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Sloan R. Simmons E-mail: SSimmons@lozanosmith.

Attorney at Law

January 20, 2023

By U.S. Mail and E-mail: [email protected] & [email protected]

Glen Senestraro, Superintendent

Fortuna Union High School District
735 13th Street
Fortuna, CA 95540

Mark Pafford, Attorney at Law

Schools Legal Services
1300 17th Street, Unit 7
Bakersfield, CA 93301

Re: Notice Regarding Academy of the Redwoods Dispute; Anticipated Litigation;

Offer to Discuss Resolution without Litigation; and Related Issues

Dear Superintendent Senestraro and Mr. Pafford:

As you know, we represent the Eureka City Schools (“District”). This is with regard to the
Fortuna Union High School District (“Fortuna”) and Academy of the Redwoods High School
(“Academy”). We include Mr. Pafford in this communication to the extent he has been our point
of contact as Fortuna’s legal counsel relative to the District’s Public Records Act requests
pertaining to the Academy since the early fall of 2022. We specifically address below the
pending disputes between the District and Fortuna regarding the latter’s operation of the
Academy and related issues.

 Fortuna’s Operation of Academy of the Redwoods

Following review of applicable laws, the Academy’s operations, and documents disclosed by
Fortuna, the Humboldt County Office of Education, and the College of the Redwoods, the
District has concluded with little doubt that Fortuna’s operation of the Academy within the
District’s geographic boundaries has been and is unlawful.

Education Code section 35271 addresses a school district’s operation of a program/school

outside the boundaries of the school district. It authorizes the governing board of any school
district to “acquire property, construct buildings, and maintain classes outside its boundaries on
sites immediately adjacent to school sites of the district within its boundaries.” (Ed. Code,
§ 35271, subd. (a), emphasis added.) The Academy, located and operated on the College of the
Limited Liability Partnership

One Capitol Mall, Suite 640 Sacramento, California 95814 Tel 916-329-7433 Fax 916-329-9050
Glen Senestraro & Mark Pafford
January 20, 2023
Page 2

Redwoods campus, entirely within the District’s boundaries, unquestionably fails to comply with
section 35721. As the Attorney General long ago opined, section 35271 prohibits a school
district under any circumstances from maintaining classes outside its boundaries on sites that are
not immediately adjacent to school sites of the district within its boundaries. (81 Ops. Cal. Atty.
Gen. 80 (1998).)

In addition, Education Code section 35540 provides that the “boundaries of each high school
district shall be coextensive with the boundaries of the component districts included within it.”
Consistent with the common understanding of the term “coextensive,” Fortuna’s boundaries
necessarily do not overlap or extend into the District’s boundaries, as none of the District’s
elementary schools are part of the component elementary school districts included within
Fortuna. Additionally, pursuant to the CDE’s categorization of the Academy, it identifies the
school as an alternative school of choice under Education Code sections 58500 et seq. In
pertinent part, Education Code section 58500 states that “the governing board of any school
district may establish and maintain one or more alternative schools within the district.”
(Emphasis added.) All told, the Academy is a classic example of action by a school district
(Fortuna) that runs afoul of express Education Code provisions setting express limits on
Fortuna’s jurisdiction, authority, and discretion.

Because the law is clear on point, the District believes that the most efficient and least disruptive
path to resolve this dispute is that the District and Fortuna coordinate with each other, and
ultimately their Humboldt County Office of Education and College of the Redwoods partners. to
transition the Academy’s operations from Fortuna to the District, ideally before the
commencement of the 2023-2024 school year. The District thus invites Fortuna to discuss these
matters by February 15, 2023, with the districts’ respective Superintendents, Board Presidents,
and legal counsel participating. Conducting such discussions on this timeline is imperative in
light of any impacts or interactions with the March 15, 2023 layoff and non-reelection deadline.

Absent such discussions and resolution of this matter, the District is prepared to initiate litigation
against Fortuna in Humboldt County Superior Court to compel Fortuna’s compliance with the
law. In such litigation, the District would seek a writ of mandate commanding Fortuna cease
operation of the Academy. Upon the granting of such relief by the court, the District is prepared
to cooperate and work closely with the College of the Redwoods on the seamless continuation of
the Academy’s operations, simply under the District’s lawful jurisdiction and authority. The
District will also seek recovery of its attorneys’ fees pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section

Please provide a response to this request to meet by February 1, 2023. Without a response
by that time, the District will assume that Fortuna has elected to require litigation between the
parties to resolve this dispute.

 Pending Interdistrict Transfer Appeals

As described above, Fortuna cannot lawfully operate the Academy based upon its status as a
public high school located within the District’s boundaries. This said, the District believes the
Academy is a valuable program for youth within the District’s boundaries and the broader
Humboldt County community, and unquestionably commends and supports the College of the
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Redwoods partnership and facilitation of the school’s program. Because the District sees it as
inevitable that the legally proper and best solution as to this dispute is for the seamless transfer of
operations of the Academy to the District, the District believes that in the short term the
District’s operation of the Academy will clear the way for regular and lawful enrollment of
students residing within the District into the Academy.

It is for the above reasons that the District will not challenge or oppose the four (4) pending
interdistrict transfer appeals brought by students residing within in the District and who seek to
enroll in the Academy—for which the underlying permit denials by the District were based upon
the absence of any governing or agreed to interdistrict transfer agreement between the District
and Fortuna under Education Code section 46600 et seq., and the District’s knowledge of
Fortuna’s history of unlawful enrollment of District students without compliance with applicable

Again, for the reasons stated above, the District will not oppose the pending interdistrict transfer
appeals before the Humboldt County Board of Education. This aside, the District maintains that
there are other students who reside within the District’s boundaries who have been unlawfully
enrolled in the Academy by Fortuna over the years, including recent schools years. If litigation
between the District and Fortuna becomes necessary as to the Academy overall, the District
intends to simultaneously pursue claims against Fortuna for the unlawful enrollment of District
students in the absence of compliance with the interdistrict transfer laws.

 Related Public Records Act Request Issues

As you are aware, the District originally submitted to Fortuna a primary Public Records Act
(“PRA”) request regarding the Academy on September 1, 2022. While the District also made
two other narrower PRA requests to Fortuna since that time, which Fortuna responded to, not
until just this week—over four months following what is a fairly simple PRA request—did the
District receive what Fortuna purports to be the final “set” of records responsive to the
September 1, 2022, PRA request. Prior to this week, Fortuna’s other disclosures in response to
the PRA have been tardy and limited. This week’s disclosure was after the District’s very
patient and gracious extensions of time for Fortuna to respond, and without the District
proceeding to Humboldt County Superior Court to force an actually reasonable and timely
response to the PRA.

Having now received the purported emails responsive to the District’s PRA request, we have
determined that Fortuna has disclosed approximately 300,000 emails totaling approximately
1 million pages of content. We find it hard to believe that Fortuna’s disclosure in this regard was
done in good faith and reasonably calculated to provide records actually responsive to the
District’s PRA request.

In order to avoid the District’s initiation of a legal action under the PRA to compel Fortuna to
reasonably respond to the District’s PRA, we ask that you immediately provide clarity as to the
search terms used to capture and collect the emails delivered this week. Absent such good faith
explanation to assist in understanding how and why what has been provided this week in terms
of purported responsive emails is of the size it is, the District may be required to initiate legal
action to compel a good faith response by Fortuna—whether or not in tandem with potential
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January 20, 2023
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litigation regarding Fortuna’s operation of the Academy and/or compliance with the interdistrict
transfer statutes. As you are aware, were the District to prevail in a legal action under the PRA,
it would be entitled to attorneys’ fees and costs as well.



Sloan R. Simmons


cc: Michael Davies-Hughes, Humboldt County Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Keith Flamer, President/Superintendent, College of the Redwoods

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