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Physical Education and Health III

Liceo –De La Salle Senior High School

Academic Year 2022-2023
Mr. Jade C. Alarcon LPT
 Aerial
o Used to describe a cartwheel without hands touching the ground or floor.
Sometimes refers to a walkover or round-off without hands.
 All Stars
o A Cheerleading squad that is not associated or affiliated with a school.
 Attack the Crowd
o A technique used to get the audience involved in a cheer, dance or song.
 Base
o The person/persons who remain/s in contact with the floor lifting the flyer into
a stunt. Also, bases are the person/persons on the bottom of a stunt or pyramid.
 Captain
o The leader of a squad or team.
 Chant
o A short cheer, with simple arm movements. A short repeated yell usually done
by the sideliners.
 Cheer
o A longer yell, hat involves motions, pompons, stunts, jumps, or tumbling.
 Choreography
o The set arrangement of dance steps and movements.
 Coach
o A person that instructs or teaches a performer, player, or team.
 Competitions
o An event where squads come to test their skills against others and compete for
1st, 2nd or 3rd place finishes.
 Cradle Catch
o An end movement where a base catches a flyer/flier after tossing her in the air.
The base holds the flyer/flier under her thighs and around her back.
 Deadman
o When the flyer falls backward or forwards out of a stunt. 3 or 4 people catch
the flyer and could possibly push the flyer back up to the bases hands.
 Dismount
o A way of returning to the floor position after a routine or mount.
 Elevator
o Two bases each hold a different foot of one flyer. The feet are both held at
shoulder level.
 Execution
o To perform a stunt or routine; the way in which a stunt or routine is performed.
The form, style, and technique of a stunt or routine make up its execution.
 Extension
o Two bases each hold one of the flyer's feet at their chest level and a spotter
stands in back. From this position, you can move into a full extension. The full
extension is where the bases' arms are straight, holding the flyer above their
 Facials
o Expressions, like winks, big smiles, occasional sticking out your tongue, and
bobbing your head up and down, that convey enthusiasm and get the crowd
and judges excited.
 Flier/Flyer/Floater
o The person who is elevated into the air by the bases; the person that is on top
of a pyramid/stunt.
 Full Extension
o Two bases each hold one of the flyer's feet at their chest level and a spotter
stands in back. From this position, the bases move into a full extension by
raising the flyer with their arms up straight and holding the flyer above their
heads. There are double based extensions and single based.
 Handspring
o Springing from your feet to your hands to your feet again. Used alone or in
conjunction with other skills. There are forward and backward handsprings.
 Judge
o The person or persons delegated to score you at try-outs or your squad at
 Jump
o An action where both feet leave the ground; a coordinated placement of the
arms and legs while the feet are off the ground. There are three parts to a jump;
the prep/approach, the lift, and the landing.
 Mascot
o An animal, object or person adopted by a group to bring them good luck or be
symbolic of their association, organization, group or school.
 Megaphone
o A funnel-shaped device used to amplify and direct your voice.
 Motion
o A set position of a Cheerleader's arms. Motions include T motion, L motion,
K motion, and hands on hips, diagonals, touchdown, daggers, High V, Low V,
and variations of them.
 Mount
o When one or more people are supported in the air like a stunt.
 Peel Off/Reload
o When a squad is divided into two or more groups to do the same motion, skill
or step at different times usually used to give a good visual effect.
 Pompon
o A hand held ball of plastic or metallic paper strips connected by a handle also
called as Pompom.
 Prep
o The lower level of height on a stunt. The bases hold the flyers feet just below
their chin level.
 Pyramid
o Multiple mounts or a group of stunts next to one another.
 Roundoff
o A basic beginner tumbling skill. Once perfected it is used as a setup for
combination tumbling skills (back handsprings etc.)
 Routine
o A continuous show of talent in the squad by use of cheers, chants and dance
steps. It can last from 2 min. 30 sec. up to 4 min. depending on the time limits
of the competition or showcase.
 Scorpion
o A position (usually in a stunt) where you bring your leg up behind you like a
scorpion tail and you reach back with both arms and pull it up higher.
 Sell It
o A term used when facials or attitude is exaggerated to make the cheer, motion
or dance step have more appeal.
 Spotter
o A person that stays in contact with the performing surface and watches for any
hazards in the stunt or mount. The spotter is responsible for watching the flyer
and to be prepared to catch her if she falls.
 Squad
o A small group of an athletic team organized for a specific purpose.
 Stunt
o Any skill or feat involving tumbling, mounting, a pyramid, or toss. Usually
does not refer to a jump.
 Suck it Up
o When a cheerleader says suck it up, it means while a flyer is up in a stunt, to
try to hold it and not fall.
 Tick-Tock
o When a flier switches feet in a stunt.
 Try Out(s)
o The way to narrow down potential cheerleaders for a squad. Usually conducted
by the coach and/or trained or accredited judges. Special skills are named by
the coach to perform and be judged on individual performance.
 Tumbling
o Any gymnastic skill used in a cheer, dance, or for crowd appeal that can be
done as an individual or as a group in unison.
 Varsity
o The main squad the represents a school, college or university.
 Cupie  Liberty
 Torch  Heel Stretch
 Y Scale  Arabesque
 Scorpion  Bow & Arrow

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