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Story Fun 5

Student's Book with Online Activities and Home Booklet

Second edition
Karen Saxby

The village party
Ben's wishes
The king's colours
Robert's envelopes
Lara and the mountain lion
Harry's diary
Summer fun
Let's have fun!
Let's speak!
Let's say!

1 The village party

Sophia Walter and her brother, William, lived in a small village. On the last day of May, Sophia
said to William, 'It's June next month and 21st June is the longest day of the year here, isn't it?
Why don't we have an enormous party that day? What do you think? I looked on the calendar.
That day is a Saturday this year. We can invite thousands of people.'
William laughed, 'Well perhaps a hundred. That's an amazing idea! I'd like to invite everyone in
my group at college and you should send invitations to all your classmates, Sophia.'
'Right! And to everyone in the family AND everyone who lives in the village,' Sophia added.
'Good thinking!' said William. 'We could have party quizzes, races and competitions, too. I might
win one for dancing.'
'William, you aren't very good at dancing... sorry,' Sophia said. 'But, well, you ARE improving
slowly... Hey! Pop or rock music?'
'Both,' William answered. 'We can tell everyone to wear funny costumes as well.'
'Or their best clothes,' Sophia said.
'Let's say, wear funny costumes OR best clothes, then,' William said.
'And we must put really long tables outside in our street and ask everyone to bring food,' Sophia
'Yes, excellent!' William said. 'Like pizzas, pieces of cheese, olives, pasta, salads, sandwiches...
and let's ask Mum to make a huge butter and strawberry jam cake in the shape of our street.'
'And milkshakes,' they both said at the same time.
'We can ask Mrs Trip to make those,' William said. 'Her chocolate milkshakes are delicious.'
'Good thinking!' Sophia said. Then she and William went to speak to their parents about their
village party idea.
'Fantastic!' Mum said, and Dad agreed.
'I can get prizes for the races, quizzes and competitions,' he said.
'Oh!' Mum added, 'We must have a running race for grandparents only! And a volleyball match
in Mrs Trip's front garden, too. We can put the net there.'
'Wonderful!' Dad said. 'Oh, and Grandpa's band can come, as well. They play pop and rock
'Grandpa's band - brilliant!' Sophia said.
'OK,' William said. He wasn't so sure about that, but he liked the volleyball idea.
William and Sophia designed a party poster with a cartoon of the village on it and glued it to the
wall on the corner of their street. It said: Village party! 21st June. 4pm to midnight. Ask Sophia
and William Walter for more information.
Everyone was excited about the party and Sophia and William worked hard. They wanted the
party to be perfect.
On the morning of 21st June, the weather was dry and sunny. Neighbours carried out their tables
and put them down the middle of the street and someone brought a hundred paper plates and
plastic cups. Dad and two of his friends made a stage for the band to stand on and put lines of
little flags with spots and stripes on them between the street lights.
Just before four o'clock, everyone started arriving. Some wore funny costumes. Lots brought
delicious food with them. But then it began to rain.
'No! No! No!' Sophia said. 'What shall we do?'
'Don't worry!' said Mr Sand from the camping shop. 'See you in a minute.'
'No problem!' said Mrs Kite from the little clothes shop. 'I've got an idea.'
'Never mind!' said Miss Smart from the school office. 'I can help, too.'
Mr Sand came back with three huge tents. Mrs Kite came back with 24 umbrellas.
Miss Smart came back with ten big towels. Everyone ran around under the umbrellas and hurried
to move the tables and chairs and food inside the tents.
And, when they finished, the rain stopped and the sun came out from behind the clouds again.
So, everyone helped to carry the tables and food back outside into the street again, and to dry any
wet chairs with the towels. Then they sat down with their umbrellas and laughed and laughed.
At five o'clock, William entered the dancing competition, but he didn't win. Sophia's friend,
Betty, did. At six o'clock, Grandpa's friend, Richard, won the sports quiz that Sophia wrote.
At six thirty, William's friend, Dan, Won the hopping race. Mrs Trip won the skipping race and
Sophia's grandmother won the running race for grandparents. At seven o'clock, Uncle Harry won
a prize for the funniest costume. He looked like an octopus but couldn't hold eight sandwiches in
his eight arms.
At about eight o'clock, Mr Walter stood up and said loudly, 'Let's thank Sophia and William for
their fantastic idea and hard work. Thank you Grandpa's band for the great music, Mrs Trip for
letting us use your garden for the volleyball match and for your delicious milkshakes and we
mustn't forget to thank Mr Sand, Mr Kite and Miss Smart for your help, too. What an adventure!'
'Yes! Hooray! Well done!' everyone said and clapped. No-one went home before midnight.
'That was such a cool day,' said William the next morning when he sat down quietly to read his
new music magazine.
'Yes, it was brilliant,' said Sophia. 'Hey! Next year, shall we call it a summer festival and have a
'Sophia!' William said, 'It's much, much too early to start talking about that yet!'
Task 1.Choose the correct words that are suitable for below meanings.
1 you can sleep outside in this (...)
2 you open this in the rain (...)
3 this shows days and months os the year (...)
4 another word for a game or sport (...)
5 a funny drawing (...)
6 questions and answers
Task 2.Read and circle the correct answer.
1 The village party was on a Saturday/Wednesday in May/June.
2 William/Sophia invited everyone from a group at college/school.
3 People put plastic/paper cups on the tables at the end/in the middle of the street.
4 When it began to snow/rain. Mr Sand brought some tents/towels.
5 Sophia's/William's friends won the sports/dancing competitions
6 Uncle Richard/Harry dresses up as a sandwich/an octopus.
Task 3.Which is William's answer? Write sentence A, B, C or D.
Where shall we put the party poster?
Yes. Good thinking!
A Are they in the front garden or at school?
B Let's make invitations for everyone, too!
C On Mrs Trip wall? What do you think?
D We must thank everyone for the poster.
Task 4.Complete the sentences with six of the words.
weeks heard front tunes called grandson won excited chat
There are three people in Sophia's grandfather's band. One is 1 called Richard and the other
person's name is Fred. The three friends practise all their favourite 2 (...) in Grandfather's house
on Wednesday evenings. That is when Sophia's grandmother likes going to the village hall to 3
(...) and play cards with her friends. 'We are better at pop music than rock music,' Fred said when
he 4 (...) about the street party. 'That's right." Grandfather said, 'but we must play rock music as
well. My 5 (...), William, loves that.' 'OK!' said Richard. 'Come on! We're only got three 6 (...)
before the party! Let's rock and roll'
What's the best name for the story?
a William sings his favourite song.
b The band play at the party.
Task 5.Talk with a friend about the weekend. Say may or may not
I may go to the park.
Because I want to fly my kite.
have a really big party
visit my grandma
make a birthday cake
go shopping
go to the library
Task 6.Listen and write the suitable activities for each name.
Betty (...)
Oliver (...)
Emma (...)
Robert (...)
George (...)
Holly (...)
Frank (...)

2 Ben's wishes
I have an uncle who writes books for children. I didn't see my uncle very often when I was a
child because he lived in Africa, but he came to see us sometimes. When he did visit us, he
usually told me one of his stories. I loved them all but 'Ben's wishes' was my favourite. My uncle
told it to me one winter when it was very cold outside. I was about ten, I think.
A boy called Ben had two older brothers. The older boys often felt hungry and often got angry
because they were so poor.
'Go and work in the fields,' they said to Ben early each morning. 'Then bring home some
vegetables and make an enormous bowl of soup for our dinner.'
Ben always answered in the same way. 'But I want to go to school and learn all about the world.'
Ben's unkind brothers just laughed and said, 'Don't be silly! You aren't clever enough to go to
school like us.' So Ben didn't go anywhere. He just worked in the fields in the rain, digging and
planting and planting and digging.
One really cold morning, Ben was planting some onions when he saw an old silver cup on the
ground. He picked it up, sat down under a tree and cleaned it with his scarf. Then, very carefully,
he put it down on the grass next to his rucksack.
Ben was tired and hungry but he only had five little olives to eat. He looked at the cup and said,
'I'm so lucky to have these olives, but I'd like a lovely warm drink, too.'
Suddenly, the silver cup was full of hot chocolate. Ben was very surprised. He drank it all, but he
still felt cold. He looked down at his old jacket and at the cup again and said, 'I'm so lucky to
have a jacket, but there are hundreds of holes in it. I wish... I wish... I could have a new coat.'
A wonderful coat made of wool suddenly appeared from somewhere in the sky. Now Ben was
really surprised. He put it on. It felt soft and warm.
Then he opened a little book that belonged to one of his brothers. Ben looked at the cup one
more time and said, 'I'm so lucky to have one book to read, but I'd like one hundred more books
so I can learn all about the world, please.'
Suddenly, a hundred books fell from between the leaves in the tree above him. Ben couldn't
believe it. He was so pleased.
He laughed and laughed, put the old cup in his pocket, carried the books, sat down by the fire
and read them all.
When Ben's older brothers came in through the door, Ben was still reading. They were angry.
'Where's our dinner? Where's our vegetable soup?' they shouted.
Ben looked up and said, 'I found an old cup in the field today. I think it understands about
wishes. It gave me a hot chocolate, a warm coat and 100 really interesting books. I'm learning all
about the world. It's amazing! I know all about its lands and its oceans and about all the creatures
that live on the Earth as well now. So ask the silver cup for your dinner.'
The two brothers looked at Ben's new coat, his new books and then at the silver cup on the table.
One of them picked it up. He was angrier now. 'We have a wish, too. Give us our dinner. We
want it this minute!' he said.
The empty bowls were suddenly full of delicious vegetable soup. The brothers couldn't believe
'Cup,' the oldest brother shouted. 'Give me a room full of money.'
'Give me more money than my brother and a room full of candy,' the other brother said.
Suddenly, there was candy and money everywhere. The brothers began to fight.
'Give me that cup,' one shouted.
'No!' the other one said. 'It's mine. It's not yours. Give it to me!'
The cup fell on the ground and broke, and all the candy, the money, the delicious vegetable soup,
Ben's warm coat and the interesting books disappeared. They were nowhere in the house.
I felt really sad when my uncle told me that part of the story.
But then he added, 'But the cup couldn't make all the stories about the world disappear from
Ben's head. And when Ben was a man, he visited all the countries in the world and wrote lots of
stories about the animals and people who lived there to tell to children.'
I never knew my uncle's first name. I just called him Uncle. Perhaps, just perhaps, it was Ben.
Task 1.Complete each answer with one of the words.
What is the matter with your sock? There's a 1 hole in it.
What do you use to buy things with? I use 2 (...), of course.
What is the coldest time of the year? It's 3 (...).
What is bigger than a sea? An 4 (...), I think.
What is another word for an 'animal'? A 5 (...).
Has our world got a name? Yes. We call it the 6 (...).
Task 2.Read and write 'Right' or 'Wrong'.
1 The girl heard this story in the summer. Wrong
2 Ben was the youngest of the three brothers. (...)
3 Ben's brothers were kind to him. (...)
4 The cup that Ben found was made of gold. (...)
5 Ben looked for more books in the tree. (...)
6 The cup broke when it fell on the floor. (...)
Task 3.Who is talking about the story?
a Ben was lazy and didn't want to work hard at home, in the fields or go to school.
b Ben didn't have many things but he felt so lucky and wanted to learn about the world.
c Ben's brothers were kind to their younger brother and helped him with his lessons.
Task 4.Choose the best answer. Write a letter (A-H).
1 Paul: Why didn't you make our soup?
Ben: B
2 Paul: You can't read!
Ben: (...)
3 Paul: What are you reading about?
Ben: (...)
4 Paul: Whose coat is that?
Ben: (...)
5 Paul: Where was the silver cup?
Ben: (...)
6 Paul: Give that silver cup to me!
Ben: (...)
A It's mine.
B I was too busy!
C All right. Hold it carefully.
D It's full of hot chocolate.
E Creatures that live in oceans.
F Soft and warm.
G Yes, I can.
H I found it in the field.
Task 5.Find and write the words.
1 Ben found the silver cup (...) on the ground in a field.
2 Ben's books were (...). On the table, next to his bed and by the fire!
3 After the cup broke, Ben's brothers looked for the money, but it was (...) in the house.
4 Ben's new coat wasn't by the door or on his chair. Ben couldn't find it (...)
Task 6.Read and choose the words.
There is more than one kind of gorilla but Ben went to Africa to learn 1about mountain gorillas.
These live in the jungle and forests. People sometimes think that gorillas are dangerous animals
but they only 2 (...) angry when their group isn't safe. Father gorillas are 3 (...) Silverbacks
because when they get older, the hair on their backs 4 (...) from brown to silver.
Mountain gorillas eat fruit, leaves and flowers. They 5 (...) eat small insects as well. They spend
lots of time eating, playing 6 (...) looking after the younger gorillas. There are only about 700
mountain gorillas 7 (...) the world now. It is important that we all find out about 8 (...).
1 after into about
2 get gets getting
3 calls call called
4 change changes changing
5 usually better anywhere
6 but because and
7 in on at
8 him us them
Task 7.Write a verse about you.
I've got three wishes.
My first wish is for a coat.
My second is for a goat.
My third is for a boat.
I've got three wishes too.
My first wish is for a hat.
My second? A table tennis bat.
And my third is for a little cat.
Me too! I've got three wishes!
My first (...)
My second (...)
My third (...)

3 Treasure
Emma was on holiday but she was really bored. There were too many people in the hotel pool.
She had no-one to play volleyball with and her parents just wanted to sit in the sun. Emma
walked along the beach and sat down by a rock.
'What a boring day,' she thought. Then, something hit her on the head. It was a beach ball.
'Sorry,' a little boy said. He picked up his ball and stood in front of her. He was only about six or
seven. Emma wanted him to go away.
'What do you want?' Emma asked him.
'Nothing,' he said. 'But you look unhappy. What's the matter?'
'I'm bored,' Emma said.
'We could look for treasure,' the little boy said.
Emma thought that was a silly idea. 'Where are your parents?' she asked.
'They're on our ship, out there by the island. I'm the son of a pirate,' the boy said.
Emma laughed. 'There's no ship and you can't be a pirate,' she said. 'Pirates are only in films and
The boy didn't move.' Believe me,' he smiled. 'I am the brave son of a brave pirate and our ship is
there. You can't see it because you believe we're only in films and stories.'
Emma thought the little boy was funny, and suddenly she didn't feel bored. 'OK,' she said, and
stood up. 'Let's explore the beach and look for treasure.'
The boy pointed at some rocks. 'Shall we begin looking there?' he whispered.
Between the rocks there were lots of pools of sea water. They were full of small sea creatures,
beautiful stones and shells.
'Those stones and shells are lovely, aren't they?' the little boy said. 'They're a kind of treasure.'
'Hmmm,' Emma said. Then she saw something blue in the rock pool, too.
'What's that? It's a glove, isn't it?'
'Yes,' the little boy said. 'Perhaps someone lost it here.' He picked up the wet glove.
'This is a kind of treasure as well,' he said, and put it in a large bag that he carried on his
Then they climbed over the rocks to the next pool. They could see something unusual in that one,
'What is it?' Emma asked. 'It looks like a silver fork. Can you get it for me?'
'Of course, I can,' the little boy said. He pulled out the silver fork and put it in his bag, too.
Then Emma saw something else. There was an old pair of sunglasses in another rock pool. The
little boy pulled his sleeve up over his elbow and took the sunglasses out of the water. 'More
wonderful treasure!' he laughed.
Then they arrived at a fourth pool. The water there was really deep and the rocks around it hurt
their knees.
'It's quite dangerous hers,' Emma said. 'I don't want to stay here. Let's go back instead.'
But the little boy said, 'Look! There's a ring under that black and gold fish. I can get that for you,
too. It's the very, very best kind of treasure.'
'Are you sure?' Emma said. 'That fish looks angry, doesn't it? And it's got really scary, big teeth.
It might bite your fingers. That ugly crab might climb out and bite your toes, too.'
'Don't worry! These things aren't frightening,' he said. 'I'm the brave son of a brave pirate. Deep
water, fish with big teeth or ugly crabs are no problem for a child like me.'
The little boy took the glove, fork and the old pair of sunglasses out of his bag. He put on the
glove and put the old pair of sunglasses on the end of the fork. Then slowly, slowly put his hand
then his elbow down, down into the deep water. The brave little boy soon hooked the ring out of
the water with the end of the sunglasses. He gave it to Emma.
'Here you are,' he said. 'No problem!'
The ring was so pretty Emma couldn't speak, but when she looked up to thank the little boy, he
wasn't there. She was very surprised.
Where did he disappear to? Emma didn't know, but she carried the ring carefully back to the
hotel to show her parents. They weren't sitting in the sun, so Emma went upstairs to their room.
Emma's mother was there. She looked very worried and sad.
'What's the matter, Mum?' Emma asked.
'I lost my beautiful gold ring when I went for a swim. I was having fun in the waves but it
suddenly came off my finger. Emma opened her hand.
'Is this it?' she asked.
'Yes!' her mother said. 'Where did you find it?'
'A pirate's son fished it out of a rock pool for me,' Emma answered.
Emma looked out of the hotel window.
A pirate ship was sailing away and a little boy was waving to her. And this time, Emms could
see them both - the boy and the pirate ship!
Task 1.Read and repeat.
the girl's fingers
the girl's toes
the boy's elbow
one of the girl's knees
stones on the sand
the blue glove
Task 2.Put the sentences in order. Write numbers 2-7.
(...) Emma and a brave pirate's son went to find treasure.
(...) The boy saw a gold ring in some deep water.
(...) Emma could see the pirate ship and the pirate boy.
1 Emma was on holiday but she felt really bored
(...) Emma's mum felt very worried and unhappy.
(...) The boy took a fork out of a rock pool.
(...) Emma gave her mum the gold ring.
Task 3.What kind of person is he? Circle the words.
Of course I can!
brave lazy kind naughty silly clever lucky unfriendly famous
Task 4.Complete the questions with words from the box.
isn't it/isn't he/aren't they/hasn't she/haven't they/isn't it
1 It's someone's old glove, isn't it?
2 These shells are really pretty, (...)?
3 The water here is very deep, (...)?
4 The children have got their sunglasses, (...)?
5 That boy is pirate's son, (...)?
6 Mum has got her gold ring back, (...)?
Task 5.Listen and write the correct answers.
1 What do Emma and Dad both want to do now? (...)
2 What does Emma want to do this morning? (...)
3 What do Dad and Emma want to do next? (...)
4 What does Emma want to do after lunch? (...)
Task 6.Find words in the story that sound like these words.
1 It sounds like love but you wear this on your hand. a glove
2 It sounds like chip but you can cross an ocean in this. (...)
3 It sounds like show but this is on the end of your foot. (...)
4 It sounds like talk but you can pick up food with it. (...)
5 It sounds like phone but this looks like a small rock. (...)
6 It sounds like gave but you jump over this in the sea. (...)
Task 7.Guess the words. Then listen and write.
The pirate's happt poem.
I like swimming in the salty sea and 1 (...) for crabs to 2 (...) to me!
I like jumping in really big waves and 3 (...) treasure to 4 (...) in caves!
I like exploring in sailing ships and 5 (...) huge fish to 6 (...) with chips!

4 The king's colours

My name's Oliver. I'm lucky because Dad and I do a lot of traveling together. I heard this story
on the radio last year. I really liked it.
Many thousands of years ago, in a country where the weather was always hot and dry, there was
an important but sad king. The king was sad because there weren't many colours in his country.
The sands and grasses everwhere were yellow, the skies were always blue and the rocks and
stones were all grey. All the animals were grey too - the camels in the sandy desert, the swans
and the eagles, the horses in the hills and the hippos and snakes.
'I want more colours in my country,' the king said. 'I want to see white, purple, orange, green,
pink and black in my country.'
An old woman heard the king and walked for three days to speak to him. She was tired after her
journey but she didn't sleep. She sat down on a large rock, looked at the king and said, 'Don't be
sad. I can't give you all six colours - white, pink, purple, orange, green and black, but I can give
you three more colours for your country. Which three colours would you like most of all?'
The king thought and thought and then slept. On the third day, he had on answer for the old
'Most of all, I'd like the colours orange, black and white,' he said. 'Orange because that colour is
like yellow but it looks warmer and more interesting. Orange in my country could make me
happy again. I'd like black because I never see black in the day. Black is an excellent, strong
colour and black in my country could make me feel stronger again, too. I'd like white because
white is the colour of the light from the moon and I know that white in my country could make
my heart sing. These three colour could make me the happiest king in the world.
The woman looked at the king kindly and, a minute later, a butterfly flew onto his shoulder. Its
wings were a lovely orange colour. The king smiled. 'Amazing!' he said.
After another minute, a big black beetle climbed out from under a rock. The king was so happy
he jumped up and down and waved his arms in the air. 'I feel stronger. Wonderful!' he said.
Another minute later, a beautiful white wolf ran down the hill towards them. When the king saw
the white wolf, his heart began to sing. 'Excellent!' he said.
But this wasn't enough for the king. 'Please old woman. Make one of the animals in my country
orange, black AND white,' he said.
The old woman said, 'That wish is more difficult. But climb your highest hill and find an orange
fruit, five black beans and some white bread. Bring these to me. Go now. I have some hard work
to do.'
The king climbed the highest hill, found the food and carried it carefully back to the old woman.
The orange butterfly, the black beetle and the white wolf followed him on his long journey.
The king put the food on the old woman's rock and waited. He waited for a week and then
another week and another. 'I don't mind, I can wait,' he thought each time the day and the night
But at the end of the third week, he was tired and he fell asleep. The next day, the king wake up
suddenly in the midday sun. He looked at the rock. The orange fruit, the black beans and the
white bread weren't here. Then something touched his back. 'Old woman,' he whispered. 'Is that
But it wasn't the old woman. An enormous tiger - an amazing, wonderful, excellent tiger was
standing behind him. It jumped in the air to show the king its strong orange, black and white
striped legs and body and then lay down in the yellow grass in front of the grey rocks under the
blue, blue sky. Then it waved its tail and turned its head to look kindly at the king.
'WOW!' the king said. 'Now I can smile my biggest smile. Now, my legs, arms àn back feel
strong and straight, and now my heart is singing loudly again.'
The king often went to wait by the old woman's rock. She never came back but red, purple and
green colours slowly began to appear in his country as well. Red birds flew above large red
strawberries that grew between the grey rocks. Purple snakes slept between purple sweet potato
plants that grew strong and tall from under the yellow grasses. Green frogs jumped between the
pink flowers and green pea plants grew high in the blue sky and waved their leaves in the wind.
Soon the country was a much more colourful place for the king to smile, walk and sing in.
Task 1.Read and write the word.
a butterfly/a beetle/an eagle/an insect/a camel/a tortoise/a swan
1 Some people ride across deserts on this animal. a camel
2 This animal walks slowly and can hide inside its shell. (...)
3 You might see this on a lake or river. It has long neck. (...)
4 This has very pretty wings which often have spots on them. (...)
5 This strong bird may build its nest high up on a mountain. (...)
6 This can wlk and sometimes fly too. It usually has a hard black back. (...)
Task 2.Complete the sentences. Write 1, 2, 3 or 4 words.
1 The king lived in this country thousands of years ago.
2 When the (...) arrived she sat down on a large rock.
3 The colours that the king chose were(...)
4 The king walked to the top of (...) to find the fruit, beans and bread.
5 The king (...) after three weeks and saw an enormous tiger.
6 Some (...) appeared above the ground under the yellow grasses.
Task 3.The king is a very patient person. What does he say?
a Well, please hurry!
b I don't mind, I can wait!
c Be quick then!
d Don't take a long time!
Task 4.Write about you. Find and choose the words.
1 Lond journeys sometimes make me feel (...).
2 The story about the king made me feel (...).
3 The colour red usually makes me feel (...).
4 When I have to wait for something, it often makes me feel (...).
5 Seeing really beautiful animals makes me feel (...).
Task 5.Listen and write about Oliver.
1 Age: 12
2 Home city: (...)
3 Favourite animal: (...)
4 What makes him happy: (...)
5 Oliver's web address: www.(...).com
Task 6. Ask and answer questions about pets.
Oliver's pet
What kind/animal bird
What/name Betty
What colour/pet red and yellow
Large/small large
How old/pet 3 years
Sophia's pet
What kind/animal mouse
What/name Fred
What colour/pet white and pink
Large/small small
How old/pet six months
Task 7.Sophie is talking to Mr Fisher about pictures of animals on her clothes. Where is each
animal? Listen and write the position in each box.
camel (...)
beetle (...)
swan (...)
butterfly (...)
tortoise (...)
Task 8.Guess what animal is.
1 This is another word for 'animals'. (...)
2 This is good at travelling across deserts. (...)
3 This might make its nest on a high rock. (...)
4 Flies are examples of these. (...)
5 This has eight arms and lives in the sea. (...)
6 This carries a large shell on its back. (...)
7 This lived a long time ago. (...)
8 These are often black and have hard backs. butterflies
9 These are usually white and have long necks. (...)
Task 9. Listen and write the words.
We're on a long journey!
Can you feel the 1 north wind on your face?
Hold on to your hat!
Now we're watching wild animals. Sshhh!
Now we're walking through the 2 (...).
There's a beetle on your shoe!
Pull up your 3 (...)!
Can you feel the sun on your 4 (...)?
Be 5 (...), not frightened!
Now we're hearing scary noises.
Wow! There's a 6 (...) behind you! No 7(....)!
Quick! Take a photo!

5 Robert's envelopes
Robert lived in a flat in a tall grey building in the city centre. From his window, he could only
see other enormous skyscrapers, lots of taxis and other noisy traffic in the busy streets, and far
away, the motorway.
Sometimes this made Robert feel unhappy. He liked watching television programmes about
exploring countries where there were waterfalls, lakes or wonderful beaches. His favourite
stories were about sailing across the ocean to have adventures with people who lived on amazing
island or other unsual and exciting places.
'Why must we live in the middle of a city?' he asked his mother.
'Because my job at the hospital is here, Robert. But perhaps we can have a quiet holiday
somewhere in the countryside next summer. Would you like that?'
'Oh yes,' Robert laughed.
After Robert put on his pyjamas and got into bed that night, he thought about going on holiday.
But then he remembered something, but they spent the summer at home in the city again because
they didn't have enough money to buy tickets or to stay in hotels. 'Oh well,' he thought. 'One day,
On the school bus the next morning, Robert looked through the window and saw a boat on the
'I'd like to travel down the river on a boat or across the sea on a huge ship one day, perhaps,' he
thought. Then he saw a train on a bridge near the city station. 'I'd like to go over a high bridge on
a fast train one day, too,' he thought. Then he looked up into the sky and saw a plane. 'I'd like to
fly on a plane one day as well. I could look out of its windows at the woods and mountains
below,' he thought.
When school finished, Robert didn't want to go home by bus. He decided to walk. He walked
past the shoe factory, the chemist's and then past the police station and around the corner at the
bottom of the hill. But after he walked past the sports stadium, too, he began to feel tired so he
sat down for a minute on the low wail outside the post office.
Then a strange thing happened. A black and white bird flew down from the sky and dropped an
envelope between Robert's feet and then flew away again. Robert picked it up. On the front of
the envelope, it said, 'Read me,' so Robert did.
Robert opened the envelope. There was some writing on a blue piece of paper inside. Robert read
it very carefully.
'If you find this message, go and look in your biggest, oldest book.'
Robert didn't understand the message so he put it in his pocket and when he got home, he read it
'In your biggest, oldest book. What does that mean?'
Robert decided to try something. He got a chair from the kitchen and carried it into the living
room and stood on it. Their biggest and oldest book was on the top shelf of the bookcase. It was
really heavy.
When Robert opened the book, a thin envelope fell out. Inside the envelope was a strange card. It
looked really old. When Robert opened it, he saw lots of numbers inside. Robert jumped off the
chair and went to show the card to his mother.
'What's this, Mum?' he asked.
'It's the kind of card banks wrote in a long time ago,' she said. 'This person was rich. They saved
lots of money. Oh look! There's a name on the front - Helen Bird. This is amazing! That was my
grandmother's name. We must go to the bank tomorrow and show this to Mr Flag.'
When Mr Flag saw the card the next day, he picked up his telephone and spoke to someone in an
excited kind of way. He had a big smile on his face.
'Well,' he said to Robert's mother when he finished talking on the phone, 'you must thank your
son for finding this. Your grandmother left all this money in our bank for you a long time ago,
but we didn't know that until now. What would you like to buy with it?'
Robert's mother smiled, too. 'Something that Robert wants very much.'
When Robert came home from school later that afternoon, he found a bigger envelope on the
kitchen table. 'Open it if you want,' his mother said.
Inside the envelope, there were two plane tickets and two train tickets and two boat tickets.
'Mr Flag says we've got enough mone now. We can have a really great holiday.'
'Because of your grandmother's little bank card?' Robert asked.
'Yes,' his mother said.
Robert looked out of the window at the beautiful sky. He couldn't see the black and white bird
high in the clouds, but he knew it was there.
And all because of the big black and white bird,' Robert smiled.
'What do you mean?' his mother asked.
'That's my special secret,' Robert answered.
Task 1.Read and complete the words.
1 People often go up to the top floor of this in a lift because it's so high! a skyscraper
2 This is a word for all the cars, lorries and buses that travel on our roads. t(...)
3 People can travel very quickly between cities on this kind of road. a m(...)
4 Doctors work here and people who are ill might stay here. a h(...)
5 This has rooms in it for people to sleep in when they are on holiday. a h(...)
6 You can walk or drive over a river on this and not get your feet wet! a b(...)
Task 2.Read and answer the questions Write 2 or 3 words.
1 Where does Robert live? in a flat
2 Where did Robert stay last summer? (...)
3 What colour was the bird that dropped the letter? (...)
4 Whose name was on the front of the old card? (...)
5 Who did Robert's mum show the card to at the bank? (...)
Task 3.What does Robert want to do? Choose the correct answer.
Robert: One day, perhaps!
a travel along a river
b go fishing in the mountains
c cross a high bridge
d sail across the sea
e live on an island
f fly somewhere in a plane
Task 4.Complete the sentences with your own words.
If you go on holiday, take lots of photos.
If you are feeling tired, (...).
If you want to catch a train, (...).
If you need some more money, (...).
Task 5.Complete the story with your own words.
A message for Katy
Katy sat down for a minute on a 1 yellow seat outside the 2 (...). Then a funny thing happened. A
strange brown and white 3 (...) ran down the hill. It had a rucksack in its 4 (...). It dropped the
rucksack on Katy 5 (...) and then ran away again. Katy picked up the rucksack. In the front
pocket of the rucksack, there was a message. It said '6 (...) me.' So Katy did!
Task 6.Listen and write the suitable activities for each name.
Holly (...)
Frank (...)
Betty (...)
George (...)
Sophia (...)
Robert (...)
Katy (...)
Task 7.Find the opposite words in the story.
1 small (...)
2 quiet (...)
3 happy (...)
4 terrible (...)
5 boring (...)
6 high (...)
7 poor (...)
8 huge (...)
9 ugly (...)
Task 8.Read and choose the words.
Hi! We are having a 1 great time! Everything here is so exciting. We are 2 (...) in a hotel that is
next to the 3 (...) waterfall in the world. 4 (...) we had breakfast yesterday, we went on an
amazing boat ride. it was 5 (...) of fun. We got really wet 6 (...) we were very near to the
waterfall. Everyone laughed and laughed. I think the people here are 7 (...) than in London.
8 (...) you can use your dad's computer or tablet, do an online search 9 (...) find some photos of
this place. 10 (...) is fantastic! I would love to live here. See you soon. Robert.
1 great greater greatest
2 stay staying stayed
3 high higher highest
4 After Or Than
5 many lots much
6 but because so
7 friendly friendlier friendliest
8 If Where And
9 for to with
10 He There It

6 Lara and the mountain lion

Lara is my mother's best friend. She's a vet, that's a doctor who looks after sick pets and wild
animals, too. I want to be a vet, as well. One day I asked her, 'Why did you decide to be a vet,
'It's a strange story, George,' she answered. 'When I was your age, I was often alone and I had
no-one - no brothers or sisters to play with. So, for a few weeks each winter, I stayed with my
three cousins. They lived high up in the mountains. They were tall and strong and could ski very
fast. They were very good at snowboarding and climbing, too. But I couldn't ski, snowboard or
climb. My legs weren't strong enough. I was often ill as well so I had to carry different medicines
with me all the time.
'One day, my cousins wanted to climb the mountain that was behind their house. They said, "You
must come with us, Lara." They were unkind. They knew I wasn't well enough or brave enough.
'I tried to follow them up the path, but I soon got tired, so I had to stop and sit down. My cousins
laughed at my red face. "See you later, then," they called and went on up the mountain without
'I started to feel better after a few minutes, but then I heard an animal behind me. I felt a big,
warm, furry, soft face on my shoulder. It was a mountain lion.'
'Wow!' I said.
'I was very afraid, but I couldn't run away because my legs and knees still felt weak, so I just sat
there. The lion opened its mouth and said, "I've got a terrible toothache." Well, I knew all about
sore teeth because I often had a toothache, so I gave it some medicine that I kept in my jacket
I laughed and said, 'I don't believe you, Lara!'
'Why not?' she asked. 'Strange things happen in the world all the time.'
'The lion and I sat and talked about X-rays and Saturdays and other things and after a few
minutes, it said, "My tooth's feeling much better now, but I've got a very bad stomach-ache. I ate
too much food after I woke up this morning."
'I often had a stomach-ache, so I had a bottle of stomach-ace medicine in my backpack. I put
some on a little plastic spoon and gave it to the lion and then we sat and chatted about bandages
and jam sandwiches and other things.
'After a few minutes, the lion said, "My stomach's feeling much better now, but I've got a
horrible headache. I lay in the sun for hours yesterday."
'I knew about headaches, so I took a clean spotted handkerchief from another pocket and put it in
the snow before I put it on the lion's furry head. "That's very cold but it feels fantastic!" the lion
said. "Thank you so much."
'After that we sat and spoke about temperatures and school teachers and other things. But
suddenly, the lion jumped up and said, "I'm feeling grrrrreat! How can I help you, now?"
'I pointed at the mountain. My cousins were already high up above us. "Can you take me up to
the top?" I asked.
"Sure!" it said. "No problem." So I jumped on its back and put both arms around its neck.
'The lion ran faster than the wind. It's really wonderful to ride on a lion's bacl. You must try it
one day!'
I laughed.
'When we got to the top, we stood quietly together for a minute or two, then the mountain lion
disappeared into a dark cave. Soon after that, my cousins arrived. "The view's amazing, isn't it?"
I said.
'My cousins were so surprised, they couldn't speak!'
'What happened next?' I asked.
'Well,', said Lara, 'they never laughed at me again. And every year, I went back to the same
special place where I met the lion and it came to speak to me again. We always had wonderful
conversations, the lion and I. Sometimes I took it more medicine and I often rode on its back in
the snow. I always felt safe when we were together and we helped each other a lot. I knew then
that I wanted to be a vet one day. So that's the answer to your question.'
Lara waited for a minute and then laughed.
'I'm sorry,' she said. 'It's just a story.'
But then she turned round and looked at a photo on her desk. It was of a young girl and a
mountain lion. They were sitting on a rock in the snow and the lion had its big, soft, furry face on
her shoulder.
Lara turned back and smiled at me. 'Now I must work,' she said, 'but would you like some
strawberries or a honey cookie before you go?'
Task 1.Read and complete the sentences.
1 No-one is with me. I'm alone.
2 I had a bad cough and had to take some horrible (...).
3 The doctor showed me the (..) of my broken arm.
4 I was sick and hot and I had a high (...).
5 It's so (...) in here. I can't see anything.
6 I hurt my finger. It's really (...).
Task 2.Put the sentences in order. Write numbers.
(...) Lara rode on the lion's back.
(...) A lion came and spoke to Lara.
(...) Lara felt very tired on the mountain.
(...) Lara stayed with her cousins.
(...) George visited Lara's office.
(...) Lara decided to be a vet.
Task 3.Who said this?
A George's mother B The Lion C George
1 Why did you decide to be a vet? C
2 It's just a story. (...)
3 I don't believe you! (...)
4 I've got a terrible toothache. (...)
5 The view's amazing, isn't it? (...)
6 How can I help you now? (...)
Task 4.Choose the four best ways to answer the question.
How can I help you now?
a Can you help me cross that stream?
b You musn't climb that mountain.
c Could you carry my backpack?
d Yes, you can climb it if you want.
e Well, could I have a jam sandwich?
f No problem! Are you too tired?
g I need some headache medicine, please.
Task 5.Listen and write about Lara.
Place where she studied: Castle University
Favourite animals: (...)
Day she does not usually work: (...)
Likes most about her job: It's (...)
Favoutrite sport: (...)
Task 6.Make sentences.
1 Lara had no brothers or sisters,
2 Lara's cousins lived in the mountains,
3 Lara had weak legs,
4 Lara was often ill,
5 Lara got tired quickly on the walk,
6 Lara couldn't go on up the mountain,
a she often had to take medicine.
b she had to stop and sit down.
c her cousins went on without her.
d she stayed with her cousins in the holidays.
e she wasn't good at climbing or skiing.
f they were very good at skiing.
1 Lara had no brothers or sisters, so she stayed with her cousins in the holidays.
2 (...)
3 (...)
4 (...)
5 (...)
6 (...)
Task 7.Which are the lion's answers? Write a-f.
I can't pick up my backpack because my elbow hurts. b
My fingers and toes are so cold. (...)
I'm really hungry! (...)
I cut my hand when I jumped off that rock! (...)
Can you help me? I'm too tired to walk. (...)
a Don't worry! I can help you clean it.
b No problem! I can carry that.
c Me too! Let's look for some fruit to eat.
d Sure! You can ride on my back.
e Oh dear! Come and sit near the fire.
f If you want. So do I!
Task 8.What did Lara do each day? Listen and write what she did.
Monday (...)
Tuesday (...)
Wednesday (...)
Thursday (...)
Friday (...)
Task 9.Listen and write the words.
There's a lion on that mountain and another in this cave. But I just 1 laugh and call to it. 'Can you
see me? I'm so 2 (...)!'
There's a monster right 3 (...) me. I can smell it in the 4 (...). But I just turn and say to it. 'You
need to comb your hair.'
I climb the highest rock and I see a hungry snake. But I just wave and 5 (...) it. 'Would you like a
piece of 6 (...)?'
There's a lion in my 7 (...). It's a friendly one I 8 (...). But if one asks to be YOUR friend, smaile
kindly and say, 'NO!'

7 Harry's diary
Tuesday 10 October
Today was NOT a brilliant day but it wasn't bad.
I got up late because I forgot to turn on my phone. It ALWAYS wakes me up at 7.23. If I don't
get up then, Sarah (my older sister) gets to the bathroom before I do (she always gets up at 7.25)
and she takes 17 minutes to wash her face, clean her teeth and comb her hair. Sister!
So today, I didn't wash before I got dressed. Never mind! I hope no-one sees.
Dad was coughing a lot when I ran downstairs. He put salt, not sugar, in his coffee because he
was listening to the news on the radio and reading his newspaper at the same time and not
looking at his spoon.
I had a bowl full of the top of my favourite cereal. Oh...and our fat cat. Sausage, ate a spider.
Holly (my little sister) said.
'Sausage might run faster now she's got a spider inside her!'
My school shirt is pink (I've only got one at the moment). Mum washed it with my red football
socks. I couldn't believe it. 'But pink is such a lovely colour, Harry,' she said. I don't think my
mum understands boys.
There was a new driver on the school bus. When he opened his mouth to ask me for my ticket, I
saw that he had three gold teeth!
I like making Holly frightened so I tell her scary stories sometimes. I may tell her that the driver
locks his gold teeth in a secret box with a special silver key. And a really long snake sleeps
around the box with the key in its mouth each night. I love my little sister but she's difficult to
live with sometimes. She broke our old computer. She put a biscuit in the hole where the CDs
I had to hurry to get to school but I got there at 8.38. William and Emma, my best friends were
already in the playground. When I was chatting to them about a program I'm using to make a
puzzle app, I put my rucksack down next to theirs. Emma's rucksack and mine look the same
and, yes, of course, I picked up hers when I ran into class.
No English dictionary so I had to borrow one. No lesson timetable. No homework file. No
phone. No geography book. But a dinosaur project, some glue, a pair of scissors, some science
homework, a picture of an octopus and some expensive chocolate (gold paper!).
I ate the chocolate before I gave Emma's rucksack back to her (I shouldn't do things like that, but
it tasted delicious!).
It rained a little at morning break, but I didn't mind. We were playing volleyball so I took my
sweater off (which was hiding my pink shirt). I wanted the rain to change its colour back to
white again, but it didn't. It's STILL pink.
In our next lesson - history - a boy called Michael made a noise that sounded like a mouse and
whispered to Katy who called out, 'A mouse! A mouse!'
Our teacher, two of the girls and my friend Richard jumped on their chairs. I tried not to laugh
but it was really funny. Mr Brush, our school cleaner came to find it, but he couldn't of course.
When we were playing football in the afternoon break, I kicked the ball so high it went up onto
the roof. I climbed up to get it and found three more footballs up there. So we've got four
footballs now. Excellent!
I was lucky no-one saw me on the roof. 'That's NOT part of our playground, boys,' Mr Rocket,
our gym teacher says.
The school bus left before I got to the bus stop because William and I were talking about
inventions. We want to invent a shampoo that tastes like bananas, and socks that always smell
like flowers.
So I had to walk home today. I didn't mind but my head and shoulders, shirt, trousers and shoes
got really wet because it started to rain again. When my sister, Sarah, saw me, she said, 'Well,
you needed a wash.'
I went upstairs to dry my hair and put my jeans and black T-shirt on. My school shirt is STILL
pink. Oh well, never mind, I'm beginning to like the colour, actually, but I hope Mum washes it
for me this evening, then it may not be so pink tomorrow.
We had chips for dinner tonight. Mum only lets us have them once a week. I had 52. I counted
each one then Holly gave me 5 of hers so I had 57. Excellent!
What else? Oh, Sausage came into the house with some plastic false teeth in her mouth. I told
Holly that they were great grandma's and that she lost them last weekend when she fell asleep in
the garden. Actually, they were some old toy ones that William gave to me.
Sausage looked so funny. We couldn;t stop laughing.
I did my information technology homework tonight...well, most of it. The wi-fi stopped working
and I needed to find something online. I might try to finish it tomorrow morning. I practised on
my drums too, so poor Mum got a headache again.
OK, my teeth are clean. None of MY teeth are plastic! I've got my favourite old pyjamas on.
They've got spaceships on them so they look a bit young, but it doesn't matter. I still like them.
What's the time? 9.45 and my phone is on so it knows I must wake up at 7.23.
Goodnight world. Goodnight me. Oh no! There's a biscuit in my bed. Holly!!!
Task 1.Guess what it is.
1 This looks like sugar, but tastes different! (...)
2 This creature lives in the sea and has eight arms. (...)
3 You often add numbers together in this school subject. (...)
4 Some people like wearing these in bed at night. (...)
5 When you hit this it makes a sound! (...)
6 You add milk to this breakfast food. (...)
Task 2.Write before or after.
1 Harry had dinner before the wi-fi stopped working.
2 Sausage ate a spider (...) Harry got dressed.
3 Harry had some chocolate (...) he had his morning break.
4 Mchael was naughty (...) Harry played volleyball.
5 Harry got wet in the rain (...) the school bus left.
6 Mum had a headache (...) Harry got ready for bed.
Task 3.Tick three things Harry talked to William and Emma about.
salt coffee
Task 4.Read and circle the correct answer.
1 Emma phoned Harry when he was doing/do/does his science homework.
2 Mum made/making/makes some pizzas after Holly arrived home.
3 William was designs/designing/design a spaceship when Harry arrived
4 Harry's friends usually play/playing/played football at morning break.
5 Mr Brish only worked/working/works at Harry's school on Tuesdays.
6 Holly put a biscuit in Harry's bed when Harry wasn't looks/looking'looked.
Task 5.Listen and answer the questions.
1 What is Harry eating now? (...)
2 What is in Harry's pocket? (...)
3 What is Harry drawing now? (...)
4 What s Harry studying? (...)
Task 6.Complete the sentences with your own words.
My football socks smell like (...).
Our pet cat often looks like (...).
When I sing, I sound like (...).
I've got something in this pocket. It feels like (...).
What's in this pizzas? It tastes like (...).

8 Summer fun
Katy A quiet, kind, clever girl.
Helen Katy's cousin who loves talking and doing exciting things.
Frank A quiet, kind boy.
Dan Frank's friend who is loud and funny and likes doing exciting things.
Mr Whistle A man who lives in a large house next to Katy's home.
A wild horse
Scene 1
Helen and Katy's large garden with high trees. Katy is texting. Helen is dancing.
Helen You're very quiet, Katy. Who are you sending messages to now?
Katy No-one! It's a secret.
Helen Tell me.
Katy No, I can't. Sorry. It's just someone who needs my help.
Helen Boring! Turn off your phone and come and play with me. This tree is as tall as the
mountains. I'm going to climb to the top, find answers to the world's four most important
questions and then draw pictures of iguanas or eagles or foxes or dinosaurs or something. Let's
do it together.
Katy In a minute! Just let me...
Helen OK, but hurry! I can already think of two questions...
Katy All right. There. Message sent. But I need to keep my phone in my pocket. Have you got
some paper?
Helen Yes!
Katy And some crayons?
Helen No, mine are missing. I can't remember where I put them. Perhaps you could give...
Katy Yes, OK. You can borrow mine. Don't drop them. Look after them, please. Actually...I'm
going to carry them. Go on then. You go first.
Scene 2
The girls are climbing up the tree, Helen first, Katy next. Katy is carrying the paper and crayons.
Next to their large garden is lots of open land where a white horse is eating grass. A man on a
quad bike is riding into view.
Helen Come on! You're really slow.
Katy I know. I'm trying, but I'm not as good as you at climbing.
Helen Here, take my hand. There. We're at the top. It's amazing up here, isn't it? Now. Question
number one. Why don't people let children drive racing cars?
Katy Racing cars? Well, only a few really brave and clever people do that. Anyway, they're
really dangerous and difficult to drive. But you can drive one if you play Dan's new computer
Helen Dan's fun, but he's too noisy.
Katy Really?
Helen Yes. OK. Second question. Why do kids have to go to school? I want to be an artist or a
mechanic, the manager of an expensive shoe shop, a famous photographer or film star, a queen
of, of...anywhere or a wonderful clothes designer!
Katy I know. But you have to study and practice for a long time to be all those things, Helen.
Well, not to be a queen perhaps...
Helen Hmm. OK. Third thing. Why are mangoes more orange inside than oranges? And my
fourth question cats love mice. Right? We can only buy meat or fish food for our cat. Why can't
you buy cat food that tastes like mice instead?
Katy I don't know, Helen.
Helen All right! Well, let's forget about the world's problems. Give me my paper and your
crayons and let's start looking for iguanas, eagles, foxes and dinosaurs.
Katy [laughing] You are funny! You know dinosaurs are extinct, [pointing] but THEY aren't!
Helen What? Who?
Katy Frank and Dan...look! They're racing across Mr Whitle's land. Mr Whistle's chasing them
on his quad bike.
Helen And that wild white horse is running after them, too.
Dan [Calling to farmer] We're sorry!
Helen What did they do? Perhaps they took some of his grapes, lemons or apples.
Dan We said we're sorry!
Katy [calling] Frank! We're up here. Are you OK?
Dan [shouting] No, he's not! But we can run as fast as the wind, can't we, Frank?
Frank Can we? Quick! There's the gate.
Katy I'm worried about them. They might fall over. I'm going to climb down and run to meet
Helen Well, I'm not. I'm going to stay up here somewhere. Give me your phone before you go,
Katy. Then if I see one, I can take a photo of it and send it to all the newspapers.
Katy All right. But be careful with it.
Scene 3
Katy is talking to the two boys by the gate. The horse is behind the gate watching them. Mr
Whistle has got off his quad bike. There's a problem with it and he's trying to repair its engine.
Katy Why were Mr Whistle and that horse chasing you?
Dan Mr Whistle was angry because we took some of his grapes.
Frank Because YOU took some grapes.
Dan To give to that horse. The horse was running after us because...
Frank Because it wanted the grapes!
Katy Whose idea was that?
Dan Frank's.
Frank Dan's. [giving Katy some grapes] Would you like some?
Katy Not now, Frank.
Frank [quietly] Hey, thanks for keeping my secret.
Katy That's OK.
Frank And thanks for helping me. You're so kind and your idea was really great.
Katy Sshhh.
Dan Why are you two whispering?
Katy We aren't whispering.
Dan And where's Helen?
Katy She's at the top of her tree. Look! She should come and join us. We could go to the stream.
There might be frogs i some of the little ponds there, too. Helen! Come down as quickly as you
can. We're going to the stream with you or without you! Oh look. She's coming. I hope she
doesn't fall...Helen, no! Don't jump! That's so high.
[Helen arrives]
Dan Hi, Helen. OK?
Helen Sure.
Dan Are you going to come with us, then? We're going to look for frogs.
Helen That sounds so boring.
San Aren't you interested in frogs?
Helen No. I'm interested in racing cars, exciting jobs, mangoes, cat food, iguanas, foxes, eagles
and dinosaurs at the moment.
Frank Perhaps we could look for those in the stream too, then!
Helen You mean racing cars?
Dan No!
Katy Mangoes?
Frank No!
Helen Cat food?
Dan No!
Katy Iguanas? Foxes? Eagles?
Frank Perhaps
Helen Dinosaurs
Dan Yes!
[Everyone laughs.]
Task 1.Read and write the word.
an artist/a journalist/an actor/a manager/a queen/a designer/a photographer/a mechanic
1 On special days, this person might wear a crown on her head. a queen
2 This person paints or draws pictures and then sells them. (...)
3 To fix engine problems, people take their cars to this person. (...)
4 You need to be good at taking pictures if you want this job. (...)
5 In a business, lots of people might work for this one person. (...)
6 This person might write stories for newspapers or magazines. (...)
Task 2.Read the questions. Write the correct answer.
1 Who sends a secret message? Katy
2 Who gives someone their crayons? (...)
3 Who has a computer game? (...)
4 Who has an engine problem? (...)
5 Who took some grapes? (...)
6 Who says Katy is kind? (...)
7 Who is interested in eagles? (...)
Task 3.Complete the sentences with your own words.
1 Helen says her tree is as tall as a mountain!
2 Katy isn't as (...) as her friend, Helen.
3 Summer fun is not as (...) as Harry's diary.
4 The children in this play are not as (...) as my classmates.
5 I know two boys who are as (...) as Frank and Dan.
6 Iguanas are not as (...) as foxes.
7 Eagles are not as (...) as dinosaurs.
Task 4.Choose the best answer. Write a letter a-g.
1 Frank: What are you going to do now, Dan?
Dan: e
2 Frank: Why do you want to do that?
Dan: (...)
3 Frank: Where are the grapes growing?
Dan: (...)
4 Frank: What are you going to put the grapes in?
Dan: (...)
5 Frank: Would you like me to come with you?
Dan: (...)
a If you want. Come on! Let's run.
b No, it isn't, but don't tell anyone.
c The bag that I use for picnics when I go fishing.
d On the hill above Mr Whistle's home.
e I'm going to and get some of Mr Whistle's grapes.
f That backpack isn't as new as mine.
g Because I like eating them. His horse does too.
Task 5.Asking for help. Which are three kindest answers?
A: I've got a problem!
B: Never mind!
That sounds so boring!
We said, we're sorry!
What's the matter?
What else?
In a minute!
How can I help?
You have, haven't you?
See you soon!
Tell me about it.
Task 6.Complete the sentences. Write 1, 2, 3 or 4 words. You choose the words.
Helen and Katy are going to (...) and then Dan is going to (...).Katy is going to (...) and then
Frank and Dan are going to (...). After that, the four friends are going to (...)
Task 7.Ask and answer questions.
Dan's text
Who/from Frank
What/about Dan's frog
Long/short short
When/get yesterday
Answer/message yes
Helen's text
Who/from Katy
What/about Helen's tent
Long/short long
When/get this morning
Answer/message no

9 Let's have fun!

Task 1.Make a party invitation.
Come to our party
Date: (...)
Time: (...)
Place: (...)
Wear: (...)
Bring: (...)
Love from
Task2. Design a book cover.
1 Choose a title
2 Write who the book is by.
Task 3.Write an animal fact file.
1 Choose an animal from the box.
camel snake butterfly beetle tiger wolf
2 Find information about the animal.
Example: Hippos
They live in the water and on land.
They are grey or brown and they've got short legs and big teeth.
They are very dangerous.
They can run very fast - faster than people!
Task 4.Make a holiday vlog.
Talk about some of these ideas:
Where are you now?
What can you see?
How do you feel? Happy? Excited? Tired?
Where are you staying?
How did you travel to this place?
Who are you on holiday with?
How long are you staying?
What or who do you want to visit?
Task 5.Design a special home for two mountain lion cubs.
Imagine you are a designer. Design a safe home for two young mountain lions (cubs). Make
notes and draw a plan.
How big is the home?
Where can the cubs sleep?
How could someone feed them?
What do they like to see, hear, feel and smell?
Task 6.Invent a new drink.
What does it taste like?
What is in it?
What is it called?
How much does the drink cost?
Where can people buy it?
What does the bottle look like?
Task 7.Perform the play and called Summer fun from Unit 8.
1 Choose your roles.
2 Choose a director.
3 Practise the play and perform it.

10 Let's speak!
Task 1.Organise a party.
A: What shall we do for our class party?
B: Shall we...?
C: Good thinking.
Task 2.Ask and answer the questions.
A: Have you got any brothers or sisters?
B: I've got...
Task 3.Ask and answer questions about a really happy day.
A: Where did you go?
B: I went to...
Task 4.Ask and answer the questions about your favourite animal.
A: What's your favourite wild animal?
Task about sending messages.
A: How do you send messages to your friends?
Task 6.Talk about jobs.
A: What would you like to be?
B: I'd like to be a...
Task 7.Talk abut your day.
A: What time do you get up?
B: What do you take to school each day?
A: What do you do in your afternoon break at school?
B: What do you do after school?
Task 8.What are you interested in? Ask and answer and say why.
A: What are you interested in at the moment?
B: I'm interested in...
A: I'm interested in...

11 Let's say!
1 Uncle Frank was wearing an exciting octopus costume and drinking kiwi juice and coffee very
2 Last Monday Ben's brothers put hundreds of onions in Ben's rucksack and some butter in his
3 The pirate's son and his nice pet mouse are sailing across the sea in a glass box!
4 The king sat in front of a mirror on a grey rock in the rain and wrote a brilliant story about
three red strawberries.
5 Jack got a message about George's journey through a dangerous jungle on a huge orange
6 Lara asked me a quick question. 'Why are you washing a wild whale when whales wash
themselves quite well?'
7 Holly used some onions and honey and a huge new spoon to make some yoghurt for Harry
8 Katy's cousin knows an amazing zebra that plays music and wins prizes for designing clothes
for kangaroos!

12 Wordlist
1 The village party
nouns: band Betty brother butter cake calendar camp cheese chocolate classmate clothes college
competition costume dad Dan Emma day family food Frank front George Grandpa grandparent
group Holly home idea invitation jam June kite match May milkshake month Miss Mr Mrs Mum
music net olive Oliver parent party pasta people piece pizza pop prize quiz race rain Richard
Robert rock salad sand sandwich Saturday shape smart Sophia strawberry street table thousand
time trip village volleyball Walter William year
adjectives: amazing best big brilliant cool delicious dry early enormous excellent excited
fantastic funny good great hard huge hurried little long new perfect right same small sorry sunny
sure wet wonderful
verbs: answer arrive ask be able began bring call carry chat clap come dance design do dress dry
enter finish fly forget get glue go have hear help hold hop invite laugh let like live look make
may move play put read run say see send shall sit skip speak stand start stop talk tell thank think
use visit want wear win work worry write
adverbs: again as back down here just loudly only perhaps quietly really slowly then there too up
very yet
prepositions: about around at before between for from in into like of on out outside under
expressions: Hey! Hooray! Never mind! Oh!

2 Ben's wishes
nouns: a lot Africa animal Ben book bowl boy child coat country creature cup dinner door Earth
field fire floor girl gold grass ground head hole house jacket leaf man minute money morning
name ocean onion part plant pocket room rucksack scarf school silver sky soup story summer
sweet today tree uncle vegetable winter wool world
adjectives: angry clever cold empty favourite full hot hungry interesting kind lovely lucky old
pleased poor sad silly silver soft surprised tired unkind warm young
verbs: appear believe belong break can clean dig disappear drink eat fall feel fight find give
know learn love open pick shout understand wish
adverbs: always anywhere carefully enough everywhere more never not now nowhere often
sometimes somewhere still suddenly usually well
prepositions: above by next than through
expressions: Please! Don't be silly!
3 Treasure
nouns: ball beach boat cave crab elbow end film finger foot fork friend fun glove hand holiday
hotel island king knee love matter mother pair park phone pirate pool problem ring sea shark
shell ship shoulder sleeve son sound stone sun sunglasses tooth toe toy treasure water wave
adjectives: afraid beautiful black blue bored brave dangerous deep famous fourth frightened gold
large lazy like many naughty next pretty salty scary ugly unfriendly unhappy unusual
verbs: bite climb cross explore fish hit hurt jump point pull show smile stay swim walk wave
adverbs: away else instead soon sure upstairs
prepositions: along down over
expressions: Hmmm Of course

4 The king's colours

nouns: air arm bean beetle bird body bread butterfly camel colour desert eagle flower frog fruit
heart hill hippo horse insect journey king lake leg light midday minute moon mountain neck nest
night pea potato radio river snake spot swan tail tiger top tortoise week wind wing wolf woman
adjectives: asleep colourful difficult green happy high impatient important more pink purple red
sandy straight striped strong sweet tall third white yellow
verbs: appear begin build choose follow grow hide lie ride sing sleep touch travel turn wait wake
adverbs: enough kindly later
prepositions: across after ago as inside onto towards up
expressions: Be quick then! OK, I can wait! Well, please hurry! WOW!

5 Robert's envelopes
nouns: adventure bank bed bookcase bottom bridge building bus car card centre chair chemist's
city cloud corner countryside doctor envelope face factory Fag flat grandmother Helen hospital
job Ket kitchen lift living room lorry message middle motorway paper person place plane police
post office programme pyjamas road secret shelf shoe show skyscraper sport stadium station taxi
telephone television thing ticket traffic train wall waterfall wood work writing
adjectives: boring brown busy exciting fast friendly grey heavy ill last low noisy open quiet rich
special strange terrible thin top
verbs: buy catch decide drive drop mean need remember sail save spend try watch
adverbs: far much past quickly
prepositions: below if near until
expressions: Oh well Oh yes What do you mean?

6 Lara and the mountain lion

nouns: age back backpack bandage bottle conversation cookie cousin desk hair handkerchief
headage honey hour Lara lion medicine monster mouth office path pet photo plastic question
sister snow spoon stomach stomach-ache teacher temperature toothache vet view X-ray
adjectives: alone bad clean dark different furry horrible safe sick sore spotted weak wild
verbs: be comb happen keep meet ski smell snowboard turn round
adverbs: alone already best better friendly together without
expressions: I'm feeling grrrrreat!

7 Harry's diary
nouns: app banana bathroom beginning biscuit bit box break breakfast bus stop cat CD cereal
chips class cleaner coffee computer dictionary dinosaur driver drum evening football garden
geography grandma great grandma gym Harry history homework information invention jeans
key lesson Michael milk moment mouse news noise number octopus online picture playground
project puzzle roof salt Sarah sausage school bus science scissors shampoo shirt sock spaceship
subject sugar sweater technology timetable tomorrow tonight trousers T-shirt Tuesday weekend
adjectives: English expensive face false fat plastic ready
verbs: add borrow cough count drum frighten hope hurry invent kick lock phone sound taste
adverbs: actually downstairs late once so yes
perpositions: next to off
expressions: Excellent! Goodnight world
8 Summer fun
nouns: actor apple artist crayon designer engine farmer silm star fox game gate grape help iguana
journalist kid lemon manager mango meat mechanic newspaper orange photographer pond quad
bike queen racing car scene stream
adjectives: careful extinct few first fun interested loud missing orange quick second slow
verbs: chase draw join practise race repair study text
adverbs: anyway most
prepositions: without
expressions: In a minute! Sshhh!

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