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Find the measurements of your face and body based on the description given below.

For each ratio,

compare who has a value closer to the golden ratio. The golden ratio is 1.618, which may be found in
the structure of the human face. In this activity, you will use the concept to determine who among the
group has the “divine face” and the golden face.

The aim of this activity is to determine whether there is a part of your body that is approximately close or
equal to the golden ratio.

Divide Larger measurement

Smaller Measurement
Larger Measurement (cm) over Smaller
(Unit in 2 decimal places)
Closer to
Student A Student B

1) Height – from head to toe Top of head to finger tips 157:98 = 160:95 = JOAN
with arms at side 1.60 1.68

Divide Larger measurement

Smaller Measurement
Larger Measurement (cm) over Smaller
(Unit in 2 decimal places)
Closer to
Student A Student B

1) Height – from head to toe Top of head to finger tips

with arms at side
2) Top of head to finger tips Top of head to elbow with
with arms at side arms at side

3) Top of head to elbow with Top of head to top of

arms at side pectorals
(arm pit)
4) Top of head to top of Top of head to base of
pectorals (arm pit) skull
5) Top of head to chin Width of head

6) Top of head to pupil Pupil to lip

7) Nose tip to chin Lips to chin

8) Nose tip to chin Pupil to nose tip

The one with the golden body is

Generalization: Write your learning or reflection about the activity. What were your realizations while
doing this activity, or what did you realize after seeing the results?



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