Agilent RTEConceptsGuide A.01.04

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Report Template Editor

Concepts Guide

Agilent Technologies
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Concepts Guide
In This Guide...

In This Guide...

This guide contains information for template developers. It describes the

concepts and advanced features of the Report Template Editor (RTE).
For information on basic tasks and the user interface please refer to the RTE
online help.

1 Overview
This chapter provides an overview of the possibilities of the Report Template

2 Text Fields and Data Fields

This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of text fields and data
fields in RTE.

3 Tables
This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of tables in RTE.

4 Matrices
This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of matrices in RTE.

5 Composite Groups
This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of Composite Groups in

6 Images
This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of images in RTE.

7 Chromatograms
This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of chromatograms in

Concepts Guide 3
In This Guide...

8 Calibration Curves
This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of calibration curves in

9 Spectra
This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of spectra in RTE.

10 Charts
This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of charts in RTE.

11 Expressions
This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of expressions in RTE.

12 Calculation Variables
This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of calculation variables in

17 Appendix
This chapter contains a list of all operators and functions available in the
Expression Editor.

4 Concepts Guide


1 Overview 9
Overview 10
Report Types 12

2 Text Fields and Data Fields 13

About Text Fields and Data Fields 14
Using Fields 17

3 Tables 19
About Tables 20
Using Tables 21
About Table Groups 33
Using Table Groups 35

4 Matrices 37
About Matrices 38
About Matrix Groups 39
Using Matrices 42

5 Composite Groups 45
About Composite Groups 46
Using Composite Groups 47

6 Images 51
About Images 52

7 Chromatograms 53
About Chromatograms 54
Using Chromatograms 57

Concepts Guide 5

8 Calibration Curves 65
About Calibration Curves 66
Using Calibration Curves 68

9 Spectra 71
About Spectra 72
Using Spectra 75

10 Charts 77
About Charts 78
Using Charts 86

11 Expressions 91
About Expressions 92
Using Expressions 102

12 Calculation Variables 109

About Variables 110
Using Variables 117

13 Report Template Audit Trail 127

About the Report Template Audit Trail 128

14 Report Parameters 129

About Report Parameters 130
Using Report Parameters 131

15 Document Map 135

About Document Map 136
Using Document Map 138

16 Locked/Unlocked Report Items 141

About locked/unlocked report items 142
To lock or unlock report items 143

6 Concepts Guide

17 Appendix 145
Operators 147
Functions 149
Enumerations 155
Keys in Diagnostic Data 165

Concepts Guide 7

8 Concepts Guide
Concepts Guide

Overview 10
Report Types 12

This chapter provides an overview of the possibilities of the Report Template


Agilent Technologies 9
1 Overview


Data provided by different applications

You can use report templates in different applications, for example, in
OpenLAB ECM Intelligent Reporter, OpenLAB CDS ChemStation, or OpenLAB
CDS EZChrom edition. With report templates, a user can create reports with a
specific design, such as a sequence overview with a sequence table and
statistics, or a cross-sequence summary. The reports will contain the data
selected in the current session of the respective program.

File format of report templates

All report templates are based on the Report Definition Language (RDL),
which is a standardized XML format provided by Microsoft®.

Creating and editing report templates

To create report templates, you can either use the Report Template Editor
(RTE) or Microsoft SQL Server Business Intelligence Development Studio (BI
• RTE provides an easy-to-use interface that helps you create report
templates in a few steps. It supports all types of report items and most of
the respective configuration options.
With RTE, you cannot edit templates that have been created with BI Studio.
If you need to edit such templates in RTE, please ask Agilent Customer
• BI Studio provides the complete range of functions (for example, you can
configure interactive reports with user-specific report parameters).
In BI Studio, you can edit any report template, no matter whether it was
created with RTE or with BI Studio.
However, working with BI Studio requires advanced knowledge of template
development. For more information, please refer to the Manual for
Advanced Report Template Designers. This manual also contains detailed
descriptions of the Agilent report templates that are delivered with
OpenLAB ECM Intelligent Reporter.

10 Concepts Guide
Overview 1

These templates are specifically designed for usage in BI Studio and contain most of the
NOTE advanced features that are not available in RTE.

RTE provides various preconfigured report items — so-called snippets — that
you can use in your templates. The items are organized in folders that reflect
the content. The folders and subfolders under which the snippets are located
are determined by the snippet itself and cannot be changed.

Report Template Documentation

Report Template Documentation Tool is a standalone application to view the
description of the RTE supported report templates. It can also save this
description in PDF format. The description about the report template includes
layout of report items along with their parameter details, such as calculation
variables, report parameters, expressions used, filter condition, sort
condition, audit trail etc.
To launch the Report Template Documentation Tool, run the
TemplateDocumentation.exe file. By default, it is located in c:\chem32\core for
ChemStation Edition or c:\Program Files\Agilent Technologies\EZChrom for
EZChrom Edition. When the application is launched, an Open dialog allows
you to select a report template.

Concepts Guide 11
1 Overview
Report Types

Report Types

Each template is of specific report type. Depending on this report type, the
template is connected to a particular database view. Therefore, different data
fields are available in a report template, depending on the report type. In
addition, RTE displays the report items differently depending on the report
type. The following report types are available:
• Single Injection: You can use any information associated with the sample
acquisition (sequences/samples/injections/instruments), the results
(signals/peaks/compounds/calibration curves), and the project
administration (file/project).
With this report type, RTE automatically creates a list of all injections in the
current data scope, and then shows the report items from the template
separately for each injection. Therefore, you do not need to worry about
repeating composite groups on injection IDs. On the other hand, you cannot
compare results from different injections in one table or matrix.
• Single Sequence Summary: You can use the same information as in a Single
Injection report.
With this report type, RTE automatically creates a list of all sequences in
the current data scope, and then shows the report items from the template
separately for each of the sequences. Therefore, you do not need to worry
about repeating composite groups on sequence IDs. On the other hand, you
cannot compare results from different sequences in one table or matrix.
• Cross-Sequence Summary: You can use the same information as in a Single
Injection report.
With this report type, the data is not automatically grouped. Therefore, you
must pay more attention to the grouping of your report items, but in return
you can create report items that compare data from different sequences.

12 Concepts Guide
Concepts Guide

Text Fields and Data Fields
About Text Fields and Data Fields 14
Using Fields 17
To adjust the width of the label part 17
To enter text directly 17
To add a line break 17

This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of text fields and data
fields in RTE.

Agilent Technologies 13
2 Text Fields and Data Fields
About Text Fields and Data Fields

About Text Fields and Data Fields

Available fields
The assortment of data fields in the Report Items browser depends on the
following factors:
• The selected report type
• The chromatography data system

Field types
The Report Template Editor provides the following types of fields:
• Text fields are basically simple textboxes that can contain either static text
or dynamic expressions. Text fields are, for example, used to display static
headlines in a report template.
In the Report Items browser, you find the Text field in the Special Objects

• Data fields are divided into two parts, label and value. The label contains a
static text, the value contains a dynamic expression. Data fields are
typically used to show specific data, for example the sequence name or the
sample name. You can, however, modify both label and value according to
your requirements.
In the Report Items browser, you find all available data fields in the Fields

14 Concepts Guide
Text Fields and Data Fields 2
About Text Fields and Data Fields

• Custom fields are a special type of data field. You configure the custom
fields in the chromatography data system, for example, in the method
definition in ChemStation. Custom fields allow you to create customized
information (both labels and values) which belongs to a specific context, for
example, to a sample or to a compound. RTE allows you to perform
calculations with custom fields.
In contrast to the regular data fields, the label shown for custom fields is
not the data field name (e.g. Sample_CustomField01) but rather the
customized label information (e.g. "TabletWeight"). This is achieved by a
combination of the Trim, Choose, and Split functions in the expression for
the value. RTE automatically creates this expression.
You can configure both label and value in your chromatography data

• Complex custom fields are data fields that do not contain a single value but
an entire XML structure. This XML structure contains various key/value
pairs. If you drag such a field to the template, a dialog asks you for the key
of the information you want to access. As a result, RTE creates a data field
where the label is the name of the complex custom field, and the value is
the specific value stored under the given key. This value is accessed with
the help of the
CFE function. RTE automatically creates this expression.

Concepts Guide 15
2 Text Fields and Data Fields
About Text Fields and Data Fields

Depending on the chromatography data system, the following complex

custom fields may be available:
• Injection > DiagnosticData: information on the injection, for example start
pressure, stop pressure, or air temperature. The keys depend on the
chromatography data system used (see “Keys in Diagnostic Data” on
page 115).
• Sequence > CustomFields: all labels and values contained in the data fields
Sequence_CustomField01 to 10 (or higher, if there are more than 10 ten
custom fields).
• Sample > CustomFields: all labels and values contained in the data fields
Sample_CustomField01 to 10 (or higher, if there are more than 10 ten
custom fields).
• Injection > CustomFields: all labels and values contained in the data fields
Injection_CustomField01 to 10 (or higher, if there are more than 10 ten
custom fields)
• Compound > CustomFields: all labels and values contained in the data fields
Compound_CustomField01 to 10 (or higher, if there are more than 10 ten
custom fields)

16 Concepts Guide
Text Fields and Data Fields 2
Using Fields

Using Fields

To adjust the width of the label part

Data fields are divided in two parts, label and value:

To adjust the width of the label part, move the mouse over the boundary line
between label and value, and drag the line to the required width.

To enter text directly

In text fields, you can edit the text directly by double-clicking the text field in
the Editing Pane. The entered text corresponds to the Value configured in the
item properties. You can enter either static text or dynamic expressions
(starting with an equals sign).
In data fields, you can only edit the label part directly, by double-clicking it.

To add a line break

You have various options for entering line breaks:.
• Edit the text directly in the Editing Pane, and press Ctrl+Enter.
• Edit the Value of the text field in the Expression Editor, and press Ctrl+Enter.
• Edit the Value of the text field in the Expression Editor, and enter the Visual
Basic constant vbNewLine. For example, the expression can look like the
="Retention" + vbNewLine + "Time"

Concepts Guide 17
2 Text Fields and Data Fields
Using Fields

18 Concepts Guide
Concepts Guide

About Tables 20
Using Tables 21
To add and remove columns 21
To remove columns 22
To change the order of table columns 22
To adjust the column widths 22
To adjust the colors and fonts in a table 23
To highlight outliers using conditional formatting 24
To adjust the table borders 25
To change the column header 25
To create a line break in a table header 26
To create a second table row 26
To change the text alignment in a table 28
To adjust the number format in a table 28
To configure a table footer 29
To sort a table 29
To filter a table 30
To filter for peak area or area% 31
To repeat a table 32
About Table Groups 33
Using Table Groups 35
To configure a table group 35

This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of tables in RTE.

Agilent Technologies 19
3 Tables
About Tables

About Tables

With tables, you can display results in a 2-dimensional format. Tables are
used, for example, to summarize the results of samples/sequences. The
amount of columns and the headlines are static, the number of rows
corresponds to the number of records in the dataset.

Basically, each table contains a specific dataset that is determined by the type
of the base template (see “Report Types” on page 12). Thus, without any
further configuration, the table would show one row for each record in the
dataset, where the records are unsorted, ungrouped, and unfiltered. In order
to organize and structure the data, you have the following options for
configuring a table:
• Repeat Table On: Display the table several times, where each table only
contains the data according to the value of specific key information. The
particular values (for example, compound names) are used as table
• Grouping: The detail rows are arranged according to the distinct values of a
given key information (for example, the distinct sample names).
• Sorting: The detail rows are sorted according to a given key information.
• Filtering: Exclude specific data from the table content.
• Area Rejection: Exclude information on peaks that are too small.
• Show Peak Types: Specify the type of peaks to be shown in a table (for
example, Identified Peaks or Unknown Peaks).
The table report items available in the Report Items browser are all
preconfigured in a specific way, so you can use them with only a few

20 Concepts Guide
Tables 3
Using Tables

Using Tables

To add and remove columns

In the Editing Pane (drag and drop):
1 Select the table in the Editing Pane.
2 In the Fields category in the Report Items browser, select the information you
want to add to the table, and drag the field to the table.
While you move the mouse across the table columns, RTE selects the
respective columns. When you release the mouse button, RTE will add the
new column to the right of the currently selected column.
In the Editing Pane (context menu)
1 In the Editing Pane, select the table column next to which you want to add
the new column.
2 Right-click that column, and select Insert Column to Left or Insert Column to
Right from the context menu.
A sub menu opens with all data categories. The categories contain all data
fields that are available for the report type of the current template
3 Select the data field that you want to show in the new table column.
In the Table Properties dialog:
1 Select the table.
2 In the Table Properties, select the Columns page.
3 Double-click the required data field in the Available Fields tree.
Alternatively, you can select the field and click .
The corresponding table column is inserted to the right of the selected

Concepts Guide 21
3 Tables
Using Tables

To remove columns
In the Editing Pane:
1 In the Editing Pane, select the table column you want to delete.
2 Right-click the column, and select Delete Column from the context menu.
In the Table Properties dialog:
1 In the Table Properties, select the Columns page.
2 In the Table Layout, click the required column to select it.
3 Click .
The column is removed from the table.

To change the order of table columns

In the Editing Pane:
1 Select the table in the Editing Pane.
2 In the dark gray bar at the top of the table header fields, select the column
and drag it to the new position.
While dragging the column, new positions are indicated by a thin blue line.
In the Table Properties dialog:
1 Open the Table Properties dialog.
2 Select the Columns page.
3 In the dark gray bar at the top of the table header fields, select the column
and drag it to the new position.
While dragging the column, new positions are indicated by a thin blue line.

To adjust the column widths

For columns containing any type of value:
1 Select the table in the Editing Pane.
2 In the dark gray bar at the top of the table header fields, drag the column
borders with the mouse.

22 Concepts Guide
Tables 3
Using Tables

For columns containing string values:

1 Select the table in the Editing Pane.
2 In Table Properties, select the Columns page.
3 Select the column that you want to adjust.
4 Click Column Properties.
The Column Properties dialog opens.
5 In the Column Properties dialog, select the Value Format page.
6 Enter the required width (number of characters) in the Column Width field.
7 Save the settings.

To adjust the colors and fonts in a table

You have the following options for adjusting the colors and fonts used in a
• Select a table style for the entire table.
• Set the colors and fonts manually for a specific column or for the entire
table. You can set the colors/fonts separately for the table headings and the
table data.
• Configure conditional formatting for a specific column (see “To highlight
outliers using conditional formatting” on page 24).
The settings are applied in the order shown here. Thus, the table style is
overruled by the color and font specifications, which are overruled by the
conditional formatting.
To select a table style:
1 In Table Properties, select the Format page.
2 Select one of the styles in the Format Styles list box.
The corresponding appearance is shown under Preview.
3 Save the settings.
To set colors and fonts for the entire table:
1 In Table Properties, select the Style page.
2 Under Data Font Properties For All Columns, adjust the settings for the table

Concepts Guide 23
3 Tables
Using Tables

3 Under Header Font Properties For All Columns, adjust the settings for the table
4 Save the settings.
To set colors and fonts manually for a specific column:
1 In Table Properties, select the Columns page.
2 Select the column for which you want to change the colors or fonts.
3 Click Column Properties.
The Column Properties dialog opens.
4 In Column Properties, select the Font page.
5 Adjust the settings for the table data and the table header.
6 Save the settings.

To highlight outliers using conditional formatting

You can use conditional formatting, for example, to highlight outliers in a data
overview. Values that are outside a specified range or meet other specific
conditions are displayed in a different color or font.
1 In Column Properties, select the Conditional Formatting page.
2 Scroll to the color or font property you want to use for highlighting the
outliers. For example, if you want to use bold fonts for the outliers, scroll to
the Font Weight section.
3 Enter the expression that determines the condition. For example, if you
want to highlight all compound amounts greater than 4, enter the following

Expression Operation Value

Compound_Amount > 4

If the expression is true for, the given format is activated.

4 Save the settings.

24 Concepts Guide
Tables 3
Using Tables

To adjust the table borders

You have the following options for adjusting the table borders:
• Select a table style for the entire table. The table style determines the style
of inside borders and outside edges.
• Manually configure the outside edges of a table. The manual settings
overrule the table style settings.
To choose a table style:
1 In Table Properties, select the Format page.
2 Select one of the styles in the Format Styles list box.
The corresponding appearance is shown under Preview.
3 Save the settings.
To configure the outside edges of a table:
1 In Table Properties, select the Style page.
2 Adjust the default settings or the settings of each individual border.
3 Save the settings.

To change the column header

To change the headers directly in the Editing Pane:
1 Double-click the table header in the Editing Pane.
You can now edit the header text directly.
2 To confirm the new text, press Enter or click outside the header.
To change the headers in Table Properties:
1 In Table Properties, select the Columns page.
2 In Table Layout, double-click the header you want to edit.
You can now edit the header text directly.
3 To confirm the new text, press Enter or move the mouse over the Available
Fields area.

Concepts Guide 25
3 Tables
Using Tables

To change the headers in Column Properties:

1 In Table Properties, select the Columns page.
2 Select the column that you want to adjust.
3 Click Column Properties.
The Column Properties dialog opens.
4 In the Column Properties dialog, select the Value page.
5 Under Header, change the text in the Header Text field.
6 Save the settings.

To create a line break in a table header

If you want to add a line break in a table header, you can use the vbNewLine
constant, which is provided by Visual Basic. For example, if you want to add a
line break between the words Retention and Time, the expression in the table
header will look like this:
="Retention" + vbNewLine + "Time"
This type of line break is not shown in the Editing Pane, but will be applied
when you generate the report.

To create a second table row

To create a second row in the table header
1 In the Table Properties, select the Columns page.
2 Under Multiple Table Rows, select the Enable Additional Header Row check box.
3 Select the column for which you want to set the heading, and click Column
The Column Properties dialog opens.
4 On the Value page, provide a header text for the second header row in the
Additional Header Text field.
5 On the Header Format page, configure the format of the table header.
Both header rows will have the same format.

26 Concepts Guide
Tables 3
Using Tables

To create a second row in the table details

1 In the Table Properties, select the Columns page.
2 Under Multiple Table Rows, select the Enable Additional Detail Row check box.
3 Select the column for which you want to set the heading, and click Column

We recommend using only one table details row for the first column, and adding a second
NOTE table row only to the other columns. This will make it easier to identify the table rows
belonging to each other in the generated report.

The Column Properties dialog opens.

4 On the Value page, provide an expression for the second detail row in the
Additional Value field.
5 On the Value Format page, configure the format of the two detail rows.
The basic formatting will be the same for both detail rows. You can,
however, set a different number format for each detail row.
6 On the Summary Calculations page, you can configure specific summary
calculations for each detail row. From the drop-down list, choose the detail
row that you want to configure.
However, for a better overview of the results, we recommend creating a
summary calculation only for one specific detail row.
7 On the Conditional Formatting page, you can format each detail row
separately. From the drop-down list, choose the detail row that you want to
you can format each detail row separately. From the drop-down list, choose
the detail row that you want to configure.

Figure 1 Example of a double-row table

Concepts Guide 27
3 Tables
Using Tables

To change the text alignment in a table

1 In Table Properties, select the Columns page.
2 Select the column that you want to adjust.
3 Click Column Properties.
The Column Properties dialog opens.
4 To adjust the alignment of the table header, select the Header Format page. To
adjust the alignment of the value, select the Value Format page.
5 Adjust the horizontal/vertical alignment and the other cell properties as
6 Save the settings.

To adjust the number format in a table

1 In Table Properties, select the Columns page.
2 Select the column that you want to adjust.
3 Click Column Properties.
The Column Properties dialog opens.
4 In the Column Properties dialog, select the Value Format page.
5 Under Number Format, adjust the settings according to your requirements.
The Preview area shows the appearance of the currently selected settings.

The Number Format section is only visible if the selected column contains numbers.

6 Save the settings.

28 Concepts Guide
Tables 3
Using Tables

To configure a table footer

You can add various functions to the table footer. These functions summarize
the data of the entire table.
1 Select the column that you want to summarize, then click Column Properties.
The Column Properties dialog opens.
2 In the Column Properties dialog, select the Summary Calculations page.
3 Select the functions that you want to use in the table footer. Each function
will appear in a separate row.
4 Adjust the number format for each function used.
a Under Number Format for Summary Calculations, select the relevant function.
b Adjust the number format as required.
The Preview area shows the appearance of the currently selected settings.
5 Save the settings.
The selected functions are added to the table as footer rows. Each function
is shown in its own footer row.

If you add a summary calculation, the table will expand downwards in the generated
NOTE template. However, the layout of the report item is not automatically adjusted in the Editing
Pane! You need to resize the table layout to allow for the additional footer lines. Otherwise,
the subsequent report items may overlay the table footer in the generated template.

If a table column shows an expression that contains a calculation variable, you cannot add
NOTE a summary calculation for this column.

To sort a table
You can provide sorting expressions for any report item that lists multiple
pieces of information, such as tables or composite groups. This procedure
explains how to change the sorting expression for a table, but it basically
applies also to the other report items.
1 In the properties dialog, select the Sorting page.
2 In the Expression drop-down list, select the data field you want to use for

Concepts Guide 29
3 Tables
Using Tables

For example, you can sort by the following expressions:

• Fields > Peak > RetentionTime if you want to sort by the retention time
• Fields > Sample > OrderNo if you want to sort by the order of the samples
in the sequence table
• Fields > Injection > OrderNo if you want to sort by the order in which the
injections took place
The correct name of the respective data field is shown with an equals sign
in front of it. For example: =Peak_RetentionTime.
3 In the Direction drop-down list, select whether you want to sort the entries
in an ascending or descending order.
4 If required, you can add expressions to sort by more than one field.
The sorting expressions will be applied from top to bottom.
5 If required, change the order of the sorting expressions with the arrow

buttons and .

To filter a table
If you want to create a table that shows only specific data, you need to filter
the table accordingly. This procedure shows you how to filter for a sample
name, sample type, or compound name.
1 In Table Properties, select the Filtering page.
2 In the Expression drop-down list, select the data field that you want to use
for filtering:
• Fields > Sample > NAME if you want to filter for a specific sample name
• Fields > Sample > TYPE if you want to filter for a specific sample type
• Fields > Compound > NAME if you want to filter for a specific compound
The correct name of the respective data field is shown with an equals sign
in front of it. For example: =Sample_Name.
3 In the Operation drop-down list, select Equals.
4 Select the Value field.
If you start typing, you replace the entire existing content of the field. If you
press F2, the cursor is shown, and you can edit the existing content.

30 Concepts Guide
Tables 3
Using Tables

5 Enter the required value.

In the Value field, text strings must be enclosed in quotes to be recognized as text. If you do
NOTE not add quotes, RTE adds them for you when you close the dialog.
Numbers are written without quotes.

If you filter for an enumeration, you must enter the required number in the Value field. See
NOTE “Enumerations” on page 155 for an overview of all enumerations.

For example:
• "Standard L1" as a sample name
• 1 as a sample type, in this case the calibration samples
• "TRAMADOL" as a compound name
6 Click OK to confirm the settings.
The table in the generated report now contains only the data that passed
the filter condition. As the editor uses built-in example data to preview the
table in the Editing Pane, this preview may show no contents at all.

To filter for peak area or area%

To exclude small peaks
1 In Table Properties, select the Peaks and Repeating page.
2 Under Area Rejection, select the check boxes to exclude peaks with area or
area% less than a specific value.
3 Enter a value for area or area%. This value is used as a minimum value.
Only peaks with an area or area% equal to or greater than this value are
included in the report.
To exclude large peaks
1 In Table Properties, select the Filtering page.
2 Enter a filter expression to filter for peaks with an area or area% equal to or
greater than a specific value. For example, you can use the following

Concepts Guide 31
3 Tables
Using Tables

Expression Operation Value

=Peak_Area >= 3

=Peak_AreaPercent >= 3

After reloading a template in the Editing Pane, RTE may automatically map the filter
NOTE condition to the Area Rejection property. This happens, if you use the Greater Than (>) or
Equals (=) operators. The filter expression is then removed from the Filtering page and is
visible in the Peaks and Repeating page instead.

To repeat a table
This procedure shows you how to repeat a table on the compound name.
1 In Table Properties, select the Peaks and Repeating page.
2 In the Repeat Table On drop-down list, select Fields > Compound > NAME
The name of the according data field is shown, with an equals sign in front
of it: =Compound_Name.
3 Click OK to confirm the settings.
In the table preview in the Editing Pane, a headline is added for the
compound name. If you generate the report, the table will be repeated for
each compound name available in the current scope.

32 Concepts Guide
Tables 3
About Table Groups

About Table Groups

With table groups, you can structure the detail rows of a table. You can define
specific header rows, and show footer rows with summary information
specifically for that group.
For example, if you used two detector wavelengths for signal detection, you get
two signals for each detected compound. In this case, you can create a table
group for the detector wavelengths in order to show all signals of one
wavelength under each other, with a group header above and a summarizing
footer below the details rows.

Usage of table groups is limited to max. three groups. The order of grouping is
defined by the position of the group in the list.
Two groups will be shown with header/footer lines in the report template, the
third group will only be used to organize the detail rows in the table.

Concepts Guide 33
3 Tables
About Table Groups

Preparation for using table groups

Using table groups can make the table quite complex, especially if there is
more than one group. It is important that you plan the table groups in advance
and know exactly how the groups will structure your data. Otherwise, you
might get unexpected results and will not know which properties of which
group must be changed to correct the table.
Use the following guidelines before creating table groups:
• What is the top-level element in your report template? Use this element for
the Repeat Table On setting.
• Which field should be used to group the detail data? Which (static) sub
headline should be used for the groups? Use this information for the Group
On setting in the table group.
• Which fields should be used to sort the detail data inside each group? Use
this information in the properties of the table itself. The table sorting will
overrule the table group sorting.
• Which footers do you need needed for each table group? The use of headers
or footers is optional. It may be useful to provide a summary of statistical
information on a specific table group.

34 Concepts Guide
Tables 3
Using Table Groups

Using Table Groups

To configure a table group

1 In Table Properties, select the Grouping page.
2 Click Add to create a new table group.
The Group Properties dialog opens. The Group Name is generated
3 In Group Properties, provide a Group On expression.
This expression will be used to group the table detail rows.
4 If required: Select the Columns page and specify the group header and group
footer information.
To create a group header, enter a string in the Group Header column. To
create a group footer, select one or more of the provided check boxes.
5 If required: Select the Filtering page and specify a filter expression for the
distinct group values.
6 If required: Select the Sorting page and specify a sorting expression for the
distinct group values. This sorting can differ from the sorting of the table
detail rows!

The sorting of table group data is only applied within each single group. The order of the
NOTE different groups in the table depends on the table sorting.

Concepts Guide 35
3 Tables
Using Table Groups

36 Concepts Guide
Concepts Guide

About Matrices 38
About Matrix Groups 39
Using Matrices 42
To create a matrix 42
To sort a matrix 43
To adjust the column widths 44

This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of matrices in RTE.

Agilent Technologies 37
4 Matrices
About Matrices

About Matrices

Matrices are like pivot tables or crosstabs in a spreadsheet. As we have seen in

the previous chapters, tables contain a variable number of rows, depending on
the dataset contents, and a fixed number of columns with detail information.
Matrices, however, also contain a variable number of columns. The number of
columns depends on the dataset contents. In a table, for example, you can
show a list of all compounds found in a specific injection, and the columns
show the specific properties (such as amount or retention time) of each
compound. In a matrix you can show a list of all injections; the number of
columns corresponds to the number of detected compounds in the injected

If your data contains multiple signals, the matrix items in the Report Template Editor will
NOTE only show the main signal.

38 Concepts Guide
Matrices 4
About Matrix Groups

About Matrix Groups

The most important thing about matrices is that everything in a matrix is

based on groups. In contrast to tables, matrices contain two different types of
groups: row groups and column groups. In the snippets available in the Report
Items browser, these row groups and column groups are preconfigured. You
can only partially change these settings. The options that you can change may
vary from snippet to snippet.

Row groups
Row groups define the data in the left part of the matrix. If a matrix contains
several row groups, there are several specific columns in this left part, where
each column is defined by its own row group. The following figure shows the




Figure 2 Row groups

Concepts Guide 39
4 Matrices
About Matrix Groups

The number of row groups and the width of the corresponding columns is
defined by the snippet. You can not change these settings in the Report
Template Editor.

Column groups
The column group defines the data that makes up the columns in the right part
of the matrix. In some matrix snippets, you can adjust the value used to build
the columns. The following figure shows the principle:


Figure 3 Column groups

Data properties
The detail data is always displayed in the cells defined by the row groups and
column groups. The details cells can be split in order to show several different
values that belong to the same groups. These multiple details cells can be
shown either in columns (side by side) or in rows (on top of each other). The
layout type is defined by the snippet and can not be changed in the Report
Template Editor. The number of details cells and their content can be
configured in the matrix properties.

Figure 4 Details cells shown on top of each other

40 Concepts Guide
Matrices 4
About Matrix Groups

Figure 5 Details cells shown side by side

Concepts Guide 41
4 Matrices
Using Matrices

Using Matrices

To create a matrix
With the available matrix snippets, you can create overviews for different
• With the Compound Summary RT Amount snippet, you generate an overview of
the retention times and amounts for each detected compound. The
compounds are shown as columns; the sample names, vial locations, and
injection numbers are shown as rows. The snippet also contains summary
calculations in the footer (average, standard deviation, and relative
standard deviation).

• There are two Sample Summary snippets. With these snippets, you generate
an overview of the retention time and compound amount for each sample.
The sample names are shown as columns; the compound names and their
respective retention times are shown as rows.

42 Concepts Guide
Matrices 4
Using Matrices

• The Sample Summary Area Amount snippet is not repeated on a specific

field. Thus, it shows all samples in the same overview. If there are many
samples, the matrix width may become quite large. This snippet is
typically used to obtain an overview of a specific set of samples.
• The Sample Summary per Type is repeated on Sample_Type. Thus, the matrix
is repeated several times, and each repetition shows only samples of the
same sample type.

To sort a matrix
There is no Sorting page available for the matrix itself. Any sorting information
must be provided separately for the respective row group or column group!
1 In the Matrix Properties, select the Grouping page.
2 To change the sort order of a row group, click Edit in the Rows section. To
change the sort order of a column group, click Edit in the Columns section.
For more information on row groups and column groups, see “About Matrix
Groups” on page 39.
3 Select the Sorting page.
4 In the Expression drop-down list, select the data field you want to use for
For example, you can sort by the following expressions:
• Fields > Peak > RetentionTime if you want to sort by the retention time
• Fields > Sample > OrderNo if you want to sort by the order of the samples
in the sequence table
• Fields > Injection > OrderNo if you want to sort by the order in which the
injections took place
The correct name of the respective data field is shown with an equals sign
in front of it. For example: =Peak_RetentionTime.
5 In the Direction drop-down list, select whether you want to sort the entries
in an ascending or descending order.

Concepts Guide 43
4 Matrices
Using Matrices

6 If required, you can add expressions to sort by more than one field.
The sorting expressions will be applied from top to bottom.
7 If required, change the order of the sorting expressions with the arrow

buttons and .

To adjust the column widths

You can adjust the width of both the the static columns shown in the left part
of the matrix and the width of the dynamically created columns in the right
part of the matrix.
To change the width of static columns:
1 In Matrix Properties, select the Grouping page.
2 Select the appropriate row group, and click Edit.
3 In Group Properties, select the Format page.
4 Enter a suitable number of characters for the column width.
5 Save your settings.
To change the width of dynamically created columns:
1 In the Matrix Properties, select the Data page.
2 Select the appropriate column, and click Column Properties.
3 In Column Properties, select the Format page.
4 Under Column Width, enter a suitable number (in points) for the column

44 Concepts Guide
Concepts Guide

Composite Groups
About Composite Groups 46
Using Composite Groups 47
To create a Composite Group 47
To repeat a composite group 48
To create a nested composite group 48
To filter a composite group 49

This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of Composite Groups in


Agilent Technologies 45
5 Composite Groups
About Composite Groups

About Composite Groups

A composite group is a conglomeration of report items of any type that are

always used together. In the Report Items browser, you find predefined
composite groups in the Sequences category and in the Samples category.
These groups contain a collection of data fields with basic header information
on a sequence or sample.
In the Editing Pane, composite groups are marked by a surrounding rectangle.

Save locally
If you save the composite group in the Report Template Editor, the composite
group is listed in the Report Items browser under the Composite Groups category.
You can then reuse it for other report templates.
The xml file associated to the composite group is saved in your local file
system, so that you can transfer the xml file to other computers and reuse the
composite group there as well. The location depends on the host application.
• In the context of ChemStation, the xml file is saved under C:\Documents and
Settings\[username]\Application Data\Agilent Technologies\Agilent ChemStation\

Repeat on
Composite groups can be repeated on a specific key information. The entire
group is then displayed several times - once for each value of the selected
information. For example, a group containing information on samples may be
repeated for each sample in a sequence.
Composite groups correspond to lists in Microsoft Business Intelligence

46 Concepts Guide
Composite Groups 5
Using Composite Groups

Using Composite Groups

To create a Composite Group

You have placed several report items in the template that should always be
used together. These may be report items of any type, including other
composite groups.

To prepare the group:

1 Select all of the report items that you want to combine to form a composite
group. You can select multiple report items in different ways:
• Drag the mouse over the relevant items.
- or -
• Select the first item, then hold down Ctrl and click the other required
items one after each other.
All of the required items are now selected.
2 Click in the toolbar.
A rectangle is added that encloses the selected report items.
3 To configure the group properties, right-click anywhere inside the group,
and select Properties from the context menu. Be careful not to click any
specific report item, as this would select the specific item instead of the
The Composite Group Properties dialog opens.

Concepts Guide 47
5 Composite Groups
Using Composite Groups

To save the group:

1 Right-click anywhere inside the group, and select Save Composite Group from
the context menu. Be careful not to click any specific report item, as this
would select the specific item instead of the group.
2 Enter a suitable name for the group.

Existing composite groups can not be overwritten. You must always provide a new name
NOTE when saving a composite group.

The new composite group is now available in the Report Items browser under
the Composite Groups category.

To repeat a composite group

The following procedure shows you how to repeat a composite group on the
sample name.
1 In the Composite Group Properties, select the Grouping page.
2 In the Group Repeat drop-down list, select Fields > Sample > NAME.
The name of the respective database field is shown, with an equals sign in
front of it: =Sample_Name.
3 Click OK to confirm your settings.

To create a nested composite group

A composite group may contain any type of report item, even other composite
groups. This way it is possible nested groups where, for example, the outer
group is repeated on the sample type, and the inner group is repeated on the
sample name. The following procedure shows you how to create a nested
1 Create and save a composite group with sample information that is
repeated on the sample name (see “To create a Composite Group” on
page 47).
2 Add the field Sample_Type to your template. Place it above the previously
created composite group.

48 Concepts Guide
Composite Groups 5
Using Composite Groups

3 Select both the Sample_Type field and the previously prepared composite
4 Create a new composite group containing the two selected items.
5 Repeat the new composite group on Sample_Type.
If you generate the report, the different sample types are shown as
headings. Under each sample type, the respective samples are listed.

Nested composite groups correlate to "lists in lists" in Microsoft Business Intelligence

NOTE Studio.

To filter a composite group

The filter of a composite group is only active if the composite group is
repeated on a specific value.
If you need to filter a composite group that is not repeated at all, enter the
=-1 as the Group repeat on value. With -1, the composite group is shown only
once, but the filter is active nonetheless.

Concepts Guide 49
5 Composite Groups
Using Composite Groups

50 Concepts Guide
Concepts Guide

About Images 52

This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of images in RTE.

Agilent Technologies 51
6 Images
About Images

About Images

RTE offers you the possibility to add images, such as your company logo, to the
report template. Images are typically added to the report header, but you can
also place them in the report body or report footer.
You find the image items in the Report Items browser under the Special Objects
category. The default image is an Agilent logo, but you can change the image
source and also the image size in the Image Properties dialog. The file selection
dialog for the image source automatically opens when you drop the predefined
image item onto the template.
If you save a template in which you use an image item, this image is
automatically added to the Special Objects for the current template. Thus, if you
want to add the image also at a different place in the same template, you can
easily access the same image.

52 Concepts Guide
Concepts Guide

About Chromatograms 54
Using Chromatograms 57
To show only specific samples or signals 57
To show only a specific sample type 58
To label also the missing compounds 59
To switch on/off peak labeling depending on the peak 59
To show only peaks with a certain minimum area 60
To scale on the peak height of a certain compound 60
To create a single peak plot 61
To create a multi page plot 62
To show an instrument curve 63

This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of chromatograms in RTE.

Agilent Technologies 53
7 Chromatograms
About Chromatograms

About Chromatograms

With chromatogram report items, you can print signals from the detectors of
the chromatographic system on the report. The report item shows the results
for all injections that are included in the selected data. There is at least one
signal per injection. If the detector was configured to give multiple
measurements, for example a diode-array or multi-wavelength detector, the
chromatogram accordingly contains multiple signals per injection.

The data shown in the chromatogram also depends on whether the chromatogram is
NOTE placed in a composite group and on the grouping and filtering of the composite group.

Depending on the configuration of the report item, the signals may be shown
in separate graphs, overlaid graphs, stacked graphs, or as Iso plots.

Figure 6 Example: chromatogram with three signals in separate graphs

54 Concepts Guide
Chromatograms 7
About Chromatograms

Figure 7 Example: chromatogram with multiple signals in an overlaid graph

Figure 8 Example: chromatogram with multiple signals in a stacked graph

Concepts Guide 55
7 Chromatograms
About Chromatograms

Figure 9 Example: chromatogram with multiple signals shown as iso plot

Single Signal Plot and Multi Signal Plot

In the Report Items browser, different types of snippets are available for the
• The Single Signal Plot snippet always shows only one detector signal. The
chromatogram is automatically repeated on the signal ID. Therefore, if the
data contains multiple signals (for example, from multiple injections or
from a multi-wavelength detector), the chromatogram is repeated several
• The Multi Signal Plot snippets show all signals in the same chromatogram
report item. You can configure the display format and group settings.

56 Concepts Guide
Chromatograms 7
Using Chromatograms

Using Chromatograms

To show only specific samples or signals

Specific samples If you want to show only the signals for a specific sample (here: the sample
SSRSD1) in a chromatogram, you can filter for the sample name.

Expression Operation Value

=Sample_Name = "SSRSD1"

In order to compare the signals for two different samples, add a second
expression for the other sample name. The two expressions will automatically
be linked by Or. Alternatively, you can use the Containsoperator and a
wildcard in the Valuefield:

Expression Operation Value

=Sample_Name Contains "SSRSD *"

Specific signals If you want display only the signals from a specific detector, you can filter for
the detector name (here: DAD1). The detector name is usually contained in
the first characters of the signal name. Therefore you filter for all signals
where the relevant characters are contained in the signal name.

Expression Operation Value

=Signal_Name Contains "DAD1"

If you want to filter for one specific signal, use the complete signal name (here:
DAD1 A, Sig=270,8 Ref=500,100) in the filter expression.

Expression Operation Value

=Signal_Name = "DAD1 A, Sig=270,8


Concepts Guide 57
7 Chromatograms
Using Chromatograms

To show only a specific sample type

This procedure shows you how to create an overlaid chromatogram that
displays only the samples of a specific sample type.
To create one chromatogram for each sample type:
1 Add the data field Fields > Sample > Type to the report template.
2 Add the Multi Signal Plot Overlaid snippet to the report template.

3 Select the two items and click to create a composite group.

4 Repeat the composite group on Sample_Type.
5 If you used multiple signals, filter the chromatogram for one specific signal.
For example, the filter expression would be:

Expression Operation Value

Signal_Name Contains "DAD 1A*"

To create a template with only one chromatogram for one sample type:
1 Add the Multi Signal Plot Overlaid snippet to the template.
2 Filter for the sample type, and if required, for a specific signal. For example,
the filter expression would be:

Expression Operation Value

Sample_Type = 3

Signal_Name Contains "DAD 1A*"

If you filter for an enumeration (such as Sample_Type), you must enter the required number
NOTE in the Value field. See “Enumerations” on page 155 for an overview of all enumerations.

58 Concepts Guide
Chromatograms 7
Using Chromatograms

To label also the missing compounds

By default, only the identified compounds are labeled in the chromatogram. If
you want to add labels for the missing compounds at the respective retention
times, proceed as follows:
1 In Multi Signal Plot Properties, select the Peak Labels page.
2 Make sure the Show Peak Labels check box is selected.
3 Select the Undetected Compounds check box.
4 Save the settings.

The report item preview in the Editing Pane is based on built-in data, not on the actually
NOTE selected data. The labels for undetected compounds will therefore be visible only after
generating the report.

To switch on/off peak labeling depending on the peak

If you want to label the peaks depending on certain peak properties, you must
create a customized expression for the peak labels.
1 In Multi Signal Plot Properties, select the Peak Labels page.
2 Make sure, the Show Peak Labels check box is selected.
3 Under Peak Labels, select No Label for the labels 2 to 4.
4 Click fx... to create a customized expression for Label 1.
The Expression Editor opens.
5 Enter one of the following expressions, according to your requirements.

Expression Description

=Iif(Peak_Area> 5, Shows the retention time rounded to two

Str(Round(Peak_RetentionTime, 2)), "") decimals, but only for peaks with a calculated
area greater than five.

=Iif(UCase(Compound_Name)="TRAMADOL", Shows the label "*** Tramadol found ***" for the
"*** Tramadol found ***", "") Tramadol peak. All other peaks remain

6 Save the settings.

Concepts Guide 59
7 Chromatograms
Using Chromatograms

To show only peaks with a certain minimum area

If you want to show only peaks with a certain minimum area, you can filter for
the peak area. For example, you can show only peaks with Area% greater than

Expression Operation Value

=Peak_AreaPercent > 5

If all peaks are filtered out, no signal is displayed.


To scale on the peak height of a certain compound

If you want scale on the peak of a certain compound, and you do not know
how many other compounds there are and which peak heights they have, you
can use a customized expression to scale on the correct peak.
1 In the Multi Signal Plot Properties, select the Signal Axis page.
2 Under Scaling, select All Signals in Given Scale.
3 Click fx... to the right of the To field.
The Expression Editor opens.
4 Enter the following expression:

Expression Description

=Iif(UCase( Compound_Name)="TRAMADOL", This expression returns the height of the

Peak_Height*1.05, "") Tramadol peak, multiplied by 1.05. "Tramadol"
may be written in uppercase or lowercase in the

5 Save the settings.

60 Concepts Guide
Chromatograms 7
Using Chromatograms

To create a single peak plot

1 Create a composite group that is repeated on Peak_ID (see “To create a
Composite Group” on page 47)
With this group, you ensure that only one single peak is shown in each

If you want to create a single peak plot for only one compound, you can filter the composite
NOTE group for the required compound.

2 Add a chromatogram to the composite group.

3 Configure the Signal Axis of the chromatogram.
a Under Scaling, select All signals in given scale.
b Enter the following expressions for the upper limit of the signal axis:

Use for Expression Description

To =Peak_Height*1.05 This expressions returns the

peak height multiplied by 1.05.

4 There are different ways to configure the Time Axis page. With the following
settings, the signal axis is labeled with absolute values, and the upper limit
in each graph will correspond to the height of each peak.
a Under Scaling, select All Time Axes with Same Scale, and select the Custom
scale check box.
b Enter the following expressions for the lower and upper limit of the time

Use for Expression Description

From =Round(Peak_BeginTime- This expressions returns the

0.05*(Peak_EndTime - Peak_BeginTime), peak begin time, minus five
1) percent of the peak duration.

To =Round(Peak_EndTime+ This expressions returns the

0.05*(Peak_EndTime - Peak_BeginTime), peak end time, plus five
1) percent of the peak duration.

5 Save your settings.

Concepts Guide 61
7 Chromatograms
Using Chromatograms

To create a multi page plot

If you want to divide a chromatogram into two parts, you need to add two
chromatogram items to your report template. If you place them inside a
composite group, make sure both chromatograms are placed inside. Also, the
filter conditions for each of the chromatograms must be identical.
The only difference between the two chromatograms is the time range:
• First chromatogram: from 0 to 50% (or to 52.5% to get a small overlap)
• Second chromatogram: from 50 to 100% (or from 47.5% to get a small

When creating multi-page plots, carefully consider which option you select under Search
NOTE Scale Within for the scaling of the signal axis. If you select the Given Time Axis Range
option, you will obtain different signal axes for each separate plot.

62 Concepts Guide
Chromatograms 7
Using Chromatograms

To show an instrument curve

You can display various instrument curves, depending on the modules you use.
This procedure shows you how to add the pump pressure instrument curve to
your report.
1 In the Chromatogram Properties, select the Instrument Curves page.
2 Select the Include Instrument Curves check box.
3 Under Filter List, click into the Expression field.
The expression SIGNAL NAME is automatically set.
4 In the Operation field, select Contains.
5 In the Value field, enter
6 Save the settings.
7 Preview the report.
Each chromatogram in the report contains the associated pressure curve. If
you used two pumps, two pressure curves will be displayed.
The display format (such as Overlaid or Separate) depends on the settings in
the Multi Signals page of the Chromatogram Properties.

In order to find out which other instrument curves are available, remove any filters in the
NOTE Instrument Curves page and preview the report. The available signal names are shown in a

Concepts Guide 63
7 Chromatograms
Using Chromatograms

64 Concepts Guide
Concepts Guide

Calibration Curves
About Calibration Curves 66
Using Calibration Curves 68
To create a calibration curve 68
To place multiple curves in a row 70

This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of calibration curves in


Agilent Technologies 65
8 Calibration Curves
About Calibration Curves

About Calibration Curves

With calibration curves, you can place the visual presentation of the
calibration results on your report template. The graph shows the results for all
compounds and calibration samples that are included in the selected data.

In order to obtain a calibration curve, you must have configured the respective samples as
NOTE calibration samples in the sequence table, and you must have configured the calibration

Depending on the configuration of the report item, the multiple curves may be
shown in separate, overlaid, or stacked graphs.

Figure 10 Example: calibration curve with separate graphs

66 Concepts Guide
Calibration Curves 8
About Calibration Curves

Figure 11 Example: calibration curves in an overlaid graph

Types of calibration curves

In the Report Items browser, the following snippets are available for the
calibration curve:
• Calib Curve Plot by Compound contains a composite group with a calibration
curve and additional information such as the formula or the correlation
coefficient. The composite group is automatically repeated on the
compound name. Therefore, if your data contains multiple calibrated
compounds, the information is repeated several times.
• Calibration Curves Overlaid adds a single calibration curve item. In this item
all curves contained in the current scope (defined by data selection,
grouping, filtering, etc.) are shown overlaid in the same graph. You can
configure the display format and group settings.

Concepts Guide 67
8 Calibration Curves
Using Calibration Curves

Using Calibration Curves

To create a calibration curve

With the available calibration curve snippets, you can create calibration
curves for different scenarios. See the following examples:
• In order to create an overlaid calibration curve with data from multiple
compounds, simply add the Calibration Curves Overlaid snippet to your report.
The report will show only one graph in which the curves of all compounds
are overlaid.

• To show the calibration curves for single compound, you have the following
• Add the Calibration Curves Overlaid snippet and filter the calibration curve
item for the required compound (for example,
Compound_Name="TRAMADOL"). Only one calibration curve will be
shown in the report.
• Add the Calib Curve Plot by Compound snippet. A composite group will be
shown that is repeated on the compound name.The composite group also
contains some more information on the calibration curve, such as the
formula or the correlation coefficient.

68 Concepts Guide
Calibration Curves 8
Using Calibration Curves

If a ChemStation data file was processed with a non-matching calibration table, the report
NOTE shows an empty calibration curve, and no peaks are identified. This happens if the
calibration table has been set up for one signal, but data have been recorded for a different
signal. Ensure that the signal description in the calibration table exactly matches the DAD
signal set up in the used method (for example, DAD1A 254,4 Ref 360,600).

Concepts Guide 69
8 Calibration Curves
Using Calibration Curves

To place multiple curves in a row

Calibration curves are shown one under each other by default. However, you
can configure the report item so that multiple curves are shown side by side in
the same row.
To place multiple curves in a row
1 Add a calibration curve report item to your template.
2 In Calibration Curve Properties, select the Multi Curves page.
3 Under Display format, select Separate.
Only separate graphs can be shown side by side in the same row.
4 In Calibration Curve Properties, select the Layout page.
5 In the # Graphics field, enter the number of curves to be shown in one row.
For example, enter 4 to show four curves in one row.
6 Save your settings.
The given number of curves is now shown in the same row.

Figure 12 4 calibration curves in the same row

70 Concepts Guide
Concepts Guide

About Spectra 72
Using Spectra 75

This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of spectra in RTE.

Agilent Technologies 71
9 Spectra
About Spectra

About Spectra

With spectra report items, you can place the visual output of an optical 3D
detector (for example, a diode array detector) on your report template. The
spectra shown in the graph correspond to your selection of the positions in
each peak. You can extract spectra, for example, at the start, at the apex, or at
the end of a peak. In addition, you can filter the data shown in a spectrum
using the filter list.
Depending on the configuration of the report item, multiple spectra may be
shown in separate graphs, overlaid graphs, stacked graphs, or as Iso plots. If
there are spectra for different compounds, you can group the spectra by
compound name.

Figure 13 Example: three spectra in separate graphs

72 Concepts Guide
Spectra 9
About Spectra

Figure 14 Example: three spectra in an overlaid graph

Figure 15 Example: three spectra in a stacked graph

Concepts Guide 73
9 Spectra
About Spectra

Figure 16 Example: three spectra shown as Iso plot

74 Concepts Guide
Spectra 9
Using Spectra

Using Spectra

With the available spectra snippets, you can create graphs for different
• The Spectra Plot snippet contains a plot where all available spectra are
shown in an overlaid format. By default, the spectra are grouped by peak,
and multiple spectra selected from the same peak are shown in an overlaid

This snippet is typically used in combination with a composite group that is

repeated on a specific information, depending on your requirements. You
can, for example, create a composite group that is repeated by sample
name; inside this composite group, the Spectra Plot snippet will show one
graph for each peak, with overlaid spectra for all injections of the current
• The Spectra Plot All Peaks snippet contains a plot that is embedded in two
composite groups. The first composite group is repeated on the signal
name, the second composite group is repeated on the peak ID. Thus, you
obtain a single spectrum for each peak and signal.

Concepts Guide 75
9 Spectra
Using Spectra

• The Spectra Plot Compounds snippet contains a plot that is embedded in a

single composite group. The composite group is repeated on the peak ID,
and it also contains the retention time and the compound name for each
peak. If there are multiple signals, this snippet uses only the peaks of the
main signal.

• The Spectra Plot per Peak snippet is repeated by peak, that is, the entire
report item is displayed once for each peak in the generated report. You
cannot remove the repeating by peak in the report item properties. Multiple
spectra selected from the same peak are shown in an overlaid graph.

76 Concepts Guide
Concepts Guide

About Charts 78
Preparing the Data 80
Category Group 81
Series Group 85
Using Charts 86
To change the chart title and axes titles 86
To change the values plotted on the y-axis 86
To change the y-axis labels 86
To change the values plotted on the x-axis 87
To change the x-axis labels 87
To change the legend title 88
To change the series labels 88
To plot different y-values in the same chart 89

This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of charts in RTE.

Agilent Technologies 77
10 Charts
About Charts

About Charts

Charts are very useful for graphic display of data. As in tables or matrices, you
can present aggregated data.
The following chart types are available in RTE:
• Line chart
With line charts you can visualize categorized data using a direct line to
connect the values. The category values are used to label the x-axis. For
example, you can categorize the data by the sample name, calibration level
or compound name. Different series of data are shown as several lines in
different colors.
Line - Simple and Line - Smooth:

• Column chart
Column charts are very similar to line charts. You can also visualize
categorized data, but the data is shown as column bars instead of being
connect with a line. The category values are used to label the x-axis. For
example, you can categorize the data by the sample name, calibration level
or compound name. Different series of data are shown as several bars in
different colors.

78 Concepts Guide
Charts 10
About Charts

Column - Simple, Column - Stacked, and Column - Stacked 100%:

• Scatter chart
In scatter charts, the location of the data points is determined by x and
y-values. The x-values are typically numeric values or date/time values. For
example, you can show the ratio of compound amount to peak area in an
accuracy plot.
Scatter - Simple, Scatter - Lines, and Scatter - Smooth Lines:

• Bubble chart
As in scatter charts, the location of the data points is determined by x and
y-values. In addition, the size of the bubbles is determined by a separate
numeric value.

Concepts Guide 79
10 Charts
About Charts

Preparing the Data

Using charts, especially scatter or bubble charts, can be quite complex. It is
important that you plan the axis scaling, category group and series group
expression in advance and know exactly how they will structure your data.
Otherwise, you might get unexpected results and will not know which
properties you must change in order to correct the result.

The data shown in the chart also depends on the report type and on whether the chart is
NOTE placed in a composite group:
• In Single Injection reports, the entire template content is repeated for each single
injection. It is therefore impossible to compare data from several injections in the same
chart with a Single Injection report.
• In composite groups you can group, sort, and filter the data that will be available in a

Read and understand the following before creating a chart:

• Which chart type suits your requirements?
• If you want to label the x-axis with string values such as Sample 1,
Sample 2, Sample 3, you will typically create a line chart or column
• If you want to label the x-axis with numeric values such as the retention
time or the compound amount, you will typically create a scatter chart or
bubble chart.
• How many data points do you want to show in the chart? For example, one
for each sample, one for each compound, or one for each peak? Which
expression can you use to distinguish the data? Use this expression for the
category group.
• Do you need to distinguish the data aggregated by the category group? For
example, the category group may distinguish the samples names, but you
used two signals and want to display one data point per signal and sample
name. Use the additional expression (in this example, the signal name) as a
series group expression.
• Do you need to filter the data? For example, filter the data to show only
specific compounds or only specific signals.

80 Concepts Guide
Charts 10
About Charts

• Which values do you want to plot on the y-axis? These values must be
numeric. We recommend using aggregating functions, as the category group
may contain multiple values.
• For scatter charts and bubble charts: Which values do you want to plot on
the x-axis? The x-values are typically numeric or date/time values. However,
it is also possible to plot text values on the x-axis.

For line and column charts, the category values are identical to the x-axis values. For
NOTE scatter and bubble charts, the category group only has an impact on the amount of
displayed data — the x-axis values are set separately and can differ from the category

• Do you need to sort the data? We recommend using the same expression for
sorting and grouping the category group. In line and column charts, this
sorts the labels on the x-axis. For scatter charts using lines, the line
connects the data points in the order given by the category group.
• For bubble charts: Which value should influence the bubble size?

Category Group
For all chart types, the category group has an impact on the amount of
displayed data. You can choose a category group expression that groups
multiple subsets of data together. For example, if your data contains multiple
injections of the same sample, you can choose the sample name for the
grouping expression. The chart will then show only one data value for each
distinct sample, such as the average compound amount.
The impact of the category group on the x-axis labels depends on the chart
• For line and column charts, the category values are identical to the x-axis
• For scatter and bubble charts, the category group only has an impact on the
amount of displayed data — the x-axis values are set separately and can
differ from the category values.

Concepts Guide 81
10 Charts
About Charts

Category Group Example

For example, your data may include 3 samples, where each of the samples has
been injected 2 times. If you select =Injection_ID as a grouping expression, the
diagram will contain 6 data points. If you select =Sample_ID, the diagram will
only contain 3 data points. Each data point may show, for example, the
average of the 2 peak areas.
• Line chart with the following settings:
y-value: =Peak_Area
Category group expression: =Injection_ID

82 Concepts Guide
Charts 10
About Charts

• Line chart with the following settings:

y-value: =Avg(Peak_Area)
Category group expression: =Sample_ID

• Scatter chart with the following settings:

y-value: =Peak_Area
x-value: =Compound_Amount
Category group expression: =Injection_ID

Concepts Guide 83
10 Charts
About Charts

• Scatter chart with the following settings:

y-value: =Avg(Peak_Area)
x-value: =Avg(Compound_Amount)
Category group expression: =Sample_ID

84 Concepts Guide
Charts 10
About Charts

Series Group
You can place several series of data in the same chart. For example, you may
want to create a chart that shows the stability of retention times over a set of
injections. If there are several compounds, you can show a separate line for
each compound. In this case, create a category group based on the injection
ID, and a series group which is grouped by the compound name. The result
may resemble the following line chart.

Y-value: =Peak_RetentionTime
Format code for y-axis label: F1
Category group expression: =Injection_ID
Category sorted by: =Injection_AcquiredDate
Series group expression: =Compound_Name

Concepts Guide 85
10 Charts
Using Charts

Using Charts

To change the chart title and axes titles

1 In the Chart Properties, select the Chart page.
2 Under Titles, click the fx button for the title you want to change.
3 In the Expression Editor, enter the title. You can use static titles without an
equals sign or dynamic expressions starting with an equals sign.
4 Save the settings.

To change the values plotted on the y-axis

1 In the Chart Properties, select the Data page.
2 Under Data Values/Select Y-Value, select the required data field or expression
that you want to plot on the y-axis. As the y-value must be numeric, only
data fields returning numeric values are available in the list.

3 Click to move the selected expression to the active settings, which are
shown on the right side.

4 Select the previously used expression on the right side, and click to
remove it from the active settings.
5 Save the settings.

To change the y-axis labels

1 In the Chart Properties, select the Data page.
2 Under Data Values, click Data Value Properties.
3 In the Data Value Properties, select the Label page.
4 If you want to completely hide the y-axis labels, clear the Show Y-Axis Labels
check box.

86 Concepts Guide
Charts 10
Using Charts

5 If you want to use a different format for the numbers defined by the y-value
expression, click fx to enter the required Format Code (see “Format
Codes” on page 100 ).
6 Save the settings.

To change the values plotted on the x-axis

For line charts or column charts
1 In the Chart Properties, select the Data page.
2 Under Category Properties/Select Grouping for X-Axis, select the required data
field or expression that you want to plot on the x-axis.
This expression is used both to group the data and to label the x-axis. The
expression may return string values or numeric values.
3 Save the settings.
For scatter charts and bubble charts
1 In the Chart Properties, select the Data page.
2 Under Data Values/Select X-Value, select the required data field or expression
that you want to plot on the x-axis (typically a numeric value).
3 Save the settings.

To change the x-axis labels

1 In the Chart Properties, select the Data page.
2 Under Category Group, click Category Properties.
3 In the Category Properties, select the Label page.
4 If you want to completely hide the x-axis labels, clear the Show X-Axis Labels
check box.

Concepts Guide 87
10 Charts
Using Charts

5 The usage of the expression for x-axis labels depends on the type of
• For line charts and column charts:
If you want to use different labels than the ones resulting from the
category group expression, click fx and enter the required expression in
the Expression Editor.
Use an expression that is based on an identifier equivalent to the
identifier of the category group expression. For example, if the category
is grouped on the sample ID, you could display the sample name.
Displaying the sequence name or the injection order number would lead
to ambiguous x-axis labels.
• For scatter charts and bubble charts:
If you want to use a different format for the numbers defined by the
x-value expression, click fx to enter the required Format Code (see
“Format Codes” on page 100).
6 Save the settings.

To change the legend title

1 In the Chart Properties, select the Legend page.
2 Under Visibility, make sure the Show Legends and Show Legend Title check
boxes are selected.
3 Click fx to enter a legend title.
4 Save the settings.

To change the series labels

To check the type of series label
1 In the Chart Properties, select the Data page.
2 Under Data Values, click Data Value Properties.
3 In the Data Value Properties, select the Label page.

88 Concepts Guide
Charts 10
Using Charts

4 Check the status of the Show Series Expression check box.

If you clear this check box, RTE will use default series labels such as Series
1, Series 2, Series 3 and so on.
If you select this check box, RTE will use a dynamic expression for the
series labels. See the following steps to change this expression.
5 Save the settings.
To change the expression for series labels
1 In the Chart Properties, select the Data page.
2 Under Series Group, click Series Properties.
3 In the Series Properties, select the Label page.
4 Click fx to change the expression.
By default, this expression is empty. With an empty series label expression,
the series labels are built using the series expression from the Data Fields
page in the Chart Properties.
5 Save the settings.

To plot different y-values in the same chart

The category group and series group expressions define the basic set of data.
However, you can provide multiple expressions as y-values and thus plot
different y-values for the same data.
1 In the Chart Properties, select the Data page.
2 Under Category Group, select the category group expression.
3 If required, select a series group expression under Series Group.

As multiple y-values are displayed the same way as multiple series values, using both
NOTE options at the same time may lead to an overcrowded chart.

4 Under Data Values/Select Y-Value, select the required data fields and click
to move them to the active settings.
5 If required: Under Data Values/Select X-Value, select the same number of data
fields as for the y-value. You can select the same x-value expression
multiple times. X-values are only available for Scatter and Bubble charts.

Concepts Guide 89
10 Charts
Using Charts

6 If required: Under Data Values/Select Size, select the same number of size
expressions as for the y-value. You can select the same size expression
multiple times. Size expressions are only available for Bubble charts.
7 Save the settings.

90 Concepts Guide
Concepts Guide

About Expressions 92
Operators 93
Functions 94
Format Codes 100
Using Expressions 102
To filter data with varying notations (upper/lower case) 102
To filter empty fields 102
To repeat on sample names beginning with 103
To compare numbers using the Iif function 104
To show the type of injection 105
To filter for date and time 106
To calculate with a custom field 106
Relative Standard Deviation 107
To filter for similar names 107
To show only part of a value 108

This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of expressions in RTE.

Agilent Technologies 91
11 Expressions
About Expressions

About Expressions

Expressions are used to define the value of a data field or text field item, the
values shown in a table column, specific properties such as the background
color of an item, or for many other purposes. The most basic expression is a
reference to a specific data field, but expressions can also contain
mathematical functions on different data fields.
An expression always starts with an equals sign. The most basic expression is
one that refers to a specific data field, for example the sequence name:
However, you may need to create more complex expressions during template
development. For example, you may filter for sample names with a certain
prefix, compare numbers with a certain threshold value, or calculate one
value from another using a custom formula.
The Expression Editor, which is part of RTE, helps you build dynamic
expressions that include data fields and logical or mathematical functions.

All expressions are written in Microsoft Visual Basic. Therefore, you can use any function
NOTE available in Visual Basic. The only consequence may be that the Expression Editor shows a
red, serrated line, if the used functions are not modelled by RTE. In addition, the preview on
the report item in the properties dialog or in the Editing Pane may not be shown correctly.
However, when the report template is generated, the functions are nevertheless used
For more information on Microsoft Visual Basic, refer to

The notation of functions or data fields in the Expression Editor is not case-sensitive.

92 Concepts Guide
Expressions 11
About Expressions

Table 1 Arithmetic

Name Syntax Description

^ NUMBER^POWER Raises a number to the power of another number.

* NUMBER1*NUMBER2 Multiplies two numbers.

/ NUMBER1/NUMBER2 Divides two numbers and returns a floating-point result.

Mod NUMBER1 Mod NUMBER2 Divides two numbers and returns only the remainder.

+ NUMBER1 + NUMBER2 Adds two numbers.

- NUMBER1 - NUMBER2 Substracts one number from another, or indicates the

negative value of a numeric expression.

Table 2 Comparison

Name Description

< Less than

<= Less than or equal to

> Greater than

>= Greater than or equal to

= Equal to

<> Not equal to

Like Compares two strings. The string to be compared with must contain wildcards:
• ? matches any single character.
• * matches any number of adjacent characters.

Concepts Guide 93
11 Expressions
About Expressions

Table 3 Logical

Name Description

And Performs a logical conjunction on two Boolean expressions.

Not Performs logical negation on a Boolean expression.

Or Performs a logical disjunction on two Boolean expressions.

Table 4 Concatenation

Name Description

& Generates a string concatenation of two expressions.

+ Concatenates two strings.

Program Flow
Table 5 Program Flow

Name Syntax Description

Choose choose(NUMBER, Selects and returns a value from a list of arguments.

"argument_2", [...],

Iif Iif(CONDITION, Returns one of two values, depending on the evaluation of

THEN-VALUE, ELSE-VALUE) the condition.

94 Concepts Guide
Expressions 11
About Expressions

Table 6 Aggregate

Name Syntax Description

Avg Avg(FIELDNAME) Returns the average of all non-null values of the specified

Count Count(FIELDNAME) Returns a count of non-null values of the specified field.

CountDistinct CountDistinct(FIELDNAME Returns a count of the distinct values of the specified

) field.

CountRows CountRows() Returns the number of rows, including rows with null

Max Max(FIELDNAME) Returns the maximum value from all values of the
specified field.

Min Min(FIELDNAME) Returns the minimum value from all non-null values of the
specified field.

StDev StDev(FIELDNAME) Returns the standard deviation of non-null values based

on a sample of the entire population:

StDevP StDevP(FIELDNAME) Returns the standard deviation of non-null values based

on the entire population:

Sum Sum(FIELDNAME) Returns a sum of the values of the specified field.

First First(FIELDNAME) Returns the first of the values of the specified field.

Last Last(FIELDNAME) Returns the last of the values of the specified field.

There is no specific function for the relative standard deviation. This must be manually
NOTE calculated as (Stdev/Avg*100).

Concepts Guide 95
11 Expressions
About Expressions

Aggregating functions always refer to all records in a scope and return only
one value. This value is either calculated from those records or selected
according to specific criteria. Therefore, aggregating functions are
automatically used, for example, for the creation of table headers or footers.
You can use aggregating functions if you need to summarize your data.

Table 7 Math

Name Syntax Description

Abs Abs(NUMBER) Returns the absolute value of a single-precision

floating-point number.

Exp Exp(POWER) Returns e raised to the specified power.

Log Log(NUMBER) Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified


Log10 Log10(NUMBER) Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.

Pow Pow(NUMBER, POWER) Returns a specified number raised to the specified power.

Round Round(NUMBER) Rounds a double-precision floating-point value to the

nearest integer.
Sqrt Sqrt(NUMBER) Returns the square root of a specified number.

Int Int(NUMBER) Returns an integer, obtained by truncating (not rounding!)

the provided number.

Conversion, Date/Time
Table 8 Conversion, Date/Time

Name Syntax Description

Cstr Cstr(...) Convert to string

Val Val("198th Street") Returns the numbers contained in a string as a numeric

value of appropriate type. If the string does not contain
any numbers, 0 is returned.

Cdate CDate("October 19, Convert to date.


96 Concepts Guide
Expressions 11
About Expressions

Table 8 Conversion, Date/Time

Name Syntax Description

Str Str(NUMBER) Returns a string representation of a number.

Day Day(DATETIME) Returns an integer value from 1 to 31 representing the day

of the month.

Hour Hour(DATETIME) Returns an integer value from 0 to 23 representing the

hour of the day.

Month Month(DATETIME) Returns an integer value from 1 to 12 representing the

month of the year.

MonthName MonthName(MONTH) Returns a string value containing the name of the

specified month. MONTH is the numeric designation of
the month. For example, January is 1, February is 2, and so

Now Now Returns a date value containing the current date and time
according to your system.

Year Year(DATETIME) Returns an integer value from 1 to 9999 representing the

year part of a specified date.

Today Today Returns a date value containing the current date

according to your system.

Table 9 Text

Name Syntax Description

Chr Chr(65) Returns the character associated with the specified ANSI
character code.

InStr InStr(HAYSTACK, NEEDLE) Returns an integer specifying the start position of the first
occurrence of one string (NEEDLE) within another

InStrRev InStrRev(HAYSTACK, Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string
NEEDLE) (NEEDLE) within another (HAYSTACK), starting from the
right end of the string.

Lcase Lcase(STRING) Returns a string or character converted to lower case.

Concepts Guide 97
11 Expressions
About Expressions

Table 9 Text

Name Syntax Description

Left Left(STRING, LENGTH) Returns a string containing a specified number of

characters from the left end of a string.

Len Len(STRING) Returns an integer containing the number of characters in

a string.

Right Right(STRING, LENGTH) Returns a string containing a specified number of

characters from the right end of a string.

Split Split(STRING, Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a

DELIMITER) specified number of substrings. The specified delimiter is
used to create the substrings.

LTrim, Trim(STRING) Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string

RTrim, with no leading spaces (LTrim), no trailing spaces (RTrim),
Trim or neither leading nor trailing spaces (Trim).

FormatDateTim FormatDateTime(DATE, Returns a string expression representing a date/time

e FORMAT) value in a specified format. The following formats are
available (used without quotes, not case-sensitive):
• GENERALDATE: Displays a date and/or time. If there
is a date part, it is displayed as a short date. If there is
a time part, it is displayed as a long time. If present,
both parts are displayed.
• LONGDATE: Displays a date using the long date format
specified in your computer's regional settings.
• SHORTDATE: Displays a date using the short date
format specified in your computer's regional settings.
• LONGTIME: Display a time using the time format
specified in your computer's regional settings.
• SHORTTIME: Displays a time using the 24-hour format

98 Concepts Guide
Expressions 11
About Expressions

Table 9 Text

Name Syntax Description

FormatNumber FormatNumber(DATE, Returns an expression formatted as a number. You can

DIGITSAFTERDECIMAL, use the following parameters, or use blanks for the default
GROUP) • DIGITSAFTERDECIMAL: Numeric value, indicates how
many places are displayed to the right of the decimal.
Default: -1, the computer's regional settings are used.
• LEADINGDIGIT: True or False, indicates whether a
leading 0 is displayed for fractional values. The
computer's regional settings are used by default.
• PARENS: True or False, indicates whether to place
negative values within parentheses. The computer's
regional settings are used by default.
• GROUP: True or False, indicates whether or not to
group numbers using the group delimiter specified in
the locale settings. The computer's regional settings
are used by default.

FormatPercent FormatPercent(NUMBER) Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (that is,

multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.

Mid Mid(STRING, START, Returns a string containing a specified number of

LENGTH) characters from a string. START defines the starting
position of the characters to be returned.

Ucase UCase(STRING) Returns a string or character containing the specified

string converted to uppercase.

Table 10 Misc

Name Syntax Description

RowNumber RowNumber(SCOPE) or Returns a running count of all rows in the specified scope.
RowNumber(SCOPE, The scope can be given as single string (Scope as String)
COUNTGROUP) or in combination with the group number (Scope as String,
CountGroup as String).

Concepts Guide 99
11 Expressions
About Expressions

Format Codes
With Format Codes, you define the output format of numeric or date/time
values. You can either select one of the predefined Format Codes from the
given drop-down lists, or enter your own Format Code in the Expression

Format Codes do not start with an equals sign!


You can use the following placeholders:

Format Code Description

0 Zero placeholder. The number is always displayed, even if it is 0.

# Digit placeholder. The number is only displayed if it is different than 0.

. Decimal point as defined by the country settings.

, Group separator. Show a thousand separator, if required, as defined by the

country settings.

F1 Show the number with 1 digit using the decimal point and group separator as
defined by the country settings.

F2 Show the number with 2 digits using the decimal point and group separator as
defined by the country settings.

F3 Show the number with 3 digits using the decimal point and group separator as
defined by the country settings.

d Day of the month (1—31).

dd Day of the month (01—31)

h Hour (1—12)

hh Hour (01—12)

H Hour (1—24)

HH Hour (01—24)

m Minute (1—59)

mm Minute (01—59)

100 Concepts Guide

Expressions 11
About Expressions

Format Code Description

M Month (1—12)

MM Month (01—12)

MMM Abbreviation of the Month

ss Second (01—59)

tt AM/PM designator

YY Year (00—99)

The following table shows some examples of how the Format Code defines the
output format.

Table 11 Format Codes - Examples

Value Format String Output

0.123 #.## .12

0.## 0.12

0.#### 0.123

0.0000 0.1230

F1 0.1

F2 0.12

2/27/2007 5:11:30 PM HH:mm:ss 17:11:30

2/27/2007 5:11:30 PM dd/MM/YY 02/27/07

2/27/2007 5:11:30 PM h tt 5 PM

For more information on the Format Codes, refer to the MSDN library

Concepts Guide 101

11 Expressions
Using Expressions

Using Expressions

To filter data with varying notations (upper/lower case)

If you use expressions that compare the content of a data field with another
value (for example, when filtering the table data), be aware that the database
contents may contain both uppercase and lowercase. The notation may vary,
especially if the entry is provided by the user when preparing the
measurement, as, for example, the sample name or sequence name. To ensure
that all relevant records are considered, transform the database content to a
standardized notation before comparing it.

Table 12 Functions to transform the notation of data fields

Function Syntax Description

LCase =LCase(fieldname) Transforms all characters in the given field to


UCase =UCase(fieldname) Transforms all characters in the given field to


The complete entry in the Filter page would look like this:

Table 13 Complete entry

Expression Operation Value

=UCase(Sample = "TRAMADOL"

To filter empty fields

Sometimes, you may want to know if a data field contains a value or is empty.
For example, you only want to display fields that are not empty. Empty data
fields are not always actually empty; sometimes they contain a certain kind of
null information. Therefore, it is advisable to use a special syntax to filter for
fields with actual content.

102 Concepts Guide

Expressions 11
Using Expressions

To exclude empty strings, use the following expression:

Table 14 Expression for excluding empty strings

Expression Operation Value

=Len(fieldname) > 0

To exclude empty numbers, use one of the following expressions:

Expression Operation Value

=fieldname >= 0 = True

=Len(fieldname) > 0

To repeat on sample names beginning with

You can repeat composite groups not only on specific data fields but also on
customized expressions. Using expressions you can, for example, repeat the
composite group on the first part of a sample name. Let's say that a sequence
contains the following samples:
• Sample1_a
• Sample1_b
• Sample1_c
• Sample2_a
• Sample2_b
• Sample2_c
Now let's say you want to repeat the composite group only two times, that is,
for Sample1 and Sample2. The first part of the expression must therefore call
the Split function, that divides the sample name in two parts, using the
underscore as a delimiter:
=Split(Sample_Name, "_")
The result of this function is a list containing the following subentries:
• Sample1; a
• Sample1; b

Concepts Guide 103

11 Expressions
Using Expressions

• Sample1; c
• Sample2; a
• Sample2; b
• Sample2; c
The next part of the expression must be a Choose function that always returns
the first element of a list:
Choose(1, [list] )
The list in this example is returned by the Split function:
=Choose(1, Split(Sample_Name, "_"))
This expression returns the following results:
• Sample1
• Sample1
• Sample1
• Sample2
• Sample2
• Sample2
If you use this expression to repeat the composite group, you will get only two
composite groups, as there are only two distinct values.

To compare numbers using the Iif function

With the Iif function you can, for example, compare a number with a fixed
limit, and return either the value itself or an error message. Let's say that you
check whether the compound amount is lower than 0.05 µg/ml. If the amount
is lower, the actual amount should be displayed. If it is higher, the message
"too high" should be displayed.
The general syntax of the Iif function is:
=Iif(condition, then-value, else-value)

104 Concepts Guide

Expressions 11
Using Expressions

In this example, the complete expression would be:

=Iif(Compound_Amount < 0.05, Compound_Amount, "too high")
The unit of the amount is not part of the expression. The unit is defined in the
chromatographic data system and is stored in a separate data field.

To show the type of injection

In analytical data generated by Agilent ChemStation as a source system, the
field Injection_Volume may contain positive or negative values:
• Positive values represent the actually injected sample volume.
• Negative values represent several special injection actions. The following
values are used:
• -1: no injection
• -2: manual injection
• -3: injector program
• -4: external injector
To display either the actually injected volume or the appropriate description,
you can use the following expression:
=Iif(Injection_Volume >= 0, CStr(Round(Injection_Volume, 4)) & " " &
Injection_VolumeUnit, choose( Int(Abs(Injection_Volume)), "no injection",
"manual injection", "injector program", "external injector"))
If the original value is positive, it is only rounded off to four decimals. If it is
negative, the Int, Abs, and Choose functions are applied.
The Abs function removes the algebraic sign. Thus, negative numbers are
transformed to positive numbers. Positive numbers are left unchanged.
The Int function transforms double-precision floating-point numbers to
integer values. It returns the number in front of the decimal point (obtained by
truncating, not by rounding).
The Choose function selects and returns a value from a list of arguments. The
first parameter is a number that indicates the relevant value. In the example
above, the Choose function returns “no injection” if its first parameter is 1.

Concepts Guide 105

11 Expressions
Using Expressions

To filter for date and time

When filtering for a date or date range, you must enclose the date in hash

Table 15 Filtering for a date

Expression Operation Value

=Injection_AcquiredDate >= #01/25/2007#

If you do not provide a specific time of day, the system assumes the time
#0:00:00#. Therefore, in order to filter for one entire day, you must filter for a
date range as follows.

Table 16 Filtering for a date (single day)

Expression Operation Value

=Injection_AcquiredDate >= #01/25/2007#

=Injection_AcquiredDate < #01/26/2007#

It is not possible to filter for a time without using the date.

To calculate with a custom field

You can use the value of a custom field in another expression, just as you can
use any value of any data field. However, if you only refer to the field name, the
plain content of the custom field is shown, which is composed of a label, a
separator, and a value. If you create an expression in which you want to refer
only to the value, you need to use the same expression as it is given by default
in the custom field value.
In order to calculate with the content, you must first transform the content to
a number using the Val function.
The following examples show you the results for a sample custom field
containing the label TabletWeight and the Value 1020.

106 Concepts Guide

Expressions 11
Using Expressions

Table 17 Expressions referring to a custom field

Expression Result

=Sample_CustomField01 TabletWeight|1020

=Trim(Choose(1,Split( Sample_CustomField01 ,"|"))) TabletWeight

=Trim(Choose(2,Split( Sample_CustomField01 ,"|"))) 1020

=Val(Trim(Choose(2,Split( Sample_CustomField01 ,"|")))) * 2 2040

Relative Standard Deviation

No single function returns the value for the relative standard deviation. If you
need to display this value, you must calculate it using the following

To filter for similar names

If you have different samples in a sequence, and the samples names differ only
by a number (for example, "Sample 1", "Sample 2", "Sample 3" etc.), you can
filter for those similar sample names using the Contains operator together with

Expression Operation Value

=Sample_Name Contains "*Sample*"

This filter returns all samples that contain "Sample" in their name.
The following wildcards are available:
• ? matches any single character.
• * matches any number of adjacent characters.

Concepts Guide 107

11 Expressions
Using Expressions

To show only part of a value

Depending on the value of a data field, you may want to show only part of the
For example, the data fields Sample_DilutionFactor and Sample_Multipliers show
five numbers separated by semicolon, but only part of the numbers may be set
by the chromatographic data system. Therefore the value may look like 10; 0;
0; 0; 0 if only the first number is set. To display only the number 10 instead of
the entire string, you can use the following expression:
=Choose(1, Split(Sample_Multipliers, ";"))
• The Split function divides the string in several parts, using the semicolon as
a delimiter. In this example, the different parts are the single numbers.
• The Choose function selects and returns a specific value from a list of
values. In this example, it returns the first value, that is, the number 10.

108 Concepts Guide

Concepts Guide

Calculation Variables
About Variables 110
Variable 111
Aggregator 111
Category Aggregator 112
Custom Extractor 114
Using Variables 117
To activate the use of variables 117
To create a variable based on summary calculation 117
To use a variable 118
To rename a variable 119
To use a variable with a unique key 120
To use an Aggregator 120
To use a Category Aggregator 122
To create an Aggregator based on a condition 123
To use a Custom Extractor 123
To find out the available keys for a complex custom field 125

This chapter describes the characteristics and usage of calculation variables in


Agilent Technologies 109

12 Calculation Variables
About Variables

About Variables

With calculation variables, you can create a large variety of customized

reports. Calculation variables offer you the possibility to store specific values
or expression results under a specific name, and reuse the values in other
report items in the same template.
There are different scenarios in which you can use calculation variables.
Depending on the scenario, the calculation variables are referred to as Variable,
Aggregator, Category Aggregator, or Custom Extractor:
• With Variable, you can store any single numerical value.
• With Aggregator, you can store a collection of single values.
• With Category Aggregator, you can store a collection of collections.
• With Custom Extractor, you can store the key/value pairs contained in the
XML content of a complex custom field (for example,
Injection_DiagnosticData or Sample_CustomFields).
To create a new calculation variable, you can either use the Summary
Calculations feature of a table, or create a suitable expression for a
field/table/matrix value and use the Save Expression Result As... function in the
Expression Editor.
Once you have defined the variable, you can refer to it in all subsequent report
items. You can not refer to a calculation variable in a report item preceding the
one in which the variable is defined.
You can see a list of all calculation variables that are available for the current
item in the Expression Editor under the Variables node. A list of all calculation
variables used in the entire report template can be found in the Report
Properties dialog.
The Report Properties dialog also allows you to rename existing calculation
variables. The renaming includes both the definition and all expressions
where the calculation variable is used.
See the following topics for more details on the calculation variable types.

110 Concepts Guide

Calculation Variables 12
About Variables

With Variable, you can store any single numerical value. This value is identified
by a unique name. You can provide either only a static name for the variable,
or use a dynamically generated key in addition (for example, the sample

The Variable AvgRetTime may contain the average retention time of a specific
compound found in a specific sample.

Example with Unique Key Value

The Variable AvgRetTime (Sample_Name) can be created once for each sample
in a sequence. With AvgRetTime("SSRSD1"), you can show the average
retention time in the SSRSD1 sample. If the variable is embedded in a
composite group that is repeated on the sample name, you can automatically
list the average retention times for each sample.

With Aggregator, you can store a collection of single values. The entire
collection is identified by a unique name. You can apply several aggregating
functions to the collection. It is not possible to select a single value from the
The Aggregator provides the following functions:
• Sum()
This function returns the sum of all values currently contained in the
• Avg()
This function returns the average of all values currently contained in the
• Stdev()
This function returns the standard deviation of all values currently
contained in the collection.
• Prsd()

Concepts Guide 111

12 Calculation Variables
About Variables

This function returns the relative standard deviation (Stdev/Avg*100) of all

values currently contained in the collection.
• Min()
This function returns the lowest value currently contained in the collection.
• Max()
This function returns the highest value currently contained in the
• Count()
This function returns the number of elements in the collection.
• Clear()
This function deletes all values from the collection. At the same time, it
returns the number of deleted values.

The AggregatorRetTimeSSRSD1 can contain all retention times of a compound
in different injections of the SSRSD1 sample. You can return the average
retention time with Avg(RetTimeSSRSD1), or the standard deviation with

The AggregatorAvgRetTimes can contain the average retention times of the
same compound in different samples. You can return the standard deviation
on the average values with StDev(AvgRetTimes).

Category Aggregator
With Category Aggregator, you can store a collection of collections. The entire
collection is identified by a unique name. You can apply several aggregating
functions to each of the contained collections. It is not possible to select a
single value from a specific collection.

112 Concepts Guide

Calculation Variables 12
About Variables

The Category Aggregator provides the following functions (each function takes
into account only those values belonging to the currently active value of the
given data field):
• Sum([Field])
This function returns the sum of all values currently contained in the
• Avg([Field])
This function returns the average of all values currently contained in the
• Stdev([Field])
This function returns the standard deviation of all values currently
contained in the collection.
• Prsd([Field])
This function returns the relative standard deviation (Stdev/Avg*100) of all
values currently contained in the collection.
• Min([Field])
This function returns the lowest value currently contained in the collection.
• Max([Field])
This function returns the highest value currently contained in the
• Count([Field])
This function returns the number of elements in the collection.
• Clear([Field])
This function deletes all values from the collection. At the same time, it
returns the number of deleted values.

A sample has been injected several times. One specific compound has been
detected in each injection. For each sample, a collection of the retention times
is created. These collections are addressed via the sample name. All of those
collections are contained in a Category Aggregator named CatRetentionTimes.
You can return the average retention time for each sample with
Avg(CatRetentionTimes(Sample_Name)). The argument in the brackets

Concepts Guide 113

12 Calculation Variables
About Variables

defines the specific category, that is, the portion of values contained in
CatRetentionTimes to which the Avg function is applied.
You may use this expression, for example, in a composite group that is
repeated on the sample name. The average retention times are then
automatically calculated and shown for each sample name.

Custom Extractor
There are specific data fields that do not contain a single value but an entire
XML structure. This XML structure contains various key/value pairs, where
the exact keys and the values depend on the chromatography data system and
its configuration (see “Keys in Diagnostic Data” on page 115). With
CustomExtractor, you can store this XML structure. You can apply several
functions to access the single values.
The CustomExtractor provides the following functions:
• GetValue(name)
This function returns the value stored under the given name.
• GetNameValue(index)
This function returns a combination of key and value in the form Key=Value.
With index=0 the function returns the first key/value pair.
• GetValueByIndex(index)
This function returns the value of the name/value pair at the given position.
The first key/value pair is indexed by 0.
• Count()
This function returns the number of key/value pairs in the XML structure.
• Clear()
This function deletes the XML structure from the Custom Extractor and
returns the number 0.

114 Concepts Guide

Calculation Variables 12
About Variables

You can add an invisible text field to your template with the value
=Injection_DiagnosticData. If you save this value as a Custom Extractor named
CustDiagnosticData, you can subsequently access the start pressure of a
ChemStation LC measurement via the expression:

Keys in Diagnostic Data

Keys in the Instrument_DiagnosticData field

The keys used in the Instrument_DiagnosticData field depend on the generator
that created the data. They may include Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF)
counters such as the number of hours of the detector lamp.
The following table shows the most common keys according to the generator

If you are not sure about the correct keys, see “To find out the available keys for a complex
NOTE custom field” on page 125.

ChemStation ChemStore

DAD1UVOnTime n/a

DAD1UVBurnTime n/a

DADVisOnTime n/a

DAD1VisBurnTime n/a

StartPressure BegPumpPres

StopPressure EndPumpPres

StartFlow BegPumpFlow
StopFlow EndPumpFlow

PumpType n/a

StartLeftTemp BegLTemp

StopLeftTemp EndLTemp

Concepts Guide 115

12 Calculation Variables
About Variables

ChemStation ChemStore

StartRightTemp BegRTemp

StopRightTemp EndRTemp

AirTemp n/a

InjVolume n/a

ActInjVolume n/a

InjVolumeText n/a

ActInjVolumeText n/a

116 Concepts Guide

Calculation Variables 12
Using Variables

Using Variables

To activate the use of variables

You can only use calculation variables if they are activated for your report

1 Click to open the report properties.

2 In Report Properties, select the Calculation Variables page.
3 Select the Use Calculation Variables in Expressions check box.
4 Save your settings.

To create a variable based on summary calculation

In this example, you create a table for each compound. Each table shows the
retention time of the compound in each sample. A second column shows the
difference to the average retention time of the compound in the entire
sequence. To accomplish this, you create a composite group which contains
one hidden table and one visible table. The hidden table is used to store the
average values in a variable.
1 Make sure that variables are activated in your report template (see “To
activate the use of variables” on page 117).
2 Add the data field Fields > Compound > Name to the template.
3 Add two Compound Summary tables to the template.

4 Select all three items and click to create a composite group.

5 Repeat the composite group on Compound_Name.
6 If required, filter the composite group for the main signal
7 Prepare the first table to store the variable.
a Remove the Repeat On setting from the table.
b In the Advanced page, clear the Visible check box.

Concepts Guide 117

12 Calculation Variables
Using Variables

c On the Columns page, select the RT column and click Column Properties.
d On the Summary Calculations page, select the Averagefunction, and enter
VarAvgRT as the Variable Name.
e Confirm all settings.
f In the Editing Pane, resize the table so that it requires only minimal
8 Prepare the second table to show the difference between retention time and
retention time average.
a Remove the Repeat On setting from the table.
b On the Columns page, add a Custom Field to the table layout.
c Move the new column to the right of the RT column and adjust its size.
d In the Column Properties of the new column, enter the following
expression as a value: =Peak_RetentionTime - VarAvgRT
e On the Format page, adjust the number format for the new column to
Number, 1234.00, and set Rounding to 4 decimal places.
f Confirm all settings and generate a preview.
The generated report will show the difference between the individual
retention times and the sequence average.

To use a variable
To create a variable:
1 Make sure that variables are activated in your report template (see “To
activate the use of variables” on page 117).
2 Add two text fields or a data fields to the template.

3 Select the two fields and click to create a composite group.

4 Repeat the composite group on Sample_Name.
5 Enter a customized expression as a value for one of the fields, for example a
correction factor for the sample amount: =Sample_Amount * 99
6 Click Save Expression Result As...
The Save Expression Result As dialog opens.

118 Concepts Guide

Calculation Variables 12
Using Variables

7 Make sure that the Variable option is selected, and enter a Calculation Variable
Name, for example VarAmountCorrected.

No special characters are allowed in the variable name.


8 Save your settings.

To use the variable in subsequent report items:
1 Resize the composite group to provide space for new report items.
2 Add a table with compound information to the composite group, for
example the Compound Results table.
3 Add a new column to the table. Enter a customized expression as a value
for the new column, for example the compound amount multiplied by the
corrected sample amount: =Compound_Amount * VarAmountCorrected

To rename a variable

1 Click to open the report properties.

2 In Report Properties, select the Calculation Variables page.
3 Select the variable you want to rename.
4 Click Rename.
The Rename Calculation Variable dialog opens.
5 Enter the new name for the variable.
6 Save your settings.
The variable is now renamed in all expressions in which it is used, in the
entire report template.

Concepts Guide 119

12 Calculation Variables
Using Variables

To use a variable with a unique key

The following example describes how to create a table that compares a
compound's retention time in each sample with the average retention time.
To prepare the variable:
1 Make sure that variables are activated in your report template (see “To
activate the use of variables” on page 117
2 Add two text fields to the template.

3 Select the two text fields and click to create a composite group.
4 Repeat the composite group on Compound_Name.
5 In the first text field, enter a static text. For example, RT Average.
6 In the second field, enter an expression for the average retention time:
7 Save the expression of the second field as a variable. Use the following
• Calculation Variables: Variable
• Calculation Variable Name: For example, VarRTAverage
• Unique Key Value: =Compound_Name

In the Unique Key Value setting, you must use the same value as you used for repeating the
NOTE composite group

To use the variable:

1 Underneath the composite group, create a Compound Summary table.
2 Add a table column with the following expression: =Peak_RetentionTime -

To use an Aggregator
This example describes how to compare the average peak areas for two
different sets of samples (for example, calibration samples and checkout
samples, or samples with a name containing SampleA and samples with a
name containing SampleB).

120 Concepts Guide

Calculation Variables 12
Using Variables

To prepare the variables:

1 Add the Compound Results table two times to the template.
2 Filter the tables according to the samples for which you want to obtain the
average peak areas.
Table 18 To filter for the sample type

Expression Operation Value Description

Sample_Type = 1 The first table contains

only calibration

Sample_Type = 2 The second table

contains only checkout

3 In each table: Open the Column Properties dialog of the Area column, and save
the value as a variable. Use the following settings:
• Calculation Variables: Aggregator
• Calculation Variable Name: For example, AreaAggregator1 in the first
table, and AreaAggregator2 in the second table.
• Category: [None]
• Condition: [None]
To use the variables:
1 Underneath the two tables, create a text field with the following expression:
=Avg(AreaAggregator1) - Avg(AreaAggregator2)
Instead of the Avg function, you can also apply the Sum, Stdev, Prsd, Min,
Max, or Count function to the Aggregator variables.

Clear function
If you create and use the Aggregator inside a composite group, use the Clear function at
the end of the group. Add two hidden text fields with the following expressions:
This clears all contents of the Aggregator, which ensures that the values are not mixed in
subsequent group repetitions.

Concepts Guide 121

12 Calculation Variables
Using Variables

To use a Category Aggregator

This example describes how to compare the average peak areas for two
different sets of samples. In contrast to the other example (see “To use an
Aggregator” on page 120), the information is now prepared and shown
separately for each compound.
To create the variables:
1 Add the Compound Results table to the template twice.
2 Repeat both tables on Compound_Name.
3 Filter the tables according to the samples for which you want to obtain the
average peak areas.
4 In each table: Open the Column Properties dialog of the Area column, and save
the value as a variable. Use the following settings:
• Calculation Variables: Aggregator
• Calculation Variable Name: For example, AreaAggregator1 in the first
table, and AreaAggregator2 in the second table.
• Category: Compound_Name
• Condition: [None]

For the Category setting, you must use the same value as in the Repeat On setting for the
NOTE tables.

To use the variables:

1 Underneath the tables, add two text fields to the template:
• The first text field shows some static text and the compound name:
="Difference between average areas for" + Compound_Name
• The second text field shows the calculated value:
=Avg(AreaAggregator1(Compound_Name)) -
2 Select the two fields and create a composite group.
3 Repeat the composite group on Compound_Name.
After a number of tables, the generated template will show the text fields
for each single compound.

122 Concepts Guide

Calculation Variables 12
Using Variables

To create an Aggregator based on a condition

This examples describes how to sum up only those peak areas that are greater
than a certain value. To sum up the areas per compound, a composite group is
used that is repeated on Compound_Name.
1 Add the Compound Results table to the template.
2 Open the Column Properties dialog of the Area column, and save the value as a
a Under Calculation Variables, select Aggregator.
b Under Calculation Variable Name, enter a name. For example, AreaIf.
c Under Condition, double-click Expression....
d In the Expression Editor, enter the following expression: =Peak_Area > 3
e Save your settings.
3 Underneath the table, add a text field that shows the sum of all areas that
meet the condition. Use the following condition: =Sum(AreaIf)
4 Add another text field that contains the Clear function: =Clear(AreaIf)
5 Clear the Visibility check box for the text field with the Clear function.
6 Select the table and both text fields, and create a composite group.
7 Repeat the composite group on Compound_Name.
For each compound, the generated template will show a table with all
injections, and a textbox with the sum of peak areas. The sum is based on all
peak areas greater than 3.

To use a Custom Extractor

The following example describes how to access the diagnostic data provided by
a ChemStation system.
To create a custom extractor:
1 Add a text field to the template.
2 Enter the expression =Injection_DiagnosticData as a value.
3 In the Expression Editor, click Save Expression Result As....
The Save Expression Result As dialog opens.

Concepts Guide 123

12 Calculation Variables
Using Variables

4 Make sure that the CustomExtractor option is selected, and enter a Calculation
CustomExtractor Name, for example MyDiagnosticData.

No special characters are allowed in the variable name.


5 Save your settings.

6 Set the text field to invisible.
To use a Custom Extractor
1 Add a text field to the template, and place it underneath the text field
created before.
2 Enter the following expression to access the start pressure of an injection:
=MyDiagnosticData(GetValue("StartPressure")). You can also select the
variable and the function in the Expression Editor in the lower panels.

In this example, your access the start pressure with the key StartPressure. See “Keys in
NOTE Diagnostic Data” on page 115 or “To find out the available keys for a complex custom
field” on page 125 for information on other available keys.

124 Concepts Guide

Calculation Variables 12
Using Variables

To find out the available keys for a complex custom field

If you are not sure which keys are available in a complex custom field, you can
use the following procedure to view the entire XML structure. The keys are
given as Name attributes of the CustomField tags.
1 Add the complex custom field (for example, the field DiagnosticData in the
Injection category) to the template.
The CustomExtractor Info dialog opens and asks you for a key name.
2 Leave the input field empty and click Cancel.
RTE adds the field to the template. The label shows the name of the field
(for example, Injection_DiagnosticData), and the value shows the XML
3 Adjust the width of the field to the template width.
4 Generate a report preview to see the entire XML content.
5 Find the Name attributes. The values of these attributes are the keys that
you can use for this complex custom field.
For example: Name="StartPressure"

Concepts Guide 125

12 Calculation Variables
Using Variables

126 Concepts Guide

Concepts Guide

Report Template Audit Trail
About the Report Template Audit Trail 128

Agilent Technologies 127

13 Report Template Audit Trail
About the Report Template Audit Trail

About the Report Template Audit Trail

The Report Template Audit Trail provides a detailed list of all modifications of
a template. The list includes the following information:
• Template Version: Each time you save the template, the template version
increases by one.
• User Name: Name of the user who modified the template. The name is
provided by the operating system.
• Machine Name: Name of the PC on which the template was modified.
• Date Time: Date and time when the template version was saved.
• Audit Entry: Description of the modification.
The modifications are written to the Report Template Audit Trail when you
save the report template. Thus, the Report Template Audit Trail shows all
changes up to the last saving date.

128 Concepts Guide

Concepts Guide

Report Parameters
About Report Parameters 130
Using Report Parameters 131
To create a single report parameter 131
To create a multi-value report parameter 132
To calculate with a report parameter 133

Agilent Technologies 129

14 Report Parameters
About Report Parameters

About Report Parameters

With report parameters, you can make your report templates more dynamic.
There are two basic types of parameters:
• Interactive report parameters (default):
You need to provide these parameters each time before the report is
generated. An additional report parameter pane is shown at the top of the
report preview area, where you can enter the required values. When you
click View Report, the report is generated using the given parameters.

Figure 17 Report parameters example

Interactive parameters can be, for example:

• Start date
• End date
• Year
• Compound name
• Internal report parameters:
There is no input field for these parameters in the report preview. You set
the parameter to a fixed value when you develop the template. You can then
use this value in any expression in the entire template. The report is
automatically generated using the given values.
Examples for internal parameters are:
• Correction factors that you use in several expressions
• Amount values that you use in conditional formatting

130 Concepts Guide

Report Parameters 14
Using Report Parameters

Using Report Parameters

To create a single report parameter

This procedure explains how to create a simple report parameter with only
one single value.

1 Click to open the report properties.

2 In Report Properties, select the Report Parameters page.
3 Click Add.
A new parameter is created and added to the list.
4 Adjust the parameter name. For example, enter Correction Factor.
5 Adjust the data type. For example, select Integer
6 In the field Prompt name, provide a label for the report parameter. For
example, enter Correction Factor:.
This text will be shown in the report parameter pane at the top of the
preview area, where users provide the required values for the report
7 If required, select the Internal check box.
• To create an interactive report parameter: Ensure that the check box is
When you preview the report, you will have to provide a value before you
can generate the report.
• To create an internal report parameter: Select the check box.
For internal report parameters, no input field will be shown in the report
preview. The report is automatically generated using the default value.

Concepts Guide 131

14 Report Parameters
Using Report Parameters

8 Optional: Provide several labels and values under Available Values. To

simplify matters, use the same entries for Label and Value.
If you provide several available values, their labels will be shown as a
drop-down list where only one single value can be selected.

9 Provide a default value for the report parameter.

For interactive report parameters, the default parameter will be shown as a
suggested value in the report preview. For internal report parameters, and
also if the template is used in the context of an automated sequence run,
the system will automatically access this default value.

To create a multi-value report parameter

1 Create a new report parameter, and provide the information for Parameter
name, Data type and Prompt name.
2 Under Available Values, enter the values that you want offer to the user.
The labels will be shown in the user interface, the values will be used by the
report when you calculate with the report parameter.
3 Select the Multi-Value check box.
The available values will be shown as list of check boxes in the report

4 Enter one or more default values.

The default value must be correspond to one of the available values. You
can provide multiple default values. In this case, multiple check boxes will
be selected by default.

132 Concepts Guide

Report Parameters 14
Using Report Parameters

To calculate with a report parameter

Single-value report parameter
For example, your report contains a table with peak results. You want to offer
the possibility to multiply the results by correction factor.
In the Report Parameters dialog, you create a report parameter named
CorrectionFactor with the data type Integer and the default value 1.
In the table, you enter the following expression in the Value field for the
=Compound_Amount * CorrectionFactor
This syntax is valid as long as the Multi-Value check box is cleared. Even if you
enter several values under Available Values, the user can only select one of
these values, and the expression is unambiguous.

Multi-Value report parameter

If you have selected the Multi-Value check box, all selected values will be stored
in a collection. Therefore, you must add an index to the parameter name to
refer to a specific value.
• =Report_Parameter(0) to refer to the first selected value
• =Report_Parameter(1) to refer to the second selected value
• ... etc.

Concepts Guide 133

14 Report Parameters
Using Report Parameters

134 Concepts Guide

Concepts Guide

Document Map
About Document Map 136
Using Document Map 138

Agilent Technologies 135

15 Document Map
About Document Map

About Document Map

The document map offers you a list of bookmarks in the report preview. With
these bookmarks, you can easily jump to the page in the report that contains
the corresponding information. For example, the report contains a sequence
with 20 samples. Each sample has been injected several times, and for each
injection there is a results table. With the bookmarks in the document map,
you can directly jump to each specific injection.

Figure 18 Example of a report preview with document map

You can create bookmarks for repeated tables or matrices: With these report
items, the document map expression is always the same as the repeat-on

136 Concepts Guide

Document Map 15
About Document Map

In addition, you can specify bookmarks for other report items, such as text
fields or data fields, inside a repeated composite group. In most cases the
bookmark will reflect the value that you used to repeat the composite group.
However, you can also customize this expression according to your
When you export a report to PDF that contains a document map, the
bookmarks will be available in PDF as well.

Concepts Guide 137

15 Document Map
Using Document Map

Using Document Map

This example describes a sequence with several samples. Each sample has
been injected several times. The document map shows a bookmark for each
1 Create a new Single Sequence Summary template.
2 Add the following report items to your template and place them under each
a The Sample_Name data field
b The Injection_DataFileName data field
c The Compound Results table
3 Select the Compound Results table and the Injection_DataFileName field, and

click to create a composite group containing these two items.

4 Repeat the group on =Injection_ID.

5 Select the composite group and the Sample_Name data field, and click to
create another, superordinate composite group.
6 Repeat the superordinate composite group on =Sample_Name.
7 Set the document map expression for the Sample_Name data field to
8 Set the document map expression for the Injection_DataFileName field to
9 In the report preview, click on the Plus icon to expand the document map.

138 Concepts Guide

Document Map 15
Using Document Map

Figure 19 Example of a report preview with document map

Concepts Guide 139

15 Document Map
Using Document Map

140 Concepts Guide

Concepts Guide

Locked/Unlocked Report Items
About locked/unlocked report items 142
To lock or unlock report items 143

Agilent Technologies 141

16 Locked/Unlocked Report Items
About locked/unlocked report items

About locked/unlocked report items

You can only lock or unlock items if you have the Lock/unlock report item privilege in
NOTE Agilent OpenLAB Shared Services.

You can lock either single report items or composite groups containing
multiple report items. A locked item is protected against any modification.
What is possible with a locked item:
• View properties.
• Move the item inside the template.
What is impossible with a locked item:
• Modify properties.
• Remove the item from the template.
For example, you can lock a composite group containing complex calculations
that have been validated and approved. With the lock, you make sure that the
items are not changed by accident.

142 Concepts Guide

Locked/Unlocked Report Items 16
To lock or unlock report items

To lock or unlock report items

1 Select the report item.

If the item is locked, a small red lock icon is shown in the top left corner of
the selection border.

2 To unlock a locked item: Right-click the item and select Unlock from the
context menu. Alternatively, you can click the Unlock Report Item icon in the

toolbar: .
3 To lock an item: Right-click the item and select Lock from the context menu.

Alternatively, you can click the Lock Report Item icon in the toolbar:

The Lock and Unlock commands are only available if you have the required privilege in
NOTE Agilent OpenLAB Shared Services.

Concepts Guide 143

16 Locked/Unlocked Report Items
To lock or unlock report items

144 Concepts Guide

Concepts Guide

Operators 147
Arithmetic 147
Comparison 147
Concatenation 148
Logical 148
Functions 149
Text 149
Conversion, Date/Time 151
Math 152
Program Flow 153
Aggregate 153
Misc 154
Enumerations 155
BaselineModel enumeration 155
BracketingMode enumeration 156
BracketingType enumeration 156
CalibPeakRole enumeration 157
CalibrationCurveOrigin enumeration 157
CalibrationCurveType enumeration 158
CompoundQuantitationType enumeration 158
CompoundType enumeration 159
InjectorPosition enumeration 159
InstrumentTechnique enumeration 159
PeakType enumeration 160
QuantificationMethod enumeration 161
ResponseFactorCalcMode enumeration 161
ResponseFactorUpdate enumeration 162
RetentionTimeUpdate enumeration 162

Agilent Technologies 145

17 Appendix
To lock or unlock report items

SampleContextIntegrity enumeration 162

SampleContextSource enumeration 163
SampleContextType enumeration 163
SampleType enumeration 163
SeparationMediumPosition enumeration 164
Keys in Diagnostic Data 165

This chapter contains a list of all operators and functions available in the
Expression Editor.

146 Concepts Guide

Appendix 17


Table 19 Arithmetic

Name Syntax Description

^ NUMBER^POWER Raises a number to the power of another number.

* NUMBER1*NUMBER2 Multiplies two numbers.

/ NUMBER1/NUMBER2 Divides two numbers and returns a floating-point result.

Mod NUMBER1 Mod NUMBER2 Divides two numbers and returns only the remainder.

+ NUMBER1 + NUMBER2 Adds two numbers.

- NUMBER1 - NUMBER2 Substracts one number from another, or indicates the

negative value of a numeric expression.

Table 20 Comparison

Name Description

< Less than

<= Less than or equal to

> Greater than

>= Greater than or equal to

= Equal to

<> Not equal to

Like Compares two strings. The string to be compared with must contain wildcards:
• ? matches any single character.
• * matches any number of adjacent characters.

Concepts Guide 147

17 Appendix

Table 21 Concatenation

Name Description

& Generates a string concatenation of two expressions.

+ Concatenates two strings.

Table 22 Logical

Name Description

And Performs a logical conjunction on two Boolean expressions.

Not Performs logical negation on a Boolean expression.

Or Performs a logical disjunction on two Boolean expressions.

148 Concepts Guide

Appendix 17


Table 23 Text

Name Syntax Description

Chr Chr(65) Returns the character associated with the specified ANSI
character code.

InStr InStr(HAYSTACK, NEEDLE) Returns an integer specifying the start position of the first
occurrence of one string (NEEDLE) within another

InStrRev InStrRev(HAYSTACK, Returns the position of the first occurrence of one string
NEEDLE) (NEEDLE) within another (HAYSTACK), starting from the
right end of the string.

Lcase Lcase(STRING) Returns a string or character converted to lower case.

Left Left(STRING, LENGTH) Returns a string containing a specified number of

characters from the left end of a string.

Len Len(STRING) Returns an integer containing the number of characters in

a string.

Right Right(STRING, LENGTH) Returns a string containing a specified number of

characters from the right end of a string.

Split Split(STRING, Returns a zero-based, one-dimensional array containing a

DELIMITER) specified number of substrings. The specified delimiter is
used to create the substrings.

LTrim, Trim(STRING) Returns a string containing a copy of a specified string

RTrim, with no leading spaces (LTrim), no trailing spaces (RTrim),
Trim or neither leading nor trailing spaces (Trim).

Concepts Guide 149

17 Appendix

Table 23 Text

Name Syntax Description

FormatDateTim FormatDateTime(DATE, Returns a string expression representing a date/time

e FORMAT) value in a specified format. The following formats are
available (used without quotes, not case-sensitive):
• GENERALDATE: Displays a date and/or time. If there
is a date part, it is displayed as a short date. If there is
a time part, it is displayed as a long time. If present,
both parts are displayed.
• LONGDATE: Displays a date using the long date format
specified in your computer's regional settings.
• SHORTDATE: Displays a date using the short date
format specified in your computer's regional settings.
• LONGTIME: Display a time using the time format
specified in your computer's regional settings.
• SHORTTIME: Displays a time using the 24-hour format

FormatNumber FormatNumber(DATE, Returns an expression formatted as a number. You can

DIGITSAFTERDECIMAL, use the following parameters, or use blanks for the default
GROUP) • DIGITSAFTERDECIMAL: Numeric value, indicates how
many places are displayed to the right of the decimal.
Default: -1, the computer's regional settings are used.
• LEADINGDIGIT: True or False, indicates whether a
leading 0 is displayed for fractional values. The
computer's regional settings are used by default.
• PARENS: True or False, indicates whether to place
negative values within parentheses. The computer's
regional settings are used by default.
• GROUP: True or False, indicates whether or not to
group numbers using the group delimiter specified in
the locale settings. The computer's regional settings
are used by default.

FormatPercent FormatPercent(NUMBER) Returns an expression formatted as a percentage (that is,

multiplied by 100) with a trailing % character.

150 Concepts Guide

Appendix 17

Table 23 Text

Name Syntax Description

Mid Mid(STRING, START, Returns a string containing a specified number of

LENGTH) characters from a string. START defines the starting
position of the characters to be returned.

Ucase UCase(STRING) Returns a string or character containing the specified

string converted to uppercase.

Conversion, Date/Time
Table 24 Conversion, Date/Time

Name Syntax Description

Cstr Cstr(...) Convert to string

Val Val("198th Street") Returns the numbers contained in a string as a numeric

value of appropriate type. If the string does not contain
any numbers, 0 is returned.

Cdate CDate("October 19, Convert to date.


Str Str(NUMBER) Returns a string representation of a number.

Day Day(DATETIME) Returns an integer value from 1 to 31 representing the day

of the month.

Hour Hour(DATETIME) Returns an integer value from 0 to 23 representing the

hour of the day.

Month Month(DATETIME) Returns an integer value from 1 to 12 representing the

month of the year.

MonthName MonthName(MONTH) Returns a string value containing the name of the

specified month. MONTH is the numeric designation of
the month. For example, January is 1, February is 2, and so
Now Now Returns a date value containing the current date and time
according to your system.

Concepts Guide 151

17 Appendix

Table 24 Conversion, Date/Time

Name Syntax Description

Year Year(DATETIME) Returns an integer value from 1 to 9999 representing the

year part of a specified date.

Today Today Returns a date value containing the current date

according to your system.

Table 25 Math

Name Syntax Description

Abs Abs(NUMBER) Returns the absolute value of a single-precision

floating-point number.

Exp Exp(POWER) Returns e raised to the specified power.

Log Log(NUMBER) Returns the natural (base e) logarithm of a specified


Log10 Log10(NUMBER) Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number.

Pow Pow(NUMBER, POWER) Returns a specified number raised to the specified power.

Round Round(NUMBER) Rounds a double-precision floating-point value to the

nearest integer.
Sqrt Sqrt(NUMBER) Returns the square root of a specified number.

Int Int(NUMBER) Returns an integer, obtained by truncating (not rounding!)

the provided number.

152 Concepts Guide

Appendix 17

Program Flow
Table 26 Program Flow

Name Syntax Description

Choose choose(NUMBER, Selects and returns a value from a list of arguments.

"argument_2", [...],

Iif Iif(CONDITION, Returns one of two values, depending on the evaluation of

THEN-VALUE, ELSE-VALUE) the condition.

Table 27 Aggregate

Name Syntax Description

Avg Avg(FIELDNAME) Returns the average of all non-null values of the specified

Count Count(FIELDNAME) Returns a count of non-null values of the specified field.

CountDistinct CountDistinct(FIELDNAME Returns a count of the distinct values of the specified

) field.

CountRows CountRows() Returns the number of rows, including rows with null

Max Max(FIELDNAME) Returns the maximum value from all values of the
specified field.

Min Min(FIELDNAME) Returns the minimum value from all non-null values of the
specified field.

StDev StDev(FIELDNAME) Returns the standard deviation of non-null values based

on a sample of the entire population:

Concepts Guide 153

17 Appendix

Table 27 Aggregate

Name Syntax Description

StDevP StDevP(FIELDNAME) Returns the standard deviation of non-null values based

on the entire population:

Sum Sum(FIELDNAME) Returns a sum of the values of the specified field.

First First(FIELDNAME) Returns the first of the values of the specified field.

Last Last(FIELDNAME) Returns the last of the values of the specified field.

Aggregating functions always refer to all records in a scope and return only
one value. This value is either calculated from those records or selected
according to specific criteria. Therefore, aggregating functions are
automatically used, for example, for the creation of table headers or footers.
You can use aggregating functions if you need to summarize your data.

Table 28 Misc

Name Syntax Description

RowNumber RowNumber(SCOPE) or Returns a running count of all rows in the specified scope.
RowNumber(SCOPE, The scope can be given as single string (Scope as String)
COUNTGROUP) or in combination with the group number (Scope as String,
CountGroup as String).

154 Concepts Guide

Appendix 17


Some data fields contain specific numbers that stand for certain values. These
so-called enumerations typically represent all data that is shown in a
drop-down list in your chromatography data system.

Display enumerations
If you display these data fields in a data field, table column or matrix column,
the RTE automatically selects the text value that corresponds to the stored

Filter for enumerations

If you want to filter for a specific value of an enumeration, you must enter the
correct number in the Value field. The following sections you find the text list
values and corresponding numbers of all enumerations.

BaselineModel enumeration
Number Description

0 Unknown

1 Linear

2 Exponential

3 ExtendedExponential

Concepts Guide 155

17 Appendix

BracketingMode enumeration
Number Description

0 None

1 Standard

2 StandardClearCalibration

3 StandardOverlap

4 OverallSequence

5 SequenceBackCalculation

BracketingType enumeration
Number Description

0 Undefined

1 Open

2 Close

3 Intermediate

156 Concepts Guide

Appendix 17

CalibPeakRole enumeration
Number Description

0 None

1 Main

2 Qualifier

3 Ignore

4 NewMain

5 NewIgnore

6 DetectorMain

CalibrationCurveOrigin enumeration
Number Description

0 Undefined

1 Include

2 Force

3 Connect

Concepts Guide 157

17 Appendix

CalibrationCurveType enumeration
Number Description

0 Undefined

1 Linear

2 Quadratic

3 Cubic

4 Exponential

5 Logarithmic

6 Power

7 AverageRF

8 Piecewise

9 Custom

CompoundQuantitationType enumeration
Number Description

0 Undefined

1 Area

2 Height

3 Count

158 Concepts Guide

Appendix 17

CompoundType enumeration
Number Description

0 Unknown

1 Expected

2 UncalibratedExpected

3 PeakSum

4 Group

5 NotIdentifiedExpected

InjectorPosition enumeration
Number Description

0 Undefined

1 Front

2 Back

InstrumentTechnique enumeration
Number Description

0 Undefined

1 LiquidChromatography

2 GasChromatography

3 MassSpectrometry

4 CapillaryElectrophoresis

5 UVVis

6 MicroFluidics

Concepts Guide 159

17 Appendix

PeakType enumeration
Number Description

0 Unknown

1 Tangent

2 Solvent

3 AreaSum

4 FrontShoulderDropLine

5 FrontShoulderTangent

6 Manual

7 ManualNegative

8 ManualNegativeShoulderDropLine

9 ManualNegativeShoulderTangent

10 ManualShoulderDropLine

11 ManualShoulderTangent

12 ManualTangentSkimExpo

13 ManualTangentSkimNewExpo

14 ManualTangentSkimNormal

15 Negative

16 NegativeShoulderDropLine

17 NegativeShoulderTangent

18 NormalPeak

19 RearShoulderDropLine

20 RearShoulderTangent

21 ReCalcSolventPeak

22 ShoulderDropLine

23 ShoulderTangent

24 TangentSkimExpo

160 Concepts Guide

Appendix 17

Number Description

25 TangentSkimNewExpo

26 TangentSkimNormal

QuantificationMethod enumeration
Name Description

0 Undefined

1 Area%



4 Height%



7 Norm%

ResponseFactorCalcMode enumeration
Number Description

0 Undefined

1 AmountPerResponse

2 ResponsePerAmount

Concepts Guide 161

17 Appendix

ResponseFactorUpdate enumeration
Number Description

0 Undefined

1 NoUpdate

2 Replace

3 Average

4 Bracketing

5 DeltaPercent

RetentionTimeUpdate enumeration
Number Description

0 Undefined

1 NoUpdate

2 Replace

3 Average

4 Bracketing

SampleContextIntegrity enumeration
Number Description

0 Undefined

1 Complete

2 Partial

162 Concepts Guide

Appendix 17

SampleContextSource enumeration
Number Description

0 Undefined

1 Acquisition

2 Reprocessed

3 Virtual

SampleContextType enumeration
Number Description

0 Undefined

1 SingleSample

2 Sequence

SampleType enumeration
Number Description

0 Unspecified

1 Calibration

2 Checkout

3 Sample

4 Control

5 Blank

6 Ladder

7 SystemSuitability

Concepts Guide 163

17 Appendix

SeparationMediumPosition enumeration
Number Description

0 Unknown

1 Front

2 Left

3 Rear

4 Right

164 Concepts Guide

Appendix 17
Keys in Diagnostic Data

Keys in Diagnostic Data

Keys in the Instrument_DiagnosticData field

The keys used in the Instrument_DiagnosticData field depend on the generator
that created the data. They may include Early Maintenance Feedback (EMF)
counters such as the number of hours of the detector lamp.
The following table shows the most common keys according to the generator

If you are not sure about the correct keys, see “To find out the available keys for a complex
NOTE custom field” on page 125.

ChemStation ChemStore

DAD1UVOnTime n/a

DAD1UVBurnTime n/a

DADVisOnTime n/a

DAD1VisBurnTime n/a

StartPressure BegPumpPres

StopPressure EndPumpPres

StartFlow BegPumpFlow

StopFlow EndPumpFlow

PumpType n/a

StartLeftTemp BegLTemp

StopLeftTemp EndLTemp

StartRightTemp BegRTemp

StopRightTemp EndRTemp

AirTemp n/a

Concepts Guide 165

17 Appendix
Keys in Diagnostic Data

ChemStation ChemStore

InjVolume n/a

ActInjVolume n/a

InjVolumeText n/a

ActInjVolumeText n/a

166 Concepts Guide



A date 96, 151 L

day 96, 151
abs 96, 152 last 95, 153
decimal places 28
aggregating functions 96, 154 lcase 97, 102, 149
diagnostic data 115
average 95, 153 left 97, 149
dilution factor 108
avg 95, 153 legend title 88
double-row table 26
like 93, 147
B line chart 78
background color 23 log10 96, 152
enumerations 155 log 96, 152
BI Studio 10
exp 96, 152 lowercase 102
bubble chart 79
expression 92, 102, 102 ltrim 97, 149
Business Intelligence Development Studio
C first 95, 153 max 95, 153
category group 81 footer 29 mod 93, 147
cdate 96, 151 format code 100 month 96, 151
charts 78 formatDateTime 97, 149 monthname 96, 151
choose 94, 153 multiplier 108
chr 97, 149 H
column chart 78 hour 96, 151 N
column header 25 now 96, 151
complex custom field 114 I number format 28, 100
concatenation 97, 149 iif 94, 153
Contains 107 injection type 105 P
count 95, 153 injection volume 105 power 93, 96, 147, 152
countDistinct 95, 153 instrev 97, 149 pow 96, 152
countRows 95, 153 instr 97, 149 pressure 63
cstr 96, 151 instrument curve 63
Custom Extractor 114 int 96, 152 Q
quantificationMethod enumeration 161
date format 96, 151 keys 115
date/time format 100

Concepts Guide 167


relative standard deviation 95 val 96, 151
report template audit trail 127
report type 12 W
right 97, 149 wildcards 57, 93, 107, 147
rounding 28
round 96, 152 X
rownumber 97, 99, 149, 154 x-axis labels 87
rtrim 97, 149 x-axis 87
XML 114
S x-value 87
scatter chart 79
second row 26 Y
series group 85 y-axis labels 86
series label 88 year 96, 151
signal name 63
significant digits 28
split 97, 149
sqrt 96, 152
square root 96, 152
standard deviation 95, 153
stdevp 95, 153
stdev 95, 153
str 96, 151
sum 95, 153

table column 21, 22
table group 33, 35
table 20
today 96, 151
trim 97, 149

ucase 97, 102, 149
uppercase 102
upper 97, 97, 149, 149

168 Concepts Guide

In This Book

This guide contains information for template

developers. It describes the concepts and
advanced features of the Report Template
Editor (RTE).

Agilent Technologies 2009-2011, 2012

Printed in Germany


Agilent Technologies

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