Gamotvliti Matematika Eng 1

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by Academic Council of GTU

on N 1234, 16.07. 2014

The Modified Program

Approved by Academic Council of GTU
on 19.05.2016 by Decree № 2005

Bachelor’s Degree Program

Program Title
პროგრამის სახელწოდება

Computational Mathematics

გამოთვლითი მათემატიკა


Informatics and Control Systems

ინფორმატიკისა და მართვის სისტემების ფაკულტეტი

Program Supervisor

Professor Vaja Tarieladze

Awarded Qualification
მისანიჭებელი კვალიფიკაცია

Bachelor of Mathematics
will be awarded in case of passing a 210 credits of educational program and free components or/and by
combination of additional specialty components (Minimum 240 credits)


Program Objective

The objective of the bachelor's curriculum is to provide students with the mathematical language and
terminology, the technique of mathematical proof, mathematical methods, description by use of mathematical
models of applied type problems and an independent development of these models in theoretical or/and applied
framework, as well as the evaluation skills.

Program prerequisites
Applicant is admitted in compliance with the Georgian Legislation. At the same time, students in foreign
language must have passed the English language.

Program description
The program follows the ECTS system, 1 credit equals to 27 hours, which includes the contact hours, as well as the
hours of independent work. The distribution of hours is presented in the educational plan. The duration of the
program is 4 years (8 semesters) and it contains 240 credits.
The annual learning process: (21-21 weeks of two semesters) is distributed as follows: VII and XIV weeks are
devoted to intermediate exams; i.e. the learning process and two intermediate estimates will be realized during 17
weeks (I—XVII weeks). From XVIIIweek till to XXI week (included) are devoted to exams (the basic and additional
The first, second and third annual learning process: during the semester a student learns six subjects, each of them
contains 5 credits, which in semester gives 30 credits, in the academic year is 60 credits and in sum gives in whole
180 credits.
In the first semester of the fourth year student takes six subjects each of them with five credits, in sum gives 30
credits. In the second semester student can choose six classes from free components again each subject with five
credit hours that in sum gives 30 credits.

Learning Outcome/Competencies

Knowledge and understanding – Main outcome is knowledge in modern branches of mathematics. Especially
in probability theory, statistics, financial mathematics, actuary mathematics, modern algebra, geometry,
topology, theoretical physics.

 Perception of the basic concepts and principles of Mathematics;

 Wide theoretical knowledge of the sphere of Mathematics and perception of the complex problems of
relevant directions;
 Critical estimation of current achievements and novelties in the sphere of Mathematics;
 Perception of mutual links between basic spheres of Mathematics;
 Knowledge of the terminology of Mathematics.

Applying knowledge – Students will be able to use mathematics in applied sciences and practical issues, such as
computer sciences, engineering, physics, applied statistics etc.

 Critical perception of theoretical statements and principles of Mathematics;

 The ability of construction of logical argument and of clear mathematical statement of the problem;
 Application of the theoretical knowledge to the practical problems;
Skills of definition of the relevant time scopes in order to reach the stated goals;

Making judgments–Retrieval, collection and analysis of the information relevant to the topics and problems of
different spheres of Mathematics, making reliable conclusions by use of standard, or original in some cases,

 Ability of identification and of understanding of the problems arising in different directions of

mathematics, elaboration and analysis of related information and making relevant conclusions;
 Ability of making relevant conclusions for the practical mathematical problems based on the acquired
theoretical knowledge.

Communication skills– The program will develop the ability to present scientific information in oral or
written form.

 Skills of application of information-communication technological resources in order to reach the

working goals;
 Argument discussion about theoretical and applied problems of Mathematics;
 Skills of presentations and compiling the written information;
 Public presentation, defend and clear documentation of own considerations;
 Skills of laconic and plainly writing about professional problems.

Learning skills– Large variety of mathematical courses of the program definitely will develop learning skills of

 Identify areas of self-learning in order to enrich the professional knowledge and experience in
 Search, analysis and interpretation of information on current developments.
 Continuous and multilateral estimation of own studying process in order to enrich the knowledge and
experience, self-estimation of necessity of refreshing of the knowledge and statement of necessity of
continuity of studying at the second level (master degree).
 In order to enrich the knowledge and experience in the sphere of Mathematics the skills of revealing
and perception the modern materials and reception of continuous education.

Values – Students become familiar with the meaning and importance of such fundamental notions as: the truth,
correct argumentation, proof, contradiction in mathematics, logic etc.

 Defend of accepted ethical and worth norms;

 Defend of accepted moral norms;
 Skills of participation in the process of formation of worth, conscience norms and aspiration of their
 Defend of professional worth (exactness, punctuality, objectivity, transparency, organization etc.) in the
sphere of mathematics.

Forms and Methods of achieving the learning outcomes

Lecture Seminar (working in the group) Practice Laboratory Work Field Work Consultation
Course Work/Project Independent Work

Collaborative work. Learning by using this method means a division of students into groups and giving to each
group its question to study. The members of each group investigate the question separately and simultaneously
discuss their conclusions with other members of the group. Depending on the discussed questions during the
working process it is possible to re-distribute the functions between the members of the group. This strategy
ensures the maximal participation of each student in the learning process.

Practical methods include all forms of learning which develop the abilities of practical work of the students. In

this case a student independently performs one or another action on the basis of the obtained knowledge; for
example, pedagogical and industrial practice, field work etc.

Written work method includes the following actions: to make written copies, abstracts, summaries or surveys
from the considered material, etc.

Verbal or oral method includes lectures, conversations, etc. During this process the lecturer verbally explains the
needed material, while the students memorize it.

Problem based learning method (PBL) as a first stage of the process of acquiring knowledge and of integration
uses a concrete problem.

Heuristic method is based on the step by step solution of the posed task. This process is accomplished by means
of detecting independently the facts and obtaining connections between them during the study.

Forms and Methods of achieving the learning outcomes

Assessment is based on a 100 point grading scale.

Positive assessment is:
 excellent - 91% and more of the maximum grade;
 very good - 81-90% of the maximum grade;
 good - 71-80% of the maximum grade;
 satisfactory - 61-70% of the maximum grade;
 enough - 51-60% of the maximum grade.

Negative assessment is:

• (FX ) - not passed - 41-50% of the maximum grades. It means that a student needs more
individual work, and is given one more possibility of make up;
• (F) - failed - 40% and less of the maximum grade. It means that work performed by a student
was not enough and the subject should be learnt from the beginning;

Spheres of Employment

Graduates of mathematical major can work in higher education bodies, research centers, banks and corporations,
financial sector, state-military and healthcare structures, insurance agency, private institutions and organizations
working in the fields of information technology and telecommunications.

Possibilities for further education

Master's educational programs.

Required human and material resources

The program provides the appropriate human and material resources. For more information see the attached

The number of attached syllabi: 58

The main 210 credits subject load of program
ECTS Credits
Code of Prerequisites of 1st year 2nd year 3nd year
№ Discipline year
discipline admission
1 MAT0108 Mathematical Analysis 1 Non 5

Linear Algebra and Geometry 5

2 LALG108 Non
Introduction to Information 5
3 IIT0108 Non
4 DIMA108 Discrete Mathematics Non 5

Fundamentals of 5
5 FAPRO08 Algorithmizations and Non
Computer Engineering 5
6 CEGRA08 Non
7 MAT0208 Mathematical Analysis 2 5
Analysis 1
Linear Algebra and Geometry Linear Algebra and
8 LALG208 5
2 Geometry 1
Introduction to
9 PAS0208 Personal Applied Systems Information 5
Fundamentals of Computer
10 FUCAO08 Architecture and Non 5
Introduction to
Programming in Visual
11 PRVBN08 Information 5
Graph theory and Linear Algebra and
12 GRTHC08 5
combinatorics Geometry 2
Mathematical 5
13 MAT0308 Mathematical Analysis 3
Analysis 2
Mathematical 5
Analysis 2; Linear
14 CMAT108 Computer Mathematics 1
Algebra and
Geometry 2
Mathematical 5
15 FUNAN08 Functional Analysis
Analysis 2
Mathematical 5
16 PBST108 Probability and Statistics 1
Analysis 2
Mathematical 5
17 DIFE0108 Differential Equations 1
analysis 2, Linear
ECTS Credits
Code of Prerequisites of 1st year 2nd year 3nd year
№ Discipline year
discipline admission
algebra and geometry
Mathematical 5
Analysis 2, Linear
18 TPHCR08 Theoretical Physics 1
algebra and geometry
19 MAT0408 Mathematical Analysis 4 5
Analysis 3
20 CMAT208 Computer Mathematics 2 5
Analysis 1 Algebra 1
Probability and
21 PBST208 Probability and Statistics 2 5
Statistics 1
22 DIFE208 Differential Equations 2 5
Equations 1
23 TPHQM08 Theoretical Physics 2 Theoretical Physics 1 5

24 COMAN08 Complex Analysis 5
Analysis 2
Linear Algebra and
Geometry 2;
25 DYNPR08 Dynamic Programming 5
Analysis 2
Optimization Methods Mathematical
26 OPMET08 5
Analysis 2
Linear Algebra and
Geometry 2;
27 COGTH08 Computational Group Theory 5
Mathematics 2
28 THINT08 Theory of Integration 5
Analysis 2
Probability and
Statistics 2; Linear
29.1 GAMTH08 Game Theory
Mathematics 2;
29.2 FLNET08 Flows in Networks
Linear Algebra and
Geometry 2
Linear Algebra and
Linear Models and Linear Geometry 2;
30 LMLPR08 5
Programming Mathematical
Analysis 2
ECTS Credits
Code of Prerequisites of 1st year 2nd year 3nd year
№ Discipline year
discipline admission
Probability and
31 APST108 Applied Statistics 1 5
Statistics 2
Non-life Insurance Probability and
32 NLIMA08 5
Mathematics Statistics 2;
Linear Algebra and
Geometry 2;
33 LMEC008 Linear Models of Economics 5
Analysis 2
Linear Algebra and
Introduction to Numerical Geometry 2;
34 INNUM08 5
Methods Mathematical
Analysis 2
Mathematics 2;
35 COMAL08 Algebraic Computations 5
Analysis 2
Introduction to Time Series Probability and
36.1 ITSFE08
and Forecasting Statistics 2
Probability and
36.2 STPRC08 Stochastic Processes
Statistics 2
Probability and
Combinatorial (Discrete) Statistics 2; Linear
37 COPT008 5
Optimization Algebra and
Geometry 2
Computational Group
Rings, Field and Modules Theory; Linear
38 RFMOD08 5
Algebra and
Geometry 2
Probability and
39.1 MONTE08 Monte-Carlo Methods
Statistics 2
Probability and
39.2 FORME08 Forecasting Methods
Statistics 2
Analysis, Geometry, and
40 AGMIF08 Applied Statistics1 5
Modeling in finance
41 APST208 Applied Statistics2 Applied Statistics1 5

Implementation of practical 5
42 LINMA08 Applied Statistics1
problems in life insurance
Total Credits per Semester 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

Total Credits per Year 60 60 60 30

Total 210

Selective Courses / Free Components

ECTS Credits
Code of Prerequisites of 4nd
№ Discipline
discipline admission year,VIII
1 GAS0108 General Astronomy Non 5
Introduction to Information 5
2 PRCPP08 Programming in C++
3 OPSFU08 Operation Systems Fundamentals non 5
Linear Algebra and Geometry 5
4 SYNTG08 Synthetic Geometry
2; Computer Mathematics 2
5 GTOP008 General Topology Mathematical Analysis 2 5

6 ECATH08 Elements of Category Theory Computer Mathematics 2 5

7 SPFIF08 Stochastic Processes for Insurance and Finance Probability and Statistics 2 5

8 MOASL08 Modular Lattices and geometry Linear Algebra and Geometry 2 5

Combinatorial Methods in Probability and 5
9 CMAPS08 Probability and Statistics 2
10 APGT008 Applied Topology Computer Mathematics 2 5
Linear Algebra and Geometry 5
11 SCHTH08 Scheduling Theory
2; Mathematical Analysis 2
12 MAPRO08 Mathematics and Programming Non 5
Linear Algebra and Geometry
13 MATPR08 Mathematical Programming
2; Mathematical Analysis 2

Map of study results

The main 210 credits subject load of program

General and technical

№ Course code Course

Knowledge and understanding

Communication skills
Applying Knowledge

Making judgments

Learning skills

1 MAT0108 Mathematical Analysis 1 X X X X X
2 LALG108 Linear Algebra and Geometry 1 X X X X
3 IIT0108 Introduction to Information Technologies X X X
4 DIMA108 Discrete Mathematics X X X
5 FAPRO08 Fundamentals of Algorithmizations and Programming X X X
6 CEGRA08 Computer Engineering Graphics X X X
7 MAT0208 Mathematical Analysis 2 X X X X
8 LALG208 Linear Algebra and Geometry 2 X X X X
9 PAS0208 Personal Applied Systems X X X
10 FUCAO08 Fundamentals of Computer Architecture and Organization X X X
11 PRVBN08 Programming in Visual Basic/Visual X X X
12 GRTHC08 Graph theory and combinatorics X X X
13 MAT0308 Mathematical Analysis 3 X X X X
14 CMAT108 Computer Mathematics 1 X X X X
15 FUNAN08 Functional Analysis X X X X X
16 PBST108 Probability and Statistics 1 X X X X X
17 DIFE0108 Differential Equations 1 X X X X X
18 TPHCR08 Theoretical Physics 1 X X X
19 MAT0408 Mathematical Analysis 4 X X X X X
20 CMAT208 Computer Mathematics 2 X X X X
21 PBST208 Probability and Statistics 2 X X X X X
22 DIFE208 Differential Equations 2 X X X X X
23 TPHQM08 Theoretical Physics 2 X X X
24 COMAN08 Complex Analysis X X X X X
25 DYNPR08 Dynamic Programming X X X X
26 OPMET08 Optimization Methods X X X X
27 COGTH08 Computational Group Theory X X X
28 THINT08 Theory of Integration X X X X X
29.1 GAMTH08 Game Theory X X X
29.2 FLNET08 Flows in Networks X X X
30 LMLPR08 Linear Models and Linear Programming X X X X
31 APST108 Applied Statistics 1 X X X
32 NLIMA08 Non-life Insurance Mathematics X X X X
33 LMEC008 Linear Models of Economics X X X X
34 INNUM08 Introduction to Numerical Methods X X X X
35 COMAL08 Algebraic Computations X X X
36.1 ITSFE08 Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting X X X X
36.2 STPRC08 Stochastic Processes X X X X
37 COPT008 Combinatorial (Discrete) Optimization X X X

38 RFMOD08 Rings, Field and Modules X X X X
39.1 MONTE08 Monte-Carlo Methods X X X X
39.2 FORME08 Forecasting Methods X X X X
40 AGMIF08 Analysis, Geometry, and Modeling in finance X X X X
41 APST208 Applied Statistics2 X X X
42 LINMA08 Implementation of practical problems in life insurance X X X X

Selective Courses/Free Components

General and technical


Knowledge and understanding


Communication skills
Applying Knowledge
№ Course

Making judgments

Learning skills

1 GAS0108 General Astronomy X X X
2 PRCPP08 Programming in C++ X X X
3 OPSFU08 Operation Systems Fundamentals X X X
4 SYNTG08 Synthetic Geometry X X X X
5 GTOP008 General Topology X X X X
6 ECATH08 Elements of Category Theory X X X
7 SPFIF08 Stochastic Processes for Insurance and Finance X X X X
8 MOASL08 Modular Lattices and geometry X X X X
9 CMAPS08 Combinatorial Methods in Probability and Statistics X X X X
10 APGT008 Applied Topology X X X
11 SCHTH08 Scheduling Theory X X X
12 MAPRO08 Mathematics and Programming X X X
13 MATPR08 Mathematical Programming X X X X

The main 210 credits subject load of program

N hours
Independent work

ECTS Cr\hours


Final Exam.
Mid. exam

code subject



1 MAT0108 Mathematical Analysis 1 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82

N hours

Independent work

ECTS Cr\hours


Final Exam.
Mid. exam
code subject



Linear Algebra and Geometry

2 LALG108 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
Introduction to Information
3 IIT0108 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
4 DIMA108 Discrete Mathematics 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
Fundamentals of
5 FAPRO08 Algorithmizations and 5/135 15 15 15 5 2 1 82
Computer Engineering
6 CEGRA08 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
7 MAT0208 Mathematical Analysis 2 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
Linear Algebra and Geometry
8 LALG208 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
9 PAS0208 Personal Applied Systems 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
Fundamentals of Computer
10 FUCAO08 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
Architecture and Organization
Programming in Visual
11 PRVBN08 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
Graph theory and
12 GRTHC08 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
13 MAT0308 Mathematical Analysis 3 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
14 CMAT108 Computer Mathematics 1 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
15 FUNAN08 Functional Analysis 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
16 PBST108 Probability and Statistics 1 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
17 DIFE0108 Differential Equations 1 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
18 TPHCR08 Theoretical Physics 1 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
19 MAT0408 Mathematical Analysis 4 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
20 CMAT208 Computer Mathematics 2 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
21 PBST208 Probability and Statistics 2 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
22 DIFE208 Differential Equations 2 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
23 TPHQM08 Theoretical Physics 2 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
24 COMAN08 Complex Analysis 5/135 15 30 5 2 1 82
25 DYNPR08 Dynamic Programming 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
26 OPMET08 Optimization Methods 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
27 COGTH08 Computational Group Theory 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
28 THINT08 Theory of Integration 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
29.1 GAMTH08 Game Theory 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
29.2 FLNET08 Flows in Networks 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
Linear Models and Linear
30 LMLPR08 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
N hours

Independent work

ECTS Cr\hours


Final Exam.
Mid. exam
code subject



31 APST108 Applied Statistics 1 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72

Non-life Insurance
32 NLIMA08 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
33 LMEC008 Linear Models of Economics 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
Introduction to Numerical
34 INNUM08 5/135 15 15 15 15 2 1 72
35 COMAL08 Algebraic Computations 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
Introduction to Time Series
36.1 ITSFE08 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
and Forecasting
36.2 STPRC08 Stochastic Processes 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
Combinatorial (Discrete)
37 COPT008 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
38 RFMOD08 Rings, Field and Modules 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
39.1 MONTE08 Monte-Carlo Methods 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
39.2 FORME08 Forecasting Methods 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
Analysis, Geometry, and
40 AGMIF08 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
Modeling in finance
41 APST208 Applied Statistics2 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
Implementation of practical
42 LINMA08 5/135 30 15 2 1 87
problems in life insurance

Free Components


Independent work

Mid. exam.



codeი subject


1 GAS0108 General Astronomy 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72

2 PRCPP08 Programming in C++ 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
3 OPSFU08 Operation Systems Fundamentals 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
4 SYNTG08 Synthetic Geometry 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
5 GTOP008 General Topology 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
6 ECATH08 Elements of Category Theory 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
Stochastic Processes for Insurance
7 SPFIF08 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
and Finance

Independent work


Mid. exam.


codeი subject

8 MOASL08 Modular Lattices and geometry 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
Combinatorial Methods in
9 CMAPS08 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
Probability and Statistics
10 APGT008 Applied Topology 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
11 SCHTH08 Scheduling Theory 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
12 MAPRO08 Mathematics and Programming 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72
13 MATPR08 Mathematical Programming 5/135 15 30 15 2 1 72

The Head of Educational program Vaja Tarieladze

The Head of Quality Assurance Service of the Faculty Zurab Baiashvili

Accepted at
The Council of the Faculty of
N 6, 19.06.2014
The Head of the Faculty Council Zurab Tsveraidze

Modify at
The Council of the Faculty of
Informatics and Control systems Zurab Tsveraidze
Protocol #2, 13 April, 2016
The Head of the Faculty Council

Agreed with
Quality Assurance Service of GTU Giorgi Dzidziguri


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