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Revision Date Author Reviewed By Authorised By Type

P4 20/12/2022 Gary Wisker Report

P3 14/12/2022 Gary Wisker Report

P2 5/10/2022 Gary Wisker Report

P1 3.10.2022 Gary Wisker Report

Table of Contents
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Background..................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Purpose of this report .................................................................................................................... 3
3. Existing Facilities............................................................................................................................. 3
4. Occupancy and usage Figures ........................................................................................................ 4
5. Current Thinking ............................................................................................................................. 5
5.1 Client and camp management feedback ................................................................................. 5
5.2 Other Options and ideas .......................................................................................................... 5
6. Central Facilities Information ......................................................................................................... 6
6.1 Proposed Options Plans ........................................................................................................... 6
7. Design Development. ..................................................................................................................... 7
8. Identified Options........................................................................................................................... 8
8.1 General Dry Storage ................................................................................................................. 8 Chemical and Linen Storage ............................................................................................. 8 Existing Bin Store .............................................................................................................. 9 Existing Storeroom and Chemical Store ........................................................................... 9
8.2 Food Storage .......................................................................................................................... 10
8.2.1 Freezer space ..................................................................................................................... 10
8.2.2 Elevate Freezer space ......................................................................................................... 10
8.2.3 Veg Prep/Dry Store ............................................................................................................ 10
8.2.4 Defrost room and freezer ................................................................................................... 11
8.3 Food Preparation Back of House ........................................................................................... 11
8.3.1 Food Cold Prep Area........................................................................................................... 12
8.3.2 Chef’s Office ....................................................................................................................... 12
8.3.3 Dishwashing area ............................................................................................................... 13
8.4 Food delivery in the dining Hall -front of house .................................................................... 13
8.4.1 Evaluate Existing Food preparation.................................................................................... 13
8.4.2 Second mobile hot box....................................................................................................... 13
8.4.3 Front Servery ...................................................................................................................... 14
8.5 Quick Service Restaurant ....................................................................................................... 15
8.6 Dining hall seating capacity.................................................................................................... 17
8.6.1 Option 1.............................................................................................................................. 17
8.6.2 Option 2.............................................................................................................................. 18
8.7 Ablutions ................................................................................................................................ 19

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8.7.1 Option 1.............................................................................................................................. 20
8.7.2 Option 2.............................................................................................................................. 20
8.8 Delivery of takeaway food in the crib .................................................................................... 20
8.8.1 Relocate crib Storeroom .................................................................................................... 20
8.8.2 Crib Food Storage ............................................................................................................... 21
8.8.3 Crib Extension..................................................................................................................... 22
8.9 Tavern Decking Area .............................................................................................................. 23
8.10 Central Facilities Office and Retail Areas............................................................................ 24
8.10.1 Existing Administration and Retail Areas ........................................................................... 24
8.10.2 New Administration and Retail facilities ............................................................................ 24
9. Camp Infrastructure ..................................................................................................................... 24
10. Analysis of options..................................................................................................................... 26

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1. Background

Insert Client recently completed the purchase of the existing 217 room Civeo Village in Kambalda
and have engaged to:

• Obtain a development application for a 400-room expansion to the existing village.

• Obtain a development application for a further 200-room expansion.
• Complete the detailed design of the 400-room expansion.
• Explore options for the expansion/upgrade of the central facilities to support the proposed
accommodation expansions.
• Engaged Supplier to construct the 400-room expansion

2. Purpose of this report

The purpose of this report is to review the current central facilities capabilities and analysis the
operational impacts of the construction of the proposed expansions.

Furthermore, the report then explores options to increase the central facilities operational
capabilities to close out any identified gaps.

This report excludes the gym and pool facilities as the client has decided on their expansion.

This includes an additional 2 floor gym and the removal of the swimming pool.

Insert Client have confirmed that this report should be based on the existing 232 rooms plus the
600-room expansion giving a total of 832 rooms

The report also explores future infrastructure that may be considered/required for the operational
and recreational needs of the Village. Although these are outside of the central facilities, they form
an integral part of a typical Village and therefore will have an influence on the central facilities
design and operational capability.

3. Existing Facilities
The existing village facilities include.

• 217 single person accommodation units

• Central Facilities building which includes
o Kitchen back of house
o Dining hall
o Ablutions
o Tavern
o Crib room
o Village reception
o Retail area
o Comms room serving the village
• Single floor gymnasium
• Outdoor swimming Pool

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4. Occupancy and usage Figures

Although Insert Client have just recently acquired the ownership of the Village. They have been
leasing it from Civeo for some time. They operate the rooms on a hoteling basis and have provided
historical occupation figures for the last financial year

Village room capacity 232

Peak occupancy 116

Peak occupancy % 50%

Insert Client have confirmed that

• This report is to be based upon a peak occupancy of 60%

• All village rooms will be used by operations personnel on a hoteling basis with the same
occupation rate as the existing Village.

Therefore, based on the above and a of

• The 832 room Village at 60% peak occupancy would have 500 rooms occupied

If 60% of the Village occupants use the central dining facilities at any one time this would
provide a seating requirement of

• 817 room village with a peak occupancy of 500 personnel x 60% = 300

The current dining area seating capacity is approximately 120.

The seating shortfall for the dining Room would be

• 832 room village 300 – 120 = 180

With some modifications the Village management have confirmed that the existing Kitchen could
provide 250 x 3 = 750 total of meals per day.

The peak occupancy meal requirement would be 500 x 3 = 1500 meals per day

Therefore, the Kitchen shortfall would be 1500 – 750 = 750 meals per day

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5. Current Thinking

5.1 Client and camp management feedback

Civeo have confirmed that the existing Kitchen can provide a total of 750 meals from the existing
Kitchen. To be able to cater for this comfortably they suggest they would require

• Additional external storage for linen, chemical and general storage

• A second hot box
• A second hot Bain Marie with 6 Full slots
• Increased freezer space

In addition, Civeo have provided information on

• Mealtimes, busy periods

• Shift changes
• Seating capacity
• Crib capacity
• Feedback on Kitchen space usage.

Recent discussions with Insert Client and their project management consultant Mintrex have
provided the following feedback.

• The existing Kitchen may be able to cope with the 400-room expansion
• The dining room may not be large enough, we could possibly add 4 modular floors, extend
the existing structure, or utilize the Tavern and beer garden.
• The food storage capacity of the existing Kitchen is low, and an additional containerized
freezer is required
• There is only one Bain-Mare, and a second/larger facility is desirable.
• Expand the beer garden (please note this is elevated above the external ground level by
about 1.5m)

5.2 Other Options and ideas

The following are other options and ideas that have been raised. Please note the larger concept
ideas were made prior to receiving the historical occupancy data and the assumption that the
existing central facilities would not cope with an 817-room village.

• Install a new tavern and office complex and use that space in the existing building to expand
the kitchen.
• Install a new kitchen and dining area and then repurpose the kitchen and dining part of the
existing building as gymnasium and expanded tavern.
• Extend the dining hall and move the Bain-mare forward into the exiting dining hall to
provide more cooking facilities
• Provide a temporary Kitchen for take away food which can be opened during shutdowns.
• Rely on mobile food vans for shutdowns.

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6. Central Facilities Information
The following drop box link contains

• Development application drawing packs

• Central facilities building as built drawings
• Photographs
• Central Facilities options plan
• Existing Dining Hall Seating Plan
• Dining Hall extension Elevations
• Caterlink equipment details

6.1 Proposed Options Plans

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7. Design Development.

Supplier’s design team together with their services and Kitchen design consultants, together with
meetings with Civeo management held various design development meetings and conversations
where the existing Central facilities were reviewed and the impact on the operational capability by
the Village expansions.

In addition, site visits were completed with the Civeo management team and Caterlink to review and
assess the existing Central facilities and obtain Village management and catering specialist input into
these recommendations.

During the design development conversations, the following were key considerations in the
decision-making process.

• Provide an economical solution

• Minimise the impact on current operations during construction
• Recognise the different lifestyle requirements of operational personnel
• Find fit-for-purpose solutions
• Where possible utilize the existing facilities.

The workshops identified the following key areas that may require upgrades/ modifications.

1. General storage
2. Food storage
3. Food preparation and cooking- back of house
4. Food delivery in the dining Hall -front of house
5. Dining hall seating capacity
6. Delivery of takeaway food in the crib

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7. Tavern capacity

8. Identified Options

8.1 General Dry Storage

From the feedback provided from the Village management it appears that areas are not being used
for their initial purpose i.e.

• Staff room – being used as a nonfood storage area

• Vegetable Prep – being used to store dessert items and the potato tumbler is non-
• Part of the original crib area has been partitioned off to forma storeroom.

There is an existing linen and chemical store located adjacent to one of the existing laundries. The
suitability of its capacity and location requires further consideration.

With the addition of additional rooms there will be insufficient storage for bulk linen. This also
should be located in the back of house area for ease of deliveries and pick up and to Minimise the
HV traffic through the village.

The following are recommendations to reorganize and create additional storage space. Chemical and Linen Storage

Construct a shed style store facility adjacent to the back of house for Chemicals, Bulk linen, and
general storage for the whole Village. Also dedicated undercover parking and charging bays can be
included for the forklift and buggies. A purpose made chemical container type store could also be
considered as part of this solution.

The general store will free up space within the Kitchen and crib that are currently being used for
general dry good storage and allow them to be stored and managed in one location.

Page 8 of 27 Existing Bin Store
With the separate Chemical/Linen shed and the relocation of the forklift the existing bin store can be
used for its original purpose. The bins can then be moved from the loading bay and free up that
area. Existing Storeroom and Chemical Store

Remove the internal partition and create one larger storeroom for the Crib room day to day top up

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8.2 Food Storage
8.2.1 Freezer space
Install a containerised/modular type of freezer to the rear of the Kitchen and adjacent to the existing
loading dock.

The preferred solution would be to install a purpose made modular freezer as it provides the
following benefits.

• Better protection from the elements and thermal performance

• More appropriate door entry – purpose made freezer doors rather than adapted container
style doors.
• Elimination of steps into the building

8.2.2 Elevate Freezer space

In addition, the existing loading dock could be extended, and the freezer elevated up onto a steel
frame level with the loading dock. This may be preferential from an operational perspective and
allows the removal of produce from the freezer into the Kitchen without the reuse of forklifts etc.

8.2.3 Veg Prep/Dry Store

Upgrade to a full dry storeroom

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8.2.4 Defrost room and freezer
Convert to a full cool room. Freezer items are relocated to the external freezer.

8.3 Food Preparation Back of House

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With the above storage solutions, the back of house areas could be modified to provide additional
food prep areas.

8.3.1 Food Cold Prep Area

Close off 2 doors within the fruit and vegetable cool room.

This will allow additional storage space within the Fruit and vegetable cool room, Crib and day cool
room and additional food prep benches to the food prep area.

8.3.2 Chef’s Office

Relocate the office (location tbc), remove the partition walls to create additional space and install

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8.3.3 Dishwashing area
The existing dishwashing area is not sufficient to cater for the increased numbers and currently
there is no pot washing facility.

It is recommended to reconfigure the area and forma scullery area with conveyor dishwash and pot
wash facilities.

8.4 Food delivery in the dining Hall -front of house

8.4.1 Evaluate Existing Food preparation

It is recommended for a Kitchen equipment Technician visit site and carry out a survey and
evaluation of the existing Kitchen equipment. This will establish the condition of the existing
equipment and provide a report and where applicable recommendations.

8.4.2 Second mobile hot box

This can be located at the back of house to suit the Kitchen staff operational needs. A power outlet
may be required once the location has been determined.

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8.4.3 Front Servery

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Reconfigure the food delivery units into a U shape and extend out into the dining area.

Relocate the Juices/cereals etc. to the site wall adjacent the office door.

Existing Plan

Proposed Modifications

8.5 Quick Service Restaurant

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To support the 600-room expansion and option could be to Install a modular quick serve restaurant
within the tavern alfresco area. This can be opened during busy and shut-down periods. This facility
can prepare the grab and go food stored in heated food storage display units or serve freshly made
take away type food.

This facility could be located within the proposed Tavern decking area expansion design and be
serviced from the existing back of house Kitchen. In addition, the Tavern and extended decking area
could be utilized for dining and the facility could provide food for the crib.

This facility could also be located externally to the Central Facilities building.

As an alternative during the shutdown periods a mobile QSR could be bought to site.

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8.6 Dining hall seating capacity

The Village Management team have confirmed that the current Dining Room can seat approximately
120 persons. The below seating plan provides 128 seats.

8.6.1 Option 1
A 4-floor modular extension has received Development approval to provide additional seating

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This could potentially provide sufficient seating for the 60% usage of 300 seats, and with the
assumption that other options will be employed the overall facility will provide sufficient overall
seating i.e., Tavern decking area used for dining or QSR serving take away food or etc.

The modular addition will be constructed off site and installed against the existing building and once
installed the existing external wall can be dismantled. This will cause the minimal amount of
disruption to the operation of the Dining Room. It can be designed to provide a different type of
atmosphere within the dining area.

It is also suggested that a new entrance to the dining hall is included with a bag drop, hand and crib
wash and possible ice machines. This may impact on the overall seating but as mentioned above the
shortfall may be covered elsewhere.

The entrance will reduce congestion around the existing entrance/retail/crib area and provide an
easier route for the residents in the expansion rooms

Dining Hall Extension Plan

8.6.2 Option 2

An alternative option would be to Construct a separate modular administration and retail building
external to the central facilities. This could be located at a strategic position with a bus drop off/pick
up point and bus shelter. The retail area could be equipped with a café style facility serving take
away coffees etc.

The existing administration office and retail area within the central facilities can be repurposed to
provide handwash and bag drop facilities at the exiting entrance and additional dining seating areas.

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8.7 Ablutions

Part of the discussion with the Village management team highlighted that there may be a shortfall
on ablutions within the central facilities. Supplier had BCA consultants review the ablutions facilities

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and they confirmed that with the expansion to 817 rooms there will be a requirement to increase
the ablutions facilities.

8.7.1 Option 1
Repurpose the crib storeroom and cleaner’s cupboard and extend the existing ablutions facilities.

This may put constraints on the crib facility.

8.7.2 Option 2

Provide a single floor modular ablutions building and locate within 60m of the central facilities

This can be positioned strategically to support the Tavern, Central Facilities, gym and potential
future administration building, recreation facilities.

8.8 Delivery of takeaway food in the crib

With the increase of personnel, the existing crib facilities may require reorganisation and installation
of additional food storage and display units.

It is also noted from the photographs that some repairs appear to be required and for the purpose of
this report it is assumed these will be carried out by the Village maintenance teams.

8.8.1 Relocate crib Storeroom

To increase the crib area an option would be to relocate the dry store and dismantle the partition.

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In addition, reduce the door into the tavern from a double to single and move over to the centra of
the wall.

This will provide more space for food display units etc.

8.8.2 Crib Food Storage

A recommendation would be to review the adequacy of the existing equipment, modify the door
between the Tavern and Crib and install more food display units for pre-prepared grab and go
takeaway meals. These could be serviced from either the main Kitchen or QSR.

Options available are to increase the food storage equipment within the Crib area which could be
utilized throughout the day for various purposes.

Have an additional two Salad bars for the peak service crib time in the morning.

Use one of the crib salad bars in the wet mess for the QSR food outlet. (Afternoon crib finishes at
5.30pm, one unit can be wheeled out at 5pm)

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8.8.3 Crib Extension
For the 600-room expansion the existing crib area is potentially not large enough to cater for the
increase. The installation of a single floor extension to the crib would provide additional food serving
space and accommodate the shut-down periods would be recommended.

In addition, the Tavern could be utilized during peak hours in the morning.

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8.9 Tavern Decking Area

With the increase of average personnel from 104 to 370 the Tavern may be unable to accommodate
such an increase. As most personnel using a Village Tavern tend to sit in the beer garden/alfresco
area. It is recommended that the alfresco decking area is increased in size.

Extend the existing decking area and either extend the existing roof and/or install shade sails over.

The Decking area could also be utilized for dining overflow.

The works will require modifications to the road and loading dock access and possibly the relocation
of the gas tanks serving the Kitchen.

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8.10 Central Facilities Office and Retail Areas

8.10.1 Existing Administration and Retail Areas

The Village management team have recommended the following modifications to the existing Office
and Retail areas are considered.

• Widen the check in/ office opening to allow and additional check-in position
• Install a new higher counter
• New key cabinet will be required for the storge of additional keys
• Relocate the TV management system from the office into the comms room
• Install barista style coffee machine

8.10.2 New Administration and Retail Facilities

An additional recommendation for consideration is to build a separate larger and more fit for
purpose Administration/café/retail building with a bus shelter. This in turn will allow the existing
admin office and retail area within the central facilities building to be removed and the area re-
purposed to provide additional dining seating/crib support and the construction of a new entrance
with hand and crib wash facilities.

9. Camp Infrastructure

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With the significant increase in size of the village and to provide alignment with infrastructure
provided at Insert Client other Mine Villages, it is recommended that a wider study is conducted to
consider the long-term infrastructure requirements of the Village.

In the interim it is recommended that the Phase 2 general arrangement is reviewed to allow future
expansion areas in around the central facilities.

Future infrastructure may include:

• Multipurpose sports court

• Recreation room/facilities
• Additional gym buildings
• External exercise areas
• External fit park
• Grassed areas for exercise and sports
• Dedicated Administration/ café /retail building
• Bus shelter for pick up drop off
• Reappraisal of HV & LV traffic in/out of the Village and interaction with pedestrians

The below sketch identifies potential areas for consideration.

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10. Analysis of options

The following table identifies which option supports the 400-room and 600-room expansions and a
budget cost.

Due to the Phase 1 rooms coming online in late June 2023 this puts time constraints on having the
central facilities upgraded and operational capable of support ting the additional village to enable
the rooms to be occupied.

it is recommended that the central facilities upgrades/modifications are therefore are managed in a
phased approach.

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