Summer Independent Reading Pack

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INDEPENDENT READING Read for 20 minutes and complete the daily
(Summer reading books) reading activity.
- Make a mind map for your book or for your
character. Put the title of your book in the
middle. Use words and images to provide
the details.
- Write a summary of the first chapter / the
whole book.
- Choose a book you love and write the
author a letter about why. Be sure to use
evidence from the book.

READING COMPREHENSION - Biography reading comprehension


WRITING - Write a recount.

- Write an information text.
- Write a synopsis.
- Write a fiction story.

SPELLING Practice spelling words every day for 10 minutes.

GRAMMAR PRACTICE Subject and Verb Agreement

Name ________________________ Date _______________________

Writing a RECOUNT – Writing STRUCTURE

TITLE Must tell the reader what the story will be about.
Use ‘I’ or ‘We’ pronouns.

INTRODUCTION – WHEN and Where did the event(s) happen?

WHERE did it happen?
WHO was involved and how they got involved there?

BODY PARAGRAPH 3- 4 sentences saying what happened

- Describe the event

- Use time sequence word
- What happens next?

CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH - Tell how exciting was your experience


First, Next, Suddenly, Finally,

First of all, Then, Soon after, At last,
To start, Later, After that, To finish,


disappointed amazed frightened tearful shocked

worried, excited furious horrified speechless
cheerful apologetic surprised afraid ashamed



Topics for practice:

◼ Write about a first day of school

◼ Write about a time someone was surprised

◼ Write about a family trip

◼ Write about a time someone was scared

◼ Write about a birthday party
Learning About Amelia Boynton Robinson
Subject and Verb Agreement.
Practice spelling words on the daily basis for 5 – 10 minutes.

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5

1. comic 1. constant 1. beetle 1. ashamed 1. surprise

2. ostrich 2. Africa 2. jewelry 2. indeed 2. French
3. realize 3. killed 3. avenue 3. engage 3. hesitate
4. insult 4. melody 4. climb 4. someone 4. tenant
5. grumble 5. bottom 5. wrote 5. sweater 5. exactly
6. gallop 6. Florida 6. casual 6. mansion 6. remain
7. hurry 7. secret 7. continue 7. instant 7. beige
8. distinct 8. tumble 8. launch 8. wonder 8. breathe
9. contestant 9. afterwards 9. active 9. smile 9. succeed
10. defendant 10. cathedral 10. passive 10. irritate 10. horrible
11. assistant 11. desirable 11. sprint 11. plunge 11. tangible
12. brilliant 12. excitable 12. allowable 12. absent 12. gullible
13. compliant 13. breakable 13. suitable 13. 13. possible
14.extravagan 14. notable 14.distinguishabl excellent 14. permissible
t 15. ignorant 15. tolerable e 14. reverent 15.comprehensibl
16. consonant 16.questionabl 15. preferable 15.impatien e 16. invisible
17. applicant e 17. 16. debatable t 16. 17. specific
18. migration hundredth 18. 17. matter stringent 18. function
19. route thousandth 19. 18. gaseous 17.hydroge 19. ancient
20. trace tenth 19. solidify n 20. cliff
20. millionth 20. petroleum 18.molecul
e 19.
dioxide 20.

Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10

1. Jupiter 1. difficult 1. opposite 1. Venus 1. Spain

2. similar 2. Uranus 2. Mercury 2. formation 2. visual
3. daisy 3. melon 3. media 3. merciless 3. thunder
4. convention 4. fantastic 4. terrier 4. afraid 4. antelope
5. victory 5. unusual 5. plentiful 5. article 5. freeze
6. stretched 6. apparently 6. servant 6. adverb 6. major
7. experience 7. plaster 7.apostrophe 7. adjective 7. Virginia
8. serious 8. equinox 8. comma 8. conjunction 8. trophy
9. allow 9. evening 9. exclamation 9. participle 9. necessary
10. chronology 10. ridiculous 10. trout 10.preposition 10. solemn
11.anthropolog 11.ambidextrous 11.subdivision 11. biology 11. adhesive
y 12. sociology 12. ambivalent 12. subheading 12.archaeology 12. addict
13. psychology 13. ambient 13. submarine 13. ermatology 13. adhere
14. theology 14. ambiguity 14. submission 14. pathology 14. adjacent
15.methodology 15. ambition 15. submerge 15. mythology 15. adjourn
16. criminology 16. require 16. subscribe 16.terminology 16. admission
17.performance 17. occupation 17.subordinate 17. zoology 17. adjustment
18. rehearse 18. apprentice 18. forecast 18. saturated 18.advertisement
19. renaissance 19. instruction 19. blizzard 19. coordinate 19. exploration
20. playwright 20. journeyman 20.meteorology 20. geometry 20. Conquest

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