5.kumpulan Soal 5

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Unit What Did You Do Yesterday

Learning Objectives
Setelah mempelajari materi berikut diharapkan siswa mampu:
1. menjawab pertanyaan menggunakan 5 (lima) kata tanya (what, who, why, when, where, how) mengenai peristiwa di waktu lampau; serta
2. membuat pertanyaan menggunakan 5 (lima) tanya (what, who, why, when, where, how) mengenai peristiwa di waktu lampau.

A.Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d.

(Pilih jawaban yang tepat dengan menyilang (x) pada huruf a, b, c atau d!)

1. My uncle and aunt went to the restaurant a 1. My mother cooked a delicious fried rice in
week ago. the kitchen yesterday.
a. c. a. c.

b. d. b. d.

2. My grandparents planted a tree in the 2. Dhika : Where did you go last Sunday
garden last month. with your family?
a. c. Sonia : My family and I ....

b. d.
a. went to the zoo.
b. went to the supermarket.
c. Visited my relatives in a city
d. Visited my grandparents in a village
3. Rani : How did they go to the ... last Lintang : What was the beach like?
week? Fajar : It was so beautiful. The sand was
Anggun : They went there by bus. white and the beach was clean.
Lintang : Was the weather good?
Fajar : The weather was great and the air
was fresh.
Lintang : Was it crowded there?
Fajar : No, it was quiet. There weren’t many
a. bookstore people there.
b. museum Lintang : Wow, what a lovely place!
c. drugstore 5. Fajar and his family went to ... last
d. supermarket weekend.
4. Roni : Did Bayu and Yanuar go to the a. the waterfall
beach last school holiday? b. the mount
Singgih : No, they did not. c. the beach
Roni : Where did they go? d. the swimming pool
Singgih : They went to .... 6. How was the weather at that time?
a. It was good.
b. It was rainy
c. It was hot
d. It was windy
7. How was the sand? It was ....
a. Prambanan Temple a. dirty
b. Borobudur Temple b. gray
c. The Mount Bromo c. white
d. The Monument of Indonesia d. blue
The following dialog is for questions 8. Where did they go (In what town)?
number 7 to 10. a. Bantul
Lintang : Hi Fajar. How was your weekend? b. Cilacap
Fajar : It was fun. I was at Srau Beach c. Pacitan
Pacitan with my family. d. Wonogiri
B.Fill in the blank spaces with the correct answer.
(Isilah titik-titik berikut dengan jawaban yang tepat!)

1. Roni : What did you do on your holiday?

Gito : I went to … with my family.
2. Yahya : What did you do on your holiday?
Fauzan : I went to go to … with my friends.

3. Rindiani : What did you do on your holiday?

Monika : I went to the … with my family.

4. Harry : What did you do on your holiday?

Indra : I went to the … with my friends.

5. Vino : What did you do on your holiday?

Surya : I went to … with my family.

C.Read the dialog below and answer the questions.

(Bacalah dialog di bawah ini dan jawablah pertanyaannya!)

Nando : What time did you get up yesterday?

Indra : I woke up early at five o’clock.
Nando : Did you get dressed right away? Indra :
Yes. I got dressed and had breakfast. Nando :
What kind of breakfast did you have? Indra :I
had a big breakfast.
Nando : What breakfast did you have yesterday morning? Indra
: A fried rice and a glass of milk.
Nando : What time did you go to school?
Indra : I went to school at half past six.
1. Who are involved in the dialog?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................
2. What time did Indra get up yesterday morning?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................
3. What time did Indra go to school?
Answer: ..................................................................................................................................
4. What did Indra do before he had breakfast?
Answer: ...................................................................................................................
5. What did Indra have for breakfast?
Answer: ...................................................................................................................

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