. The 200-plus
called off during the night. at the residence of NCP supre- summons was a result of the ernment. The parties present love power.” – PTI mit was moved by Defence it is being talked about in the meetings in 60 cities repre-
This morning, the hunt for Minister Rajnath Singh and was entire world,” he said. sented an unprecedented foot-
the terrorists resumed after passed unanimously. The Cabi- “The Union Cabinet appre- print for G20 events. As a re-
information started trickling net noted that the successful ciated the contribution of all or- sult, the Indian G20 presiden-
that they were spotted at a hosting of the G20 Summit was ganisations and individuals in- cy was truly people-centric and
hideout, the officials said. a matter of great pride for the volved in the success of the emerged as a national endeav-
Colonel Singh, leading his entire country with several in- G20 Summit. It recognised our,” it also said. – PTI
team from the front, at-
tacked the terrorists. How-
ever, the terrorists fired
upon him and he was criti-
cally injured.
Major Ashish and DSP
Bhat were also hit by bullets
resulting in critical injuries,
they said. Senior Army and
police officers, GOC, 15
Corps, Lt General Rajiv Ghai
and DGP Dilbag Singh NCP chief Sharad Pawar, Congress leader KC Venugopal, PDP President Mehbooba Mufti, AAP leader Raghav Chadha,
rushed to the spot to assess Bihar Deputy CM Tejashwi Yadav, J&K National Conference Vice-President Omar Abdullah and other Opposition leaders
the situation. – PTI during the coordination committee meeting of INDIA bloc, in New Delhi on Wednesday. – PTI

SC asks MHA to draft manual for police

briefing in criminal cases
NEW DELHI, Sept 13: A media to be maintained between the media’s The SC said any disclosure by po- volves several aspects of public in-
trial may result in “deflection of cause fundamental right to free speech and lice at a “premature stage”, when the terest. At a basic level, the fundamen-
of justice”, the Supreme Court ob- expression, the right of the accused to investigation is on, triggers a media tal right to free speech and expres-
served today and directed the Union fair investigation, and the privacy of the trial that affects administration of jus- sion is directly both in terms of rights
Home Ministry to prepare within victim. The top court also asked the tice since it could also influence the of media to portray and disseminate
three months a comprehensive man- Directors General of Police (DGP) of judge conducting the trial. news, views and information and the
ual on how police should brief jour- all States to submit their suggestions The top court said the nature of dis- right of the viewing public and read-
nalists about criminal cases. to the MHA within a month on how to closure by police, in the absence of an ers to receive a diversity of opinions.
The top court said there is an ur- go about preparing SOP, cannot be uni- “There can be no gainsaying in the
gent need for a Standard Operating the manual. Media trial may deflect form as it would de- fact that the media in terms of its
Procedure (SOP) about how journal- “All DGPs, in a ‘cause of justice’, says pend on the nature right to speech and expression and
ists should be briefed as there has been month, should of crime and partici- consumers have a right to receive
an upsurge in reporting on criminal communicate to
apex court pating stakeholders fair and unbiased information. Crim-
offences in print, electronic and social Ministry of Home Affairs, their sug- including victims, witnesses and ac- inal offences and investigation by law-
media since the last guidelines on the gestions for guidelines... National Hu- cused. The age and gender of the vic- enforcement machinery involves sig-
subject were issued by the Ministry man Rights Commission’s sugges- tim and accused also have a significant nificant elements of public interest
of Home Affairs (MHA) in 2010. tions may also be taken,” the bench, bearing on the disclosure, it said. bearing upon the right to inform as
A bench headed by Chief Justice DY also comprising Justices PS Narasim- “Media reporting in matters in- well as the right to know,” the bench
Chandrachud said a delicate balance has ha and Manoj Misra, said. volving commission of crimes in- said. – PTI

No. PHEE/BKT/TB-178/2023-24/4806
Speaker directs House No.CMS(A)33/2022/487
to open impeachment Sealed tenders are invited on behalf of Chief Minister’s Secretariat. Janata Bhawan, Dispur
from the intending manufacturer/franchisee for supply of packaged drinking water with an
Due to some unavoidable official circumstances the Walk-in-interview for the post
of Assistant Chemist under Jal Jeevan Mission-Assam (JJM-Assam) to be engaged
probe into Biden estimated amount of INR 3.50.000/-. An amount of INR 8.000/- is to be submitted as EMD/Bid
Security. The Tender Documents can be seen/obtained from and
WASHINGTON, Sept 13: been investigating the Pres- from 14:09 2023 (10:00 hours)
at SDLL, Bokakhat PHE Sub-Division, Bokakhat as published in the News Paper on • The last date of submission of tender document is 05:10:2023
Speaker Kevin McCarthy an- ident for nine months, and
09th September-2023 has been postponed from 16.09.2023 to 19.09.2023. All the nounced on Tuesday he is di- they’ve turned up no evi- • The bid will be opened on 06.10.2023 (15:00 hours) in the Chief Minister’s Secretariat,
other terms & conditions will remain same except the qualification for the post should recting the US House to open dence of wrongdoing,” said Janata Bhawan, Dispur.
be read as B.Sc. degree with Chemistry as a Major subject. an impeachment inquiry into spokesman Ian Sams. The Tender Inviting Authority reserves the right to accept or reject any bid/tender, and to
cancel/annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to contract award.
The reporting time for the Walk-in-interview is 9:30 am on 19.09.2023. President Joe Biden over his The White House and oth-
family’s business dealings, ers pointed to McCarthy’s Sd/- Commissioner & Secretary to the Chief Minister.
Sd/- Executive Engineer (PHE) launching historic proceedings past statements when he in- Chief Minister’s Secretariat. Dispur. Guwahati-781006
Janasanyog/D/10452/23/14-Sep-23 Bokakhat Division, Bokakhat ahead of the 2024 election. sisted a Speaker could not Janasanyog/C/9939/23/14-Sep-23 email - [email protected]
McCarthy said that House unilaterally launch an im-
investigations so far “paint a peachment inquiry or it
No. CDPO/KTC/33/Pt-II/2023/108 picture of a culture of corrup- would have no legitimacy. GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM
ADVERTISEMENT tion” around the Biden fami- McCarthy “flipflopped be- OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER: PWD: BUILDING: ASSAM:
ly as Republicans probe the cause he doesn’t have sup- CHANDMARI: GUWAHATI-3
In pursuance of the Govt. Notification SWD.107/2007/81, Dtd. 4th March, 2013 business dealings of the Pres- port”, Sams said. No. CE/TB-VI/08/2023/Pt/22
and subject to approval from the Directorate vide order No. DWCD (ICDS)G/ ident’s son, Hunter Biden, In fact, the Republican lead-
110/2017/Pt/101 Dated Guwahati 22nd August 2023, applications in Standard from before the Democratic er faces mounting pressure
Form as published in the Assam Gazettee Pt-IX are invited from the eligible President took office. from his right flank to take The Spl. Chief Engineer, P.W.D. Bldg. (Health & Education), Assam, Chandmari, Guwahati-3 on behalf of the
“These are allegations of action against Biden or risk Governor of Assam, invites fresh bid for the work detailed in the table below, from eligible Contractor of repute
Anganwadi Helpers for up-gradation/promotion to the post of Anganwadi worker
having experience in similar nature of work. Details of bid may be seen at e-procurement portal i.e.
in the following Anganwadi Centre under Katlicherra ICDS Project, Hailakandi. abuse of power, obstruction and being ousted from his lead-
corruption, and they warrant ership job – while he also is
Sl. No AWC No. AWC Name Name of Revenue Village further investigation by the struggling to pass legislation
The bidders must be enrolled with e-tendering web-portal

1 3 Rangabak-B Rangabak– I House of Representatives,” needed to avoid a federal SI. Name of work Bid Value Completion Bid Security Cost of Bid
No. Period
2 9 Katlicherra Grant - B Katlicherra Grant McCarthy, Representative- government shutdown.
California, said at the Capitol, McCarthy is launching the 1 Establishment of Sri Sri 2% of Bid value
3 10 Katlicherra Grant - C Katlicherra Grant announcing that he was direct- probe on his own, without a
Aniruddhadeva Sports University, for General
Chabua in Dibrugarh District, Assam Rs. 9 (Nine) category and Rs.
4 15 Alexenderpur - A Alexenderpur Grant ing the House led by the Over- House vote, and it’s unclear if Raising low site (earth filling) 14,85,89,839/- months 1% of Bid Value 20,000.00
5 19 Alexenderpur - E Alexenderpur Grant sight Committee “to open a for- he would even have enough Construction of boundary wall, gate, for reserved
mal impeachment inquiry into support for approval from his RCC covered drain, Box culvert (2 x Category
6 30 Rongpur-III (D) Rongpur–III President Joe Biden”. slim GOP majority. Some Re- 2) and Topographical survey works.

7 171 Rongpur-III Rongpur – III The White House shot back, publicans have panned the ef- The Bid price may vary at the time of uploading DNIT, for which no claim will be admissible. The Press Notice
calling the action in the midst of fort as unwarranted, not seeing will form part of the Bidding Documents.
8 193 Rongpur Milan Mandir Rongpur - II
the presidential campaign “ex- evidence that reaches the Con- Sd/- Spl. Chief Engineer, P.W.D. Bldg.
9 54 Rngpur-II (E) Rongpur - II treme politics at its worst”. stitution’s bar of “high crimes (Health & Education)
Janasanyog/C/9959/23/14-Sep-23 Assam, Chandmari, Guwahati-3
10 75 Sahabad-II (D) Sahabad – II “House Republicans have and misdemeanours.” – AP
12 92 Dholai Molai- IX Dholai Molai – IX
12 116 Harishnagar – II (A) Harishnagar - II
warplane crashes
13 117 Harishnagar – II (B) Harishnagar - II
˝◊√˚˛±1 ¡Z±1± Œ·±˘±‚±È¬ øÊ√˘±1 ¸˜”˝√ 1±˝◊√Ê√fl¡ Ê√ÀÚ±ª± ˝√√˚˛ Œ˚ õ∂Ò±Ú˜Laœ1 ˜»¸… ¸•Û√ Œ˚±Ê√Ú± [PMMSY]1 ’ÒœÚÓ¬ Ó¬˘Ó¬ ά◊ø~ø‡Ó¬ ˜œÚ õ∂fl¡ä¸˜”˝√
14 121 Kalidas Punjee Kaliganj NC on a training 1+¬Û±˚˛Ì1 ¬ı±À¬ı ˝◊√26≈√fl¡ ¬ı…øMê¸fl¡˘1 ¬Û1± ’±À¬ı√Ú ø¬ı‰¬1± ∆˝√√ÀÂ√º õ∂fl¡ä¸˜”˝√Ó¬ 1±Ê√¸±˝√√±˚…1 ¬Ûø1˜±Ì ¸±Ò±1Ì Œ|Ìœ1 ¬ı±À¬ı 40Ì ’±1n∏ ˜ø˝√√˘±˚’Ú≈¸”ø‰¬Ó¬
15 133 Dholai Molai –V (A) Dholai Molai - V mission Ê√±øÓ¬˚ ’Ú≈¸”ø‰¬Ó¬ Ê√ÚÊ√±øÓ¬1 ¬ı±À¬ı 60̺
16 64 Dinonathpur – I (D) Dinonathpur - I MOSCOW, Sept 13: A õ∂Ò±Ú˜Laœ1 ˜»¸… ¸•Û√ Œ˚±Ê√Ú± [PMMSY] 2021-22 ¬ı¯∏«
17 33 Digar Appin – A Digar Appin Russian warplane crashed
Sl. Activities Unit Unit Category (Ha/Nos) Total Essential requirements
on Tuesday during a
Eligibility Criteria : training mission in No. Hac/ Cost General Women SC ST (Ha/Nos)
1. The applicant must have minimum 10 (ten) years regular working experience southern Russia, the Nos. Rs. in
as Anganwadi Helper in any of the Anganwadi center located in the revenue military said, without Lakh
village. specifying what happened 1 Inputs for Integrated Fish Hac. 4.00 0.53 0.35 0.55 1.43 0.10 to 1.00 hac
to its crew of two. Farming
2. Minimum educational qualification is class IX passed. The class IX passed
The Defence Ministry
certificate issued by the Headmaster/Principal of the school concerned 2 Fingerling stocking in Hac 0.03 2.00 5.00 7.00 Applicants of all activities
said that the Su-24
must be countersigned by the Inspector of schools. bomber went down in an Wetlands should submit Self
3. Age not more than 45 years as on 1st Jan 2023. unpopulated area in the contained proposal (SCP)
4. Must be a permanent resident of that revenue village where the vacant Volgograd region and & DPR along with land
Anganwadi center is located. rescue helicopters were documents & other
deployed to the site. relevant documents.
5. The permanent resident proof certificate must be issued by the respective The ministry said that
Gaon Burah/Ward member of the concerned Gaon Panchayat/President of the aircraft wasn’t carry- õ∂Ò±Ú˜Laœ1 ˜»¸… ¸•Û√ Œ˚±Ê√Ú± [PMMSY] 2022-23 ¬ı¯∏«
the Gaon Panchayat (However all such residential proof certificate must ing any weapons. It didn’t Sl. Activities Unit Unit Category (Ha/Nos) Total Essential requirements
be verified by the concerned circle supervisor who will authenticate the say what might have No. Hac/ Cost General Women SC ST (Ha/Nos)
certificates prior to the interview if found correct). caused the crash that Nos. Rs. in
caused no casualties or Lakh
6. The certificate of performance of the Anganwadi Helper (AWH) shall be
damage on the ground.
issued by the supervisor concerned which shall have to be further 1 Construction of new Hac 7.00 1.16 1.16 Land area 0.14 to 0.65 hac
The Su-24 is a twin-
countersigned by the CDPO of the concerning ICDS project. engine supersonic bomber Rearing Pond
The applicant will have to submit their application on or before 22.09.2023 that has been in service 2 Construction of New Pond Hac. 8.40 2.50 2.50 Land area 0.35 to 1.30 hac
along with self attested photo copies of all relevant documents addressing with the Soviet and Russian
3 Inputs for Fish Farming Hac 4.00 2.50 2.50 Pond size 0.25 to 1.00 hac
to the CDPO, Katlicherra ICDS Project. air forces since 1970s. It
has been used extensively 4 Inputs for Integrated Fish Hac 1.00 0.72 0.86 0.30 1.88 0.10 to 1.00 hac
The application reach after the last date will summarily be rejected.
by both Russian and Farming
The eligible candidate will have to appear before the interview board along with Ukrainian forces during the 5 Livelihood support to Nos. 0.045 50 50 Applicant should be full
all required original documents as and when date is notified. No personal fighting in Ukraine.
fishers time Fisher & member of
intimation letter will be separately issued for the interview. The Russian air force has
local functional Fisher
Sd/- i/c Child Development Project Officer suffered a string of crashes
that some observers have Co-operative Society/
Katlicherra ICDS Project, Hailakandi Federation/ any other
attributed to a higher
Dated Katlicherra, the 8th September,2023 registered body, BPL
number of flights amid the
fighting in Ukraine. – AP category, age limit
between 18 to 60 years.
õ∂Ò±Ú˜Laœ1 ˜»¸… ¸•Û√ Œ˚±Ê√Ú± [PMMSY] 2023-24 ¬ı¯∏«
Ê√±ÚÚœ Sl. Activities Unit Unit Category (Ha/Nos) Total Essential requirements
õ∂Ò±Ú˜Laœ1 ˜»¸… ¸•Û√± Œ˚±Ê√Ú± [PMMSY] 2022-23 ’±1n∏ 2023-24 ¬ı¯∏«1 ’ÒœÚÓ¬ Ó¬˘Ó¬ ά◊ø~ø‡Ó¬ ˜œÚ õ∂fl¡ä¸˜”˝√ 1+¬Û±˚˛Ì1 No. Hac/ Cost General Women SC ST (Ha/Nos)
ά◊ÀVÀ˙… ¬ı„√√±˝◊√·“±› øÊ√˘±1 ’ôL·«Ó¬ ˝◊√26≈√fl¡ ¬ı…øMê√1 ¬Û1± ø˝√√Ó¬±øÒfl¡±1œ øÚ¬ı«±‰¬Ú1 ¬ı±À¬ı ’±À¬ı√Ú ¬ÛS ø¬ı‰¬1± ∆˝√√ÀÂ√º 1±Ê√ ¸±˝√√±˚…1 ¬Ûø1˜±Ì ¸±Ò±1Ì Nos. Rs. in
Œ|Ìœ1 ¬ı±À¬ı 40Ì ’±1n∏ ˜ø˝√√˘±˚’Ú≈¸”ø‰¬Ó¬ Ê√±øÓ¬˚Ê√ÚÊ√±øÓ¬1 ¬ı±À¬ı 60̺
1 Fish Hatchery Nos. 25.00 1 1
Sl. Name of the Scheme Tentative Target Total Essential Requirement
2 Construction of new Hac 7.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 2.00 10.00 Land area 0.14 to 0.65 hac
No. Category (ha/No.) District
Rearing Pond
Gen W Sc ST Target
(ha/No.) 3 Construction of New Pond Hac. 8.40 2.00 8.00 2.00 4.00 16.00 Land area 0.35 to 1.30 hac
Financial Year : 2022-23 4 Inputs for Fish Farming Hac 4.00 2.00 8.00 2.00 4.00 16.00 Pond size 0.25 to 1.00 hac
1 Fish Kiosk (Addl.) – – 1 No. – 1 No. Unit size is 1 No. 5 Three wheeler with ice box Nos. 3.00 1 1 2 Applicants of all activities
Financial Year : 2023-24 should submit Self
6 Fish Kiosk Nos. 10.00 1 1 1 3 contained proposal (SCP)
1 Fin Fish Hatchery – 1 No. – – 1 No.
& DPR along with land
2 New Rearing Pond 1 ha 3 ha 2 ha 2 ha 8 ha Unit size area 0.1 to 0.50 ha document & other
3 New Pond Construction under NEH 2 ha 5 ha 2 ha 2 ha 11 ha Unit size area 0.25 to 1.0 ha relevant documents
4 Fingerling Stocking in wetlands – 20 ha 10 ha – 30 ha Unit size is 1 No. 7 Livelihood support to Nos. 0.045 400 400 Applicant should be full
5 Pen culture in open water bodies – 3 ha 1 ha – 4 ha Unit size area 1.0 ha/pen fishers time Fisher & member of
6 Three wheeler with ice box 1 No. – 1 No. 1 No. 3 Nos. local functional Fisher
Co-operative Society/
7 Mini Feed Mill (2 ton capacity) – 1 No. – – 1 No. Unit size 1 No.
Federation/ any other
8 Fresh water Pearl Farming – – 5 Nos. – 5 Nos. Unit size is 1 No. registered body, BPL
9 Livelihood support 300 Nos BPL fishermen within the age category, age limit
300 Nos. group 18 to 60 years between 18 to 60 years.
N.B. Beneficiary shall submit DPR/SCP with full justification and technical economical details including capital ’±À¬ı√Ú¸˜”˝√ øÊ√˘± ˜œÚ ά◊iß˚˛Ú ø¬ı¯∏˚˛±, Œ·±˘±‚±È¬1 fl¡±˚«±˘˚˛Ó¬ Ê√˜± ø√¬ı ˘±ø·¬ıº ’±À¬ı√Ú1 ˘·Ó¬ ά◊À~‡ fl¡1± ÚøÔ-¬ÛS¸˜”˝√ ·“±øͬ ø√¬ı ˘±ø·¬ıº
and recurring cost, specific timeline for implementation of project etc. Beneficiary shall provide all the necessary 1º ˜±øȬ Ôfl¡±1 õ∂˜±Ì¬ÛS˚ ¬Û?œ˚˛Úˆ≈¬Mê√ ø˘Ê√ øά΃¬ [Land holding certificate/ Registered Lease Deed] ∆¬ÛÓ‘¬fl¡˚¤Ê√˜±ø˘ ˜±ø˘fl¡œ¶§Q1 ˜±øȬ1
documents as per terms and condition mentioned in the PMMSY Guideline.
Œé¬SÓ¬ ø¬ÛÓ‘¬˚¤Ê√˜±ø˘ ¬ÛA±√±11 ¬Û1± NOC ∆˘ ‰¬1fl¡±1œ ·“±›¬ı≈Ϭˇ± ¬ı± ¬Û=±˚˛Ó¬1 ¸ˆ¬±¬ÛøÓ¬1 ¬Û1± Countersigned ˘í¬ı ˘±ø·¬ıº ’±ôL–·±ÔøÚ
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Janasanyog/D/10441/23/14-Sep-23 ¬ı„√√±˝◊√·“±› Janasanyog/D/10455/23/14-Sep-23

Bill on Safai Karmacharis’

WEATHER commission passed
GUWAHATI STAFF REPORTER es and the Managing Direc-
tor of Assam State Develop-
specific grievances.
“The Bill is proposed with
Partly cloudy sky with one
or two spells of rain or GUWAHATI, Sept 13: ment Corporation for Sched- a view to protect the dehu-
thundershower.Maximum The State Assembly today uled Castes and ex-officio manization practice of manu-
and Minimum temperatures passed the Assam State members. al scavengers and to monitor
are most likely to be 35°C &
Commission for Safai Karma- The commission will rec- the implementation of Pro-
27°C respectively.
charis Bill which seeks to ommend to the government hibition of Employment as
Max 35.8°C
constitute a commission to specific programmes of ac- Manual Scavengers and their
Min 26.5°C safeguard the rights and in- tion towards elimination of Rehabilitation Act, 2013,”
terest of Safai Karmacharis inequalities in status, facilities Social Justice minister Pijush
and for redressal of their and opportunities for Safar Hazarika said.
Police remand grievances. Karmacharis under a time- Opposition MLAs Akhil
The commission will be bound action plan. Gogoi and Kamalakhya Dey
for ex-SP headed by a chairperson and It will also study and eval- Purukayastha observed that if
GUWAHATI, Sept 13 : The vice-chairperson to be nom- uate the implementation of the members of the commis-
Court of Special Judge, As- inated by the State govern- the programmes and sion are appointed politically,
sam today remanded Sid- ment. It will have eight oth- schemes relating to the so- it will defeat the purpose of
hartha Buragohain, the er members and the Direc- cial and economic uplift and the commission. They insist-
former Superintendent of tor of Welfare of Scheduled rehabilitation of Safar Karma- ed that the members should Members of the All Assam Koch Rajbongshi Sanmilani staging a protest demanding Scheduled Tribes status for the
Police of Bajali district to two Castes and Backward Class- charis, besides investigating be related to the sector. community, in Guwahati on Wednesday. – AT photo
days of police remand, while
DSP Pushkal Gogoi has been
Governor unveils ‘Sarpanch Prashanta AASU asks govt
remanded to judicial custody.
Both Buragohain and Go-
goi were arrested by CID for Samvaad’ mobile app Biswa Sarma Workshop on palm crops begins to keep Bajali’s
extorting money from a busi- remembered STAFF REPORTER ferent agro-climatic zones of Research Institute, Kasara- dist status intact
nessman. – Staff Reporter GUWAHATI, Sept 13: The Governor also said GUWAHATI, Sept 13: Prom- Assam since they formed an god, Kerala, and Dr K Suresh, GUWAHATI, Sept 13: The
Governor Gulab Chand Ka- that the Sarpanch Samvaad inent litterateurs, poets, liter- GUWAHATI, Sept 13: A integral part of the socio-cul- Director of the Indian Insti- All Assam Students’ Union
‘State to have taria unveiled ‘Sarpanch Sam- initiative will also propel the ature lovers, students and fam- three-day national workshop
on palm crops commenced at
tural life of the State.
Addressing the inaugural
tute of Oil Palm Research,
Pedavegi, Andhra Pradesh,
today asked the State govern-
vaad’, a mobile application of villages of India to the fore- ily members today recalled the ment to keep the district sta-
Vety & Livestock the Quality Council of India front of its growth trajectory poetic skill and literary depth the Horticulture Research meeting, Dr VB Patel, Assist- also spoke on the occasion.
tus of Bajali intact, and not
Station under the Assam Ag- ant Director General of the Six technical bulletins on
Mission’ (QCI) in Raj Bhavan yester- and realize Prime Minister of the late Prashanta Biswa
Sarma who was a leading min- ricultural University at Ka- Indian Council of Agricultural palm crops prepared by dif- meddle with the issue every
STAFF REPORTER day, said an official release. Narendra Modi’s dream of hikuchi in the city today. Research, New Delhi, under- ferent centres of the country now and then.
ing engineer by profession on
It may be noted that the making India a developed his 53rd birth anniversary. The Organized by the All India lined the need for developing under AICRP-Palms were re- In a statement, AASU said
GUWAHATI, Sept 13: In a QCI launched the Sarpanch nation by 2047. Jatiya Adarsha Siksha Sangsad Coordinated Research a compendium of technologies leased during the inaugural that in a recent government
bid to strengthen the veteri- Samvaad as an initiative aimed It may be mentioned that (JASS) in collaboration with the Project-Palms (AICRP- generated in the palm crop session while the best cen- notification Bajali has been
nary and livestock sector, the at connecting approximately the Quality Council of India, family of late Sarma observed Palms), a pan-India network sector of the country. tre award for 2022 was pre- depicted as a sub district of
Animal Husbandry and Veter- 2.5 lakh Sarpanches across established in 1997 by the his birthday as the ‘Kabitar of research institutes sup- Earlier, during his welcome sented to Coconut Research Barpeta, triggering appre-
inary department is working Din’ here at the Lakshmi Ram ported by the Indian Council address, Dr Mrinal Saikia, Di- Centre located at Aliyanagar
India, which serves as a holis- Government of India and the hension among the people of
to introduce the Assam Vet- Barua Sadan. The function of Agricultural Research, the rector of Research, Assam in Tamil Nadu. Six technical
erinary and Livestock Mission tic platform for networking, Indian industry, is the apex workshop intends to coordi- Agricultural University, Jorhat, sessions across different re- the district.
which was presided over by
in the State, said Minister Atul knowledge dissemination, organization in India respon- nate and deliberate on the re- mentioned that since an area search domains are being or- “Bajali became a district af-
veteran journalist Dhirendra
Bora in the Assembly today. and collaboration. Through sible for establishing and op- Nath Chakravartty began with search activities carried out of 3.75 lakh hectares had been ganized during the three-day ter prolonged demand and
Replying to a question this initiative, Sarpanches can erating the third-party na- the welcome address by Rana in the palm crops sector of the envisaged to be covered un- workshop. struggle of the people of the
raised by MLA Aftab Uddin spotlight developmental ac- tional accreditation system, Basistha, secretary, JASS country. der oil palm in Assam, there About 60 agricultural scien- area. But, in December, 2022,
Mollah, Minister Bora said, tivities in their villages, learn improving quality across sec- while Mrinalini Devi, mother Scientists from different was a need for undertaking tists representing 24 research Bajali, Biswanath, Hojai and
“Like the National Health about best practices, and fos- tors and advising the govern- of the late Prashanta Biswa research centres under AI- strategic research and tech- centres under AICRP-Palms Tamulpur district lost their
Mission, we will start the As- Sarma lit the earthen lamp in CRP-Palms are presenting and nological back- up to support from across the country are
ter connections nationwide. ment and other stakeholders status after a State Cabinet
sam Veterinary and Livestock presence of late Sarma’s wife deliberate on salient research the sector in the State. participating in the workshop.
Mission in Assam. Through the Speaking on the occasion, on all matters concerning findings and streamline need- A brief synopsis of the re- The workshop will primarily decision.
Bijaya Sarma. The president of
initiative, we will be able to the Governor said: “I am de- quality. It has established con- based research agenda in the search outcomes and technol- focus on five crops under the After public protests, the
the Asam Sahitya Sabha Dr
address different issues of the lighted to see the app which stituent Boards that offer ac- Surya Kanta Hazarika inaugu- palm crops sector for the com- ogies released in the palm ambit of AICRP-Palms, viz., Chief Minister assured that
sector.” is a great initiative for the Sar- creditation in respective ar- rated the function. ing year during the course of crops sector of the country coconut, arecanut, oil palm, after the delimitation exercise,
He further informed the panches. It brings me im- eas - such as NABL for labs In the function, Dr Nani the workshop. during the past year was put palmyra palm and cocoa. the district status of all the four
House that at present the de- mense joy to see the focus on and NABH for hospitals, Gopal Mahanta and Tirthankar Speaking as chief guest in forward by Dr B Augustine An agro-based exhibition new districts would be rein-
partment has 626 veterinary empowering our grassroots NABCB for certification and Das Kalita recalled the unex- the inaugural session of the Jerard, Project Coordinator of highlighting the bio-resourc- stated. However, again a gov-
doctors against the total sanc- plored literary talent and skills workshop, Dr NK Mohan, AICRP-Palms. He stated that es of Assam was also organ-
leaders.” He further said that inspection bodies, and NA- ernment notification terming
tioned strength of 703 posts. of late Prashanta Biswa Sarma Member of the Agriculture three technologies of palm ized on the sidelines of the
Under the Assam Veterinary Assam has a multitude of ded- BET for education and train- Commission, government of crops and three varieties of event. Bajali as a sub district has made
with reference to his writings
and Livestock Mission, the icated female leaders who ing. Its National Board for Assam, remarked that there coconut were released during Dr JC Nath, Chief Scientist this entire issue controversial
and poems. Parag Dev Choud-
department will appoint alto- have been tirelessly contrib- Quality Promotion is respon- hury and Partha Sarathi Ma- was a need to identify loca- 2022-23. of Horticulture Research Sta- again,” AASU said asking the
gether 455 veterinary doctors uting to the development of sible for running the national hanta read out poems of late tion-specific varieties of coco- Dr KB Hebbar, Director of tion, Kahikuchi, gave the vote government to make its stand
in the State. their communities. quality campaign. Sarma in the function. nut and arecanut for the dif- the Central Plantation Crops of thanks. clear. – Staff Reporter


Checking graft, practising probity in public life

A good coach will make his players see what they
can be rather than what they are.
– ARA PARSEGHIAN Adhir Kumar Das ant prior sanction of an appropriatehad issued a resolution (No 89 dat- can be removed from service by
authority is necessary. This provi- ed 21st April, 2004) authorising the way of impeachment. The judges

orruption is the biggest Act. This led to the creation of the sion often results in long delays due
Central Vigilance Commission as may be removed only through a
evil and a dangerous Central Bureau of Investigation to certain reasons. Firstly there isthe designated agency to receive motion in the Parliament with two-
trend in the growing (CBI) vide a resolution on April 1, inordinate delay in according sanc- written complaints from whistle- thirds support in each House and
pursuit of wealth in so- 1963 to handle cases of corruption tion, as in many cases the sanction-blowers. Subsequently the Parlia- the process has been laid down in
Serious issue ciety. It erodes trust, weakens de-
mocracy, creates poverty, social
and fraud committed by public
servants of all Central government
ing authority is a senior officer of the
ment of India enacted the Whistle-
accused and secondly the sanction ac-
blower Protection Act 2014 which
the Judges Inquiry Act.
The Judiciary has the right to
One of the most misused and controversial laws in the division and inequality and also de- departments, Central public sec- corded is challenged at the trial stage
established a mechanism to re- prosecute lawmakers. Members of
Indian Penal Code (IPC) has been the so-called “sedition moralises honest officials. It is not tor undertakings, Central financial on the plea that the sanctioning au-ceive complaints relating to cor- Parliament and members of legis-
merely an offence committed in vi- institutions and economic crimes thority had not applied his or her ruption and wilful misuse of power lative assemblies can be tried un-
law,” which has often been employed to silence dissenting
olation to the person who suffers including bank frauds, financial mind while according sanction. To by a public servant. In 2013 the Par- der provisions of the Prevention of
voices, thereby infringing on the Constitutionally given harm but is also an offence against frauds, etc. Thereafter liament enacted the Corruption Act as they are undoubt-
fundamental right to freedom of expression. A very thin society. In the words of former the government enacted Lokpal and Lokayukta edly public servants as defined in
line exists between legitimate dissent and an act of sedi- President of India Pratibha Devi the new Prevention of ...all the three organs of government – Act which provides for Section 21 (12)A of the Penal Code.
tion. This has been adroitly exploited by ruling entities in Singh Patil, corruption is the ene- Corruption Act 1988 and Executive, Legislature and Judiciary the establishment of a As per rules notified under the Lok-
India to charge social activists, journalists, etc., with sedi- my of development and of good repealed the old Act of should work together in tandem for body of Lokpal for the pal and Lokayukta Act 2013, every
tion and incarcerate them under the infamous law. Little governance. It must be got rid of 1947 and the Criminal Union and lokayuktas public servant is required to file the
wonder that there have been repeated calls to repeal this and both the government and the Law Amendment Act, maintenance of good governance and for the states to inquire asset details under Sec 44 every
law since it was used by the British to silence the voices of people must come together to 1952. One main objective to prevent corruption. Further, there into allegations of cor- year. Strict steps should be taken
the fighters for India’s freedom. However, the NDA gov- achieve this objective. behind replacing the Pre- should be active participation of retired ruption. by the appropriate authorities so
ernment, rather than actually repeal the law, has sought to Initially the Indian Penal Code vention of Corruption Act A recent analysis con- that this provision is followed with
1860 Act No 45 dealt with offences 1947 with the new Act of
judges, senior citizens, senior public ducted by the Associa- periodical supervision by the high
give it a new guise in the Indian Penal Code of the Bharati-
of bribery and corruption cases of 1988 was to expedite the officials, representatives of tion of Democratic Re- level committee constituted for the
ya Nyaya Sanhita Bill, which is currently being examined
public servants but subsequently day-to-day trial of cases independent institutions and civil forms (ADR) shows that purpose and there should be amend-
by a Parliamentary Committee. This has catalysed renewed it was felt necessary for enactment by incorporating some 44 per cent of MLAs ment in the penal provision of the
calls for a review of the Constitutional validity of the sedi- of a special act to deal with the mat- restrictions and prohibi-
society to explore all ways and means across India have crimi- Prevention of Corruption Act with
tion law as laid down in IPC Section 124A and the apex ter. To combat corruption in gov- tory provisions with re- to fight against corruption. nal cases against them. higher punishment along with cer-
court has a number of petitions before it. While hearing on ernment agencies and prosecute gard to grant of stay and Further, the average as- tain restrictions on granting bail.
the pleas, a three-judge bench headed by Chief Justice public servants, the Government exercise of the power of avoid such obstacles and drawbacks sets per MLA from state assem- Introduction of this new penal pro-
of India D Y Chandrachud has taken cognisance of the of India enacted the Prevention of revision on interlocutory orders. a committee may perhaps be consti- blies were found to be worth Rs vision would certainly reduce the
seriousness of the issue and decided to refer it to a Corruption Act 1947. It is pertinent to mention herein tuted headed by the sanctioning au- 13.63 crore. As per official records, level of corruption at all strata.
five-judge Constitutional bench, a move that has been Subsequently the Government that in the cases where the accused thority to examine the materials on 753 complaints were received Thus, all the three organs of gov-
vigorously opposed by the Union government. of India in 1962 constituted a com- persons are facing trial for commit- record so that the accused persons against IAS officers in 2019-20 and ernment – Executive, Legislature
The apex court has chosen to ignore the Centre’s plea mittee headed by veteran Gandhi- ting offences arising out of the Pre- may have very limited scope to raise 643 in 2018-19 and about 30 per and Judiciary should work togeth-
by explaining that even if the sedition law is repealed, an and Member of Parliament K vention of Corruption Act, almost objections at trial stage on the mat- cent criminal cases against MPs and er in tandem for maintenance of
Santheram for giving suggestions all are rich people and they are in a ter of granting sanction by the ap- MLAs are pending trial for over good governance and to prevent
those already facing trial under it would not get any re-
to root out corruption from public position to have access to the best of propriate authority. five years. So, there should be spe- corruption. Further, there should
prieve; so a judgement by the Constitutional bench will not life and after receiving the report legal assistance for the purpose of In cases of corruption it is ex- cific legislation for speedy justice be active participation of retired
disturb the status quo. It is a well settled proposition that of the committee the government their defence with a view to delay- tremely important that prosecution and framing of no adjournment judges, senior citizens, senior pub-
any new penal law cannot be applied with retrospective thought it appropriate to form an ing the trial by availing all possible takes place in a time-bound man- rules except in rare and exceptional lic officials, representatives of in-
effect. So long as Section 124A of the IPC continues to organisation with greater scope and legal remedies under relevant pro- ner and trial should be completed circumstances. The Constitution of dependent institutions and civil so-
remain on the statute book and even if the new Bills be- more power under the Delhi Spe- visions of law. For adjudication of cor- within six months if they are to act India provides that judges of the ciety to explore all ways and means
come law, there is a presumption that any new law in the cial Police Establishment (DSPE) ruption cases against a public serv- as a deterrent. The Govt of India Supreme Court and the high courts to fight against corruption.
penal statute will have prospective and not retrospective
application. It may also be recalled that this provision of the
IPC had been reviewed by another five-judge bench in
1962 in the Kedar Nath Singh vs State of Bihar case, which
had upheld the sedition law. But the three-judge bench
Role of electricity in modern times
which is currently reviewing the issue opined that it was K K Sen nies. The manufacturing sector is the Increasing industrial units, growth large numbers of sophisticated elec-
necessary to refer it again to a Constitutional bench since largest consumer of electricity in In- in the number of consumers, addi- trical appliances is also responsible

the 1962 verdict was delivered in the context of an inter- here is no denying that tricity in the world. Out of the coun- dia. About 71 per cent of electricity tion of new industries and irrigation for the power crisis in India. Con-
electricity has immense try’s total consumption of electric- consumed in the country is generat- projects lead to increased consump- servation of energy is of prime im-
pretation of Article 19 relating to free speech; so a fresh
significance in all spheres ity, almost 42 per cent is utilised in ed by thermal power plants. Mahar- tion year after year. Application of portance at all stages, right from
examination was required in view of subsequent judge- of life, right from the do- the transport sector, 30 per cent in ashtra is recorded to be the highest improved modern technology in ag- generation to transmission, distri-
ments by various apex court benches relating to protec- mestic sector to irrigation and pro- industry and 21 per cent in resi- producer of electricity followed by riculture and allied services also bution and utilisation. Preventing
tion of fundamental rights, personal liberty and right to duction in industries. It is the most dential services and agriculture, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Gu- overwhelmingly necessitates im- lavish use of electricity at ceremo-
privacy, including one relating to the validity of the Aad- powerful among the critical com- while the remaining 7 per cent is jarat. The installed capacity of Ma- provement in the power scenario. nial functions or festivals can also
haar law. It is to be hoped that such a scrutiny will serve to ponents of infrastructure, and is cru- used in power plants and hydro- harashtra was 37,348 MW in 2021- Agriculture being basically prac- lead to an improved situation. Peo-
resolve this serious issue once and for all. cial for the economic growth and carbon industries. The Govt of In- 22 which was increased by 9 per tised in rural areas, a renewed at- ple of Maharashtra are so conscious
welfare of a nation. The existence dia claims that the country has cent in the subsequent year. How- tempt is needed for total rural elec- in saving power that they observe
Disturbing crime scene and development of adequate pow-
er infrastructure is a sine qua non
turned into a surplus nation with
an installed capacity of over 4 lakh
ever, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Tamil
Nadu and Karnataka are ahead of
trification. It is also revealed that a
few years ago only 16 per cent of
their ceremonies mostly in the day-
time. Putting off lights and fans
The State’s crime graph shows no sign of any abate- for growth of the Indian economy. megawatts. Keeping in view the Maharashtra in terms of total re- the rural households were electri- while leaving the room, using CFL
ment, with the incidence of different types of crimes in- In today’s age of information tech- sustainable development goal, In- newable energy installation. fied; but the figure has now jumped or LED bulbs as far as practicable,
cluding those against women remaining very high. Hei- nology and nuclear science, life dia is rapidly shifting towards a The power scenario in Assam has to 90 per cent as a whole in India. convenient use of solar energy, etc.,
without electricity cannot be im- more significant share of renewa- now improved significantly with an Though steps were undertaken to will obviously give a fillip to the
nous crimes such as murder and rape, too, have been on
agined. Quality of life of millions ble energy. Our country has begun accessibility of 100 per cent electri- electrify every household of Assam overall power scenario. Rampant
the higher side, as corroborated by official data. This is depends on utility providers. Pro- to make strides not only in extend- fication under the Pradhan Mantri by 2019, the target could be theft of transformers and accesso-
laid bare by the fact that the State witnessed 643 cases of viding reliable and affordable pow- ing electrification throughout its Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana. The achieved only now. It is a fact that in ries as well as misuse of govern-
murder and 639 cases of rape in the past eight months. er is a day-to-day challenge. every nook and corner, but also in peak period demand for electricity Assam there has been a steep rise ment fund also result in failure of
Another conspicuous phenomenon vis-a-vis crime against In the period 2022-23 there was introducing greener alternatives so in the State has grown to nearly in demand for power during the last power supply in many cases.
women concerns the rising incidence of disappearance a requirement for 1650 billion units as to cope with the growing de- 2500 MW within a year from 2073 3-4 years. Total rural electrification Repeated hikes in power tariff also
of women including young girls. Many such cases are (BU) of electricity in India, against mand of the burgeoning population. MW with an increase of nearly 20 has paved the way for reducing the become a burden on the consumers.
never brought to a logical conclusion even as more and which the generated amount was India’s largest power company per cent. However, the contribution rural population’s dependence on Apart from this, the present system
more numbers get added to the disturbing data. Even 1624 BU, resulting in a shortage of National Thermal Power Compa- of Assam to national power genera- forest fuels and lubricants. Judicious of prepaid metering keeps the con-
nearly 2 per cent. However, an in- ny (NTPC) has been contributing tion is negligibly low, being only 0.12 use of power is also important. Pow- sumers in the dark about the units
while leaving aside a good percentage of such cases which
creased growth of around 9 per cent over 25 per cent of the total power per cent. Despite having enormous er can be saved most if there is a consumed. Though the smart me-
involve elopement, the rest of the cases strongly point was found to be achieved in 2022- generated in the country. potentiality for power generation judicious change in our lifestyle. ter system launched by the Govt of
towards the working of flourishing human trafficking rack- 23 as compared to the previous Notably, the National Hydroelec- from hydel, thermal, oil and coal re- Unnecessary wastage can be avoid- India minimises inefficiency in col-
ets. Indeed, going by recent revelations, it is evident that year, while in Assam there was only tric Power Corporation (NHPC) has sources, the State fails to contrib- ed by switching off lights and fans lection and billing and gives freedom
these rackets continue to operate with impunity and more 4 per cent deficiency in the availa- diversified its activity to other sourc- ute substantially to the national pow- when not needed. Minimising the to consumers to plan their electrici-
and more young girls and women are falling into their bility of electricity as compared to es of energy like solar, geothermal, er scenario because of failure in tap- use of sophisticated electricity con- ty usage, it is fraught with disadvan-
vicious trap every year. Police and other government its requirement in the same peri- tidal, wind, etc. Apart from this, the ping the resources properly and lack- suming appliances has become the tages like discontinuation of sending
authorities are seemingly oblivious to the gravity of the od. It is interesting to note that In- Tata Power Company Ltd and Adani adaisical attitude of officials as well crucial need of the hour since, ‘En- bills, withdrawal of connection im-
situation – something that explains the lack of investiga- dia is the third largest producer and Green Energy Ltd are also key re- as unwarranted wastage of valuable ergy saved is energy generated’. Ex- mediately if the credit of the con-
second largest consumer of elec- newable energy producing compa- non-renewable resources. travagant use of power by using sumer falls short in any way, etc.
tion and follow-up in women trafficking cases. In any civ-
ilised society, the growing disappearance of women in
large numbers would be treated as something very seri-
ous by the authorities, but our thick-skinned authorities
think otherwise and remain unperturbed.
to the
Deal carefully with new generation
from an unknown person could managed parking facilities seem to students as well as the faculty raised the eyebrows of everyone.
The disturbing crime scenario naturally puts the focus make a big difference. be the apparent causes for such a members. I request all concerned The DGP’s assertion that all-out
on the lack of efficiency of the State’s police who have cut
a sorry figure when it comes to putting some check on
EDITOR Parents should make their kids
feel more comfortable to a
chaotic scene. Furthermore, large
cars with only the driver, are
to use this term – which is like a
sword with two sharp edges – in a
efforts would be made to clear the
muck instead of sweeping such
the high crime graph. The period has also coincided with Sir, – Today’s generation is certain level. They should think adding fuel to fire. Regulation of judicious manner. Yours etc., issues under the carpet makes it
revelations of shocking and widespread corruption eat- under tremendous pressure. twice before saying anything to such vehicles and enhancing the SWARUP UPADHYAYA. amply clear that he won’t tolerate
ing into the vitals of the police department and this rot Their problems are comparatively their wards because today’s kids efficiency of public transport could Breaking a rule any police personnel indulging in
has a definite bearing on the inability of the police to tack- less external and mostly internal, are sensitive. Things that had be the way out. A dedicated Sir, – The Chairperson of malpractices. A police personnel
le crimes and criminals. The police-criminal nexus has like anxiety, depression, existen- little importance in their parents’ committee to find the solution Sivasagar Municipality Board plays a vital role in society
tial crisis, etc. We can’t blame life could have a huge negative may help the situation. I urge the should take note that the vehicle enforcing the law, protecting the
always been there in varied degrees but today we have a
them though, because with the impact on their life. authorities to take some effective parking system in Sivasagar town weak and vulnerable, etc.
situation in which many from the police have turned into steps to save the Guwahatians Brave and honest police
advantages offered by technology Likewise, if children get a is far from satisfactory. The
hardcore criminals themselves. It becomes very difficult comfortable ambience at home from the ongoing menace. Yours parking fee for two hours is Rs 20, personnel are felicitated from time
they (we too) have pictured an
for the common man to seek or expect justice from the they will automatically feel free to etc., DEBASHIS SAIKIA, Jorhat. but how come e-rickshaws are to time by the department and the
imaginary life. To achieve a goal
law enforcers under such a distressing situation. The requires a lot of hard work, good open up before their parents. Using a term allowed to be parked in the car government in recognition of their
developments warrant the lawmakers and law enforcers intention and patience. But today’s Society too should not be stereo- Sir, – In the current scenario, parking area? I myself have been utmost honesty and sincerity in
to put in place a matching response mechanism. Moreo- generation is not quite ready to do typical; it should not judge and we have come across a term ill-treated by the fee collector of duty. Sometimes police constables
ver, there is an urgent need for revamp and reform in the hard work and is mostly compare kids. Children are fragile ‘cost cutting’ or ‘cost reduction’. the parking area for wanting to are promoted for their exemplary
police. It is also imperative to strengthen the women wings driven towards the shortcut. And and unknowingly take many things It’s very common in both know why e-rickshaws are integrity, commitment to duty and
to heart. So, the more society government and corporate allowed to be parked in the car exceptional honesty. The sustained
of the police. The strength of women police in the State is when they don’t get what they
want, they feel trapped, suffocated adapts to the changing environ- sectors. No doubt optimum parking area. Such rude behaviour and steadfast anti-corruption drive
far below the mandated norm, and efforts should go to-
and depressed. Consequently they ment the more secure is our utilisation of resources is much is not tolerable and the Municipal- appears to be a deterrent to the
wards pushing it up to the desired level. Then, overall children’s future. Yours etc., deep-rooted menace. Let’s hope
are drawn to bad things. necessary and irrelevant costs ity Board should look into the
poor policing and investigation have a direct bearing on PRIYAKHI BORA, Sivasagar. matter seriously. Yours etc., the State police will remain
But leaving things just like that need to be reduced or controlled.
crimes, as criminals in their thousands against whom ar- Chaotic traffic At the same time, it is observed PARTHASARATHY DUTTA, watchful against criminal activities
will not do, there has to be a
rest warrants have been issued continue to evade the solution. The Govt or other Sir, – The traffic situation in that the term also has a negative Sivasagar. by adhering strictly to human
law and move freely. An understaffed, untrained and organisations should appoint at Guwahati has been worsening impact on the employee’s DGP’s assertion qualities and disciplined behaviour
infrastructure-starved police cannot be expected to least one counsellor in every with each passing day, turning the productivity as well as on the Sir, – The assertion made by so that everyone is proud of being
discharge its professional obligations, and effecting the school, college and university. city into an un-endurable land. customer’s satisfaction and safety. the Director General of Police a member of a crime-free society.
desired changes brooks no delay. Policing aspects Because kids, students and adults Although new flyovers have been Interestingly, educational that police personnel indulging in Yours etc., IQBAL SAIKIA,
constructed, this seems to have institutions are also following the misdeeds will not be spared is Guwahati.
apart, plummeting moral values, alcoholism, the cult of are not that close to their parents
materialism, and the lure of easy money are having a or don’t want to talk about all pushed the traffic chaos to other trend of cost reduction. I find this praiseworthy. The arrests of top Articles (within 1000-1100 words) and
disturbing impact on the crime scenario, including these even with their teachers or parts of the city. High volume of idea a utopian one. And it nega- police officials in the infamous Letters to the Editor for publication in
someone they already know. In the private vehicles, inefficient tively impacts the overall Bajali extortion case and alleged the editorial page may be sent to the
crimes against women. email ID: [email protected].
such a situation a helping hand public transport and poorly educational experience of the housemaid torture case have

Governor virtually attends national Cong stages walkout in Assembly

launch of Ayushman Bhav campaign Legislators unhappy over govt reply on Assam Accord implementation
STAFF REPORTER ting legislators of the party. the clause as soon as possi- under surveillance electron-
The Congress MLAs de- ble. ically by the Comprehensive
GUWAHATI, Sept 13: manded a reply on imple- The minister also made it Integrated Border Manage-
Expressing dissatisfaction mentation of Clause 6 of the clear that there is no move ment System (CIBMS) in
over the State government’s Assam Accord. Following the to abolish the Assam Accord Dhubri district and physical-
reply in connection with a commotion, Congress MLAs implementation department. ly dominated by 188 water
question related to the As- walked out from the House. Replying to another ques- vessels,” he said.
sam Accord and its Clause 6, During the reply, the min- tion by MLA Bidya Sing En- Regarding floodlight on
Congress MLAs staged a ister stated that implemen- gleng, the minister said that the Indo-Bangla border, the
walkout on the third day of tation of several clauses of the on the basis of the Assam Ac- minister said the Dhubri sec-
the ongoing Autumn session Assam Accord is under way, cord, 1,56,651 persons have tor could not be electrified
of Assam Legislative Assem- but the main spirit of the Ac- been identified as illegal for- as yet due to a good number
bly on Wednesday. cord – detection and depor- eigners till July 31, 2023 in of channels of the Brahmapu-
The debate started when tation of illegal foreigners is the State. At the same time, tra flowing over the section,
Assam Accord Implementa- yet to be achieved. 30,089 foreigners were de- and electrification works will
tion Minister Atul Bora was Bora said the State gov- ported from Assam till Au- be started only after receiv-
replying to a question raised ernment has formed a sub- gust 31, 2023. ing financial clearance from
by Congress MLA Sibamoni committee to implement the Bora informed that the the BSF.
Bora. Clause 6 and other clauses of Indo-Bangladesh border
In his reply, Bora criticized the Assam Accord. So far, the fencing has been completed
the role of Congress in deal- panel has held five sittings except in a 4.35-km portion
ing with the infiltration prob- and work is under way to pre- in Karimganj district due to
lem, which infuriated the sit- pare a roadmap to implement the issues relating to the de-
sign of ‘single row fence’

‘Timely intervention raised by the Border Guards

Bangladesh. The matter has
been taken up with the Min-
Governor Gulab Chand Kataria flanked by Health Minister Keshab Mahanta and other dignitaries at the virtual launch of
Ayushman Bhav campaign by the President of India Droupadi Murmu, in Guwahati on Wednesday. – UB Photos
prevented breaches in istry of External Affairs, he

GUWAHATI, Sept 13: Department of Health, other man Bhav campaign by the under the TB Mukt Bharat
20 embankments’ “The 48.121-km-long un-
fenced riverine border (the
Brahmaputra region under
Governor Gulab Chand Ka- government departments, President. Abhiyan. Additionally, he STAFF REPORTER formed that the department
non-feasible gaps) is being
taria along with the Minister and local elected bodies in Kataria also said that the hailed individuals who have achieved success in control-
of Health and Family Welfare both rural and urban areas. Its Ayushman Bhav campaign is donated blood on numerous GUWAHATI, Sept 13: Due ling flood of Kundil river by
Keshab Mahanta attended primary objective is to extend not just a campaign, but a com- occasions. The Governor to timely intervention, the dredging its riverbed. Similar
the national launching event comprehensive healthcare mitment towards healthcare. also asked the Health Minis- Water Resources department kind of dredging is under way
could avert breach of 20 em- in Kolong river. But the dredg-
of Ayushman Bhav campaign coverage to every village and It symbolizes the spirit of In- ter to issue directives to Dis- bankments this year, said ing carried out by the depart-
virtually by President town, transcending geograph- dia where the health of every trict Commissioners and Minister Pijush Hazarika in ment in Jia Bharali river on an
Droupodi Murmu today, said ical barriers and leaving no one individual is a matter of para- other officials in every dis- the Assembly today. experimental basis was not
an official release. behind. mount importance. He em- trict to complete the adop- Hazarika informed the successful.
The ‘Ayushman Bhav’ cam- The Ayushman Bhav cam- phasized that Ayushman Bhav tion of TB patients by the end House that altogether five in- “The dredging process is
paign, initiated by the Minis- paign is a comprehensive na- holds significance and is a of September this year. cidents of river embankment not successful in our rivers
try of Health and Family Wel- tionwide healthcare initiative blessing for the economically The launching event was breach were reported in the which come down from hilly
fare, Government of India, of the Union Ministry of weaker sections. As health attended by the Additional State within this year. regions and carry silt along
“On an average, every with the water,” Hazarika
represents a comprehensive Health and Family Welfare emergencies can greatly af- Chief Secretary of Health and year Assam records 20-25 said.
nationwide healthcare initia- that aims to provide satura- fect families both emotional- Family Welfare Department, dyke breach incidents during In written reply to a ques-
tive with the aim of providing tion coverage of healthcare ly and financially, such schemes Avinash Joshi, Principal Sec- flood season. But this time, tion by MLA Aminul Islam, the
healthcare services to every services, reaching every vil- are a huge respite for them. retary, Panchayat and Rural the number is comparatively Minister informed that a total
village and town in the coun- lage and town in the country. Hence, it becomes important Department Dr JB Ekka, less. This time, the depart- of Rs 1,09,872.67 lakh has
try. Building upon the success This Campaign will be imple- to promote the Ayushman head of the Assam Health ment has used mega geo bags been allocated to different dis-
of the Ayushman Bharat pro- mented during the ‘Seva Pa- Bhav campaign and ensure Infrastructure Development for repairing the breached tricts of the State under dif-
gram, this groundbreaking khwada’ from September 17 that its benefits reach grass- & Management Society dykes. As a result, we are ferent heads during 2022-23
now able to repair a dyke under the department.
initiative signifies a paradigm to October 2, 2023. roots communities. (AHIDMS) Dr Sidharth within a short period. Over- Similarly, for strengthening
shift in healthcare service de- Attending the event virtu- The Governor extended Singh, Principal of GMCH Dr all, the department has pur- of river embankments and
livery. The Ayushman Bhav ally from the GMCH audito- his appreciation and hon- Achyut Baishya, executive chased flood fighting materi- anti-erosion schemes, the
campaign is a collaborative rium, the Governor said that oured the persons who have director of NHM Dr Manoj als worth Rs 20.57 crore in government allocated fund of
effort led by Gram Panchay- it is an honour to have attend- donated generously to TB Choudhury along with a host this year,” Hazarika said. Rs 1098.73 crore in 2022-23,
ats in coordination with the ed the launch of the Ayush- patients and adopted them of other dignitaries. The Minister further in- the Minister added.

Bethany Educational Society Entrepreneur

Moran leaders join BJP
celebrates platinum jubilee GUWAHATI, Sept 13:
‘Prominent Entrepreneur
GUWAHATI, Sept 13: Chairman of the Moran Autono-
mous Council (MAC) Dharmendra Neog, vice chairman of
MAC Tarun Madhab Moran, deputy chief executive mem-
GUWAHATI, Sept 13: The unit and the Provincial Superi- with academic programmes in Award 2023’ was awarded to
Bethany School, Gorchuk host- or of Guwahati Province as the the schools. Quoting the meet-
bers (CEM) of MAC Debeswar Moran, along with many oth-
Bikash Mahanta by State La- er leaders belonging to the Moran community, joined the
ed the platinum jubilee cele- guest of honour, Sabitri Kalita, ing held by SEBA, he enumer-
bour Minister Sanjay Kishan ruling BJP here on Wednesday.
bration of the Bethany Educa- the Headmistress of Betkuchi ated how the Education de-
tional Society to commemorate School as the guest of honour, a partment is keen in develop- and State Revenue Minister They joined the saffron party during an event held at the
75 years of its registration as press release stated. ing skills in students that will Jogen Mohan at a pro- State BJP head office, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Bhawan, in the
an educational society. The students and the make them self-reliant and gramme held here yesterday. presence State BJP president Bhabesh Kalita. Speaking on
To mark this event, a pro- teachers of Bethany School, progressive in life. Besides Assam, Bikash the occasion, Kalita said that the BJP-led governments at the
gramme was organized which Gorchuk, Bethany School Su- Both the guests of honour Mahanta has also facilitated Centre and the State have been able to bring all-round devel-
was graced by the Most Rev. lantu West Bengal and Betha- appreciated the efforts made self-employment opportu- opment.
Thomas Menamparambil, the ny College Arunachal Pradesh by the management, the staff nities for the unemployed
Archbishop Emeritus, Fr Alex gave colourful performances. and the students in bringing “That is why people belonging to all sections of society are
Kaliathiyal as the chief guest, In his address, the chief out the milestones of the Ed- youth of Meghalaya, Aru- embracing our party,” he said. Kalita asserted that the induc-
Sr Benedicta Aranha, the cor- guest, Fr Alex stressed the ucational Society through the nachal Pradesh etc. This was tion of Dharmendra Neog and others will further strengthen
porate manager, BES Guwahati need to cultivate skills along The Saga of the Platinum Years. stated in a press release. the BJP in the upper Assam belt. – Staff Reporter

Importance of mental
health literacy stressed
STAFF REPORTER Interdisciplinary Collabora- international agencies,
tion (IDC) on mental health caregivers and community-
GUWAHATI, Sept 13: to ensure delivery of safe, based organizations.
MIND India, Institute of high-quality and well- “The meet helped create
Positive Mental Health & coordinated healthcare. a platform for cross-learning
Research, one of the first He stressed on “not and sharing experiences and
bodies in the northeastern symptomizing every insights on psycho-social,
region to address the cause emotion and normalizing cultural and economic
of positive mental health and expression of different aspects and explore
wellbeing, organized a two- emotions.” opportunities for collabora-
day consultative meet on Dr Sangeeta Goswami, tion and coordination among
the theme ‘Making the counselling psychologist and various stakeholders so that
invisible visible: Embedding president of MIND India, in we can enhance the
Wellbeing in Everyday Life’ her welcome address, said wellbeing of people,
at Basistha Chariali here on that there are opportunities especially in the north-
September 8 and 9. to embed wellbeing in eastern region,” Dr
The meet was inaugurat- everyday life by incorporat- Goswami said.
ed by chief guest Indrani ing wellbeing in any activity,
Laskar, Joint Secretary, especially while pursuing
Health & Family Welfare, non-mental health projects
government of Assam. without significant additional
Laskar who is also a resource costs by govern-
mindfulness practitioner ment and non-governmental
herself spoke about the agencies. She concentrated
importance of meditation for on Sustainable Develop-
young people to reduce ment Goal 3, which focuses
anxiety and stress. She on ‘Good Health and
emphasized that everyone Wellbeing’, emphasizing on
with mental health issue has the importance on ensuring
the right to live, work, and healthy life and promoting
receive treatment in the wellbeing for people of all
community, as far as possible. ages – a fundamental aspect
Prof Raghu Raghavan, of sustainable development.
Professor of Mental Health The consultative meet
at De Montfort University, was attended by all
Leicester, UK in his stakeholders comprising
keynote speech focussed on professionals from various
emotional wellbeing. He universities, academic
spoke about the importance institutions, governmental
of mental health literacy to and non-governmental
reduce stigma and on organizations, national and

NEWS IN BRIEF Misappropriation

Seminar on snake bite treatment
SIVASAGAR, Sept 13: A seminar on ‘Emergency
management and treatment of poisoning due to snake bites
of NFSA rice comes
and other toxicological agents’ was organised recently under
NHM at Khanapara, Guwahati, stated a press release issued
by Dr Surajit Giri, anaesthesiologist, Demow Model Rural
to light in Tinsukia
Hospital, Sivasagar. Dr Giri, in his presentation at the seminar, CORRESPONDENT ficer for the period of 2016-17
apprised 144 doctors representing 35 districts of Assam about and allegedly maintained false
the emergency treatment procedures followed even in rural DOOMDOOMA, Sept 13: and fabricated accounts of dis-
hospitals through some simple steps, without any sophisticated
A large-scale misappropriation tribution in the quota endorse-
machinery or equipment. Citing examples of the Demow Snake
Bite Treatment Unit, Dr Giri said that even patients bitten by of rice allotted under the Na- ment books of the fair price shop
pit viper, etc, can be treated in rural CHCs, though there is no tional Food Security Act dealers under Saikhowa GP
antivenom injection available in them. Dr Giri hoped that (NFSA) has come to light in Samabai Samity Ltd. He was
snakebite deaths in Assam will be effectively brought down to Tinsukia district. The misap- found to be involved in misap-
zero by 2025. – Correspondent propriation of 1063.55 quintals propriation and diversion of
of rice, allotted to Saikhowa 1063.55 quintals of rice under
Sapling plantation programme GP Samabai Samity Ltd for dis- NFSA-2013 against July 2023
GUWAHATI, Sept 13: Under the aegis of NGO Green tribution among the benefici- received from the FCI godown,
Mission, Bajali, and Kathalmurighat High School, and in
aries through fair price shops, thereby depriving the intended
association with the family of retired teacher of Baghmara
Higher Secondary School Late Minakshi Sarma, ‘Gosor Din’ (A has put a question mark on the beneficiaries under the Target-
Day for Trees) was observed by organising a plantation transparency in the public dis- ed Public Distribution System.
programme on the premises of Kathalmurighat High School on tribution system in the State. After receiving the inquiry
Tuesday, stated a press release. Taking part in the programme On receiving information report, the in-charge deputy di-
as the chief guest, Ananda Khataniar, brand ambassador of the A clay idol maker busy at his workshop ahead of Viswakarma Puja and Ganesh Chaturthi, at Tezpur. – UB Photos from TRHK Business Private rector and the licensing author-
State government’s forest and environment department, while Ltd, the appointed transporter ity of FPD&CA, Tinsukia,
saying that such initiatives will add to the planet’s green
cover, lauded the late Sarma’s family for organising the
programme in her memory. Earlier, Late Sarma’s husband,
retired professor of Bhattadev University Dr Karuna Mohan
Freedom fighter PS Subba Ex-chairman of
Silchar civic body
of foodgrains under NFSA-
2013, Tinsukia, regarding diffi-
culties in transportation of
lodged an FIR against Bhuban
Sonowal at Dhola Police Sta-
tion on September 1. The ac-
Sarma, in his brief tribute highlighted his wife’s profound love
for Nature, the release added. remembered on birth anniv passes away
foodgrains under NFSA-2013,
Tier-II, and unavailability of rice
for distribution in the month of
cused, however, is absconding.
On the other hand, the in-
charge deputy director and the
Assam Association Faridabad event CORRESPONDENT Kharga Bahadur Kaushik, This year’s Prasad Singh July, 2023 in respect of Saikhowa licensing authority of
GUWAHATI, Sept 13: Assam Association Faridabad (AAF) editor of Hamro Prajashakti Subba Sewa Sanman, an award SILCHAR, Sept 13: Former GP Samabai Samity Ltd on July FPD&CA, Tinsukia, suspend-
celebrated Janmastami with joy and fervour at Aggarwal Sewa TEZPUR, Sept 13: The Anjan Upadhyay, retired vice instituted by AAGSU in 2020 chairman of Silchar Municipal 7 and 18, 2023, Manoj Kumar ed the sub-wholesale licence
Sadan, Sector 11, Faridabad, stated a press release. This time, Sonitpur district committee of principal of Tezpur College in the memory of Prasad Board and Silchar Develop- Bora, in-charge deputy direc- bearing registration number –
for this event, the organisers invited the Academy of Assamese All Assam Gorkha Students’ Kamal Chandra Upadhyay, Singh Subba, was conferred on ment Authority Sandipan En- tor and the licensing authority SAIKHOWA/42 granted to the
Cultural Foundation, a group of talented artistes from SriSri Union (AAGSU) remembered social activist Basundhara Sar- Subhash Chandra Biswas at dow passed away at a hospital
Auniati Satra headed by Jayanta Saikia from Majuli and Srimati
of FPD&CA, Tinsukia, ordered secretary of Saikhowa GP Sa-
eminent freedom fighter Pras- ma, Sonitpur Zila Nepali Sah- the function. The award car- in Guwahati on Tuesday morn- an inquiry into the matter. mabai Samity Ltd with imme-
Ruma Goswami from Gaurisagar. The purpose of the event ad Singh Subba on his 116th itya Sabha president Anil Gau- ried a cash prize, citation and ing. He was 76.
was to celebrate the auspicious occasion of Lord Krishna’s Santanu Bordoloi, inspector diate effect.
birth anniversary by organis- tom, journalist, lawyer and anga bastra, etc. Popularly known as Chayan of FPD&CA, Tinsukia, was en- To ensure regular and unin-
birthday as well as to introduce the upcoming generation with
the rich cultural heritage of Vaishnava Dharma of Assam. The ing a day-long commemora- social activist Subhash Chan- Freedom fighter Subba was among his peers and the peo- trusted with the responsibility terrupted supply of PDS/TPDS
organising committee consisted of Rajeeb Gogoi, Hemanga tive programme here a cou- dra Biswas and AAGSU of- a pioneer in the field of agri- ple of Silchar, he had made im- of conducting the inquiry. Ac- commodities to the consumers,
Baruah, Shiva Saikia, Naval Barua, Rituparna Baruah, Manash ple of days back. fice-bearers including its pres- business and a crew member mense contributions to the so- cordingly, Bordoloi conducted the nearby sub-wholesaler Dan-
Das, Sagarika Hazarika, Indira Bora, Nayanmoni Baruah, Rajib Tezpur MLA Prithiraj ident Dipak Subba and secre- of All Assam Graziers’ Asso- cio-political affairs and the the probe and submitted the gari GP Samabai Samity Ltd has
Sarma and Probin Baruah, stated a press release. Rava, vice chairman of AM- tary Hitesh Parajuli paid rich ciation. He established a dairy sports arena in the region. report on August 28 with all been entrusted with the respon-
TRON Ritubaran Sarma, lit- tributes to the freedom fight- farm at Tezpur town for attain- According to his family, En-
IMA Tezpur branch programme terateur Chandramani Upad- er and highlighted his contri- ing self-sufficiency in milk pro- dow, a resident of Malugram,
relevant documents. From the sibility of lifting and distributing
TEZPUR, Sept 13: The Tezpur branch of the Indian Medical inquiry report and the docu- the allotted commodities to the
hyay, Gyan Bahadur Chetry, butions to society. duction and dairy business. had been suffering from kid- ments submitted by the inquiry fair price shops of Saikhowa GP
Association (IMA) recently launched the ‘Aao Gaon Chalen’ ney-related ailments. He is
project in its adopted village Tal Gereki here, and held a medical officer, it was clear that Bhuban Samabai Samity Ltd until fur-
camp-cum-awareness meeting. The programme started with
paying of homage to Lokabandhu Dr Bhubaneswar Borooah. An
official publication of the IMA, Tezpur branch, The Rhythm, was
Goalpara College declared survived by his wife and two
daughters. His death has been
widely condoled here.
Sonowal, secretary of Saikhowa
GP Samabai Samity Ltd, was in-
volved in the irregularities as
ther order.
Meanwhile, Tinsukia DC
Swapneel Paul made it clear that
released on the occasion, which was dedicated to mark the
130th birth anniversary of Lokabandhu. Krishi Sakhi Mamoni
Ghosh, Jibika Sakhi Nilima Swargiary and BC Sakhi Doli Das
centre of excellence Hajo Nagara Naam he failed to produce the book of
accounts before the inquiry of-
the administration would never
compromise on corruption.
Sarkar attended the camp. Doctors attending the camp included CORRESPONDENT (SDGs) and focused on the role presented the award of recog- Sangha celebrates
of students and larger socie- nition to the Goalpara College
Dr Dwipen Mahanta, Dr Pradip Kr Sarma, Dr Dhiraj Singh
Sangwan, Dr Queen Gogoi Das, Dr Rupam Das, Dr Arundhati
Goswami, Dr Sumita Gogoi Hazarika and Dr Abhinandan
GOALPARA, Sept 13: The
Resource Centre – United Na-
ties as partners in fulfilling the
SDGs to ensure that every-
Life membership cards of
foundation day
Roman script a hurdle
Goswami. A memorandum was submitted to the district
administration to control plastic pollution and weed proliferation
tions North East Region con-
ferred the status of ‘Centre of
body enjoys health, justice and
prosperity, and in eradicating
UNESCO Association Guwa-
hati were also distributed to
SUALKUCHI, Sept 13: The in inclusion of Karbi
as a part of community service. – Correspondent

Event on Swachhata Pakhwada

Excellence’ on Goalpara Col-
lege at a World Literacy Day
poverty and inequality.
Others who spoke on the oc-
the faculty members of Goal-
para College. The declaration
14th anniversary of Hajo An-
chalik Nagara Naam Sangha
was celebrated on Tuesday
language in 8th schedule
MIRZA, Sept 13: Magic Bus India Foundation, Kamrup, event organised at the college casion were Dr Robin Kumar of Goalpara College as the re- CORRESPONDENT crease the number of constit-
under the aegis of the people
organised an awareness programme on ‘Swachhata Pakhwada’ recently in collaboration with Sarma, advisor to USTM and source centre – United Na- uencies of the Karbi Anglong
of Pacharia with a day-long
at Nahira Guimara Anchalik High School here a few days ago. the Indian Federation of UN former head scientist of the tions North East Region Cen- DIPHU, Sept 13: On the is- Autonomous Council.
The objective of the meeting was to make people aware about Association (IFUNA). erstwhile Regional Research tre of Excellence will open sue of notifying the Karbi lan- He said that the number of
Swachhata Pakhwada mission and its importance. Around 130
The programme started
In his presidential address, Laboratory, Jorhat; Dr Ashwini many doors for collaboration guage as an associate language constituencies under the Coun-
people attended the meeting, including the city project officer, with lighting of a ceremonial
Dr Subhash Barman, principal, Kumar Sarma, secretary gen- and development activities in of Assam and its inclusion in the cil will be increased to 34 seats
Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban), North Guwahati Municipal lamp by Uttam Kalita, president
Goalpara College, emphasised eral and regional coordinator of the region. 8th Schedule of the Constitu- from the existing 26 and 10 of
Board, Nibedita Choudhary, and headmaster of Nahira Guimara of the reception committee.
the importance of literacy and UNESCO Association Guwa- Earlier, assistant professor Dr tion, Chief Minister Himanta these seats will unreserved.
Anchalik High School Dhiren Kumar. Nibedita Choudhary spoke Mathura Ram Bharali, working
on the Swachhata Pakhwada Mission and Dhiren Kumar also encouraged students to spread hati and executive director of Jayanta Kumar Brahma deliv- Biswa Sarma has said that the But, to do so, a Constitutional
president, paid floral tributes.
delivered a speech on the same subject. – ANN Service awareness among people the Resource Centre for UN – ered the introductory speech. Karbi language will have to amendment by Parliament
Bishay Deka, president, Hajo
about literacy so that every- NER, and Dr SN Sarma, The event was coordinated by adopt any recognised script of will be needed, he added.
nagara party, hoisted the flag,
Training prog for input dealers one knows about their individ- former vice principal of Goal- assistant professor Rashmi Haz-
followed by planting of saplings
India like Devanagari, Sanskrit, The Chief Minister further
NAGAON, Sept 13: A 15-day self-financed input dealer ual and social rights. para College. arika. The event was well at- Hindi, Bengali or Gujarati in- informed the House that the
by 15 senior citizens.
training programme organised by Assam Agriculture University He also spoke about Sustain- Dr Ashwini Kumar Sarma tended by faculty members and stead of the Roman script as it Government of India will study
(AAU), Jorhat, in collaboration with the State agriculture Chhaya Ram Kalita
able Development Goals and Dr Robin Kumar Sarma students of the college. is not an Indian script. the issue of recognising the
department concluded at Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) here performed Bhagawat Paath.
The Chief Minister made Karbi people domiciled in the
on Tuesday. Over 25 input dealers from Hojai district A public meeting was held
participated in the programme, while experts from Assam
Agriculture University, Jorhat, including its former director
Amolapatty Primary School golden later with Dhiren Sarmah, as-
sistant engineer, Central Lok
the statement in the State As-
sembly while replying to a
areas outside the jurisdiction
of Karbi Anglong Autonomous
question from Diphu MLA Bi- Councils as ST (Hills).
Dr Hamendra Bhattacharya, KVK and other line departments
took part as trainers. A valedictory session was organised on
Tuesday at the auditorium of KVK Nagaon. The session was
jubilee celebrations underway Nirman Department, in the
chair. Inaugurating the meeting,
dyasing Engleng.
Regarding the implementa-
He, however, mentioned
that the Bodos of Karbi An-
CORRESPONDENT ebration committee Dr Pra- Advocate Dilip Baruah, Dr founder secretary of the All As-
chaired by Dr Niranjan Deka, head of KVK Nagaon and attended tion of the memorandum of glong are also demanding ST
by district agriculture officer of Nagaon Satish Talukdar and kash Kotoky and headmistress Prakash Kotoky, Arabinda sam Drummers’ Association
settlement signed between six (Hills) status and there is op-
his Hojai counterpart Ranjit Mishra Bhagawati, assistant SIVASAGAR, Sept 13: The of the school Manjula Devi Baruah and Chandan Rajkhowa (AADA) Achyut Deka explained
militant groups and the Cen- position to the Bodo commu-
director Ranjan Prasad Deka, scientists from Agriculture year-long golden jubilee hoisted flags in the school cam- delivered speeches, recollec- the salient features of nagara
tre and the State government nity’s demand in Karbi An-
Research Station, Shillongani, and experts from KVK Nagaon. celebrations of Sivasagar pus while Minu Thakur, a ting their association with the naam. AADA president Ram-
Head of KVK Nagaon Dr Niranjan Deka appealed to all the in 2021, the Chief Minister in- glong. Talks are on with the
Amolapatty Primary School got former teacher of the school, primary school which started charan Bharali; conservator,
input dealers to store sufficient fertilizers and integrated formed that delimitation exer- Centre to find a solution, he
off to a colourful start a few days lit the ceremonial lamp. in a room provided by the late Akhil Bharatiya Sahitya
agricultural machinery. – Correspondent cise will be conducted to in- added.
ago and hundreds of alumni, Fifty earthen lamps were lit Krishna Baruah at his residence Parishad, Dr Deban Chandra
students, guardians and local in the memory of the deceased and later shifted to the late Das; former vice president of
OBITUARY people thronged the school teachers and academicians of Kumud Rajkhowa’s residence. Asam Sahitya Sabha Mrinalini TRIBUTE
campus and joined the cultural the town. The concluding SR Khemka, philanthropist, Devi; Green Oscar recipient Dr
Monoj Barman procession.
Academician and journalist
function of the golden jubilee
celebrations will be held in
generously donated the house
rent of the school for 18 years
Purnima Devi Barman; AASU
adviser Prakash Chandra Das;
Nirmal Chandra Borah
TIHU, Sept 13: Monoj Barman, a resident of Haribhanga ‘As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is
(Bhayera) village near here, passed away at a Manoj Kr Borthakur flagged off September 2024. before it moved to its own AADA advisor Dwijendra Mo- to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.’
hospital in Nalbari on Monday. He was 37. Monoj the cultural procession, which The principal of Sibsagar building at the present site. han Pathak; AADA ex-president
My father Nirmal Chandra Borah believed in this very
had gone to Madhapur near Barama to attend saw the participation of Commerce College addressed A cultural programme was Sarbeswar Kalita, and AADA philosophy till his last breath. He courageously battled cancer
the shraddha of his father-in-law who died four students from 10 other the open meeting, which was also organised in the evening, ex-secretaries Kailash Talukdar and peacefully transitioned on September 2 at the age of 61,
days ago, where he complained of chest pain primary schools of the town. inaugurated by Mohan which was inaugurated by and Nripen Dutta Kalita also surrounded by his family and friends.
Earlier, president of the cel- Chandra Dutta. singer Pranoti Baruah. took part in the meeting. He was born in Mikirbheta village of Morigaon district to Late
and discomfort. Monoj was rushed to Barama Dhananjay Borah and Late Dhanimay Borah, and spent his
health centre and then to Sarathi Hospital at formative years helping out his father at
Nalbari, where the doctors declared him dead. He leaves behind their bicycle shop. Seeing the potential
his mother, wife, a daughter and a son. – ANN Service of being remarkably intelligent, his
parents encouraged him to work hard on
studies, which bore fruit in the form of a
Exhibition on wheels merit scholarship received from the
Government of India. He joined

arrives at Gossaigaon Vivekananda Vidyalaya, located 420 km

away in the quaint oil township of Digboi,
where he met many who would end up
ANN SERVICE exhibition on wheels.
becoming his lifelong friends and
Dr Monoj Patowary, mission colleagues. He passed higher secondary
GOSSAIGAON, Sept 13: manager of the exhibition, ex- in the Science stream securing the second position in Assam,
‘Bharat Jana Vigyan Yatra’, an plained the scientific models to concreting his reputation as a genius among peers.
exhibition on wheels, arrived the visiting students. He then left for Allahabad to study in Motilal Nehru Regional
at Gossaigaon Girls’ High Headmistress of the school Engineering College. He would tell me anecdotes galore of
School on Tuesday morning. Purnima Brahma and her col- his student days that also included a story of how once in
Uttar Pradesh, dacoits on horseback chased their train in a bid
An initiative of the Union leagues also visited the mobile
to raid, like in his favourite film Sholay. After his engineering
Department of Science and exhibition. degree, he began his work life in NEEPCO, after which he
Technology in collaboration Addressing the students, joined the Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL), from where
with the National Council for Khanindra Brahma, a retired he retired as a deputy general manager in the Guwahati
Science and Technology, the Science teacher of Dotoma office in the year 2021.
objective of the exhibition is Higher Secondary School, Easy-going and a man of few words, he also pursued his
to spread awareness among spoke about the importance of passion for gardening fervently, bringing along exotic plants in
students about universalisa- science in our daily lives. his travels. He was a lifelong fan of Dr Bhupen Hazarika.
May the Almighty grant his soul eternal peace.
tion of science and technology Students of Gossaigaon Col- – Angshuman Borah
in day-to-day life. legiate High School led by
Students expressed excite- teacher Jayanta Ray also visit- Tributes should not exceed 300 words. The date of demise, and the
Villagers crossing a rivulet with a boat from the Amudborbari Ghat in Dhakuakhana. – UB Photos
writer’s name and phone number, should be clearly mentioned.
ment and joy after visiting the ed the exhibition.

President launches NOTIFICATION

Ayushman Bhava scheme Pranabjit Chaliha The 30th November, 2022

L. A. Case No. 12/2022

DHUBRI, Sept 13: Presi-

dent Draupadi Murmu virtu-
Ayushman cards to be distrib-
uted to the beneficiaries.
(Romuda) no more No. LA-12/2022/262.- It is hereby notified that in pursuance of Section 6(1) of the
Assam Land (Requisition and Acquisition) Act, 1964 (Assam Act XV of 1964), and in
pursuance of the Govt. notification Memo No. RLA.300/2013/Pt./160, dated- 7th April,
ally launched the Ayushman A village meeting will also CORRESPONDENT 2022, the Governor of Assam is pleased to decide the acquisition with effect from the
Bhava scheme, which is an in- be held from October 2 under
date of publication of this notice of the land requisitioned under section 3(1) of said
itiative to ensure optimum each gaon panchayat where SIVASAGAR, Sept 13: Sivasagar Act as per schedule below measuring an area of KP land 0B-0K-2Ls in mouza
delivery of health schemes to various schemes of the Health plunged into a gloom as Pranabjit Chaliha,
every intended beneficiary, in department will be shared by Jalukbari of village -Bharalumukh in the district of Kamrup Metropolitan for acquisition
popularly known as Romuda, a towering
Dhubri today. the experts to create aware- of land for construction of bridge over river Brahmaputra
personality of the world of Assamese na-
The principal of Dhubri ness among the people living connecting Guwahati and North Guwahati.
tionalism and also a veteran sports per-
Medical College and Hospital, in villages, stated Dr Saikia. SCHEDULE BOUNDARIES
sonality passed away today. Romuda
Dr Ankumani Saikia stated that The event was also attended breathed his last at the AMCH, Dibrugarh District : Kamrup Metropolitan
a specialist doctor will visit the by Dr Asadullah, Joint Director at around 2.30 pm today at the age of 73 Mouza : Jalukbari Block
district’s community health of Health department, Dr De- after a protracted illness. Village : Bharalumukh North : 16 (ka)
centres where he will host a bamoy Sanyal, chairman of Mu- Pranabjit Chaliha was a prominent lead- Dag No. : 16 (kha) South : 15 (kha)
health awareness and benefit nicipal Board, Pranjal Das, Ad- er of the Assam movement and was jailed Patta No. : 43 East : 17
programme, and will also host ditional District Commissioner, Area : 0B-0K-2Ls West : 16 (ka)
for over a hundred times in connection with
a number of health and wel- and Dr JB Roy, Additional Chief
anti-government rallies and for his highly of Sivasagar Sports Association since 1996
fare facilities. Additionally, Medical and Health officer. – Sd/- Deputy Commissioner,
arousing speeches. But Chaliha never vied till last year.
there will be a provision for Staff Correspondent Janasanyog/CF/2668/23/14-Sep-23 Kamrup Metropolitan District, Guwahati.
for a ministerial birth in the AGP ministry He is survived by his wife Raka Chali-
under Prafulla Kumar Mahanta though he ha, son Shringkhal Chaliha and daughter
Body found was a dominating figure in the political sce-
nario then. He was an uncompromising
Meanwhile, condolences are pouring in
Sealed Tender in plain paper affixing non refundable Court fees of Rs. 8.25/- (Rupees eight
JORHAT, Sept 13: The body of an unidentified person was leader of the common men, and blasted all from numerous organisations and individ-
found near the construction site of rail over-bridge in front of and twenty five paisa) only are invited on behalf of the Department of Fisheries from the
corrupt politicians and others for deceiv- uals at the demise of ‘Lion Heart’ Pranab- intending contractors/suppliers/firms for the works ‘Printing of IEC and Publicity material
the JMCH here today. Local people after seeing the body in- ing the nation. He had his own philosophy jit Chaliha. Hundreds of his followers have
formed the police and the body was sent to JMCH for post- under office of the Fishery Information Officer, Assam, Meen Bhawan, Gopinath Nagar,
and political agenda. He gave birth to a thronged his Phukan Nagar residence Guwahati-16’ under Extension Service (Advertising & Publicity), SOPDdetailed in package-
mortem. Investigation is on. – Staff Correspondent regional political party of his own – the awaiting the arrival of his body from Di- wise below-
Jatiya Aikya Mancha and contested Assem- brugarh.
No. SSK/Misc/G.S./234/2023 bly elections in 2001, 2006 and 2011 but Sivasagar Sports Association, Sivasagar Estd. Value Tender
TIME EXTENSION NOTICE was defeated each time. Municipality Tax Payers Association, Package Name of (in Rs.) EMD/Bid Security (in Rs.) Processing Remarks
Chaliha was the general secretary of Sivasagar Senior Citizens’ Forum, Sivasa- activity Fee (in Rs.)
The last date of submission of bids for the work
“Equipments for Graphic Studio from Govt. AASU, Sivasagar unit from 1972 to 1974. gar District Journalists’ Association, As- Rs. 5380.00 (Rs. 2,690.00 Rs.100.00 Date & time of
Contractors / Register Firms at Srimanta He was imprisoned for a record 127 times. sam State Journalists’ Union, Brihattar Package-A Printing of Rs.2,69,000/- for SC, ST, OBC & MOBC) in the form bid opening is 4th
Sankaradeva Kalakshetra Society” is hereby Pranabjit Chaliha fiercely protested Sivasagar Press Club, Sivasagar Press Booklets in the form of Bank of Bank October, 2023
extended up to 20.09.2023. Submission of Bid is up to against the government when Prime Min- Club, Sivasagar district administration, Draft/FDR/TDR etc. Draft upto 2.00pm
2.00 PM and opening of Technical bid is 3.00 PM on ister Indira Gandi was addressing a pub- Chambers of Commerce, Sivasagar AASU, Printing Rs. 1320.00 (Rs. 660.00 for Rs.100.00
20.09.2023. The details may be seen in lic meeting in Sivasagar Boarding field in AJYCP, CIP, and a host of other organisa- Package-B of Leaflet Rs.66,000/- SC, ST, OBC & MOBC) in in the form official website 1979. Chaliha was the general secretary tions have condoled his death. & Pamphlet the form of Bank Draft/FDR/ of Bank
of Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra, Panjabari, TDR etc. Draft
Guwahati-37 and in the office of the undersigned
during office hours from to 20.09.2023.
All other terms and conditions remain same.
Sd/- Secretary
Protest over decision to Printing of
Package-C Flex
Banner &
Rs. 2820.00 (Rs. 1410.00 for
Rs.1,41,000/- SC, ST, OBC & MOBC) in
the form of Bank
in the form
of Bank
Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra Society.
Panjabari, Guwahati-781037, Assam.
make Bajali a sub-district Poster Draft/FDR/TDR etc. Draft
The Tender documents along with terms & conditions can be seen/obtained from the
website “” and “”. The bid
will be opened in the office of the undersigned as per the scheduled mentioned above.
Ref No. ALPCO/T/2022/1/123 The Tender Inviting Authority (TIA) reserves the right to accept or reject any bid/tender, and
NOTICE INVITING REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL to cancel/annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to contract award.
Sd/- Fishery Information Officer
Managing Director, Assam Livestock and Poultry Janasanyog/C/9925/23/14-Sep-23 Assam, Guwahati
Corporation Ltd. under Animal Husbandry & Veterinary
Department, Govt. of Assam, invites Request for Proposal
under Chief Ministers Flagship Programme from agencies/ Public Notice
organizations having experience in Training Management
under Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department/ Assam Announcement of Award for acquisition of land for construction of
Livestock and Poultry Corporation for imparting training to the National Highway for Land owners/ persons interested therein.
selected beneficiaries in different districts of Assam. Kind attention of all landowners/ interested persons is invited to the Notification
The RFP document will be issued from the 0/0 the No. S.O. 3553 (E) dated 29.07.2022 issued u/s 3A of the NH Act, 1956 for acquisition
Managing Director, Assam Livestock and Poultry Corporation, of land for the building/construction of the National Highway project “Widening/
Pashudhan Bhawan, Khanapara, Guwahati-22 during office Improvement to 4 (Four) Lane with Paved Shoulder from KM 626+030 (Nalanihulla
hours from 15.09.2023. Gaon) to KM 650+450 (Chotahapjan) on existing Tinsukia- Makum Bypass of NH-15
Sd/- Managing Director, (OLD NH-37) and strengthening of existing NH-315 (OLD NH-38) from KM 0+000
Assam Livestock and Poultry Corporation Ltd. (Chotahapjan) to KM 16+900 (Bogapani section) (2 Lane + PS) in the State of Assam
Khanapara, Guwahati-22 under Bharatmala Pariyojana (Package-3)” and the Notification no. S.O. 5590 (E)
dated 30.11.2022 issued u/s 3D of the NH Act, 1956 and published in the following
People staging a protest against the government’s decision to make Bajali a sub-district. newspapers:
IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MADRAS – Photo: ANN Service SI. Notification Names of Newspapers in Date of
(Ordinary Original Civil Jurisdiction)
ANN Service government. Therefore, tion will be decided at the No. which published Newspaper
Appl No 1750 of 2023
In people are expecting a full- meeting. It has been learnt 1. S.O. 3553 (E) dated i. The Assam Tribune (English) 04.08.2022
OP No 854 of 2019 PATACHARKUCHI, Sept fledged district status for Ba- that the people of Bajali will 29/07/2022 u/s 3A ii. Dainik Janambhumi (Assamese).
The Military Engineering Services .... Applicant /Petitioner
Chief Engineer (AF) Bangalore 13: In protest against the deci- jali and it should not be de- fight together for their just 2. S.O. 5590 (E) dated i. The Assam Tribune (English) 10.12.2022
Rep By its Authorised officer sion to degrade Bajali district graded. demand in one platform. 30/11/2022 u/s 3D ii. Dainik Janambhumi (Assamese).
Maj Aman
Garrison Engineer (AF) into a sub-district, the people Mridul Talukdar, assistant It may be mentioned here It is informed that the undersigned has announced the Award in respect to the
Having Office at and various organizations here general secretary of the that people of various walks said land under section 3G of the NH Act, 1956 vide order dated 20.07.2023.
Airforce Station, Thanjavur -613 005 came out to the streets today Asam Jatiyatabadi Chhatra of life here had expressed
V/s The land acquiring agency, NHIDCL has placed the requisite amount of
M/s Surface Tech (India) Private Limited .... Respondent /Respondent and raised their voices in de- Parishad; Kushal Roy, chief their happiness after the Cab- compensation against the value of lands and Zirat/Surface Compensations of the
Rep By its Managing Director mand of retaining the district organizing secretary of Koch inet decided to give full dis- Private Lands at the disposal of the undersigned.
A K Thakur
Having Office at status of Bajali. From last night, Rajbongshi Students’ Union trict status to Bajali a few days Accordingly, all the concerned landowners/interested persons are hereby informed/
25, Shreemanta Market, A T Road the decision sparked strong and Bijon Bayon were ar- back. Earlier, the district sta- notified through this Public Notice that the payment of the compensation amount is
Guwahati, Assam-781 001 protest among people in the rested today when they were tus was withdrawn due to the
& under process and the amount will be paid to the pattadars who are entitled to
3rd Floor Goyal Bhavan district. The AASU regis- protesting here at Pathsala. delimitation exercise in the receive the compensation against the land to be acquired, on receipt of the all the
GS Road, Bhangagarh, Guwahati Assam-781 005 tered protest by burning A large number of police per- State. It was also declared relevant documents.
M/s Surface Tech (India) Private Limited .... Respondent /Respondent tyres in the streets and shout- sonnel were deployed today that the area of the new Ba- All the pattadars will have to surrender/deliver possession of the lands to the
Rep By its Managing Director ed slogans to retain the dis- to control the situation aris- jali district will be enlarged undersigned within 7 (seven) days of receipt of the compensation amounts.
A K Thakur trict status of Bajali. ing out of the protest. The with the inclusion of Bha-
Having Office at Sd/- Additional District Commissioner (LA)
25, Shreemanta Market, A T Road Giridhar Choudhury, a sen- agitators shouted slogans in wanipur and Sarbhog constit-
Guwahati, Assam-781 001
ior advocate of Bajali, said support of their demand. uencies. The people had ex- Competent Authority for Land Acquisition,
3rd Floor Goyal Bhavan that the district status should Meanwhile, the AJYCP has pressed happiness over the Janasanyog/CF/2670/23/14-Sep-23 Tinsukia
GS Road, Bhangagarh, Guwahati Assam-781 005 be given to Bajali and the announced its agitation pro- decision.
. Please take notice that the above application No 1750 of 2023 in OP No 854 of 2019 is posted government should do the grammes today and said that But now the situation has
for hearing on 15 Sep 2023 before this Hon’ble Madras High Court at Chennai at 10.30 AM,
Appear in person or through pleader on the above said date and time, failing which the matter needful in this regard. Mun- agitation will continue until changed with the latest deci- GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM
will be decided in your absence. indra Narayan Goswami, lit- Bajali is given the district sta- sion to make Bajali a sub-dis- ASSAM HEALTH INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT SOCIETY
erary pensioner, said that we tus again. trict and people from all
No. AHIDMS/JICA/AHSSP/ Survey/ 97 / 2023 / 06-A
cbc-10622/11/0043/2324 Counsel for Applicant / Petitioner demand it strongly as in pre- A public meeting will be walks of life have expressed
vious two occasions district also held in Pathsala on Thurs- total dissatisfaction over the REQUEST FOR QUOTATION
status was announced by the day. The future course of ac- decision. NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING
Project Management Consultant (PMC) on behalf of the Project Director, Assam Health
Woman gets lifer for
Infrastructure Development and Management Society (AHIDMS) invites quotations to carry
out Geo-Technical Investigation & Topography survey for the proposed construction of Super
Specialty Hospital in existing medical college & hospital and improvement of civil hospital in
NCS Square Mall, Adabari Rs. 220/-, Rs. 370/-, Rs. 530/-. Rs, 1060/-
different location of Assam.
A.T. Road, Guwahati
3 Screen Multiplex
From 7th September onwards
JAWAN (Hindi)
Website :

HUB, G.S. Road,
killing her infant The details may be seen in the Request for Quotation uploaded in the https:// Interested bidder may download the NIQ document from the same
website and same can be obtained from the office of the PMC 4th Floor, Nayantara Supermarket,
THE NUN-II (Eng & Hindi) Guwahati is showing CORRESPONDENT October 15, 2016, and came al, and after careful consider-
Note: Movie and Show Timings are From 7th Sept. onwards Sixmile, Guwahati-781022 on or before 22.09.2023
subject to change following timings:
to light when the father of the ation of all the facts and cir-
At 10.45 am, 2.00, 5.15 & 9.00 pm SIVASAGAR, Sept 13: In victim filed an FIR with the cumstances, the court of Lo- Sl. No. Name of the Location Last Date of
ANURADHA CINEPLEX JAWAN (Hindi) Package Submission of
Multiplex Ambience For Online Booking Please Visit
a tragic incident that has sent Disangmukh police outpost. hit Kumar Saikia, District &
From 14.09.23 to 21.09.2023 Book my Show /Paytm. shockwaves throughout the The FIR detailed the horrific Sessions Judge, Sivasagar, Quotation with
At 10.30 am, 2.00, 5.15 & 8.30 pm Regular price: Silver- 130/-, Gold- 180/-, district, Sikhamani Dutta, events of that fateful morn- sentenced Sikhamoni Dutta Qualification
JAWAN (Hindi) 2D Platinum- 200/- & Business- 250/- Document
Stg: Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara, Sanya wife of Niranjan Dutta of ing when the couple’s one- to rigorous imprisonment for
Malhotra etc. GALLERIA CINEMA Gopalpur, near Desangmukh month and eight-day-old life under Section 302 of the 1 Package No. A-2 Medical College &Hospital at Jorhat
Booking Nos. 8822777555
(9954544738, 7086525826)
has been found guilty of mur- daughter was reported miss- IPC. (Geo technical Diphu, and Civil Hospital at 25.09.2023
Tinsukia, ATC Mall,
Online Booking:, Investigation) Mangaldoi and Haflong
GNB Road dering her infant daughter and ing from their residence. In addition to this, she was
From 7th to 14th Sept. 2023 2 Package No.B-2 Medical College &Hospital at Jorhat
subsequently disposing of the Upon conducting a thor- awarded a concurrent sen-
GALLERIA CINEMA (Topographical Diphu, and Civil Hospital at 25.09.2023
Dibrugarh, Junction Mall At 10.45 am, 2.00, 5.15 & 8.30 pm body in Dikhow river. The ough investigation, the police tence of rigorous imprison-
JAWAN (Hindi) survey) Mangaldoi and Haflong
From 7th to 14th Sept. 2023
accused was sentenced to life detained Sikhamani Dutta as ment for three years and fined
Screen–1 3 Package No. A-3 Medical College &Hospital at Silchar
At 10.45 am, 2.00, 5.15 & 8.30 pm At 10.15 am, 1.30, 4.45 & 8.00 pm imprisonment under Section the prime suspect. Shock- Rs 5,000 under Section 201
JAWAN JAWAN (Hindi) 302 of the Indian Penal Code ingly, during interrogation, of the IPC for her action re- (Geo technical and Civil Hospital at Silchar and 25.09.2023
Screen–2 Tele Booking timings: Investigation Hailakandi
At 10.15 am, 1.30, 4.45 & 8.00 pm 9 am to 8.30 pm. (IPC) and an additional term she confessed to the inhu- lated to the disposal of the
JAWAN Tele Booking No. 8876565005/ 8876565006 of imprisonment under Sec- man act, admitting that on infant’s body. 4 Package No.B-3 Medical College &Hospital at Silchar
Tele Booking Timings 9.00 am to 8.00 pm. (Terms & conditions apply) (Topographical and Civil Hospital at Silchar and 25.09.2023
Tele Booking No. 8876565001/ Morning Ticket Price (Before 10.30 am) tion 201 of the IPC by the the preceding night around 8 The case serves as a grim
survey) Hailakandi
8876565002 Rs. 130/-, Rs. 220/-, Rs. 280/- Rs. 450/- District & Session Court, pm, she had taken the life of reminder of the need for vigi-
(Terms & conditions apply) Regular Tickets price The Project Management Consultant reserves the right to accept or reject all bids without
Ticket Rates: Regular Show : Rs. 100/-, Rs. 170/-, Rs. 240/-, Rs. 300/-, Rs. 500/- Sivasagar on September 12 her own infant daughter and lance and support systems to
Rs. 190/-, Rs. 240, Rs. 400/- 3D Morning Ticket Price : (case no. Sessions 73 (S-S) then disposed of the body in detect and address issues re- showing any reasons.
New Movie Rates Rs. 180/-, Rs. 150/-, 220/-, 280/-, 450/-
Rs. 240/-, Rs. 360/-, Rs. 500/-, Rs. 1000/- 3D Tickets Price : 2017 US 302, 201 IPC). the nearby Dikhow river. lated to mental health and do- Sd/- Team Leader,
Ticket Rates 3D Movies : Rs. 170/-, Rs. 170/-, Rs. 240/-, Rs.300/-, Rs. 500/- The incident occurred on The case proceeded to tri- mestic violence in our society. Janasanyog/CF/2664/23/14-Sep-23 PMC-AHSSP

Cop shot dead in Churachandpur GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM

C H U R A C H A N D PU R , ter three tribals were sons were killed a day be- fresh attacks in the wake of dreds injured since ethnic vi-
Sept 13: A police sub-inspec- gunned down by unidentified fore, officials said today. the killing of three persons, olence broke out in Manipur
The Chief Engineer P.W.D (Border Roads & NEC Works), Assam, Chandmari,
tor on duty at Chingphei bun- men in Kangpokpi district on No one was injured in the the officials said. early in May, when a ‘Tribal Guwahati-3 on behalf of Governor of Assam invites rebid amounting to Rs.100.00 Lakh
ker No. 1 in Churachandpur Tuesday morning. On Sep- incident in Koutruk village Koutruk is one of the worst Solidarity March’ was organ- (approx.) for the work “Periodic Renewal of road from (i)Charaidoloni to Not Gaon No-2
district was shot dead this tember 8, another three per- where armed men hurled at violence-hit areas in the Im- ised in the hill districts to Road constructed under PMGSY Package No-AS15102 & (ii)lndira Gandhi Royabokal
afternoon, officials said. The sons were killed and over 50 least 10 bombs late on Tues- phal Valley and has witnessed protest against the majority Road constructed under PMGSY Package No-AS1548 for the year 2023-24 (Package
policeman, identified as injured at Pallel in Tengnoupal day night, they said. The several exchanges of fire be- Meitei community’s demand No-PR/2023-24/45) in 1 (one) no. of package in Lakhimpur District of Assam. Detail may
Onkhomang, was shot in the district. bomb attack triggered panic tween the two warring for ST status. be seen in the website and also in the office of the
undersigned in the “Maintenance Cell” during office hours from 15.09.2023 to 29.09.2023.
head by a sniper between 1 Meanwhile, in a fresh inci- among the villagers, adding groups since clashes broke Meiteis account for around
Sd/- Chief Engineer, PWRD
pm and 1.30 pm, they said. dent of violence, unidentified that Indian Reserve Battal- out on May 3. Earlier this 53 per cent of Manipur’s pop-
Border Roads & NEC Works
Officials added that two gunmen, suspected to be cad- ion personnel deployed in week, a 14-year-old girl was ulation and live mostly in the Janasanyog/CF/2656/23/14-Sep-23 Assam, Chandmari, Guwahati-3.
more persons also sustained res of banned terror groups, the area fired shots in retali- hit by a bullet that pierced Imphal Valley, while tribals,
bullet wounds in the incident, attacked people and hurled ation. through the wall of her resi- including Nagas and Kukis,
the details of which are still bombs at a village in Imphal Tension is still running high dence at Koutruk. constitute 40 per cent and re-
The attack comes a day af-
West district, bordering
Kangpokpi where three per-
in several parts of the district
as there is apprehension of
More than 180 people have
been killed and several hun-
side mostly in the hill dis-
tricts. – PTI
Since 1962
Meitei headgear to be part Food safety training Meghalaya NOTICE INVITING e-TENDER
of Parliament House uniform for Kohima vendors Govt moves No. SIDC/CD/NIT/MORIGAON/7167

IMPHAL, Sept 13: In what can be termed as literally “a

Centre over ASIDC Ltd., Bamunimaidam, Guwahati-21 invites bids through e-tendering from experienced
firms/organizations/contractors having registration with Class-I (A/B/C) of APWD (R&B)/Class-
feather in the cap”, the ‘kokyet’, a traditional headgear or CORRESPONDENT hygiene and cart hygiene, mining licences I of Industries & Commerce Department, Assam for the work “Up-gradation of Commercial
turban of the Meitei community, will be a part of the uniform food handling and food safety, NEWMAI NEWS Estate Morigaon under ASIDC Ltd. for the year 2023-24”
in the Parliament House of India. DIMAPUR, Sept 13: The cleaning and pest control, and Details of the bids may be seen at e-procurement portal website: http://
While Secretariat staff will sport Nehru jackets in magenta National Association of garbage disposal. SHILLONG, Sept 13: The
or deep pink, security officers will don a camouflage uniform, Street Vendors of India With the mushrooming of Meghalaya Government has
Sd/- Managing Director,
according to sources. Marshals of both Houses of Parliament – Janasanyog/CF/2676/23/14-Sep-23 ASIDC Ltd.
(NASVI), supported by the street food vendors in the asked the Centre to reduce a
Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha – will appear in new uniform, Food Safety Authority, Naga- State capital Kohima and Di- hundred hectares of land as
including Manipuri turbans. Security personnel will be seen land, launched the ‘Project mapur, he said that safe hy- the minimum requirement ASOM PARYATAN BHAWAN (4TH FLOOR)
in camouflage shades instead of the current safari suits. Serve Safe Food: Training of giene practices should be- for granting prospective li- A.K. AZAD ROAD, PALTANBAZAR, GUWAHATI-781008
Women officers have been assigned bright-coloured saris Street Food Vendors’ for come integral to the vendors.
with jackets to be worn during winter. Both the Upper and cences and mining leases in PHONE NO. (0361) 2633654, FAX: (0361) 2738620
Kohima vendors at the Ko- He asked the vendors to ful- the State.
Lower Houses of Parliament will have the same uniform for hima DC’s conference hall ly grasp the opportunity of An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organization (Quality Management System)
staff. The new dress code is said to have been designed by The move came after dif-
today to train street food ven- the training which will make ferent miners’ organisa- ASSAM TOURISM DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION LTD.
experts at the National Institute of Fashion Technology after dors on food safety and hy- them confident and compe-
wide consultation with experts. – Correspondent tions demanded an imme- No. ATDC/CS/644/2023/
giene. tent in their business. diate review of the stand-
Welcoming the officials Kohima Municipal Council PRESS NOTICE (E-Procurement Notice)
ard operating procedures
Snippets and food vendors of Kohima
district, Subrata Banerjee,
administrator Lanusenla L
Peseyie urged the vendors to
(SOPs) for granting licenc-
es and mining leases for coal
The Managing Director Assam Tourism Development Corporation, Paltan Bazar,
Guwahati-8 invites online EPC Mode-II e-tenders in two bid system (Eligibility and
head of the branch corporate be fully equipped with all the Financial) on Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Mode-II basis
mining in the State.
Drugs seized affairs of Nestle India Ltd, said
Nestle India had joined hands
necessary information on
food safety and hygiene prac-
“Based on the different
from eligible reputed firms/contractors registered under ATDC Ltd., APWD (B), CPWD
and other State and Central organization, Public sector undertaking appropriate
AIZAWL, Sept 13: The Assam Rifles recovered a huge miner organisations’ appeal,
consigment of methamphetamine and heroin worth Rs 87.84 with NASVI and local food au- tices and get the food safety category having experience in similar works:
we have taken up the matter
crore in Champhai district near the Myanmar border on thorities in 2016 to ensure training certificate, which is Name of work Approx. value Bid Security Cost of Bid Period of Class of
with the Centre. The proc-
Tuesday. A release from the paramilitary force said that proper training to the street very important for the ven- of work (in Rs.) Document completion Bidder
2,00,000 tablets of methamphetamine worth Rs 60 crore, and ess is already on, but we have (in Rs.) (in Rs.)
food vendors. He said the dors to run their stalls.
3.978 kg of heroin worth Rs 27.84 crore, were recovered on the company felt the need to train Assistant Food Safety not reached a conclusion Establishment of
Zokhawthar-Melbuk Road. The drug traffickers, who transport- the street food vendors on Commissioner Sendong yet,” Chief Minister Conrad a Yatri Niwas 18
ed the consigment across the Indo-Myanmar border, managed Sangma told reporters. and a Guest 8,64,67,000.00 17,29,340.00 3,000.00 (eighteen) Class-I
food safety and hygiene not Jamir highlighted that the
to escape on their bikes, the release added. – Correspondent Stating that Meghalaya’s House at Silghat, months (A)
only to ensure healthy food vendors should be regis-
case was very unique, the Nagaon, Assam”
2 women held for consumers but also to
enable them to sustain and
tered under the FACCI,
keep the registration papers Chief Minister said the under NEC
AGARTALA, Sept 13: Two suspected Rohingya women, State was facing difficulty Details of the bid may be seen at e-procurement portal :
allegedly involved in drug peddling and human trafficking,
better their livelihoods. in the stall, should serve the
The training programme food items in proper uten- in reaching a conclusion due, ATDC portal : and also
were arrested at the Agartala Railway Station today. The in the office of the undersigned during office hours from 11.00 am of 21.09.2023 to
modules include health and sils and avoid reuse of cook- to the unique land holding
arrested women were identified as Salema Sheikh and Arifa
Sheikh, the police said. – Correspondent hygiene involving personal ing oil. system. 2.00 pm of 03.10.2023.
The Bidders must be registered with the E-tendering system (ETS) of the Govt. of
KAAC guest house Assam(website
SHILLONG, Sept 13: Assam Chief Minister Himanta Sarma
today inaugurated the Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council
(KAAC) guest house and also laid the foundation stone of a 100-
Ayushman Bhavah campaign The undersigned reserves the right to accept / reject any or all the offers without
assigning any reason thereof.
Sd/- General Manager,
bed hostel and commercial complex here. Sarma was accompa-
nied by his Meghalaya counterpart Conrad Sangma and Deputy
Chief Minister Sniawbhalang Dhar. – Staff Correspondent
launched in Nagaland Janasanyog/CF/2672/23/14-Sep-23 Assam Tourism Dev. Corpn. Ltd.


GANGTOK, Sept 13: Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama DIMAPUR, Sept 13: The Sealed tender affixing non-refundable court fee stamp of Rs. 8.25 (Rupees Eight & Paisa
will pay a five-day visit to Sikkim from October 10 to 14, State-level Ayushman Bha- Twenty Five) only in prescribed form subsequently to be drawn in A.P.W.D. F-2 form of Tender
according to Chief Minister Prem Singh Tamang. “His vah campaign was launched Agreement are hereby invited from the Registered Contractor/Firm of Irrigation Department for
Holiness, the Dalai Lama, will be coming to Sikkim on October by Nagaland Governor La the following 2 (Two) groups of Extension of Canal System for Botahkuchi High Head Irrigation
10 and return on October 14,” he said at a meeting with Scheme under AIBP for the year 2012-13 (36th batch) :
Ganesan in the presence of
senior officials in the State capital today to discuss the
Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio Group Name of Work Estimated Cost
proposed visit of the Tibetan spiritual leader. Dalai Lama had
at the Raj Bhavan in Kohima No
last visited Sikkim in 2010. – PTI
today. The Governor, Chief 1 Extension of Bricklined Main Canal (Length= 65.00 M) Rs. 9,96,973.00
High altitude marathon Minister and other dignitar- (Chainage:- 2919.00 M - 2984.00 M)
ITANAGAR, Sept 13: Tawang is all set to host a high- ies joined the national-level 2 Extension of Bricklined Main Canal (Length= 65.00 M) Rs. 9,96,973.00
altitude marathon, to be held at 10,000 feet above the sea virtual launching of the Ay- (Chainage:- 2984.00 M - 3049.00 M)
level on October 1, this year. The marathon is being jointly ushman Bhavah by President 1. Bid security 2% for General and 1% for reserved category.
initiative that aims to Paiwang Konyak said the
organised by the Indian Army and the Arunachal Pradesh Droupadi Murmu earlier on 2. Cost of tender documents (in Rs) :- Rs. 300.00 (in IPO)
Government. The aim of the ‘Tawang Marathon’ is to promote strengthen the health care campaign consists of three
the day. system in the country and major components – Ay- 3. Date of issue of tender paper to the applicant :- During office hours of 14.09.2023 to
adventure sports and create a marathon map to boost tourism
Speaking on the occasion, the State. The Governor also ushman Apke Dwar 3.0, 12 Noon on 04.10.2023
in the State. A huge number of marathon enthusiasts from
across the country are expected to participate in it. – PTI Ganesan termed the cam- gave away awards to various Ayushman Mela, and Ay- 4. Time & Date of receiving/opening of tender :- Receiving upto 2.00 PM of 04.10.2023 and
paign a revolutionary initia- voluntary blood donors on ushman Sabha. He said that opening at 3.00 PM of 04.10.2023.
Bikes with ice boxes tive aimed at making health the occasion. Nagaland has already gen- 5. Period of completion
6. Eligibility of Contractor
:- 45 Days
:- Irrigation Class-I(A), I(B), I(C), Class-II of Kamrup
KOHIMA, Sept 13: To celebrate Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, care accessible to every citi- Chief Minister Rio said erated and distributed
zen of the country. Circle & Class-III under this Division.
the Nagaland Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources that the campaign would 6,12,415 PM-JAY health
today distributed 20 motorcycles with ice boxes to unemployed Stating that health care is bring Nagaland closer to the cards covering 2,71,593 Detail particulars of the tender including terms and conditions etc may be seen during office
youths to promote fish business. MLA and Adviser to the a fundamental right of every objective of achieving households. hours of any working days in the office of the undersigned since 14.09.2023.
Department, A Pangjung Jamir, said that fish is an extremely individual, he said that it is “healthy villages” based on Stating that a total of In the event of non functioning of office on the date due to some reasons, the next working
perishable food commodity unless frozen and stored in deep the Government’s duty in a day of office will be the date of receiving and opening of tender.
the principle of “leaving no 13,782 claims were submit-
freezers for which the department came up with the idea to Note: The rate should be quoted as Percentage rate basis (as per/ percentage above/
welfare State to ensure that one behind”. He said this is ted by various hospitals
provide motorcycles with ice boxes to unemployed youths to percentage below)
encourage sustainable fish business. – PTI no citizen is deprived of the an important component of amounting to Rs 32.63 Sd/- Executive Engineer
basic right due to financial the Sustainable Develop- crore, Konyak informed Dispur Division (Irrigation)
constraints. ment Goals, 2023. that out of this, an amount Sonapur
He added that Ayushman Nagaland Health and of Rs 24.29 crore has been
WEATHER NorthEast Bhavah is a transformative Family Welfare Minister P paid so far.
NIT NO. DDI/Tech/216/4291
Forecast for North Eastern States: Moderate rain is very likely Sealed tender affixing non-refundable court fee stamp of Rs. 8.25 (Rupees Eight & Paisa
to occur at many places over Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland,
Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura and light to moderate rain is
very likely to occur at a few places over Arunachal Pradesh.
Strategic Sela tunnel in Arunachal Twenty Five) only in prescribed form subsequently to be drawn in A.P.W.D. F-2 form of Tender
Agreement are hereby invited from the Registered Contractor/Firm of Irrigation Department for
the following 2 (Two) groups of Extension of Canal System for Botahkuchi High Head Irrigation
Warning: Thunderstorm and lightning is very likely to occur at
isolated places over Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya,
Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram and Tripura. Heavy rain is very
likely to occur at isolated places over Assam, Nagaland,
likely to open in October Scheme under AIBP for the year 2012-13 (36th batch) :
Group Name of Work Estimated Cost
Manipur and Mizoram. ITANAGAR, Sept 13: Con- ed the Nechiphu tunnel in West Prime Minister Narendra No
struction of the strategic Sela Kameng district, which is on Modi laid the foundation stone 1 Extension of Bricklined Main Canal (BD2) (Length= 65.00 M) Rs. 9,95,540.00
Dibrugarh Tezpur Silchar tunnel in Arunachal Pradesh is the Balipara-Charduar-Ta- of the project on February 9, (Chainage:- 425.00 M - 490.00 M)
Max Min Max Min Max Min nearing completion and is like- wang (BCT) Road, ahead of the 2019. 2 Extension of Bricklined Main Canal (BD2) (Length= 65.00 M) Rs. 9,95,540.00
34.8 26.2 35.0 23.8 33.8 24.7 ly to be opened in October this Sela tunnel. The tunnel, once complet- (Chainage:- 490.00 M - 555.00 M)
year, BRO sources said. The Sela tunnel comprises ed, will avoid all avalanche- 1. Bid security 2% for General and 1% for reserved category.
Constructed by the Border Tunnel 1, which is a 980 me- prone and snowfall areas. It
Dhubri Jorhat N. Lakhimpur Roads Organisation (BRO), tre-long single tube tunnel and will reduce the travelling time
2. Cost of tender documents (in Rs) :- Rs. 300.00 (in IPO)
Max Min Max Min Max Min 3. Date of issue of tender paper to the applicant :- During office hours of 14.09.2023 to
the Sela tunnel in West Ka- Tunnel 2, which is 1,555 me- from Tezpur in Assam’s Sonit-
34.1 28.1 34.2 26.1 35.1 25.2 meng district will provide all- tre-long twin tube tunnel. Tun- pur district to Tawang by more
12 Noon on 04.10.2023
4. Time & Date of receiving/opening of tender :- Receiving upto 2.00 PM of 04.10.2023 and
weather connectivity to Ta- nel 2 has one bylane tube for than one hour as the travel- opening at 3.00 PM of 04.10.2023.
Shillong Cherrapunjee Aizawl wang district, bordering Chi- traffic and one escape tube for lers will be able to avoid the 5. Period of completion :- 45 Days
Max Min Max Min Max Min na. According to BRO sourc- emergencies. dangerous snow-covered 6. Eligibility of Contractor :- Irrigation Class-I(A), I(B), I(C), Class-II of Kamrup
26.5 17.1 – – – – es, a small amount of work re- It will also be one of the long- 13,700-foot high Sela Pass. Circle & Class-III under this Division.
mains for completion of the est tunnels to be constructed There has been a push for
Detail particulars of the tender including terms and conditions etc may be seen during office
Kohima Pasighat Itanagar tunnel. above an altitude of 13,000 feet. road connectivity towards the hours of any working days in the office of the undersigned since 14.09.2023.
Max Min Max Min Max Min The Centre is pushing for The project also includes 3,488 km-long Line of Actual In the event of non functioning of office on the date due to some reasons, the next working
21.6 18.5 35.6 27.0 33.4 23.4 greater connectivity in the the construction of an ap- Control which is divided into day of office will be the date of receiving and opening of tender.
Eastern Sector of the Line of proach road of 7 km to Tunnel the Western Sector (Ladakh), Note: The rate should be quoted as Percentage rate basis (as per/ percentage above/
Actual Control with China, by 1, which takes off from the Middle Sector (Himachal
Imphal Agartala Duty Meteorological
developing infrastructure. BCT Road and a link road of Pradesh and Uttarakhand) and
percentage below)
Sd/- Executive Engineer
Max Min Max Min 1HſEGT4GIKQPCN
Meteorological Defence Minister Rajnath 1.3 km, which connects Tun- Eastern Sector (Sikkim and Dispur Division (Irrigation)
31.3 20.9 34.0 25.8 Centre, Guwahati
Singh on Tuesday inaugurat- nel 1 to Tunnel 2. Arunachal Pradesh). – PTI Janasanyog/C/9947/23/14-Sep-23 Sonapur


Modi’s ‘Make in India’ initiative ‘right thing’ to do, says Putin THE GAUHATI HIGH COURT AT GUWAHATI
VLADIVOSTOK, Sept 13: Pres- sian-made cars, Putin said, “You turing infrastructure. mobiles, and we must use them; while responding to a question (The High Court of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram and
ident Vladimir Putin has praised know, we did not have domestically The ‘Make in India’ initiative is this is absolutely fine. This will not about if the IMEC initiative will af- Arunachal Pradesh)
Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s made cars then, but we do now. It is based on four pillars, which have been lead to any infringements of our fect the implementation of Russia’s Stenography tests in connection with direct
‘Make in India’ initiative and said true that they look more modest identified to give a boost to entre- WTO obligations, absolutely not. and Chinese projects. recruitment of Stenographer Grade-III in the Judicial
Russia can emulate the success sto- than Mercedes or Audi cars, which preneurship in India, not only in man- It will concern state purchases. We “The traffic of goods along this Academy, Assam will be held on 08.10.2023
ries of its partners like India in pro- we bought in vast amounts in the ufacturing but also in other sectors. must create a certain chain regard- corridor will be in fact an addition to
(Sunday). Roll Nos. of eligible candidates and other
moting the growth of its domestic 1990s, but this is not an issue. I think “They are focused on the manu- ing what cars different classes of our North-South project. We do not
industries. that we should emulate many of our facture and use of Indian-made vehi- officials can drive so that they will see anything here that could harm details can be seen in the relevant notification
Putin made these remarks on partners, for example, India.” cles. I think that Prime Minister Modi use domestically-made cars.” us in any way. The North-South cor- published in the official websites
Tuesday while speaking at the Ple- Prime Minister Modi launched is doing the right thing in promoting Putin also said that the ‘India-Mid- ridor goes to the Persian Gulf and (, (
nary session of the 8th Eastern the ‘Make in India’ campaign in the Make in India programme. He is dle East-Europe Economic Corri- then to India. If there is another & Notice Board of Gauhati High Court at Guwahati.
Economic Forum in Vladivostok, a 2014 to facilitate investment, fos- right,” he said. He further added that dor’ (IMEC) will in no way affect route, I believe it includes Israel, we
will be able to reach the Mediterra-
Sd/- Registrar (Administration)
major port city in sanctions-hit ter innovation, enhance skill devel- it is absolutely fine to use Russian- Russia in fact it will benefit the coun-
nean through the Black Sea and use Gauhati High Court, Guwahati
Russia’s Far East region. opment, protect intellectual prop- made automobiles. try. “I think it is for our good; it will
Responding to a question on Rus- erty & build best-in-class manufac- “We have (Russian-made) auto- help us develop logistics,” Putin said this corridor,” he added. – PTI

for 75 lakh LPG connections No. CE/DEV/TB/127/2023-24/01
under Ujjwala scheme The Chief Engineer (Roads), PWRD, Assam, Chandmari, Guwahati-3 invites bid
on behalf of Governor of Assam for 3 (Three) nos. of packages for strengthening and
NEW DELHI, Sept 13: The government on Wednes- improvement of Roads for ensuing Durga Puja Festival 2023 in Silchar Town under
day approved the release of Rs 1,650 crore to oil market- SOPD-G for 2023-24 amounting to Rs. 23.55 Crores (approx.) including GST & LC
ing companies towards a scheme for providing 75 lakh etc. from approved & eligible Contractors registered with PWRD, Assam.
LPG connections under the Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yoja- Details may be seen from 15-09-2023 at website
na. The decision was taken at the meeting of the Union Amendment /Addendum to the SBD, if any, and further notifications shall appear in
Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Infor- this website and also at the office of the undersigned during office hours. The contractor/
mation and Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur told re- bidder must be registered with the Electronic Tendering System (ETS) of PWRD,
porters here. Assam website
With the provision for an additional 75 lakh Ujjwala con- Schemes are not yet sanctioned by the competent authority. In the event of non-
nections, the total number of beneficiaries under the sanction of the schemes, the bids may be cancelled and no claim what so ever on
PMUY scheme will increase to 10.35 crores. this account shall be entertained from the bidders.
Commerce Minister Piyush Goyal on EU carbon tax Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana was launched by the Note: - N.I.T Value is inclusive of GST (12%), Labour cess (1%) etc.
Prime Minister in May 2016 to provide LPG connections Sd/- Chief Engineer (Roads), PWRD,

Policy interventions, green to women of below poverty line (BPL) families. – PTI Janasanyog/CF/2667/23/14-Sep-23 Assam, Chandmari, Guwahati-3.

energy use to help industry Tesla to source

No. ACE/WR/G-197/2022/33
NEW DELHI, Sept 13: not as an impediment but I exports of iron, steel, and alu- The Additional Chief Engineer, Upper Assam Zone, Water Resources Department, Dibrugarh,Assam on behalf of the Governor
The government’s initiative am continuously examining minium products of value USD worth $1.9 bn of Assam invites Re-Tender for the following work under Deposit Works.
to increase the use of green
energy and some policy inter-
to see how we can convert
this so-called problem
8.2 billion went to the EU.
The Commerce and In-
from India: Goyal Sl.
Name of work Approx.
date and
Last date &
Time of bid
Date & time
of bid
NEW DELHI, Sept 13: Value(in Rs.) (in Rs.) (in Rs.) time submission opening
ventions would help the Indi- CBAM into an advantage for dustry Minister said that the
US-based electric vehicle
an industry tide over the im- the Indian industry,” he said dialogue with the EU is pro- Flood Protection
maker Tesla is looking to Scheme for Dinjan 2% of 0.02% of
pact of the EU’s decision to here at an event of auto com- gressing well.
source components worth 1 Army Camp along the Rs. 21,16,876.41 package package As per bid 20/09/2023 20/09/2023
impose a carbon tax on sec- ponent makers. The EU, he said, is “also
around USD 1.9 billion this Left Bank of River value value document 14:00hrs 15:00hrs
tors like steel and aluminium, The EU is introducing the working on it, not as a non-
year against USD 1 billion in Brahmaputra (Post-
Commerce Minister Piyush CBAM from October 1 this technical barrier to trade,
the last year, Commerce and Construction Survey)
Goyal said on Wednesday. year. CBAM will translate (but) as their own effort to try
Industry Minister Piyush All details can be seen at website:http/
He said India is in dialogue into a 20-35 per cent tax on and bring sustainability at the
Goyal said on Wednesday.
with the EU and with other select imports into the EU core of the world agenda”. Sd/- Additional Chief Engineer
The minister said that go-
countries to see how these starting January 1, 2026. “From October, we have U.A. Zone, W.R. Department
ing forward, demand for
new initiatives like CBAM The CBAM or carbon tax to start reporting but taxes Janasanyog/C/9932/23/14-Sep-23 Dibrugarh.
electric vehicles will in-
(Carbon Border Adjustment (a kind of import duty) will will not be payable until 2026.
crease and it will help in
Mechanism) will impact Indi- come into effect from Janu- We are already discussing a
pushing the growth of the
an industry and manufactur- ary 1, 2026, but from Octo- free trade agreement (with
ers. He, however, assured the ber 1 this year, domestic the EU),” he said.
“Tesla already last year
industry that the government companies from seven car- India will also find a smart- Sealed tenders are invited on behalf of Western Assam Wildlife Division, Department of Environment and Forest, Govt of Assam from
bought one billion dollars of
will protect its interest. bon-intensive sectors, in- er way to ensure that “we the intending contractors for the works mentioned below-
components from I think all
“Any amount of laws any cluding steel, cement, ferti- are able” to decarbonise the
of you sitting here.... I have SI Name of activity Estd. Value EMD/Bid Tender Pre-bid date Last date & time Date and time
country may bring out, we liser, aluminium and hydro- domestic economy as the
the list of companies who No. (In Rs.) Security fees & time of bid of bid
will ensure that it doesn’t carbon products, will have to country is committed to re-
supply to Tesla. This year (In Rs.) (In Rs) submission opening
hurt any of your businesses. share data with regard to car- ducing its carbon intensity by
their target is nearly USD 1 Construction of Overhead On 20.09.2023 On 05.10.2023 On 05.10.2023
That you can rest assured ... bon emissions with the EU. about 45 per cent from 2005
1.7 billion or USD 1.9 bil- Gantry (Signage) at Nameri 6,54,000.00/- 13,080.00/- 500/- at 12:30PM at 12:00 PM at 1:00 PM
I personally look at all these In 2022, India’s 27 per cent levels by 2030, he said. – PTI
lion what they mentioned,” Tiger Reserve
he said here at an annual ses- 2 Construction of Lockup

Govt working on developing sion of ACMA.

When asked about foreign
firms looking to invest in In-
Room at Range HQ,
Potasali, Nameri Wildlife
7,90,000.00/- 15,800.00/- 500/- On 20.09.2023
at 1:00 PM
On 05.10.2023
at 12:00 PM
On 05.10.2023
at 2:00 PM

electric highways: Gadkari dia as part of their China plus

one strategy, Goyal said that
global companies are com-
3 Renovation of Old A-type
Building at 13th Mile, Nameri 4,34,700.00/-
National Park
8694.00/- 500/- On 20.09.2023
at 1:30PM
On 06.10.2023
at 12:00 PM.
On 06.10.2023
at 2:00 PM
NEW DELHI, Sept 13: The minister noted that it ogy in a large number of ing to India because of its at- 4 Repairing of Electrical
The government is work- is easy for the power minis- countries like Sweden and tractiveness. wiring works at DFO On 20.09.2023 On 06.10.2023 On 06.10 2023
ing on developing electric try to give electricity to a Norway. “I totally debunk and re- Bungalow under Divisional 3,87,500.00/- 7,750.00/- 500/- at 2:00 PM at 12.00 PM at 3:00 PM.
highways as it is economi- government company at a This involves the provi- ject the China plus one the- Forest Office, Western
cally viable, Union Road cheaper rate. sion of power cables, ory. That’s not what is going Assam Wildlife Division
Transport and Highways “Electric highway is very, which can be utilised by a to drive India. India of today The Tender documents can be seen/obtained from from 14.09.2023 (11:00 AM).A pre-bid meeting will be
Minister Nitin Gadkari said very economically viable. I vehicle which caters to stands on its own feet. The held as mentioned above. The address for the meeting is office of the Divisional Forest Officer, Western Assam, Wildlife Division,
on Wednesday. will give all the rights to pri- this type of technology. India of today has offerings Dolabari, Tezpur. The bid will be opened in the office of the undersigned as per the schedule mentioned above.
Gadkari has earlier said vate sector investors who The vehicle will utilise for the rest of the world – Sd/- Divisional Forest Officer,
that making India’s first elec- are going to invest (in the the power from this cable both for investment and Western Assam Wildlife Division &
tric highway between Delhi electric highway project),” for its traction. At trade,” he said. Janasanyog/C/9928/23/14-Sep-23 Field Director, Nameri Tiger Reserve
and Jaipur is his dream. he added. present, the ministry is Goyal added that India
“My idea about the elec- Gadkari further said that evaluating various tech- provides them good busi-
tric highway is that NHAI will electric cable construction nologies. ness environment, skills,
give right of way... Today, I will be executed by private “We are making the first managerial talent, a big mar- NOTICE INVITING TENDER
had a discussion with the investors and NHAI will electric highway pilot ket, and demand generated
power ministry, I am trying charge an electric tariff just project in Nagpur,” the Un- No.C/S. File No. 145 of 2023-24/4102
by 1.4 billion people.
to get electricity at the rate like toll. ion minister said. “It’s a rules-based econo- Sealed tenders eventually to be drawn in F-2 form affixing not refundable Court Fee Stamps of Rs. 8.25 (Rupees Eight and paise
of Rs 3.50 per unit, otherwise, Electric highways cater to Gadkari also pointed out my, it’s a young democracy, Twenty Five) only and with a validity period of 180 (One Hundred and Eighty) days are invited from the registered contractors
the commercial power rate electric traction for vehicles that India is the fastest grow- one of the fastest growing of APWD Bldg. for the work as detailed below and will be issued in the Office of the undersigned from to 15.09.2023 to
is Rs 11 per unit,” Gadkari in the same manner as is ing major economy, and the large economies. All of this 18.09.2023 and received from 22.09.2023 to 26.09.2023 upto 14.00 hours of 26.09.2023 will be opened on the same date at
said at the ACMA annual ses- done for railways. This is automobile sector is the makes it a compulsive invest- 2.30 pm in the office of the undersigned.
sion here. based on prevalent technol- pride for India. – PTI ment destination. – PTI
Gr. Name of work Approx. Value Bid security (in Rs.) Cost of Time of Eligibility, of
No. of work (Bank Draft, TDR) Document complet- Contractor

Apple’s new iPhones get faster chips, (For Gen. (For SC/ST
category) OBC/MOBC

better cameras, new charging ports 1

Disposal / Removal of debris Rs.
3 4
10 Days
CUPERTINO, Sept 13: first time earlier this sum- Apple is holding the line Apple is being forced to of Left Side, Right Side and 598,786.00 11,976.00 5,988.00 500.00 (A,B,C) Bldg.,
Apple on Tuesday unveiled mer. on prices for rest of the line- phase out the Lightning port Inside of New Assembly Class-II & III
its next generation of Investors apparently up, with the basic iPhone 15 cables it rolled out in 2012 Building, Dispur,Guwahati-6 Category
iPhones – a line-up that will were not impressed with selling for USD 800, the because of a mandate that Contractor only
boast better cameras, faster what Apple rolled out on iPhone 15 Plus for USD 900 European regulators plan to
processors, a new charging Tuesday. The company’s and the iPhone 15 Pro for impose in 2024. 1. Details particulars and tender papers will be issued to the eligible contractor or their authorized agents with attested
system and a price hike for shares were down by nearly USD 1,000. Although consumers of- signature in application from 15/09/2023 to 18/09/2023 upto 2.00 P.M.
the fanciest model. 2 per cent during afternoon All the new models will be ten don’t like change, the 2. IPO and bid security must be payable in favour of the “ The Executive Engineer, PWD, Capital Construction Division, Dispur,
The showcase at Apple’s trading. available in stores from Sep- transition to USB-C ports Ghy-6”.
headquarters in Cupertino, As has been the case with tember 22, with pre-orders may not be that inconven-
3. Contractor must have prequalification documents having similar nature of works executed for last 3 (Three) years.
California, comes as the com- Apple and other smartphone beginning this Friday. ient. That’s because the
pany tries to reverse a mild makers, the four types of One of the biggest chang- standard is already widely 4. The Contractor will have to submit upto date registration certificate for the year 2023-24, GST,Labour Licence, EPF,
slump that has seen its sales iPhone 15 models aren’t es that Apple is announced used on a range of comput- Partnership deed/Power of attorney in case of Proprietorship firm dully attested by Govt. Gazetted Officer.
drop from last year in three making any major leaps in is a new way to charge the ers, smartphones and oth- 5. If for any reason last date of receiving or issuing tender paper is a declared holiday/bandh. tender will received and opened
consecutive quarters. technology. But Apple add- iPhone 15 models and fu- er devices people already on the next working day
The malaise is a key rea- ed enough new bells and ture generations. own.
6. The undersigned will be the sole authority to cancel or accept any tender without showing any reason.
son Apple’s stock price has whistles to the top-of-the The company is switching The shift to USB-C may
dipped by nearly 10 per cent line model – the iPhone 15 over to the USB-C standard even be a popular move 7. The short NIT will be a part of the contract agreement.
since mid-July, dropping the Pro Max – to boost its price that is already widely used since that standard typically 8. Other details can be seen in the tender document
company’s market value be- by USD 100, or 9 per cent, on many devices, including charges devices more quick-
Sd/- Executive Engineer. P.W.D.
low the USD 3 trillion from last year’s version to its Mac computers and many ly and also offers faster data
threshold it reached for the USD 1,200. of its iPads. transfer speeds. – AP Janasanyog/C/9936/23/14-Sep-23 C.C. Division, Dispur, Ghy-6


Ode to an evergreen star 12:00

Grizzy And The Lemm...
Ben 10
Grizzy And The Lemm...
Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain!
Laal Ishq Rooh
Laal Ishq
Paramavatar Shri Krishna
Balika Vadhu
Choti Sarrdaarni
Saavi Ki Savaari
22:00 Breaking Bad
23:00 MasterChef Australia

12:00 Radha Mohan

8 PM Show
Guwahati Live
Assamesse Prime Time
Afternoon Express
Evening Headlines
18:00 Teen Titans Go! 20:00 Shiv Shakti Tap Tyaag Tandav 12:30 Kumkum Bhagya 20:00 8 PM Show 16:57 City18
21:00 Dragon Ball Super 20:30 Neerja...Ek Nayi Pehchaan 13:00 Kundali Bhagya 21:00 Super Prime Time 17:57 Prime Time18
23:30 Courage The Cowardly... 21:00 Junooniyat 13:30 Bhagya Laxmi 21:30 Talk Time 18:30 Superfast Primetime100
21:30 Agnisakshi Ek Samjhauta 14:00 Radha Mohan 22:00 Live at 10 18:57 Gaon Sohor Zilar Khobor
22:00 Pyaar Ke Saat Vachan... 14:30 Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya 22:30 Noixo Guwahati 19:50 The Prime Show
22:30 Shiv Shakti Tap Tyaag Tandav 23:00 Noixo Batori 21:00 Super Prime18
12:17 Kris: Roll No 21 23:00 Junooniyat 21:30 Aparadhnama
15:13 Masti Time in School 23:30 Neerja...Ek Nayi Pehchaan 22:00 Final Report
16:07 Kris: Roll No 21
20:00 Doosri Maa 15:00 Raag Anuraag (R)
16:47 Bunty Billa Aur Babban
20:30 Ek Mahanayak - Dr B R... 15:30 Kohuwa Bonor Saa (R)
18:33 Kris: Roll No 21 12:00 The Goldbergs
21:00 Raat Hone Ko Hai 16:00 Angikaar (R) 14:00 Afternoon Prime
19:33 Ghumtey Raho Kris 13:00 Breaking Bad
22:00 Happu Ki Ultan Paltan 16:30 Raag Anuraag (R) 15:00 Vision Prag (Repeat)
21:02 Kris: Roll No 21 14:00 FBI
22:30 Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hain! 17:00 Nibir Mayare (R)
Film Heritage 22:03
Bunty Billa Aur Babban
Kris: Roll No 21
Extraordinary You
Breaking Bad
15:00 Jodha Akbar 17:30
Angikaar (R)
Upasana (F)
Prag Pre Prime
Prag Prime Time
15:30 Pavitra Rishta 19:54 Sobiseh
Foundation 12:00 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai
Chesapeake Shores
The Goldbergs
Saat Phere...Saloni Ka...
Amrapali (F)
Baraxun (F)
Prime @Nite
Sobiseh (Repeat)
12:00 Masha And The Bear 12:30 Ye Hai Mohabbatein 20:00 Nibir Mayare (F)
19:00 Meet
announces 15:30
Butterbean’s Cafe
Masha And The Bear
Teri Meri Doriyaann
Pyaar Ka Pehla Adhyaya
Radha Mohan
Kohuwa Bonor Saa (F)
Raag Anuraag (F)
15:00 Nahor
19:00 Peppa Pig 21:30 Angikaar (F)
two-day festival 19:30
Pandya Store
Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar...
Bhagya Laxmi
Kumkum Bhagya
Amrapali (R)
Kohuwa Bonor Saa (R)
Xuror Xupane Xupane
Pal Anupal
20:30 Imlie 21:45 Kundali Bhagya 16:30 Rajkumari
to celebrate 21:00
Baatein... Kuch Ankahee Si
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai
Rabb Se Hai Dua
Raag Anuraag (R)
Baraxun (R)
Xuror Xupane Xupane
22:00 Anupamaa 23:30 Bhagya Laxmi 18:30 Pal Anupal (Original)
Dev Anand’s 22:30
Yeh Hai Chahatein
Keh Doon Tumhein...
Rajkumari (Original)
Bauli Phagun (Original)
12:00 Mid Day24 20:00 Beharbari Outpost (Original)
birth centenary 23:30 Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar...
12:00 Uttaran
ND Special
Talkshow Repeat
Nahor (Original)
Xuror Xupane Xupane
19:00 Udaan 17:00 Assam 24 21:30 Pal Anupal
21:00 Naagin 6 18:00 Prime 24 22:00 Rajkumari
21:00 Paw Patrol 12:00 Neerja...Ek Nayi Pehchaan 19:00 Extraordinary You 22:00 Madhubala - Ek Ishq Ek... 19:45 Talkshow 22:30 Beharbari Outpost
23:00 Baby Shark 12:30 Udaariyan 20:00 Chesapeake Shores 23:00 Sasural Simar Ka 2 21:00 Talkshow 23:00 Bauli Phagun
23:30 Masha’s Tales 13:00 Junooniyat 21:00 A Million Little Things 23:30 Mohe Rang Do Laal 22:00 Night Updates 23:30 Nahor

film festival celebrating the 100th ing four of his milestone films. The films are 17:02 SOS: Strategies of Survival
birth anniversary of screen icon Dev among my personal favourites as I consider 17:58 Animal Planet Exclusives
18:58 India's Wild Treasures 10:55 Step Up
Anand will be held later this month, an- Goldie Anand (Vijay Anand) one of the most 12:08 Storage Wars 19:58 Fast And Fierce 12:40 Agent Cody Banks 11:25 Spider-Man 2
12:30 Pawn Stars 20:58 Legends Of The Wild
nounced the Film Heritage Foundation (FHF). stylish directors of Indian cinema. The festival 21:58 SOS: Strategies Of Survival
Assassin’s Creed
Doctor Dolittle
13:37 The Angry Birds Movie 2
15:19 Rampage
Dev Anand, star of films such as Hum Dono, Tere also marks an important collaboration between 22:58 Blockbusters 17:30 The 36th Chamber Of Shaolin 17:12 Anacondas: The Hunt For
19:30 The Pink Panther 2
Ghar Ke Samne, CID, and Guide, will be hon- Film Heritage Foundation and NFDC-NFAI, 21:00 Wrath of Man
The Blood Orchid
18:52 Hellboy
oured ahead of his birthday on September 26 with which have restored the four films and 12:00 India’s Mega Festivals 23:00 Twilight 21:00 I Am Legend
13:00 Primal Survivor: Mighty... 22:43 Spider-Man 3
a gala titled ‘Dev Anand@100 – Forever Young”. partnered with us to enable us to showcase 14:00 Snakes In The City
The two-day celebration, held jointly in asso- these films,” the FHF founder said in the state- 16:00 India’s Mega Kitchens 10:50 Hollow Man 2
17:00 Primal Survivor
ciation with NFDC-NFAI (National Film De- ment. 18:00 Wicked Tuna
velopment Corporation of India-National Film “The Gregory Peck of India, as Dev Anand 19:00 Last Of The Giants 16:20 The Equalizer
20:00 Snakes SOS: Goa’s Wildest 19:00 Goosebumps MOVIES NOW
Archive of India) and PVR Inox will be conduct- was often called, continues to be a beloved star, 20:30 Resq Squad 21:00 The Legend Of Zorro 22:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja
21:00 Primal Survivor STAR MOVIES
ed on September 23 and 24 across 30 cities and and we are thrilled that contemporary audienc- 23:00 Nat Geo Unknown 23:00 The Hills Have Eyes 2
23:35 The Animal Turtles
55 cinema halls all over India, according to a es will have the opportunity to watch some of 12:52 Storage Wars
press release. the films that made him an enduring legend of 13:14 Pawn Stars
13:36 Storage Wars 12:27 Africa’s Big Five 11:50 Minions
The FHF, founded by filmmaker and archivist Indian cinema,” he added. 13:58 Forged In Fire: Champions... 13:13 Predator Bloodlines 10:15 Avengers: Infinity War 13:20 The Gods Must Be Crazy
14:42 Storage Wars 12:45 Big Hero 6 15:10 Now You See Me
Shivendra Singh Dungarpur, has curated a col- Filmmaker Suneil Anand, the son of Dev 15:04 Pawn Stars
Eye Of The Leopard
World’s Deadliest 14:30 Predators 17:00 Eagle Eye
lection of four of the actor’s movies for the show- Anand, said he is pleased to hear that the FHF is 15:26 Counting Cars 15:34 Monster Constrictors 16:15 Independence Day 19:00 The Virtuoso
15:48 Storage Wars 16:18 Animal Travels 18:45 Shazam! 20:45 Kung Fu Panda 3 SONY PIX
case: CID (1956), Guide (1965), Jewel Thief planning a film festival to commemorate his fa- 16:10 OMG! Yeh Mera India 17:03 Eternal Enemies 21:00 Deadpool 2
&FLIX 22:15 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 13:37 The Angry Birds
16:32 Tour D’ Royale 19:00 Goosebumps
(1967) and Johny Mera Naam (1970). ther’s 100th birthday. 16:54 Win Lose Or Fail
17:49 Animal Fight Club 23:00 The Hills Have Eyes 2 23:55 Insidious: Chapter 2 Movie 2
18:37 Animals Gone Wild
Audiences in cities including Mumbai, “I personally like my dad’s work, as the lead- 17:16 Pawn Stars 19:09 Africa’s Deadliest
17:38 Storage Wars 20:05 Hostile Planet
Ahmedabad, Hyderabad, Trivandrum, Chennai, ing man, in Johny Mera Naam. I think this is 18:00 Counting Cars 21:01 Gangs Of Wild
14:00 Jindal Panther Cricket Live 20:00 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs BLR v HYD 14:30 ENG vs NZ 2023 ODI HLs
Bengaluru, Lucknow, Kolkata, Guwahati, Indore, because the character he played closely resem- 18:25 Storage Wars 21:50 Africa’s Deadliest
14:50 Cricket Fillers - Others 20:15 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs HYD v KOL 15:00 Rugby WC 2023 Preview
18:50 Pawn Stars 22:38 Search For King Cobra
Jaipur, Nagpur, New Delhi, Gwalior, Rourkela, bled his true personality. It was an ideal vehicle 19:15 Ancient Aliens 23:24 Leopard Kingdom
15:00 ICC Women’s World T20 HLs... 20:30 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs CHE v BLR 15:30 ZIM vs IND 2022 ODI HLs
20:09 OMG! Yeh Mera India 12:00 ICC CWC Highlights 15:30 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs PUN v CHE 20:45 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs DEL V BLR 16:00 US Open 2023 HLs
Kochi, and Mohali, will get an opportunity to for him to showcase his histrionics, manner- 21:00 Storage Wars 12:30 Super11 Asia Cup HLs... 15:45 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs UP v CHE 21:00 ICC Women’s World T20 HLs... 16:30 ENG-W vs SL-W 2023 ODI...
16:00 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs HYD v PUN 21:30 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs KOL v CHE
watch these landmark films of Dev Anand re- isms, and his suave dressing sense. 21:25 The Fast History Of... 13:00 Game Plan - Asia Cup 2023
16:15 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs CHE v PUN 21:45 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs JAI v UP
21:50 Pawn Stars 13:15 Super11 Asia Cup HLs...
stored by NFCDC-NFAI in 4K resolution for “Jewel Thief is another such film that has the 22:15 Storage Wars 14:00 Jindal Panther Cricket Live 16:30 ICC Women’s World T20 HLs... 22:00 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs BLR v DEL
14:50 Live Super11 Asia Cup... 17:00 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs PAT v HYD 22:15 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs GUJ v CHE
the big screen, the release stated. trappings and the look of slick Western and Eu- 23:04
Forged In Fire
Ancient Aliens 22:30 Jindal Panther Cricket Live 17:15 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs JAI v BLR 22:30 ICC Women’s World T20 HLs... 12:00 WWE Untold
After a successful run with ‘Bachchan Back to ropean cinema... I am sure the festival will be a 23:00 Super11 Asia Cup HLs... 17:30 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs CHE v HYD 23:00 Women’s T20I Tri-Series HLs... 12:30 WWE NXT
17:45 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs DEL v HAR 23:30 BGMI Season 2 HLs 2023 14:30 WWE Untold
the Beginning’ and ‘Dilip Kumar – Hero of He- big success and that contemporary audiences 18:00 ICC Women’s World T20 HLs 15:30 Rugby WC 2023 HLs
12:53 Blockbusters 18:30 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs DEL v HYD 16:00 WWE Raw
roes’, Dungarpur said they had to celebrate the will rediscover the youthful magic of my father 13:49 Legends Of The Wild 12:00 ICC Cricket WC FAB 15 18:45 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs DEL v JAI 18:00 WWE Main Event
birth centenary of Dev Anand. – who will stay forever young on the silver 14:45 Wild By Nature 12:30 Super11 Asia Cup HLs... 19:00 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs DEL v GUJ 12:00 ENG vs IND 2022 T20I HLs 19:00 Cenation
15:10 Wild Frank 13:00 Game Plan - Asia Cup 2023 19:15 Vivo PKL 9 - HLs DEL v MUM 13:00 US Open 2023 HLs 19:30 Rugby WC 2023 HLs
“We wanted to honour his legacy by screen- screen,” he said. 16:06 Fast And Fierce 13:15 Super11 Asia Cup HLs... 19:30 BGMI Season 2 HLs 2023 13:30 Coca-Cola Cup 1998 HLs 20:00 WWE BlockBusters
(Source: PTI)



Happy Birthday for Thursday, Sept. 14, 2023:  
You have a creative mind and excellent problem-solving skills. You are
straightforward and tend to tell it like it is. This is a wonderful year to socialize
and enjoy life. Your zest and creative desires flourish. Old friends may reappear.
Explore your artistic talents.
The Stars Show the Kind of Day You’ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 
2-So-so; 1-Difficult.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)    

★★★ Today’s New Moon is the perfect time to think about how to

improve your job. And likewise, how you can improve your health or
buff your body. (It’s the only one you have.) Mickey Mantle said, “If I had
known I was going to live this long, I would’ve taken better care of myself.”
Tonight: Guard your pets.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
★★★★ Today is the perfect day to take stock of how you balance  
work and play. How is this working out for you? Are you working
too much? Are you playing too much? Today’s New Moon poses this ques-
tion. Expect a sudden invitation today. (Avoid sports injuries.) Tonight:
Plans change.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
★★★★ This might be the best day of the year for you to think about Across anchor (4) 6 Prolific Spanish
what you can do to improve your relations with family members.
1 Veritably, 21 Capital of Turkey painter (7)
Likewise, what can you do to improve where you live? Stock the fridge;
surprise company might drop by. Tonight: Be ready. genuinely or (6) 7 Made a mistake (5)
precisely (5) 22 Moves fast (4) 11 Divine beverage
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
4 Oval shape (7) 23 Computer screen (6)
★★★★ You’re brimming with original and resourceful ideas today!
Enjoy schmoozing with others. You feel happy and upbeat. Today’s 8 Yield under symbol (4) 13 Capek’s futuristic
New Moon makes this an excellent time for you to observe your style of pressure (7) 25 Roulette bet (3) play (3)
communicating to everyone. Tonight: New ideas! 9 Sore (5) 28 Mean person (5) 14 Removed the lid
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) 10 One ___ all : 29 Daydream (7) (6)
★★★ The New Moon today is the best day all year to ponder everybody (3) 30 Not deep (7) 18 Memory loss (7)
your finances. Think about money that comes in and the money 12 Road to Rome 31 Dens (5) 19 May in France (3)
that goes out. Plus, are you taking care of what you have? Above all, (4) Down 20 Park officers (7)
don’t be a slave to your belongings. You’re the owner. Tonight: Check
15 Operated; 1 Bear witness (7) 22 Inclined
your valuables.
availed oneself 2 Grandfather’s passages (5)
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
of (4) son (5) 24 Small dog (5)
★★★★ Today the only New Moon in your sign all year is taking
place. Because each New Moon is an opportunity to make reso-
lutions, take a realistic look in the mirror to see what you can do to create BLONDIE 16 Take out from a
suitcase (6)
3 Belonging to you
Of the mouth (4)
Sketched (4)
a better impression on your world. Ideas? Tonight: Impulsive actions. 17 365 days (4) 4 Isle of exile (4) 27 Extremely wicked
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) 19 Fasten by 5 Praise (4) (4)
★★★ Life is busy, and the longer you live, the faster it goes by. This
New Moon is the perfect time to think about your deeper values. SOLUTION TO TRIBUNE CROSSWORD – 7841
What do you want to accomplish with the time that is left to you? (Of course, Oral, 26 Drew, 27 Evil.
none of us knows how long that will be.) Tonight: You’re restless. Amnesia, 19 Mai, 20 Rangers, 22 Ramps, 24 Corgi, 25
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Picasso, 7 Erred, 11 Nectar, 13 RUR, 14 Opened, 18
Down: 1 Testify, 2 Uncle, 3 Your, 4 Elba, 5 Laud, 6
★★★ The New Moon today is your opportunity to think about the
friends you have, and also the kind of friend you are to others. Shallow, 31 Lairs.
How can you improve your role with your friends and groups to which you 22 Runs, 23 Icon, 25 Odd, 28 Miser, 29 Reverie, 30
belong? If you want to have friends, be friendly! Tonight: Someone unusual. 12 Iter, 15 Used, 16 Unpack, 17 Year, 19 Moor, 21 Ankara,
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Across: 1 Truly, 4 Ellipse, 8 Succumb, 9 Ulcer, 10 And,
★★★★ Today the only New Moon at the top of your chart all year is
taking place. That makes this the perfect time to think of your life
direction. What do you want for yourself in the future? And how well do you deal JUMBLED WORDS
with authority? Tonight: Surprise instructions. Given below are four jumbled words. Solve
the jumbles to make proper words and move
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) them to the respective squares below. Select
the letters in the shaded squares and jumble
★★★★ This is the best day of the year to think about what further them to get the answer for the given quip.
education or training you could get to improve your job or your
lifestyle. And likewise, what travel might you do in the immediate future to
enrich your life? There’s so much to learn! Tonight: Travel changes.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
★★★ Negotiations about shared property or how to divide some-
thing might change today, but they might change in your favor
because you can benefit. This is a good day to ponder how you relate to the
resources of others. Tonight: Check your finances.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
★★★ The only New Moon that is opposite your sign all year is
occurring today. This makes it the perfect day to think about
how you can improve your closest relationships — spouses, partners and
dear friends. Obviously, there’s always room for improvement. Tonight: A
Living in a _____ sucks – Adrienne E.
★★★ Gusoff (6)
Thought for the day SOLUTION
Adrienne E. Gusoff
We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are. Answer: Living in a vacuum sucks –
Words: Uncap, scurf, merger, voyage.

Taliban hail China’s Kim vows full support for Russia’s ‘just fight’
new Ambassador SEOUL, Sept 13: North
Korean leader Kim Jong Un Views launch pads with Putin
state news agency RIA Nov-
osti reported. Putin told Rus-
rea’s invasion of the South
during the 1950-53 Korean
vowed support for Russia’s sian state TV that the North War, and the North relied on
with fanfare “just fight” during a summit
with President Vladimir Pu-
Korean leader will visit two
more cities in Russia’s Far
Soviet economic aid for dec-
ades afterward.
KABUL, Sept 13: The Taliban on Wednesday hailed tin on Wednesday that the East after the summit. The decision to meet at
China’s new Ambassador to Afghanistan with fanfare, US warned could lead to a North Korea may have the cosmodrome, Russia’s
saying his arrival is a sign for other nations to come deal to supply ammunition for tens of millions of aging artil- most important launch cent-
forward and establish relations with them. Moscow’s war in Ukraine. lery shells and rockets based er on its own soil, suggests
The Taliban seized power in August 2021 as US and After touring launch pads on Soviet designs that could that in return Kim is seek-
NATO forces withdrew after two decades of war. with Putin at a remote space give a huge boost to the Rus- ing Russian help to develop
Their leaders are under sanctions and no country base in Russia’s Far East, sian army in Ukraine, ana- military reconnaissance sat-
recognises them as Afghanistan’s legitimate rulers. Kim expressed “full and un- lysts say. ellites, which he has de-
The country’s seat at the United Nations is still held conditional support” and said The United States has ac- scribed as crucial to enhance
by the former Western-backed government that was Pyongyang will always stand cused North Korea of pro- the threat of his nuclear-ca-
led by Ashraf Ghani. with Moscow on the “anti- viding Russia with arms, in- pable missiles. In recent
Only a handful of nations have working diplomatic imperialist” front. cluding selling artillery shells months, North Korea has
missions in Afghanistan, including China, the world’s The leaders met at the to the Russian mercenary repeatedly failed in attempts
second-largest economy. The two sides have been Vostochny Cosmodrome for group Wagner. Both Russian to put its first military spy
open about their desire for closer ties, especially a summit that underscores and North Korean officials satellite into orbit.
commercial ones. how their interests are align- have denied such claims. But either buying arms
Ambassador Zhao Sheng’s car swept through the tree- ing in the face of their coun- That would be a striking from or providing rocket tech-
tries’ separate, intensifying Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un examine a launch reversal of roles: the Soviet nology to North Korea
lined driveway of the Presidential Palace escorted by a pad during their meeting at the Vostochny cosmodrome outside the city of Tsiolkovsky,
police convoy. He was greeted by uniformed troops and confrontations with the Unit- Union provided ammunition, would violate international
about 200 kilometres (125 miles) from the city of Blagoveshchensk in the far eastern
met top-ranking Taliban officials, including Mohammad ed States. The talks lasted Amur region, Russia on Wednesday. – AP/PTI
warplanes and pilots to sup- sanctions that Russia has sup-
Hassan Akhund, who heads the administration, and four-to-five hours, Russia’s port communist North Ko- ported in the past. – AP
Foreign Affairs Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi.
It is the first time since the Taliban takeover that an
Ambassador to Kabul has been afforded such lavish
Muttaqi said the two countries had special ties and that
North Korea fires two Cancellation Notice
It is for general information that the Notice Inviting
Quotation vide Memo No. DFDO/BTC/CHR/145/
Zhao’s nomination was a “significant step with a significant
message.” He did not elaborate further.
The Taliban’s chief spokesman, Zabihullah Mujahid,
told The Associated Press that it is tradition for new
missiles into the sea 2022-23/19 Dtd. Kajalgaon the 15th May/2023 is
cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances until
further notification regarding supply of inputs under
SEOUL, Sept 13: North tion, but it didn’t specify where.
Ambassadors to present their credentials to the head of PMMSY 2022-2023 for Chirang District.
Korea fired two ballistic mis- Putin has been attending an
the country.
siles toward the sea on economic forum this week in Sd/- District Fishery Dev. Officer,
“It also signals to other countries to come forward and
Wednesday, as leader Kim Vladivostok, a Russian city close Chirang, Kajalgaon
interact with the Islamic Emirate,” said Mujahid. “We
Jong Un rolled through Rus- to the border where the two Janasanyog/C/9952/23/14-Sep-23
should establish good relations as a result of good interac-
sia on an armoured train to- leaders had their last meeting,
tions and, with good relations, we can solve all the ward a meeting with Presi- and Kremlin spokesman Dmit-
problems that are in front of us or coming in the future.” dent Vladimir Putin. That ry Peskov has said the two lead- NOTICE INVITING EXPRESSION OF INTEREST
He did not answer questions on what Zhao’s presence meeting underscores how ers will meet afterward. But
meant for the Taliban’s demand for official recognition. No: ALPCO/P/05/2019(pt-1)/3
the two leaders’ interests it’s not certain where.
The international community, wary of the Taliban’s rule Financially sound public/ private sector Companies/
are aligning in the face of their Russian news agency RIA-
when they were last in power more than 20 years ago, has Individual Entrepreneurs, experienced in processing
separate, intensifying con- Novosti reported Kim’s train
withheld official recognition and Afghanistan’s assets frontations with the United headed north after crossing the and trading of livestock, poultry meat and allied
abroad have been frozen. – AP States. Razdolnaya river, taking it away products, interested to be collaborative partner for
The launch extended a from Vladivostok. The South running of Sheep/ Goat Slaughterhouses at
highly-provocative run in Korean news agency Yonhap Bongaigaon, Diphu, Carcass Utilization Plant at
North Korean weapons test- ammunition stores that the 18- band. He was met on a red later published a photo it said Dumdumiya, Nagaon; Marketing outlets at Sivasagar,
ing since the start of 2022, as month-old war has drained. carpet by regional Governor showed the train in Ussuriysk, Tezpur, Bokakhat, Azara (Polshbari), Pathsala, Rangia
Kim used the distraction For Kim, it’s a chance to get Oleg Kozhemyako and Natu- a city about 60 kilometres & Commercial Dairy Unit at Sonapur as a joint sector
caused by Putin’s war on around crippling UN sanctions ral Resources Minister Alex- (about 40 miles) north of collaborative partner, may apply to the Managing
Ukraine to accelerate his and years of diplomatic isola- ander Kozlov, according to Vladivostok that has a sizeable Director, Assam Livestock and Poultry Corporation Ltd,
weapons development. tion. Kim is expected to seek North Korean state media and ethnic Korean population. Khanapara, Guwahati-22 on or before 29th Sept 2023
South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of economic aid and military tech- video posted on social media. Some Russian news me- up to 2.00 P.M .
Staff didn’t immediately say nology though an arms deal Kim said his decision to visit dia speculate he is headed for Details including bid documents can be obtained
how far the North Korean would violate international Russia four years after his pre- the Vostochny spaceport, from the Head Office of the Corporation, at Khanapara,
missiles flew. Japan’s Coast sanctions that Russia support- vious visit showed how which Putin is to visit soon. Guwahati-22 by paying the requisite processing fees
Guard, citing Tokyo’s De- ed in the past. Pyongyang is “prioritising the The launch facility is about during office hours from 13th to 29th of Sept ’2023.
fence Ministry, said the mis- Kim’s personal train strategic importance” of its re- 900 kilometres northwest of
siles have likely already land- stopped in Khasan, a station lations with Moscow, North Ussuriysk, but the route Sd/- Managing Director,
ed but still urged vessels to on the Russia-North Korea Korea’s official news agency there is circuitous and it is Assam Livestock and Poultry Corporation Ltd.
watch for falling objects. border, early on Tuesday said on Wednesday. The Kore- unclear how long Kim’s Khanapara, Guwahati-22
For Putin, the meeting with where it was met by a mili- an Central News Agency said slow-moving train would Near office of the Commissioner
Kim is an opportunity to refill tary honour guard and a brass Kim then left for his destina- take to reach it. – AP Janasanyog/CF/2662/23/14-Sep-23 P & RD, Juripar.
China’s new Ambassador to Afghanistan Zhao Sheng
shakes hand with Taliban Prime Minister Mohammad
Hasan Akhund, left, during the recognition ceremony at
the Presidential Palace, in Kabul, Afghanistan on
Wednesday. – AP/PTI


Ref. No. ALPCO/P/05/2019/100

C-295 aircraft at a ceremony (Advertisement No: BSSRV/Reg/F36/2023/01)
Applications in prescribed format are invited for Faculty position (Professor- 06,
Managing Director, Assam Livestock and Poultr y
Corporation Ltd. under Animal Husbandry & Veterinary
in Spanish city of Seville Associate Professor-06) in various departments at Birangana Sati Sadhani Rajyik
Vishwavidyalaya, Golaghat, Assam, which is a State University established under
the Birangana Sati Sadhani Rajyik Vishwavidyalaya Act, 2020, as a teaching and
Department, Govt of Assam, is inviting Request for Quotation
SEVILLE (Spain), Sept
research, unitary, non affiliating residential Vishwavidyalaya and granted recognition
for procurement of Milch cows from the experience parties, 13: Chief of Air Staff Air
under Section 2(f) of the UGC Act, 1956. For application form and other terms and
farms, entrepreneurs who has good track record in supply of Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari
conditions, candidates may visit the Website:
milch cows for Govt. scheme/ programme as below on Wednesday received the
first of the 56 C295 trans- The last date for receiving of filled in application is October 16, 2023 (Up to 5 PM).
The RFQ document will be issued from the 0/0 the Managing
Director, Assam Livestock and Poultry Corporation, port aircraft two years after Janasanyog/DF/1396/23/14-Sep-23 Sd/- Registrar
Pashudhan Bhawan, Khanapara, Guwahati-22 during office India sealed a Rs 21,935-
hours from 14.09.2023. crore deal with Airbus De-
Sd/- Managing Director,
Assam Livestock and Poultry Corporation ltd.
fence and Space to procure
the jets to replace its ageing SêœÎ¬ˇ± õ∂øÓ¬ˆ¬± ¸g±Ú Ê√˘¬Û±øÚ
Khanapara, Guwahati-22 Avro-748 fleet.
Janasanyog/CF/2658/23/14-Sep-23 Air Chief Marshal Chaud-
ø¬ı·Ó¬ ¬ı¯∏«¸˜”˝√1 √À1 ’¸˜ ‰¬1fl¡±11 SêœÎ¬ˇ± ’±1n∏ ˚≈ª fl¡˘…±Ì ø¬ı¬ı±À· 2023-24
hari, receiving the aircraft at ø¬ıM√√œ˚˛ ¬ı¯∏«1 SêœÎ¬ˇ± õ∂øÓ¬ˆ¬±1 ¸g±Ú Ê√˘¬Û±øÚ õ∂√±Ú1 ¬ı…ª¶ö± ¢∂˝√Ì fl¡ø1ÀÂ√º Œ˚±ª± ˝◊√—
the aerospace major’s pro-
Re-Re-Advertisement for Notice Inviting Tender
duction facility in the south- 01˚04˚20221 ¬Û1± 31˚03˚2023 ¬ı¯∏«1 øˆ¬Ó¬1Ó¬ 1±©Ü™œ˚˛ ’±1n∏ 1±øÊ√…fl¡ ¬Û˚«±˚˛Ó¬
1. The Director, Dairy Development now invites ern Spanish city of Seville, ’Ú≈øá¬Ó¬ Œ˝√√±ª± ¶§œfl‘¡øÓ¬õ∂±5 õ∂øÓ¬À˚±ø·Ó¬±¸˜”˝√ Ó¬ ¬Û√fl¡ ˘±ˆ¬ fl¡1± Œ‡˘≈Õª¸fl¡˘ ¤˝◊√
eligible and qualified Consultants to indicate their described it as a “momen-
Expression of Interest (Eol) for “Engagement of a tous day” for the IAF and Ê√˘¬Û±øÚ Œ¬Û±ª±1 ¬ı±À¬ı ά◊¬Û˚≈Mê√ ˝√√í¬ıº
Firm/Consultant for NABL Accreditation of Milk
Testing Laboratory, Khanapara under APART”.
India as 40 C-295 out of the
total fleet will be manufac-
Œ˙±øÌÓ¬¬Û≈1 øÊ√˘±1 ’ôL·«Ó¬ ¬Û√fl¡õ∂±ø5 Œ‡˘≈Õª¸fl¡À˘ Œ˙±øÌÓ¬¬Û≈1 øÊ√˘± SêœÎ¬ˇ± ø¬ı¯∏˚˛±1
2. The REOI shall be available at http:// tured in Vadodara. fl¡±˚«±˘˚˛1 ¬Û1± ’±À¬ı√Ú¬ÛS¸˜”˝√ ˝◊√— 20 ŒÂ√ÀõI◊•§1 20231 øˆ¬Ó¬1Ó¬ ¸—¢∂˝√ fl¡ø1 ˝◊√— Interested Firms must “It is a momentous day for
submit their EOIs in English language on or before us, for the Indian Air Force in
30ŒÂ√ÀõI◊•§1 20231 øˆ¬Ó¬1Ó¬ Ê√˜± ø√¬ı ˘±ø·¬ıº
4 pm of 4th October, 2023. Further information can particular, and a nation as a ¶§±é¬1˚- øÊ√˘± SêœÎ¬ˇ± ø¬ı¯∏˚˛±
be obtained from the Directorate of Dairy whole to receive the first air-
Development, Khanapara, Guwahati-22 on all craft which marks the begin- Janasanyog/D/10457/23/14-Sep-23 Œ˙±øÌÓ¬¬Û≈1, ŒÓ¬Ê√¬Û≈1
working days. ning of a new era, wherein we
Sd/- Director will be manufacturing 40 of Air Chief Marshal VR Chaudhari and Indian Ambassador
Dairy Development Department, Assam these aircraft in India,” he said. to Spain Dinesh K Patnaik after receiving the first Airbus
Khanapara, Guwahati-22 Under the deal, Airbus will C295 aircraft at Seville in Spain. – PTI OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER: PWD: BUILDING: ASSAM:
Janasanyog/C/9954/23/14-Sep-23 deliver the first 16 aircraft in CHANDMARI: GUWAHATI-3.
‘fly-away’ condition from its suite, will leave Airbus’ pro- an aerospace industry. The No. Tech-II/185/2022/
final assembly line in Seville duction site in Seville for final aircraft is expected to
No.B/GLP(T)/Timber Lot/E-Tender/4435 by 2025 and the subsequent Delhi on September 15. It be delivered to the IAF by Press Notice (Re-tender-2)
40 aircraft will be manufac- will be piloted by a joint IAF- August 2031. The Spl. Chief Engineer,PWD (Building),(Health & Education) Assam, on behalf of the Governor of
NOTICE INVITING E-TENDER FOR SALE OF Assam invites fresh bids from eligible contractors having requisite experience in similar nature of
TIMBER LOTS UNDER GOALPARA FOREST tured and assembled by Tata Airbus crew. “It was only two years ago
work, for the following work.
DIVISION (T), GOALPARA Advanced Systems (TASL) “While the first aircraft was that we signed this contract Detail of the bid may be seen at e-procurement portal website i.e. The
in India as part of an industri- rolled out from Spain, the 17th with India, the largest order bidder must be enrolled in
This is for general information to all the concerned al partnership between the aircraft will be assembled at in the history of the C295,”
that 20 (Twenty) Nos. of timber lots which have been SI. Name of the work Bid value Time of Bid Security Cost
two companies. the final assembly line in Bar- said Jean-Brice Dumont, Air- No. (Rs. in Lakh) completion of Bid
kept in various Range Headquarter/Beat/Depot under “It gives a tremendous oda in 2026. It will mark a his- bus’ Head of Military Air
Goalpara Forest Division (T), Goalpara are intended to 1 “Transformation of School as Rs.758.84090 12(twelve) (2% of bid Rs.
boost to the capability of mov- toric moment as the first time Systems. Centre of Excellence under Months value for 15,200,00
be sold by E-Tender as per the “Assam Sale of Forest ing our forces to the frontline a military transport aircraft “Today, we are enhancing PM-DevlNE Scheme for General, and
Produces Coups and Mahal Rule 1977 and Amended when required,” Air Chief will be fully manufactured in the capabilities of the Indian 2022-23 in Kamrup District 1% of bid value
Rules 2000”. Marshal Chaudhari said. India,” Air Chief Marshal Air Force and modernising Assam for (i) Uparhali High for Reserved
The details of E-Tender will be available on - The Chief of Air Staff also Chaudhari told PTI. its transport fleet by deliv- School, Palashbari, Assam category) portal from 20.09.2023 took a sortie on the new air- The first ‘Make in India’ ering the first aircraft on N.B. Value of work may vary during uploading of DNIT for which no claim would be entertained. The
(05:00 PM) to 05.10.2023 (03:00 PM). craft. C295 will roll out of the Va- schedule. This is the begin- Press Notice will be a part of Bidding Document.
Sd/- Divisional Forest Officer, The C295, in transport dodara final assembly line in ning of an exciting and long- Sd/- Spl.Chief Engineer, PWD (Bldg.) Assam
Goalpara Division (T), Goalpara configuration and with an in- September 2026 in what will term journey with the Indi- (Health & Education)
Janasanyog/C/9969/23/14-Sep-23 digenous electronic warfare be a milestone for the Indi- an Air Force,” he said. – PTI Janasanyog/C/9962/23/14-Sep-23 Chandmari, Guwahati-3

Pakistan, Sri Lanka face off

for place in Asia Cup final
COLOMBO, Sept 13: An game against the Lankans. dependent on their openers and stretching India, the
injury-hit Pakistan will have In all probability, they will – Fakhar Zaman and Imam- Lankans under Dasun Shana-
the tough task of taming a not be able to summon pac- ul-Haq – and captain Babar ka have shown that they are
high-spirited Sri Lanka when ers Haris Rauf and Naseem Azam for big runs. not mere pushovers despite
they lock horns in a Super 4 Shah as both of them have They need some runs from the absence of some first-
match here on Thursday for a been rendered doubtful with the likes of Mohammad choice players.
place in the Asia Cup final. respective injuries. Rizwan and Salman Agha, and Sri Lanka too were hit hard
Both Pakistan and Sri Lan- Pakistan have added urgently too. by injuries in the run-up to the
ka have two points and the Shahnawaz Dahani and Za- Iftikhar Ahmed showed his tournament as key players like
winner of the virtual knock- man Khan, a 22-year-old slin- big-hitting prowess with a Wanindu Hasaranga, Dush-
out game will progress to the ger pacer who can hit 150 blistering hundred against mantha Chameera and Lahiru
final on September 17. kmph clicks, as back-ups for Nepal, but he needs to do that Kumara were ruled out.
India have already secured a the remainder of Asia Cup. more consistently against bet- It has forced them to field a
place in the summit clash after But that is just one part of ter oppositions. young side lacking in experi-
they defeated Sri Lanka by 41 their bag of worries. Pakistan Sri Lanka are definitely one ence and exposure but play-
runs in a Super Four game on batting is yet to hit the top of them. Pakistan had defeat- ers such as Dunith Wellalage,
Tuesday. Rohit Sharma’s men gear in the tournament, ex- ed them by seven wickets in Matheesha Pathirana and Ma-
lead the table with four points. cept a 342 for six against min- a league match but the past heesh Theekshana have come
However, Pakistan will nows Nepal in the Asia Cup will not hold for anything on up with some impressive ef-
have more lines on their fore- opener at Multan. the morrow. forts in the tournament. – PTI
BCCI joint secretary Devajit Saikia (L), Assam Cricket Association president Taranga Gogoi (R) and secretary Tridip Konwar
head ahead of their crunch However, largely they are While defeating Bangladesh Match starts 3 pm IST.
pose with the ICC Men’s World Cup Trophy in Guwahati on Wednesday.

ICC World Cup trophy arrives Gill attains career-best second

in Guwahati amid fanfare spot in ODI batters chart
DUBAI, Sept 13: Opener Shubman after striking three centuries and two half-
Gill has achieved a career-best second centuries in his last eight ODIs. He has
SPORTS REPORTER with former cricketers and a are extremely honoured and India, England, Bangladesh position and is the highest-ranked among advanced 21 places to 11th position while
host of cricket enthusiasts at excited to have the trophy in and Afghanistan. three Indian batters, who are now in the his previous best was 25th.
GUWAHATI, Sept 13: the auditorium of the 91 Yards Guwahati,” said Saikia ad- Saikia informed the media top 10 of the ICC Men’s ODI rankings Australia players Davis Warner (up one
The ICC Cricket World Cup Club in the premises of the dressing a jam packed audi- that the teams will start train- issued on Wednesday. place to fourth), Travis Head (up six places
Trophy arrived at the ACA ACA Stadium. torium. ing on September 28 at the The other two Indians in the top-10 to 20th) and Marnus Labuschagne (up 24
Stadium, Barsapara in Guwa- Devajit Saikia said it’s a In the morning, the Tro- Annex Ground of the ACA Sta- are skipper Rohit Sharma (8th) and the places to 45th) have made significant
hati on Wednesday. proud moment for Guwahati phy was displayed at South dium at Barsapara and at the peerless Virat Kohli (9th). progress as has the Indian pair of KL
The trophy was formally to have the coveted trophy. Point School, Guwahati. Amingaon Cricket Ground. Last time, three Indian batters were Rahul (up 10 places to 37th) and Ishan
unveiled by BCCI joint secre- Saikia mentioned that the Talking further about the On September 29, Sri in ODI’s top-10 list, it was way back in Kishan (up two places to 22nd).
tary Devajit Saikia, ACA pres- ICC Men’s World Cup Tro- warm up match to be held in Lanka will face Bangladesh at January, 2019. Aiden Markram, Sadeera Samarawick-
ident Taranga Gogoi and ACA phy has travelled to 18 coun- Guwahati, Saikia said the the ACA Stadium. At that time, Rohit, Kohli and out-of- rama, Liam Livingstone, Daryl Mitchell and
secretary Tridib Konwar in tries after it made a trip to main venue and the training The ticket price has been favour veteran Shikhar Dhawan were the Devon Conway are among others to gain in
the presence of the ACA apex the space. facilities are ready to be used. fixed at Rs 200 (for stu- three batters. the latest update. New Zealand’s Trent Boult
council members and former “No trophy has so far trav- Altogether Guwahati will dents), Rs 300, Rs 500, Rs Gill, who had scored 58 and figured in is up to joint-second place among bowlers
apex council members along elled this far in the sky. We host 4 matches which include 700 and Rs 1000. a 121-run opening partnership with Ro- while Australia leg-spinner Adam Zampa is
hit Sharma in the Asia Cup match against in the top five of the bowling rankings for
Pakistan, has moved up one spot while Shubman Gill the first time after taking four wickets in the
JK Baruah Trophy Tanisha, Indian skipper and Kohli have gained two second match against South Africa.
places each in the latest chart released Indian left-arm wrist-spinner Kuldeep
Ashwini enter enjoys a lead of more than 100 rating

Guwahati storm into final Hong Kong

by the global cricket body.
Rohit has scored three successive half-
centuries so far in the ongoing Asia Cup
points over Gill, while Imam-ul-Haq and
Fakhar Zaman are in fifth and 10 posi-
tions, respectively.
Yadav has gained five places to reach sev-
enth position after grabbing nine wick-
ets in two Asia Cup matches.
SPORTS REPORTER turing three boundaries and the ropes while Gaurav Singh pre-quarters while Kohli advanced, thanks to his un- The latest weekly update, that also Pakistan fast bowler Haris Rauf has
a six while Abhishek Gupta went on to remain unbeaten KOWLOON (Hong Kong), beaten 122 against Pakistan. soared eight spots and is in the 21st posi-
considers performances in three match-
GUWAHATI, Sept 13: contributed an unbeaten 44 on 17 off 47 balls (4x1). For Sept 13: Indian women dou- Pakistan also have three batters in the tion while India fast bowler Jasprit Bum-
Guwahati sealed their place runs off 46 balls including two Guwahati, Ronit Akhtar was es of the South Africa-Australia series
bles pair of Tanisha Crasto and top-10 with less than a month to go for the and two matches of the England-New rah (up eight places to 27th) and all-
in the final of the Under-19 hits to the fence and a six. the wrecker-in-chief with a Ashwini Ponnappa pro- start of the ICC men’s ODI World Cup. rounder Hardik Pandya (up 21 places to
Zealand series, saw South Africa’s Tem-
JK Baruah All Assam Inter- Arnab Borah and Ronit haul of five wickets conceding Captain Babar Azam is at the top and 56th) have also made big gains. – PTI
gressed to the pre-quarterfi- ba Bavuma closing in on a top-10 place
District Cricket Tournament Akhtar chipped in with 38 and 11 runs in his 9 overs while
nals of the Hong Kong Open
outplaying Tinsukia in the 31 runs respectively. For Tin- Ram Kishan Sharma scalped
Super 500 tournament here
semifinal by 83 runs at the sukia, Darshan Agarwal two wickets giving away 37
on Wednesday.
Mangaldai Sports Associa- picked up four wickets giv- runs in 10 overs.
Tanisha and Ashwini beat
tion Stadium in Mangaldai on ing away 53 runs in 10 overs. In another semifinal played
Chinese Taipei’s Lee Chia
Wednesday. In reply, Tinsukia were at the Barpeta DSA Stadium,
Hsin and Teng Chun Hsun 21-
Electing to bat, Guwahati bundled out for 160 runs in Barpeta got the better of
19 21-19 to set up a clash with
scored 243 runs losing all 43.3 overs with Bibek Shar- Dhemaji by 32 runs. Guwa-
their wickets in 49.3 overs. ma top scoring with 77 runs hati will lock horns with Bar- top seeded Japanese duo of
Skipper Diwiz Pathak scored off 97 balls studded with eight peta in the final on Septem- Mayu Matsumoto and Waka-
71 runs off 100 deliveries fea- boundaries and three hits over ber 16 in Barpeta. na Nagahara.
Asian Games bound Lak-
shya Sen, however, with-
Assam Squash CM’s Tea Tribes & drew from the tournament
due to slight strain in his
players shine Adivasi Football back.
“He has almost recovered
GUWAHATI, Sept 13: Ishaan Jain STAFF CORRESPONDENT but with the Asian Games
and Monoshree Raut of Assam secured round the corner, we didn’t
the first position in the men and wom- DIBRUGARH, Sept 13: Dibrugarh district de- want to risk playing today
en category respectively while in the feated Golaghat district 3-0 in the U-19 (Boys) without being 100 per cent.
team event Assam secured the top spot Zone 1 final of the Chief Minister’s Tea Tribes & He will be fine in a few days,”
in both men and women category of Adivasi Football Tournament played at Baughpara coach Anup Sridhar told PTI.
the recently concluded 2nd Northeast Udayan Sangha playfield and qualified for the sem- Priyanshu Rajawat suf-
Squash Championship held at Shillong ifinal. fered a 13-21, 14-21 loss to
(Assam Rifles). At least seven districts – Dibrugarh, Charaid- Japan’s Kanta Tsuneyama,
Participants from Meghalaya, Ma- eo, Tinsukia, Golaghat, Jorhat, Sivasagar and Dhe- while Aakarshi Kashyap
nipur, Tripura and Assam took part in maji participated in the Zone 1 (Upper Assam) went down 18-21 10-21 to
the event. The Assam Squash Rack- level match. The tournament, which is being con- German Yvonne Li.
ets Association (ASRA) team was led ducted in four zones, is being organised by the Malvika Bansod defeated
by the president Shiladitya Dev along Directorate of Tea Tribes & Adivasi Welfare and China’s Zhang Yi Man 21-14,
with other office bearers, stated a Directorate of Sports & Youth Welfare, Govern- 21-12 in another women’s
press release. ment of Assam. singles match. – PTI

SU DO KU Very happy to get big

wickets of Kohli, Rohit,
says Dunith Wellalage
COLOMBO, Sep 13: Dun- experienced batsmen.
ith Wellalage wrecked Indian “The batters were set and
top-order with a five-wicket India had got off to a fabulous
haul in an Asia Cup Super 4 start. I just tried to bowl
match and the young Sri wicket to wicket. Once we
Lankan left-arm spinner said he got those three wickets in
will cherish the big wickets of three overs, we were able
Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma. to put India under pressure.
Wellalage grabbed five “There was turn and when
wickets conceding 40 runs, you put the ball in the right
which helped Sri Lanka re- area, you could unsettle the
strict India to 213. batsmen. But I would have
Apart from Kohli and Ro- been happier with a win,” said
hit, Wellalage also dismissed Wellalage.
Solution of last problem Hardik Pandya, Shubman Gill Despite limiting India to
and KL Rahul. 213, Sri Lanka could only
Originating from Japan, ‘su “For me, Virat Kohli is the manage 172 to lose the match
do ku’ is a mind game and a No. 1 batsman. I am very hap- by 41 runs.
puzzle that can be solved
py to have got those two (Koh- Later, Wellalage also made
with proper reasoning and
logic. Fill the grid with digits
li and Rohit) big wickets. I a good impression with the
in such a manner that every trust my basics, and trust bat, making 42 off 46 balls.
row, every column and every myself,” said Wellalage in the The left-handed batter
3 x 3 box accommodates the post-match press meet. shared a 63-run alliance for the
digits 1 to 9 without The 20-year-old said he seventh wicket with Dhanan-
repeating any. was trying to bowl a wicket- jaya de Silva that revived the
to-wicket line against a set of Lankan hopes of a win. – PTI
Janasanyog/D/10466/23/14-Sep-23 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2023

Printed and published by Ganesh Ch. Das on behalf of Assam Tribune Pvt. Ltd. at the Tribune Press, Tribune Buildings, P.O.- Assam Tribune, M.R.D. Road, Chandmari, Guwahati-781003. Tel. 0361-2660102 (EPABX), 0361-2661360, 0361-2668807 (News Desk), FAX 0361-2666396. E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]. Editor: Prafulla Govinda Baruah

“ What will I achieve

if I get to rule India
for a week?

To rule India for a week would be an
honour. To rule such a vast country
like India, a person must excel in
GUWAHATI, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2023, e-mail: [email protected]

Meet Kipekee, the spotless giraffe!

ecently, a baby giraffe was born at Bright’s Zoo in Limestone,
Anuradha T.K.

numerous fields. If I get to rule India

for a week, I’ll focus on building
an economy that values education.
Education is a valuable tool, which
can be used for the greater good of
R Tennessee, U.S.A., with no spots at all. Instead, its fur is a light brown.
Named Kipekee, the Swahili word for ‘unique’, zoo owners had
conducted an online poll to pick her name. By Maithilee Bhuyan
The female giraffe is a reticulated giraffe, which is one of the four different
the world. India, being a big country, nuradha T.K. is one of India’s

kinds of giraffes. A giraffe’s pattern of spots is created when the animal is still
is rich in resources. So, I’ll work on most brilliant space scientists,
Ashlyn Mendez, using the resources wisely. Last but
growing inside its mother. That means that this giraffe will never have spots.
Class-VI, Don Bosco not the least, I’ll work to get rid of David Bright, who runs the zoo, said in an interview that this is beyond rare and also one of the brains be-
School, Panbazar,
violence, abuse, poverty and illiteracy. and that the last time this happened was in 1972 in Japan. At present, this hind the successful soft land-
young giraffe is believed to be the only spotless giraffe in the world. ing of Chandrayaan-3 recent-
ly. A retired Satellite Project Director of
Who was the recipient of the the Indian Space Research Organisation
first-ever Nobel Prize in Literature?
he honour of being the first Nobel Prize winner
If I get a chance to rule India for
a week, I will build schools for the
underprivileged children and will
Faster, smarter! (ISRO), she was the first woman to hold
that prestigious position. Specialising in

T in Literature went to Sully Prudhomme (1839- also ensure that not a single child is communications satellites, T.K.’s trail-
1907) in 1901. Sully Prudhomme, whose real prevented from going to school. I will Active children can cope better with stress. blazing 34-year journey at ISRO began
look after the schools and provide in 1982. She played a significant role
hile we often hear adults between the ages of ten and 13 wearing a sensor tracking their

name was René François Armand Prudhomme,
healthy and tasty midday meals, so
was a French poet of the Parnassian school. He
that the poor children get proper being told that exercise will daily movement over the course of a week. They then brought in the successful launches of crucial
was born in Paris and trained in engineering, law, and keep stress at bay, the same the participants into the lab on two separate occasions to satellites such as GSAT-12, GSAT-10,
nutrition. They will, thus, have the in-
philosophy. His early poems are lyrical and sad. His later centive to go to school. They will be stands true for children too. complete a stressful task and a non-stressful control task. The etc. She was awarded the ‘Space Gold
works were Parnassian in their anti-romantic striving for able to concentrate on their studies.
aesthetic, objective expression of philosophical truth. He
Mayurag Barman, According to findings by researchers tested the children’s physical stress reaction via the Medal’ by the Aeronautical Society of
Class-V, The Down Town Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru once said, researchers from the University of Basel concentration of the stress hormone cortisol in their saliva. India in 2003 for her contribution to
was elected to the French Academy in 1881. School, Guwahati. “The children of today will make the
Prudhomme’s first job was as a clerk in a factory (Switzerland), schoolchildren cope better “We wanted to determine whether physical activity the space sciences.
India of tomorrow. The way we bring
office, which he left in 1860 to study law. In 1865, he them up will determine the future of with stress if they get plenty of daily exercise. makes children more resilient under laboratory-controlled Born in 1960 in Bengaluru, T.K. first
began to publish fluent and melancholic verse. Stances the country.” A research team led by Dr. Manuel circumstances,” explains project director Sebastian Ludyga. thought about space when she was nine
et poemes (1865) contains his best known poem, Le Hanke and Dr. Sebastian Ludyga from the The results showed that the participants who got more than years old — Neil Armstrong had landed
vase brisé (The Broken Vase). Les Épreuves (Trials), Department of Sport, Exercise and Health an hour of exercise per day, as the World Health Organization
and Les Solitudes (Solitude) are also written in this
on the moon then. There was no TV
If I were to govern India for a week, recently examined the effect of physical (WHO) recommends, did, in fact, produce less cortisol in the
sentimental style. my paramount mission would be to then, so she heard about it from her
activity on children’s stress levels. Their stress task than the children who were less active.
Prudhomme later renounced personal lyricism for the enhance the well-being of its citizens. parents and teachers and wrote a poem
findings appear in the Journal of Science “Regularly active children seem to have a reduced
more objective approach of the Parnassians, writing This would involve working for the
and Medicine in Sport. physiological stress reaction in general,” notes Manuel Hanke,
in Kannada (her mother tongue) about a
poems attempting to represent philosophical concepts economic growth of the country, man landing on the moon.
in verse. Two of the best known works in this vein are as well as improving education, For their study, they had 110 children lead author of the study. Even in the control task, which
involved an unfamiliar situation, making it still somewhat When T.K. joined ISRO in 1982, there
La Justice (Justice) and Le Bonheur (Happiness) — the healthcare sector, the environment,
latter an exploration of the Faustian search for love and making progress in infrastructure unsettling for the participants, there was a difference in cortisol were very few women but now, ISRO
and knowledge. Prudhomme’s later work is sometimes development. Collaboration with levels between more and less active children — though overall has more than 16,000 women employ-
obscure and shows a naive approach to the problem of experts and stakeholders would be cortisol levels were lower than in the stress task. ees. She has often expressed the view
expressing philosophical themes in verse. essential. I’ll strive to create a more that there’s no gender bias at ISRO and
Asthajita Sarmah, One possible explanation for this finding could be that cortisol
Class-X, Modern English equitable society, ensuring access
to quality education and healthcare, levels also increase during exercise, says Sebastian Ludyga. everyone is treated as an equal. She has
School, Guwahati.
while also investing in sustainable “When children regularly run, swim, climb, etc., the brain learns also debunked the myth that women and
practices to protect the environ- to associate a rise in cortisol with something positive. The science don’t get along.
ment. By strengthening international body’s reaction always has a cognitive component as well — this A role model for all, T.K. has broken
relations, my aim will be to lay the positive association helps to prevent the concentration of cortisol the glass ceiling and paved the path
groundwork for a prosperous and
from rising to too high a level in exam situations as well.” for the next generation of women
secure future for all Indians.
– Agencies scientists.

t was another busy day at work he moved abroad for studies.

I A loving mentor
If I get an opportunity to rule
India for a week, I will develop the for Dr. Kartik. He entered Today, Dr. Kartik was looking at
healthcare sector. I’ll make sure room no. 121. He checked the Nirmala Ma’am in the form of his
quality education is accessible to all patient’s medical history, reports Subashi Pratyosh, Class-VIII, gave up hope, it was Nirmala Ma’am patient. He went and touched her
and will work to better the public and medications as usual. Then Delhi Public School, Dibrugarh. who took him under her wing. She feet. She was taken aback by this
service delivery systems and much he looked at the old lady. She was worked tirelessly to bring him back gesture but soon learned that the
more. I will ask everyone to plant innocently listening to the nurse passed away in the war zone and he to his old self. She took extra classes doctor, who happened to be the
more trees. Sports are not always
like a child following her mother’s had a mother and small sister to take for him in her free time, taught him Director of the hospital, was none
for entertainment but they also keep
us fit and healthy. In order to spread instructions. care of. He missed many classes and everything that he had missed out on. other than her favourite student —
Rishik Goswami, this message, during my rule, I will Vivid images of his high school became introverted. His grades also If it weren’t for her, Kartik wouldn’t Kartik. She felt proud of her students
Class-V, The Down Town came in front of him — those were started dropping. While everyone have passed with flying colours. He, and felt that all her hard work had
@ 2023 Jim toomey. Dist. by Kind Features Syndicate. Inc.

make ‘Sports’ one of the nation’s

School, Guwahati. his years of hardship. His father had gave him an earful and he almost however, lost contact with her when been worth it.
biggest events. I will ensure that my
ruling period brings positive changes
for the nation and that the citizens CONTRIBUTOR OF THE POEM OF THE WEEK SKETCH OF THE WEEK
of India remain happy. WEEK Bhumika Bharati Gogoi, Angelina Boro,
Subashi Pratyosh, Bokakhat. Maligaon.
Arsh Khan, Class-V,
Don Bosco School, Panbazar, Guwahati.

“… B
look this
s so
Stars sun belongs, number in the hun-
dreds of billions. The Milky Way,
in turn, is only one of several
hundred million such galaxies
system in the Milky Way.
The star nearest to our solar system
is Proxima Centauri, one component
of the triple star Alpha Centauri, which
funn visible through large, modern is about 40 trillion kilometres from the
N These shimmering bits of light in the telescopes. The individual stars Earth. In terms of the speed of light, the
night sky never cease to amaze mankind! visible in the sky are simply common standard used by astronomers
those that lie closest to the solar for expressing distance, this triple-star
system is about 4.29 light-years distant;
star is a large celestial body

light travelling at about 3,00,000 kilo-
composed of gravitationally
metres takes more than four years and
contained hot gases emitting
three months to travel from this star to
electromagnetic radiation,
the Earth.
especially light, as a result of
Dear Ishani Aunty, The sun is a typical star with a visible
nuclear reactions inside the star. The
surface called a photosphere, an overly-
My mother is very religious. sun is a star. With the sole exception of
ing atmosphere of hot gases, and above
She prays every day and often the sun, the stars appear to be fixed,
them, a more diffuse corona and an
maintaining the same pattern in the
visits temples. I don’t do all skies year after year. In fact, the stars
outflowing stream of particles called the
these things. Do you think I solar (stellar) wind. Cooler areas of the
are in rapid motion, but their distances
photosphere, which are called sunspots,
am a sinner? [Send your entries to are so great that their relative changes in
and are probably present on other typi-
[email protected]] position become apparent only over the
– Trisha cal stars; their existence on some large
Dear Trisha, nearby stars has been inferred by a tech-
The number of stars visible to the na-
nique called speckle interferometry. The
You are not a sinner. Your ked eye from Earth has been estimated
internal structure of the sun and other
faith is a personal matter. Very
often, what works better than J KES to total 8,000, of which 4,000 are in
the northern hemisphere of the sky and
4,000 in the southern hemisphere. At
stars cannot be directly observed, but
studies indicate convection currents and
density and temperature that increase
rituals is a deep gratitude about any one time during the night in either
until the core is reached, where thermo-
life’s blessings. And also, you Solution: 12 letters
hemisphere, only about 2,000 stars
nuclear reactions take place. Stars con-
must respect your mother’s BALLET are visible. The others are obscured by
sist mainly of hydrogen and helium, with
The words below can all be found in the puzzle. They may be spelled horizontally, atmospheric haze, especially near the
faith. vertically, backwards, forwards or diagonally. Be careful, some letters are used horizon, and by faint sky light. Astrono-
varying amounts of heavier elements.
more than once. When you Þnd a word, circle each letter. When all the words on Q: “Why did the sun mers have calculated that the stars in
Dear Ishani Aunty, the list have been found, the letters left over will spell the solution. Have fun! refuse to go to school?” the Milky Way, the galaxy to which the ([email protected])
Ans: “It already had a
I have a strange problem. A Balance Leap million degrees!”

neighbourhood aunty comes Ballerina Lift Where was Gautam
to our house every afternoon E A E G A T S T C E Barre Mirror Buddha born?
and gossips with my mother. Beauty
Music Q: “What kind of
D T N L E H R O O E Shoes
She speaks ill of everyone and Compose lion doesn't roar?”
is filled with hatred and bitter- Skill Ans: “A dande-
I W G I O O M R S C Costume Stage Archisman Bhattacharjee,
ness about them. I do not like lion!”
Dance Story Class-V, Kendriya Vidyalaya
her visiting us. What can I do? L I A E R P B Y T N AFS, Chabua.
Glide Twirl
– Shausta G R S R O E L N U A

Q: “What do planets
Dear Shausta, sing in a choir?” What is the capital of
In life, you have to come to L L I S A L L T M D
Ans: “Nep-tunes!” Fiji?
terms with all sorts of people. E M E U I M O L E V
I can understand how you feel
but there is little you can do,
besides talking to your mother
about it.










Q: “Why aren’t dogs
good dancers?”
Ans: “They have
4 Which is the largest
country in Africa?
Test your power of recall by studying
the cartoon for ten seconds. Cover,
then answer the Þve questions.
Score: 5: Total recall! 4: Very good,
© JANRIC Enterprises
Solution: “Elegant moves” two left feet!”
3: Good, 2: Fair, 1: Well...
Dear Ishani Aunty,
I am fond of writing poems. Can you Þnd all the words about
One day, I took my poetry Fascinating ‘Schools’ in the puzzle? You
journal to school and some-
Glacial valleys must look up, down, left, right
Facts 2
Who was the Prime
body stole it. I am heartbro- Minister of India and diagonally to Þnd them.
ken. How can anybody be so during the Kargil
Which country The words to

cruel? War?
uring the great Ice Ages of the Quaternary period, look for are:

has the maximum
– Archita two million years ago, enormous glaciers carved out number of active BOOKS
Dear Archita, the river channels of Norway’s west coast creating
the relief that would later form the famous U-shaped
volcanoes? CHAIR
I am so sorry for what you valleys of the fjords. They are found all over the CHALK
are going through. You must world but in Norway they are the most spectacular. DESK
The rise in sea levels following the retreat of ice sheets at LEARN
always keep copies or better the end of the Plestoscene epoch created seawater-flooded PENCIL
still, create a folder for your valleys that can reach over 200 kilometres in length. The wa- PLAY
poems and store them digi- ter of the fjords is cool, dark and rich in specialist marine life.
In recent years, marine biologists have discovered large beds SCHOOL
tally. Continue writing your of an unusually cold-water coral reef created by the organism 5: How many buildings are there? SEAT
poems and share them with Lophelia pertusa. These reef beds are home to rich biodiver- 5. Indonesia. 4: What are the names on the windows? SPELL
sity and are thought to be important fish nurseries. 1. Suva, 2. Atal Bihari Vajpayee, 3. Lumbini, Nepal 4. Algeria, STUDY
window with a blind? 3: Where is the jet plane? Solution
ANSWERS 1: Is the sun visible? 2: Which building has a TEACH

A bond to cherish
1 4
Concede Virtual reality — t was the month of June. I was in Sanskriti Kalita, Class-VIII,
a) To approve existence that is Assam, travelling solo for the first
b) Link a) Actual Gus’s Garage time — from Gurugram — for my
Delhi Public School, Gurgaon.
c) To acknowledge b) Partial By Leo Timmers summer holidays. My grandparents
d) Challenge c) Simulated in Assam had planned a visit to
Pick the words closest in meaning.

d) Extended ince tomorrow is Engineers Day, let’s pick this animal story Raha where my uncle lives. The most
about finding brilliant solutions to problems — that’s what thrilling part was that we were going to
engineers do! Gus, a smiling pig, runs a garage where travel in a night bus. At first, I was very
2 Annotation
a) Addition 5 Evangelist
a) Wanderer
animal drivers bring their vehicles for repairs. When Rico, a
biker rhinoceros, putt-putts in on his scooter — complain-
hesitant about how the bus would be, but
when we boarded the bus, I realised it
b) Explanatory note b) Zealous preacher was absolutely relaxing and cosy! What
ing about his inadequate seat, Gus replaces it with a big, green
c) Translation c) Faithful follower could have got better with the beautiful
d) Quip d) Eccentric easy chair. One by one,
Gus’s friends bring him weather and the slight rain? After set-
their vehicles and Gus tling down into our respective seats, the
5. b) Zealous preacher. solves their troubles with journey began.

3 Wherewithal
a) Right place
4. c) Simulated,
3. d) Resources,
smart solutions. No job
is too difficult for Gus!
We reached Raha around 5 a.m. The
rain was heavier, but my uncle had come
b) Itinerary to pick us up, so it wasn’t a trouble.
2. b) Explanatory note, Soon the workshop is
c) Travel After hugging my mama tightly, we sat
1. c) To acknowledge, almost empty. Is any-
d) Resources in the car and he took us home. There, I
thing left to solve Gus’s
Answers: met my other uncle who was waiting for
own problem at the end us while being cosily wrapped up in his
of a long day? blanket.
Gus’s Garage is a While I was in Raha, we also visited
fun read, with detailed my uncle’s wife who lived in a sleepy
illustrations and vehicles town, pretty close to Guwahati. My aunt, upon the statue of the great Tiwa King — bathed in the cool water of the wells and is something you can always rely upon,
galore. who is extremely charming, adored me Jungal Balahu. He lived between 1365 enjoyed the ice cream my aunt bought us. no matter what. They are the building
and showered me with lots of love and and 1385 and ruled the Tiwa Kingdom of At last the day arrived when I had to blocks of human life. As my trip was
warmth. We could not explore much, Assam. Also known as Mriganka, he was finally bid goodbye to beautiful Assam about to end, my eyes got moist — all
as it was raining heavily. After spending the son of Gangawati and Arimatta of and my family. I had gathered lots of the moments, the laughter, the playful
4 dn Know your three days at her place, we all decided to
go back to Raha and bid our goodbyes.
Middle Assam. It was fascinating to know
about this valiant king and realise the
good memories and, of course, goodies
gifted by everyone as a token of love —
banter with my brothers and uncles — all
of these memories will be saved in my
masterpieces One particular day, one of my uncles historical significance of this place.
I also spent a few days at my paternal
to take back to my home in Gurugram.
My uncle and grandparents dropped me
heart forever. These lovely moments are
the ones I will always cherish in my life.
decided to take me and my grandparents
for a short drive around Raha town. As family’s house in Guwahati. My cousins at the airport. Thank you, Assam, for providing me with
Molly OldÞeld (brothers) and I had plenty of fun as we That day, I realised one thing — family so much love and comfort!
we were driving around, our eyes fell

5 ac olly Oldfield, fondly referred to as
3 dn ‘The Original QI Elf’, is a children’s
2 dn author and broadcaster who hosts
1 dn 8 dn Everything Under the Sun, a weekly
podcast answering questions from
children all over the world. She studied
IDIOM OF THE WEEK A good laugh

3 4
Modern History at Oxford University
and then went on to become a writer
and researcher on the BBC television
Put paid to Dear Bhaity, Bhonti,
7 dn
9 ac
show, QI. Oldfield knows a lot of
unusual facts.
In this age of stress and anxiety, we need
Some of her popular
6 7 8
books for children include: to cultivate a sense of humour. Usually
The Secret Museum Nadya
9 Wonders of the World's Museums it is the class wit who is the most popular.
6 ac 10 11

12 13
12 ac
Natural Wonders of the World
Humour entertains us, makes us forget our
The Greatest Show on Earth troubles and gives us a healthy perspective
14 16 By Mini Grey
on life. It also unites us as a group and

ith World Ozone Day (September 16) drawing near, let’s

creates bonds of unity.

pick this book that narrates the story of the entire history
11 ac of Planet Earth. Narrated by a friendly troop of insects,
16 dn this book explores the history of our planet, the different
environments it
Let me share with you a funny quote by

o ‘put paid to’ is to deal with effectively
has swung between, and how or to finish something off. It probably de-
Betty White, “My mother always used to
everything came into being rives from the practice of book-keepers of
4.6 billion years ago. From writing or stamping “Paid” on bills when
the Triassic period — where the paperwork for a sale was completed.
a hothouse effect occurred
due to excessive greenhouse
The term isn’t especially old and there are no
examples of it in print prior to the 20th century.
say — the older you get, the better you get,
15 dn
unless you are a banana.”
14 ac gas emissions — to the Ice An early citation comes from the Winnipeg
Age that saw the Earth freeze newspaper The Manitoba Morning Free Press,
over, this book conveys in a October 1905. This appeared in a listing of

10 dn 13 dn
fun way how the environment
impacts life on Earth.
English football results, which were presumably
printed in a Canadian paper for the benefit of the
With love, as always,
The Greatest Show on many English immigrants:
8. Jupiter, 10. Dice, 13. Puma, 15. Ladle, 16. Eggs. Earth entertains and edu- “Wolverhampton Wanderers put paid to
Down: 1. Arrow, 2. Teeth, 3. Bucket, 4. Crocodile, 7. Lettuce, cates, while putting on the Bolton’s account, the scores being: 2-0.”
14. Eiffel Tower.
SOLUTION greatest show — the show of
Across: 5. Blueberry, 6. Towel, 9. Tripod, 11. Tea, 12. Tulip, the evolution of life on Earth.

Sketch of the Week Poem of the Week

Angelina Boro, Class-VIII, Bhumika Bharati Gogoi, Class-VIII,
LiƩle bird
Kendriya Vidyalaya, NFR, Maligaon Kristo Jyoti High School, Bokakhat.
Birdie, birdie,
Come, come, come!
Say “No” to plasƟc! Let us together
Play, play, play!
I like your wings
Plastic, plastic and plastic!
And your nest,
It is used in every corner
With white and tiny eggs...
For packing snacks and chips,
Birdie, birdie,
It’s used as containers, I like your feathers
Even for carrying food. With beautiful and bright colours...
Waterbodies are full of plastic I like your beak, tiny and small,
At every sphere, life is so drastic. Which goes
The environment is now under strain, Chirp, chirp, chirp!
And the whole world is in pain,
It would be fantastic Ripanshi Tamuly, Class-IV,
If we refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle, Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya,
Babu Kalita, Class-VII, Kuhelika Deka, Class-VIII, Nirjuli, Arunachal Pradesh.
And if we say “No” to plastic.
Brahmaputra Valley English Academy, Bongora Sankardev Sishu Niketan, Morigaon

The echo Maya’s ßowers

nce upon a time in the valley sur-

O rounded by hills, there lived a small

boy with his family. One day, he
got angry at his sister and shouted at her, O
nce upon a time, there was a little
girl named Maya who lived in a small
village in India. Maya loved to play out-
“I don’t like you!” side with her friends and explore the nearby
Afraid of being reprimanded, he ran fields and forests.
out of the house and went up the valley, One day, while wandering through the
atop a hill. His mind was haunted by woods, Maya stumbled upon a beautiful
the act he had done and he shouted out flower that she had never seen before. She
loudly, “I don’t like you” and the echo picked the flower and brought it home to
returned, “I don’t like you... I don’t like show it to her family. Her parents were
you...” amazed by the flower’s beauty and asked her
Having never heard an echo before, where she had found it. Maya led them back
he was scared and ran back home to to the spot where she had found the flower
his mother for protection. In fear of and they discovered that it was growing in a
being abducted, he told his mother that small clearing in the woods.
someone in the valley was copying him They decided to plant more of those flow-
and shouting like him, “I don’t like you... ers in their garden and soon their yard was
I don’t like you...” filled with the beautiful flowers. The people
His mother understood and asked her in the village were amazed by the flowers and
son to go back and shout out, “I love began to call them ‘Maya’s flowers’.
you...” The little boy went up the hill From that day onwards, Maya came to be
again and shouted, “I love you...” and known as the girl who had discovered the
the echo came back, most beautiful flower in the world.
That taught the little boy a lesson
— our life is like an echo. We get back Utsavi Sarkar, Class-IV,
Jonakjyoti Sarma, Class-VIII, what we give! South Point School, Barsapara, Guwahati.
St. Mary’s Sr. Sec. School, Maligaon Saket Kumar, Class-VII,
Hritrishna Deka, Class-IX,
Swati Boro, Class-VIII, Kendriya Vidyalaya (C.R.P.F) Amerigog, Guwahati
Gurukul Grammar Sr. Sec. School, Guwahati
Christ Jyoti School, Pathsala.
Saanvee Ghose, Class-V,
Kendriya Vidyalaya, NFR, Maligaon

Debanjan Chakraborty, Class-Vl, Savar Sharma, Class-I, Ishita Kashyap, Class-XI, Kristina Kalita, Parthapratim Gohain,
St. Vivekananda English Academy, Guwahati Maharishi Vidya Mandir Sr. Sec. School, Silpukhuri, Guwahati Concept Junior College, Nagaon Little Flower H.S. School, Dibrugarh Guru Teg Bahadur Academy, Tinsukia

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