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Class: IV Subject: Mathematics Chapter: Carts and Wheels

(Classes will be taken through online platforms e.g. Google meet/Google duo etc.)
This lesson needs 4 sessions for completion.

Session Competency TLO Suggested Activities Suggested Suggested E Worksheet Assessment

Resources/ Resources
1.Session Knowledge Students will be P.K. Testing:-Teacher will test A plain paper, pencil Students will be Worksheet-1 1) Students will be
(40) able to Identify the previous knowledge of and round objects. suggested to (Enclosed) asked to name the
minutes) round things in their students by asking following watch these videos round things
surroundings questions:- through this link available in their
(1) Have you heard about the term house.
‘round’? https://
(2) Have you seen round things 2) Students will be
Students will be around you? play/content/ asked to name the
able to draw circles (3) Name some round things. do_312770946549 smallest and the
by using rounds (4) Have you heard about a circle? 31763211732 biggest round thing
things (5) Have you ever tried to trace a they have ever seen.
circle with a round object? https://
Gist of the lesson:-
Now the teacher apprises the watch?v=wHzrBKePFwY
students that in this chapter we ( Carts and Wheels )slide
will learn that wheels of all show
vehicles are round. We will learn
to trace a circle using some of the https://
round objects. Apart from this we
will also learn to draw bigger wpcontent/doc/book/
circles using a rope and how to flipbook/classIV/0425-
find centre of the circle. MathMagic%20Book
Suggested activities:-He/she asks %20IV/Ch-8/
them to trace a circle by using index.html
these things. (E-textbook, chapter-
The teacher apprises the students Carts and Wheels)
about presence of different round
things in surroundings and asks
students to name five round things
from their surroundings.
Teacher will apprise the
students that a circle with the Circle drawn on a
2.Session Understanding rope/thread can be drawn on plain paper reflecting Worksheet-2 1) Students will be
(40) the Basic the ground. For this two nails these terms (Enclosed) asked to trace circle
Minutes Concept Students will be are needed to be tied up with  Centre with the help of a
able to draw bigger both ends of the rope/thread.  Radius bowl, glass etc.
circles on the One end of the rope/thread  Diameter 2) Students will be
ground using a will remain static and other  Point asked to show
rope/thread and end will move around.  Circumference centre, radius,
nails diameter and circumference of the
ZYsDU7bQsQQ Circle’
Students will be (Making of circle with 3) Students will be
able to know and thread) asked to measure the
find the centre, length of the radius
radius of the circle, and diameter of the
circumference and circle.
diameter of the It will further be explained
circle. that the point where static nail
was placed is centre of the
circle (A circle has only one
centre) whereas boundary of
the circle is called as
circumference of the circle
and distance between centre
of the circle and its
circumference is called its
Diameter is the line which
passes through centre of the
circle and divides it into two
equal parts. Radius is half of
the diameter.
Teacher will apprise students
about how to find a centre of a
circle which has been drawn
with the help of a round thing.
(It will be done by folding the
3.Session Understanding Students will be Teacher will explain the Plain paper, compass, Worksheet (3) Students will be
(40 The Basic able to draw circles method of use of the compass pencil etc. QYMvGgG-n60 (Enclosed) asked to draw circles
minutes) Concept by using a compass for drawing a circle. (Drawing a circle with with compass having
It will further be explained by compass) radius
Students will be making a circle with a a) 5cm b)4cm
able to draw compass on paper. The point
different designs in where tip of compass is placed They will also be
circles using a will be centre of the circle. asked to make designs
compass (Tip of the circle should be of their choice in these
static on the paper) circles using a
Teacher will demonstrate in compass
front of students by making
different designs in circle
using a compass.
4.Session Problem Students will be Teacher will conduct  Worksheet (4)  Students will be
(40 Solving able to solve the parts-of-a-circle.html the class through BPnP_EEZvQc  https:// asked to write 5-8
minutes) Ability problems related to (Quiz based on circle) Google duo/Google (Information on circle) lines about
circle and its centre, meet etc. file/d/ significance of
radius and diameter 1S1mr7LLwBjAz circle in our day
NTFESt9RVJk-- to day life.

1. Observe your surroundings and list any five articles which can be used to
draw a circle.

---------------------------- ---------------------------------- ----------------------------

----------------------------- --------------------------------

2. Now trace the circle using these articles and name the things which have made the
biggest and the smallest circle.

1. Fill in the blanks ( Hint: Circumference, diameter, radius, circle)

a. _ _ is a simple closed curved shape
b. _ _ is the distance from the centre of a circle to its circumference.

c. _ _divides the circle into two equal halves

d. ------------------------is the length of the boundary of the circle.

2. Draw the radius and diameter of the given circles and measure it and find the
relationship between radius and diameter
Circle A

Radius Diameter: _

Circle B

Radius Diameter: ----------

Circle-A Circle-B

Relationship between Radius and Diameter--------------------------------------------------------


(1) How many diameters can you draw for a circle? _______________

(2) No. of centers in a circle ________________

(3) Fill in the following table:-

Radius Diameter


24 cm



(4) Construct circle with radius

a). 3cm b). 2cm

(5) Draw two circles and make designs in them using a compass.

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