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Comparative Study of Mechanical and Chemical solvent Extraction of

Batuan (Garcinia Binucao) Seed Oil



An undergraduate thesis submitted to the faculty of the Department of

Chemical Engineering, college of Engineering, Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr;

Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of




Background of the study

Batuan (Garcinia binucao) is an indigenous crop that’s well-known

because of its acidity and medical benefits. The Batuan is a wild tree that

can grow from 12 to 25 meters in height and is usually found in Southeast

Asian regions such as Sri Lanka and Vietnam. In the Philippines, it’s found

in abundance in the southern parts. It produces fruits that are somewhat

round with a 4-5 cm in diameter and has a greenish color which turns

yellow when mature. The Batuan has a firm outer covering and contains a

very sour pulp with four to six seeds inside. One notable characteristic of

the Batuan fruit its sour taste, which is why Visayans add them to their

dishes to add some acidity in them. But aside from being used in dishes, the

Batuan fruits can be process to become other products such as jam,

powder, jelly, and more. Another thing that people enjoy about Batuan is

that it has health benefits that can help with weight loss and diabetes

prevention. Batuan fruits are rich in vitamin C, potassium, phosphorus,

calcium, magnesium, iron, along with trace levels of zinc, copper, and

manganese (Manila Bulletin, 2021).

One particular study conducted by student researchers Leann

Patrice Ganzon and Anne Nicole Occeña during the 2017 Regional Invention

Contest and Exhibit (RICE) discovered that the fruit and leaf of the Batuan

can be lower a compilation common among diabetics known as postprandial

hyperglycemia. This happens after eating and can result in abnormally high
blood sugar levels. This research also looked in the biologically active

content of the indigenous fruit and how its antioxidant properties have the

potential to counter the product of free radical that damage cells in the

body. In 2016, another study on the health benefits of Batuan was

conducted by Loraine Bainto of the University of the Philippines in Los

Baños. She looked into the isolation and stability of hydroxycitric acid which

known for its anti-obesity properties (Manila Bulletin, 2021).

Oil extraction, isolation of oil from animal by-products, fleshy

fruits such as the olive and palm, and oilseeds such as cottonseed, sesame

seed, soybeans, and peanuts. Oil is extracted by three general methods:

rendering, used by animal products and oleaginous fruits; mechanical

pressing, for oil bearing seeds and nuts; and extracting with volatile

solvents, employed in large-scale operations for a more complete extraction

than is possible with pressing (, 2022).

The Batuan fruit has potential uses in many food products aside

from its traditional uses as souring agent in many local dishes. In spite of

the potential uses of Batuan in many food products, it remains

underutilized due to very limited research information on its food processing

possibilities. Since Batuan is susceptible to spoilage when mature,

lengthening its shelf life needs corresponding food processing. Processing of

Batuan into new, novel, shelf-stable, and convenient food products will

maximize its use and marketability (Philippines Institution for Development

studies, 2020).
Our research intends to unleash the potential of Batuan seed as a

source of edible oil by the use of solvent and physical extraction. We want to

prove the efficiency of the two methods in extracting oil from Batuan seed

and compare their performance base on the collected oil. Evaluate the oil

yield of Batuan seed and its nutritional contents to become useful to the

people. Comparing solvent and physical processing will solve the questions

of individuals in terms of extraction of Batuan seed oil, help them to identify

which methods of extraction suitable for them.

Statement of the problem

The problem of rural farmers in terms of seed oil extraction in

Batuan seeds is the process. The people are seeking which method is more

efficient in extracting oil from Batuan seeds between solvent extraction

processing and physical extraction processing. Mostly used in extracting

seed oil is solvent extraction but because of the major disadvantage like

flammability, low oil solubility and higher energy requirement for solvent

recovery and meal drying, strict precautionary have to be taken to avoid

fires and minimize explosion risk, aside from that, some solvents are very

costly Physical extraction is not widely used due to low oil recovery and has

been a time consuming and laborious practice (Oklahoma State University,


Objectives of the study

The general objective of the study is to evaluate the oil yield of

Batuan seed using solvent and physical extraction processing.

1. Evaluate the oil yield using solvent extraction process.

2. Evaluate the oil yield using physical extraction process

3. Compare the oil yield extracted in solvent and physical extraction


4. Evaluate the seed oil chemical and physical properties.

5. Analyze the nutritional content and composition;

6. Standardize process for optimum seed oil extraction.

Significant of the study

The positive result of this study is important specially to the

Batuan farmers and the people of Masbate in exploring the use of Batuan

seed as an edible oil source. Solvent extraction refers to preferential

dissolution of oil by contacting oilseed with a liquid solvent. This is the

most efficient technique to recover oil from oilseeds (Dunford, 2016), the

solvents are easy to access and present anywhere of the Province of

Masbate. This study can provide insights into the efficiency of the

extraction and processing methods, helping to identify if Batuan seed oil

production can be viable industry. This has the potential to create

income opportunities for rural communities that have access to Batuan

fruit trees. Understanding the nutritional properties of Batuan seed oil

can help evaluate its suitability for various dietary applications, such as

cooking or as nutritional supplement. Additionally, by potentially offering

a more sustainable alternative to commonly used oils, Batuan seed oil

extraction and processing can contribute to sustainable agriculture

practices (Bureau of Agricultural Research, 2015).

Scope and limitation of the study

The extraction process is applicable to small scale operation in

rural and urban areas. Furthermore, this study was limited, comparison

of solvent and physical processing in Batuan seed oil extraction, was

easy to operate because some of the solvents are accessible anywhere of

the Province of Masbate, and the operations of extracting oil from Batuan

seed can be done by anyone. However, precautionary is need to be taken

because some solvents are flammable that can cause serious injuries and

since the harvesting of Batuan fruit usually takes place in the summer

months, as the fruit is at its peak maturity during this time. In addition,

the seed oil product is need to undergo through laboratory analysis for

follow up investigations.
Time and place of the study

This study was conducted on the Science Laboratory at the Dr.

Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and

Technology (DEBESMSCAT), Cabitan, Mandaon, Masbate S.Y. 2023-



Review of Related Literature

Batuan fruit (Garcinia binucao) was analyzed for its organic acid

profile at different stages of maturity for the development of potential food

and non-food products. The analysis of organic acid content was done using

Reverse-High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Organic acids in the

dried, powdered Batuan fruit samples were extracted with the mobile phase

(50mM KH 2 PO 4/ H 3 PO 4 , pH 2.8 ¿ . The sample extracts and organic acid

standards (oxalic acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, citric acid, fumaric acid,

lactic acid, acetic acid, and succinic acid) were injected to RP-HPLC under

isocratic elution with the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1.0 mL min−1 and

using UV-vis detection at 210mn. Batuan fruit samples contain oxalic acid,

tartaric acid, malic acid, citric acid, fumaric acid, succinic acid, acetic acid,

lactic acid, and a few unidentified organic acids. Among the organic acids

present, citric acid accumulated the highest in the ripe Batuan fruit;

fumaric acid, the least. Result of this study show that Batuan fruit could be

a good natural source of acidulant for food and non-food applications

(Quevedo, Dizon & Merca, 2017).

Batuan fruit for souring agent

The organoleptic characteristic of Batuan fruit powder in terms of

appearance, aroma, flavor, and general acceptability. It determines also the

economic parameters of Batuan fruit in terms of weight measurement

during the time of harvest, after drying and weight as powder and proper

storage. This study started from January 2017 to October 2018 conducted

at West Visayas State University Pototan Campus, Pototan, Iloilo. R esults of

the study revealed that Batuan fruit powder either ripe or green are highly

acceptable to the evaluators through a sensory evaluation using a five point

hedonic scale. However, green Batuan was most preferred which got the

highest mean when tested to fish and pork sinigang. ANOVA results revealed

that on pork sinigang among the treatments, there is a significant difference

in terms of appearance and no significance in terms of aroma, flavor and

general acceptability. However, for fish sinigang significant differences

existed in terms of appearance, aroma, flavor and acceptability. In terms of

economic parameters, both fruit weighted 1kg. upon harvest were subjected

to method of sun drying for one week. However, green Bataun has 50% yield

which has a greater shrinkage may be due to moisture content compared

with ripe Batuan with 60% yield when dried. Result revealed that ripe

Batuan was difficult to ground because of the hard flinty seed considering

the maturity of the fruits. Green Batuan powder yield 50% weight when

dried and decreased its weight by 50% when processed into powder form.

However, ripe Batuan fruit got 60% yield when dried and processed as
powder probably because of the seed which added weight to the powder.

Batuan fruit be stored in either sealed bags and glass bottle container and

can maintain their shelf-life from six to one year either at room temperature

or under refrigeration. Result of the evaluation revealed that green Batuan

powder was most preferred by the respondents and was highly

recommended as condiment with appropriate packaging for

commercialization considering its high acceptability in terms of appearance,

aroma, flavor and general acceptability, ease of preparation and processing

(Dormido, Anadon, Paracale & Seniego).

Pharmacological Properties

The therapeutical potential of Batuan (Garcinia binucao) in

preventing type two diabetes. Batuan fruit and leaf are potential preventive

remedies for lowering postprandial hyperglycemia, a common diabetes

complication that happens after eating, resulting in abnormally high blood

glucose or blood sugar levels (Ganzon & Occeña, 2017).

The isolation and stability of hydroxycitric acid from Batuan.

Hydroxycitric acid is a compound with anti-obesity property and is common

extracted from Garcinia cambogia, a tree belonging to the same genus as

Batuan. Results revealed that the extracted acid from Batuan ranges from

4.81 to 4.83 g/100 g sample therefore Batuan is a potential source of

hydroxycitric acid (Bainto, 2016).


Extraction is a mandatory process for most of the industries,

especially in the food processing industry to obtain the targeted compounds

from various sources such as plant or seed samples. We five extraction

techniques, pressing and solvent extraction methods are considered as

traditional techniques while supercritical fluid extraction, microwave

assisted extraction, and ultrasound assisted extractions are considered as

advanced techniques. Nowadays, research is going on to further enhance

the extraction method to obtain a higher extraction yield or increase the

quality of the extraction product. The enhancement can be either combining

two or more extraction techniques into one complete process or modifying

the available technique alone (Geow, Yan, Yeap & Chin).

Oilseed processing and oil extraction processes are designed to

obtain high quality oil with minimal undesirable components, achieve high

extraction yield and produce high value meal. There are several techniques

from extracting oil from oilseeds. Two common oilseed extraction processes

are solvent extraction and mechanical oil extraction using a screw press.

Today in the united states, mechanical oil expression is not widely used due

to low oil recovery. However, the use of screw press is preferred by small

processors because of its low capital cost. Solvent extraction with hexane is

the standard practice in today’s modern oilseed-processing facilities.

Solvent-extraction plant capacities range from 100 to 9000 metric tons per

day. Supercritical fluid, water and enzyme-aided water extraction processes

are of interest for specially and gourmet oils production (Oklahoma State

University, 2016).

Cold press in oil extraction

Cold press is one of the methods of mechanical extraction as well

as required less energy than other oil extraction techniques and also

environmentally friendly. It is used to extract oil from a range of matrices

and is produced especially in the oil production from oilseeds. High-quality

oil can be obtained by performing production at low temperatures using cold

press extraction method. It has an environmentally friendly use with no

solvents. In other words, the cold press extraction does not involve either

heat or chemical extraction. The soybean, sunflower, rapeseed, corn,

grapeseed, hemp, flaxseed, rice bran, olive and pumpkin oils were obtained

by cold press extraction method. Moreover, these oils are interesting for

consumers due to their natural and safe as well as preventing certain

diseases and improve human health due to including a high level of

lipophilic phytochemicals such as antioxidants. However, they have aa lot of

advantages, one of the disadvantages of this technique is hard to extract

same quality product. The cold press oils can add to food as antioxidative

additives due to phytochemicals and as fatty acid supplements due

invaluabile double bond fatty acid (Cakaloglu, Ozyurt & Otles, 2018).




Quevedo, E. S., Dizon, E. I., & Merca, F. E. (2017). Organic acid profile of

“batuan”[Garcinia binucao (Blco.) Choisy] fruit. Annals of Tropical

Research, 39(2), 25-33.


Geow, C. H., Tan, M. C., Yeap, S. P., & Chin, N. L. (2021). A review on

extraction techniques and its future applications in industry. European

Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 123(4), 2000302.

Cakaloglu, B., Ozyurt, V. H., & Otles, S. (2018). Cold press in oil extraction.

A review. Ukrainian food journal, (7, Issue 4), 640-654.



Solvent and Chemical Solvent Extraction

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