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DIRECTION: The following questions (1-286) are incomplete sentences. There are four alternative
words or phrases, A-D, given below each questions. Choose the word that best completes the sentence.
1. How_______ the piano was through my strong ambitious effort I exerted on it.
A. did I come to learn B. I come to learn C. I came to learn D. did I learn
2. Abebe : _______? Hanna: My mother is very well, thank you.
A. Where is your mother B. What happened to your mother
C. How is your mother D. Can your mother get well
3. He works_______ a security in the Sheraton hotel.
A. like B. as C. for D. in
4. I wish I _______ rich to help the poor.
A. am B. were C. will be D. can be
5. It is good to have_______ intimate friends than a dozen.
A. much B. a little C. a few D. a lot
6. The teacher stopped _______ to respond to a mobile call.
A. to lecture B. lecturing C. for lecturing D. lecture
7. We _______ English ever since grade one.
A. were studying B. had been studying C. have been studying D. will be studying
8. Samson always talks about the same things. He's really _______.
A. boring B. bored C. bore D. amazed
9. During our childhood, Hanna_______ us stories.
A. would often tell B. should often tell C. often tells D. will often tell
10. Ayelu : My sister has a severe headache.
Kaleab: I think she _______ a doctor.
A. could see B. shall see C. might see D. should see
11. _______ the global weather change that we are experiencing now, we will probably face drought every two years.
A. As a result of B. However C. Though D. In spite of
12. As soon as the witness had given his word to the detective, he-----to leave the room.
A. had been allowed B. was allowed C. has been allowed D. allowed
13. The fire spread through the building quickly but some people_______
A. could escape B. were able to escape C. can escape D. would escape
14. I had never expected to get the job. I was really _______ when I was offered it.
A. amazing B. amazed C. boring D. bored
15. Although the newsagents looked _______ for extra copies of the magazine, they found none.
A. nowhere B. somewhere C. everywhere D. everything
16. Make sure you give _______ a copy of the amended by-laws.
A. everyone B. somewhere C. anyone D. every
17. The Dean often does the photocopying -_______ so that the secretaries can do more important work.
A. hers B. she C. her D. herself
18. Because of her exceptional management performance, our school principal _______ her official visit to the Ministry of Education
A. started B. starts C. has started D. starting
19. The Blue Nile, the longest river in the world, _____ into the Mediterranean Sea.
A. flow B. flows C. go D. goes
20. Here are the main points of the news again. The electoral board ______the results of the secret ballot.
A. has announced B. has been announced C. was announced D. has being announced


21. It is the first time I _______ to Godey in the Somalia region.
A. have been B. will have been C. was D. will be
22. Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who _______ in a palace.
A. was lived B. lived C. will live D. lives
23. When they arrived at the grand birthday party, we _______ home.
A. had already went B. were already gone C. had already gone D. had already been gone
24. A: Haven't you finished tidying your bedroom yet?
B: No, but _______ by ten o'clock. Don't be so impatient.
A. I will have finished B. I have finished C. I finished D. I had finished
25. When I lived in the country side, I _______ five kilometers to school every day. I would get up
at 5A.M. and would take my breakfast bowl with me.
A. used to walk B. walk C. will walk D. should walk
26. Those boys _______ playing football. They would sacrifice their meal times for it. They appreciate Adane because
he plays very well.
A. adore B. are adoring C. will have been adored D. adores
27. Nina and Abera _______ that they should get married soon. All they have to do is decide on the date.
A. are agreeing B. agree C. will be agree D. were agreeing
28. _______ a gymnast, Lynn knew the importance of exercise.
A. Having been B. To having been C. to have been D. To have
29. Belay has read the progressive report and says he remains _______.
A. pessimistic B. pessimist C. pessimistically D. pessimists
30. Without _______ by any of the guards, the thief entered the house.
A. being seen B. being saw C. having seen D. seeing
31. Our new policy of energy conservation has become _______ .
A. economic B. economically C. economical D. economist
32.I would be happy if the language I understand best_______ as a medium of instruction in my school.
A. were used B. Will be used C. used D. were used to
33.You speak French, _______?
A.will you B.don’t you C. haven’t you D. do you
34. I am your homeroom teacher, _______?
A. am n’t I B. am I C. I am not D. aren’t I
36.We_______ dinner when the phone rang.
A. will have B. were having C. are having D. have
37. You have to rely_______ your abilities.
A.on C. with D. at
39.I am very hungry_______ that I haven’t eaten my breakfast.
A. due to the fact B. so C. such
40. Which of the following pairs are not examples of ‘Homophones’?
A. hear/here B. bite/bit C. weak/week D. sum/some
41. The two couples went to the municipality to_______ their marriage.
A. legally B. legal C. legalize D. legality
42. The monitor gives permission to students ------------- a homeroom teacher.
A. like B. at C. for D. by
43. The athlete ran_______ and won a medal.
A. fastest B. fastly C. with fast D. fast
44. I wish I _______ rich to help the poor. B. were C. will be D. can be
45. Today he comes _______ than usual.
A.letter B. later C. latter D. late
46. In the African cup of Nations, the Ethiopian team played_______ they normally do.
A.well than B.good than C.better D. as better as
47. _______ sophisticated a computer is, it cannot replace the human brain.
A. Although B. Because C.Despite the fact D. However


48. He asked me _______ I could speak Arabic.
A. If B. weather C. when D. and
49. The information we have_______ not enough.
A.are B. is C. be D. were
50. My brother speaks English_______ than his friend.
A. as fluent B. fluently C. the most fluently D. more fluently
52. There is _______ that keeps upsetting the managing director of our company.
A. something B. anything C. none D. any
53. _______ the competition was stiff, our athletes managed to win several gold medals.
A. Since B. Although C. Whereas D.As a result
54. Ethiopia needs to use improved technology and selected seeds _______ she can double crop production.
A. so that B. even though C. whereas D. as a result
55._______ of its immense potential, Ethiopia is one of the least developed African countries.
A. In spite B. Despite C. In case D. Although
56. She wanted to know _______.
A. what I would like. C. Would you like some more coffee?
B. what would you like? D. Would you like some more coffee.
57.____being near the main road, Abiot Kirs children’s village is very far from the other villages.
A. Although B. Even if C. Despite D. Because
58. Our village is __________Aboker children’s village because it is near the main road.
A. suitable B. suitable than C. the most suitable D. more suitable than
59. While my father _______________in the mines, he caught bronchitis
A. was working B. is working C. has working D. will work
60.He _____________a cough for a week before he went to the doctor .
A. have had B. had had C. used to have D. was having
61. If my mother hadn’t gone to the healer, she ______________better.
A. wouldn’t have got C. won’t have got B. wouldn’t have been got D. wouldn’t get
62. A neck brace is an instrument which makes you _____your neck in the correct position.
A. to keep B. keeping C. keep D. kept
63. If someone_______________, we should wear gloves to treat them.
A. is bleeding B. are bleeding C. were bleeding D. will bleed
64. You should have gloves at home __________you want to treat someone.
A. so as B. in case C. as a result D. although
65. I perceive my father’s role __________the person who earns money.
A. to be like B. be as C. to be as D. be like
66. The more girls go to school, ________women there will be in the workplace.
A. the most B. many C. the more much D. the more
67. At nine o'clock yesterday morning, we _______ for the bus.
A. wait B. waiting C. was waiting D. were waiting
68. The radio __________before computers were thought of.
A. had been invented C. had invented.
B. has been invented D. will have been invented
69. She found it hard ____the content of the doctor’s explanation on how problems faced at university.
A. to understanding C. to understand B. for understanding D. understand of
70. She was _____________the color of his eyes.
A. shocked of B. shocked to C. shocked by D. shocked in
71. By 2015 we ____________extreme poverty and hunger from our country.
A. will have been eradicated. C. will be eradicated
B. will have eradicated D. would have eradicated
72. In order to achieve Universal Primary Education , we_____ more schools all over the country.
A. are built B. are being built C. will have been built D. are building
73. I have _______ made some coffee. It's in the kitchen.
A. ever B. just C. never D. yet
74. I wish my mother ______________me some money.
A. would give B. will give C. gives D. has given
75. It’s the first time I ________________to Addis since last week for vacation.
A. was B. have been C. will been D. am
76. The chair was _________safe to sit on because two legs were wobbly.
A. in- C. un- D. dis-
77. If I had seen anyone cheating on the exam, I certainly ____ the case to the invigilator.
A. will have reported C. shall have reported
B. would report D. would have reported
78. The riches aren’t_______________ all the other people.
A. as happier than B. as happier as C. the happiest D. much happier than
79. Talent is like a plant needs ___________,watered, and pruned.
A. to be fed B. to feed C. feeding D. eating
80. Sorry, you can’t go with Ossian. She __________ cake for my birthday.
A. is doing B. is making C. does D. makes
81. The horse man fell off his horse a year ago and now he is on a__________ stick.
A. supporting B. leaning C. walking D. catching
82. I feel that_______ adores me from the group, thus I have to join another one.
A. anyone B. someone C. no one D. everyone
83. We started early___________ get home before midnight.
A. so as to B. so that C. in order D. in order that
84. Our departure is only a month away;however,we haven’t got our tickets______.
A. still B. yet C. now D. already
85. In my life, I _________ had money counted in four digits. How awful!
A. have ever B. haven’t never C. have never D. am never
86.The applications are accepted only if the applicants submit them no ____ than may 20th . That is the deadline.
A. after B. faster C. sooner D. later
87. look at those black clouds! I think, it________________ .
A. is going to rain B. will rain C. may rain D. is raining
88. Unless you see the criminal,_________________ .
A. will not shout B. don’t shout C. give shout D. don’t have shout
89.Either of us _______ expected to submit a two-page report by the end of May.
A. are B. is C. will have been D. would have been
90. Isn’t it___________? She would find herself in New York in a fortnight.
A. entertaining B. interesting C. appealing D. thrilling
91.When I looked round the door, the baby _______ quietly.
A. is sleeping B. slept C. was sleeping D. were sleeping
92. We_______ to Ireland for our holidays last year.
A. goes B. going C. have gone D.went
93. I'm very tired. _______over four hundred miles today.
A. I drive B. I'm driving C. I've been driving D. I've driven
94. When Mesfin _______the car, he took it out for a drive.
A. had repaired B. has repaired C. repaired D. was repairing
95. Genet was out of breath because _______.
A. she'd been running B. she did run C. she's been running D. she's run
96.Don't worry. I_______ be here to help you.
A.not b) shall c) will not d) won't.
97. Boyish was digging the ground to plant cash crops when her son_______.
A. arrives B. will arrive C. had arrived D. arrived
98. A: Haven't you finished tidying your bedroom yet?
B: No, but _______by ten o'clock. Don't be so impatient.
A. I will have finished B. I have finished C. I finished D. I had finished
99. Martha: Will you call me back later, please? Abel: Of course, I _______you.


A. will call B. am going to call C. won’t call D. shall call
100. Abel: Where is the cashier? You: He __________ to the bank. He should be back soon.
A. has been B. has gone C. goes D. is going
101. My arms are aching now because I __________since two o'clock.
A. am swimming B. swam C. swim D. I've been swimming
102. Great innovations ___________in the field of Computer science and technology in the 20th century.
A. have made B. were making C. have been made D. were made
103. I __________ writing the new book for my students by the end of 2014.
A. had finished B. have finished C. would have finished D. will have finished
104. While I was watching TV, I __________my brother talking to a reporter.
A. saw B. was seeing C. have seen D. see
105. If someone is bleeding, we ----------gloves to treat them.
A.could wear B. wear C. will wear D. should wear
106. If the baker had intended to make a cake, he -----------baking powder.
A. have bought B. would have bought C. would buy D. will have bought
107. If the weather was fine, we --------------early and go for a swim.
A. would all get up B. will all get up C. would all have got up D. all get up
108. If the time frame were 2025, the Millennium Development goals ____________.
A. would achieve B. would be achieved
C. would have been achieved D. will be achieved
109. If only I had listened to my doctor, I _______ so weak in a very short time.
A. will have grown B. have grown
C. would have grown D. wouldn't have grown
110. If more girls go to school, more girls ________the workforce.
A. will enter B. would enter C. would have entered D. enter
111.Your teacher: How is your brother now? You: He is ____ today.
A. much bad B. much worse C. more worse D. more much worse
112.This new sofa is ____the old one.
A. much nicer than B. the most nice than
C. much more nicer than D. more nicer than
113.This isn’t ____as the last one we stayed in.
A. as comfortable a hotel B. as a comfortable hotel
C. such comfortable a hotel D. as a comfortable a hotel
114.The older you get, ____it becomes to find a job.
A. the most difficult B. the more difficult
C. the difficult D. the more difficult than
115.This is ____building in the town.
A. the old B. much older C. the oldest D. the older
116. Look over there! The girl is wearing attractive outfits, even they are completely__________.
A. spotless B. reckless C. worthless D. pointless
117. At the end of the day, the workers at the mine were __________ exhausted.
A. rather B. very C. completely D. quite
118.Some of my friends change their mobile every few months ______the expense.
A. although B. despite C. however D. but
119. The manager employed an accountant_______ he could control its overall income.
A. so as B. so C. however D. so that
120.__Mr. Douglas has not been in charge for long, there has already been a dramatic upturn.
A. Although B. Despite C. However D. As though
121.You won't learn to use a keyboard properly_____ you practise.
A. until B. unless C. if D. if not
122. _____there aren’t many books in the library, it is a quite place to study.
A. Although B. Because C. Despite D. As a result of
123. __________ few books, the school library is a quiet place to study.


A. Despite B. Even though C. Therefore D. Since
124. You should leave home early ____________to be late for tomorrow exam.
A. in case not B. so that not C. if not D. in order not
126.I'll introduce you to the man with ____I share a flat.
A. whom B. that C. who D. which
127. All my friends joined AU. I wish I ____ Entrance examination .
A. were passed B. was passed C. had passed D. will pass
128. I wish I ___ Entrance examination because I was the only remain in our village.
A. were passed B. was passed C. had passed D. pass
129. ------------- David had been a bit more careful, he could have been all right.
A. If only B. If not C. Otherwise D. But for
131. The case_______ to the manager if you are not satisfied with our service.
A. must have been taken B. must take C. must be taken D. must have taken
132. When I got home late last night, I found that my wife _______ to the station.
A. had taken B. will be taken C. had been taken D. had been taking
133. I have two brothers _______ work is in the ministry of education.
A. whose B. whom C. who D. which
134. The students are participating actively _______ they were in grade one.
A. similar B. as C. like D. the same
135. By next year this time, I _______ Addis Ababa University.
A. am joined B. join C. will have joined D. will be joining
136. Which of the following sentence is grammatically wrong?
A.I didn’t succeed in the business because I was careless.
B. But for my carelessness, I would have succeeded in the business.
C. But for the fact that I was careless, I would have succeeded in the business.
D. But for the fact that I am careless, I would have succeeded in the business.
137. The police ordered the thief_______
A. don’t move B. stop C. not to move D. move not
138. The students did not want to miss class, and-----------------
A. neither did the teacher B. so did the teacher C. either did the teacher D. so teachers were
139. I found this problem a bit----------the rest of the challenges.
A. tougher than B. the tough C. the toughest D. more tough
140. Who do you think took my bag? I tried to search it for a long time, but it isn’t_______.
A. everywhere B. nowhere C. somewhere D. anywhere
141. Neither the students nor the teacher ___________responsible for the lost bag.
A. is B. has C. are D. have
142. This sort of advertisement_______ everywhere ten years ago.
A. has been seen B. was seen C. is seen D. had seen
143. The building is so complex. You can’t easily find the entry or_______.
A. exit B. outlet C. escape away D. exert
144. I know the man in a red hat! He is married _______ the account manager of APSS.
A. with B. to C. from D.________
145. She rarely comes to visit her parents during vacation, _______?
A. does she B. did she C. doesn’t she D. didn’t she
147.If I had communicated the information effectively, the mistake _______.
A. will not have happened. B. would not have happened
C. has not happened. D. will not happen
148.When she did not understand the content of a class, she ___to her instructor and asked for help.
A. spoke B. has spoken C. speaks D. will speak
149.I wish international organizations ______________the impact of globalization.
A. will recognize B. would recognize
C. would have been recognized D. will be recognizing
150. An ultrasound is a machine, __________uses sound waves to identify medical problems.


A. where B. whose C. which D. that
151.We don't want to spend all day in the museum. I should think we___________ enough by lunch-time.
A, will have seen B. will be seeing C. will see D. have seen
152.I had better reserve a seat today ____________the train is full tomorrow.
A. so as B. in case C. as a result D. although
153.______________I wasn't so fat, I would be able to get into these trousers.
A. As if B. Despite C. If only D. Because
154.This year's figures show that Harar Brewery has become profitable and is now doing well ____its recent problems.
A. in spite of B. even though C. but D. although
156.The staff are working at weekends _____________complete the project in time.
A. so as to B. so that C. for D. in order
157.Markos heard the news on the radio ______________he was driving home.
A. as B. as soon as C. just D. until
158.You won't learn to use a keyboard properly_________ you practise.
A. until B. unless C. if D. if not
159.The stereo didn't work, _____________Dawit took it back to the shop.
A. because B. in order to C. so D. so that
162.Akalu: Do you mind not leaving your papers all over the table?
Bizuneh : Oh, sorry. I'll take them all with me when __________.
A. I go B. I shall go C. I will go D. I'm going
1163.Why do they always play ________________music?
A. so terrible B. such terrible C. such a terrible D. so terrible
164. Petros has two brothers, but he doesn't speak to _________of them.
A. any B. both C. either D. neither
165._______ has left a bicycle outside.
A. Anyone B. Anything C. Someone D. Something
166. Would you mind waiting only ___________________minutes?
A. a little B. few C. little D. a few
167.I can't go to a party. I haven't got _______________ to wear.
A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing
168. The two girls often wear _________________clothes.
A. each other B. each other's C. themselves D. themselves'
169. It's late. How much longer are you going to_________________ working?
A. go along B. go on C. go through D. go with
170. My shoes are dirty. I'd better take them _______________before I come in.
A. away B. off C. on D. up
171. The bus journey costs more now. They've put the fares ____________.
A. out B. over C. up D. down
172. We'd all decided to go on holiday together, but the plan fell_________, I'm afraid.
A. away B. back C. out D. through
173 I suppose you're being nice to make _________the awful way you behaved yesterday.
A. away of B. down on C. in with D. up for
174. Abdi: Do you think I should take the job?
Beyan: You shouldn't do anything___________ you think it's the right thing to do.
A. if B. in case C. unless D. when
175.My shoes are dirty. I'd better take them _______ before I come in.
A. away B. off C. on D. up
176.The bus journey costs more now. They've put the fares _______.
A. out B. over C. up D. down
177. We'd all decided to go on holiday together, but the plan fell_______, I'm afraid.
A. away B. back C. out D. through
178 I suppose you're being nice to make _______ the awful way you behaved yesterday.
A. away of B. down on C. in with D. up for


179. It's late. How much longer are you going to_________________ working?
A. go along B. go on C. go through D. go with
180. It was agreed that the football match ________.
A. be postponed B. postpones C. postponed D. was postponed
181. All my friends wanted coffee, so I ________ them some.
A. will make B. make C. could make D. made
182. I have searched all over and ________ could it be found. Someone must have thrown it out.
A. nowhere B. everywhere C. anywhere D. somewhere
183. I hope you will visit us next summer, ________?
A. will you B. won’t you C. don’t you D. are you
184. It is disheartening that the whole class is away to Lalibela. It means________ is coming for my birthday party.
A. anybody B. eveybody C. nobody D. somebody
185. Neither your relatives nor you ________ allowed to leave at the moment. Things should clear up.
A. is B. are C. be D. have
186. It has come to my attention that none of them ________ died in the accident.
A .has B. have C. is D. are
187. What they are doing is not relevant ________ the instructions in the book. Better tell them to stop.
A. of B. about C. to D. with
188. My holiday was never ________. I could use every minute for something enjoyable.
A. boring B. worrying C. annoying D. thrilling
189. I haven’t seen it, but I could imagine that the Renaissance Dam is ______than other dams we have in the country.
A. very bigger B. absolutely bigger C. much bigger D. more bigger
190. Has the plane landed ________? People are waiting outside to welcome him.
A. now B. still C. yet D. till now
191. We have lived in this area since child hood but we ________ seen anything like that before.
A. have never B. haven’t never C. have ever D. haven’t ever
192. I hope we ________ our tenth round by June. We have already done seven now.
A. have completed B. should complete C. will have completed D. will complete
193. I ________ hard for this exam since September and, I think, I did the right thing.
A. had really worked B. have really worked
C. really worked D. will have really worked
194. Unless you carefully________ the matter, you won’t easily find out what is going on.
A. look at B. look into C. look up to D. look upon
195. Rosa dropped ________ to collect her book. She was so cooperative.
A. by B. on C. about D. around
196. We are putting up a notice three weeks in advance ___ you have enough time to process your travel.
A. so as B. in order C. so that D. so as that
197. It is now generally accepted that in the future robots will take over many of our tasks, especially the more________
type of jobs.
A. repetitive B. repeating C. repetition D. repeated
198. I think my father________ in this college since 2000.
A. teaches B. taught C. is teaching D. has taught
199. The telephone ________. Can you answer it, please?
A. can ring B. is ringing C. rang D. has rang
200. My English teacher usually wears jeans, but today he ________ a suit.
A. wears B. wore C. is wearing D. has been wearing
201. My house________ into last night for the second time.
A. broke B. broken C. was broken D. has been broken
202. This question is a little ________ the next one.
A. less difficult as B. difficult than C as difficult as D. less difficult than
203. If I ________ time, I will do some shopping.
A. had B. have C. will have D. am having
204. If all ________ well, she should be here before it gets dark.


A. go B. went C. goes D. had gone
205. What ________ it actually like to wake up one day with more money than you can imagine.
A. does B. is C. has D. do
206. Do you find ________ difficult to meet new people?
A. them B. it is C. they are D. it
207. She spends hours in the room ________ to music.
A. to listen B. having to listen C. listening D. listens
208. A room ________ for you at the Hilton Hotel.
A. has reserved B. has been reserving C. has been reserved D. reserves
209. I turned round to find a man ________ knife at me.
A. point B. pointed C. points D. pointing
210. It seems she wants me to do her favour. You know, she has never been as nice __________ me as she is.
A. on B. with C. to D. for
211. I heard she became a_________________ ambassador. Lucky her! She would tour countries in the world.
A. roaming B. touring C. visiting D. walking
212. Visually impaired people usually use________________ watches. That makes life easy for them.
A. speaking B. talking C. feeling D. touching
213. Marijuana is told___________________ in this country. you can even be jailed if you are found with it.
A. anywhere B. somewhere C. nowhere D. everywhere
214. Some people ___________________ set feet out of their local town. They live and die just there.
A. always B. never C. ever D. sometimes
215. It is claimed that air pollution caused by developed nations is affecting the lives of millions in developing countries. I
would, however, think this ______________________.
A. is not true B. is the case C. could be dangerous D. is quite convincing
216. Dad doesn’t feel the globalization is just another way for rich countries to exploit the poor ones. He always
A. Hay, globalization has left us poorer. C. Son, globalization is a great idea.
B. No son, globalization is a bad idea. D. Yes son, globalization is exploitative.
217. Genet: Haven’t I seen you somewhere around Ambo?
Almaz: What?_____________________
A. No, I used to study in Ambo University. C. No, I come from Ambo originally.
B. Are you serious? You haven’t. D. Are you a tourist? How did you go there yourself?
218. ____________________ you and your wife have concocted this. I have never said that.
A. Both B. Nor C. All D. Either
219. The purchasers should be accountable for what had happened. _______________ Piece is faulty.
A. All B. Neither C. Both D. Every
220. The police ______________him in the area so many times and now they have him as a primary suspect.
A. have seen B. saw C. see D. had seen
221. Unless we solve our internal problem, we _____________ not think of challenging the enemy.
A. do B. might C. can D. ought
222. I wonder if I ________________ still see her alive. She has been ill for 10 years.
A. may B. could C. should D. will
223. I have no doubt he would win the scholarship. He is the ______________ of all.
A. very talented B. more talented C. most so talented D. most talented
224. We studied together at college, but I ________________ her ever since.
A. haven’t seen B. won’t have seen C. have seen D. didn’t see
225. My sister ________________ me a parcel two weeks ago, but I received it only yesterday.
A. sent B. had sent C. has sent D. had been sent
226. By the time you graduate, she _____________ someone else and had children. Better forget her
A. would marry B.has married C.will have married D. had married
227. If you were to be a teacher, you _________ have to join a college of education and take a necessary training. You
can’t jump into the profession from the street. A. Would B. Will C. Shall D. Could
228. Kebede and Yeshi are looking for a house to buy. I think, they _________ soon.


A. marry B. may be marrying C. are getting married D. will marry
229. They say George is selling his new car. I _________ him a call and ask.
A. Ought to give B. am giving C. will give D. must give
230. He sold his old house ____ buy a new one. Unfortunately, however, it didn’t work out and now he has no house.
A. so that to B. so as to C. in order that to D. because of to
231. They were all having lunch ___________ you came. It was a bad time.
A. while B. after C. when D. before
322. She is genuinely broke, ________ we have to contribute some for her. Come on, she is our friend.
A. because of B. Consequently C. . so that D. So
233. Listen! She is the one sitting ________Ali. Go and get her.
A. by front of B. next of C. behind to D. next to
234. Each one of us _______ help those affected by the drought. It is immoral to leave them to starve.
A. ought to B. will C. must D. can
235. Press the button in front of you ____you hear the bell ring. If you could do it before anyone, the money will be yours.
A. while B. as quickly C. as soon as D. not too late
236. I will take advanced English courses _____________ to get a better job.
A. in order B. for C. so that D. in order for
237. ________ you and your wife have concocted this. I have never said that.
A. All B. Nor C. Both C. Either
238. I have a terrible headache; I ______ see a doctor this evening. A. can B. could C. may D. should
239. Don't you think he can easily beat his contender ? He is faster and _____ .
A. very strong B. more strong C. much stronger D. more stronger
240. I do not understand what is going on. She has never been so nice ______ me.
A. to B. with C. on D. for
241. They do not teach this course ________ in this town.
A. somewhere B. some place C. nowhere D. anywhere
242. We have heard that your sister _______ a baby.
A. is going to have B. must have C. will have D. shall have
243. We studied together at college, but I ______ her ever since.
A. did not see B. will not have seen C. have seen D. have not seen
244. I heard she became a _--------------- ambassador. Lucky her She could tour countries in the world.
A. visiting B. touring C. roaming B. walking
245. I am really working hard to save money. By September next year. I _______ my own house and car.
A. will buy B. have bought C. must buy D. will have bought.
246. I see new machines unloaded in her premise. I think , she ________ production soon.
A. start B. will start C. may be starting D. is going to start
247. Are you sure he is back from Australia? If so, I _______ to see him.
A. will have B. am going C. ought have D. should have
248. Had it not been for his unswerving moral and financial support. I ______ completed my education.
A. should have B. wouldn't have C. would not D. would have
249. I have got tea and coffee, so you can have ___________.
A. each B. neither C. either D. neither of the two
250. Sit down I have got some _______ news for you this morning.
A. exciting B. excitement C. anxious D. ambitious
251. I _________ Tom for about ten years now.
A. know B. knew C. have known D. have been knowing
252. If I saw anyone cheating on this exam, I _________ report it to the invigilator.
A. may B. would C. will D. am going to
253. You do not need to come unless I________- .
A. will phone B. phoned C. phone D. am phoning
254. She is not __________ she thinks she is.
A. so bright as B. very bright as C. bright as D. such a bright as
255. The teacher was talking _________that we all fell asleep.
A. so sloely B. too slowly C. slowly D. very slowly
256. I wanted us to leave , but he says ___________ .
A. we would B. he would not C. I would not D. do not have
257. Titi and Bubu are both my friends , but I like Babu ________.
A. most B. the more C. more D. the most
258. I _________ in that restaurant so many times and their meals are really delicious. Shall we go there ?
A. ate B. eat C. had eaten D. have eaten
259. I __________ in a small town since I was born and planned to stay until I was fifty.
A. lived B. have been living C. had lived D. will have lived
260. I was doing some washing ___________ he came. He just said hello and left . That is all I know.
A. while B. when C. since D. during
261.Give me a call __________ back from you trip.
A. while you got B. when you get C. while you get D. when you will get
262. Melat has done this _____ she was 20. Wouldn’t it now be sensible to promote her to a management position?
A. yet B. from C. since D. still now
263. Please ask if they haven’t mailed the document ____. It should be here by Monday.
A. yet B. now C. still D. still now
264. He has secured his visa and everything necessary for his travel. They say he____ move to the USA.
A. may B. will C. might D. is going to
265. They ____ St. Gabriel Church, Dire Dawa, for the last ten years. It seems they are going to do the same this year too.
A. visited B. did visit C. had visited D. have visited
266. It would be embarrassing ____ the truth. The good thing was that no one told her what had happened.
A. is she to find out C. has she to find out
B. has she to find out D. were she to find out
267. In my opinion, he has_____ come in contact with her. Listen! He could not have raped her.
A. just B. ever C. never D. barely
268. _______ in the country can you find people free of such bias. Better take it as a norm and live with it.
A. Nowhere B. Anywhere C. Somewhere D. Everywhere
269. I understand ____ of us is responsible. We were out of town when it happened.
A. all B. both C. either D. neither
270. When the king comes to visit, they allow_______ beggar on the streets of the city. They want to appear as if they
don’t have one. A. no B. all C. none D. every
271. Now that Mom is gone, I don’t have anyone____ about my future plan.
A. talk B. talk C. to talk to D. talking to
272. She______ if that happened to her again.
A. cries B. will cry C. would cry D. would have cried
273. If come late one more time, my teacher ____ not let me in.
A. can B. does C. will D. must
274. Sara isn’t ________ she used to be.
A. a good singer as C. as good a dinger as
B. as a good singer D. so good a singer than
275. Had they sought assistance, we________ sent out life saves. We don’t understand why they chose to keep silent.
A. had B. have C. will have D. would have
276. They took her to the dentist _____ she could get some help. A. so B. that C. consequently D. in order to
277. She started seeing him as soon as we left. This means:
A. she was seeing him shortly before we left.
B. she started seeing him shortly after we left.
C. she started seeing him long after we left.
D. she started seeing him just as we were leaving.
278. _______ it rained heavily, we had to cancel our trip. The road was too muddy.
A. since B. however C. as a result D. because of
279. I have been trying to give up smoking for years now: I whish I ____ in the first place.
A. never started C. have never started


B. had never started D. was never starting
280. I know I was _____ in the filed , but not exactly where.
A. nowhere B. anywhere C. everywhere D. somewhere
281. Not all the seats in the exam hall____ taken yet.
A. has B. are C. were D. have
282. If disaster_____, we must take action now to reduce the size of the world’s population.
A. avoided B. . will be avoided C. is to be avoided D. has been avoided
283. I wonder if we ____ still be friends in 20 years’ time.
A. may B. will C. should D. could
284. ____ receiving his B.A., he went to graduate school for two years.
A. since b. after C. when D. while
285. The building collapsed ___ three fire-fighters.
Listen to this great piece of music. You ____ it.
A. enjoy B. will enjoy C. are enjoying D. are going to enjoy
286. By the year 2020, the cure for both HIV/AIDS and Ebola_______.
A. was discovered C. had been discovered
B. will be discovered D. will have been discovered

287. I found the news from the doctors ; they said Mom is in a good condition today.

(A) initiating (B) entertaining (C) encouraging (D) exciting

288. I`m delighted you in such a good health.

(A) I see (B) entertaining (C) to see (D) for I see

289. Many children often enjoy listening to such an story of adventure.

(A) excited (B) exciting (C) excitement (D) amusement

290. None of the furniture we brought last week yet.

(A) has arrived (B) arrive (C) has arrived (D) will have arrived

291. You look like a gentleman nor speak like one.

(A) never (B) ever (C) either (D) neither

292. According to a recent survey, young drivers are . likely to have an accident.

(A) the worse (B) the more (C) the worst (D) the most

293. Class begin only after you registration.

(A) completed (B) complete (C) will completed (D) had completed

294. Next week this time, I . all my examinations.

(A) I am finishing (B) have finished (C) will finish (D) will have finished

295. If anything goes wrong with this plan, you held responsible.

(A) would be (B) would have been (C) will be (D) will have been


296. If the media reported that nobody died in the crash, then them should be alive. You don`t have to cry.

(A) either (B) neither (C) both (D) none

297. I just heard on the radio that the company is selling goods at a big discount. I go and check if there is
anything I might need.

(A) will (B) would (C) may (D) am going to

298. I`m sure you a good time staying here with me this coming summer.

(A) will have (B) should have (C) have (D) will be having

299. was the bus that I was almost late for this exam.

(A) Very slow (B) Too slow (C) So slow (D) As slow

300. It is hard to imagine what life was like there were no computers or mobile phones.

(A) while (B) when (C) where (D) during

301. Doctors help you unless you tell them what`s wrong.

(A) can`t (B) couldn`t (C) shouldn`t (D) mustn`t

302. I don`t understand why he suspected us. From among us would want his money.

(A) No one (B) Any one (C) No anyone (D) Not someone

303. Did you know that Mary and Bedilu married next week?

(A) are going to get (B) will be getting (c) will get (D) get

304. Don`t say anything like that to me; again! (A) forever (B) whatever (C) never (D) ever

305. you come around, I see you making troubles. That is really intolerable.

(A) Always (B) Sometimes (C) All time (D) Every time

306. She seems to be so much spoiled. She is rude everyone. (A) to (B) on (C) at (D) with

307. I`m not good at mathematics, but I any problem with my English.

(A) had never have (B) have never had (C) never have (D) had never had

308. I was passing when I saw her talk like someone mad. I don`t think she is stable and alright.

(A) by (B) along (C) to (D) on

309. would I say about this exam later at home.

(A) Not a word (B) Nothing word (C) None a word (D) would die

310. I was very sad to her that your mother .


(A) had died (B) had died (C) dies (D) would die

311. I have now been admitted to the University of Mello and I am expected to be there in August. The semester
half way there by the time the academic year begins here.

(A) will be (B) would be (C) will have been (D) would have been

312. Zeritu worked really hard she could pass her university entrance exam and study medicine.

(A) so as to (B) because of (C) so that (D) in order to

313. are so fallible as those who are sure they are always right.

(A) Many (B) because of (C) Some (D) in order to

314. Jorgo has a very old mum who can hardly do anything. He take care of her as he is her only son.

(A) may (B) must (C) shall (D) ought to

315. Experts agree that neither sex more intelligent than the other; their brains are

(A) also different (B) just the same (C) just different (D) also the same

316. Had there been no trace of evidence for his involvement in the death of the old lady in the neighborhood, the police
so serious about keeping him in custody.

(A) won`t have been (B) would have been (C) wouldn`t have been (D) was not going to be

316.. The money we collected is near enough to cover our expenses. Much more is needed still.
a) anywhere b) nowhere c) somewhere d) everywhere
317. How a there-year old child be expected to tie his shoelaces without any help?
a) may b) can c) must d) but
318. I don`t choose teaching as my profession, I know teachers have long vacation.
a) so b) and c) therefore d) but
319. I don`t understand why she wouldn`t lend us one if she, two books.
a) has b) has had c) had d) had had
320. I completely with you; taxi drivers and waiters shouldn`t expect tips.
a) disagreed b) have agreement c) disagree d) have disagreed
321. Everyone knew about the change in the exam schedule, but of them told me about it.
a) some b) any c) few d) none
322. I any good films for the last six months.
a) have not seen b) I don`t see c) did not see d) have not seen
323. You score an A on this exam. , you will not choose to study English in the university.
a) Because b) Except c) Unless d) If not
324. We all should learn to be more kind each other.
a) at b) with c) for d) to
325. Let`s get going; I have heard such nonsense.
a) never b) ever c) forever d) wherever
326. We have known each other childhood.
a) since b) when c) while d) as
327. Guess how long you at school by the end of this year.
a) will be b) had been c)will have been d) have been
328. I`m not being superstitious, but you something earlier that brought you this bad luck.
a) must have done b) should have to do c) might have been doing d) would have done
329. There are many occasions when seat-belts save life, yet only drivers often wear them
a) many b) a few c) few d) a lot of
330. We must work hard to extricate our country from poverty.
a) such that b) in order c) so that d) because
331. we grow older, we can more about what other people think about us.
a) while c) because of b) In case of d) As
332. I was hoping to find some funny stories on your shelf, but I did not see
a) any c) many b) a few d) some
333. Which of the three deserves the school`s prize ?
a) well b) most c) best d) better
336. My mother caught the knife carefully not to cut herself.
a) in order b) to c) so that d) because
337. The meeting had not begun when we arrived.
a) already b) for c) yet d) since
338.What an awful thing! I thought the weather would be in April, but it actually got
a) worse/better b) good/better c) good/worse d) better/worse
339. We at the scene when the alarm went off.
a) have just arrived c) were just arrived b) had just arrived d) arrived
340. By the end of August, we our placement in universities.
a) will be knowing c) will know b) will have been known d) will have known
341. The jury had no choice, but to return a verdict of guilty with all the evidence.
a) after they presented c) when presented b) as they presented d) while they were presenting
342. Nobody would like to go with a .
a) losing teams b) lost team c) team lost d) team loose
343. The decision of the committee was fair; they offered the scholarship to all students.
a) deserved c) deserving b) deserve d) deserve

344. I don’t think I’ll need a hand. I am sure I ___ manage to get it upstairs. A. Will B. Can C. may D. must

345. She was rude _________ all of us, so the president should take an immediate measure- in fact, see her off for good.
A. at B. on C. to D. with

346. You know your aunt is getting very old. You _________ visit het every day and see what is lacking. Check if she
takes her meals properly.

A. must B. Should C. ought to D. have to

347. We were worried that everybody had very little money left. It was even more frustrating that Abdu, out group leader,
had the ___________ compared to the rest of us.

A. least B. less C. more little D. most little

348. Gebre didn’t come to the meeting__________ fear of being labeled as a puppet. But it could have been better to go
and see what people think about the system. A. because B. for C. as D. in case of

349. I__________ this job for last 35 years and I don’t think I would even think of changing it. It is my word and I feel
there is no better word for me. A. was going B. am doing C. had done D. have done

350. By the time you come for your next holiday, they__________ the construction of the hotel. Surely, you will be
staying there. A. will complete B. would complete C. will have completed D. already complete

351. ________ in the town could you find any safe haven. I ask you to leave before it is too late.


A. No one B. Nothing C. Nowhere D. neither

352. There might be skirmishes here and there in the country. ____________, the system is more democratic than ever
before and the majority seems to be happier. A. But B. Despite C. Even though D. Even so

353. Nearly ________ of the invited guests appeared for the theatre and the manager was fuming about this. I said
nothing, but chose to keep silent. A. none B. some C. all D. neither

354. Aren’t you Mr. Karimu’s daughter? ________, I thought someone introduced you to me.

A. No, I am. B. Yes, I’m not C. No, he didn’t D. Yes, I am

355. I understand __________ could replace the trouble you took to make us live comfortable. All we could do is say
thank you from the bottom of our heart. A. no anything B. everything C. something D. nothing

356. Hebran ___there since last October, but she want to come back very soon. She says she is missing her little daughter.

A. is B. has be C. had been D. was

357. Despite the provocative comments made by some of her audience, she chose her words very carefully ____not go out
of topic and make the issue personal. I really admired her patience.

A. so as B. because of C. so that D. in order that

358. _____of you is responsible for what had happened. It was this Nigerian guy that stole everything. A. Both
B. Either C. Neither D. One

359. The fact is that I didn’t know she was in such a serious problem. Now you calm down and I ______ do everything
possible. OK? A. will B. may C. can D. am going to

360. Everybody reacted in a strange way. It was a really ___blast that I could hear almost nothing of the screams and yells
around. It took me five minutes to realize what was going on.

A. devastating B. Deafening C. disheartening D. exploding

361. When we arrived in Addis Ababa, Bubu ____________ the money yet. You can’t imagine how cross I was as we had
no cash on hand. A. wouldn’t sent B. hasn’t sent C. didn’t sent D. hadn’t sent

362. You would easily get a good job if you ________ your spoken English.

A. improve B. were improving C. are improve D. improved

363. __________ had we finished the cooking that he knocked that he knoked at the door wanting something to eat. His
noses should be very dependable. A. No sooner B. As soon as C. So soon D. very soon

364. I am giving up the idea of starting an MA programme at Jombola University. Admission with them is in August, but
I ___ from here by them. I will still have one more course to do.

A. won’t graduate B. won’t be graduated C. won’t have graduated D. wouldn’t graduated

365. There are wide-spread __________ rumors of exempting students who score over 600 from educational cost-sharing.
A. inspiring B. inspiration C. inspired D. inspirational

366. They still argue that the quality of education is steadily improving. Obviously they are trying to fool us, but we
_________ the idea. A. either take B. don’t expect C. never buy D. neither agree to

367. She showed such __________ gestures that the boy thought she loved him. We shouldn’t totally blame him for his
actions. A. misleading B. pleasing C. daring D. relaxing

368. I __________ with you, Abel; irregular class attendance isn’t the cause of your failure.

A. disagreed B. disagree C. am disagreed D. have disagreement

369. ______ need further clarification, give us a call or pay us a visit. We will be happy to assist.

A. You may B. Should you C. You will D. Would you


DIRECTIONS: Questions 1-96, are incomplete sentences. There are four alternative words/phrases, A-
D, given below each Questions. Choose the word /phrase that best completes the sentences.
1. Sabah's literary work has obtained ______ from among many scholars both inside and outside the country. A.
awareness B. dominant C. entertainment D. recognition
2. Such local and research based stories are believed to have a very vast historical ______ for the country as well as for
the continent of Africa. A. awareness B. significance C. originated D. confined
3. The ______ of poverty on the spread of HIV AIDS is clearly seen in the third world countries.
A. vulnerable B. impact C. coerced D. immune
4. The ______ from the sun is bad for our eyes. A. glare B. rays C. heat D. light
5. Pride is to lion as school is to______. A. teacher B. student C. self-respect D. fish
6. Hoping to ______ the dispute, negotiators proposed a compromise that they felt would be _______ to both
opposition party and government.
A. enforce . . useful B. end . . divisive C. overcome . . unattractive D. resolve . . acceptable
7. “Less government spending” is _______ of this political party, a belief shared by most party members.
A. a prospectus B. a retraction C. a tenet D. a plight
8. Conditions in the mine were _____, so the mine workers refused to return to their jobs until the dangers were _______.
A. filthy .. disbanded B. hazardous .. eliminated C. deplorable .. collated D. illegal .. enhanced
9.We all know how wonderful you are. There is no need to --------------.
A. drop out B. get away C. show off D. fill in


10. The United Nations was ______ to settle conflicts peacefully.
A. set up B. set out C. set by D. set off
11. Most of the audience had left in the interval, but the actors decided to ______________the show.
A. go along with B. go on with C. go in with D. go off with
12.In view of the extenuating circumstances and the defendant’s youth, the judge recommended_____.
A. conviction B. a defense C. life imprisonment D. leniency
13. Gregory’s face was ______ when he reported the loss of his ship.
A. vivid B. somber C. animated D. pusillanimous
14. I am planning to---------my vocabulary book after class and test myself.
A. get over B. get on with C. go through D. pull out
15. We do not---------------hope. We will make it nice. A. loose B. lose C. lost D. loss
16. You have to buy Intermediate English grammar. It is __________ for your further language study.
A. invaluable B. inaccurate C. inconsistent D. invisible
17. People destroy forest for agriculture. This ______________ leads to global warming.
A. destructive B. destruction C. destructible D. distracter
18. As a child I remember being------------------by my father’s appearance.
A. riveted B. bored C. fascinating D. exciting
19. Don’t be selfish. I will ___________ up your relationship with your boyfriend.
A. look B. mess C. give D. stay
20.How do you___________ a person who boasts a lot.
A. describe B. prescribe C. proscribe D. inscribe
21. Eden's research work has obtained ____from among many scholars both inside and outside the country.
A. recognition B. dominant C. entertainment D. awareness
22. The performance of the business enterprises entrepreneurship is _____magnificent.
A. quite B. quit C. quiet D. kite
23. I have-----------sugar, I must go and buy some. A. run with B. run into C. run out of D. run over
24. look at that man! He knock out his rival easily. Isn’t he as __________________?
A. gentle as a lamb B. tall as a palm tree C. strong as a bull D. cunning as a fox
25. These days, there is a sharp____________ in the cost of living all over the world.
A. raise B. rice C. arise D. rise
26. We fight all the time. We just don’t_______with each other. A. go on B. get across C. get down D. get on
27. We are ______ that we will score excellent grade in our exam. We have already accomplished our preparation.
A. confidence B. confidential C. confident D. punctual
28. I don’t really have______________. I often overlook things and make silly mistakes.
A. level headedness B. an eye to see a bigger picture C. an eye for detail D. trustworthiness


29. The gangsters_____________ down their arms and surrendered.
A. lay B. lied C. laid D. laying
30. The former prime minister was ______________ about the Grand Millennium Dam project.
A. passion B. passionately C. patient D. passionate
31. Lap top computers are so portable. They allow work to be done everywhere and have been working______for years.
A. reliably B. reliability C. reliable D. reliant
32. Selam, who is always intoxicated, drinks like __________ A. a fish B. a bird C. a pig D. an elephant
33. We cannot_______AIDS by eating spice and garlic. A. shield B. protect C. prevent D. project
34. Students are supposed to_____ their school rules and regulations.
A. obey B. abide C. obligate D. oblige
35. The Ethiopian annual beauty _____ which hold every year seems to be very stiff. It is hard to predict the winner.
A. rivalry B. contest C. contention D. competition
36. They didn’t accept her _______________ to marry her boyfriend.
A. question B. interest C. proposal D. letter
37. My sister stayed behind to___________ our ailing grandmother.
A. take after B. come after C. run after D. look after
38. The terrorist was accused of launching a coward______ attack on civilians.
A. -ity B.-able C. -less D. –ly
39. Our new manager is boring, he puts me ______ every time he chairs the meeting.
A. off B. down C. away D. up
40. I am sorry. I couldn’t come I was ______ marking the papers.
A. put down B. caught up C. tied up D. unable
41. She stayed behind to______ her ailing mother. A. run after B. come after C. look after D. take after
42. We _____ the manager as he is efficient and treats everyone equally.
A. look up B. look up to C. look upon D. look down on
43. They couldn’t _________ with each other, so they had to go their own ways.
A. get up B. get along C. get away D. get round
44. You really seem tired. Let me _______ A. take up B. take off C. take over D. take away
45. I find it difficult to __________ with my boss these days. He really is not approachable.
A. get on B. get of C. get across D. go on
46. He completely_______ after a day’s hard labor. A. wore off B. wore out C. wore away D. wore down
47. Can you go to the________ and ask her if they have a pen? I lost mine this morning.
A. stationer B. station C. stationary D. stationery
48. It is true that your friend was _______ from hospital? That is really good news.
A. relieved B. released C. sent out D. discharged


49. Writing a formal letter in English is not difficult, but you should follow certain_______.
A. conviction B. conversations C. conversions D. conventions
50. Newton was a great English scientist. He _______ the law of gravitation.
A. invented B. created C. discovered D. declared
51. Ato Bisrat has been _______ chairman of the new committee.
A. apologized B. appreciated C. applauded D. appointed
52. I _______ them that there had been financial problems earlier in the year.
A. told B. explained C. revealed D. requested
53. It is a sad sight to see a child _______ with polio.
A. affected B. afflicted C. affiliated D. affectionate
54. I was _______ when I heard the news of her mother’s death.
A . ashamed B. impressed C. surprised D. shocked
55. Please _______ yourself from spitting in public places.
A. consign B. restrain C. restore D. contradict
56. You can’t go out after mid-night in this town. A state of emergency has been ________ over the last few days.
A. declined B. dropped C. declared D. released
57. Many students in my class were ________ for poor attendance.
A. praised B. legalized C. penalized D. fined
58. A witness was able to ________ my story that the accident was not my fault.
A. sustain B. suspect C. supplement D. substantiate
59. My parents will be ________ if I get into trouble with the head teacher again.
A. serious B. anxious C. furious D. curious
60. I passed all my exams. This made my mother________.
A. upset B. proud C. annoyed D. anxious
61. He is a very kind person. He gets satisfaction by________ others’ burden.
A. lighting B. slighting C. lightening D. enlightening
62. Do not think we are completely safe. Dangers are still ________.
A. eminent B. imminent C. apparent D. evident
63. Let us ________ the decision until next week. There could be unexpected changes.
A. pass B. bypass C. defer D. differ
64. It is _____________for children to talk to adults the way that little girl did. She is rude.
A. inproper B. ill-proper C. improper D. inproper
65. You did not show him any_____________. Don’t forget he is the boss.
A. respectance B. respection C. respectfulness D. respect
66. They were engaged in the _______________of the city these days. Everything looks very great now.


A. beauty B. beautification C. beautifying D. beautifulness
67. Haven’t you _______________anything yet? I guess that one is wonderful.
A. picked out B. picked down C. picked in D. picked up
68. I heard Shibiru________________ an elderly gentleman and he is now under the police custody.
A. ran into B. ran along C. ran over D. ran behind
69. We _______________all our complaints to the person in charge, but he doesn’t seem to care. We don’t understand
what good governance means. A. put out B. down C. put up D/ put over
70. Everyone was so nervous and we had to leave hurriedly. There was no one________________ and calm.
A. gracious B. relaxed C. pleasant D. friendly
71. It was all tiring, but we had no other option. I really hate such_______________ tasks.
A. exhausting B. uninspiring C. boring D. demanding
72. There is a lot of __________________ in the document she typed yesterday. You will need to proofread it.
A. unaccuracy B. misaccuracy C. inaccuracy D. unaccurateness
73. Some students develop a problem of____________to the university environment. They should be properly counseled.
A.maladjustment B. unadjustment C. inadjustment D. misadjustment
74. Do not _________ my talents in the kitchen; I have a diploma in cooking.
A. undertake B. underpin C. underlie D. under8rate
75. Although language is the main means of communication between peoples, the fact that so many languages have developed these
days has often made language to act more as a barrier than a/an ________ to understanding among peoples.
A. alarm B. aid C. key D. obstacle
76. What a surprise  I just ___________ an old fried I have not met for ages.
A. ran into B. ran over C. ran along D. ran towards
77. The Japanese love eating __________ fish: that is why dishes of uncooked fish called sushi or sashami are
available at most Japanase restaurants. A. clean B. fresh C. raw D. tropical
78. I have recently joined a campaign to _______ smoking in most public places in my town.
A. fight B banish C. ban D. abstain
79. Your hand writing is _______ . I could not read it at all .
A. illegal B. irregular C. illegible D. eligible
80. They tell me the whole family is illiterate which would mean it is ____________.
A. unteachable B. ignorant C. unskilled D. uneducated
81. The party this round was not as lavish as it had been in the previous years. Drinks were particularly____.
A. mean B. unavailable C. scanty D. minimum
82. He is one of the exemplary elders in our kebele . He deserves due____________.
A. respect B. respect ion C. respecting D. respectfulness
83. We were all ________ for the end of this misunderstanding , after all , they were intimate friends.


A. nervous B. ambitious C. anxious D. jealous
84. The residents _______- all details of the problem to the mayor and he promised to seek solutions.
A. put out B. put over C. put up D. put forward
85. Visiting a new country can be an exciting , even _____ experience.
A. heralding B. exhilarating C. distinguishing D. exacerbating
86. There ___________ on their notes , instead of their memory, may cause many students a great deal of trouble when
they take this exam. A. reliance B. confidence C. brilliance D. relevance
87. We are not sure of the number of casualties, but we heard there was a----------- on the way to Gojam.
A. danger B. collision C. calamity D. coalition
88. Didn’t I tell you to_____________ up the meaning of this word in the dictionary?
A. see B. look C. refer D. check
89. You shouldn’t have_________ such a nice offer. A. denied B. rejected C. requested D. doubted
90. I don’t think I am very _____ but I’m not all that bad-looking either. A. plain B. pretty C. serious D. modest
91. I saw the accident and phoned the police______. A. sadly B. suddenly C. immediately D. unfortunately
92. What did you do about your aching tooth? Did you get it_____?
A. pulled up B. pulled out C. pulled down D. pulled round
93. I didn’t find it fascinating. To me it was rather a bit_____.
A. boring B. soothing C. bouncing D. compelling
94. There appears to be an amendment made to the investment policy. However, we are not sure of who major._______.
A. benefit B. beneficent C. beneficial D. beneficiary
95. Her____ to climb mount Batu surprised everyone. In fact, she used to get t the top of Dashen very easily.
A. inability B. unability C. disability D. non-ability
96. Have you visited Billi? She is just_____an illness. A. going over B. getting over C. getting under D. getting out of

97. I`m meeting Sara at three o`clock to discuss our class schedule. After that, I`m playing chess. Oh,
, I may want something to eat when I get home. a) besides b) after all c) whereas d) by the way
98. No translation; students need to learn to what words mean from the way they are used.
a) deduce b) introduce c) induce d) reduce
99. Physical labor can exhaust the body ; , excessive regarding can reduce mental power.
a) regrettably b) equally c) incidentally d) sadly
100. The ceremony did not take long; I the statue soon after the coordinator`s brief speech.
a) unwrapped b) unsealed c) unveiled d) unrevealed
101. Children using the swimming pool must be by an adult at all times.
a) adapted b) accompanied c) accorded d) accustomed
102. I usually get nervous at the beginning of interview sessions but as time goes, I become and get back to normal.
a) stable b) calm c) settled d) healthy


103 An increase in the prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS incidence reveals that some people are still to their sexual partners.
a) unfaithful b) unkind c) ungrateful d) unthankful
104. As docile is to tamed so is awesome to a) distasteful b) fearful c) grant d) blunt
105. They were two loving sisters. Nobody could tell why they fell a) out b) apart c) in d) through
106. Adamu was given enough time to do his assignment; however, as usual, he came several excuses for failing to do his work.
a) across to b) up with c) through d) in
107. We were not happy with the hotel room in. Contrary to their advertisement, it was noisy and the views were not nice.
We have a claim to be at least partially refunded.
a) put out b) put through c) put in d) put up
108. Underprivileged or children deserve special consideration. We need to make decisions on how to assist them.
a) disabled b) disadvantage c) inaccessible d) uneducated
109. I know she is lying, but it is hard to her story. a) disprove b) disclose c) dismantle d) discourage

110. The carpenter accidentally hit his thumb with a hammer and in pain.

(A) whispered (B) whistled (C) winced (D) wiped

111.. your shoes or you will trip over and fall down. (A) Embrace (B) Lace up (C) Brace (D) Bump into

112. It is assumed that free people are to infringements of their rights.

(A) inimical (B) imitative (C) innocuous (D) fragile

113. I don`t like people who beat around the bush. I want them to .

(A) stop blaming others for their own mistakes (B) come to an agreement

(C) stop avoiding the issue (D) look for the hidden point

114. For reasons unknown to us, it is now the third month he stopped playing his contributions, so, we can now
his name from the membership list.

(A) erase out (B) cancel out (C) rub out (D) write out

115. People who live on an island in a sea will most probably need to heir water. Otherwise, they cannot drink it.

(A) filter (B) desalinate (C) detoxify (D) denitrify

116. Many of my friends were in heated argument about which team would win the game last night; in fact, I was
. and simply enjoyed watching the game.

(A) discouraged (B) unwise (C) unfair (D) indifferent

117. As mistake is to eraser so is constitution to (A) revolution (B) draft (C) concise (D) amendment

118. After waiting for two hours, Mom grew . with my sister and decided to call her.

(A) irresponsible (B) unfriendly (C) un kind (D) impatient


119. I understand it is taking them years to the shock of the son`s death. I really pit them.

(A) get over (B) put over (C) go over (D) get down

120. We should each children to________ when they cross roads. There could be speeding vehicles coming from either
direction. A. look on C. look out B. look ahead D. look back

121. Previously, he was a fulltime manger at the Sheraton Hotel, but now he earns a living working as a_________ giving
training to manager in various companies. A. staff B. personnel C. pensioner D. freelancer

122. Countries which are members of the African Union are ___states. A. member B. sovereign C. riparian D. monolithic

123. She likes to try extraordinary things, in other words, she usually comes up with________ ideas that most of us
cannon think of. A. strange B. further C. good D. mundane

124. I believe the machine was ________ by the operator. How can it stop working in just three months?

A. unused B. underused C. disused D. misused

125. Corrupt official might thing they could rob public property and ________ it, but sooner or later they would get
caught. A. get away with B. get down to C. get down on D. dynamic

126. The new prime minister seems to the ___________ of a natural leader. But to be successful, he needs the cooperation
of all the people.A. dynamics B. dynamicity C. dynamism D. dynamist

127. Apparently there are lots of building in Addis Ababa that should be _________because of their inferior quality. If left
alone, they could be risky to the occupants. A. pulled away B. pulled out C. pulled down D. pulled off


Directions: Questions 1-60 each has an underlined word or phrase. Choose one word or phrase that keeps
the meaning of the given sentence if substituted for the underlined word or phrase.
1. These days cost of living is doubled more than our expectations. We need to cut hack on our spending.
A. reduce B. tackle C. demand D. maintain
2. I got some money from the insurance company, but nothing could make up for losing my wedding ring.
A. compensate B. assure C. avoid D. guarantee
3. The consultants put forward a proposal to reorganize the company.
A. refused B. suggested C. distributed D. ascribed
4. My cousin kicked the bucket a week ago
A. survived from illness B. died C. became well D. buried
5. Mr. John washed his hands off after passing the verdict over the innocent woman.
A. felt guilty B. approved reluctantly C. refused to agree D. accepted to agree
6. I cannot get through to the university on the phone.
A. finish B. pass C. make contact D. participate
7.The argument is flawed as the conclusion doesn’t follow from the premise.
A. perfect B. credible C. sound D. faulty
8. The rebellions in South Sudan and the government said they shouldn’t have been begs the question of how they got in
to conflict.
A. refute the thing being argued about B. accept as disproved the thing being argued
C. raise more fundamental issue D. deny as proved the thing being argued .
9. We had a long way to go to Goode in the Somalia Region, so we woke at dawn and set off very early.
A. started a journey B. finished a journey C. arrived D. established
10. At our age we should know what good manners are. Please let us mind our manners wherever we are.
A. behave impolitely B. behave politely C. became dishonest D. became shy
11. She greeted the naughty boy in a cold manner.
A. an unfriendly way B. a type of illness C. having a low temperature D. warmly
12. We now recognize we can no longer count on our boss.
A. notice B. belief C. depend D. keep attract
13. The burglar was on the run from the police.
A. surrendered B. defeated C. escaped D. controlled
14. All what you have said is nice. It is really priceless for our success. I agree.
A. incredible B. unimportant C. worthless D. invaluable
15. At the time we could not have anticipated our result to be bad.
A. supported B. expected C. annoyed D. sustained
16. he told his students a tale about his mother being at death’s door last week.
A. very ill B. seriously injured C. at funeral D. mourning
17. He goes on to pick holes in all I say before reaching his conclusion.
A. praise B. criticize C. scrutinize D. supplement
18. We are in accord with your proposal to increase money for educational activity.
A. clash B. disagreement C. agreement D. ignorance
19. He is leaving. I think he has a bigger fish to fry.
A. something bigger to eat B. something more important to do
C. additional cooking to do D. some more money to collect
20. Don’t you think the gifts were really priceless?
A. unwanted B. worthless C. invaluable D. not valuable
21. I don’t think this contract agreement would work. You have been taken for a ride.
A. given little attention B. considered only temporarily
C. given only a lift D. really deceived


22. He is unfriendly; his behavior always repels me as well.
A. pulls B. ridicules C. offends D. pleases
23. Stop shouting! I am trying to get a grasp of what is going on around.
A. absorb B. observe C. report D. understand
24.I don’t get on with my new neighbor; he plays loud music always.
A. live together B. like C. go out with D. invite
25. I think we must push along as it is getting late.
A. leave B. get faster C. apply soon D. contact someone
26. Have the election results come through yet?
A. been collected B. come to an end C. become public D. started counting
27. She now knows she can no longer count on you.
A. notice B. keep attracted to C. depend D. ask for money
28. It came about in the middle of the night and we could do nothing.
A. bumped into B. happened C. sneaked through D. suddenly attacked
29. The school postponed the exam time for one week.
A. put out B. put through C. put off D. cut off
30.Many students took part in the all Ethiopian sport competition.
A. accepted B. advised C. won D. participated
31. The gas tank exploded when a car collided with it.
A. catch on B. put off C. went off D. took off
32. He turned an excellent essay in an American Civil War.
A. submitted B. narrated C. read D. edited
33. I don’t know how we are going to cope with such an increasing cost of living this year.
A. explain B. win C. manage D. expect
34. It seems she turned down his idea of going out with her. What a shame!
A. hated B. disclosed C. rejected D. postponed
35. I don’t get along with most of my classmates.
A. go B. meet C. play D. agree
36. Mary and her sister have been at odds with each other for five years. I feel it is time you intervened.
A. in confusion B. in unclear terms C. in contrast D. in disagreement
37. I saw the horse loose in the field. You should tell me who did that.
A. hungry B. free C. lost D. tied
38. In most cultures, the marriage of a man and a woman is accompanied by some kind of goods or services.
A. measured B. known C. followed D. judged
39. It looks as if the whole building could come tumbling down at any movement.


A. crack B. demolish C. fall D. move
40. She waited on tables to earn money while she was in college.
A. served meals B. cleaned tables C. painted tables D. sold tables
41. The chair person spoke so fast that I couldn't get down a word of what he was saying this afternoon.
A. hear B. recite C. write D. absorb
42. The launching of health care service is a milestone in the history of the kebele.
A. expansion B. beginning C. planning D. enforcement
43. A large quantity of drugs was seized after the bombing raid made on enemy bases.
A. destroyed B. exploded C .taken D. discovered
44. Teenagers declare their separateness from their parents by the way they dress and talk.
A. debate B. announce C. say D. denounce
45. I do not enjoy watching sport apart from football.
A. except B. including C. even D. let alone
46. Everyone knows he is arrogant. That must be why he doesn't have many friends.
A. ignorant B. immodest C. obliging D. unfriendly
47. I know she is not very slim but she is not all that bulky either.
A. huge B.pretty C. slender D. tall
48. You came a little early for the appointment.
A. on time B. in time C. late D. exactly
49. DDT has been banned in many parts of the world, but it is still in use in Africa.
A. banished B. disestablished C. prohibited D. destroyed
50. You know this is a literate society.
A. informed B. intelligent C. skilled D. educated
51. These people are so mean that they hardly give anything to charity. They are different from the other village.
A. selfish B. rude C. unsociable D. unfriendly
52. I will send you the documents to review them as quickly as you can. They expect our comments early next week.
A. go over B. go into C. get over D. get into
53. Natural calamity has become a challenge to most nations in developing countries. Mankind can no more ignore the issue.
A.drought B.problem C.danger D.disaster
54. We decided to call on and see for ourselves what is going on in the company. Reports show that productions are
steadily on the decline.
A. pay a visit B. give a call C. different D. distracting
55. Anyone contravening these rules would be out of the game. So make up your mind before you join in.
A. breaking B. doubting C. distrusting D. intervening
56. One main problem faced by national parks and game reserves in East Africa is poaching.


A. illegal killing B. game watching C. wildlife coaching D. unlawful catching
57. I often can’t stand people who always complain. They get on my nerve.
A. see B. tell C. take D. tolerate
58. I hear they have fallen out over who their daughter should marry.
A. quarrelled B. discussed C. came to terms D. remained undecided
59. I am going to tidy up this house tomorrow morning.
A. paint B. clean C. renew D. change
60. Chinese looks like Japanese, but actually the two languages dissimilar.
A. related B. difficult C. different D. distracting

6`1. The teacher asked us to hand in the homework this Friday.

(A) transmit (B) transfer (C) admit (D) submit

62. Heavy shellings in several cities of Syria have turned buildings in to rubbles. It would obviously take a lot of resource to
reconstruct them.

(A) debris (B) rubbish (C) admit (D) wilderness

63. I didn`t ring off until he said he didn`t love me. Once I heard that, I forced myself to completely erase him out of my mind.
(A) hang up (B) hold on (C) ring up (D) shut down

64. It is believed that with experience my sister will be proficient at the task.

(A) adapt (B) adopt (C) adept (D) novice

65. My sister is such a little nuisance; she often likes to ask too many silly question.

(A) annoying (B) sad (C) exciting (D) stupid

66. Old shanty parts of Addis Ababa are pulled down and new modern high rising buildings are erected.

(A) repaired (B) demolished C) replaced (D) extracted

67. We are going to put off our vacation until next year.

(A) cancel (B) enjoy (C) extend (D) delay

68. We heard the new and called off the meeting.

a) cancelled b) postponed c) held d) chaired
69. I always believe it is healthy for everyone to repress their emotions.
a) kick out b) throw away c) throw out d) hold back
70. Actually, she takes after her mother, not her father.
a) remembers b) resembles c) cares for d) follows
71. The dog went for me when I Knock at their door this morning.
a) barked b) growled c) grunted d) attacked

72. If we carefully listen to the advice of our medical personnel I am sure we can easily prevent some of the
infectious diseases in Ethiopia. But people don’t seem to be serious about them.


A. serious B. dangerous C. fatal D. contagious

73. We are so regretful that we didn’t take necessary measures to stop the tyranny that went on in prison of this
country. No doubt, we would be held responsible.

A. remorseful B. shameful C. gleeful D. disgraceful

74. The whole family looked up to my mother as their ideal example.

A. spoke B. respected C. told D. took

75. Despite all attempts to bring about peace and stability, things are going very slow and in some places, they
are even getting worse.

A. Because of B. Regardless of C. With regard to D. Even though

76. The doctor told the nurse to have all the gadgets Sterilized and make them ready for the operation this

A. disassembled B. speak-free C. germ- free D. well organized

77. A substantial number of refugees from the Middle East have drowned in the Mediterranean Sea while trying
to cross to Europe.

A. considerable B. record-breaking C. verified D. innumerable

78. Contrary to what I heard about her, she is such a cute girl difficult to part with. She has a huge sense of
humor. A. Opposite B. In contrast C. Though D. Unlike

79. This task call for careful investigation and scrutiny. A. looks for B. visits C. names D.demands


DIRECTION: The following questions are presented in the form of dialogue. The part said by one of the
speakers is given, and a blank space is left for other. Four alternative answers, A-D, are given for each of
the blank spaces. Choose the alternative that is most appropriate to complete the dialogue.
1. Genet: I just love your hair that way! Did you do it yourself?
Senaet: _______. Yes, I did. Isn't yours a new style, too?
A. Oh, thanks B. Oh, you’re welcome C. Never D. Quite well
2. A_______! You swam very well.
B: Thank you. You did, too
A. Good morning B. Congratulations C. How are you D. Wow poor me
3. Son: I bought a car today.
Father: _______ You have put the cart before the horse, I would say.


A. That will be silly thing to do. B. That can be silly thing to do.
C. That might be silly thing to do. D. That should be silly thing to do.
4. Martha: Will you call me back later, please?
Abel: _______. At what time?
A. Yes, of course I will B. Yes, of course I won’t C. No, I won’t D. Yes, of course I do
5. Mathew: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to the Addis Ababa University please?
Ayalew: No, sorry. _______.
A.I am a stranger here myself. B. Take this road and go straight a head
C. Go past the park and turn to your left D. Addis Ababa University is on your left
6. Abebe: I wondered if you’d come to my graduation ceremony on Saturday.
Belay: _______, I’d love to come.
A. That is very kind of you B. Let's have a coffee after class
C. I’d like to invite you to dinner, Ato Akalu. D. Have you got any plans for the weekend?
7. Abeba: Can you come to the cinema tomorrow?
Bontu: _______, I can't come tomorrow, because I have an assignment to finish for Wednesday.
A. yes, of course B. I’m afraid C. Ok, I'll look forward to it D. Thanks, that sounds great.
8. Abebe: Do you mind if I sit here? You: _______
A. Of course, have a sit B. No, I am not C. No matter, sit down D. No, of course
9. YOU: I think we are left with little time. Let’s go in a hurry.
Your friend: _______.we had better take a taxi.
A.I couldn’t agree less B. I can’t agree C. I couldn’t agree more D. I refuse to
10. Your friend : _________________! You beat your rival very well.
You : Thank you. You did, too
A. Good morning B. Congratulations C. How are you D. Wow poor me
11. Ali: Can you come to the cinema tomorrow?
Bontu: ________. I have an assignment to finish for tomorrow.
A. yes, of course B. I’m afraid I can't
C. Ok, I'll look forward to it D. Thanks, that sounds great.
12. Student : Excuse me, could you tell me the time please? Teacher : ____________
A. I’m sorry. There is no time around here. B. The third period isn’t finished, yet.
C. Never mind. I don’t have time. D. Poor you!
13. Teller : May I help you? Customer: ________________
A. Why do you ask? C. What kind of help?
C. what do you mean? D. Would you tell me the exchange rate, please?
14. Caller : _________________? Operator : I am afraid Mr. Teka is not in.
A. I want Mr. Teka, please B. How are you, Mr. Teka
C. Is it Mr. Teka’s office, please D. May I speak to Mr. Teka, please
15. Your friend : Would you like some more Pizzas? You: _______________
A. No thanks. I have just had enough. B. No thanks. I just had lunch.
C. No thanks. I had just had enough D. Never mind, I hate Pizza.
16. Father :What are you going to do with that shovel? Son: ________________
A. I am going to have some apple. B. I want to split the apple tree into two parts.
C. I am going to plant some apple trees. D. I want to cut down some apples.
17. Haile: How long have you been working as a manager in here? Suzy:__________
A. it is about 20 years now. B. I am usually at work by 19 or 20.
C. I do all shopping myself. D. The salary is attractive.
18. Waiter: Coffee or tea? Customer:______________
A. how much is coffee? B. Many people like coffee.
C. Coffee is a stronger stimulant. D. I would rather go for coffee.
19. Alambo: He is really handsome.
Awando: ___________________
A. He is Aster’s boyfriend. Isn’t he? C. How do you know that? Look at him.
B. Are you saying he is handsome? D. It is true. Many girls like him, don’t they?


20. Shitu: ________________
Bosen: They also like doro wot.
A. I am making kitfo for them. C. How about vegetables
B. Do they eat injera D. Is it true they don’t eat shiro?
21. Biftu: Gutu doesn’t like the idea of flying there.
Haile: ___________________
A. Flying is what many people don’t like C. I also think taking a bus would be uncomfortable
B. How much money do we have to spend if we fly? D. I don’t like it either. We can hire a four-wheel drive
22. Tamiru: I think we’ve met before. Haven’t we?
Girum: _________________________
A. Glad meeting you. Of course, at Ayele’s C. Have we? Alright, nice to meet you
B. At Ayele’s party? You’re right D. Yes we have. How do you do these days?
23. Belay: My house has been broken into. I am thinking of hiring security.
A. when does that happen? C. Why do they do such a nasty thing?
B. You may also report to the police. D. In fact, that happens to a number of people.
24. Lemlem: I won a DV lottery. I’m leaving.
A. I hear so many people did. C. We should have tried it ourselves.
B. You are lucky. All the best! D. Several people have benefitted from it.
25. Shito: we’re going to Lalibela for a tour next week. Isn’t that marvellous?
A. It might take a few days to get there. C. Why do people spend money going around?
B. When are you planning to come back? D. Brilliant. You may also consider seeing Bahir Dar.
26. Sosina:______________________
Nigisti: It may be good to see a doctor.
A. How about my back? C. My back seems to be improving a lot.
B. My back is aching. What shall I do? D. I have finished the tablets for my back
30. Son: ____________________
Dad: Nice to meet you, Mr. Alemu
A. Dad this is my teacher, Mr. Alemu C. Dad. Mr. Alemu is my teacher
B. This is my dad, Mr. Alemu D. Dad. That one is my teacher, Mr. Alemu
31. Sosina: Do you like that funky hairstyle?
A. I see so many girls wearing it C. Gosh! It is so weird to me
B. Mom always making fun of such a style D. It is all over now! What fashion is that?
32. Mamo: Aren’t those light trains so comfortable?
Friend: __________________
A. Right. They surely solved transportation problem C. How much do they charge to use them?
B. You can say that again. They are air-conditioned D. Passengers complain that they are too slow
33. Alemu: the report is not compressive
A. Sure. The language is really terrible C. That is true. It has no focus at all
B. I know, it is not easy to understand D. Certainly. Send it back to her
34. Kuma: They want us to buy the book. Let us go and get it.
Halefom: __________________________
A. Alright. It may not be useful as such C. Sure. The book, I think, is interesting
B. How much does the book cost around here? D. I think it is a book on modern management
35. Shuru: He stole his friend’s bag. How come that we have this kind of student?
A. Why does one steal a bag? C. No one in the class does that
B. Not only that! He also stole a book. D. He comes from Dodoo School
36. Kuku: Are you sure she is arriving this weekend?


Eleni: ______________________
A. No doubt! She has her seat confirmed C. I think she is taking a plane to change at Dubai
B. The weekend going to be rainy D. They have prepared a lot of things to welcome her
37. Student: Are we having an exam next week?
Teacher: ____________________
A. How many units have we done? C. Your result last time was so good
B. In fact, Exams are approaching D. I am not sure yet, but you might
38. Wife: __________________
Husband: Did I hear on the radio that he is already back?
A. Sorry! What did you say? C. They say the PM is out of country
B. The PM is planning to visit Arba Minch D. The PM will be leaving tomorrow
39. Ayantu: I want to buy that skirt
Sibilu: ______________________
A. Is it made of cotton or wool? C. Skirts are less expensive than trousers
B. Why not? Get the jumper as well D. Are skirts more comfortable than trousers
40. Molla: It is getting late. Let us go
Yoru: _________________
A. Sure, they like punctuality C. Is the chairman coming as well?
B. Yes , let us save our time D. It will be seven o’clock very soon.
41. Aberash: She has a bad backache. _______________
Nigist: of course, you should. Give it no time.
A. What shall we do? C. Should we ignore it?
B. Shall we see a doctor? D. What is the cause of it?
42. Alene: The roof is leaking. What shall I do?
Nigusu: _________________________
A. I know. It will be raining soon. C. May be, find someone who can fix it
B. No wonder. D. This is very old house I thought it was also leaking last year
43. Elias: You should do your homework, son.
Ululu: ___________________
A. Doing homework takes a lot of times C. My friend can answer all the questions
B. That is fine, but let me have a snack first D. My friend doesn’t like doing his homework
44. Yonas: shall we lend her some money, please?
Wife: ______________________
A. She can’t be serious. She should be joking. C. That is ridiculous! She didn’t pay back the last one
B. How much did they pay her for painting? D. A cooker would cost her no less than birr 10,000
45. Yodit: Would you like to join us? We’re having a trip to Harar.
Fraol: __________________________
A. Is Harar so beautiful? C. I would rather go to Lalibela
B. Who proposed the idea? D. I am afraid, you are driving
46. Yodit: We’re going out for lunch. Would you come?
Sara: _____________________
A. I would rather do it for dinner C. Who is going for lunch now?
B. I think. She will come? D. I am afraid, we have no money
47. Adam: _________________________
Mary: My pleasure. Just tell me what you want.
A. Shall I tell you a secret? C. Could you buy me a battery for my watch?
B. Can I use your camera, please? D. Could you do me a favor, please?
48.Yerom: May I give her my mobile phone?
Wirtu: __________________________________
A. Now way! Are you crazy? C. She has lost everything
B. That is new. Isn’t it? D. Does she buy a mobile phone?
49. Girgiro: I won five million in a lottery.
Lomi: ____________________________


A. Lottery is for lucky people. C. Did you also win one last year?
B. Five million! Are you kidding? D. Girgiro! I also bought the ticket
50. Jembere: Sorry sir! We close at 5:00 pm.
Gashe: ____________________________
A. Come on! It is only two minutes after 5:00 C. What time did you close today?
B. My friend said you were open D. I need some money for my shopping
51. Muse: Have you heard that Belete was released?
Shoa: __________________________
A. I know. He severely criticizes the system C. What good news! When was that
B. Is Belete a businessman by profession? D. Everybody likes Belete, I suppose
52. Balemo: What would you do if you see friends eating junk?
Gedlu: __________________________________
A. Come on, they shouldn’t do that? C. Why don’t they eat what they can find?
B. Perhaps take them home and feed them. D. The government should feed such people
53.Yayo: How long does it take to Dire Dewa?
Yaya: ______________________________
A. It depends on your driving C. Not more than fifty birr
B. Dire Dawa is very far D. It is around 500 kilometers
54. Berhan: How come that you look older than your dad?
Mickey: ______________________________
A. I think my mom also very young C. Because he died when he was only 35
B. No, I don’t look as old as you think D. You know he died only two years ago
55. You: How can I get to the ministry of education?
Driver: _____________________
A. You mean from here or….? C. Lots of people ask this question
B. Sorry, I am a stranger my self D. It could be in a walking distance
56. Rahel: I received my computer back.
Cheru: ______________________
A. Computers are very useful C. She has also taken my computer
B. You want it for assignment D. No! you know she wants it
57. Mamush: She hasn’t written the report, yet.
Tigist: _______________________________
A. Why is the report important? C. Why didn’t you write on time?
B. This is unacceptable. You should penalize her! D. It should be our duty to take orders
58. Receptionist: May I help you, sir?
A. I am in Room 522 C. There is no water in my room
B. All the rooms are occupied D. My room is on the first floor
59. Teacher: ________________________
Student: Teacher. It is him talking.
A. Why do students disturb the class? C. Would you mind copying the notes?
B. Tell me, what is this boy doing? D. Why don’t you listen? That is really rude!
60. Abebe: Let us contribute to the building of the Renaissance Dam.
A. Splendid! I can’t agree more. C. What is the position of Egypt now?
B. I was really proud when I visited it. D. How much of it has been completed?
61. Secretary: How do you do, sir?
A. How do you do? B. I am fine. How are you?
B. I am fine. How do you do? D. Very well, how do you do?
62. Customer: What can I help you?
Shop Assistant:_______________________
A. I am just looking. B. I don’t need any help. C. You don’t have to worry. D. Can you give me a jacket?


63. Babi:___________________________
Helen: As a matter of fact, it is expensive.
A. Did you buy the jacket? B. Look at this! Only 300 birr.
B. You have a new shirt on! D. Clothes these days are fashionable..
64. Bulti: The enemy is approaching. We have to evacuate soon.
A. Who else is evacuating? C. Perhaps, we might need to do that.
B. This area is ideal for them. D. I think, they have soldiers in excess of us.
65. Sori: It has been wet all day. We just couldn’t go out.
Hori: _________________________
A. Wet days can be freezing. B. I know. This is your holiday.
B. It was so boring, wasn’t it? D. Did you want to go to work?
66. Biritu: The prime Minister passed away. The news was on the radio.
A. Who said that he did? B. His supporters like him very much
B. It could be true. I know he was ill. D. He was so popular with his people.
68. Teacher: What time do you go to bed?
Student :__________________________________
A. Very late. B. Very early. C. After dinner. D. At ten o’clock
69. Your Mom: whose are all these glasses?
You: They’re ours ours. ___________________________
A. We’re going for a walk soon. C. We’re going on holiday tomorrow.
B. We’re having a party tonight. D. We’re playing tennis this afternoon.
70. Kedija: we’ve got loads of homework tonight, haven’t we?
Fayine: ___________________________
A. Yes, in three subjects. C. Ok. Shall we start now?
B. No, they’re all easy D. Ok, let’s start with maths.
71. Ojulu:: would you join us for dinner? We are eating out.
A. Why do you want that? C. Restaurant’s are mushrooming.
B. Of course, very happily. D. We went to the Hilton last time.
72. Bontu: Inflation is still on the rise in this country. Don’t you think so?
A. I am afraid, it is not. C. What did you buy these days?
B. Is that still a double digit? D. How about demand- supply balance?
73. Ilu: We really enjoyed our stay with you. Good food, good hospitably!
A. I am happy you did. C. We also liked the food.
B. Thank you very much. D. We are so pleased to meet you.
74. Alemu: she has a bad headache. She always suffers.
A. I hate headaches. C. Has she been working for long?
B. Shall we give her pain killers? D. Headaches are sometimes so bad.
75. Stranger: How can I get to the nearest cash point?
A. Why do you ask? C. There is a bank around Arat Kilo.
B. You will need to walk fast. D. Go straight and turn left before the light.
76. Teacher: How far is the school from your home?
A. 3kms B. 2 hours C. I often arrive late D. I always travel by bus
77. You:___________________________
Your friend: In Gambell?
A. Where did your parents go? C. Do your parents live in Gambella?


B. Where do your parents live? D. How often do you see your parents?
78. Guest: Time for a quick smoke.________________________
You: No, thanks.
A. Do you want any? B. Do you want one? C. Do you have any? D. Do you want some?
79. Boss: when will you be able to get back to work?
A. Of course, I will. B. In a week or two. C. I’ m going abroad. D. Yeah, I will be back.
80. Olani: We are expected at the meeting . Let us go.
Hadush: _________________________________ .
A. Why do you like meetings? B. How long would a meeting take?
C. OK , but meeting are boring to me. D. I think it is a management meeting.
81. Bibi: She cheated in the exam . She just does not even seem to care.
Helen: ________________________________________.
A. She is not intelligent, is she? B. Why do people cheat in exam?
C. I know her teacher does not like her. D. Not only that  She also lied to the teacher.
82. Solomon: Gifti does not like the idea of taking a bus.
Abayineh: ______________________________ .
A. How much is a bus to that place? B. How much money do we have to spend?
C. Travelling in a bus is what many don't like. D. I don't like it either . We can hire a four -wheel drive.
83. Abeba: You know ,I am really broke. I don't know what to do
Nigat: ____________________________________________ .
A. How do you spend your money? B. I would sell my watch if I were you.
C. When are we going to be paid next? D. No wonder, You have saved your money.
84. Mulu: Let us contribute for Genet. She is in hospital.
You: _____________________________________ .
A. What happened to her? B. When was she admitted?
C. That is a good idea  D. Tilaye? Was not she here on Monday?
85. Agua: They say it doesn't work out. What do you think?
Birhan; ____________________________________ .
A. Birru also says the same thing. B. It may not, but should not we try it first?
C. Is this about the new policy they designed? D. Most of us were not in the making of policy?
86. Bontu: I decided to take this last one. Isn't it good?
You: __________________________________
A. Does it come in different colours? B. They say this is the last one they have.
C. Is this the machine you are looking for? D. Umm, why don't you wait for new arrivals?
87. Boru: Is he resigning ? He was appointed only two months ago.
Galgalo: ________________________________________
A. Rumors have it that his wife also left her position. C. Resignation is becoming very common in this country.
B. He is one of the most important ministers , isn't he? D. Looks like that . Apparently, he is not the type they wanted.
88. Stranger: What is the town before our destination?
You: _________________________________
A. If you drive or walk? B. I think , it is Aira Guliso.
C. It is about 35 kilometers away. D. Forget it . It is too far from here.
89. Shop assistant: How can I help you, Sir?
Customer: ____________________
A. I bought this camera last Thursday. B. This camera is excellent. I got it two days ago.
C. This camera is as expensive and I bought it last week. D. How on earth would you sell to me a broken camera?
90. SU: What should I do , Lee? I have put on weight these last six months.
Lee: ________________________________________________
A. I hardly eat at all. B. Good idea Keep it up.
C. I am not putting on weight myself. D. I think you really ought to eat less.
91. Bereket? I was wondering if you wanted to come out with me tonight.
Beyhelihem: __________ , but I am afraid I have got to work late this evening.
A. I can B. Id love to C. Good idea D. Yes, I will
92. Mother: This television is very loud.
Daughter: ____________________
A. OK, I will turn it off. B. Sorry, I will turn it off. C. Sorry, I will turn it down. D. Sorry . shall I turn it up a bit?
93. Brook: I don't think a train is safer than a car for a long distance travel these days.
Mohammed: that could be right , but personally, _________________
A. trains are much faster B. I always prefer to travel by car
C. I always prefer to travel by train D. travelling by plane is the safest
94. Father: Do you think all your friends will pass exam?
Son: ________________________________.
A. Yes, absolutely , All can pass B. I am not sure but many may pass
C. Yes , absolutely. They may pass D. Yes, universities accept many students
95. Sofia: I failed the entrance exam.
Semait: _______________________
A. All the best  B. I knew this could happen.
C. Oh dear  It is nothing serious. I hope . D. Oh well , never mind . Better luck next time.
96. Stranger: Taxi 
Taxi driver:_____________________________
A. Where to. Miss? B. Is this your first time here , Miss?
C. I hope you are not in a hurry , Miss? D. Are you here on business or on holiday, Miss ?
97. Husband :______________________
Wife: You make a resolution every year, but you never keep it.
A. I will give up smoking , too. B. Give up smoking this year?
C. This year I am going to keep it. D. This year I am going to give up smoking.
98. Shigut: Genzebie was chosen the best athlete of the year.
Lomi: ____________________________
A. Did she win the last race? B. What ? I cannot believe that
C. She now has a lot of money. D. Do you know when she comes?
99. James : They said the plane is full. You are not flying today.
Kono: ______________________________________
A. How unlucky I am going to miss the interview. B. Which flight is this one? Is it a peak season now?
C. Is there anything wrong with this particular flight? D. When did they call? This has never happened to me.
100. Bubu: What would you do if you see someone starving?
Gedlu: ___________________________________
A. Come on, they should not starve? B. Perhaps give him my own lunch.
C. The government should feed them. D. Why don't they cat what they can find?
101. Yoyu: When is two plus two five?
Yaya : _______________________
A. No, it is four , not five. B. No Cannot you add that?
C. When we make a mistake. D. This is simple mathematics.
102. You: How can I get to the post office?
Parking boy: _______________________
A. You mean from here or.....? B. Cannot you see it? On your right.
C. You seem to have letters to post. D. The post office is too busy this time.
103. Teacher: ______________________________
Student: Sorry teacher, I have to walk . I don't have money for a taxi.
A. Which part of Addis do you come from? B. Hey, always late? That is really annoying
C. How long would it take you to school. Mr.? D. How much would a taxi cost you every day?
104. Dendir: This modern world can offer a wide variety of pleasure, doesn't it?
Hamblssa: Sure, but ___________________________
A. pleasure is important for human life. B. what do you fancy doing this weekend?
C. I enjoy chanting with friends in my free time. D. pleasure means different things for different people.


105. Teacher: Who would really care if universities accepted fewer students?
Student: _________________________________
A. How many have they accepted? B. I would That would be annoying.
C. I would  It doesn't matter at all. D. I know a lot of people who don't care.
106. Tourist: Excuse me, do you know where a coffee shop is?
Taxi driver:___________________
A. I actually like tea. C. No, thanks. I had my coffee after lunch.
B. Sorry, I don’t live around here. D. Coffee shops around here are expensive.
107. Teacher:______________________
Sara: As often as I can.
A. Do you go to the cinema? C. When did you go to the cinema?
B. Can you go to the cinema? D. How often do you go to the cinema?
108. Friend:___________________________
You: It’s Ok. It’s enough to live on.
A. Is it a good job? C. Do you like your job?
B. What’s your job like? D. How much do you earn?
109. You: Why did you leave the party early last night?
A. I didn’t feel well. B. I left at 2 o’clock. C. I left with my husband. D. We had a great evening.
110. Uncle: When are you going to marry?
A. Not until I’m 45. C. I’m going to college next year.
B. I’ll have only two children. D. I don’t actually live here after marriage.
111. Teacher: We’re on page 50, aren’t we?
A. No, exercise 5. C. Yes, we’ve done the homework.
B. Yes, exercise 4. D. No, we haven’t done the homework.
112. Son: Dad, can you tell me the year I was born?
Dad: Yes__________________________________
A. 2007 B. February C. You’re 10 years old D. you’re my first child
113. You: I know your favourite pastime.
Your friend:________________________
A. No, you don’t B. No, you aren’t C. I like swimming D. I don’t play tennis
114. Teacher:___________________________
Student: 50,000.
A. Do you know if this a big town? C. Do you know what the population of this town is?
B. Do 50,000 people live in this town? D. Do you know if this is a small town?
115. Teacher: How much time do you spend watching TV a day?
A. I like sports news. C. I like the Simpsons very much
B. Two hours on average. D. I don’t watch most of the programs.
116. Geleta: I on the gold medal in the race.
YOU: ______________________________.
A. Good luck Keep it up. B. All the best Keep it up.
C. Oh dear It is nothing serious, I hope. D. Well done I know you could do it.
117. Akombo : She is a really naughty girl.
Awando: _________________________________ .
A. She is Girmas girl, isnt she? B. She always comes late for class.
C. Naughtiness is common in schools. D. I can see she is as dumb as an ox too.
118. Shitu: _______________________________.
Aster: I think we will also need kitifo.
A. Do our guests eat injera? B. Our guests do not like vegetables.
C. What shall we make for the guests? D. We will make doro wot for our guest.
119. Aberash: Mr. husband doesn't come home in time.____________________
Nigist: Why not lock the gate and keep him out for a night?
A. what shall I do? B. What could be the reason?
C. Is he seeing another woman? D. Has this ever happened to you too?
120. Meseret : __________________________________ .
Sister: What good news How did you manage to?
A. I got all my money back. B. I wish they paid me today .
C. They were to steal my money. D. Someone has got my mobile phone.
121. Biniyam: I always oversleep. I don't know what to do about it this year.
Bisrat: ____________________________________________________.
A. What time do you get up? B. Why do not you try harder?
C. What time do you go to bed? D. Why do not you buy an alarm clock?
122. Boyfriend: I have got the job I told you about.
Girlfriend: ________________________________ .
A. You must be very lucky. B. That very kind of you.
C. Getting a job is easy these days . D. Getting a job is not easy these days.
123. Stranger: Excuse me , which way can I get any good restaurant nearby?
You: ____________________________________________ .
A. Are you hungry? B. Well, that is a good idea.
C. What would you like to order? D. I do not know. I am a stranger myself.
124. Zergaw: ________________________________________ .
Nadow: Congratulations  Whens the happy day?
A. I passed my entrance exam. B. Beza and I are getting married.
C. I have got an interview for the job today. D. I have applied for the job you told me about

125. Alemu: can you play the violin?


(A) Yes, I can play (B) No, I wish I could. (C) Can you? (D) Musical instruments are usually unavailable.

126. Friend: Globalization is just another way for rich countries to exploit poor countries.


(A) you may be right, but I see it that way. (B) rich countries help the poor ones in many ways.

(C) Do you remember the beginning of globalization? (D) You may be right, but I do not see it that way.

127. Bontu:

Chaltu: Sorry I am not going to the post office.

(A) what are you going to do after class? (B) DO you go to the post office every day?

(C) Could you mail these letters for me, please? (D) Would you perhaps go to the post office today?

128. Mother: It`s hot inside.

Daughter: Sure. Where`s the key?

(A) Will you open the window? (B) Shall I open the window?


(C) Open the window. (D) May I shut the door?

129. Mother: Get out of her way.

You: What`s chasing her?

(A) She`s doing her homework (B) She`s in hurry

(C) She has been reading all morning (D) She has a terrible headache

130. Adugna: They asked us to submit the documents on time. What else is there?


(A) What do they do with the documents? (B) How much time did they give us to do that?

(C) They also want us to pay the whole amount now. (D) They come up with new requirements every year?

131 Leto: Where is the nearest cash point?


(A) Do you want to change money or cash a traveler's cheque?

(B) As a matter of fact, we don`t have the nearest cash point around.

(C) Walk down the street and it is on your left before the traffic light.

(D) Take Bus Number 48 from here and then I actually don`t know after that.

132 Gennet: Yuk! How disgusting!


(A) Let me have a look. I`ll try to fix it. (B) Of course. Help yourself.

(C) Isn`t your drink very nice? (D) I`m glad you like it.

133. Receptionist:

Guest: Do you have a room with double-bed, please?

(A) Why are you hear, Madam? (B) What can I do for you Madam?

(C) Are you looking for someone, Madam? (D) Do you want to pass a night here, Madam?

134. Mekbib: Excuse me, can you lend me pencil?


(A) Here you are. (B) I`ve a pen. (C) can you borrow? (D) Which one?

135. You: I lost another opportunity again.



(A) Good luck (B) I don`t` care (C) Hard luck (D) Take it easy

136. Shashe:

Tollossa: How do you do?

(A) How are you? (B) How do you do? (C) Can I speak to you? (D) Who are you?

137. Hanna:

Kedija: kind of, I suppose.

(A) Where`s your boyfriend? (B) Here comes your boyfriend?

(C) Do you love your boyfriend? (D) What does your boyfriend do for living?

138. Abraham: you should really apologize to your parents.


(A) Why? I don`t care what they think! (B) Mistakes are inevitable.

(C) It was a crowded classroom. (D) Yes, my parents apologized.

139. Son: Books are a thing of the past. The future is in online publications.


(A) That`s utterly rubbish. (B) I don`t` like online publications.

(C) Children watch too much TV these days. (D) We don`t like to read on the screen.

140. Desalegn:

Chaltu: Yes, you are.

(A) I`m genuine, aren`t I? (B) I`m working to help you, amn`t?

(C) There are a number of solutions, aren`t there? (D) You are trying to help me, aren`t you?

141. You: I always have trouble with my English. What do you advise me to do?


(A) I wish I could help. (B) You shouldn`t bother about it.

(C) Have you thought about seeing a doctor? (D) English is an international language.

142. Ali: Can I make an appointment to see the doctor?



(A) The doctor is available any time. (B) No, you can`t make.

(C) what`s wrong? (D) Yes, you can make.

142. Smoker: I think smokers deserve the right to smoke in public.


(A) No, I`m not sure about that. (B) I`d say that is not always the case.

(C) I`d say the exact opposite (D) Yes, I`m sure about that.

143. Abel: She still doesn`t want to give me the camera back.


(A) Cameras are very expensive. They coast a fortune. (B) What kind of camera does she like? This one?

(C) So disappointing! After all she knows it is not hers. (D) She has two very sophisticated cameras, doesn`t she?

144. Teacher: Beka is one of the most intelligent and gentle students we have isn`t he?


(A) I know his dad, Ato Borguda. (B) What kind of camera does she like? Like this one?

(C) He is also a good footballer, isn`t he? (D) He went to Nazareth last week, I was told.

145. Nurse:

Patient: Do I have to?

(A) Sleep well. I wish you good dreams. (B) How do you feel now?

(C) Don`t disturb, pleas. Be quit. (D) Have you taken your medicine?

146. Teacher: You haven`t submitted your assignment, have you?


(A) Yes I haven`t. I`m sorry teacher. (B) No I have. I gave you in the morning.

(C) Wane? I didn`t know. (D) Which one is cheaper, a bus or

147. Tourist:

Officer: My advice is that you hire a four-while-drive.

(A) Should we take a bus to get to the site, Sir? (B) Is the road to the area somewhat bumpy, Sir?

(C) Can we find a four-while-drive to the site, sir? (D) Exams do not measures one`s real ability.

148. Sister: Mom! Hirut failed her exam again.



(A) I know she is very good. (B) So disappointing! Are you sure?

(C) It should be very difficult, I suppose. (D) exam do not measure one`s real ability

149. Eldana: It is time we left. It is going to rain later.

Freand: I don`t want to get my hair wet.

(A) I couldn`t agree more. (B) Should we really go?

(C) What do you tell me? (D) We`ve been here for long.

150. Nuru: I didn`t like their food. The taste was so odd.


(A) What was the injera made of? (B) Did they have a party or what?

(C) It was too much. We couldn`t finish it. (D) Even the look was somewhat unattractive.

151. Passenger I: The weather looks nice, doesn`t it?

Passenger II:

(A) yeah, but too un predictable. (B) It is too hot this time of the year.

(C) It is like Bahir Dar, where we are going. (D) Would it be the same in Bahir Dar also?

152. Teacher: How much string does it take to reach the moon?


(A) Never-ending piece. (B) Countless pieces.

(C) One hundred million pieces (D) Just one, but a very long place.

153. Policeman: You have seen her killing the man. Haven`t you?


(A) What has the man doing then? (B) Killing the man? Unbelievable

(C) Who is she? Hasn`t she gone away? (D) I was, in fact, somewhere in the scene.

154. Nana: We have to leave early morning. Otherwise, it will be congested.


(A) Which car are you going to drive? (B) How long does it take us to get there?

(C) How many vehicles use the road per day? (D) Good idea! Wake me up at 5 o`clock, please.


155. Husband:

Wife: Love means never having to say you`re sorry.

(A) You never learn to make apologies! (B) I don`t accept your apologies.

(C) You know I love you. (D) I kept waiting for so long.

156. Student: We went to Sodere for the weekend.

Teacher: ?

(A) You went where (C) Where did you go

(B) When did you go (D) What for

157. Tutu: Oh, one last thing: Solan and I are getting married.


(A) Congratulations! When is the happy day? (B) Of course! Solan`ll make a good husband.

(C) Yes, but in my opinion, isn`t solan much younger? (D) I`d say Sunday is the best day for the wedding.

158. Lensa: Lilu loves pizza. She could eat the whole thing herself.


(A) That`s why she is gaining weight (B) That is why she`s cutting down on junk food

(C) That is why she`s very nice (D) That`s why she gets along with her friends very well

159. Aunt:
Lojo: Sure.
a) You will give me the bread. b. Give me the bread. c. Pass me the bread, will you. d. I want the bread.
160. Jemal: What do you make of this plainting, Jemila?
a) Anything b) Everything c) Something d) Nothing
161. Getahun: What was your holiday like?
a) It was nice but the weather was not good. b. We liked it very much. c.Kedija came to our house. d. Really so!

162. Azeb: Have you heard about the MDGs?

Haben: Yes, I have.

Azeb: Do you think they can be achieved?



a) There is abundant research on MDGs. c. I`m not sure they are based on practical experiences’
b) Developed countries are excluded d. There are people who accept or reject the MDGs

163. Temesgen: There is an exhibition at the stadium.

Abera: What`s it on?

Temesgen: Charity

Abera: It may be interesting. Are you planning to go?


a) Many people are going. b. I have a tight schedule, but I may try. c. How do you know? d. It will surely be interesting.

164. Samrawit: Do you know how to make pizza?


a) No, I don’t b. I don’t like pizza c) It is easy d) Yes, I can

165. Husband: There is someone at the door.

Wife: Wait you had better put your shoes

a) Off before you open it. b. On after you open it. c. Off after you open it. d. On before you open it.

166. Daniel: I got the job I told you about.


a) I don’t care. b. That’s good news. c. Congratulations d. Jobs are not easy to get these days.

167. TAmrat: Do you know who is standing over there?


a) I met him yesterday. Who ia he talking to? C) He is very tall, isn’t he? d. d) No, I don’t

168. Chaltu: What begins with T, ends with T and has T in it?


a) Teapot b. Tinted pot c) Tea party d) Tantamount

170. Receptionist: I get mad when someone rings me up late at night.


a) Yes, that can be annoying, but you should try to let it upset you.
b) No, that can be annoying, but you should try to let it upset you.
c) No, that cannot be annoying, but you should try to let it upset you.
d) Yes, that can be annoying, but you should try not to let it upset you.


171. Amir: They took my money, my credit cards, my passport, everything.


a) You should see a doctor. b. Why are you here now?

b) Oh dear! What are you going to do now? d. Why not? Go to the police?

172. You: How can I get to the nearest pharmacy, please?


a) Go straight and turn right. b. Why do you ask? c. How long have you had this headache? d.Do you want to see a doctor?

173. Nardos : I heard you were the only person to get the job. Well done!


a) I knew I did well. B. Sure, I did C) Thank you D.Why expected I would not?

174. Fetle: Can we practice solving riddles?

Kassech: Ok. You start.

. Fetle: I came once in a year and twice in a week. Who am I ?

Kassech: But this is illogical. In a week once, in a year twice!

Fetle: Not all riddles follow logic for their solution. Some encourage you to look for

other means.

Kassech: I cannot solve your riddle that.


a) The letter ‘e’. now prove that. b. What’s logic? c. My father used logic in all his activities. d.Sometimes it is possible.

175. Fasil: Are you scared of girls?

Ibrahim: Yes, Fasil.

a) There are many things to say. b. I know what to do. c. I can’t think of anything to say. d. I have four sisters.

176 . Mother: May I ask you who can take part in your ‘protect yourself'' program?

Daughter: Anyone who wants, but

a) Really it is young woman b. Mostly it is young women c. Interested individuals d. You aren’t a girl

178. Friend: Your cousin has just told me he’s getting married next week. Are you very pleased?

You: but he could have told me earlier.

a) No, actually b. I’m not c. Where is the wedding to be held d. I’m absolutely delighted


179. Father:

Son: But it’s good for health.

a) Physical exercise is good. b. Do you like physical exercise? c. Physical exercise is tiring. d.Is physical exercise good?

180. Friend:

You: You should loosen your belt.

a) I ate too much b. I have got stomachache c. I am terribly hungry d. I am starved to death

181. Son: Oh no!

Father: I will bring you a mob.

a) The bathroom has flooded. b. Has the bathroom flooded? c. What has happened? d. The window is open.

182. Daughter:

Mother: you should go on a diet.

a) Tell me the best restaurant here. b. I am putting on a lot of weight. c. I have no appetite. d. I am losing weight.

183. Agaredech: Global warming and extreme pollution are interconnected.

Behailu: But some argue that the earth is getting aged.

Agaredech: While this may have some truth, pollution may have hastened the process.

Behailu: Certainly, but there are global efforts to curb pollution.


a) There is no pollution in backward countries. d.. Global warming is inevitable.

b) Environmentalists tried to influence big international organizations.
c) True. But the link between the two should be unequivocally established.

184. Guest: The kitchen handle has come off.

You: Don’t worry.

a) It has never been like that b. You will buy a replacement c. It often does d. It’s none of your business

185. Mother: Don’t you ever run out in to the road like that. You could have been knocked over.


A. What? You could have told me that earlier. B. How come that this ever happens to me?
C. Oh no! thank you, mom. D. Have I ever been knocked over?

186. Sara: I have such a bad headache that I can’t even open my eyes.



A. Perhaps you need some break. B. Where is the nearest clinic? C. Do you often have it? D. I hate headaches.

188. Teacher: You did not attend class yesterday, did you?


A. No, you didn’t B. No, I didn’t C. No you did D. No, I did

189. Student 1: Virus attacks are common and the spread of antivirus might tip the balance

towards treating them seriously.

Student 2: I cannot follow you. Can you please paraphrase it?

Student 3:

a) How does the virus steal your documents? d. There is always an antivirus available to protect your computer.
b) Wanna Cry is a virus that steals documents in your computer.
c) In other words, attention would be given to arresting the effects of the virus.

190. Deboch: National exams should not continue.

Teklu: Probably, you may be right.

Deboch: Since we cannot do away with exams, regions may need to set their own.

Teklu: This may be a good idea, but there is the issue of standard.

Deboch: The federal Ministry may set the basic standards.


a) I hate exams. B .Exam set standards. C. Well, I may agree with you. d. There are ways and methods.

191. Guest: What a room service! There is no towel in the bathroom. Could you please bring me


Host: Yes, madam. I will bring one soon.

Guest: The shower does not function. Could you please fix it?

Host: We’re sorry, madam. The plumber is on level if you don’t mind, could you use

the common shower next door.

192. Gennet: Our class is planning for a picnic next week. Will you join us?

Chaltu: Well, I don’t know. I have to get permission for my parents.

Gennet: but try hard. Don’t miss it.



A. I don’t miss it. B. I may come. C. My parents like it very much. D. I miss it.

193. Dandir: Is Addis Ababa getting more and more dangerous? People say there are gangs everywhere.

Gemechu: No, no.

A. This kind of behavior simply won’t be tolerated C. It’s simply an exaggeration

B. It’s simply a misunderstanding D. That’s simply the best the city can afford

194. Shaket: they lost their grandma only a month ago.

Sosina: ______________________________

A. Who is their grandma? C. Sad! Their uncle is also critically ill.

B. They used to talk about her. D. Grandmas spoil their grand children.

195. Mammo: Are you coming to the party?

Mamitu: ___________________________

A. You like going to parties. C. Who told you I am throwing a parties?

B. How many parties have I got that day? D. Only if I finish the assignment.

196. Demeku: How is the weather?

Azalech: _____________________

A. Wow, they are enjoying the sun. C. What is the weather forecast?
B. It’s summer her. D. Phew! It’s hot

197. Yihun: Poor Lili! She lost all her money.

Jember: ______________________________

A. She is not very poor. C. What a pity! How come?

B. Was she walking around? D. How much money was it?

198. Ujulu: I heard that girl is very hard-working. She always stand first.

Hagos: ___________________________________

A. What is more, she is well-behaved. C. Do you know her younger sister?

B. Where does she come from? D. Girls are mostly like that.

199. Chemeda: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the nearest station?

Zemedkun: _____________________________________________

A. Station are beg n this city. C. Sorry. I’m a stranger here myself.
B. Many people line up in the station. D. Why would you like to go to the station?


200 Marta: this is the pair of shoes I bought last week.

Ariat: ___________________________________

A. What size do you usually wear? C. Leather shoes last very long
B. Did you really need one? D. So fashionable, isn’t it?

201. Boss. What was their argument in brief?

Subordinate: ________________________

A. They want the group to leave now. C. Majority were not arguing strongly.
B. Yes, they always like to argue. D. They just kept talking. Nothing brief.

203. Elsa: What shall we do about our politicians? They are all corrupt.

Frehiwot: _____________________________________

A. You don’t have to say that. There are some honest ones.
B. I don’t think politician in the west are corrupt.
C. Corruption has now become rampant.
D. Politics and corruption are the same in third world. Don’t you think?

204. Burtukan: My new boyfriend loves me a lot.

Mamitu: _______________________________

A. What is his name, please? C. He is very handsome, isn’t he?

B. Isn’t that rather too soon to say? D. Did you break up with Temesgen?

205. Neima: I’m worried. I’m performing awfully poor this year.

Kulani: ____________________________________

A. Night club don’t help. Get down and study! C. What courses did you fail?
B. Yes, I know a lot of students are. D. Did you tell me that your dorm mate also flunked?

206. Aster: Jim and Jane are marrying next week.

Beli: ______________________________

A. Jane is so beautiful that all the boys around like her.

B. I don’t think they would make a good couple.
C. There are so many wedding to take place next week.
D. I know Jim loved her, but she was going out with someone else.

207. Shimi: Exams are round the corner. We have to work hard.

Meseret: _______________________________

A. This semester is too short. C. I couldn’t agree more, Shumi

B. Most of the student are lazy. D. I’ ll sit in the corner and study.

208. Didi: I heard you won the scholarship.

Dunka: ____________________________

A. Twenty of us applied for it. C. I don’t be bothered if I don’t.

B. Sure. I knew I would. D. This is one of the best scholarships.

209. Tourist: The road in the city are dilapidated.

Friends: _________________________

A. They are better in the countryside. C. You know, the world economy is in a problem.
B. There more pressing problems, thought. D. Yeah, they should have at least been patched.

210. Tesfa: Who walks on all fours in the morning, two in the afternoon and three in the evening?

Soliana: ________________ A. An amputee B, A cow C. A hyena D. A man

211. Student: _____________________________________

Friends: If I were you, I would report to the campus police.

A. There is a mob dancing down there. So strange! C.Where are my books? I left them all here.
B. I saw them fighting. Anything serious? D. My ID is missing. What shall I do?

212. Lelisa: Shall we walk or take a bus?

Jigsa: _____________________________

A. Tell me, why do you ask? C, Come on! We’d rather take a bus.
B. Do you always take buses? D. Have you walked all morning.

213. Alemu: Sounds like you had a boring day. Did anything interesting happen?


A) Not really. Don’t think so. C. Many things happen in the city.
B) What’s interesting? D. Often many things happen, but few may take our attention.

214. Nigussu; The wot was too spicy. I just couldn’t eat it.

A.Was is shiro wot or something else? C. Gosh! Wasn’t the taste also horrible?

B. We didn’t need any wot, as a matter of fact. D. Are you hungry now? Let’s go out for dinner.

215. Husband: We have to be stringent in using our home provision.

Wife: What do mean by that? How? You know we are spending the minimum possible.


Husband:I know .However ,our income is diminishing and the cost of living sky-rocking.

Wife: So what should we do?

Husband:We have to change our style of living. Economize.

Wife: I concur; however, I disagree with your solution._____________

A. Where did you put your money? C. Generally the cost of living is high.

B. Whether we like it not we have to accept it . D. We have to work more and harder

216. Beruktawit:I got the position I applied for.

Shemshitu: ____________________________

A.I knew it was a well paid job. B. Really? What good news.

C. For how long will you be serving? D. Getting a job here is not very easy.

217.Hamza :I’m sorry I have broken your glasses.

Mother : _______________________________.

A. How disappointing! I got them only yesterday C. You know glasses are so fragile.
B. You will need to handle them carefully. D. These are very expensive, twenty birr each.

218.Gonfe : I don’t agree to her idea of performance

Lakech: --------------------------------------

A. Driving needs accuracy, Doesn’t it? C. I know her brother makes a lot of mistakes
B. Are you saying she is after precision? D. you mean it is not possible to be exact?

219. Doctor: How would it matter if the patient do not turn up on time?

Nurse: -----------------------------------------------

A. well, I think this would oblige us to stay longer C. there is no patient here

B. No patient do not arrive on time D. on the contrary, patients is usually apprehensive.

220. Ashu: there are positive changes all over the country

Zenebe: ---------------------------

A. Some people do not seem to like it C. So many years have lapsed before we saw changes
B. Positive changes are good for the people D. Yeah, but there is some instability here and there

221. Friend: ---------------------------------,


Ergicho: Alright, but only for five minutes.

A. How about helping me with the computer? C. Are they perhaps fixing my compute r?
B. I’ll need time to buy a new computer D. Do you need the computer for long?

222. Student 1: I’m sorry. I don’t remember. Have you seen them?

Student 2:-------------------------------------------------

A. I was busy doing my homework. C. probably, it was an empty room

B. Sure. I’ve seen them with my naked eyes. D. What were they doing? They must be our friends.

223. Abay: they shouldn’t have released all those prisoners. Mulatu: ------------------

A. Who would like to stay in jail? C. well, probably those who robbed public resourse
B. Everybody wants the freedom out of prison? D. Most of the prisoners had been unjustly tortured

224. Driver: my Toyota car is still perfect after 10 years on the road.

Mechanic: ---------------------------------------

A. Toyota car are the best B. I have a Volkswagen C. My brother also has one D. Do they also drive Toyota

225. Manager: what happen to those mechanics?


A. Shall we [put them on author? C. Amazing! they are new and well-designed
B. May be, they are not good mechanics D. Very frustrating! none of them is working

226. Seman: who has two eyes, but cannot see?

Rahel: ------------------------------------------ A. Insect B. Camera C. lightning C. Librarian

227. You: Guess what! I bought a car

Friend: ---------------------------------------

A. Cars are very important C. Are you serious? You must be joking!
B. I also want to buy a new one D. Where are cars sold in this city

228. Tsegaye: --------------------------. What would you do?

Gutema : what comes to mind----calling the police or I don’t know.

A. Suppose you had an accident. C. Wow! Moons and stars.

B. Alas, what a thought luck! D. What is the cause of the accident



SECTION FOUR: Writing (1-163)

Directions: The following questions are related to different aspects of writing. Read each very carefully
and write the letter of your answer in the separate answer sheet provided.
1. “ I remember the time when I was about ten years old and ------“ This statement is most likely taken from the beginning of ___text.
A. diary B. memory C. biography D. novel
2.Which of the following closing salutation is appropriate to be used as an ending when you don’t know the name of the
person you are writing to? A. Yours sincerely B. Yours faithfully C. Good bye D. Love
3. “ It is with regret that we announce the death of ---“ This statement is most likely taken from the ------.
A. news program B. Descriptive text C. Expository text D. Memory text
4. “ This is a brief report based on the data collected from the participants.” This statement is_______ part of the report.
A. body B. introductory C. conclusion D. detail
5. With regard to your advertisement dated on sept,2013,I am writing for the post of receptionist. This statement is most
likely taken from the _______ letter. A. apologizing B. application C. complaint D. congratulation
6. This one is really effective. Just a spoonful of it will make all your ailments go. This is taken from a piece of writing
that is most likely: A. expository B. persuasive C. narrative D. descriptive
7.Which of the following is correctly punctuated?
A. What a wonderful child you have! C. What a wonderful child you have.
B. What a child you have wonderful? D. What a wonderful child you have?
8. Which one of the following best illustrates a descriptive writing?
A. The place was extremely quiet. C. They have already been there for a year.
B. I have always wanted to visit a place. D. We then went to the room where I study.
9. Which one of the following best illustrates an argumentative writing?
A. Books come in all size and shape. C. if you need to read books, you will never get bored.
B. Books are the primary source of knowledge. D. The price of books is becoming high.
10. Which one of the following best illustrates a narrative writing?
A. Harar is really beautiful. C. There are many Mosques in Harar.
B. Harar is a city in Harari region. D. We then went to one of the Mosques in Harar.
11. ”I look forward to hearing from you.”Which part of a letter does this line go in?
A.Body B. Closing C. Salutation D. Introduction
12. “ It was great to hear from you after such a long silence.” This is likely taken from the beginning of a:
A. formal letter B. letter to a boss C. friendly letter D. business letter
13. “We had already travelled for three hours when we heard a loud bang. The driver instinctively swerved the vehicle
and we came to a safe stop.” This is most likely taken from a piece of writing that is:
A. Expository B. Descriptive C. Argumentative D. Narrative
14. “ As shown in Table 4 above, the female students enrolment rate increased to a record high in th year 2013 as
compared to the 2011/12 Academic year. The result suggested that there is a positive change. This is most likely
taken from a piece of writing: A. Argumentative B. Descriptive C. Expository D. Narrative
15. The most appropriate closing to a letter you send to a manager whom you know his name would be:
A. Yours faithfully, B. Sincerely yours, C. Truly yours, D. Good bye,


16. “ The building is small house consisting of three floors. The outside front wall is 10m long and 7m
high.” This is most likely taken from a piece of writing:
A. Argumentative B. Descriptive C. Expository D. Narrative
17. “ I regret to inform you about the late delivery of your order.” This is most likely taken from a letter of:
A. complaint B. enquiry C. apology D. condolence
18. “ The building is small house consisting of three floors. The outside front wall is 10m long and 7m high.” This is
most likely taken from a piece of writing: A. Argumentative B. Descriptive C. Expository D. Narrative
19.“I am writing in response to your advertisement of 23 April 2014 in the post of project …” Which part of a letter does
this line go in? A. Salutation B. Introduction C. Body D. Closing
20. “ Love is an emotion that binds couples in a mutual attraction to each other. It manifests itself through
devotion to one another, and a feeling of loneliness when the two individuals are not together…” This is most
likely taken from a piece of writing:
A. Argumentative B. Descriptive C. Expository D. Narrative
21. Which one of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
A. her boy friend; Kebede is an Engineer. C. Her boy friend, Kebede is an Engineer.
B. Her boy friend Kebede is an engineer. D. Her boy friend, Kebede, is an engineer.
22. Which one of the following is correctly punctuated?
A. He asked where are you going? C. He asked, “Where are you going?”
B. He asked, where are you going? D. He asked, “where are you going?”
23.”I look forward to hearing from you.”Which part of a letter does this line go in?
A. Body B. Closing C. Salutation D. Introduction
24. To write a MEMO to your intimate friend, the most appropriate opening is:-----------
A. hi B. Hello C. Dear friend D. My dear friend
25.Which of the following closing salutation is appropriate to be used as an ending when you don’t know the name of the
person you are writing to? A. Yours sincerely B. Yours faithfully C. Good bye D. Love
26. Which one of the following words is correctly spelt?
A. enthusiastice B. passionat C. frustrated D. inspiared
27. Which one of the following words is NOT correctly spelt?
A. develop B. received C. neccesary D. grammar
28. To write a MEMO to your intimate friend, the most appropriate opening is:------------
A. Hi B. Hello C. Dear friend D. My dear friend
29. “ it is with regret that we announce the death of ---“ This statement is most likely taken from the -----.
A. news program B. Descriptive text C. Expository text D. Memory text
30. “This is a brief report based on the data collected from the participants.” This statement is_______ part of the report.
A. body B. introductory C. conclusion D. detail
31. With regard to your advertisement dated on sept,2013,I am writing for the post of receptionist. This statement is
most likely taken from the _______ letter.
A. apologizing B. application C. complaint D. congratulation
32. This one is really effective. Just a spoonful of it will make all your ailments go. This is taken from a piece of
writing that is most likely: A. expository B. persuasive C. narrative D. descriptive
33. Which of the following is an acronym? A. UNDP B. ANC C. VAT D. BBC
34. Which of the following is correctly punctuated?
A. What a wonderful child you have! C. What a wonderful child you have.
B. What a child you have wonderful? D. What a wonderful child you have?
35. Which one of the following best illustrates a descriptive writing?
A. The place was extremely quiet. C. They have already been there for a year.
B. I have always wanted to visit a place. D. We then went to the room where I study.
36. Which one of the following best illustrates an argumentative writing?
A. Books come in all size and shape. C. if you need to read books, you will never get bored.
B. Books are the primary source of knowledge. D. The price of books is becoming high.
37. Which one of the following best illustrates a narrative writing?
A. Harar is really beautiful. C. There are many Mosques in Harar.
B. Harar is a city in Harari region. D. We then went to one of the Mosques in Harar.


38. “ It was great to hear from you after such a long silence.” This is likely taken from the beginning of a:
A. formal letter B. letter to a boss C. friendly letter D. business letter
39. “We had already travelled for three hours when we heard a loud bang. The driver instinctively swerved the vehicle
and we came to a safe stop.” This is most likely taken from a piece of writing that is:
A. Expository B. Descriptive C. Argumentative D. Narrative
40. “ As shown in Table 4 above, the female students enrolment rate increased to a record high in the
year 2013 as compared to the 2011/12 Academic year. The result suggested that there is a positive change. This is
most likely taken from a piece of writing:
A. Argumentative B. Descriptive C. Expository D. Narrative
41. The most appropriate closing to a letter you send to a manager whom you know his name would be:
A. Yours faithfully, B. Sincerely yours, C. Truly yours, D. Good bye,
42. Which one of the following is correctly punctuated?
A. He asked where are you going? C. He asked, “Where are you going?”
B. He asked, where are you going? D. He asked, “where are you going?”
43. Which one of the following words is WRONGLY spelt?
A. Accommodate B. Believe C. Deceive D. Cummulative
44. Which one of the following words is CORRECTLY spelt?
A. Cafteria B. Accademic C. Extention D. Environment
45. “ the building is small house consisting of three floors. The outside front wall is 10m long and 7m high.” This is
most likely taken from a piece of writing:
A. Argumentative B. Descriptive C. Expository D. Narrative
46.“I regret to inform you about the late delivery of your order.” This is most likely taken from a letter of:
A. complaint B. enquiry C. apology D. condolence
47. The following items ( a-e) are components of an application letter arranged in a wrong order. Which alternative
shows the correct order?
a. Haramaya University b. P.O.BOX c. Ato Tadesse Adinew d. Dire Dawa e. Head, Foreign Language Studies
A. c e a b d B. a c d e b C. c d a e b D. a c b e d
48.“I am writing in response to your advertisement of 23 April 2014 in the post of project …” Which part of a letter
does this line go in? A. Salutation B. Introduction C. Body D. Closing
49. “Love is an emotion that binds couples in a mutual attraction to each other. It manifests itself through devotion to one
another, and a feeling of loneliness when the two individuals are not together…” This is most likely taken from a piece
of writing: A. Argumentative B. Descriptive C. Expository D. Narrative
50. Which one of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
A. her boy friend; Kebede is an Engineer. C. Her boy friend, Kebede is an Engineer.
B. Her boy friend Kebede is an engineer. D. Her boy friend, Kebede, is an engineer.
51. “ I remember the time when I was about ten years old and ------“ This statement is most likely taken from the
beginning of ----------------- text. A. diary B. memory C. biography D. novel
52. Which one of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
A. I will buy a new computer or, I will take yours B. I will buy a new computer or I will take yours
C. I will buy a new computer, or I will take yours D. I will buy a new computer or; I will take yours
53. Which one of the following sentence is correctly punctuated?
A. Admittedly, Mr. Broun, a member of the new club is very rich.
B. Admittedly Mr, Brown, a member of new club, is very rich.
C. Admittedly, Mr. Brown, a member of the new club, is very rich.
D. Admittedly, Mr. Brown a number of the new club, is very rich.
54. How would Mimi most likely begin her letter to an intimate friend, Lili?
A. Hello, Lili B. Hi, there C. My beloved Lili D. My dear friend, Lili
55. Which one of the following sentences is most likely taken from a descriptive piece of writing?
A. We got to the tip of the mountain around 11:30.
B. I wouldn’t say that it was too cold at the tip of the mountain.
C. Up at the tip of the mountain, it was too cold but it got warmer as we climbed down.
D. What they call a mountain in this country is just a hill elsewhere.


56. Everyone seemed hungry when we got to Adama. So we suggested a stopover to which to all agreed. Strangers as we
were, we didn’t know which restaurant to go to. …. What kind of writing is this most likely taken from?
A. expository B . narrative C. descriptive D. argumentative
57. Russian fighter jets had pounded the city for three days. Everything turned into rubbles and it was difficult to
imagine where those tall buildings were taken to. As I stood dumbstruck, I heard an agonized cry from an elderly Women
caught in the debris…. What kind of writing is this most likely taken from?
A. descriptive B. expository C. narrative D. argumentative
58. Which one of the following sentences is most likely taken from a narrative piece of writing?
A. Having spoken for five minutes, I saw an old friend sitting among the audience.
B. To me, the meeting was useless and waste of time.
C. Almost all the attendees were elderly people of over 60.
D. The hall was full to the brim and all the seats were taken.
59. More than twenty years ago, two researchers went in to middle class homes and studied the toys found in children’s
rooms. What kind of writing is this most likely taken from?
A. argumentative B. expository C. narrative D. description
60. Which one of the following sentences has a correct punctuation?
A. Shomo said, “Batu. Take it away!” .C .Shomo said, Batu, “Take it away!”
B. Shomo said, “Batu Take it away!” D. Shomo said, “Batu, Take it away!”
61. Which one of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
A. He lives in Babile Harar. C. Jol is from Juba South Sudan.
B. He got it from Lelo his daughter. D. We saw Halu in Ilu Ababor.
62. Altogether, majority of the students surveyed reported that the time they spent helping their family affected their
success in education. What is the most likely research topic for the above study?
A. factors enhancing students’ academic success at high school.
B. The contribution of helping parents to students’ academic success.
C. The relationship between students’ time spent helping their family and their academic success.
D. The amount of time high school students spends helping their family.
63. Which one of the following could be a possible recommendation for a study investigating The Challenges of Living
away from Home: The case of High School Students?
A. High school students should not be sent to schools away from home.
B. High schools should as much as possible be built as the minimum distance from each other.
C. High schools should give special attention to students coming from different areas.
D. High school students should, as much as possible, not be exposed to any challenge.
64. Which one of the following is a possible summery of a research conducted on income as related to life style?
A. Income has no significant effect on one’s life style? B. Income tremendously affected participants’ life style.
C. People have to plan themselves and live according to their income.D. This study tried to see the effect of income on people’s life style.
65. What could be the most appropriate closing to your application for an employment?
A. yours with respect, B. With respect C. Yours truly, D. Expecting your response,
66. “I can appreciate how hurt and frustrated you are given the consequences of my actions and the trouble I have
caused…” this is likely taken from a letter of _______________
A. Compliant B. disappointment C. enquiry D. apology
67. Which one of the following words is correctly spelled?
A. Accommodation B. Occurrence C. occupasion D. Pereference
68. “Stir well with a broad stirring stick.” This is ____________
A. eating instruction B. washing instruction C. a cooking instruction D. a mixing instruction
69. “George Washington Carver was born a slave in Missouri in 1864. In spite of his humble beginning, he managed to
obtain a degree in agricultural science in 1894. ________________. His research showed that 300 products could be
derived from the peanut.” Which of the following sentences fills the blank in the paragraph?
A. As a farmhand, he obtained a high school education. B. carver never patented most of his many discoveries.
C. peanuts are a chief product of Alabama. D. Then, he devoted his life to research products involving southern corps.
70. “….. it can be said that use of bamboo reinforcement is a better and economical alternative in view of overall cost.”
This statement is likely taken from the ______________ section of a report


A. introduction B. recommendation C. conclusion D. methodology 71. “The
car was speeding down the deserted highway when the accident happened. The driver fell asleep at the wheel and drove
straight into a tree…..” This text is likely taken from a/an _________piece of writing.
A. argumentative B. narrative C. descriptive D. expository
72. “It is possible to see that parental influence has a significant impact on the academic performance and social
interaction of a child.” Which section of a research report is this most likely taken from?
A. conclusion B. body C. discussion D. introduction
73. Which one of the following words is correctly spelt?
A. Surveyer B. likelihood C. occurrence D. unfortunately
74. Which one of the following words is correctly spelt?
A. plumber B. academy C. summary D. sufficient
75. Which one of the following words is correctly spelt?
A. conscience B. conscience C. consciousness D. consciousness
76. We can easily see from these few examples the extent of foreign influences on our language, our arts and our eating habits.
This is most likely taken from the ____ section of an essay.
A. Body B. details C. conclusion D. introduction
77. At least half of the first year students surveyed reported adopting writing strategies that involved the use of their first language.
This could be a typical example of a research report based on a research topic entitled:
A. First Year Students’ Writing Strategies. C. First Year Students’ First Language Use.
B. First Year Students’ First Language in Writing. D.First Year Students’ Strategies of Using First Language.
78. During the last century vaccination programs were introduced in most countries around the world. Before this.
Thousands of people especially children, used to die of infectious diseases every year.
This is most likely taken from the ____ section of an essay.
A. body B. details C. conclusion D. introduction
79. Which one of the following sentences is most likely taken from a narrative piece of writing?
A. That day, I didn’t feel like joining the group. B. . The place was unusually crowded by strange people.
C. First, we had to get together right in front of the gate.D. Everybody had their backpack stuffed with something.
80. We climbed the mountain and decided to rest for a while. The top of the mountain was all covered with something that
looked like clean ‘’ shema’’. Some of us were experiencing snow for the first time. ---- This is taken from a piece of
writing that is most likely: A. narrative B. expository C. descriptive D. argumentative
81. We crept down the hill and made sure there was no sign of ISIL. We congratulated each other thinking we had
eventually cleared the area. Then in no time.... This is taken from a piece of writing that is most likely.
A. narrative B. expository C. descriptive D. argumentative
82. Basketball is fast-paced and requires the body to run, turn, twist. Pass , jump, aim and shoot, all at high speeds and for
long periods of time.
A. narrative B. argumentative C. descriptive D. expository
83.However, these findings need to be treated with some caution since they are based on what the respondents said they
did. This is most likely taken from the _____ section of a research.
A. discussion B. limitations C. introduction D. research objective
84. Which one of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
A. I can choose to study medicine or, I may join engineering science.
B. I can choose to study medicine; or I may join engineering science.
C. I can choose to study medicine, or OI may join engineering science.
D. I can choose to study medicine; or I may join engineering science.
85. Which one of the following sentence is correctly punctuated?
A. Not surprisingly, universities all over the world, follow similar rules.
B. Not surprisingly universities all over the world, follow similar rules
C. Not surprisingly, universities all over the world, follow similar rules
D. Not surprisingly; universities all over the world, follow similar rules
86. Which one of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?
A. The receptionist said, ‘’ The doctor is unavailable right now. Please wait’’
B. The receptionist said ‘’ The doctor is unavailable right now. Please wait’’
C. The receptionist said, ‘’ The doctor is unavailable right now, Please wait’’


D. The receptionist said, ‘’ The doctor is unavailable right now. Please wait’’
87. Which one of the following sentences is WRONGLY punctuated?
A. She goes to Axum University in Tigray. B. We are from Samara Afar Regional State.
C. He comes from Jimma, Oromia Regional State. D. They bought it from Azezo, a suburb in Gondar.
88. Which one of the following sentences has a correct punctuation?
A. Father said, ‘’ Abera keep quiet!’’ C. Father said, ‘’ Abera, Keep quite!’’
B. Father said, Abera, ‘’ Keep quite!’’ D. Father said, ‘’Abera, keep quite!’’
89. Which one of the following is not most likely an opening to your application for a job?
A. Hello Sir B. Greetings C. Dear Sir D. Dear Mr. Manager
90. Which one of the following sentences is most likely taken from descriptive writing?
A. We were walking around the apartment. B. There were people who cleaned the apartment daily.
C. The apartment was so attractive when seen from distance. D. They were renovating the apartment when we had our meeting.
91. We climbed the mountain and decided to rest for a while. In the meantime, we had some snack and continued walking around. ....
This is taken from a piece of writing that is most likely:
A. narrative B. argumentative C. descriptive D. expository
92. The most appropriate closing for a letter to your old collage mate is:
A. Sincerely B. Truly yours C. Bye for now D. Faithful yours
93. I respectively request you to consider making this a priority for our organization.
a. social b. informal c. business d. friendly

108. '' I have a proven track record of responsibility, integrity and commitment to company

objectives.'' This is most likely taken from

(A) letter of application (B) an informal letter (C) business letter. (D) a letter of enquiry.

109. Which one of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?

(A) Send me Ketema, the head master; Jira the unit leader; and Desta, the guard.

(B) Send me Ketema; the head master, Jira; the unit leader, and Desta; the guard.

(C) Send me Ketema; the head master; Jira, the unit leader; and Desta, the guard.

(D) Send me Ketema - the head master, Jira - the unit leader, and Desta - the guard.

110. We interviewed 10 managers of different branches in the city to see if what they think about the problem confirms with
the information we secured from the customers. Which section of a study have the above lines been taken from.

(A) Objective (B) Methodology (C) Introduction (D) Data analysis

111. She made me remember Mona Lisa. Her smiles and beauty were indescribable and as she came straight looking in to
my eyes, all I could was stand dumbfounded. She got closer and closer and her eyes shone unbearably brighter. .... This is
taken from a piece of writing that is most likely.

(A) expository (B) argumentative (C) narrative (D) descriptive

112. Which one of the following sentence is most likely taken from a narrative piece of writing?

(A) Everybody ordered a meal and started waiting. (B) The food in the restaurant was popular for its taste.

(C) Of all things, I liked the picture handing from the center. (D) The meals weren`t as such expensive compared to other places.


113. In conclusion, students from the rural areas seem to have spent a significant portion of their time helping their parents
whereas those from the urban centers hardly did anything of that kind. What is the most likely research topic from which the
preceding lines were taken?

(A) An investigation in to How Rural and Urban Students Help their Partners

(B) Residential Area as a Factor Affecting the Assistance Students Give to Partners

(C) A Survey of Responsibilities of Students from Rural and Urban Areas in Helping Partners?

(D) Students from the Rural and Urban Centers: How much Time Do they Spend helping Parents?

114. Which sentence is appropriately punctuated to avoid any ambiguity in meaning?

(A). The doctor`s wife said her friend is not well. (B). The doctors` wife said, her friend is not well.

(C). The doctor`s wife, said her friend, is not well. (D) The doctors` wife said, her friend is not well

115. We mate at the back of the building and started looking for a quiet place where we could sit down and enjoy the
presence of one another. The area was a bit dark and we were sure no one would come there in the mid of the night. We
found a corner to sit and . . . These lines are taken from a piece of writing that is most likely:

(A) descriptive (B) argumentative (C) narrative (D) expository

116. Which one of the following sentences is most likely taken from a descriptive writing.

(A) Unlike what they thought, we managed to get there early morning.

(B) The whole area was wet and smoggy making driving extremely difficult.

(C) In fact, it is good to start early morning if you want to drive long distance.

(D) At 9 o`clock, some of the people started appearing from different directions.

117. Which one of the following sentences has a correct punctuation?

(A) We said, ''Don`t push us around;'' however, that didn`t mean anything to them.

(B) We said, ''Don`t push us around''; however, that didn`t mean anything to them.

(C) We said, ''Don`t push us around''; however, that didn`t mean anything to them.

(D) We said, ''Don`t push us around,'' however, that didn`t mean anything to them.

118. Which one of the following sentences has a Correct capitalization?

(A) The United States has a Democratic form of Government just as Great Britain does.

(B) The United States has a democratic form of Government just as Great Britain does.

(C) The United States has a democratic form of government just as Great Britain does

(D) The United States has a Democratic form of government just as Great Britain does.


119. New situations always made me nervous. Which sentence is like to come next?

(A) After a couple of minutes the teacher came over. (B) My first swimming lesson was no exception.

(C) I stood timidly by the side of the changing room. (D) I changed into my bathing suit.

120. When I looked up from the foot of the hill, I saw someone who was making almost to the tip and I knew it the Tesfaye. In
no later than five minutes he stood on the top and started shouting down to those of us crawling up. .... This is taken from a
piece of writing that is most likely.

(A) narrative (B) argumentative (C) descriptive (D) expository

121. “In the mean time, it is necessary to find other ways of disciplining drug offenders”

The above line was taken from the introduction section of a study carried out on drug offenders in America. Which of the
following sentences should come next to the quoted sentence?

a) This is the major point recommended in the study.

b) It is a recommendation forwarded until better actions can be taken.
c) It is one of the two recommendations in the study.
d) This is recommended to take place immediately
122. “Of late, drugs have changed American penal practice”
The above line was taken from the introduction section of a study on drug offenders in America. Which of the
following sentences should come next to the quoted sentence?
a) Nations with different penal particles have experienced different crime rate
b) People were rightly fearful of what cocaine was doing to their children when they demanded action.
c) In 1987, for example, only about 8 percent of state-prison inmates were serving time on drug convictions.
d) It needs to be pointed out that there are no easy prison solutions to drug convictions.

123. “You may not need write your name.” where do you find statement in a survey study?

a) It can be one of the items in the questionnaire. c.It is taken from respondents’ personal information.
b) It is taken from a ‘Thank you’ letter written to respondents. d. It is a reminder written in questionnaire covering letter.

124.“Dressed purposely to confuse her friends in the first week of school, Samrawit wears cloths she would normally
never wear. With her new haircut, she really looks like a completely different person.” These sentences are taken from a
piece of writing that is most like. A. Description B. narrative C. Expository D. argumentative

125. Which on e of the following is taken from a formal letter of application?

a) Thank you for your letter dated 5th April which I received this morning.
b) I would be grateful if you could confirm your reservation in writing.
c) Sadly, I am not available on the date you suggested. May I suggest the 8th of April?
d) I am writing in response to the position of IT assistant advertised in the monitor.

126. Which of the following contains errors in capitalization, mechanics and punctuation?

a) The fire, although it had been burning for several hours, was still blazing fiercely.
b) You should indeed you must, report the matter to the police.
c) Peter, my elder brother received medals for his contributions Astronomy, chemistry and Mathematics.


d) “When the judge said, ‘Not guilty,’ I could have hugged him”

127.Which one of the following is taken from an informal letter?

a) Wish me good luck for my math exam. c. I am writing to complain about the following damages.
b) I would like to apply for the position of assistant secretary. d. I enclose my curriculum vitae for your attention.

128. “…. He couldn’t understand where he had gone wrong. When he had set out that morning the weather had been fine
…” the preceding text is possibly taken from a(n) writing.

A. Expository B. descriptive C. Narrative D. argumentative

129. Which one of the following is correctly punctuated?

a) I have never been to England; in fact; I have never been outside this country.
b) I have never been to England; in fact I have never been outside this country.
c) I have never been to England; in fact, I have never been outside this country.
d) I have never been to England, in fact, I have never been outside this country.

130. Which one of the following has correct capitalization?

a) The language I wanted to learn was arabic, not French. c. The language I wanted to learn was Arabic, not French.
b) The language I wanted to learn was arabic, not french d. The language I wanted to learn was Arabic, not french

131. “Your response will be held confidentially” which of the following might be a good reason for writing the preceding
sentence in the first few lines of a survey questionnaire?

A. Appreciating respondents’ participation B. Limiting sample size

C. Requesting for permission D. Increasing response rate

132. Which one of the following is correctly punctuated?

a) The meeting ended at dawn, nothing had been decided. c. The meeting ended at dawn; nothing had been decided.
b) The meeting ended at dawn nothing had been decided. d. The meeting ended at dawn. nothing had been decided.

133. Which one of the following sentences has correct capitalization?

a) Sara and Hana first met at a school called learning to Learn.

b) Sara and Hana first met at a school called learning to Learn.
c) Sara and Hana first met at a School called Learning to Learn.
d) Sara and Hana first met at a school called Learning to Learn.

134.“In his eyes I could see his desire to redeem himself, and need to hit me more times than I hit him, just for the sake of
it.” This text is taken from a place of writing that is most

A. Expository B. narrative C. Description D. argumentative

135. “My coat was on the seat next to me. I took my passport out of my pocket and put it in my bag in the luggage rack.”
These line are taken from a piece of writing that is most likely .


A. Argumentative B. Description C. Narrative D. Expository

136. She crosses the road, typing to figure out how to narrative the town she has been away from for some fifteen years.
This text taken from a piece of writing that is mostly likely.

A. Argumentative B. Narrative C. Expository D. Description

137. Which one of the following is correctly punctuated?

a) “I have tried to sing dozens of times,” she says, “but I can’t.”

b) I have tried to sing dozens of times, she says, “but I can’t.”
c) “I have tried to sing dozens of times,” she says “but I can’t.”
d) “I have tried to sing dozens of times” she says, “but I can’t.”

Strategies Percentage
Directions: Questions 138-142
15 are based on the information in
Borrow phrases from books
the table below. Read the
Write in the local language (L1) & translate questions carefully and answer
Write directly in English A survey was carried out to
25 determine first year university
Outline in L1 and write in English
students’ essay writing
strategies. The survey, in
Other strategies
particular, focused on the
students’ language use strategies. Below is the summery of the data obtained in response to the questions asked.
138. From the data in the above table, what proportion of first year university students considered in the survey wrote
their essays directly in English? A. Half B. two-thirds C. A quarter D. three-fourth

139. “Until future study finds a better solution, English teachers should work on how students can be helped to develop
their outline in English in to essays.” Which section of the above survey is the most likely appropriate place for the
preceding statement? A. Recommendation B. data analysis C. Conclusion D. methodology

140. Which of the following is the likely title of the survey from which the data displayed in the above table were extracted?

a) A survey of essays written by first year university students.

b) A survey of first year university students’ essay writing strategies.
c) Essay writing strategies as surveyed by first year university students.
d) Essay writing as surveyed by strategies of first year university students.

141. What is the most useful instrument used to gather the survey data displayed in the table?

A. Interview B. Questionnaire C. Observation D. Classroom Observation

142. How many instances of use of L1 can be observed from the data reported in the table? A. 2 B. 1 C. 3 D. 4


143. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated?

A. last week: I think it was Monday, I sent them a complete report.

B. last week---I think it was Monday---I sent them a complete report

C. last week, I think was Monday -----I sent them a complete report

D. last week ----I think, it was monday, I sent them a complete report

144. He was a real miser. Giving out a penny even to his old man hurt like a knife in the body -------this is taken from
piece of writing that is most likely: A. Argumentative B. Descriptive C. Narrative D. Expository

145. Which one of the following sentences is wrongly punctuated?

A. we uttered ‘’just calm down’’ B. sodere , I replied .’’ I was there for a year.

C. she said, ‘’we’ll be there in five minutes. D. I asked, ‘’why don’t you pick her up?’’

146. Which one of the following could be an ending you would possibly use to letter you wrote to your best
friend in Nazareth? A. sincerely B. Good bye! C. Bye! D. Best wishes.

147. Which one of the following words has a correct spelling? A. Grafitti B. aquaintance C.arguement D. license

148. Which one of the following is an example of a sentence extracted from descriptive piece of writing?

A. there was no point in getting together to discuss the issue

B. first, we met the deputy president right in front of his office

C. officials like ministers in many countries have their own schedule

D. we could hear from distance a huge crowd chanting and singing

149. Which one of the following sentences has correct punctuation?

A. ‘’is that so? Bulli remarked politely. ‘’just to save you!’’

B. ‘’ is that so ?’’ Bulli remarked politely. ‘’just save you!’’

C. ‘’is that so ‘’ Bulli remarked politely? ‘’ just to save you!’’

D. ‘’is that so?’’ Bulli remarked politely; ‘’just to save you!’’

150. Each morning, I went for a walk and come back to the hotel to have breakfast with her and go out. Our
plan for the day was to visit an old castle from the 17th century. As we finished breakfast, we packed our stuff
and called taxi… These lines are taken from a piece of writing that is most likely;

A. narrative B. argumentative C. Descriptive D. Expository

151. Which one of the following sentences is most likely taken from narrative piece of writing?

A. women should enjoy the same opportunity as men, she believes.

B. Feminist is an outlook claiming equality of women with men.

C. Her life history shows that she was born in 1987

D. she radically changed and was overwhelmed by the idea of feminist

152. After graduation from a college, he went straight into the army and took training for three years.
Apparently, it was toward the end of the training that he decided to join the front, so he established contact with
the leaders, after that ….what kinds of writing are the above lines most likely taken from?

A. Argumentative B. Narrative C. Expository D. Descriptive

153. Which one of the following could be an opening to letter a company manager is writing you with regard to
the job you applied for?

A. I’m dropping you a few lines just to bring to your attention that you have not……

B. How are you doing? I am writing to let you know that you have not ………

C. I regret to inform you that you have not been chosen…..

D. Dear sir, remember you applied to our company for a job? Unfortunately you…

Directions: Questions 111-11320 have to do with research report writing. Read each of them very carefully
and choose the best answer from the four alternatives answers A-D given. Then blacken the letter of your
choice in the space provided in the answer sheet.

Question 111-115: suppose there are 18 other students that you in your class. The youngest is Eldana, 14 and
the oldest is biruk. 19. The breakdown in age of the remaining students is that six are 15 four are 16, three are
17 and four are 18. Answer the following question based on the information above.

154. What is the median of the age distribution? A. 15 B. 17 C. 16 D. 18

155. What is the range of the distribution? A. 3 B.4 C. 6 D. 5

156. What is the mode of the distribution? A. 16 B. 15 C. 17 D. 18

157. What conclusion can we draw from the age distribution of these students?

A. children in the country do not seem to start school at the same age

B. most children in the country begin school at early age.

C. female children in the country start school earlier than the males.


D. the age of the child is an important variable to start primary school

158. What is the class size? A. 19 B. 18 C. 17 D. 20

Question 116-120: the following are extracts from a research report. Read each of them and identify the part of
the report they have been taken from. Then blacked the letter of your choice, A-D , in the space provided in the
answer sheet.

159. fifty –five employees from each of the companies were made to fill in a questionnaire after on –the – job
observations were conducted. Which section of a research report is the above sentence most likely taken from?

A. Introduction B. Data analysis C. methodology D. Conclusion

160. of the 110 that filled in the questionnaire , 88 (80%) said the bonus they get from the companies are
nowhere close to the extra-efforts they make to boost production . which section of the research report is the
above most likely extracted from ?A. Data analysis B. conclusion C. Discussion D. Meth

161. In order to objectively and genuinely address the needs of the employees, it is important than their voices
are heard during appointment of managers. Where in a research report would the above sentence most likely
belong? A. Data analysis B. Recommendation C. conclusion D. Discussion

162. This study showed that both government and private media are biased in their own ways with regard to the
information they transmit to the public. Which section of a research report are the above line s most likely taken
from. A. Introduction B. Methodology C. Conclusion D. Data analysis

163. The study made an attempt to see if differences exist between the ways students from the rural areas and
those from town adapt to the higher education environment. Where in a research report would the above
sentences most likely belong? A. conclusion B. Methodology C. Data analysis D. introduction


Directions:. From the alternatives given in each case, choose the letter (A-D) that represents the best
arrangement of the following sentences to get a coherent paragraph.
1. a. When he got home, dad found his keys.
b. Mum, dad and I planned to go for a weekend.
c. Then we went on a trip to the beach.
d. We spent hours looking for the keys, but finally we gave up.
e. While we were there, dad thought that he had lost his keys in the sand.
A. b c e d a B. c b e d a C. a d b e c D. b c e a d
2. a. While there, she worked as part time for a travel agent.
b. After seven months she went to work for Sudan.
c. At eighteen Shensi left the school.
d. She also worked at a local airport.


e. She then went to College.
A. a c d b e B. c e d b a C. a d b e c D. caebd
3. a. One, I have a problem with the lecturers.
b. I don’t seem to succeed in my new course.
c. Apparently, my classmates are also uncooperative.
d. They speak quickly and not very clearly.
e. They are not willing to lend me the books want.
A. b a d e c B. b e d c a C. b a d c e D. c a e b d
4. a. The shape of each depends on its size, speed and purpose.
b. The Cloud Nine, for instance, is one particular type.
c. The Cloud Nine is one of the fastest airlines.
d. There are many types of Aircraft.
e. It has a nose that drops down on landing and takeoff.
A. a b d c e B. b e d c a C. c a e b d D. d a b c e
5 a. HIV/AIDS is a deadly disease.
b. If one is negative, then he/she should be careful in the future.
c. One has to be careful to avoid it.
d. And the best way to do so is to be tested for it.
e. However, if one is positive, he/she will learn how to live with the virus.
A. a c b d e B. b e d c a C. c a e b d D. a c d b e
6. a. Two months ago I bought this fridge.
b. I phoned to the company, but nobody came.
c. I set it at ‘medium’ and it froze everything.
d. But I have had nothing but trouble from it.
e. For the start the ‘cold control’ did not work.
A. a c e b d B. a e c d b C. e d a c b D. a d e c b
7. a. But some people think this is not so.
b. This is a blessing we should be proud of.
c. Ethiopia is a multi ethnic, multi cultural country.
d. These people must be told that their fear is unjustified.
e. They say the diversity may tear it apart.
A. c b a e d B. b a e c d C. c e d b a D. c b d e a
8. a. he has written a depressing record of destruction,
b. but against the life that shares it with him.
c. As man proceeds toward his announced goal of the conquest of nature,


d. directed not only against the earth he inhabits
A. c d a b B. a c d b C. c d b a D. c a d b
9. a. It was found that bats keep sending out noises inaudible to people and that they hear the echoes of those noises.
b. Scientists noticed that bats rarely collided with anything in their erratic flight
c. This principle whereby they fly safely was found to be similar to the main principle of radar.
d. We owe some of our notions of radar to scientific observation of bats.
e. keen eyesight could not be the reason for their flying the way they do, since bats are blind
A. b e d a c B. d b e a c C. d b a e c D. d e b a c
10. a. my eyes opened to shapeless world of gray
b. soon the entire room shone with a rosy glow
c. I woke up just before dawn this morning
d. suddenly pink rays stroke the walls
A. c a d b B. c d a b C. a d b c D. c a b d
11. a. A report is generally a formal document.
b. or it may evaluate a topic
c. It gives information on a specific topic.
d. may look at it, to decide how good, usefal or successful it is
e. it may be descriptive, simply describe the tropic
A. c e b a d B. a c b e d C. a c e b d D. d a c e b
12 a. The report should include the following
b. Each section should have an underlined heading.
c. the introduction, the middle sections and the closing section(s)
d. A report is organized in sections.
A. d e b a c B. b d e a c C. d e a b c D. d b e a c
13. a. he has written a depressing record of destruction,
b. but against the life that shares it with him.
c. As man proceeds toward his announced goal of the conquest of nature,
d. directed not only against the earth he inhabits
A. c d a b B. a c d b C. c d b a D. c a d b
14 .a. It’s found that bats keep sending out noises inaudible to people and that they hear their echoes.
b. Scientists noticed that bats rarely collided with anything in their erratic flight
c. This principle whereby they fly safely was found to be similar to the main principle of radar.
d. We owe some of our notions of radar to scientific observation of bats.
e. keen eyesight could not be the reason for their flying the way they do, since bats are blind
A. b e d a c B. d b e a c C. d b a e c D. d e b a c


15 .a. my eyes opened to shapeless world of gray
b. soon the entire room shone with a rosy glow
c. I woke up just before dawn this morning
d. suddenly pink rays stroke the walls
A. c a d b B. c d a b C. a d b c D. c a b d
16. a. A report is generally a formal document.
b. or it may evaluate a topic
c. It gives information on a specific topic.
d. may look at it, to decide how good, useful or successful it is
e. it may be descriptive, simply describe the tropic
A. c e b a d B. a c b e d C. a c e b d D. d a c e b
17. a.The most important of these is human creativity.
b. In fact, developing a workable technology requires resources.
c. Having a new technology makes life simple and comfortable.
d. Unfortunately, however, this is not something readily available.
e. People with such ability tremendously contribute to development.

A. cdbae B. c b e d a C. b d c b a D. c b d e a
18. a. Tourism in some countries has remained static.
b. This is because quality service is reportedly poor.
c. That left many things disorganized and unattractive.
d. What is more, the industry seems to lack effective leadership.
e. In others, however, it is growing whilst markets are in decline.
A. a b d e c B. a b c d e C. a c b d e D. a e b d c
19. a. Further, there aren’t as such any places for recreation.
b. This means you will have to endure physical hardship.
c. Primary, it is often not easy to find a job that suits you.
d. Living in the countryside has a number of disadvantages.
e. You also have to walk to get somewhere, even long distances.
A. dbeca B. a d e b c C. d c a e b D. a d b c e
. 20. a. What do they really want to see as society continues to evolve?
b. According to the study , two -third of women strongly agree that physical attractiveness is about how one looks.
c. How are women of the world defining beauty?
d. A recent research study yields some interesting views of women about beauty
e. Yet, they also agree that beauty involves much more.
A. c e d a b B. d e a c b C. c a d b e D. e d a b c


21. a. Other reasons include expectations of roles and structure of the family
b. There is uniqueness in each family problem solving style.
c. One reason for a familys decision style is learned behavior.
d. Families have distinct style of making decisions.
e There reasons for these differences vary from family to family.
A. c a c b d B. d b e c a C. a d c e b D. c b a d e
22. a. So, you do not need to own a car.
b. Primarily , it is often easier to find work.
c. Living in a city has a number of advantages.
d. There is also a good choice of public transport.
e. Further ,there are a lot of interesting places to see.
A. c b d a e B. b d a e c C. e b d e a D. c e d a b
23. a. So, you don't need to own a car.
b. Primarily, it is often easier to find work.
c. Living in a city has a number of advantages
d. There is also a good choice of public transport.
e. Further , there are a lot of interesting places to see.
A. c b d a e B. b d a e c C. c b d e a D. c e d a b
24. a Some of them, however, have a feasible solutions.
b. Finding renewable energy source is highly desirable.
c. Unfortunately, however, the technology is still at its infancy.
d. Even then, depending entirely on such energy source would be a mistake.
e. Every potential source of renewable energy seems to have some problems.
A. b d c a e B. b c e a d C. b e a c d D. b c d e a
25. a. One is the image others have of you.
b. Another cause of self- concept comes from social comparisons.
c. There are several reasons for your self-concept.
d. Comparing your test scores is a good example of a social comparison.
e. If those you love and respect think highly of you, you will see a positive self-image reflected in their behaviors.
A. c e a d b B. c b d e a C. b d a e c D. c a e b d
26. a. From words do not always have meaning in themselves.
b. When you study, you often need to make short notes.
c. Here are some useful suggestions to improve your study skill.
d. Such words are called form words.
e. To do this efficiently, you need to omit all unimportant words


A. b c a e d
B. c e d a b
C. c b e d a
D. d e a c b
27. a, Unfortunately, space is being polluted by debris from these space flights.
b. on 4 October 1957 the first satellite, sputnik, was launched.
c. more than 70.000 objects have been left in space.
d. since then, thousands of spacecraft have been sent into space.
e. every few weeks new satellites are put into orbit.
A. c e a d b C. a d c b e
B. b d e a c D. d a e c b
28. a. The gadget is a really special one.
b. It converts oral texts into written ones in seconds.
c. Technology provides mankind with amazing gifts.
d. Transcription is no more seen as an exhaustively boring job.
e. Just play a talk and the print out is there on your desk in no time.
A. c b e a d C. c a b d e
B. c d a e b D. c a d e b
29. a. the country with the highest life expectancy is Japan.
b. hence nuns and philosophers often lived to great ages.
c. historically, women died in childbirth and men in wars
d. now, childbearing is less risky and there are fewer wars,
e. there are average age for men is 76 and for women is 72.
A. a e c d b C. c d a b e
B. c b d a e D. a c d b e
30. a. All of us are prone to the same fundamental human principles that cause these cases of scientific dental
b. because it is not ignorance
c. but if we really want to change how they think, we need to take an honest look at what is driving those beliefs
d. it is easy to dismiss people who believe things that are factually incorrect.
e. it is psychology.
f. research has proven that humans are distinctly uncomfortable with events or phenomena without clear causes, and
when we do not know something, we tend to fill in the gaps ourselves.
A. a d b f c e C. f e b a c d
B. b a e f d c D. d c b e a f
31. a. hundreds of millions of people can recognize a coke bottle by its shape
b. and the famous coca cola-logo is the most famous logo in the world
c. do you know the most recognizable object in the world?
d. unlike any other famous commercial logos, it has not changed in 100 years
e. the coca-cola bottle is the most recognized object in the world

A. d b a c e C. c d b e a
B. C e a b d E. e a c d b
32. . a. I knew the journey could be tough but not as bitter.


b. something more unbearable! My visa application was denied.
c. I migrated to Egypt in December 2005 dreaming to travel to Australia.
d. In fact, you have to experience it yourself to see how severe things could be.
e. The water was indescribably harsh and the police were brutally unfriendly.
(A) c e a b d (C) c a e d b (B) c e d b a (D) c a b e d
33. a. It is about cultivating one`s mind.
b. I believe in the power of education.
c. It also doesn`t matter what color your skin is.
d. Learning can be the same for anyone - rich or poor.
e. So, it doesn`t matter how much money your father has.
(A) .d e c a b (B). b a e d c (C). b d e c a (D) d a e c a
34. a. Such people do it more for pleasure than necessity.
b. weekend is the best time for those who buy essential things for life.
c. Very few people can avoid shopping at least once a week.
d. For some people, however, shopping has become a daily routine.
e. Shopping is a necessary part of life.
(A) b d c e a (C) e d b c a
(B) c d b a e (D) e c d a b
35. a. In 1991, the country launched an early-warning system - the first in the world and one that been emulated by
countries like Japan.
b. Mexico`s recent quake occurred 32 years after the city`s 1985 shock, which
killed about 10,000 people and destroyed 3,000 buildings.
c. Since then, Mexico has worked to shore up its earthquake preparedness.
d. Some had a minute to duck and cover, to grab go bags, to locate their loved ones.
e. Thanks to sirens and smart phones, thousands of individuals were alerted the impending quake.
f. Those seconds can mean the difference between life and death.
(A) b c a e d f (C) c a b d f e
(B) f a e b d c (D) a e b c f d
36. before were in they a all packed room interrogation tiny started.
A. All packed in a tiny room before they were started interrogation.
B. Before they were packed started all interrogation in a tiny room.
C. Interrogation were started before they all packed in a tiny room.
D. They were all packed in a tiny room before interrogation started.
37. the elsewhere is of unfriendly town people full from.


A. The town is unfriendly full of people from elsewhere. B. Unfriendly people from elsewhere is full of the town.

C. The town is full of unfriendly people from elsewhere. D. From elsewhere is the town full of unfriendly people.

38. They who are know do you?

A. Do they know who you are? C. Do they know who are you?

B. Who are you do they know? D. Who do you know they are?

39. A take half it one day to may and cure.

A. It may take one and half days to a cure. C. It may take one and a half days to cure.

B. It may take a one and half days to cure. D. It may take to cure one and a half days.

E. It may take to cure one and half days.

40. his bet would I heart she win.

A. She would win I bet his heart. C. I win his heart she would bet.

B. I would win she bet his heart . D. I bet she would win his heart.

DIRECTIONS: The following words are NOT in the proper order. When put in the right order, they
make correct sentences. From the given alternatives, choose the one that is best and write the letter of
your choice on the separate answer sheet provided.(1-39)
1. in your business own mind you that should mind bear.
A. Bear in your mind you should mind only that own business.
B. Only you should bear in mind that mind your own business.
C. Bear in mind that you should mind your own business only.
D. you should mind only that own business bear in your mind.
2. go to why college to need people do?
A. Do people need why to go to college? C. Why do people need to go to college?
B. To do why people need to college? D. Do why people need to go to college?
3. old the children a lady little good-natured met.
A. The children met a little old lady good-natured. B. The children met a good- natured, little old lady.
C. The children met a lady good-natured little. D. The children met a lady little good-natured.
4. trees rains it when green turn.
A. Green trees turn, when it rains. C. When rains turn, it green trees.
B. When it rains, trees turn green. D. When rains, trees turn it green.


5. tolerate cannot him I more any
A. Tolerate any more I cannot him. C. I cannot tolerate any more him.
B. I cannot tolerate him anymore. D. Anymore tolerate I cannot him.
6. Pleased we see you to are
A. We are pleased to see you. B. pleased we see you to are.
C. pleased we are to see you D. We are pleased see you to.
7. old the children a lady little good-natured met
A. The children met a little lady good-natured. B. The children met a good- natured, little old lady
C. The children met a lady good-natured little. D. The children met a lady little good-natured.
8. enjoy is too short it life
A. Too short life is; enjoy it. B. Life is too short; enjoy it.
C. Enjoy it too short; is life. D. Enjoy too short; it is life.
9. tolerate cannot him I more any
A. Tolerate any more I cannot him. B. I cannot tolerate any more him.
C. I cannot tolerate him anymore. D. Anymore tolerate I cannot him.
10. Don’t I interrupt while speak me.
A. Speak me while I don’t interrupt. B. Don’t I interrupt while speak me
C. Don’t interrupt me while I speak. D. Don’t me speak while I interrupt.
11. From/mine/looks/your/house/different
A. Mine house looks different from your. B. Your house looks different from mine.
C. Your house different looks from mine. D. Your looks different from mine house.
13. At /the/people/a lot of/Zoo/can/you/see
A. A lot of people can you see at the Zoo. B. You can at the Zoo see a lot of people.
C. You can see a lot of people at the Zoo. D. A lot of people you can see at the Zoo.
14. stopped/we/so/was/traffic/the/light/red
A. We stopped the traffic light so was red. B. The traffic light was red, so we stopped.
C. the light was so red, we stopped traffic. D. We stopped the traffic light was so red.
15. Hiwot/asked/I/ /wanted/what /to know
A. To know what I asked Hiwot wanted. B. Asked Hiwot to know what I wanted.
C. Hiwot wanted to know what I asked. D. What I wanted to know asked Hiwot.
16. Breakfast to bread are have going for we.
A. We are going to have bread for breakfast. C. We are going to have for breakfast bread.
B. We are for breakfast going to have bread. D.We are going for bread to have breakfast.
17. Medicine take are than instructed you never more to.
A. Take more medicine than you are never instructed to.


B. Never take more medicine than you are instructed to.
C. You are instructed never to take more than medicine.
D. You are never instructed to take more than medicine.
18. Way there similar could apes in humans be no which to are.
A. There could be humans which no way are in similar to apes.
B. There are no humans which could be in way similar to apes.
C. There could be no way in which humans are similar to apes.
D. There are apes which could no way be in similar to humans.
19. Shume dog our little killed.
A. Our shume little dog killed. C. Shume killed our little dog.
B. Dog killed our shume little. D. Our little dog shume killed.
20. To Please what do tell you they.
A. Please, they tell you to do what. C. Please, you tell they what to do.
B. Please, do what they tell you to. D. Please, you do tell to they what.
21. What us could they someone tell up are to?
A. What could they tell someone are up to us? B. What are they up to tell us someone could ?
C. Could someone tell us what they are up to? D. Could they tell someone what up to us are
22. feeling has difficult to it been her know real always.
A. To know her difficult feeling it has always been real. B. It has always been to know her real difficult feeling
C. It has always been real difficult to know her feeling D. It has always been difficult to know her real feelings
23. Miles did swim two yesterday she?
A. Did she yesterday swim two miles? B. Did two miles she swim yesterday?
C. Did yesterday she swim two miles ? D. Did she swim two miles yesterday?
24. plane I by traveling hate.
A. By plane I hate traveling. B. Traveling by plane I hate
C. I hate traveling by plane. D. I hate by plane traveling.
25. I the she like herself carries way.
A. I like the way she carries herself. B. I like herself the way she carries.
C. She carries herself I like the way. D. The way she carries herself I like.
26. He around robbed that bank spread a easily.
A. That he robbed a bank spread around easily. C. He easily robbed a bank around that spread
B. Around that bank he easily robbed a spread. D. He easily robbed a bank that around spread
27. Register at we college the now must?
A. Must register we at the college now? C. Must we at the college register now?
B. Must we register at the college now? D. Must we now at the college register?


28. To get seat on the front row we arrived an hour early.
A. We arrived an hour early to get a seat on the front row.
B. On the front row we arrived an hour early to get a seat.
C. We to get a seat on the front row arrived an hour early
D. An hour early to get a seat we arrived on the front row
29. Immediately the police report to please.
A. Immediately report please to the police. C. Immediately please report to the police
B. Please to the police report immediately. D. Please report immediately to the police.
30. Mammo dog the skinny killed.
A. Mammo the skinny dog killed. C. Skinny the dog Mammo killed
B. Skinny dog killed the Mammo. D. The skinny dog killed Mammo.
31. Any to don’t us seem to more understand they.
A. To understand us they don’t seem any more. B.They don’t seem to understand us anymore.
C. Any more they don’t seem to understand us. D. They seem to don’t understand us anymore.
32. In my hospital sister a works.
A. My hospital works in a sister. C. My sister works in a hospital.
B. My sister in a hospital works. D. In a hospital works my sister.
33. You I you say to for did want for all us thank.
A. I want to say thank you for all you did for us. C. You want to say I thank you for all did for us.
B. I did want you for all for us to say thank you. D. You say I want to thank you for all did for us.
34. The work for she twenty-two she company to when was started.
A. She for the company started to work when she was twenty-two
B. She when was twenty two she started to work for the company
C. She started to work for the company when she was twenty-two
D. When she started to work for the company, she was twenty-two

35. Planet could on our how that have beyond implications understanding life go far started earth.

a) How life started on our Earth could have understanding implications beyond planet that go far.
b) Earth could have understanding implications that go far beyond how our planet started on life.
c) Our planet could have implications how life go far started beyond that understanding on earth.
d) Understanding how life started on earth could have implications that go far beyond our planet.

36. That anything me don`t to like again say.

a) Don`t say anything like that to me again. C. Don`t again say like that anything to me.
b) Don`t to me say anything like that again. D. Don`t say anything to me like that again.

37. Lung pollution is causes why air obvious cancer.

A. Why air pollution causes lung cancer is obvious. C. Why lung cancer causes air pollution is obvious.
B. Lung cancer causes why air pollution is obvious. D. Why causes lung cancer air pollution is obvious.

38. It to wanted you today me do.

a) Today you wanted it me to do. c. You wanted me to do it today.

b) It wanted me today you to do. d. Me wanted you to do it today.


39. In got has house all money new the her she.

a) She has got her money all in the new house. c. She has all her new money got in the house.
b) She has got all her money in the new house. d. All money she has got in the new house.


DIRECTIONS: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions 1-14 according to the
information therein. Each question has four choices, A-D. Choose the best alternative and blacken the letter of
your choice in the separate answer sheet provided.
i. Oprah Winfrey is thought of as the “Queen of Talk” since the mid-1980s. She is the first African American
woman to host a national weekday talk show. In addition, Oprah is one of the richest and most powerful African
American women in America. Her life story makes her success notable.
ii. Oprah was born on January 29, 1954 on a farm in Kosciusko, Mississippi. She is the product of a brief meeting
between a 20- year old Vernon Winfrey and an 18-year-old Vernita Lee. Winfrey was in the service when Oprah
was born. Winfrey apparently, learned of Oprah’s birth when he received a printed baby announcement in the
mail with a scribbled note: “send clothes!” Vernita, Oprah’s mother, left Mississippi soon after the birth of
Oprah, leaving her young child with her maternal grandparents. Oprah stayed at her grandparents’ place until she
was six years old.
iii. As a young child, Oprah raised on the farm in the rural tradition, receiving whippings and harsh chastisement as
punishment for wrong at the age of six, she moved to Milwaukee to live with her mother, who was working as
housecleaner. Rarely at because of her work demands, Vernita had a difficult time providing for the emotional
needs of the intelligent, high-spirited Oprah.
iv. Several sources have relayed the creative ways Oprah tried to get her mother’s attention. Once, her mother
refused to buy a new pair of eyeglasses-claiming that she couldn’t afford it. Oprah then staged a fake burglary at
her home. She said that she had been knocked unconscious, and during the ordeal her glasses had broken.
Another time, she ran away from home. While on the street, she approach Aretha Franklin’s limousine convinced
the singer that she was an abandoned child. Franklin is said to have given her $100. Oprah’s last antic involved
her frantic attempt to keep a broken puppy. She created a tale about the brave puppy fending off robbers. She
even added a bit of realism to the “scene” by tossing her mother’s jewelry out of the window.
v. At the age of nine, and for several years thereafter, Oprah was sexually abused by a teenaged cousin and then by
other relatives and friends. She spoke openly about this on her talk show in 1991. At the time, she offered
support and showed empathy to guests and viewers who had gone through similar painful experiences. In an
article for Essence, she until 1990, when she finally admitted, “I was not responsible for the abuse.” The
molestation Oprah experienced in Milwaukee ended when, at the age of 14, she went to live with her father in


vi. While under the care of her father, she flourished and honed many of her communication skills. Oprah’s life
under her father’s care was purposeful and disciplined. Because of this, she credits her father and the time she
spent with him and his wife Zemla. She often likes to say her father ‘saved’ her life. In an interview for
Washington post magazine, she told Jill Nelson that if she hadn’t been sent to her father, she would have gone in
another direction.
vii. In January 1984, Oprah took over the ailing television talk show AM Chicago. She instantly turned it into a
smash hit. Her earthy and down-home style won her large audiences. In September of 1986, the Oprah Winfrey
show made its national debut. Within five months, it was the third-highest-rated show on the television behind
the game shows of Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy. In the same year, her show is ranked the number one talk
show. Her show reached 9 and 10 million people in 192 cities on a daily basis. Since then, Oprah and her show
have received many Daytime Emmy awards.
viii. Oprah’s talent and energy have brought her success in other areas as well. For example, she is a successful
publisher. In 2001, Book magazine named Oprah among the ten powerful people in the publishing.
Adapted from the Skilled Reader(2010), Pearson Education, Inc.
1. Why does the author narrate Oprah’s childhood?
A. To tell that she overcame barriers to be successful.
B. To tell us that she had a busy mother.
C. To inform readers that she was raised on the farm.
D. To show that she passed through a series of sufferings.
2. Which one of the following was Oprah’s reason to stage a fake robbery?
A. Running away from home C. Keeping a broken puppy
B. Seeking attention D. Falling victim to sexual abuse
3. What does scene as used in… added a bit of realism to the scene…(paragraph iv)refer to?
A. the puppy attacking the robbers C. Oprah receiving $100
B. Oprah tossing the jewelry D. the robbers stealing jewelry
4. The tone of the author can best be described as:
A. compassionate B. appreciative C. apologetic D. argumentative
5. As used in paragraph i, which word can be the best similar word to notable?
A. surprising B. interesting C. remarkable D. ambitious
6. According to paragraph i, which one of the following sentences is true?
A. There are rich and powerful African American women other than Oprah.
B. Oprah thought about being a “Queen of talk” in the 1980s.
C. Oprah is an African American who became a queen in 1980s.
D. Oprah is the first woman to host a national weekday talk show in America.


7. What does the statement, She is the product of a brief meeting between a 20-year old Vernon Winfrey and an 18-year-
old Vernita Lee(paragraph ii), imply?
A. Oprah’s parents lived together for quite some time.
B. Oprah’s parents had been intimate when she was conceived.
C. Oprah’s parents were not steadily going out together.
D. Oprah’s parents were living in different places when she was born.
8. What does ordeal as used in ….during the ordeal her…..(paragraph iv)refer to?
A. getting knocked unconscious C. staging a fake robbery
B. getting her glasses broken D. running away from home
9. Which one of the following was the cause of shame referred to in paragraph v?
A. having a busy mother C. falling victim to sexual abuse
B. keeping a broken puppy D. running away from home
10. From the words given below, which one did the author use to refer to sexual abuse in paragraph v?
A. empathy B. shame C. molestation D. painful
11. What does fending off mean as used in…the brave puppy fending off robbers (paragraph iv)?
A. attacking B. barking C. attracting D.grunting
12. Which of the statements below best summarizes the central idea of the passage?
A. Oprah Winfrey is a successful African American women. C. Oprah Winfrey is a queen of talk show.
B. Oprah Winfrey is a rich and powerful woman. D. Oprah Winfrey’s life and success are interesting.
13. Which two paragraphs discuss, in particular, the challenges Oprah faced and the attempts she made to overcome them?
A. iii and vi B. iv and v C. ii and iii D. iv and vii
14. Which month can be inferred from paragraph vii as a month when Oprah’s show was rated the third highest on television?
A.august B. september C. january D. November
1 The large, bulky bus slowed as it turned onto a long, narrow bridge. The bridge led to an obscure island in the
distance and was lined with dimly lit street lamps. The vibration, caused by the bus rolling over the planks of the bridge,
startled me out of my listless sleep. I cupped my hands around my eyes and peered out of the dust covered window. All
that was visible , as far as I could see, was the somber water leisurely moving below the bridge. Little did I realized that
this bridge was the beginning of my passage from boyhood to manhood in the marines.
2 Suddenly , the interior bus lights flashed on I had to blink several times to adjust my eyes to the unexpected flow of
bright light. A husky darkly tanned man stood up and faced the group of boys on the bus. He was immaculately dressed
in a sharply pressed uniform, with rows of ribbons and badges over his left pocket. The bus jerked to a stop , and the man
who stood up introduced himself as the drill instructor . Then I and the rest of the boys on the bus were issued the first of
many commands:  Recruits, get off the bus, NOW , Move..move, move


3 I joined the ranks of many other boys coming of the bus, and they all moved through the small door leading to
FORCE : THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS This was it. The process of becoming a marine was beginning for
me , and I couldn't turn back now.
4 The first few weeks were the toughest . The drill instructors concentrated on breaking down the morale and
band from habits of all the recruits in our group, I had to learn to start living all over, I had to learn how to dress , eat,
even go to the bathroom. I learned that every action of the day was limited to a certain time period, When it was time for
chow hall every recruit carried all the trays, plates , and utensils the same way. We were taught how to fold our clothes,
brush our teeth, and make a bed(known as a rack). There was even a specific form of vocabulary we were instructed to
use. We were also introduced to basics of military life which included marching, shining boots and the use of a rifle
(never called a gun)
5 The first phase examined the recruits mental processes and the hardest emotionally. The second phase began
to test our physical abilities. Day after day was spent running in the scorching heat, with a ten pound backpack on my
back. I quickly learned that the purpose of running is more than just exercise: it is for the sake of staying alive, I and my
group learned how to repel off seventy five foot towers, crawl through live mine fields, run through obstacles courses and
tread water.
6 Boot camp become progressively harder as I moved from the second phase of training to the third phase of actually
performing certain procedures. All the recruits in my group had to fire , their rifles and pistols, throw live grenades , and
successfully complete their individual combat training courses . Several recruits began to drop out in the third phase due
to the stress and difficulty of this stage. I began to see changes occurring in my life. I was becoming physically fit more
confident , and proficient in a leadership role.
7 I had made it through the process of becoming a Marine, an accomplishment not everyone can claim. I had also
achieved a personal goal that changed me from a boy to an independent man. I had become a Marine.
SOURCE: Cashsee Language Art, Sample of Chapters
DIRECTIONS: Answers questions 1-8 based on the information of the above reading passage
1. What does  for the sake of staying alive ( Paragraph 5) mean?
A. To adapt to marine life. B. To keep oneself fit and healthy.
C. To become physically able and strong. D. To be able to escape from risky situations.
2. Which one of the following is NOT true about the writer in paragraph 6.?
A. He found the third phase even more difficult. B. Unlike his friends , he didn't have to fire his rifle.
C. He took part in the individual combat training course. D. He could withstand the stress and difficulty of the stage.
3. Which one of the following could be the most appropriate title of the passage?
A. The Making of a Marine. B. Training Phases in the marine.
C. Difficulties in marine training. D. The Life of Marine in the USA.
4. According to paragraph 1, what awakened the writer out of the sleep?


A. The street lamps. B. The planks of the bridge.
C. The slowing down of the bus. D. The jerking movement of the bus.
5 . What is the paradox that one can think of in paragraph 2 with regard to Marines life style?
A. Introducing oneself and then issuing commands.
B. Wearing immaculate dresses and being a drill instructor.
C. Enjoying immaculate dresses and obeying listless commands.
D. Putting on a sharply pressed uniform and wearing ribbons and badges.
6. The recruits had to learn how to dress ,eat and even go to the bathroom because they
A. were all spoiled children. B. had to learn Marines discipline.
C. did not know how to do such routines. D. were previously trained in a wrong way.
7. What does the phrase ,  I could not turn back now (end of paragraph 3) imply?
A. That he felt like quitting and going home. B. That he could not get permission to go back.
C. That he has no intention of quitting and going back. D. That the process of becoming a marine has now started.
8. What does the writer convey across in Paragraph 4?
A. That doing things at the right time is important. B. That life at the training centre was so complicated.
C. That the recruits did not know how to lead their life. D. That the recruits had to learn when and how to do things.
1 Child abuse is a phenomenon that knows no social, geographic or racial boundaries . It occurs in the best of families
in wealthy suburbs and in rural areas as well. It is, in fact ,a national plague that experts say is likely to create another
generation of child abusers in America from among those abused today.
2 For years , the problem was hidden behind the closed doors of houses or apartments. But, since the passage of laws in
the 1970s requiring health and other professionals to report all cases of child abuse, a quiet revolution has been occurring .
More cases of child abuse are being reported ,and social-warfare agencies are getting help for both the children and their
parents. That is not to say ,however, that the reporting is in any way complete . More than ,5000caases are reported
annually to the Philadelphia Country Children and Youth Agency, but a spokes woman said. There is a lot more out
there that goes unreported.  Schools are just now beginning to focus on abuse, the spokeswoman said .Out of the
quarter-million kids, within the Philadelphia schools, we received only ,300 reports last year, However, the schools are
making strides in this area  she added , To increase the frequency of reporting, institutions that come into contact with
injured children are training staff members to recognize abuse. The tremendous amount of stress in today society-both
within and outside the home -is considered one of the main factors in the rise of child abuse.
3 Poor marital relationship, single parenthood, social and economic problems, unemployment and social isolation add
undue stress to our life. The problems of social isolation is critical. Today people are moving around and finding
themselves living further away from their families and the emotional support which they provide ,Mothers find
themselves living either in large city apartment complexes or suburban communities in which they know absolutely no
one. In this lonely atmosphere, they try to deal with the pressure of being the parent of one ,two or three children.


4 Dr. Benjamin price who sees at least one case of a child abuse a week in Einstein Hospital pediatric clinic or
emergency room, believes that  parenting should be a compulsory subject within the educational system. If people
were fully prepared to cope with the emotional demands of fatherhood or motherhood ,many of these problems would
slowly decrease,  he said .  We cannot forget emotional abuse. It is harder to diagnose, but can be just as destructive to
the child as any of the more dramatic cases involving burns, bruises or broken bones
5 Most physicians and social workers who were interviewed agreed that child abuse and neglect are on the . However , it
is without a doubt more visible and more publicized today , child abuse is not a new phenomenon. Infanticide,
abandonment, beatings, mutilation*all are a part of the history of child abuse. During the industrialization of America.
Children as young as 5 years old worked 12 to 16 hours a day in factories and sweatshops. Such working conditions
inspired the first welfare efforts to stem child abuse. In 1871, the first formally documented case of child abuse was
recorded in the New York City. Until then no intervention had legally been possible. Between 1962 and 1967 , all 50
states passed laws requiring identification, reporting and treatment of child abuse by designated social service agencies. It
was discovered , however that these laws were not sufficient. During the 1970s, they were revised to legally bind all
professionals who work with children, including doctors , nurses and teachers to report any suspected case of child abuse
or neglect.
6 Low income or unemployment increase the chances of violence, and child abuse by 45% higher among blue-collar
parents of either sex than among white-collar parents. There are no significant difference between black and white parents
in the rate of abusive violence . However , Jewish parents are reported to have the lowest rate violence. Members of
minority religions have the highest. The likelihood of child abuse is lowered when both parents are of the same religion.
Source: Reading and study skills, second edition
DIRECTION: Answer questions 9-14 based on the information in the preceding reading passage.
9. What contradiction do we see between the first two sentences at the beginning pf paragraph 5?
A. That child abuse is neglected but is not a new phenomenon.
B. That different professionals were interviewed but the problem is visible.
C. That professionals could not help but the problem has been there for long.
D. That child abuse is increasing but is more publicized today than in the past.
10. What kind of parents are blue-collar" parents(paragraph 6)
A. Officials B. Jobless ones C. Professionals D. Manual laborers
11. In paragraph 2, what does "...... a quiet revolution has been occurring" mean?
A. No more closed door child abuse are exercised.
B. Cases of suspected child abuse are being reported.
C. The rate of child abuse has been decreasing recently.
D. Professionals have managed to stop child abuse everywhere.
12 .Which of the following best expresses the view of the spokeswoman in paragraph 2?
A. Child abuse has now received adequate attention.


B. A significant job has been done to curb child abuse.
C. We still have a long way to get to eliminate child abuse.
D. Philadelphia schools are successful in controlling child abuse.
13. What does the word "they" in paragraph 3 refer to?
A. People B. Families C. Mothers D. Themselves
14. According to Dr. Benjamin Price , what is the use of including parenting as a subject in the education system?
A. It decreases the emotional demands on fathers.
C. It possibly decreases the frequency of child abuse.
B. It emotionally prepares people for parenthood.
D. It helps mothers to contain their emotional feelings.
Passage 4
1. The middle school years (grades 7 and 8 ) are known to be the though years. These are the years when the uneven
pace of girls’ and boys’ physical, emotional, and cognitive development is most noticeable.
Girls are ahead of boys on all counts and both suffer. Educators debate whether separating boys and girls during
these difficult years might improve students’ academic performance. Separate classes are now prohibited in public
schools that receive federal funds, but a change in the federal law that prohibits them is under consideration.
Although some parents and educators oppose same – sex classes, there is some evidence that separating boys and
girls in middle school yields positive results.
2. Opponents of single – sex education claim that test scores of students in all – girls or all – boys classes are no
higher than those of students in mixed classes. However, the research is inconclusive. Despite the fact that some
research shows no improvement in test scores, other research shows exactly opposite results. More important,
many psychologists believe that test scores are the wrong measuring sticks. They believe that self- confidence and
self- esteem issues are more important than test scores. In same – sex classes, girls report increased confidence
and improved attitudes toward math and science, for example. These are results become successful adults long
after the difficult years of middle school are past.
3. New York university professor Carol Gilligan is certain that girls are more likely to be creative thinkers and risk –
takers as adults if educated apart from boys in middle school. Boys, too, gain confidence when they do not have to
compete with girls. Boys at this age become angry and fight back in middle school because they feel inferior
when compared to girls, who literally ‘’out – think’’ them. With no girls in the classroom, they are more at ease
with themselves and more receptive to learning.
4. Opponents also maintain that separate classes or separate schools send the message that males and females cannot
work together. They say that when students ago into the work force, they will have to work side – by side with the
opposite sex, and attending all – girls or all – boys such an argument completely ignores the fact that children
constantly interact with members of the opposite sex outside school. Form playing and squabbling with siblings to


negotiating allowances, chores, and privileges with their opposite – sex parent, children learn and practice on
daily basis the skills they will need in their future workplaces.
5. The final argument advanced by opponents of same – sex education is that it is discriminatory and, therefore,
unconstitutional. However, research supports exactly the opposite conclusion: that discrimination is widespread in
mixed classes. Several studies have shown that boys dominate discussions and receive more attention than girls
and that teacher’s call on boys more often than they call on girls, even when girls raise their hand. Clearly, this is
6. It should be evident that the arguments against same – sex classes are not valid. On the contrary, many people
involved in middle – school education say that same – sex classes provide a better learning environment. Boys
and girls pay less attention to each other and more attention to their schoolwork. Girls are more relaxed and ask
more questions. They are also less disruptive and more focused. Girls are less fearful of making mistakes and
asking questions in math and science. Boys and girls pay less attention to each other and more attention to their
schoolwork. Girls are more relaxed and ask more questions. They are also less disruptive and more focused. Girls
are less fearful of making mistakes and asking questions in math and science. Boys, on the other hand, are less
inhibited about sharing their ideas in language and literature. Furthermore, schoolchildren are not disadvantaged
by lack of content with the opposite sex because they have many opportunities outside the school setting sex
because they have many opportunities outside the school seething to interact with one another. Finally,
discrimination occurs in mixed classes, so discrimination is not a valid argument. Therefore, in my opinion, the
law prohibiting same – sex classes in public schools should be changed.
15. Which of the following statements is FALSE according to the information in the passage?
A. psychologists believe that self- confidence and self – esteem can be measured by tests.
B. some research shows improvement in the test scores of students in single – sex classes.
C. there is research to show no improvement in the test scores of students in single – sex classes.
D. positive adolescent attitude towards math and science helps them to be successful later in life.
16. Which of the following is true about middle – school education?
A. mixed – sex classes in middle – school education provide a better learning environment.
B. separating middle school boys and girls does not lead to students’ higher test scores.
C. the debate on whether same-sex or mixed – sex class is a better learning environment is settled long ago.
D. The debate on whether same – sex or mixed – sex class is a a better learning environment is still unresolved.
17. The author mentioned ...girls are more relaxed, and ask more questions... (paragraph 6) to illustrate
A. the discrimination that prevails in mixed- sex classes.
B. the benefits girls obtain if they are taught apart from boys.
C. that girls out-think boys if they learn in mixed-sex classes.
D. the benefits girls obtain if they are taught together with boys.
18. What does them as used in paragraph 1 refer to ?


A. federal fundaB. middle school C. public schools D. separate classes
19. As used in paragraph 3, which one can be the best definition of out-think?
A. do less B. do well C. do worse D. do better
20. According to the information in the passage, which statement shows discrimination in mixed-sex classes?
A. Teachers call on boys to ask questions less often than they call on girls.
B. Teachers call on boys to answer questions more often than they call on girls.
C. Teachers call on girls to ask questions more often than they call on boys.
D. Teachers call on girls to answer questions more often than they call on boys.
21. Why does ... learn how to do so ... ( paragraph 4) refer to?
A. going into the work force C. children’s interaction with parents
B. working with the opposite sex D. attending all – girls or all-boys schools
Passage 5
1. In this era of the global community, more and more of us enjoy discussing different philosophies. Presently,
there are as many different philosophies as there are cultures. One philosophic – type topic of unending interest is
the question of whether or not animals have souls. Of course, most organized religions and philosophies have
opinions on this question. One way to maintain your balance when discussing it is to keep an open mind and
heart. You never know when a new viewpoint will change your thought around. Or at least, listening allows you
to understand someone else’s perspective
2. A different approach to the question of whether or not animals have souls is found in the philosophy of Taoism: a
Chinese belief system which includes the concepts of the yin and the yang energies. Taoism holds that embracing
the natural flow of these energies. Balanced and open to the path of life, creates harmony. Instead of making a
definite statement, about the existence of animal souls, the way of Tao would look to the natural world for
3. There is a story in the writing of Chuang Tzu, a spiritual leader in China, called ‘’ The Joy of Fishes’’ which
begins with two men walking along a river, where they see fish leaping in the water. One of the men remarks on
the happiness of the fish. The other man asks how, since the speaker is not a fish, he can know the fish are happy.
The first man answers this way: ‘’I know the joy of fishes in the river through my own joy, as I walk along the
same river’’. The concept is that all beings truly share the walk along life’s river experiencing the same kinds of
joys and sorrows even though they are different beings.
4. A tale from the city of Edinburgh in Scotland, for example, illuminates this idea. Long ago in the 1850s, a little
dog, Bobby by name, devoted himself to guarding the final resting place of his master- this was a grave in Grey
friars Kirk graveyard. This he did for 14 years. The people of the city, likewise, noticed the dog’s devotion and
felt a connection with the loss and sorrow the dog experienced. They recognized the sorrow that comes to us all.


5. In the happier days of Bobby’s life he belonged to John Grey a policeman in the city of Edinburgh. Bobby, a Skye
terrier, was Jock’s steady companion in the city walking up and down the cobbled streets or standing at the
policeman’s post. Together, they braved the infamous Scottish weather, which was often damp and freezing.
22. What does Bobby’s example in paragraph 4 imply? It implies that
A. animals have feelings like humans. C. dogs seem to be more loyal than humans.
B. dogs prefer quite places like graveyard. D. animals can endure sorrow better than humans.
23. The first speaker in paragraph 3 says he knows the fish are happy because
A. they are leaping in the water C. he feels happy as he watches them leaping
B. all beings share the same feelings D. animals and humans are the same in many ways
24. How is harmony achieved, according to Taoism?
A. By making use of the yin C. By keeping the natural flow of the yin and he yang
B. By applying the concept of the yang D. By manipulating the balance b/n the yin and the yang
25. Which of the following is an idea implied by paragraph 1 of the passage?
A. philosophy and culture mean roughly the same.
B. today every culture seems to have its own philosophy.
C. these days we have more philosophers than we had in the past.
D. the source of understanding philosophical questions is an open mind and heart.
26. What is peculiar about Taoism in handling the question of whether or not animals have souls?
A. It has a sensibly magical answer to the question.
B. It includes the concepts of the yin and yang energies.
C. It is a Chinese belief system that holds a logical answer.
D. It relies on the natural world for an answer to the question.
27 ‘’ ... the happier days of Bobby’s life’’ (paragraph 5) refers to
A. the time when his master was alive B. the days he could walk in the streets of the city
C. the days he could stand at the policeman’s post D. the occasions he used to enjoy the Scottish weather
28. In the example of ‘’ the joy of Fishes,’’ what do you think is the view of the man referred to as the other man?
A. It is not possible to gain true knowledge
B. True knowledge is gained through experience
C. One can gain true knowledge by asking others
D. One can gain true knowledge through observation


DIRECTIONS: Read the following passages carefully and answer the questions 8-25 according to the information
therein. Each question has four choices, A-D. Choose the best alternatives and blacken the letter of your choice on
the separate answer sheet provided.



1. The state of the environment in the later part of the 21st century will be determined largely by one factor: human
population. If the spices doubles its number by 2050 to nearly 11 billion, humanity may complete the devastation
that has been accelerating over the last few decades. Such unabated expansion would continue to soak up the world’s
capital and prevent the poorer nations from making the necessary investments that might deter continued population

2. If the worst occurs, countless millions become environmental refugees, swamping the nations that tried to conserve
their soil, water and forests. The great grand- children of today’s young people would have to share the planet with
only a ragged cohort of the adaptable species dominated by rats, cockroaches, weeds, microbes. The world in which
they survived would consist largely of deserts, patches of tropical forests, eroded mountains, barren oceans, all
buffeted by extremes of weather.

3. The best hope for the humanity and other life forms would be to cut human propagation in half, so that the world’s
numbers would not exceed 8 billion by mid-century. The only event in which the earth would achieve zero
population growth or even shrinkage would be some environmental or social catastrophe. Donella Meadows, systems
analyst, contends that the huge run up in human numbers has foreclosed most options and shortened the amount of
time available to come to grips with rising threats to the environment. In the past, Meadows argues, there were
always new frontiers for exploding population as well as for empty lands to accept wastes. This is no longer true.
Most suitable areas have been colonized. Many easy-to-find resources are already being exploited. Most dumping
grounds have also filled up. Meadows believes that much work is waiting ahead to make the world look better than it
does now.
4. For centuries humanity has confounded doomsayers by finding new supplies of food and energy. In the early 1970s
some environmentalists interpreted earthly resources, yet surpluses returned in later years. This, according to Julian
Simon, revealed a basic problem with the limits-to-growth argument. Price rises caused by scarcities will always
stimulate human ingenuity to improve efficiency and find new resources.
5. In the intervening years, however there has been evidence that the market often fails to react as quickly as problems
demand. In addition, market forces often work perversely to hasten the demise of species and resources. The
increasing appetite for bluefin tuna among sushi lovers and health-conscious diners has vastly increased the market
price of the fish. Instead of dampening demand, the principal effect came to be extended fishing. This led to a
marked decrease in the number of fish in the Atlantic.
6. Demographers refer to such collisions between rising demand and diminishing resources as ''train wrecks" As the
world adds new billions of people in even shorter period, such potential conflict happen almost everywhere. With
most of the world`s good land already under the plow, a population of 11 billion human beings would probably have
to make do with less than half the arable land per capita that exist today. That would set the stage for disaster, as
farmers stripped nutrients from the soil, exacerbated erosion and gobbled up water and wild lands.
7. If population keeps building at the current rate, the most ominous effect is that millions of life-forms become
extinct. Human, no matter how well behaved, cannot help crowding out natural systems. A survey of 50 countries by
environmental researchers showed that habitat loss, the most important factor leading to extinction, rises in direct
proportion to the density of the individuals that make up various species. Big animals often range over hundreds of
square miles and increasingly collide with settlements. Smaller species, which make up most of nature`s diversity,
are badly affected by human activities in countless ways.
8. The crucial question is whether humankind can afford to exterminate large number of other species without ruining
the ecosystems that also sustain us whether or not humankind can afford to do this is unknown. However, reducing
the burden placed on the earth by rising human numbers and the lifestyle of rich nations may have a promising end.
To achieve this, the affluent nations must move their economies toward patterns of production and consumption that
recognize the limit of what the earth can provide and what wastes it can accommodate. The poorer nations, on the
other hand, require better education and improved family planning to stabilize their family is also among the
alternatives available to the poorer nations.
Adapted from: More reading power (1996): Addison-Wesley publishing Company

8. What does they as used in .......... The world in which they survived... (paragraph 2) refer to?

(A) millions who will become environmental refugees (B) today`s young people


(C) our great-grand-children (D) great-grand-children of today`s young people

9. What does this in the statement this is no longer true (paragraph 3) refer to?

(A) finding new frontiers and empty lands (B) finding exploding population

(C) achieving zero population growth (D) gripping threats with the environment

10. Which of the following has the potential to turn millions in to environmental refuges?

(A) allowing unchecked growth of human population (B) conserving soil, water and forests

(C) changing the patterns of production and consumption (D) enabling the poor nations to slow dawn population growth

11. Which of the following words is close in meaning to doomsayers, as used in ........ humanity has confounded doomsayers
... (paragraph 4)?

(A) people who predict disaster (B) environmentalists who lived in the 1970s

(C) people who cause price rises that lead to scarcity (D) people who find new supplies of food and energy

12. Whose principal effect is implied in the .... the principal effect came to be .... (paragraph 5)

(A) the falling demand for fish (B) the increase in appetite for fish

(C) the mismatch between demand and supply (D) the rise in the quantities of encouraged fishing

13. Which of the following words is close in meaning to soak up as used in paragraph 1?

(A) stop (B) accelerate (C) absorb (D) extend

14. From the words given below, identify the one close in meaning to collision, as used in paragraph 6?

(A) coercion (B) influence (C) reaction (D) conflict

15. . Which one of the following is NOT an example of rising threats to the environment

(A) cutting human propagation in half (B) exterminating species and the ecosystem

(C) stripping nutrients from the soil (D) creating mismatches between production and consumption

16. Which word from the given alternatives can be the best substitute for demise as used in ... hasten the demise of the
species and resources .... (paragraph 5)?

(A) propagation (B) population (C) dampening (D) death

17. from the words given below, which one shows the author`s dissatisfaction with human activity, as used in paragraph 1?

(A) expansion (B) devastation (C) soak up (D) prevent

18. From the following sentences, identify one potential consequence if population growth continues at the current rate.

(A) There will be a large number of new supplies of food and energy.


(B) Humankind will be able to reduce the burden placed on the earth.

(C) Humankind will exterminate the species and ruin the ecosystem.

(D) There will be no collision between rising demand and diminishing resources.

19. . Which of the following statements is true according to the information in paragraph 3?

(A) Human population will not exceed 8 billion by 2050.

(B) The time needed to respond to the rising environmental threats has now become short.

(C) Making the word looks better if zero population growth is achieved through environmental catastrophe.


When a company invests in a country, it asks: do we have the right people with the right capabilities? This makes people
think of new facilities, new jobs. Too often they forget the importance of developing new skills.

Most educational systems-in both developed and poorer markets - are unprepared for the future skills change brought on by
digitalization. As business, we could through up our hands and do nothing. But as optimists, we should instead double down
on being part of the solution.

Focusing on training and `up skilling` when the shovels go in the ground after an initial investment can lead to even more
jobs over time. In established facilities, workers displaced by technology can learn to operate robots and become comfortable
with automation. Business can develop work study programs based on company tailored study programs based on company
tailored curricula or provide essential machines to universities or vocational programs so that students can learn to use them.
I know this is possible - not become I am an optimist but because I see it happening.

In this light, the goals of private companies and the public are the same; a business supports those whose jobs are impacted
by technology. It betters the training of those in developing markets. It creates loyal relationships with talent and pipeline of
resilient workers with flexible skills - ones that it and other companies will demand. More jobs are created. And everybody

Source: John Rice, Vice Chairman of GE, TIME December 12, 2016,

20. When it is proper, according to the passage, to focus on training and `up skilling?`

(A) as soon as we start the business (B) when we decide to introduce digitalization

(C) after all arrangements for the establishment of the company have been made

(D) before we secure the money for investment

21. `` ... and everybody wines,`` (the last paragraph, the last sentence) implies that

(A) businesses will face the challenges.

(B) both workers and businesses will satisfy their needs.

(C) the public will be the beneficiary.

(D) businesses will establish high quality institutions of training.


22. One of the following is NOT a mutual goal between private companies and the public regarding the tasks of the business.

(A) providing employment all citizens. (B) supporting those whose jobs are affected by technology.

(C) enhancing the training of those in developing markets. (D) pipelining resilient workers with flexible skills.

23. Which one of the following titles best suits the above passage?

(A) Industry Education Partnership (B) The Validity of Education

(C) Businesses as models of Education (D) Building workforces Businesses Need

24. One of the following is an instance of the recommended industry-university partnership.

(A) Companies prepare their own study programs based on their own needs.

(B) Universities generate modules of training for companies.

(C) Workers get trainings during their day-offs.

(D) Companies give Universities machines that their student can learn to use.

25. What do modern educational set-ups lack according to the above passage?

(A) facilities and skilled personnel (B) preparation for future skills challenge (C) digitalization (D) optimism

1) In 1977, the food and agriculture Organization (FAO) and UNESCO jointly published an alarming map of the
separated of deserts across the world. Shaded in orange, pink and red were all the areas in danger of desertification.
The colored patches covered a major part of the developing world outside the rainy equatorial belt. In Latin America,
they covered northeast Brazil, central and northern Mexico and stretched right down the Andes as far as Chile. They
ate without interruption they reached half way round the globe in a broad swath from the Atlantic coast of the Sahara,
right across North Africa and the Sahel, through the Middle East and Persia to Pakistan and North-west India.
2) There could be no more graphic expression of the Ecological dangers that threaten so much food production, so many
livelihoods in the developing countries. The world is losing precious agriculture land at twice the rate that new land is
being broken for farming for farming. An area greater than Great Britain is disappearing every year. Soil is being
exhausted, eroded, and blown away at the rate of two and a half billion tons per year. By the end of the century, the
world may have to support one and a half times its present population on only three-quarters of its present cultivated
3) In his report on the state of the environment in 1977, United Nations Environment Program Director, Mostafa Tolba,
warned that, if present trends continue, there would be only 0.15 hectares of farmland per person by the year 2000,
half the 1975 level. Productivity would have to double merely to allow people to get the same amount of food as
today. These are the figures on which he based that cultivation: in 1975 there were 1240 million hectares under
cultivation. Over the next 25 years, perhaps another 300 million new hectares may be opened up but over the same
period 600 million hectares - half the entire 1978 cultivated area - may be lost. Of these, half will probably disappear
under the ink-blot spread of cites, which are expending horizontally twice as fast as the populations are growing, and
over some of the best agricultural land. The over 300 million will be the toll of soil degradation.


4) At least half of the total erosion will be in the world`s 45 million square kilometers of potentially productive but
ecologically precarious dry lands, which stretch through a hundred nations. About 700 million people live in this
zone, almost all of them in developing countries, and 18 million levels in areas that are currently undergoing rapid
5) Everywhere the deserts are advancing. In Sudan, the southern edge of the Sahara moved south by 100 kms between
1958 and 1975. The deserts do not march forward on a solid front, like an army. Patches appear, like those at Aroma
in Burkina Faso, around centers of population goes or watering holes, then spread, link up with others, and finally
merge in to the desert itself.
6) The chief agent of what has been called leprosy of the soil is man, the impact of his activities on highly sensitive and
delicately balanced ecosystems. The prime factor in the process is population increase. The number of people in the
Sahel, for example, is doubling every 25 to 30 years. We can see everywhere the consequences of this among settled
farmers: the cutting down of follow periods, progressive decline in the vegetation cover, increasing erosion. As
population goes on growing, cultivation is pushed into areas that are entirely unsuitable for agriculture, and there the
process progresses even more rapidly.
1. In relative terms, which one of the following factors contributes more to desertification?
a) Increase in the amount of erosion c. Decrees in land left uncultivated
b) Cultivation of unsuitable for farming d. Decline in vegetation covering the areas
2. Which one of the following sentences best summarizes paragraph 2?
a) The world is losing its precious agricultural land at an alarming rate.
b) The amount of cultivable land is decreasing while population remains constant.
c) The amount of cultivable land and population growth are inversely proportional.
d) Soil degradation is a serious problem threatening people in developing countries
3. What does the phrase, the ink-blot spread of cities (paragraph 3) mean?
a) Establishment of a city to be followed by another in short distance
b) Spread of cities along the main roads
c) Establishment of mega cities on farmland
d) Establishment and spread of cities in to the farmland
4. How many African countries have specially been mentioned as those in danger of desertification?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
5. What is the main idea conveyed in paragraph 1
a) Africa has been more seriously affected by desert than Latin America.
b) Deserts affected developing countries more than they did the developed ones.
c) The areas outside the rainy equatorial belt have not been affected by deserts.
d) FAO and UNESCO have shown a serious concern about desertification problems.
6. According to paragraph 2, how much of our soil is getting out of use every six months?
a) 1.50 billion tones b) 1.25 billion tones c) 2.50 billion tones d) 1.75 billion tones
7. Which paragraph could be cited as a good example to show that the continent
of Africa has been seriously affected by desertification?
a) Paragraph 5 b) Paragraph 1 c) Paragraph 4 d) Paragraph 6
1) UNITED NATIONS, nearly 60 million people have been driven from their homes by war and persecution, an
unprecedented global exodus that has burdened fragile countries with waves of new comers and littered deserts


and seas with the bodies of those who died trying to reach safety. The new figures, released recently by the United
Nations refugee agency, paint a staggering picture of a world where new conflicts are erupting and old ones are
refusing to subside, driving up the total number of displaced people to a record 59.5 million by the end of 2014,
the most recent year tallied.
2) Half of the displaced are children. Nearly 14 million people were newly displaced in 2014 according to the annual
report by the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for refugee. In other words, the tens of thousands of
people were forced to level their homes every day and ''seek protection elsewhere'' last year, the report found.
Tens of millions of others fled in previous years and and remain stuck, sometimes for decades, unable to go home
or find a permanent new one, according to the refugee agency. They include the more than 2.5 million displaced
in the Darfur region of Sudan, and the 1.5 million Afghans still living in Pakistan.
3) When refugees flee their own countries, most of them wind up in the world`s less-developed nations, with Turkey,
Iran and Pakistan hosting the largest numbers. One in four refugees now finds shelter in world`s poorest countries,
with Ethiopia and Kenya talking many more refugees than, say, Britain and France. As the report states, ''The global
distribution of refugees remain heavily skewed away from wealthier nations and towards and the less wealthy.'' Even
so, there has been a sharp backlash in European countries against the waves of people coming across the
Mediterranean sea, including many who are feeling conflict and repression in countries like Syria and Eritrea. For
now, The European Union has shelved its plants to get approval from the United Nations security council to target
human smugglers who operate in lawless Libya and to destroy the ships they use to bring migrants across the sea.
Instead, the European Union is scheduled to meet on Monday to discuss whether it will start military operation in the
international waters of the Mediterranean sea , for which it does not need the council`s blessings.
4) European Union leaders still squabbling with one another over how to split up at least 40,000 asylum seekers across
their 28 members states. And they have stepped up search-and-rescue operations after intense public pressure
stemming from a sharp increase in the deaths of migrants crossing the Mediterranean this year. Australia has felt on
such compunction. Its prime minister, Tony Abbott, has pledge to turn around migrant boats before they enter
Australia territorial waters, including those with minority Rohingyas feeling persecution in Myanmar. His
administration faces scrutiny over allegations that it paid smugglers to turn a boat back to Indonesia after it was
intercepted on the high seas.
5) For an age of unprecedented mass displacement, we need an unprecedented humanization response and a renewed
global commitment to tolerance and protection for people filling conflict and persecution, ''Antonio Guterres, the
high commissioner for refugees, said in a statement accompanying the annual report.
6) Amnesty International, in a report issued week, accused governments and smugglers alike of pursuing ''selfish
political interests instead of showing basic human compassion.'' The United States offers permanent resettlement to
roughly 70,000 refugees each year, though its plans to admit 2,000 Syrian refugees this year have drawn security
from Republican lawmakers who worry that some among them might be terrorists. The war in Syria is the largest
sources of displacement. By the end of 2014, 7.6 million Syrians were displaced within the country itself, and nearly
another 3.9 million were refuge living outside the war-torn nation.
1. According to paragraph 2, which one of the following sentences is NOT tru?
a) Newly dislocated people in 2014 make up nearly quarter of the total number of displaced people.
b) The 1.5 million Afghans living in Pakistan do not seem to want to go back home.
c) Compared to the adolescent or the elderly emigrants, children are larger in number.
d) Relatively a significant number of those who feel their countries fail to find permanent homes.
2 . What is the paradox that one can see in paragraph 3?
a) Wealthy countries take more refugees than the poor ones.
b) Wealthy countries were supposed to take more refugees than the poor ones.
c) People who feel their own countries eventually land in less-developed nations.


d) Poor countries take more refugees than the wealthy ones.
3. which countries in paragraph 3 are among those that should take the blame with regard to creating refugees.
a) Britain and France b) Ethiopia and Kenya c) Syria Eritrea d) Turkey, Iran and Pakistan
4. What made the European Union intensify its search-and-rescue operations?
a) The serious demand put to them by the public c. The sharp increase in death of migrants
b) The increasing number of asylum seekers d. Their intention to send back new arrival
5. What does the phrase `fragile countries` (paragraph 1) refer to?
a) Countries located around deserts and seas
b) Countries from where people are persecuted for some reason
c) Countries from where people leave their homes because of war
d) Countries that had to host emigrants from other places
6. Which one of the following sentences reflects Antonio Guterres` view towards refugees?
a) People are being persecuted at an unprecedented rate.
b) The world should be more tolerant to those displaced from their homes.
c) People who feel conflict and persecution need to be more tolerant.
d) We need to be aware that there is unprecedented humanitarian response today.
7. Why is the United States reluctant to admit Syrian refugees?
a) Because Republican lawmakers do not trust the refugees. C. Because it runs its own political interests.
b) Because there are terrorists mixed with the refugees. D.Because it is possible for the refugees to settle within Syria.
Reading passage 10
Born in Adigrat, Tigray Region of Ethiopia, Miruts Yifter spent early parts of his youth working in different factories as a
carriage driver. His talent as a long distance runner was noticed when joined the Ethiopian Air Force.
Miruts was called to the Ethiopian National Team for the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico city, but he made his
Olympic debut four years later in Munich Olympics where he won one gold and one silver medals in 10,000 and 5,000
meters, respectively. At the first African Championships in 1979 he won two gold medals in 5,000 and 10,000 meters.
Miruts was unable to participate in the 1976 Summer Olympics because his nation boycotted the event. Four years later
in Moscow, Miruts made up for his disappointments. In the final of the 10,000 meters he sprinted in to the lead 300
meters from the finish and won by ten meters difference from his follower. Five days later, in the 5000 meters final,
Miruts was boxed in during the last lap. But with 300 meters to go, his Ethiopian teammate, Mohammed Kedir, stepped
aside and Miruts again sprinted to victory. Due to his abrupt change in speed when executing his kick to the finish,
Miruts acquired the nickname "Miruts the Shifter"
Miruts Yifter died at the age of 72 on 22 December 2016 in Toronto, Canada where he had lived since 2000 after
suffering from respiratory problems.
1. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word debut (line 5)?
(A) First appearance (B) Second appearance (C) Usual appearance (D) Obligatory appearance
2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word abrupt (line 14)?
(A) Easy (B) Difficult (C) Strong (D) Sudden


3. According to the passage, which one of the following is TRUE about the gold medal in 5,000 meters Miruts won in
Moscow Olympics?
(A) Miruts had to run with knee injury when he won the gold medal.
(B) It would not have made any difference whether or not Mohammed Kedir has stepped aside.
(C) Miruts was in uncomfortable position but he come out of that position without anyone`s help.
(D) Thanks to the support from Mohammed Kedir, Miruts won the medal with his unique sprint at the end.
4. According the passage, which of the following is TRUE about Miruts Yifter?
(A) Miruts had won two gold medals in one Olympic.
(B) Miruts had run in Olympics since Munich Olympics.
(C) Miruts won a gold medal the first time he ran at the international stage.
(D) Miruts began his career as long-distance runner since his childhood years.


Reasons and Solutions to Student Exam and Essay Cheating

1. Cheating comes in many variation, just because you are not leaning over and peaking at somebody else’s exam, it does
not mean that you are not cheating. Cheating includes any dishonest action used by a student to complete an
assignment without actually having to complete it themselves. Some of the most common forms of cheating are
looking at someone else’s exam, using material without permission, collaborating with other students without
permissions, and not reporting another students if you see that he or she is cheating. Student cheat for all types of
reason s: pressure to succeed, lack of time to study, peer pressure, laziness, and the list goes on. While schools claim
that a student can be expelled for cheating, many cheating student escape the consequences, I do not think that it’s
possible to set consequences based on the reason why a person cheated because the severity of a reason can be relative,
but it’s more logical to base consequences on the method in which the cheating was done.

2. Perhaps the most classic form of cheating on an exam is taking a quick peek at the exam of the person sitting next to
you. Oftentimes it’s easy to see answers in the corner of your eye and the teaching seldom notices. I believe that this
type of cheating should result in automatic failure of the exam, no question asked. Likewise, if the student tries to cheat
again then he or she should fail the whole course. Looking at someone else’s exam is extremely unfair because you’re
putting forth no effort to complete the work, and you’re benefitting from someone else’s hard work, students generally
do this when they’re not confident in their own answer and they want confirmation of the correct answer, but that
doesn’t make it acceptable. Not informing consequences for this type of cheating will result in the student feeling as if
he or she never has to study or do work, because there will always be someone to copy off. One possible way to solve
this problem is to have the exam questions in different order so that a student would have to really try in order to steal
someone’s answers and it more noticeable for the teacher.

3. Using restricted materials is another common form of cheating .students find ways to sneak in note-cards, write answers
on their hands. Peek at textbook, or store information in electronic device. Students usually do this to ensure that they
don’t forget any information while taking the test. The best way to prevent any of this action from happening is for the
teacher to walk around the room and make sure that there is no material present. Unfortunately, technology makes this
difficult. If a student is taking a math test then oftentimes a graphing calculator is needed, but these calculators have
the capabilities to store material. I feel that if a student tries to cheat in this manner then the consequence should be that
they are no longer able to use a calculator in future exams and they will fail the current test .Not allowing calculators
during future exams would be a drastic consequence because many algebra and geometry tests require calculators.
Obviously, if this type of cheating occurred again then the student should fail the course, it this type of cheating is not
stopped, then students will see no need to study or read their textbook because they can just record the information.


4. Although many students do not realize that unapproved collaboration is a form of cheating, it actually is. Sometimes the
teacher will walk out of the room or the classroom is so big that it’s impossible to hear whispering. Collaborating with
classmates during an exam that is supposed to be done by each individual is dishonest. The consequence for this type
of cheating should be failing the test, being separated from the class for future tests, and failing class if it happens
again. Collaborating with classmates gives some students and an advantage over the ones that are not doing so, and it
fails to reflect the skills of each individual. Obviously cheating in this way is a huge disadvantage to the student
because they are not always going to have someone there to help.

5. Lastly, failing to report someone else’s cheating or allowing someone to copy cheat off you is a form of cheating. Most
students are not willing to report a cheater because they are concerned about the reactions they will get from their
classmates. There are ways to anonymously report cheater. While you may feel like you are throwing someone under
the bus, you will actually be harming a lot more people if you don’t tell. If someone in the class gets a perfect score
because they cheated, then the curve of the test might be higher, and the expectation for high scores will also be higher.
People that are not cheating do not have the same advantage as ones that are, they did her work, and they are going to
be the ones that get the short end of the stick. The consequence for not reporting a cheater should not be as severe as
the ones for cheating. In fact, the consequences are mostly personal because it’s nearly impossible to tell if someone
knows someone else cheated. The consequences are that you put in alit of time and effort to study and you have less of
a chance of getting a good grade.

10. According to the passage, who could possibly solve the problem of cheating?

A. The invigilator B. The student C. The teacher D. The exam writer

11. What does the phrase….. this type of teaching…..(para.3,last sentence) refer to?

A. Using restricted material C. Sneaking in cards to take notes

B. Storing materials on calculators D. Using calculator during maths tests

12. According to the first paragraph, what consequences do cheating in schools face?

A. Dishonesty B. Withdrawal C. reprimand D. expulsion

13. Which one of the following sentences best summarizes paragraph 2?

A. Cheating creates lazy students. C. Cheating discourages hardworking students.

B. Students to cheat only to confirm their answers. D. Cheating should not be tolerated at all.

14. What would be the possible situation of student who get the short end of the stick (para.5)?

A. They score equally with those who cheat. C. They score lower than those who cheat.

B. They score higher than those who cheat. D. They are compensated for their hard work.

15. Which one of the paragraph below emphasizes the need for showing one’s own competence in test?

A. Paragraph B. Paragraph C. Paragraph 2 D. Paragraph 5

16. What is the writers view about the consequence of cheating in schools (para.1)?


A. Cheating should, by any means, face the consequences of their action.

B. It is not surprising that some students evade punishment after cheating.

C. How a student cheated should be the main factor for the measure taken.

D. The measure taken for cheating should consider why a student cheated.


Our Dogs Are Watching Us

1. A few months ago, I reported a study of the ability of dogs to read the mind of their owners. Well, not exactly.
They were not really reading minds;’ they were reading human body language to figure out which of two
containers actually hard food hidden in it. Now experimenter has conducted more research on an attempt to
identify the single skill that dogs have but other animals’ lack.
2. In experiments reported in November 2002, scientists compared dogs, wolves and chimpanzees. The tests
involved hiding food in two containers, then pointing at looking at, and tapping on the container with the food.
3. While dogs were quick to figure out which container held what they were looking for, neither the wolves nor the
chimps understood what the experiments were trying to communicate. The inability of the chimp to perform
better than the dogs was surprising, considering the overall intelligence of chimpanzees. But the difference
between dogs and wolves were fascinating because of the relation between the two.
4. Wolves gave rise to dogs several thousand years ago, and while the physical difference s between two are the
most obvious, there are clearly mental difference, too. This experiment suggested those differences are in the
areas of social interaction with humans. A team of Hungarian scientist has found that they think is the key: dogs
look at people’s faces. It sounds simple, but there are experiments to back up the claim.
5. The Hungarian team made sure that the wolves were socialized to humans by having them live with people 24
hours a day from the time they were four day old. This meant that the dogs and wolves were equally used to
human voice and gestures. By familiarizing the wolves and dogs humans, the researcher hopes to eliminate the
effect that the animals’ anxiety might have on the experiment. The socialization seems to have worked .some of
the wolves were able to understand some of the human gesture although overall they still were not as good as
6. It was a second experiment that revealed the key difference between the two animals. Both dogs and wolves were
trained to get a piece of meat in two ways. They were taught how to lift the lid of a container to get the meat
inside and how to pull a rope (tied around a piece of meat) out of a cage. When the animals had figured out how
to do both, the scientists tricked them: the lid was fastened down and the rope was tied to the cage. It was now
impossible for them to get at the food.
7. What happened? I’m sorry I can’t report the dogs learned to unite the rope or use a screwdriver to open the
container , but they did do something the wolves didn’t do—they kept looking at the people in the room ,
apparently waiting for some sort of sign to help them get the meat.
8. The differences between two animals were striking. In both tests seven out of nine dogs kept checking out the
person, while only two out of seven wolves did. The researchers claim that this act of looking at human faces is a
‘’genetic predisposition ‘’ in dogs. It is one of the innate differences between the two species and therefore must
have been one of the first steps in the process of demonstration thousands of years ago.
9. I would like to see this piece of evidence applied to previous observation and theories about how dogs were
demonstrated. Some research has theorized that as dogs evolved, from wolves, their behavior became more
immature. For instance, dogs exhibit submissive behavior that wolves do not, as if adult dogs are more likely baby
wolves. But the test conducted by the Hungarian researchers were done when the animals were only a few months
old, so you would think that if dog behavior is basically the same as that of you wolves , the wolves in this
experiment might have looked at their owner , too.


10. I can add to this research from my own experience. My dog also looks at people to get food: he makes sure I’m
not looking at him, and then steals my sandwich. that ‘s what I call highly evolved behavior

17. Which one of the following sentences is true about wolves and dogs?

A. Their deference is less vivid in mind than in physique. B. Wolves avoid people’s faces while dogs don’t.

C. Wolves emerged from dogs thousands of years ago. D. They equally interact with human beings.

18. Paragraph 5, what variable were the Hungarian scientists trying to control?

A. The difference in age more intelligent than wolves. B. The extent of anxiety both animals show as they grow up

C. The degree of exposure of both animals to human beings D. The amount of time both animals can stay with humans in day

19. What do paragraph 6 and 7 imply about wolves and dogs?

A. Dogs are more intelligent than wolves. B. Wolves and dogs are equally intelligent.

C. Dogs communicate with people better than do wolves. D. One can train wolves and dogs to do anything.

20. Which one of the following was an unexpected finding in the experiments reported in November 2002?

A. That both the wolves and the chimps failed to understand the experimenters

B. That both the wolves and the dogs exhibited similar abilities

C. That both the wolves and the chimps seemed to have similar abilities

D. That both the dogs outperformed the chimps in the experiment

21. What is the idea that the writer of this article doesn’t seem to agree to (para.9)?

A. Dogs exhibit submissive behavior. C. Wolves are more aggressive than dogs.

B. Adult dogs are more like baby wolves. D. The wolves do not look at their owner.

22. What did the writer in his study want to find out (para.1)?

A. Dogs’ ability to read human body language C. Dogs’ ability to find hidden things

B. Dogs’ ability to read the human mind D. Dogs’ single skill that makes them different

23. What does the phrase checking out (para.8)?

A. investigating B. expecting food from C. going for a walk with D. taking a brief look at


Verbal Reasoning
This section contains verbal reasoning questions with subsections on items of
Analogy, Synonyms, Antonyms, Sentence Completion, Language Usage .
DIRECTION: A related pair of words or phrases written in capital letters is followed by four pairs of
words or phrases. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the
original capitalized pair of words.
(A) wine :decent (B) milk: curdle (C)water: flow (D) oil: change
(A) success :ambition (B) indifference: passion (C)thirst: drive (D) inebriety: excess
(A) rectangle :hexagon (B) parallelogram : square (C)triangle: nonagon (nine side) (D) quadrilateral: pentagon
(A) primitive: old-fashioned (B) archaic : advanced (C) complete : modern (D) outdated : useless
(A) qualification : employ (B) therapy : confuse (C) calamity : repair (D) detention : release
(A) vague : clear (B) doubt : uncertainty (C) candid : sincere (D) open : change
(A) ground: soil (B) mountain: tunnel (C)pedestal: picture (D) pole: banner
(A) coat : factory (B) gasoline: pump (C) medicine :treatment (D)toothpaste : cleanliness
(A) epistemology: knowledge (B) ethics : society (C) logistics : truth (D) rhetoric : music
(A) gun : hand (B) helmet: head (C) pedal : foot (D) pendant: neck
(A) decide: astute (B) drink: quench (C) read: knowledgeable (D) watch: alert
(A) burst: sound (B) ebb: tide (C) glimmer: light (D) tinder: fire
(A) consignment: invoice (B) purchase :receipt (C) rider: bill (D) violation: ordinance
(A) aggregate : wealth (B) execute :mandate (C) mitigate : punishment (D) set: penalty
(A)drive: ride (B) enumerate: count (C) leave: enter (D) speak: communicate
(A)incentive: motivation (B) shield: injury (C) antiseptic: cure (D) inundation: flood
(A)carefulness: security (B) crowding: discomfort (C) failure: discouragement (D)neglect: endanger
(A) find: search (B) keep: agree (C) raise : accumulate (D) encompass: pervade
NB: Answer Q19&20 by selecting the choice that completes the given analogy correctly.
19. INFER is to DEDUCE as Imply is to _______________.
(A) conclude (B)generalize (C) insinuate (D)wrap up
(A) Liquid : gallons B. Lamp: watts (C) thermometers: degrees (D)steam : pressure
(A) Secret : truth (B) conspire : plot C. Infiltrate : influence (D) coincide : contradict
A. Cotton: wool B. stove : oven C. Seed : flower D. tree : paper


A. Sleep : wake B. explore : discover C. Draw : paint D. think : relate
A. Ethics : behavior B. creativity C. Sensitivity : morality D. bravery : charisma
A. Health : medicine B. feeling : affection C. Appetite : hunger D. salary : performance
A. liquid : beaker B. length : perimeter C. weight : tone D. electricity : current
A. solid : emotion B. depraved : corruption C. brazen ; boldness D. licentious : freedom
A. venerate : esteem B. condone : neglect C. testify ; affirm D. procrastinate : delay
A. actor : role B. mechanic : engine C. jockey : horse D. judge : courthouse
A. car : mechanic B. cooking : chef C. fruit : grocer D. musician : conductor
A. petty B. helpful C. mean D. gloomy
32. EXERCISE is to GYM as EATING is to:
A. diet B. fitness C. food D. restaurant
A. winter B. dream C. bear D. sleep
34. PLAY is to ACTOR as CONCERT is to:
A. musician B. symphony C. piano D. percussion
35. GUIDE is to DIRECT as REDUCE is to: A. Increase B. Decrease C. preserve D. maintain

36. SPONGE is to POROUS as RUBBER is to; A. Elastic B. Solid C. massive D. inflexible


40. MOUNT is to HORSE as------------ is to TRAIN
41. HIRE is to FIRE as SELECT is to --------
42. QUIET is to NOISY as CALM is to-----
43. WAR is to DESTRUCTION as GERM is to--------
44. DEPARTURE: ARRIVAL (A) Inception : Conclusion (B) Upshot : End (C) Beginning : Culmination (D) Process : Outcome

45. WIDOW is to a WOMAN as is to a MAN (A) Divorcee (B) Widower (C) Widow (D) Fiance

46. OPINION is to DEBATE as HYPOTHESIS is to . (A) Rejecting (B) Discovering (C) Stating (D) Testing

47. CAUSE is to EFFECT as PREDECESSOR is to . (A) Foundation (B) Outcome (C) Successor (D) Precursor

48. LAND is to ARABLE as RIVER is to -(A) Shallow (B) Navigable (C) Water (D) Impenetrable

1. Which of the following pair of words is the most opposite in meaning?
(A) rugged : practical (B) practical: indifferent (C) critical: resolute (D) diligent: indifferent


2. Which of the following is the most opposite in meaning to the word PERMANANT?
(A) spontaneous (B) subterranean (C) transient (D) desultory
(A)abandon (B) isolate (C) restrain (D) reveal
(A) embitter (B) ignore (C) mislead (D) spur
(A) appreciate (B) comply (C) simplify (D) strive
(A) complex (B) future (C) limited (D) multiple
(A) complex (B) future (C) limited (D) multiple
(A)incomplete (B) strong (C) indecisive (D) conserving
A. Transpose B. Fortify C. Exacerbate D. Rectify
A. Reawakening B. Regressing C. Revival D. Rebirth
DIRECTIONS: choose the word or phrase that is most nearly Similar in meaning to the word in capital letters.
You may be required to distinguish fine shades of meaning.
11. EXCEED (A) outstrip (B) magnify (C) delimit (D) offset
12. CONCEAL (A) reveal (B) hide (C)ignorant (D) respected
13. EXTINGUISH (A)distinguish (B) ignite (C) switch off (D) turn on
14. SALTY (A) brackish (B) chosen (C) tough (D) wet
15. OUTSPOKEN (A) anxious (B) candid (C) experienced (D) sallow
16 PERSERVANCE (A) continuity of effort (B) frequent suffering (C) lack of energy (D) severity of disease
17. WARY (A)hesitant (B) veritable (C) certain (D) confident
18. ELUCIDATE (A) unite (B) escape (C) sharpen (D) clarify
. 19. HARMONY: A. Indignity B. Dishonesty C. Insecurity D. Agreement
20. SENSATIONAL: A. Exciting B. Disgusting C. Delicate D. Sensitive
21. RIFT: A. Split B. Inconsistency C. Rise D. Bondage
22. MITIGATE: A. Aggravate B. Preponderate C. Elevate D. Accelerate
23. COLLECT: A. Avoid B. Scatter C. Hide D. Search
24. DETERIORATE: A. Alter B. Hasten C. Unify D. Improve
25. TERMINATE A. Depart B. Begin C. End D. Hasten
26. HEARTFELT A. Sincere B. Interesting C. Upsetting D. Shocking
27. FOLLOW A. Go after B. Trail C. Go behind D. Precede
28. EXTRAORDINARY A. Amazing B. Unique C. Unexpected D. Usual
29. DOMESTIC A. Local B. Foreign C. Household D. Neighbourhood
30. SINCERE A. Dishonest B. Dissent C. Genuine D. Disapprove
31. FRAUD A. Scam B. Fake C. Authentic D. Fragile
32. CURTAIL (A) Facilitate (B) Improve (C) Recover (D) Restrain

33. IMMEDIATELY: (A) Instantly (B) Gradually (C) Slowly (D) Temporarily

Language Usage
DIRECTIONS: From the given alternatives, choose the word or phrase that is most nearly has the same meaning
as the underlined words or phrase.
1. Although it does contain some pioneering ideas, one would hardly characterize the work as innovative.


(A) respectable (B) new (C) trustworthy (D) honourable
2. His musical tastes are certainly eclectic; he has recordings ranging from classical piano performances to rock concerts,
jazz, and even Chinese opera. (A) dazzling (B) diverse (C) consistent (D) harmonious
3. The argument is flawed as the conclusion does not follow from the premise.
(A) faulty (B) perfect (C) credible (D) sound
4 .Having studied, my mother is a clinical chemist.
(A) No change (B) my mother is
(C) my mother’s occupation is that of (D) As my mother’s interest is science, she is
5 .The pipes which can vary numerously from three to fifteen, are fashioned from clay that is rolled around a mold.
(A) No change (B) in number (C) number-wise (D)in quantity of numbers
6. Many families struggle to make ends meet.
(A) be wealthy (B) avoid trouble (C) earn just to live (D) be healthy
7. The boss of the company refuses to resign, intending to weather the storm.
(A)criticize someone (B) guess correctly (C) mislead the staff (D) survive a crisis
8. The general public didnot care about the trial and was apathetic about the verdict.
A. enraged B. indifferent C. saddened D. suspicious
9. Even though she had read her supervisor's memo four or five times , she still found his rambling message ambiguous.
A. profound B. inspiring C. unclear D. ridiculous
10. The technical department enthusiastically hired W/ro Abebech because she was proficient in the use of computers.
A. Sincere B. Skilled C. Smart D. adequate
11. The assistant was fast becoming an indispensable member of the department, so they had no choice but to offer him a
higher salary to stay on. A. Essential B. Active C. determined D. creative
12. If you can`t make it to my graduation party, it`s not a big deal.
(A) not tolerable (B) no need to worry (C) surprising (D) something I dislike
13. Hannan remained as cool as cucumber even when she was in the pressure of the competition against her opponent.
(A) strong (B) ruffled (C) calm (D) agitated

Sentence Completion
DIRECTIONS: Each sentence below has one or two blanks ,each blank indicating that something has been
omitted. Choose the word or set of words for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.
1.His employers could not complain about his work because he was _____ in the _____ of his duties.
(A) hidebound; conception (B) assiduous ; execution (C) derelict; performance (D) meticulous; postponement
2.While the epidemic is in a _____ state, it is almost impossible to determine its existence by _____.
(A) suspended; estimate (B) latent; observation (C) critical ;examination (D) dormant; postulate.
3. As long as the acquisition of knowledge is rendered habitually __________, so long will there be a prevailing tendency
to discontinue it when free from the ______ of parents and teachers.


(A) honorable; influence (B) gratifying; restriction (C) repugnant ;restrictions (D) academic; authority
4. Although she was generally considered an extremely _____individual,her testimony at the trail revealed that she had been very __
(A) guileless ;hypocritical (C) meek; timorous (B) ingenuous; obtuse (D)intrepid; valiant
5. Despite the apparently bewildering complexity of this procedure, the underlying _______is quite ___.
(A) simplicity; calculated (B) principle; elementary (C) confusion ; imaginary (D) theory; confusing
6 . Dreams are _____in and of themselves, but, when combined with others data, they can tell us much about the dreamer.
(A)uninformative (B) startling (C) uncontrollable (D) harmless
7. At several points in his discussion, Mubarek, in effect, ___evidence when it does not support his argument, tailoring it to his needs.
(A) addresses (B) alters (C) provides (D)subtracts
8. . created to serve as perfectly as possible their workday ______, the wooden shortage boxes made in Somali
communities are now _______ for their beauty.
(A) function; valued (B) environment; accepted (C) owners; employment (D) image ; seen
9. Some students are_______ and want to take only the courses for which they see immediate value.
(A) pragmatic (B) opinionated (C) impartial (D) idealistic
10. In science, _____ is only conjuncture until it is proven or disproved by _____ experimentation.
(A) a hypothesis; rigorous (B) a prediction ;controversial (C) an abstraction ; curiosity (D) a theory; public
11. The officers' threatened to take ___________ if the lives of their men were ______ by the conquered natives.
A. liberties: irritated B. reprisals : endangered C. pains : destroyed D. measures : enhanced
12 .The natural balance between prey and predator has been increasingly_______ usually because of the human intervention.
A. disturbed B. recognized C. observed D. predicted
13 . The volcano lays ______ now, but e are sure it will ______ again in the coming five years.
A. active: erupt B. erupt : dormant C. dormant : erupt D. inactive : dormant
14 . The ____gave a plausible explanation for the presence at the scene , so the police decided to look elsewhere for the
_________ of the crime.
A. perpetuator: suspect B. perpetuator: evidence C. suspect: solution D. suspect : perpetuator
15. Although opponents of the expansion of the market economy are in ________,they continued to constitute
_______political force through the century .
A. Retreat ; a powerful B. Disarray : a disciplined C. Error : an inconsequential D. Jeopardy : an ineffective
16. Man is a __________ animal and much more so in his mind than in his body: he may like to go alone for a walk, but
he hates to stand alone in his_______.
A. Gregarious B. conceited : vanity C. Solitary : thoughts D. singular : uniqueness
17. You cannot become ________ teacher without completing the __________ student-teaching assignment.
A. Certified : prerequisite B. required: certified C. Preferred : optional D. prerequisite ; advisable
18. The teacher is becoming ___________ with the unacceptable ___________ of some students in class.
A. Patient : gifts B. happy : size C. Impatient : behavior D. indifferent : gifts


19. She based her conclusion on what she ___________ from the ___________, not on what she imagined
A. Inferred : rumor B. understood : gossip C. Assumed : hearsay D. inferred : evidence
20. Although the formation of a union was not _________ by the management of the organization, it was
____________that any effort on the part of employees to unionize would not be welcomed.
A. Prevented : imperceptible B. . Facilitated : infamous C. Banned : implicit D. Commandeered : calculated
SECTION ONE: Verbal Reasoning (Questions 1-35)
DIRECTION: Select the choice that carries the closest meaning to the given sentence
1. " I used to eat potato with milk, always for breakfast"
A. Milk uses to eat potato for me. C. I was repeatedly taking potato and milk for breakfast
B. Iam always eating potato with milk. D. I use potato and milk for breakfast these days
2. " Unless Lemma works on coble stone , generating income for his private business is unlikely"
A. Lemma is unlikely to be involved in coble stone.
B. Lemma dislike to work on coble stone to get income and he doesn't have to work on it.
C. Lemma likes to work on coble stone to generate income.
D. If Lemma does not work on coble stone , he may not get money for his future work.
Language usage.DIRECTIONS: in question 1 and 2, an incomplete statement followed by fillers is given. Choose the
filler which completes incomplete stem correctly and meaningfully. Then, blacken the letter of your choice on the separate
answer sheet provided.
1. The weather outside was extremely pleasant and hence we decide to…….
A. Enjoy a morning ride in the open C. Refrain from going out for a morning walk
B. Utilize our time in watching television D. Employ this rare opportunity for writing letter
2. Despite his best efforts to conceal his anger ,………….
A. He failed to give us an impression of his agony C. People came to know that he was annoyed
B. We could detect that he was very happy D. He succeeded in camouflaging his emotions
Reading comprehension DIRECTIONS; read passage I, II and III below and answer the questions that follow each
passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passages. Then, blacken the letter of your choice on the separated
answer sheet provided.
Reading passage
The earths past climate—including temperature and element in the atmosphere –has recently been studied by analyzing
ice sample from Greenland and Antarctica. The air bubbles in the ice have shown that, over the past 160,000 years, there
has been a close correlation between temperature changes and level of natural greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and
methane. One recently analysis from Greenland showed that at the end of the last glacial period (when the great ice sheet
began to retreat to their present position), temperature in southern Greenland rose from 5 to 7 degrees in about 100 year.
Air bubbles are not the only method of determining characteristics of the earth's ancient climate history .Analysis of dust


layers from ancient volcanic activity is another such method ;as is the study of ice cores, which interpret past solar activity
that may have affected our climate .
1. Which of the following is true about greenhouse gases, according to the passage?

A. Their level correlates with changes in temperature

B. They include carbon dioxide and methane only
C. Their analysis has little or no meaning in explaining change in the Earth’s climate
D. There is nothing to worry about their effect on the earth’s climate
2. Which of the following true according to the passage?

A. Change in the earth’s climate is a phenomenon that relates to changes in the atmosphere
B. The great ice sheets began to retreat to their present position at the end of the last glacial period
C. There is no clear association between the atmospheric changes and climate of the earth
D. Our climate may be influenced by the past solar activities
Reading passage
Many people who have come close to death from drowning, cardiac arrest or other causes have described near-death
experiences ---- profound, subjective events that sometimes result in dramatic changes in values, beliefs, behavior,
and attitudes toward life and death. These experiences often include a new clarity of thinking, a felling of wellbeing, a
sense of being out of the body, and visions of bright light or mystical encounters. Such experiences have been
reported by an estimated 30 to 40 percent of hospital patients who were revived after coming close to death and about
5 percent of adult Americans in a nationwide poll. Near-Death experiences have been explained as a response to a
perceived threat of death (a psychological theory); as a result of biological states that accompany the process of dying
( a psychological theory); and as a foretaste of an actual state of bliss after death (a transcendental theory).
3. The phrase dramatic change in the passage refers to:
A. Passionate change B. Theatrical change C. profound changes D. exaggerated change
4. The primary purpose of this passage is to:
A. Entertain patients B. Inform readers C. Persuade relatives D. Express disbelief in the afterlife
Reading passage III
Lions are rather reticent about expanding their energy in hunting. More than three quarters of kills are made by
lionesses holding front position and carefully scanning a head. The cubs lag playfully behind and the males bring up
the rear and walk slowly with their massive heads nodding with each step as if they were bored with the whole matter.
With lionesses’ busy hunting, the male's functions as guard for the cubs, protecting them particularly from hyenas.
5. When the lionesses go in search for their prey, they are very
A. Serious B. Sluggish C. playful D. cautious
6. According to the passage male lions generally do not go for hunting because they:
A. Wish to save their vigor for other things C. Do not like it
B. They are very lazy D. Want lioness to get training


7. Male lions protect their cubs
A. From the member of their own species C. More from hyenas than from other animals
B. From hyenas only D. From hyenas as much as from other enemies
8. Lioness go for hunting
A. All alone C. With their cubs and male partners
B. With their cubs only D. With their male partners only
Logical reasoning
In each question below is given a statement followed by two conclusions numbered I and II. You have to assume
the statement true, then consider the conclusions and decide which of them logically follows beyond a reasonable
doubt from the information given in the statement. Then, blacken the letter of your choice on the separate sheet
9. Statement: Be humble even after being victorious.
Conclusion: I. Many people are humble after being victorious
II. Generally people are not humble
A. Only conclusion I follows C. Neither I nor II follows
B. Only conclusion II follows D. Both I and II follows
10. Statement: A part from the entertainment value of television, its educational value cannot be ignored.
Conclusion: I. People take television to be a means of entertainment only
II. The educational value of television is not realized properly
A. Only conclusion I follows C. Neither I nor II follows
B. Only conclusion II follows D. Both I and II follow
11. Statement: Population increase coupled with depleting recourses is going to be the scenario of many developing
countries in days to come
Conclusion: I. The population of developing countries will not continue to increase in future
II. it will be very difficult for the governments of developing countries to provide its
people decent quality of life
A. Only conclusion I follows C. Neither I nor II follows
B. Only conclusion II follows D. Both I and II follow
12. Statement: Never before such a lucid book was available on the topic
Conclusion: I. some other books were available on this topic
II. You can write lucid books on very few topics
A. Only conclusion I follows C. Both I and II follow
B. Only conclusion II follows D. Neither I nor II follows
SECTION ONE: Verbal reasoning


This section contains a total of 35 verbal reasoning questions with sub sections of synonyms, antonyms,
analogy, sentence completion, classification, reading comprehension and logical and analytical reasoning. Each
sub-section has its own directions.

Antonyms Directions: Question 1-3 consist of words printed in capital letters followed by four words.
Choose the word that is most early opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters, then find the question
number and blacken the letter of your choice on a space answer sheet provided.

1. SELFISH: a). Greedy b) Meager c) Altruistic d) Generous

2. MEAN: a) Cruel b) Friend c) Unkind d) Malicious
3. CONDENSE: a) Block b) Convert c) Summarize d) Expand
Directions: Question 4-9 consist of words printed in capital letters followed by four words that is most nearly similar in
meaning to the word in capital letters. Then find the question number and blacken the letter of your choice on the separate
answer sheet provided.
4. POVERTY: a) Destitution b) Humility c) Restraint d) Deficit
5. MISERABLE: a) Refutable b) Violent c) Abject d) Challenging
6. MISFORTUNE: a) Collapse b) Adversity c) Defenselessness d) Crisis
7. INDEPENDENCE a). Individualism b) Colonialism c ) Cordiality d) Sovereignty
8. PERSEVERANCE a) Lack of energy b) Frequent suffering c) Continuity of effort d) Severity of disease
9. EXTINGUISH a) Ignite b) Switch c) Distinguish d) Turn on
Directions: For questions, 7-13 read each of the following words carefully and choose the word that correctly completes
the analogy. Then blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet provided.
7. BEEF is to OXEN as PORK is to:
8. CROWD is to DISPERSED as MEETING is to:
9. CAP is to HEAD as RING is to:
a) EAR b) LEG c) NECK d) HAND
10. ADULT is to CHILD as CAT is to:
11. SUCCESS is to EFFORT as FAILURE is to:
12. FOOT is to LEG as HAND is to:
13. BEGIN is to START as EMPLOY is to


Sentence completion
Directions: Answer questions 14-16 by selecting the choice that contains the word or or pair of words that correctly
complete the statements. Then, blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet provided.
14. It was a war the prime minister and her wise counselors wished to if they could and were determined in
any event to as long as possible. They were repeatedly meeting and discussing on this issue until the
case was under their control.
a) Curtail : promote b) provoke : delay c) Oppose : fight d) avoid : postpone
15. Typically, legal proceedings being with an investigation meant to evidence a criterion -
"beyond a reasonable doubt" in criminal proceedings, and "according to the preponderance of evidence" in civil
a) show : declare b) collect : meets c) verify : contradict d) mean : amounts

16. The natural balance between prey and predator has been increasingly usually because of the human intervention.

a) Recognized b) Disturbed c) observed d) predicted

Directions: In questions 17 - 21 three of the words are in the same classification, the remaining one word does not belong
to the others. From the given four alternatives, choose the word that does not belong in the same classification as the
others and blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet provided.

17. Choose the word that is different from the other three. a) Stem b) Leaf c) Dirt d) Root

18. Which one of the following words done NOT belong with the other? a) Earth b) Jupiter c) Mars d) Cosmos

19. Choose the odd one out of the following words. a) Disgust b) Augustb) c. Anger d) Laughter

20. Which one of the following words done NOT belong with the others? a) Sugarcane b) Orange c) Apple d) Grape

21. Choose the word that is different from the other three. a) Zoology b) Ecology c) Biology d) Psychology
22. Even after long years of extensive investigation, scientists could not discover the treatment for cancer. The treatment still remains
(A) clear (B) cursory (C) apparent (D) mysterious

23. While the disease is in state it is almost impossible to determine its existence by .

(A) a critical ... examination (B) an acute ... analysis (C) a latent ... observation (D) a dormant ... postulate
24. As mohammed and Abdi have planned to join university in the coming year by sponsoring themselves, they are and
a lot. (A) reading ... saving (B) applying ... paying (C) teaching .... learning (D) working .... entertaining

25. Because artist Aster Aweke paved the way for later jazz-fusion musicians, she is considered a of that style.

(A) beneficiary (B) connoisseur (C) revivalist (D) progenitor

26. The of the apartment was unbelievable; it was difficult to realize that human beings could live in such .

(A) squalor ... filth (B) stench ... disarray (C) disorder .... isolation (D) specious ... proximity
Reading Comprehension

Directions: Question 22 - 26 deal with restoring words correctly in to a passage. The following five words listed at
random are removed from the passage given below. Numbers are written instead of the words. Read the passage and


choose the word that correctly completes the passage. Then, blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet
provided. emission exception unprecedented warmest trend

The earth's climate has changed throughout history. The current warming 1 is of particular significance because
most of it is extremely likely to be the result of human activity since the mind-20th century and proceeding at a rate that is
2 The planet' s average surface temperature has risen about 1.1 degrees Celsius since the late 19th century,
a change driven largely by increased carbon dioxide and other human-made 3 into the atmosphere. Most of
the warming occurred in the coast 35 years, with 16 of the 17 warmest years on record occurring since 2001. Not only was
2016 the 4 year record, but eight of the 12 months that make up the year - from January through September, with the
5 of June - were the warmest on record for those respective months.

22. Which of the following is the correct word that should replace 4 (the fourth blank in the passage) is .

a) exception b) trend c) warmest d) unprecedented

23. Which of the following is the correct word that should replace 2 (the second blank in the passage)
a) exception b) unprecedented c) emission d) warmest
24. The correct word that replace 1 (the first blank in the passage)
a) emission b) warmest c) unprecedented d) trend
25. Which of the following is the correct word that should replace 3 (the third blank in the passage) is
a) emission b) trend c) warmest d) unprecedented
26. Which of the following is the correct word that should replace 5 (the fifth blank in the passage) is
a) trend b) exception c) warmest d) unprecedented
Logical and analytical reasoning (27 - 30)
Directions: In the section (Questions 27 - 32) each question or a group of question in the based on a passage or set of
conditions. Read each question carefully and select the best answer and blacken the letter of your choice on the separate
answer sheet provided.
27. Obesity is a serious problem in many developed countries. Research suggests that obesity can lead to a number of
health problems including diabetes, asthma, and heart disease. Recent research has even indicated that there may be a
relationship between obesity and some types of cancer. Major public health campaigns that increases awareness and
propose simple lifestyle or at least mitigate the incidence of obesity are a crucial first step in patting this critical problem.
a) a decline in obesity would radically decrease the incidence of asthma.
b) public health campaigns that raise consciousness and propose lifestyle changes are a productive way to fight obesity.
c) people in those countries watch too much television and do not exercise enough.
d) fast-food restaurants and unhealthy school lunches contribute greatly to obesity.
28. Hassen is standing to the right of Bereket. Beletu is standing on the opposite side of Bereket. Since the opposite of
right wrong, Beletu must be standing on the wrong side of Bereket.
a) he has confused cause and effect. b) He has provided in factual evidence for his conclusion.


c) He has used a single term to mean two different things. d) He has drawn a general conclusion from un insufficient number of example.
29. Alula must be a basketball player; he is wearing a basketball jersey.
The conclusion above is valid only if it is true that:
a) All basketball players were basketball jersey b) Basketball players often wear basketball jersey.
c) Basketball players are required to wear basketball jersey. d) Only basketball players wear basketball jersey.
30. Today's secondary school students spend too much time thinking about trivial and distracting matters such as fashion.
Additionally, they often dress inappropriately on college grounds. Rather than spending time writing another detailed
dress policy, we should make school uniforms mandatory. If students were required to wear uniforms, it would increase a
sense of community and harmony in our schools and it would instill a sense of discipline in our students. Another positive
effect would be that teachers and administrators would no longer have to act as clothing police, freeing them up to focus
on more important issues.
This paragraph best supports the statement that
a) School uniforms should be compulsory for secondary school students.
b) Students are not interested in being part of a community.
c) Student who wear school uniforms get into better colleges.
d) inappropriate closing leads to failing grades.
31. Today's secondary school students are not being educated. They are being trained. Their teachers demand little of
them other than that they memorize facts and follow directions. The current emphasis on training in basic maths and
verbal skills, while a useful step, rarely leads to the essential second; development of independent critical thinking.
The author would probably consider which of the following aspects of a student's term paper to be most praiseworthy?
a) The use of grammatically correct sentence structure b) Evidence of extensive research prior to writing
c) The choice of a challenging topic d) Evidence of original insights and freshly developed concepts
32. A company worker has six children. No one else in the factory has six children.
Which of the following conclusions logically follows from the statements given above?
a) Some of the company workers have more than six children. c) All workers in the company have six children each.
b) Only one worker in the company has exactly six children. d) Everybody in the company has children.
DIRECTIONS; Question 33 needs to be answered based on the statement, followed by two conclusions labeled I and II.
You have to assume the statement is true, then consider the conclusions and decide which of them logically follows
beyond a reasonable doubt from the information given in the statement, Then, blacken the letter of your choice on the
separate answer sheet provided.
33. Statement; if all the players play to their full potential, we will win the football match. We have won the football match.
Conclusion; I. all players played their full potential.
II. some players did not play to their full potential.
a) Both I and II follows b) Only conclusion II follows c) Only conclusion I follows d) Either I or II follows
DIRECTIONS; Read the following assumptions and answer questions 34-35.


Assume J, L, N, M, P, W, C, A, B, F, E, and R represent persons living in a university dormitory. All live in a building
having six floors each having two rooms/apartments. No more than two persons live in any apartment/room. Some rooms
may be empty.
L and his roommate live two floors above A and his roommate, C.
J lives alone, three floors below W and two floors below E.
M lives one floors above the floor on which B and F have single rooms.
N lives three floors above the floor on which B and F have single rooms.
R and P live in single rooms two floors below M.
34. Which of the following is true about where R lives?
a) Fourth floor, opposite A and C b) first floor, below B or F
c) second floor, below J or A and C d) third floor, above M or E
35. Which of the following lists the persons named in the correct order, going from the bottom floor to the top?
a) P, B, J, N, L
b) R, B, M, A, L, N
c) R, F, N, E, L, C
d) L, E, A, M, F, R

Classification items

DIRECTION: In questions 16-18, three out of the four words are in the same classification. Choose the word that does
not belong in the same classification as the other and blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet

1. Choose the odd one out.

A, Disregard B, Respect C, Ignore D, Disobey
2. Which one of the following words is different from the others?
A, unbreakable B, helpless C, Fragile D, weak
3. Which one of following words has a different meaning from the others.
A, luminous B, bright C, fragile D, Shade
Reading comprehension

DIRECTION: 19-23 deal with restoring words correctly into a passage. The following four words listed at random are
removed from the passage given below. Numbers are written instead lof the words. Read the passage and choose the word
that correctly completes the passage. Then, blacken the letter of your choice on the separate answer sheet provided.

brain potential encouragement creative specialization


We all have the potential to be 1, however, because of the pressures of modern living and the need for 2, many of us never
have the time or opportunity, or indeed are given the 3, to explore our latent, even though most of us have sufficient
ammunition to realise this 4in the form of data which has been fed into, collated and processed by the5over many years.

4. Which one of the following is the correct word that should replace 4 (the fourh blank in the passage)? A, brain
B, specialization C. creative D, potential
5. Which of the following is the word should replace 5(the fifth blank I the passage)?
A,potential B, brain C, creative D, specialization
6. Which of the following is the correct word should replace 2(the second blank in the passage)? A, creative
B, potential C, specialization D, brain
7. Which of the following is the correct word should replace 1 (the firs blank in the passage)?
A, encouragement B, creative C, specialization D, brain
8. Which of the following is the correct word should replace 3 (the third blank in the passage)?
A, encouragement B, creative C, specialization D, brain


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