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Awards/Certificates in

English Skills (3850)

Specimen Papers
Entry Level (Module 11)
Level 1 (Module 12)
Level 2 (Module 13)

December 2013 3.1

3850 English Skills

Table of Contents
Awards/ Certificate in English Skills (3850) Level 1 (Module 11) Source Document, Question Paper & Marking 3

3850 English Skills Level 1 (Module 11) Source Document (Reading & Writing)---------------------------------------- ---------- 4
3850 English Skills Level 1 (Module 11) Marking Guide (Reading & Writing) ------------------------------------------------------ 17
3850 English Skills Level 1 (Module 11) Question Paper (Speaking & Listening) -------------------------------------------------- 28
3850 English Skills Level 1 (Module 11) Marking Guide (Speaking & Listening) --------------------------------------------------- 34

Awards/ Certificate in English Skills (3850) Level 2 (Module 12) Source Document, Question Papers & Marking 41

3850 English Skills Level 2 (Module 12) Source Document (Reading & Writing) -------------------------------------------------- 42
3850 English Skills Level 2 (Module 12) Question Paper (Reading & Writing) ---------------------------------------------------- 46
3850 English Skills Level 2 (Module 12) Marking Guide (Reading & Writing) ------------------------------------------------------ 56
3850 English Skills Level 2 (Module 12) Question Paper (Speaking & Listening) ------------------------------------------------- 66
3850 English Skills Level 2 (Module 12) Marking Guide (Speaking & Listening) --------------------------------------------------- 72

Awards/ Certificate in English Skills (3850) Level 3 (Module 13) Source Document, Question Papers & Marking 79

3850 English Skills Level 3 (Module 13) Source Document (Reading & Writing) -------------------------------------------------- 80
3850 English Skills Level 3 (Module 13) Question Paper (Reading & writing) ---------------------------------------------------- 85
3850 English Skills Level 3 (Module 13) Marking Guide (Reading & Writing) ------------------------------------------------------ 96
3850 English Skills Level 3 (Module 13) Question Paper (Speaking & Listening) ------------------------------------------------- 106
3850 English Skills Level 3 (Module 13) Marking Guide (Speaking & Listening) -------------------------------------------------- 114

3850 English Skills Grading Scheme--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 121

3850 English Skills

Awards/ Certificates in
English Skills (3850) Entry
Level (Module 11)

Source Document, Question

Papers & Marking Guides

3850 English Skills

3850 English Skills - Sample Paper

Reading and Writing
Entry Level (Module 11)
Environmental Change

Source Document and Question Paper

Candidate Name (First, Middle, Last)

Candidate enrolment number DOB (DDMMYYYY)

Candidate signature

Test date (DDMMYYYY) Centre number

General information
 The duration of this test is 2 hours.
 There are five sections in this test.
 The maximum marks for each question are shown.
 The maximum number of marks for this test is 40.
 Before leaving the test room you must give this book to the Invigilator.

3850 English Skills

Candidate instructions

What you have to do

 Complete this test using a blue or black pen.
 Check you have put your name and details on the front cover of this test.
 Read the source documents and each question carefully.
 Answer all the questions.
 Write your answers in this answer book.

What you will need

 This test paper.
 A dictionary and/ or thesaurus.
 A blue or black pen.

3850 English Skills

Section 1 (5 marks)
Read the document and answer the questions.

Climate Change and You

Get involved Background News Sponsors Site map Status

Most people now agree that the planet’s climate is heating up. This is known as global warming.
What causes it?
Most of the energy we use in our lives is made by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, gas or wood. When we burn
these fuels a gas escapes and rises up and gets trapped high above the world. This gas is strange because it lets
heat from the sun pass through to hit the Earth but then does not let the heat back out into space again. It traps the
heat around the Earth. The result is that the planet is heating up.
What will happen?
Ice at the North and South poles will melt and sea
levels will rise. Millions of homes around the
world could be flooded and in other parts of the
planet it will be too hot for people to live. Billions
of people may not be able to get enough water for
drinking or growing their crops. The picture also
shows other things that will happen.

How can we stop it? What can you do?

The best way to help is to use less energy. For more information send us your details and we will send you
our fact sheets.
Here are some ways to use less energy:
 walk instead of drive Name
 switch off lights when you are not in the
room Email
 put the air conditioning on a timer
 don’t leave the TV on standby – switch it Telephone
 unplug your phone charger when you are Address
not using it
 recycle.
Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Press

3850 English Skills

1 What is the document about? 1 mark


2 Use the image to give one example of what may happen in the future. 1 mark


3 Give two ways to save energy. 2 marks



4 What is the main purpose of document 1? 1 mark

Tick the correct answer.

a) To advertise. 

b) To amuse. 

c) To inform. 

d) To complain. 

3850 English Skills

Section 2 (3 marks)

Read the document and answer the questions.

Huge turnout for International

Coastal Clean-up Day
On Saturday, there was a massive turnout
for the International Coastal Clean-up at
Fort Rocky Beach.

The Minister of Tourism and Entertainment Dr

Wykeham McNeill said, “People are becoming
more aware of the environment. We are not
going to clean up the country in one day but
Beach Buddy Volunteers clean up the beach
what we are doing is sending a message.
Tourists come and go, but we are still here
and want to live in a clean environment.”

Are you interested in being a volunteer Beach Buddy and helping to keep our beaches clean?
Here’s what you need to do

 Download the application form from

 Complete the form and send it back to us at Beach Buddy Clean Up, 55 Sheffield Way,
Kingston JA
 If you are under 16 make sure a parent or guardian signs the consent form.
Here are some of the benefits of being a Beach Buddy
 You get to meet new people
 It’s fun
 FREE Beach Buddy T-shirt

5 What is a Beach Buddy? 1 mark


6 Where can you find an application form to become a Beach Buddy? 1 mark


7 What must applicants under 16 years of age do? 1 mark


3850 English Skills

Section 3 (10 marks)

Complete the form.

Application form to become a Beach Buddy

Section 1
Personal Details
Title: (Please delete) Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Other (please state) ____________________

Family Name: (Block capitals) _________________________________________________________________

First Name: (Block capitals) _______________________________________________


Section 2
Write at least two sentences to explain why you would like to be a Beach Buddy.

Section 3
Only to be completed for candidates who are under 16 years of age

Age of applicant (if under 16) _________________

I give permission for _________________ ______________to become a Beach Buddy

Parent / Guardians signature (if applicable) ____________________Date ____________

8 Which section of the form should be completed by a parent or guardian? 1 mark


9 Have you checked your completed form for spelling, punctuation and grammar? 1 mark

 Yes

3850 English Skills

Section 4 (8 marks)

Complete the tasks.

10 Here are six words connected with the environment. Put the words into alphabetical order. 1 mark


conservation effect

atmosphere Arctic







11 Choose one of the words and look up the meaning in a dictionary. Write the definition. 1 mark



3850 English Skills

12 Some words are missing from the information below. Use the words in the box to complete the text. 2
Use each word once. marks

so heavy horrific thickly

Protecting our Forests

Climate change means there could be many more ___________

hurricanes and storms. Trees protect the soil during ___________

rain and winds. When hillsides are ___________ covered with

trees there is less soil erosion ___________ fewer landslides.

13 In the next passage there are four missing capital letters and two missing punctuation markers. 3
Put the capital letters and punctuation markers into the text. marks

mangroves and coral reefs protect our coasts against storm

surges. The mangroves are where many fish breed and the coral
reefs are home to different types of fish these eco- systems
ensure our fishermen can earn a living.

Restoring the mangroves in parts of Kingston and clarendon will

improve coastal protection. what else do you think we can do to
protect our shores We want to hear from you.

3850 English Skills

14 There are three spelling errors in the sentence which is in the box below. Underline the errors
1 mark
and write the corrections underneath.

Climate change as a big impact on our lifes so we have to make

sure we are ready too change and adapt.

3850 English Skills

Section 5 (14 marks)

Write about how your community is working to improve your environment.

Think about:
 what needs to be improved
 cleaning up the environment
 local community projects.

We suggest you write between 75 – 150 words.

You will be tested on

 planning and writing a clear and ordered piece of text
 writing in paragraphs
 using correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.

Use the boxes below to outline the key points you would like to include.

Key Points

3850 English Skills

Write here.

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3850 English Skills

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Have you checked your piece of writing for spelling, punctuation and grammar?
 Yes

Have you checked that your piece of writing is clear and easy to read?
 Yes

End of Test

3850 English Skills

Published by City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
T +44 (0)844 543 0000
F +44 (0)20 7294 2413

City & Guilds is a registered charity established to

promote education and training

3850 English Skills

3850- English Skills

Entry Level (Module 11)
Reading and Writing

Sample Paper

Marking Guide
Environmental Change

3850 English Skills

About City & Guilds

City & Guilds is the UK’s leading provider of vocational qualifications, offering over 500 awards across a wide range of industries, and
progressing from entry level to the highest levels of professional achievement. With over 8500 centres in 100 countries, City & Guilds is
recognised by employers worldwide for providing qualifications that offer proof of the skills they need to get the job done.

City & Guilds Group

The City & Guilds Group includes City & Guilds, ILM (the Institute of Leadership & Management) which provides management qualifications,
learning materials and membership services, NPTC which offers land-based qualifications and membership services, and HAB (the
Hospitality Awarding Body). City & Guilds also manages the Engineering Council Examinations on behalf of the Engineering Council.

Equal opportunities
City & Guilds fully supports the principle of equal opportunities and we are committed to satisfying this principle in all our activities and
published material. A copy of our equal opportunities policy statement is available on the City & Guilds website.

The content of this document is, unless otherwise indicated, © The City and Guilds of London Institute 2008 and may not be copied,
reproduced or distributed without prior written consent.

However, approved City & Guilds centres and learners studying for City & Guilds qualifications may photocopy this document free of
charge and/or include a locked PDF version of it on centre intranets on the following conditions:
 centre staff may copy the material only for the purpose of teaching learners working towards a City & Guilds qualification, or for
internal administration purposes
 learners may copy the material only for their own use when working towards a City & Guilds qualification

The Standard Copying Conditions on the City & Guilds website also apply.

Please note: the Functional Skills standards are not © The City and Guilds of London Institute. Please check the conditions upon which
they may be copied with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)

City & Guilds publications are available on the City & Guilds website or from our Publications Sales department at the address below or
by telephoning +44 (0)20 7294 2850 or faxing +44 (0)20 7294 3387.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is true and correct at the time of going to press.
However, City & Guilds’ products and services are subject to continuous development and improvement and the right is reserved to
change products and services from time to time. City & Guilds cannot accept liability for loss or damage arising from the use of
information in this publication.

City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
London EC1A 9DD
T +44 (0)20 7294 2800
F +44 (0)20 7294 2400 [email protected]

3850 English Skills


Reading and Writing

 Candidates must each have access to a dictionary and/ or thesaurus.
 The Reading and Writing element will be externally marked.

The marker should

 mark according to and complete the Summary Assessment Record for each candidate (see section 1.1).

Summary Assessment Record

The Summary Assessment Record provides a marking scheme as well as a place to record achievement.

What the candidate must do in order to be awarded the marks for assessment criterion that use the phrases ‘most of the time’ and ‘some of
the time’ is outlined below.

Most of the time = generally correct but with occasional lapses as long as the document is fit for purpose, eg the candidate sequences
writing in logical order (in terms of time or topics) and content contains only relevant information (is concise) and content gets the relevant
point across (is persuasive). Occasional lapses that do not affect overall fitness for purpose will get this mark for the candidate.

Some of the time = as long as the document is fit for purpose and shows understanding but usage is inconsistent, eg the candidate displays
evidence of logical ordering, providing relevant information and getting the point across, but does this inconsistently.

3850 English Skills

Assessment Record sheets

1.1 Summary Assessment Record
Candidate name:

Section 1 – Reading Candidate marks Reference to City &

Guilds assessment
marks R W criteria

Global warming or climate change 1 mark 201 – 1.4
202 – 1.2

One of:
 storms
 extreme weather
 hurricane
 heatwave 203 – 2.1
1 mark
 changes in the weather

(accept similar wording)

Two of:
 walk
 switch off lights
 put the air conditioning on a timer
 don’t leave the TV on standby 2 marks 201 – 1.4
 unplug your phone charger 202 -1.1, 2.4, 2.5
 recycle.

(accept similar wording)

4. 203 – 1.3
1 mark
c) To inform

Total marks for Section 1 5 marks

3850 English Skills

Section 2 – Reading Reference to City &

Guilds assessment
marks Candidate marks criteria
a volunteer to help clean the beaches 201 – 1.1, 1.4
1 mark 202 – 1.1, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5
(accept similar wording) 203 – 1.1

internet / website / 1 mark 202 – 1.1, 1.2, 2.4, 2.5

get a parent or guardian to sign the form / give consent
201 – 1.2
1 mark
202 – 2.2
(accept similar wording)

Total marks for Section 2 3 marks

3850 English Skills

Candidate marks Reference to City &

Maximum Guilds assessment
Section 3 – Completing a form
marks criteria

Section 1 - Reading

2 marks
Candidate recognises words and phrases used on forms by
completing the form correctly
• titles deleted (or other stated) 201 – 1.1, 1.2
• first and family name in block capitals
• address 2 marks 202 – 2.2
• age (if under 16)
1 mark
Candidate recognises words and phrases most of the time
(1 or 2 errors)

Section 2 - Writing

2 marks
Candidate writes two sentences which are grammatically
correct (including subject verb agreement). 207 – 1.2
2 marks
1 mark
One grammatically correct sentence
2 marks
Spelling correct to E3 (common words and relevant key
words including those from work, study and everyday life) 207 – 3.1, 3.2, 4.2, 4.3,
2 marks 4.4
1 mark
One error that doesn’t affect overall purpose and meaning
2 marks
Correct use of capital letters, full stops or question marks
2 marks 207 – 1.3
1 mark
One error that doesn’t affect overall purpose and meaning

All sections

8. Section 3 should be left blank by the candidate. (only

1 mark 202 – 1.1, 2.1, 2.2
completed by parent or guardian)

9. Candidate indicates they have proof read the completed 207 – 4.1
application form for accuracy. 1 mark
209 – 2.2

3850 English Skills

Total marks for Section 3 10 marks

Candidate marks Reference to

Maximum City & Guilds
Section 4 assessment
marks R W

Correct alphabetical order:
 Arctic
 Atmosphere 1 mark 201 – 2.1, 2.2
 Conservation
 Crisis
 Effect
 Environment

1 mark 201 – 2.3
Candidate chooses a word and gives an appropriate definition from
a reference tool/source.


Correct order:

horrific hurricanes

heavy rains

thickly covered
so fewer
2 marks 201 – 1.1, 1.3

2 marks
Candidate inserts all the words correctly into the text

1 mark
One or two errors

3850 English Skills

Protecting our Coastal Areas

Mangroves and coral reefs protect our coasts against storm surges. The
mangroves are where many fish breed and the coral reefs are home to
different types of fish. These eco- systems ensure our fishermen can earn
a living.

Restoring the mangroves in parts of Kingston and Clarendon will improve

coastal protection.
What else do you think we can do to protect our shores? We want to hear
202 – 2.6
from you. 3 marks

3 marks
Candidate correctly inserts all the capital letters and punctuation
2 marks
Candidate correctly inserts capital letters and punctuation
markers (1-2 errors)
1 mark
Candidate correctly inserts capital letters and punctuation
markers (3-4 errors)

as - has
lifes – lives (accept life)
too – to 207 – 1.2, 4.3,
1 mark 4.4, 4.5

1 mark
Candidate identifies the incorrect spellings and writes the correct

Total marks for Section 4 8 marks

3850 English Skills

Candidate marks Reference to

Maximum City & Guilds
Section 5 - Writing assessment
marks R W

1 mark
Candidate produces a plan indicating the key points 1 mark 208 – 1.1

1 mark 208 – 1.2

1 mark
Writing is organised into short paragraphs

2 marks
Writing communicates information and opinions in a sequenced
chronological order 2 marks 208 – 1.3
1 mark 209 – 1.1

Information is sequenced effectively most of the time

2 marks
Punctuation is accurate (including capital letters and end of
sentence markers) 1-2 errors that don’t affect overall purpose
and meaning

2 marks 207 – 1.3

1 mark
Punctuation is accurate some of the time (including capital
letters and end of sentence markers). 3-4 errors that don’t
affect overall purpose and meaning

2 marks
Accurate grammar (including subject verb agreement and the use of
correct tenses) 1- 2 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and
meaning 2 marks 207 – 1.2
1 mark
Accurate grammar some of the time (including subject verb
agreement) 3-4 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and meaning

3850 English Skills

2 marks
Spelling correct to E3 (common words and relevant key words
including those from work, study and everyday life) 1-2 errors
that don’t affect overall purpose and meaning

1 mark 2 marks 207 – 3.2

Spelling correct to E3 some of the time (common words and
relevant key words including those from work, study and
everyday life) 3-4 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and

Proof read for accuracy and meaning 1 mark 209 – 2.2

Text is legible and appropriate for purpose 1 mark 209 – 2.1

2 marks

Candidate has followed written instructions consistently to

complete the test paper
2 marks 203 – 1.2
1 mark
1-2 errors

Total marks for Section 5 14 marks

Total Marks Grid

Candidate Candidate
Total marks for Reading 20 marks Pass = marks Y/N
total pass

Candidate Candidate
Total marks for Writing 20 marks Pass = marks Y/N
total pass

3850 English Skills

Published by City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
T +44 (0)20 7294 2800
F +44 (0)20 7294 2400

City & Guilds is a registered charity

established to promote education and training

3850 English Skills

3850 English Skills - Sample Paper

Speaking & Listening
Entry Level (Module 11)
Environmental Change

Candidate Name (First, Middle, Last)

Candidate enrolment number DOB (DDMMYYYY)

Candidate signature

Test date (DDMMYYYY) Centre number

General information
 There are two activities in this test.
 The maximum marks for each question are shown.
 The maximum number of marks for this test is 20.
 Before leaving the test room you must give this book to the Invigilator.

3850 English Skills

Candidate instructions

What you have to do

 Check you have put your name and details on the front cover of this test.
 Complete the two activities in this test using a blue or black pen.
o Activity 1 - listen to the recording and answer the questions. You may listen to the recording up to
three times.
o Activity 2 - take part in a group discussion with three or more people.
 Read each question carefully.
 Answer all the questions.
 Write your answers in this answer book.

3850 English Skills

Activity 1 (5 marks)

Listen to the presentation about saving energy then answer the following questions.

1 When you save energy, what else do you save? 1 mark


2 Name two items we should turn off when leaving a room. 2 marks



3 What should we do with electronic equipment? 1 mark


4 What type of water should we wash clothes in? 1 mark


3850 English Skills

Activity 2 (15 marks)

In a group, discuss ideas to save energy at home and in your community.

The discussion should take at least 5 minutes.

A group is defined as three or more people.

You will be tested on

 taking part in the discussion
 listening and replying to others
 asking questions
 using suitable language
 allowing others to give their points of view.

Before the discussion you may want to make notes of your ideas here.

3850 English Skills

Answer the following questions about your discussion.

5 What does the group think about saving energy?



6 Did you all agree? Why/ why not?



7 What questions did you ask in the discussion?



8 What points did you make in the discussion?



End of Test

3850 English Skills

Published by City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
T +44 (0)844 543 0000
F +44 (0)20 7294 2413

City & Guilds is a registered charity established to

promote education and training

3850 English Skills

3850 -English Skills

Entry Level (Module 11)
Speaking & Listening

Sample Paper

Marking Guide
Environmental Change

3850 English Skills

About City & Guilds

City & Guilds is the UK’s leading provider of vocational qualifications, offering over 500 awards across a wide range of industries, and
progressing from entry level to the highest levels of professional achievement. With over 8500 centres in 100 countries, City & Guilds is
recognised by employers worldwide for providing qualifications that offer proof of the skills they need to get the job done.

City & Guilds Group

The City & Guilds Group includes City & Guilds, ILM (the Institute of Leadership & Management) which provides management qualifications,
learning materials and membership services, NPTC which offers land-based qualifications and membership services, and HAB (the Hospitality
Awarding Body). City & Guilds also manages the Engineering Council Examinations on behalf of the Engineering Council.

Equal opportunities
City & Guilds fully supports the principle of equal opportunities and we are committed to satisfying this principle in all our activities and
published material. A copy of our equal opportunities policy statement is available on the City & Guilds website.

The content of this document is, unless otherwise indicated, © The City and Guilds of London Institute 2008 and may not be copied, reproduced
or distributed without prior written consent.

However, approved City & Guilds centres and learners studying for City & Guilds qualifications may photocopy this document free of charge
and/or include a locked PDF version of it on centre intranets on the following conditions:
 centre staff may copy the material only for the purpose of teaching learners working towards a City & Guilds qualification, or for internal
administration purposes
 learners may copy the material only for their own use when working towards a City & Guilds qualification

The Standard Copying Conditions on the City & Guilds website also apply.

Please note: the Functional Skills standards are not © The City and Guilds of London Institute. Please check the conditions upon which they may
be copied with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)

City & Guilds publications are available on the City & Guilds website or from our Publications Sales department at the address below or by
telephoning +44 (0)20 7294 2850 or faxing +44 (0)20 7294 3387.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is true and correct at the time of going to press.
However, City & Guilds’ products and services are subject to continuous development and improvement and the right is reserved to change
products and services from time to time. City & Guilds cannot accept liability for loss or damage arising from the use of information in this

City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
London EC1A 9DD
T +44 (0)20 7294 2800
F +44 (0)20 7294 2400 [email protected]

3850 English Skills

Guidance Notes

Speaking & Listening

 The Speaking & Listening element will be internally assessed and quality assured.
 The listening activity and the discussion can be assessed on different occasions.
 Candidates can listen to the recording for the listening activity (Activity 1) up to three times therefore there is no specific
required duration to complete this activity. There is a minimum duration required of at least 5 minutes to complete the
discussion activity (Activity 2).
 An audio file/ recording will be provided at Entry 3 for the listening activity (Activity 1). This is password protected and
can be downloaded from
 In order to enable students to be confident language users, we encourage a bilingual classroom where students may use
Jamaican Creole (JC) and Standard Jamaican English (SJE). In so doing, we are encouraging students to understand
context. We want students to be equally fluent in SJE and JC. However, Standard Jamaican English, which is the target
language, must be used during assessment.

The Speaking & Listening examiner will:

 be fully conversant with the Speaking & Listening activities and the Summary Assessment Record before conducting the
 complete the Assessor Comments box giving examples how the candidate meets each criterion (see back page of this
 enter marks on the Summary Assessment Record for Activities 1 and 2

Summary Assessment Record

The Summary Assessment Record is a mark scheme and a record of the marks achieved.

The marking scale provides the number of marks that the candidate can achieve for each criterion.

Full marks demonstrates the candidate meets the criteria consistently at the level.

Most of the time demonstrates consistency at the level with occasional lapses.

Some of the time demonstrates minimal competency at the level.

Zero marks demonstrates the candidate has not met the required standard at the level.

3850 English Skills

Recording for Activity 1 – Listening

I want you to think about where you live, your home and what you can do to be more energy efficient. There are
some simple things we can all do to help save energy. Saving energy can help save the planet and it can save
money too.

Here are some things we can all do.

1. Turn off the television, fan and lights when you leave a room.
2. Buy energy saving light bulbs to replace less-efficient bulbs.
3. Unplug electronic equipment, such as computers, cell phone chargers, digital cameras, and
MP3s, when they are not being used.
4. Reduce your use of hot water – take short showers, use cold water to wash clothes.

To be honest, it’s not difficult, it’s just common sense.

3850 English Skills

2 Assessment Record sheets

2.1 Summary Assessment Record
Candidate name:

Reference to
Maximum Candidate City & Guilds
Activity 1 – Listening
marks marks assessment
1. money / the planet 1 mark 205 – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
2. Any two of:
 television
 fans 2 marks 205 – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
 lights

3. unplug (it)
1 mark 205 – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
(accept similar wording)
4. cold 1 mark 205 – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3

Total for Activity 1 - Listening 5 marks

Reference to
Maximum Candidate City & Guilds
Activity 2 - Discussion assessment
marks marks

Marks should be based on listening to the candidate taking part in the discussion and on the answers to questions 5 – 8.
2 marks
Speaks clearly and appropriately for the situation 2 marks 204 – 1.1
1 mark 206 – 1.3
Speaks clearly and appropriately for the situation some of the time

3850 English Skills

Provides relevant information within the topic and context of the discussion for:
 a description OR 3 marks 204 – 1.2, 1.3, 1.4
 an explanation OR
206 – 1.3
 an account
3 marks
All of the time
2 marks
Most of the time
1 mark
Some of the time
2 marks
Listens to and identifies information given by others consistently 205 – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
2 marks
1 mark 206 - 1.1, 1.2
Most of the time
2 marks
Listens to and responds appropriately to others points of view consistently 204 – 1.1
2 marks
1 mark 206 – 1.4
Most of the time
2 marks
Responds to questions appropriately 2 marks 204 – 1.5
1 mark
Responds to at least one question
2 marks
Makes requests and asks questions to obtain additional information appropriately 2 marks 205 – 1.5
1 mark
Makes at least one request or asks one question
1 mark
Uses strategies to clarify and confirm understanding 205 -1.4
1 mark
1 mark
Respects the turn taking rights of others during discussion 1 mark 206 – 1.5

Total marks for discussion 15 marks

Total marks for Speaking & Listening activities 20 marks

3850 English Skills

Assessor Comments

Total Marks Grid

Maximum marks for Speaking & Listening Fail

(20 marks) Candidate total:
Pass mark: 12 Pass
Merit: 15-17
Distinction: 18-20 Merit

Assessor name Assessor signature Date

Internal Quality Assurer name Internal Quality Assurer signature Date

(if sampled) (if sampled)

External Quality Assurer name External Quality Assurer signature (if Date
(if sampled) sampled)

3850 English Skills

Awards/ Certificates in
English Skills (3850) Level 1
(Module 12)

Source Document, Question

Papers & Marking Guides

3850 English Skills

3850 English Skills - Sample Paper

Reading and Writing

Level 1 (Module 12)

Environmental Change

Source documents

Do not write your answers in this booklet as this will not be marked.
All answers should be written in the space provided on the question paper.

3850 English Skills

Document 1

Change and
About us Background News Sponsors Site map Status
Our climate is changing
In Jamaica the dry seasons are becoming hotter and lasting longer.
The wet seasons have heavier rains, more flooding and more
Image 1
What causes climate change?
One of the reasons for our climate changing is that human beings have
increased the amount of certain gases, called greenhouse gases, in our

We use oil, coal and gas for daily activities, such as producing
electricity for homes, factories, businesses and motor vehicles. These
activities produce greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. Excess
greenhouse gases in our atmosphere are trapping too much heat
around the earth.
Image 2

This heat makes our earth warmer, like a greenhouse. This is what is
known as global warming. It is this increase in temperature over time
which results in changes to our climate – climate change.
What does this mean for us in Jamaica? What are we planning to do?
Climate change means that we in Jamaica have to change. We must Climate change adaptation is very important for people on small islands. Climate
change how we live, work and play. We must try to reduce the amount change has a big impact on our lives. We need to adapt by:
of greenhouse gases we produce. We have to do things differently.
1. protecting forests
We depend a lot on the climate and the natural environment. Climate 2. protecting our coastal areas
change affects us in a big way: 3. staying informed so we know what to do.
 More intense storms mean we need to spend more time and
money to prepare for these disasters to repair the damage What can you do?
they may cause. For more information and to find out what you can do to make a difference send us
 When seas get warmer the amount of fish our fishermen your details and we will send you our fact sheets.
catch and the coral reefs where fish live, come under
 When sea levels rise because of climate change, homes,
hotels, businesses and ports on the coast are at risk.
 Warmer temperatures may mean drought which affects our Email
farmers, our food and water supply.

3850 English Skills

Document 2

Energy Saving Hints and Tips.

1. Clean out the fridge every month and make sure the door is always
closed properly.

2. Turn off all lights and fans when you are not in the room. Change light
bulbs to the energy saving variety. This will save you at least 15% on
your bill.

3. Only use the washing machine when you have a full load.

4. In good weather, instead of using the dryer, put wet clothes in the sun.
It’s free.

5. Turn your appliances and TVs off when not in use.

6. Anything that has a heating element, including hairdryers and curling

irons, uses a lot of electricity so use them as little as possible.

7. Unplug all phone chargers when not in use.

To save even more money, have you considered installing solar panels?
For a FREE consultation and advice on solar panel installation contact

JEP Energy on 1.800.523.5686

Solar Panels from JEP Energy will save you more than 60% on your energy
bill and give you a reasonable payback time.

End of Source Document

3850 English Skills

Published by City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
T +44 (0)844 543 0000
F +44 (0)20 7294 2413

City & Guilds is a registered charity established to

promote education and training

3850 English Skills

3850 English Skills - Sample Paper

Reading and Writing

Level 1 (Module 12)

Environmental Change

Candidate Name (First, Middle, Last)

Candidate enrolment number DOB (DDMMYYYY)

Candidate signature

Test date (DDMMYYYY) Centre number

General information
 The duration of this test is 2 hours.
 There are two sections in this test.
 The maximum marks for each question are shown.
 The maximum number of marks for this test is 56.
 Before leaving the test room you must give this book to the Invigilator.

3850 English Skills

Candidate instructions

What you have to do

 Complete this test using a blue or black pen.
 Check you have put your name and details on the front cover of this test.
 Read each question carefully.
 Answer all the questions.
 Write your answers in this answer book.

What you will need

 This test paper.
 Source document.
 A dictionary and/ or thesaurus.
 A blue or black pen.

3850 English Skills

Section 1 (26 marks)

Read document 1 in the source booklet and answer the following questions.

1 How would you best describe document 1? 1 mark

Tick the correct answer.

a) A company advertising leaflet. 

b) A fishing magazine article. 

c) An information website. 

d) A social media forum. 

2 What is the impact of climate change on the wet season and the dry season in Jamaica? 2 marks



3 How are the following affected by climate change? 3 marks

 Fishing.
 Tourism.
 Farming.



3850 English Skills

4 Write a suitable label for each photograph in document 1. 2 marks

Image 1


Image 2


5 In the box below underline the three main points that are made in document 1. 3 marks

Protect the forests

warmer seas climate change

Risk to Jamaica

Greenhouse gases
Carbon dioxide
planning intense storms

6 In document 1, why have the following features been used in the text? 2 marks

a) Subheadings.


a) Bullet points.


3850 English Skills

7a In your own words, write the meaning of adapt in the context of document 1. 1 mark



7b Which noun in document 1 has adapt as the root? 1 mark


8 Why might the reader complete the boxes? 1 mark


9 Identify two questions asked in document 1 which are about future plans. 2 marks



3850 English Skills

Read document 2 in the source booklet and answer the following questions.

10 What is the benefit of drying clothes outside? 1 mark


11 Which word could be used in tip 7 instead of the phrase, ‘as little as possible’? 1 mark

Tick the correct answer.

a) Freely. 

b) Sparingly. 

c) Eventually. 

d) Extensively. 

12a What product does JEP Energy sell? 1 mark


12b Give three examples of phrases used to persuade you to buy their product. 3 marks




3850 English Skills

13 Which one of the hints and tips matches the image? 1 mark


14 Document 2 is about: 1 mark

Tick the correct answer.

a) saving 

b) cleaning 

c) heating 

d) washing. 

3850 English Skills

Section 2 (30 marks)

Write a letter to the Minister for Climate Change and the Environment explaining your concerns about
climate change and the effect on your community. The address to write to is: Houses of Parliament, Gordon
House, 81 Duke Street, Kingston.

Think about:
 the effects of climate change on your community
 your concerns for your community
 things that can be done
 what you want the Government to do.

You may use information from source documents 1 and 2 but the letter must be in your own words.

We suggest you write about 200-300 words.

You will be tested on

 planning your writing
 using format and structure for a formal letter
 using suitable language and level of detail
 writing clearly using appropriate sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and spelling
 presenting information in a logical order and using paragraphs appropriately.

Plan your writing here.

3850 English Skills

Write your letter here.




















3850 English Skills
















Have you checked the letter for accuracy and relevant information?
 Yes

Have you checked that your letter is clear and easy to read?
 Yes

End of Test

3850 English Skills

3850 -English Skills

Level 1 (Module 12)

Reading and Writing

Sample Paper

Marking Guide
Environmental Change

3850 English Skills

About City & Guilds

City & Guilds is the UK’s leading provider of vocational qualifications, offering over 500 awards across a wide range of industries, and
progressing from entry level to the highest levels of professional achievement. With over 8500 centres in 100 countries, City & Guilds is
recognised by employers worldwide for providing qualifications that offer proof of the skills they need to get the job done.

City & Guilds Group

The City & Guilds Group includes City & Guilds, ILM (the Institute of Leadership & Management) which provides management qualifications,
learning materials and membership services, NPTC which offers land-based qualifications and membership services, and HAB (the Hospitality
Awarding Body). City & Guilds also manages the Engineering Council Examinations on behalf of the Engineering Council.

Equal opportunities
City & Guilds fully supports the principle of equal opportunities and we are committed to satisfying this principle in all our activities and
published material. A copy of our equal opportunities policy statement is available on the City & Guilds website.

The content of this document is, unless otherwise indicated, © The City and Guilds of London Institute 2008 and may not be copied, reproduced
or distributed without prior written consent.

However, approved City & Guilds centres and learners studying for City & Guilds qualifications may photocopy this document free of charge
and/or include a locked PDF version of it on centre intranets on the following conditions:
 centre staff may copy the material only for the purpose of teaching learners working towards a City & Guilds qualification, or for internal
administration purposes
 learners may copy the material only for their own use when working towards a City & Guilds qualification

The Standard Copying Conditions on the City & Guilds website also apply.

Please note: the Functional Skills standards are not © The City and Guilds of London Institute. Please check the conditions upon which they may
be copied with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)

City & Guilds publications are available on the City & Guilds website or from our Publications Sales department at the address below or by
telephoning +44 (0)20 7294 2850 or faxing +44 (0)20 7294 3387.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is true and correct at the time of going to press.
However, City & Guilds’ products and services are subject to continuous development and improvement and the right is reserved to change
products and services from time to time. City & Guilds cannot accept liability for loss or damage arising from the use of information in this

City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
London EC1A 9DD
T +44 (0)20 7294 2800
F +44 (0)20 7294 2400 [email protected]

3850 English Skills


Reading and Writing

 Candidates must each have access to a dictionary and/ or thesaurus.
 The Reading and Writing element will be externally marked.

The marker should

 mark according to and complete the Summary Assessment Record for each candidate (see section 1.1).

Summary Assessment Record

The Summary Assessment Record provides a marking scheme as well as a place to record achievement.

What the candidate must do in order to be awarded the marks for assessment criterion that use the phrases ‘most of the time’ and ‘some of
the time’ is outlined below.

Most of the time = generally correct but with occasional lapses as long as the document is fit for purpose, eg the candidate sequences
writing in logical order (in terms of time or topics) and content contains only relevant information (is concise) and content gets the relevant
point across (is persuasive). Occasional lapses that do not affect overall fitness for purpose will get this mark for the candidate.

Some of the time = as long as the document is fit for purpose and shows some understanding but usage is inconsistent, eg the candidate
displays evidence of logical ordering, providing relevant information and getting the point across, but does this inconsistently.

3850 English Skills

3 Assessment Record sheets

3.1 Summary Assessment Record
Candidate name:

Candidate marks Reference to

Maximum City & Guilds
Section 1 – Reading assessment
marks R W

1. An information website 1 mark 302 – 1.3, 2.1

wet seasons 1 mark
One of:
 have heavier rains
 more flooding
 more landslides
301 – 1.1, 1.2, 2.1
2 marks
dry seasons 1 mark 302 – 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
One of:
 becoming hotter
 lasting longer

(accept similar wording)

Fishing / coral reefs are under threat / coasts at risk
301 – 1.1, 1.2, 2.1
Tourism is at risk
3 marks 302 – 1.1, 1.2,
Drought affects farming 1.3

(accept similar wording)

3850 English Skills

Two labels relating to:
 drought / farming
 floods / storms 301 – 2.1
2 marks 302 – 1.4
303 – 2.1
(accept similar wording)
(do not accept global warming or climate change)

future planning
3 marks 303 – 1.1
risk to Jamaica
climate change
a) subheadings 1 mark
One of:
 to show content of each section
 highlight the main points

302 – 1.1, 2.1,

b) bullet points 1 mark 2 marks 2.2
One of:
 to list
 draw attention to important information
 to shorten text

(accept any other justifiable explanation)

7. 301 – 1.1, 1.2,

1 mark 2.1, 2.2
a) definition which relates to change / alter

1 mark 301 – 2.3
b) adaptation

3850 English Skills

One of:
 find out more information
 find out what you can do 302 – 1.1, 1.2,
 get a fact sheet 1 mark 1.3, 2.3, 2.4

(accept similar wording)

What are we planning to do? 2 marks 302 – 1.1, 1.2,
What can you do? 1.3, 2.3, 2.4

301 – 1.1, 1.2,

2.1, 2.2
10. It’s free 1 mark
302 – 1.1, 1.2,

301 – 1.1, 1.2,

11. b) sparingly 1 mark 2.1, 2.2, 2.3

301 – 1.1, 1.2,

12a. solar panels
2.1, 2.2
1 mark
302 – 1.1, 1.2,


Three of: 301 – 1.1, 2.1

 To save even more money 302 – 1.1, 1.2,
3 marks 1.3, 2.1, 2.2
 Free consultation and advice
 ...will save you more than 60% 303 – 1.2
 Reasonable payback time

(accept similar wording)

13. 2 302 – 1.4

1 mark
303 – 2.1

3850 English Skills

14. saving 301 – 1.2, 2.1

1 mark
302 – 1.3

Total marks for Section 1 26 marks

Candidate marks Reference to

Maximum City & Guilds
Section 2 – Reading and Writing assessment
marks R W

2 marks
2 marks
Candidate follows written instructions to complete the letter 303 – 1.3
1 mark
Candidate follows written instructions most of the time

2 marks
A plan that is appropriate and includes all key points
2 marks 308 – 1.1
1 mark
A plan that includes some key points

3 marks
The letter fully meets the requirements for length and level of detail
2 marks 308 – 1.3
3 marks
The letter meets most of the requirements for length and level of detail
1 mark
The letter meets some of the requirements for length and level of detail

2 marks
Format and structure are appropriate for a formal letter 308 – 1.2
2 marks
1 mark
Some format and structure suitable for a formal letter

3 marks
Style (tone) and vocabulary used are appropriate for a formal letter
2 marks
Style (tone) and vocabulary used for a formal letter are appropriate most 3 marks 308 – 1.5
of the time 309 – 1.1
1 mark
Style (tone) and vocabulary used for a formal letter are appropriate some
of the time

3850 English Skills

Language (formal or informal) is appropriate for the purpose and audience 1 mark 309 – 1.1, 1.2

3 marks
Writing is presented in a logical sequence, text is legible and paragraphs
are used appropriately and consistently throughout.
2 marks
308 – 1.4
Writing is presented in a logical sequence, text is legible and paragraphs 3 marks
309 – 2.1
are used appropriately most of the time.
1 mark
Writing is presented in a logical sequence, text is legible and paragraphs
are used appropriately some of the time.
3 marks
A range of sentence structures to suit the text, audience and purpose are
used correctly throughout
2 marks
A range of sentence structures to suit the text, audience and purpose 3 marks 307 – 1.1
are used correctly most of the time
1 mark
A range of sentence structures to suit the text, audience and purpose
are used correctly some of the time
3 marks
Punctuation is accurate (including capital letters and end of sentence
markers). 1-2 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and meaning
2 marks
Punctuation is accurate most of the time (including capital letters and end
of sentence markers) most of the time. 3-4 errors that don’t affect 3 marks 307 – 2.1, 2.2
overall purpose and meaning
1 mark
Punctuation is accurate some of the time (including capital letters and
end of sentence markers) some of the time. 5-6 errors that don’t affect
overall purpose and meaning

3850 English Skills

3 marks
Accurate grammar (including subject verb agreement and the correct use of
tenses) 1- 2 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and meaning
2 marks
Grammar is accurate most of the time (including subject verb agreement and
the correct use of tenses) 3 - 4 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and 3 marks 307 – 1.2, 1.3
1 mark
Grammar is accurate some of the time (including subject verb agreement and
the correct use of tenses) 5 – 6 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and
3 marks
Spelling correct to L1 (common words and relevant key words including
those from work, study and everyday life) 1-2 errors that don’t affect
overall purpose and meaning.
2 marks
Spelling correct to L1 most of the time (common words and relevant key 307 – 3.1, 4.1,
3 marks
words including those from work, study and everyday life). 3-4 errors that 4.2
don’t affect overall purpose and meaning.
1 mark
Spelling correct to L1 some of the time (common words and relevant key
words including those from work, study and everyday life). 5-6 errors that
don’t affect overall purpose and meaning.

Proof read for accuracy and meaning 1 mark 309 – 2.2

Text is legible and appropriate for purpose 1 mark 309 – 2.1

Total marks for Section 2 30 marks

Total Marks Grid

Candidate Candidate
Total marks for Reading 28 marks Pass = marks Y/N
total pass

Candidate Candidate
Total marks for Writing 28 marks Pass = marks Y/N
total pass

3850 English Skills

Published by City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
T +44 (0)844 543 0000
F +44 (0)20 7294 2413

City & Guilds is a registered charity established to

promote education and training

3850 English Skills

3850 English Skills - Sample Paper

Speaking & Listening
Level 1 (Module 12)
Environmental Change

Candidate Name (First, Middle, Last)

Candidate enrolment number DOB (DDMMYYYY)

Candidate signature

Test date (DDMMYYYY) Centre number

General information
 There are two activities in this test.
 The maximum marks for each question are shown.
 The maximum number of marks for this test is 24.
 Before leaving the test room you must give this book to the Invigilator.

3850 English Skills

Candidate instructions

What you have to do

 Check you have put your name and details on the front cover of this test.
 Complete the two activities in this test using a blue or black pen.
o Activity 1 - listen to the recording and answer the questions. You may listen to the recording up to three times.
o Activity 2 - take part in a group discussion with three or more people.
 Read each question carefully.
 Answer all the questions.
 Write your answers in this answer book.

3850 English Skills

Activity 1 (5 marks)

Listen to the presentation about global warming then answer the following questions.

1 According to the speaker, what is a major cause of global warming? 1 mark


2 What is the meaning of precipitation? 1 mark


3 What effect does global warming have on hurricanes? 1 mark


4 Write down two ways the speaker suggests you can help the planet. 2 marks



3850 English Skills

Activity 2 (19 marks)

In a group, have a discussion. The discussion should take at least 5 minutes.

This could be about global warming and climate change OR another topic given to you.

A group is defined as three or more people.

You will be tested on

 deciding what you want to say
 making relevant contributions
 allowing others to give their points of view
 responding appropriately to others
 using appropriate non-verbal communication
 asking questions to gather additional information.

You may use this space to plan what you want to say.

3850 English Skills

Answer the following questions about your discussion.

5 What did the group think about the topic you discussed?



6 Did you all agree? Why/ why not?



7 What questions did you ask in the discussion?



8 What points did you make in the discussion?



End of Test

3850 English Skills

Published by City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
T +44 (0)844 543 0000
F +44 (0)20 7294 2413

City & Guilds is a registered charity established to

promote education and training

3850 English Skills

3850 -English Skills

Level 1 (Module 12)
Speaking & Listening

Sample Paper

Marking Guide
Environmental Change

3850 English Skills

About City & Guilds

City & Guilds is the UK’s leading provider of vocational qualifications, offering over 500 awards across a wide range of industries, and
progressing from entry level to the highest levels of professional achievement. With over 8500 centres in 100 countries, City & Guilds is
recognised by employers worldwide for providing qualifications that offer proof of the skills they need to get the job done.

City & Guilds Group

The City & Guilds Group includes City & Guilds, ILM (the Institute of Leadership & Management) which provides management qualifications,
learning materials and membership services, NPTC which offers land-based qualifications and membership services, and HAB (the Hospitality
Awarding Body). City & Guilds also manages the Engineering Council Examinations on behalf of the Engineering Council.

Equal opportunities
City & Guilds fully supports the principle of equal opportunities and we are committed to satisfying this principle in all our activities and
published material. A copy of our equal opportunities policy statement is available on the City & Guilds website.

The content of this document is, unless otherwise indicated, © The City and Guilds of London Institute 2008 and may not be copied, reproduced
or distributed without prior written consent.

However, approved City & Guilds centres and learners studying for City & Guilds qualifications may photocopy this document free of charge
and/or include a locked PDF version of it on centre intranets on the following conditions:
 centre staff may copy the material only for the purpose of teaching learners working towards a City & Guilds qualification, or for internal
administration purposes
 learners may copy the material only for their own use when working towards a City & Guilds qualification

The Standard Copying Conditions on the City & Guilds website also apply.

Please note: the Functional Skills standards are not © The City and Guilds of London Institute. Please check the conditions upon which they may
be copied with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA)

City & Guilds publications are available on the City & Guilds website or from our Publications Sales department at the address below or by
telephoning +44 (0)20 7294 2850 or faxing +44 (0)20 7294 3387.

Every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this publication is true and correct at the time of going to press.
However, City & Guilds’ products and services are subject to continuous development and improvement and the right is reserved to change
products and services from time to time. City & Guilds cannot accept liability for loss or damage arising from the use of information in this

City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
London EC1A 9DD
T +44 (0)20 7294 2800
F +44 (0)20 7294 2400 [email protected]

3850 English Skills

Guidance Notes

Speaking & Listening

 The Speaking & Listening element will be internally assessed and quality assured.
 The listening activity and the discussion can be assessed on different occasions.
 Candidates can listen to the recording for the listening activity (Activity 1) up to three times therefore there is no specific
required duration to complete this activity. There is a minimum duration required of at least 5 minutes to complete the
discussion activity (Activity 2).
 An audio file/ recording will be provided at Level 1 for the listening activity (Activity 1). This is password protected and can
be downloaded from
 Candidates can have a maximum of 30 minutes to prepare for the discussion.
 There will be a small bank of discussion topics to choose from.
 In order to enable students to be confident language users, we encourage a bilingual classroom where students may use
Jamaican Creole (JC) and Standard Jamaican English (SJE). In so doing, we are encouraging students to understand
context. We want students to be equally fluent in SJE and JC. However, Standard Jamaican English, which is the
target language, must be used during assessment.

The Speaking & Listening Assessor will:

 be fully conversant with the Speaking & Listening activities and the Summary Assessment Record before conducting the
 complete the Assessor comments box giving examples how the candidate meets each criterion (see back page of this
 enter marks on the Assessment Record for Activities 1 and 2.

Summary Assessment Record

The Summary Assessment Record is a mark scheme and a record of the marks achieved.

The marking scale provides the number of marks that the candidate can achieve for each criterion.

Full marks demonstrates the candidate meets the criteria consistently at the level.

Most of the time demonstrates consistency at the level with occasional lapses, with minimal competency ensured.

Zero marks demonstrates the candidate has not met the required standard at the level.

3850 English Skills

Recording for Activity 1 - Listening

So, what is Global Warming?

Global Warming is the rise in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans.

A major cause of global warming is the increase in greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide,
which have increased due to our use of fossil fuels like coal and oil.

One of the main effects of global warming is an increase in precipitation, this means rain and
As the atmosphere warms up causing the glaciers and the ice caps to melt, sea levels are
expected to rise and floods could become more common. Storms such as hurricanes are
likely to be more severe.

So, what can we do to help?

Well, there are quite a few things we can do to help save our planet and reduce the amount of
greenhouse gases polluting the atmosphere.
Here are just a few ideas
Drive less and use public transport
Buy energy-efficient products
Plant a tree – yes, planting a tree will help. Trees reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the

3850 English Skills

4 Assessment Record sheets

4.1 Summary Assessment Record
Candidate name:

Reference to
Maximum Candidate City & Guilds
Activity 1 – Listening assessment
marks marks

1 mark 304 – 1.3

1. greenhouse gases
305 – 1.1, 1.2
2. rain and snowfall 1 mark 304 – 1.3
305 – 1.1, 1.2
3. more severe 1 mark 304 – 1.3
(accept similar wording) 305 – 1.1, 1.2
4. Two of:
 drive less
 use public transport 304 – 1.3
 buy energy-efficient products 2 marks
305 – 1.1, 1.2
 plant a tree

(accept similar wording)

Total for Activity 1 - Listening 5 marks

to City &
Maximum Candidate
Activity 2 - Discussion Guilds
marks marks assessment

Marks should be based on listening to the candidate taking part in the discussion and on the answers to questions 5 – 8.
2 marks
Presents ideas and organises information in sequence and develops the main points 2 marks 304 – 1.2
1 mark
Presents information on at least one idea
2 marks
Listens to and identifies information given by others all the time 305 – 1.1
2 marks
1 mark 306 - 1.1
Most of the time

3850 English Skills

2 marks
Listens to and responds to information given by others consistently 305 – 1.2
2 marks
1 mark 306 – 1.2
Most of the time
2 marks
Makes several relevant contributions to a discussion 2 marks 306 – 1.3
1 mark
At least one relevant contribution
2 marks
Responds to questions appropriately 2 marks 304 – 1.3
1 mark
Responds to at least one question
2 marks
Makes requests and asks questions to obtain additional information appropriately 2 marks 305 – 1.4
1 mark
Makes at least one request or asks one question
2 marks
Adapts contributions in a discussions to suit audience, purpose and situation 2 marks 304 - 1.1
1 mark
Most of the time
2 marks
Uses strategies to clarify and confirm understanding 2 marks 305 -1.3
1 mark
At least once
2 marks
Uses phrases for interruption that are appropriate to the situation consistently
1 mark 306 – 1.5
2 marks
At least once
1 mark
Respects the turn taking rights of others during discussion 1 mark 306 – 1.4

Total marks for discussion 19 marks

Total marks for Speaking & Listening activities 24 marks

3850 English Skills

Assessor Comments

Total Marks Grid

Maximum marks for Speaking & Fail
Listening: Candidate total
(24 marks) Pass
Pass mark: 14
Merit: 17-20 Merit
Distinction: 21-24
Assessor name Assessor signature Date

Internal Quality Assurer name Internal Quality Assurer signature Date

(if sampled) (if sampled)

External Quality Assurer name External Quality Assurer signature (if Date
(if sampled)

3850 English Skills

Awards/ Certificates in
English Skills (3850) Level 2
(Module 13)

Source Document, Question

Papers & Marking Guides

3850 English Skills

3850 English Skills - Sample Paper

Reading and Writing
Level 2 (Module 13)
Environmental Change

Source documents

Do not write your answers in this booklet as this will not be marked.
All answers should be written in the space provided on the question paper.

3850 English Skills

Document 1

600 strip naked on glacier in global warming protest

Chilling message from ‘wear-nothing’ activists to ‘do-nothing’ politicians

Aletsch Glacier, Switzerland — Today, six hundred people shed their clothes on a glacier in the Swiss Alps to bodily
cry out for help against a planetary emergency: global warming. The nude volunteers posed for Greenpeace and the
renowned installation artist, Spencer Tunick, on the Aletsch Glacier. Spencer Tunick wants people to know that global
climate change is a hazardous threat which affects us all.

Global warming is stripping away our glaciers and leaving our entire planet vulnerable to extreme weather, floods,
sea-level rise, global decreases in agricultural production, fresh water shortages, disease and mass human migration.

If global warming continues at its current rate, most glaciers in Switzerland will completely disappear by 2080, leaving
nothing but valleys and slopes strewn with rock debris. Over the last 150 years, alpine glaciers have reduced in size
by approximately one third of their surface and half of their mass, and this melting is accelerating. The Aletsch Glacier
retreated 115 metres (377 feet) in a single year from 2005 to 2006.

Eight years to act

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) the world must take the urgent action needed
to prevent catastrophic climate change. Without swift action, the damage could become irreversible. Never before
has humanity been forced to deal with such an immense environmental crisis.

Climate change now requires fast and courageous political decisions to radically cut greenhouse gas emissions and
stabilise global warming. Governments around the world must know that the people they represent expect and
demand them to take action.

Barely active
These volunteers had the bravery to do something to raise the alarm. What are you doing?
You don’t need to get naked on a glacier to be part of the energy revolution. There are many ways to be involved:
 you can sign up for the Greenpeace Seven Steps campaign
 if you are a student you can set up a Solar Generation group on your university campus
 vote for candidates that are willing to take on the coal and oil industry
 stand in front of a bulldozer to stop the build of a new coal-fired plant
 change the way you use energy

Or you can come up with your own unusual ideas to raise the alarm. You may not need to get naked, but
you do need to roll up your sleeves.

3850 English Skills

Document 2

Global Warming & Climate Change

The earth’s climate is changing constantly, but in the past, changes have been natural and have
happened very slowly. Millions of years ago the earth was much warmer than today. A few thousand
years ago it was much cooler and most of the northern hemisphere was under ice. But these changes
happened so slowly that during a lifetime you would hardly notice it.

The earth is heating up

Today, scientists are worried that over the past 100 years the average temperature has gone up by 0.6
degrees Celsius. That might not sound a lot but during the last Ice Age the average temperature was
only 5 degrees Celsius less than it is today. Most scientists agree that it is the things humans do that
cause the earth to warm up much faster than it would do naturally.

Why is it happening?
The earth is surrounded by layers of gases that make up the atmosphere. Some of these are known as
greenhouse gases. Sunlight passes through these layers of gas and warms the Earth. Some heat
escapes back into outer space, but some gets trapped by the greenhouse gases, helping to keep our
planet warm (known as the greenhouse effect).
Greenhouse gases are very important. Without them, the earth would be about 33 degrees Centigrade
colder – about as cold as the moon – and too cold for life to survive. The problem is that we are making
too many greenhouse gases. Less and less heat is able to escape into outer space and so our planet is
heating up.

Greenhouse gases – more being made

There are many different greenhouse gases but arguably the most important one is CARBON DIOXIDE. It
is an invisible gas that is all around us. Animals, like us, breathe it out and plants use it to make their
food through photosynthesis. For thousands of years the amount of carbon dioxide made was balanced
by the amount used. But this balance has changed because of the way we have been living our lives
since the Industrial Revolution. Burning fuels like coal, gas, oil and wood, creates carbon dioxide. Over
the past 100 years we have been burning more of these fuels in our power stations to make electricity.
However, less is being used up because all around the world rainforests, which soak up huge amounts
of carbon dioxide, are being destroyed.
3850 English Skills

Document 3
How climate change could affect you
Jamaica is highly vulnerable to the impact of
climate change and faces direct threats
The world’s climate is changing because of man-made
because of its geographic location.
pollution that traps the sun’s heat. This means that the
planet may never have warmed as fast as it has in the
past 30 years. In Jamaica the Water, Land, Environment and Climate
Change Minister, Hon. Robert Pickersgill, says
education on the effects of climate change remains a
priority for his Ministry.

He stressed the importance of public education in

enlightening people on the dangers climate change
poses for small island developing states, like Jamaica.

He referred to projections that Caribbean countries

would experience more frequent and intense
hurricanes, extreme rainfall, and longer periods of
Once fertile farming land dries and cracks drought, resulting from climatic variations.

This is going to affect us all, and the evidence of the first

He argued that climate change is the ―most pressing
signs of climate change is all around us. In Europe, the
long-term challenge facing many nations. The price we
glaciers of the Alps are disappearing and droughts in the
pay for climate change directly impacts on our
Mediterranean are worsening. Southern Spain is turning
environment. In fact, the impacts of climate change are
to desert. In the tropics, high sea temperatures whip up
felt in every aspect of our lives. This includes
storms and hurricanes stronger than anything seen
agriculture, fisheries, tourism, supplies of fresh water,
before, bringing floods and lethal landslides. In Siberia,
and infrastructure, to name a few.‖
roads buckle as permafrost melts. As ice melts and
oceans warm, sea levels worldwide rise.

Mr Pickersgill supporting climate change initiatives

Melting ice at the poles endangers wild animals
A recent report states that Coastal areas in Jamaica
Fewer people may die of cold in the winter, but very are at the forefront of climate change impact as they
many more could die of heatstroke in the summer. are directly affected by storm surges and a rise in sea
If, as some scientists who study glaciers fear, the levels. Sea levels are projected to rise by an average
Greenland and Antarctic ice caps start to collapse in the of 2 - 3mm per year during the first half of this century.
coming decades, sea levels could eventually rise by The effects on the coastal areas of Jamaica will be
several metres. severe and include erosion and coastal land
subsidence. Coastal areas are already affected by
saline intrusion which is likely to get worse with climate
Such arguments have persuaded the great majority of change.
the world's governments to sign treaties such as the
Kyoto Protocol to cut greenhouse gas emissions, the
likely cause of the warming.
3850 English Skills

End of Source Document

Published by City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
T +44 (0)844 543 0000
F +44 (0)20 7294 2413

City & Guilds is a registered charity established to

promote education and training

3850 English Skills

3850 English Skills - Sample Paper

Reading and Writing
Level 2 (Module 13)
Environmental Change

Candidate Name (First, Middle, Last)

Candidate enrolment number DOB (DDMMYYYY)

Candidate signature

Test date (DDMMYYYY) Centre number

General information
 The duration of this test is 2 hours.
 There are two sections in this test.
 The maximum marks for each question are shown.
 The maximum number of marks for this test is 70.
 Before leaving the test room you must give this book to the Invigilator.

3850 English Skills

Candidate instructions

What you have to do

 Complete this test using a blue or black pen.
 Check you have put your name and details on the front cover of this test.
 Read each question carefully.
 Answer all the questions.
 Write your answers in this answer book.

What you will need

 This test paper.
 Source document.
 A dictionary and/ or thesaurus.
 A blue or black pen.

3850 English Skills

Section 1 (35 marks)

Read the documents in the source booklet and answer the following questions.

Questions 1 – 5 are about document 1.

1 What is the main purpose of the document? 1 mark

Tick the correct answer.

a) To criticise. 

b) To review. 

c) To persuade. 

d) To advertise. 

2 Give three main points made by the writer. 3 marks




3850 English Skills

3 Identify four organisational features the writer has used. 4 marks





4 Give two ways to get involved in the energy revolution. 2 marks



5a Look up the three words in the table below which are mentioned in document 1 and write the definitions 3 marks
in relation to the context.

5b Using an appropriate tool, find an alternative (synonym) for each word appropriate to the context/ 3 marks

Word Definition in relation to the context Synonym

(paragraph 5)

emissions (paragraph

(paragraph 6)

3850 English Skills

Question 6 is about document 2.

6 What does the image in document 2 demonstrate? 1 mark

Tick the correct answer.

a) World’s rainforests. 

b) Industrial revolution. 

c) Atmospheric change. 

d) The second ice age. 

3850 English Skills

Questions 7 – 9 are about document 3.

7 What is the Minister’s priority for Jamaica in the fight against climate change? 1 mark


8 What is meant by the term ‘whip up’ in paragraph 2? 1 mark


9 What is meant by the term ‘saline intrusion’ used in the last sentence of the text? You may use a 2 marks



3850 English Skills

Question 10 is about all documents.

10a Which document presents only factual information? 1 mark


10b Which document has a strong bias? 1 mark


11a In the following extract there are two spelling errors, two punctuation errors and two grammar 6 marks
errors. Circle the errors.

25% of Jamaica’s populasion live in a coastal area and 90% of the country’s total income is produced
within these areas. Many other caribbean countries is also at significant risk due to they’re geography
location and dependence on agriculture and torism. There are several areas of concern about climate
change for us here in the Caribbean.

11b Write the passage in question 11a correctly in the box below. 6 marks

3850 English Skills

Section 2 (35 marks)

Write an article for a local newspaper about the impact of global warming and climate change suggesting
actions that can be taken to prevent it.

Think about:
 causes
 impact
 actions.

You should use information from the source documents but it must be in your own words.

We suggest you write about 300-400 words.

You will be tested on

 planning your writing indicating the key points and ideas
 using format, structure and language suitable for an article
 summarising in your own words the main points and ideas from the documents in the source booklet
 presenting relevant information and ideas logically
 writing in sentences and paragraphs
 spelling and punctuating accurately
 using correct grammar.

Plan your writing here.

3850 English Skills

Write your article here.




















3850 English Skills














Is the article accurate and does it contain relevant information?

 Yes

Have you checked that your article is clear and easy to read?
 Yes

End of Test

3850 English Skills

Published by City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
T +44 (0)844 543 0000
F +44 (0)20 7294 2413

City & Guilds is a registered charity established to

promote education and training

3850 English Skills

3850 – English Skills

Level 2 (Module 13)
Reading and Writing

Sample Paper

Marking Guide
Environmental Change

3850 English Skills


Reading and Writing

 Candidates must each have access to a dictionary and/ or thesaurus.
 The Reading and Writing element will be externally marked.

The marker should

 mark according to and complete the Summary Assessment Record for each candidate (see section 1.1).

Summary Assessment Record

The Summary Assessment Record provides a marking scheme as well as a place to record achievement.

What the candidate must do in order to be awarded the marks for assessment criterion that use the phrases ‘most of the time’ and ‘some of
the time’ is outlined below.

Most of the time = generally correct but with occasional lapses as long as the document is fit for purpose, eg the candidate sequences
writing in logical order (in terms of time or topics) and content contains only relevant information (is concise) and content gets the relevant
point across (is persuasive). Occasional lapses that do not affect overall fitness for purpose will get this mark for the candidate.

Some of the time = as long as the document is fit for purpose and shows some understanding but usage is inconsistent, eg the candidate
displays evidence of logical ordering, providing relevant information and getting the point across, but does this inconsistently.

3850 English Skills

5 Assessment Record sheets

5.1 Summary Assessment Record
Candidate name:

Candidate Reference to
Maximum marks City & Guilds
Section 1 – Reading assessment
R W criteria

c) To persuade 1 mark 403 -1.2

Three of:
 People protesting
 Global warming is a serious threat to the world
 Urgent action required
401 – 1.1, 1.2
 Glaciers melting 3 marks 402 – 1.3
 What are you doing?
403 – 1.1, 2.1

(accept similar wording)

(accept any other justifiable answer)

Four of:
 headings
 subheadings
 paragraphs
 bold text 4 marks 402 – 1.1
 different size text
 hyperlinks / links
 image
 bullet points

3850 English Skills

Two of:
 sign up for the Greenpeace Seven Steps campaign
 set up a Solar Generation group on your university campus 401 – 1.1, 1.2
 vote for candidates that are willing to take on the coal and oil industry 2 marks 402 – 1.1, 1.2, 1.4
 stand in front of a bulldozer to stop the build of a new coal-fired plant
403 – 2.1
 change the way you use energy
 come up with your own unusual ideas to raise the alarm

(accept similar wording)

401 – 1.1, 1.2, 2.1,
1 mark for each correct definition
3 marks 2.2
402 – 1.1
(do not award mark if not in relation to the context)

401 – 1.1, 1.2, 2.1,
1 mark for each correct synonym
3 marks 2.2
402 – 1.1
(do not award mark if not in relation to the context)

6. c) Atmospheric change 1 mark 402 – 2.3

402 – 1.4
(public) education 1 mark
403 – 1.3

to make stronger / more of / build / create / increase intensity
1 mark 401 – 1.1, 1.2

(accept similar wording)

increase in salt deposits / movement of salt water into fresh water or over land
2 marks 401 – 1.1, 1.2

(accept similar wording)

3850 English Skills

401 – 1.2
10a. Document 2 1 mark 402 – 2.1, 2.2

401 – 1.2
10b. Document 1 1 mark 402 – 2.1, 2.2
403 – 1.3


1 mark for each correctly identified error

401 – 1.1, 1.2
6 marks 402 – 2.4
25% of Jamaica’s populasion live in a coastal area and 90% of the country’s
total income is produced within these areas. Many other caribbean countries
is also at significant risk due to they’re geography location and dependence
on agriculture and torism. There are several areas of concern about climate
change for us here in the Caribbean.


1 mark for each corrected error

407 – 1.2, 1.3, 2.1,

25% of Jamaica’s population live in a coastal area, and 90% of the country’s 6 marks 3.1
total income is produced within these areas. Many other Caribbean countries
are also at significant risk due to their geography location and dependence on
agriculture and tourism. There are several areas of concern about climate
change for us here in the Caribbean.

Total marks for Section 1 35 marks

3850 English Skills

Candidate Reference to
Maximum marks City & Guilds
Section 2 – Reading and Writing assessment
R W criteria

2 marks
Summarised information about the causes of global warming / climate change. 1
mark for each.
 natural causes
 man-made causes / pollution / greenhouse gases / burning fossil fuels
2 marks
Summarised information about the impact of global warming / climate change.
Four of:
 glaciers melting
 extreme weather / rainfall / storms / hurricanes
 floods / rising sea levels
 drought
 heatstroke
 infrastructure / buckling roads / 6 marks 402 – 2.1, 2.2
 industry / agriculture / fishing / tourism
 erosion / subsidence 403 – 1.3, 2.1
1 mark
Summarised some information. Less than four of the above.
2 marks
Summarised information about actions on global warming / climate change.
Three of:
 demonstrations / protests
 political action
 campaigns / organisations
 education
 change the way you use energy
1 mark
Summarised some information. Less than three of the above

3 marks
The length and level of detail in the written text is succinct and relevant
2 marks 408 – 1.3
3 marks
The length and level of detail in the written text is relevant 409 – 1.1
1 mark
The length and level of detail is appropriate to complete the task

3850 English Skills

2 marks
Format and structure are appropriate for an article (heading / headline and
1 mark 408 – 1.2
2 marks
One of:
 Heading / headline
 paragraphs
Format and structure are appropriate some of the time

2 marks
Style (tone) and vocabulary are appropriate for an article 408 – 1.5
2 marks
1 mark 409 – 1.1
Style (tone) and vocabulary are appropriate some of the time

Language (formal and informal) is appropriate for the purpose and audience 1 mark 408 – 1.6

2 marks
A plan that includes all key points
2 marks 408 – 1.1
1 mark
A plan that includes some key points
2 marks
Writing is presented in a logical sequence
2 marks 408 – 1.4
1 mark
Writing is presented in a logical sequence some of the time
3 marks
Correctly uses a full range of sentence structures (including at least one
complex sentence)
2marks 3 marks 407 – 1.1
Correctly uses a range of sentence structures most of the time
1 mark
Correctly uses a range of sentence structures some of the time

3850 English Skills

4 marks
Punctuate accurately (including the correct use of capital letters, end of
sentence markers, commas, apostrophes and inverted commas) 1-2 errors that
don’t affect overall purpose and meaning
3 marks
3-4 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and meaning 4 marks 407 – 2.1
2 marks
5-6 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and meaning
1 mark
7-8 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and meaning
4 marks
Accurate grammar throughout (including subject verb agreement). 1-2 errors that
don’t affect overall purpose and meaning
3 marks
3-4 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and meaning 407 – 1.2
4 marks
2 marks 407 – 1.3
5-6 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and meaning
1 mark
7-8 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and meaning
4 marks
Spelling correct to L2 (common words and relevant key words including those
from work, study and everyday life). 1-2 errors that don’t affect overall purpose
and meaning
3 marks 407 – 3.2

3-4 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and meaning 4 marks 407 – 4.1

2 marks 407 – 5.3

5-6 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and meaning

1 mark
7-8 errors that don’t affect overall purpose and meaning
407 – 3.1
Proof reading for accuracy and meaning 1 mark 408 – 1.7
409 – 2.1

Text is legible and fit for purpose 1 mark 409 – 2.2

Total marks for Section 2 35 marks

3850 English Skills

Total marks Grid

Candidate Pass = ? Candidate

Total marks for Reading 35 marks Y/N
total marks pass

Candidate Pass = ? Candidate

Total marks for Writing 35 marks Y/N
total marks pass

3850 English Skills

Published by City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
T +44 (0)20 7294 2800
F +44 (0)20 7294 2400

City & Guilds is a registered charity

established to promote education and training

3850 English Skills

3850 English Skills - Sample Paper

Speaking & Listening
Level 2 (Module 13)
Environmental Change

Candidate Name (First, Middle, Last)

Candidate enrolment number DOB (DDMMYYYY)

Candidate signature

Test date (DDMMYYYY) Centre number

General information
 There are three activities in this test.
 The maximum marks for each question are shown.
 The maximum number of marks for this test is 30.
 Before leaving the test room you must give this book to the Invigilator.

3850 English Skills

Candidate instructions

What you have to do

 Check you have put your name and details on the front cover of this test.
 Complete the three activities in this test using a blue or black pen.
o Activity 1 – prepare and deliver a short talk or presentation.
o Activity 2 – listen to and evaluate a short talk or presentation.
o Activity 3 – take part in a group discussion with three or more people.
 Read each question carefully.
 Answer all the questions.
 Write your answers in this answer book.

3850 English Skills

Activity 1 (10 marks)

Prepare and deliver a short talk or presentation.

This could be about global warming and climate change

another topic given to you.
The presentation will:
 introduce the topic
 present information and ideas
 give your own point of view
 give instructions to the audience for actions they can take (a call to action)
 make conclusions/ recommendations.

The presentation should take about 3-4 minutes.

You will be tested on

 presenting information and ideas clearly
 presenting information and ideas persuasively to others
 responding to peer evaluation.

3850 English Skills

Your audience will ask you questions on the topic of your presentation and give feedback and constructive criticism by
completing a peer evaluation form.

Complete the following personal reflection on the presentation.

On reflection

What did the group think about your presentation?




Using the peer evaluation, identify one positive point and one area you can develop.





3850 English Skills

Activity 2 (6 marks)

Listen to and evaluate a presentation.

You will be expected to:

 Ask questions about the topic of the presentation
 Give feedback and constructive criticism to the presenter.

Presenter’s name: ______________________________ Date: _______________


Circle the number that reflects your judgement of the candidate’s presentation.

1 = Excellent 2 = Very Good 3 = Good 4 = Satisfactory 5 = Poor

Spoke with confidence 1 2 3 4 5

Information was sequenced 1 2 3 4 5
Gave clear explanations 1 2 3 4 5
Adapted contributions in response 1 2 3 4 5
to audience
Supported opinions with evidence 1 2 3 4 5
Responded to questions 1 2 3 4 5

What questions did you ask?


Additional Comments (include information on what you liked about the presentation and what could have been done differently)

3850 English Skills

Activity 3 (14 marks)

In a group, hold a discussion about global warming and climate change

another topic given to you.

The discussion should take at least 5 minutes.

A group is defined as three or more people.

You will be tested on

 listening to complex information
 making relevant contributions appropriate to the purpose and outcomes
 adapting contributions to suit the audience, purpose and situation
 using evidence to support opinions and arguments
 helping to move discussion forward to reach decisions
 using relevant strategies for interruption, change of topic and reassurance.

You may use this space to plan what you want to say.

3850 English Skills

Answer the following questions about your discussion.

What did the group think about the topic you discussed?



Did you all agree? Why/ why not?



What questions did you ask in the discussion?



What points did you make in the discussion?



End of Test

3850 English Skills

Published by City & Guilds

1 Giltspur Street
T +44 (0)844 543 0000
F +44 (0)20 7294 2413

City & Guilds is a registered charity established to

promote education and training

3850 English Skills

3850 – English Skills

Level 2 (Module 13)
Speaking & Listening

Sample Paper

Marking Guide
Environmental Change

3850 English Skills

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3850 English Skills

Guidance Notes

Speaking & Listening

 The Speaking & Listening element will be internally assessed and quality assured.
 The listening activity and the discussion can be assessed on different occasions.
 Candidates can have a maximum of 30 minutes to prepare for the discussion.
 Candidates will have xxxxxxx to prepare for the presentation. (to be confirmed)
 There will be a small bank of discussion/presentation topics to choose from.
 The presentation should take about 3-4 minutes (Activity 1). There is no specific required duration to complete the
listening activity (Activity 2). There is a minimum duration required of at least 5 minutes for the discussion activity
(Activity 3).
 There is no audio file/ recording required at Level 2 for the listening activity (Activity 2).
 In order to enable students to be confident language users, we encourage a bilingual classroom where students may use
Jamaican Creole (JC) and Standard Jamaican English (SJE). In so doing, we are encouraging students to understand
context. We want students to be equally fluent in SJE and JC. However, Standard Jamaican English, which is the
target language, must be used during assessment.

The Speaking & Listening Assessor will:

 be fully conversant with the Speaking & Listening activities, the Summary Assessment Record and the Assessor comments
box before conducting the test
 complete the Assessor comments box giving examples how the candidate meets each criterion (see back page of this
 enter marks on the Summary Assessment Record for Activities 1 and 2.

Assessor Comments
The Assessor comments box provides a record of candidate performance.

Summary Assessment Record

The Assessment Record is a mark scheme and a record of the marks achieved.

The marking scale provides the number of marks that the candidate can achieve for each criterion.

Full marks demonstrates the candidate meets the criteria consistently at the level.

Most of the time demonstrates consistency at the level with occasional lapses, with minimal competency ensured.

Zero marks demonstrates the candidate has not met the required standard at the level.

3850 English Skills

Assessment Record sheets

5.2 Summary Assessment Record
Candidate name:

Reference to
Maximum Candidate City & Guilds
Activity 1 – Presentation – approx. 3-4 minutes assessment
marks marks
2 marks
Speaks confidently in a way that suits the situation throughout the presentation
2 marks 404 – 1.1
1 mark
Most of the time
2 marks
Demonstrates the organisation and sequencing of information and ideas
2 marks 404 – 1.2
1 mark
Most of the time
2 marks
Gives an effective explanation or account
1 mark 2 marks 404 – 1.3
Most of the time
2 marks
Gives multi-step instructions that can be followed
1 mark 2 marks 404 – 1.4
Most of the time
2 marks
Responds confidently to detailed or extended questions 2 marks 404 – 1.5
1 mark
Most of the time
Total for Activity 1 - Presentation 10 marks

Reference to
Maximum Candidate City & Guilds
Activity 2 – Listening assessment
marks marks
2 marks
Identifies detailed information from a presentation
1 mark 2 marks 405 - 1.1
Most information

3850 English Skills

2 marks
Follows multi-step instructions
1 mark 2 marks 405 - 1.2
Most of the time
2 marks
Makes requests and asks questions appropriately to the context and topic
1 mark 2 marks 405 - 1.3
Most of the time

Total for Activity 2 - Listening 6 marks

to City &
Maximum Candidate
Activity 3 - Discussion Guilds
marks marks assessment
Marks should be based on listening to the candidate taking part in the discussion and on the answers to questions 1 - 4.
2 marks
Listens to and identifies information given by others
2 marks 405 – 1.1
1 mark
Most of the time
2 marks
Speaks confidently in a way that suits the situation throughout the discussion
2 marks 404 – 1.1
1 mark
Most of the time
2 marks
Makes several significant contributions to a discussion 2 marks
406 – 1.1
1 mark
At least one significant contribution
2 marks
Adapts contributions in a discussion to suit audience, purpose and situation 2 marks
406 - 1.2
1 mark
Most of the time
2 marks
Uses evidence to support opinions and arguments 2 marks
406 -1.3
1 mark
Most of the time
2 marks
Uses phrases for interruption and change of topic that are appropriate to the situation
406 – 1.4
1 mark 2 marks
Most of the time

3850 English Skills

2 marks
Uses strategies to reassure 2 marks
406 – 1.5
1 mark
Most of the time

Total marks for discussion 14 marks

Total marks for Speaking & Listening activities 30 marks

Assessor Comments

3850 English Skills

Total Marks Grid

Maximum marks for Speaking & Fail

Listening: Candidate total:
(30 marks) Pass
Pass Mark: 18
Merit: 22-26 Merit
Distinction: 27-30
Assessor name Assessor signature Date

Internal Quality Assurer name Internal Quality Assurer signature Date

(if sampled) (if sampled)

External Quality Assurer name External Quality Assurer signature (if Date
(if sampled)

3850 English Skills



Distinction 85% - 100%
Merit 65% - 84%
Pass 50% - 64%
Fail 49% & below


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