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Lesson 1: Getting started – What’s on today?

Lesson aim(s)

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- use the lexical items related to the topic television programmes for children;
- use the vocabulary and structures to talk about famous children’s pro-

Language analysis

Form Meaning Pronunciation

1. talent (n) a natural ability to do something well /ˈtælənt/
2. programme (n) something that people watch on tele- /ˈprəʊɡræm/
3. animated (adj) made to look as if they are moving /ˈænɪmeɪtɪd/
4. prefer (v) to like one thing or person better than /prɪˈfɜːr/
5. character (n) a person or an animal in a book, play /ˈkærəktər/
or film
6. educational (adj) connected with education /ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃənl/

Materials (referenced)

- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 7, Getting started

- Pictures

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may lack of knowledge Prepare some handouts in which the
and experiences about the topic. key language of describing children TV
programme is presented.
2. Students may have underdevel- - Play the recording many times if nec-
oped listening, speaking and co- essary.

operating skills. - Encourage students to work in pairs,
in groups so that they can help each
- Provide feedback and help if neces-
Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 7: Television
Lesson 1: Getting started
* Warm-up
Spider web completion
I. Vocabulary
1. talent (n)
2. programme (n)
3. animated (adj)
4. prefer (v)
5. character (n)
6. educational (adj)
II. Practice
Task 1: Listen and read.
Task 2: Choose the correct answer A, B, or C.
Task 3: Read the conversation again and match the names with suitable de-
Task 4: Find and write the adjectives in the conversation which describe the
programmes and characters.
III. Production
Task 5: Game – Find someone who…
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up To introduce * Spider web completion: T-Ss 5
the topic. - Teacher draws a spider mins
web on the board with the
word TELEVISION in the
- Teacher asks students to
give any words they know
relating to the topic.
- Students give their an-
- Teacher writes down the
answers on the board.
Suggested answer:

show TELEVISIO ...
cartoon news

Lead in To lead in - Teacher draws students’ T-Ss 2

the topic of attention to the title of the mins
the unit. conversation and the pic-
ture in the textbook and
asks them questions like:
1. What do you think they
are talking about?
2. Do you like watching TV?
Why/Why not?
3. How many hours a day do
you watch TV?
4. What channel do you like
Suggested answers:
1. They are talking about TV
2. Yes, I do. I love watching
TV because it’s fun.
3. I spend about thirty min-
utes/ one hour a day
watching TV.
4. I like Cartoon Network/
Presentation To introduce VOCABULARY T-Ss 5
(Vocab- the vocabu- - Teacher introduces the vo- mins
pre-teach) lary appear- cabulary by:
ing in the + providing the pronuncia-
text. tion of the words.
+ providing the definition of
the words.
1. talent (for) (n) [definition]
2. programme (n)
3. animated (adj)
4. prefer (v) [definition]
5. character (n) [definition]
6. educational (adj)
Practice To practice Task 1: Listen and read. 20
the targeted - Teacher plays the record- T-Ss mins
language ing, asks students to un-
and the derline the words they
background have learned in the vocab-
knowledge ulary part.
of the topic - Teacher can play the
Television. recording more than once.
- Students listen and read. S
- Teacher invites some pairs T-Ss
of students to read the di-
alogue aloud.

Task 2: Choose the correct

answer A, B, or C.
- Teacher asks students to T-Ss
read the questions care- S
fully and choose the cor-
rect answers. Encourage
them not to look back at
the conversation first.
- Teacher allows students to
share their answers before Ss-Ss
discussing as a class.
- Teacher checks their an-
swers as a class and shows
students where to find the T-Ss
answer in the conversa-
Answer key:
1. C
2. A
3. A
4. A

Task 3: Read the conversa-

tion again and match the
names with suitable de-
- Teacher encourages stu-
dents to do the task with-
out looking back at the T-Ss
conversation. If they can-
not, let them read the
conversation again to find
the answers.
- Students work indepen-
- Teacher allows students to S
share their answers before
discussing as a class. Ss-Ss
- Teacher checks the an-
swers as a class and asks if
any students have
watched these pro- T-Ss
Answer key:
1. c 2. a 3. e
4. b 5. d

Task 4: Find and write the

adjectives in the conversa-

tion which describe the
programmes and charac-
- Teacher guides students
to look back at the conver-
sation and find where the
names of the pro- T-Ss
grammes/ characters ap-
pear. The answers they
need are around.
- Students can work in pairs
to complete this task.
- Teacher calls a student to
write the answers on the Ss-Ss
- Teacher asks if other stu- T-S
dents have other answers
and checks as a class.
Answer key: T-Ss
1. interesting
2. wonderful
3. clever
4. educational
Production To give stu- Task 5: Game – Find some- 10
dents a one who… mins
charge to - Teacher gives each stu- T-Ss
apply what dent a copy of the work-
they have sheet (Appendix 1).
learnt. - Teacher goes through how
to construct “Do you
like…?” questions and
short answers “Yes, I do. /
No, I don’t.” with the
A: Do you like sports pro-
grammes on TV?
B: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.
- Students use the prompts Ss-Ss
on their worksheet to ask
“Do you like …?” questions
to their classmates in 3
- When a classmate an-
swers “Yes, I do.”, the stu-
dent writes their names in
the “Name” column next
to the item.
- When a student finishes,
ask him/her to say
“Bingo”. Three fastest stu-
dents will present their
findings and get marks for
their presentation.
Model answer:
Ask other stu- Name(s)
1. … like sports …Hung…
on TV.
Question: Do
you like sports
on TV?
2. … like music …Lan…
talent shows.
3. … like ani- …Binh…
mated films.
4. … like car- …Khoi…
5. … like English …Hoa…
Now present your informa-
tion about five students to
the whole class.
e.g. Hung likes sports pro-
grammes on TV. Lan likes
music talent shows. Binh
likes animated films and
Khoi likes cartoons. Hoa
likes English programmes.
Consolidation To consoli- Teacher asks students to T-Ss 2
date what talk about what they have mins
students learnt in the lesson.
have learnt
in the les-
Homework To revise Write about 5 sentences to T-Ss 1
what they describe a TV programme min
have learnt you like (name, type, chan-
in the les- nel, character(s) and charac-
son. teristics…)

Lesson 2: A closer look 1
Lesson aim(s)
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- use the lexical items related to the topic Television;
- use the vocabulary and structures to talk about TV programmes;
- pronounce and recognize the sounds /θ/ and /ð/.

Language analysis
Form Meaning Pronunciation
1. comedy (n) a play, film or TV show that is in- /ˈkɑːmədi/
tended to be funny, usually with a
happy ending
2. viewer (n) a person watching television or a /ˈvjuːər/
video on the internet
3. performer (n) a person who performs for an audi- /pərˈfɔːrmər/
ence in a show, concert, etc
4. popular (adj) liked or enjoyed by a large number /ˈpɑːpjələr/
of people
5. live (adj) given or made when people are /laɪv/
watching, not recorded
6. boring (adj) not interesting /ˈbɔːrɪŋ/

Materials (referenced)
- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 7, A closer look 1
- Pictures and a set of words

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may lack knowledge Provide students with the meaning and
about some lexical items. pronunciation of some lexical items.
2. Students may have underdevel- - Play the recording many times if nec-
oped listening, speaking and co- essary.

operating skills. - Encourage students to work in pairs,
in groups so that they can help each
- Provide feedback and help if neces-
3. Some students will excessively talk - Define expectations in explicit detail.
in the class. Have excessive talking students prac-
- Continue to define expectations in
small chunks (before every activity).

Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 7: Television
Lesson 2: A closer look 1
* Warm-up
I. Vocabulary
1. comedy (n)
2. viewer (n)
3. performer (n)
4. popular (adj)
5. live (adj)
6. boring (adj)
Task 1: Write the words/phrases in the box next to the definition.
Task 2: Complete the sentences with the words/phrases in the box.
Task 3: Complete the sentences with the adjectives in the box.
II. Pronunciation
Task 4: Listen and repeat the words.
Task 5: Tongue Twister. Take turns to read the sentences quickly and correctly.
III. Production
Game: Tongue Twister Race.
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up To activate stu- * Matching 5
dents’ prior - Teacher divides stu- T-Ss mins
knowledge and dents into 4 groups and
vocabulary re- delivers a set of 6 pic-
lated to the tures about famous TV
topic. programmes for chil-
- Teacher asks students Ss-Ss
to work in groups and
match the names of TV
programmes with suit-
able pictures.
- The fastest group will
say “Bingo” and stick
their work on board.
- Teacher checks the an- T-Ss
swers and gives a small
gift to the winning

Talent shows

The Voice Kids

Little Big Shots

Educational shows

English in a Minute

Alo English
Animated films

The Lion King

Lead in To lead in the - Teacher leads students T-Ss 2
lesson about into the lesson by mins
vocabulary and telling them that “In to-
pronunciation. day lesson, we are go-
ing to learn more
words to talk about
TV programmes and
two sounds /θ/
and /ð/”.
Presentation To teach VOCABULARY T-Ss 5
(Vocab- students some - Teacher introduces the mins
pre-teach) nouns and ad- vocabulary by:
jectives to talk + providing the definition
about TV pro- of the words;
grammes. + providing the pictures
of the words.
1. comedy (n): [picture]
2. viewer (n): [picture]
3. performer (n): [picture]
4. popular (adj)
5. live (adj) [definition]
6. boring (adj) [antonym]



Practice To teach stu- Task 1: Write the 15

dents some words/phrases in the mins
words/phrases box next to the defini-
related to tele- tion.
vision. - Teacher asks students T-Ss
to read the words/
phrases in the box first
and see if they can re-
member some of them
from the previous les-
- Teacher reminds stu-
dents of the words/
phrases they do not re-
- Students read the defi- S
nition and do the task.
- Teacher calls some stu-
dents to give their an- T-Ss
- Teacher gives feedback
and corrections (if nec-
Answer key:
1. character
2. educational pro-
3. comedy
4. talent show
5. viewer

Task 2: Complete the

To give stu- sentences with the
dents further words/phrases in the
practice on box.
how to use - Teacher asks students
some words/ to work in pairs and use T-Ss
phrases in con- the words/phrases in
text. the box to complete the

- Students work in pairs
and do the task. Ss-Ss
- Teacher calls some
pairs to share their an- T-Ss
swers with the whole
- Teacher gives feedback
and corrections (if nec-
Answer key:
1. channel
2. character
3. animated films
4. game show
5. comedies
6. viewers

To teach stu- Task 3: Complete the

dents more ad- sentences with the ad-
jectives to de- jectives in the box.
scribe televi- - Teacher asks students
sion pro- to use the given adjec- T-Ss
grammes and tives to complete the
characters. sentences.
- Students work indepen-
dently. S
- Teacher allows students
to share their answers Ss-Ss
before discussing as a
- Teacher asks some stu-
dents to share the an- T-Ss
swers and gives correc-
tions (if necessary).
Answer key:
1. popular
2. boring

3. cute
4. live
5. funny
6. educational
Presentation To help stu- PRONUNCIATION T- Ss 4
(Pre-teach dents have - Teacher introduces 2 mins
the concept and sounds /θ/ and /ð/ to
sounds /θ/ identify the students and lets them
and /ð/.) sound /θ/ watch a video about
and /ð/. how to pronounce
these two sounds.
- Teacher asks students
to give some words
they know containing
these sounds.
Suggested answers:
- /θ/: think, thank,
throw, theatre, third.
- /ð/: this, that, these,
those, there, father.
Practice To help stu- Task 4: Listen and repeat 5
dents identify the words. mins
and practise - Teacher asks students T-Ss
the /θ/ and /ð/ to read the words first
sounds. as they are familiar with
- Teacher plays the
recording and asks stu-
dents to listen carefully
and check if they have
pronounced them cor-
- Teacher plays the
recording again. Stu-
dents listen and repeat.
- Teacher calls some stu-
dents to read the words


Task 5: Tongue Twister.

To help stu- Take turns to read the
dents pro- sentences quickly and
nounce the correctly.
sounds /θ/ and - Teacher allows students
/ð/ correctly in to work in pairs and Pair work
context. practice reading the
tongue twister: slowly
at first, then faster and
- Teacher asks some stu-
dents to read the T-Ss
Tongue Twister aloud.

Production To give stu- Game: Tongue Twister 6

dents a chance Race. mins
to apply what - Teacher writes two T-Ss
they have tongue twisters on the
learnt. board and first prac-
tices the tongue twister
with the students.
- Teacher lets students
practice in pairs, then Pair work
asks students to line up
in two teams.
- Teacher lets the first
team say the first Team work
tongue twister, one stu-
dent at a time and see
how long it takes them
to say the tongue
twister correctly as a
team. After, write the
total time taken on the
- Now the second team
says the second tongue
twister, one student at
a time as quickly as
they can.
- The team who says the
tongue twister quicker
* Tongue Twister sen-
1. The first thing that
they think of is this.
2. These things finish
sooner than you think.
Consolidation To consolidate Teacher asks students to T-Ss 2
what students talk about what they mins
have learnt in have learnt in the lesson.
the lesson.
Homework To revise what Revise the words in Vo- T-Ss 1
they have cabulary and find 5 more min
learnt. words with /θ/ and 5
more words with /ð/.

Lesson 3: A closer look 2
Wh-questions & Conjunctions in compound sentences:
and, but, so

Lesson aim(s)

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to use
Wh-questions and conjunctions in compound sentences: and, but, so correctly.

Language analysis
Form Meaning
When A question word used to ask information about time.
How many A question word used to ask information about numbers.
How often A question word used to ask information about repetition.
What A question word used to ask information about things.
Where A question word used to ask information about a place.
Who A question word used to ask information about people.
Why A question word used to ask information about reason.
but A conjunction used to combine two contrast clauses into a
compound sentence.
so A conjunction used to show the reason for something.
and A conjunction used to combine two clauses into a com-
pound sentence.

Materials (referenced)

- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 7, A closer look 2

- Pictures, sets of word cards, quizizz questions,

Anticipated difficulties Solutions
1. Students may lack knowledge and Prepare some hand-outs in which key
experiences about the target grammatical points are presented.
grammatical points.
2. Some students will excessively talk - Define expectations in explicit detail.
in the class. Have excessive talking students prac-
- Continue to define expectations in
small chunks (before every activity).

Board Plan

Date of teaching
Unit 7: Television
Lesson 3: A closer look 2

* Warm-up
Word cloud
I. Grammar focus
1. Wh-questions
Task 1: Read the conversation and underline the question words.
Task 2: Match each question word with the information it needs.
2. Conjunctions in compound sentences: and, but, so
II. Practice
Task 3: Use the question words in the box to complete the conversations.
Then listen and check your answers.
Task 4: Match the beginnings with the endings.
III. Production
Task 5: Quizizz game
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up To activate * Word cloud ( 5
and antici- - Teacher creates a re- T-Ss mins
pate stu- quest “Name all the
dents’ knowl- question words that you
edge of the know” on
questions - Link:
they are fa-
miliar with. 24c25f2cb5a01e41b5bc5
- Teacher allows students
to use their mobile de-
vices to answer and in-
teract with the question
- Teacher gives clear in- Ss
structions for students to
fully understand how to
answer the question on
 Go to
 Enter the CODE
 Type your answers (pro-
vide as many answers as
 See the word cloud form
- Teacher provides the
CODE and allows stu-
dents’ access to the
- Students type their an-
- Teacher shows the result

Suggested answers:
Name all the question
words that you know

Lead in To introduce - Teacher draws students’ T-Ss 2
targeted attention to the question mins
grammar of words they are going to
Wh-questions learn in the lesson:
and conjunc- when, how many, how
tions: but, so, often, what, where, who
and. and why and informs stu-
dents of conjunctions:
but, so, and.
- Teacher leads in the les-
Presentation To remind 1. Wh-questions: 15
students of Task 1: Read the conversa- mins
the questions tion and underline the
they are fa- question words.
miliar with. - Teacher has students
complete the task indi- S
- Teacher checks the an-
swers as a class. T-Ss
Answer key:
What are you doing tomor-
Where is it?
How long is it on?

Task 2: Match each ques-

tion word with the infor-
To help stu- mation it needs.
dents identify - Teacher allows students
the functions to do the matching in
of different pairs.

question - Teacher checks their an- Ss-Ss
words. swers as a class.
- Teacher explains if stu-
dents have any difficulty T-Ss
understanding how to
use the question words.
Answer key:
When – time
How many – number
How often – repetition
What – thing
Where – place
Who – people
Why – reason

2. Conjunctions: but, so,

To help stu- - Teacher writes the exam-
dents revise ple in the Remember!
the use of Box (page 10) on the
possessive board and circles the
pronouns. conjunction in the sen- T-Ss
- Teacher underlines the
clauses before and after
the conjunction.
- Teacher draws students’
attention that conjunc-
tions are used to connect
two clauses into a com-
pound sentence.
I enjoy sports, so I spend a
lot of time outdoors.
- Teacher introduces the
focused conjunctions:
but, so, and.
- Teacher asks students to

work in groups of 4 and
make 3 compound sen-
tences using three target
conjunctions. Group
Suggested answers: work
1. It is still painful, so I go
to see a doctor.
2. She is tall, but her sister
is short.
3. I like music, and I like
watching TV, too.
Practice To give stu- Task 3: Use the question 10
dents more words in the box to com- mins
practice with plete the conversations.
question Then listen and check your
words. answers.
- Teacher has students Ss-Ss
work on the exercise in-
dividually before they
compare answers with
each other.
- Teacher plays the record- T-Ss
ing and asks students to
listen and check their an-
swers. Also remind stu-
dents to pay attention to
the tune of the wh-ques-
tions (falling at the end).
- Teacher gives feedback
as a class discussion.
Answer key:
1. How often, What
2. Who
3. When, Where

Task 4: Match the begin-

To help stu- nings with the endings.
dents identify - Teacher has students
the meaning work in pairs.
and the posi- - Teacher asks students to Pair work
tion of a con- read the clauses in the
junction. beginning column care-
fully and find clues in the
endings column for
- Teacher checks students’
answers as a class.
- Teacher calls some stu- T-Ss
dents to read the com-
plete sentences out loud.
Answer key:
1. c
2. a
3. e
4. b
5. d
Production To give stu- Task 5: Quizizz game. 10
dents some Use and, but and so to mins
practice on complete the questions in
the use of the game.
conjunctions. - Teacher uses Exercise 5 T-Ss
(p. 10) to create ques-
tions in the Quizizz game.
- Teacher allows students
to use their mobile de-
vices to answer and in-
teract with the questions
- Teacher gives clear in-
structions for students to
fully understand how to
play Quizizz quiz online.
⮚ Go to

⮚ Enter the game CODE.

⮚ Type your name.

⮚ Use and, but and so to

complete each sen-
tence appearing on the
⮚ See who will be the
- Teacher provides the
game CODE and allow
students’ access to the S
- Students type the word
and, but or so to com-
plete each sentence ap- T-Ss
pearing on the screen.
- Teacher gives compli-
ments or good marks to
the winner of the game.
Answer key:
1. so
2. but
3. so
4. but
5. and
Consolidation To consoli- Teacher asks students to T - Ss 2
date what talk about what they have mins
students have learnt in the lesson.
learnt in the
Homework Reactivate Do Exercise 5, write the T - Ss 1
the knowl- answers on your note- min
edge that stu- books.
dents have Make 7 questions using 7
gained in the question words in Exercise
lesson. 2 and answer the ques-


Lesson 4: Communication
Lesson aim(s)
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- ask for and give information about TV programmes;
- recognise and have knowledge about some famous TV programmes in some

Language analysis

Materials (referenced)
- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 7, Communication
- Pictures and slides

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may lack knowledge Provide students with information
about some TV programmes. about the TV programmes they do not
2. Students may have underdevel- - Encourage students to work in pairs,
oped speaking and in groups so that they can help each
co-operating skills. other.
- Provide feedback and help if neces-
3. Some students will excessively talk - Define expectations in explicit detail.
in the class. Have excessive talking students prac-
- Continue to define expectations in
small chunks (before every activity).

Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 7: Television
Lesson 4: Communication
* Warm-up
Question forming
I. Everyday English
* Asking for and giving information about TV programmes
Task 1: Listen and read the conversation. Pay attention to the highlighted
Task 2: Work in pairs. Make a similar conversation about your favourite TV pro-
II. TV programmes
Task 3: Work in groups. Discuss and complete the facts with the countries in
the box.
Task 4: Read about two TV programmes and tick the correct programme in the
Task 5: Work in groups. Tell your group which programme in Task 4 you prefer
and why.
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up To activate stu- * Question forming: T-Ss 5
dents’ knowl- - Teacher draws a spider mins
edge of forming web on the board with
questions to ask the word TV PRO-
for information GRAMME in the middle
about a TV pro- and question words in
gramme. branches.
- Teacher asks students
to form the questions
to ask for information
about a TV programme
using the given ques-
tion words.
- Students give their an-
- Teacher writes down
the answers on the
What How
time... often...

Suggested answer:
1. What’s your favourite
TV programme?
2. Why do you like it?
3. What time is it on?
4. How often do you
watch it?
Lead in To lead in the Teacher leads students T-Ss 2
lesson about into the lesson by telling mins
communication. them that they are going
to learn how to ask for
and give information
about TV programmes
and some famous pro-
grammes in other coun-
Presentation To introduce a Task 1: Listen and read T-Ss 5
sample conver- the conversation. Pay mins
sation about a attention to the high-
TV programme. lighted words.
Teacher plays the record-
ing and asks students to
look at the conversation
and read it while listen-
Practice To practice ask- Task 2: Work in pairs. 10

ing for and giv- Make a similar conversa- mins
ing information tion about your favourite
about TV pro- TV programme.
grammes. - Teacher asks students Pair work
to work in pairs and
make a similar conver-
sation about their
favourite TV pro-
gramme. Encourage
students to add the
questions in Warm-up
in their conversation.
- Students do the task in
- Teacher calls some
pairs to act out their
conversations in front
of the class.
- Teacher checks and cor- T-Ss
rects if needed.
Suggested answers:
A: What’s your favourite
TV programme?
B: The sports pro-
A: Why do you like it?
B: Because I am a big fan
of sports.
A: What time is it on?
B: It’s on at 7:30 p.m. on
A: How often do you
watch it?
B: I watch it every week-

* TV programmes

Practice To allow stu- Task 3: Work in groups. 7
dents to exploreDiscuss and complete mins
some interest- the facts with the coun-
ing facts about tries in the box.
TV in other - Teacher asks students Group
countries. to work in groups and work
help one another find
the answers/make
- Teacher calls some stu- T- Ss
dents for the answers.
- Teacher reminds stu-
dents of the correct
way to give their an-
swers/make guesses.
E.g. Pokemon cartoons
are from Japan. (They
know the answer.)
- We think Pokemon car-
toons are from Japan.
(They make a guess.)
- Teacher confirms the
answers with the whole
Answer key:
1. Japan
2. Vietnam
3. Iceland
4. the USA
* Note:
○ Pokemon cartoons: Ja-
To introduce to panese television ani-
students some mation series, typically
TV programmes aimed at adults as well
for children. as children.
○ Iceland: Before 1981,
there was no TV in July;
before 1986, there was

no TV on Thursday.
It comes from the opin-
ion that you could do
without TV once a
week! Spend it with
your family. Spend it
○ Discovery Channel:
an American pay televi-
sion network.
It creates the highest
quality content and re-
mains one of the most
dynamic media compa-
nies in the world.
Task 4: Read about two 5
TV programmes and tick mins
the correct programme
in the table.
- Teacher asks students T-Ss
to read the passages
and do the task. Re-
mind them that some
facts may refer to both
- Students do the task in- S
- Teacher calls some stu- T-Ss
dents to give their an-
swers and checks as a

Answer key:
1. Both programmes
2. Let’s Learn
3. Hello Fatty
4. Let’s Learn
5. Hello Fatty
Production To allow stu- Task 5: Work in groups. 8
dents an oppor- Tell your group which mins
tunity to prac- programme in Task 4 you
tice with the in- prefer and why.
formation from - Teacher asks students Group
the TV pro- to work in groups of work
grammes in four, read the two pro-
Task 4. grammes again, then
tell their friends which
one they prefer and
- Teacher calls some stu- T-Ss
dents to speak in front
of the class.
- Teacher asks other stu-
dents to give comments
and gives more feed-
back if needed.
Consolidation To consolidate Teacher asks students to T-Ss 2
what students talk about what they mins
have learnt in have learnt in the lesson.
the lesson.
Homework To revise what - Write a paragraph to T-Ss 1
they have learnt describe a programme min
and prepare for you prefer in your note-
the next lesson book.
Skills 1. - Prepare for the next
lesson (Skills 1).

Lesson 5: Skills 1
Lesson aim(s)
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- use the lexical items related to the topic Television;
- read for specific information about television;
- talk about one’s favourite TV program, the reasons for that.

Language analysis
Form Meaning Pronunciation
1. compete to take part in a contest or game /kəmˈpiːt/

2. plant a living thing that grows in the earth and usu- /plɑːnt/
ally has a stem, leaves and roots, especially
one that is smaller than a tree or bush.

Materials (referenced)
- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 7, Skills 1
- Pictures, sets of words

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may lack knowledge Provide students with the meaning and
about some lexical items. pronunciation of words.
2. Students may have underdevel- - Let students read the text again
oped reading, speaking and co-op- (if needed).
erating skills. - Create a comfortable and encourag-
ing environment for students to
- Encourage students to work in pairs,
in groups so that they can help each
- Provide feedback and help if neces-
3. Some students will excessively talk - Define expectations in explicit detail.
in the class. Have excessive talking students prac-
- Continue to define expectations in
small chunks (before every activity).

Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 7: Television
Lesson 5: Skills 1
* Warm-up
Guessing game: TV channels
I. Reading
1. compete (v)
2. plant (n)
Task 1: Read the first two columns of the TV guide and answer the questions.
Task 2: Read the TV guide in Task 1 and write the programmes that these peo-
ple may choose to watch.
Task 3: Work in groups. Share your table in Task 2 with your group and see if
they agree with you.
II. Speaking
Task 4: Work in groups. Tell your group about your favourite TV programme.
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up - To create a * Guessing game: TV chan- 5
friendly and nels T-Ss mins
active at- - Teacher shows some pic-
mosphere tures which illustrate the
in the class logos of some famous TV
before the channels. These logos are
lesson. missing some parts or in
- To lead in the reversed position.
the topic of - Students have to guess
the reading the name of the TV chan-
text. nels.

- Teacher provides feed-
back and confirms the an-

Discovery Channel

Disney Channel

Cartoon Network

Lead in To lead in the - Teacher asks students T-Ss 2
text about TV questions to lead in the mins
guides. reading text:
Among these four chan-
nels, which one do you
like best?
I like Discovery Channel
best because I can learn
a lot about the world
around us. I often read
the TV guide everyday to
choose the programs or
the contents I want to
What about you? Do you
often read the TV guide
before watching TV?
Pre-Reading To provide - Teacher introduces the T-Ss 5
(Pre-teach vo- students with vocabulary by: mins
cabulary) some lexical + providing the pictures of
items before the words;
reading the + providing the definition
text. of the words.
1. compete (v): [definition]
2. plant (n)[definition] &


While-Read- To teach stu- Task 1: Read the first two 10
ing dents how to columns of the TV guide mins
read a TV and answer the questions.
guide. - Teacher asks students to T-Ss
have a quick look at the
TV guide and answer
questions like:
1. What information do you
see? (the time, the name
of the programme and
its content)
2. What information comes
first? What comes next?

3. What do you look at
when you are choosing a
programme to watch?
- This task should be done
carefully as it helps do
Task 2.
- Teacher explains to stu-
dents so that they can
distinguish the name of
the programme (e.g.
Sports) and the name of
the specific event / show/
film, etc. on that pro-
gramme (e.g. The Pig
- Teacher allows students
some time to read the TV
guide and answer the
- Teacher checks their an-
swers as a class.
Answer key:
1. (It’s) Cuc Phuong Forest.
2. Yes, it is.
3. It’s on at 10.30.
4. No, we can’t.
5. (It’s about) dolphins.

To show stu- Task 2: Read the TV guide

dents how to in Task 1 and write the
find a suit- programmes that these
able TV pro- people may choose to
gramme for a watch.
person. - Teacher asks students to T-Ss
read the information
about each person care-
fully, underline the key
word(s) showing what

each person likes in order
to help them find the an-
- Teacher allows students S
some time to do the task
- Teacher asks some stu- T-Ss
dents to share their an-
swers before checking as
a class.
Answer key:
1. Phong: Children are Al-
ways Right
2. Bob: The Fox Teacher
3. Nga: Cuc Phuong Forest
4. Minh: The Pig Race
5. Linh: The Dolphins
Pre-Speaking To allow stu- Task 3: Work in groups. 5
dents to talk Share your table in Task 2 mins
about what with your group and see if
they have they agree with you.
done in Read- - Teacher lets students Group
ing Task 2. work in groups and share work
their answers in Task 2 to
the groups.
- Teacher encourages
other students to say if
they agree or disagree
with the answers and ex-
plain their partners’
- Teacher calls some stu- T-Ss
dents to demonstrate it
in front of the class.
A: I think the best pro-
gramme for Phong is the
game show "Children are
always right".
B: I agree. He wants to
know more about pets.
While-Speak- To teach stu- Task 4: Work in groups. 10
ing dents how to Tell your group about your mins
talk about favourite TV programme.
their - Teacher asks students to T-Ss
favourite TV read the instructions
programmes. carefully and allow them
some time to prepare
their answers.
- Teacher tells students the
suggested structure can
help them arrange their

o My favourite programme
o It’s on ... T-Ss
o It’s about ...
o I like it because it ...
- Teacher lets students
share their answers in
groups before calling
some students to present
their answers to the class.
- Teacher corrects later if
they make any mistakes.
Post-Speaking To help stu- - Teacher allows students Ss-Ss 5
dents im- to give comments for mins
prove next their friends and vote for
time. the most interesting and
informative presentation.
- Teacher gives feedback T-Ss
and comments.
Consolidation To consoli- Teacher asks students: T-Ss 2
date what + what they have learnt in mins
students the lesson with the two
have learnt in skills;
the lesson. + what words/phrases/
sentences describing
television they can re-
+ how to talk about a TV
programme they like.
Homework To prepare Prepare for the next lesson: T-Ss 1
for the next Skills 2. min

Lesson 6: Skills 2
Lesson aim(s)
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- listen to get specific information from a recommended TV schedule;
- write a short guided passage about one’s watching TV habits.

Materials (referenced)
- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 7, Skills 2
- Pictures, CD

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may have underdevel- - Play the recording many times if nec-
oped listening, writing and co-op- essary.
erating skills. - Encourage students to work in pairs,
in groups so that they can help each
- Provide feedback and help if neces-
2. Some students will excessively talk - Define expectations in explicit detail.
in the class. Have excessive talking students prac-
- Continue to define expectations in
small chunks (before every activity).

Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 7: Television
Lesson 6: Skills 2
Kim’s game
I. Listening
Task 1: Listen and tick the correct channel for each programme.
Task 2: Listen again and tick T (True) or F (False).

II. Writing
Task 3: Read and answer.
Task 4: Write a paragraph of about 50 words about your TV-viewing habits.
Use your answers in Task 3.
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up - To create a * Kim’s game 5
friendly and - Teacher shows some pic- T-Ss mins
active at- tures of TV programmes.
mosphere - Teacher asks students to
in the class look carefully at them for
before the about thirty seconds.
lesson; Then take the pictures
- To lead in away and ask them to
the topic of call out what they can re-
the listening member.

Year End Meeting


Who is the millionaire?

Rap Viet

Who is Single?
Lead in To lead in the - Teacher asks students T-Ss 2
listening tasks some questions to lead min
about. in the listening tasks:
+ What programme did
you watch last night?
+ What was it about?
+ What did you like about
+ What didn’t you like
about it?
+ Why did you like/dislike
Pre-Listening To draw stu- - Teacher allows students T-Ss 1
dents’ atten- some time to read the min
tion to the programmes in the table.
keyword of - Teacher asks them to fo- Ss
the listening cus only on the informa-
task. tion they need: the chan-
“We are going to read a
schedule of some pro-
grammes on TV.
First, I would like you to
read it, underline the
important key words
(“the channel”), then lis-
ten to tick which chan-
nel it belongs to.”

While-Listen- To help stu- Task 1: Listen and tick the 10

ing dents develop correct channel for each mins
their listening programme.
skill for spe- - Teacher plays the T-Ss
cific informa- recording.
tion. - Students listen and tick.
- Teacher checks their an-
swers as a class.
Answer key:
Programme Channel Channel Channel
1 2 3
Green Summer 
My Childhood 
Harry Potter 
English and Fun 

To help stu- Task 2: Listen again and

dents develop tick T (True) or F (False).
their listening - This activity requires stu- T-Ss
skill for spe- dents to listen more
cific informa- carefully for details.
tion (True – - Teacher allows students
False). some time to read the
statements first and see
if they can answer any of
them based on the previ-
ous listening.
- Teacher draws students’
attention to the fact that
almost all the questions
start with the names of
the programmes. They
are signals that the an-
swers are coming.
- Teacher plays the
- Students listen and tick.
- Teacher checks their an-
swers as a class. If stu-
dents have difficulty in
catching the information,
determine their answers,
pause the recording after
each sentence where the
information appears.

Audio script:
Here are some interesting
TV programmes for you.
Green Summer, a music
programme, is on Channel
1. It starts at eight o’clock.
My Childhood is on Chan-
nel 2. It’s the story of a
country boy and his dog
Billy. On Channel 3, you
will watch Harry Potter at
8.30. Children all over the
world love this film. If you
like to learn English, you
can go to English and Fun
on Channel 1. It’s at nine
o’clock. We hope you can
choose a programme for
yourself. Enjoy and have a
great time.
Post-Listening To summarize Teacher asks students T-Ss 5
the key infor- questions to complete the mins
mation in the mind map about the con-
listening tent of the previous listen-
tasks. ing tasks.

Suggested answers:

Pre-Writing To guide and Task 3: Read and answer. 5
prepare stu- - Students have to answer T-Ss mins
dents with in- a questionnaire about
formation for TV-watching habits.
their writing - Teacher lets students
in Task 4. read the questions and
tick the most appropri-
ate answers for them-
- Teacher asks them to
think of a TV programme
they like and write the
answer to Question 5.
While-Writing To guide stu- Task 4: Write a paragraph 10
dents how to of about 50 words about mins
write a para- your TV-viewing habits.
graph about Use your answers in
TV-watching Task 3.
habits. - Teacher lets students T-Ss
work individually. S
- Teacher asks them to re-
fer to the questions and
their answers in 3 while
they are writing. These
questions are a very
good guide of how to
form a sentence and
what information they
need to complete the
- Teacher tells students

that the information in
the questions in Task 3
has been arranged in a
logical order and they
can organise their writ-
ing by referring to their
answers one after an-
- Teacher goes round and
offer help if needed.
- If time allows, ask some
students to share their
writing with the class.
If not, collect some stu-
dents’ writings to correct
at home.
Sample answer:
I like watching TV, about
one hour a day. I only
watch TV in the evening.
During the day, I go to
school. On Saturday and
Sunday, I watch more.
Sometimes I watch TV
when I’m eating, but I
never watch TV when I’m
studying. I watch Da Vinci
most. It has interesting ed-
ucational programmes for
Post-Writing To peer - Teacher asks students to T-Ss 4
check, cross exchange their textbooks Ss-Ss mins
check and fi- to check their friends’
nal check stu- writing.
dents’ writ- - Teacher then gives feed-
ing. back as a class discus-

Consolidation To consoli- Teacher asks students to T-Ss 1
date what talk about what they have mins
students have learnt in the lesson.
learnt in the
Homework To revise stu- Rewrite the paragraph. Ss 1
dents’ writ- min

Lesson 7: Looking back & Project
Lesson aim(s)
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- use the lexical items related to the topic Television;
- pronounce correctly the sounds /ð/ and /θ/ in isolation and in context;
- use conjunctions (and, but, because) and question words (where, who,
- ask and talk about a favourite TV programme;
- read a TV schedule and descriptions of famous children’s programmes for
specific information;
- listen for specific information from a recommended TV schedule;
- write a short guided passage about one’s TV watching habits.

Materials (referenced)
- Grade 6 textbook, Unit 7, Looking back & Project
- Pictures, A0 paper

Anticipated difficulties Solutions

1. Students may have underdevel- - Encourage students to work in pairs,
oped speaking, writing and co-op- in groups so that they can help each
erating skills when doing projects. other.
- Provide feedback and help if neces-
2. Some students will excessively talk - Define expectations in explicit detail.
in the class. Have excessive talking students prac-
- Continue to define expectations in
small chunks (before every activity).

Board Plan
Date of teaching
Unit 7: Television
Lesson 7: Looking back & Project
* Warm-up
I. Looking back
Task 1: Put the words in the box in the correct column. Add more words if you
Task 2: Use the words in the box to complete the text.
Task 3: Complete each question with a suitable question word.
Task 4: Use the conjunctions provided to connect the sentences.
II. Project
Task 5: How important is TV to you?
* Homework

Stage Stage aim Procedure Interaction Time

Warm-up - To activate * Mini-talk T-Ss 5
students’ - Teacher asks students mins
prior knowl- some questions to lead
edge and in the lesson:
vocabulary “Last lesson, we learnt
related to so many TV pro-
the topic. grammes, now I would
- To revise like to ask you a few
the vocabu- questions about them.
lary about + What is your favourite TV
television programme?
and lead in + Can you tell me what it is
the lesson. about?
+ Could you give me some
adjectives to describe

Looking back To help stu- VOCABULARY 16
dents revise Task 1: Put the words in mins
the vocabu- the box in the correct col-
lary about umn. Add more words if
television. you can.
- Teacher asks students to S
do the task individually.
- Teacher allows students
some time to read the
list of the words and
write them in the correct
place in the table.
- Teacher lets students Ss-Ss
swap their answers for
double check.
- Teacher calls on some T-Ss
students to read aloud
their answers before
checking them as a class.
Answer key:
Programmes Adjectives
sports educational
wildlife interesting
English in a popular
Minute funny
animated films
To help stu-
dents revise Task 2: Use the words in
the vocabu- the box to complete the
lary about text.
television in Notes:
context. * This activity is for the re-
vision of the vocabulary,
not as single vocabulary
but in a contextualized
* Students have to be able
to recognise the rela-
tionship of the target

words and their neigh-
bours, the context in
which they appear.
- Teacher asks students to S
do the task individually.
- Teacher lets students Ss-Ss
swap their answers for
double check.
- Teacher calls on some T-Ss
students to read aloud
their answers before
checking them as a class.
Answer key:
1. viewers
2. animal
3. sports
4. funny
5. educational
To help stu-
dents revise GRAMMAR
the use of Task 3: Complete each
question question with a suitable
words. question word.
- Teacher asks students to S
look at the answers and
underline the missing in-
formation from the ques-
tions so that they can de-
cide which question
words to be used.
- Teacher goes round and
offer help if needed.
- Teacher checks their an-
swers as a class. T-Ss
Answer key:
1. How many
2. What
3. Why

4. Who
5. How much
To help stu-
dents revise Task 4: Use the conjunc-
the use of tions provided to connect
conjunctions. the sentences.
- Teacher asks students to
read the two sentences
in each question and use
the conjunctions pro-
vided to connect them.
- Mind that in most sen-
tences, the conjunctions
are used to replace the
stop mark and connect
the two sentences.
- Teacher checks their an-
swers as a class.
Answer key:
1. Ocean Life is on at 7.30,
and Laughing out Loud
comes next at 8.00.
2. I liked The Seven Kitties
very much, so I watched
it many times.
3. BBC One is a British
Channel, but VTV6 is a
Vietnamese Channel.
4. Along the Coast is a fa-
mous TV series, but I
don’t like it.
5. I have a lot of home-
work tonight, so I can’t
watch Eight Feet Below.
Project To introduce Task 5: How important is 20
to students a TV to you? mins
new way of Notes:
learning and * This project introduces
practising to students a new way
their learnt of learning and practis-
language out- ing their learnt language
side the class. outside the class.
* Teacher organises the ac-
tivity in a way that stu-
dents will be able to go
out and ask questions to
find out how important
TV is to their friends, to
take notes of the an-
swers, and to report the
results to other people
(their classmates).
- Teacher divides students
into groups of four or
five and instructs them Group
on what they have to do. work
- Teacher encourages
them to reach further
out of the classroom (in-
terviewing their parents,
siblings, neighbours,
- Teacher asks students to
share their findings with
the class. If there is time, T-Ss
teacher can use the re-
sults of the project for
the class discussion to
see how much TV watch-
ing is enough/ good/bad
and the role of TV for
Consolidation To consoli- Teacher asks students to T-Ss 3
date what talk about what they have mins
students have learnt in the lesson.
learnt in the
Homework To prepare Prepare for the next les- T-Ss 1
for the next son: Unit 8 – Getting min
lesson. started.
*Pictures' source: From Internet


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