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Exploring the PV topologies in comparison with

Loshu Reconfiguration: Estimate Output Power

Md Khursheed Alam Salman Rafi
Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh Muslim University
[email protected] [email protected]

Mohd Faisal Jalil Sheeraz Kirmani

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering
Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh Muslim University
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract— Mismatch losses, which degrade the performance bypass diodes, the I-V and P-V characteristics of the PV array
of individual photovoltaic (PV) modules, significantly lower the show a number of steps and different peaks [6], [7].
electricity generated by the PV array. These losses, which are
mostly caused by the partial shade condition, are caused by Choosing the suitable setup is so crucial in PSCs. To
passing clouds, poles, birds, being close to buildings, etc. There reduce mismatch losses caused by partial shadow, several PV
are several ways to lessen the issues with partial shading. array topologies, such as "Series-Parallel (SP), Bridge-Link
Reconfiguration, which involves shifting PV modules around in (BL), Total-Cross-Tied (TCT), Sudoku and Loshu
an array to spread out the effects of partial shadowing and reconfiguration, etc." [6], [7], are detailed in the study. [8]
increase maximum power production, is one of the most efficient employed a probabilistic method that took into account
ways. This research presents a Loshu reconfiguration pattern manufacturing tolerance-related mismatch effects to assess
for a 9x9 Total-Cross-Tied (TCT) PV array to enhance the dependability of three different PV array designs,
maximum power production under partial shade situations and including SP, BL, TCT, Sudoku, and Lo Ma reconfiguration.
compares it to other techniques like Series Parallel (SP), Bridge This study shows that when compared to SP PV arrays, TCT
Link (BL), TCT configuration, and Sudoku reconfiguration. and BL topologies are more dependable and have lower
The fundamental objective of this method is to keep the same mismatch losses. Other researchers have also discussed
electrical connections while arranging the PV modules in a TCT modelling and simulation of various partial shade situations
array in a Sudoku pattern. With a variety of current PV array for "SP, BL, TCT, Sudoku and Loshu reconfiguration" PV
configurations, the performance of the suggested pattern is
array topologies [9], [10]. For a performance examination of
evaluated in terms of mismatch losses (ML), fill factor (FF), and
execution ratio (ER). The results of this article imply that the
each configuration in this study, the GMPP, Mismatch Losses
Loshu PV array configuration will boost the global maximum (ML), Fill Factor (FF), Power Losses (PL), and Execution
power under all shading circumstances. Ratio (ER) are taken into consideration. This research shows
that the TCT PV array enhances the maximum global power
Keywords— Loshu Reconfiguration, Sudoku reconfiguration, in all taken-in shading circumstances as compared to earlier
TCT, SP, BL PV array designs. Therefore, the research suggests that the
TCT PV array is generating the highest maximum power
I. INTRODUCTION when compared to the present PSC arrangements. The TCT
design does have a significant disadvantage in that it limits an
Recently, unconventional energy sources have grown in array's output current if several PV modules are shaded in a
popularity and mostly replaced conventional ones. Examples row [11], [12]. Numerous publications have proposed TCT
of unconventional energy sources include geothermal, solar, array reconfiguration techniques to address this issue, which
wind, biomass, and solar energy. Due to its ubiquity and decrease mismatch losses under PSCs and uniformly
abundance in nature and vital sustainability, solar energy is distribute the shading effects of one row across subsequent
one of the most significant types of energy source [1]– rows [13], [14]. A further two asymmetric PV array
[3].Photovoltaic (PV) array electricity is not only low configurations were created by the author [15] to distribute
maintenance but also pollutant and fuel free. Several PSCs for the TCT PV array. According to this study, the
applications for PV energy exist, including street illumination, proposed designs increase fill-factor and decrease mismatch
residential buildings, rural locations, and power system loss. The study conducted in [16] suggested that Ken Ken
integration. One of the most significant issues that puzzle-based reconfiguration reduce the incidence of local
significantly lowers the efficiency of PV modules is partial maximum points, this method has enhanced the power by
shadowing. When surrounding structures, passing clouds, 10.86% with respect to TCT. [17], The authors recommended
flying birds, and other factors cast shadows on the PV array's using a Sudoku configuration to raise the maximum power for
PV modules, partial shading results. The shadowed module a TCT PV array under PSCs[18], [19]. By rearranging the PV
under PSCs got less irradiance than the un-shaded module. modules physically inside the TCT array in accordance with
Mismatch losses impact the overall PV system since shaded the Sudoku design, this technique distributes PSCs. A Loshu
PV modules limit an array's output current, which might harm arrangement is made in a manner like to this to spread out the
the PV cells or modules [4], [5]. It is recommended to install effects of partial shadowing [20]. This investigation has
bypass diodes linked across the terminals to protect the shown that the Loshu arrangement works better than the
damaged PV modules from shadow. After the addition of

979-8-3503-1997-2/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE

Sudoku[21]. The reconfigurable patterns' first column stays The PV modules short-circuit co-efficient is known as Kisc,
the same. If the shadow falls on the left side of the array, it and the light-generating current under normal test conditions
won't be dispersed, which lowers power output and causes is known as ILSTC (STC). With the use of data sheet parameters
many peaks in P-V characteristics. As a result, the array's supplied in, the following equations are employed to simulate
output current decreases and the number of shaded PV I-V and P-V characteristics and model the PV array.
modules in the same row rises (i.e., after shading dispersion).
This study suggests Loshu[22] setup for a 9*9 TCT array in A. TOTAL-CROSS-TIED PV ARRAY
order to maximize maximum power production under PSCs. CONFIGURATION
This technique maintains the electrical connections while
rearranging the PV modules' physical locations inside the TCT As seen below, the TCT PV array has fewer mismatch losses
array to match the upgraded Sudoku pattern. The same row's than other configurations. PV modules are linked in parallel
shading effects therefore have an impact on the PV array. The to form rows in the TCT arrangement, and then all of the rows
usefulness of the suggested layout is further evaluated using are put together in series to make a string. The overall design
"SP, BL, TCT, Sudoku [21] and Loshu[22]“. This study of the TCT setup is shown in Fig. 2. Each of its 9 rows and 9
compares the GMPP, FF (%), ER (%), and ML (%) under columns has 9 PV modules. Each row has nine parallel-
various shading conditions to report PV array connected PV modules. The voltage across each row is equal
reconfigurations. to the (VOC) open circuit voltage of a single PV module, and
II. MATHEMATICAL MODELING OF PV ARRAY the output voltage of the array as a whole is equal to the total
of the row voltages. The output voltage of a TCT array may
A proper mathematical model is necessary to get the be obtained from the network in Fig. 2 by applying
desired results and to work in an ideal setting with partial Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL).
shade [23]. To examine a PV array, one must first understand
the mathematical model of a single PV cell. The one-diode V9 = ∑=<>? V;< (4)
model is quite common since it is so easy to model. The
similar circuit for a single diode PV cell type is shown in The highest voltage at the rth row is referred to as Vmp. By
Figure 2. The modelling equations are as follows: KCL may applying KCL to each node in Fig. 2, The PV array current is
be used to write Icell as by applying it to node 'c' in Fig. 1 equal to the total current of the modules that are connected in
parallel in a row, and it is feasible to compute the output
I =I −I −I (1)
current of an array (Ia).
The general representation of I-V characteristics for the PV
cell is given by I9 = ∑=>?4 I@ − I4@%?6 6 = 0 r = 1,2,3, … … . .9 (5)
$ %& '
I =I, −I exp − 1 }" − # ) (2) where r and s are the number of rows and columns of the PV
& (
IL is light generated current of the module, which can be
represented as,
I* = -I./0 + K 3 4T − T./0 67 (3)

Table. 1 PV Module Datasheet Parameters

Parameters Ratings

Pmax 213.15 W

Voc 36.3 V

Vmpp 29 V

Isc 7.84 A

Impp 7.35 A

Ns 1 Fig. 2 9x9 TCT PV array Configuration


A 9 × 9 matrix is divided into nine 3 × 3 matrices to form a

Loshu PV array configuration. It is formed by using a matrix
known as Mother Loshu matrix as shown in Fig. 3(c) Each of
the nine sub matrixes are magic squares individually where
the sum is constant along row and column wise also along
diagonal as shown in Fig. 3(c). Then matrix column shift is
done to create other new 3×3 new matrix for example, shift
Fig. 1 Equivalent circuit of single diode PV cell model
the elements of first column to the next column. Following C. SYSTEM UNDER CONSIDERATION
the column shift, the row shift operation is carried out for the
previously achieved first three columns of TCT arrangement. A 9×9 PV array is considered for the study. The results of
The matrix so formed is shown in Fig. 3(a) and placement of these configuration techniques, which are SP, BL, TCT, and
modules in PV array is shown in Fig, 3(b) two alternative shade patterns, including short narrow and
long narrow are used to certify Sudoku and Loshu
reconfiguration. Additionally, to measure the performance
and its dependability Additional performance metrics, such
as maximum power (Pmax), fill factor (FF), mismatch loss
(ML), and execution ratio (ER), are also computed and
analyzed to demonstrate the utility of the proposed array
reconfiguration procedure. Additionally, simulations are
conducted for the various shade cases mentioned to support
the theoretical calculations, and performance comparisons
with traditional methods like TCT, Sudoku, SP, and BL are
also made. The simulation platform MATLAB/SIMULINK
(b) is used to conduct the simulations. Analyses are performed
using MATLAB simulations based on the single diode
model. Table 1 lists the specifications that were used to
design a single-diode PV model.


The general area of the panel is exposed to full irradiance in

short narrow (SN) shades, which only shade a tiny piece of
the panel due to pole shadow and other obstructions. In order
(c) to analyze the 9x9 PV array, three different insulation levels
Fig. 3 (a) Sudoku Matrix Arrangement) (b) Reconfigured Loshu are used. With three distinct irradiances of 600 W/m2 and 400
matrix (c)Magic Square (Mother Loshu) 3×3 matrix W/m2, the final four rows and final four columns are
darkened in this example. whereas the array's remaining
B. PERFORMANCE PARAMETER TO PLACED panels are exposed to 1000 W/m2 of total irradiance. Uneven
PATTERN levels of irradiance lead to different row current generation in
The performance indicators make it obvious how to evaluate a PV array. In Fig. 4, the shade-distributed PV array and TCT
the effectiveness of PV design under PSCs. In terms of Fill that correspond to the Sudoku and Loshu approaches are
Factor (FF), Mismatch Losses (ML), Power Losses (PL), and shown in Fig. 4 (a–e). The theoretically estimated placement
Execution Ratio (ER), the performance of the PV designs is of GMPP for TCT and Loshu layouts is shown in Table 2.
assessed. In the subsections that follow, the performance From the table, it is observed that the highest GMPP of 68.4
parameters are further explained. VmIm is produced by the Loshu arrangement as compared to
TCT arrangements. Fig. 5 displays the theoretical GMPP that
1) FILL FACTOR: Fill factor is the ratio GMPP at PSC to the was verified by visualizing the simulated P-V curves. In
product of open-circuit voltage (Voc) and short circuit current addition, SP and BL PV array configurations were also
(Isc) at STC shown in equation (6) simulated under the same shading condition, as shown in Fig.
5. Under this condition, the obtained parameters such as
$PQQ'PQQ 49R S.06
Fill Factor = (6) GMPP Maximum Power (Pmax), Mismatch Losses (ML%),
$, ' 49R .06
Fill Factor (FF%), and Execution Ratio (ER%) for all PV
2) MISMATCH LOSS: The partial shading leads to the array configurations are graphically represented in Figs. 8, 9,
GMPP and LMPP on the P-V characteristics, defined in (7) 10, and 11, respectively. From the figures, it is noticed that
the Loshu arrangement enhances the global maximum power
Mismatch loss =4MP6VWXYZ of pv array −(MP69RQ of pv array (7) by 12.06%, 8.8%, 4.91%, and 1.25% as compared to SP, BL,
TCT, and Sudoku PV array configurations, respectively.
3) POWER LOSS: Power loss is the ratio of the difference
between maximum power at STC and PSC to the maximum
power at STC and it is given by
;9`3;a; < b @4./06c;9`3;a; < b @4S.06
Power loss = X 100 (8)
;9`3;a; < b @4./06

4.4) EXECUTION RATIO (%): The execution ratio is the

ratio of GMPP at the PSC and GMPP at STC. The execution
ratio is defined as (9):
$PQQ 'PQQ 49R S.06
Execution Ratio = X 100 (9)
$PQQ'PQQ 49R ./06
and 1.25% as compared to SP, BL, TCT, and Sudoku PV
array configurations.

(b) (c)


(d) (e)
Fig. 4 short narrow (SN)shading; (a) TCT PV array arrangement,
(b) Sudoku arrangement, (c) Shading dispersion of Sudoku
arrangement, (d) Loshu arrangement, (e) Shading dispersion of
Loshu arrangement
(b) (c)

(d) (e)
Fig. 6 long narrow (LN) shading; (a) TCT PV array arrangement,
(b) Sudoku arrangement, (c) Shading dispersion of Sudoku
arrangement, (d) Loshu arrangement (e) Shading dispersion of
Fig. 5. Simulation for short narrow (SN) shading condition. Loshu arrangement


The performance of a PV array depends not only on the
location of the shading but also on the degree of shading.
Long, thin shading covers a substantial portion of the PV
array. Rows with fewer cells are darkened more often in the
case of shading. PV arrays in LN patterns are exposed to
insolation values of 1000 W/m2, 700 W/m2, 400 W/m2, and
300 W/m2. In Fig. 6, the shaded arrangement for TCT,
Sudoku, and Loshu is displayed together with their shaded
dispersion Fig. 6(a–e). Their PV curves are in Fig. 7.
Table 3 shows the theoretically determined placement of
GMPP for TCT and Loshu configurations. From the table, it
is observed that the highest GMPP is 66.6 VmIm, which is Fig. 7 Simulation for long narrow (LN) shading condition.
produced by the Loshu arrangement as compared to TCT.
The theoretical GMPP validated by plotting the simulated P- IV. COMPARISON AMONGST THE
V characteristics is shown in Fig. 7. In addition, SP and BL PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS
PV array configurations were also simulated under the same The comparison among the different performance
parameters is illustrated in this section. Based on the
shading condition, as shown in Fig. 7. Under this condition,
performance parameters calculated from Tables 4, 5, 6, and
the obtained parameters such as GMPP Maximum Power
7, it is evident that mismatch losses are lowest in Loshu,
(Pmax), Mismatch Losses (ML%), Fill Factor (FF%), and followed by Sudoku, and then other reconfigurations in SN.
Execution Ratio (ER%) for all PV array configurations are Meanwhile, in the LN pattern, Loshu comes in second place,
graphically represented in Figs. 8, 9, 10, and 11, respectively. and Sudoku is outperformed in every factor. Moreover, the
From the figures, it is noticed that the Loshu arrangement PV curve of Loshu is quite smoother than that of the
enhances the global maximum power by 12.6%, 8.8%, 4.9%, conventional technique.
Table. 2 Location of GMPP in TCT, Sudoku and Loshu arrangement –CS1- Short Narrow (SN)


Row current Row current Row current
Volta- Volta- Volta-
in the order in in the order in in the order in
ges Power (Pa) ges Power (Pa) ges Power (Pa)
which panel which panel which panel
(Va) (Va) (Va)
are bypassed are bypassed are bypassed
Ir9 7.4Im 7Vm 51.8ImVm Ir9 7.8Im 8Vm 62.4ImVm Ir9 8Im 8Vm 64ImVm
Ir8 7.4Im - 51.8ImVm Ir8 8Im 7Vm 56ImVm Ir8 8.2Im 6Vm 49.2ImVm
Ir7 7Im 9Vm 63ImVm Ir7 8.6Im 6Vm 51.6ImVm Ir7 8.4Im 3Vm 25.2ImVm
Ir6 7Im - 63ImVm Ir6 8.6Im - 51.6ImVm Ir6 8.6Im 2Vm 17.2ImVm
Ir5 9Im 5Vm 45ImVm Ir5 7.6Im 9Vm 68.4ImVm Ir5 8.2Im 6Vm 49.2ImVm
Ir4 9Im - 45ImVm Ir4 8.2Im 3Vm 24.6ImVm Ir4 7.6Im 9Vm 68.4ImVm
Ir3 9Im - 45ImVm Ir3 8.2Im - 24.6ImVm Ir3 8Im 8Vm 64ImVm
Ir2 9Im - 45ImVm Ir2 8.2Im - 24.6ImVm Ir2 8.2Im 6Vm 49.2ImVm
Ir1 9Im - 45ImVm Ir1 8.6Im 6Vm 51.6ImVm Ir1 8.6Im 2Vm 17.2ImVm
Table. 3 Location of GMPP in TCT, Sudoku and Loshu arrangement –CS2-Long Narrow (LN)
Row current Row current Row current in
Volta- Volta- Volta-
in the order in in the order in the order in
ges Power (Pa) ges Power (Pa) ges Power (Pa)
which panel which panel which panel
(Va) (Va) (Va)
are bypassed are bypassed are bypassed
Ir9 6.9Im 9Vm 62.1ImVm Ir9 7.8Im 6Vm 46.8ImVm Ir9 7.4Im 9Vm 66.6ImVm
Ir8 6.9Im - 62.1ImVm Ir8 8.1Im 4Vm 32.4ImVm Ir8 8Im 6Vm 48ImVm
Ir7 7.2Im 7Vm 50.4ImVm Ir7 8Im 5Vm 40ImVm Ir7 8.4Im 1Vm 8.4ImVm
Ir6 7.2Im - 50.4ImVm Ir6 8.1Im 4Vm 32.4ImVm Ir6 8.3Im 2Vm 16.6ImVm
Ir5 8.4Im 5Vm 42ImVm Ir5 7.7Im 8Vm 61.6ImVm Ir5 8.1Im 4Vm 32.4ImVm
Ir4 8.4Im - 42ImVm Ir4 7.7Im - 61.6ImVm Ir4 7.7Im 7Vm 53.9ImVm
Ir3 8.4Im - 42ImVm Ir3 8Im 5Vm 40ImVm Ir3 8.1Im 4Vm 32.4ImVm
Ir2 9Im 2Vm 18ImVm Ir2 7.4Im 9Vm 66.6ImVm Ir2 7.4Im 9Vm 66.6ImVm
Ir1 9Im - 18ImVm Ir1 8.3Im 1Vm 8.3ImVm Ir1 8Im 6Vm 48ImVm

Table 4: Description of max. peak power (W) generated in

different topologies Shading Pattern SP BL TCT SUDOKU LOSHU


CS1- SN 79.3 81.3 84.4 89.6 89.8

CS1- SN 13680 14030 14560 15470 15500 CS2-LN 77.3 79.6 82.6 87.8 86.6

CS2-LN 13340 13740 14250 15140 14950

Table 5 Description of FF (%) generated in different topologies.


CS1- SN 59.1 60.6 62.9 66.8 66.9

CS2-LN 57.6 59.3 61.5 65.4 64.6

Table 6. Description of comparison among mismatch losses(W)

generated in different topologies under distinct shading
conditions. Fig.8 GMPP(W) of both patterns


CS1- SN 3570 3220 2690 1780 1750

CS2-LN 3910 3510 3000 2110 2300

Table 7. Description of comparison among execution ratio (%)

generated in different topologies under distinct shading
conditions Fig.9 FF (%) of both patterns.
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