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What’s Standard? by David Lindop

This series is based on Grant Responder’s Actions With this hand we would respond
Standard, a set of conventions and 1♠ whether or not East overcalls 1♥.
agreements that are in popular use When Right-Hand A new suit by responder is still
today, such as 15-17 1NT openings, Opponent Overcalls forcing after an overcall — assuming
five-card majors, and weak two- responder is not a passed hand —
bids. A summary chart of Grant and responder needs about 10 or
Standard and the corresponding if we pass. So there’s no pressure to more points to bid a new suit at the
convention card can be found at ‘keep the bidding open’ when we two level, and an even stronger hand The site have an unsuitable hand. to bid at the three level or higher.
also has Grant Basic, a simpler set Again, this increases the frequency
of agreements.
with which responder passes after
N OVERCALLER an overcall.
Earlier articles in this series W E 1♥
appeared in the Bridge Bulletin and S OPENER 1♠
can also be found under ‘Articles’ at RESPONDER ? N OVERCALLER W E 2♦
With this hand, we ♠ J 8 3 2 S

f our partner opens one-of-a-suit would pass partner’s ♥ 7 4 3 RESPONDER ?

I — 1♣, 1♦, 1♥, or 1♠ — and the

player on our right overcalls, the
overcall has taken away some of our
opening 1♦ bid whether ♦ 8 6
or not our right-hand ♣ J 9 7 5
opponent bids. We’re just too weak
to respond anything.
With 10 high-card ♠ J 3
points plus 1 length ♥ J 7 2
point for the five- ♦ J 4 2
bidding room. As compensation, we card club suit, we ♣ A K 8 7 5
have three new options: With this hand, we ♠ K 4 3 certainly would respond something
• Passing with 6 or more points would have responded ♥ 9 7 5 if right-hand opponent had passed.
• Cuebidding the opponent’s suit 1NT if our right-hand ♦ J 7 The 2♦ overcall, however, has made
• Doubling (discussed in next issue) opponent had passed. ♣ Q 9 6 4 2 it awkward to bid anything. We
With 6 high-card points plus 1 length aren’t strong enough to bid 3♣,
These new possibilities can have an point, we would have to keep the
impact on the meaning of our other which would virtually commit the
bidding alive in case our side has a partnership to a game contract, and
responses. Let’s see how it all works. game. When East overcalls 1♥, we don’t want to bid 2NT with no
Passing however, we can simply pass. real stopper in diamonds.
We would typically pass partner’s Partner will have the opportunity to We’ll just have to pass for now. The
opening bid with 0-5 points, so how show a strong hand if West also good news is that the auction is far
does right-hand opponent’s overcall passes; so we won’t miss a game. from over. Either left-hand opponent
have an impact on this response? It Although we have enough strength or partner may bid, giving us a later
doesn’t, when we have 0-5 points; to respond 1NT, showing about 6–10 opportunity to show some values.
we still pass. However, we can now points, we don’t want to freely suggest Still, we should stretch to make a
pass with 6 or more points if our notrump with no strength in hearts, natural bid in a competitive auction.
hand is unsuitable for any other call. the suit the opponents will likely lead. We don’t want the opponent’s overcall
The reason we respond something Contrast this hand ♠ 7 4 3 to cut us out of the bidding.
when we have about 6 or more points with the previous one. ♥ K J 5 With this hand, ♠ 7 3
is that we want to keep the auction It is the same strength, ♦ 9 7 we should probably ♥ A Q J 10 2
going in case partner has a very strong but we can describe ♣ Q 9 6 4 2 respond 2♥ after ♦ 8 4 2
hand. An opening bid of one-of-a suit the hand nicely with a 1NT response East’s overcall. It’s ♣ Q 7 5
can be made with anything from after the 1♥ overcall. A notrump a bit of an overbid, but if we don’t
about 13–21 points. If we pass with response after right-hand opponent’s bid now, we may have difficulty
6 or more points, left-hand opponent overcall promises at least one stopper catching up later ... if there is a later!
might pass, ending the auction, and in the opponent’s suit. Note that our 2♥ bid, while forcing,
we could miss a game contract. We can still make ♠ K J 7 5 2 isn’t forcing to game — even if we’re
When our right-hand opponent our natural response if ♥ 4 3 playing 2/1 Game Force. Partner will
overcalls, however, partner is going the overcall hasn’t ♦ 8 6 5 have to give us some leeway in
to get another opportunity to bid even interfered with it. ♣ Q 7 2 competitive situations.
VOL. 12, NO. 5 MAY/JUNE 2008
Cuebidding Overcaller’s Suit Opener doesn’t. Opener assumes WEST EAST
When an opponent overcalls in a suit, we have a limit raise, and bids ♠ 73 ♠ 95
responder won’t want to suggest that accordingly. Opener returns to the ♥ AQ982 ♥ KJ73
agreed suit at the three level with a ♦ Q2 ♦ AJ75
same suit as trumps. Holding length ♣AJ74 ♣ KQ6
and strength in the suit, responder hand that would reject an invitational
can always choose to defend for — limit — raise. Opener jumps to WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH
penalties. So, a bid of the opponent’s game, or makes some forward-going 1♥ 2♠ 3♠ 4♠
suit has no natural meaning. Instead, bid, with a hand that would accept an Double Pass Pass Pass
it is used as an artificial forcing bid invitational raise. With a forcing raise, North makes a preemptive jump
and is referred to as a cuebid. it’s up to responder to get to game if overcall of 2♠. East cuebids 3♠ to
The term ‘cuebid’ is applied in a opener declines the ‘invitation.’ show heart support and the values for
different context when the partnership Here are some examples of how at least game, since the partnership
is bidding toward slam, but here it the auction might go after a cuebid. can no longer stop in partscore.
simply means a bid of the opponent’s WEST EAST When South furthers the preempt,
overcalled suit. The exact meaning ♠ J73 ♠ 95 West confidently doubles for penalty.
of the cuebid has changed over time, ♥ AQ982 ♥ K 10 7 3 West has no interest in bidding higher,
but a popular modern agreement is: ♦ KQ2 ♦ AJ75 and knows East has some defensive
♣84 ♣ Q63 strength. If East had simply jumped
RESPONDER’S CUEBID WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH to 4♥, West would be unsure which
A direct cuebid of the opponent’s 1♥ 1♠ 2♠ Pass side holds the balance of power.
overcalled suit by responder 3♥ Pass Pass Pass The Impact of the Cuebid
shows a fit for opener’s suit and With a minimum opening, West Since the cuebid replaces the limit
invitational (10+) or better values. rejects the invitation by ‘signing off’ and forcing raises:
in 3♥. With only a limit raise, East
In effect, responder’s cuebid takes has no reason to bid again. AFTER AN OPPONENT’S OVERCALL
the place of both a limit raise and a WEST EAST • A jump raise of opener’s suit
forcing raise. ♠ 73 ♠ 95 is weak (preemptive).
OPENER 1♥ ♥ AQ982 ♥ K 10 7 3 • A bid of 2NT is natural and
N OVERCALLER ♦ K2 ♦ AJ75 invitational.
W E 1♠ ♣AJ74 ♣ Q63
4♥ Pass Pass Pass W E 1♠
With 10 high-card ♠ 9 5 S
points plus 1 dummy ♥ K 10 7 3 Here West accepts the invitation
point for the doubleton ♦ A J 7 5 by jumping to game. Without inter-
spade, we would make ♣ Q 6 3 ference, responder would have made
With this hand we ♠ 8 2
a limit raise to 3♥ if our right-hand a limit raise to 3♥, and opener would
would simply raise to ♥ Q 10 6 5
have bid 4♥.
opponent passes. After the overcall, 2♥ if our right-hand ♦ Q J 7 5 3
however, we show this hand by cue- WEST EAST opponent passed. After ♣ 5 4
bidding 2♠. A cuebid replaces the ♠ J73 ♠ 95 the overcall, we can make a weak
limit raise. Notice that the cuebid says ♥ AQ982 ♥ KJ75 jump raise to 3♥, to make the auction
nothing about our holding in spades. ♦ KQ2 ♦ AJ75 more difficult for the opponents.
♣84 ♣ KQ6
With this hand, we ♠ 9 5 We have at least a nine-card heart fit,
would have made a ♥ K J 7 3 WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH and they will likely want to compete
forcing raise of hearts ♦ A J 7 5 1♥ 1♠ 2♠ Pass in spades. Partner knows this is a
if our opponent had ♣ K Q 6 3♥ Pass 4♥ All Pass preemptive raise, not a limit raise.
passed, either by using the artificial Here East cuebids with a forcing With the values for a limit raise, we
Jacoby 2NT response, or by simply raise in hearts. West assumes it is would cuebid 2♠.
starting with a new suit, 2♣, plan- only a limit raise, and signs off at With this hand, we can ♠ A J 10
ning to show the support later. After the three level with a minimum hand. jump to 2NT, showing ♥ 9 4
the overcall, we replace the forcing East now simply puts the partnership about 10-12 points and ♦ K J 7 3
raise with a cuebid of the opponent’s in game, knowing slam is unlikely stoppers in spades. We ♣ Q 7 5 3
suit, 2♠. since West has a minimum opening. don’t need 2NT as an artificial raise
How does opener know whether we The cuebid can be used in a similar of opener’s major suit, since we
have a limit raise or a forcing raise? fashion at higher levels: have the cuebid available.
VOL. 12, NO. 5 MAY/JUNE 2008

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