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Principles of

Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Marketing Principles and
Principles of Marketing – Grade 12
Quarter 3 – Module 1: Marketing Principles and Strategies

First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Region XI

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Principles of
Quarter 3 – Module 2:
Marketing Principles and
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to
use this module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress
while allowing them to manage their own learning at home.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

As a learner, you must learn to become responsible of your own
learning. Take time to read, understand, and perform the different
activities in the module.
As you go through the different activities of this module be
reminded of the following:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any
part of the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the
2. Don’t forget to answer Let Us Try before moving on to the other
3. Read the instructions carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking
your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are done.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this
module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always
bear in mind that you are not alone. We hope that through this material,
you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep understanding
of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

Let Us Learn
Let us join in the journey of understanding the basic principles of
Marketing as to its goals, and traditional and contemporary approaches in
marketing. The topics covered will give you an opening eye on the importance
of Marketing in the world of business and in our daily lives.

The pre-requisite of this subject is Organization and Management and

Applied Economics to align and connect its relationship in understanding the
principles of marketing, traditional and contemporary marketing approaches.

At the end of the module, the learners are expected to: ( Based on
a. define and understand the basic concept of principles of

b. know the goals of marketing goals; and


c. appreciate the traditional and contemporary approaches of

marketing. ABM_PM11-Ia-b-2
Let Us Try

Below is a word puzzle indicating the number items and clues given. Write
the correct answer on the space provided. (15 points)


v1 H1

H2 v7



H5 v6





V1 Concentrated on efficiency of delivery and
offer the product at lower price. ___________
V2 An activity of processes for creating,
communicating, delivering, and exchanging
offerings in order to satisfy the market needs. ___________
V3 The concept that offers marketing programs
for long term relationship with the customer. ___________
V4 Anything offered to target market in a form of
tangible of intangible goods or services. ___________
V5 The company produces high quality product
with advance and latest features. ___________
V6 This is payback by bargaining power of the
consumer since they are willing to pay in
exchange of their satisfaction. ___________
V7 The traditional marketing concept starts
on the point of manufacturer to end
user and they are dependent of the
products produced by the manufacturer. ___________


H1 These are luxurious desires of the market
H2 The concept that stands for the welfare of
well-being. ____________
H3 These includes food, clothing, warmth, safety
and point of deprivation of human being. _____________
H4 The primary goal of marketing that will
result to profit and happiness to the market. _____________
H5 An act of offering a product in exchange of value _____________
H6 The one who possess the needs and wants
H7 An intangible product which cannot be owned
by the market. _____________
H8 The goal of marketing by increasing the
marketing efforts and this serves as lifeblood
of the organization. _____________

Let Us Study
At this time of pandemic, business practices are very crucial and
challenging. It requires brilliant ideas that suit to the present situations and
changing priorities of the market because of COVID-19. In response,
marketers are urged to adapt the new normal business operations and

Since the primary mover of the company is to generate profit, by

satisfying the market and delighting more their desires through providing a
product or service beyond their expectation. Company or business firms
ought to be hopeful and dynamic in showcasing approaches that will match
with their current and future market.

Indeed, the company’s lifeblood is profit, the higher the sales a bigger
chance to undertake strategies in a growing number of customers to sustain
their status in the marketplace.

Marketing Defined

Marketing is defined by the Marketing Association as the activity, set of

institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and
exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and
society at large.

In the society’s perspective, marketing defined as a societal process

were individual and group obtains their need and want through marketing
efforts such as creating, offering, and exchanging products and services.

In this connection, the company should take a high consideration of the

society in general as they undertake the marketing activities with support of
other disciples such as sociology and psychology to understand deeply the
customers changing preference.

Finally, the marketing ignites the demand and supply side to answer
the discipline of economics. So, all are channeled towards economic growth
and development and marketing is the light of giving quality of life regardless
of its status in life.
Needs, ( Product,
Wants and Services,
Demand and

Value and
Market Satisfactio


Figure 1. The Basic Concept of Marketing

Figure 1 shows the basic concept of marketing in a cyclical presentation
of the marketing activities. The market is the central heart of the process
because they are the one who possess the needs and wants. Need is the
necessity of humans since they cannot survive without them.
While want is considered as luxury of human it is shaped by culture
or individual personality that surrounds them. And if needs and wants are
payback by bargaining power it will become demand since market are willing
to pay if their desires are satisfied.
After the market will demand needs and wants, this will be converted
to a product, this is offered to satisfy that market either in a form of tangible
or intangible product.
While exchange is an act of obtaining a desired object from someone by
offering something of value, and transaction is the trade of values between
buyer and seller.
When the transaction between the two parties is done, it is the starting
point of the company to establish a customer relationship which does not limit
only after purchase, but rather program and activities that will maintain the
relationship with the customers.

Goals of Marketing

Below are the following goals of marketing:

1. Plan and apply customer driven strategies.
2. Establish and maintain customer relationships.
3. Emphasize customer value to capture more profits.
4. Capture value transaction for the welfare of the society.
5. Initiate innovation of products and services to give quality of life.
6. Know the market, understand, and satisfy their changing

Traditional Approaches to Marketing

There are three (3) traditional approaches in marketing namely,
production, product and selling concept. These approaches exert more efforts
on product, production, and sales.

1. Production Concept. Assumes that consumers preferred products that

are widely available and offered at affordable prices. It focuses on
improving production efficiency by reducing production costs that lead
to lower price.
2. Product Concept. Assumes that consumers preferred high quality and
innovative products. It focuses on enhancing product attributes and
3. Selling Concept. It emphasizes more on a large scale of promotion. The
market needs to be persuaded in different aggressive selling and
promotional strategies. This is directed to sell products produced by
the manufacturer rather than trading products based on the market’s
need and want.

Contemporary Approaches to Marketing

In contrast to the previous approaches, contemporary approaches are
focus more on customer-centered with emphasis on customer relationship
and the benefit of the society.

1. Marketing Concept. The focal point of this concept starts with the
market needs and wants as bases for the company’s production of
product by integrating marketing efforts which will result to profit
through customer satisfaction.

2. Relationship Marketing Concept. The goal of this concept is to establish,

strengthen and maintain long-term relationships with the customers.
Different marketing efforts in terms of customer retention programs are
developed which majority of the businesses right now are doing.

3. Societal Marketing Concept. This concept does not limit only in

understanding market needs and wants but satisfying them without
hampering the welfare of the society. The well-being is the main
objective gearing towards profit through the sustainable marketing
Let Us Practice
Below is a chart indicating questions. Read and analyze the given questions
and write your answers on the space provided.
Which of the
needs and
wants is your
priority? Choose
only one need
and want

1. 3.
Give at least 3 What do you
basic Needs and consider in
3 wants of a choosing your
SHS student? product

Why do you need 4.
to be engaged in
buying or chosing What is your
a product? What expectation in
is your the said product
recommendation (Need /Want )
to improve the





6. Based on the chart, what is your realization of the goal of marketing?

Let Us Practice More

Below is a Matrix of the traditional and contemporary approaches in

marketing. The first line is a sample to serve as your guide to answer the given
activity. Do it by supplying the table that associate to your understanding on
the different types of marketing approaches and see to it that there is no
repetition of the said approaches.

Traditional Approaches
Company Type of Justify your answer
Gucci Company Product Concept They stand on producing
products with high quality
and value the product
image. The company also
maintained its image by
product limited items with
innovation and offered it at
high price.



Contemporary Approaches


Let Us Remember

Below is a short story related to marketing. Complete the word by giving the
exact term and base it on the first letter provided in each line.

Once upon a time the customer/buyer is called m____________ he/she

is the one who acquires n______ and w______ and he/she d________ because
of the willingness to pay as long as he/she will be s_______________ and the
v__________ that he/she expect upon using the p__________ offered in order to
satisfy his/her desires.

In dealing on it, the buyer and seller must engage the t_______________
as part of the agreement of both parties. Finally, continuous r___________
aftersales is very essential in order to establish c___________r__________.

Let Us Assess

Below are questions that will help you understand the basic concept of
marketing, company’s marketing approaches and its goal. Answer it briefly
and be guided on the rubric indicated below.

Criteria 5 3 1 Score
Clarity The learner has able The learner has able The learner has no
to present the topic to present the topic clarity since it does
with strong clarity of with moderate not able to present
the discussion on the clarity since some of the topic and totally
given topic. the discussions does the discussion does
not closely match to not match on the
the given topic. given topic.
Justification The learner has The learner has The learner has no
strong justification moderate justification by not
by giving concrete justification by giving example/s
example/s to connect giving example/s that connects to
on the given topic. that connect on the the given topic.
given topic.
Realization The learner has The learner has The learner has
strong realization moderate realization poor realization by
through connecting through connecting not giving a
to real life situation. to real life situation connection to a real-
in a half-baked life situation
Observe the activities present in your respective homes, identify the
1. What are the needs and wants purchased by your parents for household
2. Based on the product purchased, choose only one product that relates
to any of the traditional or contemporary approaches applied by the
company. Justify your answer on the chosen company and product
3. How does marketing touch individuals’ individual’s life? Does it match
the goal of marketing? Why?

Let Us Enhance

To appreciate the topics, try to explore the table provided below. Match
column A to B, write the correct answer on the space provided.

Column A Column B
1. Yul wants to buy a burger because he is hungry. a. Demand
2. Ana is one of the potential buyers of the Silka b. Exchange
3. Syna offers clothes to Eyna in return of monetary or c. Innovation
4. Camelle wants to buy a car even if she already has a d. Market
5. Lenon is willing to pay as long as his desires will be e. Marketing
6. Coke Cola improve their packaging from bottle glass f. Need
to plastic.
7. Nilo is happy after using the product and shared his g. Product
8. NCCC always provide suki cards points and birthday h. Production
greetings to all their clients.
9. Clara went to beach and temporarily enjoyed the i. Profit
provided by Pearl Farm.
10. Rose Bakeshop packaging is made of eco bag in j. Relationship
response to
the government calls.
11. Panadero in under the concept of producing mass k. Selling
volume and
offer it at a lower price.
12. Jco offers different types of donuts as satisfier of l. Satisfaction
their customer’s needs and wants.
13. Toyota Company is more on aggressive selling in m. Services
order to attract the market to buy the manufacturer’s
14. The desire of Gaisano Mall is to cater volume of n. Societal
customers in
order to generate high sales which results to high
15. The activity done of all business firms that engages o. Want
management functions in order to innovate or create

Let Us Reflect

The complex and diverse world of business is the most challenging yet
worth fulfilling in the part of the investors, entrepreneurs, and businessmen.
Understanding the basic principles of marketing gives them a crystal picture
of the business undertakings specifics in responding to changing preferences
of the market. It will also drive them to set marketing goals that suits to the
type of approaches that match to the concepts they are in to.
Whatever concepts the businessmen stand for, it is still the heart of its
operation is to satisfy the market by providing a product that will satisfy and
delight them with the best services that company can provide. In result,
satisfaction is the key word in the business terms that highlights the main
purpose of marketing which affects to quality of life of everyone.
Answer Answer
1. f M-arket
2. d N-eed
3. b W-ant
4. o D-emand
5. a S-atisfied
6. c V-alue
7. l P-roduct
8. j T-ransaction
9. m R-elationship
10. n C-ustomer
11. h R-elationship
12. g
13. k
14. i
15. e
Answer Answer
1. Food, Clothing Shelter, etc. H1. WANT
Traditional Approaches 2. Food (Need ), H2. SOCIETAL
Transportation ( Want ) H3. NEED
Apple -Product Concept
3. The basic and necessity H4. SATISFACTION
P and G – Production Concept 4. Palatability (Food ) , H5. EXCHANGE
Convenience (Want) H6. MARKET
St. Peter-Selling Concept 5. To be engage in buying H7. SERVICE
and it serves as bases in H8. PROFIT
Contemporary Approaches decision making. V1. PRODUCTION
6. The primary goal of V2. MARKETING
Baro (Customized Gown)-Marketing V3. RELATIONSHIP
concept marketing is profit through
satisfying the needs and
Mc Donalds- Societal Mktg. concept. wants of the market.
Answer Key

Ates, Luviminda, et. Al. Worktext of Principles of Marketing ( 2016). Holy

Cross of Davao College, Inc., Sta. Ana Avenue, Davao City.
Kotler, Philip and Armstrong, Gary, Principles of Marketing (2012). Pearson
Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake Street, Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey 07458.
Vibal Group Inc., So, Real and Torres Oscar, Principles of Marketing (2016).
Vibal Group Inc. , 1253 Gregorio Araneta Avenue, Quezon City .
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – Region XI Davao City Division

DepEd Davao City, Elpidio Quirino Ave., Davao City

Telefax: 224-3274

Email Address: [email protected]

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