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IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.

Function CardDown(BoardID As String, CardID As String, PinID As String, TimeCode As

String, Reader As String, Finger As String) As Integer
Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
CardID Registration ID number
- Star505R PIN Mode: 4 Digit(“aaaa1234”), 5 Digit(“aaa12345”), 6
- Finger007 PIN Mode : 4 Digit(“00001234”)
- Normal Mode is 8Digit
PinID Access password
TimeCode Time schedule number (01 to 10)
Reader Apply Reader. ‘3’ is both Reader (Reader 1 and 2).
Finger Use/ Not use Finger
- ‘0’ is not use Finger.
- ‘1’ is use Finger.
Function: Register Card (or PIN) number in System
Example Code
Dim i As Integer

'Call function (CardDown) to download in System

i = MainMDI.ACT1.CardDown(Left(Combo15.Text, 2), Text7.Text, Text6.Text, Left(Combo11.Text,
2), Left(Combo12.Text, 1), Left(Combo13.Text, 1))

Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select

Function CardDel (BoardID As String, CardID As String) as Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
CardID Registration ID number
- Star505R PIN Mode: 4 Digit (“aaaa1234”), 5 Digit (“aaa12345”), 6 Digit
- Finger007 PIN Mode: 4 Digit (“00001234”)
- Normal Mode is 8Digit
Function : Delete Card(or PIN) number in System

Example Code


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

Dim i As Integer

'Call function (CardDel) to delete from System

'If this function is executed, Card ID delete from selected Board Name.
i = MainMDI.ACT1.CardDel(Left(Combo15.Text, 2), Text7.Text)

Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select

Function CardRead(BoardID As String, CardID As String) As String

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
CardID Registration ID number
- Star505R PIN Mode: 4 Digit (“aaaa1234”), 5 Digit (“aaa12345”), 6 Digit
- Finger007 PIN Mode: 4 Digit (“00001234”)
- Normal Mode is 8Digit
Function : Read Card(or PIN) number in System
Example Code

Dim str As String

'Call function (CardRead) to upload from Board Name to upload in PC.

'Of course, Board address is selected by user at this form.
str = MainMDI.ACT1.CardRead(Left(Combo15.Text, 2), Text7.Text)

If Len(str) < 2 Then

Select Case str
Case "0"
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case "1"
MsgBox "OK"
Case "2"
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select
Text6.Text = Left(str, 4)
Combo11.Text = Mid(str, 5, 2)
Combo12.ListIndex = CInt(Mid(str, 7, 1)) - 1
Combo13.ListIndex = CInt(Right(str, 1))
End If


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

Function RegCardCount(BoardID As String, Finger As String) As String

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Finger Decide whether to use Finger or not
- ‘1’ : number of in FDA01(FingerPrint)(If Finger007 System)
- ‘0’ : number of Card ID
Function : Calculate the number of registered card ID data in System

Example Code
Dim str As String

'Call function to calculate the number of registered card (or PIN) number in System
str = MainMDI.ACT1.RegCardCount(Left(Combo3.Text, 2), CStr(Combo14.ListIndex))

If str = "0" Or str = "2" Then

Select Case str
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select
Text8.Text = str
End If

Function DownTimeSch(BoardID As String, Index As String, TimeSch As String, Holiday As

String) As Integer
Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Index Time Schedule Index (01 to 10) to register
TimeSch *Time Schedule Data : (8 * 5) * 8
- 8: byte (00002400)
- 5: Number (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th)
- 8: 1 week (7 day and Holiday)

Holiday Holiday Index

Not Apply : 00
Apply : 01- 10
Function : Time Schedule download to controller.

Example Code
Dim strHcode As String
Dim strCcode As String
Dim str As String

If Trim(Combo3.Text) = "None" Then

strHcode = "00"
strHcode = Trim(Combo3.Text)
End If

str = C_TimeString


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

i = MainMDI.ACT1.DownTimeSch(Left(Combo2.Text, 2), Combo1.Text, str, strHcode)

Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select

Function ReadTimeSch(BoardID As String, Index As String) As String

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Index Time Schedule Index (01 to 10) to register
Function : Read Timeschedule data in System

Example Code
Dim str As String
Dim i, j, k As Integer

str = MainMDI.ACT1.ReadTimeSch(Left(Combo2.Text, 2), Combo1.Text)

If str = "0" Or str = "2" Then

Select Case str
Case "0"
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case "2"
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select
Combo3.Text = Right(str, 2) 'Holidy Index
For i = 0 To 79 'Time
MaskEdBox1(i).Text = Mid(str, k, 4)
Next i
End If

Function HoliDayDown(BoardID As String, Index As String, HoliDays As String) As Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Index Holiday code number (01 to 10)
HoliDays Holiday d
- 32 times/year
- 4 byte/day


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

Function : Holiday download to controller.

Example Code
Dim str As String

str = C_DateString

i = MainMDI.ACT1.HoliDayDown(Left(Combo1.Text, 2), Combo6.Text, str)

Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select

Function HolidayUp(BoardID As String, Code As String) As String

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Code Holiday code number (01 to 10)
Function : Holiday upload to controller.

Example Code


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

Dim str As String

Dim i, k As Integer

str = MainMDI.ACT1.HolidayUp(Left(Combo1.Text, 2), Combo6.Text)

If str = "0" Or str = "2" Then

Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select
For i = 0 To 31
If Mid(str, k, 4) = "0000" Then
MaskEdBox1(i).Text = ""
MaskEdBox1(i).Text = Mid(str, k, 4)
End If
Next i
End If

Function MasterDown(BoardID As String, MasterCard As String, Password As String) As Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
MasterCard Registration ID number
Password Access password
FLAG In case of Star505R
- 0 : Card Mode (Card No range is 00000000 ~ 25565535)
- 1 : PIN MODE ( Card No range is 00000000 ~ 99999999)
- 9 : Upload
In case of Finger007
- 0 : Default
In case of Star Icon100
- Not support Master ID Download.

Function : Master Card download to controller.


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

Example Code

Private Sub Command19_Click()

Dim i As Integer

‘Call function to download Master Card data in STAR505R.

i = MDIForm1.ACT1.MasterDown(MDIForm1.Combo1.Text, Text5.Text, Text4.Text)
Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select
End Sub

Function FunctionChange(BoardID As String, Mode As Integer) As Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Mode Change mode
- Mode ‘1’ is F1
- Mode ‘2’ is F2
- Mode ‘3’ is F3
- Mode ‘4’ is F4

Support not Icon100 System.

Function : Function key change download to controller.

Example Code
Dim i As Integer

'Call function to download Function Key Change data in System

i = MainMDI.ACT1.FunctionChange(Left(Combo2.Text, 2), Combo6.ListIndex + 1)

Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select

Function ModeChange(BoardID As String, Mode As String, TimeCode As String) As Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Mode In Case of 505R
- '1' is RF : RF (Not apply Timeschedule)
- '2' is RF : RF+PW(Not apply Timeschedule)


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

- ‘3’is RF+PW : RF (Apply Timeschedule)

- ‘4’is RF+PW : RF+PW (Apply Timeschedule)
- ‘5’is PIN : PIN (Not Apply Timeschedule)
- '9' is Upload
In Case of Finger007
- '1' is RF Only (Not apply Timeschedule)
- '2' is RF + FINGER (PW) (Apply Timeschedule)
- ‘3’is RF + PW + FINGER (Apply Timeschedule)
- '9' is Upload
In Case of Icon100
- '1' is RF Only (Not apply Timeschedule)
- '2' is RF + PW (Apply Timeschedule)
- '9' is Upload
TimeCode - TS in RF Only
- TS out RF and Password (PIN).
Function : Reader Mode change download.

Example Code
Dim i As Integer
Dim strTimeCode

Select Case Combo8.ListIndex

Case 0
strTimeCode = "00"
Case 1
strTimeCode = Left(Combo9.Text, 2)
End Select

i = MainMDI.ACT1.ModeChange(Left(Combo3.Text, 2), Combo8.ListIndex + 1, strTimeCode)

Select Case i

Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select

Function ModeUp(BoardID As String, TimeCode As String) As Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
TimeCode - 99 (Fixed)
Receive value In case of Star505R
- ‘2’ is RF – RF.
- ‘3’ is RF – RF + PW.
- ‘4’ is RF + PW – RF.
- ‘5’ is RF + PW – RF + PW.
- ‘6’ is PIN – PIN


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

In case of Finger007
- ‘2’ is RF only.
- ‘3’ is RF + FINGER (PW).
- ‘4’ is RF + PW + FINGER.
In case of Icon100
- ‘2’ is RF only.
- ‘3’ is RF + PW.

Function : Reader Mode Status upload to controller.

Example Code
Dim i As Integer

i = MainMDI.ACT1.ModeUp(Left(Combo3.Text, 2), "99")

Select Case i

Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "Check Error"
Case 2
Combo8.ListIndex = 0
Case 3
Combo8.ListIndex = 1
Case 4

Case 5

Case 6

End Select

Function DateTimeDown(BoardID As String, Date As String, Time As String, Week As String) As

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
- MM : MONTH(01-12)
- DD : DAY(01-31)

- HH: hours (00-23)
- MM: minutes (00-59)
- SS: second (00-59)
Week W- week(1-7) : 1-Sunday,2-Monday,3-Tuesday,4-Wednesday,5-Thursday,6-
Function : Date/time data download to controller.

Example Code


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

Dim str As Integer

Dim Week As String

Week = Combo1.ListIndex + 1

'Call function(DateTimeDown) to download in System

str = MainMDI.ACT1.DateTimeDown(Left(Combo2.Text, 2), Text1.Text, Text2.Text, Week)

Select Case str

Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select

Function DateTimeUp(BoardID As String) As String

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Function : Date/Time data upload to PC.

Example Code

Dim str As String

'Call function(DateTimeUp) to upload in System

str = MainMDI.ACT1.DateTimeUp(Left(Combo2.Text, 2))

If str = "0" Or str = "2" Then

MsgBox "Communication Error"
Text1.Text = Left(str, 8)
Text2.Text = Right(str, 6)
Combo1.ListIndex = CInt(Mid(str, 9, 1)) - 1
End If


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

Function SystemInit(BoardID As String, Index As String) As Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Index - ‘1’ is System initialization.
- ‘2’ is Card ID Clear.
- ‘3’ is Event Clear.
- ‘4’ is Time Schedule Clear.
Function : System initialize to Controller.

Example Code
Dim str As String
Dim i As Integer

str = Combo5.ListIndex + 1

'Call function(SystemInit) to download in System

i = MainMDI.ACT1.SystemInit(Left(Combo3.Text, 2), str)
Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select

Function OutputPortDown(BoardID As String, PortNo As String, Status As String, Sec As String)

As Integer
Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
PortNo Output port number (1-5).
- ‘1’ is Relay1.
- ‘2’ is Relay2.
- ‘3’ is TTL1.
- ‘4’ is TTL2.
- ‘5’ is Buzzer.
Status - ‘0’ is No Operation.


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

- ‘1’ is Operation.
Sec - '99' is always operation
- ’01-98’ is 01 Sec to 98 Sec operation.
Function : Control Output Port download to controller.

Example Code
Dim i As Integer

i = MainMDI.ACT1.OutputPortDown(Left(Combo1.Text, 2), Left(Combo2.Text, 1),

Left(Combo3.Text, 1), Left(Combo4.Text, 2))

Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select

Public Function InOutTable (ByVal BoardID As Integer, ByVal InputPort As String,ByVal OutputTime
As String, ByVal Output1 As String, ByVal Output2 As String, ByVal Output3 As String, ByVal
Output4 As String, ByVal Output5 As String )
Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
InoutPort - 01 is Input 1.
- 02 is Input 2.
- 03 is Input 3.
- 04 is Input 4.
- 05 is Input 5(Tamper).
- 06 is RF1 OK.
- 07 is RF1 ERROR(invalid ID).
- 08 is RF1 ERROR invalid time Schedule.
- 09 is RF1 ERROR (invalid Anti-passback)
- 10 is RF2 OK.
- 11 is RF2 ERROR(Invalid ID).
- 12 is RF2 ERROR(Invalid Time Schedule).
- 13 is RF2 ERROR(Invalid Anti-passback).
- 14 is Duress mode
- 15 is Duress mode(Unuse)
- 16 is Output port timeschedule setting.
OutputTime Time Schedule number (1 to 10) to register

Output1 When Index No is 01 to 15, output 1 is Active time(second).

If index No is 16, Output 1 is timeschedule code.
Output2 When Index No is 01 to 15, output 2 is Active time(second).
If index No is 16, Output 2 is timeschedule code.
Output3 When Index No is 01 to 15, output 3 is Active time(second).
If index No is 16, Output 3 is timeschedule code.
Output4 When Index No is 01 to 15, output 4 is Active time(second).
If index No is 16, Output 4 is timeschedule code.
Output5 When Index No is 01 to 15, output 5 is Active time(second).
If index no is 16, output 5 is timeschedule code


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

Function : Set Input/Output Port to controller.

End Sub

Function AntiPassDown(BoardID As String, Status As String) As Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Status - '0' is normal mode (anti-passback disable).
- '1' is anti-passback enable.
‘2’ is anti-passback flag clear
Function : Antipassback download to controller.

Example Code
Dim i As Integer

'Call function (AntiPassDown) to download Anti-passback in System

i = MainMDI.ACT1.AntiPassDown(Left(Combo4.Text, 2), CStr(Combo5.ListIndex))
Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select

Function AntiPassUp(BoardID As String) As Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Receive Value 2 : APB Disabled
3 : APB Enabled
Function : Antipassback upload to PC.


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

Example Code
Dim str As Integer

'Call function (AntipassUp) to upload in System

str = MainMDI.ACT1.AntiPassUp(Left(Combo4.Text, 2))
Select Case str
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "Checksum Error"
Case 2 'APB Disabled
Combo5.ListIndex = 0
Case 3 'APB Enabled
Combo5.ListIndex = 1
End Select

Function CommSpeedDown(BoardID As String, Baud As String) As Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Baud - ‘38400’ is BPS38400.
- ‘19200’ is BPS19200.
- ‘9600’ is BPS9600.
- ‘4800’ is BPS4800.

Function : Communication Speed download to controller.

Example Code

Dim i As Integer

i = MainMDI.ACT1.CommSpeedDown(Left(Combo1.Text, 2), (Combo2.Text))

Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select

Function CommSpeedUp(BoardID As String) As String

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Receive Value 38400 : BPS38400
19200 : BPS19200
9600 : BPS9600
4800 : BPS4800
Function : Communication Speed upload to PC.


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

Example Code
Dim i As Integer
Dim str As String

str = MainMDI.ACT1.CommSpeedUp(Left(Combo1.Text, 2))

If str = "0" Or str = "2" Then

Select Case str
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select
Select Case str
Case "38400"
Combo2.ListIndex = 0
Case "19200"
Combo2.ListIndex = 1
Case "9600"
Combo2.ListIndex = 2
Case "4800"
Combo2.ListIndex = 3
End Select
End If

Public Function KeyPadUse (ByVal BoardID As Integer, ByVal USE As String)

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
USE - ‘>’ is Input Used(Enabled).
- ‘<’ is Input Is Not Used(Disabled).
- ‘9’ is Upload.
Function : Eight DIGIT KeyPAD Input Usage download to controller.

Example Code

Private Sub Command13_Click()

Dim i As Integer
Dim Use As Boolean

If Combo4.ListIndex = 0 Then
Use = True
Use = False
End If

i = MDIForm1.ACT1.KeyPadUse(MDIForm1.Combo1.Text, Use)
Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
End Select


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

End Sub

Function KeyPadUsageUp(BoardID As String) As Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Function : Eight DIGIT keypad Input Usage upload to PC.

Example Code
Dim i As Integer

'Call function to upload eight-digit keypad in System

i = MainMDI.ACT1.KeyPadUsageUp(Left(Combo1.Text, 2))

Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
Combo4.ListIndex = 0
Case 2
Combo4.ListIndex = 1
End Select

Function DuressMode(BoardID As String, PIN As String, Flag As String) As Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
PIN Duress mode Key
‘00’ – ‘99’
Flag ‘0’ : Duress Disabled
‘1’ : Duress Enabled
Function : Duress mode download to controller

Example Code
Dim i As Integer

i = MainMDI.ACT1.DuressMode(Left(Combo1.Text, 2), Text1.Text, Left(Combo2.Text, 1))

Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Chcek Error"
End Select

Function CardMemory(BoardID As String, Count As String) As Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Count ‘00500’ – ‘10000’


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

Increase / Decrease 500 step count

Function : Count register card id in memory
This command use only Star505R, Finger007 System
Example Code
Dim str As String

str = MainMDI.ACT1.CardMemory(Left(Combo1.Text, 2), Format(Text1.Text, "00000"))

Select Case str

Case "0"
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case "1"
MsgBox "OK"
Case "2"
MsgBox "Check Error"
Case "3" 'event data in device memory
MsgBox "There is event data in device memory.Must change memory after receive all event
Exit Sub
End Select

Function GlobalAPB(BoardID As String, CardID As String, Flag As String) As Integer

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
CardID Card No
Flag ‘0’ APB Flag Set
‘1’ APB Flag Clear
Function : This command use with software

Example Code
Dim i As Integer

i = MainMDI.ACT1.GlobalAPB(Left(Combo2.Text, 2), Text1.Text, Left(Combo1.Text, 1))

Select Case i
Case 0
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Case 1
MsgBox "OK"
Case 2
MsgBox "Check Error"
End Select

Function FingerDown(BoardID As String, CardID As String, Flag As String, Finger As String) As



IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
Function : Fingerprint data download to Controller
This Command use only Finger007 System
Example Code
Dim i As Integer

i = MainMDI.ACT1.CardDown(Left(Combo15.Text, 2), Text7.Text, Text6.Text,left(Combo11.Text, )

Left(Combo12.Text, 1), Left(Combo13.Text, 1))

If Left(Combo13.Text, 1) = 1 Then 'Finger Use

str = MainMDI.ACT1.FingerDown(Left(Combo15.Text, 2), Text7.Text, "0", str)

Select Case str

Case "ERROR"
Case "1"
End Select
Else 'Figer Unuse
Select Case i
Case 0
Case 1
Case 2
End Select
End If

Function FingerUp(BoardID As String, CardID As String) As String

Argument Description
BoardID Address number that saved setting value.
CardID Card No
Function : Fungerprint data upload from Controller
This Command use only Finger007 System
Example Code
Dim str As Variant

str = MainMDI.ACT1.FingerUp(Left(Combo15.Text, 2), Text7.Text)

If Not Len(str) = 1 Then

Set MasterDB = Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase(App.Path + "\master.mdb")
Set CardRS = MasterDB.OpenRecordset("select * from cardreader where card_no='" &
Trim(Text7.Text) & "' and pin_no='" & Trim(Text6.Text) & "'", dbOpenDynaset)

With CardRS
If .RecordCount <> 0 Then
CardRS!card_no = Trim(Text7.Text)
CardRS!FP1 = Mid(str, 14, 1200)


IDTECK Software Development Kit V3.5

CardRS!FP2 = Mid(str, 1214, 1200)

CardRS!card_no = Trim(Text7.Text)
CardRS!FP1 = Mid(str, 14, 1200)
CardRS!FP2 = Mid(str, 1214, 1200)
End If
End With
Select Case str
Case "0"
MsgBox "Communication Error"
Exit Sub
Case "1"
MsgBox "ChekcSum Error"
Exit Sub
End Select
End If


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