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Gems from a Swami’s Notebook


wami Sukhatmananda is an elderly Mission schools is to teach Hindu culture
monk, now in retirement at the and traditions. Indians living in the United
ashrama in Ulsoor. Recently I was States, when asked about Hinduism, say they
asked to look at some notes he had made have left it to their grandmothers!
long ago from talks given by eminent People think that all they have to do is
swamis. I found some of them very get initiated. It takes a lot more than that to
insightful, and thought that devotees would get God-realisation. ‘Holy Mother used to
benefit from them. I’ve paraphrased what I say, “He who can do 50,000 japas daily can
thought were the best of them below, using see God.” Sri Ramakrishna has come and
direct quotations where that seemed made things easy for all of us. The bolts of
advisable. the door which were locked have been
removed and [the door] remains shut. We
Swami Vireswarananda have to push [it] just to open [it] and enter
From night classes at the Madras Math, the realm of God.’
1974-1984: [It is well known that Swami
Swami Vireswarananda ‘advised Vireswarananda had a great sense of
devotees not to keep so many gods and humour. The notes on him are enlivened by
goddesses in the same place. To keep them several jokes. These are the best ones:]
merely like that in cupboards and not offer The Drunkard and the Goat : A
daily puja and offerings even for a day drunkard wanted to sacrifice a goat. Being
would create more karma instead of drunk, he took his dog instead. As he was
reducing it. It was more efficacious to offer about to chop off its head, the dog started
simple worship of dhoop [incense], flowers barking. The drunkard said, ‘Oho, what a
and japa.’ fine animal you are! You used to say Baa-
M wrote The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna baa, but now you say Bow-wow.’
after deep meditation, ‘like a cow slowly The Magic Touch of Holy Water : A
eating [chewing] its cud.’ Swami Christian priest went to a Hindu devotee’s
Brahmananda said that reading The Gospel home for Sunday dinner. In deference to the
every day results in brahmajnàna priest’s meat-eating habit, the Hindu devotee
[knowledge of Brahman]. had cooked non-vegetarian dishes. The
Swami Madhavananda coined the suffix priest protested at such deference, saying
–prana for the names of the nuns of Sarada that vegetarian dishes would have been fine.
Math. This is why they are named So the Hindu got a bowl of water and
Bhaktiprana, Vrajaprana, Saradaprana, etc. sprinkled it on all the dishes, explaining,
‘An intellectual conviction of Advaita ‘You sprinkle water on people and make
Vedanta has to come, and [the] rest of all sinners into saints. I’m doing the same with
work is in Dvaita only.’ these meat dishes to change them into
The purpose of the Ramakrishna vegetarian dishes.’

Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture January 2018 21


The Wrong Obituary : An American Shivananda as his attendant. Outwardly

newspaper falsely reported a man’s death. Swami Shivananda looked stern and
When the man objected, the newspaper reserved, but inwardly he was full of love.
refused to publish a retraction. Finally they He was fond of cows, and was sympathetic
reached a compromise. The newspaper to the poor Muslim labourers working at the
agreed to publish the man’s name in the list Math.
of births the next day. Once Swami Bhuteshananda offered
On Vairàgya (Told by Swami Swami Shivananda a container of sweets
Turiyananda) : A rich man invited a group after massaging his feet. Swami Shivananda
of sadhus for a feast and asked them each to wouldn’t eat them because they were ritually
give a definition of vairàgya (renunciation). contaminated: Swami Bhuteshananda had
Each gave his definition. When the last been massaging Swami Shivananda’s feet
sadhu’s turn came, he said, ‘If I knew what before offering them. Besides that, Swami
vairàgya is, I wouldn’t have come to the Shivananda never ate anything without first
feast.’ offering it to Sri Ramakrishna, and he
couldn’t do that because the sweets were
Swami Bhuteshananda ritually contaminated!
Everything happens by God’s grace, and Swami Saradananda didn’t like rules.
that comes only when we’re exhausted and He thought it was enough just to worship Sri
have given up. It’s like a bird perched on Ramakrishna and revere Swamis
the mast of a ship. It flies everywhere Vivekananda, Brahmananda, Yogananda,
looking for land, and finally comes back, and Premananda. ‘Otherwise everything
exhausted, and perches on the mast again. will become law, rules and regulations, and
‘When we begin to get exhausted from our mutual trust will go.’
efforts, religion begins.’ This is the religion Swami Bhuteshananda began his
of the kitten, which depends entirely on its monastic life at Belur Math in 1918. There
mother—not the religion of the monkey, were 30 sadhus, very little space, and great
which relies on self-effort. austerity. Breakfast was just one cigarette-
Swami Abhedananda found it hard to tin full of puffed rice (moori) per person.
readjust to India after spending so much time On preaching, Swami Bhuteshananda
in the West. He wanted changes. He said that you have to make sure you know
wanted to have a centre in Kolkata, and to what you’re talking about, or people will
promote vocational and technical training. laugh. People will try to pressure you to
He thought each monk should be self- speak on various topics, but you have to
supporting, with no begging for alms. resist this pressure if you don’t know much
Although he started his own centre, he still about the topic. It’s best just to quote the
loved his gurubhais and was loyal to them. teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, Swamiji, and
He grieved greatly at the death of Swami Holy Mother.
Shivananda. When he went out, he dressed
in a Western-style suit. Swami Ranganathananda
Swami Brahmananda wouldn’t stay at Swami Ranganathananda’s premonastic
Belur Math because the location was name was Shankar. He was born near
malarial, and he had suffered from malaria Trichur, in Kerala. He was a disciple of
when he was young. He stayed at Balaram Swami Shivananda, who probably gave
Mandir in Calcutta. him the name Ranganathananda because he
Swami Bhuteshananda served Swami was to be posted to Mysore, near a famous

22 Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture January 2018


temple of Ranganàtha. He joined the Shivananda and became very fond of him.
Order at age 17 and became President at He regarded him as his guru, even though
age 90. Swami Shivananda died before they could
While at Mysore, Swami meet. Swami Atmasthananda ‘had received
Ranganathananda and the abbot, Swami his mantra in a dream from Sri Ramakrishna
Siddheswarananda, were the only people in himself.’ [The notes emphasize this fact by
the ashrama. So Swami Ranganathananda recording it in italics.] But elderly swamis at
had to become an expert at doing Belur Math told him he should get formally
everything: from doing the puja to initiated. Swami Nirvedananda advised him
housekeeping, cleaning, gardening, fixing to take initiation from Swami Vijnanananda.
things, cooking, and shopping in the Swami Atmasthananda had a dream in
marketplace. which he was walking along a highway with
Swami Ranganathananda believed that a Swami Shivananda, and Swami Shivananda
monk should always be cheerful. Sannyasa kept changing into Swami Vijnanananda and
requires a lot of energy. Roar like a lion, then changing back again. So he took
don’t bleat like a goat. He used to quote a initiation from Swami Vijnanananda.
verse that means ‘When the lion roars, the Swami Atmasthananda told a story
fox hides. When a Vedantist speaks, about Swami Abhedananda, who had
everybody else runs away.’ Hence the collected gold to make a statue of a golden
expression ‘Vedanta Kesari,’ the lion of lion (simhàsana) for the image of Sri
Vedanta! Ramakrishna to sit on at some future date,
He mentioned a married couple who when the Ramakrishna Temple would be
wanted their son to become a sannyasin dedicated. [There’s another story that
because he was useless, unsuited for worldly Swami Vivekananda wanted an image of Sri
life. Swami Ranganathananda protested that Ramakrishna seated on a swan.] Swami
this was absolutely the wrong idea: only a Abhedananda wanted to take the gold to a
person of great strength and self-control jeweller to make the statue of the lion, but
should become a sannyasin. on the way he kept feeling that somebody
Swami Ranganathananda looked strong was giving him a push and shouting, ‘Don’t
and healthy. [Another source says he was you know I can’t touch metal? You idiot, I
famous for his swimming ability.] But he told you I can’t touch metal, and you want to
had had a stomach problem since 1936 and put me on a golden simhasana! Go back!’
had to restrict his diet. In 1968, doctors in Realising that this was Sri Ramakrishna’s
Boston examined him and declared that he doing, Swami Abhedananda gave up the
should be dead. He took the medicines they idea, and had the statue of the lion made
prescribed, but to no avail. He used to joke, from sandalwood instead. [We are not told
‘My Himalayas (meaning his head) are fine, how this resulted. Probably due to the
but my Madhya Pradesh (meaning his difficulty of mounting an image of Sri
stomach) is not so good.’ Ramakrishna on the statue of either a swan
or a lion, the image in the Ramakrishna
Swami Atmasthananda Temple shows him seated quite sensibly in
When he was young, Swami the traditional sitting posture made famous
Atmasthananda heard a lot about Swami by his photo.]
* Mr William Page is an eminent writer and Vedantist who lives in Thailand and contributes articles
to the Bulletin regularly.

Bulletin of the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture January 2018 23

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