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Get Started: Sign up for Trailhead Playground with Salesforce


To complete the exercises in this guide, you need a special Developer Edition org that
contains Salesforce CPQ and our sample data.

Even if you've recently signed up for a special CPQ-enabled Developer Edition org, sign
up for new one now. Also note that the Salesforce CPQ managed package expires after
90 days, so you may need a new org anyway.

1. Sign up for a free Developer Edition org with Salesforce CPQ.

2. Fill out the form. For Email, enter an active email address. For Username, enter a
username that looks like an email address and is unique, but it doesn't need to be a
valid email account (for example, [email protected]).
3. After you fill out the form, click Sign me up. A confirmation message appears.
4. When you receive the activation email (this might take a few minutes), open it and click
Verify Account.
5. Complete your registration by setting your password and challenge question. Tip: Write
down your username, password, and login URL for easy access later
6. You are logged in to your Developer Edition.
EX1: Update Package Settings
Objective: Enable the calculation service introduced in Winter ’16 so advanced features are
available throughout further exercises.

1. Navigate to Setup | Installed Packages

2. Click Configure

3. Uncheck Use Legacy Calculator

4. Click Authorize new calculation service

5. Click Allow
EX2: Create Sample CPQ Quote
Objective: Create a Salesforce CPQ quote to experience the typical process a sales rep might
complete, as well as create a quote record that may be used for further testing.

1. Navigate to Accounts tab, change List View to All Accounts

2. Select Burlington Textiles Corp of America
3. Click New Opportunity
4. Set field values, then Save

5. Navigate to the newly created Opportunity

6. Click New Quote
7. Set field values, then Save

8. Click Edit Lines action on newly created Quote

9. Click Save to Choose Price Book popup

10. Click Add Products

11. Choose the following products, then click Select

Product Code


12. Enter these quantities, click Calculate to verify subtotal, then click Save
Product Code Quantity

EX3: Update Product Fields
Objective: Change how specific products behave when added to a Salesforce CPQ quote, mainly
in regards to subscription pricing calculations.

1. Navigate to Products | Admin Hour

2. Update field values, then Save

3. Update remaining products per table:

Product Code Sub Pricing Sub Term PoT Category PoT % Non Discountable
ADMINHOUR Fixed Price 1
MONITOR1080P Hardware
LDWARRANTY Percent of Total 12 Hardware 5.0
WARRANTY Percent of Total 12 Hardware 0.5
ROUTER Hardware

4. Create the following product:

Product Name Product Code Active Non Discountable
IT Professional Pack ITPROPACK True True

5. Navigate to the Price Books Related tab for IT Professional Pack, click Add Standard
Price, set List Price to 0
EX4: Hardware Products Custom Action
Objective: Create a button in the Quote Line Editor that when clicked, will only show products
from the Hardware product family in the Product Selection screen, while still being able to filter
by Product Family and Product Name.

1. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Custom Action

2. Under Fields & Relationships, click the Label field
3. Click New in Values

4. Enter Add Hardware, then Save

5. Navigate to Custom Actions tab, then click New

6. Set field values, then Save

7. Under the Related tab, click New in Search Filters

8. Set field values

9. Click Save & New

10. Create additional Search Filters with the following values
Filter Name Target Object Target Field Operator Display Order Filter Value Hidden
Product Code Product Product Code starts with 20
Product Family Product Product Family equals 30 Hardware True
EX5: Create Features
Objective: Create Features that will give the ITPROPACK bundle some organization once
Product Options are created. The effect of this exercise is only seen after EX6 is complete.

1. Navigate to the ITPROPACK product

2. Click New Product Feature in the Features related list

3. Set field values, then Save

4. Create remaining features per table:

Feature Name Min Options Number
Computers 0 10
Peripherals 0 20
Printing 0 30
Networking 0 40
Subscriptions 0 50
EX6: Create Options
Objective: Create a series of Product Options to be presented when the ITPROPACK is
configured, defining properties that effect how the sales rep may interact with the options.
Also, update the ITPROPACK so that users enter configuration immediately after selecting the

1. Navigate to the ITPROPACK product

2. Click New Product Option in the Options related list
3. Set field values, then Save

4. Create remaining options per table:

Optional SKU Feature Type Num Qty Qty Edit Select Min Qty
13” Laptop Computers Related Product 10 1 True True
15” Laptop Computers Related Product 20 1 True
Keyboard US Layout Peripherals Related Product 10 1 True
Keyboard UK Layout Peripherals Related Product 20 1 True
Mouse Peripherals Related Product 30 1 True
Monitor 1080p Peripherals Related Product 40 1 True
Laser Printer Printing Accessory 10 1 True
Printer Toner Cartridge Printing Accessory 20 1 True
Printer Maintenance Kit Printing Accessory 30 1
Printer Paper Letter Printing Related Product 40 1 True
Optional SKU Feature Type Num Qty Qty Edit Select Min Qty
Printer Paper A4 Printing Related Product 50 1 True
Router Networking Accessory 10 1
WiFi Access Point Networking Accessory 20 1
WiFi Installation Networking Accessory 30 1
Warranty Subscriptions Accessory 10 1
Loss and Damage Warranty Subscriptions Accessory 20 1
Productivity Suite Subscriptions Related Product 30 1 True
Cloud Storage 1GB Subscriptions Related Product 40 1 True
Admin Hour Subscriptions Accessory 50 20 True 10

5. Navigate to the ITPROPACK product

6. Set below field values, then Save
EX7: Create Option Constraints
Objective: Prevent the sales rep from mistakenly selling products such as the WiFi Access Point
and WiFi Installation without the requisite WiFi Router. Also, prevent the sales rep from selling
more than one type of warranty. All constraints apply only to the ITPROPACK.

1. Navigate to the ITPROPACK product

2. Click New Option Constraint in the Option Constraints related list

3. Set field values, then click Save & New

Installation Option

Router Option

4. Set field values, then click Save & New

Access Point Option

Router Option
5. Set field values, then Save

Warranty Option

LD Warranty Option
EX8: Create Option Constraint with Grouping
Objective: Prevent the sales rep from selling Cloud Storage unless both the WiFi Router AND
the WiFi Access Point have been selected. This constraint only applies to the ITPROPACK.

1. Navigate to the ITPROPACK product

2. Click New Option Constraint in the Option Constraints related list
3. Set field values, then click Save & New

Cloud Storage Option

Router Option

4. Set field values, then Save

Cloud Storage Option

Access Point Option

EX9: Printer Options Product Rule
Objective: Automatically check the Printer Toner Cartridge and Printer Maintenance Kit options
when the sales rep selects the Laser Printer option, so as to remind the sales rep that those
options are frequently sold together when configuring the ITPROPACK.

1. Navigate to Product Rule tab

2. Click New
3. Set Product Rule Name to Setting LASERPRINTER auto-selects PRINTERTONER and
PRINTERMAINTKIT, then set field values as shown below, then Save

4. Click New Configuration Rule in Configuration Rule related list

5. Set field values, then Save

6. Click New Error Condition in Error Conditions related list

7. Set field values, then Save

8. Click New Product Action in Actions

9. Set field values as shown below, then click Save & New
10. Set field values as shown below, then click Save

11. Navigate back to the ITPROPACK

12. Select the LASERPRINTER Product Option
13. Check the Apply Immediately checkbox, then Save
EX10: Toner Quantity Product Rule
Objective: Prevent the sales rep from saving the ITPROPACK configuration when they have
included too few toners for the number of printers selected. Sales reps must sell at least as
many toners as printers.

1. Navigate to Product Rule tab

2. Click New
3. Set field values, then Save

4. Click New Configuration Rule in Configuration Rules related list

5. Set field values, then Save

6. In a new tab, navigate to Summary Variables object to create a new Summary Variable
7. Click New
8. Set field values, then click Save & New

9. Create another Summary Variable, set field values below, then Save

10. Navigate back to the incomplete Product Rule tab

11. Click New Error Condition in Error Conditions
12. Set field values, then Save
EX11: Create Configuration Attributes
Objective: Create a Location field that is visible when configuring the ITPROPACK. The values
gathered by the configuration attribute will be used to drive logic in EX12 and EX13 but will also
be saved to the Quote Line record of each bundle for future reference.

1. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Product Option

2. Click New in Custom Fields & Relationships
3. Choose Picklist then click Next
4. Set field values per below screenshot, click Next, Next, then click Save

5. Navigate to the Setup | Object Manager | Configuration Attribute

6. Under Fields and Relationships, click the Target Field link
7. Click New in Values
8. Enter API name of new Product Option Field and add a new value to Configuration
Attribute Record Type, then Save

9. Navigate back to the ITPROPACK product, the click New in Configuration Attributes
related list
10. Set the following field values, then Save
11. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Quote Line
12. Click New in Fields & Relationships
13. Choose Picklist then click Next
14. Set field values, click Next, Next, then click Save

EX12: US Items Product Rule

Objective: Simplify the ITPROPACK configuration process by removing the UK Keyboard and A4-
sized paper options should the sales rep choose United States for the Location configuration
1. Navigate to Product Rule tab
2. Click New
3. Set field values below with the Product Rule Name Only show US related products when
Location is United States, then Save

4. Click New Configuration Rule in Configuration Rules related list

5. Set field values, then Save

6. In a new browser tab navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Error Condition

7. Under Fields & Relationships, click Tested Field
8. Click New in Values
9. Enter API name of the Product Option Field used for the configuration attribute, then

10. Click the Change link next to Tested Object

11. Double-click the Location API name Location__c under the Configurable Attributes
column, then Save

12. Click OK if a warning popup appears

13. Return to the newly created Product Rule
14. Click New Error Condition in Error Conditions related list
15. Set field values, then Save

16. Click New Product Action in Actions related list

17. Set field values, then click Save & New
18. Create the remaining Product Actions
Type Product
Hide & Remove Keyboard UK Layout
Show Printer Paper Letter
Hide & Remove Printer Paper A4
EX13: UK Items Product Rule
Objective: Clone and modify the US Items Product Rule to remove the US Keyboard and Letter-
sized paper options should the sales rep choose United Kingdom for the Location configuration

1. Navigate to Product Rule tab

2. Click the Product Rule for the Only show US related products when Location is United
3. Click Clone with Related

4. Click Clone

5. Update field value, then Save

6. Click the Edit link for the Error Condition

7. Update field value, then Save

8. Click the Edit link for the first Product Action

9. Update field value, then Save

Repeat steps 8-9 for the remaining Product Actions, switching Hide & Remove to Show, and
vice versa
EX14: Create a Discount Schedule
Objective: Create a discount schedule so that the customer receives a discount for buying
greater quantities of Printer Paper Letter, increasing the discount for every 10 units purchased
up to a limit.

1. Navigate to Discount Schedules tab, then click New

2. Set field values, then Save

3. Click Edit Tiers button on the Discount Schedule details page

4. Set field values below, then Save

5. Navigate to the PRINTERPAPERLETTER product

6. Set Discount Schedule, then Save
EX15: Printer Maintenance Kit Price Rule
Objective: Create a rule that automatically updates the quantity of the Printer Maintenance Kit
product to exactly 2 times the quantity of printers.

1. Navigate to the Price Rules tab

2. Click New
3. Set field values with Product Rule Name Set quantity of PRINTERMAINTKIT to twice the quantity
of LASERPRINTER, then Save

4. Click New in Price Conditions related list

5. Set field values, then Save & New
6. In a new tab, navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Price Action
7. Under Fields & Relationships, click the Target Field link
8. Click New in Values

9. Enter API name of the Quote Line Quantity field, then Save

10. Navigate to Summary Variables, then click New

11. Set field values, then Save

12. Return to the original Price Rule, then click New in Price Action
13. Set field values, then Save

14. BONUS STEP: To prevent the Price Rule from firing when there is no Laser Printer on the
Quote, add an additional Price Condition to the Price Rule with the values below
EX16: WiFi Access Point Price Rule
Objective: Create a rule that automatically sets the quantity of WiFi Access Points to ensure
that 1 Wifi Access Point is included for every twelve 15” Laptops , and that fractional quantities
are not used.

1. Navigate to the Price Rules tab

2. Click New

3. Set field values with the Price Rule Name Set quantity of WIFIAP based on quantity of LAPTOP,
then Save

4. Click New in Price Conditions related list

5. Set field values, then Save

6. In a new tab, navigate to Summary Variables

7. Click New
8. Set field values, then Save
9. Return to the newly created Price Rule
10. Click New in Price Action related list
11. Set field values, then click Save & New

12. Set field values, then Save

EX17: Total Cost of Hardware Price Rule
Objective: Create a rule to automatically update a custom quote-level field to represent the
total cost of only products in the Hardware product family.

1. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Quote Line

2. Under Fields & Relationships, click New
3. Choose Formula then click Next

4. Set field values, then click Next

5. Set formula as described below, then click Next, Next, Save

SBQQ__Cost__r.SBQQ__UnitCost__c * SBQQ__Quantity__c

6. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Quote

7. Under Fields & Relationships, click New

8. Choose Currency then click Next

9. Set field values, then click Next, Next, Save

10. Navigate to the Price Rules tab

11. Click New

12. Set field values, then Save

13. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Price Action

14. Under Fields & Relationships, click the Target Field link
15. Click New in Values

16. Enter API name of the new Quote Field, then Save

17. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Summary Variable

18. Under Fields & Relationships, click the Aggregate Field link

19. Click New in Values

20. Enter API name of the new Quote Line Field, then Save

21. Navigate to the Summary Variables tab and click New

22. Set field values, then Save

23. Return to the original Price Rule, click New in the Price Action related list
24. Set field values, then Save
EX18: Partner Discount Price Rule
Objective: Create a rule to automatically update the Partner Discount quote line field based on
the custom Account field named Partner Level. The discount percent will be either 10, 20, or 30
for bronze, silver, or gold, respectively.

1. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Account

2. Under Fields & Relationships, click New
3. Choose Picklist then click Next

4. Set field values, add Picklist values, then click Next, Next, Save

5. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Quote

6. Under Fields & Relationships, click New
7. Choose Formula then click Next
8. Set field values, then click Next

9. Set formula as described below, then click Next, Next, Save


10. Navigate to the Price Rules tab, click New

11. Set field values, then Save

12. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Price Condition | Fields and Relationships
13. Click the link for the field named “Field”
14. Click New in Values

15. Enter API name of new Quote field, then Save

16. Navigate back to the Price Rule, then click New in Price Conditions related list
17. Set field values, click Save

18. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Price Action

19. Click the Target Field link

20. Click New in Values

21. Enter API name of the Quote Line Partner Discount field, then Save

22. Return to the Price Rule, then click New in Price Actions
23. Set field values and formula body as described below, then Save
EX19: Create a Lookup Object
Objective: Create a custom object to represent a discount matrix of possible partner discount
and product family combinations, to be used in EX20.

1. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager

2. Click Create, the select Custom Object
3. Set field values, then Save

4. Set field values, then click Next, Next, Save

5. Under Fields & Relationships, click New

6. Choose Picklist then click Next

7. Set field values, click Next, Next, then click Save & New

8. Choose Picklist then click Next

9. Set field values as shown below, click Next, Next, then click Save & New

10. Choose Number then click Next

11. Set field values, then click Next, Next, Save

12. Navigate to Partner Level Discount tab

13. Click New
14. Set Fields, then Save & New
15. Create remaining Partner Discount Level records per table:
Name Partner Level Product Family Partner Discount
PLD-0001 Bronze Hardware 5

PLD-0002 Bronze Software 2

PLD-0003 Bronze Support 3

PLD-0004 Silver Hardware 10

PLD-0005 Silver Software 5

PLD-0006 Silver Support 5

PLD-0007 Gold Hardware 15

PLD-0008 Gold Software 8

PLD-0009 Gold Support 7

EX20: Partner Discounts by Product Family
Objective: Create a rule to automatically set the value of Partner Discount based on the account
Partner Level as well as the quote line Product Family by querying the Partner Level Discount
records created in EX19.

1. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Price Rules

2. Under Fields & Relationships, click the Lookup Object link

3. Click New in Values

4. Enter API name of the Partner Level Discount Object, then Save

5. Navigate to the Price Rules tab

6. Click New
7. Set field values, then Save

8. Click New in Price Conditions

9. Set field values, click Save

10. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Lookup Query

11. Under Fields & Relationships, click the Tested Field link

12. Click New in Values

13. Enter name of the Quote Line Product Family field and Quote Partner Level field, then

14. Navigate back to the Lookup Query object

15. Under Fields & Relationships, click the Lookup Field link

16. Click New in Values

17. Enter API name of the Product Family and Partner Level from the Partner Level Discount
Object, then Save
18. Return to the Price Rule created earlier in this exercise, click New in Lookup Query
related list
19. Set field values, then Save & New

20. Set field values, then Save

21. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Price Action

22. Under Fields & Relationships, click the Source Lookup Field link

23. Click New in Values

24. Enter API name of the Partner Discount field from the Partner Level Discount Object,
then Save

25. Return to the Price Rule, click New in Price Action

26. Set field values, then Save
PREP: Template Content Prep
Objective: Update Template Content by removing dead image references to avoid Document
Generation error.

1. Navigate to Template Content tab

2. Change List View to All
3. Click Edit next to the Training Cover Page content
4. In Markup, click the Source button
5. Scroll to the bottom of code and remove following snippet of code
<table width="100%">
<td style="width:100%; height:300px;">
<p style="text-align:right;"><img alt="" height="280"
0000000L4Hl" title="Paychex" width="119" /></p>

6. Follow the steps listed above to remove following snippet of code for Template Cover
Letter content record
<p style="text-align:right; padding-top:250px;"><img alt="" height="280"
o0000000L4Hl" title="Paychex" width="auto" /></p>
EX21: Create a Quote Template
Objective: Create a basic template used to generate simple customer-facing proposals, in PDF

7. Navigate to the Quote Templates tab, click New

8. Set field values, then Save

9. Navigate to any existing quote with line items, then click Preview Document
EX22: Upload a Logo File
Objective: Add a company logo to appear in the upper-left of the first page of the generated

1. Switch to Classic, then navigate to the Documents tab

2. Under Document Folders, select the Salesforce CPQ Assets folder, then click Go

3. Click the document record named Salesforce CPQ Logo

4. Copy the last portion of the URL to obtain the Salesforce ID of the image

5. Navigate to the Quote Template

6. Paste portion of URL into Logo Document ID, then Save
EX23: Add Draft Watermark
Objective: Add a watermark that appears behind text on the generated proposal if the Quote
field named Watermark Shown is true.

1. Switch to Classic, navigate to the Documents tab

2. Choose the Salesforce CPQ Asset folder (click Go! if already selected)

3. Click on Draft Watermark document link

4. Copy the last portion of URL to obtain the Salesforce ID of the image

5. Navigate to the Quote Template

6. Paste portion of URL into Watermark ID, then Save

7. Navigate to any existing quote with line items

8. On a Quote record update field value below, then Save

9. Click Preview Document to see the draft watermark on the quote document
EX24: Add Additional Documents
Objective: Allow sales reps to include supplemental PDFs concatenated to the generated

1. Switch to Classic, navigate to the Documents tab

2. Choose the Salesforce CPQ Asset folder (click Go! if already selected)

3. Click the New Document button

4. Set the field values below and select a sample PDF document (keep file size minimal) to
upload, then click Save

5. Copy the last portion of URL to obtain the Salesforce ID of your document

6. Navigate to the Quote Template

7. Click New Additional Document in Additional Documents

8. Paste portion of URL into Logo Document ID, enter Display Order, then Save

9. Go to a sample Quote and Preview Document, you will see your sample PDF displayed
as an Additional Document
EX25: Assemble Custom Document
Objective: Use provided Template Content to replace the simple structure of the standard
proposal with customizable content. The updated proposal will include a cover page, a page for
a cover letter, the familiar quote line table, updated headers, and an expanded signature block.

1. Navigate to the Quote Template

2. Click New in Sections related list
3. Set field values, then click Save & New

4. Repeat step 3 to create sections for the following template content:

a. Training Cover Letter (display order 20, set page break to Before)
b. Training Tail Header (display order 30, set page break to Before)
c. Training Prepared For (display order 40)
d. Training Line Items (display order 50)
e. Training Signature Block (display order 70)
5. For Training Cover Page and Training Cover Letter content, the source contains
hardcoded image reference that needs to be removed. Follow the steps in Template
Content Prep section of this Exercise Guide.
EX26: Adjust Line Columns
Objective: Change the Part # column to display Product Name instead, while adjusting the
width of the column to accommodate longer text. Reduce the width of the Description column
to account for the larger Product Name column.

1. Navigate to the Quote Template

2. Click Edit next to the Part # column in the Line Columns related list

3. Update field values, then Save

4. Click Edit next to the Description column in the Line Columns related list
5. Update field value, then Save
EX27: Conditional Discount Column
Objective: Setup the Discount column to appear only when sales reps have manually entered
Quote Line discretionary discounts, otherwise the column will disappear and the other columns
will grow to cover the gap.

1. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Line Column

2. Under Fields & Relationships, click the Conditional Print Field link
3. Click New in Values

4. Enter API name of the Quote Line Additional Disc. (Amt) field, then Save

5. Navigate to the Quote Template

6. Under Line Columns, Edit the Disc (%) line column

7. Set field value, then Save

EX28: Conditional Pricing Columns
Objective: Allow sales reps to control visibility of the Unit Price and Extended columns by
creating a Quote checkbox field named Show Pricing Columns. When false, the columns will
disappear and the other columns will grow to fill the gap.

1. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Quote

2. Under Fields & Relationships, click New
3. Choose Checkbox then click Next

4. Enter Show Pricing Columns as the field label, then click Next, Next, Save

5. Navigate Setup | Object Manager | Line Column

6. Under Fields & Relationships, click the Conditional Print Field link
7. Click New in Values

8. Enter API name of the Quote Show Pricing Columns field, then Save

9. Navigate to the Quote Template

10. Under Line Column, Edit the Unit Price line column
11. Set field value, then Save

12. Repeat step 11 for the Extended line column

EX29: Group Subscription Lines
Objective: Separate Quote Lines into two tables, one to show only products that are one-time
purchases, the other to show only subscription products.

1. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Quote Line

2. Under Fields & Relationships, click New
3. Choose Formula, then click Next

4. Enter Subscription Type as the field label, choose Text as the return type, then click Next

5. Set formula body as described below, then click Next, Next, Save
IF(TEXT(SBQQ__SubscriptionPricing__c) <>"", "Subscription", "One-Time")

6. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Template Section

7. Under Fields & Relationships, click the Group Field link

8. Click New in Values

9. Enter API name of the Quote Line Subscription Type field, then Save

10. Return to the Quote Template

11. Under Sections related list, edit the Line Items section

12. Set field value, then Save

EX30: Conditional Line Item Tables
Objective: Allow sales reps to control whether the line item table combines all line items into a
single table, or separate one-time and subscription products into two tables. The custom Quote
field named Separate by Subscription Type will determine if separate tables are created.

1. Navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Quote

2. Under Fields & Relationships, click New
3. Choose Checkbox, then click Next

4. Enter Separate by Subscription Type as the field label, then click Next, Next, Save and

5. Choose Formula then click Next

6. Enter Combine Subscription Type as the field label, choose Checkbox as the return type,
then click Next

7. Set formula body as described below, then click Next, Next, Save
IF(Separate_by_Subscription_Type__c, FALSE, TRUE)

8. Navigate back to Object Manager | Template Section

9. Under Fields & Relationships, click the Conditional Print Field link
10. Click New in Values

11. Enter API names of the custom Quote fields, then Save

12. Navigate back to Quote Template

13. Under Sections related list, edit the Line Item section
14. Set field value, then Save

15. Click the updated Grouped Line Items section link

16. Click the Clone button

17. Update fields, then Save
EX31: Quote Terms Section
Objective: Display premade quote terms on a new page in the generated proposal, beginning
with premade header content, and located immediately before the signature block.

1. Navigate to the Template Content tab, then click New

2. Choose Quote Terms, then click Continue

3. Set field value, then Save

4. Navigate to the Quote Template

5. Under Sections related list, click New
6. Set field values, then click Save & New

7. Set field values, then Save

EX32: Quote Term with Merge Field
Objective: Update an existing quote term to include the Quote Billing Name and Expiration Date
information, inline with static text.

1. Navigate to the Quote Terms tab

2. Change List View to All
3. Click Edit next to the term beginning with “This quote is presented…”

4. Update the term body to include the highlighted text, then Save
EX33: Conditional Quote Term
Objective: Configure a quote term so that it only appears in the generated document when the
Quote field named Status is not equals to ‘Approved’.

1. Navigate to the Quote Terms tab, then click New

2. Set field values, then Save

3. In a new tab, navigate to Setup | Object Manager | Term Condition

4. Under Fields & Relationships, click on Tested Field

5. Click New in Values

6. Enter API name of the Quote Status field, then Save

7. Return to the original Quote Term

8. Under the Term Conditions related list click New
9. Set field values, then Save

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