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MANUNGAY SCORE: _______________

Date: August 6, 2023
Instructor/Professor: DR. MA. TERESA M. CHICO

II. What are the factors that affect Curriculum Development? Cite and explain fully five (5)

1. Philosophical Determinants

Philosophy is at the heart of curriculum development. It helps educators in formulating

beliefs, arguments, assumptions and in making value judgements. It aims at the all-
around development of the individual. It enables the learners to learn the desirable
cultural values, intellectual virtues, societal norms and moral doctrines. Thus,
philosophy is a crucial determinant of curriculum trends and the curriculum
development process by helping clarify our thought process.

2. Sociological Determinants

As the sociological approach to education demands, we should bear in mind the needs,
requirements, imperatives, and aspirations of the community for which the curriculum
is being prepared. The curriculum should be dynamic, flexible and reversible to be
progressive with the changing times. Sociology plays a crucial role in development by
providing insights, understanding, and solutions to various social issues and challenges.
Here are some reasons why sociology is important in the development process , for
example in understanding society, Sociology helps in comprehending the complex
interactions and structures within society, including social norms, cultural beliefs, and
institutional frameworks. This understanding is essential for formulating effective
development policies and programs. And also, in identifying Social Problems.
Sociologists identify and analyze social problems such as poverty, inequality,
discrimination, and environmental issues. These insights are critical for addressing root
causes and designing targeted interventions. Furthermore, sociology's importance in
development lies in its ability to provide a comprehensive understanding of society,
identify social issues, guide policy formulation, promote community involvement, and
foster inclusive and sustainable development that benefits all members of society.

Psychology contributes to curriculum planning by providing teachers with information

concerning the nature of students, the nature of the process involved in learning, the
motivation, personality and individual differences of students, the value of teaching
methods and teaching effectiveness. Curriculum to be child centered, learning
experiences should be provided in accordance with the mental development of the
learners. Intelligence and development capacities and interests of the learners need to
considered in planning and developing the curriculum.

4. Political Determinants
Political factors can have a significant impact on curriculum development, as the
development of curriculum is often influenced by political priorities and
ideologies. Government policies and regulations can impact the development of
curriculum, as they may mandate certain subjects or standards. For example, the No
Child Left Behind Act mandated standardized testing in certain subjects, which impacted
curriculum development. The political agenda and ideology of those in power can
influence the development of curriculum, as they may prioritize certain subjects or
values. For example, a government with a focus on workforce development may
prioritize the development of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics) in K-12 education program. Funding of education is also greatly influence
by politics. Political factors such as funding and resources can impact curriculum
development, as they may limit or expand the available resources for curriculum
development. For example, a government with limited funding may not be able to
provide resources for the development of new curricula or programs.

5. Environmental Factors
Environment issues affect curriculum development. World awareness and action toward
reversing and ending pollution continues affecting curriculum development. Typical
elementary classrooms to teach recycling and healthy environmental practices. Over
time, people have become insensitive to their surrounding and natural resources. The
end result is that humanity is being adversely affected by these in-considerations.
Industrial wastes have polluted the world, for example, the ozone layer in the
atmosphere which protects us from harmful radiation from the sun is being depleted,
resulting from a very hot climate here in Philippines that affects our educators and

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