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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region II, Quirino

School Grade level

Teacher Learning Area
Time& Dates Quarter


I. Objectives
A. Content Standard: To enhance adding single - digit (0-9) through repeated
practice and interactive activities.
B. Performance Standard: To understand that the order of number doesn’t
affect the sum/result.
C. Learning Competencies: Solve basic addition using pictures and counting

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Addition
A. Source of Lesson: Speed Math For Kids: The Fast Way To Do Basic
Calculations by Bill Handley|Chapter II pages 106-115.
B. Materials: Flashcard, Illustration Board, White Board Marker, Glue,
Colored Paper, Scissors, Laptop, Clip.
C. Skills: Adding Numbers, They Can Develop Critical Thinking Skills.

III. Procedure
A. Daily Routine
Teachers Activity Students Activity
1. Prayer
Before we start can someone please One student will lead the prayer.
lead the prayer.
2. Greetings
Thank you ______, Good morning Students greet the teacher as well.
class! My name is ______ and you can
call me Teacher _______.
3. Classroom Management
Before taking your seats, kindly pick up Students will pick up those trash and seat
those pieces of trash and seat properly. properly.
4. Energizer
Okay, before we start our discussion, Students sing with the teacher as well.
lets sing I Love Math.
Did you enjoy class?
5. Attendance
Is there any absentee today? None. Everyone is present Sir.
Very Good!
6. Classroom Rules
Okay class, take a look at this
(The teacher show the classroom and
explained it.)
Yes Sir!
Do you understand class?

B. Motivation
Before we start our lesson for today.

(The teacher open the Laptop for

Okay class, what do I have here?
Students will answer.
Very Good! What else?

Very Good!

Now, Teacher have something to show

you, watch this video. Counting and Addition.

What did you learn in this video?

10 penguins!
So how many baby penguins did you
see in the video?

Very Good!

(The teacher will show a picture of I saw a different animals like elephant,
the animals) giraffe, and tigers.
What did you see In the picture?

Very Good! 3 Elephants!

How many elephants did you see? Students will answer.

Very Good! How about the birds? 2 Giraffe’s

Excellent! How about the Giraffe?

Very Good! There are 2 Giraffe’s and 3 Elephant.

There are 5 in all.
How many Giraffe and Elephant

C. Presentation
Now, class I have here a pictures of
different animals. Let us count them.
How many butterflies are there? They are 6 butterflies!

Very Good!

How about the turtles? There are 5 turtles!

Very Good!

How about the chicks? There are 8 chicks!

(The teacher will continue to ask the

students until it’s done).

Now, class I have scenario.

1. Uno bought 6 red apples in the

market and Hannah have 1 green apple

How many red apples does Uno have? Uno have 6 red apples.

Very Good!
Hannah have 1 green apple.
How many green apple does Hannah

Okay class who wants to write the 6+1=7

equation on the board?

2. Jimuel wants to buy 5 grapes and 4

oranges. He noticed that there are only 5
grapes are available in the market.
There are 5 grapes.
How many grapes are there?

Very Good! There are no oranges available in the

How many oranges are there?

Very Good! 3+0 = 3

0+3 = 3
Who wants to write the addition
equation on the board?

Very Good!

D. Evaluation
Add me
Directions: Copy and answer the
following questions.

Yes sir

Did you get all the answers class?

E. Evaluation

I will group you into three groups. But

before we proceed, what are the Cooperate actively to your group.
standards while having a group activity?

Excellent answer! Now, I will give one

illustration board for each group and I
will show different objects here in the

Each group will write the number of

objects seen in my drawing.
Yes Sir!
Did you understand class?
We are ready Sir!
Very Good! Are you ready?
Yes Sir!

Did you enjoy the activity group class?

Very Good!

F. Assignment
Directions: Answer all the following problems. COPY and ANSWER.

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