Chapter 2

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36 Structure of atom


Structure of atom

John Dalton 1808, believed that matter is made (ii) Cathode rays produce mechanical effect, as
up of extremely minute indivisible particles, called
atom which can takes part in chemical reactions. These
can neither be created nor be destroyed. However,
modern researches have conclusively proved that atom
ID they can rotate the wheel placed in their
(iii) Cathode rays consist of negatively charged
particles known as electron.
is no longer an indivisible particle. Modern structure of
(iv) Cathode rays travel with high speed
atom is based on Rutherford’s scattering experiment on approaching that of light (ranging between
atoms and on the concepts of quantization of energy. 10 9 to 10 11 cm/sec)
Composition of atom

(v) Cathode rays can cause fluorescence.

The works of J.J. Thomson and Ernst Rutherford (vi) Cathode rays heat the object on which they
actually laid the foundation of the modern picture of the fall due to transfer of kinetic energy to the
atom. It is now believed that the atom consists of several object.
sub-atomic particles like electron, proton, neutron, (vii) When cathode rays fall on solids such
positron, neutrino, meson etc. Out of these particles, the as Cu, X  rays are produced.
electron, proton and the neutron are called fundamental (viii) Cathode rays possess ionizing power i.e.,

subatomic particles and others are non-fundamental they ionize the gas through which they pass.
particles. (ix) The cathode rays produce scintillation on the
Electron (–1eo) photographic plates.

(1) It was discovered by J.J. Thomson (1897) and (x) They can penetrate through thin metallic
is negatively charged particle. Electron is a component sheets.
particle of cathode rays. (xi) The nature of these rays does not depend upon

the nature of gas or the cathode material used

(2) Cathode rays were discovered by William
in discharge tube.
Crooke's & J.J. Thomson (1880) using a cylindrical
hard glass tube fitted with two metallic electrodes. The (xii) The e/m (charge to mass ratio) for
tube has a side tube with a stop cock. This tube was cathode rays was found to be the same as that
known as discharge tube. They passed electricity for an e  (1.76  10 8 coloumb per gm). Thus,
(10,000V) through a discharge tube at very low the cathode rays are a stream of electrons.
pressure ( 10 2 to 10 3 mm Hg) . Blue rays were emerged (xiii) According to Einstein’s theory of
from the cathode. These rays were termed as Cathode relativity, mass of electron in motion is, m 
rays. Rest mass of electron(m )

(3) Properties of Cathode rays [1  (u / c) 2 ]
(i) Cathode rays travel in straight line.
Structure of atom 37
Where u = velocity of electron, c= velocity of and observed the formation of anode rays. These rays
light. also termed as positive or canal rays.
When u=c than mass of moving electron =. (3) Properties of anode rays

Proton (1H1, H+, P) (i) Anode rays travel in straight line.

(ii) Anode rays are material particles.
(1) Proton was discovered by Goldstein and is
positively charged particle. It is a component particle (iii) Anode rays are positively charged.
of anode rays.
(2) Goldstein (1886) used perforated cathode in
the discharge tube and repeated Thomson's experiment
Table : 2.1 Comparison of mass, charge and specific charge of electron, proton and neutron

Name of constant Unit Electron(e–) Proton(p+) Neutron(n)
Amu 0.000546 1.00728 1.00899
–31 –27
Mass (m) Kg 9.109 × 10 1.673 × 10 1.675 × 10–27
Relative 1/1837 1 1

Coulomb (C) – 1.602 × 10–19 +1.602 × 10–19 Zero
–10 –10
Charge(e) Esu – 4.8 × 10 +4.8 × 10 Zero
Relative –1 +1 Zero
Specific charge (e/m) C/g 1.76 × 108 9.58 × 104 Zero

Gram / cc
ID 2.17  10 17

The atomic mass unit (amu) is 1/12 of the mass of an individual atom of

Table : 2.2 Other non fundamental particles

1 .114  10 14
, i.e. 1 .660  10
kg .
1 .5  10 14
Particle Symbol Nature Charge esu Mass Discovered by
10 –10
 
Positron e , 1e , 
0 + + 4.8029 0.0005486 Anderson (1932)

Neutrino  0 0 < 0.00002 Pauli (1933) and Fermi (1934)

Anti-proton p – – 4.8029 1.00787 Chamberlain Sugri (1956) and Weighland
Positive mu meson
 + + 4.8029 0.1152 Yukawa (1935)

Negative mu meson
 – – 4.8029 0.1152 Anderson (1937)

Positive pi meson  + + 4.8029 0.1514

Negative pi meson  – – 4.8029 0.1514 Powell (1947)


Neutral pi meson 0 0 0 0.1454


(iv) Anode rays may get deflected by external (viii) These rays produce flashes of light on ZnS
magnetic field. screen.

(v) Anode rays also affect the photographic plate. Neutron (on1, N)

(vi) The e/m ratio of these rays is smaller than (1) Neutron was discovered by James Chadwick
that of electrons. (1932) according to the following nuclear reaction,

(vii) Unlike cathode rays, their e/m value is 4 Be 9  2 He 4  6 C 12  o n 1

dependent upon the nature of the gas taken in the tube.
It is maximum when gas present in the tube is or 5 B 11  2 He 4  7 N 14  o n 1
38 Structure of atom
(2) Neutron is an unstable particle. It decays as (iii) Atomic number = Number of positive charge
follows, on nucleus = Number of protons in nucleus = Number
of electrons in nutral atom.
 1 H 1   0
1 0 0
0n 1 e (iv) Two different elements can never have
neutron Proton electon antinutrin o
identical atomic number.
Atomic number, Mass number and Atomic species (2) Mass number
(1) Atomic number or Nuclear charge Mass number (A) = Number of protons or Atomic
(i) The number of protons present in the nucleus number (Z) + Number of neutrons or Number of
of the atom is called atomic number (Z). neutrons = A – Z .
(i) Since mass of a proton or a neutron is not a

(ii) It was determined by Moseley as,
s whole number (on atomic weight scale), weight is not
  a(Z  b) or aZ  ab necessarily a whole number.
Where,   X  ray’s frequency Fig. 2.1
(ii) The atom of an element X having mass
number (A) and atomic number (Z) may be represented
Z= atomic number of the metal a&b are
by a symbol, XA.

constant. Z

Table: 2.3 Different types of atomic species

Atomic species Similarities Differences Examples

(i) Atomic No. (Z) (i) Mass No. (A) (i) 11 H , 12 H , 13 H

(ii) No. of protons
(iii) No. of electrons
(iv) Electronic configuration
(v) Chemical properties
(ii) No. of neutrons
(iii) Physical properties

16 17

8 O, 8 O, 8 O

Cl , 17 Cl
(vi) Position in the periodic

(i) Mass No. (A) (i) Atomic No. (Z) (i) 40

Ar , 19 K , 40
20 Ca

(ii) No. of nucleons (ii) No. of protons, electrons 130

(ii) 52 Te , 130 130
54 Xe , 56 Ba
and neutrons
Isobars (iii)Electronic configuration
(iv) Chemical properties

(v) Position in the perodic

No. of neutrons (i) Atomic No. (i) 30 31
Si , 15 32
P, 16 S


(ii) Mass No., protons and 39

(ii) 19 K , 40
20 Ca
(iii) H , 42 He

(iii) Electronic configuration 1

(iv) Physical and chemical (iv) 13 14
6 C, 7 N
(v) Position in the periodic
Isotopic No. (i) At No., mass No., (i) 92 U 235 , 90 Th 231
(N – Z) or (A – 2Z) electrons, protons, neutrons.
Isodiaphers (ii) 19 K 39 , 9 F 19
(ii) Physical and chemical
properties. (iii) 29 Cu , 24 Cr 55
Structure of atom 39
(i) No. of electrons At. No., mass No. (i) N 2 O, CO 2 , CNO  (22 e  )
(ii) Electronic configuration
(ii) CO , CN  , N 2 (14 e  )
species (iii) H  , He , Li  , Be 2  (2e  )

P 3  , S 2  , Cl  , Ar , K  and Ca 2  (18 e  )

(i) No. of atoms (i) N 2 and CO

(ii) No. of electrons (ii) CO 2 and N 2 O

(iii) Physical and chemical
Isosters (iii) HCl and F2
(iv) CaO and MgS

(v) C6 H 6 and B3 N 3 H 6

denoted by the symbol  (nu) and is expressed in terms
Electromagnetic radiations of cycles (or waves) per second (cps) or hertz (Hz).
(1) Light and other forms of radiant energy   distance travelled in one second = velocity =c
propagate without any medium in the space in the form c
 
of waves are known as electromagnetic radiations. 
These waves can be produced by a charged body
moving in a magnetic field or a magnet in a electric
field. e.g.   rays,   rays, cosmic rays, ordinary light
rays etc.
ID (iii) Velocity : It is defined as the distance
covered in one second by the wave. It is denoted by the
letter ‘c’. All electromagnetic waves travel with the
same velocity, i.e., 3  10 10 cm / sec .
(2) Characteristics
c    3  10 10 cm / sec
(i) All electromagnetic radiations travel with the
velocity of light. (iv) Wave number : This is the reciprocal of
wavelength, i.e., the number of wavelengths per

(ii) These consist of electric and magnetic

centimetre. It is denoted by the symbol  (nu bar). It is
fields components that oscillate in directions
perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to expressed in cm 1 or m 1 .
the direction in which the wave is travelling. 1
 
(3) A wave is always characterized by the 
following five characteristics, (v) Amplitude : It is defined as the height of the
(i) Wavelength : The distance between two crest or depth of the trough of a wave. It is denoted by

nearest crests or nearest troughs is called the the letter ‘A’. It determines the intensity of the
wavelength. It is denoted by  (lambda) and is radiation.
measured is terms of centimeter(cm), angstrom(Å), The arrangement of various types of

micron(  ) or nanometre
Crest (nm).
Wavelengt electromagnetic radiations in the order of their
h increasing or decreasing wavelengths or frequencies is
source known as electromagnetic spectrum.

Energy Table: 2.4

Name Wavelength (Å) Frequency (Hz)
Radio wave 3  10 14  3  10 7 1  10 5  1  10 9
Trough Microwave 3  10 7  6  10 6 1  10 9  5  10 11
Fig. 2.2
Infrared (IR) 6  10 6  7600 5  10 11  3 .95  10 16
Visible 7600  3800 3.95  10 16  7.9  10 14
1 Å  10 8 cm  10 10 m ; 1  10 4 cm  10 6 m ;
Ultraviolet 3800  150 7.9  10 14  2  10 16
7 9
1nm  10 cm  10 m ; 1cm  10 Å  10   10 nm
8 4 7 (UV)
X-Rays 150  0.1 2  10 16  3  10 19
(ii) Frequency : It is defined as the number of
  Rays 0.1  0.01 3  10 19  3  10 20
waves which pass through a point in one second. It is
Cosmic Rays 0.01- zero 3  10 20  infinity
40 Structure of atom
Atomic spectrum - Hydrogen spectrum

Atomic spectrum
Spectrum is the impression produced on a
photographic film when the radiation (s) of particular (2) This model failed to explain the line spectrum
wavelength (s) is (are) analysed through a prism or of an element and the scattering experiment of
diffraction grating. Rutherford.
Types of spectrum Rutherford's nuclear model
(1) Emission spectrum : Spectrum produced by
(1) Rutherford carried out experiment on the
the emitted radiation is known as emission spectrum.
bombardment of thin (10–4 mm) Au foil with high speed

This spectrum corresponds to the radiation emitted
(energy evolved) when an excited electron returns back positively charged   particles emitted from Ra and
to the ground state. gave the following observations based on this
(i) Continuous spectrum : When sunlight is passed experiment,
through a prism, it gets dispersed into continuous bands (i) Most of the   particles passed without any

of different colours. If the light of an incandescent object deflection.
resolved through prism or spectroscope, it also gives
(ii) Some of them were deflected away from their
continuous spectrum of colours.
(ii) Line spectrum : If the radiation’s obtained by
(iii) Only a few (one in about 10,000) were
the excitation of a substance are analysed with help of
returned back to their original direction of
a spectroscope a series of thin bright lines of specific
colours are obtained. There is dark space in between
two consecutive lines. This type of spectrum is called
line spectrum or atomic spectrum..


(2) Absorption spectrum : Spectrum produced by

the absorbed radiations is called absorption spectrum. Nucleus
Hydrogen spectrum

(1) Hydrogen spectrum is an example of line

emission spectrum or atomic emission spectrum.
Fig. 2.4 ZnS
(2) When an electric discharge is passed through screen
hydrogen gas at low pressure, a bluish light is emitted.
(3) This light shows discontinuous line spectrum (2) From the above observations he concluded
of several isolated sharp lines through prism. that, an atom consists of
(i) Nucleus which is small in size but carries the

(4) All these lines of H-spectrum have Lyman,

Balmer, Paschen, Barckett, Pfund and Humphrey series. entire mass i.e. contains all the neutrons and protons.
These spectral series were named by the name of (ii) Extra nuclear part which contains electrons.
scientist discovered them. This model was similar to the solar system.

(5) To evaluate wavelength of various H-lines Ritz (3) Properties of the nucleus
introduced the following expression, (i) Nucleus is a small, heavy, positively charged
portion of the atom and located at the centre of the

1  1 1 
    R 2  2  atom.
 c  n1 n 2 
(ii) All the positive charge of atom (i.e. protons)
Where R is universal constant known as Rydberg’s are present in nucleus.
constant its value is 109, 678 cm 1 . (iii) Nucleus contains neutrons and protons, and
Plum pudding model of Thomson hence these particles collectively are also referred to as
(1) He suggected that atom is a positively
(iv) The size of nucleus is measured in Fermi (1
charged sphere having electrons embedded uniformly Fermi = 10–13 cm).
giving an overall picture of plum pudding.
Positively (v) The radius of nucleus is of the order of
+ – + charged sphere 1 .5  10 13 cm . to 6 .5  10 13 cm . i.e. 1.5 to 6.5 Fermi.
– –
+ – +
+ Electron
+ – unifromly
– + embedded
Positive charge spreaded throughout the
Fig. 2.3
Structure of atom 41
Generally the radius of the nucleus ( rn ) is given by the This phenomenon is called photoelectric effect and the
following relation, electrons emitted are called photo-electrons. The
current constituted by photoelectrons is known as
rn  ro ( 1 . 4  10 13 cm )  A 1 / 3 photoelectric current.
This exhibited that nucleus is 10 5 times small in (2) The electrons are ejected only if the radiation
size as compared to the total size of atom. striking the surface of the metal has at least a
minimum frequency ( 0 ) called Threshold frequency.
(vi) The Volume of the nucleus is about 10 39 cm 3
The minimum potential at which the plate photoelectric
and that of atom is 10 24 cm 3 , i.e., volume of the nucleus
current becomes zero is called stopping potential.
is 10 15 times that of an atom. (3) The velocity or kinetic energy of the electron

(vii) The density of the nucleus is of the order of ejected depend upon the frequency of the incident
10 15 g cm 3 or 10 8 tonnes cm 3 or 10 12 kg / cc . If nucleus radiation and is independent of its intensity.
is spherical than, (4) The number of photoelectrons ejected is
proportional to the intensity of incident radiation.
(5) Einstein’s photoelectric effect equation
mass of the nucleus mass number

=  According to Einstein,
volume of the nucleus 4
6 .023  10 23  r 3 Maximum kinetic energy of the ejected electron =
absorbed energy – threshold energy
(4) Drawbacks of Rutherford's model
1 1 1 
(i) It does not obey the Maxwell theory of 2
mv max  h   h  0  hc   
2    0 
electrodynamics, according to it “A small charged
particle moving around an oppositely charged centre
continuously loses its energy”. If an electron does so, it
should also continuously lose its energy and should set
up spiral motion ultimately failing into the nucleus.
ID Where,  0 and 0 are threshold frequency and
threshold wavelength.
Bohr’s atomic model
Bohr retained the essential features of the
(ii) It could not explain the line spectra of H 
Rutherford model of the atom. However, in order to
atom and discontinuous spectrum nature. account for the stability of the atom he introduced the
Planck's quantum theory concept of the stationary orbits. The Bohr postulates

When black body is heated, it emits thermal
radiation’s of different wavelengths or frequency. To (1) An atom consists of positively charged nucleus
explain these radiations, max planck put forward a responsible for almost the entire mass of the atom
theory known as planck’s quantum theory. (This assumption is retention of Rutherford model).
(i) The radiant energy which is emitted or (2) The electrons revolve around the nucleus in
absorbed by the black body is not continuous but certain permitted circular orbits of definite radii.

discontinuous in the form of small discrete packets of

energy, each such packet of energy is called a (3) The permitted orbits are those for which the
'quantum'. In case of light, the quantum of energy is angular momentum of an electron is an intergral
multiple of h / 2 where h is the Planck’s constant. If

called a 'photon'.
(ii) The energy of each quantum is directly m is the mass and v is the velocity of the electron in a
proportional to the frequency (  ) of the radiation, i.e. permitted orbit of radius r, then

hc nh
E   or E  hv  L  mvr  ; n  1 , 2, 3, …… 
 2
Where, h  Planck's constant = 6.62×10–27 erg. Where L is the orbital angular momentum and n
sec. or 6 .62  10 34 Joules sec . is the number of orbit. The integer n is called the
(iii)The total amount of energy emitted or principal quantum number. This equation is known as
absorbed by a body will be some whole number quanta. the Bohr quantization postulate.
Hence E  nh  , where n is an integer. (4) When electrons move in permitted discrete
Photoelectric effect orbits they do not radiate or lose energy. Such orbits
are called stationary or non-radiating orbits. In this
(1) When radiations with certain minimum
manner, Bohr overcame Rutherford’s difficulty to
frequency ( 0 ) strike the surface of a metal, the
account for the stability of the atom. Greater the
electrons are ejected from the surface of the metal. distance of energy level from the nucleus, the more is
42 Structure of atom
the energy associated with it. The different energy Z2
 21 .8  10 19  J per atom (1 J  10 7 erg)
levels were numbered as 1,2,3,4 .. and called as n2
K, L, M, N, …. etc.
E  13 .6  eV per atom (1eV  1.6  10 -19 J )
(5) Ordinarily an electron continues to move n2
in a particular stationary state or orbit. Such a state Z2
of atom is called ground state. When energy is given  13 .6  k .cal / mole (1 cal = 4.18J)
to the electron it jumps to any higher energy level
1312 2
and is said to be in the excited state. When the or Z kJmol 1
electron jumps from higher to lower energy state, n2
the energy is radiated. When an electron jumps from an outer orbit

(higher energy) n2 to an inner orbit (lower
Advantages of Bohr’s theory
energy) n1 , then the energy emitted in form of radiation
(i) Bohr’s theory satisfactorily explains the
spectra of species having one electron, viz. hydrogen is given by

atom, He  , Li 2  etc. 2 2 k 2 me 4 Z 2  1 1 
E  En2  En1  
 n2  n2 

h2  1 2 
(ii) Calculation of radius of Bohr’s orbit :
According to Bohr, radius of n th orbit in which electron  1 1 
moves is  E  13 . 6 Z 2  2  2 eV / atom

 n1 n 2 
 h2  n2 1 E
rn   2 2 . As we know that E  h  , c   and    ,
 4  me k  Z 

9.1  10

n  Orbit number,
kg , e  Charge on the
Z  Atomic number of element, k = Coulombic constant
m  Mass number
electron 1.6  10 

2 2 k 2 me 4 Z 2
ch 3
 1

 1
1 

 n2  n2 
2 

 1 
1 1
9  10 9
Nm 2 c 2  This can be represented as

   RZ 2  2  2
 n1 n 2

After putting the values of m,e,k,h, we get. 2 2 k 2 me 4
Where, R  ; R is known as Rydberg

ch 3
rn   0.529 Å constant. Its value to be used is 109678 cm 1 .
(iii) Calculation of velocity of electron The negative sign in the above equations shows
1/2 that the electron and nucleus form a bound system, i.e.,
2e 2 ZK  Ze 2  the electron is attracted towards the nucleus. Thus, if
Vn  , Vn    ;
nh  mr  electron is to be taken away from the nucleus, energy

has to be supplied. The energy of the electron in n  1

2.188  10 8 Z
Vn  cm . sec 1 orbit is called the ground state energy; that in the n  2
orbit is called the first excited state energy, etc. When
(iv) Calculation of energy of electron in Bohr’s

n   then E  0 which corresponds to ionized atom

orbit i.e., the electron and nucleus are infinitely separated
Total energy of electron = K.E. + P.E. of electron H  H   e  (ionization).
kZe 2 kZe 2 kZe 2

   (6) Spectral evidence for quantisation (Explanation

2r r 2r
for hydrogen spectrum on the basisof bohr atomic model)
 2 2 mZ 2 e 4 k 2
Substituting of r, gives us E (i) The light absorbed or emitted as a result of an
n 2h2 electron changing orbits produces characteristic
Where, n=1, 2, 3……….  absorption or emission spectra which can be recorded
Putting the value of m, e, k, h,  we get on the photographic plates as a series of lines, the
optical spectrum of hydrogen consists of several series
E  21 .8  10 12  erg per atom of lines called Lyman, Balmar, Paschen, Brackett,
Pfund and Humphrey. These spectral series were
named by the name of scientist who discovered them.
(ii) To evaluate wavelength of various H-lines
Ritz introduced the following expression,
Structure of atom 43
1  1 1  (vi) Thus, at least for the hydrogen atom, the Bohr
    R 2  2 
 c  n1 n 2  theory accurately describes the origin of atomic spectral
2 2me 4
Where, R is =  Rydberg's constant (7) Failure of Bohr model
ch 3
(i) Bohr theory was very successful in predicting
It's theoritical value = 109,737 cm–1 and It's and accounting the energies of line spectra of hydrogen
experimental value = 109 ,677 .581 cm 1 i.e. one electron system. It could not explain the line
spectra of atoms containing more than one electron.
This remarkable agreement between the
(ii) This theory could not explain the presence of
theoretical and experimental value was great
multiple spectral lines.
achievment of the Bohr model.

(iii) This theory could not explain the splitting of
(iii) Although H-atom consists of only one electron
spectral lines in magnetic field (Zeeman effect) and in
yet it's spectra consist of many spectral lines.
electric field (Stark effect). The intensity of these
(iv) Comparative study of important spectral
spectral lines was also not explained by the Bohr
series of Hydrogen is shown in following table.

atomic model.
(v) If an electron from nth excited state comes to
various energy states, the maximum spectral lines (iv) This theory was unable to explain of dual
nature of matter as explained on the basis of De
n(n  1)
obtained will be = . n= principal quantum broglies concept.
(v) This theory could not explain uncertainty
principle. (vi) No conclusion was given for the

As n=6 than total number of spectral lines
6(6  1) 30

 15 .
Table: 2.5
concept of quantisation of energy.
S.No Spectral Lies in Transition n12n22 n12  max n2
max   min   2 2 2
. series the n2  n1 (n22  n12 )R R  min n 2  n1

(1) Lymen Ultraviole n1  1 n1  1 and n 2  2 n1  1 and n 2  

series t region 4
n 2  2,3,4....  4 1
 max   m in  3
3R R

(2) Balmer Visible n1  2 n1  2 and n 2  3 n1  2 and n2  

series region

n 2  3,4,5....  36 4 9
 max   m in 
5R R 5

(3) Paschen Infra red n1 = 3 n1  3 and n 2  4 n1  3 and n 2  


series region n 2  4,5,6....  144 9
 max   m in  7
7R R
(4) Brackett Infra red n1  4 n1  4 and n2  5 n1  4 and n 2  

series region 25
n 2  5,6,7....  16  25 16
max   m in  9
9R R

(5) Pfund Infra red n1  5 n1  5 and n 2  6 n1  5 and n 2  

series region n 2  6,7,8....  25  36 25
 max   min  11
11 R R
(6) Humphrey Far n1  6 n1  6 and n 2  7 n1  6 and n 2  
series infrared n 2  7,8....  36  49 36
region  max   m in  13
13 R R

Bohr–Sommerfeild’s model
44 Structure of atom
It is an extension of Bohr’s model. The electrons (7) The de-Broglie equation is applicable to all
in an atom revolve around the nuclei in elliptical orbit. material objects but it has significance only in case of
The circular path is a special case of ellipse. microscopic particles. Since, we come across
Association of elliptical orbits with circular orbit macroscopic objects in our everyday life, de-broglie
explains the fine line spectrum of atoms. relationship has no significance in everyday life.

Dual nature of electron Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle

(1) In 1924, the French physicist, Louis de Broglie This principle states “It is impossible to specify
suggested that if light has both particle and wave like at any given moment both the position and momentum
nature, the similar duality must be true for matter. (velocity) of an electron”.
Thus an electron, behaves both as a material particle

and as a wave. Mathematically it is represented as , x . p 
(2) This presented a new wave mechanical theory
Where x  uncertainty is position of the particle,
of matter. According to this theory, small particles like
p  uncertainty in the momentum of the particle
electrons when in motion possess wave properties.

Now since p  m v
(3) According to de-broglie, the wavelength
associated with a particle of mass m, moving with h
So equation becomes, x . m v  or
velocity v is given by the relation 4
, where h = Planck’s constant. x  v 
mv 4 m

(4) This can be derived as follows according to

Planck’s equation, E  h  
h.c 
 
   
ID In terms of uncertainty in energy, E and
uncertainty in time  t, this principle is written as,

E . t 
energy of photon (on the basis of Einstein’s mass
Schrödinger wave equation
energy relationship), E  mc 2
(1) Schrodinger wave equation is given by Erwin
hc h

Equating both  mc 2
or   which is same Schrödinger in 1926 and based on dual nature of
 mc
as de-Broglie relation.  mc  p 
(2) In it electron is described as a three dimensional
(5) This was experimentally verified by Davisson wave in the electric field of a positively charged nucleus.
and Germer by observing diffraction effects with an
(3) The probability of finding an electron at any
electron beam. Let the electron is accelerated with a
potential of V than the Kinetic energy is point around the nucleus can be determined by the help

of Schrodinger wave equation which is,

mv 2  eV ; m 2 v 2  2eVm
2 2 2 2 8 2m
   (E  V )   0

x 2 y 2 z 2 h2
mv  2eVm  P ;  
2eVm Where x, y and z are the 3 space co-ordinates, m
= mass of electron, h = Planck’s constant, E = Total

(6) If Bohr’s theory is associated with de-Broglie’s

equation then wave length of an electron can be energy, V = potential energy of electron,  =
determined in bohr’s orbit and relate it with amplitude of wave also called as wave function,  = for
circumference and multiply with a whole number an infinitesimal change.
2r (4) The Schrodinger wave equation can also be
2r  n  or  
n written as,
h 8 2m
From de-Broglie equation,   . 2   (E  V )   0
h 2r nh Where  = laplacian operator.
Thus  or mvr 
mv n 2
(5) Physical significance of  and  2
Structure of atom 45
(i) The wave function  represents the (v) It gives the information of orbit K, L, M, N-----
amplitude of the electron wave. The amplitude  is -------.
thus a function of space co-ordinates and time i.e.
(vi) Angular momentum can also be calculated
  (x, y, z...... times )
using principle quantum number
(ii) For a single particle, the square of the wave (2) Azimuthal quantum number (l)
function ( 2 ) at any point is proportional to the
(i) Azimuthal quantum number is also known
probability of finding the particle at that point. as angular quantum number. Proposed by
(iii) If  2 is maximum than probability of finding Sommerfield and denoted by ‘l’.

e  is maximum around nucleus and the place where (ii) It determines the number of sub shells or
 sublevels to which the electron belongs.
probability of finding e is maximum is called electron
density, electron cloud or an atomic orbital. It is (iii) It tells about the shape of subshells.
different from the Bohr’s orbit.
(iv) It also expresses the energies of subshells

(iv) The solution of this equation provides a set of s  p  d  f (increasing energy).
number called quantum numbers which describe
(v) The value of l  (n  1) always. Where ‘n’ is the
specific or definite energy state of the electron in atom
number of principle shell.
and information about the shapes and orientations of
the most probable distribution of electrons around the (vi) Value = 0 1 2 3…..(n-
of l 1)
Radial probability distribution curves : Radial
probability is R  4r 2 dr 2 . The plats of R
from nucleus as follows
Name of

Shape of





12 (vii) It represent the orbital angular momentum.
10 5 5
4r2 dr 2

4r2 dr 2

4r2 dr 2

8 4 4 l(l  1)

Which is equal to
6 3 3 2
4 2 2
2 1 1 (viii) The maximum number of electrons in
2 4 6 8
2 4 6 8
2 4 6 8 subshell  2(2l  1)
0.53Å r(Å) 0.53Å 2.7Å r(Å) 2.1Å r(Å)
1s 2s 2s s  subshell  2 electrons d  subshell  10 electrons
Fig. 2.5

p  subshell  6 electrons f  subshell  14 electrons.

Quantum numbers
(ix) For a given value of ‘n’ the total values of ‘l’ is
Each orbital in an atom is specified by a set of
always equal to the value of ‘n’.

three quantum numbers (n, l, m) and each electron is

designated by a set of four quantum numbers (n, l, m (3) Magnetic quantum number (m)
and s).
(i) It was proposed by Zeeman and denoted by ‘m’.

(1) Principle quantum number (n)

(ii) It gives the number of permitted orientation
(i) It was proposed by Bohr and denoted by ‘n’. of subshells.
(ii) It determines the average distance between (iii) The value of m varies from –l to +l through
electron and nucleus, means it denotes the size of atom. zero.
(iii) It determine the energy of the electron in an (iv) It tells about the splitting of spectral lines in
orbit where electron is present. the magnetic field i.e. this quantum number proves the
(iv) The maximum number of an electron in Zeeman effect.
an orbit represented by this quantum number as
(v) For a given value of ‘n’ the total value of ’m’ is
2n 2 . No energy shell in atoms of known elements
equal to n 2 .
possess more than 32 electrons.
46 Structure of atom
(vi) For a given value of ‘l’ the total value of ‘m’ is (ii) The value of ' s' is  1/2 and - 1/2, which signifies
equal to (2l  1). the spin or rotation or direction of electron on it’s axis
during movement.
(vii) Degenerate orbitals : Orbitals having the
same energy are known as degenerate orbitals. e.g. for (iii) The spin may be clockwise or anticlockwise.
p subshell p x p y p z
(iv) It represents the value of spin angular
(viii) The number of degenerate orbitals of s h
momentum is equal to s(s  1).
subshell =0. 2

(4) Spin quantum numbers (s) (v) Maximum spin of an atom  1 / 2  number of

unpaired electron.
(i) It was proposed by Goldshmidt & Ulen Back
and denoted by the symbol of ‘s’. (vi) This quantum number is not the result of
solution of schrodinger equation as solved for H-atom.

Table : 2.6 Distribution of electrons among the quantum levels

Designation of Number of Orbitals in the
n l m
orbitals subshell
1 0 0 1s 1
2 0 0 2s 1


–1, 0, +1

–1, 0, +1
ID 2p


3 2 –2, –1, 0, +1, +2 3d 5

4 0 0 4s 1

4 1 –1, 0, +1 4p 3

4 2 –2, –1, 0, +1, +2 4d 5

4 3 –3, –2, –1, 0, +1, +2, +3 4f 7

(i) For ‘p’ orbital l=1, & m=+1,0,–1 means there

Shape of orbitals
are three ‘p’ orbitals, which is symbolised as p x , p y , p z .

(1) Shape of ‘s’ orbital

(ii) Shape of ‘p’ orbital is dumb bell in which the
(i) For ‘s’ orbital l=0 & m=0 so ‘s’ orbital have
two lobes on opposite side separated by the nodal
only one unidirectional orientation i.e. the probability

of finding the electrons is same in all directions.

(iii) p-orbital has directional properties.
(ii) The size and energy of ‘s’ orbital with
increasing ‘n’ will be 1s  2s  3s  4 s. Z Z Z

(iii) s-orbitals known as radial node or modal Y Y Y

surface. But there is no radial node for 1s orbital since
it is starting from the nucleus.

Px PY Pz

Fig. 2.7
(3) Shape of ‘d’ orbital
(i) For the ‘d’ orbital l =2 then the values of ‘m’
1S 2S are –2, –1, 0, +1, +2. It shows that the ‘d’ orbitals has
Fig. 2.6 five orbitals as d xy , d yz , d zx , d x 2 y 2 , d z 2 .
(2) Shape of ‘p’ orbitals
Structure of atom 47
(ii) Each ‘d’ orbital identical in shape, size and (3) Pauli’s exclusion principle
energy. According to this principle “no two electrons in an
(iii) The shape of d orbital is double dumb bell . atom will have same value of all the four quantum
(iv) It has directional properties. numbers”.
Y Y If one electron in an atom has the quantum
numbers n  1 , l  0 , m  0 and s  1 / 2 , no other
X X electron can have the same four quantum numbers. In
other words, we cannot place two electrons with the
same value of s in a 1s orbital.

Y Y The orbital diagram does not represent a
Z possible arrangement of 1s

X X Because there are only two possible values of s,

an orbital can hold not more than two electrons.

dYZ (4) Hund’s Rule of maximum multiplicity

Z This rule deals with the filling of electrons in the
orbitals having equal energy (degenerate orbitals).
According to this rule,

X ID “Electron pairing in p, d and f orbitals cannot
occur until each orbitals of a given subshell contains
one electron each or is singly occupied”.
This is due to the fact that electrons being
Fig. 2.8
identical in charge, repel each other when present in
(4) Shape of ‘f’ orbital the same orbital. This repulsion can however be

(i) For the ‘f’ orbital l=3 then the values of ‘m’ minimised if two electrons move as far apart as
are –3, –2, –1,0,+1,+2,+3. It shows that the ‘f’ orbitals possible by occupying different degenerate orbitals. All
have seven orientation as the unpaired electrons in a degenerate set of orbitals
fx (x 2  y 2 ) , fy(x 2  y 2 ) , fz(x 2  y 2 ), fxyz , fz 3 , fyz 2 and fxz 2 . will have same spin.
(ii) The ‘f’ orbital is complicated in shape. As we now know the Hund’s rule, let us see how
Rules for filling of electrons in various orbitals the three electrons are arranged in p orbitals.

The atom is built up by filling electrons in various The important point ot be remembered is that all
orbitals according to the following rules, the singly occupied orbitals should have electrons with
parallel spins i.e in the same direction either-clockwise
(1) Aufbau’s principle

or anticlockwise.
This principle states that the electrons are added
one by one to the various orbitals in order of their 2px 2py 2pz 2px 2py 2pz

increasing energy starting with the orbital of lowest or

energy. The increasing order of energy of various Electronic configurations of elements
orbitals is On the basis of the elecronic configuration
1s  2 s  2 p  3 s  3 p  4 s  3 d  4 p  5 s  4 d  5 p  6 s  4 f principles the electronic configuration of various
elements are given in the following table :
 5d  6 p  7 s  5 f  6d  7 p.........
The above method of writing the electronic
(2) (n+l) Rule configurations is quite cumbersome. Hence, usually the
In neutral isolated atom, the lower the value of (n electronic configuration of the atom of any element is
+ l) for an orbital, lower is its energy. However, if the simply represented by the notation.
two different types of orbitals have the same value of Number of
(n + l), the orbitals with lower value of n has lower electrons
nlx symbol of
principal subshell
48 Structure of atom
 The d orbital which does not have four lobes is
dz 2

 The d orbital whose lobes lie along the axis is

Some Unexpected Electronic Configuration d x 2 y 2
Some of the exceptions are important though,
because they occur with common elements, notably  Spin angular momentum  s(s  1)
chromium and copper.
Cu has 29 electrons. Its excepted electronic  Total spin   ; where n is no of unpaired e
configuration is 1s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3 s 2 3 p 6 4 s 2 3d 9 but in reality
 Magnetic moment  n(n  2) B.M. (Bohr

the configuration is 1s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3 s 2 3 p 6 4 s1 3d 10 as this

configuration is more stable. Similarly Cr has the magnetron) of n unpaired e
configuration of 1s 2 2 s 2 sp 6 3 s 2 3 p 6 4 s 1 3d 5 instead of  Ion with unpaired electron in d or f orbital will be
1s 2 2 s 2 2 p 6 3 s 2 3 p 6 4 s 2 3 d 4 .
 Exception of E.C. are Cr (24 ) , Cu (29 ) , Mo (42 ) ,

Factors responsible for the extra stability of half-
Ag (47 ) , W (74 ) , Au (79 ) .
filled and completely filled subshells,
2r h
(i) Symmetrical distribution : It is well known fact  No. of waves n  (where   )
 mv
that symmetry leads to stability. Thus the electronic
configuration in which all the orbitals of the same  No. of revolutions of e  per second is  .
subshell are either completely filled or are exactly half
filled are more stable because of symmetrical
distribution of electrons.
(ii) Exchange energy : The electrons with parallel
spins present in the degenerate orbitals tend to
ID  The solution of schrodinger wave equation gives
principal, azimuthal and magnetic quantum numbers
but not the spin quantum number.
 In the Rydberg formula, when n 2   the line
exchange their position. The energy released during produced is called the limiting line of that series.
this exchange is called exchange energy. The number of
exchanges that can take place is maximum when the  Among various forms of visible light, violet
colour has shortest wavelength, highest frequency

degenerate orbtials (orbitals of same subshell having

equal energy) are exactly half-filled or completely. As a and highest energy.
result, the exchange energy is maximum and so it the  Red coloured light has largest wavelength, least
stability. frequency and lowest energy in visible light.
 Elements give line spectra. The line spectrum is
characteristic of the excited atom producing it. No
two elements have identical line spectrum.

 The line spectrum results from the emission of

radiations from the atoms of the elements and is
therefore called as atomic spectrum.

 All lines in the visible region are of Balmer series

but reverse is not true i.e., all Balmer lines will not  Atoms give line spectra (known as atomic
fall in visible region. spectrum) and the molecules give band spectra (known
as molecular spectrum).

 A part of an atom up to penultimate shell is a

kernel or atomic core.  The negative potential at which the photoelectric
 If the energy supplied to hydrogen atom is less current becomes zero is called cut off potential or
than 13.6 eV it will awpt or absorb only those quanta stopping potential.
which can take it to a certain higher energy level i.e.,
all those photons having energy less than or more  When energy or frequency of scattered ray is
than a particular energy level will not be absorbed by lesser than the incident ray, it is known as Compton
hydrogen atom, but if energy supplied to hydrogen effect.
atom is more than 13.6eV then all photons are  The instrument used to record solar spectrum is
absorbed and excess energy appear as kinetic energy
called spectrometer or spectrograph developed by
of emitted photo electron.
Bunsen and Kirchoff in 1859.
 No of nodes in any orbital  (n  l  1)
 The intensities of spectral lines decreases with
 No of nodal planes in an orbitals  l
Structure of atom 49
increase in the value of n . For example, the intensity [IIT 1982; BITS 1988;CPMT 1977; NCERT 1974;
of first Lyman line (2  1) is greater than second line MP PMT 1992; MP PET 2002]
(3  1) and so on. (a) James Chadwick (b) William Crooks
 In Balmer series of hydrogen spectrum the first (c) J.J. Thomson (d) Rutherford
line (3  2) is also known as L line. The second line
7. The ratio of charge and mass would be greater for
(4  2) is L  line. The line from infinity energy shell [BHU 2005]
is called limiting line. (a) Proton (b) Electron
(c) Neutron (d) Alpha

Discovery and Properties of anode, cathode rays

neutron and Nuclear structure

1. A neutral atom (Atomic no. > 1) consists of

[CPMT 1982]
(a) Only protons
(b) Neutrons + protons
(c) Neutrons + electrons
(d) Neutron + proton + electron
2. The nucleus of the atom consists of
[CPMT 1973, 74, 78, 83, 84; MADT Bihar 1980;
DPMT 1982, 85; MP PMT 1999]

(a) Proton and neutron

(b) Proton and electron
(c) Neutron and electron
(d) Proton, neutron and electron
3. The size of nucleus is of the order of

[CPMT 1982; MP PMT 1991]

(a) 10 m (b) 10 8 m
(c) 10 15 m (d) 10 10 m

4. Positive ions are formed from the neutral atom by


[CPMT 1976]
(a) Increase of nuclear charge
(b) Gain of protons
(c) Loss of electrons
(d) Loss of protons
5. The electron is
[DPMT 1982; MADT Bihar 1980]

(a)  -ray particle (b)  -ray particle

(c) Hydrogen ion (d) Positron
6. Who discovered neutron

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