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Product manual
OmniCore C90XT
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Product manual
OmniCore C90XT

Document ID: 3HAC073706-001

Revision: D

© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and should not
be construed as a commitment by ABB. ABB assumes no responsibility for any errors
that may appear in this manual.
Except as may be expressly stated anywhere in this manual, nothing herein shall be
construed as any kind of guarantee or warranty by ABB for losses, damage to persons
or property, fitness for a specific purpose or the like.
In no event shall ABB be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from
use of this manual and products described herein.
This manual and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without ABB's
written permission.
Keep for future reference.
Additional copies of this manual may be obtained from ABB.
Original instructions.

© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.
Table of contents

Table of contents
Overview of this manual ................................................................................................................... 9
Product documentation .................................................................................................................... 11

1 Safety 13
1.1 Safety information ............................................................................................. 13
1.1.1 Limitation of liability ................................................................................. 13
1.1.2 Safety data ............................................................................................. 14
1.1.3 Requirements on personnel ...................................................................... 16
1.2 Safety signals and symbols ................................................................................. 17
1.2.1 Safety signals in the manual ...................................................................... 17
1.2.2 Safety symbols on controller labels ............................................................ 19
1.3 Robot stopping functions .................................................................................... 22
1.3.1 Protective stop and emergency stop ........................................................... 22
1.3.2 About emergency stops ............................................................................ 24
1.3.3 Enabling device and hold-to-run functionality ............................................... 25
1.4 Robot operating modes ...................................................................................... 27
1.4.1 About the manual mode ........................................................................... 27
1.4.2 About the automatic mode ........................................................................ 29
1.5 Installation and commissioning ............................................................................ 30
1.6 Operation ........................................................................................................ 33
1.7 Maintenance and repair ...................................................................................... 34
1.8 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 35
1.9 Decommissioning .............................................................................................. 36

2 Controller description 37
2.1 OmniCore C90XT .............................................................................................. 37
2.2 Technical data for OmniCore C90XT controller ....................................................... 38
2.3 The unit is sensitive to ESD ................................................................................. 43
2.4 Handling of FlexPendant .................................................................................... 44
2.5 Network security ............................................................................................... 46
2.6 Open source and 3rd party components in RobotWare ............................................. 47
2.7 ABB Ability ....................................................................................................... 48

3 Installation and commissioning 51

3.1 Introduction to installation and commissioning ....................................................... 51
3.2 Installation activities .......................................................................................... 52
3.3 Transporting and handling .................................................................................. 53
3.3.1 Lifting the controller cabinet ...................................................................... 53
3.3.2 Unpacking ............................................................................................. 54
3.3.3 Storing .................................................................................................. 55
3.4 On-site installation ............................................................................................ 56
3.4.1 Required installation space ....................................................................... 56
3.4.2 Mounting the FlexPendant holder ............................................................... 58
3.5 Electrical connections ........................................................................................ 62
3.5.1 Connectors on the OmniCore C90XT controller ............................................. 62
3.5.2 Connecting cables to the controller ............................................................. 64
3.5.3 Connecting the manipulator to the controller ................................................ 69
3.5.4 Fitting the connector ................................................................................ 70
3.5.5 Connecting power supply to and grounding the controller ............................... 73
3.5.6 Connecting and detaching a FlexPendant .................................................... 76
3.5.7 Network connections on OmniCore ............................................................ 79
3.5.8 Set up the network connection ................................................................... 84
3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors ...................................................................... 87
3.5.10 Configuring safety stops ........................................................................... 99
3.5.11 Programmable stop functions .................................................................... 100

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Table of contents

3.6 I/O system ....................................................................................................... 103

3.6.1 Available fieldbuses ................................................................................. 103
3.6.2 Scalable I/O, internal and external .............................................................. 105
3.7 Installing options ............................................................................................... 106
3.7.1 Installing the harness for double SMB ......................................................... 106
3.7.2 Installing the scalable I/O devices .............................................................. 110
3.7.3 Installing the Ethernet extension switch ....................................................... 113
3.7.4 Installing the power supply optional device .................................................. 116
3.7.5 Installing the fieldbus adapter slave devices ................................................. 120
3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master ..................................................................... 122
3.7.7 Installing the conveyor tracking module ....................................................... 134
3.7.8 Installing the cable grommet assembly ........................................................ 137
3.7.9 Installing the filter .................................................................................... 143
3.8 Installing add-on devices .................................................................................... 145
3.8.1 Installing the extension box ....................................................................... 145
3.8.2 Installing the conveyor tracking module to extension box ............................... 150
3.9 Installing external devices ................................................................................... 153
3.10 Initial test before commissioning .......................................................................... 154

4 Maintenance 155
4.1 Maintenance schedule, OmniCore ........................................................................ 155
4.2 Inspection activities ........................................................................................... 156
4.2.1 Inspection of controller ............................................................................. 156
4.3 Cleaning activities ............................................................................................. 157
4.3.1 Cleaning air filter ..................................................................................... 157
4.3.2 Cleaning of the controller cabinet ............................................................... 159
4.3.3 Cleaning the FlexPendant ......................................................................... 160
4.4 Changing/replacing activities ............................................................................... 162
4.4.1 Replacement of air filter ............................................................................ 162
4.5 Function tests ................................................................................................... 165
4.5.1 Function test of emergency stop ................................................................ 165
4.5.2 Function test of manual, auto, and manual full speed mode with FlexPendant .... 166
4.5.3 Function test of three-position enabling device ............................................. 167
4.5.4 Function test of contactors A1.Q1 and A1.Q2 inside the power unit .................. 168
4.5.5 Function test of auto stop ......................................................................... 169
4.5.6 Function test of external emergency stop .................................................... 170
4.5.7 Function test of ESTOP_STATUS output ..................................................... 171
4.5.8 Function test of reduced speed control ........................................................ 172

5 Repair 173
5.1 Introduction to repair ......................................................................................... 173
5.2 Replacement of controller parts ........................................................................... 174
5.2.1 Opening the robot controller ...................................................................... 174
5.2.2 Replacing the axis computer ..................................................................... 175
5.2.3 Replacing the fans ................................................................................... 181 Replacing the standard fans .......................................................... 182 Replacing the heat exchanger ........................................................ 186
5.2.4 Replacing the robot signal exchange proxy .................................................. 192
5.2.5 Replacing the Ethernet switch ................................................................... 198
5.2.6 Replacing the Connected Services Gateway ................................................ 202
5.2.7 Replacing the scalable I/O unit ................................................................... 208
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer .................................................................... 213
5.2.9 Replacing the power unit .......................................................................... 242
5.2.10 Replacing the power supply ...................................................................... 247
5.2.11 Replacing the drive unit ............................................................................ 257
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master .................................................................... 265
5.2.13 Replacing the conveyor tracking module(CTM) ............................................. 279
5.2.14 Replacing the air filter .............................................................................. 284

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Table of contents

5.3 Replacing parts on the panels ............................................................................. 288

5.3.1 Replacing the manipulator signal connector (SMB) ........................................ 288
5.3.2 Replacing the motor connector .................................................................. 292 Replacing the motor connector ...................................................... 294
5.3.3 Replacing the fieldbus adapter slave ........................................................... 298
5.3.4 Replacing the power inlet ......................................................................... 302
5.3.5 Replacing the HMI signal (FlexPendant) connector ........................................ 306
5.3.6 Replacing the cable grommet assembly ...................................................... 312
5.3.7 Replacing the cable grommet assembly ...................................................... 321
5.3.8 Replacing the harness ETH outlet with cable ................................................ 330
5.3.9 Replacing the LED indicator ...................................................................... 336
5.4 Replacing parts on the FlexPendant ..................................................................... 342
5.4.1 Replacing the power cable and power cable cover ........................................ 342
5.4.2 Replacing the joystick protection ................................................................ 346
5.4.3 Replacing the fasten strip ......................................................................... 349

6 Decommissioning 351
6.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 351
6.2 Environmental information .................................................................................. 352

7 Troubleshooting 355
7.1 Introduction to troubleshooting ............................................................................ 355
7.2 Troubleshooting fault symptoms .......................................................................... 357
7.2.1 No LEDs are lit on the controller ................................................................. 358
7.2.2 Start-up failure ........................................................................................ 361
7.2.3 System update failure .............................................................................. 364
7.2.4 Problem releasing the robot brakes ............................................................ 365
7.2.5 Problem starting or connecting the FlexPendant ........................................... 369
7.2.6 Problem using the joystick ........................................................................ 373
7.2.7 Controller fails to start .............................................................................. 374
7.2.8 Reflashing firmware failure ........................................................................ 375
7.2.9 Inconsistent path accuracy ....................................................................... 376
7.3 Troubleshooting units ........................................................................................ 378
7.3.1 Troubleshooting LEDs in the controller ........................................................ 378
7.3.2 Troubleshooting the FlexPendant ............................................................... 379
7.3.3 Troubleshooting the drive unit ................................................................... 380
7.3.4 Troubleshooting the power unit .................................................................. 382
7.3.5 Troubleshooting fieldbuses and I/O ............................................................ 387
7.3.6 Troubleshooting the Connected Services Gateway ........................................ 388
7.3.7 Troubleshooting the Ethernet switch ........................................................... 394
7.3.8 Troubleshooting the axis computer ............................................................. 396
7.3.9 Troubleshooting the main computer ............................................................ 398
7.3.10 Troubleshooting the power supply .............................................................. 401
7.3.11 Troubleshooting the fieldbus adapter slave .................................................. 406
7.3.12 Troubleshooting the robot signal exchange proxy ......................................... 407

8 Reference information 413

8.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 413
8.2 Applicable standards ......................................................................................... 414
8.3 Unit conversion ................................................................................................. 416
8.4 Standard toolkit for controller .............................................................................. 417
8.5 Screw joints ..................................................................................................... 418
8.6 Weight specifications ......................................................................................... 419
8.7 Lifting accessories and lifting instructions .............................................................. 420

9 Spare parts 421

9.1 Controller parts ................................................................................................. 422
9.2 FlexPendant parts ............................................................................................. 440

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Table of contents

9.3 Manipulator cables ............................................................................................ 441

9.3.1 Manipulator cables .................................................................................. 441
9.3.2 Customer cables - CP/CS connectors (option) .............................................. 442
9.3.3 Customer cables - Ethernet floor cable ........................................................ 443

Index 445

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Overview of this manual

Overview of this manual

About this manual
This manual contains instructions for:
• mechanical and electrical installation of the controller
• maintenance of the controller
• mechanical and electrical repair of the controller

This manual should be used during:
• installation and commissioning, from lifting the product to its work site and
securing it to the foundation, to making it ready for operation
• maintenance work
• repair work
• decommissioning work


It is the responsibility of the integrator to conduct a hazard and risk analysis of

the final application and to ensure its safety.
It is the responsibility of the integrator to provide safety and user guides for the
robot system.

Who should read this manual?

This manual is intended for:
• installation personnel
• maintenance personnel
• repair personnel.

A maintenance/repair/installation craftsman working with an ABB robot must:
• be trained by ABB and have the required knowledge of mechanical and
electrical installation/repair/maintenance work.
• be trained to respond to emergencies or abnormal situations.


Document name Document ID

Product specification - OmniCore C line 3HAC065034-001
Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009
Operating manual - RobotStudio 3HAC032104-001
Operating manual - OmniCore 3HAC065036-001
Operating manual - Integrator's guide OmniCore 3HAC065037-001
Technical reference manual - System parameters 3HAC065041-001

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Overview of this manual

Document name Document ID

Application manual - Connected Services 3HAC028879-001
Application manual - Conveyor tracking 3HAC066561-001
Application manual - Force Control 3HAC070206-001
Application manual - SafeMove 3HAC066559-001

Revision Description
A First edition.
B Published in release 20C. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Updated information about safety data.
• Updated information about robot signal exchange proxy.
C Published in release 20D. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Section Mounting the FlexPendant holder on page 58 has been
updated with new installation method for the FlexPendant holder.
• Section Network connections on OmniCore on page 79 has been
updated with NOTE regarding correct usage of the MGMT port.
D Published in release 21A. The following updates are made in this revision:
• Minor corrections in section Connections on the main computer
on page 80.
• Added extension cable spare parts in section FlexPendant parts
on page 440.
• Minor corrections in section Descriptions for connectors on
page 87.

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Product documentation

Product documentation
Categories for user documentation from ABB Robotics
The user documentation from ABB Robotics is divided into a number of categories.
This listing is based on the type of information in the documents, regardless of
whether the products are standard or optional.


All documents can be found via myABB Business Portal,

Product manuals
Manipulators, controllers, DressPack/SpotPack, and most other hardware is
delivered with a Product manual that generally contains:
• Safety information.
• Installation and commissioning (descriptions of mechanical installation or
electrical connections).
• Maintenance (descriptions of all required preventive maintenance procedures
including intervals and expected life time of parts).
• Repair (descriptions of all recommended repair procedures including spare
• Calibration.
• Decommissioning.
• Reference information (safety standards, unit conversions, screw joints, lists
of tools).
• Spare parts list with corresponding figures (or references to separate spare
parts lists).
• References to circuit diagrams.

Technical reference manuals

The technical reference manuals describe reference information for robotics
products, for example lubrication, the RAPID language, and system parameters.

Application manuals
Specific applications (for example software or hardware options) are described in
Application manuals. An application manual can describe one or several
An application manual generally contains information about:
• The purpose of the application (what it does and when it is useful).
• What is included (for example cables, I/O boards, RAPID instructions, system
parameters, software).
• How to install included or required hardware.
• How to use the application.
• Examples of how to use the application.

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Product documentation

Operating manuals
The operating manuals describe hands-on handling of the products. The manuals
are aimed at those having first-hand operational contact with the product, that is
production cell operators, programmers, and troubleshooters.

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1 Safety
1.1.1 Limitation of liability

1 Safety
1.1 Safety information

1.1.1 Limitation of liability

Limitation of liability
Any information given in this manual regarding safety must not be construed as a
warranty by ABB that the industrial robot will not cause injury or damage even if
all safety instructions are complied with.
The information does not cover how to design, install and operate a robot system,
nor does it cover all peripheral equipment that can influence the safety of the robot
In particular, liability cannot be accepted if injury or damage has been caused for
any of the following reasons:
• Use of the robot in other ways than intended.
• Incorrect operation or maintenance.
• Operation of the robot when the safety devices are defective, not in their
intended location or in any other way not working.
• When instructions for operation and maintenance are not followed.
• Non-authorized design modifications of the robot.
• Repairs on the robot and its spare parts carried out by in-experienced or
non-qualified personnel.
• Foreign objects.
• Force majeure.

Spare parts and equipment

ABB supplies original spare parts and equipment which have been tested and
approved. The installation and/or use of non-original spare parts and equipment
can negatively affect the safety, function, performance, and structural properties
of the robot. ABB is not liable for damages caused by the use of non-original spare
parts and equipment.

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1 Safety
1.1.2 Safety data

1.1.2 Safety data

Prevailing standards and directives

For the use of industrial robots, regulations must be fulfilled as described in the
following standards and directives:
• EN ISO 10218-1:2011
• Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC

Performance level and category

EN ISO 10218-1 requires structure category 3 and performance level PL d on the
robot, see EN ISO 13849-1.

Risk assessment
The results of a risk assessment performed on the robot and its intended application
may determine that a safety-related control system performance other than that
stated in ISO 10218 is warranted for the application.
The SISTEMA/ABB FSDT libraries contains details for the safety functions.


The safety functions are divided into two types called Basic Safety Functions
and Extended Safety Functions. The Extended Safety Functions is an option.

Performance level for OmniCore C90XT

The OmniCore C90XT controller safety system has a safety category 3 with
performance level PL d according to EN ISO 13849-1 and thus fulfils the safety
performance requirement of the robot safety standard EN ISO 10218-1. The
following data is applicable for OmniCore C90XT together with all supported ABB
Safety function Calculated DC [%] PFHD [1/hour]
Emergency Stop 127 93 4.29E-08
External Emergency Stop 142 92 4.29E-08
Automatic Stop 142 92 4.29E-08
Three-position Enabling Device 104 94 4.29E-08
ESTOP_STATUS Output 276 80 1.01E-07

Safety data for SafeMove function

SafeMove functions Calculated DCavg Calculated PFHD

MTTFD [%] [1/hour]
Detachable TPU (triggered through emergency 127 93 4.29E-08
stop button on FlexPendant or other trigger)
Manual Operation Supervision 104 94 4.29E-08

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1 Safety
1.1.2 Safety data

SafeMove functions Calculated DCavg Calculated PFHD

MTTFD [%] [1/hour]
Contact Application Tolerance (CAP) 370 73 1.01E-07
Safe Brake Ramp 144 90 4.29E-08
Stand Still Supervision (SST) 144 90 4.29E-08
Axis Speed Supervision (ASP) (category 0 144 90 4.29E-08
stop/category 1 stop)
Tool Speed Supervision (TSP) (category 0 144 90 4.29E-08
stop/category 1 stop)
Axis Position Supervision (APO) (category 0 144 90 4.29E-08
stop/category 1 stop)
Tool Position Supervision (TPO) (category 0 144 90 4.29E-08
stop/category 1 stop)
Tool Orientation Supervision (TOR) (category 0 144 90 4.29E-08
stop/category 1 stop)
Control Error Supervision 144 90 4.29E-08

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1 Safety
1.1.3 Requirements on personnel

1.1.3 Requirements on personnel

Only personnel with appropriate training are allowed to install, maintain, service,
repair, and use the robot. This includes electrical, mechanical, hydraulics,
pneumatics, and other hazards identified in the risk assessment.
Persons who are under the influence of alcohol, drugs or any other intoxicating
substances are not allowed to install, maintain, service, repair, or use the robot.
The plant liable must make sure that the personnel is trained on the robot, and on
responding to emergency or abnormal situations.

Personal protective equipment

Use personal protective equipment, as stated in the product manual.

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1 Safety
1.2.1 Safety signals in the manual

1.2 Safety signals and symbols

1.2.1 Safety signals in the manual

Introduction to safety signals

This section specifies all safety signals used in the user manuals. Each signal
consists of:
• A caption specifying the hazard level (DANGER, WARNING, or CAUTION)
and the type of hazard.
• Instruction about how to reduce the hazard to an acceptable level.
• A brief description of remaining hazards, if not adequately reduced.

Hazard levels
The table below defines the captions specifying the hazard levels used throughout
this manual.
For more information, see standard ISO 13849.
Symbol Designation Significance
DANGER Signal word used to indicate an imminently hazard-
ous situation which, if not avoided, will result in ser-
ious injury.

WARNING Signal word used to indicate a potentially hazardous

situation which, if not avoided, could result in serious

ELECTRICAL Signal word used to indicate a potentially hazardous

SHOCK situation related to electrical hazards which, if not
avoided, could result in serious injury.

CAUTION Signal word used to indicate a potentially hazardous

situation which, if not avoided, could result in slight

ELECTROSTATIC Signal word used to indicate a potentially hazardous

DISCHARGE (ESD) situation which, if not avoided, could result in severe
damage to the product.

NOTE Signal word used to indicate important facts and


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1 Safety
1.2.1 Safety signals in the manual

Symbol Designation Significance

TIP Signal word used to indicate where to find additional
information or how to do an operation in an easier

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1 Safety
1.2.2 Safety symbols on controller labels

1.2.2 Safety symbols on controller labels

Introduction to symbols
This section describes safety symbols used on labels (stickers) on the controller.
Symbols are used in combinations on the labels, describing each specific warning.
The descriptions in this section are generic, the labels can contain additional
information such as values.


The symbols on the labels on the product must be observed. Additional symbols
added by the integrator must also be observed.

Types of symbols
Both the manipulator and the controller are marked with symbols, containing
important information about the product. This is important for all personnel handling
the robot, for example during installation, service, or operation.
The safety labels are language independent, they only use graphics. See Symbols
on safety labels on page 19.
The information labels can contain information in text.

Symbols on safety labels

Label Description
Read the user manual before use.


The robot is delivered to start in automatic mode


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1 Safety
1.2.2 Safety symbols on controller labels

Label Description
CE label


UL certified (robot with controller)


Safety UL label (for the Functional Safety solution together

with UL mark).


SafeMove label (for SafeMove Basic and SafeMove Pro soft-



Rating label (example)


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1 Safety
1.2.2 Safety symbols on controller labels

Label Description
Electrical shock


Warning & caution label

Risk of electrical shock.
Keep controller cover closed when power is on.
Keep away from inside for 3 minutes after turning off
power and disconnecting cable.

Read operation manual before installation.

Enclosure environmental type rating is type 1.
Inserting fingers or foreign objects into opening
may cause personal injury.


High voltage inside the module even if the main switch is in

the OFF position.


ESD sensitive components inside the controller.


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1 Safety
1.3.1 Protective stop and emergency stop

1.3 Robot stopping functions

1.3.1 Protective stop and emergency stop

Robot stopping functions

The robot has an emergency stop function and at least one protective stop function.
These functions have provision for the connection of external emergency stops
and protective devices.
The emergency stop function is a complementary protective measure and shall
not be applied as a substitute for safeguarding measures or safety functions.
The stop categories can be re-configured as defined by standards EN ISO
10218-1:2011 and IEC 60204-1:2016.
Emergency stop and protective stop functions are activated through dedicated
safety inputs or safety protocols.
For example, an output from a safety rated presence sensing device output can
be connected to a safety input on the robot controller. This is to initiate a protective
stop of the robot.

Stop categories

Stop category 0 As defined in IEC 60204-1, stopping by immediate removal of

power to the machine actuators.
Stop category 1 As defined in IEC 60204-1, a controlled stop with power avail-
able to the machine actuators to achieve the stop and then re-
moval of power when the stop is achieved.
Stop category 2 As defined in IEC 60204-1, a controlled stop with power remain-
ing available to the machine actuators.

Safety inputs to initiate a protective stop or an emergency stop

Protective stop and emergency stop inputs will initiate a stop, selectable of category
0 or category 1.
Safety inputs to initiate a Description
Emergency stop (ES) The Emergency Stop is operational in both automatic and
manual mode.
The default configuration is stop category 0. For deviations,
see the product manual for the manipulator.
Protective Stop configured The safety input Automatic Stop is only operational in automatic
as Automatic stop (AS) mode.
The default configuration is stop category 1.
Protective Stop configured The safety input General Stop is operational in both manual
as General Stop (GS) i mode and automatic mode.
The default configuration is stop category 1.
i Configuration to select General Stop, for example, protective stop in both manual mode and
automatic mode, is not released.

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1 Safety
1.3.1 Protective stop and emergency stop


For OmniCore, a safety input that is initiated must remain active for at least 100

Stop category configuration for OmniCore

The stop category for the safety input can be configured, see Technical reference
manual - System parameters.
Safety inputs System paramet- Description
er Function
Automatic Stop Category1AS Category1AS can be used to configure the protective
stop in automatic mode either as stop category 0 or
category 1. The default configuration is TRUE (stop
category 1).
Emergency Stop Category1ES i Category1ES is used to configure the emergency stop
in automatic and manual mode. The default configura-
tion is FALSE (stop category 0). The input is connected
to the emergency stop on the FlexPendant and can
also be connected to external devices.
i In RobotWare 7.0 there are two values for the safety input Emergency Stop, named Category1EES
(for external emergency stop) and Category1LES (for emergency stop on FlexPendant). These are
merged in RobotWare 7.1 into Category1ES.

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1 Safety
1.3.2 About emergency stops

1.3.2 About emergency stops

The emergency stops

The purpose of the emergency stop function is to avert actual or impending
emergency situations arising from the behavior of persons or from an unexpected
hazardous event.
The emergency stop function is to be initiated by a single human action.
The emergency stop function is a complementary protective measure and shall
not be applied as a substitute for safeguarding measures and other functions or
safety functions.
The effect of an activated emergency stop device is sustained until the actuator
of the emergency stop device has been disengaged. This disengagement is only
possible by an intentional human action on the device where the command has
been initiated. The disengagement of the device shall not restart the machinery
but only permit restarting.
After actuation and before disengaging the emergency stop device, the machinery
shall be inspected in order to detect the reason for actuation.

Recover from emergency stops

1 Make sure the hazardous situation that resulted in the emergency stop
condition no longer exists.
2 Locate and reset the device or devices that initiated the emergency stop
3 Press the Motors On button to recover from the emergency stop condition.
Use the FlexPendant or Robot Control Mate.

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1 Safety
1.3.3 Enabling device and hold-to-run functionality

1.3.3 Enabling device and hold-to-run functionality

Three-position enabling device


The person using the three-position enabling device is responsible to observe

the safeguarded area for hazards due to robot motion and any other hazards
controlled by the robot.
The three-position enabling device is a manually operated, constant pressure
push-button which, when in center-enabled position, allows potentially hazardous
The three-position enabling device will when continuously held in center-enabled
position permit robot motion and any hazards controlled by the robot. Release of
or compression past the center-enabled position will stop the hazard, for example,
robot motion.


For safe use of the three-position enabling device, the following must be
• The three-position enabling device must never be rendered inoperational
in any way.
• If there is a need to enter safeguarded space, always bring the three-position
enabling device. This is to enforce single point of control.


The single point of control cannot be guaranteed in automatic mode. External

clients cannot be denied access.


On the IRB 14050, the three-position enabling device is not active unless a valid
SafeMove configuration is active in the controller.


A protective stop in manual mode does not exist.

Hold-to-run function in manual full speed mode

The hold-to-run function for manual full speed allows movement in conjunction
with the three-position enabling device when the button connected to the function
is actuated manually. This hold-to-run function can only be used in manual full
speed mode. In case of hazard, release or compress the three-position enabling

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1 Safety
1.3.3 Enabling device and hold-to-run functionality

How to use the hold-to-run function for manual full speed mode is described in the
operating manual for the controller.


The manual full speed mode is not available in all markets.

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1 Safety
1.4.1 About the manual mode

1.4 Robot operating modes

1.4.1 About the manual mode

The manual mode

Manual mode is a control state that allows for the direct control by an operator.
The operator will through positioning the three-position enabling switch to the
center-position allow for movement of the manipulator.
There are two manual modes:
• Manual reduced speed mode
• Manual high speed mode (optional)

Safeguard mechanisms
• Protective stops through
- Three-position enabling switch

The manual reduced speed mode

In manual reduced speed mode the movement of the TCP is limited to 250 mm/s.
In addition, there is a limitation on the maximum allowed speed for each axis.
This mode is used for jogging, teaching, programming and program verification of
the robot; it may be the mode selected when performing some maintenance tasks.
Manual control of the robot from inside the safeguarded space shall be performed
at the reduced speed in conjunction with the TPU consisting of the three position
enabling switch.


Wherever possible, the manual mode of operation shall be performed with all
persons outside the safeguarded space.

Tasks normally performed in manual reduced speed mode

The following tasks are normally performed in manual reduced speed mode.
• Set or reset I/O signals
• Creating and editing RAPID programs
• Modify system parameter values
• Starting, stepping, and stopping program execution
• Jog the manipulator.
• Teach or tune programmed manipulator positions

The manual high speed mode

In manual high speed, speeds up to programmed speeds can be achieved e.g. a
speed greater than 250 mm/s. The initial speed limit is up to, but not exceeding,
250 mm/s. This is achieved by limiting the speed to 3% of the programmed speed.
Through manual control the speed can be increased up to 100% of the programmed
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1 Safety
1.4.1 About the manual mode

This mode is used for program verification only.

The three-position enabling switch must be pressed to the center-position and the
hold-to-run button must be pressed to allow start of program execution.


Wherever possible, the manual mode of operation shall be performed with all
persons outside the safeguarded space.


• When the three-position enabling switch is released or fully compressed,

the speed is reset to 3% of programmed speed but not exceeding 250 mm/s.
• Editing RAPID programs and jogging the manipulator are disabled.

Tasks normally performed in manual high speed mode

The following tasks can be performed in the manual high speed mode.
• Starting and stopping program execution for program verification
• Stepping program execution
• Setting speed (0–100%)
• Setting program pointer (to Main, to routine, to cursor, to service routine,

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1 Safety
1.4.2 About the automatic mode

1.4.2 About the automatic mode

The automatic mode

Automatic mode is an operating mode in which the robot control system operates
in accordance with the task program(s) and therefore not in direct control by an

Tasks performed in automatic mode which might affect safety

The following tasks are typically performed in automatic mode:
• Remote clients can load, start, stop, and modify RAPID programs.
• Increase or decrease the speed in the interval zero to programmed speed
of the manipulator.
• Restore backups. Only possible when robot is at stop.
• Return to operation after protective stops or emergency stop, including regain
to path.

Limitations in automatic mode

See the integrator's documentation for the machinery/robot system for details on
which tasks are to be performed in automatic mode.

Safeguard mechanisms
• Protective stop through
- Automatic Stop, AS

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1 Safety
1.5 Installation and commissioning

1.5 Installation and commissioning

National or regional regulations

The integrator of the robot system is responsible for the safety of the robot system.
The integrator is responsible that the robot system is designed and installed in
accordance with the safety requirements set forth in the applicable national and
regional standards and regulations.
The integrator of the robot system is required to perform an assessment of the
hazards and risks.

The robot integrated to a robot system shall be designed to allow safe access to
all areas during installation, operation, maintenance, and repair.
If robot movement can be initiated from an external control panel then an emergency
stop must also be available.
If the manipulator is delivered with mechanical stops, these can be used for reducing
the working area.
A perimeter safeguarding, for example a fence, shall be dimensioned to withstand
the following:
• The force of the manipulator.
• The force of the load handled by the robot if dropped or released at maximum
• The maximum possible impact caused by a breaking or malfunctioning
rotating tool or other device fitted to the robot.
The maximum TCP speed and the maximum velocity of the robot axes are detailed
in the section Robot motion in the product specification for the respective
Consider exposure to hazards, such as slipping, tripping, and falling.
Hazards due to the working position and posture for a person working with or near
the robot shall be considered.
Consider hazards from other equipment in the robot system, for example, that
guards remain active until identified hazards are reduced to an acceptable level.

Allergenic material
See Environmental information on page 352 for specification of allergenic materials
in the product, if any.

Securing the robot to the foundation

The robot must be properly fixed to its foundation/support, as described in the
product manual.
When the robot is installed at a height, hanging, or other than mounted directly on
the floor, there will be additional hazards.

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1 Safety
1.5 Installation and commissioning

Electrical safety
The mains power must be installed to fulfill national regulations.
The power supply wiring to the robot must be sufficiently fused and if necessary,
it must be possible to disconnect it manually from the mains power.
The power to the robot must be turned off with the main switch and the mains
power disconnected when performing work inside the controller cabinet. Lock and
tag shall be considered.
Hazards due to stored electrical energy in the controller must be considered.
Harnesses between controller and manipulator shall be fixed and protected to
avoid tripping and wear.
Wherever possible, power on/off or rebooting the robot controller shall be performed
with all persons outside the safeguarded space.


Use a CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) extinguisher in the event of a fire in the robot.

Safety devices
The integrator is responsible for that the safety devices necessary to protect people
working with the robot system are designed and installed correctly.
When integrating the robot with external devices to a robot system:
• The integrator of the robot system must ensure that emergency stop functions
are interlocked in accordance with applicable standards.
• The integrator of the robot system must ensure that safety functions are
interlocked in accordance with applicable standards.

Other hazards


Hazards due to the use of brake release devices and/or gravity beneath the
manipulator shall be considered.
A robot may perform unexpected limited movement.


Manipulator movements can cause serious injuries on users and may damage
The risk assessment should also consider other hazards arising from the
application, such as, but not limited to:
• Water
• Compressed air
• Hydraulics

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1 Safety
1.5 Installation and commissioning

Collaborative applications
If a robot is intended for a collaborative application, where occasional contact
between the robot and the operator is expected, the safety aspects must still be
addressed. See the product manual for the manipulator.

Verify the safety functions

Before the robot system is put into operation, verify that the safety functions are
working as intended and that any remaining hazards identified in the risk
assessment are mitigated to an acceptable level.

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1 Safety
1.6 Operation

1.6 Operation

Lock and change of operating mode

To prevent hazard, it is the responsibility of the integrator to make sure that keys
used to lock or change the operating mode are handled only by authorized

Safety actuators not in use

Devices with safety actuators that are not connected to the robot or robot system
cannot initiate emergency stops or protective stops. These must be stored out of
reach and sight so that they cannot be mistaken for being in use.

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1 Safety
1.7 Maintenance and repair

1.7 Maintenance and repair

Corrective maintenance must only be carried out by personnel trained on the robot.
Maintenance or repair must be done with all electrical, pneumatic, and hydraulic
power switched off, that is, no remaining hazards.
Never use the robot as a ladder, which means, do not climb on the controller,
manipulator, including motors, or other parts. There are hazards of slipping and
falling. The robot might be damaged.
Make sure that there are no loose screws, turnings, or other unexpected parts
remaining after work on the robot has been performed.
When the work is completed, verify that the safety functions are working as

Hot surfaces
Surfaces can be hot after running the robot. Touching the surfaces may result in
Allow the parts to cool down before maintenance or repair.

Hazards related to batteries

Under rated conditions, the electrode materials and liquid electrolyte in the batteries
are sealed and not exposed to the outside.
There is a hazard in case of abuse (mechanical, thermal, electrical) which leads
to the activation of safety valves and/or the rupture of the battery container. As a
result under certain circumstances, electrolyte leakage, electrode materials reaction
with moisture/water or battery vent/explosion/fire may follow.
Do not short circuit, recharge, puncture, incinerate, crush, immerse, force discharge
or expose to temperatures above the declared operating temperature range of the
product. Risk of fire or explosion.
Operating temperatures are listed in Operating conditions on page 40.
See safety instructions for the batteries in Material/product safety data
sheet - Battery pack (3HAC043118-001).

Related information
See also the safety information related to installation and operation.

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1 Safety
1.8 Troubleshooting

1.8 Troubleshooting

When troubleshooting requires work with power switched on, special considerations
must be taken:
• Safety circuits might be muted or disconnected.
• Electrical parts must be considered as live.
• The manipulator can move unexpectedly at any time.


Troubleshooting on the controller while powered on must be performed by

personnel trained by ABB or by ABB field engineers.
A risk assessment must be done to address both robot and robot system specific

Related information
See also the safety information related to installation, operation, maintenance, and

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1 Safety
1.9 Decommissioning

1.9 Decommissioning

See section Decommissioning on page 351.

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2 Controller description
2.1 OmniCore C90XT

2 Controller description
2.1 OmniCore C90XT

About OmniCore C90XT

The OmniCore C90XT is one of OmniCore C line compact controllers. The OmniCore
C90XT controller offers a compact solution suitable for most applications with room
for some additional equipment inside.
It is used to control an ABB manipulator used in industrial applications such as
material handling and machine tending.

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2 Controller description
2.2 Technical data for OmniCore C90XT controller

2.2 Technical data for OmniCore C90XT controller

Overview of the controller

The OmniCore C90XT controller has all components in one cabinet.


OmniCore C90XT
Basic box Baseline
Extension box Option
Drive T4 Baseline
Power unit A1 Baseline
SMB connector X2 Baseline
Force control connector X3 Option
HMI connector (TPU) X4 Baseline
Motor connector X1 Baseline
Scalable I/O K5.1 Baseline
Additional I/O K5.2/K5.3 Option
IP20 DeviceNet X17 Option
Conveyor tracker module B1 Option
Motion Safety A2.K3 Baseline
Connected Services Gateway (with antenna for 3G and K7 Baseline i
Ethernet switch K4 Option

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2 Controller description
2.2 Technical data for OmniCore C90XT controller

OmniCore C90XT
Standard fan G1 Baseline
Heat exchanger G2 Baseline
Axis computer K6 Baseline
Main computer A2 Baseline
Power supply T2 Baseline
Power supply T5 Option
ODVA power supply T5 Option
Fieldbus adapter slave X18 Option
Process Connector X81 Option
Filter Option
Power inlet switch Q0 Baseline
Power inlet connector X0 Baseline
Robot signal exchange proxy K2 Baseline
i Baseline is 3G. Wired or WiFi available as option.


Parameter Value
Width 500 mm
Depth 355 mm
Height 520 mm

Extension box

Parameter Value
Width 500 mm
Depth 355 mm
Height 295 mm

The table shows the weight of the controller.
Controller Weight
OmniCore C90XT 46 kg (not including the extension box)
Extension Box 25 kg


The weight does not include any mounting kits fitted on the controller.

Transportation and storage conditions

Parameter Value
Minimum ambient temperature -25°C (-13°F)

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2 Controller description
2.2 Technical data for OmniCore C90XT controller

Parameter Value
Maximum ambient temperature +55°C (+131°F)
Maximum ambient temperature (less than 24 +70°C (+158°F)
Maximum ambient humidity Maximum 95% at constant temperature.
Vibration Max. Grms = 4 m/s 2 (X & Y axis), Grms =
12.8 m/s 2 (Z axis)
Bumps Max. 5 g = 50 m/s 2 (11 ms)

After storage, the operating conditions must be met for at least 4 hours before
switching on the controller (see Operating conditions on page 40).

Operating conditions
The table shows the allowed operating conditions for the controller.
Parameter Value
Minimum ambient temperature +5°C (+41°F)
Maximum ambient temperature +45°C (+113°F)
Maximum ambient humidity Maximum 95% at constant temperature.
Maximum ambient altitude 2,000 m
Vibration Max. Grms = 2.86 m/s2 (X, Y, Z axis)
Bumps Max. 5 g = 50 m/s2 (11 ms)

Protection classes

Protection class
Controller cabinet IP54
Extension box cabinet IP54
Controller electronics IP54
FlexPendant IP54

The cabinet must be closed properly when the robot system is in production. If the
cabinet is not properly closed, then it does not comply with the protection class
(IP54). The shield for electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is also affected if the
controller is not properly closed.
If the door is not closed, this can also affect parts inside cabinet due to dust or
moisture, especially important in cases with high heat and humidity, or much


To comply with IP54, all openings to the controller cabinet must be covered. This
includes unconnected connectors which must be fitted with covers.

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2 Controller description
2.2 Technical data for OmniCore C90XT controller

Power supply

Mains Value
Voltage for OmniCore C90XT 220/230 VAC, 1 phase
Voltage tolerance +10%, -15%
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Frequency tolerance ±3%


The use of three phase power with delta connection (as sometimes used in North
Americas and some Asian countries) voids warranty. If the facility has a substation
with any type of delta connection, a grounded Y-configured transformer must be
installed before the robot controller.

Line fusing
There is no integrated fuse inside the OmniCore C90XT controller. Add an external
fuse (time-delay) or circuit breaker (class K) according to full load current, as
marked on the controller nameplate. The following table shows the recommended
rating for an external fuse or circuit breaker.
Robot Current (A) Description
IRB 1100 220/230 VAC, 1 phase 10 A
IRB 1300 220/230 VAC, 1 phase 10 A
IRB 910INV 220/230 VAC, 1 phase 10 A

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2 Controller description
2.2 Technical data for OmniCore C90XT controller

Wrist strap button

The location of the wrist strap button is shown in the following illustration.


There is an additional wrist strap button on the main computer.

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2 Controller description
2.3 The unit is sensitive to ESD

2.3 The unit is sensitive to ESD

ESD (electrostatic discharge) is the transfer of electrical static charge between two
bodies at different potentials, either through direct contact or through an induced
electrical field. When handling parts or their containers, personnel not grounded
may potentially transfer high static charges. This discharge may destroy sensitive

Safe handling
Use one of the following alternatives:
• Use a wrist strap. The wrist strap button is located inside the controller.
Wrist straps must be tested frequently to ensure that they are not damaged
and are operating correctly.
• Use an ESD protective floor mat.
The mat must be grounded through a current-limiting resistor.
• Use a dissipative table mat.
The mat should provide a controlled discharge of static voltages and must
be grounded.

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2 Controller description
2.4 Handling of FlexPendant

2.4 Handling of FlexPendant

Detached FlexPendant
A FlexPendant that is not connected to the robot or robot system cannot initiate
emergency stops or protective stops. This must be stored out of reach and sight
so that it cannot be mistaken for being in use.

Handling and cleaning

• The FlexPendant may only be used for the purposes mentioned in this
• Always use the hand-strap while holding the FlexPendant.
• Handle with care. Do not drop, throw, or give the FlexPendant strong shock.
It can cause breakage or failure.
• If the FlexPendant is subjected to shock, always verify that the safety
functions (three-position enabling device and emergency stop) work and are
not damaged.
• Always use and store the FlexPendant in such a way that the cable does not
become a tripping hazard.
• When not using the device, place it so it does not accidentally fall.
• Never use sharp objects (such as screwdriver or pen) for operating the touch
screen. This could damage the touch screen. Instead use your finger or a
• Never clean the FlexPendant with solvents, scouring agent, or scrubbing
See the product manual for the robot controller, section Cleaning the
• Always close the protective cap on the USB port when no USB device is
connected. The port can break or malfunction if exposed to dirt or dust.


The FlexPendant touch screen is made of glass. If the device is dropped on a

hard surface or receives a significant impact the glass could break. To reduce
the risk of cuts if the glass chips or cracks, do not touch or attempt to remove
the broken glass.

Cabling and power supply

• Make sure that nobody trips over the cable to prevent the device from falling
to the ground.
• Do not squeeze and thus damage the cable.
• Do not lay the cable over sharp edges.

Custom connections for FlexPendant

Any means of connecting the FlexPendant with other than the supplied cable and
its standard connector must not render the emergency stop button inoperative.

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2 Controller description
2.4 Handling of FlexPendant

Always test the emergency stop button to make sure it works if a custom connection
cable is used.

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2 Controller description
2.5 Network security

2.5 Network security

Network security
This product is designed to be connected to and to communicate information and
data via a network interface. It is your sole responsibility to provide, and
continuously ensure, a secure connection between the product and to your network
or any other network (as the case may be).
You shall establish and maintain any appropriate measures (such as, but not limited
to, the installation of firewalls, application of authentication measures, encryption
of data, installation of anti-virus programs, etc) to protect the product, the network,
its system and the interface against any kind of security breaches, unauthorized
access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information. ABB
Ltd and its entities are not liable for damage and/or loss related to such security
breaches, any unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft
of data or information.

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2 Controller description
2.6 Open source and 3rd party components in RobotWare

2.6 Open source and 3rd party components in RobotWare

Open source and 3rd party components in RobotWare

ABB products use software provided by third parties, including open source
software. The following copyright statements and licenses apply to various
components that are distributed inside the ABB software. Each ABB product does
not necessarily use all of the listed third party software components. Licensee
must fully agree and comply with these license terms or the user is not entitled to
use the product. Start using the ABB software means accepting also referred
license terms. The third party license terms apply only to the respective software
to which the license pertains, and the third party license terms do not apply to ABB
products. With regard to programs provided under the GNU general public license
and the GNU lesser general public license licensor will provide licensee on demand,
a machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code. This offer is valid for
a period of three years after delivery of the product.
ABB software is licensed under the ABB end user license agreement, which is
provided separately.
For RobotWare, there is license information in the folder \licenses in the RobotWare
distribution package.
For OleOS, the Linux based operating system used on the conveyor tracking
module (CTM), a list of copyright statements and licenses is available in the file
/etc/licenses.txt located on the CTM board and accessible via the console port or
by downloading the file over SFTP.
For the CTM application, a list of copyright statements and licenses is available in
the file /opt/ located on the CTM board and accessible
via the console port or by downloading the file over SFTP.

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2 Controller description
2.7 ABB Ability

2.7 ABB Ability

The OmniCore™ controller hardware is delivered with a standard mobile connection

(Cellular data connection), or WIFI modem and/or Ethernet connection.

Cellular data connection

If the ABB Ability™ OmniCore™ controller hardware is delivered together with a
standard, free of charge (machine-to-machine or M2M) cellular data connection,
it will automatically establish a connection to the ABB Ability™ digital platform
once the power switch of the ABB Ability™ OmniCore™ controller hardware has
been turned on and has been connected. After the establishment of the connection
there will be a data flow from the OmniCore™ controller hardware to the ABB
Ability™ digital platform.
ABB does not warrant or guarantee an available, stable, uninterrupted, and
interference free connection through the standard cellular data connection. This
is dependent on the availability and quality of the cellular data signal as provided
by the telecommunications carrier on the location where the ABB Ability™
OmniCore™ hardware is installed. The cellular data connection is to be used solely
in connection with the ABB Ability™ OmniCore™ controller hardware and excludes,
without limitation, voice services, web browsing, music downloading and other
services that are not traditionally considered as machine to machine (M2M), but
human-oriented telecommunication services.
ABB has established and maintains a formal information and cybersecurity
procedures which includes commercially reasonable technical and organizational
measures, in order to protect the data against security breaches, accidental or
unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, and unauthorized disclosure of, or access to
the data.
The cellular data connection is not required for the operation of the hardware and
the connectivity settings can be adjusted and turned off at any given time. Detailed
information on the mobile connection is further described in the service description
that can be downloaded from the following web location:

ABB will not acquire any right, title and interest in the data other than the rights
granted by Customer to ABB, but ABB will have the right to collect, store, aggregate,
analyze or otherwise use the data for (i) providing and maintaining the hardware,
services and/or the ABB software to Customer; (ii) prevent-ing, detecting and
repairing problems related to the security and/or the operation of the hardware,
the platform, software; (iii) improving and developing existing services, technologies,
products and/or software and developing new services, technologies, products
and/or software, and all improvements and developments (including all resulting
intellectual property Rights) are exclusively owned by us. In addition, we have the
right to use the data for benchmarking purposes if and to the extent it is anonymized
or non-confidential.

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2 Controller description
2.7 ABB Ability

ABB Ability™ Connected Services

For as far as the robot installation includes ABB Ability™ Connected Services, this
agreement is entered pursuant to and governed by the ABB Ability™ General
Terms and Conditions.
ABB Ability™ Terms and Conditions:
Special Terms and Conditions for ABB Ability™ Connected Services:

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.1 Introduction to installation and commissioning

3 Installation and commissioning

3.1 Introduction to installation and commissioning

This chapter contains assembly instructions and information for installing the
OmniCore C90XT controller at the working site.
See also the product manual for the manipulator.
The installation must be done by qualified installation personnel in accordance
with the safety requirements set forth in the applicable national and regional
standards and regulations.

Safety information
Before any installation work is commenced, it is extremely important that all safety
information is observed.
There are general safety aspects that must be read through, as well as more specific
safety information that describes the danger and safety risks when performing the
procedures. Read the chapter Safety on page 13 before performing any installation


If the OmniCore C90XT is connected to power, always make sure that the robot
is connected to protective earth and a residual current device (RCD) before
starting any installation work.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.2 Installation activities

3.2 Installation activities

Main steps for installing the controller

Use the following main steps to unload, transport, install, and connect the controller.
Action Described in
1 Unpack the controller. Unpacking the controller on page 54.
2 Install the controller. On-site installation on page 56.
3 Connect the manipulator to the controller. Connecting the manipulator to the control-
ler on page 69.
4 Connect power supply to the controller. Connecting power supply to and grounding
the controller on page 73.
5 Connect input signals for presence sens-
ing devices, etc.
6 Connect the FlexPendant to the controller. Connecting and detaching a FlexPendant
on page 76.
7 Connect, for example, EtherNet, antenna, How to connect industrial networks, for
PC, and other connections. example EtherNet, is described in the re-
spective application manual.
How to connect to a network and a PC is
described in section Set up the network
connection on page 84. See also Operating
manual - RobotStudio.
See also Descriptions for connectors on
page 87.
8 Install options and add-ons (optional). Installing options on page 106.
Installing add-on devices on page 145.
9 Initial test before commissioning. Initial test before commissioning on
page 154.

52 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.3.1 Lifting the controller cabinet

3.3 Transporting and handling

3.3.1 Lifting the controller cabinet

Lifting device
Use the four lifting eyes (Torque: 11.3 Nm-12.6 Nm) or a fork lift when lifting the
controller, as shown below.
The following figure shows the maximum angle between the lifting straps when
lifting the controller. The weight of the controller module is detailed in section
Weight on page 39.




After removing the lifting lock, tighten the plastic screws (Torque: 0.8 Nm-1 Nm)
for the controller cabinet.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.3.2 Unpacking

3.3.2 Unpacking

Unpacking the controller

1 Make a visual inspection of the packaging and make sure that nothing is damaged.
2 Remove the packaging.
3 Check for any visible transport damage.


Stop unpacking and contact ABB if transport damage is found.

4 Clean the unit with a lint-free cloth, if necessary.

5 Make sure that the lifting accessory used (if applicable) is suitable to handle the weight
of the controller.
6 If the controller is not installed directly, it must be stored as described in Transportation
and storage conditions on page 39.
7 Make sure that the expected operating environment of the controller conforms to the
specifications as described in Operating conditions on page 40.
8 The controller can be taken to its installation site as described in section On-site in-
stallation on page 56.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.3.3 Storing

3.3.3 Storing

Storing the controller

For storing, see Transportation and storage conditions on page 39.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.4.1 Required installation space

3.4 On-site installation

3.4.1 Required installation space

The following illustration shows the required installation space for the OmniCore
C90XT controller.

500 500 520


• A free space of 500 mm on the front of the controller is required if the

controller is mounted on a desk (not rack-mounted).
• A free space of 200 mm on the back of the controller is required if the
controller is mounted on a desk (not rack-mounted).
• A free space of 500 mm on the left side of the controller is required if the
controller is mounted on a desk (not rack-mounted). Do not place any cables
over the left cover as it leads to inefficient cooling.
• A free space of 520 mm on the right sides of the controller is required if the
controller is mounted on a desk (not rack-mounted). Do not place any cables
over the right covers as it leads to inefficient cooling.
The following illustration shows the dimensions between the feet of the OmniCore
C90XT controller, as seen from below.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.4.1 Required installation space

41 418 11(4X)



The feet will be used for positioning and fastening.

Mounting requirements:
• Anchor bolts: M8 X 4
• Tightening torque: 11.3 Nm-12.6 Nm
• Maximum flatness deviation of the installation plane: 8 mm


Fix the controller to a concrete foundation or steel platform with anchor bolts
during stacking.


According to IEC60204-1, the power-operated switch should be installed between

600 mm to 1,900 mm above the servicing level. The switch will be easily

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.4.2 Mounting the FlexPendant holder

3.4.2 Mounting the FlexPendant holder


To avoid dropping the FlexPendant from height, the holder should be placed in
a comfortable working height.
Always use and store the FlexPendant in such a way that the cable does not
become a tripping hazard.
When not using the device, place it so it does not accidentally fall.

Required equipment

Equipment Spare part number Note

Standard toolkit See Standard toolkit for con-
troller on page 417.
FlexPendant Holder w/t E- 3HAC064927-001
stop cover


The FlexPendant should always be placed in the holder when it is not used and
it is not allowed to use by unauthorized person.

Mounting the FlexPendant holder onto a flat surface (Horizontally)

Use this procedure to mount the FlexPendant holder onto a flat surface, like the
top of the controller, desktop and so on.
Action Note/illustration
1 Clean the surface and make sure it is dry.
2 Remove the protective liner from the


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3 Installation and commissioning
3.4.2 Mounting the FlexPendant holder

Action Note/illustration
3 Press the holder onto the desired place.


Hanging the FlexPendant holder with the bracket

Use this procedure to hang the FlexPendant holder on any place where can hold
the bracket, like the door of the controller.


The bracket is included when the FlexPendant is purchased.

Action Note/illustration
1 Hang the FlexPendant holder to the
bracket according to the screws on the


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3 Installation and commissioning
3.4.2 Mounting the FlexPendant holder

Action Note/illustration
2 Hang the holder with the bracket to the
desired place.


Hanging the front part of the FlexPendant holder with screws (Vertically)
Use this procedure to hang the front part of the FlexPendant holder to the desired
Action Note/illustration
1 Remove the four screws.
2 Separate the rear part from the FlexPend-
ant holder.


3 Clean the surface and make sure it is dry.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.4.2 Mounting the FlexPendant holder

Action Note/illustration
4 Remove the protective liner from the


5 Press the holder onto the desired place.

6 Use two M5 screws to secure the holder.


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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.1 Connectors on the OmniCore C90XT controller

3.5 Electrical connections

3.5.1 Connectors on the OmniCore C90XT controller

The following section describes the connectors on the covers of the OmniCore
C90XT controller.


Always inspect the connector for dirt or damage before connecting it to the
controller. Clean or replace any damaged parts.

The following details the connection interface on the OmniCore C90XT controller.


A Manipulator signal connector
B Cable grommet assembly (option)
C Cable grommet assembly
D Power inlet connector
E Motor connector

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.1 Connectors on the OmniCore C90XT controller

F TPU cover
G FlexPendant connection (TPU connector)
H ETH outlet connector
J Motors on lamp
K Power inlet switch

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.2 Connecting cables to the controller

3.5.2 Connecting cables to the controller

A good and proper electrical installation of the robot system is necessary to ensure
the best performance and prolong the lifetime of the whole robot system.
This section includes important information on how to connect cables and signals
to the controller.

Signal classes
Different rules apply to the different classes when selecting and laying cables.
Signals from different classes must not be mixed.
Signal class Description
Power signals Supplies external motors and brakes.
Class 4 (noisy) Applies to the cables associated with the power inputs and outputs
of variable speed drives. Cables carrying strongly interfering signals
such as motor cables, DC-link load sharing, unsuppressed inductive
loads, DC motors, welding equipment, etc.
Control signals Digital operating and data signals (digital I/O, protective stop, etc.).
Class 3 (slightly Applies to cables carrying slightly interfering signals: AC power
noisy) supply (<1 kV), DC power (24 V), power to equipment with RFI/EMI
filters, control circuits with resistive or suppressed inductive loads
(such as contactors and solenoids), direct-on-line induction motors,
Measurement signals Analog measurement and control signals (resolver and analog I/O).
Class 2 (slightly sens- This class covers ordinary analogue signals such as analogue sig-
itive) nals (4-20 mA, 0-10V, or signals below 1 MHz), low-speed digital
signals (RS232, RS485), digital (on/off) signals, limit switches, en-
coders, etc.
Data communication Gateway (fieldbus) connection, computer link.
signals Applies to cables carrying very sensitive signals. Signals with a full-
Class 1 (sensitive) scale range less than 1 V or 1 mA, and/or a source impedance >1
kOhm, and/or a signal frequency >1 Mhz. For example high-speed
digital communication (Ethernet), thermocouples, thermistors, strain
gauges and flowmeters.

Selecting cables
All cables laid in the control cabinet must be capable of withstanding 70°C. In
addition, the following rules apply to the cables of certain signal classes:
Signal class Cable type
Power signals Shielded cable with an area of at least 0.75 mm² or AWG 18.
Control signals Shielded cable.
Measurement signals Shielded cable with twisted pair conductors.
Data communication Shielded cable with twisted pair conductors. A specific cable
signals should be used for field bus connections and Ethernet, according
to the standard specification of the respective bus.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.2 Connecting cables to the controller


Any local standards and regulations concerning insulation and area must always
be complied with.

Route the cables

Routing of cables shall be done in a professional way.
• Cables of different classes, such as signal cables and power cables, must
not be routed together as the power cables may introduce noise in the signal
cables. The greater the separation distance, the lesser the risk for interference
between the cables.
• Robot controller mains supply input cable and robot power cable should be
separated even though they belong to the same class.
• If crossing cables from different classes, cables should cross at an angle
close to 90 degrees.
• All external cables that are to be connected inside the controller must be
shielded in the chassis before entering the cabinet.
Separation distances can be reduced if e.g. dividers are used between cables
classes. Manufacturers of cable duct systems can provide information on how
reduced separation distances can be achieved using their specific products.
Signal class Cable type
Power signals • These signals generate a lot of interference and must be
laid separate from control, measurement, and communica-
tion signals.
• The shielding must be connected to a paint-free part of the
panel chassis of the cabinet at both ends of the cable. Any
unshielded cable must be as short as possible.
• The manipulator power cables are routed on the floor and
along the left side of the controller cabinet.
• Cables should not be wound up like coils. This could cause
an magnetic field disturbing the signals. There will also be
a risk of overheating depending on the load.
Control signals • These signals are very sensitive to interference. To protect
these signals they should not be laid along with the power
Measurement signals signals.
Data communication • In the cable, each signal must be twisted with a neutral wire.
signals • The shielding must be connected directly to the chassis at
both ends of the cable.

Shielding cables
When peripheral devices are connected to the robot system, a shielded cable is
necessary to reduce coupling of the inner cable conductors to the environment
they pass through.

Shielding cable requirements

• The best method for shielding is to ground the shield at both ends of the
cable, provided the ends grounding are at the same potential.
• If the grounding points have different electric potentials - grounding both
ends will create a ground loop allowing unwanted current to flow in the shield.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.2 Connecting cables to the controller

In such cases one end grounding may be used. The grounding point should
then be at the robot controller side.
• Cables carrying analog low-level signals is another exception where the
shield should be grounded at only one end.
• Most data network and field bus types have defined grounding topologies.
If such grounding schemes exist, they should be followed.
• In complex interference environments, two-layer shielding may be required.
The inner shield should be grounded at the controller side only end and the
outer shield should be grounded at both ends. The optimum shielding is a
combination of foil and braid screens.
• The best connection is one in which the shielding is extended up to and
makes a solid 360° connection (shown below) with the ground plane or

Shielding example
The below example shows the shielding of a d-type connector:


A A dimpled connector body makes multiple bonds to the mating connector

body all around its periphery, 360° bonding.
B Metal, or metallized, back shell makes 360° bond to the connector body.
C The cable shield is exposed and 360° clamped to the back shell. A tight fit
is a must.
Many other 360° bonding methods and types of 360° shielded connectors are also

Shield pigtail termination

Shield pigtail termination, as shown below, shall be avoided. If a pigtail connection
cannot be avoided, make it as short as possible.


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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.2 Connecting cables to the controller

Ground and screen connections

The task of the grounding system is twofold - protective and functional. The primary
task is to serve as protective earth (PE) for personal and equipment safety. The
secondary task is to serve as a return path for common mode current.
For further information refer to EN 60204-1 and UL 1740.

Grounding requirements
The controller cabinet ground must come from the mains power supply PE.
• The grounding cable color shall be green-yellow.
• The ground for the controller cabinet, robot manipulator and peripheral
devices must be the same, preferably an equipotential ground grid (mesh).
• Ground connection points must have stable inter-metallic bonding, like screw
fixation. Paint, dirt, rust, and other insulating material must be removed from
the contacting surfaces.
For requirements on the marking of the supply ground connection inside the control
cabinet refer to UL 508C. For further details on how grounding systems should be
designed refer to IEC 61000-5-2. For details of cross-sectional area of PE refer to
IEC 60204-1.

Grounding installation
For information on how to install the ground for the manipulator, see the
corresponding product manual.

The following figure shows 2 examples on how the ground and the signal cable
screens can be connected:

Control cabinet External unit

Example 1

Example 2


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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.2 Connecting cables to the controller

Example 1:
• Where a good ground is available on all units, the best shielding is obtained
by grounding all screens at both ends on all units.
Example 2:
• If the cable is terminated where a good ground is not available a noise
suppression capacitor can be used. The screens of the 2 cables must be
connected as shown in the figure, but not connected to the chassis of the

Interference elimination
Internal relay coils and other units that can generate interference inside the control
cabinet are neutralized. External relay coils, solenoids and other units must be
clamped in a similar way. The illustration below shows how this can be done.
Note that the turn-off time for DC relays increases after neutralization, especially
if a diode is connected across the coil. Varistors give shorter turn-off times.
Neutralizing the coils lengthens the life of the switches that control them.

+24 V DC 0V



+24 V AC/DC 0V



1 The diode should be dimensioned for the same current as the relay coil, and
a voltage of twice the supply voltage.
2 The varistor should be dimensioned for the same energy as the relay coil,
and a voltage of twice the supply voltage.
3 When AC voltage is used, the components needs to be dimensioned for >500
V max voltage and 125 V nominal voltage.
The resistor should be 100 Ω, and the capacitor should be 1W 0.1 - 1 µF
(typically 0.47 µF).

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.3 Connecting the manipulator to the controller

3.5.3 Connecting the manipulator to the controller

Connect the manipulator and the controller to each other after installing them. The
lists below specify which cables to be used in each application.
All connectors on the controller are shown in section Connectors on the OmniCore
C90XT controller on page 62.

Main cable categories

All cables between the manipulator and the controller are divided into the following
Cable category Description
Manipulator cable Handles power supply to and control of the
manipulator's motors as well as feedback
from the serial measurement board.
Position switch cables (option) Handles supply to and feedback from any
position switches.
Customer cables (option) Handles communication with equipment fitted
on the manipulator by the customer.
Additional axes cables (option) Handles power supply to and control of the
external axes motors as well as feedback
from the servo system.

These categories above are divided into sub-categories which are specified in
spare part manual. See Manipulator cables on page 441.

Connecting the cables from the manipulator to the controller

1 Connect the manipulator cable to the connector X1.
2 Lock the connector with the lever.
3 Secure the cables to avoid tripping or wear.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.4 Fitting the connector

3.5.4 Fitting the connector

This section describes how to manufacture a cable for connecting the main power
to the controller.


Detailed view



A Female insert, quick lock
B Angle hood M20
C Cable gland M20
D Sealing screw

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.4 Fitting the connector

The following describes the cable requirements for the main power connection to
the OmniCore C90XT controller.
Component Description
Cable type Flexible oil resistant rubber
Cable area 3C x 2.5 mm 2 or AWG14

Included parts
The following parts are included in the delivery.
Part Order number Quantity
Power connector 3HAC070308-001 1

Use the following procedure to fit the connectors.
Action Note/illustration
1 Cut the cable to desired length.
2 Connect the wires according to the illus-


For single phase:

1 Live (L)
2 Neutral (N)
3 Not used
4 Not used
5 Not used
PE, Protective Earth, grounding

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.4 Fitting the connector

Action Note/illustration
3 Remove cable jacket and strip the fine
stranded wires about 10 mm if needed.


4 Push fine stranded wires into the Han-

Quick Lock contact and push the slide
with a screw driver until it comes to a


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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.5 Connecting power supply to and grounding the controller

3.5.5 Connecting power supply to and grounding the controller


How to manufacture a cable with connector is described in section Fitting the

connector on page 70.


A residual current device (RCD) must be installed.

Location of power supply connection


Location of grounding point


The whole cabinet ground is connected to the X0.PE point.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.5 Connecting power supply to and grounding the controller


1 Live (L)
2 Neutral (N)
3 Not used
4 Not used
5 Not used
PE Protective Earth, grounding

Required equipment

Equipment Note
Main connection cable (single phase) L, N, PE
Details see Fitting the connector
on page 70.
External earth fault protection (residual current device, 30 mA
Standard toolkit See Standard toolkit for controller
on page 417.
Circuit diagram Circuit diagram - OmniCore
C90XT, 3HAC065464-009

Line fusing
There is no integrated fuse in side OmniCore C90XT controller. An external fuse
or circuit breaker must be added by the integrator, according to the full load current
rating. See Line fusing on page 41.

Connecting the power

The following procedure describes how to connect the main power to the controller.


Always inspect the connector for dirt or damage before connecting it to the
controller. Clean or replace any damaged parts.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.5 Connecting power supply to and grounding the controller

1 Connect the main power cable to the power inlet connector X0 and lock it by
pressing the hook.


When you hear a clear clicking sound, it is locked.


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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.6 Connecting and detaching a FlexPendant

3.5.6 Connecting and detaching a FlexPendant

When the controller is in automatic mode the FlexPendant can be detached from
the controller without interrupting ongoing processes. This is possible only if the
logged in user has the Safety Services grant.


Before detaching the FlexPendant, another emergency stop shall be available

on the robot/robot system.


Without a connected FlexPendant, there is no visual identification of the operating



A FlexPendant that is not connected to the robot or robot system cannot initiate
emergency stops or protective stops. This must be stored out of reach and sight
so that it cannot be mistaken for being in use.


The FlexPendant connector can only be used to connect a FlexPendant and

CANNOT be used to connect any other devices.
All external safety devices must be connected from the customer interface on
robot signal exchange proxy.

Location of FlexPendant connector

The FlexPendant connector is located on the front panel on the controller.

Detaching the FlexPendant in automatic mode

Use the following procedure to detach the FlexPendant in automatic mode:
1 On the status bar, tap the QuickSet button.
2 Tap the Logout/Restart tab.
3 In the FlexPendant section, tap Detach FlexPendant.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.6 Connecting and detaching a FlexPendant

The Detach FlexPendant window is displayed.

4 Tap Detach.
A popup window with 30 seconds countdown timer is displayed.

5 When the countdown is progressing, loosen the locking ring and detach the
FlexPendant from the controller.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.6 Connecting and detaching a FlexPendant

The FlexPendant is shut down.


If the FlexPendant cable is not detached within 30 seconds, the FlexPendant

remains in the existing operating state.


If the FlexPendant is detached after the 30 seconds countdown has passed,

the controller will go to guard stop state.

Connecting the FlexPendant

The controller must be in manual mode when connecting the FlexPendant.


Always inspect the connector for dirt or damage before connecting it to the
controller. Clean or replace any damaged parts.
Plug in the connector on the controller and tighten the locking ring.



Make sure that the emergency stop button is not pressed in when connecting
the FlexPendant.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.7 Network connections on OmniCore

3.5.7 Network connections on OmniCore

Connections on the OmniCore controller

The following figure illustrates the available Ethernet port connectors on the


For information regarding location of the Ethernet port connectors, see

Connectors on the OmniCore C90XT controller on page 62.

1 1 2 3 1 4


Label Description
1 I/O + LAN + ETHERNET Port to the robot's private network. Intended for
SWITCH connecting ABB Scalable I/O units and network
based process equipment to the controller.
2 ABB Ability™ This port only exists if the wired variant of the Con-
nected Services Gateway is used. Intended for
connecting to the robot's Ability™ network.
3 WAN WAN port that can be used to host a public industri-
al network.
4 MGMT (Management) Port to the robot's private network. The MGMT port
shall be used by service personnel in close proxim-
ity to the controller, with a single client connected
to the controller.


The management port shall never be used for more

than one client at a time. ABB Robotics assumes
no responsibility for any errors/hazards that may
appear when more than one client is attached to
the management port.

A factory wide I/O network should be connected to the Ethernet port WAN on the

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.7 Network connections on OmniCore

An I/O network that is local for a specific robot should be connected to the Ethernet
port LAN, I/O or the ETHERNET SWITCH on the controller.


It is not supported to connect multiple ports of the OmniCore controller to the

same external switch unless static VLAN isolation is applied on the external

Connections on the main computer

The Ethernet ports on the main computer belong to the following network segments:

Network segment Private Network Ability Network Public Network Drive Network














Service PC FlexPendant PLC Connected Services Factory Network Axis computer
sensors, I/O

Network Interface MGMT, LAN1, LAN2, LAN3 LAN4 WAN AXC

IP configuration Address: Address: Address: Address: Specified in
Robot Studio
or on FlexPendant


Private Network
The ports X3 (MGMT), X6 (LAN 1), and X4 (LAN 2) and X2 (LAN 3) belong to the
Private Network segment.


Private Network segments of multiple robot controllers cannot be connected to

each other.
The MGMT port shall be used by service personnel in close proximity to the
controller, with a single client connected to the controller.


The management port shall never be used for more than one client at a time.
ABB Robotics assumes no responsibility for any errors/hazards that may appear
when more than one client is attached to the management port.
The LAN1, LAN2 and LAN3 ports are intended for connecting robot controller
internal computers or network based process equipment to the controller, for
example cameras, and welding equipment.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.7 Network connections on OmniCore

Ability Network
Port X5 (LAN 4) belongs to the Ability Network segment. The LAN4 port is intended
for connecting to the Connected Services Gateway module for a firewalled access
to ABB Ability™ Cloud server.
The connectivity is done through an embedded Connected Services Gateway
(Wired, Wi-Fi, or 3G).

Public Network
The port X23 (WAN) belongs to the Public Network segment. The WAN port is the
public network interface to the controller, typically connected to the industrial
network with a public IP address provided by the network administrator.
The Public Network segment is used for:
• connecting a PC running RobotStudio
• mounting FTP or NFS disks from the controller
• running Industrial Ethernet.


The Public Network can be configured in RobotStudio or on the FlexPendant.

Drive Network
The X9 (AXC) port is intended to be connected to the robot drive system.
The AXC port is always connected to the axis computer. If MultiMove is used, AXC
is connected to a switch that connects to all the axis computers.

One EtherNet/IP network connected to the robot controller

EtherNet/IP Adapter is only available on the public network via WAN. Ethernet/IP
Scanner can be used on both the private and public network at the same time.
The following figure illustrates the network when connecting a scanner and an
adapter to the WAN port of the main computer:

Cell I/O

Factory Network & Industrial Network


Robot Controller 1 Robot Controller 2

Private Public Private Public


Private I/O


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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.7 Network connections on OmniCore


The Firewall Manager settings must be set to YES if the EtherNet/IP is to be used
on the public network. Configuration is done in RobotStudio under Configuration
-> Communication -> Firewall Manager. See Operating manual - Integrator's
guide OmniCore for more information.

Defining network settings

Network settings can be defined either in RobotStudio or from the FlexPendant
for the controller:
• Defining network settings in RobotStudio:
1 In the Configuration browser, right-click the controller and select
Properties and then Network settings.


2 In the Network settings window, set the values for:

- IP address: The IP address for the OmniCore controller on the
EtherNet network.
- Subnet mask: The subnet mask.
- Default gateway: The default gateway.


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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.7 Network connections on OmniCore

• Defining network settings on the FlexPendant:

1 On the start screen, tap Settings, and then select Network from the
2 Define IP address for the controller and tap OK.

PROFINET on factory network

When the WAN port is used for connecting to an industrial network, the traffic
shares the same media as the factory network and will share bandwith with other
non industrial network traffic.
The following figure illustrates the network when connecting a controller and a
device to the WAN port of the main computer:

Cell I/O

Factory Network & Industrial Network


Robot Controller 1 Robot Controller 2

Private Public Private Public




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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.8 Set up the network connection

3.5.8 Set up the network connection

Management port
The management port is intended for service engineers and programmers
connecting directly to the controller with a PC.
The management port is configured with the fixed IP address, which
is the same for all controllers and cannot be changed, and has a DHCP server that
automatically assigns an IP address to the connected PC.


Do not connect another DHCP server to this port.


For more information about connecting a PC to the management port, see section
Working online in Operating manual - RobotStudio.

WAN port
The WAN port is a public network interface to the controller, typically connected
to the factory network with a public IP address provided by the network
The WAN port can be configured with fixed IP address, or DHCP, from RobotStudio
or the FlexPendant. By default the IP address is blank.


It is not recommended using leading zeros in dot-decimal notation of IP

addresses. The numbers may wrongly be interpreted as octal numbers. Different
behaviors on virtual and real controllers may be experienced.


The WAN port cannot use any of the following IP addresses which are allocated
for other functions on the controller:
• - 255
• - 255
• - 255
The WAN port cannot be on a subnet which overlaps with any of the above
reserved IP addresses. If a subnet mask in the class B range has to be used,
then a private address of class B must be used to avoid any overlapping. Contact
your local network administrator regarding network overlapping.
See the section Communication in Technical reference manual - System

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.8 Set up the network connection


For more information about connecting a PC to the WAN port, see Operating
manual - RobotStudio.

LAN port
The LAN port on the front of the controller belongs to the controllers private network.
It is intended for connecting network based process equipment to the controller.
The LAN port is configured with the fixed IP address, which is the
same for all controllers and cannot be changed, and has a DHCP server which can
assign IP addresses to connected devices.


Do not connect another DHCP server to this port.

Ability port
The Ability port is a specific network interface to the controller, available on the
Connected Services Gateway wired (DSQC1041), connected to an Internet gateway
with an IP address provided by the network administrator.
The Ability port must be configured with fixed IP address from RobotStudio or the
FlexPendant. By default the IP address is blank. An external gateway and DNS
need to be provided.
For security reasons, only outbound access on port 53 DNS and 443 HTTP are
allowed. The inbound access is blocked by an internal firewall and cannot be


The Ability port cannot use any of the following IP addresses which are allocated
for other functions on the controller:
• - 255
• - 255
The Ability port cannot be on a subnet which overlaps with any of the above
reserved IP addresses. If a subnet mask in the class B range has to be used,
then a private address of class B must be used to avoid any overlapping. Contact
your local network administrator regarding network overlapping.
See the section Communication in Technical reference manual - System


For more information about connecting the Ability port to the internet, see
Application manual - Controller software OmniCore.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.8 Set up the network connection

Firewall settings
The Firewall Management function is used to configure the network firewall on the
controller. Configuration is done in RobotStudio under Configuration ->
Communication -> Firewall Manager where pre-configured Network Services can
be enabled or disabled:



Only pre-registered Network Services can be configured in the Firewall Manager

settings. The user cannot add new Network Services in the Firewall Manager
and can only change the parameters Enable on Public Network and Enable on
Private Network for pre-registered Network Services.


Only users with UAS grant Modify network security properties can modify the
firewall settings.
For more information, see Technical reference manual - System parameters.

Related information
See more information about network configuration in Operating manual - Integrator's
guide OmniCore.

86 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors

3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors

Internet connectors
The Connected Services Gateway unit has either an Ability port or an antenna
connector on the front. See installation procedures in section On-site installation
on page 56.


Customer cable layout

The antenna should go through the cable grommet and fasten on the cabinet.


The end user need to buy proper grommets according to the diameter of the
cables which need to go through the grommet.
This will affect the protection level of the cabinet if it's not executed correctly.
It is recommended to use icotek KT grommet.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors

The cable layout is recommended as the following illustration.


I/O connectors - Scalable I/O (option)


A Scalable I/O output connectors

B Scalable I/O input connectors

The connectors contain 16 digital input signals, 16 digital output signals, 24 V and
0 V for the outputs, and 0 V for the inputs.


The process power supply should be supplied separately. Connecting the process
power supply through the logical power supply connector (X19) may damage
the device.
If the process power supply is supplied by the logical power supply connector
(X19), a surge protector must be installed to protect the device.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors

For connection details, see Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT, 3HAC065464-009

and Application manual - Scalable I/O, 3HAC070208-001.

Recommended surge protector

7 8

11 12


9 10

3 4

The protect voltage for the surge protector should be 24 V DC.

Customer cable layout

It is recommended to use multicore cable for the customer connection.
The cables connected by customer to the I/O unit should go through the cable
grommet and fasten on the cabinet.


The end user need to buy proper grommets according to the diameter of the
cables which need to go through the grommet.
This will affect the protection level of the cabinet if it's not executed correctly.
It is recommended to use icotek KT grommet.
The cable layout is recommended as the following illustration.


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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors

Conveyor tracking module

For detail information on customer connections to conveyor tracking module, see
Application manual - Conveyor tracking, 3HAC066561-001.


Customer cable layout

It is recommended to use multicore cable for the customer connection.
The cables connected by customer to the conveyor tracking module should go
through the cable grommet and fasten on the cabinet.


The end user need to buy proper grommets according to the diameter of the
cables which need to go through the grommet.
This will affect the protection level of the cabinet if it's not executed correctly.
It is recommended to use icotek KT grommet.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors

The cable layout is recommended as the following illustration.


24V terminal block (option)

This connector is internally connected with the optional power supply. It is a 24 V
power supply for the customer. The characteristics are shown in the following
Parameter Value
Voltage 24V DC
Voltage tolerance -3% ~ +10%
Max output current 4A


The 24 V terminal block power supply is isolated from the internal logical circuit
of the controller.
For connection details, see Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT, 3HAC065464-009.

Customer cable layout

It is recommended to use multicore cable for the customer connection.
The cables connected by customer to the 24V terminal block should go through
the cable grommet and fasten on the cabinet.


The end user need to buy proper grommets according to the diameter of the
cables which need to go through the grommet.
This will affect the protection level of the cabinet if it's not executed correctly.
It is recommended to use icotek KT grommet.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors

The cable layout is recommended as the following illustration.


Robot signal exchange proxy mating connectors



Safety functions must be verified before use. Safety functions must be tested


Connection Customer safety interface: emergency stop
and automatic stop
Type Weidmüller S2L 3.50 90F
S2L 3.50/16/90F 3.5SN BK BX 2*8 pins
Article number 1728680000 (or equivalent)

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors


External emergency stop switches are required in below cases in accordance

with applicable standards:
• FlexPendant is hot swapped.
• FlexPendant is placed in its holder.

15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2


Pin Description Pin Description

15 0V_CH1_CH2 16 24V_CH1
13 AS1- 14 AS1+
11 AS2- 12 AS2+
9 0V_CH1_CH2 10 24V_CH2
7 0V_CH1_CH2 8 24V_CH1
5 ES1- 6 ES1+
3 ES2- 4 ES2+
1 0V_CH1_CH2 2 24V_CH2

The automatic stop and external emergency stop interfaces located in X14 are
dual-channel safety inputs.
Each channel has 4 pins on the connectors, and the pin descriptions are shown
in the following table.
Pin Description
24V_CH1/2 24 V power supplied by robot controller for stop switch use only. It
must not be used for any other functions.
AS1+/ AS2+ Safety loop high side of automatic stop input.
AS1-/ AS2- Safety loop low side of automatic stop input.
ES1+/ ES2+ Safety loop high side of external emergency stop input.
ES1-/ ES2- Safety loop low side of external emergency stop input.
0V_CH1_CH2 24V power reference ground.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors

The controller is shipped with a default configuration that the automatic stop circuit
is opened and emergency stop circuit is bypassed (short-circuited). The controller
CANNOT work.
To enable the controller without any additional/external safety equipment, connect
the safety circuit as shown in the following figure.

K2-X4 K2-X4
8 24V_CH1 16 24V_CH1

6 ES1+ 14 AS1+

5 ES1- 13 AS1-

7 0V_CH1_CH2 15 0V_CH1_CH2

2 24V_CH2 10 24V_CH2

4 ES2+ 12 AS2+

3 ES2- 11 AS2-

1 0V_CH1_CH2 9 0V_CH1_CH2


In most applications it is required to connect automatic/external emergency stop

switches. It is highly recommended to connect the stop switches as one of the
following figures for the best safety performance. When the 24 V power is provided
by customer instead of 24V_CH1/2, it shall be within the tolerance of 24 V -0%/+10%.

24V_CH1 24V_CH1

AS1+ / ES1+ AS1+ / ES1+

AS1- / ES1- AS1- / ES1-

0V_CH1_CH2 0V_CH1_CH2

24V_CH2 24V_CH2

AS2+ / ES2+ AS2+ / ES2+

AS2- / ES2- AS2- / ES2-

0V_CH1_CH2 0V_CH1_CH2

(A) (B)

Customer provided power Customer provided power


24V_CH1 24V_CH1
AS1+ / ES1+ AS1+ / ES1+

AS1- / ES1- AS1- / ES1-

Customer_0V_CH1 0V_CH1_CH2 Customer_0V_CH1 0V_CH1_CH2


24V_CH2 24V_CH2
AS2+ / ES2+ AS2+ / ES2+

AS2- / ES2- AS2- / ES2-

Customer_0V_CH2 0V_CH1_CH2 Customer_0V_CH2 0V_CH1_CH2

(C) (D)


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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors


It is prohibited to connect the dual-channel switch as shown in the following

figure, as this does not comply with the Cat.3 structure.

24V_CH1 24V_CH1

AS1+ / ES1+ AS1+ / ES1+

AS1- / ES1- AS1- / ES1-

0V_CH1_CH2 0V_CH1_CH2

24V_CH2 24V_CH2

AS2+ / ES2+ AS2+ / ES2+

AS2- / ES2- AS2- / ES2-

0V_CH1_CH2 0V_CH1_CH2

(A) (B)


For more connections other than those illustrated above, carefully assess the risk
before use and contact your local ABB for support.


Connection Customer optional interface
Type Weidmüller S2L 3.50 90F
S2L 3.50/16/90F 3.5SN BK BX 2*9 pins
Article number 1728690000 (or equivalent)

17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1

18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2


Pin Description Pin Description

17 NC 18 NC
15 NC 16 NC
13 ESOUT1- 14 ESOUT1+
11 ESOUT2- 12 ESOUT2+
9 NC 10 NC
7 NC 8 NC
5 NC 6 NC
1 MON_PB 2 24V_MON

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors


NC means those pins are reserved. They cannot be electrically connected to any
external signal, ground, or voltage.

Pin Description
ESOUT1+ High side terminal of Emergency stop output Channel 1.
ESOUT1- Low side terminal of Emergency stop output Channel 1.
ESOUT2+ High side terminal of Emergency stop output Channel 2.
ESOUT2- Low side terminal of Emergency stop output Output Channel 2.
24V_MON 24 V power supplied by robot controller for motors on lamp and
motors on push button use only. It must not be used for any other
MON_LAMP Motors on lamp output interface. The max sink current is 50mA.
MON_PB Motors on push button input interface.


The device connected to the ESOUT pins shall fulfill the IEC 61131-2 type 1 Input.


Logic low of Emergency stop output shall be recognized as Emergency stop



The maximum length of the cable connected to the ESOUT pins shall be 10 m.


The cable shall be protected from external EM disturbance, suggested to use

separate multicore cables.


The FlexPendant connector can only be used to connect a FlexPendant and

CANNOT be used to connect any other devices.
All external safety devices must be connected from the customer interface on
robot signal exchange proxy.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors

Safety PLC
Relay Output for
Indicator Safety Input of
Next Stage

Interface Isola!on

Safety PLC
Relay Output for
Indicator Safety Input of
Next Stage



Although the Motors On function is available on the FlexPendant, an interface is

provided in X15 for an optional Motors On push button and an indication lamp.
Both have 2 pins on the connectors.
Push Bu!on








Connection Customer IO power supply
Type Weidmüller SC 3.81 90F
SC 3.81/08/90F 3.2SN BK BX 8 Pins
Article number 1793380000 (or equivalent)

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.9 Descriptions for connectors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Pin Description
1 24V_IO_EXT
3 24V_IO_EXT
5 24V_IO_EXT
7 24V_IO_EXT

24V_IO_EXT is the 24 V power supply for the customer. The characteristics are
shown in the following table.
Parameter Value
Voltage 24V DC
Voltage tolerance -3% ~ +10%
Max output current 3A


Connection Customer optional power input (Reserved)
Type Weidmüller SC 3.81 90F
SC 3.81/06/90F 3.2SN BK BX 6 Pins
Article number 1793370000 (or equivalent)

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.10 Configuring safety stops

3.5.10 Configuring safety stops

The automatic stop (AS) and the general stop (GS) are configured using the Visual
SafeMove functionality in RobotStudio.


The automatic stop cannot be configured in RobotWare 7.0 and RobotWare 7.1.
In RobotWare 7.0 and 7.1, the stops are configured in the system parameters.

The automatic stop is configurable to be either an automatic stop or a general stop,
where the general stop will stop the robot in manual reduced speed mode.
After the configuration is done in the Visual SafeMove, the safety configuration
must be written to the controller and then a restart of the controller is required.


The new settings must be verified by test before the system is used.
• ProtectiveStop is the AS/GS input
• ExternalEmergencyStop is the ES input
• InternalEmergencyStop is the emergency stop button on the FlexPendant


When upgrading RobotWare systems from 7.0 or 7.1, the stop configuration is
done using system parameters.
See also the circuit diagram, Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.11 Programmable stop functions

3.5.11 Programmable stop functions

Stopping functions
There are different methods to stop the robot, in addition to manually initiated
• Stop with system input signals
• Stop with RAPID instructions
• Other stops

Stop category configuration

The stop category can be configured, see Technical reference manual - System
Safety inputs System paramet- Description
er Function
Automatic Stop Category1AS Category1AS can be used to configure the protective
stop in automatic mode either as stop category 0 or
category 1. The default configuration is TRUE (stop
category 1).
Emergency Stop Category1LES Category1LES is used to configure the emergency
stop on the FlexPendant in automatic and manual
mode. The default configuration is FALSE (stop cat-
egory 0).
Emergency Stop Category1EES Category1EES is used to configure an external emer-
gency stop in automatic and manual mode. The default
configuration is FALSE (stop category 0).

Stop with system input signals

In the control system, it is possible to define system input signals to be set/reset
through different interactions, for example, through networks, I/O blocks, RobAPI,
etc. See next release version.
Pre-defined system input Description
SoftStop The manipulator is stopped on the path with no deviation.
QuickStop This is a faster stop of the manipulator than SoftStop. This stop
is more stressing for the mechanics than SoftStop. QuickStop
ignores torque and acceleration limits.
Stop at End of Cycle Stops the RAPID program when the complete program is ex-
ecuted, that means when the last instruction in the main routine
has been completed.
Stop at End of Instruction Stops program execution after the current instruction is com-

All of these stops are performed without using the brakes, and the power is never
disconnected. The program execution can be continued directly, for example by
activating a start signal.


Only safety rated input signals are allowed to be used for safety.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.11 Programmable stop functions

Stop with RAPID instructions

There are several RAPID instructions available that stops the robot.
Instruction Description Arguments
SystemStopAction Stops all robots in all tasks imme- \Stop: similar to a normal pro-
diately. gram stop with stop button.
\StopBlock: as above, but to re-
start the PP has to be moved.
\Halt: this is like a category 0
stop, i.e. it will result in motors off
state, stop of program execution
and robot movements in all motion
tasks. The Motors on button must
be pressed before the program
execution can be restarted.
Stop The current move instruction will \NoRegain: the robot will not re-
be finished before the robot stops. turn to the stop point when restar-
A restart will continue the program ted, e.g. after having been jogged
execution. away.
\AllMoveTasks: all robots will be
StopMove The current move instruction will \AllMotionTasks: all robots will
be stopped immediately as a soft be stopped.
stop but the program execution
will continue with the next instruc-
tion. This is often used in for ex-
ample trap routines.
BREAK The current move instruction and
the program execution will be
stopped immediately as a normal
program stop. A restart will contin-
ue the program execution.
EXIT The current move instruction and
the program execution will be
stopped immediately as a normal
program stop. After stop the Pro-
gram Pointer has to be reset to
EXITCYCLE The current move instruction and
program execution will be stopped
immediately. The Program Pointer
will be reset to Main and if running
mode is continuous, the program
will be restarted.
SearchX Search instructions can be pro- \Stop: Stiff stop - the robot will
grammed with arguments to stop stop as fast as possible. This stop
the robot movement close to the is performed by ramping down
point where a search hit was no- motion in each motor separate
ticed. The program execution will from each other, and as fast as
continue with the next instruction. possible. Since it will be without
any coordination, the robot may
slide off path fairly much.
\SStop: Soft stop - the robot will
stop on path.
\Sup: the robot will continue to the
ToPoint. If more than one search
hit is found, an error will be repor-

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.5.11 Programmable stop functions

RAPID instructions are described in Technical reference manual - RAPID

Instructions, Functions and Data types.

Other unexpected stops

Type of stop Description

SysFail In the control system there is a surveillance and monitoring
function that can detect abnormal situations. In such cases a
stop will be initiated. The robot controller must be restarted.
Power fail In the control system there is a monitoring function that can
detect power failure. In such cases a stop will be initiated.
Stop at collision In the control system there is a monitoring function that can
detect collisions. In such cases a stop will be initiated.


Special care must be taken when restarting a machine that is

stopped due to a collision. The robot might make a limited
movement when restarted.


The revolution counters might need to be updated after a colli-

sion to ensure path accuracy.

Stopping time/distance
Stopping time/distance for emergency stop (category 0), program stop (category1)
at max speed, max stretched out and max load, categories according to EN 60204-1.
All results are from tests on one moving axis. All stop distances are valid for floor
mounted robot, without any tilting.
For detail stopping time/distance for each robot, see Product specification Robot
stopping distances according to ISO 10218-1.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.6.1 Available fieldbuses

3.6 I/O system

3.6.1 Available fieldbuses

The controller can be fitted with a number of different fieldbus adapters, fieldbus
boards, and software based fieldbuses. The software based fieldbuses do not
require any hardware.

Fieldbus connections
There is one slot available for installing a fieldbus board (PCIe) on the main
computer, with process connectors on the front panel, and one slot for installing
a fieldbus adapter (slave).
The software based fieldbuses are connected directly to one of the Ethernet ports.


A Fieldbus adapter (slave)

B Slot for fieldbus adapters
C Slot for fieldbus, PCI express card
D Fieldbus board (master)

Available board
The following master board is available.
Description Article number Type designation
DeviceNet Board 3HAC043383-001 DSQC1006

Available software based fieldbuses

The following software based fieldbuses are available as RobotWare options.
• EtherNet/IP

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.6.1 Available fieldbuses

Available adapter
The following fieldbus adapter slave is available.
Description Article number Type designation
DeviceNet Slave Fieldbus Adapter 3HAC045973-001 DSQC1004

For more information on how to install and configure the fieldbuses, see the
respective manual.
Manual title Article number
Application manual - DeviceNet Master/Slave 3HAC066562-001

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.6.2 Scalable I/O, internal and external

3.6.2 Scalable I/O, internal and external

The controller can be fitted with an internal I/O unit, DSQC1030, with 16 digital
inputs and 16 digital outputs. The controller can also use external I/O units, with
DSQC1030 as base unit and add-on units as extension.

Scalable I/O units

The I/O unit DSQC1030 Digital Base belongs to the ABB Scalable I/O system, which
is a modular, compact, and scalable I/O system that consists of a base device
(minimum configuration), and add-on devices.
The base device has a Plug & Produce interface and communicates over the default
EtherNet/IP communication protocol to the robot controller. When using the standard
interface, no additional RobotWare options or hardware options are required to
communicate with the robot controller. When using the RobotWare option
EtherNet/IP Scanner/Adapter, more configuration possibilities are available.
For more information about installing, configuring, and using the scalable I/O units,
see Application manual - Scalable I/O.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.1 Installing the harness for double SMB

3.7 Installing options

3.7.1 Installing the harness for double SMB

The illustration shows the location of the harness double SMB in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Harness Single SMB connection 3HAC069674-001 Harness single SMB
Harness Double SMB connection 3HAC069675-001 Harness double SMB

Continues on next page

106 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.1 Installing the harness for double SMB

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Installing the harness double SMB


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 107
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.1 Installing the harness for double SMB

Removing the harness for signal SMB

Action Note/Illustration
1 Loosen the screw and disconnect:
• SMB - K6.X4


2 Remove the attachment screws on the



3 Push the manipulator signal connector

into the cabinet.
4 Take the manipulator signal connector

Refitting the harness for double SMB

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

108 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.1 Installing the harness for double SMB

Action Note/Illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.

3 Insert the manipulator signal connector

into the cover from inner side of the
4 Secure it with the attachment screws. Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)


5 Reconnect and secure:

• K6.X4, K6.X5 - SMB.


Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165 .

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 109

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.2 Installing the scalable I/O devices

3.7.2 Installing the scalable I/O devices

The location of the base unit used as a scalable I/O internal unit is shown in the
following illustration.


The base unit can also be used as a scalable I/O external unit, with or without
add-on devices.
For more information about installing, configuring, and using the scalable I/O units,
see Application manual - Scalable I/O.

Required parts

Part Article number Note

Local I/O Digital base [3032-1] 3HAC058663-001 DSQC1030
Connectors digital base/add on 3HAC060919-001
Digital add-on [3033-2] 3HAC058664-001 DSQC1031
Analog add-on [3034-2] 3HAC058665-001 DSQC1032
Connectors I/O Analog 3HAC060925-001
Relay add-on [3035-2] 3HAC058666-001 DSQC1033
Connectors I/O Relay 3HAC060926-001

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

110 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.2 Installing the scalable I/O devices

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009
Application manual - Scalable I/O 3HAC070208-001

Installing the scalable I/O internal base device

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Push the digital base into the bracket

until you hear a clear clicking sound.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 111
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.2 Installing the scalable I/O devices

Action Note/Illustration
4 Connect the adapter cable to the digital
• K5.1.X5 - A2.X4/K4.X7


If the Ethernet extension switch is

installed, connect and disconnect
the connector K5.1.X5 to/from
If the Ethernet extension switch is
not installed, connect and discon-
nect the connector K5.1.X5 to/from

• K5.1.X4 - K2.X3
• The harness connected to I/O unit
by customer

Installing scalable I/O external devices

For more information about installing, configuring, and using the scalable I/O units,
see Application manual - Scalable I/O.
Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.

3 Prepare the scalable I/O units for external

mounting as described in Application
manual - Scalable I/O.
4 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.
5 Connect the external base device to the
internal base device (X3) or the Ethernet
switch, using an Ethernet cable.
6 Connect an external power supply to the Each base device requires its own power
external base units, connector X4. supply.
7 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
8 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

112 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.3 Installing the Ethernet extension switch

3.7.3 Installing the Ethernet extension switch

The illustration shows the location of the Ethernet extension switch in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Ethernet Extension switch [3014- 3HAC059187-001 DSQC1035

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 113
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.3 Installing the Ethernet extension switch

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Installing the Ethernet extension switch


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Refitting the Ethernet extension switch (option)

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

114 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.3 Installing the Ethernet extension switch

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Hook up the Ethernet extension switch

to the bracket and then push the switch
into position.


During the installation, there should be

no gap between the upper surface of the
Ethernet extension switch and the lower
surface of highest bracket on the main



4 Reconnect:
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K4.X7 - K5.1.X5
• K4.X6 - A2.X4

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 115

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.4 Installing the power supply optional device

3.7.4 Installing the power supply optional device

The illustration shows the location of the power supply optional device in the


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Power supply 3HAC071301-001 DSQC3035
DSQC 609 power supply 3HAC14178-1 DSQC 609
DSQC 634 power supply 3HAC13398-2 DSQC 634
Harness AC input of power supply 3HAC069617-001
End clamp 3HAB7983-1

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

116 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.4 Installing the power supply optional device

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Installing the optional power supply


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Installing the 24V terminal block

Action Note/Illustration
1 Hang the 24V terminal block to the
bracket and push the lower part until you
hear a clear clicking sound.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 117
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.4 Installing the power supply optional device

Fitting the optional power supply

Action Note/Illustration
1 Fit the power supply to the bracket. For DSQC 609:
Screws: Cross recessed cheese head screw
Note M4x8 (1 pcs)

For DSQC 609: Hang the power supply

to the bracket and secure the power
supply with the attached screw.
For DSQC 634: Hang the power supply
to the bracket and push the lower part
until you hear a clear clicking sound.


For DSQC 634:


Continues on next page

118 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.4 Installing the power supply optional device

Action Note/Illustration
2 Refit the end clamp besides the power For DSQC 609:


For DSQC 634:


3 Connect:
• T5.X1-AC Terminal block
• T5.X2-24V Terminal block


The connector on the AC_in cable

(3HAC061099-001) is fastened to the
cable clip in the illustration when the
power supply optional is not selected.

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 119

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.5 Installing the fieldbus adapter slave devices

3.7.5 Installing the fieldbus adapter slave devices

The illustration shows the location of the fieldbus adapter slave devices in the


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Fieldbus slot cover 3HAC062390-001
DeviceNet Slave Fieldbus adaptor 3HAC045973-001 DSQC1004
ProfiNet Board [3022-1] 3HAC031670-001 DSQC 688
Ethernet Unit [3025-1] 3HAC027652-001 DSQC 669

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Installing the fieldbus adapter slave variants

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

120 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.5 Installing the fieldbus adapter slave devices

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

4 Remove the fieldbus slot cover with a
5 Insert the fieldbus adapter slave and se-
cure the screws.


6 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.

7 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 121

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master

3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master

The illustration shows the location of the fieldbus master in the main computer.


Harness DeviceNet is an option of process connector.

Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

DeviceNet Board 3HAC043383-001 DSQC1006

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Continues on next page

122 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master

Installing the DeviceNet board


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the main computer assembly

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect all the connectors on the as-
sembly group of the robot signal ex-
change proxy, Ethernet switch (option),
Connected Services Gateway, and main
For the robot signal exchange proxy:
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• (option): K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K2.X10 - A1.X13
• K2.X21 - TempSensor
• K2.X4 - A1.X9
• K2.X3 - K6.X1, A2.K3.X1, K5.1.X4,
• K2.X1 - T2.X2
• K2.X17 - G2.X1, G1.X2
• K2.X6, K2.X11 - A1.X2
• K2.X7, K2.X22 - Harn. LV robot
• K2.X9 & X13 - FlexPendant

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 123
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
For the Ethernet extension switch (op-
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K4.X7 - K5.1.X5
• K4.X6 - A2.X4
For the Connected Services Gateway:
• K7.X1 - K2.X3 i
• K7.X2 - A2.X5


The connector K7.X2 is locked; grab the

connector, push it in to release it and
then remove the connector.

For the main computer:

• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K6.X2 - A2.X9
• A2.X5 - K7.X2
• A2.X4 - K4.X6/K5.1.X5


If the Ethernet extension switch is

installed, connect and disconnect
the connector A2.X4 to/from
If the Ethernet extension switch is
not installed, connect and discon-
nect the connector A2.X4 to/from

2 Remove the screws holding the main



Continues on next page

124 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
3 Remove the assembly from the mounting


Avoid colliding with the frame when re-

moving the unit.


When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.


i For Connected Services Gateway wired, there is no power cable.

Removing the robot signal exchange proxy

Action Note/Illustration
1 Location of wrist strap button:

When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 125
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
2 Pull the cable ties out from the locking


3 Remove the screws and lift out the robot

signal exchange proxy.


Installing the DeviceNet board

Action Note/Illustration
1 Location of wrist strap button:

When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.


Continues on next page

126 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
2 Remove the screws on top of the main
computer and take the cover off.



The Connected Services Gateway and Ether-

net extension switch are omitted on the illus-
tration to make it more clear.

3 Remove the attachment screw on the

cover of the fieldbus master and take out
the cover.



The Connected Services Gateway and Ether-

net extension switch are omitted on the illus-
tration to make it more clear.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 127
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
4 Insert the DeviceNet board into the card
slots along the guide rail in the main
computer. B


A Card slots
B Guide rail


The Connected Services Gateway and Ether-

net extension switch are omitted on the illus-
tration to make it more clear.

5 Secure the DeviceNet board with the Screw: Screw with flange M3x6 (1 pcs)



The Connected Services Gateway and Ether-

net extension switch are omitted on the illus-
tration to make it more clear.

Continues on next page

128 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
6 Refit the cover on the main computer and Screws: Hexalobular socket pan head screw
secure the screws. M3x6 (4 pcs)



The Connected Services Gateway and Ether-

net extension switch are omitted on the illus-
tration to make it more clear.

Refitting the robot signal exchange proxy

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 129
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
3 Fit the robot signal exchange proxy and Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
secure the screws.


4 Insert the cable ties into the locking



Refitting the main computer assembly to the cabinet

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

130 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.


3 Refit the assembly onto the mounting




Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 131
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
4 Fasten the assembly with the screws.


5 Reconnect all the connectors on as-

sembly of the robot signal exchange
proxy, ethernet extension-seven port
switch (option), ABB ability™ connected
services, and main computer.
For the robot signal exchange proxy:
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• (option): K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K2.X10 - A1.X13
• K2.X21 - TempSensor (G3.TEMP)
• K2.X4 - A1.X9
• K2.X3 - K6.X1, A2.K3.X1, K5.1.X4,
• K2.X1 - T2.X2
• K2.X17 - G3.X1, G1.X2
• K2.X6, K2.X11 - A1.X2
• K2.X7, K2.X22 - Harn. LV robot
power (X1)
• K2.X9 & X13 - FlexPendant (X4)
For the Ethernet extension switch (op-
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K4.X7 - K5.1.X5
• K4.X6 - A2.X4
For the Connected Services Gateway:
• K7.X1 - K2.X3 i
• K7.X2 - A2.X5


The connector K7.X2 is locked;

grab the connector, push it in to
release it and then remove the

Continues on next page

132 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.6 Installing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
For the main computer:
• A2.X3 - X24
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K6.X2 - A2.X9
• A2.X5 - K7.X2
• A2.X4 - K4.X6/K5.1.X5


If the Ethernet extension switch is

installed, connect and disconnect
the connector A2.X4 to/from
If the Ethernet extension switch is
not installed, connect and discon-
nect the connector A2.X4 to/from

i For Connected Services Gateway wired, there is no power cable.

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 133

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.7 Installing the conveyor tracking module

3.7.7 Installing the conveyor tracking module

The conveyor tracking module uses network communication to share conveyor
speed and position data with one or more robot controllers. It contains a WAN port,
which is used to connect to the robot controllers and two LAN ports that can be
used for installation and service purposes.


Required parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Conveyor tracking module [3103- 3HNA027579-001 DSQC2000
CONNECTOR KIT - DSQC2000 3HNA029345-001

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

134 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.7 Installing the conveyor tracking module

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009
Application manual - Conveyor 3HAC066561-001

Installing the conveyor tracking module

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 135
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.7 Installing the conveyor tracking module

Action Note/Illustration
4 Fit the conveyor tracking module and
push the lower part until you hear a clear
clicking sound.



5 Connect:
• B1.X1 - K2.X19.1, K2.X19.2(Power
• B1.X7 - K4.X1-5 (Ethernet cable)
6 Connect wires to the input and output See Application manual - Conveyor tracking.
connectors as required.
7 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
8 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

For more information about the option Conveyor Tracking, see Application
manual - Conveyor tracking.

136 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.8 Installing the cable grommet assembly

3.7.8 Installing the cable grommet assembly

The illustration shows the location of the cable grommet assembly on the controller.



The end user need to buy proper grommets according to the diameter of the
cables which need to go through the grommet.
This will affect the protection level of the cabinet if it's not executed correctly.
It is recommended to use icotek KT grommet.

Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Cable grommet asm 3HAC066396-001

Continues on next page

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.8 Installing the cable grommet assembly

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Installing cables with the cable grommet assembly


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.8 Installing the cable grommet assembly

Removing the slot cover (baseline)

Action Note/Illustration
1 Remove the attachment screws.


2 Take out the cover from the inside of the


Refitting the cable grommet assembly

Refitting the cables to the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
1 Insert and equip the cable to the corres-
ponding KT grommet.


Continues on next page

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.8 Installing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
2 Slide the grommets into the frame halves.


It must be ensured that the flat side of

the grommets in the lower row are point-
ing to the open side of the frame half (flat
sides pointing upwards).


The fl at side of the grommets in the up-

per row have to point downwards so that
all flat sides rest on each other. When
using single row frames the fl at side has
to point towards the cover strip.


3 Refit the cover strip onto the frame.


4 Secure the frame and cover strip with the Screws: Hex socket head cap screw M5x50
screws. 12.9 Gleitmo 603+Geomet 500 (3 pcs)
Tightening torque: 2 Nm - 3 Nm.


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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.8 Installing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
5 Route the cables through the cut-out.


6 Refit the cable entry frame to the enclos- Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
ure wall and secure with the screws. Tightening torque: 1.5 Nm.


Refitting the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.8 Installing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Insert the cable grommet assembly into Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
the cover of the cabinet.
Secure it with the screws.


Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.9 Installing the filter

3.7.9 Installing the filter

The illustration shows the location of the air filter on the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Air filter-coarse filter 3HAC068415-001
Air filter-Fine filter 3HAC068416-001
Air filter (Polymeric) 3HAC068543-001 Filter element of fine filter

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.7.9 Installing the filter

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Installing the air filter

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Fit the air filter to the cabinet.

Secure it with the screws.


3 Perform the function tests to verify that

the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.8.1 Installing the extension box

3.8 Installing add-on devices

3.8.1 Installing the extension box

As an option an empty extension box can be purchased, to use for custom
equipment. The extension box can be installed on the basic box or anywhere else
as a standalone equipment.



Connect PE19 as grounding for the extension box in any use case.

Required equipment

Equipment Information
Standard toolkit See Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.

Continues on next page

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.8.1 Installing the extension box

It is recommended to use multicore cable for the customer connection.
The following describes the cable requirements for the X106 connection in the
extension box.
Component Description
Cable type Flexible oil resistant rubber
Cable area 4C x 0.5 mm 2 or AWG20

Included parts
The following parts are included in the delivery when the extension box is selected.
Part Order number Quantity
Connector for X106 3HAC074661-001 1

Use this procedure to stack an extension box to a basic box.
Action Info/illustration
1 Place the controller in desired place.
2 Fix the basic box to a concrete foundation Anchor bolts: M8 X 4
or steel platform with anchor bolts. Tighten torque: 11.3 Nm-12.6 Nm
3 Remove the four plastic screw.


Continues on next page

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.8.1 Installing the extension box

Action Info/illustration
4 Assemble the hexalobular socket pan head
screws onto the cabinet.


5 Place the extension box upright the basic

box with lifting accessory. Lock them with


6 Open the door of the extension box. Opening the door on page 174.

Continues on next page

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.8.1 Installing the extension box

Action Info/illustration
7 Fit the connector (3HAC074661-001) for


1 24 V
2 0V
3 24 V
4 0V
8 Connect through the cable grommet: How to insert cable through cable grom-
• PE19 met, see Releasing the cables from the
• X106 cable grommet assembly on page 314 and
Refitting the cables to the cable grommet
assembly on page 317.



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3 Installation and commissioning
3.8.1 Installing the extension box

Action Info/illustration
9 Install the equipment to the extension box
according to your requirements.


ABB only offers the extension box as an

encapsulation for customer installing extern-
al devices.
It is the system builder's responsibly to en-
sure the complacence with electrical safety,
for example the Low Voltage Directive.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.8.2 Installing the conveyor tracking module to extension box

3.8.2 Installing the conveyor tracking module to extension box

The conveyor tracking module uses network communication to share conveyor
speed and position data with one or more robot controllers. It contains a WAN port,
which is used to connect to the robot controllers and two LAN ports that can be
used for installation and service purposes.


Required parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Conveyor tracking module [3103- 3HNA027579-001 DSQC2000
CONNECTOR KIT - DSQC2000 3HNA029345-001

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.8.2 Installing the conveyor tracking module to extension box

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009
Application manual - Conveyor 3HAC066561-001

Installing the conveyor tracking module

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Open the door of the extension box. Opening the door on page 174.
4 Fit the conveyor tracking module by
snapping it onto the mounting rail .


Continues on next page

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.8.2 Installing the conveyor tracking module to extension box

Action Note/Illustration
5 Connect the 24V power supply to the How to insert cable through cable grommet,
conveyor tracking module from the basic see Releasing the cables from the cable
box or other power supply. grommet assembly on page 314 and Refitting
the cables to the cable grommet assembly
6 Connected to Ethernet through the cable on page 317.
• B1.X7 - K4.X1-5 For details on connecting wires to the con-
veyor tracking module, see Application
7 Connect wires to the input and output manual - Conveyor tracking.
connectors as required.
8 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
9 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

For more information about the option Conveyor Tracking, see Application
manual - Conveyor tracking.

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.9 Installing external devices

3.9 Installing external devices



Only LVD 1 equipments can be installed on the door of the controller.


ABB only offers the extension box as an encapsulation for customer installing
external devices.
It is the system builder's responsibly to ensure the complacence with electrical
safety, for example the Low Voltage Directive.

1 Low Voltage Directive

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3 Installation and commissioning
3.10 Initial test before commissioning

3.10 Initial test before commissioning

Function tests
When the installation is complete, perform the function tests in section Function
tests on page 165 to verify that the safety features work properly.

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4 Maintenance
4.1 Maintenance schedule, OmniCore

4 Maintenance
4.1 Maintenance schedule, OmniCore

The controller must be maintained at regular intervals to ensure its function. The
activities and intervals are described in this section.

Activities and intervals

Equipment Maintenance Interval Detailed in section:

Complete controller Inspection 12 months i Inspecting the OmniCore C90XT
controller on page 156
Air filter Cleaning Cleaning air filter on page 157
Air filter Replacement 24 months * Replacement of air filter on page 162
System fans Inspection 6 months i Inspecting the OmniCore C90XT
controller on page 156
Control cabinet Cleaning Cleaning of the controller cabinet
on page 159
FlexPendant Cleaning When needed Cleaning the FlexPendant on
page 160
Emergency stop Function test 12 months Function test of emergency stop on
(FlexPendant) page 165
Manual, auto and Function test 12 months Function test of manual, auto, and
manual full speed manual full speed mode with Flex-
mode with FlexPend- Pendant on page 166
Enable device Function test 12 months Function test of three-position en-
abling device on page 167
Contactors A1.Q1 Function test 12 months Function test of contactors A1.Q1
and A1.Q2 and A1.Q2 inside the power unit on
page 168
Auto stop (tested if Function test 12 months Function test of auto stop on
used) page 169
External emergency Function test 12 months Function test of external emergency
stop (tested if used) stop on page 170
ESTOP_STATUS Function test 12 months Function test of ESTOP_STATUS
output (tested if output on page 171
Reduced speed Function test During commis- Function test of reduced speed
control sioning control on page 172.
i The interval depends on the working environment of the equipment: a cleaner environment may
extend the maintenance interval and vice versa.

Function test after replacement of component

After replacing a component in the controller, the function tests should be
performed. See Function tests on page 165.

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4 Maintenance
4.2.1 Inspection of controller

4.2 Inspection activities

4.2.1 Inspection of controller

Inspecting the OmniCore C90XT controller

Action Note/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Inspect connectors and cabling to make

sure they are securely fastened and
cabling not damaged.
4 Inspect the fans and ventilation holes to
make sure they are clean.
5 After inspection: Temporarily turn the
power supply on. Inspect the fans to
make sure they function correctly. Switch
the power off.

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4 Maintenance
4.3.1 Cleaning air filter

4.3 Cleaning activities

4.3.1 Cleaning air filter

The air filter is located as shown in the illustration below.


Required equipment

Equipment Note
Cleaning agent Water 30-40°C with cleansing liquid or detergent.
Compressed air

The procedure below details how to clean the moist dust filter.
Action Note/Illustration
1 Remove the air filter. How to remove the air filter is detailed
in section Replacing the air filter on
page 284.
2 If a fine filter is used, remove the polymeric
filter element first.
3 Clean the filter three or four times.
4 Allow the filter to dry in one of these ways:
• Lying flat on a flat surface Note
• Blow with compressed air in opposite
direction of filter airflow. Do not wring the filter to press out water.

5 If a fine filter us used, refit a new polymeric

filter element to the filter.

Continues on next page

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4 Maintenance
4.3.1 Cleaning air filter

Action Note/Illustration
6 Refit the air filter.

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4 Maintenance
4.3.2 Cleaning of the controller cabinet

4.3.2 Cleaning of the controller cabinet

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Note

Vacuum cleaner ESD protected

Cleaning considerations
This section specifies some special considerations when cleaning the controller.
• Always use ESD protection.
• Always use cleaning equipment as specified above. Any other cleaning
equipment may shorten the life of paint work, rust inhibitors, signs, or labels.
• Always make sure that all protective covers are fitted to the controller before
• Never remove any covers or other protective devices when cleaning the
outside of the controller.
• Never use compressed air or spray with a high pressure cleaner.
• Never leave the door open when cleaning the exterior.

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4 Maintenance
4.3.3 Cleaning the FlexPendant

4.3.3 Cleaning the FlexPendant

The surfaces to clean are shown in the illustration below.



A Touch screen
B Hard buttons

Required equipment

Equipment, etc. Note

Soft cloth ESD protected
Water/Mild cleaning agent

Clean the touch screen

This section describes how to clean the touch screen.
Action Info/Illustration
1 Lock the screen.
2 It is safe to clean the FlexPendant
when the Lock screen appears.
3 Clean the touch screen and hard-
ware buttons using a soft cloth and
water or a mild cleaning agent.
4 Unlock the screen, by tapping the

Cleaning considerations
The section below specifies some special considerations when cleaning the
• Use ESD Protection
• Use cleaning equipment as specified above. Any other cleaning equipment
may shorten the life time of the touch screen.
• Check that all protective covers are fitted to the device before cleaning.
• Make sure that no foreign objects or liquids can penetrate into the device.
Continues on next page
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4 Maintenance
4.3.3 Cleaning the FlexPendant

• Do not remove any covers before cleaning the FlexPendant.

• Do not spray with a high pressure cleaner.
• Do not clean the device, operating panel and operating elements with
compressed air, solvents, scouring agent or scrubbing sponges.

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4 Maintenance
4.4.1 Replacement of air filter

4.4 Changing/replacing activities

4.4.1 Replacement of air filter

The air filter is located as shown in the illustration below.


Required equipment

Equipment Note
Air filter
Other tools and procedures may be required. These procedures include references to the
See references to these procedures in the step- tools required.
by-step instructions below.

Removing the air filter


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

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4 Maintenance
4.4.1 Replacement of air filter

Removing the air filter

Action Note/Illustration
1 Loosen the attachment screws on the air


2 Remove the air filter.


Removing the polymeric filter element

Action Note/Illustration
1 Take out the polymeric filter element from
the filter.


Continues on next page

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4 Maintenance
4.4.1 Replacement of air filter

Refitting the air filter

Refitting the polymeric filter element

Action Note/Illustration
1 Insert the polymeric filter element to the
filter and secure with the metallic line.


Refitting the air filter

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Refit the air filter to the cabinet.

Secure it with the screws.


Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

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4 Maintenance
4.5.1 Function test of emergency stop

4.5 Function tests

4.5.1 Function test of emergency stop

Perform this test on the FlexPendant emergency stop button.

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Make a visual inspection of the emergency If any damage is found on the emergency
stop button to make sure it is not physically stop button, it must be replaced.
2 Pull and rotate the emergency stop button
clockwise to verify that it is not pressed in.
3 Start the robot system.
4 Press the emergency stop button. The test is passed if the event message
10013 Emergency stop state appears in
Note the event log.

If the event message 20223 Emergency Note

stop conflict appears in the event log, or
the event message 10013 Emergency stop For collaborative robots, the event mes-
state (and 90518 Safety controller Emer- sage 90518 Safety controller Emergency
gency stop triggered for collaborative ro- stop triggered appears by default. The
bots) does not appear, then the test has message 10013 Emergency stop state is
failed and the root cause of the failure must also available in the event log.
be found.

5 Release the emergency stop button to reset

the emergency stop state.

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4 Maintenance
4.5.2 Function test of manual, auto, and manual full speed mode with FlexPendant

4.5.2 Function test of manual, auto, and manual full speed mode with FlexPendant

Perform this function test to change the mode on the FlexPendant using the
following operation:
• Status bar > Common Settings > Operating Mode (Auto/Manual/Man FS).
For more detailed information, see Operating manual - OmniCore, 3HAC065036-001.

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Start the robot system.
2 Change to Automatic operating mode and This test is passed if it is possible to run
Motors ON state, and then run the robot in the robot program in auto mode.
auto mode. If it is not possible to run the robot pro-
gram, this test is failed and the root cause
of the failure must be found.
3 Change to Manual operating mode and This test is passed if it is possible to run
Motors ON state, and then run the robot in the robot program in manual mode.
manual mode. If it is not possible to run the robot pro-
gram, this test is failed and the root cause
of the failure must be found.
4 Change to Manual Full Speed mode and This test is passed if it is possible to run
Motors ON state, and then run the robot in the robot program in manual full speed
manual full speed mode. mode.
If it is not possible to run the robot pro-
Note gram, this test is failed and the root cause
of the failure must be found.
Manual full speed mode is not available in
USA or Canada.

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4 Maintenance
4.5.3 Function test of three-position enabling device

4.5.3 Function test of three-position enabling device

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Start the robot system and turn the mode
switch to manual mode.
2 Press the three-position enabling device This test is passed if the event message
to the middle position and then hold the 10011 Motors ON state appears in the
enabling device in this position. event log.
If the event message 10011 Motors ON
state does not appear, or if the event
message 20224 Enabling device conflict
appears in the event log, then the test has
failed and the root cause of the failure must
be found.
3 While still holding the three-position en- This test is passed if the event message
abling device pressed, press the enabling 10012 safety guard stop state appears in
device harder to the enable the device's the event log.
third position. If the event message 10012 Safety guard
stop state does not appear, or if the event
message 20224 Enabling device conflict
appears in the event log, then the test has
failed and the root cause of the failure must
be found.

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4 Maintenance
4.5.4 Function test of contactors A1.Q1 and A1.Q2 inside the power unit

4.5.4 Function test of contactors A1.Q1 and A1.Q2 inside the power unit

Performing the motor function test

Action Note
1 Start the robot system and change the op-
erating mode to manual.
2 Press the three-position enabling device This test is passed if the event message
to the middle position and then hold the 10011 Motors ON state appears in the
enabling device in this position. event log.
If the event message 37001 Motor on activ-
ation error appears in the event log, then
the test has failed and the root cause of the
failure must be found.
3 Release the three-position enabling device. This test is passed if the event message
10012 Safety guard stop state appears in
the event log.
If the event message 20227 Motor contact-
or conflict appears in the event log, then
the test has failed and the root cause of the
failure must be found.

Performing the brake function test

Action Note
1 Start the robot system and change the op-
erating mode to manual.
2 Press the three-position enabling device This test is passed if the brakes are disen-
to the middle position and then hold the gaged and the manipulator can be moved.
enabling device in this position. If the event message 50056 Joint collision
While having eye contact with the manipu- appears in the event log, then the test has
lator, move the joystick slightly in any dir- failed and the root cause of the failure must
ection to disengage the brakes. be found.
3 Release the three-position enabling device This test is passed if the event message
to engage the brakes. 10012 Safety guard stop state appears in
the event log.
If the event message 37101 Brake failure
appears in the event log, then the test has
failed and the root cause of the failure must
be found.

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4 Maintenance
4.5.5 Function test of auto stop

4.5.5 Function test of auto stop

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Start the robot system and change the op-
erating mode to auto mode.
2 Activate the auto stop, for example by The test is passed if the event message
opening the connected robot cell door, 20205 Auto stop open appears in the event
which has interlock connection with auto log.
stop. If the event message 20205 Auto stop
open does not appear or if the event mes-
sage 20225 Auto stop conflict appears in
the event log, then the test has failed and
the root cause of the failure must be found.

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4 Maintenance
4.5.6 Function test of external emergency stop

4.5.6 Function test of external emergency stop

Perform this test on the external emergency stop device.

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Make a visual inspection of the external If any damage is found on the external
emergency stop device and the connection emergency stop device or the connection
harness to make sure they are not physic- harness, it must be replaced.
ally damaged.
2 Pull and rotate the button on the external
emergency stop device clockwise to verify
that it is not pressed in.


If the external emergency stop device is

not controlled by a push-button, make sure
to verify that it is not activated.

3 Start the robot system.

4 Press the emergency stop button. The test is passed if the event message
10013 Emergency stop state appears in
Note the event log.

If the event message 20223 Emergency Note

stop conflict appears in the event log, or
the event message 10013 Emergency stop For collaborative robots, the event mes-
state (and 90518 Safety controller Emer- sage 90518 Safety controller Emergency
gency stop triggered for collaborative ro- stop triggered appears by default. The
bots) does not appear, then the test has message 10013 Emergency stop state is
failed and the root cause of the failure must also available in the event log.
be found.

5 Release the external emergency stop

device to reset the external emergency stop

170 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

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4 Maintenance
4.5.7 Function test of ESTOP_STATUS output

4.5.7 Function test of ESTOP_STATUS output

Perform this test on the FlexPendant emergency stop button or the external
emergency stop device, with the accessory device.

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Make a visual inspection of the emergency If any damage is found, it must be replaced.
stop button, external emergency stop
device, accessory device and the connec-
tion harness to make sure they are not
physically damaged.
2 Pull and rotate the emergency stop button
clockwise to verify that it is not pressed in.


If the external emergency stop device is

not controlled by a push-button, make sure
to verify that it is not activated.

3 Start the robot system.

4 Press the emergency stop button. The test is passed if the event message
10013 Emergency stop state appears in
Note the event log.

If the event message 20223 Emergency Note

stop conflict appears in the event log, or
the event message 10013 Emergency stop For collaborative robots, the event mes-
state (and 90518 Safety controller Emer- sage 90518 Safety controller Emergency
gency stop triggered for collaborative ro- stop triggered appears by default. The
bots) does not appear, then the test has message 10013 Emergency stop state is
failed and the root cause of the failure must also available in the event log.
be found.

5 Make sure that the accessory device is in

emergence stop status.
6 Release the emergency stop button or the
external emergency stop device to reset
the emergency stop state.
7 Make sure that the accessory device is not
in emergence stop status any more and
can be reset.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 171

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
4 Maintenance
4.5.8 Function test of reduced speed control

4.5.8 Function test of reduced speed control

Performing the function test

Action Note
1 Start the robot system and change the op-
erating mode to manual.
2 Create a test program where the robot The distance and speed must be adapted
moves along a known distance with a pro- to the current installation and robot model.
grammed speed higher than 250 mm/s.
3 Start the program in manual mode and This test is passed if the speed of the robot
measure the time it takes for the robot to does not exceed 250 mm/s, otherwise the
travel the distance. test is failed and the root cause of the fail-
ure must be found.

To get accurate results, use sensors or I/O

signals to measure the time.

172 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

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5 Repair
5.1 Introduction to repair

5 Repair
5.1 Introduction to repair

Structure of this chapter

This chapter describes all repair activities recommended for the OmniCore C90XT
and any external unit.
It is made up of separate procedures, each describing a specific repair activity.
Each procedure contains all the information required to perform the activity, for
example spare parts numbers, required special tools, and materials.
All procedures assume that the controller is easy to access from all sides and that
no additional covers or equipment are fitted.


Repair activities not described in this chapter must only be carried out by ABB.
Otherwise damage to the mechanics and electronics may occur.

Required equipment
The details of the equipment required to perform a specific repair activity are listed
in the respective procedures.

Safety information
There are general safety information and specific safety information. The specific
safety information describes the danger and safety risks while performing specific
steps in a procedure. Make sure to read through the chapter Safety on page 13
before commencing any service work.


Wait at least three minutes after powering off the controller before opening it and
at least fifteen minutes until all LED indicators are off before replacing modules.


When replacing a part on the OmniCore C90XT, report to your local ABB the
serial number, the article number, and the revision of both the replaced unit and
the replacement unit.
This is particularly important for safety equipment to maintain the safety integrity
of the installation.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 173

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.1 Opening the robot controller

5.2 Replacement of controller parts

5.2.1 Opening the robot controller

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Opening the door


Action Info/illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Opening the door

Action Info/illustration
1 Insert the key to the door and turn it anti-
2 Pull out the handle and turn it anti-clock-
3 Pull out the door with the handle.

Closing the door

Closing the door

Action Info/illustration
1 Push the door back.
2 Turn the handle clockwise and push it
back into the lock.
3 Turn the key back and take it out.

174 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

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5 Repair
5.2.2 Replacing the axis computer

5.2.2 Replacing the axis computer

The illustration shows the location of the axis computer in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Axis Computer 3HAC029157-001 DSQC 668

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 175
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.2 Replacing the axis computer

Removing the axis computer


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the axis computer from the cabinet

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect:
• K6.X11 - A1.X3
• K6.X2 - A2.X9
• K6.X1 - K2.X3.
2 Loosen the screw and disconnect:
• K6.X4, K6.X5 - SMB.

Continues on next page

176 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair
5.2.2 Replacing the axis computer

Action Note/Illustration
3 Remove the screws on the bracket.


4 Take out the axis computer with the

bracket from the cabinet.


Be careful with the locking hole on the

cabinet when doing assembling or disas-
sembling work.



Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 177
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5 Repair
5.2.2 Replacing the axis computer

Removing the axis computer

Action Note/Illustration
1 Remove the bracket screws.


2 Remove the axis computer.

Refitting the axis computer

Refitting the axis computer

Action Note/Illustration
1 Refit the axis computer to the bracket Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
and secure the screws.


Refitting the axis computer to the frame

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

178 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair
5.2.2 Replacing the axis computer

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Fit the axis computer bracket and secure Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
the screws.



4 Reconnect:
• K6.X11 - A1.X3
• K6.X2 - A2.X9
• K6.X1 - K2.X3

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 179
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5 Repair
5.2.2 Replacing the axis computer

Action Note/Illustration
5 Reconnect and secure the screw:
• K6.X4, K6.X5 - SMB.

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

180 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

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5 Repair
5.2.3 Replacing the fans

5.2.3 Replacing the fans

The illustration shows the location of the fans in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Standard fan 3HAC059214-001
Heat exchanger 3HAC065526-001

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 181
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair Replacing the standard fan Replacing the standard fans Replacing the standard fan

Removing the standard fan


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the standard fan

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect standard fan:
• G1.X2-K2.X17
2 Remove the fan bracket screws.


Continues on next page

182 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair Replacing the standard fan

Action Note/Illustration
3 Take out the fan with the bracket.

Removing the standard fan from the bracket

Action Note/Illustration
1 Remove the screws on the fan to the
2 Remove the fan from the bracket.


Be careful with the locking hole on the

cabinet when doing assembling or disas-
sembling work.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 183
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair Replacing the standard fan

Refitting the standard fan

Refitting the standard fan to the bracket

Action Note/Illustration
1 Refit the standard fan to the bracket. Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)


Be careful with the locking hole on the

cabinet when doing assembling or disas-
sembling work.


2 Secure the screws.


Refitting the standard fan

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

184 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair Replacing the standard fan

Action Note/Illustration
3 Refit the standard fan with the bracket
into position according to the location
4 Secure the screws. Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (2 pcs)


5 Reconnect:
• G1.X2-K2.X17

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 185

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© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair Replacing the heat exchanger Replacing the heat exchanger

Removing the heat exchanger


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the air filter

Action Note/Illustration
1 Loosen the attachment screws on the air


Continues on next page

186 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair Replacing the heat exchanger

Action Note/Illustration
2 Remove the air filter.


Removing the heat exchanger

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect heat exchanger:
• G3.X1-K2.X17
2 Remove the screws locking the sensor
and pull out the sensor.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 187
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5 Repair Replacing the heat exchanger

Action Note/Illustration
3 Remove the heat exchanger attachment


4 Take out the heat exchanger.

Refitting the heat exchanger

Refitting the heat exchanger

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

188 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair Replacing the heat exchanger

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Refit the heat exchanger into position

according to the location pin.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 189
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5 Repair Replacing the heat exchanger

Action Note/Illustration
4 Secure the attachment screws. Screws: Torx, countersunk screw M4x10 (10


5 Reconnect:
• G3.X1-K2.X17
6 Refit the sensor cable and secure with Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (2 pcs)


Continues on next page

190 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair Replacing the heat exchanger

Refitting the air filter

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Refit the air filter to the cabinet.

Secure it with the screws.


Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 191

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5 Repair
5.2.4 Replacing the robot signal exchange proxy

5.2.4 Replacing the robot signal exchange proxy

The illustration shows the location of the robot signal exchange proxy in the


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Signal exchange 3HAC064662-001 DSQC3037
Harness Short-circuit connector 3HAC065107-001 Mating connector for robot signal
exchange proxy.
Harness 24_PC 3HAC064091-001 Harness K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
Harness dual channel safety 3HAC059273-001 Harness K2.X12 - K3.X6, K3.X7

Continues on next page

192 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair
5.2.4 Replacing the robot signal exchange proxy


NEVER open the robot signal exchange proxy.

There is residual voltage in the robot signal exchange proxy even the controller
is power off in a short time.

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the robot signal exchange proxy


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 193
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5 Repair
5.2.4 Replacing the robot signal exchange proxy

Removing the robot signal exchange proxy

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect:
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• (option): K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K2.X10 - A1.X13
• K2.X21 - TempSensor (G3.TEMP)
• K2.X4 - A1.X9
• K2.X3 - K6.X1, A2.K3.X1, K5.1.X4,
• K2.X1 - T2.X2
• K2.X17 - G3.X1, G1.X2
• K2.X6, K2.X11 - A1.X2
• K2.X7, K2.X22 - Harn. LV robot
power (X1)
• K2.X9 & X13 - FlexPendant (X4)
2 Remove the mating connectors by
loosening their attachment screws.


3 Pull the cable ties out from the locking



Continues on next page

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5 Repair
5.2.4 Replacing the robot signal exchange proxy

Action Note/Illustration
4 Remove the screws and lift out the robot
signal exchange proxy.


Refitting the robot signal exchange proxy

Refitting the robot signal exchange proxy

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 195
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5 Repair
5.2.4 Replacing the robot signal exchange proxy

Action Note/Illustration
3 Fit the robot signal exchange proxy and Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
secure the screws.


4 Insert the cable ties into the locking



5 Refit the mating connectors and secure

their attachment screws.


Continues on next page

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5 Repair
5.2.4 Replacing the robot signal exchange proxy

Action Note/Illustration
6 Reconnect:
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• (option): K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K2.X10 - A1.X13
• K2.X21 - TempSensor (G3.TEMP)
• K2.X4 - A1.X9
• K2.X3 - K6.X1, A2.K3.X1, K5.1.X4,
• K2.X1 - T2.X2
• K2.X17 - G3.X1, G1.X2
• K2.X6, K2.X11 - A1.X2
• K2.X7, K2.X22 - Harn. LV robot
power (X1)
• K2.X9 & X13 - FlexPendant (X4)

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 197

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5 Repair
5.2.5 Replacing the Ethernet switch

5.2.5 Replacing the Ethernet switch

The illustration shows the location of the Ethernet switch in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Ethernet Extension switch [3014- 3HAC059187-001 DSQC1035

Continues on next page

198 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.5 Replacing the Ethernet switch

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the Ethernet extension switch (option)


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the Ethernet extension switch (option)

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect:
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K4.X7 - K5.1.X5
• K4.X6 - A2.X4

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 199
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5 Repair
5.2.5 Replacing the Ethernet switch

Action Note/Illustration
2 Carefully pull the side of the Ethernet
extension switch and rotate it tightly to
take it out from the bracket.



Refitting the Ethernet extension switch (option)

Refitting the Ethernet extension switch (option)

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

200 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair
5.2.5 Replacing the Ethernet switch

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Hook up the Ethernet extension switch

to the bracket and then push the switch
into position.


During the installation, there should be

no gap between the upper surface of the
Ethernet extension switch and the lower
surface of highest bracket on the main



4 Reconnect:
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K4.X7 - K5.1.X5
• K4.X6 - A2.X4

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 201

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5 Repair
5.2.6 Replacing the Connected Services Gateway

5.2.6 Replacing the Connected Services Gateway

The illustration shows the location of the Connected Services Gateway in the
controller. For the 3G variant, there is a sim card is located inside the unit.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Connected Services-3G [3013-3] 3HAC060960-001 DSQC1039
Magnetic roof antenna, 3G 3HAC028459-001
Connected Services-WiFi [3013-2] 3HAC060962-001 DSQC1040
Magnetic roof antenna, WiFi 3HAC059424-001
Connected Services-Wired [3013- 3HAC061701-001 DSQC1041
Harness Ethernet with Mini-IO 3HAC061136-001 Harness A2.X5 - K7.X2

Continues on next page

202 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair
5.2.6 Replacing the Connected Services Gateway

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the Connected Services Gateway


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 203
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5 Repair
5.2.6 Replacing the Connected Services Gateway

Disconnecting the antenna

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect the antenna cable from the
Connected Services Gateway by rotating
the connector.


2 Record the cable routine when you re-

move the cable from the cabinet.
3 Take the cable out from the cable grom- Removing the cable grommet assembly on
met. page 313.
4 Remove the magnet part of the antenna
from the top the cabinet.


Removing the Connected Services Gateway

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect:
• K7.X1 - K2.X3 i
• K7.X2 - A2.X5


The connector K7.X2 is locked;

grab the connector, push it in to
release it and then remove the

Continues on next page

204 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair
5.2.6 Replacing the Connected Services Gateway

Action Note/Illustration
2 Carefully pull the side of the Connected
Services Gateway and rotate it tightly to
take it out from the bracket.



i For Connected Services Gateway wired, there is no power cable.

Refitting the Connected Services Gateway

Refitting the Connected Services Gateway

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 205
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5 Repair
5.2.6 Replacing the Connected Services Gateway

Action Note/Illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.

3 Hook up the Connected Services Gate-

way to the bracket and push carefully into


During the installation, the gap between

the lower surface of the Connected Ser-
vices Gateway and the upper surface of
the main computer should be zero.


4 Reconnect:
• K7.X1 - K2.X3 i
• K7.X2 - A2.X5
i For Connected Services Gateway wired, there is no power cable.

Reconnecting the antenna

Action Note/Illustration
1 Insert the cable from the cable grommet. Refitting the cable grommet assembly on
page 317.
2 Refit the cable in the cabinet according
to the record during the disassembly.

Continues on next page

206 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.6 Replacing the Connected Services Gateway

Action Note/Illustration
3 Connect the antenna cable to the Connec-
ted Services Gateway by rotating.


4 Put the magnet part of the antenna on

the top the cabinet.


Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 207

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.7 Replacing the scalable I/O unit

5.2.7 Replacing the scalable I/O unit

The illustration shows the location of the scalable I/O in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Local I/O Digital base [3032-1] 3HAC058663-001 DSQC1030
Connectors digital base/add on 3HAC060919-001
Digital add-on [3033-2] 3HAC058664-001 DSQC1031
Analog add-on [3034-2] 3HAC058665-001 DSQC1032
Connectors I/O Analog 3HAC060925-001
Relay add-on [3035-2] 3HAC058666-001 DSQC1033
Connectors I/O Relay 3HAC060926-001

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

208 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.7 Replacing the scalable I/O unit

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009
Application manual - Scalable I/O 3HAC070208-001

Removing the digital base (option)


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 209
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.7 Replacing the scalable I/O unit

Removing the digital base (option)

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect:
• K5.1.X5 - A2.X4/K4.X7


If the Ethernet extension switch is

installed, connect and disconnect
the connector K5.1.X5 to/from
If the Ethernet extension switch is
not installed, connect and discon-
nect the connector K5.1.X5 to/from

• K5.1.X4 - K2.X3
• The harness connected to I/O unit
by customer
2 Push the buckle of the digital base
slightly and take out the digital base.



Continues on next page

210 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair
5.2.7 Replacing the scalable I/O unit

Refitting the digital base (option)

Refitting the digital base (option)

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Push the digital base into the bracket

until you hear a clear clicking sound.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 211
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.7 Replacing the scalable I/O unit

Action Note/Illustration
4 Connect the adapter cable to the digital
• K5.1.X5 - A2.X4/K4.X7


If the Ethernet extension switch is

installed, connect and disconnect
the connector K5.1.X5 to/from
If the Ethernet extension switch is
not installed, connect and discon-
nect the connector K5.1.X5 to/from

• K5.1.X4 - K2.X3
• The harness connected to I/O unit
by customer

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

212 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

The illustration shows the location of the main computer in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Main computer module assembly 3HAC063061-001

Required tools and equipment


For robots with the controller delivered to start in automatic mode, a FlexPendant
is required after the replacement to be able to change to automatic mode.

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 213
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Equipment Article number Note

ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009


The main computer is part of an assembly group, secured on a process plate.

To remove the computer, either lift out the assembly group and then remove the
computer, or take out the parts on top of the computer and then the computer
To remove the assembly group, see Removing the main computer by assembly
group on page 214.
To remove the modules on the top of the computer, see Removing the main
computer by parts on page 227.

Removing the main computer by assembly group


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

214 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Removing the main computer assembly

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect all the connectors on the as-
sembly group of the robot signal ex-
change proxy, Ethernet switch (option),
Connected Services Gateway, and main
For the robot signal exchange proxy:
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• (option): K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K2.X10 - A1.X13
• K2.X21 - TempSensor
• K2.X4 - A1.X9
• K2.X3 - K6.X1, A2.K3.X1, K5.1.X4,
• K2.X1 - T2.X2
• K2.X17 - G2.X1, G1.X2
• K2.X6, K2.X11 - A1.X2
• K2.X7, K2.X22 - Harn. LV robot
• K2.X9 & X13 - FlexPendant
For the Ethernet extension switch (op-
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K4.X7 - K5.1.X5
• K4.X6 - A2.X4
For the Connected Services Gateway:
• K7.X1 - K2.X3 i
• K7.X2 - A2.X5


The connector K7.X2 is locked; grab the

connector, push it in to release it and
then remove the connector.

For the main computer:

• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K6.X2 - A2.X9
• A2.X5 - K7.X2
• A2.X4 - K4.X6/K5.1.X5


If the Ethernet extension switch is

installed, connect and disconnect
the connector A2.X4 to/from
If the Ethernet extension switch is
not installed, connect and discon-
nect the connector A2.X4 to/from

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 215
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Action Note/Illustration
2 Remove the screws holding the main


3 Remove the assembly from the mounting



Avoid colliding with the frame when re-

moving the unit.


When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.


i For Connected Services Gateway wired, there is no power cable.

Continues on next page

216 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Removing the robot signal exchange proxy

Action Note/Illustration
1 Location of wrist strap button:

When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.


2 Pull the cable ties out from the locking



3 Remove the screws and lift out the robot

signal exchange proxy.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 217
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Removing the Ethernet extension switch (option)

Action Note/Illustration
1 Carefully pull the side of the Ethernet
extension switch and rotate it tightly to
take it out from the bracket.



Continues on next page

218 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Removing the Connected Services Gateway

Action Note/Illustration
1 Carefully pull the side of the Connected
Services Gateway and rotate it tightly to
take it out from the bracket.




Refitting the main computer by assembly group

Refitting the Connected Services Gateway

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 219
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Hook up the Connected Services Gate-

way to the bracket and push carefully into


During the installation, the gap between

the lower surface of the Connected Ser-
vices Gateway and the upper surface of
the main computer should be zero.




Continues on next page

220 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Refitting the Ethernet extension switch (option)

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 221
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Action Note/Illustration
3 Hook up the Ethernet extension switch
to the bracket and then push the switch
into position.


During the installation, there should be

no gap between the upper surface of the
Ethernet extension switch and the lower
surface of highest bracket on the main




Refitting the robot signal exchange proxy

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

222 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Fit the robot signal exchange proxy and Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
secure the screws.


4 Insert the cable ties into the locking



Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 223
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Refitting the main computer assembly to the cabinet

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.


Continues on next page

224 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Action Note/Illustration
3 Refit the assembly onto the mounting



4 Fasten the assembly with the screws.


5 Reconnect all the connectors on as-

sembly of the robot signal exchange
proxy, ethernet extension-seven port
switch (option), ABB ability™ connected
services, and main computer.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 225
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Action Note/Illustration
For the robot signal exchange proxy:
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• (option): K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K2.X10 - A1.X13
• K2.X21 - TempSensor (G3.TEMP)
• K2.X4 - A1.X9
• K2.X3 - K6.X1, A2.K3.X1, K5.1.X4,
• K2.X1 - T2.X2
• K2.X17 - G3.X1, G1.X2
• K2.X6, K2.X11 - A1.X2
• K2.X7, K2.X22 - Harn. LV robot
power (X1)
• K2.X9 & X13 - FlexPendant (X4)
For the Ethernet extension switch (op-
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K4.X7 - K5.1.X5
• K4.X6 - A2.X4
For the Connected Services Gateway:
• K7.X1 - K2.X3 i
• K7.X2 - A2.X5


The connector K7.X2 is locked;

grab the connector, push it in to
release it and then remove the

For the main computer:

• A2.X3 - X24
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K6.X2 - A2.X9
• A2.X5 - K7.X2
• A2.X4 - K4.X6/K5.1.X5


If the Ethernet extension switch is

installed, connect and disconnect
the connector A2.X4 to/from
If the Ethernet extension switch is
not installed, connect and discon-
nect the connector A2.X4 to/from

i For Connected Services Gateway wired, there is no power cable.

Continues on next page

226 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Restore the hardware settings. Restoring the hardware settings on page 241.
3 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Removing the main computer by parts


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Disconnecting the connectors to the main computer assembly

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect all the connectors on the as-
sembly group of the robot signal ex-
change proxy, Ethernet switch (option),
Connected Services Gateway, scalable
I/O (option), and main computer.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 227
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Action Note/Illustration
For the robot signal exchange proxy:
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• (option): K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K2.X10 - A1.X13
• K2.X21 - TempSensor (G3.TEMP)
• K2.X4 - A1.X9
• K2.X3 - K6.X1, A2.K3.X1, K5.1.X4,
• K2.X1 - T2.X2
• K2.X17 - G3.X1, G1.X2
• K2.X6, K2.X11 - A1.X2
• K2.X7, K2.X22 - Harn. LV robot
power (X1)
• K2.X9 & X13 - FlexPendant (X4)
For the Ethernet extension switch:
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K4.X7 - K5.1.X5
• K4.X6 - A2.X4
For the Connected Services Gateway:
• K7.X1 - K2.X3 i
• K7.X2 - A2.X5


The connector K7.X2 is locked;

grab the connector, push it in to
release it and then remove the

For the main computer:

• A2.X3 - X24
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K6.X2 - A2.X9
• A2.X5 - K7.X2
• A2.X4 - K4.X6/K5.1.X5


If the Ethernet extension switch is

installed, connect and disconnect
the connector A2.X4 to/from
If the Ethernet extension switch is
not installed, connect and discon-
nect the connector A2.X4 to/from

i For Connected Services Gateway wired, there is no power cable.

Continues on next page

228 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
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5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Removing the robot signal exchange proxy

Action Note/Illustration
1 Pull the cable ties out from the locking


2 Remove the screws and lift out the robot

signal exchange proxy.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 229
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Removing the Ethernet extension switch (option)

Action Note/Illustration
1 Carefully pull the side of the Ethernet
extension switch and rotate it tightly to
take it out from the bracket.



Continues on next page

230 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Removing the Connected Services Gateway

Action Note/Illustration
1 Carefully pull the side of the Connected
Services Gateway and rotate it tightly to
take it out from the bracket.




Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 231
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Removing the main computer

Action Note/Illustration
1 Remove the screws holding the main


2 Remove the main computer.


When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.



Continues on next page

232 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Refitting the main computer by parts

Refitting the main computer

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 233
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Action Note/Illustration
3 Fit the main computer to the mounting



4 Fasten the main computer with the Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (2 pcs)


Continues on next page

234 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Refitting the Connected Services Gateway

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.

3 Hook up the Connected Services Gate-

way to the bracket and push carefully into


During the installation, the gap between

the lower surface of the Connected Ser-
vices Gateway and the upper surface of
the main computer should be zero.




Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 235
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Refitting the Ethernet extension switch (option)

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

236 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Action Note/Illustration
3 Hook up the Ethernet extension switch
to the bracket and then push the switch
into position.


During the installation, there should be

no gap between the upper surface of the
Ethernet extension switch and the lower
surface of highest bracket on the main




Refitting the robot signal exchange proxy

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 237
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Fit the robot signal exchange proxy and Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
secure the screws.


4 Insert the cable ties into the locking



Continues on next page

238 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Reconnecting the connectors to the main computer assembly

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.


3 Reconnect all the connectors on as-

sembly of the robot signal exchange
proxy, ethernet extension-seven port
switch (option), ABB ability™ connected
services, scalable I/O digital base (op-
tion), and main computer.
For the robot signal exchange proxy:
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• (option): K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K2.X10 - A1.X13
• K2.X21 - TempSensor (G3.TEMP)
• K2.X4 - A1.X9
• K2.X3 - K6.X1, A2.K3.X1, K5.1.X4,
• K2.X1 - T2.X2
• K2.X17 - G3.X1, G1.X2
• K2.X6, K2.X11 - A1.X2
• K2.X7, K2.X22 - Harn. LV robot
power (X1)
• K2.X9 & X13 - FlexPendant (X4)
For the Ethernet extension switch:
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K4.X7 - K5.1.X5
• K4.X6 - A2.X4

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 239
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Action Note/Illustration
For the Connected Services Gateway:
• K7.X1 - K2.X3 i
• K7.X2 - A2.X5


The connector K7.X2 is locked;

grab the connector, push it in to
release it and then remove the

For the main computer:

• A2.X3 - X24
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K6.X2 - A2.X9
• A2.X5 - K7.X2
• A2.X4 - K4.X6/K5.1.X5


If the Ethernet extension switch is

installed, connect and disconnect
the connector A2.X4 to/from
If the Ethernet extension switch is
not installed, connect and discon-
nect the connector A2.X4 to/from

i For Connected Services Gateway wired, there is no power cable.

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Restore the hardware settings. Restoring the hardware settings on page 241.
3 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Continues on next page

240 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.8 Replacing the main computer

Restoring the hardware settings

The controller hardware settings include information such as controller type and
serial number. When the main computer has been replaced, the serial number
must be restored before any software can be installed, or any licences can be


When replacing the main computer, both the serial number and licences are lost.
The serial number must be restored as described below. Licences however, can
either be restored automatically when the RobotWare system is installed, or
manually through Manage Licences in RobotWare Installation Utilities.

Action Note/Illustration
1 Download the hardware information file
(hwsettings.rsf) from MyABB, or from a
previous system backup.
2 Access the RobotWare Installation Utilit-


3 Tap Advanced, and then Restore Hard-

ware Settings.
4 The Restore Hardware Settings window
is displayed.
Follow the instructions and tap Next to
5 Carefully read the information and then
check all boxes to confirm that you agree
with the ABB conditions. Tap Next to
6 Read the serial number on the front of
the controller and type it in field Serial
Number. Tap Next.


7 Tap Browse to open the hardware inform- The system compares the downloaded file
ation file from its location. The restoration and the manually entered serial number to
of the serial number is completed. ensure that there is a match.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 241

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.9 Replacing the power unit

5.2.9 Replacing the power unit

The illustration shows the location of the power unit in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Power unit 3HAC059152-001 DSQC3044

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Continues on next page

242 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.9 Replacing the power unit

Removing the power unit


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the power unit

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect:
• A1.X13 - K2.X10
• A1.X9 - K2.X4
• A1.X4 - T4.X5
• A1.X5 - T4.X1
• A1.X12 - T4.X3
• A1.X1 - Power inlet (X0)
• A1.X6 A1.X7-T2.X1 and AC Termin-
al block

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 243
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.9 Replacing the power unit

Action Note/Illustration
2 Remove the screws and pull the power
unit out from the two snaps on the
mounting plate.


Only the sheet metal on the power unit

can be used for holding.
Do not touch the connectors or the filter
on the power unit.



Refitting the power unit

Refitting the power unit

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

244 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.9 Replacing the power unit

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Push the power unit until it snaps on the Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (2 pcs)
mounting plate and secure the screws.



Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 245
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.9 Replacing the power unit

Action Note/Illustration
4 Reconnect:
• A1.X13 - K2.X10
• A1.X9 - K2.X4
• A1.X4 - T4.X5
• A1.X5 - T4.X1
• A1.X12 - T4.X3
• A1.X1 - Power inlet (X0)
• A1.X6 A1.X7-T2.X1 and AC Termin-
al block

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

246 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.10 Replacing the power supply

5.2.10 Replacing the power supply

The illustration shows the location of the power supply in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Power supply 3HAC071301-001 DSQC3035
DSQC 609 power supply 3HAC14178-1 DSQC 609
DSQC 634 power supply 3HAC13398-2 DSQC 634
Harness AC input of power supply 3HAC069617-001
End clamp 3HAB7983-1


Do not touch the power supply when the DC OK Led is on.

There is residual voltage in the power supply even the controller is power off in
a short time.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 247
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.10 Replacing the power supply

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the power supply baseline


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the power supply baseline

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect:
• T2.X1 - A1.X6
• T2.X2 - K2.X1

Continues on next page

248 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.10 Replacing the power supply

Action Note/Illustration
2 Remove the screws and the power sup-


Refitting the power supply baseline

Refitting the power supply

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 249
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.10 Replacing the power supply

Action Note/Illustration
3 Fit the power supply and fasten it with Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)


4 Reconnect and secure:

• T2.X1 - A1.X6
• T2.X2 - K2.X1.

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Removing the DSQC 609 power supply


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

Continues on next page

250 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.10 Replacing the power supply

Action Note/Illustration
3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the power supply

Action Note/Illustration
1 Remove the end clamp besides the
power supply with a screwdriver.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 251
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.10 Replacing the power supply

Action Note/Illustration
2 Disconnect:
• T5.X1-AC Terminal block
• T5.X2-24V Terminal block
3 Remove the screw and the power supply.


Refitting the DSQC 609 power supply

Refitting the power supply

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

252 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.10 Replacing the power supply

Action Note/Illustration
3 Fit the power supply to the bracket and Screws: Cross recessed cheese head screw
fasten it with screw. M4x8 (1 pcs)
4 Reconnect:
• T5.X1-AC Terminal block
• T5.X2-24V Terminal block


5 Refit the end clamp besides the power



Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 253
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.10 Replacing the power supply

Removing the DSQC 634 power supply


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the power supply

Action Note/Illustration
1 Remove the end clamp besides the
power supply with a screwdriver.


Continues on next page

254 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.10 Replacing the power supply

Action Note/Illustration
2 Disconnect:
• T5.X1-AC Terminal block
• T5.X2-24V Terminal block
3 Press the lower buckle to release and
remove the power supply.


Refitting the DSQC 634 power supply

Refitting the power supply

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 255
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.10 Replacing the power supply

Action Note/Illustration
3 Hang the power supply into the bracket
and push the lower of it until you hear a
clear clicking sound.
4 Reconnect:
• T5.X1-AC Terminal block
• T5.X2-24V Terminal block


5 Refit the end clamp besides the power



Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

256 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.11 Replacing the drive unit

5.2.11 Replacing the drive unit

The illustration shows the location of the drive unit in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Drive 3HAC063913-001 DSQC3041
Harness DC-BUS 3HAC063344-001 Harness A1.X4 - T4.X5
Harness 24_SYS_DRV 3HAC064389-001 Harness A1.X5 - T4.X1
Harness EtherCAT 3HAC059894-001 Harness T4.X3 - A1.X12

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 257
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.11 Replacing the drive unit

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the drive unit


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the power supply baseline

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect:
• T2.X1 - A1.X6
• T2.X2 - K2.X1

Continues on next page

258 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.11 Replacing the drive unit

Action Note/Illustration
2 Remove the screws and the power sup-


Removing the drive unit

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect:
• T4.X7, T4.X8, T4.X9
• T4.X5 - A1.X4
• T4.X3 - A1.X12
• T4.X1 - A1.X5
2 Cut the cable tie for the DC-bus cable
and move it to the other side.


3 Cut the cable tie for the EtherCAT cable.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 259
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.11 Replacing the drive unit

Action Note/Illustration
4 Remove the attachment screws and pull Lengthened screwdriver
the drive unit out from the two snaps.



Continues on next page

260 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.11 Replacing the drive unit

Refitting the drive unit

Refitting the drive unit

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 261
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.11 Replacing the drive unit

Action Note/Illustration
3 Push the drive unit into the snaps on the Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
mounting plate and secure the screws.



Continues on next page

262 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.11 Replacing the drive unit

Action Note/Illustration
4 Fasten the DC-bus cable with a new
cable tie to the drive unit.


5 Fasten the EtherCAT cable with a new

cable tie to the drive unit.


6 Reconnect:
• T4.X7, T4.X8, T4.X9
• T4.X5 - A1.X4
• T4.X3 - A1.X12
• T4.X1 - A1.X5

Refitting the power supply

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 263
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.11 Replacing the drive unit

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Fit the power supply and fasten it with Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)


4 Reconnect:
• T2.X1 - A1.X6
• T2.X2 - K2.X1.

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

264 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

The illustration shows the location of the fieldbus master in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

DeviceNet Board 3HAC043383-001 DSQC1006

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 265
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

Removing the fieldbus master


The fieldbus master is part of an assembly group, secured on a process plate.

To remove the fieldbus master, either lift out the assembly group and then remove
the fieldbus master, or take out the parts on top of the main computer and then
remove the fieldbus master.


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the main computer assembly

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect all the connectors on the as-
sembly group of the robot signal ex-
change proxy, Ethernet switch (option),
Connected Services Gateway, and main

Continues on next page

266 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
For the robot signal exchange proxy:
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• (option): K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K2.X10 - A1.X13
• K2.X21 - TempSensor
• K2.X4 - A1.X9
• K2.X3 - K6.X1, A2.K3.X1, K5.1.X4,
• K2.X1 - T2.X2
• K2.X17 - G2.X1, G1.X2
• K2.X6, K2.X11 - A1.X2
• K2.X7, K2.X22 - Harn. LV robot
• K2.X9 & X13 - FlexPendant
For the Ethernet extension switch (op-
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K4.X7 - K5.1.X5
• K4.X6 - A2.X4
For the Connected Services Gateway:
• K7.X1 - K2.X3 i
• K7.X2 - A2.X5


The connector K7.X2 is locked; grab the

connector, push it in to release it and
then remove the connector.

For the main computer:

• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K6.X2 - A2.X9
• A2.X5 - K7.X2
• A2.X4 - K4.X6/K5.1.X5


If the Ethernet extension switch is

installed, connect and disconnect
the connector A2.X4 to/from
If the Ethernet extension switch is
not installed, connect and discon-
nect the connector A2.X4 to/from

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 267
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
2 Remove the screws holding the main


3 Remove the assembly from the mounting



Avoid colliding with the frame when re-

moving the unit.


When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.


i For Connected Services Gateway wired, there is no power cable.

Continues on next page

268 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

Removing the robot signal exchange proxy

Action Note/Illustration
1 Location of wrist strap button:

When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.


2 Pull the cable ties out from the locking



3 Remove the screws and lift out the robot

signal exchange proxy.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 269
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

Removing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
1 Location of wrist strap button:

When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.


2 Remove the attachment screws and take

the cover off.



The Connected Services Gateway and Ether-

net extension switch are omitted on the illus-
tration to make it more clear.

Continues on next page

270 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
3 Remove the attachment screw on the
fieldbus master and take out the fieldbus


Be careful when you pull it out from the

card slot.



The Connected Services Gateway and Ether-

net extension switch are omitted on the illus-
tration to make it more clear.

Refitting the fieldbus master


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 271
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

Refitting the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
1 Location of wrist strap button:

When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.


2 Insert the fieldbus master straight into

the card slots along the guide rail.



The Connected Services Gateway and Ether-

net extension switch are omitted on the illus-
tration to make it more clear.

Continues on next page

272 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
3 Secure the fieldbus adapter with the Screws: Screw with flange M3x6 (1 pcs)



The Connected Services Gateway and Ether-

net extension switch are omitted on the illus-
tration to make it more clear.

4 Refit the cover of the main computer and Screws: Hexalobular socket pan head screw
secure the screws. M3x6 (4 pcs)



The Connected Services Gateway and Ether-

net extension switch are omitted on the illus-
tration to make it more clear.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 273
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

Refitting the robot signal exchange proxy

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Fit the robot signal exchange proxy and Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
secure the screws.


Continues on next page

274 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
4 Insert the cable ties into the locking


Refitting the main computer assembly to the cabinet

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


When handling the computer outside of

the controller, use the wrist strap button
located on the side of the computer.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 275
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
3 Refit the assembly onto the mounting



4 Fasten the assembly with the screws.


5 Reconnect all the connectors on as-

sembly of the robot signal exchange
proxy, ethernet extension-seven port
switch (option), ABB ability™ connected
services, and main computer.

Continues on next page

276 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

Action Note/Illustration
For the robot signal exchange proxy:
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• (option): K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K2.X10 - A1.X13
• K2.X21 - TempSensor (G3.TEMP)
• K2.X4 - A1.X9
• K2.X3 - K6.X1, A2.K3.X1, K5.1.X4,
• K2.X1 - T2.X2
• K2.X17 - G3.X1, G1.X2
• K2.X6, K2.X11 - A1.X2
• K2.X7, K2.X22 - Harn. LV robot
power (X1)
• K2.X9 & X13 - FlexPendant (X4)
For the Ethernet extension switch (op-
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K4.X7 - K5.1.X5
• K4.X6 - A2.X4
For the Connected Services Gateway:
• K7.X1 - K2.X3 i
• K7.X2 - A2.X5


The connector K7.X2 is locked;

grab the connector, push it in to
release it and then remove the

For the main computer:

• A2.X3 - X24
• K2.X8 - A2.X6
• K2.X2 - K4.X8, A2.X1
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6, A2.K3.X7
• K6.X2 - A2.X9
• A2.X5 - K7.X2
• A2.X4 - K4.X6/K5.1.X5


If the Ethernet extension switch is

installed, connect and disconnect
the connector A2.X4 to/from
If the Ethernet extension switch is
not installed, connect and discon-
nect the connector A2.X4 to/from

i For Connected Services Gateway wired, there is no power cable.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 277
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.12 Replacing the fieldbus master

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

278 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.13 Replacing the conveyor tracking module(CTM)

5.2.13 Replacing the conveyor tracking module(CTM)

The illustration shows the location of the conveyor tracking module in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Conveyor tracking module [3103- 3HNA027579-001 DSQC2000
CONNECTOR KIT - DSQC2000 3HNA029345-001
Harness 24V_CTM 3HAC069618-001 Power cable of CTM

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 279
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.13 Replacing the conveyor tracking module(CTM)

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009
Application manual - Conveyor 3HAC066561-001

Removing the conveyor tracking module (option)


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the conveyor tracking module (option)

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect:
• B1.X1 - K2.X19.1 & K2.X19.2
• B1.X7 - K4.X1-5

Continues on next page

280 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.13 Replacing the conveyor tracking module(CTM)

Action Note/Illustration
2 Pull on the lower side of the conveyor
tracking module slightly and take out the
conveyor tracking module.


The conveyor tracking module is secured

by the buckles.
Be careful with the direction of the
buckles when doing assembling/disas-
sembling work.



Refitting the conveyor tracking module (option)

Refitting the conveyor tracking module (option)

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 281
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.13 Replacing the conveyor tracking module(CTM)

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Hang the conveyor tracking module into

the bracket and push the lower of it until
you hear a clear clicking sound.



Continues on next page

282 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.13 Replacing the conveyor tracking module(CTM)

Action Note/Illustration
4 Connect the adapter cable to the convey-
or tracking module.
• B1.X1 - K2.X19.1 & K2.X19.2
• B1.X7 - K4.X1-5
Stick the other connector onto the side
of the digital base with the self-adhesive

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 283

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.14 Replacing the air filter

5.2.14 Replacing the air filter

The illustration shows the location of the air filter on the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Air filter-coarse filter 3HAC068415-001
Air filter-Fine filter 3HAC068416-001
Air filter (Polymeric) 3HAC068543-001 Filter element of fine filter

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

284 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.2.14 Replacing the air filter

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the air filter


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Removing the air filter

Action Note/Illustration
1 Loosen the attachment screws on the air


2 Remove the air filter.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 285
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.14 Replacing the air filter

Removing the polymeric filter element

Action Note/Illustration
1 Take out the polymeric filter element from
the filter.


Refitting the air filter

Refitting the polymeric filter element

Action Note/Illustration
1 Insert the polymeric filter element to the
filter and secure with the metallic line.


Refitting the air filter

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

286 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.2.14 Replacing the air filter

Action Note/Illustration
2 Refit the air filter to the cabinet.
Secure it with the screws.


Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 287

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.1 Replacing the manipulator signal connector (SMB)

5.3 Replacing parts on the panels

5.3.1 Replacing the manipulator signal connector (SMB)

The illustration shows the location of the manipulator signal connector.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Harness Single SMB connection 3HAC069674-001 Harness single SMB
Harness Double SMB connection 3HAC069675-001 Harness double SMB

Continues on next page

288 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.1 Replacing the manipulator signal connector (SMB)

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the manipulator signal connector


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 289
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.1 Replacing the manipulator signal connector (SMB)

Removing the manipulator signal connector

Action Note/Illustration
1 Loosen the screw and disconnect:
• SMB - K6.X4, K6.X5


2 Remove the attachment screws on the



3 Push the manipulator signal connector

into the cabinet.
4 Take the manipulator signal connector

Refitting the manipulator signal connector

Refitting the manipulator signal connector

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

290 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.1 Replacing the manipulator signal connector (SMB)

Action Note/Illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.

3 Insert the manipulator signal connector

into the cover from inner side of the
4 Secure it with the attachment screws. Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)


5 Reconnect and secure:

• K6.X4, K6.X5 - SMB.


Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 291

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.2 Replacing the motor connector

5.3.2 Replacing the motor connector

The illustration shows the location of the motor connector in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Harness Motors power LV 6-axis 3HAC069672-001

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

292 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.2 Replacing the motor connector

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 293
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair Replacing the motor connector Replacing the motor connector

Removing the motor connector


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the motor connector

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect the following connectors for
the motor connector:
• T4.X7, T4.X8, T4.X9
• X1 - K2.X7 & X22
• PE.5 & PE.6

Continues on next page

294 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair Replacing the motor connector

Action Note/Illustration
2 Remove the attachment screws on the


3 Push the motor connector into the cabin-

4 Take the motor connector cable out from
the velcro in the cabinet.


Make records about the sequence that

cables are removed. The cables need to
be installed in the same position.

5 Take the motor connector out.

Refitting the motor connector

Refitting the motor connector

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 295
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair Replacing the motor connector

Action Note/Illustration
2 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Insert the motor connector into the cover Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
from inner side of the cabinet and fasten
it with the screws.


4 Reconnect:
• T4.X7, T4.X8, T4.X9
• X1 - K2.X7 & X22
• PE.5 & PE.6
5 Secure the motor connector cables with
the velcro on the frame of the cabinet.


Use the same position as from removing

the motor connector.

Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.

Continues on next page

296 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair Replacing the motor connector

Action Note/Illustration
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 297

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.3 Replacing the fieldbus adapter slave

5.3.3 Replacing the fieldbus adapter slave

The illustration shows the location of the fieldbus adapter slave in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Fieldbus slot cover 3HAC062390-001
DeviceNet Slave Fieldbus adaptor 3HAC045973-001 DSQC1004
ProfiNet Board [3022-1] 3HAC031670-001 DSQC 688
Ethernet Unit [3025-1] 3HAC027652-001 DSQC 669

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the fieldbus slot cover (baseline)

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

298 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.3 Replacing the fieldbus adapter slave

Action Note/Illustration
2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.
3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


4 Remove the fieldbus slot cover with a


Refitting the fieldbus slot cover (baseline)

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


3 Push the fieldbus slot cover into the main

computer until you hear a clear 'click'

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 299
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.3 Replacing the fieldbus adapter slave

Action Note/Illustration
4 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
5 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Removing the fieldbus adapter slave (option)

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.

4 Loosen the screws and take the fieldbus

adapter slave out.


Refitting the fieldbus adapter slave (option)

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

Continues on next page

300 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.3 Replacing the fieldbus adapter slave

Action Note/Illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.

3 Insert the fieldbus adapter slave tighten

the screws.


4 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.

5 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 301

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.4 Replacing the power inlet

5.3.4 Replacing the power inlet

The illustration shows the location of the power inlet in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Harness AC input with SW 3HAC067661-001 Harness-Mains connection
Connector AC power inlet 3HAC070308-001
Handle for 6 mm switch 3HAC037699-001

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

302 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.4 Replacing the power inlet

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the power inlet


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the power inlet

Action Note/Illustration
1 Disconnect the mains switch from the
handle for 6 switch by pressing the push


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 303
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.4 Replacing the power inlet

Action Note/Illustration
2 Disconnect:
• X0 - Q0.
X0 - A1.X1.
• PE.3 & PE.4.
3 Remove the attachment screws.


4 Push the power inlet into the cabinet.

5 Take the power inlet out.

Refitting the power inlet

Refitting the power inlet

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

304 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.4 Replacing the power inlet

Action Note/Illustration
3 Insert the power inlet into the cover of
the cabinet.
4 Secure it with the screws. Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)


5 Reconnect:
• X0 - Q0.
X0 - A1.X1.
• PE.3 & PE.4.
6 Reconnect the mains switch to the
handle for 6 switch.


Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 305

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.5 Replacing the HMI signal (FlexPendant) connector

5.3.5 Replacing the HMI signal (FlexPendant) connector

The illustration shows the location of the HMI signal connector in the controller.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Harness TPU connection 3HAC069673-001 Harness-TPU

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

306 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.5 Replacing the HMI signal (FlexPendant) connector

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the HMI signal connector


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Removing the HMI signal connector

Action Note/Illustration
1 Remove the cables out from the clips in
the cabinet carefully.


Make records about the sequence that

cables are removed. The cables need to
be installed in the same position.

2 Disconnect:
• TPU (X4) - K2.X9 & X13

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 307
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.5 Replacing the HMI signal (FlexPendant) connector

Action Note/Illustration
3 Remove the screws.


4 Remove the cover plate.


Continues on next page

308 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.5 Replacing the HMI signal (FlexPendant) connector

Action Note/Illustration
5 Remove the attachment screws on the


6 Push the HMI signal connector into the

7 Take the HMI signal connector out.

Refitting the HMI signal connector

Refitting the HMI signal connector

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 309
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.5 Replacing the HMI signal (FlexPendant) connector

Action Note/Illustration
3 Insert the HMI signal connector into the Screws: Torx, countersunk screw M4x10 (4
cover from inside the cabinet. pcs)
Secure it with the screws.


4 Connect:
• TPU (X4) - K2.X9 & X13
5 Secure the cables on HMI signal connect-
or into the clips on the cabinet.


Use the same position as from removing

the HMI signal connector.

6 Refit the cover plate.


Continues on next page

310 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.5 Replacing the HMI signal (FlexPendant) connector

Action Note/Illustration
7 Secure it with the screws. Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (3 pcs)


Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 311

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.6 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

5.3.6 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

The illustration shows the location of the cable grommet assembly on the controller.



The end user need to buy proper grommets according to the diameter of the
cables which need to go through the grommet.
This will affect the protection level of the cabinet if it's not executed correctly.
It is recommended to use icotek KT grommet.

Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Cable grommet asm 3HAC066396-001

Continues on next page

312 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.6 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the cable grommet assembly


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 313
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.6 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Removing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
1 Remove the cables out from the clips in
the cabinet carefully.


Make records about the sequence that

cables are removed. The cables need to
be installed in the same position.

2 Remove the attachment screws on the



3 Push the cable grommet assembly into

the cabinet.
4 Take the cable grommet assembly out.

Releasing the cables from the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
1 Unscrew the cable entry frame from the
enclosure wall.


Continues on next page

314 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.6 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
2 Take out the cables with the cable entry
frame through the cut-out.


3 Remove the attachment screws on the

frame and cover strip.


4 Remove the cover strip from the frame.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 315
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.6 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
5 Take out the grommets with the cables
that need to be removed one by one.


Remove the grommets in the upper row

first and then the second row.


6 Remove the cable from the correspond-

ing KT grommet.


Continues on next page

316 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.6 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Refitting the cable grommet assembly

Refitting the cables to the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
1 Insert and equip the cable to the corres-
ponding KT grommet.


2 Slide the grommets into the frame halves.


It must be ensured that the flat side of

the grommets in the lower row are point-
ing to the open side of the frame half (flat
sides pointing upwards).


The fl at side of the grommets in the up-

per row have to point downwards so that
all flat sides rest on each other. When
using single row frames the fl at side has
to point towards the cover strip.


3 Refit the cover strip onto the frame.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 317
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.6 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
4 Secure the frame and cover strip with the Screws: Hex socket head cap screw M5x50
screws. 12.9 Gleitmo 603+Geomet 500 (3 pcs)
Tightening torque: 2 Nm - 3 Nm.


5 Route the cables through the cut-out.


Continues on next page

318 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.6 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
6 Refit the cable entry frame to the enclos- Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
ure wall and secure with the screws. Tightening torque: 1.5 Nm.


Refitting the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 319
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.6 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
3 Insert the cable grommet assembly into Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
the cover of the cabinet.
Secure it with the screws.


Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

320 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.7 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

5.3.7 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

The illustration shows the location of the cable grommet assembly on the controller.



The end user need to buy proper grommets according to the diameter of the
cables which need to go through the grommet.
This will affect the protection level of the cabinet if it's not executed correctly.
It is recommended to use icotek KT grommet.

Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Blind plate 3HAC069954-001

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 321
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.7 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Spare part Article number Note

Cable grommet asm 3HAC066396-001

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the cable grommet assembly


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

322 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.7 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Removing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
1 Remove the cables out from the clips in
the cabinet carefully.


Make records about the sequence that

cables are removed. The cables need to
be installed in the same position.

2 Remove the attachment screws on the



3 Push the cable grommet assembly into

the cabinet.
4 Take the cable grommet assembly out.

Releasing the cables from the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
1 Unscrew the cable entry frame from the
enclosure wall.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 323
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.7 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
2 Take out the cables withe the cable entry
frame through the cut-out.


3 Remove the attachment screws on the

frame and cover strip together.


4 Remove the cover strip from the frame.


Continues on next page

324 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.7 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
5 Take out the grommets with the cables
that need to be removed one by one.


Remove the grommets in the upper row

first and then the second row.


6 Remove the cable form the correspond-

ing KT grommet.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 325
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.7 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Refitting the cable grommet assembly

Refitting the cables to the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
1 Insert and equip the cable to the corres-
ponding KT grommet.


2 Slide the grommets into the frame halves.


It must be ensured that the flat side of

the grommets in the lower row are point-
ing to the open side of the frame half (flat
sides pointing upwards).


The fl at side of the grommets in the up-

per row have to point downwards so that
all flat sides rest on each other. When
using single row frames the fl at side has
to point towards the cover strip.


3 Refit the cover strip onto the frame.


Continues on next page

326 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.7 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
4 Secure the frame and cover strip with the Screws: Hex socket head cap screw M5x50
screws. 12.9 Gleitmo 603+Geomet 500 (3 pcs)
Tightening torque: 2 Nm - 3 Nm.


5 Route the cables through the cut-out.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 327
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.7 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
6 Refit the cable entry frame to the enclos- Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
ure wall and secure with the screws. Tightening torque: 1.5 Nm.


Refitting the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Location of wrist strap button:


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

328 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.7 Replacing the cable grommet assembly

Action Note/Illustration
3 Insert the cable grommet assembly into Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (4 pcs)
the cover of the cabinet.
Secure it with the screws.


Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 329

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.8 Replacing the harness ETH outlet with cable

5.3.8 Replacing the harness ETH outlet with cable

The illustration shows the location of the harness ETH outlet with cable.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Harness ETH outlet with cable 3HAC070053-001

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

330 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.8 Replacing the harness ETH outlet with cable

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the harness ETH outlet with cable


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 331
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.8 Replacing the harness ETH outlet with cable

Removing the harness ETH outlet with cable

Action Note/Illustration
1 Remove the screws.


2 Remove the cover plate.


Continues on next page

332 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.8 Replacing the harness ETH outlet with cable

Action Note/Illustration
3 Remove the attachment screws on the


4 Push the harness ETH outlet with cable

into the cabinet.
5 Disconnect:
• X24 - A2.X3
6 Remove the cables out from the clips in
the cabinet carefully.


Make records about the sequence that

cables are removed. The cables need to
be installed in the same position.

7 Take the harness ETH outlet with cable

out from the upper side.

Refitting the harness ETH outlet with cable

Refitting the harness ETH outlet with cable

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.

3 Insert the harness ETH outlet with cable

into the cover from inner side of the

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 333
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.8 Replacing the harness ETH outlet with cable

Action Note/Illustration
4 Secure it with the attachment screws. Screws: Torx, countersunk screw M4x10 (4


5 Connect:
• X24 - A2.X3
6 Secure the harness ETH outlet with
cables with the clips on the cabinet.


Use the same position as from removing

the harness ETH outlet with cable.

7 Refit the cover plate.


Continues on next page

334 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.8 Replacing the harness ETH outlet with cable

Action Note/Illustration
8 Secure it with the screws. Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (3 pcs)


Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 335

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.9 Replacing the LED indicator

5.3.9 Replacing the LED indicator

The illustration shows the location of the LED indicator.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

LED indicator 3HAC065549-001

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.
ESD protective wrist band -

Continues on next page

336 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.9 Replacing the LED indicator

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the LED indicator


Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.

2 Open the door. Opening the door on page 174.

3 Location of wrist strap button:

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 337
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.9 Replacing the LED indicator

Removing the LED indicator

Action Note/Illustration
1 Remove the screws.


2 Remove the cover plate.


Continues on next page

338 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.9 Replacing the LED indicator

Action Note/Illustration
3 Loose the attachment screws locking the


4 Remove the terminals (X1&X2) of the

cable from the lamp.
5 Turn the MON_LAMP screw anti-clock-
wise to remove the screw.
6 Take the LED indicator out.

Refitting the LED indicator

Refitting the LED indicator

Action Note/Illustration

Before doing any work inside the cabinet,

disconnect the mains power. For more
information, see Electrical safety on
page 31.


The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.

3 Insert the LED indicator into the cover

from outer side of the door and the screw
from inner side and screw them up.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 339
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.3.9 Replacing the LED indicator

Action Note/Illustration
4 Insert the terminals (X1 & X2) of cables
into the lamp and secure with the screws.


5 Refit the cover plate.


Continues on next page

340 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.3.9 Replacing the LED indicator

Action Note/Illustration
6 Secure it with the screws. Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (3 pcs)


Concluding procedure

Action Note/Illustration
1 Close the door. Closing the door on page 174.
2 Perform the function tests to verify that
the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 341

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.4.1 Replacing the power cable and power cable cover

5.4 Replacing parts on the FlexPendant

5.4.1 Replacing the power cable and power cable cover

The illustration shows the location of the power cable, power cable gasket, and
power cable cover in the FlexPendant.



A Power cable cover

B Power cable

Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Harness TPU connection 3HAC069673-001 Harness-TPU

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.

Continues on next page

342 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.4.1 Replacing the power cable and power cable cover

Equipment Article number Note

ESD protective wrist band -

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Removing the power cable and power cable cover

Action Note/Illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.

2 Disconnect the FlexPendant from the

3 Remove the attachment screws for the
power cable cover.


4 Remove the power cable cover.


Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 343
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.4.1 Replacing the power cable and power cable cover

Action Note/Illustration
5 Disconnect two connectors to the Flex-


6 Remove the power cable.


Refitting the power cable and power cable cover

Action Note/Illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.

Continues on next page

344 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.4.1 Replacing the power cable and power cable cover

Action Note/Illustration
2 Refit the power cable.


3 Reconnect the power cable to the Flex-



4 Refit the power cable cover and tighten Screws: Torx pan head screw M4x8 (3 pcs)
the screws.


5 Perform the function tests to verify that

the safety features work properly, see
Function tests on page 165.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 345

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
5 Repair
5.4.2 Replacing the joystick protection

5.4.2 Replacing the joystick protection

The illustration shows the location of the joystick protection on the FlexPendant.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Joystick guard 3HAC065408-001

Required tools and equipment

Equipment Article number Note

Standard toolkit - Content is defined in section
Standard toolkit for controller on
page 417.

Required documents

Document Article number Note

Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009

Continues on next page

346 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.4.2 Replacing the joystick protection

Removing the joystick protection

Action Note/Illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.

2 Disconnect the FlexPendant from the

3 Remove the attachment screws.


4 Remove the joystick protection.


Refitting the joystick protection

Action Note/Illustration

The unit is sensitive to ESD. Before

handling the unit read the safety inform-
ation in section The unit is sensitive to
ESD on page 43.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 347
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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5 Repair
5.4.2 Replacing the joystick protection

Action Note/Illustration
2 Refit the joystick protection.


3 Secure the screws.


Countersunk head screw: ST2.9 X 10 (6 pcs)

348 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

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5 Repair
5.4.3 Replacing the fasten strip

5.4.3 Replacing the fasten strip

The illustration shows the location of the fasten strip on the FlexPendant.


Required spare parts


The spare part numbers that are listed in the table can be out of date. See the
latest spare parts of the OmniCore C90XT via myABB Business Portal,

Spare part Article number Note

Fasten strip 3HAC065419-001

Replacing the fasten strip

Action Note/Illustration
1 Open the velcro on the fasten strip.
2 Take the fasten strip out from the holes.
3 Insert the new fasten strip into the holes
one by one.
4 Secure the velcro in a suitable length.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 349

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This page is intentionally left blank
6 Decommissioning
6.1 Introduction

6 Decommissioning
6.1 Introduction

This section contains information to consider when taking a product, robot or
controller, out of operation.
It deals with how to handle potentially dangerous components and potentially
hazardous materials.

All used grease/oils and dead batteries must be disposed of in accordance with
the current legislation of the country in which the robot and the control unit are
If the robot or the control unit is partially or completely disposed of, the various
parts must be grouped together according to their nature (which is all iron together
and all plastic together), and disposed of accordingly. These parts must also be
disposed of in accordance with the current legislation of the country in which the
robot and control unit are installed.

Disposal of storage media

Before disposal of any storage equipment (anything from an SD card to a complete
controller), make sure that all sensitive information has been deleted.


To remove all data from the OmniCore controller, use the Delete user data
function (part of Delete RobotWare system function) in RobotWare. See
Operating manual - Integrator's guide OmniCore.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 351

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
6 Decommissioning
6.2 Environmental information

6.2 Environmental information

The following symbol indicates that the product must not be disposed of as common
garbage. Handle each product according to local regulations for the respective
content (see table below).


Hazardous material
The table specifies some of the materials in the product and their respective use
throughout the product.
Dispose components properly according to local regulations to prevent health or
environmental hazards.
Material Example application
Aluminium Heat sinks on power supplies and drive units
Batteries, Lithium Main computer
Copper Cables
Plastic/rubber Cables, connectors, etc.
Silicone Power supply i
Steel Cabinet structure, plates, screws, etc.
i The product does not contain silicone by design but there might be a minimal risk of contamination
during production.

Continues on next page

352 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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6 Decommissioning
6.2 Environmental information

China RoHS symbol

The following symbol shows the information to hazardous substances and the
environmental protection use period of OmniCore C90XT according to "Management
Methods for the Restriction of the Use of Hazardous Substances in Electrical and
Electronic Products (SJ/T 11364-2014) ".


Green symbol with "e" in it: The product does not contain any hazardous substances
exceeding concentration limits and is a green environmentally friendly product
which can be recycled.

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 353

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This page is intentionally left blank
7 Troubleshooting
7.1 Introduction to troubleshooting

7 Troubleshooting
7.1 Introduction to troubleshooting

The product manual and the circuit diagram contains information that can be good
when troubleshooting.
For OmniCore, all event logs from the software can be seen on the FlexPendant,
or in Technical reference manual - Event logs for RobotWare 7.
Make sure to read through the section Safety on page 13 before starting.

Troubleshooting strategies
1 Isolate the fault to pinpoint the cause of the problem from consequential
2 Divide the fault chain in two.
3 Check communication parameters and cables.
4 Check that the software version is compatible with the hardware.

Work systematically
1 Take a look around to make sure that all screws, connectors, and cables are
secured, and that the robot and other parts are clean, not damaged, and
correctly fitted.
2 Replace one thing at a time.
3 Do not replace units randomly.
4 Make sure that there are no loose screws, turnings, or other unexpected
parts remaining after work has been performed.
5 When the work is completed, verify that the safety functions are working as

Keep a track of history

• Make a historical fault log to keep track of problems over time.
• Consult those working with the robot when the problem occurred.

Basic scenarios
What to look for during troubleshooting depends on when the fault occurred. Was
the robot recently installed or was it recently repaired? The following table gives
hints on what to look for in specific situations.
The robot has recently Check:
been installed • the configuration files
• connectors
• options and their configuration
• changes in the robot working area/movements.

Continues on next page

Product manual - OmniCore C90XT 355
3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
© Copyright 2020-2021 ABB. All rights reserved.
7 Troubleshooting
7.1 Introduction to troubleshooting

The robot has recently Check:

been repaired • all connections to the replaced part
• power supplies
• that the correct part has been fitted
• the last repair documents.
The robot recently had a Check:
software upgrade • software versions
• compatibilities between hardware and software
• options and their configuration
The robot has recently Check:
been moved from one site • connections
to another (an already • software versions
working robot)

356 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

3HAC073706-001 Revision: D
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7 Troubleshooting
7.2 Troubleshooting fault symptoms

7.2 Troubleshooting fault symptoms

Fault symptoms described in this manual

This manual describes how to troubleshoot the following fault symptoms:
• No LEDs are lit on the controller on page 358
• Start-up failure on page 361
• Problem releasing the robot brakes on page 365
• Problem starting or connecting the FlexPendant on page 369
• Problem using the joystick on page 373
• Controller fails to start on page 374
• Reflashing firmware failure on page 375
• Inconsistent path accuracy on page 376

Continues on next page

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.1 No LEDs are lit on the controller

7.2.1 No LEDs are lit on the controller

No LEDs at all are lit in the controller.

Required test equipment

Equipment needed for troubleshooting:
Equipment Note
Insulating gloves


1 Make sure that the controller is switched on.
Wait 30 s - 1 min to enable start-up sequence.
2 Check the FlexPendant for errors and warnings.


Troubleshooting on the controller while powered on must be performed by personnel

trained by ABB or by ABB field engineers.

Recommended working procedure

If no LEDs are lit on the controller during start-up, use this procedure to troubleshoot
what might cause the problem.
Look at the following block diagram to understand how power is connected from
incoming and forward.

Block diagram
Robot 24V PC X1 Main computer

signal PC


AC input Power inlet Main switch Power unit Power LED


A1 supply HMI 24V HMI
X0 Q0 X1 X6 X1 X1 K2 X13 24V HMI
connection FlexPendant
T2 X2 PS


Continues on next page

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.1 No LEDs are lit on the controller

Troubleshooting flowchart

No LEDs are lit

Check switch Q0 Switch on Q0


Abnormal Troubleshoot
Check input power

not ok
Check connector X0 Repair connection

Connection ok

Broken cable
Check AC input cable Replace cable

Cable ok

Check Q0 power out Replace Q0


Abnormal Troubleshoot
Check T2.X1
power unit

Troubleshoot power

Not lit
Check LED status


Problem solved


Continues on next page

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.1 No LEDs are lit on the controller

Detailed working procedure

Action Note
1 Make sure that the power inlet switch (Q0) has
been switched on.


2 Make sure that the system is supplied with power. Use a multimeter and insulating
• Measure incoming mains voltage and make gloves.
sure the voltage is within the normal range. If the incoming power is not ok, the
• Make sure that the circuit breaker (if used) problem is not in the robot control-
is closed. ler. Troubleshoot the incoming
3 Check that the connector (X0) is properly connec-


For more details, see Circuit diagram - OmniCore


4 Check that the AC input cable is properly connec-

5 Check the output voltage of (Q0). Use a multimeter and insulating
• Make sure that (Q0) is closed. gloves.
Replace if damaged, see Replacing
the power inlet on page 302.
6 Check connector T2.X1. If abnormal, see Troubleshooting
the power unit on page 382.
7 Troubleshoot the power supply unit. Troubleshooting the power supply
on page 401.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.2 Start-up failure

7.2.2 Start-up failure

The following are possible symptoms of a start-up failure:
1 The LEDs are not lit on some units.
2 Earth fault protection trips.
3 Miniature circuit breakers/fuses trips.
4 Unable to load the system software.

Required test equipment

Equipment needed for troubleshooting:
Equipment Note
Insulating gloves
Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009


1 Make sure that the controller is switched on.
Wait 30 s - 1 min to enable start-up sequence.
2 Check the FlexPendant for errors and warnings.


Troubleshooting on the controller while powered on must be performed by personnel

trained by ABB or by ABB field engineers.

Recommended working procedure

If there seems to be a power failure during start-up, use this procedure to
troubleshoot what might cause the problem.
Look at the following block diagram to understand how power is connected from
incoming and forward.

Block diagram
Robot 24V PC X1 Main computer

signal PC


AC input Power inlet Main switch Power unit Power LED


A1 supply HMI 24V HMI
X0 Q0 X1 X6 X1 X1 K2 X13 24V HMI
connection FlexPendant
T2 X2 PS


Continues on next page

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.2 Start-up failure

Troubleshooting flowchart

Start-up failure

Red or flashing Troubleshoot power

Check LED AC
unit A1


Not lit Troubleshoot power

Check LED PS
supply T2


Troubleshoot robot
Check LEDs: Not lit
signal exchange
MS, PC, HMI proxy K2


Check LEDs: Not lit Troubleshoot main

PC PWR, PC HDD, computer


Problem solved


Detailed working procedure

Action Note
1 Look at the LED PS. LED PS should be green.
• If not, see Troubleshooting
the power supply on
page 401.
• If the power supply is ok,
see Troubleshooting the
power unit on page 382.
• If the power unit is ok, check
that the power inlet is prop-
erly connected and the
power inlet switch is turned
For more details about the LEDs,
see Troubleshooting the robot sig-
nal exchange proxy on page 407.
2 Look at the LED MS. LED MS should be green.
• If not, see Troubleshooting
the robot signal exchange
proxy on page 407.
Continues on next page
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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.2 Start-up failure

Action Note
3 Look at the LED AC. LED AC should be green.
• If not, see Troubleshooting
the power unit on page 382.
• If the power unit is ok, check
that the power inlet is well
connected and the power
inlet switch is turned on.
4 Look at the LEDs PC and HMI. LED PC and LED HMI should be
• If not, see Troubleshooting
the robot signal exchange
proxy on page 407
5 Look at the LEDs PC PWR, PC HDD, and PC For more details about the LEDs,
STAT. see Troubleshooting the main
computer on page 398.
6 If the problem remains, contact ABB.


For more details, see Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.3 System update failure

7.2.3 System update failure

In certain scenarios, such as removing or adding certain optional features or major
upgrades of installed software products versions, the previous backup may be
incompatible with the newly re-configured system. Automatically reloading backup
can therefore fail, resulting in system failure state.
For more information about system update, see Operating manual - Integrator's
guide OmniCore.

Recommended working procedure

If there is a system update failure, the RobotWare system must be reset, which
will bring the system state to the default empty state for the current configuration.
See Operating manual - Integrator's guide OmniCore for detailed information
regarding system reset.
After reset, it is possible to:
A Go forward with the new configuration by re-implementing your programs
and configuration, or selectively reloading contents of the previous system
B Rollback the changes in the system configuration, that is, make a new system
update and load the previous backup, and then manually update as needed
C Perform a complete re-installation of the RobotWare System using RobotWare
Installation Utilities and then reloading the previous backup.
See Operating manual - Integrator's guide OmniCore.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.4 Problem releasing the robot brakes

7.2.4 Problem releasing the robot brakes

When starting robot operation or jogging the robot, the internal robot brakes must
release in order to allow movement.

Required test equipment

Equipment needed for troubleshooting:
Equipment Note
Insulating gloves
Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009


1 Make sure that the controller is switched on.
Wait 30 s - 1 min to enable start-up sequence.
2 Check the FlexPendant for errors and warnings.


Troubleshooting on the controller while powered on must be performed by personnel

trained by ABB or by ABB field engineers.

Recommended working procedure

If the brakes do not release, no robot movement is possible and a number of error
log messages can occur. Use this procedure to troubleshoot what might cause the
Look at the following block diagram to understand how power is connected from
incoming and forward.

Block diagram

Q1 & Q2
Robot signal
Motor connector Manipulator
proxy K2
Brake signal Brake signal X1 Floor cable
X6 X7

Power unit


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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.4 Problem releasing the robot brakes

Troubleshooting flowchart

Problem releasing brakes

Check connec!on Connec!on not ok

from X1 to Repair connec!on
Connec!on ok

Not lit Troubleshoot power

Check LED PS
supply T2
Solid green
- robot signal exchange
proxy K2
Check LEDs: Abnormal
- power supply
- power unit
- main computer
Solid green (all 3) - FlexPendant

Measure power on No power

Repair connec!on

Power is ok

not ok - brake release on
Check connec!on
from K2.X7 to X1
-main computer A2
- robot signal exchange
Connec!on is ok proxy K2
- power unit A1
Check connec!on not ok
K2.X6 to A1.X2

Connec!on is ok

Brake not ok
Test the brake

Brake is ok

Not ok
Test the brake release Contact ABB

Brake release is ok

Problem solved


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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.4 Problem releasing the robot brakes

Detailed working procedure

Action Note
1 Check that the floor cable is connected from the • If the cable is damaged, re-
manipulator to the motor connector X1. place to a new cable and go
to step 8.
Visually inspect the cable for damage or extensive
bending marks. • If the cable is not connected,
repair the connection and
go to step 8.
Tip • If the cable is ok, go to the
next step.
For more details, see Circuit diagram - OmniCore

2 Look at the LED PS on the front of the robot signal For more details about the LEDs,
exchange proxy. LED PS should be solid green. see Troubleshooting the robot sig-
nal exchange proxy on page 407.
• If it is not green, see
Troubleshooting the power
supply on page 401.
3 Look at the LED MS, LED PC and LED HMI. All • If LED MS is not green, see
LEDs should be solid green. Troubleshooting the robot
signal exchange proxy on
page 407.
• If LED PC or LED HMI are
not green, see
Troubleshooting the power
supply on page 401.
• If the power supply is ok,
see Troubleshooting the
power unit on page 382.
• If the power unit is ok, check
that the power inlet is con-
nected and the power inlet
switch is turned on.
• If the LED PC is green, but
LED PC_PWR on the main
computer is not green, see
Troubleshooting the main
computer on page 398.
• If the LED HMI is green, but
the FlexPendant is not
starting, see Troubleshoot-
ing the FlexPendant on
page 379.
4 Measure the power on K2.X7. Use a multimeter and insulating
• If there is no power, repair
Tip the connection and go to
step 8.
For more details, see Circuit diagram - OmniCore • If it is ok, go to the next
C90XT. step.

5 Check that the connection from the robot signal • If it is not, repair the connec-
exchange proxy to the motor connector is ok: tion and go to step 8.
• K2.X7 - X1. • If it is ok, go to the next
6 Check that the connection from main computer • If it is not, repair the connec-
to the robot signal exchange proxy is ok: tion and go to step 8.
• K2.X6 - A1.X2 • If it is ok, go to the next

Continues on next page

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.4 Problem releasing the robot brakes

Action Note
7 Try jogging the robot. • If it is not working properly,
the brake release board on
the manipulator might be
broken. Contact your local
ABB for more information.
• If the brakes work normally,
troubleshoot the main com-
puter, the robot signal ex-
change proxy, and the
power unit, one by one. If
needed, replace faulty units.
Go to step 8.
8 Check that the brake release function is ok. For more details on how to release
the brakes, see the robot's product
• If it is not ok, contact your
local ABB.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.5 Problem starting or connecting the FlexPendant

7.2.5 Problem starting or connecting the FlexPendant

The FlexPendant is not responding, either completely or intermittently.
No entries are possible, and no functions are available.


If protective gloves are used, these must be compatible with touchscreens when
using the FlexPendant.
The FlexPendant starts but does not display the main interface.


Required test equipment

Equipment needed for troubleshooting:
Equipment Note
Insulating gloves
Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009


1 Make sure that the controller is switched on.
Wait 30 s - 1 min to enable start-up sequence.
2 Check the FlexPendant for errors and warnings.


Troubleshooting on the controller while powered on must be performed by personnel

trained by ABB or by ABB field engineers.

Continues on next page

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.5 Problem starting or connecting the FlexPendant

Recommended working procedure

If the FlexPendant starts but does not display the main interface during the start-up,
use this procedure to troubleshoot what might cause the problem.
Look at the following block diagram to understand how power is connected from
incoming and forward.

Block diagram

X1 Robot signal
Dual channel proxy K2 X3
controller X6
A2.K3 control & feedback ES & EN & MON & 24V HMI
HMI connection FlexPendant
Ethernet Ethernet
Main X6 X8 X9
computer A2 MS

24V PC


Continues on next page

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.5 Problem starting or connecting the FlexPendant

Troubleshooting flowchart

Problem starting or
connecting the FlexPendant

Connection not ok
Check connector X4 Repair connection

Connection ok

Check LEDs: Not lit Troubleshoot robot signal

HMI & PC exchange proxy K2


damaged Replace FlexPendant
Check FlexPendant
cable cable

Cable ok

Check connection not ok
K2.X9 to X4

K2.X8 - A2.X6 Connection
K2.X2 - A2.X1 not ok
K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6,7
K2.X3 - A2.K3.X1

Connections ok

Replace FlexPendant

Not starting
Start FlexPendant


Problem solved


Detailed working procedure

Action Note
1 Try resetting the FlexPendant using the reset See Operating manual - OmniCore.
button located next to the USB port.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.5 Problem starting or connecting the FlexPendant

Action Note
2 Check that the FlexPendant cable is correctly If it is not connected, repair the
connected to the controller through the HMI signal connection and go to step six.
connector, X4. Check the pins in the connector.
If it is ok, go to the next step.
3 Check the LED PC and LED HMI, they should be For more details about the LEDs,
green. see Troubleshooting the robot sig-
nal exchange proxy on page 407.
• If the LEDs are not green,
see Troubleshooting the ro-
bot signal exchange proxy
on page 407.
• If they are ok, go to the next
4 Check the FlexPendant cable for any damage. • If damage is found, replace
the FlexPendant cable and
go to step six.
• If it is ok, go to the next
5 Check that the connection from the robot signal • If it is not ok, repair the con-
exchange proxy to the HMI signal connector is nection and go to step six.
ok, K2.X9, 13 - X4. • If it is ok, go to the next
6 Check that the connection from the robot signal • If any connection fails, re-
exchange proxy to the main computer is ok: pair the connection and go
• K2.X8 - A2.X6 to step six.
• K2.X2 - A2.X1 • If the connections are ok, go
to the next step.
• K2.X12 - A2.K3.X6,7
• K2.X3 - A2.K3.X1
7 If possible, test by connecting another FlexPend-
ant. This is to eliminate the FlexPendant and cable
as error sources; Test the FlexPendant with a
different controller to eliminate the controller as
error source.
8 Check that the FlexPendant works normally. If it is not ok, contact your local

This is detailed in section Troubleshooting the

FlexPendant on page 379.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.6 Problem using the joystick

7.2.6 Problem using the joystick

The FlexPendant is started and responds when pushing buttons or using the
touchscreen but the joystick is not working. It is therefore not possible to jog the
If there are warnings or messages on the FlexPendant, see Problem releasing the
robot brakes on page 365.

Recommended working procedure

Action Information
1 Make sure that the joystick lock is not activated. See Operating manual - OmniCore.
2 Make sure the controller is in manual mode.
3 Make sure the FlexPendant is connected cor-
rectly to the controller.
4 Press the reset button located next to the USB If the joystick is still not working, then
port on the back of the FlexPendant. replace the FlexPendant.


The reset button only resets the FlexPendant,

not the system on the controller.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.7 Controller fails to start

7.2.7 Controller fails to start

The system has startup problems or the FlexPendant cannot connect to the system.

Function description
The robot controller always runs in one of the following two modes:
• Normal operation mode (a user-created system is selected to run)
• RobotWare Installation Utilities mode (advanced maintenance mode)
In rare occasions, a serious error (in the software or the configuration of the installed
system), may prevent the controller from starting properly in the normal operation
mode. A typical case is when a controller is restarted after a network configuration
change, causing the controller to be non-responsive from FlexPendant, RobotStudio,
or FTP. To restore the robot controller from this situation, the controller can be
forced to start in RobotWare Installation Utilities mode.

Forcing startup of the RobotWare Installation Utilities mode

Repeat the following action two times in a row:
1 Turn on the main power switch.
2 Wait for approximately 15 seconds.


The PC STAT LED should be in flashing red state.

3 Turn off the main power switch.

The installed system is de-selected and in the next startup, the RobotWare
Installation Utilities mode is started.
This has no effect if the controller is already in RobotWare Installation Utilities


Force starting the RobotWare Installation Utilities mode will not affect the files
in the directories belonging to the installed system.
See also Troubleshooting the main computer on page 398.
How to install systems is described in Operating manual - Integrator's guide

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.8 Reflashing firmware failure

7.2.8 Reflashing firmware failure

When reflashing firmware, the automatic process can fail which will stop the system.
A message is generated in the event log.
This fault usually occurs due to a lack of compatibility between hardware and

Recommended working procedure

If the controller stops with a message about firmware failure, use this procedure
to troubleshoot what might cause the problem.
Action Note
1 Read the message to see which unit has failed.
2 If the relevant unit has been replaced recently,
make sure that the versions of the old and the
new unit are identical.
3 Check the software versions.
4 If RobotWare has been updated recently, make
sure that the versions of the old and the new unit
are identical.
5 If the problem remains, contact your local ABB
for information about which firmware version is
compatible with your hardware.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.9 Inconsistent path accuracy

7.2.9 Inconsistent path accuracy

The path of the robot TCP is not consistent. It varies from time to time, and is
sometimes accompanied by noise emerging from bearings, gearboxes, or other

Possible causes
The symptom can be caused by (the causes are listed in order of probability):
• Robot not calibrated correctly.
• Robot TCP not correctly defined.
• Parallel bar damaged (applies to robots fitted with parallel bars only).
• Mechanical joint between motor and gearbox damaged. This often causes
noise to be emitted from the faulty motor.
• Bearings damaged or worn (especially if the path inconsistency is coupled
with clicking or grinding noises from one or more bearings).
• The wrong robot type may be connected to the controller.
• The brakes may not be releasing correctly.

Recommended working procedure

The path accuracy depends on many factors. The following table describes the
most common causes of problems with the path accuracy. Depending on your
installation, the recommended working procedure is to work step by step, starting
with the step that seems most plausible given your circumstances.
Action Note
1 Study the path of the robot in motion, to Remove the obstacles.
find if an external force, for example, an
external cable package, is colliding with
or restricting the movement of the robot.
2 In high temperature environments, the Improve the ventilation around the robot.
material in the robot can expand, thereby
causing inconsistent path accuracy.
3 Make sure the robot tool and work object How to define these are described in Oper-
are correctly defined. ating manual - OmniCore.
4 Check the positions of the revolution Update if required.
5 If required, re-calibrate the robot axes. How to calibrate the robot is described in
the product manual for the robot.
6 If you hear noise that has not been there Replace the faulty motor, gearbox, or bearing
before, locate the source to define if a as specified in the product manual for the
motor or bearing is faulty. robot.
Study the path of the robot TCP to estab-
lish which axis, and thus which motor,
may be faulty.
7 Check the trueness of the parallel bar Replace the faulty parallel bar as specified
(applies to robots fitted with parallel bars in the product manual for the robot.

Continues on next page

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7 Troubleshooting
7.2.9 Inconsistent path accuracy

Action Note
8 Make sure the correct robot type is con- Update the system with the correct robot
nected as specified in the system. type, see Operating manual - Integrator's
guide OmniCore.
9 Make sure the robot brakes work prop- Proceed as detailed in section Problem re-
erly. leasing the robot brakes on page 365.
10 If applicable: Check the setting for the The swivel has an in-built resistance that
swivel. needs to be set in the system parameters.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.1 Troubleshooting LEDs in the controller

7.3 Troubleshooting units

7.3.1 Troubleshooting LEDs in the controller

The controller features a number of indication LEDs, which provide important
information for troubleshooting purposes. If no LEDs light up at all when switching
the system on, troubleshoot as detailed in this section.
All LEDs on the respective units, and their significance, are described in the
following sections.

Units with LEDs in the controller

Drive unit Troubleshooting the drive unit on page 380

Power unit Troubleshooting the power unit on page 382
Scalable I/O Troubleshooting fieldbuses and I/O on page 387
ABB Ability™ Connected Ser- Troubleshooting the Connected Services Gateway on
vices page 388
Ethernet switch Troubleshooting the Ethernet switch on page 394
Axis computer Troubleshooting the axis computer on page 396
Main computer Troubleshooting the main computer on page 398
Power supply Troubleshooting the power supply on page 401
Fieldbus adapter slave Troubleshooting the fieldbus adapter slave on page 406
Robot signal exchange proxy Troubleshooting the robot signal exchange proxy on
page 407

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.2 Troubleshooting the FlexPendant

7.3.2 Troubleshooting the FlexPendant

The FlexPendant communicates with the main computer. The FlexPendant is
physically connected to the panel board. The cable contains the +24 V supply, two
enabling device chains and emergency stop.

The procedure below describes what to do if the FlexPendant does not work
Action Note
1 Try resetting the FlexPendant using the reset See Operating manual - Omni-
button located next to the USB port. Core.
2 If the FlexPendant is not responding or does not
operate correctly, see Problem starting or con- Note
necting the FlexPendant on page 369.
If protective gloves are used, these
must be compatible with touch-
screens when using the FlexPend-

3 Check the cable for connections and integrity.

4 Check the 24 V power supply.
5 Read the error event log message and follow any
instructions of references.

For more information on the FlexPendant, see Operating manual - OmniCore.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.3 Troubleshooting the drive unit

7.3.3 Troubleshooting the drive unit

The illustration shows the location of the drive unit in the controller.


The illustration below shows the indication LEDs on the drive unit.
OmniCore C90XT




A Ethernet LEDs (yellow)

B Ethernet LEDs (green)
C Status LED

Continues on next page

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.3 Troubleshooting the drive unit

Description Significance
Ethernet LEDs Shows the status of Ethernet communication between the drive unit and
the power unit.
• Off: 10 Mbps data rate is selected.
• On: 100 Mbps data rate is selected.
• Flashing: The two units are communicating on the Ethernet channel.
• Steady: A LAN link is established.
• Off: A LAN link is not established.
Drive unit status The status indicator LED can be used to identify the following status
LED during startup/power on:
1 Red, steady: Default when power is available.
2 Red, flashing: Power is on, self-test is ongoing, operating system
is loading.
3 Green, flashing: Application is loaded and waiting for communica-
4 Green, steady: Drive unit is operational.
If the LED does not turn steady green after 30-60 sec, the status indicator
LED can be used to identify the following issues:
• No color: Power to the drive unit is missing.
• Red, steady: Internal error.
• Red, flashing: Firmware error or self-test failure.
• Green, flashing: Communication error to another module.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.4 Troubleshooting the power unit

7.3.4 Troubleshooting the power unit

The illustration below shows the location of the power unit in the controller.


The illustration below shows the LEDs on the power unit.
OmniCore C90XT



A Ethernet LEDs (yellow)

B Ethernet LEDs (green)
C Status LED

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.4 Troubleshooting the power unit

Power unit status The status indicator LED can be used to identify the following status
LED during startup/power on:
1 Red, steady: Default when power is available.
2 Red, flashing: Power is on, self-test is ongoing, operating system
is loading.
3 Green, flashing: Application is loaded and waiting for commu-
4 Green, steady: Power unit is operational.
If the LED does not turn steady green after 30-60sec, then the status
indicator LED can be used to identify the following issues:
• No color: Power to the power unit is missing.
• Red, steady: Internal error.
• Red, flashing: Firmware error or self-test failure.
• Green, flashing: Communication error to another module.

Required test equipment

Equipment needed for troubleshooting:
Equipment Note
Insulating gloves
Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009


1 Check the FlexPendant for errors and warnings.
2 Power the controller off. Wait one minute, power the controller on.
3 Make sure that the control system power supply is in run-time mode.
Wait 30-60 seconds after power-on.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.4 Troubleshooting the power unit

Troubleshooting flowchart

Trouble shooting power unit

Check contactors not ok
Repair connection
Q1,Q2 & X2


Turn on power and Replace

Repair wait 1 minute power unit

Not lit or solid red Flashing red or flashing red/green

Check LED MS

Repair connection connection
Measure X5, X9, 24V DC = 24V
DC input voltage

DC < 24V Check LEDs of Abnormal

Ethernet ports X3,
Normal Connection
Check connection not ok
Check connection to robot of Ethernet cables
Connection signal exchange proxy
A1.X9 - K2.X4
not ok
Connection ok
Connection ok
Measure X13, 24 V
AC OK signal

Measure X6, X7,
AC output voltage

Normal Measure X1,

AC input voltage Normal


Troubleshoot power Check elog Check connection

supply DC-link voltage power inlet to power Connection
Warning unit not ok
Normal Connection ok

Troubleshoot robot Troubleshoot no

Power unit is ok
signal exchange proxy LEDs are lit


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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.4 Troubleshooting the power unit

Troubleshooting procedure
The troubleshooting table is supposed to be used as a detailed instruction together
with the troubleshooting flowchart.
Action Note
1 Check the connections between Open the door of the controller and check the
connectors Q1, Q2 & X2. connections between connectors Q1, Q2 & ad-
apter X2.
Tip How to open the controller is described in
Opening the robot controller on page 174.
• If the connection is OK, proceed with
For more details, see Circuit dia- step 2.
gram - OmniCore C90XT.
• If there is a problem with the connection,
repair the connection and start over.
2 Power on the controller. Check the Make sure that the controller power supply is
indicator LED MS on the power in run-time mode.
unit. Wait at least 1 min after power-on.
If the LED MS is:
• Green, proceed with step 8.
• Flashing red/green: a firmware upgrade
error has occurred. This is not supposed
to happen during runtime mode, proceed
with step 12.
• Pulsing red: replace the power unit, step
• Not lit or red: The controller does not
have sufficient DC input voltage. Proceed
with step 3.
3 Measure the 24 V DC input voltage Use a multimeter and insulating gloves.
to the power unit. The input voltage should be 24 V.
• X5
Make sure that connectors X5, X9 are connec-
• X9 ted properly on both ends.
• If the 24 V DC input voltage is normal,
proceed with step 8.
• If the 24 V DC input voltage is abnormal,
proceed with the next step.
4 Check connection to the robot sig- If the connection is OK, proceed with the next
nal exchange proxy. step.
• A1.X9 (Power unit) - K2.X4 If there is a problem with the connection, repair
the connection and go to step 2.
5 Measure the AC output voltage. Use a multimeter and insulating gloves.
The output voltage should be 230 V.
Make sure that connectors X6, X7 are connec-
ted properly on both ends.
• If the output voltage is normal,
Troubleshooting the power supply on
page 401, and then Troubleshooting the
robot signal exchange proxy on page 407.
• If the output voltage is abnormal, pro-
ceed with step 6.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.4 Troubleshooting the power unit

Action Note
6 Measure the AC input voltage. Use a multimeter and insulating gloves.
• A1.X1 - A1.K1 The AC input voltage should be 230 V.
Make sure that connector X1 is connected
properly on both ends.
• If the input voltage is normal, proceed
with step 12.
• If the input voltage is abnormal, proceed
with the next step.
7 Check the connection from the • If the connection is OK, troubleshoot No
power inlet to the power unit. LEDs are lit on the controller on page 358.
• If there is a problem with the connection,
repair the connection and start over.
8 Check the LEDs of the Ethernet • If the LEDs are normal, proceed with step
ports X3, X12 on the power unit. 10.
• If the LEDs are abnormal, proceed with
the next step.
9 Check the connection of the Ether- • If the connection is OK, proceed with
net cables. step 12.
• If there is a problem with the connection,
repair the connection and go to step 8.
10 Measure the AC OK signal. Use a multimeter and insulating gloves.
The AC OK should be 0 V.
Make sure that connector X13 is connected
properly on both ends.
• If the AC OK signal is 24 V, proceed with
step 12.
• If the AC OK signal is 0 V, proceed with
the next step.
11 Check event log if there is a mes- If message numbers 34401/34402, proceed with
sage about DC-link voltage. step 12.
If not, power unit is ok.
12 The power unit may be faulty, re- How to replace the unit is detailed in Replacing
place it and verify that the fault has the power unit on page 242.
been fixed.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.5 Troubleshooting fieldbuses and I/O

7.3.5 Troubleshooting fieldbuses and I/O

Further information
Information about how to troubleshoot the fieldbuses and I/O units can be found
in the manual for the respective fieldbus or I/O unit. See References on page 9.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.6 Troubleshooting the Connected Services Gateway

7.3.6 Troubleshooting the Connected Services Gateway

The illustration shows the location of the Connected Services Gateway in the


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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.6 Troubleshooting the Connected Services Gateway

LEDs for options 3G or WiFi

The illustration below shows the LEDs on the Connected Services Gateway (3G
or WiFi).



B LINK, 3G status or WiFi status LED
C RF, signal strength status LEDs
D Factory reset pin hole

Description Significance
STATUS LED Startup sequence:
(red/green) 1 Red continuously: Default at power up.
2 Red, flashing: Power on self-test ongoing, operating system is
3 Green flashing: Loading application.
4 Green solid: Startup completed OK.
If the LED does not turn steady green after 30-60sec, it can be used to
identify the following issues:
Fault indication:
• No color: Power to the unit is missing.
• Red, solid or flashing: Internal error. Replace the unit.
• Green, flashing continuously: Communication error to another
module, view error messages.
LINK For the Connected Services 3G, an orange LED indicator, externally visible
on the front, indicates the status of the 3G connection.
• ON, flashing: 3G modem on, searching network.
• ON, solid: 3G modem on and connected to network.
LINK For the Connected Services Wi-Fi, an orange LED indicator, externally
visible on the front, indicates the status of the Wi-Fi connection.
• ON, flashing: Wi-Fi transceiver on, searching network.
• ON, solid: Wi-Fi transceiver on and connected to network.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.6 Troubleshooting the Connected Services Gateway

Description Significance
RF, signal Three (3) LEDs indicating the Wi-Fi or 3G signal level.
strength status • ON: The unit is connected to the network and working ok.
LEDs • OFF: Problem with connector, antenna, or sim card.

Required test equipment

Equipment needed for troubleshooting:
Equipment Note
Insulating gloves


1 Check the FlexPendant for errors and warnings.
2 Power the controller off. Wait one minute, power the controller on.
3 Make sure that the control system power supply is in run-time mode.
Wait 30-60 seconds after power-on.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.6 Troubleshooting the Connected Services Gateway

Troubleshooting flowchart for options 3G or WiFi

Troubleshooting Connected
Services Gateway 3G or WiFi

Red/green flashing

Not lit


Not lit or solid

Not ok Troubleshoot robot

Measure input voltage signal exchange
proxy K2

Not ok
Check connector X2 Repair connection


Not ok
Check LED RF


Not ok
Check connector X3


Not ok Troubleshoot
Check antenna, connectivity of 3G/sim
sim card etc. card/WiFi, antenna

Replace the Connected

Services Gateway


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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.6 Troubleshooting the Connected Services Gateway

Troubleshooting procedure for options 3G or WiFi

The troubleshooting table is supposed to be used as a detailed instruction together
with the troubleshooting flowchart.
Action Note
1 Check the STATUS LED on the Connec- If the LED is:
ted Services Gateway. • Red/green, flashing: An internal
error has occurred, proceed with
step 11.
• OFF, the unit is faulty, or it does
not have sufficient input voltage,
or the connection of the connector
X2 is not ok. Proceed with step 3.
2 Check the LINK LED on the Connected If the LED is:
Services Gateway. • OFF, the unit is faulty, or it does
not have sufficient input voltage,
or the connection of the connector
X2 is not ok. Proceed with step 3.
• Flashing: An internal error has oc-
curred, proceed with step 11.
3 Measure the input voltage to the Connec- Use a multimeter and insulating gloves.
ted Services Gateway. The input voltage should be 24 V.
Make sure that connector X1 is connected
properly on both ends.
• If the input voltage is normal, pro-
ceed with step 4.
• If the input voltage is abnormal,
Troubleshooting the robot signal
exchange proxy on page 407.


For more details, see Circuit dia-

gram - OmniCore C90XT.

4 Check that the connector X2 is well con- Make sure that connector X2 is connected
nected and the network connection prop- properly on both ends.
erties are available. • If the connection is OK, proceed
with step 5.
• If there is a problem with the con-
nection, repair the connection and
go back to step 1.
5 Check the indicator RF LEDs on the If the RF LEDs are:
Connected Services Gateway. • ON, the Connected Services Gate-
way is connected to network and
works well.
• OFF, the Connected Services
Gateway is faulty or the connection
of the connector X3 is not ok. Pro-
ceed with step 6.
6 Check that the connector X3 is well con- Make sure that connector X3 is connected
nected. properly on both ends.
• If the connection is OK, proceed
with step 7.
• If there is a problem with the con-
nection, repair the connection and
go back to step 5.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.6 Troubleshooting the Connected Services Gateway

Action Note
7 Check that the right type of the antenna • If the antenna is not working, repair
is connected properly. the connection or move the an-
tenna to a location with better RF
Tip • If the antenna is ok, proceed with
step 11.
Try moving the antenna to different loca-
tions if the RF signal level is low.

8 On the FlexPendant, check the connec- Verify that the configuration is done cor-
tion log in Backup and Restore. rectly.
Verify that the mobile operator is detected
(for 3G).
9 For 3G, use a cell phone to test that the See the Connected Services Gateway
sim card is working. configuration in Operating manual - Integ-
For WiFi, use a cell phone to verify the rator's guide OmniCore.
WiFi access.


When testing with a cell phone, use the

same configuration on the cell phone.

10 For 3G and WiFi, check the antenna con-

11 The Connected Services Gateway may How to replace the unit is described in
be faulty, replace it and verify that the Replacing the Connected Services Gate-
problem is resolved. way on page 202.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.7 Troubleshooting the Ethernet switch

7.3.7 Troubleshooting the Ethernet switch

The illustration shows the location of the Ethernet switch in the controller.


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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.7 Troubleshooting the Ethernet switch

The illustration below shows the indication LEDs on the Ethernet switch.


A Status LED

Description Significance
Status LED Startup sequence:
1 No color: Input voltage is outside specified voltage or internal fault
in the switch.
2 Green, solid: The switch is operational.
If the LED does not turn steady green, the status indicator LED can be
used to identify the following issues:
Fault indication:
• No color: If input voltage is within specified voltage limits and the
LED is not lit then replace the switch.
Ethernet LEDs Shows the status of Ethernet links.
• Off:10 Mbps data rate is selected.
• On:100/1000 Mbps data rate is selected.
• Flashing: The Ethernet is active on link.
• Solid: A LAN link is established.
• Off: A LAN link is not established.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.8 Troubleshooting the axis computer

7.3.8 Troubleshooting the axis computer

The illustration shows the location of the axis computer in the controller.


The illustration below shows the LEDs on the axis computer.



A Ethernet LED (yellow)

B Ethernet LED (green)
C Status LED

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.8 Troubleshooting the axis computer

Description Significance
Axis computer Normal sequence during startup:
status LED 1 Red, solid: Default at power-up.
2 Red, flashing: Establish connection to main computer and load
program to axis computer.
3 Green, flashing: Start-up of axis computer program and connect
peripheral units.
4 Green, solid: Start-up sequence ready. Application is running.
The following indicates errors:
• No color: No power to axis computer or internal error (hard-
• Red, solid: The axis computer has failed to initialize basic hard-
• Red, flashing continuously: Missing connection to main computer,
main computer start-up problem or RobotWare installation problem.
• Green, flashing continuously: Missing connections to peripheral
units or RobotWare start-up problem.
Ethernet LED Shows the status of Ethernet communication.
• Off:10 Mbps data rate is selected.
• On:100 Mbps data rate is selected.
• Flashing: The two units are communicating on the Ethernet chan-
• Solid: A LAN link is established.
• Off: A LAN link is not established.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.9 Troubleshooting the main computer

7.3.9 Troubleshooting the main computer

The illustration shows the location of the main computer in the controller.


The illustration below shows the LEDs on the main computer:



A Power status LED

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.9 Troubleshooting the main computer

B HDD status LED

C Status LED

Description Significance
Power status, PC The power status LED indicates the status of the power supply and the
PWR (green) main computer hardware and firmware.
Normal behavior:
• Off: During a normal startup the LED is off, until the COM Express
module inside the computer unit is started.
• On solid: After completion of startup the LED is steady on.
Failure during startup (off between blinks). One to four short blinks, one
second off. This is repeated until power off.
• Internal fail of power, FPGA, and/or the COM Express module.
• Replace the computer unit.
Power failure during runtime (fast flashing between blinks). One to five
blinks, 20 fast flashing blinks. This is repeated until power off.
• Temporary voltage drop, cycle the power to the controller.
• Check the power supply voltage to the computer unit.
• Replace the computer unit.
Disk status, PC The disk status LED indicates access to the main computer persistent
HDD memory.
Normal behavior:
• No color at power on: R34 FPGA is loaded on the main board.
• Yellow: Access (read/write) to internal mass memory.
Computer status, The computer status LED indicates the startup progress of RobotWare
PC STAT on the main computer.
(red/green) Normal behavior:
1 Red, solid: Default when turning on the power.
2 Red, flashing: Initial self-test is ongoing and the operating system
is loading.
3 Green, even flashing (~1Hz): The operating system is loaded and
RobotWare is initializing.
4 Green, uneven flashing: The RobotWare system failed to load or
is not installed.
5 Green, solid: The computer is operational and the RobotWare
system is fully loaded.
If the LED does not turn steady green after approximately 5 minutes then
the LED can be used to identify the following issues:
• No color: The internal power initialization failed. Restart the con-
troller. Replace the main computer if the problem remains.
• Red, solid: Internal error. Restart the controller. Replace the main
computer if the problem remains.
• Red, flashing continuously: Failed to load the operating system.
Restart the controller. See Controller fails to start on page 374.
Replace the main computer if the problem remains.
• Green, even flashing continuously (~1Hz): Failure during start up.
Check error messages on FlexPendant. See Controller fails to
start on page 374.
• Green, uneven flashing: RobotWare Installation Utilities mode.

For information about the LEDs on the AnybusCC slave fieldbus adapter and the
PCIExpress master/slave fieldbus board, see the corresponding fieldbus manual.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.9 Troubleshooting the main computer

Troubleshooting procedure

Action Note
1 If the LEDs do not turn steady after See LEDs on page 398.
approximately 5 minutes then re-
start the controller and check the
LEDs again.
2 Force start the RobotWare Installa-
tion Utilities mode, see Controller
fails to start on page 374.
3 Re-install RobotWare, if possible.
4 The main computer may be faulty, See Replacing the main computer on page 213.
replace it and verify that the fault
has been fixed.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.10 Troubleshooting the power supply

7.3.10 Troubleshooting the power supply

The illustration below shows the location of the system power supply in the


The illustration below shows the LEDs on the power supply.


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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.10 Troubleshooting the power supply


Description Significance
DC OK LED Green: All DC outputs are above the specified minimum levels.
Off: One or more DC outputs are below the specified minimum level.

Required test equipment

Equipment needed for troubleshooting.
Equipment Note
Insulating gloves
Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009


1 Check the FlexPendant for errors and warnings.
2 Power the controller off. Wait one minute, power the controller on.
3 Make sure that the control system power supply is in run-time mode.
Wait 30-60 seconds after power-on.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.10 Troubleshooting the power supply

Troubleshooting flowchart

Troubleshooting the
power supply

Check DC LED


24V < DC < 27V DC > 27V Replace power

Measure DC output

DC < 24V

Short circuit Short circuit on

Repair short on A1 Check for short circuit power supply
circuit on output

No short circuit

Measure power AC ok
supply AC input

AC not ok

Repair AC not ok Check AC connection
connection between power supply
and A1

Connection ok

AC not ok Measure AC to
Repair AC input

AC ok

Faulty cable
Repair cabling Check cabling

Cable ok

Troubleshoot the
Power supply is ok
power unit


Troubleshooting procedure
The troubleshooting table is supposed to be used as a detailed instruction together
with the troubleshooting flowchart.
Test Note
1 Check the LED (labelled DC OK) on If the LED is:
the power supply. • Green: the power supply should be
working properly.
• Off: either the power supply is faulty or
it does not have sufficient input voltage.
Proceed with step 2.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.10 Troubleshooting the power supply

Test Note
2 Measure the DC voltage while the Use a multimeter and insulating gloves.
output is connected to the robot Measure at the DC output connector X2. The
signal exchange proxy or some voltage should be: +24 V < U < +27 V.
other load. • If the voltage measured at the load falls
below +24 V, voltage drops in the cables
and connectors.
• If the correct voltage is detected and the
DC OK LED is green, the power supply
is working properly.
• If the correct voltage is detected and the
DC OK LED is off, the power supply is
regarded as faulty but does not have to
be replaced instantly.
• If the DC OK voltage is higher than 27
V, proceed with step 10.
• If the DC OK voltage is below 24 V, pro-
ceed with step 3.
3 Power the controller OFF and Use a multimeter and insulating gloves.
measure the resistance.
4 Check for short circuit on DC out- Measure the resistance between voltage pins
put. and ground. The resistance should not be less
Check both the DC output connect- than 10 ohm.
or X2 on the power supply and the
input connector X1 on the robot Note
signal exchange proxy.
Do not measure the resistance between pins.
Dual pins are used for both power supply and
• If no short circuit is found, proceed with
step 6.
• If a short circuit is found on the power
supply, proceed with step 10.
• If a short circuit is found on the robot
signal exchange proxy, get that unit
working. Verify that the fault has been
fixed and restart this guide if necessary.
5 Switch on power to the controller.
6 Measure the input voltage on the Use a multimeter and insulating gloves.
power supply. Voltage should be: 172 V < U < 276 V for a 230
V system.
• If the input voltage is correct, proceed
with step 10.
• If no or the wrong input voltage is detec-
ted, proceed with step 7.
7 Make sure that the connection • If the connection is OK, proceed with
between the power supply and the step 8.
power unit is ok. • If the connection is faulty, repair the
connection. Verify that the fault has been
fixed and restart this guide if necessary.
8 Make sure that the supplied input • If the input voltage is correct, proceed
voltage to the controller is correct. with step 9.
• If the input voltage is faulty, correct it.
Verify that the fault has been fixed and
restart this guide if necessary.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.10 Troubleshooting the power supply

Test Note
9 Check the cabling. Make sure that the cabling is correctly connec-
ted and not faulty.
• If the cabling is OK, see Troubleshooting
the power unit on page 382. Verify that
the fault has been fixed and restart this
guide if necessary.
• If the cabling is found unconnected or
faulty, connect/replace it. Verify that the
fault has been fixed and restart this
guide if necessary.
10 The power supply may be faulty, See Replacing the power supply on page 247.
replace it and verify that the fault
has been fixed.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.11 Troubleshooting the fieldbus adapter slave

7.3.11 Troubleshooting the fieldbus adapter slave

The illustration shows the location of the fieldbus adapter slave in the controller.


The illustration below shows the indication LEDs on the fieldbus adapter slave.


A Power LED
B Status LED

Description Significance
Power LED Fault indication:
• No color: Input voltage is outside of the specified voltage limits.
• Green, solid: Input voltage is within the specified limit.
Fieldbus adapter Startup sequence:
slave status LED Red:
(red/green) 1 Red, solid: Loading bootloader.
2 Red, flashing: Power on self-test is ongoing, loading operating
3 Green, flashing: Loading RobotWare and waiting for communica-
4 Green, solid: System ready.
If the LED does not turn steady green after 30-60 sec, the status indicator
LED can be used to identify the following issues:
Fault indication:
• No color: Power to the fieldbus adapter slave is missing.
• Red, solid: Internal error.
• Red, flashing continuously: Firmware error or self-test failure.
• Green, flashing continuously: Communication error to another
module. Check the messages on the FlexPendant.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.12 Troubleshooting the robot signal exchange proxy

7.3.12 Troubleshooting the robot signal exchange proxy

The illustration below shows the location of the robot signal exchange proxy in the


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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.12 Troubleshooting the robot signal exchange proxy

The illustration below shows the LEDs on the robot signal exchange proxy:
Description Significance
MS Status LED (bi-colored green/red) for the The status indicator LED can be used to
robot signal exchange proxy. identify the following status during star-
tup/power on:
• Red, solid: Default when power is
• Red, flashing: Power on self-test
ongoing, operating system is
• Green, flashing: Application is
loaded and waiting for communic-
• Green, solid: Module is operation-
If the LED does not turn steady green
after 30-60 sec, the status LED can be
used to identify the following issues:
• No color: Power to the robot signal
exchange proxy is missing.
• Red, solid: Internal error.
• Red, flashing: Firmware error or
self-test failure.
• Green, flashing: Communication
error to another module.
AS1 & Automatic stop LEDs (green) Automatic stop LED can be used to
AS2 AS1:Automatic stop LED channel 1 identify the following status:
• No color (not lit): Automatic stop
AS2:Automatic stop LED channel 2 input loop is open.
• Green, solid: Automatic stop input
loop is closed.
ES1 & External emergency stop LEDs (green) External emergency stop LED can be
ES2 ES1:External emergency stop LED used to identify the following status:
channel 1 • No color (not lit): External emer-
gency stop input loop is open.
ES2:External emergency stop LED
channel 2 • Green, solid: External emergency
stop input loop is closed.
ES- Emergency stop output LEDs (green) Emergency stop output LED can be used
OUT1 ES1:Emergency stop output LED chan- to identify the following status:
& ES- nel 1 • No color (not lit): Emergency stop
OUT2 output logic low (0V) status.
ES2:Emergency stop output LED chan-
nel 2 • Green, solid: Emergency stop out-
put logic high (24V) status.
MON Motors_ON LED (white) Motors_ON LED can be used to identify
the following status:
• No color: Motors_ON function is
• White, solid: Motors_ON function
is on.
• White, flashing: safety loop is
open, for example after an emer-
gency stop.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.12 Troubleshooting the robot signal exchange proxy

Description Significance
AC ACOK LED (green) ACOK LED can be used to identify the
following status:
• No color: AC OK signal is de-active
or logic power failure.
• Green, solid: AC OK signal is act-
ive and logic power available.
PS Internal power (24 V power supply) input Internal power input LED can be used to
LED (green) identify the following status:
• No color: Internal power input
voltage is not in normal range.
• Green, solid: Internal power input
voltage is in normal range.
PC Main computer power output LED (green) Main computer power output LED can be
used to identify the following status:
• No color: Main computer power
output voltage is not in normal
• Green, solid: Main computer power
output voltage is in normal range.
HMI FlexPendant power output LED (green) FlexPendant power output LED can be
used to identify the following status:
• No color: FlexPendant power out-
put voltage is not in normal range.
• Green, solid: FlexPendant power
output voltage is in normal range.
EP External power input LED (green) External power input LED can be used to
identify the following status:
• No color: External power input
voltage is not in normal range.
• Green, solid: External power input
voltage is in normal range.

Required test equipment

Equipment needed for troubleshooting.
Equipment Note
Insulating gloves
Circuit diagram - OmniCore C90XT 3HAC065464-009


1 Check the FlexPendant for errors and warnings.
2 Power the controller off. Wait one minute, power the controller on.
3 Make sure that the control system power supply is in run-time mode.
Wait 30-60 seconds after power-on.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.12 Troubleshooting the robot signal exchange proxy

Troubleshooting flowchart
Troubleshooting robot
signal exchange proxy

Replace robot
Turn off power until all LED (except MS) are off,
signal exchange
then turn on power and wait 1 min

Not lit Flashing red/green

Check LED MS

Repair Green
connection Measure 24V DC = 24V
DC input voltage

DC < 24V

Check connection Measure 24V DC DC < 24V

Connection to power supply output voltage
not ok
Connection ok DC = 24V
Repair connection

Check LEDs: Not lit

AS1, AS2, ES1, ES2

Lit not ok
Check connector
X14, X15
Connection ok external

Check external safety

No resistance

Measure AC OK signal

High impedance

No problem found in robot

Troubleshoot power supply Troubleshoot power unit
signal exchange proxy


Troubleshooting procedure
The troubleshooting table is supposed to be used as a detailed instruction together
with the troubleshooting flowchart.
Test Action
1 Check the indicator LED MS. If the LED_MS is:
• Green, proceed with step 4.
• Flashing red/green, a firmware upgrade error
has occurred. This is not supposed to happen
during runtime mode, proceed with step 9.
• OFF, either the robot signal exchange proxy
is faulty or it does not have sufficient input
voltage. Proceed with step 2.

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7 Troubleshooting
7.3.12 Troubleshooting the robot signal exchange proxy

Test Action
2 Measure the input voltage to Use a multimeter and insulating gloves.
the robot signal exchange The input voltage should be 24 V.
Make sure that connector X1 is connected properly
on both ends.
Tip • If the input voltage is normal, proceed with
step 4.
For more details, see Circuit • If the input voltage is abnormal, proceed with
diagram - OmniCore C90XT. step 3.

3 Check connection to the • If the connection is OK, Troubleshooting the

power supply unit. power supply on page 401.
• If there is a problem with the connection, re-
pair the connection and start over.
4 Measure the 24 V DC outputs Use a multimeter and insulating gloves.
voltage. The output voltage should be 24 V.
Make sure that connectors X2, X3, X4, X5, X17 and
X19 are connected properly on both ends.
• If the output voltage is normal, proceed with
step 5.
• If the output voltage is abnormal, proceed with
step 9.
5 Check the indicator LEDs The indicator LEDs are labelled AS1, AS2, ES1, ES2.
AS1, AS2, ES1, ES2. If the LEDs LED_AS1, AS2, ES1, ES2 are:
• On (solid yellow), the robot signal exchange
proxy works well.
• Off, either the robot signal exchange proxy is
faulty or it does not have sufficient input
voltage. Proceed with step 6.
6 Check that the customer inter- If the customer interface connectors are not well
face connectors are well con- connected to X14 and X15, the robot signal exchange
nected to X14 and X15. proxy cannot work normally.
• If the connection is OK, proceed with step 7.
Tip • If there is a problem with the connection, re-
pair the connection and go to step 5.
For more details, see Circuit
diagram - OmniCore C90XT.

7 Check external safety ac- Use a multimeter and insulating gloves.

cessories. Measure the continuity in the connector. If there is
resistance, troubleshoot the external equipment.
8 Measure the AC OK signal. Use a multimeter and insulating gloves.
The AC OK should be 0 V.
Make sure that connector X10 is connected properly
on both ends.
• If the AC OK signal is 24 V, see
Troubleshooting the power unit on page 382.
• If the AC OK signal is 0 V, proceed with step
9 The robot signal exchange How to replace the unit is detailed in Replacing the
proxy may be faulty, replace robot signal exchange proxy on page 192.
it and verify that the fault has
been fixed.

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8 Reference information
8.1 Introduction

8 Reference information
8.1 Introduction

This chapter includes general information, complementing the more specific
information in the different procedures in the manual.

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8 Reference information
8.2 Applicable standards

8.2 Applicable standards


The listed standards are valid at the time of the release of this document. Phased
out or replaced standards are removed from the list when needed.

The product is designed in accordance with ISO 10218-1:2011, Robots for industrial
environments - Safety requirements -Part 1 Robots, and applicable parts in the
normative references, as referred to from ISO 10218-1:2011. In case of deviations
from ISO 10218-1:2011, these are listed in the declaration of incorporation which
is part of the product delivery.

Normative standards, ISO

Standard Description
ISO 9283:1998 Manipulating industrial robots - Performance criteria and related
test methods
ISO 10218-2 Robots and robotic devices - Safety requirements for industrial
robots - Part 2: Robot systems and integration
ISO 12100 Safety of machinery - General principles for design - Risk as-
sessment and risk reduction
ISO 13849-1:2006 Safety of machinery - Safety related parts of control systems
- Part 1: General principles for design
ISO 13850 Safety of machinery - Emergency stop - Principles for design
IEC 60204-1:2005 Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines - Part
1: General requirements
IEC 62061:2005 Safety of machinery - Functional safety of safety-related elec-
trical, electronic and programmable electronic control systems

Deviations from ISO 10218-1:2011 for OmniCore

A deviation exists in OmniCore from paragraph 5.3.5 Single point of control. Single
point of control cannot be guaranteed in automatic mode. See Three-position
enabling device on page 25.

Other standards used in design

Standard Description
ISO 9787:2013 Robots and robotic devices -- Coordinate systems and motion
IEC 61000-6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-2: Generic
standards – Immunity standard for industrial environments
IEC 61000-6-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 6-4: Generic
(option 129-1) standards – Emission standard for industrial environments

ISO 13732-1:2008 Ergonomics of the thermal environment - Part 1

IEC 60974-1:2012 i Arc welding equipment - Part 1: Welding power sources

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8 Reference information
8.2 Applicable standards

Standard Description
IEC 60974-10:2014 i Arc welding equipment - Part 10: EMC requirements
ISO 14644-1:2015 ii Classification of air cleanliness
IEC 60529:1989 + A2:2013 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code)
i Only valid for arc welding robots. Replaces IEC 61000-6-4 for arc welding robots.
ii Only robots with protection Clean Room.

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8 Reference information
8.3 Unit conversion

8.3 Unit conversion

Converter table
Use the following table to convert units used in this manual.
Quantity Units
Length 1m 3.28 ft. 39.37 in
Weight 1 kg 2.21 lb.
Weight 1g 0.035 ounces
Pressure 1 bar 100 kPa 14.5 psi
Force 1N 0.225 lbf
Moment 1 Nm 0.738 lbf-ft
Volume 1L 0.264 US gal

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8 Reference information
8.4 Standard toolkit for controller

8.4 Standard toolkit for controller

All service (repair, maintenance and installation) instructions contain lists of tools
required to perform the specified activity. All special tools, that is, all tools that are
not considered as standard tools as defined below, are listed in their instructions
This way, the tools required are the sum of the standard toolkit and any tools listed
in the instructions.

Standard toolkit for controller

Tool Description
Screw driver, Torx Tx10
Screw driver, Torx Tx20
Screw driver, Torx Tx25
Ball tipped screw driver, Torx Tx25
Screw driver, flat blade 4 mm
Screw driver, flat blade 8 mm
Screw driver, flat blade 12 mm
Screw driver Phillips-1
Box spanner 8 mm

Toolkit recommended for troubleshooting

Tool Note
Normal shop tools Contents as specified above.
Multimeter -
Camera To document problems or procedures

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8 Reference information
8.5 Screw joints

8.5 Screw joints

This section details how to tighten the various types of screw joints on the controller.
The instructions and torque values are valid for screw joints comprised of metallic
materials and do not apply to soft or brittle materials.

Tightening torque
Before tightening any screw, note the following:
• Determine whether a standard tightening torque or special torque is to be
applied. The standard torques are specified in the tables below. Any special
torques are specified in the Repair, Maintenance or Installation procedure
description. Any special torque specified overrides the standard value.
• Use the correct tightening torque for each type of screw joint.
• Only use correctly calibrated torque keys.
• Always tighten the joint by hand, and never use pneumatical tools.
• Use the correct tightening technique, i.e. do not jerk. Tighten the screw in a
slow, flowing motion.
• Maximum allowed total deviation from the specified value is 10%!
The table below specifies the recommended standard tightening torque for
oil-lubricated screws with slotted or cross-recess heads.
Dimension Tightening torque (Nm)
Class 4.8, oil-lubricated
M2.5 0.25
M3 0.5
M4 1.2
M5 2.5
M6 5.0

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8 Reference information
8.6 Weight specifications

8.6 Weight specifications

In all repair and maintenance instructions, weights of the components handled are
sometimes specified. All components exceeding 22 kg (50 lbs) are high-lighted in
this way.
To avoid injury, ABB recommends the use of lifting equipment when handling
components with a weight exceeding 22 kg.

Below is an example of how a weight specification is presented:


The transformer weighs 55 kg! All lifting equipment used must be sized

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8 Reference information
8.7 Lifting accessories and lifting instructions

8.7 Lifting accessories and lifting instructions

Many repair and maintenance activities require different pieces of lifting accessories,
which are specified in each procedure.
The use of each piece of lifting accessories is not detailed in the activity procedure,
but in the instruction delivered with each piece of lifting accessories.
This implies that the instructions delivered with the lifting accessories should be
stored for later reference.

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9 Spare parts

9 Spare parts
Spare part level
ABB spare parts are categorized into two levels, L1 and L2. Always check the part
level before conducting a service work on a spare part.
• L1 spare parts
The L1 parts can be replaced in the field. The maintenance and replacement
instructions given in the related product manuals must be strictly followed.
If there are any problems, contact your local ABB for support.
• L2 spare parts
To replace the L2 parts require specialized training and might need special
tools. Only ABB field service personnel or qualified personnel trained by
ABB can replace L2 parts.

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

9.1 Controller parts


Removed parts and spare parts must not be disassembled or opened.

Drive units


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC063913-001 Drive DSQC3041 L1

Power units


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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC059152-001 Power unit DSQC3044 L1

Harness ETH outlet connection


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC070053-001 Harness ETH outlet with cable L1

Manipulator signal connectors (SMB)


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC069674-001 Harness Single SMB connection L1

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
B 3HAC069675-001 Harness Double SMB connection L1

Harness TPU connection


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC069673-001 Harness TPU connection L1

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Blind plate


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
- 3HAC069953-001 Blind plate L1

Harness motors power


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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC069672-001 Harness Motors power LV 6-axis L1

Scalable I/O devices


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
- 3HAC060919-001 Connectors digital base/add on L1
A 3HAC058663-001 Local I/O Digital base [3032-1] (op- DSQC1030 L1
B 3HAC058664-001 Digital add-on [3033-2] (Add-on) DSQC1031 L1
C 3HAC058665-001 Analog add-on [3034-2] (Add-on) DSQC1032 L1
- 3HAC060925-001 Connectors I/O Analog (Add-on) L1
- 3HAC058666-001 Relay add-on [3035-2] (Add-on) DSQC1033 L1
- 3HAC060926-001 Connectors I/O Relay L1

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

DeviceNet master


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC043383-001 DeviceNet Board (option) DSQC1006 L1



Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HNA027579-001 Conveyor tracking module [3103-1] DSQC2000 L1
- 3HNA029345-001 CONNECTOR KIT - DSQC2000 L1

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
- 3HAC069618-001 Harness 24V_CTM Power cable of L1

Connected Services Gateway


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC060960-001 Connected Services-3G [3013-3] L1
B 3HAC028459-001 Magnetic roof antenna, 3G (baseline) L1
C 3HAC060962-001 Connected Services-WiFi [3013-2] L1
D 3HAC059424-001 Magnetic roof antenna, WiFi (option) L1
E 3HAC061701-001 Connected Services-Wired [3013-1] DSQC1041 L1

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Ethernet switches


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC059187-001 Ethernet Extension switch [3014-1] DSQC1035 L1

Vision parts

Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
- 3HAC053944-001 8 mm camera lens, LTC-08F L1
- 3HAC053944-002 12.5 mm camera lens, LFC-12.5F L1
- 3HAC053944-003 16 mm camera lens, LFC-16F1 L1
- 3HAC053944-004 25 mm camera lens, LFC-25F1 L1
- 3HAC053953-001 Integr Vision camera med. Res DSQC1020 L1
- 3HAC053954-001 Integr Vision camera high res DSQC1021 L1
- 3HAC051753-003 Integr Vision power cable L1
- 3HAC051736-003 Integr Vision ethernet cable L1

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts



Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC065526-001 Heat exchanger L1
B 3HAC059214-001 Standard fan L1

Axis computer


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC029157-001 Axis Computer DSQC 668 L1

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Main computer


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC063061-001 Main computer module assembly L1

Power supply device


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC071301-001 Power supply DSQC3035 L1
B 3HAC14178-1 DSQC 609 power supply DSQC 609 L1
C 3HAC13398-2 DSQC 634 power supply DSQC 634 L1

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Fieldbus adapter slaves


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
- 3HAC062390-001 Fieldbus slot cover (baseline) L1
A 3HAC045973-001 DeviceNet Slave Fieldbus adaptor DSQC1004 L1
[3030-1] (option)

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Process, fieldbus and I/O connectors



Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC066396-001 Cable grommet asm (option) L1

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Air filter


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC068416-001 Air filter-Fine filter L1
B 3HAC068543-001 Air filter (Polymeric) L1
C 3HAC068415-001 Air filter-coarse filter L1

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Cable grommet asm



Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC069954-001 Blind plate (baseline) L1
B 3HAC066396-001 Cable grommet asm L1

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Main power connection


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC067661-001 Harness AC input with SW Harness-Mains L1
B 3HAC037699-001 Handle for 6 mm switch L1
C 3HAC070308-001 Connector AC power inlet L1

Robot signal exchange proxy


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC064662-001 Signal exchange DSQC3037 L1

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
B 3HAC065107-001 Harness Short-circuit connector Mating connect- L1
or for robot sig-
nal exchange

End clamp



Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAB7983-1 End clamp L1

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

LED indicator


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
- 3HAC065549-001 LED indicator L1

TPU cover


Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
- 3HAC067213-001 TPU cover L1

Cables on the frame
Spare part num- Description Type Spare part
ber level
- 3HAC071430-001 Harness AC input package Harness A1.X6, L1
A1.X7 - T2,T5
- 3HAC066527-001 Harness contactors signals Harness A1.X2 L1
- K2.X6, K2.X11
- 3HAC066520-001 Harness AC_OK signal Harness A1.X13 L1
- K2.X10
- 3HAC066521-001 Harness Temp Sensor Harness K2.X21 L1
- TempSensor
- 3HAC066522-001 Harness 24_SYS_DRV Harness K2.X4 L1
- A1.X9

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9 Spare parts
9.1 Controller parts

Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
- 3HAC066523-001 Harness 24_SYS Harness K2.X3 L1
- K6.X1, K3.X1,
K3.1.X4, K7.X1
- 3HAC066524-001 Harness 24_Trunk Harness K2.X1 L1
- T2.X2
- 3HAC066526-001 Harness 24_Cooling Harness K2.X17 L1
- Cooling

Cables on the drive unit

Spare part num- Description Type Spare part
ber level
- 3HAC063344-001 Harness DC-BUS Harness A1.X4 L1
- T4.X5
- 3HAC064389-001 Harness 24_SYS_DRV Harness A1.X5 L1
- T4.X1
- 3HAC059894-001 Harness EtherCAT Harness T4.X3 L1
- A1.X12

Cables on the power supply

Spare part num- Description Type Spare part
ber level
- 3HAC069617-001 Harness AC input of power supply L1

Cables on the robot signal exchange proxy

Spare part num- Description Type Spare part
ber level
- 3HAC064091-001 Harness 24_PC Harness K2.X2 L1
- K4.X8, A2.X1
- 3HAC059273-001 Harness dual channel safety Harness K2.X12 L1
- K3.X6, K3.X7

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9 Spare parts
9.2 FlexPendant parts

9.2 FlexPendant parts

FlexPendant parts
The illustration below shows the placement of the controller system parts in the
recommended spare part list.




Spare part num- Description Type Spare part

ber level
A 3HAC064211-001 FlexPendant DSQC3060 L1
B 3HAC064927-001 FlexPendant Holder w/t E-stop cover L1
C 3HAC065401-001 Power cable cover L1
D 3HAC065408-001 Joystick guard L1
E 3HAC064448-002 FlexPendant power cable 3 m L1
3HAC064448-001 FlexPendant power cable 10 m L1
3HAC064448-003 FlexPendant power cable 30 m L1
F 3HAC065419-001 Fasten strip L1
- 3HAC068915-001 FlexPendant extension cable, 15 m L1
- 3HAC068915-002 FlexPendant extension cable, 22 m L1
- 3HAC068915-005 FlexPendant extension cable, 30 m L1

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9 Spare parts
9.3.1 Manipulator cables

9.3 Manipulator cables

9.3.1 Manipulator cables

Power cables, IRB 1100, 1300, 910INV

Power cable length Article number Power cable level

Power cable 3 m 3HAC061139-001 L1
Power cable 7 m 3HAC061139-002 L1
Power cable 15 m 3HAC061139-003 L1

Signal cables, IRB 1100, 910INV

Singal cable length Article number Singal cable level

Signal cable, shielded: 3 m 3HAC067446-001 L1
Signal cable, shielded: 7 m 3HAC067446-002 L1
Signal cable, shielded: 15 m 3HAC067446-003 L1

Signal cables, IRB 1300

Singal cable length Article number Signal cable level

Signal cable, shielded: 3 m 3HAC067446-001 L1
Signal cable, shielded: 7 m 3HAC067446-002 L1
Signal cable, shielded: 15 m 3HAC067446-003 L1
Signal cable, shielded: 30 m 3HAC067446-004 L1

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9 Spare parts
9.3.2 Customer cables - CP/CS connectors (option)

9.3.2 Customer cables - CP/CS connectors (option)

CP/CS cables, IRB 1100, 1300, 910INV

CP/CS cable length Article number CP/CS cable level

3m 3HAC067449-001 L1
7m 3HAC067449-002 L1
15 m 3HAC067449-003 L1

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9 Spare parts
9.3.3 Customer cables - Ethernet floor cable

9.3.3 Customer cables - Ethernet floor cable

Ethernet floor cables, IRB 1100, 1300, 910INV (option)

One end is RJ45, one end is X-code.

Ethernet floor cable length Article number Ethernet floor cable

Eth.RJ45_X floor cable, 7 m 3HAC067447-002 L1
Eth.RJ45_X floor cable, 15 m 3HAC067447-003 L1

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Index D
damaged bearings, 376
damaged parallel bar, 376
3 detaching FlexPendant, 76
3rd party software, 47
A installing, 123
ABB Ability Connected Services Gateway dimensions, 39
replacing, 202 disconnecting FlexPendant, 76
Ability port, 85 disposal of storage media, 351
allergenic material, 30 double SMB harness
aluminum installing, 106
disposal, 352 drive unit
ambient humidity LED, 380
operation, 40 replacing, 257
storage, 39
ambient temperature
earth fault protection, 73
operation, 40
Earth fault protection, tripped, 361
storage, 39
emergency stop, 22
definition, 22
configuring, 99
function test, 165
assembly instructions, 51
emergency stops, 24
assessment of hazards and risks, 30
enabling device, 25
automatic mode, 29
function test, 167
automatic stop, 99
EN ISO 13849-1, 14
auto stop
environmental information, 352
function test, 169
axis computer
damage elimination, 43
LED, 396
sensitive equipment, 43
replacing, 175
esd elimination, 42
B Ethernet
batteries installing, 113
disposal, 352 Ethernet extension switch
brakes not releasing, 365 installing, 113
Ethernet switch
C LED, 395
cabinet lock, 31 replacing, 198
cables, 69 external I/O
carbon dioxide extinguisher, 31 installing, 110
Category1AS, 23 replacing, 208
Category1ES, 23
category 0 stop, 22 F
category 1 stop, 22 fan
category 2 stop, 22 replacing, 181
cleaning faulty calibration, 376
FlexPendant, 44 faulty TCP definition, 376
cleaning of the controller, 159 fieldbus, 103
cleaning the FlexPendant, 160 fieldbus adapter
climbing on robot, 34 installing, 120
Connected Services Gateway fieldbus adapter slave
LED, 389 LED, 406
replacing, 202 fieldbus master
test equipment, 390 installing, 122
troubleshooting flowchart, 391 replacing, 265
connection fire extinguishing, 31
manipulator cables, 69 firewall settings, 86
connections, 79 firmware, reflashing failure, 375
controller FlexPendant
symbols, 19 blue screen, 369
controller fails to start, 374 cleaning, 44
controller mode, 374 connecting, disconnecting, 76
cooling fan storage, 44
replacing, 181 FlexPendant cannot connect to system, 374
copper FlexPendant connector, 137, 143, 284, 306, 312, 321
disposal, 352 FlexPendant holder, 58
FlexPendant joystick not working, 373
FlexPendant not responding, 369

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FlexPendant not starting, 369 M

function tests, 165 main computer
LED, 398
G replacing, 213
general stop, 99 main power supply, 91
grounding, 73 management port, 84
GS manipulator cables, 69
configuring, 99 manual full speed mode, 27
manual high speed mode, 27
H manual mode, 27
hanging manual reduced speed mode, 27
installed hanging, 30 mode switch key, 33
harness double SMB motor contactors
installing, 106 function test, 168
hazard levels, 17 MTTFD, 14–15
hazardous material, 352
height N
installed at a height, 30 national regulations, 30
hold-to-run, 25 network security, 46
hot surfaces, 34 noise, 376
HRA, 30 normal operation mode, 374
operation, 40 O
storage, 39 open source software, OSS, 47
operating conditions, 40
I operating mode
I/O connectors, 88 automatic mode, 29
industrial network, 103 function test, 166
installation activities, 52 manual full speed mode, 27
installation space, 56 manual mode, 27
instructions for assembly, 51 manual reduced speed mode, 27
integrator responsibility, 30 optional power supply
internal I/O installing, 116
installing, 110 original spare parts, 13
replacing, 208
J path accuracy, 376
jogging not possible, 373 pedestal
joystick not working, 373 installed on pedestal, 30
performance level, PL, 14
K personnel
key of the mode switch, 33 requirements, 16
PFHD, 14–15
labels PL, performance level, 14
controller, 19 plastic
LAN port, 85 disposal, 352
LED ports, 79
axis computer, 396 power failure during start-up, 361
Connected Services Gateway, 389 power supply
drive unit, 380 LED, 401
Ethernet switch, 395 replacing, 247
fieldbus adapter slave, 406 test equipment, 402
main computer, 398 troubleshooting flowchart, 403
power supply, 401 power supply optional
power unit, 382 installing, 116
robot signal exchange proxy, 408 power unit
LEDs , indication, 358 LED, 382
LEDs not lit, 358 replacing, 242
licenses, 47 test equipment, 383
lifting device, 53 troubleshooting flowchart, 384
limitation of liability, 13 PPE, 16
Lithium problem releasing the robot brakes, 365
disposal, 352 product standards, 414
lock and tag, 31 protection classes, 40
protection type, 40
protective equipment, 16
protective stop

446 Product manual - OmniCore C90XT

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definition, 22 replacing, 208

protective wear, 16 scalable I/O external, 105
scalable I/O internal, 105
R signals
RCD, 73 safety, 17
recovering from emergency stops, 24 sim card
reduced speed control replacing, 202
function test, 172 software licenses, 47
reflashing firmware failure, 375 standards, 414
regional regulations, 30 EN IEC, 414
remote I/O EN ISO, 414
installing, 110 steel
replacing, 208 disposal, 352
replacements, report, 173 stop category 0, 22
report replacements, 173 stop category 1, 22
required performance level, PLr, 14 stop category 2, 22
residual current device, 73 stops
responsibility and validity, 13 overview, 22
risk of burns, 34 storage conditions, 39
robot switch
protection class, 40 Ethernet Extension, 113
protection types, 40 symbols
robot signal exchange proxy safety, 17
connectors, 92 system integrator requirements, 30
LED, 408 system update failure, 364
replacing, 192
test equipment, 409 T
troubleshooting flowchart, 410 teach pendant
RobotWare Installation Utilities mode, 374 connecting, disconnecting, 76
rubber temperatures
disposal, 352 operation, 40
storage, 39
S three-position enabling device, 25
safeguarding, 22 function test, 167
safeguard mechanisms tightening torque, 418
automatic mode, 29 TPU
manual mode, 27 connecting, disconnecting, 76
safety transportation conditions, 39
emergency stop, 22 troubleshooting
ESD, 43 safety, 35
fire extinguishing, 31
signals, 17 U
signals in manual, 17 users
stop functions, 22 requirements, 16
symbols, 17
symbols on controller, 19 V
safety devices, 31 validity and responsibility, 13
safety signals
in manual, 17 W
safety standards, 414 WAN port, 84
safety stops weight, 39
configuring, 99 wrist strap, 42
scalable I/O, 105
connectors, 88 X
installing, 110 X45 IP20, 91

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Robotics & Discrete Automation
S-721 68 VÄSTERÅS, Sweden
Telephone +46 (0) 21 344 400

Robotics & Discrete Automation
Nordlysvegen 7, N-4340 BRYNE, Norway
Box 265, N-4349 BRYNE, Norway
Telephone: +47 22 87 2000

ABB Engineering (Shanghai) Ltd.

Robotics & Discrete Automation
No. 4528 Kangxin Highway
PuDong District
SHANGHAI 201319, China
Telephone: +86 21 6105 6666

ABB Inc.
Robotics & Discrete Automation
1250 Brown Road
Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Telephone: +1 248 391 9000
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Specifications subject to change without notice.

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