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Cue Desired Outcome Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective Cue: Body weakness Within 4 hours of 1. Establish rapport 1. To create a patient nurse After 4 hours of
- Sakit akong related to nursing 2. Monitor vital signs therapeutic relationship. nursing intervention
tiyan nalibang abdominal pain intervention the 3. Monitor intake and 2. To assist in determining a the patient was able
naman untana secondary to patient was able output as order. patient’s current health to feel relief and
ko sakit gehapun dengue will be able to 4. Position the patient in status and evaluating the comfort.
comfort and a comfortable position. efficacy of nursing
Objective Cue: eradicate the pain. 5. Encourage diversional interventions provided.
- Received patient activities( watching 3. To assess correct
on bed, awake, videos in phone and functioning in connection
with ongoing list to relaxing music. to her current functioning
PLR @ 95cc/hr 6. Document and assess in current condition.
- Infusing well patient pain scale from 4. To be more comfortable.
@L metacarpal time to time. 5. To divert the attention of
vein @ 650 cc 7. Assess for probable patient from the pain.
level cause of pain. 6. To monitor level of pain,
- Pain scale of 8. Encourage and assist effectively of nursing
6/10 client to do deep regimen
- T: 36.3 breathing exercise. 7. Different etiological
- PR: 101 9. Instruct the patient to factors respond better to
- RR: 20 avoid caffeinated different therapies.
- BP: 90/70 substances/ foods. 8. Deep breathing exercises
- O2 Sat.: 98 10. Promote rest and contribute to relief of pain.
comfort. 9. Caffeine properties inhibit
sleep and possible it might
be the cause of pain.
10. To conserve energy.
Cue Desired Outcome Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective Cue: Impaired Within 4 hours of 1. Establish rapport 1. To create a patient nurse After 4 hours of
- Nagdagook comfort related nursing 2. Monitor vital signs therapeutic relationship. nursing intervention
akong tiyan to abdominal intervention the 3. Monitor intake and 2. To assist in determining a the patient was
murag nay cramps patient will be able output as order. patient’s current health relief from
hangin to relief from 4. Position the patient in status and evaluating the cramping and
cramping and a comfortable position efficacy of nursing abdominal pain.
Objective Cue: abdominal pain. 5. Instruct the patient to interventions provided.
- Received patient avoid caffeinated 3. To assess correct
on bed, awake, substances/ foods. functioning in connection
- Started PLR 1L 6. Assess for probable to her current functioning
@ 30 gtts/min. cause of abdominal in current condition.
- T: 36.4 cramp. 4. To be more comfortable.
- PR: 101 7. Assess the degree, 5. Caffeine properties inhibit
- RR: 22 location, and sleep and possible it might
- BP: 120/80 description of this be the cause of cramping.
- O2 Sat.: 99 comfort. 6. Different etiological
8. Modify the factors respond better to
environment by different therapies
changing the room 7. Attitudes and reactions to
environment if it is abdominal cramps are
cold, possibly it can individual and subjective.
cause with her 8. A conductive environment
abdominal cramping. promotes healing.
9. Encourage 9. Has been shown that
mobilization and immobility is the linked to
provide routine many unacceptable patient
position changes. outcomes in care unit.
10. Promote rest and 10. To conserve energy.

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