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Offer of Employment

Date: 10.03.2021

Rahul Tiwari
S/o Shri Pawan Kumar Tiwari,
Mijhauda, Ambedkar Nagar,
Utter Pradesh 224 152
Email: [email protected],

Dear Mr. Rahul Tiwari,

Thank you for investing your time to pursue an opportunity with Logixgrid Technologies Private Limited.
We are delighted to offer you a full-time employment as Software Developer with Logixgrid Technologies
Private Limited, Gurgaon, as per the requirement of the business on the following terms and conditions.

1. Compensation & Benefits

The value of your annualized Cost to company (CTC) is Rs.677,040.00 The details of your CTC break-up
are enumerated in Salary Annexure. The company will deduct taxes as appropriate and consistent with the
Indian tax regulations from time to time. You will be responsible for your tax liabilities under applicable
laws and regulations. The company shall also have the right to vary, amend and modify any item of the
salary package including the benefits as per the company policy and procedures and as per any law
prevalent in the country. Your joining date of the organization is on 29 March 2021.

2. Probation

You will be placed on probation for a period of 6 months. Exceptionally, the initial period may be extended
but once your performance is deemed to be satisfactory, you will be confirmed in writing as a member of
the established staff of the company. You will continue to be on probation till you are advised of your
confirmation in writing.
3. Work Location

You will be initially posted at 427, Tower-B4, Spaze i-Tech Park, Sohna Road, Sector. 49, Gurgaon-
122018. However, based on business exigencies you may be relocated by the company anywhere in
India or abroad. You may be transferred to a different position or unit/department of the company either
in existence or which may come up pursuant to the requirements of the company. You may be
transferred to one of the company’s subsidiaries or affiliates, pursuant to the requirements of the
Company and/or its subsidiary/affiliates at the sole discretion of the management.

4. Working hours

The normal working is of 9 hours with a 1-hour lunch/tea break. You may be required to work on
staggered timings/shifts, the timings for which may be altered from time to time. The hours of work,
holidays and paid leave will be in accordance with the State prevalent law. Please note that if you absent
yourself from your services without prior written permission or overstay sanctioned leave for ten
consecutive days, you will be deemed to have abandoned your service voluntarily without giving due
notice and you shall lose your lien on Employment.

5. Retirement

You will automatically retire without any notice on attaining the age of 58 years, which is at the end of
the month following your 58th birthday.

You may also be retired earlier if found medically unfit to carry out the responsibilities allocated to you,
by the company doctor.

6. Your appointment is being made based on the information furnished by you to the company and in
case any information as given by you is found false or incorrect or by committing any act amounts to
loss of confidence etc., your appointment will be deemed void ab initio and liable for termination
without any notice or salary in lieu of such notice. In such eventuality, the management can recover the
payment made to you towards remuneration during employment.

7. Your duties will include for efficient, satisfactory and economical operation in responsibility that may
be assigned to you from time to time.

8. The compensation information is confidential. We request you to use discretion in handling your
compensation- related information. As a company policy, we prohibit sharing this information with
other employees or unauthorized personnel. Any violation of this will be treated as a serious matter by
the company.

9. Your increments/incentives (if applicable)/promotion will depend at the sole discretion of the
management depending upon your efficiency, intelligence, rating in the performance review, client
feedback, regular attendance, sense of discipline and good behavior and subject to the prosperity of
the organization.

10. While in the employment of the company, you will devote the whole of your time and energy
exclusively to the business and affairs of the company and you will not be employed by any other
company, entity, whether on a full time or on a temporary or a part time basis or offer your services
with or without pay to any legal entity or persons as advisor, director, partner, whether paid or not for
your services, without the prior written permission of the company. In case this condition is
contravened, it will be construed as misconduct and breach of your obligations under this letter.
11. During your employment with the company, you shall be required to keep yourself informed, updated
and compliant with all the policies and procedures of the company in force, including but not limited
to the Code of Conduct policy of the company, and as may be amended from time to time and as
applicable to you, which shall be a part of your Appointment letter and terms of the employment. For
avoidance of doubts, it is further clarified that the terms and conditions contained herein may be
revised by the company through the introduction of a new policy or vide a separate correspondence to
you or by a change in your role or through an upgrade in your role or profile by way of promotion. In
such instances the terms and conditions of your appointment letter shall be construed to be amended
to that extent automatically and retrospectively without having to intraspecific amendment in your
appointment letter.

12. You shall not, except as authorized or required by your obligations in term hereof, reveal/disclose/
disseminate to any person or entity including competitors or persons involved directly or indirectly in
allied trade, any of trade secrets, secret or confidential information, information contained in any
manuals and/or dealings or any information concerning the business, finances, external and internal
transactions of the company and / or its Affiliates / Associates / Group companies, including but not
limited to all data including company contacts, processes, policies, strategies involving marketing,
advertising, operations, contractual obligations, business expansion which may come to your
knowledge and / or to be imparted to you by the company during your employment here under. You
shall hold in strict confidence, all such confidential information. This restriction shall survive
termination of your employment with the company without limit in point of time.

13. You shall not during the term of your employment or at any time thereafter, use or permit to be used,
any information, notes or memoranda, contacts or processes relating to the business and / or the
transactions of the company and and/or its affiliates / associates / group companies which may come
to your knowledge and / or possession by virtue of his / her employment with the company for any
purpose other than for the benefit of the company. You will be responsible for the safe custody of all
documents, manuals, processes, contact, kits and any other property belonging to the company that
may be entrusted to and / or placed in your possession by and / or during the course of your
employment with the company.

14. Instructions given to you by such supervisors in connection with the work assigned to you to the best
of your You will work under the supervision of such managers / supervisors / leaders as may be
decided up on by the management from time to time. You shall diligently and satisfactorily carryout
skill and ability.

15. Any notice, memo or other communication required or permitted hereunder by either party shall be
deemed to be received:

i) Upon delivery when delivered by hand. (Refusal to receive any communication sought to be
delivered personally will amount insubordination)
ii) Upon delivery, if sent by an express courier with a reliable system for tracking delivery to the
address here in above.
iii) Sent by certified or registered mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, to the address
as mentioned here in above.
iv) Upon delivery if sent to the e-mail address mentioned on the employment application form of
the candidates.
v) Upon verbal communication or SMS sent on the mobile contact number provided by the parties.

16. You shall be responsible for the safe keeping and returning in good order of all properties which may
be in your possession, custody, care or charge. The management shall have the right to deduct the
money value of such thing from your salary / dues and take such other action as it deems fit in the
event of your failure to account for such properties whether during service or otherwise.

17. You shall not at any time during the term of your employment with the company or thereafter 12
months, under any circumstances, directly, or indirectly solicitor attempt to solicit the company’s and/
or any of its subsidiaries and /or affiliates and / or group companies personnel to leave the
employment of the company and / or any of its subsidiaries and / or affiliates or apply for employment
with any third party or encourage such personnel of the company of its obligations under this
appointment letter and / or any other contact with the company or adversely impact the ability of the
company to carry out its normal business activities. You have further agreed you shall not engage in
soliciting business or allied business that is in any way similar, identical, or competitive with the
business, activities, services of the company or with those customers of the company with whom you
may have had any contract during your employment with the company and for a period of one year
after your employment ceases with the company.

18. Notice Period and Termination

Your employment with the Company may be terminated after giving a notice of one months or salary
(Basic) in lieu thereof. You are bound to give three months’ notice before leaving the services of the
Company. You will ensure that all your on-going activities are successfully completed and handed over
as per the Company guidelines on the separation process. Depending upon business requirements, the
Company may or may not accept your request to shorten serving of the notice period against the
payment of salary (Basic) in lieu of such shortened notice period.

If you quit the services of the Company before 18 months then two month’s salary will be charged in
your full and final settlement.

The Company reserves the right to terminate your employment without any notice period or payment
in lieu thereof, if it has reasonable grounds to believe that, you have disclosed confidential information,
caused loss to the Company or acted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Company.

19. Mandatory documents which need to be submitted at the time of joining as listed below:

2) 10th / 12th Mark Sheet / Certificate

3) Graduation/Postgraduation/Diploma/Certifications-All Semester Mark sheet & Degree (as applicable)
4) ID proof with Photograph–Valid Passport / Driver License / Voter ID / Ration Card
5) Relieving & Experience Certificates from all the previous employers (if applicable)
6) Permanent Address Proof
7) Aadhaar Card
8) PAN Card
9) 2 passport Size Photographs

In case the terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please sign the duplicate of this letter in token of
your having understood and having accepted the same and returns the same.


I accept the appointment on the terms and conditions contained in this letter and the Annexure(s) if any,
and other conditions and service rules as applicable to the employees of the company from time to time.


Signature:( )
Name: ( )
Confidential Information:
Salary Annexure

Logixgrid Technologies Private Limited

Name Rahul Tiwari
Designation Software Developer

Salary Break-up
Component Monthly Annual
Basic 28,210.00 338,520.00
House Rent Allowance 14,105.00 169,260.00
Conveyance Allowance 1,600.00 19,200.00
Special Allowance 5,548.75 66,585.00
Medical Reimbursements 1,250.00 15,000.00
Telephone / Internet 500.00 6,000.00
Gross Salary 51,213.75 614,565.00
Provident Fund 3,600.00 43,200.00
Variable Performance Linked Bonus at 100% ***
Health Insurance ** 250 3,000.00
Gratuity # 1,356.25 16,275.00
Cost To Company 56,420.00 677,040.00
** Health Insurance Benefits (As per scheme) Annual Benefit Limit INR)
Group Medical Insurance - Hospitalization 100000
*** Actual pay-out will be based on Individual Performance as per policy mentioned in terms of employment
after every six months as per terms of employment
# Gratuity payable as per rules

Yours Sincerely

Rajesh Pandey
Project Manager Employee Signature:( )
Name:( )

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