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Mainland China - Beijing

Salary Benchmark

Part of PageGroup
The Michael Page Salary Benchmark
is our annual salary report developed
to provide hiring managers and
candidates with salary references
across various industries by job
functions, including Finance,
Technology, Human Resources, Sales
and more.
The report also includes an overview
of market trends, hiring demands
and job seekers’ sentiments within
each industry. This year’s Michael
Page Salary Benchmark is available
in 13 markets across the Asia Pacific:
Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia,
Japan, Mainland China, Malaysia,
New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore,
Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam.

Report methodology
The Michael Page Salary Benchmark
is derived from 100,000 data points in
our proprietary data and network in
Mainland China, which includes job
advertisements and placements made
between July 2018 and June 2019,
incorporating salary projections for
2020, Job Applicant Confidence Index,
insights from our business leaders, our
recruiters’ interactions with companies
and industry professionals, as well as
other supplemental information from
our various studies were also taken
into consideration.
This year, the salary figures are
represented by the minimum,
maximum and median where median
is a representation of the middle-most
value in a set of data, arranged in
ascending order. This means that, half
the people who work in a specific field
earns less than the median salary from
the minimum, while the other half earns
more towards the maximum.

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 2

Job Applicant Confidence Index.................................................. 5
Infographic: What is the Mainland China workforce thinking? ������ 6
Banking & Financial Services ������������������������������������������������������ 8
Digital........................................................................................ 13
Education.................................................................................. 16
Engineering & Manufacturing ���������������������������������������������������� 19
Finance & Accounting................................................................ 24
Healthcare & Life Sciences ������������������������������������������������������� 29
Human Resources..................................................................... 33
Legal......................................................................................... 37
Marketing.................................................................................. 41
Procurement & Supply Chain ���������������������������������������������������� 46
Property & Construction ����������������������������������������������������������� 50
Sales......................................................................................... 55
Secretarial & Office Support �������������������������������������������������������61
Technology............................................................................... 63
Contracting................................................................................ 70
Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 3
China’s market maturity
leverages value and partnerships
These are good In a market of close to 1.4 billion people,
a decade can feel like a very long time.
Healthcare and Life Sciences is another
sector tipped for ongoing growth in 2020,
times to look at Setting goals for a new decade requires a
fresh new pair of lens. What might
in a market that has not only matured
rapidly economically but is also ageing
partnerships that China’s workplaces look like by 2030? demographically. We expect further
development of the contracting market as
promise even It’s also refreshing to look beyond our
prolonged spell of market and trade
the product gains newfound acceptance
and flexible arrangements become a
more long-term related talks. Many people I spoke with
are settling into this market’s ‘new
more familiar way to stretch budgets.

value normal’. Indeed, our runaway growth

years are behind us for the time being.
As in all times of great change, this is a
good opportunity to look at partnerships,
Andy Bentote However, just like a person entering his or especially the ones that promise long
Regional Managing Director her 20s, there is growing confidence in term value. As such, we welcome
Michael Page Greater China China’s economic independence, thanks public-private efforts, such as the Made
in many ways to our shift towards in China 2025 drive, which helps us focus
higher-end production, as well as more our minds on even greater value-added
service- and consumption-driven growth. growth in our productive capacities.
Here’s wishing it every success, as well
Likewise, recruitment is maturing too, as
as a bright and productive year ahead for
clients and candidates expect improved
all our customers.
service. With that said, candidates are
clearly becoming more cautious. Previous
discussions about the start-up market
and our growing risk appetite have been
replaced with a rediscovered respect for
more traditional sectors, such as banking,
which seem like a safer, more stable bet
by candidates nowadays. Meanwhile,
digitisation remains a word on everyone’s
lips as companies move to further
professionalise their market offerings. We
expect continued interest in those with
experience in driving digital
transformation. This will in turn help firms
gain more value and ROI relative to

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 4

A measure of how optimistic job applicants in Mainland China are about the job market.


TO FIND A NEW JOB vs 61% in 2019


PROGRESSION IN 2020 vs 73% in 2019


THE JOB MARKET vs 79% in 2019

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 5

What is the
Mainland China
workforce thinking?

79% 28%
of the Chinese workforce
feel they have maximum
autonomy at work

60% GEN Y
feel they have no freedom to
rate their contributions
take a break during work hours
as highly impactful

of professionals in China
reportedly work in a LEADERSHIP TEAM


with the following
top traits:
Problem solving Having a


38% VS
55% 35%
of the Chinese workforce
in China claim they have say they expect more
no flexibility to work outside their office professional coaching
and development
opportunities from their


of China’s professionals feel

respondents feel their
potential was not maximised

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 6

1 in 4 feels they were

1 Conflict

2 Change
management of the China workforce

3 Stress
54% are proud of the
company they last
worked in

Here are the top factors:


1 Skills and abilities not put to good use

2 Better opportunity elsewhere

3 Unhealthy work culture
claimed they WOULD
HEADS UP before their do not consider
official resignation unsatisfactory 1 Skills and abilities not put to good use
monetary benefits

2 Misaligned leadership style
as a top decision
to leave their job 3 A better opportunity somewhere else
would give HONEST
REASONS for leaving

Respondents say they
would have stayed in
their last company if

1 Work culture and team dynamics

training and development
2 Maximisation of skills and abilities plans were scheduled

3 Mentorship and leadership capabilities

monetary raise was offered
4 Monetary benefits

5 New challenges and industry exposure a promotion in job title

was offered

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Banking & Financial Services
Top 3 hiring trends
1. As China’s securities 2. Talent in private 3. Hiring
 demand is high
regulator abolish equity and venture among companies in
limits on foreign capital investment, the insurance and asset
fund management with specific focus on management market.
companies, demand consumer, healthcare,
for experienced talent technology, media and
in overseas securities telecommunications,
and asset management continues to be highly
sectors soar. sough after.

Top industries

Private Equity & Asset Management Insurance Fintech

Venture Capital

Trending skills

Risk and
Deal sourcing Fundraising

Roles in demand

Investment Director
Investor Relations Manager
average salary increase
Risk & Compliance Manager when switching jobs
within similar industries

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Banking & Financial Services Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Chief Risk Officer 1000 1440 2000

Chief Underwriter 800 1000 1500

Chief Equity Analyst 1000 1100 1200

Chief Actuary 1500 2000 3500

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Actuary 150 360 480

Actuarial Manager 350 480 600

Head of Actuarial 600 900 1500

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Business Analyst 120 240 360

Vice President Analytics 420 600 720

Vice President Quantitative Analysis 600 800 1000

Asset Management
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Asset Management Manager 180 240 360

Senior Asset Management Manager 360 480 600

Asset Management Director 600 800 1000

General Manager Asset Management 720 960 1200

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Banking & Financial Services Salary Tables

Equity Analyst
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Equity Analyst 240 360 400

Senior Equity Manager 360 480 600

Equity Vice President 400 480 720

Equity Director 500 570 1080

Equity Managing Director 600 1600 3000

Equity Partner 1000 3750 8001

Finance, Operations & Investor Relations

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Finance Accountant 200 250 350

Finance Manager 300 400 500

Financial Due Diligence Manager 300 450 600

Post-deal Management Manager 300 450 600

Finance Controller 450 600 800

Finance Director 600 800 1000

Operations Manager 250 300 450

Investor Relations Manager 300 500 700

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Banking & Financial Services Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Investment Analyst 250 300 400

Investment Associate 300 360 500

Investment Analysis Manager 300 360 500

Investment and Financing Manager 360 450 600

Investment Manager 360 400 600

Senior Investment Manager 400 600 1000

Investment Analysis Vice President 400 600 1000

Investment and Financing Vice President 600 720 1000

Investment Vice President 600 720 1500

Senior Investment Vice President 700 960 1800

Associate Investment Director 700 960 1800

Investment Director 800 960 2000

Investment Executive Director 1000 1500 2400

Investment Managing Director 1200 1800 3000

Head of Investment 1500 2000 3500

Investment Partner 2000 3000 5000

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

M&A Advisor 300 500 720

M&A Manager 350 600 800

Senior M&A Manager 600 800 1000

M&A Director 800 1000 1200

M&A Vice President 800 1000 1500

Deputy Head of M&A 960 1200 1500

Head of M&A 1200 1800 2400

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Banking & Financial Services Salary Tables

Product Control & Valuations

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Product Manager 240 330 540

Senior Product Manager 360 500 600

Product Controller 420 600 800

Risk Management
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Credit Risk Management Manager 300 500 600

Risk Approval / Risk Strategy Manager 360 420 600

Senior Credit Risk Management Manager 400 650 800

Risk and Compliance Manager 500 600 800

Credit Risk Management Director 600 800 1000

Assistant General Manager

650 800 1000
Risk Management

Head of Risk 800 1000 1200

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Underwriter 150 240 300

Senior Underwriter 300 480 600

Underwriting Director 600 900 1200

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Top 3 hiring trends
1. Increased demand 2. Chief Digital Officer is 3. A
 ccount managers
for data scientist and a role in high demand are in demand in
analyst as companies due to an emphasis on e-commerce as digital
deemed Big Data an digital transformation. marketing and online
essential field to drive sales become more
digital transformation. prevalent.

Top industries

Fast Moving E-commerce Healthcare & Education

Consumer Goods Pharmaceutical

Trending skills
Commercial with both foreign
and domestic Data analytics

Roles in demand

Operations Director
Head of E-commerce
average salary increase
Digital Director when switching jobs
within similar industries

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Digital Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Chief Operations Officer 1000 1500 2000

Chief Digital Officer 1000 2000 3000

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Digital Copywriter 150 275 400

Content Management Executive 400 800 1200

Content Management General Manager 1200 1500 1800

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

User Experience / User Interface (UX / UI)

400 550 700

Senior Innovation and Design Director 800 1300 1800

Digital & Performance Marketing

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Digital Specialist 250 325 400

Digital Manager 400 525 650

Digital Director 600 700 800

Growth Marketing Manager 350 475 600

Growth Director 600 750 900

Senior Director Growth Marketing 600 800 1000

Digital Expert 350 500 650

Digital Vice President 800 1300 1800

Digital Advertising Manager 450 600 750

Digital Advertising Director 600 800 1000

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Digital Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

E-commerce Leader 300 400 500

E-commerce Manager 350 475 600

E-commerce Director 1000 1150 1300

Head of E-commerce 1000 1150 1300

E-commerce General Manager 1000 1150 1300

E-commerce Vice President 800 1300 1800

Product & Operations

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Operations Manager 350 450 550

Operations Supervisor 150 215 280

Product Marketing Manager 350 450 550

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

SEO Manager 400 500 600

SEO Director 500 600 700

Head of SEO 600 750 900

Social Media
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Social Media Specialist 300 375 450

Social Media Manager 400 450 500

Senior Social Media Manager 600 800 1000

Social Media Director 700 1100 1500

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Top 3 hiring trends
1. E
 ducation groups 2. With training institutions 3. P
 rivate and profitable
are rapidly setting up booming in China and kindergartens are
new K12 campuses STEAM education transforming into non-
in second- and third- products and services profitable ones due to
tier cities, thus driving entering the market, government regulations
demand for teachers demand is high for talent on private education.
and operational with rich experience
positions. in training, business
development and

Top Sectors

Bilingual Education Whole person

K12 Schools complex education

Trending skills

Proficiency in the Overseas work Blended

English language experience learning

Roles in demand

Headmaster / Principal for
Bilingual K12 Schools
Head of Education Complex average salary increase
when switching jobs
Admissions Director within similar industries

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Education Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Chief Operations Officer 800 1300 1600

Chief Academic Officer 800 1400 2000

Chief Executive Officer 1200 1800 2500

President 3000 4200 6000

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Senior Academic Manager /

400 550 700
Curriculum Development

Bilingual Headmaster (K12 Campus) 600 800 1300

Bilingual Kindergarten Principal 200 320 700

Curriculum Coordinator 200 320 500

Content Development
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Education Product Development Manager 300 420 550

Director Education Product 500 650 800

General Manager Education Product 750 1300 1900

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Centre Director 180 300 800

Regional Centre Director 350 600 1200

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Education Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Bilingual Kindergarten Deputy Principal 180 240 400

Bilingual Kindergarten Principal 240 350 600

Bilingual Deputy Headmaster K12 400 600 800

Bilingual Headmaster K12 600 900 1800

Superintendent 800 1400 3000

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Engineering & Manufacturing
Top 3 hiring trends
1. Hiring demand 2. With more new drug 3. Hiring
 managers are
increases as the development companies looking out for talent
Chinese government setting up in China, with digital sense,
invests more in R&D, operations and IT knowledge and
agriculture, advanced regulatory affairs talent working experience in
manufacturing, food and are increasingly in automation area.
life sciences industries. demand.

Top industries

Chips and Agriculture Food Healthcare &

Semiconductor Pharmaceutical

Trending skills

Artificial Ability to function Ability to lead and

Intelligence (AI) and in multicultural engage millennial
Big Data environment employees

Roles in demand

Plant Management Director
Quality Director
R&D Director average salary increase
when switching jobs
within similar industries

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 19

Engineering & Manufacturing Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Chief Operations Officer 1500 2500 3000

Chief Executive Officer 2500 4000 5000

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Engineer 200 300 400

Engineering Manager 500 600 700

Chief Engineer 800 1000 1200

Engineering Director 800 1000 1500

Environment, Health & Safety (EHS)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

EHS Manager 300 400 500

EHS Director 800 1100 1500

Security Manager 400 500 600

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Engineering & Manufacturing Salary Tables

Field Services & Maintenance

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Facilities Manager 300 400 500

Facilities Director 500 600 700

Field Service Engineer 250 350 450

Field Operations Director 800 1100 1500

Maintenance Engineer 200 300 400

Maintenance Manager 300 400 500

Technical Engineer 300 400 500

Technical Manager 500 600 700

Technical Director 700 1000 1500

Lean & Process Improvement

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Lean Expert 400 500 600

Lean Manager 400 500 600

Lean Director 800 1000 1200

Process Improvement Engineer 200 250 300

Process Improvement Manager 300 400 500

Production, Manufacturing & Plant Operations

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Production Supervisor 300 350 400

Production Manager 400 500 600

Manufacturing Engineer 200 250 300

Manufacturing Consultant 600 800 1000

Manufacturing Director 800 1100 1500

Vice President Manufacturing 1200 1500 2000

Associate Operations Director 800 1000 1200

Operation Manager 400 500 600

Plant Manager 500 700 900

Plant Management Director 800 1000 1200

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Engineering & Manufacturing Salary Tables

Project Management
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Project Engineer 300 350 400

Project Manager 400 500 600

Project Director 500 700 900

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Quality Engineer 200 250 300

Quality Manager 400 500 600

Quality Director 600 800 1000

Head of Quality 700 800 900

Vice President Quality 1000 1200 1500

Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer 200 250 300

Quality Assurance (QA) Manager 400 500 600

Quality Assurance (QA) Director 800 1100 1500

Research & Development (R&D)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Design Manager 400 500 600

Lab Manager 400 500 600

Mechanical Design Engineer 250 350 450

R&D Specialist 300 400 500

R&D Manager 600 700 900

R&D Director 800 1100 1500

Chemist 300 500 800

Innovation Manager 600 700 800

Product Development Director 800 1000 1200

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Engineering & Manufacturing Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Test Engineer 200 300 500

Validation Engineer 200 300 500

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Finance & Accounting
Top 3 hiring trends
1. S
 hared service centres 2. As more companies 3. There
 is an increasing
will help companies create individual finance demand for investment
in the accounting and department in each director with in-house
financial reporting business unit, there will working experience,
sectors become more be increased demand as corporate finance is
centralised. This will for finance business more proactive in facing
also reduce cost and partnering positions. fund-raising challenge.
strengthen talent
retention policy.

Top industries

Business Services E-commerce Technology Healthcare /


Trending skills
Strong Experience
Financial with joint
Overseas IPO
Planning & ventures,
Analysis (FP&A) mergers and
skills acquisitions

Roles in demand

Finance Manager
Finance Director
Chief Financial Officer average salary increase
when switching jobs
within similar industries

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 24

Finance & Accounting Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Chief Financial Officer 1500 1800 2600

Chief Commercial Officer 1750 2200 2600

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Accountant 120 200 240

Accountant, Accounts Receivable 120 180 240

Senior Accountant 180 240 360

Senior Accountant, Accounts Payable 180 222 350

Accounting Supervisor 250 300 350

Assistant Accounting Manager 280 330 380

Accounting Manager 350 450 500

Accounting Manager, Accounts Receivable 300 400 500

Senior Accounting Manager 400 500 550

Accounting Director 600 780 960

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Finance Supervisor 300 350 450

Assistant Finance Manager 300 350 500

Finance Manager 400 500 600

Senior Finance Manager 650 780 900

Finance Leader 750 850 980

Associate Finance Director 750 850 980

Finance Director 850 950 1300

Senior Finance Director 900 1000 1500

Finance General Manager 1200 1700 2000

Vice President Finance 1500 1700 2300

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Finance & Accounting Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Financial Analyst 200 240 360

Senior Financial Analyst 250 360 480

Financial Analysis Manager 300 400 550

Senior Financial Analysis Manager 350 450 650

Financial Analysis Director 400 600 800

Senior Credit Analyst 144 210 300

Credit Analysis Manager 240 318 372

Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)

240 280 350
Senior Financial Planning and Analysis
250 300 420
(FP&A) Analyst
Assistant Financial Planning and Analysis
280 320 450
(FP&A) Manager
Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)
300 400 550
Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)
420 510 600
Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A)
600 750 850

Reporting Manager 240 350 450

Senior Reporting Manager 300 420 550

Reporting Leader 500 550 600

Reporting Director 550 650 700

Corporate Strategy
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Investor Relations Manager 360 480 600

Senior Investor Relations Manager 550 650 700

Investor Relations Associate Director 600 700 800

Investor Relations Vice President 850 980 1350

Financial Business Planning Manager 550 650 780

Financial Business Planning Director 750 860 1000

Senior Planning Advisor 650 750 880

Senior Strategy Manager 700 800 900

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Finance & Accounting Salary Tables

Audit & Control

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Senior Auditor 180 240 360

Associate Audit Manager 300 360 420

Senior Audit Manager 450 600 750

Head of Audit 800 900 1000

Senior Internal Auditor 240 300 360

Internal Audit Supervisor 360 400 450

Internal Audit Manager 420 450 480

Senior Internal Audit Manager 550 650 780

Internal Audit Director 800 900 1000

Controlling Manager 360 420 480

Cost Controller 360 400 450

Internal Auditor 180 240 300

Business Controller 450 650 700

Risk Management
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Compliance Officer 240 300 350

Compliance Supervisor 300 360 400

Compliance Consultant 300 420 480

Compliance Manager 350 400 500

Senior Compliance Manager 400 550 650

Compliance Director 700 850 1000

Risk Specialist 250 350 450

Risk Management Principal 300 400 500

Senior Risk Analyst 300 400 500

Risk Manager 350 450 550

Risk Control Manager 360 450 550

Risk Consulting Manager 360 480 600

Senior Risk Planning Manager 400 480 540

Senior Risk Management Manager 550 650 800

Risk Management Director 800 880 980

Risk & Compliance General Manager 900 1200 1500

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Finance & Accounting Salary Tables

Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

M&A Director 800 900 1000

M&A Vice President 900 1500 1800

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Tax Editor 120 174 216

Tax Consultant 156 237 344

Tax Consulting Manager 350 400 450

Assistant Tax Manager 300 350 450

Tax Manager 350 400 600

Senior Tax Manager 450 600 750

Tax Director 700 840 1300

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Treasury Supervisor 250 350 400

Treasury Manager 350 400 450

Senior Treasury Manager 500 550 600

Associate Treasury Director 550 600 700

Head of Treasury 700 850 950

Treasury Director 600 750 960

Senior Treasury Director 700 850 1000

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Healthcare & Life Sciences
Top 3 hiring trends
1. As more companies 2. Start-ups are looking out 3. There
 is an increasing
increase their for executive talent with demand for clinical
investments in Big strong entrepreneurship medical researchers
Data and AI, talent with and value fit. and medical
Big Data and clinical professionals before
medicine background IPO, due to the
are in high demand. explosive growth of new
drug research.

Top industries

Pharmaceutical Medical Data Medical Devices Clinical Research

Organisation (CRO)

Trending skills
Ability to function
Big Data
in multicultural Entrepreneurship
and Artificial

Roles in demand

Medical Director
Regulatory Affairs (RA) Director
Clinical Director average salary increase
when switching jobs
within similar industries

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 29

Healthcare & Life Sciences Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Chief Medical Officer 2500 3000 3500

Clinical Operations
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Clinical Research Assistant 150 175 200

Senior Clinical Research Associate 300 350 400

Clinical Research Manager 360 420 480

Clinical Trial Management Director 1000 1200 1500

Clinical Development Physician 600 660 720

Associate Clinical Development Director 700 850 1000

Clinical Development Director 900 1000 1200

Clinical Science Leader 600 660 720

Clinical Science Director 1080 1140 1200

Clinical Project Manager 300 330 500

Clinical Manager 320 420 520

Clinical Study Manager 350 420 600

Clinical Operations Manager 500 600 750

Clinical Lead 800 850 900

Clinical Director 1000 1200 1500

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Healthcare & Life Sciences Salary Tables

Medical Affairs
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Medical Science Liaison 180 257 450

Medical Advisor 300 330 360

Medical Monitor 400 450 500

Senior Medical Expert 480 510 540

Medical Affairs Manager 500 550 700

Medical Manager 600 700 800

Associate Medical Director 1000 1300 1500

Medical Director 780 1230 1680

Senior Medical Director 1080 1280 1480

Head of Medical 1200 1800 2500

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Healthcare & Life Sciences Salary Tables

Regulatory Affairs (RA) & Quality

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

RA Specialist 150 200 250

RA Manager 300 400 500

Senior RA Manager 400 550 700

RA Director 1000 1200 1500

RA Senior Director 1800 1950 2100

Senior Government Affairs Manager 540 640 740

Associate Director Government Affairs 780 980 1180

Quality and Regulatory Manager 400 500 600

Director Quality and Regulatory 900 1000 1100

Quality Assurance (QA) Manager 300 400 500

Quality Manager 300 400 500

Senior Quality Manager 500 600 700

Associate Quality Director 600 700 800

Quality Director 800 1200 1500

Pharmacovigilance Manager 450 550 650

Medical Compliance Manager 550 650 750

Executive Director Product Compliance 1200 1500 2000

Research & Development (R&D)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Drug Safety Manager 300 500 700

Drug Safety Director 400 550 700

R&D Manager 600 700 800

R&D Director 800 1500 2000

Lab Supervisor 150 180 200

Scientist 800 1200 2000

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Human Resources
Top 3 hiring trends
1. C
 ompensation and 2. Demand for talent 3. A
 s companies
Benefits (C&B) directors acquisition directors transform their HR
are in high demand as is high as businesses structure, demand for
they are mandatory continue to build or HR business partner
across all industries. restructure their teams (HRBP) directors is
internally. increasing, especially
talent with strong
business acumen.

Top industries

Internet Healthcare & Entertainment &

Pharmaceutical Media

Trending skills
Recruitment Compensation Organisational
and retention and benefits and talent
strategies (C&B) development

Roles in demand

Compensation & Benefits Director
Talent Acquisition Director
HR Business Partner average salary increase
when switching jobs
within similar industries

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 33

Human Resources Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer 1000 1500 2000

Chief Human Resources Officer 1500 1800 3000

Compensation & Benefits (C&B)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Senior C&B Consultant 500 600 700

C&B Manager 300 360 500

Senior C&B Manager 400 460 600

C&B Director 600 700 800

Corporate Culture & Employee Relations

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Corporate Culture Manager 200 300 400

Corporate Culture Director 360 450 550

Human Resource Business Partner (HRBP)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

HRBP 200 350 600

HRBP Manager 250 400 500

Associate Director HRBP 500 700 900

HRBP Director 600 800 1000

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Human Resources Salary Tables

Human Resource (HR) Generalist

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Junior HR 96 120 144

HR Assistant 150 180 200

Senior HR Officer 180 200 250

Assistant HR Manager 300 350 400

HR Manager 300 400 500

Senior HR Manager 400 500 600

Assistant HR General Manager 500 700 800

HR Director 500 700 1000

HR Vice President 1500 1800 3000

Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

HRIS Analyst 120 150 180

Learning & Development

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Learning and Development Manager 300 400 600

Talent Management Consultant 300 450 500

Talent Development Manager 300 400 550

Talent Development Director 500 600 800

Training Consultant 240 300 360

Training Manager 250 300 350

Senior Training Manager 400 500 600

Training Director 450 550 650

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 35

Human Resources Salary Tables

Organisational Development
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Organisational Development Manager 300 400 500

Senior Organisational Development

500 600 800

Organisational Effectiveness Manager 400 500 600

Talent Acquisition
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Talent Acquisition Specialist 144 240 300

Assistant Talent Acquisition Manager 200 250 350

Talent Acquisition Manager 240 350 450

Senior Talent Acquisition Manager 480 600 700

Talent Acquisition Director 500 800 1000

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 36

Top 3 hiring trends
1. Data privacy lawyers 2. Demand for general 3. Increased number of
are in demand after corporate commercial talent experienced in
the announcement of lawyers will remain common law jurisdiction
General Data Protection unchanged. will be returning to
Regulation policy in 2019. Greater China.

Top industries

Healthcare & Retail Financial Services Listed Domestic

Pharmaceutical Business

Trending skills
Fund formation Data privacy
and risk
and financial and e-commerce
pertaining to
regulations applications

Roles in demand

US Associate
Legal Counsel
Compliance Counsel average salary increase
when switching jobs
within similar industries

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 37

Legal Salary Tables

In-house Corporate – Lawyer

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Newly Qualified – 2 years PQE 150 200 250

3–5 years PQE 250 450 600

6–8 years PQE 450 600 800

8–10 years PQE 600 900 1300

10–15 years PQE 800 1200 2000

15+ years PQE 1000 1500 4500

In-house Financial Services – Lawyer

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Newly Qualified – 2 years PQE 150 275 300

3–5 years PQE 350 450 550

6–8 years PQE 600 700 850

8–10 years PQE 750 900 1300

10–15 years PQE 900 1500 2000

15+ years PQE 1200 2500 5000

Legal Secretaries
Private Practice (US Law Firms)
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Junior Legal Secretary (1–3 years) 100 110 120

Legal Secretary (3–5 years) 120 160 200

Senior Legal Secretary (5+ years) 200 300 400

Partner Secretary (5+ years) 180 240 300

Office Manager 400 600 1000

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 38

Legal Salary Tables

Private Practice (Non-US International Law Firms)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Junior Legal Secretary (1–3 years) 70 85 100

Legal Secretary (3–5 years) 100 120 150

Senior Legal Secretary (5+ years) 150 225 300

Office Manager 300 500 700

Private Practice (Major Domestic Law Firms)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Junior Legal Secretary (1–3 years) 30 50 70

Legal Secretary (3–5 years) 70 100 120

Senior Legal Secretary (5+ years) 120 150 200

Office Manager 200 300 400

Private Practice
Non-NY Rate US Firms
Base salary range for 12 months (USD'000)

Role Indicative

1st Year Associate 120

3rd Year Associate 160

5th Year Associate 190

7th Year Associate 230

Salary Partner 265

Private Practice - New York Rates

Base salary range for 12 months (USD'000)

Role Indicative

1st Year Associate 190

3rd Year Associate 220

5th Year Associate 280

7th Year Associate 325

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 39

Legal Salary Tables

Non-US International Firms

Base salary range for 12 months (USD'000)

Role Indicative

Associate 1st Year 85

Associate 3rd Year 100

Associate 5th Year 120

Associate 7th Year 140

Partner 235

Large Domestic Firms

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Indicative

Newly Qualified 260

Associate 2nd Year 312

Associate 4th Year 400

Associate 6th Year 550

Associate 8th Year 680

Salary Partner 1200

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 40

Top 3 hiring trends
1. D
 omestic companies 2. Hiring demand 3. A
 s companies often
need senior-level talent for positions like align online and offline
with MNC experiences government relations, strategies, hiring
to build professional public affairs and demand is low for
systems and open policy analysis are purely offline marketing
culture. high, as companies positions.
(especially MNCs) place
more emphasis on
government relations.

Top industries

Healthcare & Fast Moving E-commerce Business Services

Pharmaceutical Consumer Goods

Trending skills
Digital and
E-commerce Innovative
new media
experience mindset

Roles in demand

Marketing Director
Marketing Manager
Brand Manager average salary increase
when switching jobs
within similar industries

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 41

Marketing Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Chief Marketing Officer 900 1500 2500

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Media Planning Manager 200 250 300

Advertising Designer 200 250 300

Advertising Director 500 600 700

Affiliate & Partnerships

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Affiliate and Partnerships Manager 300 400 500

Brand Management
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Assistant Brand Manager 200 300 400

Brand Manager 300 450 600

Senior Brand Manager 396 600 800

Associate Brand Director 500 756 1000

Brand Director 1000 1100 1200

Head of Brand 600 1000 1500

General Manager Brand 800 1250 2500

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 42

Marketing Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Copywriter 150 200 250

Content Director 250 350 500

Content Product Director 500 700 900

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Creative Director 400 600 800

Senior Designer 300 400 500

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

CRM Manager 280 440 500

Senior CRM Manager 400 500 600

Senior Director CRM 600 700 800

Event Management
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Events Manager 240 350 444

Event Operations Manager 360 400 450

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Trade Marketing Manager 240 360 500

Distribution Manager 300 350 400

Market Access Manager 360 400 450

Head of Market Access 700 800 900

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 43

Marketing Salary Tables

Marketing Communications
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Communications Manager 321 360 500

Senior Communications Manager 400 500 600

Marketing Assistant 120 210 240

Marketing Specialist 144 200 250

Senior Marketing Specialist 200 250 300

Marketing Supervisor 200 250 280

Marketing Manager 350 450 550

Senior Marketing Manager 400 655 800

General Manager Marketing 500 760 1000

Assistant Marketing Director 600 800 1000

Marketing Strategy Director 800 900 1000

Marketing Director 700 1000 1500

Head of Marketing 800 1200 1800

Vice President Marketing 700 1000 1800

Senior Marketing Director 1000 1200 1800

Product Marketing
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Assistant Product Manager 200 300 400

Product Promotion Manager 240 400 600

Product Marketing Executive 150 200 250

Product Marketing Manager 240 420 600

Vice President Product Marketing 600 800 1000

Product Marketing Director 600 1000 1500

Segment Manager 300 350 400

Senior Category Manager 360 480 600

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 44

Marketing Salary Tables

Public Relations (PR)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

PR Manager 400 500 600

Senior PR Manager 500 700 900

Head of PR 600 800 1200

PR Director 700 1000 1500

Senior PR Director 800 1000 1500

Corporate Communications Director 500 600 800

Associate Government Relations Director 700 800 900

Public Affairs Manager 312 354 396

Government Affairs Director 800 800 1200

Senior Government Affairs Manager 600 700 800

Associate Public Affairs Director 800 900 1000

Senior Corporate Affairs Manager 500 550 600

External Affairs Director 800 850 900

Head of External Relations 600 800 1000

External Stakeholder Manager 600 650 700

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Market Insights Manager 300 400 500

Market Research Manager 300 400 500

Senior Market Research Manager 300 400 500

Head of Market Research 500 600 700

Head of Market Strategy & Intelligence 600 675 750

Market Analysis Manager 240 360 480

Assistant Research Manager 300 350 380

Research Manager 400 500 600

Deputy Managing Director Research 1500 1750 2000

Consumer Insights Director 1000 1250 1500

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 45

Procurement & Supply Chain
Top 3 hiring trends
1. Positions within logistics 2. Demand for systematic 3. Due
 to domestic
field are expanding procurement business expansion,
from warehouse and management centre is Exchange to Exchange
third-party logistics expected to rise due to a (E2E) roles, such as
management to thriving service industry, supply chain manager
customer care, including such as education, and S&OP manager, are
customer service and construction and in high demand.
order fulfilment roles. Internet services.

Top industries

Healthcare & Agriculture & Food Professional Manufacturing

Pharmaceutical Service & Industrial &

Trending skills
E-commerce, Cross-culture
Retail supply
import communication
chain and
and export and stakeholder
sales forecast
management management

Roles in demand

Procurement Manager
Supply Chain Manager
Sales Forecast & S&OP Manager average salary increase
when switching jobs
within similar industries

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 46

Procurement & Supply Chain Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Deputy Chief Operations Officer 1000 1250 1500

Chief Operations Officer 1500 1750 2200

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Facilities Manager 180 240 360

Freight Manager 350 450 550

Logistics Manager 300 380 650

Head of Logistics 700 800 1000

Logistics Director 700 825 1200

Transportation Manager 360 400 500

Warehouse Manager 240 380 480

Loss Prevention Manager 400 460 520

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Senior Operations Manager 650 715 780

Operations Expert 400 425 450

Operations Director 550 700 800

Operational Excellence Manager 480 490 500

Operational Process Manager 300 330 360

Business Operations Manager 400 550 700

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 47

Procurement & Supply Chain Salary Tables

Order Management
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Order Management Assistant 100 150 200

Order Management Supervisor 180 220 280

Order Management Manager 500 600 700

Order Management Director 700 800 1100

Sourcing, Purchasing & Procurement

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Sourcing Engineer 150 225 300

Senior Sourcer 300 375 450

Sourcing Manager 400 500 600

Sourcing Director 600 750 900

Purchasing Specialist 200 300 400

Procurement Supervisor 200 300 400

Senior Procurement Supervisor 300 400 500

Procurement Executive 500 600 700

Procurement Manager 300 400 450

Senior Procurement Manager 350 400 600

Procurement Expert 350 575 800

Procurement Leader 400 600 800

Procurement Director 500 650 800

Head of Procurement 500 650 850

Senior Procurement Director 700 850 1000

General Manager Procurement 600 800 1000

Commodity Manager 350 450 500

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 48

Procurement & Supply Chain Salary Tables

Supplier Development & Quality

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Supplier Development Manager 350 400 600

Supplier Quality Manager 300 360 400

Supply Chain Management

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Supply Chain Supervisor 250 300 350

Assistant Supply Chain Manager 300 400 500

Supply Chain Consultant 300 550 800

Supply Chain Manager 400 600 800

Senior Supply Chain Manager 500 600 800

Head of Supply Chain 700 775 850

General Manager
1000 1500 2000
Supply Chain Management

Vice President Supply Chain 2000 3500 5000

Supply Chain Planning Executive 150 200 250

Supply Chain Planning Manager 234 255 340

Resource Planning and Management 300 350 400

Demand and Supply Chain Manager 500 600 700

Trade & Customs

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Import / Export Manager 600 650 700

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 49

Property & Construction
Top 3 hiring trends
1. Tier-one cities remain 2. With real estate market 3. C
 o-working spaces
a focus for foreign gradually tipping may face challenges but
and domestic real towards buyer’s market, will continue to expand
estate investment in increased demand for due to advancements
China, thus driving talent in the area of in various digital
hiring demand among asset management, tools. Tenants can
companies. leasing, consultancy, better utilise spaces
retail expansion, FM&PM and landlords can
and design functions monetise portfolios with
becomes a trend. advanced data-driven

Top industries

Property Consultancy Property Retail

& Advisory Developers

Trending skills
Real estate Building Real estate
asset information financial
management management modelling

Roles in demand

Leasing Manager
Asset Management Manager
Facilities Director average salary increase
when switching jobs
within similar industries

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 50

Property & Construction Salary Tables

Asset Management
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Asset Management Manager 360 600 800

Property Manager 240 480 600

Property Director 480 600 800

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Senior Construction Manager 360 480 600

Construction Director 480 600 1000

Design & Architecture

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Architecture Manager 240 360 480

Architecture Design Director 600 800 1000

Interior Designer 180 240 360

Space Planning Manager 360 480 600

Facilities Management
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Area Operations Manager 240 360 480

Facilities Manager 500 600 800

Facilities Director 600 700 900

Site Ambassador 240 300 360

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 51

Property & Construction Salary Tables

Leasing & Transactions

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Leasing Manager 240 300 360

Senior Leasing Manager 360 400 500

Leasing Director 500 600 800

Property Development & Consultancy

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Advisory Manager 156 200 240

Economist 600 700 800

Senior Real Estate Manager 360 400 500

Senior Consultant Strategic Consulting 180 240 360

Store Development Director 360 480 600

Strategic Planner 360 480 600

Quantity Surveyor Director 480 500 600

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 52

Top 3 hiring trends
1. Hiring demands 2. Hiring demand 3. D
 omestic companies
are increasing from decreases from offline now place greater
electronic consumer business as more emphasis on culture fit
goods, lifestyle, and focus shifts to online. than MNC experience
food and beverage Companies prefer talent when hiring new talent.
sectors. with online experience.

Top industries

Luxury Watch & Lifestyle Food & Beverage


Trending skills
Operational Retail
excellence expansion
experience experience

Roles in demand

Visual Merchandising Manager
Retail Director
General Manager average salary increase
when switching jobs
within similar industries

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 53

Retail Salary Tables

Retail Training
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Retail Trainer 180 240 300

Retail Training Manager 240 300 500

Store Management
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Store Manager 200 420 500

Area Manager 240 300 400

Retail Operations Manager 240 400 500

Retail Manager 240 400 500

Senior Retail Manager 400 500 600

Retail Director 600 700 1000

General / Country Manager 2000 2500 3500

Visual Merchandising
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Visual Merchandiser 120 150 200

Visual Merchandising Supervisor 180 200 240

Visual Merchandising Manager 240 360 500

Visual Merchandising Director 360 500 700

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 54

Top 3 hiring trends
1. Increased demand 2. Sales directors with 3. M
 ore AI experts are
for senior outbound experience in channel moving into traditional
business development management and key industrial sales sector,
talent, as private account development which will boost future
enterprises are looking are highly sought merger and acquisition
for expansion abroad, after, as traditional ventures.
especially those in the companies integrate
Technology industry. their customised and
localised sales models.

Top industries

Retail Manufacturing & Business Services Technology


Trending skills

Proficiency in the Interpersonal and Problem solving

English language networking skills and resiliency

Roles in demand

Sales Manager
Business Development Manager
23% average salary increase
when switching jobs
within similar industries

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 55

Sales Salary Tables

Consumer Products
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Account Manager 180 280 380

Key Account Manager 264 475 550

Senior Key Account Manager 400 600 750

Head of Key Account Management 550 700 840

Business Development Manager 228 325 450

Senior Business Development Manager 300 450 600

Business Development Director 360 560 760

Sales Manager 216 300 420

Senior Sales Manager 460 600 780

Sales Director 600 800 1000

Vice President Sales 900 1500 2400

Product Manager 204 282 360

Entertainment & Media

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Senior Account Executive 240 300 360

Account Manager 300 450 550

Account Director 450 600 850

Business Development Manager 240 365 480

Business Development Director 500 750 1000

Product Director 600 750 900

Vice President Sales 900 1150 1500

General Manager Sales 1500 1800 2400

Film Distribution Manager 200 300 400

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 56

Sales Salary Tables

Financial Services
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Key Account Manager 354 455 568

Vice President Account Management 600 800 1200

Business Development Manager 240 380 450

Senior Business Development Manager 360 480 600

Business Development Director 720 1100 1500

Sales Manager 240 360 480

Senior Sales Manager 350 650 800

General Manager Sales 800 990 1240

Head of Sales 800 950 1050

Vice President Sales 1200 1800 2400

Senior Product Manager 480 600 720

Product Director 600 780 960

Healthcare & Pharmaceutical

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Account Manager 240 360 480

Key Account Manager 350 450 600

Senior Key Account Manager 396 600 960

Account Director 850 980 1020

Business Development Manager 300 450 600

Business Development Director 600 750 900

Product Manager 240 450 600

Sales Manager 300 500 700

Senior Sales Manager 450 600 750

Associate Director Sales 700 860 980

Sales Director 600 900 1300

Senior Sales Director 900 1200 2000

Head of Sales 1000 1500 2000

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 57

Sales Salary Tables

Manufacturing & Industrial

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Account Manager 200 300 360

Account Director 350 450 600

Key Account Manager 180 350 500

Senior Business Development Associate 240 348 516

Business Development Manager 420 510 600

Senior Business Development Manager 500 600 800

Business Development Director 600 850 1000

Sales Engineer 200 225 350

Senior Sales Engineer 300 450 500

Sales Consultant 360 400 420

Sales Manager 400 550 700

Senior Sales Manager 450 600 800

Sales Director 560 750 800

General Manager Sales 680 850 1200

Head of Sales 700 750 800

Senior Sales Director 800 900 1200

Vice President Sales 800 1000 1500

Product Executive 180 275 350

Product Manager 200 300 500

Senior Product Manager 350 500 680

Product Director 700 850 1000

Head of Product 900 1000 1100

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 58

Sales Salary Tables

Professional Services
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Account Executive 260 340 450

Account Manager 260 350 500

Senior Account Manager 500 620 700

Account Director 600 750 900

Key Account Manager 350 500 650

Key Account Director 750 966 1100

Business Development Executive 180 300 350

Business Development Manager 240 360 450

Senior Business Development Manager 500 625 960

Business Development Director 600 750 900

Head of Business Development 800 1200 1500

Sales Consultant 300 325 350

Sales Manager 400 520 600

Senior Sales Manager 450 600 800

Sales Director 600 900 1200

Head of Sales 800 950 1300

Assistant Vice President Sales 800 1300 1800

Vice President Sales 1000 1200 1600

General Manager Sales 1200 1700 2500

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 59

Sales Salary Tables

Technology & Telecommunications

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Account Manager 240 350 500

Senior Account Manager 504 582 660

Account Director 700 800 900

Key Account Manager 240 348 660

Business Development Manager 228 400 600

Business Development Director 600 970 1200

Sales Executive 360 420 480

Sales Manager 250 450 650

Associate Director Sales 600 950 1100

Sales Director 800 1000 1200

Senior Sales Director 900 1200 1800

General Manager Sales 870 1550 2500

Head of Sales 880 980 1400

Vice President Sales 1200 1800 2400

Product Manager 200 300 420

Senior Product Manager 300 480 600

Product Manager Director 700 800 900

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 60

Secretarial & Office Support
Top 3 hiring trends
1. There is an increasing 2. With high-level MNCs 3. A
 s demand for office
demand for executive leaders setting up managers fall below
assistant, especially domestic companies of the number of available
from PE / VC sectors, their own, hiring demand candidates, salary
legal firms and new for secretary talent negotiation is expected
MNCs. support is high. to be unpromising.

Top industries

Financial Services Business Services Technology Manufacturing &


Trending skills
Multilingual Ability to
with strong multitask with
written and verbal experience in
communication setting up offices
skills in China

Roles in demand

Executive Assistant
Administration Assistant
Receptionist average salary increase
when switching jobs
within similar industries

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 61

Secretarial & Office Support Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Administrator 96 108 120

Administration Assistant 144 160 180

Administration Officer 168 180 240

Administration Manager 240 420 600

Administration Director 336 360 650

General Manager Administration 500 750 1000

Office Manager 180 240 450

Secretary 180 198 216

Senior Secretary 200 240 360

Executive Assistant 96 240 360

Personal Assistant 180 240 360

Receptionist 96 108 144

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 62

Top 3 hiring trends
1. With more state-owned 2. Talent from internet 3. U
 nlike technical
enterprises and private companies are shifting management positions,
companies investing to traditional industrial technical experts and
in high-tech industries, sectors due to growth architects continue to
demand for senior potential. be in high demand.
professionals such
as CIOs and CTOs

Top industries

Retail Artificial Intelligence Manufacturing &


Trending skills
Data science Intelligence

Roles in demand

Chief Technology Officer
Chief Information Officer
Software Architect average salary increase
when switching jobs
within similar industries

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 63

Technology Salary Tables

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Chief Technology Officer 800 1650 2500

Chief Information Officer 800 1900 3000

Chief Data Officer 800 1400 2000

Chief Executive Officer 2000 3000 4000

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

ERP Analyst 200 250 300

ERP Support Engineer 200 250 300

Senior ERP Consultant 250 300 350

ERP Supervisor 300 375 400

ERP Leader 350 375 450

ERP Business Process Expert 250 375 500

Senior ERP Solution Manager 350 425 500

Senior Process Optimisation Manager 400 450 500

Product, Research & Development (R&D)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Product Director 500 650 800

R&D Engineer 300 450 600

R&D Leader 400 500 600

R&D Director 600 800 1000

Head of R&D 1000 1500 2000

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 64

Technology Salary Tables

Data & Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

AI Engineer 350 575 800

Senior AI Engineer 450 725 1000

AI Lead 800 1000 1200

AI Scientist 900 1350 1800

Data Analyst 350 450 550

Senior Data Analyst 400 500 600

Data Analysis Leader 400 550 700

Data Scientist 550 875 1200

Data Engineer 350 475 600

Senior Data Engineer 450 550 650

Data Architect 400 750 1100

Senior Data Architect 550 875 1200

General Manager Data 800 1000 1200

Big Data Consultant 200 350 500

Big Data Development Engineer 300 450 600

Big Data Leader 500 650 800

Big Data Manager 450 675 900

Big Data Architect 550 875 1200

Big Data Director 550 875 1200

Big Data Product Director 400 600 800

Big Data Technical Director 550 875 1200

Vice President Big Data 800 1150 1500

Database Administrator 300 375 450

Data Development Engineer 350 475 600

Senior Data Development Engineer 450 550 650

Data Management Consultant 300 400 500

Data Mining Engineer 400 475 550

Data Modelling Manager 400 600 800

Business Analyst 250 425 600

Business Intelligence (BI) Consultant 300 400 500

Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst 400 550 700

Business Intelligence (BI) Leader 400 600 800

Business Intelligence (BI) Manager 450 625 800

Knowledge Base Engineer 400 500 600

Quantitative Analyst 400 500 600

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 65

Technology Salary Tables

Quantitative Engineer 400 550 700

Quantitative Developer 400 600 800

IT General & Project Management

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

IT Supervisor 250 325 400

IT Manager 300 500 700

Vice President IT 400 600 800

IT Director 500 750 1000

Head of IT 600 900 1200

Project Manager 300 400 500

Project Director 500 625 750

IT Security
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Information Security Expert 500 600 700

Information Security Director 700 800 900

IT Auditor 168 204 240

Assistant IT Audit Manager 200 250 300

IT Audit Manager 300 360 420

Senior IT Audit Manager 400 475 550

IT Security Manager 400 500 600

Regulatory Affairs Supervisor 210 255 300

Senior Risk Control Manager 350 425 500

Vice President Compliance Technology 650 725 800

IT Support
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Maintenance Engineer 200 275 350

Technical Support Engineer 200 275 350

Senior Technical Support Engineer 240 320 400

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 66

Technology Salary Tables

IT Development & Architecture

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Application Lead 400 500 600

Application Manager 500 600 700

Senior Application Manager 550 625 700

Principal Architect 550 700 850

Back End Developer 360 405 450

Business Architect 350 575 800

Cloud Engineer 300 390 480

Cloud Lead Architect 500 750 1000

Development Leader 450 625 800

DevOps Engineer 300 450 600

DevOps Expert 500 650 800

Enterprise Architect 400 600 800

Front End Architect 480 615 750

Front End Developer 250 350 450

Operating System Development Engineer 250 350 450

Senior Operating System

300 425 550
Development Engineer

Senior Operating System Manager 300 400 500

Programming Engineer 250 350 450

Senior Programming Engineer 360 480 600

Senior Programming Developer 360 405 450

Senior Programming Architect 450 575 700

Software Architect 450 575 700

Senior Software Architect 600 700 800

Senior Software Developer 350 475 600

Senior Software Development Engineer 300 400 500

Principal Software Development Engineer 350 475 600

Software Development Director 650 925 1200

Software System Architect 350 500 650

Software Engineer 250 350 450

Senior Software Engineer 350 475 600

Software Manager 400 575 750

System Architect 400 600 800

System Engineer 350 475 600

Technology Architect 550 750 950

Embedded Software Engineer 300 400 500

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 67

Technology Salary Tables

IT Testing
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Test Development Engineer 250 325 400

Test Analyst 200 250 300

Test Engineer 200 250 300

Testing Manager 300 400 500

Site Reliability Engineer 300 375 450

Solution Consulting
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Solution Engineer 200 300 400

Senior Solution Engineer 250 325 400

Solution Consultant 250 325 400

Solution Manager 350 475 600

Solution Architect 360 530 700

Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

Field Application Engineer 240 320 400

Technical Specialist 200 250 300

Technical Engineer 250 325 400

Technical Manager 300 400 500

Senior Technical Manager 350 475 600

Technical Director 500 750 1000

Technical Operation Leader 300 350 400

Vice President Technical Operations 400 550 700

Pre-sales Consultant 250 325 400

Pre-sales Manager 300 375 450

Pre-sales Principal 350 475 600

Senior Pre-sales Manager 400 500 600

Pre-sales Director 450 625 800

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 68

Technology Salary Tables

Web Building
Base salary range for 12 months (RMB'000)

Role Min Median Max

User Experience / User Interface (UX / UI)

250 350 450
Senior User Experience / User Interface
350 450 550
(UX / UI) Designer
Senior User Experience / User Interface
600 700 800
(UX / UI) Director

Web Architect Director 500 650 800

Web Developer / Engineer 300 480 700

Web Development Leader 500 650 800

Web Front End Developer 180 300 420

Web Front End Engineer 250 400 550

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 69

Top 3 hiring trends
1. Top reasons for hiring 2. Broader acceptance 3. Increase hiring
contractors: peak of contracting labour demands in mid to
seasons, temporary arrangements across senior and executive
cover (maternity leave, both clients and level consultants /
sick leave), headcount candidates. freelancers.

Top industries

Finance IT Human Resources &


* Responses are solely from companies that has hired contractors in the past

Has your Typical monthly salary range for

company hired contractors hired*
contractors in
the past?
Less than
RMB 10,000 29% 11% RMB 35,000 -

33% 4%
RMB 10,000 - RMB 50,000 -

75% Yes
20,000 80,000

21% 2%
RMB 20,000 - More than
35,000 RMB 80,000
25% No

Average duration of Volume of contractors

temporary assignments* hired per year*
40% 16%
3-6 Less than 15% 10%
months 3 months
58% 6 - 10 11 - 20

31% 13% Less

6 - 12
More than
1 year
than 5
5% 12%
21 - 50 More
than 50

Michael Page Mainland China - Beijing Salary Benchmark 2020 | 70


Beijing Shanghai
2701 / 2708 SK Tower, 18/F, HKRI Centre Two
No.6 Jia Jianguomenwai Avenue, 288 Shimen Road (No. 1)
100022 Chaoyang District Beijing 200041 China Shanghai
Tel: +8610 5969 0666 | Fax: +8610 5969 0669 T +86 21 6062 3000 | F +86 21 6062 3001

Guangzhou Shenzhen
Suite 2803, Teem Tower, Suite 401B-402A, Tower 1, Kerry Plaza,
208 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District , No.1 Zhong Xin Si Road,
510620 Guangzhou Guangdong 518000 Futian District Shenzhen
T +86 20 2338 5700 | F +86 20 2338 5701 T +86 755 3396 0900 | F +86 755 3396 0901

Chengdu Suzhou
45/F, Tower 1, International Finance Square Room 1003, Tower 2, Jinghope Plaza
No.1 Hongxing Road Section 3, 88 Hua Chi Street, SIP
Jinjiang District, 215028 Suzhou Suzhou
610021 Chengdu Sichuan Province T +86 512 6799 5300 | F +86 512 6799 5301
T +86 28 6319 6500 | F +86 28 6319 6500

[email protected]

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