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Amateur 10 m

2005 Edition

ALAN Electronics GmbH

Introduction .................................................................................... ............ 2
Installation .................................................................................................. 3 - 4
Front Panel Controls and Functions ........................................................... 4 - 8
Other Features ........................................................................................... 8
Programming Options..................................................................................12
Specifications ............................................................................................. 10
Frequency / Channel table...........................................................................14

European Warranty Conditions

Your distributor, where You have purchased this radio warrants this product to be free of
defects for a period of two (2) years from the original date of purchase. This warranty is non-
transferable. This warranty is subject to repair or replacement of defective components only.
This warranty is void if the radio has been tampered with or misused. Whenever Your radio
should become defective during the warranty period, please contact Your dealer and ask him
for his service proceedings. The distributor or dealer may repair the radio, replace it or
arrange repair by an authorised Albrecht / ALAN Service subcontractor.
Adresses of authorised service subcontractors will be also available from


Please keep your sales receipt of the purchase and send this or a copy of this together with
the radio for any repair during the warranty period. If the sales receipt or it’s copy is not
enclosed, the radio cannot be repaired under the warranty conditions.

Congratulations on your purchase of this Albrecht UltraForce 10 meter FM/AM/SSB/CW
transceiver. Your transceiver is designed to provide years of enjoyment and trouble-free
service. There are many features and functions designed into this transceiver. To ensure that
your investment is enjoyed to it’s fullest extent please take a few moments and thoroughly
read this manual.
Your UltraForce amateur radio transceiver is a microprocessor controlled, user programmable
radio combining both high RF performance with a user-friendly environment. The radio is built
rugged to withstand years of use in harsh mobile environments. Although engineered with
mobile use in mind the radio, with the addition of a high quality 10 Amp regulated power
supply, may be easily adapted to fixed station operation.
Some of the features of the UltraForce are:
• an advanced design liquid crystal display that provides the operator with a full visual
account of the transceivers operating status,

• automatic frequency scanning from either the front panel or microphone, memory
storage of your favorite frequencies,

• programmable frequency resolution of either 1 kHz, 10 kHz or 100 kHz, and split
(offset) frequency operation for repeater use.

These are just a few of the features that make the UltraForce a pleasure to own and operate.

IMPORTANT: The UltraForce is designed for entry level amateur use. The transmitter of this
radio can be operated in most countries of the world only with a valid amateur radio operator’s

If you are studying for your license and want to familiarize yourself with the operation of the
radio, the receiver may be operated with or without a licensed operator present under the
condition, that essential parts of the transmit section have been made temporarily inoperable.
Under no circumstances it is allowed to use this amateur radio as “CB-Transceiver” . Even
licensed amateur radio operators are not allowed to use this transceiver for CB radio
purposes. The regulations require that a dedicated notified or approved CB transceiver will be
used for CB radio purposes.
For more information regarding amateur licensing, contact your nearest amateur radio dealer,
or for complete details contact one of the world-wide amateur radio clubs, e.g. in Germany the
“DARC-eV”. You can also find more informations via

1. Contents
Unpack and inspect your UltraForce for missing or damaged components. Your UltraForce
includes the following items:

• UltraForce Transceiver
• Up / Down Microphone
• Mounting Bracket and Installation Hardware
• Power Cord
• Operating Manual

Install the UltraForce

Choose a location where there is easy access to all front panel controls and air circulation
available to the rear panel and aluminum heatsink. Do not install the transceiver in any
compartment that restricts airflow. Attach the mounting bracket to the vehicle first then mount
the transceiver to the bracket. If the rear panel is not easily accessible you may want to attach
the power cord and antenna feed line prior to mounting.

Make Electrical Connections

The transceiver is designed to work on any 13.8 VDC power source with a negative ground.
The condition of a vehicle’s electrical system can affect operation. A low battery, worn
generator/alternator, or poor voltage regulator will seriously impair the performance of the
Any of the above conditions could result in a high level of receiver noise generation or a
substantial loss of the transmitter’s RF output. Make sure that all of these components of your
vehicle’s electrical system are in good condition prior to installing the transceiver. Before
making any electrical connections make sure the AF gain (volume) control on the transceiver
is in the “OFF” position. Connect the positive (+) red wire and negative (-) black wire from the
transceiver directly to the battery. Connecting directly to the battery has several benefits, the
first of which is to maximize RF output.
Secondly, the battery is a very large capacitor and will help eliminate certain types of ambient
and vehicle noise. Depending on your mounting location, additional power cable may be
required. On additional runs of 2 m or less use 2.5 qmm stranded wire. Use thicker wire for
longer longer runs.




Legal information
The presently valid European “Automotive Directive” does not allow to operate this
transceiver from the car’s DC network in cars during motion.
Please do not use this transceiver while You are riding the car. However, the “Automotive
Directive” is under revision, and the new edition 2004/104/EG (14. 10.2004) again allows to
use non-safety-relevant CE marked after-market equipment like amateur transceivers in car
installations. Because of EMC reasons, the car manufacturers have the right to issue
installation rules and instructions for installing transmitters and their antennas in cars. These

rules and instructions are valid for amateur radio installations as well as for any other
transmitting device in cars.

Connect the Antenna

The transceiver will operate using any standard 50-ohm ground-plane, vertical, mobile whip,
long wire or similar antenna. The antenna should be rated at 50 watts PEP minimum. A
standard SO-239 type connector is provided on the rear panel of the transceiver. Connection
is made using a PL-259 and high grade coaxial cable (RG213 or RG58A/U is recommended).

A ground-plane antenna provides greater coverage and is recommended for fixed station-to-
mobile operation.
For point-to-point fixed station operation, a directional beam antenna operates at greater
distances even under adverse conditions. A non-directional antenna should be used in a
mobile installation; a vertical whip is best suited for this purpose. The base loaded whip
antenna normally provides effective communications.
For greater range and more reliable operation, a full quarter wave whip may be used. Either
of these antennas use the metal vehicle body as a ground plane.

SWR Adjustment of the Antenna

After you have determined that the installation is correct and the radio is operational, it is
important to determine the antenna system’s SWR (Standing Wave Ratio). Prior to taking any
measurements make
sure the SWR bridge (meter) is in good working order and is calibrated. To ensure your radio
is performing properly the SWR should never exceed 1.5 to 1. This is critical due to the high
level of gain developed in the RF deck. Never transmit on any antenna system where the
SWR exceeds 1.8 to 1. This will stress the output stage and could destroy the RF transistors;
this type of misuse and failure is not covered under warranty.


Reference Front Panel Diagram


Turns the transceiver on and off, and adjusts the AF gain, or volume.


Used to eliminate background or “white” noise when monitoring strong signals. Also used to
activate SCAN feature (see 14). To properly adjust squelch circuit, slowly rotate the control
clockwise until the received audio disappears. Now turn the control slightly counterclockwise -
this will keep the threshold right on the edge so you will not miss any incoming signals.


Increases or decreases the energy developed in the microphone amplifier circuit. The gain
increases as the control is rotated clockwise. For optimum setting, press the push-to-talk
switch on the microphone (see 23) and speak in a constant tone into the microphone. A good
test tone is to say the word “four” in a long, drawn out tone. While speaking, rotate the mic
gain control clock-wise until the modulation LCD display reads +30(see 22). Next, rotate the
control counterclockwise until the +30 segment of the display starts to flicker.

Adjusts the receiver sensitivity to both signals and background noise. This affects the
distance at which a signal can be detected. Turning the control counter-clockwise reduces the
receiver sensitivity. This is par-ticularly useful in areas where large volumes of traffic (signals)
are present.


RB position activates the end of transmission, or roger beep, tone. When activated a 1 kHz
tone will auto-matically transmit upon release of PTT switch (see 23). This notifies contacts
that your transmission has ended and you are ready to receive their signal. To turn off the
roger beep, put the switch in the S/RF position.
NOTE: In the RB position, the meter (see 13) measures S/RF.


S/RF position activates the meter (see 13) to measure receive signal strength and transmitter
RF output

CAL position activates the meter to calibrate for SWR measuring. To calibrate for SWR, set
the switch to the
CAL position, press the PTT switch (see 23) and rotate the calibrate control (see 6) until the
meter (see 13) needle lines up with the CAL mark on the far right side of the meter. Once
lined up, release the PTT.
The transceiver is now ready to measure SWR.
When first attempting to calibrate make sure the transceiver is in the AM mode (see 19). If it is
not possible
to calibrate in AM, then switch to FM mode.


SWR position activates the meter to measure the standing wave ratio of the transceiver and
antenna system. After the meter is calibrated, set the switch to the SWR position and press
the PTT switch (see 23).
The meter (see 13) will measure the SWR. For optimum performance the SWR should be
below 1.5 – the first green segment on the SWR portion of the meter indicates an acceptable
standing wave ratio.

CW position activates a separate connected CW key to make transmissions in Morse Code
/CW instead by microphone.


Rotate to calibrate the meter (see 13) for SWR measurements. See instruction 5 for more


Continuously variable control for adjusting the RF output power of the transmitter in all modes
for QRP operation. To reduce the RF output power rotate the control counterclockwise. To
increase rotate the control
clockwise. The power output is a linear control, therefore the peak to average output power
ratios remain
constant regardless of power level.


Varies the amount of delay, or duration of the echo repetition. Rotate clockwise to increase
the amount of
delay and counterclockwise to decrease.


Turns on and off the echo feature, and varies the volume or number of echo repetitions. To
turn on the echo

feature and increase the echo volume, rotate the control clockwise. To turn off the echo
feature rotate the
control completely counterclockwise to the OFF position.


All Mode Talk Back is an independent talk back monitor. The AMT functions in all modes and
allows the operator to monitor the transmitted audio of the UltraForce. To increase the volume
of the talk back rotate the control clockwise. To decrease rotate counterclockwise. To turn off
the talk back rotate the control completely counterclockwise.

Allows variation of the receiver operating frequency above and below the indicated frequency
in all modes.
The receive clarifier is primarily used in tuning to an SSB signal. The receive clarifier has a
range of +/-1
kHz above and below the indicated frequency.

Rotate clockwise to increase the operating frequency and counterclockwise to decrease the
operating fre-

The meter indicates receive signal strength, RF output power, SWR calibrate and SWR. The
top horizontal
bar graph indicates calibration and measuring of the standing wave ratio. The center bar
graph indicates RF output power. The bottom bar graph indicates receive signal strength.

Operating some of the features in 14 through 21 require the use of the function control.
To activate
the function control, momentarily push the FUNC (15) control, the FUNC prompt will be
displayed in
upper left-hand corner of LCD. Push the control again to deactivate the function

Scans frequencies in increments of 10 kHz. There are two ways to scan using front panel
(1) Receive Audio On Scanning: Press the SCAN button. Scan rate is one step every 5
seconds. To stop
scanning press the SCAN button again, or momentarily press the PTT button on the
microphone (scanning will stop without transmitting).
(2) Receive Audio Mute Scanning: Carefully rotate squelch control to the threshold (see 2).
The receiver scan rate will now be five steps per second. When a signal is detected the
squelch is automatically disengaged and the scanning is paused. The squelch circuit will
automatically reengage and the receiver will continue to scan until to the moment the received
signal is no longer detected. To stop scanning, press the SCAN button, or momentarily press
the PTT button on the microphone (scanning will stop without transmitting).

Used for programming offsets to operate repeater networks.
The UltraForce can transmit and receive on different frequencies.To program the offset, press
the FUNC button and hold down the SHIFT button for 3 or more seconds.
Three digits will appear on the LCD. This is the offset frequency in kHz. Rotate the
FREQUENCY control until
the desired offset frequency is displayed. To return to the main display press the FUNC
button and hold down
the SHIFT button for 3 or more seconds, or momentarily press the PTT button on the
microphone (the
transmitter will not be engaged).
To activate the programmed offset frequency, press the FUNC button, and then press the
SHIFT button

once. +SHIFT is displayed on the LCD. The UltraForce will now transmit on the frequency that
is XXX kHz greater than the displayed, or receive, frequency (XXX represents the
programmed offset frequency in kHz units).
To transmit on the frequency that is XXX kHz lower than the displayed, or receive, frequency
press FUNC,
then the SHIFT button. Repeat this until -SHIFT is displayed on the LCD.
To disengage the programmed offset frequency, press the FUNC button and then press the
SHIFT button.
Repeat this until the SHIFT indicator is no longer displayed on the LCD.

After programming this button is memory channel 3. See M.LOAD \ M.SAVE control for
programming in-structions.

This control is used to operate the functions that are printed below the control buttons. Press
and release,
FUNC will be displayed on the LCD indicating that the function command is activated. After
you have pressed
one of the buttons the FUNC will disappear from the screen.


Press the LCR button to return to the last frequency that was transmitted on for more than 3

REPEATER (interesting for USA repeaters only)

Repeater access tone on and off control. Most repeaters (in USA only) require an 88.5 Hz
tone burst to access. To activate the 88.5 Hz tone burst, press the FUNC control and then
press the RPT button. RPT will appear on the LCD indicating that the tone burst will now
automatically be transmitted whenever the PTT is pressed. To deactivate, repeat the same

After programming, this button is memory channel 4. See M.LOAD \ M.SAVE control for
programming in-structions.

The STEP button selects frequency resolution in either 1 kHz, 10 kHz or 100 kHz steps.
Press the STEP
button, one of the digits will flash on and off. Press the STEP button again to change stepping
To tune frequencies in either 10 kHz or 100 kHz increments, press the STEP button until the
desired digit is
flashing. Rotate the FREQUENCY control in either direction.
The entire frequency range of the UltraForce can be stepped through in 10 or 100 kHz
To tune in 1 kHz increments, press the STEP button until the 1 kHz digit flashes on and off.
Rotate the FRE-QUENCY control.
NOTE: When stepping in 1 kHz increments, you are limited to tuning within a 10 kHz
frequency range.


Noise blanker on and off control. This circuit eliminates pulse type interference usually
associated with auto-motive ignition systems. To activate the noise blanker, press the FUNC
control and then press the NB button.
NB will appear on the LCD indicating the noise blanker is turned on. To turn off the noise
blanker, repeat the
same process.

After programming, this button is memory channel 1. See M.LOAD \ M.SAVE control for
programming in-structions.

The USA national call frequency for SSB is 28.400 MHz. The radio’s operating frequency is
automatically reset to this frequency when the CALL button is pressed.

After programming this button is memory channel 2. See M.LOAD \ M.SAVE control for
programming in-structions.

Each time the button is pressed the operating mode is changed. The operating mode is
indicated on the liquid
crystal display: AM, FM, USB, or LSB.

To activate the tone low feature, press the FUNC button, and then press the T. Low button to
turn on the
receive audio tone control. LOW will appear on the LCD when the low tone is activated. This
feature will roll-off
high frequency noise (i.e. “white” noise). Under many operating conditions this will improve
the clarity and
understanding of received signals.

After programming this button is memory channel 5. See M.LOAD \ M.SAVE control for
programming in-structions.

Press the DIM, or dimmer control to decrease the amount of back-lighting on the front panel
and LCD screen.


To save in memory a specific frequency and operating mode, select the desired mode and
rotate the FREQUENCY control to the desired frequency. Press the FUNC button, and then
press the M.SAVE button. S
will appear on the LCD next to the frequency. While S is displayed, immediately press any of
the memory
channel buttons (1 - 5). The mode and frequency is now saved into memory. If the S indicator
before you press the memory channel button, the information will not be saved and the
process must be

To load, or recall, any of the saved memory channels press the M.LOAD button. L will appear
on the LCD for
several seconds. While the letter is displayed press the desired memory channel button (1 -
5). The pro-grammed mode and frequency will be displayed.

The LCD screen is the status display for the majority of the transceiver’s functions.


Indicates that the split or offset frequency function is activated.

(4) RPT
Indicates that the repeater access tone burst function is active.

(5) NB and ANL

Indicates that both the noise blanker and the automatic noise limiter are active.

(6) TONE
Indicates that the receive audio tone low feature is active.


Indicates transmit and receive operating frequencies.

(8) TX
Indicates that the transmitter is on.

(9) USB \ LSB \ FM \ AM

Indicates the selected operating mode.


Indicates relative peak RF output power.


Activates the transmitter and/or receiver. Push and hold the PTT control to transmit. Release
the PTT control to receive.


Allows remote control of frequency control. Press the up arrow to increase in frequency and
press the down arrow to decrease in frequency.


6-pin, lock ring type, microphone connector located on side chassis of transceiver.
Mic wiring is as follows:
Pin 1 : Microphone Audio
Pin 2 : Receive
Pin 3 : Transmit
Pin 4 : Down (Up w/ 22K Ohm Resistor)

Pin 5 : Ground
Pin 6 : +13.8 VDC


External speaker jack, marked EXP SP, is located on the rear panel of transceiver. For use
with 4 to 8 ohm external speaker.

(27) CW KEY JACK (not shown)

The CW key jack is located on the rear panel. The CW Key is used for Morse Code
transmission. You will need a 3.5mm Mono connector.

This tone sounds each time the CPU is being programmed. It is helpful, in the beginning so
you can be sure the command has been entered. You may eliminate the tone by simply
pressing the PTT switch while turning on the ON/OFF POWER switch.

Indicates the function button has been activated and that the function dependent controls may
be accessed.

(2) SCAN
Indicates that the transceiver is in scan mode..

Extended Channel Mode
The radio comes programmed for the 10 m amateur band range with frequency display mode.
It is possible to extend the operating range to 454 Channels including the CB range with
channel numbers according to the CB standard numbering system with totally 10 bands.
Since such modifications are not allowed in all countries, the export versions for Your country
may have this function disabled from factory.
There are 2 possibilities: Your radio has an insulated yellow wire behind the channel switch
(can be seen through the hole after pulling off the rotary knob). If this is the case, disconnect
the radio from DC power, wait a minute and cut the wire.

The other possibility may be installed as a small sub PC Board inside with 4 jumper positions
and a reset knob. If installed, You will find an instruction sheet together with Your radio about
the jumper settings. Just change the jumper setting and push the reset knob.

Modified radios can now be switched from Amateur to 454 channel mode (and reverse) by

• Pushing Function key shortly and then release, Display shows FUNC
• Push “Call / 2” key and keep pressed for longer than 3 seconds

The unit starts now with Channel mode.

• You can switch through the 10 bands with the “Call /2” key
• You can toggle between CH mode and Amateur Mode (Frequency display) any time
by pressing FUNC followed by Call / 2 (shortly)

Please see the frequency / channel table in the annex of this manual. For any further possible
modification, please study our informations on and click
to UltraForce.


Frequency Range: 28.000 - 29.699 MHz

Tuning Steps: 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz
Emission Types: LSB, USB (J3E), AM (A3E), FM (F3E), CW
Carrier Suppression: Better than 40 dB below peak output
Unwanted Sideband Suppression: Better than 50 dB below peak output (1 kHz tone)
Spurious Radiation: Better than 50 dB below peak output
Frequency Accuracy: Better than +10 ppm from 0 – 40° C after 15
minute warm up
Modulation Type: J3E: Balanced Modulator
A3E: Voltage Modulator
F3E: Frequency Modulator
Maximum FM Deviation: +/-2 kHz
Output Impedance: 50 ohms (nominal), unbalanced
Microphone Impedance: Dynamic, 600 ohms
Power Consumption: 6 amps maximum
Power Output: FM: 30 Watts (Max.)
AM: 8 Watts Average (Max.)
SSB: 30 Watts Peak (Max.) PEP


Frequency Range: 28.000 - 29.699 MHz

Circuit Type: Superheterodyne, Dual Conversion
Clarifier Range: +/-1.0 kHz
Sensitivity: SSB and AM 0.25uV
(SSB and AM figures measured for 10 dB S+N/N)
FM better than 0.3uV for 12 dB SINAD
Minimum discernable signal -135 dBm
Intermediate Frequencies: 1st IF: 10.695 MHz
2nd IF: 455 kHz
SSB IF: 10.695 MHz
Image Rejection: Better than 70 dB
IF Rejection: Better than 80 dB for all frequencies
Selectivity: -6 dB -60 dB
SSB: 4.2 kHz 8.5 kHz
AM, FM: 6.0 kHz 18 kHz
Noise Blanker: All mode, seven stage high gain type
Dynamic Range: Better than 100 dB
Audio Output Power: 2 watts minimum (into 8 ohms, with less than 7%
Audio Output Impedance: 8 - 16 ohms
Power Consumption: 500 milliamps
Dimensions: 7.75(L) x 10.75(W) x 2.5(H) Inches

© ALAN Electronics GmbH, January 2005

Daimlerstr. 1 k
D- 63303 Dreieich,

Service-Hotline : Phone (+49) (0)6103 9481 30

Fax (+49) (0)6103 9481 60
e-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]


Frequenzy Table for UltraForce (channel mode activated)

Channel Number A B C D E F G H I J
1 25.165 25.615 26.065 26.515 26.965 27.415 27.865 28.315 28.765 29.215
2 25.175 25.625 26.075 26.525 26.975 27.425 27.875 28.325 28.775 29.225
3 25.185 25.635 26.085 26.535 26.985 27.435 27.885 28.335 28.785 29.235
3° 25.195 25.645 26.095 26.545 26.995 27.445 27.895 28.345 28.795 29.245
4 25.205 25.655 26.105 26.555 27.005 27.455 27.905 28.355 28.805 29.255
5 25.215 25.665 26.115 26.565 27.015 27.465 27.915 28.365 28.815 29.265
6 25. 225 25.675 26.125 26.575 27.025 27.475 27.925 28.375 28.825 29.275
7 25. 235 25.685 26.135 26.585 27.035 27.485 27.935 28.385 28.835 29.285
7A 25.245 25.695 26.145 26.595 27.045 27.495 27.945 28.395 28.845 29.295
8 25. 255 25.705 26.155 26.605 27.055 27.505 27.955 28.405 28.855 29.305
9 25. 265 25.715 26.165 26.615 27.065 27.515 27.965 28.415 28.865 29.315
10 25.275 25.725 26.175 26.625 27.075 27.525 27.975 28.425 28.875 29.325
11 25.285 25.735 26.185 26.635 27.085 27.535 27.985 28.435 28.885 29.335
11A 25.295 25.745 26.195 26.645 27.095 27.545 27.995 28.445 28.895 29.345
12 25.305 25.755 26.205 26.655 27.105 27.555 28.005 28.455 28.905 29.355
13 25.315 25.765 26.215 26.665 27.115 27.565 28.015 28.465 28.915 29.365
14 25.325 25.775 26.225 26.675 27.125 27.575 28.025 28.475 28.925 29.375
15 25.335 25.785 26.235 26.685 27.135 27.585 28.035 28.485 28.935 29.385
15A 25.345 25.795 26.245 26.695 27.145 27.595 28.045 28.495 28.945 29.395
16 25.355 25.805 26.255 26.705 27.155 27.605 28.055 28.505 28.955 29.405
17 25.365 25.815 26.265 26.715 27.165 27.615 28.065 28.515 28.965 29.415
18 25.375 25.825 26.275 26.725 27.175 27.625 28.075 28.525 28.975 29.425
19 25.385 25.835 26.285 26.735 27.185 27.635 28.085 28.535 28.985 29.435
19A 25.395 25.845 26.295 26.745 27.195 27.645 28.095 28.545 28.995 29.445
20 25.405 25.855 26.305 26.755 27.205 27.655 28.105 28.555 29.005 29.455
21 25.415 25.865 26.315 26.765 27.215 27.665 28.115 28.565 29.015 29.465
22 25.425 25.875 26.325 26.775 27.225 27.675 28.125 28.575 29.025 29.475
23 25.455 25.905 26.355 26.805 27.255 27.705 28.155 28.605 29.055 29.505
24 25.435 25.885 26.335 26.785 27.235 27.685 28.135 28.585 29.035 29.485
25 25.445 25.895 26.345 26.795 27.245 27.695 28.145 28.595 29.045 29.495
26 25.465 25.915 26.365 26.815 27.265 27.715 28.165 28.615 29.065 29.515
27 25.475 25.925 26.375 26.825 27.275 27.725 28.175 28.625 29.075 29.525
28 25.485 25.935 26.385 26.835 27.285 27.735 28.185 28.635 29.085 29.535
29 25.495 25.945 26.395 26.845 27.295 27.745 28.195 28.645 29.095 29.545
30 25.505 25.955 26.405 26.855 27.305 27.755 28.205 28.655 29.105 29.555
31 25.515 25.965 26.415 26.865 27.315 27.765 28.215 28.665 29.115 29.565
32 25.525 25.975 26.425 26.875 27.325 27.775 28.225 28.675 29.125 29.575
33 25.535 25.985 26.435 26.885 27.335 27.785 28.235 28.685 29.135 29.585
34 25.545 25.995 26.445 26.895 27.345 27.795 28.245 28.695 29.145 29.595
35 25.555 26.005 26.455 26.905 27.355 27.805 28.255 28.705 29.155 29.605
36 25.565 26.015 26.465 26.915 27.365 27.815 28.265 28.715 29.165 29.615
37 25.575 26.025 26.475 26.925 27.375 27.825 28.275 28.725 29.175 29.625
38 25.585 26.035 26.485 26.935 27.385 27.835 28.285 28.735 29.185 29.635
39 25.595 26.045 26.495 26.945 27.395 27.845 28.295 28.745 29.195 29.645
40 25.605 26.055 26.505 26.955 27.405 27.855 28.305 28.755 29.205 29.655
41 29.665
42 29.675
43 29.685

Declaration of Conformity

We hereby declare that our product:

10 m Amateur Radio AM/FM/SSB/CW Transceiver

Brand: Albrecht Model: UltraForce

satisfies all technical regulations applicable to the product within the scope of EU Council
Directives and harmonised European Standards:

73/23/EEC, 89/336/EEC and 99/5/EC

EN 301 489-01 / EN 301 489-15
EN 301 783-2, EN 60 950

All essential radio test suites have been carried out.

ALAN Electronics GmbH
Daimlerstr. 1 k
63303 Dreieich

This declaration is issued under the sole responsibility of the manufacturer according to the
procedure of Annex III R&TTE directive. Basing on this declaration, the amateur radio may be
used only by authorized persons having a valid amateur radio licence, and only for the purpose
of amateur radio service in the dedicated frequency ranges.

Point of contact: Wolfgang Schnorrenberg

Place and date of issue: Dreieich, 21.1.2004

Dipl.-Phys. Wolfgang Schnorrenberg
ALAN Electronics GmbH

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