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S1 Human Organism

- The study of structures of the body The Human body structures:
Physiology Chemical
- The study of the processes and functions - It involves how atoms
of the body interact and combine into
Importance of Anatomy and Physiology:
- Understand how the body responds to:
 Stimuli - It is the basic structural and
 Environmental changes functional unit of
 Environmental cues life/organism
 Disease Tissue
 Injury
- Maintains stable, internal conditions - Groups of cells with similar
despite continually changing structure and function plus
environment extracellular substances
they release
Types of Anatomy
- Composed of two or more tissue types
- The study of the body that together perform one or two
by systems, such as the common functions
cardiovascular, nervous,
skeletal, etc. Organ system

Regional - A group of organs classified as a unit

because of a common function
- The study of the
organization of the body by Organism
areas (widely used in medical - A complex of organ systems that are
schools) mutually dependent upon one another
Surface (4) Four broad types of tissues:
- The body of external Epithelial/Epithelium
features, such as body
projections. It forms the tissue of internal
and external surfaces of our
Anatomical Imaging bodies
- The use technologies Ex. Epidermis and lining of the intestines
(x-rays, ultrasound, MRI)
S1 Human Organism

To support, protect, and give - Provides protections and support, allows

structure to other tissues and body movements, produces blood cells,
organs and stores minerals and adipose tissue.
Consists of bones, associated cartillages,
Ex. ligaments, cartilage, skeletal system
ligaments, and joints.
Muscular System
Have the ability to shorten or
- Produces body
contract in order to create
movements, maintains
movements of our body parts
posture, and produces body
Nervous heat. Consists of muscles
attached to the skeleton by
Responsible in regulating and tendons.
controlling bodily functions
Lympathic System
Ex. brain, spinal column, and
nerves - Removes
foreign substances from the
The Human Organs blood and lymph, combats
Heart Skin disease, maintans tissue
fluid balance, and absorbs
dietery fats from the
digestive tract. Consists of
the lymphatic vessels,
Liver Lungs lymph nodes, and other
lymphathic organs.
Respiratory System

Brain Kidneys - Exhanges oxygen and

carbon dioxide between the
blood and air and regulates
The Organ System blood pH. Consists of the
lungs and respiratory
Integumentary System passages.
- Provides protection, Digestive system
regulates temperature,
prevents water loss, and helps - Performs the
produce Vitamin D, Consists mechanical and chemical
of skin, hair, nails, and swat processes of digestion,
glands absorption of nutrients, and
elemination if wastes. Consists
Skeletal System of the mouth, esophagus,
stomach, intestines, and
accessory organs.
S1 Human Organism

Nervous System function and behaviors. Consists of the

ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus, vagina,
- A major regulatory
mammary glands, and associated
system that detects sensations
and control movements,
physiological processes, and Male Reproduction System
intellectual functions. Consists
- Produces and
of the brain, spinal cord,
transfers sperm cells to the
nerves, and sensory receptors.
female and produces hormones
Endocrine System that influence sexual functions
and behaviors. Consists of the
- A major regulatory
testes, accessory structures,
system that influences
ducts, and penis.
metabolism, growth,
reproduction, and many other Mneumonics of different body systems:
functions. Consists of glands,
I Saw My Lola Remedios Doing
such as the pituitary, that
Cartwheels Next to Eleven. Unbelievable,
secrete hormones.
Cardiovascular System
- Transports nutrients,
- All organ systems working together
waste products, gases, and
- It includes associated microorganisms
hormones throughout the
such as intestinal bacteria
body; plays a role in the
immune response and the Essential Characteristics of Life:
regulation of body
temperature. Consists of the 1. Organization
heart, blood vessels, and blood. - functional interrelationsships between
Urinary System 2. Metabolism
- sum of all chemical and physical
- Removes waste
changes sustaining an organism
products from the blood and
- Ability to acquire and use energy in
regulates blood pH, ion balance,
support of these changes
and water balance. Consists of the
3. Responsiveness
kidneys, urinary, bladder, and
- Ability to sense and respond to
ducts that carry urine.
environmental changes
Female Reproduction System - Includes both internal and external
- Produces oocyctes
4. Growth
and is the site of the fertilizatios
- Can increase in size
and fetal development; produces
5. Development
milk for the newborns, produces
- Changes in form and size
hormones that influence sexual
S1 Human Organism

- Changes in cell structure and function when directed by the control center or
from generalized to specialized carries the command of the control
6. Reproduction center/brain
- Formation of new cells or new
Positive Feedback Loop
- Generation of new individuals - System response causes progressive
- Tissue repair deviation away from set point, outside
of normal range
- Not directly used for homeostasis
- Maintenance of constant internal
environment or balance of bodily
- Measures of body properties that may
change in value
Ex. Labor stage of pregnancy. A mother
Ex. Body temperature, blood pressure, loaded with fetus during labor, once the
weight etc. pelvic is engage it will send a signal to the
Negative Feedback Loop mother that the baby will come out and the
brain will send a signal to the effector to
- Mechanism that maintains homeostasis excrete hormones (oxytocin) to induce
- Ex. contractions and the contractions will
release prostaglandins and more oxytocin
will secrete.

detecting changes in our body

temperature. Thermal receptors will send
signals in our control center/brain.
Control center will send
signals/command to the effector to react.
3 components:
- Receptor (sensory neurons) –
responsible in monitoring the value of
variables such as body temperature by
detecting body stimuli
- Control center (brain) – it determines
the set point for the variable and
receives input from the receptor about
the variable
- Effector (motor neurons) – responsible
in changes of the value of the variable

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