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FOR WOMEN FOR 1989 TO 1992

WHEREAS, Article II, Section 14, of the 1987 Constitution provides that “The
State recognizes the role of women in nation-building, and shall ensure the fundamental
equality before the law of women and men;”

WHEREAS, the Philippine Development Plan for Women for 1989 to 1992 was
formulated through the efforts of various government agencies and non-governmental

NOW, THEREFORE, I, CORAZON C. AQUINO, President of the Philippines,

do hereby approve and adopt the “Philippine Development Plan for Women for 1989 to
1992,” hereinafter referred to as the Plan, and order that:

1. All government departments, bureaus, offices, agencies and instrumentalities,

including government-owned or controlled corporations, are enjoined to take appropriate
steps to ensure the full implementation of the programs and projects outlined in the Plan.

2. The National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women (NCRFW) in

coordination with the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA), shall
monitor the implementation of the plan by various government agencies. It shall likewise
monitor the plan’s periodic assessment and updating and, for this purpose, the NCRFW
may call upon the assistance of any department, bureau, office, agency, or instrumentality
of the government, including government-owned or controlled corporations. Non-
governmental organizations and private entities are urged to assist in the monitoring of
the implementation, assessment and updating of the Plan.

3. An appropriate focal point for women’s concerns or any other similar

mechanism shall be constituted in each department, bureau, office, agency , or
instrumentality of the government, including government-owned or controlled
corporations, to ensure the implementation and monitoring of implementation, review
and updating of programs and projects identified for each sector.

Executive Order 348
4. The NCRFW is hereby authorized, upon consultation with the President, to
issue orders, circulars or guidelines as may be necessary in the implementation,
coordination and monitoring of the Plan, as well as in its assessment and updating. For
these purposes, the NCRFW may constitute the appropriate inter-agency committees.

5. The initial amount necessary to implement the Plan for Calendar Year 1989
shall be charged against the appropriate funds of the government agencies concerned and
from any available lump sum fund under Republic Act No. 6688 as may be determined
by the Department of Budget and Management. Appropriations for succeeding years
shall be incorporated in the budget proposals for Congressional action.

6. This Executive Order shall take effect immediately.

Done in the City of Manila, this 17th day of February in the year of Our Lord,
nineteen hundred and eighty-nine.


By the President:


Executive Secretary

EO No. 348 & Guidelines page 2


NCRFW Memorandum Order No. 89-1

To : All Government Departments, Agencies, Instrumentalities Including

Government-Owned and Controlled Corporations

From : The National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women

Subject: Implementing Guidelines for the Philippine Development Plan for

Women (PDPW)

WHEREAS, Executive Order. No. 348 (EO 348) issued by the Office of President
on February 17, 1989 approved and adopted the Philippine Development Plan for
Women (PDPW) for 1989 to 1992;

WHEREAS, EO 348 also directed the creation of focal points for women’s
concerns in each department to ensure the implementation and monitoring of
implementation, review and updating of programs and projects identified in each sector
of the Plan;

WHEREAS, EO 348 authorized the National Commission on the Role of Filipino

Women (NCRFW) upon consultation with the President, to issue memoranda, circulars,
or other orders as may be considered necessary in the coordination and monitoring of the
PDPW’s implementation as well as in its assessment and updating;

NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to Executive Order No. 348, the following

guidelines for the implementation of the Philippine Development Plan for Women for
1989 to 1992 are hereby issued:

1. Creation of Focal Points or Other Institutional Mechanisms for Women’s


Focal points for women’s concerns or other similar mechanisms shall be created
in each department, bureau, office, agency, or instrumentality of the government,
including government-owned or controlled corporations to ensure the PDPW’s
implementation, monitoring, review and updating in each agency. Recognizing that a
careful study on the nature of such focal points or mechanisms is necessary, interim focal
points shall be created and these shall be modified based on lessons, insights and
experiences gained during their initial operation.

EO No. 348 & Guidelines page 3

Names and positions of designated members of each focal point shall be
communicated to the NCRFW within the month after receipt of this Memorandum.

1.1 Each focal point for women’s concerns shall have the following

1.1.1 Review, vis-a-vis the PDPW, the agency’s current policies,

programs, projects and strategies as to their impact on women

Each focal point shall take the lead and coordinate the conduct of a
detailed review and evaluation of the agency’s current policies and strategies
relative to the identified priority needs/concerns of its women employees as
well as those of the women within its area of sectoral responsibility, and as to
their impact on women, including the extent of women’s participation either
as workers or beneficiaries of existing programs and projects of the agency.
This review shall also identify problem areas, issues and gaps aside from
those already identified in relevant chapter/s of the PDPW. Taking into
consideration the primacy of needs being addressed and the number of women
involved or benefitted, priority programs shall be identified which may either
be programs that need to be continued or expanded as they positively improve
the situation of women, or those in need of reformulation to make them more
sensitive and responsive to women’s particular situation and needs.

Schedule for implementation of priority programs shall be identified for

each year to facilitate annual monitoring of progress and plan updating.

Per EO 348, amounts needed to implement programs for 1989 shall

come from the appropriate funds of the government agencies concerned and
from any available lump sum fund under Republic Act No. 6688 as may be
determined by the Department of Budget and Management. Needed
appropriations for women’s programs for the succeeding years shall be
integrated in the agency budget proposals for Congressional action beginning

Selected priority programme/project proposals may be submitted not

later than May 15, 1989 to the NCRFW for possible inclusion in the country
program for women. The formulation of this country program for submission
to multilateral and bilateral donors for financial assistance is one mechanism
by which agencies can implement the PDPW programs starting in 1989.
NCRFW is coordinating the formulation of the country program and is
prepared to provide technical assistance to agencies in the formulation of said

1.1.2 Prepare a comprehensive gender consciousness raising

program for the agency and coordinate its implementation with
the NCRFW.

EO No. 348 & Guidelines page 4

1.1.3 Coordinate the PDPW’s implementation, monitoring, review
and updating in the agency and consult and coordinate with
NCRFW for these purposes.

1.1.4 Serve as an advisory body to the highest official of the agency

on matters concerning women.

1.2 Requirements of Effective Focal Points

Depending on the particular needs of an agency, a focal point may be

constituted as a committee, a technical working group, a task force, a
women’s desk or a similar body with two or more members. Agencies with
existing bureau or unit dealing with women’s concerns may consider said unit
as possible focal point. The designated focal point should meet the following
requirements for it to function effectively:

1.2.1 It is vested with the appropriate mandate defining its powers

and responsibilities issued by the highest authority of the
agency and which is made known to all personnel at all levels
of the bureaucracy.

1.2.2 It is provided with the administrative, technical and budgetary

support necessary in the performance of its functions as stated
in item #1 of this Memorandum.

1.2.3 It is directly responsible to the highest official in the agency on

the progress of its work.

1.2.4 Being the agency’s focal point for women’s concerns, it

addresses women’s concerns in all the areas of the agency’s
jurisdiction, including its women employees; and coordinates
the policy and programme responses agency-wide and in the

1.2.5 It consults and coordinates with the concerned non-

governmental organizations and the private sector on women’s
sectoral concerns.

All duly designated members of each focal point shall undergo gender
consciousness training with the NCRFW.

EO No. 348 & Guidelines page 5

2. The Role of the NCRFW in the PDPW Implementation

As provided by EO 348, the NCRFW shall, in consultation with the National

Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) monitor the implementation of the
PDPW by various government agencies and shall coordinate its periodic assessment and
updating. In addition, the NCRFW shall perform the following functions in support of
the focal points and the agencies’ implementation of the PDPW:

2.1 Conduct gender consciousness seminars and trainings for agency

officials and staff region-wide.

2.2 Provide technical assistance to agencies on matters affecting women,

such as the development of appropriate statistical indicators, program
formulation and provision of updated information on the women’s
situation. The NCRFW may also assist agencies in the sourcing of
funds for women’s programs.

2.3 The NCRFW shall likewise provide all necessary guidelines to facilitate
the work of the focal points in the various agencies.

3. All focal points shall be convened by the NCRFW to develop a networking

mechanism for the plan’s implementation, monitoring, evaluation and updating.

4. The NCRFW shall, from time to time, issue other guidelines as may be
necessary to ensure the effective implementation of the plan.

5. This Memorandum Order shall take effect immediately.

Signed this 21st of April, 1989.

By Authority of the Board of Commissioners



Executive Director

EO No. 348 & Guidelines page 6

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