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Revised Edition 2014


Father Rueiss Awad,
St. George and St. Rueiss Coptic Orthodox Church
Toronto, Canada.

To Order Write To
St. George and St. Rueiss Coptic, Orthodox Church
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Toronto, Ontario, CANADA M3B 1M1
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Copyright © 2014 by
St. George and St. Rueiss Coptic Orthodox Church
All rights reserved
No portion of this book may be reproduced or copied in any form without a written permission from:
St. George and St. Rueiss Coptic Orthodox Church, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

To my blessed two sons: Hegomain Fr. Marcous Elias Abdel Massih and Hegomain Fr.
Tadros Yacoub Malaty.

Peace and love be with you.

Dr. Mahfouz has visited me and brought with him the suggested Sunday school
curriculum for the land of immigration. I have studied with him the basic topics of the
curriculum without getting into details. Although I have pointed out some concerns on
the doctrine and dogma curriculum, it is clear that the amount of work spent on
preparing the curriculum is huge and worth thanking. Nonetheless, the Bible study part
of the curriculum needs to be increased. God willing, I will also send you additional
details on this curriculum.

May the Lord bless all the effort that our son Mahfouz has done in preparing the Sunday
school curriculum, in collecting the relevant topics, and in performing the translation of
materials. May the Lord also bless all those who have joined him in preparing this
project and those who revised the topics.

Let our goal be to perform our best in order to try to arrive at perfection given our
abilities. Lastly, I would also suggest the addition of different recognized pictures
according to our doctrine, dogma and history to the Sunday school curriculum.

May the Lord be with you. Be in peace.


Pope Shenouda III

22 August 1986
The feast of St. Mary

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION TO THE SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM ...................................................................................... 11
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................................................................................. 16
TEACHER'S GUIDELINES:.............................................................................................................................................. 20
FEATURES OF THIS SUNDAY SCHOOL PROGRAM ................................................................................................ 21
THE PREPARATION OF SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSONS ............................................................................................ 23
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................ 28
SEPTEMBER ....................................................................................................................................................................... 31
FIRST SUNDAY .............................................................................................................................................................. 31
JESUS HEALS BLIND BARTIMAEUS ....................................................................................................................... 31
SECOND SUNDAY ......................................................................................................................................................... 35
EL- NAYROUZ FEAST AND THE MARTYRDOM OF ST. PHILEMON .................................................................... 35
THIRD SUNDAY ............................................................................................................................................................ 44
THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS: OUR TALENTS AND HOW TO USE THEM ................................................... 44
FOURTH SUNDAY ......................................................................................................................................................... 52
THE FEAST OF THE ELEVATION OF THE CROSS THE CROSS IN OUR LIVES ................................................. 52
OCTOBER ............................................................................................................................................................................ 60
FIRST SUNDAY .............................................................................................................................................................. 60
THE STRENGTH OF FAITH ...................................................................................................................................... 60
SECOND SUNDAY ......................................................................................................................................................... 66
THANKSGIVING TO GOD WHO LOVES ME AND TAKES CARE OF ME.............................................................. 66
THIRD SUNDAY ............................................................................................................................................................ 72
BY FAITHTHE WALLS OF JERICHO FELL DOWN ................................................................................................. 72
FOURTH SUNDAY ......................................................................................................................................................... 79
HOW TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH? - (I) ................................................................................................................... 79
FIFTH SUNDAY.............................................................................................................................................................. 85
HOW TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH? - (II) .................................................................................................................. 85
NOVEMBER ........................................................................................................................................................................ 92
FIRST SUNDAY .............................................................................................................................................................. 92
THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: LOVE - (I) .................................................................................................... 92
SECOND SUNDAY ......................................................................................................................................................... 99
THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: JOY - (II)........................................................................................................ 99
THIRD SUNDAY .......................................................................................................................................................... 104
THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: PEACE - (III) ............................................................................................... 104
FOURTH SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 112
DECEMBER ....................................................................................................................................................................... 118
FIRST SUNDAY ............................................................................................................................................................ 118
SECOND SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 122
THIRD SUNDAY .......................................................................................................................................................... 127
FOURTH SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 134
THE NEW YEAR, HOW DO I START? ..................................................................................................................... 134
JANUARY .......................................................................................................................................................................... 140
FIRST SUNDAY ............................................................................................................................................................ 140

CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS ................................................................................................................................ 140
SECOND SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 142
THEY OFFERED HIM GIFTS “GOLD, FRANKINCESE AND MYRRH” .............................................................. 142
THIRD SUNDAY .......................................................................................................................................................... 149
EPIPHANY THE LORD JESUS ESTABLISHED THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM............................................... 149
FOURTH SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 157
THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (I) ..................................................................................................................................... 157
FIFTH SUNDAY............................................................................................................................................................ 167
THE LIFE OF PRAYER- (II) (ALSO REVIEW THE LIFE OF ST. ANTHONY) ....................................................... 167
FEBRUARY ........................................................................................................................................................................ 175
FIRST SUNDAY ............................................................................................................................................................ 175
THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (III) .................................................................................................................................. 175
SECOND SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 186
THE DIVINE LITURGY- (I) ...................................................................................................................................... 186
THIRD SUNDAY .......................................................................................................................................................... 195
THE DIVINE LITURGY- (II) .................................................................................................................................... 195
FOURTH SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 205
THE DIVINE LITURGY- (III) ................................................................................................................................... 205
MARCH .............................................................................................................................................................................. 213
FIRST SUNDAY ............................................................................................................................................................ 213
DEFEATED HIM ...................................................................................................................................................... 213
SECOND SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 219
HIM AND TO BE SENT OUT TO PREACH ............................................................................................................. 219
THIRD SUNDAY .......................................................................................................................................................... 225
GLORY BY HIS TEACHING ..................................................................................................................................... 225
FOURTH SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 231
GLORY BY HIS MIRACLES AND HIS TRANSFIGURATION ................................................................................. 231
APRIL ................................................................................................................................................................................. 237
FIRST SUNDAY ............................................................................................................................................................ 237
SECOND SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 243
THE HOLY WEEK (THE PASCHA) ......................................................................................................................... 243
THIRD SUNDAY .......................................................................................................................................................... 251
GOOD FRIDAY ........................................................................................................................................................ 251
FOURTH SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 259
RESURRECTION OF CHRIST, ITS EFFECT ON US .............................................................................................. 259
MAY .................................................................................................................................................................................... 266
FIRST SUNDAY ............................................................................................................................................................ 266
THE LORD JESUS GRANTED HIS DISCIPLES PEACE IN THE UPPER ROOM ................................................. 266
SECOND SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 271
THE LIFE OF SAINT JOHN THE EVANGELIST .................................................................................................... 271
THIRD SUNDAY .......................................................................................................................................................... 277
ST. AUGUSTINE "THE SON OF TEARS" ................................................................................................................ 277
FOURTH SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 284
DOES IT BELONG TO YOU? DAVID AND NATHAN ............................................................................................ 284
JUNE ................................................................................................................................................................................... 293
FIRST SUNDAY ............................................................................................................................................................ 293

THE ASCENSION FEAST, THE BLESSINGS OF THE ASCENSION ...................................................................... 293
SECOND SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 299
THIRD SUNDAY .......................................................................................................................................................... 305
THE COMMEMORATION OF THE SAINTS ........................................................................................................... 305
FOURTH SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 312
PROPER BEHAVIOUR IN THE CHURCH .............................................................................................................. 312
JULY ................................................................................................................................................................................... 317
FIRST SUNDAY ............................................................................................................................................................ 317
THE RETURN OF ST. MARK’S RELICS TO EGYPT .............................................................................................. 317
SECOND SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 325
THE APOSTLES’ FEAST: ST. PETER AND ST. PAUL .......................................................................................... 325
THIRD SUNDAY .......................................................................................................................................................... 334
PSALMS OF DAVID: PSALM 19 THE HEAVENS DECLARE THE GLORY OF GOD ......................................... 334
FOURTH SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 341
PSALMS OF DAVID: PSALM 23 “THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD, I SHALL NOT WANT” ................................ 341
FIFTH SUNDAY............................................................................................................................................................ 348
GOD IS READY TO FORGIVE: ELIJAH TALKS TO KING AHAB ......................................................................... 348
AUGUST ............................................................................................................................................................................. 355
FIRST SUNDAY ............................................................................................................................................................ 355
GOD’S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM - I ............................................................................................................... 355
SECOND SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 360
GOD’S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM - II ............................................................................................................. 360
THIRD SUNDAY .......................................................................................................................................................... 365
THE VIRGIN MARY AND THE LIFE OF MEDITATION ........................................................................................ 365
FOURTH SUNDAY ....................................................................................................................................................... 371
THE NEED OF THE HUMAN BEING TO THE “RITE” ......................................................................................... 371
RECITATION CURRICULUM ....................................................................................................................................... 375
MAJOR REFERENCES ................................................................................................................................................... 381
IMPORTANT FOR VARIATIONS IN CHURCH CALENDAR AND FEASTS ........................................................ 383

The Principal Goal of Christian Upbringing

Children had and still have, first as a person and second as a child, a special importance
to our Lord Jesus Christ. He called the children and considered them models of
perfection, "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little
children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever
receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. But whoever causes one of
these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were
hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea" (Matthew 18:3-5).

Therefore, children are beloved ones to Christ and are His friends with their simplicity
and purity of heart. Christ called them, blessed them and asked His Disciples and
Apostles after Him to take care of bringing up children and prepare the suitable
environment for their spiritual growth.

St. Paul advises parents saying, "Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they
become discouraged", (Colossians 3:21). From a Christian point of view, the general
principal goal of religious up - bringing is the formation of the perfect man of God who
is following the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, "Therefore you shall be perfect, just
as your Father in heaven is perfect" (Matthew 5:48). Also, our Lord said, "For I have
given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you" (John 13:15).

Hence, a Christian up-bringing is not merely an education to be given or a curriculum to

be taught, but it is rather a life that is given through example and behavior through
teaching and discipleship. The saintly Fathers of the church have emphasized this fact.
St. John said about his practice of life with the Lord "That which was from the
beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have
looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life-— the life was
manifested, and we have seen, and bear witness, and declare to you that eternal life
which was with the Father and was manifested to us — that which we have seen and
heard, we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our
fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ" (1 John 1:1-3).

The same fact was emphasized by St. Paul when he was talking to his disciple Timothy
"But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner of life, purpose, faith, long-
suffering, love, persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at Iconium...
But as for you, continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of,
knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known

the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which
is in Christ Jesus" (2 Timothy 3:10-15). Also in the letter of St. Paul to the Philippians
3:17, "Brethren, join in following my example, and note those who so walk, as you have
us for a pattern". Therefore, the principal goal of the Christian up-bringing is to change
the life of our children to the life of Christ in them, i.e. to a life based on the work of
Christ in them as true Christians and not just religious persons who fear God but deny

The Starting Point in Achieving the Goal of Religious Upbringing

The teacher should not start with the student from power Zero. The student comes
equipped with many social and religious experiences. His religious experience, though it
is limited, has a strong basis that is ready for spiritual growth. In the Sacrament of
Baptism, the child has already obtained the spiritual birth i.e. he became spiritually re-
born. After his baptism he was anointed with the Holy Myroun (Chrism) and the Holy
Spirit dwelt in him. St. John said "But the anointing which you have received from Him
abides in you; and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing
teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught
you, you will abide in Him" (l John 2:27).

Therefore, by obtaining these two Holy Sacraments and the Sacrament of Eucharist, the
student becomes a member in the body of the Lord and a living part of the body of the
Holy Church. This means that religious up-bringing is not something foreign with
respect to the student. The student is a temple of God and the Spirit of God dwells in
him. This means that it is not the teacher who makes the student live a life for Christ,
but it is the inside work of the Holy Spirit that makes the whole difference. The role of
the teacher is to make the student aware of the effect and the work of the Spirit. In this
sense, the student becomes aware of the secret grace inside him and as a result the
divine word inside him grows as the seed grows inside the earth.

The Difference Between Religious Education and Religious Upbringing

We should not aim at providing lessons in the form of giving information, i.e. a mere
religious education. In this case, religious experience will never exceed the circle of the
mind and will never affect the heart and practice of the student. If we consider religious
education to be an element in religious upbringing, we are, in this case, following
Christ's plan for the development and building of the Christian personality. Christ with
His example and His perfection gave us a model which should be followed and
achieved. As for His teachings, they are meant to clear the way for us in order to follow
them as examples and models.

The Need of our Church for a Coptic Orthodox Sunday School Program

There is one basic difference between Eastern and Western theology; the latter depends
on study, analysis and using scientific means, whereas Eastern theology is based on
experience and depth which mainly leads to a true Christian life. The Eastern Church
respects the role of the mind but it works under the supervision of faith.

The majority of recent Western Sunday School programs follow a pure analytical way
of explaining the Bible. For example, miracles are explained through psychological and
scientific factors. The man of God must accept miracles and believe them as they are.
St. Athanasius said, "Our knowledge must not control (or have authority over) the word,
but the word itself must have the control and authority over the mind".

Another basic difference is that our traditional Church uses the rites in education as a
key in the process of living what is being taught.

Over and above what was mentioned before regarding the basic differences in religious
education between Eastern and Western churches, there are also basic differences in the
various beliefs and the way Christianity is lived by in actual life.

We, as parents, teachers and clergy, are responsible in front of God to bring up our
children according to the same spiritual Orthodox principles that we received from our
saintly Fathers who shed their blood to perpetuate the perfect Orthodox faith. Therefore,
our children must learn from the same source from which we learned before them.

The Sunday School program in your hands is a fruit of love granted by our Lord Jesus
Christ to our children and a gift from Him to them. This program is purely Coptic
Orthodox. All its references without exception are Coptic Orthodox (please review the
reference list at the end of the book).In this manner all the information that is in this
book (as well as all the books in this series) can be used with total confidence as it is
devised according to our glorified church. The spirit of the lessons is indeed the same
spirit of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

About the Books in Your Hands

These books in your hands are an integrated series of books which were written for
children from age 4 to 18. With the grace of the Holy Spirit, if the child at age 4 follows
this series of lessons until age 18, he will obtain an all-rounded spiritual background.
The books (covering the teachings from pre-schoolers to grade 12) cover a study of
most of the major Biblical subjects of the Old and New Testaments, the celebrations of
the church of our Master's feasts, the life of the Saints and their feasts, the divine liturgy
with its rites and spirituality, the true Christian life and Christian behavior, church
sacraments, fasting, prayers, the creed and its explanation, the Ecumenical Councils, the
difference between the various major Christian sects, the Christian family, the history of
our church, the major personalities in the Holy Bible, ... etc. The program is indeed
comprehensive and it covers all the key areas of our Orthodox church. If these lessons
were given in the spiritual way that was emphasized before, great results will be
expected with the work of the Holy Spirit.

General Rules and Principles to be Followed by the Sunday School Teachers

1) The teacher must know the stage and the characteristics of the growth of the
children that he or she is teaching. A child who is 12 years old is different from a
child who is 8 years old. The teacher must know the level of his/her students,
their abilities to receive information that he/she is giving and the differences
between the various abilities in the same class.

2) The positive participation of the students is very important during the lesson for
the effectiveness of teaching. One of the key incentives for the student is to give
importance to the lesson and have an effective communication with the teacher
and, above all, to define clearly the purpose behind it and present the lesson in the
form of problems that attract their attention.

3) The teacher must follow a psychological order of the facts he is presenting. Our
Lord Jesus Christ used effectively the psychological method of teaching through
His parables. The parables in their simplicity are drawn from the daily life of the
people. We must emphasize here that the psychological method is not the only
method of spiritual teaching. We should mention this method as one of the
methods used. It is quite important to note that spiritual teaching must be
imparted with certain goals in mind which are connected with the life of the
children and related to the problems they face. We should provide guidance that
is mostly needed for them.

4) The teacher must present the lesson and illustrate it with relevant information and
present it as a coherent unity without ambiguity or contradiction. He may use
illustrations to help him explain what he means.

5) Application of Christian principles to the actual social life must be emphasized in

every lesson. The teacher should use stories (from the Old or New Testaments or
from church history or church books) to attract the attention of the students and
show the Christian principle in an applied manner. The teacher also may divide

the subject into stages or small subjects. A good practice is to summarize the
lesson or better still, ask the students themselves to summarize it.

6) The manner of expressing the lesson to the students is also very important. A
teacher who is living by what he/she teaches will definitely be more effective in
giving his/her message across. A teacher who is teaching under spiritual influence
with compatible emotions to what he/she teaches will be definitely more effective
than a teacher who is giving information.


From someone who is not capable, and does not know anything, was taken and
lead by hand, step by step, from the smallest to the largest thing for this work
to be done.
“He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases
strength.” Isaiah 40:29
“All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that
was made.” John 1:3

On behalf of the Coptic Orthodox children and youth, who are going to benefit a great
deal from this revised Sunday School Program, I would like to express a word of
appreciation and gratitude to:

The Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III of Blessed Memory

This program leans quite heavily on the writings of His Holiness the Late Pope
Shenouda III. The majority of the contents of the lessons and their attachments are
based on His Holiness' writings. This is a very bright and important aspect of this
program. In 1986, during the time in which there was no Coptic Orthodox Sunday
School program in the land of immigration, His Holiness reviewed the general contents
of the program, commented and modified many key subjects, and then authorized the
use of this program in all churches outside of Egypt, on a preliminary basis.

I can safely say that, if it was not for His Holiness the Late Pope Shenouda III's support,
wisdom, and writings, these series of books would not exist. The whole generation is in
debt to His Holiness the Late Pope Shenouda III, not only because of his great teachings
and writings, but also because of his love and leadership.

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II

I had the blessing of meeting His Holiness in 2013 in Austria and I suggested to him
about updating and revising the previous version of the Sunday School Program. His
encouragement, wisdom, and follow up were key to the development and completion of
this program.

His Grace Bishop Reweiss

His Grace Bishop Reweiss has been behind us all the way with his love and guidance.
He wrote the forward for our previous version of the program in 1986.

His Grace Bishop Moussa

His Grace Bishop Moussa has provided constant support and encouragement in the
completion of the previous program. Of course, His Grace's writings for the youth have
been utilized in all the subjects directed towards the youth, in this book.

Fr. Tadros Malaty and Fr. Marcos Marcos

These Beloved Fathers reviewed thoroughly all of the contents of the first six books of
the earliest version of the program. Their dedication, experience, and wisdom have been
an important factor in the quality of all the material. They contributed greatly towards
setting up the lessons, in that sense. Father Tadros Malaty's deep writings, without any
doubt, have been a key reference in the majority of the lessons.

Dr. Fayek M. Ishak

Dr. Fayek Ishak (head of the English Department at Lakehead University) reviewed the
first six books of the earliest version of the program. He contributed, immensely,
towards the setup of the lessons.

Fr. Makary Silwanis

This beloved father’s computer skills were utilized in many functions related to this
Sunday School Program. His love and encouragement were key factors to the progress
of this program.

Tassoni Ragaa

The continuous support and encouragement of Tassoni Ragaa played an essential role in
the write-up of the previous version of the program, as well as in this revision. One of
the aspects that kept this program centered and on track was her continuous reminder
that this program is for generations to come and every effort is worthwhile for the sake
of the upbringing of the children and youth.

The Youth of St. George and St. Rueiss Coptic Orthodox Church
A main contributor to this project was Monica Gad, who valued and recognized the
importance of having a Sunday School program.

Comments and proof-readings of many of the youth are greatly appreciated.

Maha Takla Mark Botros Patty Ibrahim

Nermin Tawadros Peter Messiha Hani Khattas
Jessica Gobran Margaret Bebawy Michael Aziz
Elena Neagu Youstina Hanna Safwat Armanios
Marian Barsoum Helen Hanna Maria Nasralla
Angela Tawadrous Margaret Artin Martha Tawadrous
Mina Gindi Nancy Nakhla Samih Kalilian
Fady Dawood Nagat Yassa Emad Iskander
Lillian Ibrahim Christina Habib Paul Tadros
Mariem Farag Donna Hanna Dina Ayoub
Joseph Bishay Dina George Timothy Gindi
Sameh Barsoum Marianna Nasralla Samy Messiha
Sherin Ishak Engy Henis Mariana Ramzy
Michael Malak Monica Sourial Nivin Beshay Henein
Michael Kalilian Mira Henis Kamilia Beshara
Viola Iskander Sarah Deif Marina Mouharib
Hany Matta Peter Gobran Georgina Rizk
Marlene Awadalla Michael Abadir John Hanna
Christina Salama George Hanna Irini Gad Bastawrose
Steven Messiha Rasha Michael Mohib Tawfik
Marilyn Yassa Mina Elkatib Nader Deif
Sandra Eleigizy Sheirein Fidal Headra Bastoros
Heba Khattas Ninette Bishay Marian Awad Sami

Computer and Technology Team

Father Makary Michael Habashy Daniel Habashy
Joseph Bishay David Gadallah Sameh Youssef
Peter Morcos Mena Morcos Michael George
Yousef Sawires James Aziz

Songs and Hymns Group
Daniel Habashy Michael Habashy Marina Meina
Monica Meina Marina Iskander Mary Morcos
Peter Morcos Michael George Philo Zaki

Proof Readers
Androu Arsanious Peter Morcos Nader Deif
Andro George Androu Gerges Monica Gad
Marina Iskander Parthenia Magharious Mena Morcos
Bavly Kost Andro Abdelmessih Mary Arsanious
Michael George Sherry Deif Monica Ashraf
Mary Arsanious Seta Kevorkian Engy Henis
Gina Salib Christine Ghalla Michael Abd El Malak
Martha Tawadrous Sarah Awadalla Maryam Farag

Verse Reviewers
Jack Abdel Sayed John Iskandar George Attia
Mariam Sawires Paul Boazak Alexa Danial
Sarah Mossad Sandy Deif Sandra Awadalla
Monica Deif Nader Hanna Heidy Girgis
Maryna Abedalmalak Madonna Rafael Daniel Messiha
James Aziz Carlos Morcos John Abdel Sayed

Fr. Rueiss Awad



1. The teacher should realize that each lesson has been prepared to cover a specific
point; starting from the title of the lesson to the end of it.

2. The teacher should read all the materials referred to in the lesson (i.e. the Holy
Bible as well as any articles attached to the lesson), and then proceed by emphasizing
all the points.

3. The teacher should enlarge the picture ahead of each lesson and use it as a visual
aid as he or she is teaching the lesson.

4. The teacher should discuss the practical applications as he or she proceeds with
the lesson.

5. The teacher should summarize the main points of the lesson with the students and
give prizes.



1. This Sunday School program was the very first program to be written in the lands
of immigration. This work was initiated in 1974, and the first version was
published in 1986. We thank our heavenly Father, Who has given us the
opportunity to extensively revise and improve it, in 2005.

2. In this version of the program, any repetition that was in the previous program
has been removed; all lessons were upgraded in both coverage and depth.
Moreover, a whole new book, on contemporary issues, has been added.

3. The contemporary issues book covers subjects that are important for children and
youth in today's world. These lessons are optional. For churches with regular
youth group meetings, these issues would best be discussed during those
meetings. On the other hand, for churches that do not hold regular youth group
meetings, those issues can be discussed as part of the Sunday School program.

4. This version of the program also includes lessons, which form a basis for a
missionary service, a service that should in the ideal situation be practiced by
every member of our congregation. The objective is that each child, every youth,
and in the long run each Coptic individual can behave and act in a way, which is
an embodiment of the teaching and tradition of the Coptic Orthodox Church. In
other words, our congregation would become role models in their communities,
who attract people to our Lord Jesus Christ through their good practices:
sincerity, commitment, hard work and dedication, tolerance, forgiveness, and all
the other good qualities that differentiate a good practicing Christian from those
who merely have a Christian education.
5. In this Sunday School Program, we depended heavily on the writings of H.H.
Pope Shenouda III as a reference for most of the presented material.

6. The lessons in this version of the program have already been tried in Sunday
School classes, reviewed, improved and tried again. This ensures that the lessons
are relevant and suit the level of the students.

7. In this version of the program, efforts were put forth to ensure that every aspect
of the Christian life in the Coptic Orthodox Church is covered.

8. This Sunday School Program is not merely about giving specific education on
Christianity to our children and youth but it is rather an attempt to deeply affect
their feelings and spirituality. It is believed that such an approach will facilitate
the practical application of the various aspects involved so that Christianity
becomes a way of life for the individual, with deeply rooted Christian values, that
are manifested as behaviour and attitude.

9. All copyrights of other Sunday School programs, and other writers, have been
fully respected.

In this version, each lesson comes complete with pictures and SONGS that are
suitable for the lesson.

10. This Sunday School program comes in various formats, for convenience. In
addition to being available on this website for widespread use, it is also available,
upon request, in hard copy format or on CD.

11. It is our strong belief that this Sunday School program will play a vital role in the
spiritual upbringing of our children. May the Lord bless this Sunday School
program and all other programs, for the growth of His Kingdom in us.

A. What is a Sunday School Lesson?

1. It is not a record of events that we convey to the students with the hopes of
appearing to satisfy the required preparation process in front of other people. Neither
is it a lecture that we deliver to our audience or student regardless of their interest in
the matter.

2. However, it is, on one hand, a fruit of the live reaction between the servant and the
lesson and, on the other hand, between the servant and the students. The Holy Spirit
maturates this fruit and directs this service towards the salvation of the students and
towards the glory of God.

For if the servant who teaches the people does not teach himself, the voice of the Lord
will rebuke him saying, " You, therefore, who teach another, do you not teach yourself ?
" (Romans 2:21), and again in James 3: 1: "My brethren, let not many of you become
teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment."

Therefore, the servant should engage himself in the lesson through prayers, relevant
spiritual readings, and practical application, so that when the servant speaks with his
students from experience and true knowledge, he says, with St. John the Beloved, "That
which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our
eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of
life-" (1 John 1:1)

If a servant is not aware of the spiritual level of his students, he may burden them with
instructions and lessons which they cannot handle nor apply and this, in turn, may cause
the students to go astray and lose their eternal life. Therefore, it is crucial for the servant
to establish a healthy, trustworthy, and fruitful relationship with his students, as well as
to share in their joys and cheers, and their sadness and fears, all towards Jesus Christ.
This is what St. Paul refers to in his epistle to the Galatians when he says, "My little
children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you..." (Galatians
4:19). This close relationship with the students allows the servant to choose the most
appropriate lesson that caters to their needs.

Hence a Sunday School lesson is:

A live mixture between the personal lives of the servants and the students through the
lesson; the Holy Spirit creates this mixture and allows it to result in the bearing of fruit.

B. The Requirements for Sunday School Lessons

1. Humility in prayer before God.

God said, "...for without Me you can do nothing." (John 15:5)

My beloved brethren, sit down in peace and tranquility with the Lord and talk to
Him about your personal need for Him in your service. Ask for the guidance of
the Holy Spirit and pray saying, "Guide me dear God. What would you like my
students and I to learn this week?" Be obedient to His voice. It would be suitable
to maintain a prayer time which equals that of the lesson.

2. Accurate knowledge of the meanings contained within the lesson.

This is achieved through:

a. Occupying yourself throughout the week with understanding the new

lesson, starting from the end of the previous lesson until the beginning of
the new one. It is wise to use your free time, time before sleep, and time
with fellow servants to increase and enhance your understanding of the

b. Resorting to spiritual and religious references and literature to help you

develop the right understanding and concepts behind the lines.

c. Resorting to general educational references and literature to embody this

understanding and these concepts, making them clear in the minds of your
3. Aids of presentation.

It is important that you transform your understanding of the lesson into a simple
and clear presentation. It has been stated and proved that 85% of knowledge
acquired is acquired through the sense of sight and visual learning as opposed to
the 10% that is acquired through the sense of hearing. The rest of the knowledge
acquired is done so through the other three senses.

In reality, the least effective way of transmitting knowledge to others is by merely

talking; this has the weakest influence on the students. In contrast, the most
effective way to teach is to use the "Learning by Doing" method, which requires
enough time as well as sound experience.

What differentiates between the effectiveness of the two means of presentation,
are the tools used in the presentation. These tools aid the students in effectively
understanding and retaining the purpose of the lesson by engaging both senses of
sight and sound. These tools may include audio-visual devices such as pictures
and movies, spiritual trips and outings, role playing during class, intellectually
stimulating games, etc.

C. Recording the lesson.

It is recommended that the servant records the following during the preparation of the

 Date of the preparation of the lesson.

 Date of the delivery of the lesson.
 Title of the lesson.
 Purpose of the lesson.
 References.
 Preface.
 Lesson.
 Inference.
 Bible verse.
 Homework.
 Aids of presentation.
 Other points for memory.


 Personal reflections of the servant.

Purpose of the lesson:

It is necessary for the servant to clearly understand the purpose of the lesson at the
beginning of his preparation. It is also necessary that the purpose of the lesson agrees
with the maturity level of the students. For example, it is more appropriate for children
to learn about God's love. On the other hand, learning about the power of God in their
lives and in the lives of the saints is more appropriate subject matter for youth. As for
young adults, learning about Christian virtues and spiritual practices is most appropriate.

Most importantly, the purpose of the lessons should agree with Coptic Orthodox
Christian teachings, whether in specific occasions or in general.


References could include:

a. Stories, examples, verses, etc. from the Holy Bible.

b. Spiritual books and literature.
c. General educational books and literature.

Recording the references is very useful for the servant because it helps the servant to
refer back to them, if forgotten.


The preface is the background of the lesson. It cultivates the thoughts of the students
and directs their thoughts towards the lesson. This allows the lesson to be implanted in
their minds and to, eventually, bear fruit.

It is important that the preface remain simple, short, and concise. The introduction could
be in the form of focused questions, but should not be in the form of stories. Several
stories in one lesson may deteriorate its effectiveness.

The Lesson:

The lesson could be divided into the following sections:

1. Introduction - it should be quick and concise and related to the preface. It should
introduce the lesson smoothly without interrupting the chain of thoughts.

2. Body of the lesson - it contains the principle subject of the lesson, and follows
these guidelines:

a. You must be accurate and careful when explaining theological concepts.

b. You must be careful when relating events and examples to elucidate the
subject of the lesson, in order to properly guide the students' imagination
without restricting it.
c. You must diligently expose the Coptic Orthodox doctrine in the lesson.
d. You should not use more than one story during the lesson and the story
used should be relevant to the subject matter.

3. Focal Point - the point during the lesson at which the purpose of the lesson is
clearly defined. (Examples: The Lord responds to the prayers of a needy person, or

the angels come to give the saints their heavenly crowns and take them to heaven
after many trials and persecutions.)

4. Conclusion - it should be, like the introduction, short and concise. It can
summarize the purpose of the lesson, without introducing any new concepts.


Inference is a method used to determine how much the students have absorbed and
retained from the lesson. It should be in the form of questions with the following

a. They should clearly show the purpose of the lesson.

b. They should suit the maturity of the students.
c. They should be simple and direct.
d. They should relate to each other.
e. They should not be `Yes' or `No' questions.
f. They should each have one correct answer.

Bible Verse:

The memorization of a Bible verse is an excellent way to help the students remember
the purpose of the lesson. The chosen Bible verse should meet the following guidelines:

a. It should show the purpose of the lesson clearly.

b. It should be short which allows it to be easily memorized.
c. Children can easily memorize, as well as understand it.


The height of your diligence in preparing the lesson is in choosing the proper and
effective homework or application. The homework should have the following

a. It should contain practical applications that apply to everyday life.

b. It should suit the maturity level of the students.
c. It should help in mastering the comprehension and retention of the lesson.
d. It should not include more than one instruction, in order to simplify the
application of the lesson.



(1) Children at this age have molded into a certain shape, into certain patterns of
behaviour that were superimposed on their natural character. They have been
exposed for years to the influence of their family background, their parents,
brothers and sisters and relatives. The cultural and ethical standards of the family
have influenced their attitudes, made them different from each other. Whatever
their special situation within the family did to affect their personality: jealousy,
rejection, possessiveness, competitiveness, etc.,; these have left deep traces. They
are less spontaneous and more self-conscious than at an earlier age.

Sunday school teachers will find children less open at this age than at earlier ages.

(2) Sunday School teachers have another difficulty in trying to relate to the students’
homes. As Sunday School instruction progresses, it often happens that the religious
ideas conveyed there are not in agreement with the concepts of the parents. Thus
the teacher has to show great understanding and tact when dealing in class with a
child’s statement, “Yes, but Daddy says that…" or “Mother saysthat the Church
teaches...” The teacher must always try to see the element of truth in whatever
beliefs are held at home: “Yes, this is very interesting. I think the reason for this is
that…" He can then add and expand the ideas he wants to convey.

(3) Relations between boys and girls are very self-conscious. They are definitely two
different groups usually critical of each other and slightly inimical towards one

(4) The search for meaning is now at the start of a new intensive phase, for the onset of
clearer thought creates problems in the child’s religious ideas. Childish concepts are
clung to, but the doubts and confusions are already appearing. At previous stages
the child happily kept together unrelated and often contradictory ideas, but now he
is becoming aware of the need to relate and reconcile these apparent contradictions.

We require an intensive effort in teaching religion at this stage to help them grow
into a “one-world” view of life, rather than a dualistic system which separates
religion from the rest of life.

(5) The teacher has to have a real theological maturity to be able to put down things
clearly, simply and briefly.

(6) Another type of thinking that one frequently meets at this age is a conscious
separation of knowledge into two different parts - one that is learned at school, read
about in books, or heard about on TV, and the other that is taught in Church and in
Sunday School. The task of the Sunday School teacher in this period is to help them
in this process. It has to be relevant to their experience of life, to their interests and
curiosity, to the secular knowledge they are acquiring at school, to the human
relations they are developing. In other words, the Christian doctrine taught must
become part of their own thinking and their knowledge of life as a total experience.

(7) The children’s knowledge of the Bible, especially of the New Testament, is very
uneven. There are a few stories that they have heard over and over again, and this
gives them a false sense of “knowing” the Bible. On the other hand their very
limited knowledge of the scriptures, both in facts and in meaning, is quite clear. Not
even the Sermon on the Mount has reached their attention in full, and they have no
idea of the meaning of the Old Testament, except for a few stories. This age is a
good time to train the children on the use of the Bible and especially the New
Testament as a resource book. Learning to know which parts of the Bible are used
during the church services they attend, and how to find the appropriate readings,
increases their familiarity with the scriptures.



Please read Mark 10:46-52, and tell the story with emphasis on the
points below.


To show the Lord Jesus’ power to heal our spiritual blindness and to be able to see the
heavenly kingdom which is prepared for us.


“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me” Luke 18:38



Can you see? Everything? Can you see Heaven? Can you see God?
Many of us are actually blind and cannot see at all. We cannot see the things that
are really important in life…..Christ, Heaven.

 Read the Gospel according to St. Mark Chapter 10:46-52, explain and discuss with
the students its contents.

 This miracle of healing blind Bartimaeus was the last declared miracle that our
Lord Jesus did before His triumphant entry into Jerusalem (Mark 11:1-11) and all
the events that led to His crucifixion, resurrection and ascension to heaven. Jesus
performed this miracle of opening the eyes as His last one before crucifixion to

emphasize the need for all human beings to have spiritual sight and the ability to
see and appreciate the heavenly kingdom. There are so many people who have eyes
but they cannot see and have ears but cannot hear. We mean by this that they are
spiritually blind and spiritually deaf; therefore, they cannot accept the word of God.

 Bartimaeus was miserable because he was blind; he could not see the sun, the sky,
the trees, etc. and someone had to lead him to walk. He was also poor and someone
had to give him some money.

 The people around Bartimaeus could not stop his shouting.

 Whenhe heard that the Lord Jesus was around, he thought thatthis was his chance of
a life-time. He shouted “Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me" This showsthat
Bartimaeus had faith that Jesus was the Messiah for whom the Jews were waiting,
to come from the descendants of King David. This is the reason why he called Jesus
“Son of David”. It was also known that when the Messiah comes, He will open the
eyes of the blind “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the
deaf shall be unstopped” (Isaiah35:5).There were so many people around Jesus, but
one of them had faith in Jesus’ power and presented his needs to Jesus asking for
His mercy.

 Jesus is kind and powerful and we must ask Him for our needs.

 “Out of the depths I have cried to you, O Lord” PS 130:1. David who wrote this
Psalm had an experience. King Saul wanted to kill him by any means. But David
cried from the depths and God protected him. Let us cry from the depth of our
hearts as David did and Bartimaeus did.

 When an individual is baptized he or she obtains spiritual understanding. “We

know that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding” John 5:20.
We have to maintain this pure understanding that we get when we are baptized. If
we lose it because of sins we gain it through repentance. This is why repentance is
considereda “second baptism” because through repentanceChrist will open up our
spiritual eyes (i.e. understanding) to know the truth just as he gave sight to


1. Our Lord Jesus Christ who opened the eyes of the blind man so that he could see
Him and follow Him is also able to heal our spiritual blindness in order to see
Him in His loving kindness and follow Him.
2. We have to ask our Lord Jesus in our prayers to give us depth and understanding
of His Word when we read the Holy Bible so that we can get a clear message
from Him. Then we can truly live by His Word in our daily lives, love Him from
the depth of our hearts and love all people as well.

“That having been justified by His grace we should become heirs..”(Tit 3:7)

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found Was blind, but now I see.

Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come

This grace hath brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home.

When we’ve been there ten thousands years Bright shining as the sun
We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise Than when we first begun.




Please read the attached materials entitled “In the Memory of our Martyrs - El-
Nayrouz Feast”, “The Martyrdom of Deacon Philemon”, “The glory of suffering”
and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


The martyrs gave up their lives for Christ. What did we give up for Him? How much
suffering can we bear for Him? What do we get in return from him?


“We suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified

together.”Romans 8:17


 What month are we in now? (September)

Has anyone ever heard of the Coptic Calendar?
Does anyone know what month we are in according to the Coptic Calendar? (We
are about to or have started the Coptic month of Tout).
The same way we celebrate the normal New Year, the Church celebrates the Coptic
New Year, on the 1st of Tout (or approximately on the 11th of September of the
Gregorian Calendar).
Today, we are going to discuss where the Coptic Calendar comes from, how the
Church follows it, and learn about the life and martyrdom of St. Philemon.
 Please review with the students their background information about the Coptic
- The Coptic New Year (or El-Nayrouz Feast) is celebrated in our church on
approximately September 11 of the Julian calendar (which is the 1 st of Tout).
- The Coptic Year has 13 months each of which is 30 days except the last month
(5or 6 days).
- The Coptic (or Egyptian) year existed 5,000 years before the birth of Christ and
was used by the ancient Egyptians. They named its months after their ancient
Egyptian gods, Tout, Baba, Hatour, Kyahek, Touba, Amsheer, Baramehat,
Baramouda, Bashense, Baouna, Abiba, Messra and E1-Nassey.
- In the years of Diocletian, in which the numbers of martyrs increased greatly, the
Egyptian year was named the “Martyrs’ Year".
 Review the church system during the Coptic Year, i.e., the nine rounds as shown in
the attached material. Ask the students to draw a chart showing the nine rounds of
the church system. Promise prizes for the students who can produce the clearest
chart, and present it to the class next Sunday.
 Tell the story of St. Philemon and his keen desire to attain the crown of martyrdom.
 Let us discuss: who is a martyr? He is a person who by his own free will is ready to
witness the truth of his faith in front of anyone and at any time, even if it is going
to cost him his life on earth. In return he gains eternal life. Besides, history tells us
that many non-believers when they saw the courage and the unshakable faith of the
martyrs became Christians. Hence, when a person is martyred, the number of
Christians is not decreased by one, but is actually increased by many more, through
his witness.

 Love, hope and faith are the main characteristics of a martyr’s life. A martyr
believes that “we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.”(Romans


1. As the martyrs suffered with the Lord Jesus in order to be glorified with Him, let us
also resist all temptations and sins in our daily life so that we can enjoy the inner
peace and the glorified life; “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are
not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans
2. As the martyrs were looking forward to their eternal life in heaven, let us also learn
to concentrate on heavenly matters and not to get attached to materialistic things as
toys, gifts, etc.

3. Life does not have to be perfect. We must train ourselves to accept some pains and
discomfort in our lives without complaining. We must stay thankful even under
difficult conditions knowing that God will help us and make us happy if we do not


Come, Ye faithful people, come to the heavenly Jerusalem

Where there is eternal life and we’ll live in peace with our Saviour

Nayrouz is the beginning of the year when we remember our martyrs

Who defended faith without fear and lived in peace with our Saviour

Our ancestors were brave for their faith their lives they gave
Now in Heaven they are crowned And they lived in peace with our Saviour

Our martyrs won their crowns when they laid their lives down
And they opened Heaven’s doors now they live in peace with our Saviour

Never flinched they from the flame nor from the tyrant’s sharpest aim
They shed their blood for His Name Now they live in peace with our Saviour

By their faith they saw the land where triumphant now they stand
They put their souls in His hand And lived in peace with our Saviour

If Satan comes to divide us the voice of God will gather us

And His peace will be with us And we‘ll live in peace with our Saviour

Lord, deliver us from all sin that eternal life we may win
And lead us to Thy Kingdom O our King, and our Saviour



 El Nayrouz feast is the beginning of the Egyptian Year.The ancient Pharaohs

created this system 5000 years before the birth of Jesus, naming its months after the
names of their ancient Egyptian gods. The Egyptian year has 13 months; they are:
Tout, Baba, Hatour, Kyahk, Touba, Amshier, Baramhat, Baramouda, Bashense,
Baouna, Abiba, Messra and El-Nassey. Each month of these months is 30 days;
except the last month, El-Nassey, which is only 5or 6 days.

 Up until the present day, the Egyptian farmers are using the Coptic Calendar their
timing for agriculture.

 Egypt had used the Egyptian Year system until the French came to Egypt in the era
of Ismail Basha and introduced the Western Year system (January, February, etc.).

 In the years of Diocletian in which the numbers of martyrs increased very much, the
Egyptian Year was named “Martyrs’ Year”.

 The church these days celebrates the “NAYROUZ FEAST” which is the
“MARTYRS’ FEAST”. This celebration lasts for 17 days until the Feast of the
Cross. During the Coptic Year (which is the Egyptian Year), the church system, i.e.,
feasts, fasting and readings in the church, are divided into the following rounds:

Round #1:

This is the Nayrouz round in which the church celebrates the memory of the
martyrs who helped establish the church on the sound basis of their faith and their
precious blood. (Tout)

Round #2:

The church celebrates the mystery of the Nativity (Kyahek) and this terminates at

Round #3:

The Baptism of our Lord Jesus and the unity of the Holy Trinity (The Father and
the Son and the Holy Spirit). (Touba).

Round #4:

The Jonah’s fast and the preparation for the Holy Forty day fast. (Touba)

Round #5:

Great Lent. (Am sheer - Baramhat)

Round #6:

The Easter celebration. (Baramouda- Bashense).

Round #7:

The Mission month and the Disciples’ fast. (Abib)

Round #8:

St. Mary’s fast. (Messra)

Round #9:

The short month (Nassey); all the readings in the church in this month are about the
end of the world.

I hope you would join the church in celebrating these nine rounds so that you keep in
touch with all the events, and hence you partake in the system, remember it, learn from
it and be blessed by it too.


Ariana, a governor of a city near Melawy (in the Southern part of Egypt) was mainly
concerned with torturing the Christians. Other governors from other cities used to send
Christians for him to be killed and tortured.

One time, he stood to watch his people torturing Deacon Philemon. The way they were
torturing Philemon was by directing swords towards his body. One of the swords hit
Philemon and was re-directed and entered Ariana’s eye. Then Ariana went to the young
man Philemon and said to him: “If you heal my eye, I will let you go." Then Philemon
answered him: “If I heal your eye, you will say that we are magicians and you will let
me go. But kill me first, so that I win the crown of martyrdom and after they bury me in
the tomb, take some of the dust and put it on your eye and it will be healed."

Ariana killed Philemon and after he was buried, he took some of the dust and put it on
his own eye and it was healed.

Ariana and many people who saw what happened became Christians and believed in the
Lord Jesus Christ.

By H.H. Pope Shenouda III

St Paul, the Apostle, says in his Epistle to the Romans, "If indeed we suffer with Him, that we
may also be glorified together. " (Rom 8:17)

And so, suffering for the Lord becomes a measure of the glory that awaits the faithful in the
eternal Kingdom. Therefore the Church places the martyrs above all the Saints.

They are mentioned in the Church's prayers before the spirit-borne and the solitary fathers,
who filled the wilderness with prayers and contemplation. They are also mentioned before our
fathers the Patriarchs and Bishops, with all their services in spreading the Word. This is all
because of the sufferings they endured for the sake of God.

Even in service, the measure of suffering is also obvious, as the Apostle says, "... and each will
receive his own reward according to his own labour.” (1Cor. 3:8).
Therefore, the Lord says in his letter to the Angel of the Church at Ephesus, "I know your
works, your labour, your patience... and you have persevered and have patience, and have
laboured for my name's sake and have not become weary.” (Rev 2:2-3), putting labour at the
It is also said in the Bible that, "God is not unjust to forget your work and labour of love...
"(Heb 6:10)
Love expresses its existence by labouring for the beloved one, as the Apostle says, "... Let us
not love in word or in tongue.” (1 Jn. 3:18)
The depth of love also shows in suffering, when the level of love is raised up to sacrifice and
Therefore, God's love was shown to us in its deepest form when the Lord was on the Cross,
sacrificing himself for our redemption, the just for the unjust. Christ was at the peak of His
glory when He was in His deepest passion.
For this reason, He said about his crucifixion, "Now the Son of Man is glorified" John 13:31.
The picture of His crucifixion is the picture of His glory...
St. Paul, the Apostle, considers suffering to be a gift from God. About this, he says, "For to
you it has been granted on behalf of Christ, not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for
his sake." (Phil 1:29)
St. Peter, the Apostle, also talked about suffering saying, "For to this you were called,
because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow his
steps" (1 Pet 2:21).



Please read Matthew 25:14-30, the attached material entitled “Serious Work”, and
give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To learn that God gave us talents and we should use them effectively. We must use our
talents to grow spiritually as well as in our daily lives.


“Enter into the joy of your Lord” Matthew 25:21


We have many talents, right? (Yes)

What are some of your talents? (Ask each child, if possible, to name one talent
he/she has).
Who gave us these talents? (God)
Today, we are going to talk about a story the Lord Jesus once told about three
servants who received talents from their Master, what they did with these talents, and
what happened to them after.

 First read the Gospel according to St. Matthew 25:14-30 with the students and
discuss its contents.

 In this parable, the Master gave his servants his endowments; to the first he gave
five talents, to the second he gave two talents and to the third he gave one talent. He
gave “to each according to his own ability” (Matthew 25:15).This means that the
Master was not biased toward any of them, but he gave the endowments according
to his knowledge of their own abilities. This teaches us not to be proud when we
encounter the less talented because all talents are given from one source, “God”. St.
Paul said “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same spirit. There are
differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities,
but it is the same God who works all in all” (l Corinthians 12:4-6).

 God does not look at the profits, but He looks at the honesty of his servants in using
their talents. The problem of the man who had one talent was that he was lazy and
lived his life inactively.

 Profit brings profit, loss brings loss and sin brings sin. The man who had five
talents, as he made a profit (5 more talents), His Master told him, “I will make you
ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your Lord” (Matthew 25:21). Similarly
there was also the man who received the two talents. The man who was endowed
with the one talent, however, neglected his talent and lived his life in a lazy manner
and lost the talent which he had from God. Not only that, but he fell in the sin of
insulting his Master by saying, “Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where
you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed” (Matthew
25:24). The life of laziness led him to commit a sin against His Master.

 The reward for those who used their talents was “Enter into the joy of your Lord”
(Matthew 25:21) and the punishment for the lazy servant was to “cast the
unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing
of teeth” (Matthew 25:30).

 God gave us talents: knowledge, health, intelligence, time, mind and body. How are
we using them? Are we wasting time watching TV? Are we wasting time on
computer games or internet?

 Ask what everyone is most talented in.

 We have to try our best and God will help us to achieve high goals. We must use
our talents to achieve spiritual depth and an actual friendly relationship with God.

 If we are lazy like the one who was endowed with the one talent, we will not only
lose eternal life, but we will also be punished.

 We should give one tenth of all that we have to God. No matter how small it is, we
must give back to the church (and to the poor) part of what God gave us.

1. We must do our best at school. Let us learn from the present moment to use at
least part of our energy or talents to serve our Lord Jesus. If we give to the poor
and needy, we are actually giving Jesus Himself.

2. We must also do our best at home and participate in doing house work with the
rest of the family members. We can help in cooking, cleaning, tidying things up
and helping our younger sisters and brothers.

3. Most importantly we have to use our talents to grow spiritually and have a place
in heaven. How? By “Serious Work.” Take praying (in concentration) seriously,
read the bible (in respect and concentration) and come regularly to church. In all
of these spiritual practices, one has to fully utilize his or her talent. Also in
serving the church, one has toutilize his or her full ability.

Jesus is standing and knocking on your door pen up or else He will be there no more
Let Him in to reign on your heart like before open up your heart for Jesus, speedily


Speedily, Speedily,
Use the only chance you may have been given
Open up your heart for Jesus, speedily

All the day He has been there waiting for you open up and he will bring His Father too
And together They will make a home in you open up your heart for Jesus, speedily

Open up your heart and you’ll be forgiven this may be the only time you are given
So waste not your chance to make it to heaven open up your heart for Jesus, speedily

Open up your heart today and do not wait wake up and repent before it is too late
Hell is full of those who did procrastinate open up your heart for Jesus, speedily

He is knocking on your door, so open up He’s prepared to give Himself for you to sup
Come, receive Him in the paten and the cup open up your heart for Jesus, speedily.


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III
The Bible says, "Cursed is he who does the work of the Lord deceitfully.”(Jer. 48:10)...
The one who works for the Lord must, "Be faithful until death. " (Rev 2:10). Faithfulness is a
principal condition for service...
With this seriousness, the Apostles witnessed for the name of Christ, and they were,
"Preaching the Kingdom of God... with all confidence, no one forbidding them. " (Acts 28:31)
"And with great power, the Apostles gave witness... and great grace was upon them all. " (Acts
As a result of this serious, honest and faithful work, the kingdom of God spread. Listen to what
God said to the Angel of the Church of Ephesus. "I know your works, your labour, your
patience... and you have persevered and have patience, and have laboured for my name's sake
and have not become weary.”(Rev 2:2-3)
Serious work is built on faith...
The more your faith in the weight and importance of your work is true and complete, the
more seriousness of your work will be. Leniency in work is an evidence of lack of faith
and its importance...
Serious work indicates a sense of responsibility:
Just as what Joseph, the faithful did, stockpiling wheat, fully aware that the life of many depends on
his honesty.
So it is with the spiritual service: the life of many depends on the honesty of the servant. If he
neglects his service they are lost.
Serious work is controlled from one's inner self...
It is controlled by one's own conscience and the voice of God inside him.
This control is due to his live feelings and holy zeal...
He works seriously because "Time is short" and every minute counts, with any delay or negligence
having its dangers...
Serious work is always successful...
It is a perfect work because seriousness brings work to perfection...
Perfect work is a successful work. It was said about the righteous man, "And whatever he does
shall prosper" (Ps 1:3)
Serious work does not slow down till completed...
It does not believe in fatigue and does not seek rest...

Its performer does not rest until the work is finished and he tastes its fruits... Like Lazarus of
Damascus who would not rest till he took Rebeccaas wife for his master's
son. And when they asked him to rest, he answered "Do not hinder me. " (Gen 24:56)





Please read the attached material entitled “The Appearance of the Cross in the
Sky” and “The Feast of the Elevation of the Cross", “The Cross in our Life”, and
give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To show that beyond our sufferings there is glory. The Cross was followed by the
Resurrection of our Lord Jesus.


“But we preach Christ was crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block

and to the Greeks foolishness, but to those who are called, both Jews
and Greeks Christ is the power of God and the wisdom of God.” 1
Corinthians 1:23-24


What would you do, or how would you feel, if, one day, you went outside and saw
a huge Cross in the sky? It would be amazing right?
Well, this miracle of the Cross appearing in the sky happened three times in the
In fact, the Church celebrates this event in the Feast of the Elevation of the Cross.
Today, we are going to learn about the three times the Cross appeared and why the
Cross is so important to us as Christians.

 Please review the students’ background on the apparition of the shining Cross in the
sky three times. In the Feast of the Elevation of the Cross we celebrate the
appearance of the glorious Cross of Jesus Christ our Lord by Saint Helena.
 Crossing yourself is a source of strength that makes the devil flee and you do not
fear anything. You must Cross yourself before you sleep and before entering any
dark place. You should carry the Cross and have one in your room to remember all
the time that we have gained salvation through the blood of the Lord Jesus which
was shed on the Cross.

 When I Cross myself at first I put my fingers on my forehead saying in the name of
the Father (thus remembering that my heavenly Father is up in Heaven). Secondly, I
put my fingers on my stomach saying and the Son (thus remembering that our Lord
Jesus Christ the Son of God was born from St. Mary through the Holy Spirit).
Thirdly, I move my fingers from the left shoulder to the right one saying and the
Holy Spirit (thus remembering that the Holy Spirit Who is inside me since I was
baptized guides me and leads me to move from the left side, i.e., the bad side, to the
right side, i.e., the good side and become a good person as a child of God).

 The Cross was the central subject of preaching by the apostles. See the memory
verse and explain it as follows: the Jews thought of the Messiah as a worldly king
and could not believe that He was crucified. The Greeks had no idea about the
coming of Christ, so they just do not know. For Christians the Cross means the
power of Christ in granting us salvation.

 As the believers carry the Cross, as our Lord Jesus Christ did, they gain a lot of
strength in their suffering as they remember the suffering of Christ on the Cross
which was much more than theirs. Therefore, the outside appearance of the Cross
is suffering, but the inside reality is strength, victory and joy. The church history
reminds us that Emperor Diocletian issued a decree for the demolishing of all
churches and made infringements on Christians’ rights. Emperor Maximian issued
a decree as well forcing Christians to worship idols and to offer sacrifices to them.
But the Christians did not obey all these orders. They sacrificed themselves and
died as martyrs without denying their faith. All these empires vanished but the
Christians remained. The church, while carrying the Cross, has survived because
Christ promised that “the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it” (Matthew


1. Let us rejoice that we are Christians. We carry our Cross as our Lord did and have
It as a sign of salvation and strength.

2. We even can see it in our daily lives. If we studied hard and suffered doing that,
we get good results and rejoice. When we try harder in our spiritual life, we will be
better, happier and gain a place in heaven. We get our reward. Glory is beyond



Through the prayers of my

Master, king Constantine
And his mother Queen
Helen, O Lord…


This happened three times:

1. The FIRST time it appeared in the sky to the Emperor Constantine the Great to
encourage him before he was set to go to war. He and his officers saw it like a pillar
of light in the sky surrounded by the following words: “With it (the Cross) you will
conquer." Constantine was encouraged, became a Christian, went to war and was

2. The SECOND time the Cross appeared to Julius Caesar on the doors of the city of
Antioch. It appeared in the East like a pillar of light which startled all those who
saw it.

3. The Cross appeared again for the THIRD time to all the people of Jerusalem. This
happened in the sacred days of the Pentecostal Feast, to be exact on the 8th of May,
351 A.D. at 3:00 pm (about 9:00am our time) a big Cross appeared in the sky on
Golgotha stretching to Mount olive. It was very clear and was seen not only by one
or two, but by all the people of the city also. It remained for many hours shining
brighter than the rays of the sun. All the people of the city came out to see the
apparition. People were astounded, scared, but with great joy they witnessed that
heavenly scene. Old and young, men and women of all ages, Christians and non--
Christians, from all places praised Jesus Christ, Our Lord.


In the Feast of the Elevation of the Cross we remember the appearance of the glorious
Cross of Jesus Christ our Lord. When the Jews found out the very large number of
miracles done in the name of Jesus’ tomb, they became angry and asked everyone in the
Jewish country to collect all the dirty things and their waste and put it at the top of the
tomb. The Jews continued to do that for over 200 years until a very large pile of dirt was
formed. Saint Helena, the mother of King Constantine, went to Jerusalem and asked
about the location of the Cross. Nobody told her until she met an old man who told her
that the Cross is underneath the pile of dirt. She then ordered that the pile of dirt should
be removed. It was then easy to get out the Holy Cross of Jesus Christ. Afterwards she
built a church on that site and the Christian people go to visit the Cross and the Church.

St. Helena did that because she loved the Cross as it appeared to her son, King
Constantine before he went to war and he won that war.

By H.H. Pope Shenouda III

On the occasion of the feast of the Cross, we mention the following points:
Our first relationship with the Cross starts by baptism, where our old Adam is crucified so that sin will
never enslave us.

 The Church has carried the Cross during the martyrdom period and in all the persecutions that
followed it during the lapse of time...

 The beauty of the Cross is that the Church carried it with joy and patience,... without any complaint
or grumbling...

The Cross changed into a longing that the Church desires and proceeds towards.
The way in which the Christians received death puzzled the pagans. It was a reflection of the
Christians' faith in eternal joy and disdain of the world, with all its pleasures and enjoyments...

The prisons turned into temples, where hymns and prayers echoed from the Christians who were joyful
to receive death...

 The third field where we carry the Cross is narrow gate...

A person might constrain himself for the sake of God. He isolates himself from the
world and all its desire. He disclaims everything for God's sake... by fasting
devoutness, self control and enduring others' offences.
 The Cross of weariness could also be included this field...
One toils in one's services for God and labours(crucifying the flesh with its
passions), as the Apostle says, "He toils in struggling and crucifying the thought and
overcoming oneself, " knowing all the time that he "will receive his own reward
according to his own labour. "
(ICor 3:8)
Christianity could never be separated from the Cross....
The Lord Jesus told us plainly that "... In the world you will have tribulation" and he
also said, "and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. " (Mt 10:22)
 We welcome and rejoice the Cross, and see our strength in it. As the Apostle said,
"For the message of the Cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who
are being saved, it is the power of God (1Cor. 1:18)

For the success
of this Sunday
School Program
the teacher should
refer to the
in his/her preparation
of the lessons and in
teaching the students
in the class



Please read Mark 2:3-12 “A Paralytic Carried by Four Men”, John 4:46-
53“Healing the Son of the Nobleman”, the attached article entitled, “Levels of
Faith.”, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To learn that if we have faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, nothing will stand in our way.


“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of

things not seen” Hebrew 11:1


 Have you ever been in such a tough situation and you had no idea how you were
going to get out of it?
Maybe you are having a difficult time at school, at home, or someone you love is
very sick and there is no medicine to make this person better.
How would you feel? Lost? Confused? Worried?
Would you lose hope?
Today, we are going to explore how if we have faith in God, everything will work out
to our advantage, no matter what happens.

What is faith?

- Faith is the strong belief in the power of God.

- If we have faith in God, we can even move mountains, as our Lord Jesus said.
- In the Old Testament, Abraham had faith in God. So, when God ordered him to
leave his home town and relatives and go to where God was going to tell him,
he obeyed…he did not even hesitate. His faith told him that God will take care
of him, no matter what, read this in class (Heb. 11:8): “By faith Abraham
obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would afterward
receive an inheritance. And he went, not knowing where he was going.”

 Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it
the elders obtained a good testimony. “By faith we understand that the worlds
were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made
of things which are visible” (Hebrews 11:1-3). This shows us that by faith we
understand things that are not seen through the evidences which are seen. For
example, when we look at creation around us, the sun, the moon, the sky, etc., we
can understand and have faith that there is a Creator who is God.

 Faith influences the behaviour of people towards God. People who have faith do
things that show their belief in God. For example, Abraham had faith: “By faith
Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would
afterward receive an inheritance. And he went, not knowing where he was going”
(Hebrews 11:8). Please read about the faith of the important personalities in the
Old Testament as mentioned in Hebrews 11:4-end, and give some of these
examples to the students.

 Tell the two stories from the Bible: “A Paralytic Carried by Four Men” and
“Healing the Son of the Nobleman”.

“A Paralytic Carried by Four Men":

- After a few days, our Savior entered Capernaum and it became known that He is
in one of the houses which may be Peter’s house. A large crowd came to the
house to the extent “that there was no longer room to receive them, not even
near the door. And He preached the word to them.”

- Four men came carrying a paralytic seeking the power of the Lord Jesus to heal
him. The paralytic was heavy, they came a long way and when they arrived,
they could not reach Jesus because of the crowd. It was easy to give up. But they
did not. Their faith was strong. So, they insisted on having the sick man brought
in front of Jesus somehow. “They uncovered the roof where He was. And when
they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was
lying. When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son,your sins are
- These four men represent the church. Having strong faith in her Lord, she feels
responsible to go and bring the world which is paralyzed by sin before the
healing power of Christ.

“Healing the Son of the Nobleman":

Our Lord Jesus was in Cana of Galilee. The sick person was in a different city; he
was in Capernaum. The nobleman came to Cana of Galilee seeking Jesus to come
to Capernaum and heal his son. “Sir, come down before my child dies." Jesus said,
“Go your way, your son lives.” So the man believed the word that Jesus spoke to
him, and he went his way.” The man believed in Jesus’ power to heal even without
touching the sick child or going to Capernaum. That was just by the word that He

 Judas Iscariot did not have faith although he saw all the miracles that Jesus did, but
still he betrayed Jesus and loved money more than Him.

 St. Peter had gone a long way in his faith. At one point in time he denied that he
knew Jesus in front of a servant. But after he gained the strength of the Holy Spirit
in Pentecost, he was able to witness without any fear in front of the highest Jewish
council that Jesus is the Messiah.


1. A strong faith in God can even make miracles happen. Have that kind of faith and
see…God will never let you down. Let us not question the word of God. Let us only
obey, believe and act.

2. As the four men carrying the paralytic did not give up despite the several difficulties
they faced, we must never give up. We must do our best and have faith that God will
have everything work to our advantage no matter what happens.

3. One also has to ask himself or herself: What is the reality concerning the strength of
my faith? Let me make this a regular prayer: asking God to enhance my faith. Lord
give me “…the hope of righteousness by faith.” (Gal. 5:5).


You are my hiding place

you always fill my heart with SONGS of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid
I will trust You
I will trust You
Let the weak say I am strong
In the strength of the Lord


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III

There might be a person "who is weak in the faith" (Rom 14:1) or, "of little faith.” Mt 8:26

Another person needs to "perfect what is lacking in his faith". (1 Thess 3:10)A third is "slow
of heart to believe,” like the two disciples of Emmaus. (Luke. 24:25)
On the contrary to this, there are levels of faith...
A faithful person,
Another, “not a novice," (I Tim 3:6)
A third, "... his faith grows exceedingly," (2Thess 1:3) or he "abounds in faith. "(2Cor. 8:7)

A fourth, "continues in the faith, grounded and steadfast” (Col 1:23)

A fifth, “steadfast in the faith.” (1 Pet 5:9)

A sixth,. “rich in faith. " (Jas 2:5).
Above all those, a seventh, “fullof faith. ". (Acts 6:5)
The Lord said about some, “great is your faith ". (Mt. 15:28)
There is a strong faith in which “signs will follow those who believe” (Mk 16:17) and faith
that, “could remove mountains” (1Cor. 13:2), and a greater faith which makes everything
possible, “all things are possible to him who believes.”(Mk 9:23)
Concerningall this, what is your position in faith? Are you a true believer? Do you have that...
“faith working through love"? (Gal. 5:6) Do you grow in faith? Or is your faith strong and
great? Or you need prayers so “that your faith should not fail "? (Lk. 22:32)
Brethren: "examine yourselves as to whether you are in faith. Prove yourselves?" (2 Cor13:5)
Undoubtedly, the word faith bears deep meanings.




Please read the attached notes marked (I) to (III) and give the lesson with emphasis
on the points below.


To learn that we should give thanks to the Lord at all times because He cares for us.
Even if things look bad for us God can turn things around for us. So, let us thank Him at
all times.


“So when the ship was caught, and could not head into the wind, we
let her drive” Acts 27:15


 If somebody gives you something that you need, or does you a favour, you say right
away: “Thank you”. This is very good indeed. But, how about God? How much is
God giving you? Think about it. Do you take His generosity and love for granted? It
is time now to develop an attitude of thankfulness to God at all times.

 Tell the story of the ten lepers briefly. Only one of them came to thank the Lord
Jesus, Please read Luke 17:11-19.

 Our church teaches us that the prayer of thanksgiving is very important to the extent
that in all church services, we start with the prayer of thanksgiving. Please read to
the students the prayer of thanksgiving from the attached material. Please ask the
students to try to know this prayer by heart.

 Then mention in more detail “The Lord takes care of Paul in the ship and the
island” (Acts 27:1-44 and Acts 28:1-6). From this event we can see that the Lord
was keeping Paul safe.

 Let us first realize that Jesus takes care of us all day long. Even if something bad
happened to us, it could have been worse. But Jesus takes care of us. We must
thank Him in all our prayers.

 The Lord gives us generously. He said, “ask and you will be given, seek and you
will find.” Every time we ask the Lord, He grants us our needs and a lot more.

 God is merciful and treats us according to His mercy. “For as the heavens are high
above the earth, so great is the steadfast love towards those who fear Him.”


1. Let us be thankful to God for all the love and care that He has given us.

2. Let us try to memorize the Thanksgiving prayer and Psalm 103 by heart and think
of every verse in it.

3. It is easy to thank God when something good happens to us. But can we train
ourselves to thank God under adverse conditions? This would require faith that
God will turn everything at the end for our goodness' sake.


Amen AmenAmen; Ton

Thanaton so kyrie
Katangelomen: Ke teen
Agiiansooanastasin: Ke
Teen ana lee epsin so
Enteesoo ranis se e molo
Goomen. Se e noo men
Se evlogoomen se ev
Kharistomenkirie; ketheo
Meta soo o theosemon.

Amen AmenAmen:
Your death O Lord we proclaim.
Your holy resurrection and
Ascension we confess.
We praise You, we bless You
We thank You, O Lord, and we
Entreat You, O our God.


PSALM 103 - (I)
Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the
Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who
heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with
loving kindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that
your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. The Lord executes righteousness and justice for
all who are oppressed. He made known His ways to Moses, His acts to the children of
Israel. The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. He
will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with
us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens
are high above the earth, so great is His mercy towards those who fear Him. As far as
the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. As a father
pities his children, so the Lord pities those whofear Him. For He knows our frame; He
remembers that we are dust. As for man, his days are like grass; as a flower of the field,
so he flourishes. For the wind passes over it, and it is gone, and its place remembers it
no more. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting. On those who
fear Him, and His righteousness to children’s children. To such as keep His covenant,
and to those who remember His commandments to do them. The Lord has established
His throne in heaven. And His kingdom rules over all. Bless the Lord, you His angels,
who excel in strength, who do His words. Bless the Lord, all you His hosts, you
ministers of His, who do His pleasure. Bless the Lord, all his works, in all places of His
dominion. Bless the Lord, O my soul.


Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.


Let us give thanks to the beneficent and merciful God, the Father of our Lord, God, and
Savior, Jesus Christ, for He has covered us, supported us, preserved us, accepted us unto
Him, had compassion on us, sustained us, and brought us to this hour.
Let us then ask Him, the Almighty Lord our God, to keep us in all peace this holy day
and all the days of our life.
O Master, Lord, God Almighty, Father of our Lord, God, and Savior, Jesus Christ, we
thank Thee upon every condition, for any condition, and in whatever condition, for
Thou hast covered us, supported us, preserved us, accepted us unto Thee, had
compassion on us, sustained us and brought us unto this hour.

Wherefore, we pray and entreat Thy goodness O lover-of-mankind. Grant us to
complete this holy day and all the days of our life in all peace with Thy fear. All envy,
all temptation, all the workings of Satan, the intrigue of wicked people, the rising up of
enemies, hidden and manifest, dost Thou cast away from us and from Thy people, and
from this, Thy holy place.
Whereas of things that are good and useful dost Thou grant us, for Thou art He who
gave us the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and every power of the
enemy. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Through the grace and mercies and love-of-man of Thine only Begotten Son, our Lord,
God, and Savior Jesus Christ, through whom is due unto Thee glory and honor and
power together withHim and the Holy Spirit, the Life-Giver, who is consubstantial with
Thee now and ever, and to the age of all ages. Amen


 St. Paul, because of his love for the Lord Jesus, suffered a lot in travel, in facing
persecution and in jail. However, the Lord took care of him and protected him from
all dangers.
 In the ship:

- While St. Paul and the people traveling with him by sea had lots of troubles for
fourteen days, Paul was praying to God to save their lives.
- After fourteen days, he asked them to eat and feel good
because the Lord showed him through an angel that He will save them.
- So the Lord saved everyone on the ship because of Paul.
 In the Island:
- After they arrived at the island, Paul had gathered a bundle of sticks and put them
on fire when a viper came out and was fastened to his hand. When the natives saw
the creature hanging from his hand, they said to one another: no doubt this man is a
murderer. Though he hadescaped from the sea, justice did not allow him to live, He,
however, shook off the creature into the fire and suffered no harm.



Please read Joshua Chapters 5&6, the attached material entitled, “Faith”, and give
the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To learn that we must trust and do what God is telling us even if we do not understand
now. The two stories in the lesson show that we win if we submit to God easily.


“By faith the walls of Jericho fell down after they were encircled for
seven days”Hebrews 11:30


 Two weeks ago, we spoke together about faith. What did we learn from that
lesson? (We must do our best and have faith that God will have everything work to
our advantage no matter what happens).
Today, we are going to continue to talk about the power of faith.
Imagine that there is a very tall, strong, brick wall.
Now imagine that someone told you that if you walk around this wall a few times,
and then shout as loud as you can, this very strong, tall wall would just crumble and
Would you believe this person? Would you do it?
Well, this is exactly what happened to Joshua.
Let us explore this story together.

 After the death of Moses, the Lord spoke to Joshua, saying, “Now therefore, rise,
go over this Jordan to the land which I am giving to them - the children of Israel. As
I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you”.
 The Israelites laid siege around the city of Jericho. They camped around it, so that
no one could go in or out. Then the Lord instructed Joshua how to capture the city.
The priests carried the ark around the city walls, preceded by seven priests blowing
rams’ horns. The armed soldiers went ahead of the trumpeters and the rearguard
followed the ark. Joshua told the people to be silent as they marched. They marched
around the city in this manner once a day for six days. Then on the seventh day,
they marched around seven times. During the seventh march, the priests blew the
trumpets and all the people shouted as loud as they could. The walls of the city
collapsed, and the Israelites walked right into the city and they seized it and
massacred the inhabitants. Those inhabitants were non-believers of God.

 We have to trust the word of God even if we do not understand it. Follow what has
been said and you will fully understand later. The Israelites under the leadership of
Joshua obeyed what God told them to do in order to capture Jericho. It did not
make sense that encircling Jericho, walking around it and blowing horns would
make the walls of the city fall. But they did. This is the power of faith.

 At the wedding in Cana of Galilee, St. Mary asked the Lord Jesus on behalf of the
people to give them wine because they ran out of it. Jesus said to them, “Fill the
water pots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. And He said to them
“Draw some out now, and take it to the master of the feast.” And they took it. The
people in the wedding had faith and obeyed Jesus by filling the water pots with
water. It does not make sense that filling the water pots with water would help to
get wine. But they did it anyway. With Godeverything is possible even if we
cannot understand now or even if it does not make sense. But let us obey.

 Let us praise the Name of the Lord because He takes care of us as He did with the

 Blessed are those who believe without seeing.


1. As we grow up we will understand more about what God is telling us to do. All
we have to do now is trust God and obey Him.

2. If we have faith, we must not worry about anything because we believe that our life
is in God’s hands. Hence, a true believer in God will always have peace.


I have never seen a God like you, my Lord

Who opens the gates, and unlocks the chains (2)
And created roads in the middle of the sea
Never prevented by mountains nor barriers.

I have never seen a God like you my God (2)

No one else but you appears in the den

And rescues the souls from the lion’s hem (2)
Who can lighten the darkness but you O King
And fill my heart with joy that I may sing?

You have suffered lots on the wooden Cross

To give me back my life and restore my loss (2)
You have promised me You are coming back
To grant me the eternal life I lack


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III
Faith is not just a set of rigid beliefs that we learn by from theology and teachings of the church. But
faith is rather a deep inner conviction and complete confidence in God, His attributes and His work.
Our faith in God, His existence, care and protection gives us inner peace and comfort in the heart and
in the mind. It gives us confidence that as far as God exists. He cares about us more than we do about
ourselves. Therefore we have to live in this peace and continue in it.

The believer never becomesdisturbed because anxiety contradicts faith... faith in God's
love, care and protection...
If one believed in God's existence everywhere, one would have an inner feeling of the
holiness of any place, since God is always there. As he feels secure in the presence of
God, he also feels the necessity to be precise in all his actions, knowing that God sees,
hears and observes all his deeds...
In every sin, one says with the righteous Joseph, "Howthen can 1 do this great wickedness, and sin
against God? (Gen. 39:9).

One's faith that God reads one's thoughts and knows the secrets of his heart, his intentions and
feelings; such faith grants him modesty in his thoughts and feelings, making him bashful of
God who examines all these emotions...
One's faith in the world to come and the day of judgment when he gives an account of all his
deeds, thoughts, feelings and sayings, makes him sure that this world is perishing. One then
sees the need to be prepared for that fearful day working for eternal life after death...

One keeps this thought in his heart saying with David, “Lord make me to know my end, and
what is the measure of my days, that I may know how frail I am. " (Ps 39:4)
Faith is not just to be mentally convinced but is an action inside the heart, to lead one through
his whole life...
It is not a specific moment where Man accepts God. It is a life-time job, where one lives in
confidence that, "Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen."
(Heb 11:1)
Therefore, the word faith in most cases means the whole Christian life with all its beliefs and

For the success
of this Sunday
School Program
the teacher should
refer to the
in his/her preparation
of the lessons and in
teaching the students
in the class



Please read Mark 9:17-31, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To learn that in order for us to grow in our faith, we have to ask the Lord in our prayers
to strengthen our faith. This is part I of a series of two lessons on the steps of growing
in our faith.


“I believe, Master, help my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24)


 Last week we talked about the walls of Jericho and how they fell because of the
faith of Joshua and the Israelites. We learned that even if we do not understand
what God is telling us to do, all we have to do now is have faith by trusting God and
obeying Him, because we will understand more as we grow up.
Two weeks before that, we also spoke about faith, and learned that God will have
everything work to our advantage.
We now know that having faith is so important: The more faith you have, the more
power from God that you will get.
But, wait a minute! How do we even get this faith? Did you ever think of that?
Today, and next week, we will learn how to grow in our faith.

Tell the story of the father who brought his son to the disciples, then to Jesus,
possessed by a dumb spirit. (Mark 9:17-31)

 Emphasize the following points:
1) Jesus said to the boy’s father: “Bring him to Me.”

In other words: No doubt that you came here knowing that, if anybody could do
anything at all for your child, that somebody would be Jesus Christ. Then, what
are you waiting for? “Bring him to Me”, said the Lord Jesus.

We go through the same thing …We have a problem or a need …. We try

everything to have the problem solved or the need fulfilled …All our efforts go
down the drain, all our struggle is in vain … We realize that we need a miracle
from God to save the situation. And many times we stop at that.

Here, our Lord Jesus is telling you ... What are you waiting for? Bring this
problem or this need to Me.

2) “If you can believe…"

Again Jesus said to the boy’s father: “If you can believe … all things are
possible to him who believes.”

In other words: Do you have faith? Things can happen only if you have faith. In
fact Jesus is saying: “Mr. …The problem is not whether I can heal your boy or
not …The problem is whether or not you have faith that I can heal him.” The
more faith you have, the more power you get.

Of course, the father had some faith, otherwise he wouldn’t have brought his
boy to our Lord. But again he had some doubts too. For many long years he had
met one frustration after the other. He had taken his child from one doctor to
the other …none could help. He had tried all kinds of medicine …none could
cure him. He brought him even to Jesus’ disciples, and even those could not
cast away the dumb spirit.

The father was very honest when he spoke to the Master: “I believe, Master,
help my unbelief.”

That was one of the short prayers in the Bible, but it was very honest, very
sincere and very strong.

He was saying: “I have faith …but my faith is not strong enough …Lord,
strengthen my faith.”
 Now ask the students: How do you grow in your faith? How do you strengthen your

The answer is: By prayer

Be persistent in your prayer. Make it honest, sincere and strong. But how?

 How do you make your prayer very honest, very sincere and very strong?

Or, putting the question in a different way: Why do you sometimes feel that your
prayer is weak?

Invite answers. The answers could be something like this:

 Because we pray at the end of the day, when we are tired and very sleepy.

 Because when we pray in the morning, we are rushing to get ready to go to


 Sometimes we pray even without thinking ... etc.

It is good that you pray. But I don’t think that you pray just because you want to pray or
because you have to pray.

You want your prayer to be heard and answered. You want to have things moving. You
want to feel that you are improving and growing in your faith, in your behaviour …in
your spiritual life.

How do you do that?

Very simple …Take some time off before you pray. Jesus said: “When you pray, go into
your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret
place, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” (Matt. 6:6). After
you read your Bible and before you pray, prepare yourself for prayer.

 Count your blessings so that you can thank God for them one by one if possible
…. Remember what we said about the life of thanksgiving the Sunday before

 Remember the sins that you committed that day ... the things that displeased
God ...And when you pray, mention them before God and ask for His
forgiveness … Ask Him to help you overcome them.

 Remember the special things that you want to pray for

a) For yourself … (as an example) Ask Him to strengthen your faith …etc.

b) For others …members of your family, your friends, your church, the Pope,
your priest, your Sunday School teachers … and those with special needs,
somebody who is sick, or having an exam, or not coming to church, the
poor and the hungry …etc.

 Having prepared yourself ... then, pray.

I am sure your prayer will be very honest, very sincere and very strong.


1. Before you pray, prepare yourself for prayer.

2. Ask God to help you grow in your faith. A part of your prayer could be like this:

Please God, strengthen my faith so that I can take the sufferings and the pains
without complaining to please You … Strengthen my faith so that I can stand strong
against all the temptations that face me … so that I can feel secure being beside
You, getting the protection I need, the help I need, the forgiveness I need, the peace
I need and the wisdom and guidance I need.



Do not leave me alone O shepherd of my soul

Be always near to help me and hear me when I call

My lord, I’m nothing without Thee I am nothing at all
So take my right hand O Lord, and lead me
Forever in Thy way

Do not leave me alone My guardian and my guide

And hold me lest I fall whenever my footsteps slide

Do not leave me alone if I’m tempted to sin

When outward things are strong keep watch, O Lord, within

Do not leave me alone whenever I feel frail

Subdue Satan before me and let him not prevail

Do not leave me alone when I have gone astray

But take my hand and lead me again into Thy way

Do not leave me alone whenever sins abound

But rather, Lord, forgive me and turn my life around

Do not leave me alone when hope has fled away

But rather reassure me And teach me to watch and pray




Please read James 2:14-26, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To learn the importance of “good works” that should accompany our faith. One must
make a move forward towards God. This is part II of a series of two lessons on the
steps of growing in your faith.


“Faith without works is dead also” (James 2:26)


 Don’t just stand there, do something.

The teacher may tie together the previous lessons on faith as follows:
1) We spoke last Sunday about the father who had a son possessed by a dumb spirit.
He had some faith that Jesus could heal his little boy. But he didn’t do anything
about it. He didn’t even bring the boy to Jesus.
2) We said that this, sometimes, happens to us. We have all the faith that God can do
the miracle …but that is the end of it, we stand there doing nothing. We have to
take a step forward.
3) A few Sundays ago, we spoke about the faith of Abraham. He had the strongest
faith that God would provide him with what he needed. But what if he had not
obeyed God and had not left his home? How could he have shown that faith? God
praised him because he showed his faith by his deeds, by his obedience to God’s
command, by taking a step forward.
4) The four men who brought the paralytic to our Lord. Theyhad a strong faith that
Jesus could heal him …a strong faith that made them persist and not give up in
spite of all the obstacles they met. What if they had that faith, but they didn’t go
through the trouble of bringing the paralytic to Jesus? They took a step and
moved forward.
5) Even the nobleman who couldn’t bring his sick boy to Jesus to heal him. He did
something …He came to bring Jesus to the sick boy. He took a step and moved
6) Joshua had great faith in God especially after God told him: “As I was with
Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you.” His faith
assured him that God would give him the city of Jericho. But he didn’t let his
faith stop there. He obeyed God and he led the Israelites and encircled the city for
seven days as God ordered him.
a. What are these examples telling us? They are telling us the following:
b. Have faith …Do your part …Obey God …Use your talents …and leave the
rest to God.
The disciple St. James gives us examples:
1) If you see somebody who does not have clothes to wear or food to eat, and you
tell him: “Go, put on some clothes and get something to eat so that you won’t
get sick.”, but you don’t give him clothes or food …what is the use? Would
your advice give him the warmth and the satisfaction he needs?
2) All through the Old and New Testaments, Abraham was known for his faith,
why? Not because he said that he had faith …but because, when he was asked to
sacrifice his only beloved son Isaac, hard as it was on him, he obeyed.
Now, please read (James 2:14-26)
Again, what are these examples trying to tell us? They are telling us that faith
has to be accompanied by good works. Or, that faith is not faith if it stands alone
without good deeds. Or, to put it in another way: To grow in faith means to grow
in good deeds. Someone said: “Without God, man cannot do …and without
man, God will not do.”
 Who is the greatest?
Two of the most beloved disciples of our Lord, John and James, asked of Him, one
day, Master, “Grant us to sit one at your right hand and one at your left in your
glory.: They believed that He was the Messiah, that is why they asked that.
The other Disciples, when they heard them request that, they began to be angry at
them for their selfishness, and they were also angry with themselves for not
thinking about these positions first.

So Jesus our Lord solved the problem by putting this principle very clear. He said
that, in My Kingdom, “whoever would be great among you must be your servant,
and whoever would be first among you must be slave of all.” (Mark 10:43).

The thing that makes you great in the sight of God is faith which is shown through
good works.

 How can I serve?

Here we go back to the lesson that we studied about our talents and how to use
them. (3rd Sunday of September).

You can point out the following:

1) God is putting great importance on the little talent that you have or the service
that you can do. The little service that a one-talent man can do equals, in God’s
eyes, exactly the great service that a five-talent man can do. Christ ourLord
praised the poor widow who put in the synagogue’s offering box two pennies.

2) God might have given us only a little human understanding or a little

compassion, or a little kindness or even a little faith …maybe our gift for prayer
is small …But, use these little talents and they will grow, or bury them and you
will lose them. In other words, your talents, whether they are big or small, use
them or lose them. There is no other way.

3) Remember the story about the fig tree. After 3 years without producing fruit, the
owner gave order to cut it down. But, because of the plea (or the intercession) of
the gardener, it was given a one-year grace …it either bears fruit, or be cut
down. Just to stay alive is not enough, we have to produce. This lesson is for
every Christian, young or old.

4) You can use your talents by helping others, or pleasing your parents, or doing
something for the church, or sacrificing a meal a week and giving its worth to
the hungry, or giving up drinking pop for a month and sending the money to the

poor …etc. There are unlimited ideas and projects of service that one can think
of. Try to help the students to express out their thoughts concerning this subject.


1. To grow in faith means to grow in good deeds too. Take a step forward towards
God and let Him help you.

2. In your preparation for prayer, find out whether or not you are using the talents
which God has given you …how are you using them? …What more can you
do? Thank God and ask Him to help you to grow more and do more.


“Now you are the body of Christ and members individually.” (1Cor 12:27)
Jesus Christ our Lord Saviour of my soul
Let my thoughts be Your thoughts that is all in all
Let my senses be Your senses that is all in all
Let my heart be Your heart that is all in all
Let my will be Your will that is all in all
Let my deeds be Your deeds that is all in all
Let my way be Your way that is all in all





Please read Galatians 5:22, 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, the attached article entitled,
“Life of sacrifice”, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


Introduction to the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Love is the first gift of the Holy Spirit. The
life of love is the life of sacrifice.


"All will know that you are My Disciples, if you have love for one
another." John 13:35

 Does anyone know what the fruits of the Holy Spirit are? (Love, joy, peace,
longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control).
Yes, but what are they, these fruits? (They are the qualities/characteristics each of
us needs/must acquire so that we can be true Christians).
So, today, and for the next three weeks, we will be exploring what are these virtues
that we want to acquire and how to get them.
Today, we will be speaking of the greatest one of these fruits: Love.

 If we are children of God, we must love one another because “God is love”.
 Love is the basis of all virtues. If we have good qualities but we do not have love,
we cannot have a relationship with God, or as St. Paul puts it, “We are nothing”.

But love must be translated into real deeds. These were mentioned by St. Paul
“Love suffers long and is kind, love does not envy, love does not parade itself, is
not puffed up, does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked,
thinks no evil; rejoices in the truth; bears all things. Love never fails." (1
Corinthians 13:4-8)

 As the Lord loved us and showed us that love on the Cross, therefore, we must love
each other, “As I loved you, so you too love one another.”

 We must learn to love all people even our enemies. We can love those people more
if we look at God and not at their actions, i.e., treat them through our relationship
with God.

 Let us see some examples of love from the Bible:

 The love of the four men carrying the paralytic:

Mark 2:1-12. Please remind them of the miracle emphasizing the efforts that
the four men did for the sick man.

 The love of St. Mary for Elizabeth:

Luke 1:39-56. St. Mary knew from the Angel Gabriel that Elizabeth, who was a
very old lady, was pregnant. St. Mary, because of her love, knew that Elizabeth
would definitely need help. “She went into the Hill country with haste, to a city
of Judah." St. Mary stayed serving Elizabeth for 3 months.

 The love of St. Stephen to the people stoning him:

Acts 7:54-60. While they were stoning him, he asked the Lord for their
forgiveness. “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” (Acts 7:60)

 Love never fails. This is a summary statement to show that whatever happens, love
will triumph at last. If we want to have an intimate relationship with God Who is
love, we must have love for one another and translate that love into good deeds.

 The Lord Jesus Christ said to His Apostles (and through them to all of us): “Thus
all will know that you are my Disciples if you will have love among you” (John
13:39). This is the Christian love. Our Lord Jesus explained this Christian love “If
you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even the sinners love
those who love them” (Luke 6:32). By these words, the Lord warns us against the
egotistically selfish character of non-Christian, pagan love. In such egotistic love,
the main element is our personal “I”, our Self gratification which we receive from
this feeling. The Lord commanded something else of us Christians: “Love your
enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for
those who offend and persecute you”. Thus, a Christian loves other people, not for
their good or obliging disposition but for themselves; they are dear to him in
themselves and the Christians’ love seeks their salvation, even if they treat him as
an enemy.


1. Let us base all our deeds on love.

2. Love must be translated into actions to reflect it.
3. To grow in love for others we have to stop being selfish. We have to get rid of
the ego.
4. The life of love is a life of sacrifice.


Love, love, love, love The Gospel in a word is love

Love your neighbour as yourself Love, love, love
Pantocrator You are my Creator
You created heaven and earth I adore You.
Jesus Christ You are our Redeemer
You are our Sacrifice I love You
Holy Spirit You are our Comforter
You sanctify our souls I need You
Coptic Church You are our blessing and pride.
Through Your Sacraments we are saved I serve you
Agios O Theo-os AgiosEes- shiros
AgiosAthanatos Eleisonymas


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III
All that God asks from you is your heart, " My son, give me your heart. " (Prov. 23:26)...
When He asks for your heart, He asks for your love. And the evidence of love is sacrifice.
Therefore a spiritual life is a life of sacrifice, offering everything even life itself." It is
more blessed to give than to receive. " (Act 20:35)
You have to give up something for the sake of God, to move your love for Him. And your love
is as great as what you give up for God's sake.
Look at Abraham, the father of fathers, how did he start his relationship with God...? it started
with God saying to him, "Get out of your country, from your kindred and from your father's
house, to a land I will show you." (Gen 12:1)
For God's sake, Abraham left his family and his country. Was God satisfied with that? No!
Even in the strange land, God said to him, "Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom
you love, and offer him as a burnt offering" (Gen 22:2) Abraham obeyed and went to offer his
Moses also sacrificed his princely position, the royal palace and all the riches and authority
"...esteeming the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures in Egypt." (Heb 11:26)
The Apostles said to the Lord Jesus "We have left all and followed you”, and St. Paul the
Apostle said, "... for when I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that
I may gain Christ”(Phil 13:8).
Sacrifice reaches its peak when you offer everything: like the widow who paid the coins and
the widow who gave the prophet Elijah all the food she had. "Go sell whatever you have and
give to the poor and come take your Cross and follow me.”(Mk 10:21)
God himself gave us this love as an example of sacrifice, "For God so loved the world that he
gave his only son." (Jn 3:16) "Greater love has no one than this, to lay down his life for his
friend.”(Jn 15:13).
The martyrs gave themselves up to death and did not want their life because of their love for
the Lord Jesus Christ.
What about you dear reader?... What have you sacrificed for the sake of Christ who gave
Himself up a n d became man and died on the Cross?
We do not ask you to sacrifice your life like the martyrs, as it was a special time. But, the most
important thing to give up for His sake is your favourite sins.




Please read John 2:1-11, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To continue with the series on the Holy Spirit. Joy is the second gift of the Holy Spirit.
Christianity is a religion of joy.


“Let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God; yes, let them
rejoice exceedingly.” Psalm 68:3


 Last Sunday, we spoke about how we should base all our deeds on love. Love is one
of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. What are the other eight fruits? (Joy, peace,
longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control). Today, we
will explore what it means for a Christian to have joy, the second fruit of the Holy

 Christianity is a life of happiness. The meaning of the word “Gospel” is happy news
or a happy message. Therefore St. Paul said, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I
will say, rejoice!” (Philippians4:4)

 The Lord loves to see us happy:

 In Genesis: He created everything for man, then He created man to enjoy God’s
 In the New Testament: The first miracle Jesus did was in Cana of Galilee at
the wedding (tell the story in detail as in John2:1-l1).
 Jesus said to His disciples: “I will see you and your hearts will rejoice and no
one can take your happiness away from you.”

 The world gives temporary and false happiness but living with our Lord Jesus
gives permanent and true happiness:

Please tell in detail two stories to compare:

 King Herod had a party which ended by the killing of John the Baptist,

 Abraham was very happy to invite the Lord and two angels to his house

 Compare the two types of happiness.

 Christian happiness is in the heart no matter what happens outside. A good

example of that is St. Peter and St. John when they were beaten by the Jews
because of the miracles they did in the name of Jesus, “So they departed from the
presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame
for His name” (Acts5:41).

 If you want to have happiness, try to live with the Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy
Spirit gives you joy.

 “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly”
(John l0:10).

We all know that Jesus came on earth to give us eternal life. The gift of life would
not have been granted if He had not come and died on the Cross. But what is the
meaning of this Bible verse, “that He came to give us a more abundant life”?

He has come so we may enjoy a better life here on earth. Do not think that He
came just to give us some rules to follow, and some commandments to obey. He
came to make us happy, and to give us the peace that passes all understanding. He
came not to deprive us from any happiness in this world; but rather to let us enjoy
all the blessings of living with our beloved Savior Jesus Christ.
When you confess and start a new life with Jesus, this is the abundant life, the
better life, the happier life.

 Do not think that if you become rich and famous you will have a happy and better
life. Why do some popular, rich people commit suicide although they have
abundant wealth and are in need of nothing? They may be famous and popular, but
they lack the divine love of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is precisely why they are not
happy. The emptiness and misery of certain categories of people may lead to
suicidal acts. If you want to start a life of happiness and joy, change your old ways,
repent and confess your sins, open the door of your heart and invite Jesus Christ to
come in and reign over it, and submit your life totally to the Lord.


We may hear at school that Christians, because they do not have (or attend) parties as
the world does, are not as happy. The truth of the matter is that a true Christian does not
need parties to be happy. A true Christian is happy because God is the source of
happiness (not parties) and God is giving happiness to him or her.



I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart
I will enter His courts with praise
I will say this is the day that the Lord has made
I will rejoice for He has made me glad

He has made me glad, He has made me glad

I will rejoice for He has made me glad




Please read John 14:27, Ephesians 2:13-18, the attached notes entitled “God Turns
our Troubles into Good”, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To continue with the series on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Peace is one of the gifts of the
Holy Spirit. Only Christians can enjoy true peace.


"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you" John 14:27


 For the last two weeks, we spoke about two of the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love
and joy.
What are the other seven fruits? (Peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness. gentleness, self-control).
Today, we are going to talk about the fruit that will take away any and all of the
sorrows, pains, and troubles you and I may have.
Does anyone know what that fruit is? (Peace)
Today, we want to learn where peace comes from, how we can lose our peace, and
the importance of being peacemakers.

 Since the beginning, God granted man peace. Therefore, there was:

1) Peace between man and God …Adam used to meet and talk with God. God, in
turn, cared for Adam and did not want him to be alone, therefore He created Eve

for him (Genesis 2:18). Also, Adam used to obey God. Indeed there was peace
between man and God.

2) Peace between Adam and his wife …When God brought Eve to Adam, there
could have been rivalry between them. Eve could have been jealous of Adam
because he was stronger than her … and Adam could have been jealous of Eve
because she was more beautiful. But the peace which the Holy Spirit produced
in them let Adam say: “This now is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh”
(Genesis 2:23).

3) Peace between man and his environment …Therefore, there was peace between
Adam and even the beasts of the earth. God said, “…and let them (man) have
dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the
cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the
earth” (Genesis 1:26).

 However, as a result of his sin, man lost that peace.

1) Man lost the peace he had with God. Consequently, he became afraid of God
and tried to flee from Him. God called on him and Adam hid from Him and
said: “I heard the sound of Thee in the Garden, and I was afraid, because I was
naked and I hid myself" (Genesis 3:10). As a result, “the Lord God sent him
forth from the Garden of Eden.” (Genesis 3:23).

2) Adam lost the peace he had with his wife. He started blaming her for his
mistake and said to God: “The woman whom Thou gavest to be with me, she
gave me fruit of the tree and I ate.” (Genesis 3:12).

3) Man lost the peace he had with his environment. The Lord God said to the
serpent,"…I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed
and her seed; He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel.” (Genesis

 As a result of sin also, Cain became paranoid and was possessed with fear and terror
…“I shall be hidden from Your face; I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond on the
earth, and it will happen that anyone who finds me will kill me.” (Genesis 4:14).
Man’s sin caused him to lose peace completely.

 When evil and wickedness increased, spread and “was great on earth” again peace
was lost and God brought down the Flood and destroyed the whole earth except for
eight persons. (Genesis 6:5&17).Indeed, “There is no peace” says my God, “for the
wicked.” (Isaiah 57:21).

 The Ark of Noah was a symbol of the burial of Christ in the tomb and of Baptism.
(Read I Peter 3:18-21). In and through the Ark, peace was given back to man
…peace with God, peace with man and peace with the animals and the whole
environment. (Read Genesis 9:11).

 Again peace was taken away from man because of his sin and we read about wars,
plagues, famines and troubles, which continued until the coming of the Messiah, at
which time heaven declared," …and on earth peace...”.

Through His Incarnation, Christ our Lord reconciled man with God. Therefore:

1) Through the Cross we were delivered from the punishment of sin.

2) Through His death we were delivered from death, which is the wage of sin.

3) Through the receiving of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and individually at each
person’s Baptism, we have a communion and a fellowship with the Holy Spirit
which grants us:
a) The gifts of the Holy Spirit, and,
b) The fruit of the Holy Spirit,"…love, joy, peace …etc.”(Galatians 5:22).

 Therefore, peace was granted again to man as a fruit of the Holy Spirit.

 There are two kinds of peace:

1) There is the peace which the world gives. It is temporary, shallow and
superficial. And,

2) There is the peace which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is what Jesus talked
about when He said: “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. Let not
your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid …"" (John 14:27-28).

 The peace which the world gives, the troubles of the world can take away. But the
peace which comes from God, which the world cannot give, the world with all its
sorrows, pains and tribulations cannot take away.

 The peace which is the fruit of the Holy Spirit can be well illustrated by the
following dialogue which took place in the early Christian era between a Pagan
King and a Christian Bishop.

King: I am going to put you in jail …I am going to deprive you from all your
friends …You will have not even one friend.

Christian: I have one very sincere friend from whom you can never deprive me.

King: I will confiscate all your money and treasures.

Christian: You can never do that because all my money and treasures I have
transferred to heaven, far beyond your reach.

King: I am going to kill you and end your life.

Christian: You definitely cannot …My life is eternal…It has no end … Whether I am
in the body or out of the body, I am alive.

What more peace can anyone ask for? …Jesus Christ our Lord said: “Do not be afraid
of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.”

The Holy Spirit not only produces a lasting peace, but makes of you a peace maker

 You make peace between yourself and God.

 You make peace between yourself and other people.

 You make peace between man and man. And,

 You make peace between people and God.

“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9).

 If you do not make peace then you are not filled with theHoly Spirit …or, the
Holy Spirit is not productive in you. What if, on the contrary, you make division and
enmity? Think about this,

 Notice that:

1) The Holy Spirit dwells in you through the Sacrament of Chrismation which
is your own personal Pentecost.

2) The Holy Spirit works in you in and through the Holy Sacraments.

3) The fruits of the Holy Spirit are produced in you through your fellowship
with Him.

 If the Holy Spirit produces peace in you, then:

1) You are not worried about worldly matters.

2) You are not worried when you have a test or an exam.

3) You are not worried when you get sick or you have a friend who gets sick or
even dies.

4) You are not worried when you fall into a great temptation etc.


1. We have to pray for and struggle hard to attain:

 Peace with God,

 Peace with other people. And,

 Peace with your own self (inner peace) which leaves no place for worry.

2. We are to develop, through the work of the Holy Spirit within us, the ability to
become peacemakers.

O King of peace give us Epouroo ente tihirini moi
Thy peace, accord to us Nan entek- hirinisemni nan
Thy peace and forgive us our sins. Entek-hirinikanennovi nan evol

Disperse the enemies of Gorevolennigagienteti-

The church, fortify her Ekekliciaaricofterosenneskim
And establish her forever. Shaeneh

Emmanuel our God is now Emmano-eel pennootikhen ten

In our midst, in the glory of Mititinookhenepo-ooentepefiot
His father and the Holy Spirit Nempiepnevmaethoo-wab

May He bless us all, purify our Entefesmoerontirenenteftovo

Hearts and heal the sickness Ennenhit, enteftalshoennyshony
Of our souls and bodies. Entenenepsishinemnensoma

We worship Thee O Christ Tenooshtemok O pekhristosnem

With Thy Good Father and the Pekiotenaghathosnempiepnevma
Holy Spirit, for Thou hast come Ethoo-wab, je ak-iaksotiemmon.
And saved us.


If God loves us and takes care of us, why do troubles come? God’s children get sick
sometimes. They have sorrows and pains. Even God’s little lambs get sick sometimes,
or get hurt. When troubles come, is God forgetting to take care of us?
Oh, no! Troubles come for our own good.
That seems strange, doesn’t it? How can trouble be for our own good?
The Bible tells a wonderful story about a boy named Joseph, He had many troubles. But
all his troubles turned out for his own good, and for the good of many more of God’s
people too.
Joseph had ten older brothers. They were not always good boys. Sometimes they did
things that were wrong. Joseph was a good boy. Yes, there was sin in his heart, too, but
he tried to do the right things. Joseph’s father, Jacob, loved Joseph very much.
Sometimes Joseph told his father about the wrong things his big brothers did. That made
his brothers angry. After a while they hated Joseph.
One day Jacob sent Joseph to see how his brothers were getting along. They were far
from home. They had gone away to find a better pasture for their sheep. Joseph went to
find them.
The brothers saw Joseph coming. They said to each other, “Let’s get rid of Joseph!”
So, when Joseph came near, they grabbed him and threw him down into a deep dark
well. Joseph cried, “Please let me out! Let me go home!” But the brothers would not
listen. They got rid of him by selling him to the Ismadites who took him to Egypt where
he became a slave.
The years went by and then there was a famine. There was hardly anything to eat. Jacob
sent his sons to Egypt. Joseph was thesecond person in Egypt after Pharaoh because he
pleased God and was honest in living with him. Joseph saved the life of his people.
All of Joseph’s troubles turned out for his own good and for the good of God’s people.
We must believe that all our troubles are for our own good, because God loves us. He
does not let anything happen to us that is not good for us.



Please read John4:5-26“Kindness of Jesus”, the attached notes about St. Mena and
review briefly, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To complete the series about the fruit of the Holy Spirit. (The rest of these fruits are
covered in grades 7&8.) We have to remind ourselves to be extra kind to everyone we
deal with.


You have well said, “I have no husband” John 4:17


 For the last three weeks, we have been talking about the fruits of the Holy Spirit.
What are they? (Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control).
We spoke about love, joy and peace. Today, we will explore what it means to be a
Christian who bears the fruit of kindness.
As well, because the feast of St. Mena is around this time of year, we will
review his story and find out how we can learn from his life.

 Kindness (or goodness) is the reverse of severity and this is what St. Paul has
when he said “Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who
fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise
you also will be cut off” (Romans 11: 22). St. Paul also emphasized that kindness is
one of the characteristics of the saints “Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and
beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness,
longsuffering” (Colossians 3:12).

 The characteristics of the kind heart are: it does merciful deeds to all even the
enemies; it is not just emotions in the heart but it translates emotions into deeds; it
can win people; itcovers and does not declare other people’s sins; it does not judge
others and it does not doubt others’ actions.
 The Lord Jesus was very nice and kind with the Samaritan woman and did not hurt
her feelings. Tell the story.
 Tell in detail the story of the Good Samaritan who helped the injured man while a
Jewish priest did not. He brought him to an inn and paid for him and relieved his
pains (Lukel0: 30-37).
 In the wedding at Cana of Galilee the Lord Jesus was kind to the people and
changed the water into wine. Tell the story.
 We have to pray to God to give us a kind heart. Please Lord take away our hard
hearts and give us kind hearts.
 People who have the spirit of God in them are always kind to other people taking
the Lord Jesus as their example.
 Tell the story of the woman who was caught sinning and the Jews were ready to
stone her. The Lord Jesus was so kind with her and stopped them from doing so
(John 8:1-11).
 We must not be tough with people “Be kind as your father in heaven is kind”. We
have to think from other people’s point of view. How do we deal with our younger
brothers and sisters? We must treat them kindly. How do we deal with our friends?
We must treat them kindly.
 The Lord Jesus was kind to the little children and blessed them while His disciples
were trying to push them away (Matthew19:13-15).
 Review the life of St. Mena as attached.


1. Let us make it an attitude in our lives to be kind to others; use kind words, be patient

with others and be helpful to others.
2. We must be very kind to the handicapped and the sick people of any kind.

"And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul." (Mat 10:28)

St. Mina the martyr beloved of Jesus

Always among us we truly love you

Oh hero you were not afraid in front of the crowds

You called with courage "Oh my Lord Jesus“

Through the sufferings you kept our strong faith

You stood unyielding Jesus gave you strength

Your happiness was great when they killed you

Angels carried you to the eternal joy

The martyrdom's crown you received from God

Intercede for us before our Lord


St. Mena is considered to be the most well known in the East and West, due to the many
miracles that are performed by his prayers for us. That is evident in the numerous little
clay bottles on which his name and picture are engraved. These were discovered by the
archeologists in diverse countries around the world. For example, Heidleburg in
Germany, Milan in Italy, Dalmata in Yugoslavia, Marseille in France, Dongola in
Sudan, and Jerusalem. Visitors from these cities and others would buy these bottles
which usually contain oil or water for blessing, and take them back to their relatives.
The Saint was born in the year 285A.D, in the city of Niceous which lies in the vicinity
of Memphis. His parents were really ascetic Christians, the father Audexios, and the
mother Aufimia. On the feast of St. Mary, the mother who did not have any children
prayed in front of the Icon of the Virgin with tears that God may give her a blessed son.
A sound came to her ears saying “Amen”, and thus she called her son Mena.
His father, a ruler of one of the administrative divisions of Egypt died when Mena was
fourteen years old. At fifteen he joined the army, and was given a high rank because of
his father’s reputation, and was appointed in Algeria. Three years later he left the army
longing to devote his whole life for Christ. He headed towards the desert to live a
different kind of life.
After he had spent five years as a hermit, he saw the angels coronating the martyrs with
glamorous crowns in a revelation and longed to join them. While he was thinking of it,
he heard a voice saying: “blessed be you Abba Mena because you have been called for
the pious life since your childhood. You will be granted three immortal crowns; one
because of your celibacy, the second because of your asceticism and the third because of
your martyrdom.
Immediately he felt as if the earth under him was vanishing, and he was overwhelmed
with great eagerness to be carried to heaven. In a mood of velour he hurried to the ruler
declaring his Christian faith. His endless sufferings and the tortures that went through
have attracted many of the pagans not only to Christianity, but also to martyrdom.


The Saint’s assassins tried to burn his relics but they failed as the believers loaded his
body on a camel and headed towards the western desert. At a certain spot, the camel
stopped and the people could not force it to continue, its trip by any means. Right there,
they buried him near a water well (that place is his present monastery, at the end of
Marriute Lake).

It so happened that a shepherd was attending his sheep in that area and a sick lamb fell
to the ground. As it struggled to get on its feet again, its scab was cured. The story was
spread quickly and the sick who came to this spot recovered from whatever illness they
have, just by laying on the ground.
During that time, the daughter of King Zinon, the lover of Christ, caught the itch. His
advisors suggested that she should try that place, and she did. At night the Saint
appeared to the girl and told her that his body is buried in that place. The following
morning, she bathed in the well and was healed. She related her vision about St. Mena
to her servants, and that he cured her.
Immediately, King Zinon ordered that the Saint’s body be dug out and a church to be
founded there, Not only that, but he also ordered to build a large city to be named after
the Saint’s name. Sick people from all over the world used to visit that city and were
healed by the intercession of St. Mena, the miracle-maker.

Mrs. Bucher recorded that destruction started to take place in the city and its inhabitants
were degraded after the Arab Conquest. During the period after Haroun E1-Rasheed, the
Barbarians attacked it and burned a large portion of it. At the time of El-Mamoun he
ordered to pull the entire city down, and then he used its marble pillars which are
numerous to build his palace and the mosques. It was not until the twentieth century that
international missions began to search for the city and the church. The remainder of it,
no doubt, demonstrates the glory of the Coptic past.
As soon as Pope Cyril the Sixth was coronated on St. Mark’s throne he began to put the
foundations of a very great monastery close to the remains of the old city. Thus in his
blessed days, God’s will had permitted the old monastery of St. Mena to be resurrected
and, the Copts to visit it and to be blessed by the Saint. What is even more interesting is
that the Pope had stated in his will that his body should not to be buried in the new
famous Cathedral in Cairo, but in the monastery of his personal friend and intercessor,
St. Mena the miracle-maker!





To illustrate the promise of God about the coming of His only Begotten Son our Lord
Jesus Christ for our salvation. For many generations the whole world had been waiting
for the Saviour to come until He actually came.


“Great is the mystery of godliness; God was manifested in the flesh”

1 Timothy 3:16


 For the last four weeks, we have been speaking together about the fruits of the Holy
Spirit. These fruits are virtues we all, as Christians, want to try hard, to achieve.
However, how did we become Christians in the first place?
Wasn’t it because Christ came to save us, His children?
Let us then, talk about how God saved us.

God’s plan for the salvation of man:

Adam fell in sin and died. His sin was inherited by his offspring God, because of
His mercy, prepared a plan for salvation. Because the sin was against God who is
unlimited, it was necessary for someone unlimited to die for that sin. An angel or a
prophet could not do that to fulfilGod’s justice. There is no unlimited entity except
God who does not die. So, due to the mercy of God and His love, He found that He
must take flesh and die with this flesh to save man and hence satisfy both the justice
of God and His mercy.
“Mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each
other” (Psalm 85:10).

Christ is God incarnate:

Thousands of years before His coming, the prophets of the Old Testament foretold
many things about Jesus Christ. Isaiah prophesied saying: “For unto us a child is
born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder, and His
name will be called “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God” (Isaiah 9:6).
the Meaning of the Incarnation and Redemption:
“The Word became flesh” (John 1:14): in this lies the ultimate joy of the Christian
faith. The same Incarnate Lord is both perfect God and perfect man. He came down
from Heaven to redeem the earth, to unite man with God for ever. St. Irenaeus
wrote “the Son of God became the Son of Man, that man also might become the
Son of God”. In that lifting up of human nature into an everlasting communion
with the Divine Life, the Fathers of the early Church unanimously saw the very
essence of salvation, the basis of the whole redeeming work of Christ.
 The Incarnation is the best proof of God’s love for us.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
 With the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, He came down to our world to raise us to
“At that day you will know that I am in My Father and you in Me, and I in you”
(John 14:20).

1. God proved His great love for us by coming to us for our salvation. Can we go to
Him as He came for us? Let us live our life with Jesus.
2. When the Lord Jesus came to our world, He did not mean just to give us
commandments. He meant to unite with us and give us heavenly power.

He Did not Come

He did not come to judge the world He did not come to blame
He only came to save the world And Jesus was His Name
And when we call Him Saviour (3) We call Him by His Name




Please read Luke 1:5-38, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To show that these two announcements of the birth of St. John the Baptist and the birth
of our Lord Jesus mark the beginning of many more happy events.


“For with God nothing will be impossible” Luke 1:37


 As we discussed last week, God came to us to save us. But who told us that the
special baby born years ago was our Saviour?
Why, it was announced, of course!
Now, let us learn how this wonderful news was announced and to whom.

 Start with the birth of the Virgin Mary from Anna and Jehoiakim. Test the memory
of the students. St. Mary was from the tribe of Judah from the house of David the
king. Hannah was barren and she and her husband prayed diligently and repeatedly
to God to give them a child. The angel of the Lord gave the good news to Hannah
and Jehoiakim that their prayers were accepted. Hannah conceived and gave birth to
a baby girl and they named her Mary. When Mary was three years old, her parents
gave her to the Temple. There she grew up and continued to pray and serve God.
Mary’s father Jehoiakim passed away when she was six years old and her mother
passed away when she was eight years old. St. Mary lived in the Temple until she
was twelve years old. Then God chose Joseph to be engaged to Mary and look after
her as she had to leave the Temple at the age twelve and she had no living parents at
the time.
 In the fullness of time for God to be Incarnated, God saw it necessary for Him to
send someone before Him to prepare the way. This is similar to sending an
ambassador of a certain country (A) to another country (B) to prepare the way for
the king of country (A) before he visits country (B). The person whom God chose
to send before the Lord Jesus was described by the Lord Jesus Himself as follows:
“For I say to you, among these born of women there is not a greater prophet than
John the Baptist” (Luke 7:28). His parents “were both righteous before God,
walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord blameless” (Luke
1:6). In the house of Zacharias and Elizabeth, John the Baptist was brought up and
as anticipated he also became righteous and saintly.

 “But how was the birth of John the Baptist announced? The Gospel of St. Luke
tells us, “Then an angel of the Lord appeared to him (Zacharias), standing on the
right side of the altar of incense” (Luke 1:11). Actually the angel of the Lord is
always standing in this place and never departs from the right side of the altar. The
angel raises up the offerings, and the prayers along with the incense to heaven. This
is the reason Abouna at the end of the service in the Divine Liturgy says ‘O’ angel
of this day flying up to heaven with these prayers, make mention of us in front of
the Lord so that He may forgive our sins.”

 Compare the announcement of the angel to Zacharias and to the Virgin Mary.

 Zacharias did not believe the message from God whereas the Virgin believed and
obeyed. She said “I am the handmaid of God”. “For with God nothing will be
impossible” (Luke 1:37). Therefore:

- For Elizabeth who was barren, God made her to conceive and give birth to a
great prophet, John the Baptist. “But behold, you will be mute and not able to
speak until the day these things take place, because you did not believe my
words which will be fulfilled in their own time” (Luke 1:20).

- For the Virgin Mary who had no husband, God made her to conceive and give
birth by the power of the Holy Spirit. “And behold, you will conceive in your
womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call his name Jesus. …The Holy Spirit
will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you
…"(Luke 1:31-35).


For with God nothing will be impossible. We just have to allow our requests to be
delivered to God and He will answer and give us what is best for us at the right time.
Let us pray regularly from our hearts. Let us not get distracted by any thoughts away
from our prayers to our Heavenly Father.

Christmas SONGS


“Blessed are you among women” (Luke 1:45)

To Mary Came Gabriel to a village in Galilee

And told her God is with you O Mary, peace be with you

Hail O favorite one on earth you will bear Jesus the Christ
And His name Emmanuel means the Lord is with us

In the manger the Lord was born the heaven is His throne
On the hay was His bed Christ the King He laid His head

The angels of the heavenly host praised the Lord for His birth
Glory to God in the highest and peace be on earth.




Please read Luke 1:39-58, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To review the 3 happy events in the above title. The emphasis here will be on some of
the meanings of St. Mary’s song of praise.


“My soul magnifies the Lord” Luke 1:46


 Last week, we learned about how the birth of St. John the Baptist and the birth of
Christ were announced.
After Zacharias and Elizabeth, and the Virgin Mary were told all these things, three
very important events took place.
Does anyone know what they are? (St. Mary visited Elizabeth, where she said
some very meaningful words (what we now call St. Mary’s Song of Praise), and St.
John the Baptist was born).
Today, we want to learn about what happened, but also focus on those meaningful
words St. Mary said, and try to learn from them.

 Describe the 3 parts in the title. Let the students read and discuss.

1) The fullness of grace and love of others:

The fullness of grace prompts the person to love others and live to serve and do
good to others. The soul that is full of grace thinks about others and their
interests not its own interest. On the other hand, a person who does not have
grace looks only after his own interests.

St. Mary, while she was in the first days of her pregnancy, she did not think
about herself but she went “with haste” to help Elizabeth. As described by the
angel, St. Mary was full of grace.

St. Mary visited Elizabeth for three reasons: i) to help her as she was old and in
her sixth month of pregnancy; ii) to celebrate with her the expectancy of baby
John; and iii) to congratulate her and tell her about the great message that she
received from the angel about the birth of Jesus.

As soon as St. Mary arrived Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit; the babe
leapt with joy and Elizabeth prophesied and told of the good news about St.
Mary before it was said to her. Elizabeth said “blessed is she who believed, for
there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord”
(Luke 1:45).

2) The fullness of grace in speaking:

 St. Mary did not speak much. But what she said was of grace and spirit. A
spiritual message, like that of St. Mary, penetrates deep and touches the heart
of the person who hears it. St. Luke in his Gospel tells us that, “when
Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the babe leaped in her womb; and
Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit” (Luke 1:41). Remember that a word
can be good enough to change to the better the life of others and a word can be
bad enough to change to the worse the life of others.

 St. Mary also was touched by Elizabeth’s greetings to her and sang her song of
praise to God as mentioned in (Luke 1:46-53). The human race has never
known words of prayer and praises as those of St. Mary. This song of praise is
full of spiritual depth. It expresses St. Mary’s joy, simplicity and modesty.
Here are some of the lessons which St. Mary’s song teaches us:

 The spirit of thankfulness filled St. Mary's heart. She started her praise by
glorifying the Holy Name of God. This teaches us that we have to develop an
attitude of thankfulness. Let us start all our prayers by giving thanks to God
for all His bountiful mercies on each and every one of us.

 Surely, St. Mary was very pleased for God’s choice of her to be the
“Theotokos”, the Mother of God. But she never boasted about it. On the
contrary, she was always exceedingly humble and modest. To the angel she
said: “I am the handmaid of the Lord”, and to Elizabeth in this song she said
that God “has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant." Let us learn this
lesson, to be humble always.

 Through the modesty of St. Mary, and because of it, the Holy Spirit spoke on
her tongue and gave a message to all the coming generations, "…henceforth,
all generations will call me blessed." (Luke 1:48).

 Again, the Holy Spirit spoke on St. Mary's tongue and stated the role or the
task which our Lord Jesus Christ would be doing. He would oppose the
mighty people, who depend on or misuse their might; He would be on the side
of the meek and the humble; He would be on the side of the poor and He
would grant His people happiness and strength.

3) The birth of St. John the Baptist

(Luke 1:57-58)

John the Baptist is called in our church “the forerunner” (i.e., the one who came
before). His task was to prepare the way for Christ and His Kingdom. Isaiah said
about him, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness: Prepare the way of Lord,
make Hispaths straight.” (Isaiah 40:3 and Matthew 3:3).

Many Old Testament prophets foretold about the coming of the Messiah, but John
the Baptist was the only one who was privileged to point to Him and say:
“Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.” (John 1:29).

To prepare the way for the coming of Christ and His Kingdom, John the Baptist
called the people to repent. It is the same message given to us today. Before we
can receive Christ in the Sacrament of Holy Communion, we have to repent and
confess our sins.

Christ our Lord Himself testified that, "…among those born of women there has
not risen one greater than John the Baptist…" (Matthew 11:11). His greatness lies
in the fact that he was a faithful witness to Christ even until death. Are we faithful
witnesses to Christ? Do we witness to Him in our schools and among our friends:
Do our actions, our behaviour and our language show that we are Christians?

Lastly, because of the greatness of John the Baptist, our Church puts his icon
next to that of Christ on the icon-screen.


Let us learn to be accountable for what we say whether it is constructive or destructive.

Remember St. Mary’s song and its effect on whoever hears it.


“Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people” (Lk 2:10)

I am glad, I am glad that You came to our land

With Your peace and Your love we will go hand in hand

He came for us with His tender love
Our God, our God came to save us our God

Saint Mary was pleased when she heard Gabriel

He told her you will bear our Lord Emmanuel

The angels in the sky praised the Lord for His birth
Glory to God in the highest and peace be on earth

A bright star far in the east appeared to the three wise men
It led them to the manger in the city of Bethlehem





Please read attached article entitled, “The New Year Prayer”, and give the lesson
with emphasis on the points below.


How can I make a good start in the New Year?


“And the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” John


 Have you ever done something wrong, and wished you could go back and erase it?
Have you ever written a test and wished you had more time to study for it to do
better than you did?
Time is something that when it passes, you cannot ever get it back. But every new
minute, hour, day, month or year you get is a chance to do better and be better than
you were before. It is time God gives us to grow.
Many people make New Year’s resolution. What are some of your resolutions?
(Ask children to tell you).
Let us explore what resolutions we can make so that we grow spiritually this year.

 No doubt everyone asks himself the following important questions:

 How can I start on the spiritual road in the new year?

 Who takes the first step? My Lord Jesus or I?

 Are there some wrong starts and right ones?

These are the questions that we are going to answer.

Who makes the start?

The start is made by God. Christ came for us and gave us new life “as we were dead
in our sins; Christ died for us”. Therefore, Jesus made the start and He is still
working. He said: “Behold, I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears My voice
and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me”.
(Revelation 3:20). When we were baptized we gained the new birth in the new life
with the Lord Jesus. Hence, this gift was given to us. We only have to open the door
now for our Lord Jesus to enter and stay in our life. We have to answer our Lord
Jesus who is knocking at our door. We have to listen to His voice in the Bible and
comply with what He tells us. We have to regularly attend the Divine Liturgy.

Let us rise and go back to Jesus:

If we have left the Lord and His commandments, we should do as the prodigal son
did. Let us rise and go back to the father. Let us be determined to leave our sins,
repent and confess. When we walk towards Jesus, He will welcome us back and
will take away the old cloth (the sin) and give us the cloth of righteousness.
“Today, If you will hear His voice do not harden your hearts." (Hebrews 3:15).
Let us pray and repent whole-heartedly, let us have a frank and merciless honesty
with ourselves, let us admit all the wrong in ourselves, let us confess our sins in our
private prayers to God and openly to the priest to receive the “absolution” and let
us start a new chapter in our life with the start of the new year.

 What might hinder us from starting now?

- We are probably delaying our repentance because we do not want to give up a

“favorable sin”. Let us hold on to Jesus as our personal Savior and ask Him to
help us.

- We may be afraid of what other people will say about us if we changed our ways
and followed Christ. Moses preferred to even suffer affliction and follow the
Lord rather than to enjoy himself in the palace of the king. (Please tell the

 A good way to start:

Sit alone. Think of God’s bountiful mercies and blessings to you. Meditate on
Jesus’ love to you personally, shown continuously in multiple ways. Then you will
find yourself saying: I love Jesus and I whole-heartedly submit myself completely
to Him and take Him as my Lord, my Savior and my king. I give Him my heart and
my life. This is a good way to start the new year.


1. As we say good-bye to a year that is gone without return, let us consider the
factors that made us stumble at times. Let us put these factors in the hands of
God and pray to Him to help us overcome any deficiencies in our life.
2. Let us commit ourselves to God. Let us pray a lot and ask God to work with us
in everything.

Christmas SONGS
“ Holy , Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts the whole earth is full of His glory” (Isa 6:3)
Agios O theos AgiosEes-shiros
AgiosAthanatos Amen. Alleluia
Holy, God, Holy Holy, Mighty, Holy
Holy, Immortal, Holy Amen. Alleluia
Alleluia is a word that means praise ye the Lord
Everywhere it is heard Amen. Alleluia
In all the universe in heaven and on earth
They praise Him with this verse Amen. Alleluia
Michael and Gabriel Raphael and Souriel
They all praise Him as well Amen. Alleluia
The heavenly Cherubim and the mighty Seraphim
They too glorify Him Amen. Alleluia
And the twenty four priests seated on golden seats
And the four incorporeal Beasts Amen. Alleluia
And all of God’s from every race and nation
Animals and vegetation Amen. Alleluia


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III
Lord, make it a blessed year... A pure year to please You...
A year in which Your Spirit prevails... And joins in working with us...
Hold our hands and guide our thoughts from the beginning of the year till its end...
Let this year be Yours, to please You...
It is a New Year, spotless; let us not tarnish it with our sins or impurities...
Lord, be with us in every work we intend to do this year...
Silent we will be and you will do everything...
Let us rejoice inall Your deeds, and say with John the Evangelist:
"All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made." (Jn
Let this year, O Lord, be a happy year...
Put a' smile on each face and gladden every heart...
Let Your grace emerge in our trials and help those who are tempted...
Grant us peace and quietness of mind...
Give those who are in need, cure the sick and console the grieved...
We do not ask You, God, only for ourselves...
But we ask for the whole, because they are Yours...
You created them to rejoice in You. Then make them happy with You...
We ask You for the Church, for Your mission, that your word may reach every heart...
We ask you for our Country, for the world's peace that Your Kingdom may come everywhere.
Let it be a fruitful year, full of goodness...
Everyday and every hour has its own work...
Do not allow a futile moment...
Fill our life with activity, work, and production...
Grant us the blessing of a productive and holy toil.
Let the Communion of the Holy Spirit be with us in all our deeds...
We thank you, God, for you have kept us till this hour and granted us this year, that we may
bless you...

For the success
of this Sunday
School Program
the teacher should
refer to the
in his/her preparation
of the lessons and in
teaching the students
in the class



Christmas songs, preparation for a Christmas party and slide presentation.



Please read Matthew 2:1-12, the attached material entitled “Who are the Wise
Men?”, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To understand the meaning of these gifts.


“When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy”
Matthew 2:10

 Gold, frankincense and myrrh: what are these? (Gifts that the wise men gave to
Baby Jesus).
Why did the wise men give Jesus these gifts?
Today, we are going to learn about these wise men, and will explore why these
gifts were given, and what they represent.
 Start by reviewing who the wise men are. Emphasize that they came from far away
and they arrived when Jesus was about 2 years old. We call them the wise men
because they knew a lot about history and the stars.
 Indeed, the Incarnation of the Word of God had the prophets talking about it in
different ways for a long time before it happened. Despite that, the majority of the
Jews ignored that completely. Therefore, God put them to shame when the
foreigners (or the gentiles) came and accepted the Messiah as the Son of God. The
wise men, by worshipping Jesus as a baby, were, in a way, themselves the beginning
of the Gentiles’ church. The shepherds were Jews and the wise men were Gentiles.
The shepherds came to Him from a short distance but the wise men came from a
faraway country. The shepherds were almost illiterate and poor, but the Wise men
were sophisticated and rich. What is this simple fact telling us? It tells us that our
Lord Jesus, by His coming, broke all the barriers between people; the barriers of
race, color or faith.
 St. John Chrysostom said that the star which appeared to the wise men was not a
real star like all other stars but it was an angel that appeared in the form of a star.
The angel was sent from God to guide the wise men.
 With the guidance of the Holy Spirit they carried these meaningful gifts to the Lord
Jesus to indicate something. It indicates that the new born baby was not just one
more baby coming into the world but He is different. Then the gifts presented to
Him should be different also from what was usually presented to a newborn. The
gifts were gold, frankincense and myrrh.
 Gold:
Gold is a symbol that the new born is a great King. This is despite the fact that, by
His own free will He had a very modest place of birth, i.e., a manger. He is a
spiritual King whose Kingdom is not of this materialistic world. As He is a spiritual
King, the people who believe in Him and in His Kingdom must be spiritual people
and not of this world. And as the Cross was His way to achieve for us His
Kingdom, then the people who follow Him have to go through the Cross. As St.
Paul said "…if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together”.
(Romans 8:17). The suffering is only external but the hearts of the believers are in
continuous joy and peace. Let us pray that God will show us His kingdom so that
He will become the king of our hearts.
 Frankincense:
They offered Him frankincense as a symbol of His priesthood. David prophesied
about Jesus Christ and said: “The Lord has sworn and will not relent, you are a
priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek” (Psalm ll0:4). As
Melchizedek was a priest who did not inherit the priesthood so also was Jesus. The
meaning of priest is a “middleman”. Therefore we have an Advocate: the Lord
Jesus Christ who is the Son of God. The Son of God returned Adam to paradise by
satisfying the justice of the Father for Adam’s sin.
 Myrrh:
The Myrrh here is a symbol of the suffering that He was going to accept as the

“Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”. (John 1:29).


What is our gift to Jesus Christ our Lord while we celebrate Christmas? He only wants
our hearts. After we give Jesus our hearts, then we can give everything to Him easily:
we can give money, time, talent and service for the Church and for others; we can
witness to Him everywhere we go by our word and deeds; and we can win people for
His Kingdom.


“And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold,
frankincense, and myrrh” (Mat 2:11)

We three kings of Orient are bearing gifts, we traverse afar

Field and fountain moor and mountain following yonder star

O, star of wonder, star of night star with royal beauty bright
Westward leading, still proceeding guide us to thy perfect light

Born a King on Bethlehem’s plain gold I bring to Crown Him again

King forever, ceasing never over us all to reign

Frankincense to offer have I incense own a deity nigh

Prayer and praising, all men raising worship Him God most high

Myrrh is mine, its bitter perfume breathes a life of gathering gloom

Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying sealed in the stone-cold tomb

Glorious now, behold Him arise King and God and Sacrifice!
Alleluia! Alleluia ! Earth to heaven replies



 All the historical sources indicate that the wise men are some of the very famous
people of Persia. They are experts in Astrology (the Science of the Stars).

 History and tradition indicate that the wise men were three: Kasbar, Milikour and
Balshaser. Accompanying them were a great number of people to the extent that
king Herod was very troubled when they came to Bethlehem. They had one
question, “Where is the Christ born, the king of the Jews?”

 The wise men came to Jerusalem when Jesus was about 2 years old. As indicated in
Matthew 2:11 “and going into the house they saw the child with Mary His mother”.
Therefore, they did not go to the manger. In the same night, the angel appeared to
Joseph and told him to take Jesus and Mary to Egypt. Therefore, Herod killed all
children up to 2 years old after he knew from the wise menthe time in which they
saw the star. The wise men saw the star on the same night Jesus was born, but it
took them a lot of time to prepare and travel this very long distance using camels.



Please read Matthew 3:13-17, John 1:18-34, John 3:1-13, the attached material
entitled “The Baptism of Jesus Christ”, and give the lesson with emphasis on the
points below.


To learn that our Lord Jesus established the Sacrament of Baptism by water and Holy
Spirit through His own baptism.


“The Heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God
descending like a dove" Matthew 3:16


 How many times were you born? Once? Or Twice?

In fact, all Christians are born twice!
The first time, we were born of our parents. The second time, we were born of
So, we all have two birthdays!
When were we born this second time? (When we were baptized).
Today, we are going to learn about the very first time the sacrament of baptism was
performed, and for whom.
 Describe in detail the baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ by John the Baptist. Our
Lord Jesus Christ stayed in Galilee after He came back from Egypt and when He
was about thirty years old, He came from Galilee to John at the Jordan River to be
baptized by him. “And John tried to prevent Him, saying ‘I have need to be
baptized by You, and are You coming to me?’ But Jesus answered and said to him
‘Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness"
(Matthew3:14-15). When Jesus had been baptized the Heavens Opened and the
Holy Spirit descended like a dove and the Father’s voice was heard saying “This is
my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”. Therefore the Holy Trinity was
revealed (or manifested).
 The word Epiphany is a Greek word and it means Manifestation.

 In many instances in the Holy Bible, we find the Lord Jesus teaches about
something, practices it Himself to bless it and then He delivers it to His Disciples
and the church to do it and gain all the heavenly powers in it. This was what
happened to Baptism. He taught about it, practiced it Himself (although He did not
need that) and then He gave it to us as a very important Sacrament.
 When Jesus Christ was baptized by John He established the sacrament of Baptism
in the church. John proclaimed about Jesus’ baptism that “He (i.e., Jesus) will
baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire” (Matthew 3:11).
 The baptism of John was for repentance only. But the baptism of Jesus Christ is a
new birth by the Holy Spirit. (Now please mention the dialogue between Jesus
and Nicodemus, John 3:1-13). Jesus said to Nicodemus, “Most assuredly, I say to
you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of
God” (John 3:5).

 The Lord Jesus explained to Nicodemus that baptism could not be understood by
the human mind but only by seeing the effects on the new born, i.e., the Christians
and their lives. Jesus used the example of the wind which we do not know exactly
from where it is coming or where it is going but we only see the effects.

 Before Jesus ascended to heaven He said to His Disciples “Go therefore and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19-20).

 St. Augustine said that we have two births: a physical one, i.e. being born for this
world, and a spiritual one, i.e. being born for the Kingdomof God.

 In our Orthodox Creed we say “we acknowledge one baptism for the remission of
sins”. This teaches us that a Christian is baptized only once. When a person is
baptized he becomes purified from the original sin of Adam and from any other sin
committed in his life until his Baptism. Whatever sins committed after his Baptism,
they are forgiven through the Sacrament of confession. Once he is purified of his
sins through Baptism, he is actually born anew, born in a new life, born in a life of
blessedness and of son ship to God. When a person is baptized, he or his parents or
godparents, on his behalf, declare his rejection of Satan and all his wicked deeds,
and declare also his acceptance of Jesus Christ as his personal Lord, King and
Saviour committing himself to be His faithful follower. Then he is dressed in white
clothes as a symbol of his newly attained purity. Then a Cross is put around his
neck to remind him of what Jesus said “whoever desires to come after Me, let him
deny himself and take up his Cross, and follow Me.” (Mark 8:34)


1. When we were baptized, each one of us became a child of God. God declared
then that He accepted you as His son or daughter. Now comes the time when you
should declare to God that you also accept Him as your God to Whom you, in
complete obedience, submit your life.

2. Besides, since Baptism is being born of God, then why don’t we celebrate our
Baptismal Day as we do with our birthday. This practice would keep reminding
us of our identity as the children of God.

“This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” (Mat 3:17)
On Epiphany every year we are happy with one accord
We celebrate once a year the baptism of our Lord
On the Jordan shores there stood John the Baptist baptizing
Preaching, teaching, all good the people repent, sin despising
Jesus came to John the saintly asking him to be baptized
He said “No, I am not worthy I am in need to be baptized”
Jesus stood in the Jordan to be baptized by John instead
John saw the Holy Spirit as a dove above Christ’s head
There opened were the heavens the voice of the Father heeded
This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased
We are immersed in baptism three times in holy water
Our sins are forgiven new birth we have with our Father
Alleluia, Alleluia Alleluia, Alleluia
Jesus Christ the Son of God was baptized in the Jordan


January 19
(According to the Julian calendar)

At the very end of the Jordan River and just before it pours its waters into the Dead Sea,
there is a shallow area in the river that could be crossed by wading called now the ford
of ‘Bethabara’ (the Crossing way. There, for many years merchants and travelers from
Arabia, Persia and India have Crossed the river on their way to Jerusalem, Egypt and
Africa. It is a very rugged spot. During the summer, the heat is terrible, the air is heavy
and the surface of the Dead Sea is in the color of lead. There too was located the lost
cities of Sodom and Gomorrah (read Gen.13-19). The smell of sulphur still hangs in the
air as if to remind man forever that "…the wages of sin is death” (Rom.6:23).

Winter is a bit better because a cooling breeze blows down the Jordan Valley in the
evening to replace the heat of summer.

In this unfriendly spot of land, one day, a prophet or a messenger of God appeared
around the year A.D, 30. He was a strange, rough looking man. His only garment was a
camel skin caught at the waist by a strip of leather. His food was locusts and wild

The message of that man was not more attractive than his appearance. He cried to
everyone who passed by and, out of curiosity, stopped a moment to listen: “The reign of
God is about to begin. Right now, God has His axe set ready at the base of the tree of
your life. Unless you repent of your wicked ways, and submit your life to His rule, He
will chop you down and throw you into the fire.”

However, there was a happy side to his preaching. Everyone, who truly repented would
be forgiven. …But, how would the repentant be forgiven? …The messenger did not
explain. Instead, he lead his hearers to the river’s edge and dipped their sweaty, dust-
covered bodies into the refreshing water. Just as the water of the Jordan River cleansed
their bodies, so God would clean their filthy, sin-stained souls. The Prophet called this
‘baptism’. That is why we call that messenger of God ‘John the Baptist’.

The word ‘baptism’ is derived from the Greek word ‘baptismos’ which means


In the early Jewish tradition, and until the coming of the Messiah, God used to send
every hundred years or so a prophet to preach to the Jews to return back to their God
and to foretell about the coming of the Messiah, the Saviour who would release them
from their bondage. When John the Baptist appeared at the Jordan River, it was more
than 300 years since the Jews had a prophet to tell them, “Thus saith the Lord …" The
Jews were waiting for either another prophet or the Messiah Himself. Therefore, the
word spread like fire through the land, “There is a new prophet preaching at the Jordan
ford. There is a message that has come from God.”


People crowded to see and listen to the new prophet. Among the crowds were the rich
and the poor, the officials of the churchand those of the government, the sophisticated
and the plain ordinary people. As they listened, their consciences awoke and they
remembered their past sins. They streamed into the water to be baptized by John …to be
cleansed from their sins.

One day, someone asked another, “Can this be the promised Saviour, the Messiah?” In
few minutes, everyone was asking the same question. Right away John answered: “I am
only a voice crying in the wilderness, a voice preparing you for the coming of the
Saviour. Soon, someone will come after me, someone greater than I am that I am not fit
to untie His shoes. He will baptize you with the fire of the Holy Spirit.”

Among the crowds, there was a stranger from a far away city called Galilee. He also
stepped into the water to be baptized. But this particular man was different from all
other men. This man alone has no sins. He is the only man who does not need to be
baptized. Why then does he join the wicked and the sinners at the water’s edge? This
thought came to John himself, and the Baptist said to Jesus Christ: “It is I who needs
baptism from you, and yet You come to me?” But Jesus insisted.., Do you know why?
Because Jesus is carrying on His back a heavy burden-all the sins of all those people
who ever lived or will ever live who trust in God’s salvation. That is why He is called
The Saviour.

Something else happened at His baptism. After His emersion into the water, as Jesus
stood up, suddenly above His head, as if a crack happened in the sky, and the Holy
Spirit descended in the shape of a dove and rested on Him; and God the Father Himself
said: “This is my Son, the Beloved, my favour rests on Him.” (Read Mat. 3 and Luke 3).


We in the Orthodox Church, consider this event, the Baptism of Jesus Christ, one of the
major Feasts of the Church. It is called the ‘Epiphany’ which is a Greek word that
means ‘showing forth’ or ‘manifestation’. In this event, Jesus Christ was not only
declared by God the Father to be His only begotten Son; but also it shows forth the three
Persons of the Holy Trinity; the Father speaks from heaven, the Son in the Jordan River
being baptized, and the Holy Spirit descends from heaven taking the shape of a dove.

On Epiphany Eve, and just before the Divine Liturgy, a special service is held in the
Orthodox Church. It is called the ‘Lakan’ which means ‘the blessing of the water’. This
is to commemorate the blessing of the water of the Jordan by having Christ baptized in
it and by having the Holy Spirit descending on our Lord. In this service, the priest asks
God’s blessing of this water. He says: “Bless this water that is set before thee and give it
the blessing that you gave to the Jordan by the descent of the Holy Spirit...Let it be a
fountain of blessing, a holy gift, a healer of the sickness of the body and the soul …and
a blessing to the homes…" At the end of the service, the priest blesses the people with
that water by Crossing their foreheads three times.



Please read the attached notes entitled “The Life of Prayer - (I)”, and give the
lesson with emphasis on the points below.

This is the start of 3 lessons on the life of prayer. In this lesson we learn about the
definition of prayer and its power andsource .


"Lord, teach us to pray” Luke 11:1


 What are some of the things you do everyday? (Eat, sleep, brush your teeth, read the
Holy Bible, pray, etc.)
As Christians, we should pray everyday.
Today, we want to learn, in depth, about this thing we call “prayer”, which we are
supposed to do everyday.

 Lesson #1 has 3 parts: A) what is prayer, B) the power of prayer and C) the source of
 Introduction: The Lord asks us to pray:
 "… men always ought to pray and not lose heart’’ (Luke 18:1)

 “Pray without ceasing” (Thessalonians 5:17)

 “The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:16)
A) What is prayer?
 Prayer is the spontaneous perseverance of a man to stand in the presence of
God, and it is also the Divine desire from God to invite man to be seen in front
of Him. When a man prays he should never allow his mind to stray from the
thought of Christ. So when we pray we must dedicate this time for our Lord

B) The Power of Prayer:

 Mention the story of Moses who held up his hands that Israel may prevail over
Am-a-lek” (see attachment).
 Prayers can do miracles:
The church was praying for St. Peter in the prison (please read Acts 12:1-12).

C) Sources of Prayer:
 The Bible:
The first source of the life of prayer is the Bible. Our prayer will be sweet,
acceptable and effective if it is scriptural or Biblical. In the Bible we find
various model prayers uttered by many spiritually gigantic personalities. Some
of these prayers we can and should use because they speak most eloquently to
our needs, and some we can learn a lot from. For example: the Psalms of David
form a collection of excellent prayers, the Lord’s prayer which the Lord Jesus
Christ Himself taught us, and other prayers such as the prayer of Jonah to the
Lord his God from the fish’s belly.
 Meditation as a source of prayer:
Meditate upon the life of our Lord on earth, His humility in His birth and pray to
be humble, His forgiveness to others even those who crucified Him and pray to
learn to forgive, His meekness, His love, His compassion. His service, His
prayer …etc. Meditate also upon the Biblical events, the two men who went up
to the Temple to pray, the one who asked for God’s mercy was accepted but not
the boastful prayer of the Pharisee; the ten lepers who were healed, only one
came back to give thanks to the Lord . Is praising God a part of our prayers? Our
Church puts a great emphasis on the prayers of praise…Indeed; meditation is an
excellent source of prayer.

 The hourly prayers as a source of prayer:

These are the daily prayers offered by the Fathers of the Church and they are
seven as David said “Seven times a day I praise you, because of your righteous
judgment” (Psalm 119:164).

Every hour has the following:

 Prayer of thanksgiving
 Psalm 51,“Have mercy on me, O God…"
 Psalms
 A selection from the Gospel
 Litanies
 The Gloria
 The Trisagon
 The intercession of the Holy Mother
 The Creed
 Also kyrieElyson (Lord have mercy) is said 41 times (The symbolism of
the number represents what Christ my Saviour suffered for me on the
Cross, namely, 39 lashes, a crown of thorns on His head, and the spear
and nails).
 The kyrieElyson is followed by “Holy, Holy, Holy…”
 Last is a Prayer for our Absolution.


1. When we pray we must stand before God the Almighty with great awe, honor and
respect, and, in discipline of mind and thought, we must concentrate on what we
pray for and what we meditate upon.

2. We need three kinds of prayers: (1) Personal prayers, (2) Family prayers and (3)
Prayers in the church.

Our Father Who art in heaven: Who by all hosts is glorified
At times of grief we implore and pray Our Father Who art in heaven.

Hallowed be Thine Holy Name Whom everyone does praise and proclaim
Save us, Your servants, from sin and shame Our Father Who art in heaven.

May Your Kingdom come O Lord By the Holy Spirit let our hearts be owned
This is our wish and hope profound Our Father Who art in heaven.

Thy will be done now and at all times Make us submit in joy and cheer
Abiding by Your laws in awe and fear Our Father Who art in heaven.

As it is in Heaven, so let it be On earth, for You are Master of all

Guard Your servants, lest they fall Our Father Who art in heaven.

The bread of tomorrow, give us this day O, our Lord of glory, to whom we pray
Your mercy is immense, don’t take it away Our Father Who art in heaven.

Forgive our sins, O Lord and Master Forget us not, but everyone remember
According to Your mercy, not our sin and blunder Our Father Who art in heaven.



(A) What is Prayer?

Prayer is the spontaneous perseverance of a man to stand in the presence of God, and it
is also the divine desire from God to invite man to be seen in front of Him.

Prayer is similar to the umbilical cord in connecting man and God just as a baby is
connected to and nourished by the umbilical cord in his mother’s womb.

A king has numerous armies, soldiers, and officers, but only a few of them stand in the
king’s presence for his honor. Just as the king “reflects” on his soldiers who are so
honored, so God “reflects” upon those who stand in the state of prayer for His Glory.

Exactly as Moses came down from Mt. Sinai after having neither eaten nor drunk
anything for forty days and nights, his face shone to the extent that the people were not
able to look at his haloed face and asked him to put on a veil.

During Jesus’ visit with Mary and Martha, Martha was complimented for she toiled to
serve the Lord; but Mary, who sat down at Jesus’ feet, was quite fortunate for she chose
to remain in a state of attention in front of Jesus.

The seductive devil never stops fighting us to put out the fire of prayer, lest we should
defeat him, because he knows that prayer is our victorious weapon.

When we cease to pray, covetousness, concupiscence, and lust will easily overwhelm
our hearts, and we will be taken by surfeiting, laziness, and worldliness. When we pray,
there is another result: the treasures of heaven and its mysteries and all the kingdom’s
keys are made available. Prayer touches the secret springs of deity as the last pick of the
miner may break open a hidden treasure or a deep cavern set with dazzling jewels.

Sometimes it is difficult to pray and the lack of prayer sometimes makes it harder, and a
call for strength and power is needed.

Prayer is the Fortification of the Soul

“A garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse, spring shut up, a fountain sealed.” (Song

The soul in the state of prayer looks like a “garden enclosed”, neither robbers nor
strangers can pass through it. Therefore, when a man prays he should never allow his
mind to stray from the thought of Christ. A man who prays will never accept any false
religion or teaching that is not according to the Bible.

The soul in the state of prayer is a well spring shut up, its depth or its waters are not
made turbid by the boisterous frolic of horses or by the tread of the farmer, the spring
only mirrors the image of its viewer, her lover, who is the spouse of the soul. It does not
reflect or accept any strangers. This is what prayer is; when we dedicate ourselves to our
Lord only. His image is deeply engraved in our hearts and should cleanse.

The soul in the state of prayer is a fountain sealed. This simply means that the riches of
the life of prayer are not measured by externalities of the life of saints, but by its depth.
For example, the huge tree with its sweet fruits does not belong to the visible huge trunk
above the earth but to the invisible roots inside the earth, and as the tree’s roots are long
and deep inside the earth so also should man have a long and deep inner life of prayer.

(B) The Power of Prayer

In the war between Israel and Am-a-lek it came to pass when Moses held up his hand
that Israel prevailed, and when Moses let down his hand, Am-a-lek prevailed. Man can
never prevail in his spiritual war against the world and over its lusts without prayer.

In launching a submarine, the pressure of a baby’s finger is sufficient to put into

operation the ponderous machinery by which the submarine majestically slides on to the
ocean waves. So if we dare to pray, we can put into operation all the providential
machinery and all the purposes of God, which are to be executed and which are in
suspense until we pray!

We have to pray no matter how faint we feel. The unloaded gun is horrifying to the

The Three States of Prayer

a) Love:

At first, love is the beginning of prayer, for our Lord was’ incarnated and became
man, sharing our lowly nature according to his love formankind, and by love we can
transcend to the heavenly life.

b) Sanctification by Prayer:

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” (Matthew 5:8).

c) Fullness by Prayer:

Our Lord Jesus showed Himself alive (to His Disciples) after His passion by many
infallible proofs. He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for
the Promise of the Father, which He said, “you have heard from Me” (Acts 1:4).

(C) The Source of Prayer

I. The Bible:

The first source of the life of prayer is the Bible. Our prayer will be sweet and
acceptable if it is scriptural and according to the Bible.

If the sources of prayer are dried up, then irrigate the heart by meditation. By
meditation we can hear our Lord speaking to us inside our hearts. My son, keep
your father’s command, and do not forsake the law of your mother, bind them
continually upon your heart, tie them around your neck. When you roam, they will
lead you; when you sleep, it shall keep you, and when you awake, they will speak
with you (Prov.6:20-22).

II. Meditation as a Source of Prayer:

Meditation is sharing the Lord in His journey of life, especially during His

The spiritual elder, Fr. John Saba, said that in meditating on His incarnation “we
fly with the birds in the purity of His sky, and swim with the fish in the seas of His
splendid Glory, and delight in His Holy Name as with a sweet in our mouth.

“Carry the infant Jesus in your embrace as His mother, St. Mary had done before.”

“Offer Him your best gifts as the Magi, and worship Him with the shepherds, praise
Him with the angels, and carry Him in your arms as did Simeon, the Elder.”

“Flee with Him to the land of Egypt, and follow all the stages of His childhood; for
if we love Him, we should be one with Him and the savoring of His immortal body
will give life to our mortal body.”

“Follow the Baptist to the Jordan River to fill your eyes with His dazzling Glory
during the Epiphany Theophany.”

“Go with Him to the wilderness and cast away your lusts, for the Lord was fasting
for you, and be quiet as the beasts were quiet under His feet, who enjoyed their
creator and served Him.”

“Follow Him to the Cross and share His suffering.”

“Awake early and go when it is dark to the sepulcher with the Marys to see His
empty grave.”

“Wait with the Disciples in the Upper Room to see His appearance which is the
light of light.”

“Hear Him calling you, come nearer to me.”

“Let your hand touch His wounds and be not of little faith, but be believing.”

“At last, incline your ear to hear Him saying, “peace be with you, and be fulfilled
of the Holy Spirit.”

Let me conclude by saying, “if the sources of prayer are dried up, irrigate the heart
by meditation on the Incarnation of the Word made flesh.”

In the Old Testament, the Lord accepted only ruminant animals to be His sacrifice
and did not accept any other animals.

The reason for this is that the ruminants store food in their stomachs and from time
to time regurgitate it for entertainment and to enjoy the delicious food. This is
similar to the mediator, who delights in the word of the Bible, and he recalls it from
time to time as he meditates on the word day and night, as the ruminants does to get
his utmost satisfaction. “Blessed be the man who delights in the law of the Lord;
and in His word meditates day and night.” (Psalms 1:3).

III. The daily hourly prayers as a source of Prayer:

The daily prayers offered by the Fathers of the church for all faithful Christians are
seven, as was said by King David: “Seven times a day do I praise Thee of your
righteous judgment.” (Psalms 119:64).

These seven prayers correspond to certain times of the day and night as arranged by the
Apostolic Fathers in the books of the Apostolic Tradition, i.e., the Didache. The same is
mentioned in the texts of Ibn El Assal and in Chapter 16 of the Book of Mesbah El
Zolma, “The Lamp of Darkness”.

The following is a schedule of the canonical house and the reasons for their

Every hour begins with a prayer of Thanksgiving and Psalm 5l, “Have mercy on me, O
God …"

Then follow the Psalms corresponding to the canonical meaning of the Hours.

Following the Psalms is a chapter from the Gospel and the Gloria, then the Trisagon.

The Intercession of the Holy Mother.

The Creed.

Also Kyrie Elyson (Lord have mercy) is said forty-one times. After the Kyrie Elyson
follows the “Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God of Sabbath”.

Last is the Prayer for our Absolution.

* Note: This article is taken from Fr. Marcus Bishay’s book, “The Life of Prayer”,
St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church, Chicago 1978.



Please read the attached article entitled “The Life of Prayer – (II)”, and give the
lesson with emphasis on the points below.


This is the second lesson of a series of 3 lessons on the life of prayer. In this lesson we
learn that it is very important to pray using the Agbeya.


“Seven times a day do I praise You” Psalm 119:164


 How many times do you pray everyday? Once? Twice?

When do you pray? In the morning, before you eat your meals? What about before
you sleep?
Well, if you were to follow the Agbeya, we would pray seven times everyday as the
Psalm says “Seven times a day I praise You”.
Last week, we learned that we must stand before God, with honour and respect and
pray with concentration.
Today, we are going to learn about the significance of each of the hourly Agbeya
prayers, so that we learn how to pray everyday, all day long.

 Please use the Agbeya (Canonical Hours) to illustrate the seven daily prayers. Urge
each of the students to have his or her own Agbeya.

The Morning Prayer (Matins):
Let us get up early and say this prayer: we thank God for shedding His light upon
us and ask Him to protect us all day long. Let us give special importance to the
Morning Prayer and put our whole day in the hands of God.

The prayer of the 3rd hour (9:00 a.m.):

We ask that God may fill us with the Holy Spirit like what happened at this same
time on the Day of Pentecost. If we are busy at this time, we can pray a part of it
even in silence.

The prayer of the 6th hour (Noon):

We remember that our Savior Jesus Christ was crucified for us at this hour.

The prayer of the 9th hour (3:00 p.m.):

Jesus gave His soul into the hands of the Father. We remind ourselves that at any
time our life could be taken away from earth. Therefore, we pray God to help us be
prepared all the time for that hour.

The prayer of the 11th hour (5:00 p.m.):

We thank God for all His blessings to us during the day.

The prayer of the 12th hour (6:00 p.m.):

This is the prayer before we go to sleep.

The prayer of midnight:

This is a long prayer consisting of three services. In this prayer we praise the Lord.
 It is a good idea for the family to pray together at least the prayer of the 12th hour
from the Agbeya before going to sleep.
 If it is impossible for us in the regular days to pray all these prayers during the day
because of school, can we say these prayers completely on Sundays or Saturdays or
during vacation? During the regular week days at least we can say portions of each


1. Let us practice to live with God in prayers all day long. Our day should consist of
studying, eating, playing, exercising, helping our parents at home and, most
importantly, praying.
2. We must pray using the Agbeya because it makes your prayers much deeper and
Seven times every day I praise Thine Holy Name
With all my heart O God of every one
I remembered Thy Name and I was comforted
O King of the ages and God of all gods
Jesus Christ our Lord The True God
Who was incarnate for our salvation
He was incarnate of the Holy Spirit
And of the Virgin Mary the holy pride
And changed our sorrow and all our afflictions
To joy for our hearts and rejoicing for all
Let us worship Him and sing about His Mother
The Virgin Mary the fair dove
Let us all proclaim with the voice of joy
Saying, “Hail to you, O Mary the Mother of Emmanuel”


(6:00 A.M.)
This is also called the “Matins” Prayer. It is arranged to be prayed at dawn, when the
first light appears. At this hour we praise the Lord for shedding His light upon us and
bringing us to this day. We ask Him to keep us during the day free from sin and help us
pass through the day in peace. The Gospel of this hour is from John 1, “In the Beginning
was the Word and the Word was with God,.,. That was the true light which gives light to
every man who comes into the world...but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”
(9:00 A.M.)
This hour corresponds to the time in which the Holy Spirit came over the Disciples at
the Feast of Pentecost. During our prayer we beseech the Lord for our fulfillment of the
Holy Spirit.
At this hour our Lord was crucified on the Cross, and our prayer is to share His
suffering. “O Thou who on the sixth day and at the Sixth Hour was nailed on the Cross,
because of the sin which Adam committed in paradise.”
(3:00 P.M.)
At this time our Lord gave up His soul. “O Thou, who commended Thy Spirit into the
hands of the Father when Thou hung on the Cross at the Ninth Hour...and when the thief
saw the Chief of life hanging on the Cross, he said, “Had not the crucified one been God
incarnate, then would the sun have not hidden its light, nor the earth shaken. Therefore,
O Thou my Lord, remember me when Thou I You come into Thy Kingdom.”
(6:00 P.M.)

This hour is arranged so that we thank God Almighty for all His blessings during the
day and implore Him to guard us against the contingencies of the night and from the
evils of Satan.

This is arranged to be prayed before we go to sleep in thankfulness of God, who helped
us pass through the day in peace. We ask Him to keep us from any evil during the night
and we remember God in our hearts. As the prophet says, “When I remember you on
my bed, I meditate on you in the night watches, because you have been my help,
therefore, in the shadow of your wings will I rejoice" (Psalms63: 6-7).
This is a long prayer consisting of three services. It begins with the prayer, “Rise up, O
children of the light, to praise the Lord of Hosts, that He grant us the salvation of our
souls. When we stand before you bodily, remove from our minds the sleep of
inadvertence. Give us, O Lord, alertness so that we realize how to stand before you in
prayer. Bless ye the Lord, all ye servants of the Lord, who, by night stand in the house
of the Lord...” This service also contains one of the Psalms, No. 119, and a reading from
St. Matthew 25:1-13, “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be linked to ten virgins who
took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom…"


Because the words of the Bible are the breath of the Holy Spirit, the Psalms are the
agreeable language of love, and have been accepted as inspired by the Holy Spirit to be
the delicacy of language between two lovers, the Holy Spirit and man.
The Psalms are an inspiration to have a journey with our Lord, to acknowledge the
whole creation, visible and invisible.
Through the Psalms, the Holy Spirit elevates us above our limited perspective to
participate with the angels in their praises, to shout with the Cherubim and the
Seraphim, “Holy, Holy, Holy”, and to transcend through the Holy Spirit the mists,
which are the shadow of the Lord’s feet and the clouds, which are the Lord’s chariot.
The spiritual journey enables us to walk beside the Lord upon the wings of the angels.
The Holy Spirit is a wise and gentle companion, who has undertaken to guide us to our
By means of the Psalms, the Holy Spirit carries us across many darksome woods and
forests, where the sun has seldom penetrated and where wild beasts have their lair.
Lying under the Lord’s care, we pass over paths paved with flint so sharp and slabs of
rock so slippery, that when we feel tired the Holy Spirit will leave us to contemplate
alone in the long stretches of dreary desert where the glare blinds and the sunbeams cut
like swords.
From the Gloria, the reading is “Realize, O my soul, the awfulness of that day and wake
up. Light your lamp with the oil of joy, for you know not when the voice will proclaim
unto you: “Behold the bridegroom cometh”.
After the midnight prayer, we awake to praise and glorify the Lord and to greet the light
of the morning. The Midnight Prayer is to adorn the church with praises and ourselves
in order to welcome the advent of Emmanuel and to participate in His Holy

* Note: This article is taken from Fr. Marcus Bishay’s book, “The Life of Prayer”,
St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church, Chicago 1978.

For the success
of this Sunday
School Program
the teacher should
refer to the
in his/her preparation
of the lessons and in
teaching the students
in the class



Please read the attached article entitled “The Life of Prayer – (III)”.


This is the final lesson of the three-lesson series on the life of prayer. In this lesson we
learn about specific useful prayers like: Kyrie-eleison, the Lord Jesus’ prayer, tears in
prayers and the flash prayers.


“For there is no other name under heaven given among men by

which we must be saved” Acts 4:12

 For the last two weeks, we have been talking about prayer: how we need to pray
with honour, and respect, and with concentration, and how we should try to pray all
day long using the Agbeya. Today, we want to learn about the different kinds of
prayers. We want to end this series of lessons by discussion on how to have
effective prayers.
This lesson has two parts:
Part I: Kinds of Prayer:
 The “kyrie-eleison” - “God have mercy upon me” prayer: (Please see
attachment). Mention here the prayer of the Pharisee and that of the tax collector.
The tax collector stood far and said “God be merciful to me, a sinner” (Luke
18:13). Jesus said that the tax collector went home purified from his sins but not the
Pharisee. His prayer did not benefit him. Please read Luke l8:9-14.

 The “Lord Jesus”’ Prayer: (Please see attached material about the rule of Jesus’
prayer). To know the strength of this prayer, you have to try it. The prayer is one
word, “JESUS”.

 Tears in prayer:(Please see attached material.)

This comes as an expression of repentance and love to God.

Part II: Obstaclesto deep prayers:

1) The person is lukewarm:

- “I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were
cold or hot. So, then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will
spew you out of My mouth.” (Rev.3:15-16).
- A person is lukewarm, not hot, when he does not have a deep spiritual
relationship with God but, like many so called Christians today, he gives part
of his life and devotion to God and the other part to the world. Also, he is
lukewarm when he prays to God without being aware of his sins and without
repenting from them.
2) Formality of the prayers:
With some people, prayer becomes a habit that is done without even thinking. This
should not be the case with us. We have to pray with understanding and spirit.
When we sing in the church or at home let us put our hearts and minds into that
hymn or that song.
3) God is only on the surface of our life:
If we are living all day long away from God, forgetting Him, falling into sins, being
immersed completely in worldly matters …etc., it becomes very hard for us, at the
end of the day, to come back to God and have a real deep intimate prayer. We must
practice remembering God often during our day and having even “flash” prayers
and short communications with Him.
4) Too much involvement in the world:
Don’t be too involved in the world. Leave room for God in your life. Make sure that
this room is becoming larger and not smaller.


1. Let us try our best to have effective prayers. In order to do that we have to
remove the four obstacles mentioned above.
2. To benefit from prayers we have to pray many times during the day. The flash
prayers, the prayer of the name of Jesus and the prayers of Kryrie-eleison.



Our Father Who art in heaven: Who by all hosts is glorified
At times of grief we implore and pray Our Father Who art in heaven.

Hallowed be Thine Holy Name Whom everyone does praise and proclaim
Save us, Your servants, from sin and shame Our Father Who art in heaven.

May Your Kingdom come O Lord By the Holy Spirit let our hearts be owned
This is our wish and hope profound Our Father Who art in heaven.

Thy will be done now and at all times Make us submit in joy and cheer
Abiding by Your laws in awe and fear Our Father Who art in heaven.

As it is in Heaven, so let it be On earth, for You are Master of all

Guard Your servants, lest they fall Our Father Who art in heaven.

The bread of tomorrow, give us this day O, our Lord of glory, to whom we pray
Your mercy is immense, don’t take it away Our Father Who art in heaven.

Forgive our sins, O Lord and Master Forget us not, but everyone remember
According to Your mercy, not our sin and blunder Our Father Who art in heaven.


Seven times every day I praise Thine Holy Name

With all my heart O God of everyone
I remembered Thy Name and I was comforted
O King of the ages and God of all gods
Jesus Christ our Lord The True God
Who was incarnate for our salvation
He was incarnate of the Holy Spirit
And of the Virgin Mary the holy pride
And changed our sorrow and all our afflictions
To joy for our hearts and rejoicing for all
Let us worship Him and sing about His Mother
The Virgin Mary the fair dove
Let us all proclaim with the voice of joy
Saying, Hail to you, O Mary the Mother of Emmanuel”


“Lord Jesus Christ, have mercyupon me, a sinner” prayer.

This is a short prayer as a swift arrow split off into the sky to attend in front of the Lord.
It is an acceptable prayer, because it calls upon the good name of our good Saviour,
Jesus Christ. “For there is no other name under heaven given among men, by which we
must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

When we are aware that we are always in the presence of God, we worship Him, honor
Him, and speak with Him.


Repeat the Name of our Savior Jesus Christ, hundreds of times every day, whether you
are walking, resting, eating, or at work, for the continuous repetition creates a habit of
prayer and the habit creates a permanent life of prayer. “Men always ought to pray and
not lose heart.” (Luke 18:1).

At the beginning of your encounter with the Jesus Prayer, your mouth and tongue may
not be used the repetition of the prayer. Also, you may feel despair and become unable
to complete it, but the continuity of this prayer bursts forth as a spring of sweetness
which would never dry up.

After much practice with this prayer, the tongue stops talking and the heart absorbs the
prayer and repeats the invocation easily without resistance and without audible

This prayer shall speak to you when you are awake or asleep. “I sleep, but my
heart is awake; it is the voice of my beloved! He knocks.” (SONGS5:2).

Upon completion of this prayer, the Holy Spirit abides in the heart through the name of
Jesus Christ and transfers this good name into the image of our Saviour. By Him, we
shall be transformed into the image of His Glory.


From the continuity of the invocation of the Name of Jesus Christ come forth tears.
They come not by force, but easily as a response to real prayer.

Tears are the secret fountain flowing out of the eyes as rivers of living water which had
been sealed.

It is difficult to write about the life of tears. Who can interpret or have the knowledge of
the language of tears, because tears are our own feelings melted in a spot of tears.

Tears are the only tongue which has been understood by the whole world. Tears, as a
tongue, speak all languages. When the tongue becomes perplexed and is unable to make
one speak, then the heart will talk fluently by the tongue of tears.

A true expression of true feelings comes by tears. Tears wash the heart by the water of
repentance, and revive the weak souls, as dew refreshes the tree’s leaves.

Sometimes, uninformed people account tears as an example of mockery. They ignore

the power of tears. Whereas our Lord can never be defeated by anything of his creation,
our tears can overcome Him. “Turn your eyes away from me, for they have overcome
me.” (Song 6:5)

Finally, the Holy Spirit carries the explosive springs of pure tears to represent us in front
of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Our Lord keeps these tears nearer and dearer to Him. He lets
not one drop ofour tears fall down. Instead, He will gather our tears and preserve them
to intercede before Him. (Psalms 57:8).


When the sun rises the beasts hurry to their dens and hide. So is the effect of prayer. It is
the ray that falls, enlightens our thoughts, and every beastly ignorance which are our
sins and lusts dissipate and vanish.

We only have to pray in courage and in concentration, because prayer expels the power
of Satan and the evil spirits will disappear.
St. John Chrysostom

The prayer of the righteous is a key to the heavens. Its power is omnipotent. It is a
shield for our souls, the assign of every virtue, the ladder on which we ascend up to the
heavens and to the fullness of God. It is the work of angels and the foundation of faith.
St. Augustine

Man enters to pray, kneels, and his heart is filled with divine power. His soul rejoices
with God as a bride rejoices with her bridegroom.

It is not difficult for a human who is busy all day with worldly affairs to spare an hour
for prayer, when the subconscious dives to the depths of worship and contemplation in
the other world of eternal life in deep pleasure, soothing his thoughts and elevating
himself above worldly desires, when he sublimes and rises up then.

At these moments a cloud of fascination spellbinds his thoughts and veils them from the
earthly thoughts. And he meditates into heavenly matters and indiscernible realities until
he distills his thoughts into prayer, and all he can say then is, “I wish my soul goes out
with my prayer.”
Abba Macarius the Great


Upon the advent of monasticism among the Egyptian monks, the concept of meditative
life was at its apex. The early Fathers adopted this principal aspect and practiced
meditation to guard themselves against the pitfalls of the flesh.

They lived in solitude in their separate cells mostly in isolation. But when they
congregated in groups inside the walls, they started to lose the magnificence of
meditation. It is a known fact that any activity that forces a monk to relinquish his
solitude to perform any duty — particularly with others — dissipates his mental
concentration and blunts the power of visions he is exercising.
St. John Chrysostom

Whenever your tears run down your eyes during prayer do not be vain. Behold it was
prayer that granted you these tears, and led the way to sincere confession to soften
God’s heart toward you. Beware not to make tears your goal because they are there to
ventralise lusts. Do not desire tears for their own, lest you should enrage Him who gave
Nibs, the Sinaite

*Note: This article is taken from Fr. Marcus Bishay’s book, “The Life of Prayer”, St.
Mark Coptic Orthodox Church, Chicago, 1978.

For the success
of this Sunday
School Program
the teacher should
refer to the
in his/her preparation
of the lessons and in
teaching the students
in the class



Please read the attached sheet entitled “The Divine Liturgy - (I)”, and give the
lesson with emphasis on the points below.


This is the first lesson of a three-lesson series on the Divine Liturgy. The purpose of this
series is to familiarize the students with the Divine Liturgy, so that they can participate
more in it, enjoy it and gain spiritually from it.


“I was glad when they said to me, Let us go into the House of the
Lord” Psalm 122:1


 When does the Divine Liturgy begin? (Sunday Morning)

No, in fact, the Divine Liturgy begins on Saturday night with the Vespers prayers.
Unfortunately, many of us do not attend this portion of the Divine Liturgy. The
reason is, most likely, that we do not understand what these prayers are all about.
Today, we are going to learn about the beginning prayers of the Divine Liturgy, the
Evening and the Morning Raising of incense.

Definition of the Divine Liturgy:

It is a journey towards Heaven. We enjoy it through our fellowship with our Lord
Jesus Christ, as we are united with Him.

Outline of the Liturgy:

It has two parts:
Part I: Vesper (Evening Raising of Incense) and Matins (Morning Raising of
Part II: The Eucharist and it consists of 3 parts:
 The Offering of Oblation
 The Liturgy of the Catechumens
 The Liturgy of the believers “Anaphora”

 In this lesson (I) we will concentrate on the Vespers and Matins. In lesson (II) we
will concentrate on the Offering of Oblation and the Liturgy of the Catechumens.
In lesson (III) we will concentrate on the “Anaphora”.
The prayers of the raising of incense:

This practice goes back to the early church and is mentioned in the teaching of the
Apostles (the Didache). It is a continuation of the Old Testament practice of
Incense Offering which God commanded Moses and the children of Israel to follow
(Exodus 30:34-38). An example of this is mentioned by St. Luke in his Gospel
“According to the custom of the priesthood, his lot (Zacharias) fell to burn incense
when he went into the temple of the Lord ….Then an angel of the Lord appeared to
him, standing on the right side of the altar of incense”(Luke 1:9-11).

When we look at the incense while the smoke is going up, we can see our prayers
going up to God,accepting them as the sweet aroma of incense, David had the same
thought when he prayed: “Let my prayer be set before you as incense” (Psalm

In the Vespers:

 First we pray from the Agbeya “three hours of prayers: None, Vespers and

Then we pray and sing hymns from the “Psalmody”. The Psalmody contains
scriptural hymns, Doxologies (i.e. praises and SONGS of glorification to God) and
Theotokions (i.e., hymns in honour of the Theotokos, the Mother of God). Every
day of the week has its own special hymns and Theotokions. In the Psalmody as
well, there are calls addressed to the whole world: visible and invisible, rational
and irrational to praise the Lord the Creator. Thus before starting the Liturgy the
whole congregation participates with all the creation in singing hymns of praise to
the Savior.

 Then Abouna starts the service of raising of Incense with the Thanksgiving
Prayer. (Please bring with you your Divine Liturgy book and Psalmody).
Then we use the Psalmody again for some Hymns for St. Mary, the Arch-Angels
and some selected Saints.

 Then the Gospel Litany by Abouna and then the Gospel reading.

 After the Gospel reading, Abouna prays the litanies : for the peace of the church,
for the Pope of our church and for our meetings and our homes.

 Then the closing of the Vespers prayers by Abouna, the benediction and

In the Matins:

The Matins is very similar to the Vesper, but is carried on Sunday morning while
the Vesper is carried on Saturday evening. So, for the Matins we pray the “Prime”
from the Agbeya and the part from the Psalmody is much longer than that of
Vesper, with a larger number of long and beautiful hymns.

Benefits of Vespers and Matins:

It is a preparation for us to be able to enjoy the Eucharist and spiritually benefit

most from it. It is also a call for the saints and the heavenly powers to participate
with us in it.

 Our Coptic Church is indeed the church of praise to God. She is the richest
church in her SONGS of praise and hymns of glorification. These can capture both the
soul and the mind because of their depth. They can also raise the spirit to the highest
level of spirituality. David said “Blessed are those who dwell in your house, ever
singing your praise” (Psalm 84:4).


We do make lots of preparations when we are about to undertake an important task such
as exams, parties whether they are birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, or the like, going
on a trip or even vacationing. In the same manner, but most important, we should
prepare ourselves, spiritually, for participating in the Divine Liturgy which is in fact the
meal of the Last Supper with the Disciples and a multitude of saints having Christ
Himself at the head of the table (Altar) as our Host. Let us attend the Vespers and
Matins regularly as an important preparation for that great spiritual event.


Alleluia, this is the day Alleluia: Fai pepieho-oo

Which the Lord has made Eta Epchoisthamiof: maren
Let us rejoice and be glad Thelilentenoonofemmon
In it. O Lord , save us, Enkhitf: O epchpoisek-e
O Lord straighten our ways Nahmen: O epchoisek-e sooten
Blessed is he Who comes in Nenmoit: Ef-esmaro-oot
The name of the Lord. Enje fi ethniookhenefraan
Alleluia. EmEphois.


The Evening and Morning Prayers of the Raising of Incense

1. This practice goes back to the early church and is mentioned in the teaching of the
Apostles (the Didache). Every day the priest and lay men congregate in the church
morning and evening for prayer. In this way they begin the day with prayer and end it
with the Lord’s blessing and the prayer of the priest on their behalf.

2. It is a continuation of the Old Testament practice of Incense Offering which God

commanded Moses and the Children of Israel to follow (Exodus 30:34-3 8). An
example of this is mentioned by St. Luke in his Gospel (Luke 1:8-11) when he wrote
about the annunciation of John the Baptist. it was mentioned that when the Lord’s angel
appeared to Zacharias, the priest, he was burning incense inside the temple and the
people were praying outside. The place of the altar of incense where incense is raised
(burned) was in the Holy in front of the veil that stands before the Ark of the Covenant
in the Holy of Holies. There God dwelt between the two Cherubim so that when the
priest prayed and offered incense his prayer rose up to God who received it as sweet
smelling offering from His people.

3. People may object and ask: Why should the Old Testament practices be adopted in
the church of the New Testament? This objection may be answered by the following

i) The practices were ordained by God Himself and cannot therefore be altered or

ii) Christ clearly stated that He did not come to change the law but to fulfill it.

iii) It is true that some Old Testament practices were discontinued in the New. When
this happened, however, the practice was replaced by a greater sacrament for which the
earlier practice was only a symbol. For example circumcision was replaced by Baptism.
Blood sacrifices were replaced by the bloodless sacrifice of the Eucharist, etc.

4. Raising of Incense is alluded to in the practice of the Heavenly New Testament

Church, as seen in the Book of Revelation. There St. John saw a lamb standing, as if
slain, (symbol of the Eucharist Sacrament) before whom the twenty four elders (priests)
fell down having each a golden bowl full of incense which are the prayers of the saints.
(Rev. 5:6-14, 8:3-4).

5.It is also worth noting that the place for burning incense, as practiced in the Old
Testament is called “altar of incense” despite the fact that only incense is offered on it
and no blood sacrifices. This is so because praise and prayers are also called sacrifices
to God. “Let my prayer be set before you as incense, the lifting up of my hands as the
evening sacrifice.” (Psalm 141:2).

*Note: This article is taken from “Athanasius” magazine, The Church of the Virgin
Mary and St. Athanasius, Mississauga, Canada, June 1983




Please read the attached sheet entitled “The Divine Liturgy - (II)”, and give the
lesson with emphasis on the points below.


This is the second lesson of a three-lesson series on the Divine Liturgy. The purpose of
this series on the Divine Liturgy is to familiarize the students with the Divine Liturgy,
so that they can participate more in it, enjoy it and gain spiritually from it.


Last week we learned that we should prepare ourselves spiritually for participating
in the Divine Liturgy, and that attending the Vespers and Matins is an important
part of preparing to attend the mass.
Today, we want to learn more about the next part of the Divine Liturgy: the
Offering of the Oblations and the Liturgy of the Catechumens.

 In this lesson we will concentrate on the Offering of the Oblation and the Liturgy of
the Catechumens.

The Offering of the Oblation:

It is the starting point of a journey to heaven. It guides the church throughout this
journey. It also indicates that the church must offer her whole life as a sacrifice to
and through the Lord, who has sacrificed Himself for her sake. Please describe the
details using the attached sheets.

 The Thanksgiving:

 Whenever we have a service we start with this prayer. Please describe what Abouna
does during the Thanksgiving Prayer using the attached sheets.
 The Liturgy of the Catechumens (or “the liturgy of the word”):
It consists of a selected readings from:

 The Pauline Epistles:

A reading from one of St. Paul’s epistles.

 The Catholic Epistles:

Catholic here means “universal”. We read a selection from the epistles of the
Apostles written to the whole world (James I & II, Peter I, II and III, John and Jude).

 The Acts of the Apostles:

It tells us about all the wonderful things the Apostles did through the actions of the
Holy Spirit in them. We call this reading PRAXIS.

 The Synaxarium:
The Chronicles of the saints and martyrs. This is followed by the Trisagion. Let
us sing it together.

 The Gospel:
This is the most important reading. We read a selection from one of the four Gospels:
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

 The Sermon:
* Note: This is the end of the Liturgy of the Catechumens.


When we attend this part of the service let us focus on:

1. During the offering of the bread and the wine, we are actually doing as the Disciples
did during the meal of the Last Supper. We present to Christ bread and wine, He
consecrates and transforms them and gives them back to us as His Holy Body and
2. During the Liturgy of the word, let us listen attentively to the readings and the
sermon. The word of God purifies our heart, as Jesus said to His Disciples “You are
already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you.” (John 15:3).

3. Let us all participate in singing hymns. This way we can be more affected and grow
spiritually deeper and deeper. We have to think about what we are singing as well.


The Cherubim worship Thee, Ni Sheroobim se oo-oshtemok,

And the Seraphim glorify Thee, Nemm ni Serafimseti o-oo-nak
Proclaiming and saying : Evoshevolevgoemmos: Je

Holy, Holy, Holy , Lord of Agios, Agios, Agios, Kirios

Hosts, heaven and earth are Saba-oth, eplirisooranos
Full of Thine holy glory. Ke see gee agiassoodoxis.


I was glad when they said to me:
(Psalm: 122:1)


Do you remember what we discussed in the previous lesson? …

about Abouna choosing one of the loaves of the OBLATION BREAD, which is now
called the LAMB. We also learned that the LAMB will become the BODY OF CHRIST
through the prayers of the church.

Now do you remember the story about the Old Testament people, and how they used to
bring an animal SACRIFICE if they wanted to confess their sins? The priest used to
receive the people’s confession while they put their hands on the head of the
SACRIFICE. The sins of the people were then carried by the SACRIFICE and it
actually died instead of the sinners. When Christ came He became our SACRIFICE. We
call Christ the LAMB of God that carries the sin of the world. Christ took all our sins
and died instead of us, becoming our SACRIFICE.

After Abouna chooses the LAMB, he puts his hand on it confessing both his sins and
the sins of all God’s people. Abouna takes all the sins that we confess in front of him
and puts them all on the LAMB of God that carries away the sins of the world. Abouna
says in a low voice: “Grant O Lord that this SACRIFICE be acceptable unto Thee for
my sins and for the ignorance (sins) of Thy people.”

Then Abouna prays for all the people that ask him to pray for them; he prays for the
sick, for those who have problems, for those looking for work, for the whole church,
and particularly for those who asked him to pray for them. Now if you want Abouna to
pray for you or for any member of your family, or one of your friends; what would you
do?.,. You guessed the right answer! You have to be in church before the
PROCESSION OF THE LAMB, and you have to tell Abouna that you want him to pray
for you or for anyone else.

While Abouna is praying, the whole church is also praying one of the prayers of the
AGPEYA: Holy HolyHoly! Lord of Hosts! Heaven and Earth are full of Thine Holy

At the end of the prayer, Abouna wraps the LAMB in a VEIL and carrying it above his
head, he stands at the door of the Sanctuary saying: “Glory and Honour, Honour and
Glory unto the Holy Trinity; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

In doing so, Abouna is imitating Simeon the Elder who went to the temple, took the
baby Jesus in his hands, and blessed God (Luke 2:25-32). Abouna then goes around the
altar, the deacon also follows Abouna, carrying the WINE CRUET with a VEIL.

This PROCESSION (going around the altar) is a symbol of the coming of the LAMB,
God’s Only Begotten Son into the world. All the people should bow during the
procession. If you want to know the reason for this you should read Hebrews l:6.

We greet the coming of Christ into our world by singing the beautiful hymn: This is the
day which the Lord hath made, ... blessed be He that Cometh in the name of the Lord.

I was glad when they said to me:
(Psalm 122:1)

Last time we spoke about the PROCESSION OF THE LAMB and we said that it is a
symbol of the coming of the LAMB OF GOD into the world. After the PROCESSION
we sing the Hymn: Alleluia, this is the day which the Lord hath made. Then Abouna
holds the Lamb in his left hand, and the Deacon holds the wine cruet on a VEIL, in his
right hand. The deacon brings the wine cruet close to the LAMB.
Abouna then blesses the LAMB and the wine by Crossing them three times; in the
Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The deacon responds: Amen, following
each blessing.
The word “Amen” is a Hebrew word that means “so be it” or “so shall it be”. It is said
after each prayer to show that we sincerely meant what we said.
Now the people respond by singing the Hymn ZuxaPatrie, KeEiu, KeAgioPnevmati
…This is a Greek hymn that gives Glory to the Holy Trinity; the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit; now, at all times and forever and ever. Amen!
Meanwhile, Abouna will put the Lamb in the PATEN under the ASTERISK, and later,
he will put the wine in the CHALICE and mingle it with some water. Then he starts
praying the THANKSGIVING PRAYER: Let us give thanks unto the beneficent and
merciful God.
This is a very important prayer in our church. Whenever we have a service we start with
this prayer. We say it at the beginning of the Offering of Incense, at the beginning of
Baptism, Marriage service, Funeral service, and even when we pray the prayers of the
Hours from the AGPEYA, we start by praying the THANKSGIVING PRAYER.

When this is over, Abouna says a short prayer in a low voice, asking God to accept the
offering of bread and wine, bless them, and sanctify them, so that they become the Body
and Blood of Christ. Then he covers the LAMB in the PATEN by placing a VEIL on
the ASTERISK. He covers the CHALICE with another VEIL, then he spreads a large
VEIL on top of both the PATEN and the CHALICE. This large VEIL is called the
He also places another small VEIL folded in the shape of a triangle on top of the

The most senior deacon in the SANCTUARY helps Abouna in spreading the
PROSPHERINE. If there is another priest in the SANCTUARY, he does this instead of
the deacon. This is the RUBRIC for spreading the PROSPHERINE. Do you still
remember the meaning of the word RUBRIC? If you have forgotten, turn back to the
previous lessons!

While spreading the PROSPHERINE Abouna prays in a low voice. He prays for the
church, for our POPE, and last of all for himself, asking God to forgive him his own
sins. He then bows and kisses the ALTAR, then stands up and goes to the north side of
the ALTAR, the deacon also goes before him. When they both reach the north side of
the ALTAR the deacon bows then raises his head before Abouna who blesses him by
touching his forehead. Then everybody leaves the SANCTUARY. Now everybody in
the church will bow to receive the ABSOLUTION. Abouna says the ABSOLUTION
while he is standing and holding the Cross. The ABSOLUTION is our permission to
participate in the DIVINE LITURGY. Although we receive the ABSOLUTION through
Abouna’s mouth, it comes to us from God. God gave Abouna the authority to deliver
the absolution to us.

Your word is a lamp unto my feet anda light to my path (Psalm 119:105)


The part of the service that follows the ABSOLUTION, is called THE LITURGY OF
THE WORD. Liturgy means a common prayer, a prayer in which many people
participate. We call this part of the service THE LITURGY OF THE WORD, because
here we hear the word of God, readings from the various books of the Bible. In-
between these readings, we sing Hymns.

THE LITURGY OF THE WORD starts with a beautiful Hymn: This is the Censer of
pure gold …because while we sing, Abouna offers Incense on the altar, while one of the
deacons is standing across from him holding a Cross. They both go around the altar
while saying prayers in a low voice.

After this Abouna offers Incense in front of the Sanctuary door, saying more prayers,
while the people sing another hymn: the Intercessions. When we pray this hymn, we ask
the Mother of God, the angels, and the saints to pray for us that God may forgive us our

Incense is a symbol of the prayers of the saints, that is why Abouna offers Incense
around the church while we sing this hymn.

The readings from the Bible start by the PAULENE EPISTLE, a reading from one of
Saint Paul’s letters (Epistles). Saint Paul wrote letters to some churches where he
preached in the name of our Lord. He also wrote letters to one or the other of his

Then comes a reading from the CATHOLIC EPISTLES. The word Catholic means
universal or belonging to the whole world. We call these letters Catholic because they
were written by the Apostles to the whole world and not to a particular church or a

The next reading is from the ACTS OF THE APOSTLES. This is one of the books of
the Bible which tells us about all the wonderful things the Apostles did after Christ
ascended to heaven. Sometimes we call this reading THE PRAXIS, a Coptic word
which means ACTS.

The reading which follows the PRAXIS is from the SYNAXARIUM, or the book of
THE CHRONICLES OF THE MARTYRS AND SAINTS. It is not a part of the Bible,
but it is very important! It tells us about the wonderful things that the Saints which
followed the Apostles did. Some of those saints gave their lives for Christ’s sake. We
call these saints MARTYRS. Some of the saints were not killed, but they suffered a lot
for Christ’s sake. These are the CONFESSORS. The hymn that follows the
SYNAXARIUM is called the TRISAGION. This is a Greek word (TRIS = three,
AGION = Holy). The TRISAGION is a Greek hymn that starts with the words: Agios O
Theos, AgiosEsSheros, AgiosEsThanatos …Holy God, Holy the Almighty, Holy the
Immortal. That is why we call it the TRISAGION: 3 times Agios(3 times Holy).

The final and most important reading of all is the reading from the GOSPEL. We should
always stand when we hear the GOSPEL reading. A few verses from the PSALMS are
read before the GOSPEL.

*Note: This article is taken from “Athanasius”, magazine, the Church of the Virgin
Mary and St. Athanasius, Mississauga, Canada, July, 1983



Please read the attached sheet entitled “The Divine Liturgy - III”, and give the
lesson with emphasis on the points below.


This is the last lesson of a three-lesson series about the Divine Liturgy. The purpose of
this series on the Divine Liturgy is to familiarize the students with the Divine Liturgy;
so that they can participate more in it, enjoy it and gain spiritually from it.


 For the last two weeks, we learned about the Vespers and Matins prayers (that
attending them was important part of our preparation for attending the liturgy on
Sunday). We also spoke about the Offering, when Christ consecrates and
transforms the bread and wine into His Holy Body and Blood, and the Liturgy of
the Catechumens, when we listen attentively to the readings and the sermon.
Today is the final lesson about the Divine Liturgy when we will learn about
Anaphora, the final part of Liturgy.

 The last part of the service mentioned in the previous lesson has the following

1) The litanies (the three intercessory prayers):

The church lifts up her heart to the Divine throne asking God to bestow
peace upon the church “Intercession for Peace”, to strengthen her ministers
in all the ranks of the priesthood “Intercession for the fathers” and to bless
her meetings “Intercession for the congregations”.

2) The Orthodox Creed: also known as the Nicene creed in reference to the
council of Nicea (A,D. 325) or as the Athanasian creed in reference to St.
Athanasius the apostolic (A.D. 296-373), the 20th Patriarch of the Coptic
Orthodox Church of Egypt.

3) Pre-Anaphora: the word Anaphora (or Eucharist) means “lift up” which
means actually the church is entering into a heavenly and Divine

The pre-Anaphora is the prayer of reconciliation. “Reconciliation” here refers to:

a) Reconciliation with God through the death, resurrection and ascension of

our Lord Jesus Christ: “For if when we were enemies we were
reconciled to God through the death of His Son, much more, having
been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life:’ (Romans 5:10).

b) Reconciliation with one another before taking the Holy Communion:’

‘Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that
your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the
altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then
come and offer your gift’ (Matthew 5:23-24).

4) Anaphora (or the Eucharist): (please use the Divine Liturgy book)

 It starts with praising the name of the Lord who created heaven, earth,
sea, and before Whom stand the angels and all the heavenly powers.
 Then Abouna prays saying Holy, Holy, Holy our God Who created man
and put him in Paradise. After this, Abouna, on behalf of the
congregation, remembers before God the history of man’s fall through
his disobedience and God’s plan for his salvation through the incarnation
of our Lord Jesus Christ, His birth, His death for us, His resurrection,
His ascension into heaven and His promise to come back to judge
everyone according to his deeds.
 Then the Crossing of the bread and the wine three times each so they
become by the action of the Holy Spirit in them Jesus’ Body and Blood.
 Then the seven prayers (or Intercessions) for the peace of the church, for
the fathers, for the priests, deacons and congregation, for God’s mercy
upon us, for the safety and salvation of the whole world and our city, for
the plants, the weather and the waters, and for those who offered the


 Then the commemoration of the Fathers and Saints of the Church.

 Then the introduction to the partaking of the Holy Communion. We bow
for the Holy Body of Jesus and His precious Blood.
 Then the Fraction Prayer (breaking of the Holy Body).

 The Lord’s Prayer

The Confession:

That this is the Body of Jesus Christ, born from our Lady St. Mary, crucified in
this Body and resurrected with it on the third day. This Body is given for the
remission of our sins and eternal life for whomsoever partakes of it.

 The Holy Communion

 Psalm 150 “Praise the Lord for ..."

Final blessings with sprinkling of water, the Benediction and dismissal. Then
we go home nourished by the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord and
becoming partakers of the Divine nature, therefore we are able to say with
Saint Paul that “Christ lives in me”.


When we attend the Divine Liturgy, we must be in full respect and attention because
Jesus Christ Himself is with us on the altar.In one of the Fraction prayers, Abouna says
“Today on this table is present with us Emmanuel our Lord, the Lamb of God who
carries the sins of the entire world.”

“I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger…” (Jn 6:35)
Night of the Last Supper night of the Last Supper
Jesus took bread and broke and said: “Eat my body.”
Our Master, our Saviour gave us the vine of love
He is the Bread of life coming from heaven above.
Night when my Lord suffered night when my Lord suffered
He took Wine and gave thanks and said: “This is my Blood”.
This the Groom’s supper is given to His bride
Promising eternal life up in the paradise.
This is the food of souls is offered to us all
And the Blood is given to help me lest I fall
Jesus, you are my hope forgive my sins O Lord
Wash me and clean my soul put on me a new robe.
My heart I give to you Your will I want to do
Your love for me I knew when You paid all my dues
Jesus fills all my heart the devil has no part
And through this sacrament He gave me a new start.
Jesus to You I pray to lead me in Your way
Bless me and help me obey all what the Bible says.
Christ suffered for my sake His mercy is so great
My sins Jesus forgave and a new life He gave.
My heart is filled with joy and my soul does rejoice
With God I have union when I take communion.



Now all things are of God, Who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and
has given us the ministry of reconciliation. (2Cor. 5:18)


“O Great and Eternal God Who formed man in incorruption, and death which came into
the world by the envy of the Devil, Thou hast abolished through the life-giving
appearance of Thine Only Begotten Son, our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ.”

These are the opening words of THE PRAYER OF RECONCILIATION. This is the
prayer that reminds us that once we were enemies with God, but now, we are the friends
of God.

You see, when God created Adam and Eve, He told them not to eat of the tree of the
Knowledge of Good and Evil. God warned them: if you eat of that tree, you shall surely

And guess what Adam and Eve did! They disobeyed God

Now, God had to be true to His word and Adam and Eve were condemned to die
because they disobeyed God. Not only Adam and Eve but also all their children had to
die because of the sin Adam and Eve committed in Paradise. A very sad situation. Isn’t
it? Well, God thought so too! So, in order to save Adam, Eve and all their children, God
sent Jesus Christ, His Only Begotten Son into the world. Christ came and took the
punishment instead of all of us. Christ died on the Cross so that we can have Eternal
Life and become Eternal like Him! That is why Christ is called God’s Lamb that carries
away the sin of the world.

When Adam disobeyed, God became Cross with all human beings. When Christ came
and took the punishment, God was no more Cross with human beings.

Now, when two persons who were Cross with each other make up and become friends
again, we call this RECONCILIATION.

That is why Saint Paul tells us that God reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ, His
Only Begotten Son.

When God reconciled us to Himself, He also gave us an example to follow. God teaches
us to be reconciled to each other. This means that if one of our friends is Cross with us,
we should always try to make peace with him or her.

This becomes very important before participating in the Liturgy, and partaking of the

In order to make sure that no one in the church is bearing a grudge against another, we
greet one another with a Holy ASPASMOS (a holy kiss). This is a symbol that we are
all reconciled to each other. Only people who are reconciled to each other are allowed to
take part in the service of the Liturgy, and receive without falling into damnation, God’s
heavenly and immortal gifts, the Body and the Blood of Jesus Christ.

*Note: This article is taken from “Athanasius” magazine, the Church of the Virgin
Mary and St. Athanasius, Mississauga, Canada, August, 1983.

For the success
of this Sunday
School Program
the teacher should
refer to the
in his/her preparation
of the lessons and in
teaching the students
in the class



Please read Luke 4:1-14, the attached material entitled: “Temptations”, and give
the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


This is the first lesson of a four-lesson series on “Christ and the establishment of His
kingdom”. The purpose of this series is to learn from our Lord Jesus’ life and follow His
example in our daily lives. In this lesson we learn how our Lord Jesus faced Satan and
defeated him as one key element in the establishment of His Kingdom.


“Then Jesus…was led by the spirit into the wilderness” Matthew 4:1


 Does anyone know how to defeat Satan?

For the last three weeks, we have been learning about the Divine Liturgy and how
we should behave during it.
But what about the rest of the week? How do we learn how to behave in our lives
outside of Church? Jesus Christ teaches us how to behave, and today, we will learn
how to defeat Satan.

Jesus’ life up to 30 years of age:

Jesus lived on earth as a man and experienced all aspects in man’s life except for sin.
During His childhood with the Virgin Mary, He helped St. Joseph the carpenter, to
whom His mother was betrothed. In doing this, Jesus blessed the work with its
different types. In fact a true Christian should do his best in studying and doing his
homework. He went to the Synagogue to be among the teachers and discuss things
with them. He worked in Nazareth until the age of 30. He helped His family and
obeyed His parents.

Preparation of Jesus’ Ministry:

Before He started His ministry, our Lord Jesus did the following:

1) He was baptized by John the Baptist. He did not need to repent and be baptized,
but He wanted to teach us to be humble and to fulfill all righteousness. After
He was baptized He came from the Jordan River and was filled with the Holy
2) He spent 40 days in the wilderness, praying and fasting to teach us how to
prepare to do things: by prayers and fasting.

Satan Tempts Jesus:

 Satan was puzzled when he saw the great power which our Lord Jesus Christ
enjoyed. Satan thought that he was in front of a person who was not normal
who could do things the normal person would not do. Therefore, Satan came
with all his weapons to tempt Jesus and Jesus defeated him.

 “Man shall not live by bread alone”

After our Lord Jesus fasted for forty days and forty nights, He became hungry
(as any person may become hungry) and Satan wanted to make use of our Lord’s
need for food.

Satan: “Command this stone to become bread” (Luke 4:3)

Jesus: " Man shall not live by bread alone” (Luke 4:4)

‘‘You shall worship the Lord your God’’

Satan wanted to tempt Jesus for the second time. He took Him up the mountain
and showed Him the world that was known at that time. Satan explained to Jesus
that the entire world with its glory could be His and under His authority.

Satan: “Therefore, if you will worship before me” (Luke 4:7)

Jesus: “You shall worship the Lord your God” (Luke 4:8)

 “You shall not tempt the Lord your God”:
Satan did not give up after the Lord Jesus defeated him in the previous two
temptations. Satan found that our Lord Jesus defeated him using the word of
God, and Satan wanted to use the same weapon that Jesus used. Satan took
Jesus to the side of the altar of Solomon and asked Him to let Himself fall to
prove that He is the Son of God.

Satan: “He shall give His angels charge over You to keep You” (Psalm 91:11)

Jesus: “You shall not tempt the Lord your God” (Luke 4:12)

Jesus wanted to teach the people how to judge things correctly. A person should
not ask God for things that are incorrect or with no purpose and then blame
God. For it is incorrect to blame God by throwing yourself from a high place
defying God and saying: Lord you can save and protect me. Here the person is
to be blamed and not God.


Jesus showed us the way to defeat Satan. We must be careful about the partial meanings
of what Satan says which can appear to be correct but they are actually wrong.



“Call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.”
(Ps 50:15)

When I feel worried to whom shall I go?

You comfort me, O Lord I kneel and pray to Thee

When I feel sad to whom shall I go?

You make me glad, O Lord I kneel and pray to Thee

When I feel hungry to whom shall I go?

You feed me, O Lord I kneel and pray to Thee

When I feel sick to whom shall I go ?

You cure me, O Lord I kneel and pray to Thee

When I feel lost to whom shall I go?

You guide me, O Lord I kneel and pray to Thee

When I feel oppressed to whom shall I go?

You defend me, O Lord I kneel and pray to Thee


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III
Many temptations happen because of the envy of the devil...
If the devil finds a highly spiritual person, he becomes furious and envious. He attacks him
with temptations to see how firm he is in the life of the spirit...
That is what happened with the Lord Jesus Christ...
The devil was not happy about the great glory that the Lord Jesus received at the Jordan River,
where the Father witnessed for Him saying, "This is my beloved Son, in who I am well pleased.
" (Mt. 3:17). Then the Holy Spirit descended on Him as a dove. Also, John the Baptist wit-
nessed for Jesus saying, "... whose sandal-strap I am not worthy to stoop down and unloose. "
(Mk 1:7)... Therefore, the devil followed the Lord with temptations on the mountain.
The devil's combat sometimes proves the success of the spiritual work, which makes one
confident in his work.
The devil's temptations are divided into two types:
Tribulations and enticement...
Tribulations do not hurt, but one can benefit from them and learn patience. They enable us to
experience God's help. St. James, the Apostle said, "My brethren, countit all joy when you
fall into various trials”(Jas 1:2).
But the trouble is in the trial by sin...
A sin could tempt the faithful to do or think in a harsh way. In spite of his refusal, it continues
fighting him till he cries to God saying, "lead us not into temptation."...
Temptations indicate that the devil does not give up...
He does not give up, no matter how long it takes. He kept on tempting the Lord Jesus for forty
days. And in spite of his failure, and God dismissing him, he left for a while then returned to
tempt Him, even when the Lord was on the Cross.
We do not fear the devils' combats.
The grace within us is much stronger than all the tricks of the devil. And the Holy Spirit that
works within us is able to defeat the devil. Besides, God gave us authority over all the devils...
As the Lord Jesus Christ has triumphed over all trials of the devil, He gave our human nature
the spirit of victory and became our leader in His procession of triumph.
May the Lord be blessed in our trials as in our worship...




Please read Mark 3:13-19, and the attached material entitled, “The Sense of
Responsibility”, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


This is the second lesson of a four- lesson series on “Christ and the Establishment of His
Kingdom”. The purpose of this series is to learn from our Lord Jesus’ life and follow
His example in our daily lives. In this lesson we learn about the Lord’s choice of His
Disciples, as one key element in the establishment of His Kingdom.


“Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He
might send them out to preach” Mark 3:14


 Does anyone here know how we should behave as Christians?

Last week, we learned how to defeat Satan the way our Lord defeated him when
Satan tried to tempt Him to sin.
Today, we will explore how we should behave as Christians, by learning about how
Christ interacted with his disciples.

 Why did the Lord Jesus select His Disciples?
 Jesus chose His Disciples as an expression of His love to mankind and His
 Jesus chose His Disciples to teach them so that they could become witnesses.
 The Disciples would become Apostles to preach to the whole world.

 From which type of people did the Lord Jesus choose His Disciples?

 The Lord Jesus chose His Disciples from the average class of people. None of
them held a great position in the society or had great knowledge. The society
at that time had a lot of knowledgeable people who were affected by the
philosophies of the Greeks and the Romans. Jesus chose His Disciples from
the “simple” and “poor” type of people.

 Some of them were fishermen: for example Peter, Andrew, James and John.
He said to them, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men” (Matthew
4:19). They did not hesitate. They left the ship, the nets and the fish and
followed Him.

 Some of them were tax collectors. Tax collectors were hated by the society
because they took too much money from people. Jesus called Levi and named
him Matthew. Matthew left all the money and followed Jesus.

 Relationship between the Lord Jesus and His Disciples:

 The Disciples recognized that Jesus is the Messiah, whom they (and the
Jews) were waiting for. Philip said to one of his friends about Jesus “We have
found Him of whom Moses in the law, and also the prophets, wrote Jesus of
Nazareth” (John 1:45).

 The Disciples were with Jesus all the time during His ministry and He was
devoted to instructing them, explaining the parables and teaching them to
pray, fast and love other people even their enemies. Therefore the life of our
Lord Jesus Christ gave strength to His Disciples and made from them new
personalities and they were ready to preach the kingdom of heaven after they
were filled with the Holy Spirit.

 Our Lord Jesus Christ sent His Disciples under His supervision. He invited the
twelve Disciples and sent them two by two to preach His message and urged
them not to carry anything for the road. They preached the people to repent
and they healed a lot of people. Please read in the class Mark 6:7-13. When the
Disciples had problems or temptations, Jesus showed them how to solve them.
For example, when they asked Him, who is the greatest in the kingdom of
heaven (they probably thought that Jesus’ kingdom was earthly), Jesus invited
a young boy and set him in the midst of them and said, “Assuredly, I say to
you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no
means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as
this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:3-4).

 After Jesus’ resurrection from the dead Jesus asked His Disciples to go and
preach to the whole world and baptize people in the name of the Father and the
Son and the Holy Spirit. They were responsible and gave their mission 100%
of their efforts.


1. Jesus was a superb example for His Disciples. Let us make sure that our behavior
as Christians is a good example for others especially the younger ones.

2. Let us ask ourselves in every word we say or every action we do, whether our
Master and Lord Jesus Christ would say or do the same or not? If not, we must
not say it or do it.

3. Our churches today have an important duty to preach all those who do not believe
in the Lord Jesus Christ the Saviour. We must pray to God to support us in this

4. We have to be responsible and accountable for all our actions as the Disciples of
the Lord were.

“If we love one another, God abides in us, and His love has been perfected in us.” (1 Jn 4:12)
We are one in the spirit we are one in the Lord
And we pray that our unity will one day be restored.
And they’ll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
Yes they’ll know we are Christians by our love.
We will walk with each other we will walk hand in hand
And together we’ll spread the news that God is in our land
We will work with each other we will work side by side
And we’ll guard each man’s dignity and save each man’s pride
Our praise to the Father from whom all things come
And our praise to Christ Jesus His only Son
And our praise to the Spirit who makes us one


The Sense of Responsibility
By H.H. Pope Shenouda III
The spiritual person realizes that his life on earth is a responsibility.
His life is a message. God will ask him how his life was fruitful, productive and beneficial
to all those who were in contact with him... God will ask him about what he has done and
what he could have done, but he did not do...
Formally speaking, this responsibility might be limited. But with regard to love, this
responsibility is boundless. Love has room for everyone, and is always ready to serve and help.
The spiritual person questions himself before he is questioned by God: What has he done for
all his acquaintances? Is there anyone among them whom he knew not, who needs his help; he
ought to know them to be able to serve them.
Philip was walking on the road when he saw an Ethiopian eunuch reading in the Book of
Isaiah. He felt a sense of responsibility towards him. He did not leave him till he felt the
service has been completed and he led him to God.
St. Mark was sitting in the shop of a cobbler called Anianus, who was fixing the saint's sandal.
St. Mark had a sense of responsibility towards this cobbler. He took
advantage of this opportunity and started talkig to him till he believed in the Lord and so did
his household..
Both of them learned from Christ when He sat at the well near Samaria. A Samaritan woman,
who was a sinner, came to draw water from the well. The Lord felt responsibility towards her.
He led her and all her townspeople to salvation.
These three meetings seemed, at the beginning, as just passing by incidents, but the sense
of responsibility turned each into a chance for salvation.
If that is the case with those one meets accidentally, how ought it be with the formal
responsibilities of a person in life?
Fatherhood is a responsibility, motherhood is a responsibility, marriage is a responsibility and
serving is a responsibility. Even friendship is a type of responsiblility.
Do not try to apologize by passing the responsibility to others. God is going to ask you
about what you have done according to your abilities...
The more one's sense of responsibility grows, the more the circle of his service widens. It all
happens through love, not through formalities. One even volunteers to do many acts of love.
His heart makes him keen to do this as the Bible says,"...To him who knows to do good and
does not do it, to him it is sin." (Jas. 4.17)



Please read Matthew 5:1-48, the attached article entitled, “Wisdom”, and give the
lesson with emphasis on the points below.


This is the third lesson in a four-lesson series on “Christ and the Establishment of His
Kingdom”. In this lesson we learn that the life of Jesus Christ the Lord is a declaration
of God’s glory.


“So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the gracious words
which proceeded out of His mouth” Luke 4:22


 What if you know of someone who knows everything about everything? Wouldn’t
You want this person to teach you everything as well?
Who is a person like that? (Christ)
The last two weeks, we learned how to defeat Satan and how to behave as Christians,
through examining the life of Christ as our example.
Today, we want to explore the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ so that we can
apply them in our daily life.

 The message of the Angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary was a declaration of God’s
glory who was going to be incarnated for the salvation of the human race. Also the
birth of the baby Jesus showed the glory of God when the Angels appeared to the
shepherds and sang saying “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good
will toward men” (Luke 2:14). In addition, when Jesus was baptized in the Jordan
River by John the Baptist, the glory of God was also declared “Then Jesus, when He
had been baptized, came up immediately from the water and behold, the heavens
were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and
alighting upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying “This is My
beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”(Matthew 3:16-17). And Jesus’ preaching
continued for around three years. He went around doing good deeds, miracles and
teaching the people. Then He suffered on the Cross on behalf of the human race, died
and resurrected in glory. Therefore, all the life of Jesus Christ was a declaration of
the glory of God incarnate.

We are going to illustrate in this lesson and the next the glory of God through:

 The teaching of our Lord Jesus.

 The miracles of our Lord Jesus.

 The transfiguration of our Lord Jesus.

Jesus was called “The Good Teacher”

He was both teaching His Disciples privately and with other people as well. They
were surprised at His words. “So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the
gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth” (Luke 4:22)

 Our Lord Jesus Christ was teaching in a new way to which the people were not
used. He was speaking to them in a simple language that was understood by the
general public, yet it stemmed from His Divine wisdom. He was speaking to them
with authority. He was speaking to them using parables that were realistic and easy
for them to understand. Sometimes He was discussing these parables with them.

- Teaching by Parables:
For example:
 The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) to illustrate who is the true relative.
 The prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32)to illustrate that God accepts

A parable is said to simplify certain spiritual meanings.
- Teaching by individual discussion:
For example:
 The Samaritan woman (John 4:5-42).Jesus indicated to the Samaritan
woman that He was the Christ that the World was waiting for.
 Nicodemus (John 3:1-3). Jesus illustrated to Nicodemus the basics of
faith and the new birth from the water and the Spirit.
- The Sermon on the Mountain, Matthew 5:1-48 (Basis for Christianity)
Explain portions of it. Let the students read portions of it in the class and
Who are the sons of the kingdom?
 The poor in spirit, i.e. humble.
The people who mourn, i.e. because of their sin.
 The meek, i.e. low voice and humble.
 The hungry for righteousness.
 The merciful.
 The pure in heart.
 The people who work for peace.
All these groups will have places in the Kingdom of God. Let everyone ask himself, to
which group do I belong? Do I belong to the pure in heart or the poor in spirit or the
merciful, etc.
1. The teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ are different from any other teachings.
They are the teachings of God Himself. We must give them our utmost attention.
2. We must listen to the Lord’s teachings and apply them in our daily life, “But be
doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves” (James 1:22).
3. The Lord’s teaching was filled with gracious words and heavenly wisdom. We
must askGod in our prayers to give us heavenly wisdom and blessings. We need
these for our benefits and for serving the church.


“Now you are the body of Christ and members individually.” (1Cor 12:27)

Jesus Christ our Lord Saviour of my soul

Let my thoughts be Your thoughts that is all in all
Let my senses be Your senses that is all in all
Let my heart be Your heart that is all in all
Let my will be Your will that is all in all
Let my deeds be Your deeds that is all in all
Let my way be Your way that is all in all


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III
Any virtue void of wisdom, is not a virtue.
For example, love must be with wisdom, otherwise it will turn to pampering or to a harmful
Also wisdom must be incorporated into talking and preaching in order to know what to say,
when and how...
Wisdom is a virtue to be fulfilled in all servants, not only in the superiors like the bishops, but
even in the deacons. The Apostles said, "... seek out from among you seven men of good
reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business. "
(Acts 6:3)
Wisdom gives its possessors a spiritual perception, an enlightened understanding, which leads
to selection and distinction.
When St Anthony was asked about the best of virtues he answered, "Discretion...". as virtue
without discretion might destroy its possessors.
There is "wisdom that is from above" (Jas 3:17) and as one of the "spiritual gifts" (1 Cor 12),
and he who lacks wisdom, let him ask of the Father of Light, from the elders, and the spiritual
instructors who are gifted with wisdom and understanding.
A person could acquire wisdom through experience, and benefit from his own and others'
mistakes. He could attain such wisdom by the continued useful reading, or associating with the
wise, learning their ways of talk and action.
Solomon did not ask God to give him wealth or authority, but.sought wisdom to manage his
people. God blessed him and granted him wisdom. One of his best sayings is, "The wise man's
eyes are in his head, but the fool walks in darkness. " (Ecc 2:14)
Wisdom necessitates meditation and thinking, looking at the matter from all angles, reviewing
all its consequences before doing it. Do not act in excitement or rage.
Wisdom needs intelligence and broad-mindedness...
It does not agree with stubbornness, conceit and stiffness of opinion.



Please read the attached article entitled, “Christianity, a religion of strength” and
give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


This is the fourth lesson of a four-lesson series on “Christ and the Establishment of His
Kingdom”. The purpose of this series is to learn from our Lord Jesus’ life and follow
His example in our daily lives. In this lesson we learn that the Lord Jesus’ performance
of great miracles as well as His transfiguration were key elements in the establishment
of His Kingdom.


"Lazarus, come forth" John 11:43


 What would you do if you knew someone who could control the weather and make it
sunny on the day you wanted to go to the park?
What would you do if you knew someone who could heal any kind of disease or
What about if this person could raise people from death?
Today, we want to discuss how God can give us all we need and more.

The people were astonished at Jesus’ teachings and they realized that He differed in
His teachings from the scribes “for he taught them as one having authority, and not as
the scribes” (Matthew 7:29). As the multitude found out His authority in teaching,
they also found out about His authority in performing several miracles. Jesus our
Lord was wandering around in all cities doing good deeds: healing the sick, forgiving
sins of those possessed by devils, raising people from the dead and controlling nature.

(I) The Lord Jesus’ Miracles

Jesus’ authority and power over sickness:
There are several miracles mentioned in the four Gospels:
 The healing of the leper: Matthew8:2-4
 The healing of the man born blind: John9:1-41
Note: ask the students to add more.

Jesus’ authority on death:

There are several persons whom the Lord Jesus raised from the dead.
Lazarus’ resurrection from the dead (John 11: l-44). Lazarus and his two sisters
were friends of our Lord Jesus Christ. They enjoyed His care and love. When
Lazarus was sick, the two sisters sent to Jesus telling Him about their brother’s
sickness. They believed in Jesus Christ and His power of healing. Lazarus was in
Bethany in the vicinity of Jerusalem. But Jesus did not go fast enough to Lazarus’
house; Jesus knew with His Divine ability that Lazarus died. Then Jesus said to His
disciples “Our friend Lazarus sleeps, but I go that I may wake him up” (John
11:11). Jesus meant that Lazarus is dead and that He was going to raise him up. As
Jesus became near Bethany, Martha came to meet Him and said, “Lord, if you had
been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that whatever
You ask of God, God will give You” (John 11:21-22). With this faith, Jesus went to
the tomb where Lazarus was buried for four days. Jesus asked the people to remove
the stone from the front of the tomb. Jesus looked up to heaven, prayed and cried
loudly “Lazarus, come forth” (John 11:43). The dead came out with his hands and
legs tied up. So, Jesus asked the people to loosen Him and let him go.

In this miracle Jesus emphasized that He is the Son of the Living God and that He is
the Resurrection and Life. This miracle also shows that faith does miracles and even
if God allowsa problem to happen, He shows us a way through His Divine power to
overcome any problem.
Note: ask the students to add more.

 Jesus’ authority over nature:

 Jesus rebuked the wind: Matthew 8:23-27
"Even winds and sea obey Him”.
 Jesus walks on the water: Matthew 14:22-36
“It is I, have no fear".
Jesus’ authority on forgiveness:
Jesus’ forgiveness for the paralytic carried by four men (Mark 2:1-12).
“Your sins are forgiven”.
 In summary: the teaching and the miracles of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
were expressions of His Divine authority. Hence Jesus formed His kingdom by
defeating Satan, by selecting His Disciples and by His glorious teaching and
 Note: St. John the Evangelist at the end of His Gospel wrote, “This is the
disciple who testified of these things, and wrote these things; and we know that
his testimony is true. “And there are also many other things that Jesus did,
which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself
‘could not contain the books that would be written. Amen’” (John 21:24-25).

(II) The Lord Jesus’ Transfiguration on the Mountain

Please read Mark 9:1-10.
The Lord Jesus took Peter, James and John up the mountain, and Jesus was praying.
All of a sudden His garment became intensely white. Moses and Elijah came and
started to talk to Him. The three Disciples were very afraid. They were also very
happy to see the very white garment and the radiant Body of Christ. They wanted to
stay on the mountain so St. Peter said, “Rabbi, it is good for us to be here”. St. Peter
asked for a cover. Then a cloud overshadowed them. A voice came from heaven
saying “This is my Beloved Son.Hear Him”. This shows that the Lord Jesus is the
Son of God by the declaration of heaven.


1. Let us make all our requests known to God in our prayers. He is our Heavenly
Father. With faith and prayers, God gives us all what we need and a lot more.

2. Neither an Angel or a prophet or a father were entrusted with our Salvation. But
God Himself came for us with tremendous power and authority to save us. Glory
be to Him. Let us praise His Holy Name.

3. As the Lord Christ showed the power and glory of God, He also gave His
Disciples, Apostles and the Church today to be very powerful (i.e. heavenly


I have never seen a God like you, my Lord

Who opens the gates, and unlocks the chains (2)
And created roads in the middle of the sea
Never prevented by mountains nor barriers.

I have never seen a God like you my God (2)

No one else but you appears in the den

And rescues the souls from the lion’s hem (2)
Who can lighten the darkness but you O King
And fill my heart with joy that I may sing?

You have suffered lots on the wooden Cross

To give me back my life and restore my loss (2)
You have promised me You are coming back
To grant me the eternal life I lack


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III
The gentleness and humility, that Christianity calls for, are no indication whatsoever
that it is a religion of weakness, but it is a religion of strength. The Bible describes the
faithful as, " sharp arrows of the warrior. " (Ps 120:4). And about the Church, the Bible
says that it is, "Fair as the moon, clear as the sun, awesome as an army with banners. "
(Song 6:10).
This power is what the Holy Spirit gives to the faithful.
Therefore, God said to them, "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has
come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to me. " (Act 1:8)
The Bible also says, "And with great power the Apostles gave witness to the
resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all, " (Act 4:23) as if "...
the Kingdom of God present with power. " (Mk 9:1)
The summit of power, in Christianity is shown in the Apostle's saying, "I can do all
things through Christ who strengthens me. " (Phil 4:13)
He also says about the strength in serving "...I also labour, striving according to his
working in me mightily. " (Col. 1:29) It is power, inspite of obstacles, as the Lord said to
Paul, "Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent; for I am with you and no one
will attack you to hurt you. " (Act 18:9,10).
It is power with authority over all devils...When the Lord Jesus sent His Disciples, He
"...gave them power and authority over all demons. " (Lk 9:1). We also thank Him in
our prayers as He has, "...given us the authority to trample on serpents, scorpions and
over all the power of the enemy. " (Lk 10:19).
The Christians are strong because they are an image of God and God is powerful...
The Lord Jesus, despite His gentleness and humility, was powerful. It was said about
Him, "Gird your sword upon your thigh, O Mighty One. " (Ps 45:3). He was powerful,
"...for power went out from Him." (Lk 6:19).
"The Lord is clothed, He has girded himself with strength." (Ps 93:1). "He has shown
strength with his arm. " (Lk 1:51). He showed His power through signs and wonders,
"God's arm has made strength. ".
Power in Christianity has a spiritual nature... It is the power to overcome sin, the world
and the devils; the power of endurance, the power of working and serving; the power of
personality and how it affects and leads others; the power to defend faith. This power
is far from faults, violence, attacking or defeating others.


Please read Mark 11:14, Luke 19:29-44, and give the lesson with the emphasis on
the points below.


To learn that the Lord Jesus entered Jerusalem as a victorious king. However, He
always maintained His humility. The Lord is our example in everything. We also must
be humble.


“Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” Mark



 Does anyone know what the seven great major feasts of the Church are?
(Annunciation, Christmas, Epiphany, Palm Sunday, Resurrection, Ascension and
What happened on Palm Sunday? (Christ entered Jerusalem as a King).
How would you feel if you were Christ the King?
Would you feel proud of yourself, with everyone singing for you while you
centered a big city in a procession?
Today, we are going to learn about how Christ entered Jerusalem in humility, even
though He is God.

 Palm Sunday is a great feast. It is one of the seven great major feasts pertaining to
our Master Jesus Christ. They are: the Annunciation Feast (the angel announced the
birth of Jesus Christ the Son of God to the Virgin Mary), the birthday of Jesus
(Christmas), Epiphany (Manifestation of the Holy Trinity), Palm Sunday, the
Resurrection, the Ascension and Pentecost. On Palm Sunday our hearts rejoice, and
we hold Palm branches in our hands to celebrate this occasion. We remember that
the Master Christ entered Jerusalem victoriously at the end of His declared
ministry, after He served the people with spiritual words and miracles.
 Please read Mark 11:1-11 with the students and explain the various parts.
 Jesus knew that His enemies in Jerusalem would kill Him after five days, in spite of
that, He still entered the city. He entered the city not in a hidden way, and not in a
defeated way, but in a victorious way. This was to prove that He gave Himself up
by His own will. So He entered the city in a procession having His Disciples and
the multitude singing and praising Him. He entered as the King of peace.
 Hosanna means “save us”. The Disciples and the great multitude were singing
Hosanna, acknowledging Jesus as the Savior and giving Him glory and honor.
“Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”
 Although Jesus entered the city as a victorious king, He did it in a very humble
 He did not own a colt to ride to the city, so He sent two of His Disciples to
borrow one from the village saying: “The Lord needs it”. He is God the creator
and He has shown Himself in need.
 He entered riding a colt not a horse. Kings used to ride horses when entering
the cities for war. So, Jesus chose to enter the city to declare His victory in a
humble way by riding the least thing that the people used for transportation: a
colt, “Tell the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold, your king is coming to you, lowly,
and sitting on a donkey, a colt, the foal of a donkey”’ (Matthew 21:5).
 In spite of this humility, Jesus knew by His Divine power that there was a colt
at the entrance to the village, and that its owner would willingly give it to the
two Disciples.
 When Jesus arrived at Jerusalem, there was no palace prepared for Him. So,
Jesus went directly to the Temple. When He arrived, He found people buying
and selling goods in the Temple. He drove them out saying: “My house is a
house of prayer… (Luke 19:46). This shows us that when we have Jesus in our
lives, He drives away all sins just as He did in the Temple.

 Everything that our Lord Jesus did or was done for Him was in a humble way but it
had great effect, power and strength that could not be matched by any worldly
power: His birth from a virgin in a manger and what the shepherds and the wise
men did, how He lived, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the
Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head” (Matthew 8:20), etc. He did not have
even a tomb of His own when He was crucified, but was buried in a borrowed
 On Palm Sunday Jesus entered Jerusalem declaring that He was the heavenly king.
He entered in a humble way. His strength was shown by knowing where the colt
was, the singing that the people sang “Hosanna” and His prophecy about the
destruction of Jerusalem which happened 35 years later by the Roman army.
1. Jesus is the heavenly King. All the worldly ways of greatness did not match His
humble greatness. For this reason Jesus rests only in the humble hearts as in St.
Mary’s heart. We have to be humble.
2. We must avoid showing off. When we do well in something, we must give glory
to God who helps us.
3. Every time we pray, we must humble ourselves in front of God, pray in full
respect and concentrate in our prayers.

The Lord above the Cherubim today enters Jerusalem
Taking the human flesh to redeem Hosanna in the highest
Jesus to Jerusalem , planned to go for Passover according to the law
A big crowd followed Him saying Hosanna in the highest
Our Saviour and our God humbly on a donkey He rode
Coming along Jerusalem road Hosanna in the highest
Passing through the Mount of Olive the crowd cried our hearts we give
To Your kingdom as long as we live Hosanna in the highest
Olive branches raised up high people joined in as He passed by
With thundering voice of shout and cry Hosanna in the highest
They put their garments in the street and put their shirts under His feet
The future King they wished to meet Hosanna in the highest
The multitude entered the town it’s walls seemed to tumble down
With mighty voice seeking Him to crown Hosanna in the highest
King of Zion on a colt will lead Zachariah prophesied indeed
Hosanna to the Son of David Hosanna in the highest


For the success
of this Sunday
School Program
the teacher should
refer to the
in his/her preparation
of the lessons and in
teaching the students
in the class



Please read the attached sheet entitled “The Holy Week”, and give the lesson with
emphasis on the points below.


To follow day-by-day the events of the Holy Week which are filled with spiritual
feelings and memories.


“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another” John


 There is one very special, important week to Christians everywhere. Does anyone
Know which week is that? (the holy Week)
The Holy Week is the holiest week of the year.
Everyday of that week, different events took place.
Today, we will learn the daily events of the Holy Week, as well as how we should
behave during the week.

 Importance of the Pascha Week: Christ is our Passover. The word Pascha is a
Hebrew word which means “Passover”. The Holy Pascha Week is the most important
week of the year because it is filled with deep spiritual feelings and memories that touch
the heart of every Christian and drive him to a lasting fruitful spiritual depth. This week
carries the memories of the immediate events which led to the most important event in
the history of man since creation, namely, the salvation of the world. Our church has
selected for this week readings from both the Old and the New Testaments. Those
particular readings are full of emotions, feelings and meditations about the relationship
between God and man. The Hymns are well selected to be quite moving, up-lifting and
full of spiritual meanings.
Our saintly Fathers from the early centuries of the church until now used to live this
week in full devotion and dedication to prayers, fasting and reading the Bible.
 Saturday:
The love of Mary (Lazarus’ sister) for our Lord Jesus was expressed clearly. She was
poor but she bought very expensive ointment and anointed the feet of Jesus. Jesus
explained that she anointed His feet because there would be no chance to anoint Him
after He died on the Cross and before His burial. “She has come beforehand to anoint
My body for burial” (Markl4:8).
 Palm Sunday:
On the next day (after the supper and the anointment at Bethany) Jesus came to
Jerusalem and entered the city as a victorious King of Peace. Then He entered the
Temple and drove out the buyers and sellers. At the end of Sunday, Jesus went back to
Bethany and slept there.
Submit yourself to the Lord Jesus and make Him the King of your life.
 Monday:
On His way from Bethany to the Temple on Monday morning, Jesus cursed the fig tree
which had no fruits but was full of leaves. He cursed this tree because usually the fruits
would appear with the leaves. This tree represents the Jewish nation which God chose to
be His own but they refused the Messiah (Jesus Christ) and lost their salvation; because
of the lack of faith, love, holiness and humility.
If we pretend to be good and holy but we are indeed leading a concealed fruitless and
sinful life, this lesson speaks to us. It will surely drive us to cleanse our inner selves lest
we should be punished by God Himself like what the Lord Jesus did with the fig tree.
On Tuesday morning Jesus came back to the Temple from Bethany with His Disciples
and found the fig tree that He had cursed had dried out. When His Disciples saw the
dried tree, they were astonished, so He talked to them about faith.
On Tuesday evening, Jesus left the Temple and went back to Bethany. He did not intend
to enter this Temple again after He said to the Jews “See, your house is left to you
desolate; till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!”’ (Matthew
 Wednesday:
Judas Iscariot went to the chief priests to betray Jesus. They promised to give him thirty
pieces of silver.

We have to be honest and faithful to God and people. Do not betray anyone. Judas
Iscariot sold his Master for money. The love of money is the cause of so many evils.

 Thursday:
In the Last Supper two things happened: (a) the washing of the feet and (b) the
establishment of the Sacrament of Eucharist. The Last Supper took place at St. Mark’s
Jesus washed His Disciples’ feet to teach us to be modest and also to teach us that we
have to prepare ourselves before taking Communion both inwardly and outwardly,
spiritually and physically.
 Good Friday:
This is the subject of the next lesson.
We have to be extremely quiet during the Holy Week. Let us focus our home-Bible
readings on the parts about Jesus’ life in His last days on earth in the flesh. We must fast
and dedicate a lot of time for prayer.


Thok te ti goum, nem pi oou, nem pi Thine is the power, the glory, the blessings
Ezmou, nem pi amahishaeneh Amen. And the majesty forever. Amen.
Emmanuel pennoti pen oro. O Emmanuel our God and our King.

Thoktetigoum, nem pi oou, nem pi Thine is the power, the glory, the blessings
Ezmou, nem pi amahishaeneh Amen. And the majesty forever. Amen.
PachoisIsosPekhrestos. Pa Soteer en O my Lord Jesus Christ My good
Aghathos.* Saviour.*

Thoktetigoum, nem pi oou, nem pi Thine is the power, the glory, the blessings
Ezmou, nem pi amahishaeneh Amen. And the majesty forever. Amen.
Amen. Amen.

*Tagomnem pa esmoupe –epchoisaf




This week is called the Holy (Pascha) Week. The word “Pascha” is a Hebrew word
which means the “Passover”. That refers to the smiting angel’s passage over the Hebrew
houses that had the blood sign on them. Christ is our Passover.

The sequence of this week (which is the last week before our Lord’s Resurrection as our
church celebrates it) is as follows:

 Saturday
- Jesus arrived at Bethany six days before the Passover (John 11:55-57).

- Jesus took supper in Bethany at Mary and Martha’s house. Then Mary bought a
pound of ointment of spikenard which is very costly, and anointed the feet of
Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair and the house was filled with the odor of
the ointment (Matthew 26:2-13, Mark 14:3-9, John 12:2-11).

“Palm Sunday”
The victorious entry of the Savior Jesus Christ to Jerusalem as King of Peace.

 Monday:
Jesus curses the fig tree:
“On His way back to the city early next morning, Jesus was hungry. He saw a fig
tree by the side of the road and went to it, but found nothing on it except leaves, so
He said to the tree ‘you will never again bear fruit’ at once the fig tree dried up."
(Matthew 21:12-19, Mark 11:12-19, Luke 201-8)

 Tuesday:
- Seeing that the fig tree had dried up, Jesus spoke to His Disciples about the faith
that can move mountains. (Matthew 21:20-22, Mark 11:20-26).
- The Synagogue authorities question Jesus’ actions, miracles and authority and
His answer to them. (Matthew 21:23-32, Mark 11: 27-33, Luke 20:1-8).

 Wednesday:
- Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve went to the chief priests and betrayed Jesus.
(Mark 14:10-16).
- The preparation for the Last Supper (Mark 14:10-16).

 Thursday: "The Last Supper"
- “He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me.”
(Matthew 26:20-25, Luke 23:41-45). Jesus washes the Disciples’ feet. (John

Memory Text:

“A new commandment I give unto you that ye love one another.”

John 13:34

Friday: “Good Friday”

Please see the attached material on Good Friday’s details and events.

Notes on the Holy Week:

1) The whole week is dedicated to the suffering of our Lord Jesus and it is not
permitted to pray the common funeral services on the dead in the church (only
water blessed on Palm Sunday for that purpose is sprinkled on the casket of the
deceased). Also, no baptism is performed during this week.

2) The church is dressed in black, remembering our sin that killed our Beloved Son of
God. We are in grief not because our Lord Jesus died, but because of our sins.



Please read the attached sheet entitled “Good Friday”, and give the lesson with
emphasis on the points below.


To show a general description of the hourly events of Good Friday and what spiritual
lessons do they teach us.


“They came out, they found a man of Cyrene, Simon by name, him
they compelled to bear His Cross” Matthew 27:32


 Every year, only once a year, there is a very long service we all come to attend at
Does anyone know what that day is? (Good Friday).
The prayers on that day may seem very long, but once we understand the events of
that day, they become very meaningful to us.
So, today, we are going to learn about the four major events that led to Christ
suffering to save us.

The trial(6-9 a.m.):

It was an unfair trial. Pilate and Herod declared that they did not find anything
worth crucifying Jesus for. Pilate's first trial: Luke 23:1-7. Herod's trial: Luke 23:8-
11. Pilate's second trial and declaration: Luke 23:13-25. Pilate declared to the Jews
“I have found no fault in this man concerning those things of which you accuse
Him”; Luke 23:14. However, Pilate gave Jesus to the Jews and did not pursue what
he believed in.
Indeed Jesus is the King of Peace. In His birth He brought peace to the world and
restored peace between man and God the Father. In His trial, He also brought about
peace between Herod and Pilate who were enemies before.

To the Golgotha carrying the Cross:

(9 a.m.-12 p.m.)

 The priests and the heads of the Jews when they took Jesus, they did two things.
First, they whipped Him 39 times and second, they crucified Him.

 After they whipped our Beloved Jesus they took Him outside the city to be
crucified in the place that was called Golgotha.

 The Lord Jesus asked for water to drink, but the bad people “gave Him sour wine
mingled with gall to drink” (Matthew 27:34). When Jesus tasted it, He declined
drinking it.

 Jesus the Son of God who gives water and life to the whole world became thirsty.
He suffered a lot on our behalf. He died on the Cross so that we may live.

 Crucifixion was a practiced method of death for slaves and murderers. When a
person is crucified, he suffers a lot. Any move causes a lot of pain in the whole of
the body because of the nails in the hands and the feet. Also, the blood which
accumulates in the lungs presses on the heart and causes tremendous pain that is

 “And they put up over His head the accusation written against Him: THIS IS
JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS” (Matthew 27:37). They wrote this statement
in the three languages that were popular at that time: Hebrew, Greek and Latin.
Pilate intended by writing this to insult the Jews because they crucified their king.
The heads of the Jews objected to this, but he did not care and said to them
“Whatever I wrote, I wrote”. It is interesting to note that the title which the Wise
men gave Jesus “king” at His birth, was the same given to Him by Pilate at His

 He is the true King of Kings.

 Can we be like Simon of Cyrene who carried the Cross with Jesus?
Lord help us to become like Simon of Cyrene to carry the Cross with you to be
glorified also with you.
 The seven words of Jesus on the Cross:
(12-3 p.m.)
 First word: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do”, Luke
 Second word: “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in the
Paradise”, Luke 23:43.
 Third word: “Woman, behold your son!.. Behold, your mother”, John 19:26-27.
 Fourth word: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”, Matthew
 Fifth word: “I thirst”, John 19:28
 Sixth word: “It is finished”, John 19:30
 Seventh word: Father into Your hands I commend my Spirit”, Luke 23:46

The events from 3 to 6 p.m.:

Elaborate on the powers and miracles that happened during these hours: The earth
shook and the rocks cracked, the tombs opened and from Jesus’ side water and
blood flowed out (Matthew 27:51-53).

 We pray Lord have mercy 41 times:

39 for the whips + 1 for the crown of thorns + 1 for the spear


Our Beloved Jesus suffered for us. He suffered to save us. He suffered to show His love.
He died so that we may live. Let us love Jesus for He loved us first.



Remember me O Lord, When You come into Your kingdom.

Remember me O Holy, When You come into Your kingdom.
Remember me O Master, When You come into Your kingdom.
Remember me O God, When You come into Your kingdom.
Remember me O Saviour, When You come into Your kingdom.


Note: The clock that is inside the Cross (as shown in the attached figure of the Cross)
starts from 6 a.m. up to 6 p.m. on the Friday of the Crucifixion.
Trials from 6-9 a.m.:

(1) The second trial of Jesus in front of the chief priests.

(2) The third trial in front of Pilate.
(3) The fourth trial in front of Herod.
(4) The fifth trial in front of Pilate for the second time.

To the Golgotha carrying the Cross 9 a.m.-12p.m:

(5) The 39 whips

(6) The crown of thorns, the insults and mockery
(7) The falling of Jesus under the Cross.
(8) Simon of Cyrene carries the Cross with Jesus.
(9) Jesus eye-to-eye with His mother.
(10) The Crucifixion and the nails.

The words of Jesus on the Cross 12-3p.m:

From location 11 to location 17 (as shown in the attached figure for the Cross).

The events from 3-6p.m:

(18) A soldier plunged his spear into Jesus’ side.

(19) The tombs opened and the curtain hanging in the temple was torn into two from
top to bottom.
(20) The rocks cracked and the land shook.
(21) The leader of one hundred soldiers gained faith.
(22) The burial of the Son of God.

We pray “Lord have Mercy” 41 times remembering:
The 39 whips + 1 the crown of thorns +1 the spear

*Note: This article is taken from “Sout El-Rahi” magazine, St. George Coptic Church,
Alexandria, Egypt, April, 1975



Please read the attached material entitled “The Resurrection of Christ”, Luke 24
and Matthew 28, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.

To rejoice for the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. We also like to know the effects of
His Resurrection on us now.

“Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life” John 11:25


 What are some of the symbols of Easter? (Easter bunny, coloured eggs, etc.)
Is that all that Easter is about?
What is Easter all about? (Christ resurrecting from the dead).
More than that, today, we want to discover how Christ’s resurrection from the dead
affects our lives, personally.
 First, describe the events of the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ very early on
Sunday morning. This is why during our Easter-Evening in our church, the Divine
Liturgy finishes after midnight.
 Jesus rose from the dead while the big stone was still at the gate of the tomb.
 Resurrection gives us the proof that there is life after death. This lets man, while
living on earth, prepare himself for this new life. This life is eternal and cannot be
won except through the grace and the saving power of the Resurrected Christ.
Resurrection also gives value to man. Man does not vanish, but has eternal life in

the world to come.
 As Jesus arose from the dead, He helps us to live a life of resurrection, a life of
victory over fear, over despair, over sin and even over death itself, He said “I am the
resurrection and the life.”
 Also, after we die, Jesus will accept us in Paradise. In His Second Coming the
righteous and the faithful will rise and take on celestial bodies and be with Him in
the Kingdom of heaven. Therefore, death is only a transfer (as our church
believes) from this life to a better life in Paradise. “He will swallow up death
forever, and the Lord God will wipe away tears from all faces” (Isaiah 25:8).
 With Jesus’ Resurrection, He opened the gates of Hades and saved the saints of the
Old Testament, like Abraham and David, and transferred them to Paradise. Before
that, all those spirits were kept by the devil in Hades, but Jesus descended into
Hades and delivered them from the powers of the devil and gave them freedom in
If we live the life of resurrection, various signs must appear in our lives:
 The first sign is that we love Jesus very strongly.
 The second sign is that we love our brethren.
 The third sign is that we see ‘‘all things work together for good”,
because we see every event from a heavenly viewpoint.
 The sources of the life of resurrection are:

 Faith in the words of Christ.

 Participation in the death and resurrection of Christ which take place
during Baptism wherein we are buried and risen with Him in a
mystery beyond the grasp of reason.
 Bearing the Cross and participating in suffering and death with
Christ, so that we become partakers in His resurrection and glory.
 Easter is the greatest celebration in our church. Our church which has been in
existence for more than twenty centuries, bases its life and worship on the
resurrection. The martyrs and the saints of the church were always ready to die for
their faith. The resurrection gave them the courage to the extent that they never
feared death.
 Tell the story of the egg and the chick as Mary Magdalene used to preach about the
resurrection (see attached notes).

The Resurrection of our Lord gave a new life to man. We have to live a life of
resurrection and victory by defeating the devil and declaring Jesus the King of our life.

“ Very early in the morning, on the first day of the week, they came to the tomb.”(Mk
Very early Sunday morning while the guards were still asleep
Our Lord arose declaring His promise He did keep
Resurrection is my song resurrection gave me life
Resurrection made me strong Jesus my Lord is alive
Jesus is risen in glory heaven and earth sang and praised
And the angel told the story He is risen as He said
Mary Magdalene was looking in the garden for her Lord
Jesus Himself was telling her to go and spread the word
All the disciples were praying they were truly in great fear
When Mary came to them saying He is risen, He is not here
While they were in the room Jesus Christ Himself appeared
My peace I give to you and My peace with you I leave
But Thomas did not believe what the disciples had seen
So Jesus again appeared showed him the place of the spear
Tell the Marys to cease mourning among the dead do not seek
For Jesus our Lord is living giving power to the weak
Jesus my victorious Lord conquered the powers of Hades
And the thorn of death he broke my salvation He proclaimed
The heavenly hosts were singing welcoming our glorious Lord
Heavens joy was overwhelming Jesus opened its doors.
Alleluia , Alleluia risen is the King of peace
Alleluia , Alleluia truly He is risen indeed



“Why seek ye the living among the dead? He is not here but is risen: remember how
he spoke unto you when He was yet in Galilee saying: ‘the Son of man must be
delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified and the third day rise
again.” (Luke 24:5-12)

References: Matthew 28:1-10

Mark 16:1-8
Luke 24:1-12
John 20:1-6
Memory Text

 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life John 11:25.

 KhiristosAnesty (Christ is Risen).

AlithousAnesty (He is indeed Risen).

The Egg and the Chick

The Christians all over the world used to eat eggs on Easter. This goes back to the
era of the Apostles. The Christians related the coming out of the baby chick from
an egg with the resurrection of Christ from the dead. It is known that Mary
Magdalene during her preaching went to the king of Rome and talked to him about
the resurrection of Christ. He did not believe and insulted her.Then she brought an
egg to him and said “How can you believe that the chick comes out from the egg
and do not believe that the Creator of the world was able to conquer death and rise
from the dead? Then he believed.

Sham EI-Nessim:
Sham El-Nessim is an old Egyptian feast. It is the Spring feast that the ancient
Egyptians celebrated. The Coptic Christians are accustomed to celebrate Sham El-
Nessim as an Egyptian feast on the day following Easter.

*Note: This article is taken from “Sout El-Rahi” magazine, St. George Coptic Church,
Alexandria, Egypt, May, 1975.




Please read John 20:19-23, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To show that the Resurrection of our Beloved Jesus changes the fear into peace in our


Jesus said to them "Peace be with you" John 20:21


 Can you think of situations or things that make you afraid?

What about the disciples? Can you think of anything that could make the disciples
afraid after the crucifixion of Christ?
Christ knew His disciples were afraid, but He wouldn’t just leave them to be that
Today, we will learn how Christ replaced the fear the disciples had, with His peace.

 Please read with the students John 20:19-23.

 The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ and His appearance after the Resurrection
carry with them several spiritual meanings that are essential for the development of
our relationship with God. The Resurrection fills the hearts of the believers with (a)
hope in the Lord’s work with us, (b) courage in the face of death which has become
the means for the true Christian to acquire that eternal joy in God’s Kingdom, and,
(c) peace because the Lord is with us, “I am with you always, even to the end of the
age” (Matthew 28:20). Also the appearance of our Lord Jesus after His Resurrection
is a declaration of His glory, an emphasis of His divinity and a clear confirmation of
the truth of His teachings that He is One with the Father and that He is the Messiah
Who saves His people from their sins.

 It was evening time and Jesus’ Disciples were together in the upper room except
Thomas, They were afraid of the Jews because of the news that was spreading that
Jesus had risen from the dead. With the darkness of the evening, their fears were
enormous. They were afraid that the Jews might attack them.

 The Lord in His love did not blame the Disciples for their fears which were an
evidence of their human weakness and lack of faith. This teaches us not to blame
 “The Disciples were glad when they saw the Lord” (John 20:20). Indeed they
needed Him. When they saw Him after His Resurrection their faith was restored
and strengthened because of the evidence that Jesus was truly the Son of God. With
this newly acquired faith, their fears of the Jews completely disappeared. This
teaches us that our meeting with Jesus Christ always produces abundant joy and
divine peace.

 We can see the work of God through our reading of what He did with and for the
Disciples. In the midst of all the fears in the world, Christians must have peace of
mind and heart.

 Jesus Christ our Lord bestowed the Holy Spirit upon His Disciples and
commissioned them to preach the good news of His salvation to the whole world,
proclaiming the fact of His Resurrection which they have experienced themselves,
and inviting all to the worship of the Incarnated living God Who conquered even
death to grant us eternal life. He also gave His Disciples the gift of the Holy Spirit
to have authority of forgiving or retaining the sins of people saying “If you forgive
the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are
retained” (John 20:23). Our church priests still maintain this authority to forgive

 Only then, after the Disciples had talked to Jesus in the upper room, they could
accept the Cross. After the suffering of the Cross, there is always the resurrection
and the life. As St. Paul said “Provided we suffer with Him in order that we may
also be glorified with Him”. (Romans 8:17).

 As the Lord Jesus entered the upper room with the doors closed, He also left the
room with the doors closed in front of His Disciples. In the same way he appeared
to them at various occasions for forty days.
 The appearance of Jesus after the resurrection was not only to strengthen the faith
of His followers (and ours) that He is the Son of God, but also to comfort and
abolish human’s worries and sufferings as: the fears of the Disciples, the sadness of
Mary Magdalene and the doubt of Thomas.

 In our liturgy we pray for the peace of the world. Also Abouna prays several times
saying “Peace be with you


Peace was the best gift that our Beloved Jesus on His resurrection gave to His Disciples
and to us. We must attain peace at all times because our living God is with us. He
protects us, takes care of us and gives us victory over fear, worry, despair, sin and even

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia
Alleluia, Jesus Christ The Alleluia, IsosPikhristoseporo
King of Glory, rose from enteepo-oo: aftonfevolkhenni
Dead on the third day ethmo-oot

This is He to whom the glory Fai ere pio-ooereprepinaf

Is due, with His Good Father nempefyotenaghathos: nem
And the Holy Spirit , now and piepnevmaethoo-wab : yesgen
Forever tinoonemsha – eneh

Blessed be the Father, the Je efezmarootenjeefyotnem

Son and the Holy Spirit , the epshiri: nempiepnevmaethoo-
Perfect Trinity, we worship wabtietrias et jeekevol : ten
Him and glorify Him oo-ostemmos ten tio-oonac




Sixteenth of Bashans (around May 24th) is the feast of the departure of St. John the

To study the life of Saint John the Evangelist and learn from it.

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God” John


 How many gospels are there? (Four)

Who wrote them? (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John)
Since the 24th of May is the Feast of St. John, we want to study his life and learn
from it.

 He is John the son of Zebedee and his father was rich. “And immediately He called
them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and went
after Him” (Mark 1:20). He was living in Galilee but he also had a house in
Jerusalem. He was working as a fisherman.
 His mother’s name was Salome and she was one of the ladies who were serving
Jesus with their money. “And many women who followed Jesus from Galilee,
ministering to Him, were there looking on from afar, among whom were Mary
Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee’s
Sons” (Matthew 27:55-56).

 John had a brother who was a Disciple of Jesus. His name is James. James was the
first of the twelve Disciples to be martyred. “Now about that time Herod the king
stretched his hand to harass some from the church. Then he killed James the brother
of John with the sword” (Acts 12:1-2). James gained the crown of martyrdom and
eternal life where there is joy with Jesus. Herod, on the other hand, had to face his
horrible future. Herod was killed; his sinful actions followed him to Hades where he
faced everlasting suffering.
 The Lord Jesus called John and his brother James “Sons of thunder” because of
their great courage.
 John the Evangelist was first a disciple of John the Baptist. When he heard from
John the Baptist about Jesus, he followed Jesus and became one of His Disciples.
He was the beloved Disciple who put his head on his Master’s shoulder in the last
 John attended the questioning of Jesus by the Jews. He also went with St. Mary to
the Cross and he took her to live with him at his house. “When Jesus therefore saw
His mother, and the Disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother,
“Woman, behold your son!” Then He said to the Disciple, “Behold your mother!”
And from that hour that Disciple took her to his own home” (John 19:26-27). St.
Mary then became the spiritual Mother for all the believers of Jesus Christ.
 The Lord Jesus corrected the thinking of John three times:
a) “Then John answered and said, “Master we saw someone casting out demons in
Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow with us." But Jesus
said to him, “do not forbid him, for he who is not against us is for us”. This
teaches us that Jesus does not approve of sectarianism especially in the church
(Luke 9:49-50). He wants all to be one in Him. Please read John 17:20-21.
b) “And when His Disciples James and John saw this (A Samaritan village
rejecting Jesus), they said, “Lord do You want us to command fire to come
down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?” But He turned and
rebuked them, and said, “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of. For
the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” This
teaches us that the kindness of Jesus is well beyond the kindness of man (for
example Elijah who commanded the execution of the prophets of Baal who were
opposing God. I Kings 18:20-40).
c) When John and James asked Jesus “Grant us that we may sit, one on Your right
hand and the other on Your left, in Your Glory” (Mark 10:37), He answered
them “Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great
among you shall be your servant. And whoever of you desires to be first shall be
slave of all” (Mark 10:43-44). This teaches us to be humble and serve others.
We must not be selfish.
 After Pentecost, John remained in Jerusalem with St. Mary until she passed away,
then he went to Asia Minor and established seven churches (Revelation 1 & 2). He
was persecuted and was exiled in an island called Batmos. There he wrote the book
of Revelation in the year 95. He wrote his Gospel in the year 98. He wrote the 3
letters in his last days before he rested in the Lord. He reposed in peace when he
was more than 90 years old.
 The main goal in his Gospel is to prove that Jesus is the Son of God Who was with
the Father and the Holy Spirit before all ages.
1. Love God and love all people too: St. John the Evangelist wrote about love more
than anyone else. “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us”
(1 John 3:1). “Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another”
(1 John 4:11).
2. Follow Jesus to the Cross! ... Suffer with Him and for Him.
3. Honour the Virgin St. Mary ... Like St. John, take her for your own spiritual
mother ... Let her be your intercessor before God.

In the Name of the Father and the Son And The Holy Spirit
Hail to the Church The house of the angels.
Hail to St. John Our Intercessor
Who became known as the Beloved Disciple.
When Christ first found him He was mending the nets
with Zebedee his father and his brother James
St. John was a fisherman Until he met the Lord
He left all behind when Jesus said, “Follow Me.”
John and James were zealous for the Lord’s service
Christ called them Boa-nerges the “Sons of Thunder”
A true disciple you learned from your Master
And taught us that God is Love.
That was a mystery that you explained to us
O you reflector Of Christ’s great love
The heartbeat of Christ you were worthy to hear
When you laid your head On the Lord’s chest





Please read attached article entitled, “The Love of Profit”, and give the lesson with
emphasis on the points below.

To study the life of St. Augustine and learn from it. When we read about the life of the
saints we get encouraged to follow their examples. We must benefit from everything
around us; the good and the bad.

“I am at the top of the world when I do not desire or seek any glory in
the world.”St. Augustine.


 Who is your patron saint?

Why? What do you like about this saint?
The lives of the saints are the best practical example of how to live according to the
Holy Bible. After all, were they not human beings, just like us?
Today, we will learn about St. Augustine and how it is never too late to lead a life
with God.
 Augustine’s mother (her name is Monica) was crying with tears day and night
because her son, Augustine, was living a sinful life away from God and His Holy
word. In fact he immersed himself in the sins and pleasures of the carnal world. One
night while St. Monica was praying to God (in tears) to save her son, an angel came
to comfort her and give her peace. He told her that her son would become a believer
and eventually a saint.

 When the mother woke up, she went to the church and met the bishop and told him,
“My son is a great philosopher and always sits with the elite and rich people to
teach them philosophy but he himself does not know God and he is leading a sinful
life’ The bishop prayed for her and she asked him to pray in the Divine Liturgy for
her son.
 When her son saw her in tears praying for him, he did not care and said to her, “I
wish that you would become like me and not I like you."
 Augustine wanted to travel to Rome seeking more glory and recognition. His
mother tried to prevent him but he lied to her and went to Rome.
 In Rome: the governor of Milan asked the governor of Rome to send him an
excellent teacher in philosophy. The governor of Rome sent Augustine to Milan.
 In Milan: Augustine met the bishop of the city. His name was Ampresus. Bishop
Ampresus was so kind to Augustine and taught him a few things from the Bible.
 Augustine started to read the Bible, not to gain or learn anything from it, but he
read it from a critical and philosophical point of view.
 One night in Milan he was sitting with one of his friends when a visitor came. This
visitor was a man of God. The visitor started to talk to them about St. Anthony of
Egypt and how he was a good person who had dedicated all of his life to God. He
also explained to them that the sinful life is going to lead to complete destruction
here in this world and also after death.
 Augustine started to think of all his lustful past and his sinful life. Comparing
himself to St. Anthony who did not have an education but was a simple person who
had gained eternal life, he said: “I stood naked in my own sight”. He looked at
himself as a philosopher who was losing both his life here on earth and his eternal
 Augustine started to cry in repentance. His mother caught up with him in Milan.
She took him to Bishop Ampresus who baptized him. Augustine became a
Christian by the prayers and tears of his mother. This is why he is called “the son of
 It is also important to note that the starting point in Augustine’s repentance was
when he learned about the life of St. Anthony and his dedication to God only. This
is always the case that the lives of the saints are the best practical example of living
according to the Bible. They help us to follow the Saints’ examples. St. Paul said,
“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us
lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with
endurance the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1). So when we read about the
life of St. Mary, St. Mark, St. Mena, St. George, etc. we are encouraged to follow
their example and overcome the temptations of this world.
 St. Augustine said, “I am at the top of the world when I do not desire or seek any
glory in the world."
1. It is never too late. We may feel at times that we commit a lot of sins and that
there is no hope to lead a righteous life. But when we read about St. Augustine we
learn that there is always hope. We have only to come back to God and to declare
that we are sinners, seek His help and start again.

2. St. Augustine benefited from the prayers of his mother and knowing about the life
of St. Anthony. We must also try to benefit from the good example around us
(i.e. follow those) and the bad examples (i.e. avoid those).

3. We must not fall into the same mistake twice. We have to be extra careful.

Thy mercies, O my God are countless
And Thy tender mercies are too plenteous
All the raindrops are counted by Thee
And the sand of the sea is before Thine eyes.
How much more are the sins of my soul
Manifest before Thee, O my God
The sins that I have done remember not my Lord
And count not my iniquities
For Thou has chosen the publican the adulteress Thou hast saved
And the right-hand thief Thou hast remembered
And me too the sinner
Teach me, O my Master to offer repentance
For Thou desirest not the death of a sinner
But rather that he returns and lives


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III
The one who loves to profit would benefit from everything, from everyone and from
any incident.
He finds an advantage in everything he experiences.
He profits from the good and also from the bad...
From the righteous person, he takes a good example, love and good treatment. From the
evil person he attains the virtues of patience, endurance and forgiveness...
Also, you can learn any virtue when you know the harms and disadvantages of the
corresponding vice.
A wiseman said, "I learned silence from a pratter. "
Therefore, realising the disadvantages of pratting enabled me to know the advantages of
silence and to avoid such evils...
We can learn from our mistakes as well as from the faults of others...
The wise person knows how to profit from mistakes so he will not fall into them once
more, and gains experience in life. A person with many experiences is a source of
The one who wants to profit can also profit from nature, not only from those he
The wiseman said, "Go to the ant you sluggard, consider her ways and be wise" It is
really beautiful to see the ant as a source of benefit for us.
As we benefit from nature we can also benefit from incidents... either what happens
to us or to others. They are all useful lessons in life, for those who are keen to learn...
The story of the rich fool was a lesson for many... All the stories and events recorded in
the Bible are also lessons, just like historical incidents. As the poet say "whoever keep
history in his heart, adds ages to his age".
Spiritual fathers are not the only source of benefit.
As far as the heart is searching for benefit, God will surely send it in various ways and




Please read 2 Samuel 12:1-13, the attached materials entitled, “The words ‘I have
sinned’ between reality and falsity”, “Does it Belong to You?”, and give the lesson
with emphasis on the points below.


To learn not to take something that does not belong to you. Also, for repentance to be
acceptable it has to be truthful.


"David said to Nathan, "I have sinned against the Lord" 2 Samuel


 If you found $1 on the ground, would you take it?

If yes, did you put $1 there? Was it yours? Does it belong to you?
In fact, that $1 does not belong to you, and it is a sin if you take it.
King David took something that did not belong to him.
Today, we will learn about how King David sinned and also about how a saint, Abba
Aghathon, never took anything that did not belong to him.

David’s Mistake:
God gave David a lot of blessings “I anointed you king over Israel, and I delivered
you from the hand of Saul. I gave you your master’s house and your master’s wives
into your keeping, and gave you the house of Israel and Judath. And if that had been
too little, I also would have given you much more!” (2 Samuel 12:7-8). But David
took for himself the wife of a poor man called Uriah and killed Uriah. “But the
thing that David had done displeased the Lord” (2 Samuel 11:27).

Nathan’s Parable and David’s Confession:

Nathan was so nice and he did not want to rebuke David in spite of what he had
done. Nathan gave David a parable about a rich man who took one little ewe lamb
from a poor man to offer to a visitor that came to him (i.e., to the rich man). Then
David judged “As the Lord lives, the man who has done this shall surely die” (2
Samuel 12:5),Then Nathan told him, “You are the man.” David confessed his sin
and said, “I have sinned against the Lord.” It is important to know that every sin we
do is “against the Lord”. When we come back to Him and say that we are sorry and
repent, then we can hear “The Lord also has put away your sin; you shall not die” (2
Samuel 12:13). David repentance was truthful and acceptable.

 Discuss with the students the principle of not getting something which we did not
work for, or which does not belong to us.

 Sometimes even if we have too much, we still look at what other people have. This
is a sin and David said, “I have sinned against the Lord”.

 Tell them about the love and honesty of St. Aghathon (3 stories attached).

 If we take what belongs to other people, God will not bless what we have. If God
does not bless what we have, it might be taken away from us. It is only when God
blesses what we have that we become satisfied, thankful and we stop being in need.


1. We must not take other people’s belongings. It is against the law of God and man.
Above all God sees everything and even if we escape people’s judgment, where
are we going to go to escape from God’s?

2. When we say sorry we must mean it. When we say I have sinned we must mean
it. Otherwise those false repentance are unacceptable. David repentance was
truthful and it was accepted.


“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” (Ps 32:1)

Forgive me my redeemer and bless me O Lord Jesus
My eyes are filled with tears pleading for forgiveness
You are the living God very soon You will come
You’ll come and forgive us and wipe away our tears
With all the world’s temptations we fall into tribulations
O strengthen us, O Lord Jesus we are pleading O Lord
Lord overlook our sins be gracious unto us
And place Your hands upon us please bless us one and all
We are your hands creation Your servants and Your children
All sinners and believers lead us to still waters
O Lord we are not worthy Your gifts we’re not deserving
Your love is overwhelming in reverence we bow down
Our hearts You are seeking and blessed is the one listening
With all his heart repenting and with no turning back.


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III
Very often the words "I have sinned",- are said from a true and contrite heart, to prove
repentance and to receive God's forgiveness...
 For example when the prodigal son said to his father, "...I have sinned against heaven
and before you, and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. " (Lk 15:21). He was
forgiven and the fatted calf was killed for him.
 Another example is what David said, "Against you, you only have I sinned, and done
this evil in your sight. (Ps 51:4). We repeat the same words in each of the seven daily
But there are other occasions where the words, "I have sinned", were said, without
proving repentance and were not accepted by God!...
 Pharaoh repeated this phrase more than once. It was a policy he adopted, due to fear,
so God may take away the punishment. But once the plague was removed, he hardened
his heart, as before ! !
When the hail struck, Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron and said to them "I have sinned
this time. The Lord is righteous and my people and I are wicked. Entreat the Lord that
there may be no more mighty thundering and hail, for it is enough. I will let you go. "
(Ex 9:27). But when the plague ceased, he hardened his heart once more.
When the plague of the Locusts struck, Pharaoh said to them, "I have sinned against the
Lord your God and against you. Now, therefore, please forgive my sin only this once,
and entreat the Lord your God that he may take away from me this death only... " (Ex
Many say "I have sinned".. like Pharaoh, then turn back as he did.
 Balaam, whose straying was mentioned in the Bible, said to the Angel of the Lord, "I
have sinned, " (Num 22.34); then turned and disobeyed...
 King Saul said to Samuel, "I have sinned. " He repeated it twice, not for repentance
but because he wanted the prophet to honour him before the people (I Sam 15:24-30).
Saul perished and God rejected him.
 Achan, the son of Carmi, said to Joshua, "Indeed I have sinned against the Lord
God... " (Josh 7:20). And Achan perished, like Balaam before him and like King Saul
after him, despite their saying the phrase "I have sinned. " 62

Shemei, the son of Gera, also said to King David, "I have sinned" (2 Sam 19:20). He
might have said it because of fear or flattery. It was not accepted and Shemei perished.
 What else is there to say? Judas, the betrayer himself said, "I have sinned.".
He said to the chief priest and elders, in despair and after it was too late, "I have sinned
by betraying innocent blood" (Mt 27:4). Then he departed and hanged himself,
And so Judas perished after saying, "I have sinned.


Abba Aghathon was wise, meek and full of love and activity. He was simple in his
looks, food and clothing. Also he was very efficient in handiwork.

His love:
He said, “Inasmuch as I could, I have never slept resenting any person and have never
let anyone sleep resenting me.

He also said, “If I win my brother, I shall make an offering.” Abba Youssef related that
once, one of the brothers came to Abba Aghathon and found a big needle with him. He
expressed his admiration for it because it was good. Thereupon Abba Aghathon gave it
to him at once.

Once, as Abba Aghathon went out to sell his handiwork, he met a stranger lying sick
with no one to look after him. He carried him and rented a house for him and lived with
himtaking care of him and doing work for four months until he regained his health.
Then he went to the wilderness saying, “I wish I found a leper who would take my body
and give me his.”

It happened once that while he was going down town to sell his handiwork, he met a
leper on his way. The latter asked him, “Where are you going?” He replied, “Down
town”. He told him, “Have mercy upon me and take me with you where you will sell
your handiwork.”

He carried him on his shoulders and went to sell his handiwork. When he had done so,
the leper asked him, “How much did you get out of your selling?” He told him the
amount. Thereupon the leper told him to buy him a net and such and such food, and he
did. Then while he was returning to his cell, the leper told him to take him back to the
place where he had found him, “Blessed are you by the Lord our God who created
heaven and earth.” Abba Aghathon lifted up his eyes but could not see him. He had
vanished. He was the Lord’s angel sent to test him.

His Honesty:
A brother came to him once, desiring to dwell with him. He had brought with him a
little natron (container with table salt) which he had found on his way there. When Abba
Aghathon saw it, he asked him, “from where did you get this natron?” The brother
replied, “I found it on my way here.” Abba Aghathon replied, “If you wish to dwell with
me, go back to where you found it and leave it there.”

At one time Abba Aghathon was on a journey with his disciples. One of them found a
little bundle of green peas on the road, he said to the old man, “Abba, if you will, I shall
lift that bundle.”

The old man looked at him with astonishment, and said, “Did you put it there?” The
brother answered, “no”, and the father said, “How could you take something that does
not belong to you?”

*Note: This article is taken from “Voice of Jesus” magazine, St. Mark and St. Bishoy
Coptic Orthodox Church, March, 1983




Please read Luke 24:44-53, Acts 1:1-2, 6-11, the attached article entitled “Notes on
the Ascension of Jesus", and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To learn about the blessings of the ascension in our life.


"I go to prepare a place for you” John 14:2


 Christ died for us on the Cross, and then He resurrected from the dead. Is that the
end of the story? Did Christ remain on earth after that?
Well, yes, but only for forty days, after which He ascended to Heaven, His real
What about us? Is earth our real home, or is Heaven?
Today, we will explore what the ascension of our Lord Jesus teaches us.

 Describe at first the events of the ascension as mentioned in Luke 24:44-53 and
Acts 1:1-2, 6-11.

 Our Lord Jesus Christ continued to appear to His Disciples for forty days after His
Resurrection. These repeated appearances were sufficient to remove any doubt
about His Resurrection and His victory over death. The Disciples then went to the
whole world and proclaimed the Resurrection of our Lord as they had witnessed it.
At the end of the forty days, Jesus appeared to His Disciples for the last time. He
explained to them “that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law
of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me” (Luke 24:44). “Thus it
is written, and thus it was necessary for Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead
the third day” (Luke 24:46). “And you are witnesses of these things” (Luke 24:48).

 Ascension is not just a historical event that we celebrate once a year forty days after

The ascension of our Lord Jesus to heaven has various spiritual lessons for us. Some
of them are as follows:

- The ascension of Jesus to heaven helps us to lift our eyes to heaven. Our help
comes from there, our future is there and our God, the Almighty One dwells
there. That is why when we pray we say “Our Father Who art in heaven…”
After His Ascension, heaven has become the dwelling place for our Lord Jesus
Christ. We lift up our eyes and hearts to Him when we give Him thanks, ask Him
for forgiveness or when we are in need spiritually or otherwise.

- The ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ indicates to us that our future is not here
on earth, it is in heaven:

a) Man after his fall in sin thought that earth is his final destination. Therefore
the Jews were waiting for Christ to come and give them an earthly
kingdom. But our Lord explained to them “My kingdom is not of this
world” (John 18:36).

b) The ascension of our Lord Jesus in the flesh which He took from our human
nature, emphasized to us that the true place of the believers is in heaven.
Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you, and if I go and prepare a place
for you, I will come again and receive you Myself, that where I am, there
you may be also” (John 14:2, 3).
This means that we are granted a good place in heaven, because Jesus will
take us with Him in the second coming and we will be with Him forever.

- The ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ resulted in granting us the Holy Spirit:

a) Jesus promised His Disciples that if He did not go to heaven, the Holy Spirit
the comforter will not come “Nevertheless I tell you the truth, it is to your
advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come
to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you” (John 16:7).

b) Our Lord Jesus asked His Disciples before He ascended to heaven not to
depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the fulfillment of His promise, the
sending of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-8).

c) The gifts of the Holy Spirit are granted for us to be able to defeat the devil in
our spiritual struggles.

- The Ascension of our Lord strengthened the faith of the Disciples. It helped
them to mature in their faith. When our Lord was with them in the flesh, they
were, except for very few times, only observers. They merely stood by while
He was teaching or performing miracles. When He ascended to heaven, they
had to take the full responsibility of preaching the Gospel of Salvation to the
whole world. Give the example of the mother who looks after her child. If she
continually carries him, he will never walk on his own. But if she trains him
and then leaves him to depend on himself, he matures.However, she can still
advise him. Similarly, the Holy Spirit advises and leads us.

- The scene of the ascension which the Disciples witnessed remained in their
minds giving them strength and joy. That is why they met persecution and
suffering not only without fear, but with joy looking ahead for the eternal life
awaiting them in heaven.

 St. Stephen said, “Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at
the right hand of God” (Acts 7:56).So, Stephen got the strength to withstand all the
suffering because of what he saw.


1. Train yourself to always lift up your eyes and your heart to heaven where Jesus
Christ ascended to prepare a place for you.

2. Try always to be prepared spiritually for that moment when Christ calls on you.
Don’t let the temporary comforts and pleasures of this world make you lose your
eternal place with God in His Kingdom.


Alleluia. (4) Pekhrestosaftonf Alleluia (4) Christ has risen

Evolkhenni-ethmo-ut From the dead, and
Owohafshenaf Ascended into the
E-epshoy e –nifiowi: heavens.

Vay ere pi –o-u … This is He ..



 There is no prophet or Saint who died, rose from the dead and ascended to heaven
except the Lord Jesus Christ Son of God.

 The ascension of Jesus after His resurrection is a proof of His Divinity.

 When Jesus talked to Nicodemus He told him “No man has ascended to heaven but
He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven” (John

So the Lord Jesus when He was speaking with Nicodemus, was in heaven at the
same instant.

 But Jesus ascended with our flesh which He took from the Virgin Mary, that is with
my flesh and yours. Hence, Jesus blessed our bodies and opened the gate of heaven
for us.

 “And raised up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ
Jesus” (Ephesians 2:6).

 He ascended into heaven so that we could realize that our true place is in heaven.
We should be thinking about heaven and should not let the things of the world
control our lives.

 We can remember the ascension in the following:

- Every time we pray the Lord’s Prayer and say “Our father who art in heaven…"
we realize that Jesus meant that praying is standing in heaven.

- During the Divine Liturgy, when we stand in the altar, we are considered as if
we are standing in heaven.

- Every time we neglect the world and concentrate on Jesus we ascend to heaven.



Please read Acts 2:1-41 and the attached material entitled “Pentecost”, and give
the lesson with emphasis on the point below.


To show the power of the Holy Spirit and its effect on St. Peter’s Sermon to the extent
that about 3,000 people believed.


“Then those who gladly received His word were baptized; and that
day about three thousand souls were added to them” Acts 2:41

 When did you receive the Holy Spirit? (Chrismation).
When did St. Peter (and the rest of the disciples) receive the Holy Spirit?
St. Peter sinned before he received the Holy Spirit. What did he do?
Today, we want to learn, through the life of St. Peter, the role that the Holy Spirit
has in us.
 Describe at first the events of the Pentecost. The Disciples and the Virgin Mary
were in the upper room for10 days praying. Then the Holy Spirit descended on
them and they heard the sound and saw the tongues as of fire, distributed and
resting on each one of them.
 They were filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke in different languages. Therefore,
they were able to preach the word of God all over the world.
 When the Jews in Jerusalem saw what had happened, that the Disciples were
speaking in tongues, they were confused. Some of them thought, especially those
who opposed (rejected) the Lord Jesus and did not believe in Him, that the
Disciples were drunk. But St. Peter, along with the rest of the Disciples refuted
their accusation.

 Now let us study the Sermon of Peter after he was filled with the Holy Spirit. Peter
focusedin his Sermon on:

 The great miracles and signs that the Lord Jesus Christ did in front of all the

 The Jews crucified Jesus by His own will and His previous knowledge.

 Jesus arose from the dead. St. Peter reminded his audience about what David
had prophesied concerning Jesus that He would rise from the dead (Acts 2:25-

 Jesus is the Messiah who came as descendant of David by flesh.

 Then St. Peter talked about His ascension. “Therefore being exalted to the right
hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy
Spirit, He poured out this which you now see and hear” (Acts 2:33).

 Discuss the Sermon of St. Peter as you read Acts 2:22-36.

 Compare St. Peter’s belief after he was filled with the Holy Spirit with his belief
before, when he denied Jesus in front of a maid!!

 Then discuss the results of his sermon “Now when they heard this, they were cut to
the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles ‘Men and brethren, what shall
we do?”’ (Acts 2:37), Then St. Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you
be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ” (Acts 2:38).

 “Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three
thousand souls were added to them” (Acts 2:41).

 Aided and strengthened by the Holy Spirit, the Disciples established the church
across the whole world.
 Also at the end of Chapter 2 of Acts: “And the Lord added to the church daily those
who were being saved” (Acts 2:47).
 Everyone of us as a Christian has accepted the Holy Spirit to dwell in him or her
since he or she was baptized. As we try our best in our spiritual fight against the
devil, we find the Holy Spirit inside us providing us with help. This is the reason for
calling Him the Holy Spirit “the Helper”. Also, when we feel disturbed because of
any problem we may have, we find the Holy Spirit inside us comforting us. This is
the reason for calling the Holy Spirit “the Comforter”.

 St. Paul summarized the fruit of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believers by saying:
“But the fruit of the Holy Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (Galatians 5:22).


We must give the leadership of our life to the Holy Spirit dwelling within us by
obeying Him. As the Holy Spirit provides strength to the Disciples and the Apostles to
establish the church, He can provide us with all the fruits of the Holy Spirit mentioned



Let us all praise the Maren hos e-epchoise: Je

Lord for He is in glory Khenou –o –oogharafetchi o-oo

He ascended into heaven Afshenaf e-epshoienifio –wee
And send us the Paraclete wee afoo- orpe nan empi
The Spirit of truth, the paraklitonpiepnevmaente
Comforter Amen. Alleluia timethemi: Amen . Alleluia

He made the two into one pentaferpiesnav en owai

Which is heaven and earth etefaipeetfenemepkahi

O come all ye nations, let Amoininilaostiro: entenoo-

Us worship Jesus Christ osht en Isospiekhristos

This is God our Saviour Fai peefnootipensotir : owoh

And Lord of every one epchoiseensarexniven

Three in one and one in Oo-etriasesjikevol: esoi

Three; the Father the enshomtesoienowai: etefai
Son and the Holy Spirit peefiotnemepshirinem pi
The spirit of truth the epnevmaethoo-wab; piepnevma
Comforter. Amen Alleluia entetimethmiLamin Alleluia




In the Old Testament Pentecost was the feast which occurred fifty days after the
Passover. As the Passover feast commemorates the exodus of the Israelites from the
slavery of Egypt, so Pentecost celebrates God’s gift of the Ten Commandments to
Moses on Mount Sinai. In the New Testament as well, the Pentecostal feast is fulfilled
and made new by the coming of the new law, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the
Disciples of Christ.

The Apostles received “the power from high” and they began to preach and bear witness
to Jesus as the risen Christ, the King and the Lord. This moment has traditionally been
called the Birthday of the Church.

It must be noted that the feast of Pentecost is not simply the celebration of an event
which took place centuries ago; it is the celebration of what must happen and does
happen to us in the Church Today. We all have died and risen with the Messiah-King,
and we all received his most Holy Spirit. We are the “Temple of the Holy Spirit”. God’s
Spirit dwells in us. We, by our own membership in the Church, have received “the seal
of the gift of the Holy Spirit” in the sacrament of Chrismation.



Please read the attached material entitled “Our Friends in Heaven”, also take with
you to class our church book of the Divine Liturgy. Please give the lesson with
emphasis on the points below.


To learn about God’s Saints and benefit from them.


“Wherever this Gospel is preached in the whole world, what this

woman has done will also be told as a memorial of her” Matthew


 Why do we have a special prayer in the Divine Liturgy to commemorate the saints?
We are going to learn about why we remember the saints and what role they should
play in our lives.

 Please read the attached sheet in the class, explain it and ask the students the simple
questions that it contains.
 In every Divine Liturgy, we have “The commemoration of the Saints”. We
remember the Saints because:
1) When we remember the Saints we see a good example of a person in whom the
grace of God has worked together with this person’s efforts. The grace of God
coupled with our will and efforts are needed so that we can live a good life that
satisfies the Lord.
2) We look at them as good examples and follow their footsteps. Sometimes we
think that the commandments of God contained in the Bible are too difficult for
us to follow, for example, when Jesus said “Love your enemies”. We sometimes
feel that these commandments are good for angels not for humans, but when we
remember the community of the Saints and the way they lived, we find that
these people have applied God’s commandments. They are like signs for us on
the road. Saint Paul said, “Since, we are surrounded by so great a cloud of
witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily enslaves us,
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us (Hebrews 12:1).

3) We ask them to pray on our behalf. Since they have a special favour in Jesus’
sight because they have faithfully followed Him, their prayers and requests are
well heard by our Lord Jesus. Remember that the first miracle that Jesus did at
the wedding of Cana of Galilee was performed because of the intercession of
St. Mary. In the Coptic Orthodox prayer book of the hours called “The
Agbeya” we ask for her intercession when we say: “Hail to Thee! We entreat
Thee, O Saint, full of glory, the ever-virgin, the Mother of God the Christ, to
lift up our prayer unto thy beloved Son that He may forgive us our sins. Hail to
her, the Saint, the Virgin, who gave birth to the true Light, Christ our Lord,
entreat the Lord to have mercy on us and forgive us our sins."

4) When we remember the Saints, we remember that the day will come on which
we, like them, will leave this world. “For what is your life? It is even a vapor
that appears for a little time and then vanishes away’ (James 4:14)

 In the Orthodox Church, St. Mary is always put at the head of the list of saints and
is considered our first intercessor because she is the Mother of God; Theotokos.
(Theo = God, tokos = mother).

 Who are the confessors?

They are the Christians who suffered persecution to maintain their faith and were
jailed. They were ready to be killed but their lives were spared.

 St. John the Baptist was called the forerunner because he came before Jesus to tell
the people that Jesus was the Messiah.

At St. Mark’s home, Jesus had His Last Supper meal.

 Who was St. Mark?
St. Mark was one of the seventy apostles of our Lord. It was at his house that Jesus
Christ our Lord made the Last Supper. At Gethsemane, when all forsook Jesus and
fled just before His arrest, it was St. Mark, the young man, who stayed behind until
the soldiers laid hold of him and he escaped. (Read Mark 14:50-52). St. Mark was
the Apostle who preached Christianity in Egypt and he is its Patron Saint.

 After the Commemoration of the Saints, we pray for all the people whose souls
God has taken into heaven.


1. We remember the saints and we study their lives so that we would be able to
follow in their footsteps.

2. The saints intercede on our behalf before the throne of God. Their prayers and
intercessions are well received and well heard by Him.

3. Each one of us should have a Patron Saint, a friend from the community of the
saints with whom he talks, and whom he will have as a personal intercessor.


We worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

Hail to the Church the house of the angels

Hail to the Virgin who brought forth our Saviour

Hail to Gabriel who brought her good news.

Hail to Cherubim Hail to Seraphim

Hail to all the heavenly orders

Hail to John the great fore-runner

Hail to the twelve Apostles.

Hail to our father Mark the Evangelist

The destroyer of the idols.

Hail to Stephen the first martyr.

Hail to George the morning star.

Hail to all the choirs of the martyrs.

Hail to Abba Anthony and the three Macarii.

Hail to all the choirs of the Cross-bearers

Hail to all the saints who have pleased the Lord

Through their prayers O Christ our king

Accord to us mercy in thy kingdom.

O Thou True Light which lights every man

That comes into the World

Thou hast come to the world through Thy love for man
All the creation has rejoiced at Thy coming.

Thou hast saved Adam from the beguiling

Thou hast delivered Eve from the pangs of death

Thou hast granted us the Spirit of Sonship
We praise Thee; we bless thee with Thine angels

When the morning hour comes upon us

O Christ our Lord the True Light.

Let the thoughts of light abound within us

And let not the darkness of passion cover us.

That we may praise Thee with understanding

With David and proclaim and say:


“Assuredly I say to you, wherever this Gospel is preached in the whole world, what this
woman has done will also be told for a memorial of her.” (Matthew 26:13)
Long time ago, before Christ was crucified, a woman came to the house where Christ
was staying. She brought along with her a bottle of very expensive perfume and poured
the perfume on Christ’s feet. Christ was so pleased with what the woman did, that He
told His Disciples that whosesoever they preached the Gospel, they must tell the story of
this woman, so that people will always remember what she did. Although the woman is
in Paradise now, we still remember her whenever we read the Bible.
In the same manner, we also remember all God’s Saints that have pleased Him with
their good deeds since the world began. We do this in our Liturgy when we mention the
communion of the Saints.
We remember the Patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We remember the Prophets
like Moses and Elijah. We also remember the Evangelists. How many Evangelists do
you know? What are their names?
We also remember the martyrs, and the Confessors (remember who they are), and all
the spirits of the righteous that became perfect in their faith.
Of course when we think of the Saints, first of all we think of the Queen of all Saints;
have you already guessed who she is? …that’s right! Of course she is the ever-Virgin
Mother of God, Saint Mary.
Then we remember Saint John the Baptist, who baptized our Lord Jesus Christ and the
greatest man ever born of a woman. Do you know who said that?
We also remember Saint Stephen, the first Martyr. I am sure you know his story.
Then we remember Saint Mark; who preached Christianity in Egypt, and also became a
Martyr. Then we remember all the other Saints listed in the Communion of Saints.
All those Saints we remember in our Liturgy are our friends in Heaven! They all love
us, and always pray to God on our behalf. That is why in many of our Hymns we ask
them to pray for us, or ask God to have mercy upon us through their prayers.
After the Commemoration of the Saints, we pray for all the people whose souls God has
taken into heaven. We pray that God may find them worthy to be with Him in Paradise.
We pray for them because we love them and we care for them. They are also our
Isn’t this a wonderful kind of friendship? We on earth pray for our friends in Heaven,
and at the same time, our friends in Heaven pray for us! After all, what are friends for?



Please read: Genesis 28: 16-18, Exodus 3:1-5, Luke 19: 45-46, Mark 11: 15-18, and
give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To learn that the church is the house of God. We must love and respect our church. We
like to learn how.


“My house shall be called a house of prayer” Mark 11:17


(A) All reverence is due to the church

The church is the house in which God, the Angels and the heavenly powers come in.
Therefore, the church is a very special place. It is not like a school building, a hospital,
or a government building. Although one must respect all places, extra reverence and
respect are due to the house of God.

(B) Examples for the reverence to the house of God in the Holy Bible:

1. In Genesis 28:16-18
The first time in the Holy Bible in which the expression “house of God” is mentioned is
in Genesis 28:17. When Jacob was fleeing away from his brother Esau who wanted to
kill him because he took his birth rights from him, he slept and saw a comforting vision.
Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “Surely the Lord is in this place, and I did

not know it.” And he was afraid and said, “How awesome is this place! This is none
other than the house of God…” Gen. 28:16-17. So the church is an awesome place. It
is a comforting place.
2. In Exodus 3:1-5

At the time of Moses the prophet when God wanted to call on him to lead His people
out of slavery in Egypt,he appeared to him in the Burning Bush. The Bush was burning
but was not consumed (this was a symbol of St. Mary the Virgin who conceived the
Lord Jesus and His Divinity did not hurt her). Then God told Moses “Take your sandals
off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground” Exodus 3:5.

So the place where God appears, or talks to us is a place to which every respect and
reverence is due.

3. In Mark 11:15-17

When our Lord Jesus went to the temple and found the people who were buying and
selling in the temple , He kicked them out and said “My house shall be called a house of
prayer.” Mark 11:17

(C) How can we show reverence to the church?

1. Prepare yourself very well before you come to church. Come early. Come with
proper clothing. Say the Lord's prayer as you enter and pray saying Ps 5:7 “But as for
me, I will come into your house in the multitude of your mercy.”

2. Do not run. Do not talk to anyone. Do not laugh. Stay in one place and do not
move unless it is absolutely necessary.

3. When you enter the altar to partake of the Holy Communion, you must be very quiet
and of course, take your shoes off. Before you take the Holy Communion, do the sign
of the Cross.

4. Help in any clean up or tidy up that is required after the Liturgy.


1. We must respect the church because the church is the house of God. God is
present in the church all the time. During the Divine Liturgy the Angels and the
Saints also come and join us with Christ on the altar.
2. Come to church early, stand quietly and concentrate on the prayers.



I love my beautiful church the house of our Lord

Where I find my joy and everything I need

Jesus comes to stay with us granting us His help

Giving everyone His blessings and the heavenly peace

We see the holy saints and the martyrs gather around

Praying always for those here who are asking for their help

In front of the altar Abouna is praying there

Together with the deacons and it will be then in Heaven

In the liturgy we pray and the angels are there

The Holy spirit also comes blessing us in His power

We share the feast of His Body drink His Blood given for us
And before we leave the Church everyone takes Urbana




Please read the attached material entitled “Doxology for Saint Mark the Apostle”
and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To learn about the return of St. Mark’s relics to Egypt as a result of the prayers and the
love between churches. Let us also learn the Doxology of Saint Mark and sing it.


"That they may all be one" John 17:21


 Who established the Church? (Christ)

How did the Church become established? (By the Apostles and Disciples preaching
about Christianity in every area of the civilized world at the time).
So someone then had to come to Egypt to preach Christianity there too, right? Who
was that person? (St. Mark).
And who was the very first pope and patriarch of the Coptic Orthodox Church?
(St. Mark).
If it were not for the passion of St. Mark to go to Egypt and preach there, we may
never have become Christians. For that reason, we want to learn about his life.

Start by reading in the class the attached Doxology for Saint Mark and explain as
- The word Doxology is a Greek word (a Greek word used in the Coptic language)
that means “glory”. The Doxologies for the various Saints of our church (like St.
Mary, St. Mark, St. George, St. Mena …)are contained in one of our church
service books called “Psalmody”. We sing the Doxologies in our church at
Vespers and Matins. Doxologies are a good source of information about the
Saints’ lives in a condensed form.
- We say “O Mark the Apostle” because St. Mark was one of the70 Apostles sent
by our Lord Jesus Christ before His face into every city and place where He
Himself was about to go (Luke 10:1).
- We say “And the Evangelist” because St. Mark wrote the Gospel according to
St. Mark which was the first to be written among the four Gospels.
- We say “who has witnessed the passion of the only God” because St. Mark saw
the suffering that Jesus went through. When the Jews captured St. Mark, he
escaped from them “Now a certain young man (St. Mark) followed Him,
having a linen cloth thrown around his naked body. And the young men laid
hold of him, and he lift the linen cloth and fled from them naked” (Mark 14:51-
- St. Mark’s house was a special house:
 Where Jesus established the sacrament of Eucharist (Mark 14:12-26).
 Where the Disciples stayed for fear of the Jews after Jesus’ crucifixion
(Luke 24:33).
 Where Jesus appeared several times to His Disciples after His
resurrection (John 20:19-29).
 Where the Holy Spirit descended on the day of Pentecost.
 Where the first Christian church was formed.
 St. Mark preached Christianity in Egypt. He was martyred in Alexandria. Before he
was martyred in Alexandria, the hand of the cobbler Anianos was pierced by an awl
(a needle). St. Mark healed him and told him about the new faith. Anianos became
the first bishop of Alexandria. With him 3 priests and 7 deacons were ordained by
St. Mark. So, St. Mark established the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt.
 After his martyrdom the Pagans intended to burn the body of St. Mark, but the wind
blew and the rain fell and the populace dispersed.
 After St.Mark was buried in the church of Alexandria, two sailors from Rome came
and stole his body and transferred it to Rome. They built a huge Cathedral named
after St. Mark and buried his body in it.
 In the year 1968, Pope Kirillos the sixth sent a letter to the Pope of Rome asking
him to return the relics of St. Mark. Everyone thought that this was impossible for
the Church of Rome to give up part of the relics of St. Mark. Through the
continuous prayers of Pope Kirillos concerning this matter and the good brotherly
relations between the two churches, the request was granted.
 Pope Kirillos sent a large delegation to Rome and Venice to bring the relics of St.
Mark. The delegation was composed of 10 bishops, 7 priests and about 90 Coptic
 On June 24, 1968, when the delegation arrived in Cairo Airport, Pope Kirillos
himself was waiting for the relics with a big crowd of Copts. When the relics of St.
Mark were transferred from the plane, 3 white doves appeared to the people and
they were flying at a high speed. Since doves do not fly that late at night we trust
that the 3 doves were representing the spirits of the saints welcoming the relics of
St. Mark.
 The relics of St. Mark now rest in Cairo under the altar of St. Mark’s cathedral.
The relics are a good source of blessing.
 May theblessings and the prayers of St. Mark be with us.

1. This is a striking example of how God answers prayers, especially those of the
saintly people like Pope Kirillos VI. That is why miracles do happen until now
through his prayers.
2. To see different churches cooperate in brotherly Christian love like what we have
seen in this lesson teaches us that love is not by mere words, but should be
expressed in good deeds.
3. In our Coptic Orthodox Church the relics of the Saints is a great source of
blessing. When the relics are touched some people get healed, some people get
comfort and some people get touched in their feelings and start to repent.


In this day there will be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the Land of Egypt, and
a pillar to the Lord at its border." (Isa. 19:19)
Hail to you Saint mark the son of Arostopolos
Who preached the name of Isos Marcos piapostolos.
You were born in Cyrene and fled to Palestine
The land of the Divine Marcos ………..
You followed Jesus Christ from the east to the west
While He was in your midst Marcos ………..
When the lions attacked you and your father prayed
So immediately they died Marcos ………..
Our Lord sent Peter to prepare the Passover
In the house of your father Marcos ………..
You were carrying a pitcher that was full of water
They followed till you entered Marcos ………..
And the Lord said this is My body and blood
For you it is shed Marcos ………..
To the garden you followed the men of you laid hold
You fled from naked Marcos ………..
In your house the Comforter descended like fire
God answered your prayer Marcos ………..
With tongues you spoke to men from every nation
About the resurrection Marcos ………..
You brought us the good news about Piekhrestos
And ordained Anianos Marcos ………..
You wrote the first witness about Jesus' greatness
Describing His Holiness Marcos ………..
In Alexandria you built a school that was the first
Many popes graduated from it Marcos ………..

And when you were martyred your body was not burned
God ordered and it rained Marcos ………..
You and God's beholder and our intercessor
Remember us in your prayer Marcos ………..



 O Mark the Apostle: and the evangelist: who has witnessed the passion: of the only

 You came and enlighten us: with your Gospel: and preached us of the Father, and
the Son: and the Holy Spirit.

 You got us out of darkness: to the true light: and you nourished us with the bread of
life: that descended from heaven.

 All the nations of the earth: are blessed by you: and your sayings have gone out: to
the end of the world.

 Hail to you, O Martyr: Hail to the evangelist: Hail to the Apostle: Mark the
beholder of God.

 Ask the Lord for us: O beholder of God the evangelist: Mark the Apostle: that He
may forgive us our sins.

For the success
of this Sunday
School Program
the teacher should
refer to the
in his/her preparation
of the lessons and in
teaching the students
in the class



Please read the attached material entitled “St. Peter and St. Paul”, and give the
lesson with emphasis on the points below.

St. Peter said: “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and
walk” Acts 3:6


To study the life of St. Peter and St. Paul in the commemoration of their martyrdom
on 5th of Abib (July 12). As God supported them He is very willing to help us.


July is the month of the Apostles. Why does the church have a special fast for them?
Without their love for Christ, by which they traveled everywhere to preach His word,
and by which they suffered persecution, Christianity would not be so widespread.
Could you name some of the apostles?
There are two apostles that stand out among the rest: St. Peter and St. Paul. Let us
learn about their lives.

Greetings to our Saintly Apostles:

Greetings to our saintly Apostles through whom we obtained the faith. They are
called in the Bible “church’s pillars”.

To hand us the faith, they suffered all kindsof persecution which St. Paul describes
saying “in tribulations, in needs, in distresses, in stripes, in imprisonments, in
tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in fastings” (2 Corinthians 6:4-5).

Greetings to those strong in spirit who stood in front of kings, emperors and
governors of both Jews and Romans. They came out victorious.
Greetings to those who were chosen by the Lord from the whole world to carry His
message and preach His name to the whole world.

Greetings to our Apostles who were filled with the Holy Spirit. They totally
submitted to the Holy Spirit who guided them, strengthened them and even spoke
on their tongues.

Greetings to them for the Cross that they had carried and the blood that they had
shed for the sake of faith and for our sake.
 July is the month of the Apostles.

 ST. Peter:
 Our Beloved Jesus called Peter who was a fisherman, to follow Him (Mat.
 St. Peter was the Disciple who declared that Jesus is “the Son of the living
 St. Peter was one of the three Disciples present during the Lord’s
transfiguration (Mat. 17:1).
 At the last supper, like the rest of the Disciples, our Lord Jesus Christ washed
St. Peter’s feet (John 13:6-7).
 St. Peter followed Jesus to Gethsemane, but could not keep awake so he slept
while Jesus was praying (Mat. 26:40).
 St. Peter, being eager to defend his master, cut off the ear of one of the servants
of the high priest (John 18:10-11).
 St. Peter was so frightened and denied that he knew Jesus(John 18:25-27).
 When St. Peter heard the rooster crow, he remembered his sin of denying
Jesus (Mat. 26:75).
 St. Peter was one of the two Disciples who went to the Lord’stomb and found
that He had risen from the dead (John 20:1-10).
 On Pentecost St. Peter preached to the whole crowd gathered there, and he,
along with the Disciples, baptized that day a crowd of about three thousand
people (Acts 2:14).
 St. Peter healed a crippled man by the power of Jesus’ name (Acts 3:1-7).
Then Peter said to the Lame Man, “Silver and Gold I do not have, but what I
do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk”
(Acts 3:6).

 St. Peter told Ananias and his wife about their sin of lying to God (Acts 5:1-11).

 Tabitha was raised from the dead by the power of Jesus’ name through the
prayers of St. Peter (Acts 9:36-42). “Tabitha, arise”. And she opened her eyes,
and when she saw Peter she sat up.

 St. Peter wrote 2Epistles (letters) to the believers.

 St. Peter was martyred for the sake of his beloved the Lord Jesus Christ.

 ST. Paul:
 St. Paul’s name was Saul before he became a Christian. He was a Jewish
Pharisee and used to hate the Christians, persecute and arrest them.
 On his way to Damascus to arrest more Christians, the Lord talked to him (Acts
9:3-9). “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?”
 A disciple named Ananias baptized him and restored him his sight (Acts 9:10-
 The Lord told Ananias, “Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My
name before Gentiles, Kings, and the children of Israel” (Acts 9:15).
 For the sake of the Gospel he suffered a lot.
 St. Paul had three major missionary trips, through which manypeople
 St. Paul wrote 14 Epistles (letters).
 At the end, at Nero's command, he was beheaded for the sake of his Beloved
the Lord Jesus Christ.

What do we learn from St. Peter and St. Paul’s lives?
1. They loved Jesus very heartily. Let us pray that God fills our hearts with His love.
Then, like the Disciples, we, through our Christian behavior and conduct, bring
glory to Jesus’ name.
2. We have to take an extra step towards helping others to know the true
3. We can see from the life of both St. Peter and St. Paul that they had weaknesses.
No one is perfect. But the Lord helped them a lot. He can help us too. We must
never lose hope.



"And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us." (Eph 5:2)

O tell me John, O tell me about His shining face

And how you were so lucky on His chest your head laid.
Please answer me and tell me John answered me and said,
He called me the "Beloved' in His eyes I found grace
He trusted me with His Mother I took her to my place
His heart is ever beating with love for the human race.

And dear peter please tell me about the rock of faith

And how you were appointed a pillar in His church.
Please answer me and tell me Peter answered and said
In spite of all denials His love for me was great
And though I was so bitter my sins He did erase
His heart is so forgiving for sinners in every place

And dear Thomas how did you doubt that He is raised

When you were not believing He appeared just for your sake.
Please answer me and tell me Thomas answered and said
I saw with my own eyes the places of the nails
And in His side, the hole where Blood and Water drained
By all his wounds and sufferings He opened heaven’s gate

And all you His disciples tell me again and again

How when you were in trouble for you He took good care.
All the disciples answered we can never explain
The life that is awaiting those who believe in His name
So joyful and so peaceful there is no worry or pain
Our life is all for Jesus and that is really a gain


On the 5th of Abib (12th of July) the Orthodox Christians commemorate the martyrdom
of the two great Saints, St. Peter and St. Paul.

Peter was a simple fisherman and a native of Bethsaida. When Jesus came into the
region of Caesarea Philippi, he asked His Disciples, saying “Who do men say that I, the
Son of Man, am?” So they said, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others
Jeremiah or one of the prophets”. He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”
And Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God”.
On that faith, declared by Peter, Christ established His Church (Matthew 16:18).

After he had received the grace of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, he went into
the world and preached Christ’s crucifixion. He converted a countless number of people
to the faith and many miracles were performed through him. When he was put to trial,
he appealed his case to Caesar, He was sent to Rome as a prisoner. But there he stayed
about two years and preached freely to the Jews there. Then Caesar condemned him to
death by crucifixion.

St. Paul was of the tribe of Benjamin. Before his conversion he had been known as Saul.
He had been a Pharisee, well versed in the Torah and very zealous. Christians feared
him greatly, for he had been given authority to arrest those who confessed that Jesus
was the Christ. One day, as he was traveling to Damascus, a light from Heaven shone
upon him and he fell to the ground, He heard a voice, saying: “Saul, Saul, why are you
persecuting me?” and he asked: “Who are You, Lord?” and the Lord said: “I am Jesus,
whom you are persecuting.” The Lord then instructed him to go to the city of Damascus,
where he would be told what to do. When Saul opened his eyes, he was unable to see.

On arrival in Damascus, Saul was visited by a man named Ananias,whorestored his

sight and baptized him. After he hadbeen filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit, he
began to preach the true faith as zealously as he had practiced Judaism and great
numbers were converted. For the sake of the Gospel he suffered stripes, imprisonment,
captivity, shipwreck and wanderings in the desert. Soon after his conversion he came to
be known as Paul.

When he entered Rome, many of the people accepted the Way of Salvation through
him. It was to these converts that he sent the first of his fourteen epistles. In the end, at
Nero’s command, he was seized and delivered to be beheaded. On his way to the place
of execution, he recognized a young girl whom he had once baptized, and she was a
relative of the Emperor Nero. When the girl saw Saint Paul with the executioner she
began to weep. After he had consoled her, St. Paul said: “Give me your veil and I will
return it to you." She then gave him the veil and he covered his face with it. After the
executioner had severed his head, this veil still covered it. As the executioner announced
to the wicked Emperor that Paul had been beheaded, the girl asked: “Where is Paul?” to
which he replied: “He is dead at the place of execution and your veil covers his head.”
“You lie” said the girl, “for only a moment ago Peter and Paul passed by, dressed in
royal robes and with crowns on their heads. They returned my veil to me and here it is."
She then showed them the veil.

*Note: This article is taken from “Athanasius” magazine, the Church of the Virgin
Mary and St. Athanasius, Mississauga, Canada, July, 1983.




Please read Psalm 19:1-10, the attached article entitled, “God’s Love for Us”, and
give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To get familiar with the Psalms of David in a two- lesson series. In this lesson we learn
to glorify God through the beautiful nature that He created and the commandments of
God contained in the Holy Bible.


"The heavens declare the glory of God" Psalm 19:1


 The Psalms is a book of prayers which was written by David the prophet and others
under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

 St. Athanasius said that the Psalms (without the parts written as prophecies about
our Lord Jesus) can be considered by the reader as his own words of prayers written
for his benefits. They contain meditations to help us praise the Lord in all occasions
of our lives.

 Psalm 19: The power and mystery of God is revealed to the saints by two methods:

Method 1: (The first part of Psalm 19, namely verses 1-6). The book of creation
through which we know the power of God. “The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork (Psalm 19:1).

Method 2: The Law of God contained in the Holy Bible which tells us about God
(the second part of Psalm 19, namely verses 7-14). “The Law of the Lord is perfect,
converting the soul;the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.”
(Psalm 19:7).

 Method 1: The Book of Creation

 The heavens are speaking of the glory of God, i.e. they declare the power of
God. This is a reply to the people who do not believe in God. If heaven is made
by the hands of God, can you imagine how great God is?

 The firmament in heaven proclaims the handiwork of God. All the creatures look
down to the earth, except man who was created to look up to heaven. The
firmament has a cycle which goes on in an accurate and perfect way day after
day and night after night silently and even without being noticed.

 Night comes after day and the sun comes every morning and appears to the
whole world as a beautiful bride coming out of her hiding and as a strong man
happy with his victories. During the day the whole world enjoys the light and the
heat of the sun. All these always glorify the Lord who created and organized
them all.

 Therefore, heavens, firmament and sun are silent preachers ofGod to all nations
and tongues.

 Therefore, we thank the Lord who created all these for us.

 Method 2: The Law of the Lord Contained in The Holy Bible:

 David says that the word of God is a source of life for the believers. The word of
God reveals the glory and mystery of God.

 Psalm 19:7-14 gives the Holy Bible six characteristics:

1) Perfect: The law of the Lord is perfect which means nothing is added or
deleted from it. It is given for “the conversion of the soul”.

2) Sure: The testimony of the Lord is sure. The Bible is sure in its hope,
salvation and testimony of God. The Bible cannot lie and its benefit is
“making wise the simple”.

3) Right: The precepts of the Lord are right. They teach the right way
leading to goodness and they avoid the false way leading to wickedness.
Their benefit is “rejoicing the heart”. Therefore, the Law of the Lord
gives continuous happiness because it changes us from wickedness to

4) Pure: The commandments of the Lord are pure. They are light to our feet
so that we do not stumble in darkness. They enlighten our eyes.

5) Fear of the Lord: The fear of the Lord is clean. It cleanses, purifies and
makes white the heart and mind of man. Yes, the fear of the Lord endures
forever and leads to eternal life.

6) True and righteous altogether: The law of the Lord is true and righteous

 All these six characteristics of the Law of God contained in the Holy
Bible have various fruits for our souls: they give wisdom, they give joy,
and they give light for our minds and our thoughts.

 In other words, David is telling us that the Law of the Lord, the testimony of the
Lord, the statutes of the Lord, the commandment of the Lord, the fear of the Lord
and the judgments of the Lord, all these are, for us, more precious than gold and all
the precious metals of the world. Keeping them is sweeter than honey and gives us
a great reward.

 The word of God helps the person who knows it. It saves him from sins both hidden
and manifest. These sins, whether they are hidden evil thought, pride or lustful
desires or manifest evil and wrong doings, the word of the Lord preserves him from
them all. The Lord is indeed our strength and salvation.


1. In His great love for me, God has created the heavens and the earth which declare
His glory.

2. He also gave me His word in the Holy Bible to live by and to be my light, my
strength and my salvation.

3. There is His great love for me, He came to be united with me and raise me to



He did not come to judge the world He did not come to blame
He only came to save the world And Jesus was His Name
And when we call Him Saviour (3) We call Him by His Name


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III
How great is God's love for us. It's enought to say that God is Love... And "we love Him
because He first loved us. " (1 Jn 4:19)
He loved us before we were, therefore He created us...
Because of His love for us, He created us after His image and likeness.
He prepared everything for us before we were created. He raised the Heaven to be a roof
and paved the Earth so we can walk on it. He made the light, water,
plants and paradise... Then He created us.
When we fell in sin, He prepared for us a way of salvation.
Due to His love for us, He sent prophets to guide us and gave us a conscience and a
written Law to enlighten our insights.
It was His love for us that made Him incarnate, take our nature and bless this nature in
Him. On our behalf, He obeyed the Law and pleased God the Father by
presenting a God-fearing image of humanity.
Due to His love, He died for us, "The just for the unjust. " (1 Pet 3:18)
He became a love-offering on the Cross. He carried the sin of the whole world and
washed it with His blood. "The One without sin was considered sinful, for our
sake, " and paid the whole price on our behalf.
"... Having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end. " (Jn 13:1).
And, "Greater love has no one than this, to lay down his life for his friends. " (Jn 15:13)
Because He loved us, He said, "No longer do I call you servants, but I have called you
friends. " (Jn 15:15). He also called us brethren and, "... in all things He had
to be made like His brethren. " (Heb 2:17). We became sons of the Heavenly Father,
"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called
children of God. " (1 Jn 3:1)
To show His love for us, He said, "... I am with you always, even to the end of the age. "
(Mt. 28:20) "For where two or three are gathered together in my name,
I am there in the midst of them. " (Mt. 18:20)
His love is also shown in His protection, care and guidance for us in everything.




Please read Psalm 23:1-6, attached article entitled, “God exists”, and give the
lesson with emphasis on the points below.


This is the second lesson on the Psalms of David. In this lesson we learn that the Lord
takes care of us. My feeling that the Lord exists and He takes care of us is very


“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want” Psalm 23:1


 Last week, by examining the meaning behind Psalm 19, we learned that the heavens
and earth which God created declare His glory and that He gave us His word in the
Holy Bible to live by and give us light and strength and salvation.
Are you ever afraid of anything? We all fear something.
So, today, we will learn the meanings behind Psalm 23, which we can always
remember in times of fear.

 The Lord is my shepherd:

Our Beloved Jesus is the Good Shepherd “I am the Good Shepherd”. He gives
spiritual and material gifts to His people. He hovers over them and protects them from
the devil and the enemies.

 I shall not want:
This is an expression of the complete confidence that God is taking care of us. I do not
want or need anything because I am the temple of God and God is inside me. If I lose
all, I will not care because I have God Himself within me.

 He makes me lie down in green pastures:

The spiritual green pastures are:

1) The word of God contained in the Bible which fills my hungry soul.

2) The church with all her sacraments.

3) The Body and Blood of the Lord Jesus which I eat and drink to continue my
spiritual growth.

He leads me beside still waters:

- The water is usually used for both washing and drinking:
1) For washing: He (the good Shepherd) led us to baptism through which we were
cleansed from our sins. (Read I Peter 3:21)

2) For drinking: He gives us the living water also in the Holy Communion. Both
the pasture that the sheep eat and the water that they drink are the Body and
Blood of Jesus Christ which we eat and drink. (Read John 4:14 and John 6:35
and 53-56)
 He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s

- The Good Shepherd helps to get me back to Him through repentance and the
Sacrament of Confession. Observing this sacrament leads me to righteousness
and rest. Here you can mention the story of the Prodigal son, and how the father
(God) waits for his repentant son to return, and how does he receive him.

- All these blessings are given to us because of Jesus’ name and not because we
deserve them.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death:

- The shadow of death means suffering and temptation. It also means the death of
the body. We, the sons of God do not fear death because through the death of
the body we go to a better life. But the death of sinners is an eternal death or
eternal damnation.

- As long as God is with us, even if we die, we live.

 I fear no evil for thou art with us:
God is with us so we do not fear evil, persecution, death or anything and we can go
through the shadows of death with great courage because the Good Shepherd is
with me.
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me:
- The rod of the shepherd does two things:
1) It beats and drives away the enemies of the sheep (the wolves). And
through the Cross (the rod) our Lord did beat the devil and gave us
victory over sin, over demons and over death.
2) It keeps the sheep within the fold, and even if one goes astray it brings it
back. This is what the crucifixion does for us; even if we sin it gives us
salvation and through it we return to the fold of the redeemed children of
- The staff is used for support and the Cross is our support. It is, for us the
believers, the source of power and strength. (Read I Corinthians 1:18).
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies:
The table is great because of the greatness of what is on it. In our case Jesus
Himself is presented to us on the table (the altar) to strengthen us against our
 You anoint my head with oil, my cup runs over:
We were anointed with the Chrism (i.e., the Myroun) to receive the Holy Spirit.
And this great blessing filled us with joy like what happened on the day of
Pentecost when the Disciples were full of joy to the extent that some people thought
that they were drunk.
 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall
dwell in the house of the Lord forever:
- The house of the Lord is similar to the place where the sheep enter and find
shelter. In the House of God we enjoy inner peace and comfort.
- When we get tired from the world and all its problems and tribulations we must
rush to the House of God where we find rest.
- Originally in the church, the believers used to go twice daily to church: in the

morning before they go to work and in the evening after they return from work.
What a comforting exercise!!!

1. Today, we learn the lesson which St. Paul learned and lived by what he wrote: “If
God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31). Since we have God with
us we fear no evil, but each one of us can go through life confident that “I can do
all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13).

2. When we have problems at school, home or with anyone in the society we live in,
we must remember that God exists and He cares. Without this feeling the burden
of the problems will be too much for me.


The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want
Come to Him all who labour and He will give you rest

Whenever I am weary You wipe away my tears

Whenever I am anxious You calm all my fears.

Whenever I am restless You listen and care

On the Cross You died and my sins You did bare

Whenever I am homeless You open Your door

In a strange country no one can care more

Whenever I am hungry You give me Your food

Whenever I am thirsty You give me Your blood

Whenever I am scorned You stretch out Your hand

Whenever I am happy by my side You stand


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III
A problem, by itself, without God, could cause trouble for some. But the problem,
with the presence of God, would not cause trouble...
Hope in God and His interference gives the heart joy and confidence. As the Apostle
said, "Rejoicing in hope. " (Rom 12:12)
Was the lions' den fearful to Daniel? Surely it was not, as far as he knew the phrase,
"My God sent his Angel and shut the lions' mouths. " (Dan 6:22)
Was the fiery furnace a source of loss for the three youths? No it was a different
case, with a "fourth" like the Son of God, walking with them in the midst of the fire.
Did Goliath, the giant, look fearful to David? He was like that to the army of
soldiers who faced Goliath without God. As for David, he was strong and did not
fear Goliath and his threats because he had God with him in the battle. He said, "For the
battle is the Lord's. But I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts.
This day the Lord will deliver you into my hand. " (1 Sam 17:48)
Our feeling that God is with us is the reason of our confidence. God's name is a strong
fortress that the righteous take for a refuge.
"The Lord shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The Lord
shall preserve your going out and your coming in. " (Ps 121: 7-8)
"I have set the Lord always before me; because He is my right hand and I shall not be
moved." (Ps 16:8)
Truly, letting God in a problem solves it...
 In God's name, Elijah faced Ahab.
And in God's name, Moses and Aaron faced Pharaoh... And in God's name, Paul faced
Festus and Agrippa.
 The Lord was the strength for these Saints and others like them.
The Psalmist said, "The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation.
" (Ps 118:18). And, "The Lord is my light and my salvation. " (Ps 27:1)
 We deal with God and not with people... We set God in front of us in all our problems
and He gives us strength.
If you weaken one day, it means you forgot God's strength.




Please read 1 Kings 21, the attached material entitled, “Human Anger”, and give
the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


God is ready to forgive our sins if we repent, confess and take communion. In this
lesson we also learn that the human anger and greed can lead the individual to huge sins.


“You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive” Psalm 86:5


 Is anyone perfect? Is there any human being that is perfect in the whole world?
No one is perfect, so we will always make mistakes and commit sins. But then
Today we will talk about what we all have to do as soon as we commit any sin, by
learning about King Ahab of the Old Testament.

 Please read Chapter 21 of 1 Kings with the students and explain as you go along.

 Naboth is murdered for his vineyard:

King Ahab who was very rich wanted to take the vineyard of the poor man called
Naboth in return for another vineyard or for money. Naboth refused both offers
because he inherited the vineyard from his father and it became so dear to him.
Ahab was angry. His wife Jezebel prepared a wicked plan that would lead to the
killing of Naboth. With false witnesses who said that “Naboth has blasphemed
against God and the king”, the people stoned Naboth and he died. When Ahab heard
that Naboth was killed, he went to take possession of the vineyard.
 The Lord condemns Ahab:
The Lord sent Prophet Elijah to Ahab telling him what the Lord intends to do in
punishing him, his wife Jezebel and all his family. “When Ahab heard those words,
he tore his clothes and put sackcloth on his body, and fasted and lay in sackcloth,
and went about mourning.” Then the Lord said to Elijah, “Because he has humbled
himself before Me, I will not bring the calamity in his days; but in the days of his
son I will bring the calamity on his house.” God knew in advance that his son
would be very bad. “Ahaziah the son of Ahab became king over Israel in Samaria
in the seventeenth year of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, and reigned two years over
Israel. He did evil in the sight of the Lord, and walked in the way of his father and
in the way of his mother and in the way of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who had
made Israel sin” (1 Kings 22:51-52).

Why did King Ahab want to take the property of Naboth?

- He wanted more. Wanting more materialistic things is a sin and leads to more
sins. Our Lord Jesus advised us not to care for materialistic things. Jesus said,
“For what advantage is it to a man if he gains the whole world and is himself
destroyed or lost?” (Luke 9:24).

- He did not care about other people. He was very angry and in his anger he fell
in huge mistakes.

 Jezebel thought that nobody would know about the purpose of her wicked plan. But
nothing can be hidden from God. He sees and knows even the secrets of one’s heart
and He is the One Who judges every person.

 What did Ahab and his wife do when they heard that Naboth is dead?

They were very happy and they rushed to take possession of his vineyard.

 Ahab humbled himself before God and God promised not to bring evil in his days.

 There are several examples in the Bible for people who repented and God forgave
their sins.

- David: Please read 2 Samuel 12:1-15 and tell it briefly to the students. David
said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” And Nathan said to David,
“The Lord also has put away your sin; you shall not die.” (2 Samuel 12:13)

- Peter: Please read Matthew 14:66-72 and tell it to the students briefly. Peter
denied the Lord Jesus in front of a maid. When the rooster crowed and Peter
remembered the word that his Beloved Jesus had said to him, “Before the
rooster crows twice, you will deny Me three times” (Matthew 14:30). Then
Peter wept, and repented. He was forgiven.


1. We must humble ourselves before God and He is ready to accept us. The
important thing is that we must be serious about our repentance and our request to
receive His forgiveness.

2. We must not get angry at things we do not like. Our anger does not help
anything. We can fall into huge mistakes as King Ahab did in his anger.


“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” (Ps 32:1)

Forgive me my redeemer and bless me O Lord Jesus
My eyes are filled with tears pleading for forgiveness
You are the living God very soon You will come
You’ll come and forgive us and wipe away our tears
With all the world’s temptations we fall into tribulations
O strengthen us, O Lord Jesus we are pleading O Lord
Lord overlook our sins be gracious unto us
And place Your hands upon us please bless us one and all
We are your hands creation Your servants and Your children
All sinners and believers lead us to still waters
O Lord we are not worthy Your gifts we’re not deserving
Your love is overwhelming in reverence we bow down
Our hearts You are seeking and blessed is the one listening
With all his heart repenting and with no turning back.


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III
Sometimes, a Holy anger happens for God's sake, but it does not have nervousness and loss of
temper, it is a Holy zeal.
James, the Apostle, said about human anger "... for the wrath of man does not produce the
righteousness of God." (Jas 1:20)
Our Saintly fathers, have many sayings on dispraising anger.
Mar Aughoris said, "The prayer of the angry is a defiled and rejected incense and the offering of
the angry is unaccepted. " He also said that "Anger is an action of the insane... It makes humans
like beasts... the eyes of the angry are evil, full of blood, while the face of the gentle is radiant and
his eyes look with dignity. "
Anba Agathon used to say, "Even if the angry raised the dead, it is not accepted by God and
nobody will come forward to him. "
An elderly man said, "The one whose heart is not saddened when his brother disputes with him is
like the angels. If he disputes with him, too, then regrets and reconciles immediately, this is the
action of strugglers. On the other hand, he who upsets his brothers and gets angry with them and
hatred settles in his heart, is a follower of the devil, disobedient to God and God will not forgive
his sins as far as he does not forgive the sins of his brothers... "
Mar Ephram, the Syrian said, "The wrathful kills himself. He is a stranger to blame and has poor
health because his body withers all the time. His spirit is sad and is hated by all.
"Mar Ephram also said, "he who hides envy in his heart is like the one who keeps a serpent in his
lap. Smoke drives the bees away and hatred drives knowledge away from the heart. "
Abba Isaiah said, "Anger is desiring to achieve what you want by force, without exercising
St. Augustine said, "What is anger? It is the desire for revenge... If God, despite our offences, does
not wish to wreak vengeance on us... do we ask for revenge for ourselves and sin against God
St. Gregorius, the Bishop of Nessis said, "Anger makes the black bitterness spread all over the
body. "
St. John of Assiut said, "the weapon of anger hurts its possessor... Anger in the heart is like a
woodworm in timber. "
If we refer to the Holy Bible, we will find that it says, "Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry.
For anger rests in the bosom of fools. " (Ecc. 7:9) It also says, "Make no friendship with an angry
man. And with a furious man do not go. " (Prov 22:24)

For the success
of this Sunday
School Program
the teacher should
refer to the
in his/her preparation
of the lessons and in
teaching the students
in the class



Please read Genesis 12, 13 and 14 (for the teacher to prepare), Genesis 12:1-9 in
class, and give the lesson with emphasis on the points below.


This is part I in a series of two lessons about God’s covenant with Abraham. From this
lesson we learn that God wants to enter into a friendly relationship with us. He is not
interested to give us orders.


“So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him” Genesis 12:4


What is a covenant? (A promise between two people/parties)

Did you know that you and I have a covenant with God?
Today, we will learn about this covenant and the covenant that God had with

Abram is the number ten son of Shem the son of Noah. The word “Abram” means
honored father. God later on changed his name to Abraham which means father of
many nations “No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be
Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations” (Genesis 17:5).

God called Abram:

Abram used to live with his family in Ur of the chaldeans (close to Iraq). God called
him to leave his family and the house of his father to another land to be given by
God. In this land God promised to bless him and make him a great nation.

God does not neglect even one person who is faithful in the whole city. In Ur of
chaldeans the people were worshiping idols and the whole environment was
ungodly. God found one heart which was anxious to meet Him, so God invited
Abram to go out so that He can make from him a holy church.

This invitation is to every person to depart not from a specific place or specific
house but to have his heart depart from the love of money and the world to be able
to meet the heavenly Lord. It is an invitation to all generations.

Abram obeyed God:

Abram believed what God told him, although he did not know the new land and
also he used to love his original land. Abram took with him his wife Sarai and his
brother’s son Lot. He took with him also all that he owned. On his way to Canaan,
God repeated his covenant with Abram to bless him and give him the land.

Abram in Egypt:
There was a famine in the land where Abram lived, so he went to Egypt. Abram had
to deny that Sarai was his wife because he was afraid that they might kill him and
take his wife for she was beautiful. Although Abram made a mistake in not saying
the truth, God made a plan to save him. Pharaoh took Sarai intending to take her as
his wife. God afflicted Pharaoh and his house. Pharaoh realized that Sarai is
Abram’s wife and gave her back to him. Abram took his wife and Lot and left

Abram and Lot:

Abram went back to the original land where he built an altar, He and Lot his
nephew became very rich, Lot’s people and Abram’s people started to argue about
the cattle and the possessions. Abram wanted to keep peace with his nephew, “So
Abram said to Lot, ‘Please let there be no strife between you and me”’ (Gen. 13:8).
Abram applied a very important principle which our Lord Jesus taught us “But I tell
you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the
other to him also. If anyone wants to sue you and take away your tunic, let him have
your cloak also. And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two”
(Matthew 5:39-41). Lot selected the land beside the Jordan River and Abram lived
in Canaan. The kings living around Lot wanted to take what Lot had. So, they
fought Lot and defeated him. Abram knew about this and went to fight the 5kings
and defeated them and restored Lot’s possessions. On his way back from the war,
Melchizedek, King of Salem, brought out bread and wine (he was priest of God
most high) and blessed him. Melchizedek was a symbol of Christ.

Abram refused to take a human reward:

Abram was entitled to take a reward for his efforts to restore the possessions of
Sodem. But Abram said to the king of Sodem “I will take nothing” (Genesis
14:23). Abram was victorious in the war and he was entitled to take everything, but
he did not. He refused any human reward and knew that he would receive a
heavenly reward.


1. As God took care of Abraham, He takes care of us in every instant of our lives.
We just have to obey Him similar to Abraham who left his land as God told him,
not knowing where to go.

2. Let us learn to seek rewards in heaven for the good deeds that we do. Can we
practice to reject rewards here on earth, in return for heavenly rewards?

3. We have to correct our feelings towards God. God is not interested in giving us
orders or judging us. God wants to be our friend as He was a friend of Abraham.


“Lead me and guide me .. For You are my strength.” (Ps 31:3,4)

O take my hand Dear Saviour and please lead me

Till at my journey’s ending I’ll dwell with Thee

I need Thee, O Lord I need Thee
O bless me, my Lord I come to Thee

Thou Mighty God of ages O be Thou near

When the tempest rages I need not fear

When evening shadows lengthen the night has come

My faith heart Saviour strengthen and bring me home




Please read Genesis Chapters 15,16,17,18,20, 21 and 22 (for the teacher to
prepare). Also read Genesis 18:1-15 in class.


This is part II in a series of two lessons about God’s covenant with Abraham. As we
enter into a friendly relationship with God, nothing can be difficult for us. We only
have to be patient.


Can anyone here walk on water?

How about healing the sick: Can anyone here do that?
So, some things are just impossible for us to do, right?
Well, with God, nothing is impossible.
Last week, we learned that God will always take care of us, and that we just have to
obey him; that is our covenant with God.
Today, we will learn more about Abraham and how God did things for him that were
just impossible for anyone else to do.

 As Abraham entered into a covenant with God, he entered into a deep friendship that
was so dear to God. As St. James said “Abraham believed God, and it was accounted
to him for righteousness and he was called the friend of God” (James 2:23). This
unique friendship shows the love of God to his Sons.

 The promise of the birth of Isaac:

Abraham was impatient to see God’s promise fulfilled. So Sarah told him to take
their slave Hagar as his wife to give birth to a son for him. He had a son and named
him Ishmael and blessed him. But the Lord told him “from Sarah I give you a son”.
One day, when he was sitting in front of his tent, the Lord and two angels visited
him and the Lord promised to give him a son from Sarah. Read Genesis 18:1-15. He
believed the promise of God and he got a son and called him Isaac.

But Sarah his wife laughed when she heard the promise of God to give them a son
because she was too old. God said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh… Is
anything too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:13-14)

The faith of Abraham:

After he got his son Isaac, the Lord wanted to test his faith. He asked him to take
his beloved son and offer him to God. Abraham obeyed. He took his son and went
to the place where God guided him, to offer his son. On the way, Isaac asked his
father, “My father ... Look, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt
offering?” His father answered and said that God would send the lamb.

When he took the knife to kill his son, an angel from heaven came and said,
“Abraham, Abraham!” Abraham answered, “Here I am’ And the angel said “Do not
lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God,
since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.” (Genesis 22:11-
12). Abraham found a lamb tied in the woods and offered it to God.

Applications from the life of Abraham:

- In his treatment with Lot he kept peace.

- He obeyed God in every command that God asked him to do.

- Jesus taught us saying, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will
find; knock, and it will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). Sometimes we pray
and God does not give us what we want immediately. But we have to be patient.
God is going to give us all what we need as long as it is good for us, and lots
more but in due time. This was what happened with Abraham. He prayed to God
to give him a son. It took too long but God answered Abraham’s prayers after
teaching him a lesson in patience.

- In every place to which Abraham went, he built a tent and an altar. The tent is
to live in and the altar is for prayer and presenting offerings.


1. No matter how difficult the problems we face (for example school exams, or
sickness of a member of the family …etc.), “With God nothing will be
impossible” (Luke 1:37).

2. Let us pray to God and let all our needs be known to Him. Then we leave the time
and the method of answering our prayers for Him. He knows what is best for us.

3. The Lord is our best friend. His ultimate goal with us is to enter into a friendly
relationship with Him. Thus we benefit.



“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his Cross, and
follow Me.” (Mat 16:24)

I can hear my Saviour calling take your Cross and follow, follow me

Where He leads me I will follow I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way

If I am sick or if I am healthy I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way

Whether in peace or times of war I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way

I’ll go with Him through the judgment I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way

He will give me grace and glory I’ll go with Him, with Him all the way




Please read Luke 2:849, the attached article entitled: “Remember”, and give the
lesson with emphasis on the points below.


To learn the importance of meditation and how to achieve it from the life of the Virgin
Mary. There are very beneficial things that we can remember during our meditation.


“But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart”
Luke 2:19


 What events happened to St. Mary?

What would you do if these things happened to you?
Most of us would brag about having an angel appear to us, or being the mother of
St. Mary was different from the rest of us; she led a life of prayer and meditation.
Let us learn about how she led her life and how to meditate.

 The pure Virgin Mary had seen several great things: she saw the angel announcing
great tidings to her; she saw Elizabeth blessing and praising her; she saw the
shepherds coming to tell what they saw; she saw the wise men coming from the
East, guided by the star, to worship Jesus and present their gifts to Him and she saw
Simon the elder rejoicing because he was waiting to see Jesus and the fulfillment of
God’s promise of salvation. Despite all what she had seen, St. Luke writes, “But
Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19). This verse
indicates a very deep spiritual life. It is a life of meditation. The Virgin Mary was
silent. In her silence she was thinking about God’s wondrous acts and meditating.

 St. Arsanius used to put a small piece of stone in his mouth to prevent him from
talking. When the people asked him for the reason, he said “Many a time did I talk
and regretted, but for being silent I never did regret.”

 David said in the Psalms “Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the
door of my lips” (Psalm 141:3).

How can we achieve meditation?

Meditation could be achieved by taking some time off every day and:
1) Think of God’s wonders in the universe, in the life of the saints, in your own life
... etc. Just think how great God is, how loving and how tender and caring God
is, how merciful and forgiving God is, how powerful God is ... etc.
2) Then, praise God and thank Him for what He did and what He does. An
excellent example is that of the Virgin Mary when, in her meditation, she said:
“My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Saviour. For
He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant For He who is mighty has
done great things for me, and holy is His name. And His mercy is on those who
fear Him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with His arm; ...
He has put down the mighty from their thrones and exalted the lowly. He has
filled the hungry with good things and the rich He has sent away empty. He has
helped His servant Israel, in remembrance of His mercy…" etc. (Luke 1:46-55).
3) Think about your own life ... How pleasing to God are you? How are you
responding to His love and His mercy? Think of the good things which God has
helped you to achieve and thank Him for them. Think also of your mistakes,
your sins and your shortcomings and, feeling really sorry; ask Him sincerely to
forgive you. Then, in your own heart, commit yourself to struggle with all your
might against these temptations and ask for God’s help without which you
cannot win the battle.

4) In your meditation you should read your Bible and meditate on what you
read ... You should recite or read some of the Psalms or pray the Agbeya... You can
sing some of the church SONGS or hymns or some of the praises from the
Psalmody, ... You can read the life of a saint or a book that helps you in your
meditation, ... You can even watch a video about the life of Christ or the life of one

of the saints or Old Testament prophets, you may stop the video in the middle of
the showing and meditate on what you have seen ... etc.

5) The more time you spend in meditation, the more enjoyment you get out of it,
and the deeper you get in your spiritual life. This goes on until you reach a point
when your satisfaction and your utmost enjoyment would be reached, not in
parties and social gathering and activities, but in meditation.
6) Meditation could be best achieved also in the quietness of the night or when you
enter your room and close your door away from the noise of the world or the
loudness of the worldly music and such. That is why Christ our Lord taught us
saying, “But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut
your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place, and your Father who
sees in secret will reward you openly” (Matthew 6:6).


1. Sometimes we feel that our prayers have become repetitive and are said almost
without thinking or understanding. The main reason for this is that we do not
spend time in meditation. Try to put into practice, from today, the six above-
mentioned steps and enrich your spiritual life and really enjoy your fellowship
with God.
2. During our meditation let us remember: our weaknesses, the blessings of God for
us, the love of people for us, death and eternal life.


"Behold, great is thy intercession, strong and acceptable with our Savior."

Watching us, hearing us, loving us she could never possibly forget us
She is St. Mary Mother of Jesus who saved us
We are her children and she is always guiding us.

She is in heaven in her glory the pride of all our saints

And is always interceding with the saints on our behalf

She is heaven but she appears to her children everywhere

Spreading on earth love and peace and preserving faith for all

She is heaven but she sees when her children are in tears
Mettias was hand-cuffed in jail but she came and broke the chains

She is in heaven but she hears the pleadings of a great Pope

AnbaAbraam come out and see the faith that moved the mountain

She is in heaven but she leaves many miracles where she appears
In the church she comes and shares with faith we witness her care.


By H.H. Pope Shenouda III

Our gatherings are not when we get together, but when we meet with God, or when we meet
each other and God is there in the midst, according to his true promise, "For where two or
three are gathered together in my name, I am there in the midst of them. " (Mt 18:20)

God gathered with Adam and Eve in Paradise, and that was the first Church. Noah gathered
with his family in the ark and God was there in the midst. God was also in the midst of the
three young men who were in the burning furnace. God gathered with Moses on the mountain
and it was a blessed gathering, the face of Moses shone with light as he came near to the real

In the New Testament, God used to gather with his disciples in any place: on the mountain, in a
house where he healed the paralytic, or in the wilderness where he blessed the five loaves, or in
the fields or in a special meeting at Jacob's well, or in the house of Mary and Martha.

One of the most beautiful pictures presented to us in the Revelation is, " the midst of the
seven lamp stands, one like the Son of Man.” (Rev 1:13). It is the picture of God in the midst of
His Church, in the midst of His people and in His right hand, the angels of the Churches. This
was preceded by the Lord's gathering with His Disciples for forty days after the resurrection,
"...being seen by them during forty days and speaking of things pertaining to the Kingdom of
God.” (Act 1:3). He invited them to this gathering by saying to Mary Magdalene, "Go and tell
my brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see me. " (Mt 28:10)

Just seeing Him could be an aim in itself.He said to them before, "... but I will see you again
and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you.” (Jn 16:22). We gather
with God in His house, therefore we rejoice in going to the house of God, as the Psalmist says,
"I was glad when they said to me, `let us go into the house of the Lord'." (Ps 122:1)

God used to gather with people in houses:

One of the first houses that became a church is the house of St Mark, "...the house of Mary, the
mother of John whose surname was Mark, where many were gathered together praying." (Mk
12:12). And in the upper room, the Holy Spirit ascended, and our saint, St Mark, learned the
ideals of gatherings and taught them to us.



Please read Leviticus 10:1-7, Leviticus 16:1-2, Luke 9:14-17, and give the lesson
with emphasis on the points below.


To learn that rites are systems or organized ways of doing things. We would like to
understand the importance of rites in the Old and the New Testaments.


“Let all things be done decently and in order” 1Cor. 14:40


 What are rites?

Today we want to learn about the rites of the Old and New Testaments and why we
need these rites in our lives.

The word “Rites” corresponds to the Greek word “Taxis” which means system or
order. In this meaning the word Rites has been used in the Christian church to imply
the spiritual system to be observed in worshiping. The search in this area is called
“Ritual Theology”.

Our needs for Rites:

The need or importance of Rites appears in all aspects of life which have to run in a
good order. Anything that is useful must run in a good order. This was the principle

in God’s creation. God created everything beautiful, in steps and in a well-
coordinated fashion. Moreover, it has been the basic principle for all human work in
order to be beneficial. For example:
- In nature:
The order is beautiful in nature. The order is prevailing in nature and governs
everything in nature: sun, moon, etc. Without this accurate order in nature,
everything could be destroyed.

- In the body:
The body of all the creatures works according to certain orders. All the organs of
the human body function together and in certain order. Every part of these organs
can only function according to a certain way and in a special order. Our minds
cannot accept the information unless it is well organized and in good order.

- In the building:
The house is composed of iron, sand, wood and glass, but all these materials must
be arranged in a certain order and built together to form the house. The house itself
from inside must be put in order and be divided into rooms and facilities according
to their use.

- In the army:
One of the most important requirements in the army is discipline and good order.
No matter the numbers and the weapons, good order is a must for victory.

- In church:
If an order is required for things to run successfully, order or Rites are requiredin
the church. The church is the kingdom of God on earth. she must be well organized.

- In the Old Testament:

 Please read Leviticus 10:1-7 and Leviticus 16:1-2.

 “Then Nadir and Abihu, the Sons of Aaron, each took his censer and put fire in
it, put incense on it, and offered profane fire before the Lord, which He had
not commanded them. So fire went out from the Lord and devoured them, and
they died before the Lord” (Leviticus 10:1-2). Even Aaron was warned to
observe good orders in serving God. “Now the Lord spoke to Moses after the
death of the two sons of Aaron, when they offered profane fire before the Lord,
and died; and the Lord said to Moses: “Tell Aaron your brother not to come at
simply any time into the Holy Place inside the veil, before the mercy seat
which is on the ark, lest he die.” (Leviticus 16:1-2).

 Note that from Chapter 21 of Exodus up to the end of Leviticus is about Rites
of worshiping in the Old Testament.
 God made priesthood only from the tribe of Levi. He made the priests only
from the sons of Aaron.

- In the New Testament:

 Our Lord Jesus was so keen about keeping everything well organized and in
good order. Similarly, His Apostles followed His example.

 Please read Luke 9:14-17. The Lord Jesus wanted everything to be in order
when He distributed the bread to the multitude. He asked His Disciples to let
the people sit in groups 50 each. From this it is clear that the Lord puts “a good
order” as a condition to give His heavenly blessings.

St. Paul talked repeatedly about Rites in worshiping:

- “Let all things be done decently and in order” (1 Cor. 14:40).

- “And the rest Iwill set in order when I come” (1 Cor. 11:34).

- “But we command you brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that
you withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according
to the tradition which he received from us” (2 Thess. 3:6).

 The book of Revelation declares to us that even in heaven there is a very well
organized system in praising God and in performing the heavenly Liturgies
(Please read Revelation Chapter 4).


1. We must be organized in our lives, prayers and thinking.

2. We must respect the Rites of the church because God organized them in the Old
and New Testaments.


“we love Him because He first loved us” (1Jn 4:19)

Jesus, Jesus can I tell You how I feel?

You have given me your blessings I love You so

Love, love, love, love the Gospel in a word is love

Love your neighbour as your brother love, love, love

Holy God Holy and Mighty

Holy and Immortal One have mercy on us



Recitation 1:
Graciously Accord, O Lord:
Graciously accord, O Lord, to keep us this night without sin.
Blessed are You, O Lord, God of our fathers, and
exceedingly blessed, and glorified be Your name forever.
Let Your mercy, O Lord, be upon us, according to our hope
in You; for the eyes of everyone wait upon You, for You give
them their food in due season. Hear us, O God, our Savior,
the hope of all the regions of the earth. And You, O Lord,
keep us safe from this generation and forever. Amen.
Blessed are You, O Lord; teach me Your statutes. Blessed
are You, O Lord; make me to understand Your
commandments. Blessed are You, O Lord; enlighten me with
Your righteousness. Your mercy, O Lord, endures
forever. Despise not, O Lord, the works of Your hands. You
have been my refuge from generation to generation.
I said, O Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul; for I have
sinned against You. Lord, I have fled unto You, save me, and
teach me to do Your will, for You are my God, and with You
is the fountain of life. In Your light shall we see light.
Let Your mercy come unto those who know You, and Your
righteousness unto the upright in heart. To You belongs
blessing. To You belongs praise. To You belongs glory, O
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, existing from the beginning,
now, and forever and ever. Amen.
It is good to confess unto the Lord, and to sing praises unto
Your name, O Most High; to show forth Your mercy every
morning, and Your righteousness every night.

Recitation 2:
The Orthodox Creed
Truly we believe in One God, God the Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and
invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only-Begotten
Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages. Light of
Light; true God of true God; begotten not created;
Consubstantial with the Father, by whom all things were
made; who for us men and for our salvation came down
from heaven, and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and of the
Virgin Mary, and became man. And He was crucified for us
under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried. And on
the third day He rose from the dead, according to the
Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and sat at the right
hand of the Father; and He shall come again in His glory to
judge the living and the dead; whose Kingdom shall have no
end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of Life, who
proceeded from the Father; who with the Father and the son
together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the
prophets. In one Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church. We
acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins. We look
for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to
come. Amen.

Recitation 3:
O come, let us worship!
O come, let us ask Christ our God.
O come, let us worship!
O come, let us ask Christ our King.
O come, let us worship!
O come, let us ask Christ our Savior.
O our Lord Jesus Christ, the Word of God, our God, through
the intercession of Holy Mary and Thy saints, keep us, and
let us have a good start, and have mercy on us according to
Thy will forever.

*Note: It will be beneficial if the teacher can include the

recitation items of the previous years as well.

For the success
of this Sunday
School Program
the teacher should
refer to the
in his/her preparation
of the lessons and in
teaching the students
in the class

(with permission)

(1) Books by the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III of blessed memory up to March

(2) El-Keraza Magazine, head publisher: the Thrice-Blessed Pope Shenouda III of
blessed memory, all issues up to March 2011.

(3) Books by His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, up to the present time.

(4) El-Keraza Magazine, head publisher: His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, up to the
present time.

(5) Recorded Sermons by His Grace Bishop Rowiss up to March 2011.

(6) Books by His Grace Bishop Moussa up to the present time.

(7) All books by Mr. Kamal Habib (Late Bishop Biman Bishop of Mallawi)

(8) Books by His Grace the Late Bishop Youanis, Bishop of El-Gharbia.

(9) Books by Late Father Bishop Kamel of St. George Coptic Church, Alexandria,

(10) All issues of “Sout El-Rabi” magazine, St. George Church, Alexandria, Egypt.

(11) Books by Father Tadros Y. Malaty, St. George Coptic Church, Alexandria, Egypt,
up to the present time.

(12) “Bahgat El-Aiad” by Yassa Mansour, 1970.

(13) “TheSeven Church Sacraments” by St. HabibGirgis the Archdeacon, 1968.

(14) All colouring books, Father Tadros Y. Malaty, St. George Coptic Church,
Alexandria, Egypt.


(When Easter is on the first week of April)
(In the following Years: 2007, 2010, 2018, 2029, 2034, 2037, 2045, 2048)

1st week of Sept., JESUS HEALS BLIND BARTIMAEUS, page 12
2nd week of Sept.,El Nayrouz Feast …., page 16
3rd week of Sept., THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS…,page 24
4th week of Sept., THE FEAST OF THE ELEVATION…, page 33

1st week of Oct., THE STRENGTH OF FAITH…, page 39
2nd week of Oct., THANKSGIVING TO GOD…, page 45
3rd week of Oct.,BY FAITH THE WALLS OF JERICHO…,page 51
4th week of Oct., HOW TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH? - (I)..,page 56
5th week of Oct., HOW TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH? - (II)..,page 63

1st week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: LOVE - (I),page 69
2nd week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: JOY - (II), page 75
3rd week of Nov.,THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: PEACE - (III),page 79
4th week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: KINDNESS – (IV),page 87

1st week of Dec., THE PROMISE OF THE COMING OF….,page 93
2nd week of Dec., THE BIRTH OF ST. JOHN…., page 97
3rd week of Dec., MARY VISITS ELIZABETH…, page 101
4th week of Dec., THE NEW YEAR….,page 106

1st week of Jan.CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS, page 112
2nd week of Jan., THEY OFFERED HIM GIFTS…., page 114
3rd week of Jan.,EPIPHANY…,page 119
4th week of Jan., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (I), page 127
5th week of Jan., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (II)…, page 137

1st week of Feb., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (III), page 145
KINGDOM- (I)…., (taken from the 1st week of March, page 179)
3rd week of Feb., CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (II).., (taken from the 2nd
week of March, page 185)
4th week of Feb., CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (III).., (taken from the third
week of March, page 191)

1st week of March,CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (IV).., (taken from the 4th
week of March, page 197)
2nd week of March, PALM SUNDAY…, (taken from the 1st week of April, page
3rd week of March, THE HOLY WEEK (THE PASCHA), (taken from the 2nd
week of April, page 209)
4th week of March,GOOD FRIDAY, (taken from the 3rd week of April, page 216)

1st week of April, RESURRECTION OF CHRIST…, (taken from the 4th week of
April, page 223)
2nd week of April, THE LORD JESUS GRANTED HIS…, (taken from the 1st
week of May,page 230)
3rd week of April, THE DIVINE LITURGY- (I), (taken from the 2nd week of
Feb., page 154)
4th week of April, THE DIVINE LITURGY- (II), (taken from the 3rd week of
Feb., page 162)

1st week of May, THE DIVINE LITURGY- (III), (taken from the 4th week of
Feb.,page 172)
2nd week of May, THE ASCENSION FEAST…., (taken from the 1st week of
June, page 252)
3rd week of May,PENTECOST…., (taken from the 2nd week of June, page 258)
4th week of May, DOES IT BELONG TO YOU?...,page 245

1st week of June, THE LIFE OF SAINT JOHN…., (taken from the 2nd week of
May, page 234)
2nd week of June, ST. AUGUSTINE "THE SON OF TEARS", (taken from the
3rd week of May, page 239)
3rd week of June, THE COMMEMORATION OF THE SAINTS, page 264
4th week of June, PROPER BEHAVIOUR IN THE CHURCH,page 270

1st week of July, THE RETURN OF ST. MARK’S…., page 274
2nd week of July, THE APOSTLES’ FEAST…., page 282
3rd week of July, PSALMS OF DAVID: PSALM 19…., page 290
4th week of July, PSALMS OF DAVID: PSALM 23...,page 296
5th week of July, GOD IS READY TO FORGIVE...,page 302

1st week of Aug., GOD’S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM - I,page 308
2nd week of Aug., GOD’S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM - II,page 313
3rd week of Aug., THE VIRGIN MARY AND THE LIFE…,page 317
4th week of Aug., THE NEED OF THE HUMAN BEING…,page 323

(When Easter is on the second week of April)
(In the following Years: 2012, 2015, 2017, 2023, 2026, 2028, 2031, 2039,
2042, 2050)

1st week of Sept., JESUS HEALS BLIND BARTIMAEUS, page 12
2nd week of Sept.,El Nayrouz Feast …., page 16
3rd week of Sept., THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS…,page 24
4th week of Sept., THE FEAST OF THE ELEVATION…, page 33

1st week of Oct., THE STRENGTH OF FAITH…, page 39
2nd week of Oct., THANKSGIVINGTO GOD…, page 45
3rd week of Oct.,BY FAITH THE WALLS OF JERICHO…,page 51
4th week of Oct., HOW TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH? - (I)..,page 56
5th week of Oct., HOW TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH? - (II)..,page 63

1st week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: LOVE - (I),page 69
2nd week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: JOY - (II), page 75
3rd week of Nov.,THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: PEACE - (III),page 79
4th week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: KINDNESS – (IV),page 87

1st week of Dec., THE PROMISE OF THE COMING OF…., page 93
2nd week of Dec., THE BIRTH OF ST. JOHN…., page 97
3rd week of Dec., MARY VISITS ELIZABETH…, page 101
4th week of Dec., THE NEW YEAR….,page 106

1st week of Jan.CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS, page 112
2nd week of Jan., THEY OFFERED HIM GIFTS…., page 114
3rd week of Jan.,EPIPHANY…,page 119
4th week of Jan., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (I), page 127
5th week of Jan., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (II)…, page 137

1st week of Feb., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (III), page 145
2nd week of Feb., DOES IT BELONG TO YOU?...,(taken from the 4th week of
May, page 245)
KINGDOM- (I)…., (taken from the 1st week of March, page 179)
4th week of Feb., CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (II).., (taken from the 2nd
week of March, page 185)

1st week of March,CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (III).., (taken from the
third week of March, page 191)
2nd week of March, CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (IV).., (taken from the 4th
week of March, page 197)
3rd week of March, PALM SUNDAY…, (taken from the 1st week of April, page
4th week of March,THE HOLY WEEK (THE PASCHA), (taken from the 2nd
week of April, page 209)

1st week of April, GOOD FRIDAY, (taken from the 3rd week of April, page 216)
2nd week of April, RESSURRECTION OF CHRIST…, (taken from the 4th week
of April, page 223)
3rd week of April, THE LORD JESUS GRANTED HIS…, (taken from the 1st
week of May,page 230)
4th week of April, THE DIVINE LITURGY- (I), (taken from the 2nd week of
Feb., page 154)

1st week of May, THE DIVINE LITURGY- (II), (taken from the 3rd week of
Feb., page 162)
2nd week of May, THE DIVINE LITURGY- (III), (taken from the 4th week of
Feb.,page 172)
3rd week of May,THE ASCENSION FEAST…., (taken from the 1st week of
June, page 252)
4th week of May, PENTECOST…., (taken from the 2nd week of June, page 258)

1st week of June, THE LIFE OF SAINT JOHN…., (taken from the 2nd week of
May, page 234)
2nd week of June, ST. AUGUSTINE "THE SON OF TEARS", (taken from the
3rd week of May, page 239)
3rd week of June, THE COMMEMORATION OF THE SAINTS, page 264
4th week of June, PROPER BEHAVIOUR IN THE CHURCH, page 270

1st week of July, THE RETURN OF ST. MARK’S…., page 274
2nd week of July, THE APOSTLES’ FEAST…., page 282
3rd week of July, PSALMS OF DAVID: PSALM 19…., page 290
4th week of July, PSALMS OF DAVID: PSALM 23...,page 296
5th week of July, GOD IS READY TO FORGIVE...,page 302

1st week of Aug., GOD’S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM - I,page 308
2nd week of Aug., GOD’S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM - II,page 313
3rd week of Aug., THE VIRGIN MARY AND THE LIFE…,page 317
4th week of Aug., THE NEED OF THE HUMAN BEING…,page 323

(When Easter is on the third week of April)
(In the following Years: 2006, 2011, 2014, 2022, 2025, 2033, 2036, 2038, 2041, 2044,
2047, 2049)

1st week of Sept., JESUS HEALS BLIND BARTIMAEUS, page 12
2nd week of Sept.,El Nayrouz Feast …., page 16
3rd week of Sept., THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS…,page 24
4th week of Sept., THE FEAST OF THE ELEVATION…, page 33

1st week of Oct., THE STRENGTH OF FAITH…, page 39
2nd week of Oct., THANKSGIVING TO GOD…, page 45
3rd week of Oct.,BY FAITH THE WALLS OF JERICHO…,page 51
4th week of Oct., HOW TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH? - (I)..,page 56
5th week of Oct., HOW TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH? - (II)..,page 63

1st week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: LOVE - (I),page 69
2nd week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: JOY - (II), page 75
3rd week of Nov.,THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: PEACE - (III),page 79
4th week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: KINDNESS – (IV),page 87

1st week of Dec., THE PROMISE OF THE COMING OF…., page 93
2nd week of Dec., THE BIRTH OF ST. JOHN…., page 97
3rd week of Dec., MARY VISITS ELIZABETH…, page 101
4th week of Dec., THE NEW YEAR….,page 106

1st week of Jan.CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS, page 112
2nd week of Jan., THEY OFFERED HIM GIFTS…., page 114
3rd week of Jan.,EPIPHANY…,page 119
4th week of Jan., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (I), page 127
5th week of Jan., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (II)…, page 137

1st week of Feb., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (III), page 145
2nd week of Feb., DOES IT BELONG TO YOU?...,(taken from the 4th week of
May, page 245)
3rd week of Feb., THE LIFE OF SAINT JOHN…., (taken from the 2nd week of
May, page 234)
KINGDOM- (I)…., (taken from the 1st week of March, page 179)

1st week of March,CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (II).., (taken from the 2nd
week of March, page 185)
2nd week of March, CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (III).., (taken from the
third week of March, page 191)
3rd week of March, CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (IV).., (taken from the 4th
week of March, page 197)
4th week of March,PALM SUNDAY…, (taken from the 1st week of April, page

1st week of April, THE HOLY WEEK (THE PASCHA), (taken from the 2nd
week of April, page 209)
2nd week of April, GOOD FRIDAY, (taken from the 3rd week of April, page 216)
3rd week of April, RESSURRECTION OF CHRIST…, (taken from the 4th week
of April, page 223)
4th week of April, THE LORD JESUS GRANTED HIS…, (taken from the 1st
week of May,page 230)

1st week of May, THE DIVINE LITURGY- (I), (taken from the 2nd week of Feb.,
page 154)
2nd week of May, THE DIVINE LITURGY- (II), (taken from the 3rd week of
Feb., page 162)
3rd week of May,THE DIVINE LITURGY- (III), (taken from the 4th week of
Feb.,page 172)
4th week of May, THE ASCENSION FEAST…., (taken from the 1st week of
June, page 252)

1st week of June, PENTECOST…., (taken from the 2nd week of June, page 258)
2nd week of June, ST. AUGUSTINE "THE SON OF TEARS", (taken from the
3rd week of May, page 239)
3rd week of June, THE COMMEMORATION OF THE SAINTS, page 264
4th week of June, PROPER BEHAVIOUR IN THE CHURCH,page 270

1st week of July, THE RETURN OF ST. MARK’S…., page 274
2nd week of July, THE APOSTLES’ FEAST…., page 282
3rd week of July, PSALMS OF DAVID: PSALM 19…., page 290
4th week of July, PSALMS OF DAVID: PSALM 23...,page 296
5th week of July, GOD IS READY TO FORGIVE...,page 302

1st week of Aug., GOD’S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM - I,page 308
2nd week of Aug., GOD’S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM - II,page 313
3rd week of Aug., THE VIRGIN MARY AND THE LIFE…,page 317
4th week of Aug., THE NEED OF THE HUMAN BEING…,page 323

(When Easter is on the first week of May)
(In the Following Years: 2013, 2016, 2021, 2024, 2027, 2032, 2040, 2043)

1st week of Sept., JESUS HEALS BLIND BARTIMAEUS, page 12
2nd week of Sept.,El Nayrouz Feast …., page 16
3rd week of Sept., THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS…,page 24
4th week of Sept., THE FEAST OF THE ELEVATION…, page 33

1st week of Oct., THE STRENGTH OF FAITH…, page 39
2nd week of Oct., THANKSGIVING TO GOD…, page 45
3rd week of Oct.,BY FAITH THE WALLS OF JERICHO…,page 51
4th week of Oct., HOW TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH? - (I)..,page 56
5th week of Oct., HOW TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH? - (II)..,page 63

1st week of Nov.,THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: LOVE - (I),page 69
2nd week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: JOY - (II), page 75
3rd week of Nov.,THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: PEACE - (III),page 79
4th week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: KINDNESS – (IV),page 87

1st week of Dec., THE PROMISE OF THE COMING OF…., page 93
2nd week of Dec., THE BIRTH OF ST. JOHN…., page 97
3rd week of Dec., MARY VISITS ELIZABETH…, page 101
4th week of Dec., THE NEW YEAR….,page 106

1st week of Jan.CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS, page 112
2nd week of Jan., THEY OFFERED HIM GIFTS…., page 114
3rd week of Jan.,EPIPHANY…,page 119
4th week of Jan., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (I), page 127
5th week of Jan., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (II)…, page 137

1st week of Feb., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (III), page 145
2nd week of Feb., THE DIVINE LITURGY- (I), page 154
3rd week of Feb., THE DIVINE LITURGY- (II),page 162
4th week of Feb., THE DIVINE LITURGY- (III), page 172

1st week of March,DOES IT BELONG TO YOU?...,(taken from the 4th week of
May, page 245)
(I)….,(taken from the 1 week of March, page 179)
3rd week of March, CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (II).., (taken from the 2nd
week of March, page 185)
4th week of March, CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (III).., (taken from the
third week of March, page 191)

1st week of April, CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (IV).., (taken from the 4th
week of March, page 197)
2nd week of April, PALM SUNDAY…, (taken from the 1st week of April, page
3rd week of April, THE HOLY WEEK (THE PASCHA), (taken from the 2nd
week of April, page 209)
4th week of April, GOOD FRIDAY, (taken from the 3rd week of April, page 216)

1st week of May, RESSURRECTION OF CHRIST…, (taken from the 4th week
of April, page 223)
2nd week of May, THE LORD JESUS GRANTED HIS…, (taken from the 1st
week of May,page 230)
3rd week of May,THE LIFE OF SAINT JOHN…., (taken from the 2nd week of
May, page 234)
4th week of May, ST. AUGUSTINE "THE SON OF TEARS", (taken from the
3rd week of May, page 239)

1st week of June, THE COMMEMORATION OF THE SAINTS,(taken from the
3rd week of June, page 264)
2nd week of June, THE ASCENSION FEAST…., (taken from the 1st week of
June, page 252)
3rd week of June, PENTECOST…., (taken from the 2nd week of June, page 258)
4th week of June, PROPER BEHAVIOUR IN THE CHURCH,page 270

1st week of July, THE RETURN OF ST. MARK’S…., page 274
2nd week of July, THE APOSTLES’ FEAST…., page 282
3rd week of July, PSALMS OF DAVID: PSALM 19…., page 290
4th week of July, PSALMS OF DAVID: PSALM 23...,page 296
5th week of July, GOD IS READY TO FORGIVE...,page 302

1st week of Aug., GOD’S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM - I,page 308
2nd week of Aug., GOD’S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM - II,page 313
3rd week of Aug., THE VIRGIN MARY AND THE LIFE…,page 317
4th week of Aug., THE NEED OF THE HUMAN BEING…,page 323

(When Easter is on the second week of May)
(In the following Years: 2051)

1st week of Sept., JESUS HEALS BLIND BARTIMAEUS, page 12
2nd week of Sept.,El Nayrouz Feast …., page 16
3rd week of Sept., THE PARABLE OF THE TALENTS…,page 24
4th week of Sept., THE FEAST OF THE ELEVATION…, page 33

1st week of Oct., THE STRENGTH OF FAITH…, page 39
2nd week of Oct., THANKSGIVING TO GOD…, page 45
3rd week of Oct.,BY FAITH THE WALLS OF JERICHO…,page 51
4th week of Oct., HOW TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH? - (I)..,page 56
5th week of Oct., HOW TO GROW IN YOUR FAITH? - (II)..,page 63

1st week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: LOVE - (I),page 69
2nd week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: JOY - (II), page 75
3rd week of Nov.,THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: PEACE - (III),page 79
4th week of Nov., THE FRUIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: KINDNESS – (IV),page 87

1st week of Dec., THE PROMISE OF THE COMING OF…., page 93
2nd week of Dec., THE BIRTH OF ST. JOHN…., page 97
3rd week of Dec., MARY VISITS ELIZABETH…, page 101
4th week of Dec., THE NEW YEAR….,page 106

1st week of Jan.CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS, page 112
2nd week of Jan., THEY OFFERED HIM GIFTS…., page 114
3rd week of Jan.,EPIPHANY…,page 119
4th week of Jan., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (I), page 127
5th week of Jan., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (II)…, page 137

1st week of Feb., THE LIFE OF PRAYER - (III), page 145
2nd week of Feb., THE DIVINE LITURGY- (I), page 154
3rd week of Feb., THE DIVINE LITURGY- (II),page 162
4th week of Feb., THE DIVINE LITURGY- (III), page 172

1st week of March,DOES IT BELONG TO YOU?...,(taken from the 4th week of
May, page 245)
2nd week of March, THE LIFE OF SAINT JOHN…., (taken from the 2nd week
of May, page 234)
(I)….,(taken from the 1 week of March, page 179)
4th week of March, CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (II).., (taken from the 2nd
week of March, page 185)

1st week of April, CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (III).., (taken from the third
week of March, page 191)
2nd week of April, CHRIST AND... HIS KINGDOM- (IV).., (taken from the 4th
week of March, page 197)
3rd week of April, PALM SUNDAY…, (taken from the 1st week of April, page
4th week of April, THE HOLY WEEK (THE PASCHA), (taken from the 2nd
week of April, page 209)

1st week of May, GOOD FRIDAY, (taken from the 3rd week of April, page 216)
2nd week of May, RESSURRECTION OF CHRIST…, (taken from the 4th week
of April, page 223)
3rd week of May,THE LORD JESUS GRANTED HIS…, (taken from the 1st
week of May,page 230)
4th week of May, ST. AUGUSTINE "THE SON OF TEARS", (taken from the
3rd week of May, page 239)

1st week of June, THE COMMEMORATION OF THE SAINTS,(taken from the
3rd week of June, page 264)
2nd week of June, PROPER BEHAVIOUR IN THE CHURCH,(taken from the
4th week of June, page 270)
3rd week of June, THE ASCENSION FEAST…., (taken from the 1st week of
June, page 252)
4th week of June, PENTECOST…., (taken from the 2nd week of June, page 258)

1st week of July, THE RETURN OF ST. MARK’S…., page 274
2nd week of July, THE APOSTLES’ FEAST…., page 282
3rd week of July, PSALMS OF DAVID: PSALM 19…., page 290
4th week of July, PSALMS OF DAVID: PSALM 23...,page 296
5th week of July, GOD IS READY TO FORGIVE...,page 302

1st week of Aug., GOD’S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM - I,page 308
2nd week of Aug., GOD’S COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM - II,page 313
3rd week of Aug., THE VIRGIN MARY AND THE LIFE…,page 317
4th week of Aug., THE NEED OF THE HUMAN BEING…,page 323


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